Same here. Loved the Mists/WoD era of Monk. Still play it and enjoy it today, but man did they butcher Mistweaver. It used to be so unique and fun. At least Windwalker is still pretty solid and enjoyable.
I was extremely hesitant on boosting a monk ( I've been playing wow since 1 week after vanilla first launched... I am SICK of leveling tbh ). But I just did it out of pure impulse, and I don't regret it one bit! Such a refreshing and fun new class!
It's actually a great idea. Flex raid is meant for a guild that has a core 10-man raiding group, but then also has 6-7 people that aren't able to raid but want to raid. It still allows you to run the raid as a purely guild group or with a few pugs to fill out select roles. But the guild holds complete control. LFR still has its place. LFR is a place for people that can't get into a flex raid and can't get into their guilds 10-mans. It's also great for alts and such that aren't going to raid
If anyone is wondering about Storm, Earth and Fire. It is not a dps increase if used on the same target, however if used on two or three targets that you know will last more than 30 sec it is a dps increase. An example of when it could be used is Dark Shamans in Siege.
a few things 1.all 3 tier 3 talents are viable and chi brew is by far the hardest with having very small amounts of dps increases, and if you mess up at all its a dps loss. 2.procs dont come from mastery, just a passive abbility 3.theres no reason to wait until 10 stacks of tigerseye brew. if you are gonna be attacking for 15 seconds, use it. 4.once you get to 9500 haste, crit is better 5.if you put storm earth and fire on 2 mobs they each do an aoe and its a dps increase. (if aoetime>6 sec)
Great video preach helped a lot, but the only thing to say is the mastery changed from giving you free blackout kicks and tiger palms, that is now just a flat 15% passive. The new mastery is giving you a chance to gain double stacks of tiger eye brew.
Loving the guide Preach, but was reading up on noxxic and it says that DW is better than 2H, first had a thunder king polearm then i tried it out with a thunder king axe and SoO fist and lost 50% haste but with a 10k increase! feels slower attacking and energy regen is slower, but which would you reccomend a 2h or dual wileding?
ALSO it should be noted that you will get the most out of fists of fury if you wait to use it until after you have less than 30 energy, otherwise you will energy cap, and that is a loss of dps.
My personal favorite level 60 talent is the Ring of Peace, just for the reason that it makes phase 3 garrosh easier by miles. It is 2 AoE interrupts that you only have to hit one button for. The only downside is it also disarms the person who is silenced, but its better to disarm someone than wipe the raid because everyone is MCd.
Great video Preach! Just one thing the mastery on the WW monk doesnt give you the procs for tiger power and blackout kick ,it actually gives u a chance to generate 2 tigereye brew instead of 1
Also, Please dont use chi brew right at the start. Open with Double jab, then dump it with a TP > RSK, THEN use Chi brew to give you 4 chi again with the 2 charges. This also gives you TEB stacks and then dump again with a double BOK/RSK and that will give you 10 stacks easily possibly 12 which then saves you some work to rejen the TEB stacks. Also, stack haste till your comfortable and then work around crit. You dont need to over kill it.
A) Always ALWAYS have the blackout kick glyph B) Crit actually should take priority over haste for DW WW. C) Mastery in 5.4 is to increase generation of TE Brew. Lowest in reforge priority. Personally, i prefer celerity because on most boss fights you can simply roll straight to the position you want to be in. Leg sweep is better than you give it credit for, as there are a sizable amount of adds that can be CC'd with it in a group. Dampen magic is better in high end raiding than low end.
OK, I got two simple questions to ask. Now Jab/Expel Harm gives me two chi, and Tiger Palm uses one chi. What do I do with that left over chi? From the video it looks as if you ignore it, and don't worry about refreshing the ignore armor buff until it is about to run out or Tiger Palm is free. However, and I did read this somewhere, there is enough chi for another Tiger Palm which does more DPS than Jab. The second question is, do you try to get to four chi before using your Tiger Palm/Blackout Kick/Rising Sun Kick, or is it more of a Jab-Tiger Palm-Jab-Blackout Kick-Jab-Blackout Kick?
