After tanking as a BrM in SoO 10, I can only add a few things to this video. At a higher item level (550+) there is an obtainable haste breakpoint around 8000 that I would advice players to get, and so to invest in crit > mastery spec (for 10man). There are few exceptions to the crit spec, being Thok, and Garrosh, the other 12 fights don't hit hard enough to worry. The amount of crit (over 50%; 75% with Garrosh's Stam Crit trinket) will fill your elusive brew stacks from 0 to 15 before the effect wears off, making it have nearly 100% uptime. This greatly increases mitigation and far out weighs the 10-15% mastery you will lose. The stagger bubble will go yellow. Like mikepreachwow mentioned, DO. NOT. PANIC. Do not clear your stagger as soon as it goes yellow, because chances are, its not going to stay yellow for very long. If your stagger goes red and you're not using a stagger tracking addon, clear it. If you are using the stagger addon, look to see 1) how much damage you're taking per tick, and 2) how long that will last. If you're not taking a lot of damage, or it will only be for 2 ticks, let it go. Lastly, as a Mastery/survival based BrM, mikepreacherwow is right when he said you do not want to spam; however, as a crit BrM who has reached the haste breakpoint, spamming is a must, but instead of spamming jab, you'll be spamming tiger palm as a filler (no cost, woohoo!). A crit is a crit. Like the video, just wanted to add my PoV on the topic.
Tip for new BM: keep shuffle up! The mitigation from that is actually really great. If you're not actively tanking the boss, feel free to try to build a long shuffle buff. Also, when you throw up guard, if you're not at full HP, use the spheres and your heals. The bonus from them helps smooth out damage a lot.
man.... thank you sooo much for this guide i play ww which can be pretty spammy and was taking that playstile over to my brewmaster tanking , seems like a little thing but wow slowing it down has done wonders for my overall survivability , again thanks and keep up the good work is very much appreciated
I know a lot of smaller and less established channels do it, but I'd enjoy a high-quality Preach video on how he levels his toons. Not even a guide because it's been done before, maybe just some tips to remember when leveling to make it as fast as possible.
I'm sure you've covered this before, but what is the addon you have that counts down the timers on your buffs in blue around 10:18. Like your guard, shuffle, brews, etc
Hey Preacher, Rushing Jade Wind does not decrease movement speed. Spinning Crane Kick's glyph does nothing with Rushing Jade Wind. Just thought you should know.
For the people that say that this is wrong or that he doesn't know what he's talking about I have one question, Why are you here? If you know enough about the class why are you watching a video that is directed toward people that don't know how to play the class and are searching for a foundation to build their choices off of. This video is directed towards NEW players/ freshly capped 90's and not really meant for people that have a 550+ ilvl. Also just to throw it out there, he never says this is the one and only build for this class. He openly states that you have choices, this is just what he prefers.
Preach, It's ok to use jab 1 or 2 times to get chi. As a brewmaster myself, I'm more concerned about keeping my Shuffle up and having enough chi to use it as often as possible. Along with keg smash on CD and expel harm, with 1 or 2 jabs in between to generate as much chi as I can to use blackout kick as much as i can to keep shuffle up. Just a helpful tip for you man. otherwise, great video :)
Spot on guide for a new brewmaster......PPL THIS IS NOT A ADVANCED GUIDE....Preach was a world first raider, and know loads of top world raider...Preach knows his shit...TRUST ME!
Agree with 2 top comments. You can't really go wrong if you're a fresh 90 brewmaster but crit is just so much better quite simply because you want your elusive brew up all the time, huge amount of mitigation. Guard is always a survival cooldown and it scales with vengeance so you can save it for a huge absorb. I'd take a second look at Chi Brew as well, especially at the start of fight with something like Ra-den where you need huge mitigation asap, still fairly situational.
as far as glyphs - most brewmasters use glyph of fortitous spheres for extra healing when you dip low and enduring spheres - so you can "store" your spheres and use them later (or even "by accident" while repositioning). MoP fights require quite a lot of movement, so quite soon you have half of your raid area covered with spheres, that will help you when you move.
