Tithing & the 10/10/80 Principle

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @mryesyes
    @mryesyes 4 месяца назад

    Amen freely you have received freely you shall give amen

  • @MaktMakt
    @MaktMakt 5 лет назад +2

    Best preaching on tithingb av ever heard

    • @nomatusi7514
      @nomatusi7514 4 года назад +2

      Tithing is a false doctrine...
      Is tithing under grace? No
      Is tithing for Christians? No
      Is God's tithe monetary? No
      Pastors, are they Levites? No
      Did the Gentiles pay tithe? No
      Is church the biblical storehouse? No
      Should tithe be eaten outside Israel? No
      Tithing, was it meant to pay church bills? No
      Did God command non Israelites to pay tithe? No
      Should tithe come from outside the land of Israel? No
      Did the Levites had an inheritance in the land of Israel? No

  • @piedpiper8486
    @piedpiper8486 6 лет назад +4

    I am really looking forward to Rev. Dr. Haynes preaching at Howard University on Sunday 10/21! He is an awesome Preacher!

    • @mikewayne6608
      @mikewayne6608 5 лет назад

      Lots of sizzle, no steak. Mishandled the word with the best of them. Malachi 3:10 has nothing to do with New testament giving and blessings because someone puts on a show and supports that notion. Please read the book of Malachi for yourself.

    • @MattHolbert365
      @MattHolbert365 4 года назад

      I’ve seen him preach at Howard University, he was phenomenal.