Preach I think you need to reassess this one. There were several mistakes made in your overall information. The Master was changed, twice in fact. The new one now gives a chance to generate extra TEB, with the free Tiger Palm and Black Out Kick being a passive proc. SEaF is also good for AoE as you can set each one on a different target and start your aoe rotation and they'll copy that, effectively increasing your AoE damage. There are also more stipulation behind effective use of FoF.
I am currently a 568 Wind Walker Monk14/14N 9/14H, Your rotation is correct, good job... First of all, Mastery now has a percentage based chance to generate an extra tiger eye brew. NEVER USE YOUR TIGER EYE BREW'S BEFORE REACHING 10 STACKS! talents: Momentum is good, I prefer Tiger's Lust, you can use it on yourself or get someone else out of a hairy situation. Dampen Harm is good for physical damage fights like Juggernaut, Nazgrim, Thok, Garrosh. DO NOT USE CHI BREW. you gain more chi AND tiger eye brew's from the energy regen of Ascension per minute, not to mention the extra chi flexibility, and you can gain 2 chi before the fight starts simply by using Expel Harm. as for stats, speaking mainly in terms of 536+ Item level: obviously hit and exp to 7.5, take haste to 8000 or so soft cap. 9300 HARD CAP, or 14 energy per second then dump the rest into crit. mastery is your lowest priority stat and should NEVER be favored over the other two. Xuen is your best talent for single target bosses use him at the very start of the fight ITS A DPS LOSS to wait for brews especially if you're using bloodlust/heroism at the start. any other boss where there is 3 or more targets on the field take Rushing Jade Wind and keep it up 100%, use S. E. & F. if there is 2 OR MORE TARGETS use this for AOE pulls AND BOSSES. 2 flex 1 handers are better than a normal warforged 2 hander because: faster melee and 2 enchants. glyphs: Touch of Karma, Touch of Death and Spinning Crane Kick. and minor glyph of Blackout Kick. Also: MONK 4 SET IS GARBAGE! you spend 40 chi to save 1 after you use tiger eye brew. and get more of your useful stats off of warforged offset pieces. DO NOT GO FOR FOUR SET.
For the record I've started using chi brew religiously as well as geming primarily for agility. with chi brew, if you use it right you can stack 10 brews within about 6 seconds of a pull and compete with hunter burst fairly easily. I burst over 700k on heroic fights relatively easily.
I know it's old but Xuen does not benefit from TEB: Xuen is not affected by Tigereye Brew or anything else that increases your damage by a percentage; only direct buffs to your attack power / crit rating / haste rating will be transferred.
But Storm, Earth, and Fire is a godsend! D; with it active on your targets, you can instantly use Transendence with it to warp to the target instantly thus making it an extremely useful additional mobility tool! D; like a grappling line! On 2 targets it teleports you to the closes one. And the attacks it mimics extends past its 40 yd range summoning req. Example: Transendance cast after Storm, Earth, and Fire applied, right when Matter swap was casted on you
preachy i think storm fire earth is an actual DPS increase for more than 3 targets you dont need to have them all just pop one and spam spinning crane kick it will give you 20% more dmg
Also, can any windwalkers confirm; haste over crit? Should you just aim for 14 energy per second and then go crit, or should you just go crit all the way?
Nice guide preach. I've been wondering about managing fist of fury. Should I use it (assuming is not gonna interfere with the rising sun kick CD) even if it means that by using it I'm going to be capping energy for a few seconds?.
on a side note.... why was the background music lament of the highborn? i mean in mot complaining i love that piece but, why was it the background music for the DPS monk video?
There is an item (I think a locket) that plays it. You can see a banshee on the right in the video. The locket summons four banshees that sing the tune.
You shouldn't only stack haste, you should get it to around 6-7k then go full crit. Mastery does not proc free Tiger Power/Blackout kick, it was changed it 5.2, and then again in 5.4 to give you a chance to an extra Tigereye brew stack. Storm Earth and Fire should ALWAYS be up if there are more then one target as it will be a dps increase. UNLESS the targets are going to die in just a few seconds. It works with Spinning Crane Kick and the dps increase is pretty damn amazing
guys quick quesstion isit a huge loss if u pick ascensinon over chi brew? cause i can't use it efficiently should i push myself to use it or is it not that much of a deal>?
yo Preach , you forgot to mention one glyph , the glyph of blackout kick ( dot also aplied if you are in front of the target ). Thats actually a good increase of monks dps ,
Actually it was Darkmaster Grandling with the Polymorphic Acid, on normal single target fights I do 250-337K depending when we BL. If we Bl when I have 17 stacks of Powerade, Elsen ish a happy girl.