Nice guide as always. I don't tank much on my monk so my gear has been mostly gemmed and reforged with dps in mind, since I use the same gear for both. I think I might follow the guide here though and go all out for mastery for the tank proving grounds.
You also shouldn't expel harm on CD.. You expel harm only to heal yourself because if you EH on 100% HP it does not do dmg to the boss, while jab, which has the same energy cost - does. So again EH is your (sort of) a CD you should use, not something to hit on CD (you're not mistweaver).
I agree. on top of that, i like rolling with dampen harm. expel harm is only worth using when you are not at 100% hp. rotation wise: keep shuffle up at all times. in a 5 man that is hard, but as soon as you enter a raid, shuffle is what keeps you alive. greets kolis
This is a good guide for players that are completely new to playing Brewmaster, but mastering the spec will require not doing several things this video advocates. Mastery is a safe bet, but crit is better, as long as the player properly uses the Elusive Brew charges it generates. Guard should not be "kept up." It is a survivability cooldown that should be used when needed. The amount absorbed, plus an Expel Harm, is enough to keep you alive, but not to significantly help your healers.
Thanks so much really helpful because i was always getting low and dieing in LFR now i know the rotation and gem priorites i have an idea of brewmaster, i just came back to being brewmaster but thanks alot for guide.
Are you using WeakAura's for your buffs/debuffs? If so how do you get them so nice and clean? I tried WeakAura's but I dragged the bars all over the place and it was terrible.
whats the addon you use for your player buffs/ target debuffs? the one that puts them in bar form in the middle of your screen. and this video helped a lot thanks: )
I've been trying to find the addon you use for your scrolling combat text without bugging you about it but I've had no luck. What addon is that? Thanks. Your guides have been a huge help for me.
Some good advice, but also some terrible advice :| Exp & Hit > Haste (4-7k) > Crit > Mastery. Yes, mastery is best for mitigation but you generally don't need much. Don't use guard on CD. Keep shuffle up. Don't use BoF if you're going to lose shuffle and don't use it on bosses as the DoT won't be applied to them. Don't use Expel Harm on CD. Chi Wave (best for single target) > Chi Burst (best for aoe) > Zen Sphere (it's super terrible). If they're the same itemlevel, dual wield 1h > 2h.
I think Enduring Sphere glyph is always great, as it means there will always be health spheres available for longer times. Also why spinning crane kick if you got rushing jade wind?
What would u say is best to worry about more guard or shuffle say if one falls off ? Just wondering find dome times where I had to put both on but not know which is best ?
I haven't tried it after the nerfs of 5.4, but taking considerably damage (increasing vengeance of course) would scale guard to huge amounts and it was actually worth saving for a heavy damage ability (e.g. one of megaera's breath). Has this changed since the release of the patch and should we use guard on CD or is is still worth saving it?
Preach! You dont exactly need to put Guard on ALL the time, It's more of a survivable cooldown since when you do have it up, your expel harm/chi wave/zen sphere heal alot more. And with the glyph of guard, Its not for saving for a big magical aoe ability, its more of using it for the increase in self healing and because its ONLY magical damage that means you can get the full benefit of its 30 sec duration of increased self healing.
Keep in mind brew master is all about knowing the current fight and how your raid group works. Changing specs and talents is what it's all about. Also I get where your coming from with the whole don't spam your energy bit, only thing is the more you spam the more elusive brew you can keep up for more mitigation.not to mention the more you spam the longer your stagger lasts. This is important because when an o shit moment happens you can dump chi far easier into other things and not have to worry about your stagger dropping.
So anyone have any idea the Addon for the cooldown tracking/ or uptime of defensives like he has on the side ? seeing how i cant click the freagin links at the start =/
The T15 set bonuses are still in the game, but the 2p has been nerfed by half. Still, 6% extra stagger is alot considering that it takes so much Mastery/per %. But if you are playing current content as a Brewmaster now, you will be hitting the crit soft cap. After you are at the soft cap, it gives you 0 defensive benefit. And while yes, it does synergize with the T16 2p, it does nothing for the 4p. If you're looking to make the most out of the full set then you should run Crit/Mast>Haste.