  • @Thefrogsaint
    @Thefrogsaint 3 года назад +2

    Tithing is a part of the law and Christ fulfilled the law. The point Most people miss is that every aspect of the law points to Christ and his work on the cross. Tithing is no different. How does tithing point to Christ you ask? Simple, Christ is our tithe and offering.
    If you read in Deuteronomy about tithing you’ll notice that it talks about “The Israelites“ were go to Jerusalem three times a year every year for the feast of the Lord. For two years, they were to take a 10th of their crop and bring it to Jerusalem to celebrate their harvest before the LORD.
    They were the LORD’s appointed times and individuals were to rejoice by spending their money on whatever their heart desires praising God while rejoicing in the abundance that they have received. The Bible says they were to spend it on meat and drink, even hard alcohol if your heart so desired.
    NOTE: But on the third year according to “the Law” they were to take a third of their tithe and give it away to the stranger to the orphan and to the window.
    Christ ministry started when John the Baptist baptize Him in the Jordan River. Rabbis were always anointed at Age 30, just like Christ. Christ ministered to the “JEWS ONLY” all the way up to the point He was crucified on the cross and offered up.
    NOTE: He in fact died on the third year Of his ministry. Jesus is 1/3 of the Godhead (A picture seen in the 1/3 of the 1/10 tithe Every third year). 10 in the Bible represents law, and completion. I.e. Jesus fulfilled the law, and you are no longer under it.
    He died for sinners and was offered up in Jerusalem on the Passover feast to “orphans“ which represents sinners separated from their Heavenly Father, “widows” those without a husband that need a kinsman redeemer to redeem them, and “strangers”.
    Paul tells us in his epistles that we gentiles were once “strangers,” but now we have been reconciled to our Father in heaven. Jesus The messiah said he came for the lost children of Israel.
    In essence like the first two years of tithing, They kept him (Messiah) all to themselves And were to rejoice while He (The light of the world) was here. But again, for the third year tithe “THEE blessing” was Offered to everyone else! the stranger, the widow, and the orphan salvation came to the entire world!
    A cool additional note is that scripture says, if the travel was too far, because the abundance given was so great that you could sell or trade your tithe for silver to make the burden lighter so you can make the journey with the silver instead so you can rejoice before the Lord.
    Silver in the Bible always typologically points to redemption and blood, A price paid for a bride or slave, thus Christ’s blood.
    Those under the law were under a yoke. Jesus said, “come to me all that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest until your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.“.
    The picture: If you were to far away from the Lord because “The blessing” that you had received became burdensome......”just like the Jews under the law, which is a yoke.” The blessing of the law, which was too burdensome for anyone, was exchanged for Christ’s blood because it was a burden no man can bear but Him.
    When we Believe God at His word, we exchange the first covenant for the new one, “the old wine for the new.” Jesus took on that burden through his shed blood. All debts are paid in full and we are no longer under law.
    In the Psalms you’ll find a line where God says “the entire volume of the book is about me.” Jesus stated to the Pharisees, “in the Scriptures you seek for eternal life and they are with speak of me.” You see, the entire book is about Jesus, Jesus is God.
    He said, “I did not come to remove the law or destroy it, but to fulfill it.” He said, “not one jot or one tittle will pass away until all is fulfilled.” Every detail of the law points to Christ, His finished work is expressed in every Yod and tittle.... See the picture now?
    BONUS!...Christ was sold for 30 pieces of silver by Judas. Remember what silver represents? Well if you read the Old Testament you’ll note that one of the 613 laws talks about a slave and their value. A man was worth 50 pieces of silver, a woman was 30 pieces of silver and the kid was 20. So why is this in there?
    Well the bridal price for a bride is also 30 pieces of silver. Christ tells us who the Son sets free is free indeed. He purchased us with the 30 pieces of silver (Judas Iscariot) and his blood. He bought us at a price, a bridle price!
    He also said, “we were slaves to sin”. He purchased us and then set us free. Praise God! All glory to Jesus!
    The law is fulfilled you are not of the bond woman, but of the free! Any preacher that teaches tithing as a must or “You got to give to get ” those that Bible says are making merchandise of you. They are tares of wheat sown by the enemy.
    When Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed that grows into the largest tree in the garden. So much so that the birds come rest and its branches.” It was a warning against such individuals.
    Birds are never a good thing in the Bible this was a warning. Birds will always be around the carcasses, they eat the fruit and the seed that’s trying to be sown.
    So when people ask should be tithe? The answer is no . James 2:10 For who so ever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. “. Remember the wages of sin is death! you have fallen from grace and are still under a yoke if you think you need to tithe.
    Churches promote tithing testimonies all the time. You got to ask why what is the motive. In most cases you’ll find a tie because somewhere deep down they think it will make them righteous or right with God. In fact they glorify in the flesh.
    I say Run from such an individual that teaches bad doctrine. They are making merchandise of you and keeping you in bondage. So then the question becomes should we give?
    The Bible says, God loves a cheerful giver. But it also says owe no man. Give in your abundance as it seems good to you.
    But share this wisdom. If you owe debts, the first thing you should do is pay those debts. You should NEVER give money to the church when you owe two months back rent or loaded credit cards!
    If you want to make a friendship offering or peace offering, You always have other things than money to give. You fact Christ died so you don’t owe or have to give anything is freedom, the fact that you get to, and you understand that, is wisdom and love.
    When you give you give in faith that you don’t have to give. And when you don’t give you given faith that you don’t need to. Both equally show faith. Both in turn are acceptable sacrifices.
    Personally, I know the most precious thing we have is time, because you only have so much of it....it is finite while in the flesh.
    When you give your time in prayer, reading your Bible or helping the church, loving others It’s all works done in Faith.
    When people people tithe, They are generally thinking, God will give me twice as much in return or They get up in front of the assembly and they or the church itself boast in their flesh or think in someway that they are justifying themselves. The heart of the matter is they are looking for what they want and not what God wants.
    Bible says, a broken heart and a contrite spirit is an acceptable sacrifices to the Lord. When we come before his cross and realize what he had to do because of our sin, our faith in the fact it is finished sanctifies us.
    By faith we are justified. Time is the most precious thing we were given after salvation. The law shows us after atonemeThe law shows us after atonement (the cross) anything we offer is a friendship offering, or peace offering.
    In type The old testament shows us these offerings always come after the atonement sacrifice.
    Note: The Loaves of bread offered had Levin In them.
    Why, With Levin a picture of sin? Until we are glorified, we are still in our sinful bodies, so everything we touch or offer is still tainted.
    But when we except our atonement sacrifice he no longer sees the levin in us. He only sees what Christ did for us and our faith in the fact all debts are paid.
    When we attempt to do good works, follow the law, etc. we exalt ourselves and glory in our flesh. And no flesh will be justified before God.
    In fact we make ourselves our own idol, we commit the original sin of trying to be like God as if we had power to save ourselves.
    We declare in our ignorance what Christ did is not enough. God forbid! It is by faith we are saved and not of works lest any man should boast. All glory to God amen!l

    • @25447carepear
      @25447carepear 3 года назад

      Nobody in they right mind is reading this " dissertation." Don't have full out conversations on RUclips comment section. Nobodys reading this.