I heard that you shouldn't use Fists of Fury if you are going to cap on energy, but you capped a few times while doing it. Confirm or deny? I want to make sure I am doing the best dps I can, that includes clipping energy, etc.
You should try to not cap yourself, but we have quite high energy regen, so it's going to happen now and then. My advice is to pop Rushing Jade just before you cast FOF, to throw away some energy (which still does damage whilst FOF is casting.)
At higher gear levels you cap energy too much. You should only be using FoF if the 4 things are true: 1. Rising Sun Kick doesn't come off CD when you channel. 2. You don't hit max energy while channeling. 3. Tiger Power has at least 5s left on the buff. 4. Your FoF won't break from movement or not hit target. At the gear levels in SoO, the fights are so mobile and you have such high energy regen that using Blackout Kick is usually best. This also depends on whether you use Chi Brew or Ascension and your ilvl. Hope this helped!
I know this seems a little late and I am new to wow and your video's help me out massively, anyways I was hoping that you could do a tutorial on TMW setup for your WW Monk as it is my main and I don't understand TMW
Too much misinformation to be useful for heroic raiding and it's probably from a lack of time playing the class which is understandable. Good beginner guide though preach
No, haste to personal softcap(anywhere between 9k-15k depending on trinkets and preference) then crit, and don't use Ascension. Chi Brew is straight up better.
Don't know man.. I thing storm earth and fire is a really nice spell. Tooltip is big but not because of debuffs shoved into it. It's just a really clear explanation
I can see the use of FoF on a lower level WW rotation but when u get enaugh haste i really dont see the use of it, in my raids i get higher dps if i dont use FoF. Nad about the stats, haste is only good til u get too about 7K ish, the crit will pull ahead. Anyway, nice vid and GZ on being a dad :)
I have seen bit split thinking of Storm, Earth and Fires Damage split. So what i think is it increases your damage by 20%, You do 60% of your normal damage and your illusion does same, won't that be 60+60=120 if you attack same target as your illusion?
***** Checked it out. True, Illusion does not do any other than Auto attacks if you are attacking same target, this means no damage from Tiger Palm, Jab or any other special attacks. Kinda was wondering 10 energy for 20% damage bonus, but it was false thinking.
This is an older comment but your SEF clones won't damage a target that you're attacking so it's useless to use it on 1 target. A couple of examples of when I use SEF is on any fight where boss/adds share HP. Take Heroic Protectors for example. Sorrow/Gloom/Misery all share an HP pool so if you have spirits on all three and blast a TeB you deal MASSIVE damage and bring the mobs down fast. I also use them on Garrosh to kill the weapon while I stay on the boss. Again those are just a couple of examples but SEF is a significant DPS boost.
Great guide, but honestly... there is very little advantage in using Fists of Fury once you get past something like 520ilvl... the dps is not worth the perfect rotation needed to execute it. It's useful for stunning adds and stuff, but just not needed outside of that.
It's a good guide for absolute beginners to the class but further than that this guide would probably be a disadvantage to your DPS, there's some bad enchants, gems and general stat advice in this video, not bad though
as someone who has recently mained a WW monk, (from a ret paladin) i have to disagree with the "storm earth and fire" point you brought up. getting used to it while leveling saved my ass NUMEROUS times, and in certain raid situations (ie SoO Fallen Protectors) i'm EASILY pushing 200k dps in 515 gear. it';s stupidly overpowered if you use it right
I gotta disagree on the 3rd tier im using ascension my self which is working out great for me i know Chi brew might be the optimal to take but Ascension is good to
I agree with a lot of those examples, except the slimes on Dark shaman. If you are melee and anywhere near the slimes, then someone fucked up and the melee is probably dead.