I always geared my Monk with Mastery, but lately I've gotten bold and I tried full Crit, oh much Elusive Brew coming in lol ^_^ it makes me feel like a Druid, having all that dodge
Preach isn't a big advocate of power-levelling, so it's pretty unlikely we'll be seeing that any time soon - there are plenty of other guides and even addons that streamline the process, though.
interesting way to play with the monk I prefer to use guard with blast of chi for moments of great harm and save expel damage for when I have only 30% of health even so each one uses the monk as you like :)
I like the guide I'll be using it again. Your add-ons are way better placed then mine can you lay down a list please yours us clear and out of the way. Thank You A Much Appreciated On the Guide and addons If You do.
Unless it has changed with the patch, crit is the worst PURELY defensive stats. The reason people are using crit, is because of the dps it provides while the extra survivability might not be needed.
You're a bit wrong on crit being straight up better. For example on heroic progression or if you're undergeared, or if you want a safe bet against hard hitting bosses. Even with elusive brew up all the time it's still easy to get nuked by the boss through it, which is exactly why every heroic brewmaster (besides duality's I think) is running mastery. It's just a good idea. Now on normal crit is probably a better choice, it's dependent on where your gear and healers are.
Brewmaster is the "IDDQD" of World of Warcraft. You can chain-pull all the way to lvl 90 before you become vulnerable. No class is more fun to lvl-up than a Brewmaster;-D
The only argument that can be made for crit stacking post soft cap is that it does do more damage, which will make fights shorter and put out more raid Guards. I swapped from pure crit to Crit/Mastery and still sit at just under 50% unbuffed crit. My Ebrew uptime in raid is still almost 100% while I am tanking and also have 16% base Mastery to fall back on. Point of the whole thing being that telling players to blindly stack crit is about as efficient as telling them to blindly stack mastery
Oh boy Preach... You don't need to keep guard ALL the time. It's your short term CD you use to mitigate dmg, like breaths on Tsulong etc.. Keeping it on CD will most likely wast it on white attacks etc.. Shuffle 100% is the most importan thing, not guard. Brewmaster with no shuffle dies! You don't need to go full mastery. The safe way is mastery till comfortable, then crit, or full on crit. Things change with RoRo which ATM is very important brm trinket (which you should have explained as well)
I'd also like to talk about 7:00 where you talk about not mixing and maxing. This is false, if you're going for a Crit build then you want some Mastery to give you some base damage reduction when you're not dodging. If you're going for a Mastery build then you want some Haste to back up the amount of purifying you'll be doing. And also in T16 gear I believe a Crit/Mastery>Haste build gets the most out of it.
Dont agreed the least. Most new players problems are the uptime of shuffle and for that u want haste mostly. Guard is not a spam ability and Expel harm when ur not even below 98% is useless. Crit is better with the tier 15 2 set bonus, if u want to reroll for progression Mastery must be ur entry build and u may want to maintain it, specially on 10man with less heal spam.
People are so conflicted with Monk talents, which I understand. My biggest surprise is how much people write off Chi Burst. I know the cast time can get butchered as a tank but if you know how to time it it can be a godsend for your melee DPS taking damage and AoE situations. Every time I look at my numbers Chi Burst does more damage/healing than the other two talents.
"Crit is most definately not better. The reason Crit WAS so good is because of the T15 set bonuses." Putting aside the fact that T15 set bonuses are still in the game and therefore crit cannot be "definitely not better," your point about 100% uptime on Elusive Brew goes without saying. Crit is widely understood to be the best defensive stat in most situations, and it continues to synergize with T16 2pc. Venyasure's Brewmaster spreadsheet rates crit as nearly 2x as valuable as mastery.
Not even sure why you would choose momentum over celerity, seeing as movement is key in everything and roll is one of the most powerful movement abilities in this game (Roll distance is not limited by movement reduction modifiers) Also as many have pointed out, mastery is a good second stat to crit if you're good and guard is situational not "press every cd". Also, choosing chiwave over zensphere for anything is stupidity in itself, seeing as zensphere adds the 35% burst heal buffer.