  • @markb7067
    @markb7067 4 года назад +8

    There's no such thing as a biblical monetary tithe. God never asked anyone for money. We are free to give, not bound to pay.

    • @nomatusi7514
      @nomatusi7514 4 года назад +4

      Tithing is a false doctrine...
      Is tithing under grace? No
      Is tithing for Christians? No
      Is God's tithe monetary? No
      Pastors, are they Levites? No
      Did the Gentiles pay tithe? No
      Is church the biblical storehouse? No
      Should tithe be eaten outside Israel? No
      Tithing, was it meant to pay church bills? No
      Did God command non Israelites to pay tithe? No
      Should tithe come from outside the land of Israel? No
      Did the Levites had an inheritance in the land of Israel? No

  • @juliannemoore1033
    @juliannemoore1033 6 лет назад +4

    This sermon on Tithing is a Great Message. Amen.

    • @mikewayne6608
      @mikewayne6608 5 лет назад

      Please read the whole book of Malachi, the prophet was rebuking the priest for their wrong doing. Malachi 3:10 is a favorite passage preachers use to extort money from well meaning Christians. Please study this book and all books of the Bible without any preconceived notions from traditions of men. Please rightly divide the word and study to show thyself approved. Please read every passage concerning tithing and believe you will be set free from this distortion of the word of God. Of course you are free to participate financially to anything you want because God gave man free will whether right or wrong. Please keep in mind Jesus did not tithe nor his disciplines. Neither did Jesus or his followers received tithes. Remember Tithing was of the law. We are under grace. Tithing was a taxation for the Nation of Israel not New Testament believers. Keep in mind giving and tithing are not the same thing. Giving is voluntary and tithing is law.

  • @domingabarboza9897
    @domingabarboza9897 Год назад


  • @domingabarboza9897
    @domingabarboza9897 Год назад

    TYLORD 🙏🏻

  • @JamesDJohnson
    @JamesDJohnson 6 лет назад +2

    Ive always liked this sermon

    • @mikewayne6608
      @mikewayne6608 5 лет назад +1

      Why? Because he put on go performance. He did NOT rightly divide the word.

    • @nomatusi7514
      @nomatusi7514 4 года назад +1

      Tithing is a false doctrine...
      Is tithing under grace? No
      Is tithing for Christians? No
      Is God's tithe monetary? No
      Pastors, are they Levites? No
      Did the Gentiles pay tithe? No
      Is church the biblical storehouse? No
      Should tithe be eaten outside Israel? No
      Tithing, was it meant to pay church bills? No
      Did God command non Israelites to pay tithe? No
      Should tithe come from outside the land of Israel? No
      Did the Levites had an inheritance in the land of Israel? No

  • @fernandogallardo3458
    @fernandogallardo3458 2 года назад +1

    If you are not from the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel, and you are using the levitical priesthood law of God to receive tithes and offerings from jews or gentiles, you are robbing the churches of their money. Jesus said, woe unto you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites! for you devour widows houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore you shall receive the greater damnation [ Matthew 23:14 ].
    Gentiles have no authority from God to receive tithes and offerings from jews or gentiles, because God ordained the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel, to receive tithes and offerings from the children of Israel, according to the law [ Hebrews 7:5 ].
    The church is supposed to withstand the pastor to the face, and say to him, you cannot receive tithes and offerings from jews or gentiles, because you are not from the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel, and if the pastor neglects to hear the church, Jesus said, let him be unto you as a heathen man and a publican [ Matthew 18:17 ].
    The tithers need to take their tithes and offerings to Jerusalem, and give them to the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel, according to the law.
    For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith: but, The man that do them shall live in them [ Galatians 3:10-12 ].

  • @domingabarboza9897
    @domingabarboza9897 Год назад

    Peach cobbler 😋

  • @somethingpeterson408
    @somethingpeterson408 Год назад

    Wicked!! This is why God is not dwelling in these churches (Acts7:48)Deuteronomy 22:14 the tithing is food not money.I thought Christ said don’t provide money for yourself when the disciples went from place to place to preach.
    (Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.)

  • @choosetoshine2610
    @choosetoshine2610 5 лет назад +2


    • @mikewayne6608
      @mikewayne6608 5 лет назад +3

      If that's so, you will realize that Rev Haynes was wrong in his teaching about tithing etc.