The windwalker mastery actually has a chance to generate an extra charge of Tiger's Eye brew. The procs you are talking about are the result of the passive called "Combo Breaker". Still, nothing that breaks how the guide is explained.
just sayin like the video of were he was showing storm fire earth it is amazing if u use rushing jade wind because ur illuisions will also use it and its an overall beast for aoe in any amount just sayin
Not completely. If you have both your trinkets procced you have to use TEB at that moment to, doesnt matter if it is not 10 stacks yet. So in a lot of cases you should also use TEB with ~7 stacks because 2 proccs + 7 TEB > 10 TEB without trinket proccs. That easy.
Gradual gear progression in the game will naturally nerf content to make it easier for players who haven't done it yet capable of doing it. Nerfing it makes it easier to complete and so means they can rush through it more times. Something only holds someones attention for so long and so they burn out on it and leave. An easy example of burn out like this is shown in Dragon Soul where even heroic level was not enough.
I thought i could get some good infos on here since i stoped playing my monk and wow quite a while ago. Kinda disappointed abt how he talked about the usage of fist of fury. Also earth wind and fire is a massive dps boost in aoe situations together with spinning crane kick and if you want to even do more aoe, like as i said siege of orgrimmar trash or stuff like that, earth wind and fire + rushing jadewind + spinning crane kick will do crazy dps.
preach just an tipp to make insane AOE dps INSANE ... use 2,fire than use rushing jadewind and than be sure to have your 2 buffs up tiger... and sunkick ... and than use furorfists ... you make INSANE dps ^^
I myself am a heroic monk raider and dont go above the about 22% haste since you get to 30% buffed and no longer get your energy regen increased by haste
Lvl 60 talents now have a purpose. Especially in LFR's with complete boneheads as your teammates. General Nazgrim, the whirlwind adds hurt like a bitch it your dont stun them, Leg sweep is amazing for it! But Ox wave also could help. never explained touch of karma never explained energizing brew 8.expel harm is a great abbility to use while not in range which you forgot to mention 9. the criteria for fist of fury is -not going to energy cap -tiger palm will stay up -you will not postpone rising sun kick
I disagree with your view on Storm, Earth and Fire... It's is amazing ! Gearing my monk at the moment, I was in a flex run on Protectors (2nd boss SoO) SE&F used all fight on all 3 mobs, switching between each. Was beating players 20 item levels higher.
Crazy lookin back, this class is my baby and she's changed so much
Same here. Loved the Mists/WoD era of Monk. Still play it and enjoy it today, but man did they butcher Mistweaver. It used to be so unique and fun. At least Windwalker is still pretty solid and enjoyable.
@@ventem its not like legion ww :P
@@viggecokarlittecola4655 Legion was peak WW
This shit looks so much more interesting than any rotation BFA has to offer >.>
I was extremely hesitant on boosting a monk ( I've been playing wow since 1 week after vanilla first launched... I am SICK of leveling tbh ). But I just did it out of pure impulse, and I don't regret it one bit! Such a refreshing and fun new class!
Storm, Earth, and Fire is insanely OP. I use it when I fight council-type boss fights and my DPS is usually in the half million range.
It's actually a great idea. Flex raid is meant for a guild that has a core 10-man raiding group, but then also has 6-7 people that aren't able to raid but want to raid. It still allows you to run the raid as a purely guild group or with a few pugs to fill out select roles. But the guild holds complete control.
LFR still has its place. LFR is a place for people that can't get into a flex raid and can't get into their guilds 10-mans. It's also great for alts and such that aren't going to raid
If anyone is wondering about Storm, Earth and Fire. It is not a dps increase if used on the same target, however if used on two or three targets that you know will last more than 30 sec it is a dps increase. An example of when it could be used is Dark Shamans in Siege.
GODDAMNIT, 5 minutes advertisement, and i was in a game that i couldn't tab out of.
Fucking awesome, Google.
a few things
1.all 3 tier 3 talents are viable and chi brew is by far the hardest with having very small amounts of dps increases, and if you mess up at all its a dps loss.
2.procs dont come from mastery, just a passive abbility
3.theres no reason to wait until 10 stacks of tigerseye brew. if you are gonna be attacking for 15 seconds, use it.
4.once you get to 9500 haste, crit is better
5.if you put storm earth and fire on 2 mobs they each do an aoe and its a dps increase. (if aoetime>6 sec)
Great video preach helped a lot, but the only thing to say is the mastery changed from giving you free blackout kicks and tiger palms, that is now just a flat 15% passive. The new mastery is giving you a chance to gain double stacks of tiger eye brew.