Crit is most definately not better. The reason Crit WAS so good is because of the T15 set bonuses. Mastery is incredibly strong for progression and even works well with the new set bonuses. If you're in T16 and still tunneling crit then you're playing wrong. In fact, once you reach a certain threshold where you can maintain nearly 100% uptime on Ebrew, then crit is actually useless because it has no other benefit outside of it, unless your raid needs more damage.
OK so I will say this dampen harm overall is a better CD first off 3 charges over 45sec for 3 massive hits I take no damage from durumu in ToT when I tank him same on norushen in the new raid at 14 stacks & full corruption dampen harm and boom u have to17 stacks and u wont die. 80% uptime on ur elusive brew (which requires u to have at a minimum of 50% crit) overall makes u take less damage through ur dodge. exp to 15% hit to 7.5% still have that uptime on Ebrew. Im not done &will post to finish
"Dont agreed the least. Most new players..." Notice that I said, "mastering the spec." Your points about new players are irrelevant. "...Expel harm when ur not even below 98% is useless." Did you even intend to reply to my comment? You are claiming to disagree with something I have never said. If you would like to make a point that addresses something I've actually said, then we can talk.
It's not for the 1 extra chi its for the energy regeneration. More often then not being able to spam jab/expel harm/keg smash is more useful then spamming blackout kick as you usually end up woth a minute of shuffle wasted at the end of a fight this makes the other 2 talents worthless as they focus on chi building rather then energy regeneration granted they do have their uses
chi wave has a higher hps than zen sphere, ascension is terrible to take over chi brew and diffuse magic isn't as useful as healing elixirs. the build he is using seems like he has built his brew master for 5 mans.
momentum, chi wave, chi brew for the dodge on demand and chi for the guard when you need it, almost always healing elixirs and rushing jade wind with lots of adds and tiger on single boss fights, glyph fort brew dizzying haze and whatever else your really want in third. We are squishy tanks so mastery is typically the way to go followed by crit for dodger charges. More dodged attacks means less work for your healers! and make sure you hit and expertise cap. Sorry I disagree with you preach.
The only problem i have with the monk that keeps me from leveling it is the FUCKING LAME names every spell has. I preferred the dark expansions like wrath with icy northrend, not some magical place with flowers :(
After tanking as a BrM in SoO 10, I can only add a few things to this video. At a higher item level (550+) there is an obtainable haste breakpoint around 8000 that I would advice players to get, and so to invest in crit > mastery spec (for 10man). There are few exceptions to the crit spec, being Thok, and Garrosh, the other 12 fights don't hit hard enough to worry. The amount of crit (over 50%; 75% with Garrosh's Stam Crit trinket) will fill your elusive brew stacks from 0 to 15 before the effect wears off, making it have nearly 100% uptime. This greatly increases mitigation and far out weighs the 10-15% mastery you will lose. The stagger bubble will go yellow. Like mikepreachwow mentioned, DO. NOT. PANIC. Do not clear your stagger as soon as it goes yellow, because chances are, its not going to stay yellow for very long. If your stagger goes red and you're not using a stagger tracking addon, clear it. If you are using the stagger addon, look to see 1) how much damage you're taking per tick, and 2) how long that will last. If you're not taking a lot of damage, or it will only be for 2 ticks, let it go. Lastly, as a Mastery/survival based BrM, mikepreacherwow is right when he said you do not want to spam; however, as a crit BrM who has reached the haste breakpoint, spamming is a must, but instead of spamming jab, you'll be spamming tiger palm as a filler (no cost, woohoo!). A crit is a crit. Like the video, just wanted to add my PoV on the topic.
***** More useful info: it's "than" -- not "then".
Tip for new BM: keep shuffle up! The mitigation from that is actually really great. If you're not actively tanking the boss, feel free to try to build a long shuffle buff. Also, when you throw up guard, if you're not at full HP, use the spheres and your heals. The bonus from them helps smooth out damage a lot.
Been playing it since launch and this spec is pretty much all that's keeping me in the game
man.... thank you sooo much for this guide i play ww which can be pretty spammy and was taking that playstile over to my brewmaster tanking , seems like a little thing but wow slowing it down has done wonders for my overall survivability , again thanks and keep up the good work is very much appreciated
I know a lot of smaller and less established channels do it, but I'd enjoy a high-quality Preach video on how he levels his toons. Not even a guide because it's been done before, maybe just some tips to remember when leveling to make it as fast as possible.
I'm sure you've covered this before, but what is the addon you have that counts down the timers on your buffs in blue around 10:18. Like your guard, shuffle, brews, etc
I'm always happy when I watch a class guide that compliments my play style to a T
Hey Preacher, Rushing Jade Wind does not decrease movement speed. Spinning Crane Kick's glyph does nothing with Rushing Jade Wind. Just thought you should know.
Thanks for this guide, could not have come at a better time. I just dinged 90 :)
For the people that say that this is wrong or that he doesn't know what he's talking about I have one question, Why are you here? If you know enough about the class why are you watching a video that is directed toward people that don't know how to play the class and are searching for a foundation to build their choices off of. This video is directed towards NEW players/ freshly capped 90's and not really meant for people that have a 550+ ilvl. Also just to throw it out there, he never says this is the one and only build for this class. He openly states that you have choices, this is just what he prefers.
Preach, It's ok to use jab 1 or 2 times to get chi. As a brewmaster myself, I'm more concerned about keeping my Shuffle up and having enough chi to use it as often as possible. Along with keg smash on CD and expel harm, with 1 or 2 jabs in between to generate as much chi as I can to use blackout kick as much as i can to keep shuffle up. Just a helpful tip for you man. otherwise, great video :)
what is that add-on that shows the buffs and stuff on a bar? i NEED that!
+Yous tiddy plates+plate buffs
Spot on guide for a new brewmaster......PPL THIS IS NOT A ADVANCED GUIDE....Preach was a world first raider, and know loads of top world raider...Preach knows his shit...TRUST ME!
Agree with 2 top comments. You can't really go wrong if you're a fresh 90 brewmaster but crit is just so much better quite simply because you want your elusive brew up all the time, huge amount of mitigation. Guard is always a survival cooldown and it scales with vengeance so you can save it for a huge absorb. I'd take a second look at Chi Brew as well, especially at the start of fight with something like Ra-den where you need huge mitigation asap, still fairly situational.
as far as glyphs - most brewmasters use glyph of fortitous spheres for extra healing when you dip low and enduring spheres - so you can "store" your spheres and use them later (or even "by accident" while repositioning). MoP fights require quite a lot of movement, so quite soon you have half of your raid area covered with spheres, that will help you when you move.
Nice guide as always. I don't tank much on my monk so my gear has been mostly gemmed and reforged with dps in mind, since I use the same gear for both. I think I might follow the guide here though and go all out for mastery for the tank proving grounds.
You also shouldn't expel harm on CD.. You expel harm only to heal yourself because if you EH on 100% HP it does not do dmg to the boss, while jab, which has the same energy cost - does. So again EH is your (sort of) a CD you should use, not something to hit on CD (you're not mistweaver).
I agree. on top of that, i like rolling with dampen harm. expel harm is only worth using when you are not at 100% hp. rotation wise: keep shuffle up at all times. in a 5 man that is hard, but as soon as you enter a raid, shuffle is what keeps you alive.
greets kolis
Thanks Preach!
Been waiting for this guide
Nice video dude! Just made an instant brewmaster monk. What is the name of the addon that shows your timers? (Stagger, guild etc)
omnicc shows timer on the icons, Tellmewhen tracks cooldowns/buffs/debuffs etc
Really good guide
This is a good guide for players that are completely new to playing Brewmaster, but mastering the spec will require not doing several things this video advocates.
Mastery is a safe bet, but crit is better, as long as the player properly uses the Elusive Brew charges it generates.
Guard should not be "kept up." It is a survivability cooldown that should be used when needed. The amount absorbed, plus an Expel Harm, is enough to keep you alive, but not to significantly help your healers.
Thanks so much really helpful because i was always getting low and dieing in LFR now i know the rotation and gem priorites i have an idea of brewmaster, i just came back to being brewmaster but thanks alot for guide.
Are you using WeakAura's for your buffs/debuffs? If so how do you get them so nice and clean? I tried WeakAura's but I dragged the bars all over the place and it was terrible.
whats the addon you use for your player buffs/ target debuffs? the one that puts them in bar form in the middle of your screen. and this video helped a lot thanks: )
And then you get me who doesnt tank at all, whose just watching because they like Preach's videos :D
I've been trying to find the addon you use for your scrolling combat text without bugging you about it but I've had no luck. What addon is that? Thanks. Your guides have been a huge help for me.
Mik Scrolling Battle Text. Google it, one word.
Some good advice, but also some terrible advice :|
Exp & Hit > Haste (4-7k) > Crit > Mastery. Yes, mastery is best for mitigation but you generally don't need much.
Don't use guard on CD. Keep shuffle up. Don't use BoF if you're going to lose shuffle and don't use it on bosses as the DoT won't be applied to them.
Don't use Expel Harm on CD.
Chi Wave (best for single target) > Chi Burst (best for aoe) > Zen Sphere (it's super terrible).
If they're the same itemlevel, dual wield 1h > 2h.
Could you please list all the addons that are used in the video it would help a lot :3
Thank You
I think Enduring Sphere glyph is always great, as it means there will always be health spheres available for longer times. Also why spinning crane kick if you got rushing jade wind?
A stupid questen but what is the name of the addons when you can see when shuffel is on en tiger plam on the left side??
whats the add-on for the countdown that you're using?
I don't know which one he is using but I use OmniCC, it's free and you can download it at curse(search on google: curse OmniCC 5.4)
Did i completely miss out on the part, on choosing 2h or 1hs?
What would u say is best to worry about more guard or shuffle say if one falls off ? Just wondering find dome times where I had to put both on but not know which is best ?
I haven't tried it after the nerfs of 5.4, but taking considerably damage (increasing vengeance of course) would scale guard to huge amounts and it was actually worth saving for a heavy damage ability (e.g. one of megaera's breath). Has this changed since the release of the patch and should we use guard on CD or is is still worth saving it?
Why do you have Glyph of Spinning Crane Kick when you use Rushng Jade Wind talent?
Preach! You dont exactly need to put Guard on ALL the time, It's more of a survivable cooldown since when you do have it up, your expel harm/chi wave/zen sphere heal alot more. And with the glyph of guard, Its not for saving for a big magical aoe ability, its more of using it for the increase in self healing and because its ONLY magical damage that means you can get the full benefit of its 30 sec duration of increased self healing.
Keeping guard up constantly is recommended by icy-veins, which seems to be where preach gets most of his information.
"hopefully the final patch" and to this I answer: Be aware of what you wish for, it might come true.
sounds like next expac will be perfect for you then! bring on the burning legion!
Hey mate. What add ons are you using here?
Keep in mind brew master is all about knowing the current fight and how your raid group works. Changing specs and talents is what it's all about. Also I get where your coming from with the whole don't spam your energy bit, only thing is the more you spam the more elusive brew you can keep up for more mitigation.not to mention the more you spam the longer your stagger lasts. This is important because when an o shit moment happens you can dump chi far easier into other things and not have to worry about your stagger dropping.
So anyone have any idea the Addon for the cooldown tracking/ or uptime of defensives like he has on the side ? seeing how i cant click the freagin links at the start =/
Good ol days when brewmasters can chuck brews spam
Brewmaster are the most amazing tank. Especially coming from a blood dk.
glyph of spinning crane kick plus rushing jade wind?
I have the Quartz addon he has. but I can't get it to be the way he has it.
its the current gear level and the amount of secondary stats (crit/haste/mastery) you can get on ilvl 550+ now
The T15 set bonuses are still in the game, but the 2p has been nerfed by half. Still, 6% extra stagger is alot considering that it takes so much Mastery/per %. But if you are playing current content as a Brewmaster now, you will be hitting the crit soft cap. After you are at the soft cap, it gives you 0 defensive benefit. And while yes, it does synergize with the T16 2p, it does nothing for the 4p. If you're looking to make the most out of the full set then you should run Crit/Mast>Haste.
Preach, where do I go to get your UI?
I always geared my Monk with Mastery, but lately I've gotten bold and I tried full Crit, oh much Elusive Brew coming in lol ^_^ it makes me feel like a Druid, having all that dodge
Preach isn't a big advocate of power-levelling, so it's pretty unlikely we'll be seeing that any time soon - there are plenty of other guides and even addons that streamline the process, though.
grasias, me sirvio mucho tu guia saludos desde canada
interesting way to play with the monk
I prefer to use guard with blast of chi for moments of great harm
and save expel damage for when I have only 30% of health
even so each one uses the monk as you like :)
I like the guide I'll be using it again. Your add-ons are way better placed then mine can you lay down a list please yours us clear and out of the way. Thank You A Much Appreciated On the Guide and addons If You do.
Anyone else read the trade chat argument about youtube promoting? xD
i have a question what is your addons for bm monk
ErmerGARD, I have been waiting for this to be uploaded forever...
What's your combat text add-on?
Unless it has changed with the patch, crit is the worst PURELY defensive stats. The reason people are using crit, is because of the dps it provides while the extra survivability might not be needed.
You're a bit wrong on crit being straight up better. For example on heroic progression or if you're undergeared, or if you want a safe bet against hard hitting bosses. Even with elusive brew up all the time it's still easy to get nuked by the boss through it, which is exactly why every heroic brewmaster (besides duality's I think) is running mastery. It's just a good idea. Now on normal crit is probably a better choice, it's dependent on where your gear and healers are.
Brewmaster is the "IDDQD" of World of Warcraft. You can chain-pull all the way to lvl 90 before you become vulnerable. No class is more fun to lvl-up than a Brewmaster;-D
Patch 5.0 it was crit. Then 5.2 it was haste. Now it's mastery?
damn what gear are you in? im 510 ilvl and only 9% mastery or something =/
The only argument that can be made for crit stacking post soft cap is that it does do more damage, which will make fights shorter and put out more raid Guards.
I swapped from pure crit to Crit/Mastery and still sit at just under 50% unbuffed crit. My Ebrew uptime in raid is still almost 100% while I am tanking and also have 16% base Mastery to fall back on. Point of the whole thing being that telling players to blindly stack crit is about as efficient as telling them to blindly stack mastery
why should we always keep dispell harm on cd? I don't get it
Oh boy Preach... You don't need to keep guard ALL the time. It's your short term CD you use to mitigate dmg, like breaths on Tsulong etc.. Keeping it on CD will most likely wast it on white attacks etc..
Shuffle 100% is the most importan thing, not guard. Brewmaster with no shuffle dies!
You don't need to go full mastery. The safe way is mastery till comfortable, then crit, or full on crit. Things change with RoRo which ATM is very important brm trinket (which you should have explained as well)
I'd also like to talk about 7:00 where you talk about not mixing and maxing. This is false, if you're going for a Crit build then you want some Mastery to give you some base damage reduction when you're not dodging. If you're going for a Mastery build then you want some Haste to back up the amount of purifying you'll be doing. And also in T16 gear I believe a Crit/Mastery>Haste build gets the most out of it.
how do i get chi i only can hold 5 and how do i get that 5???
Dont agreed the least. Most new players problems are the uptime of shuffle and for that u want haste mostly. Guard is not a spam ability and Expel harm when ur not even below 98% is useless. Crit is better with the tier 15 2 set bonus, if u want to reroll for progression Mastery must be ur entry build and u may want to maintain it, specially on 10man with less heal spam.
People are so conflicted with Monk talents, which I understand. My biggest surprise is how much people write off Chi Burst. I know the cast time can get butchered as a tank but if you know how to time it it can be a godsend for your melee DPS taking damage and AoE situations. Every time I look at my numbers Chi Burst does more damage/healing than the other two talents.
he has an addon video on his channel and you can dl his entire ui from the preachgaming website
at level 60-70 brewmasters feel super weak even with guard shuffle etc my hp goes down almost instantly.
if you are tanking top progression content like 25 man hc or even 10 hc, mastery is the best imo, crit is fine for less hard hitting fights.
Anyone can tell me about the addon of buffs timer ^_^
do you need dodge and parry for brewmasters?
No, you want to get a 8000 haste break point then go crit > mastery. This applies to 550+ ilvl
But no, never go dodge or parry as BM
Dampen harm is all damage not just physical and 3 charges tis the better choice imo
"Crit is most definately not better. The reason Crit WAS so good is because of the T15 set bonuses."
Putting aside the fact that T15 set bonuses are still in the game and therefore crit cannot be "definitely not better," your point about 100% uptime on Elusive Brew goes without saying.
Crit is widely understood to be the best defensive stat in most situations, and it continues to synergize with T16 2pc.
Venyasure's Brewmaster spreadsheet rates crit as nearly 2x as valuable as mastery.
Not even sure why you would choose momentum over celerity, seeing as movement is key in everything and roll is one of the most powerful movement abilities in this game (Roll distance is not limited by movement reduction modifiers) Also as many have pointed out, mastery is a good second stat to crit if you're good and guard is situational not "press every cd". Also, choosing chiwave over zensphere for anything is stupidity in itself, seeing as zensphere adds the 35% burst heal buffer.
Crit is most definately not better. The reason Crit WAS so good is because of the T15 set bonuses. Mastery is incredibly strong for progression and even works well with the new set bonuses. If you're in T16 and still tunneling crit then you're playing wrong. In fact, once you reach a certain threshold where you can maintain nearly 100% uptime on Ebrew, then crit is actually useless because it has no other benefit outside of it, unless your raid needs more damage.
Brewmaster glyphs are bad, but not sure glyph of spinning crane kick is the one you want there preacher
Also chi brew is op, dampen harm, op. Xuen always for single target bosses
No mention of Elusive Brew, wtf?
Mastery, mastery, mastery!!!
OK so I will say this dampen harm overall is a better CD first off 3 charges over 45sec for 3 massive hits I take no damage from durumu in ToT when I tank him same on norushen in the new raid at 14 stacks & full corruption dampen harm and boom u have to17 stacks and u wont die. 80% uptime on ur elusive brew (which requires u to have at a minimum of 50% crit) overall makes u take less damage through ur dodge. exp to 15% hit to 7.5% still have that uptime on Ebrew. Im not done &will post to finish
Shadow Priest next plz!!!!
and mastery is a pretty bad choice since we got that 15% dmg nerf, crit is better for them elusive brew stacks!
"Dont agreed the least. Most new players..."
Notice that I said, "mastering the spec." Your points about new players are irrelevant.
"...Expel harm when ur not even below 98% is useless."
Did you even intend to reply to my comment? You are claiming to disagree with something I have never said.
If you would like to make a point that addresses something I've actually said, then we can talk.
you are supposed to focus on agility/stamina and crit , plus that rotation is terrible guess im better off with my own build
Ascension is wrong, bc there's nothing to use 1 chi on besides purifying brew
It's not for the 1 extra chi its for the energy regeneration. More often then not being able to spam jab/expel harm/keg smash is more useful then spamming blackout kick as you usually end up woth a minute of shuffle wasted at the end of a fight this makes the other 2 talents worthless as they focus on chi building rather then energy regeneration granted they do have their uses
Get wow-pro addon, follow, get leveled.
Why U have so many german friends? or do they just use german words as names?
Dks next
chi wave has a higher hps than zen sphere, ascension is terrible to take over chi brew and diffuse magic isn't as useful as healing elixirs. the build he is using seems like he has built his brew master for 5 mans.
More legacy videos
Pppllleeeaaasssee write me names of all addons that you use in video.
momentum, chi wave, chi brew for the dodge on demand and chi for the guard when you need it, almost always healing elixirs and rushing jade wind with lots of adds and tiger on single boss fights, glyph fort brew dizzying haze and whatever else your really want in third. We are squishy tanks so mastery is typically the way to go followed by crit for dodger charges. More dodged attacks means less work for your healers! and make sure you hit and expertise cap. Sorry I disagree with you preach.
The only problem i have with the monk that keeps me from leveling it is the FUCKING LAME names every spell has. I preferred the dark expansions like wrath with icy northrend, not some magical place with flowers :(
There is no logic whatsoever in using the glyph of Spinning Crane Kick when you've taken Rushing Jade Wind as your level 90 talent.