Loving the guide Preach, but was reading up on noxxic and it says that DW is better than 2H, first had a thunder king polearm then i tried it out with a thunder king axe and SoO fist and lost 50% haste but with a 10k increase! feels slower attacking and energy regen is slower, but which would you reccomend a 2h or dual wileding?
I miss mop so much
ALSO it should be noted that you will get the most out of fists of fury if you wait to use it until after you have less than 30 energy, otherwise you will energy cap, and that is a loss of dps.
Leveling a monk on a mop private server and it’s so good
My personal favorite level 60 talent is the Ring of Peace, just for the reason that it makes phase 3 garrosh easier by miles. It is 2 AoE interrupts that you only have to hit one button for. The only downside is it also disarms the person who is silenced, but its better to disarm someone than wipe the raid because everyone is MCd.
Great video Preach! Just one thing the mastery on the WW monk doesnt give you the procs for tiger power and blackout kick ,it actually gives u a chance to generate 2 tigereye brew instead of 1
Also, Please dont use chi brew right at the start. Open with Double jab, then dump it with a TP > RSK, THEN use Chi brew to give you 4 chi again with the 2 charges. This also gives you TEB stacks and then dump again with a double BOK/RSK and that will give you 10 stacks easily possibly 12 which then saves you some work to rejen the TEB stacks. Also, stack haste till your comfortable and then work around crit. You dont need to over kill it.
I love Earth Wind and Fire, it has its time and place, it increases my DPS dramatically in the right moments.
Cheers to the best guide class/spec guide on youtube.
A) Always ALWAYS have the blackout kick glyph
B) Crit actually should take priority over haste for DW WW.
C) Mastery in 5.4 is to increase generation of TE Brew. Lowest in reforge priority.
Personally, i prefer celerity because on most boss fights you can simply roll straight to the position you want to be in. Leg sweep is better than you give it credit for, as there are a sizable amount of adds that can be CC'd with it in a group. Dampen magic is better in high end raiding than low end.
OK, I got two simple questions to ask. Now Jab/Expel Harm gives me two chi, and Tiger Palm uses one chi. What do I do with that left over chi? From the video it looks as if you ignore it, and don't worry about refreshing the ignore armor buff until it is about to run out or Tiger Palm is free. However, and I did read this somewhere, there is enough chi for another Tiger Palm which does more DPS than Jab.
The second question is, do you try to get to four chi before using your Tiger Palm/Blackout Kick/Rising Sun Kick, or is it more of a Jab-Tiger Palm-Jab-Blackout Kick-Jab-Blackout Kick?
Preach I think you need to reassess this one. There were several mistakes made in your overall information. The Master was changed, twice in fact. The new one now gives a chance to generate extra TEB, with the free Tiger Palm and Black Out Kick being a passive proc.
SEaF is also good for AoE as you can set each one on a different target and start your aoe rotation and they'll copy that, effectively increasing your AoE damage.
There are also more stipulation behind effective use of FoF.
Thanks Preach. Im sure the little guy is keeping you busy. As always, excellent content.
"Storm, Earth, and Fire" the novel by Blizzard. Chapter 1: The Early Years
I thought you were good at the game, Preach. These guides are proving me wrong.
ooo... the Lament of the Highborne playing in the baground in the begin. :3
Nice vid from preach as always. =)
I am currently a 568 Wind Walker Monk14/14N 9/14H,
Your rotation is correct, good job... First of all, Mastery now has a percentage based chance to generate an extra tiger eye brew. NEVER USE YOUR TIGER EYE BREW'S BEFORE REACHING 10 STACKS! talents: Momentum is good, I prefer Tiger's Lust, you can use it on yourself or get someone else out of a hairy situation. Dampen Harm is good for physical damage fights like Juggernaut, Nazgrim, Thok, Garrosh. DO NOT USE CHI BREW. you gain more chi AND tiger eye brew's from the energy regen of Ascension per minute, not to mention the extra chi flexibility, and you can gain 2 chi before the fight starts simply by using Expel Harm. as for stats, speaking mainly in terms of 536+ Item level: obviously hit and exp to 7.5, take haste to 8000 or so soft cap. 9300 HARD CAP, or 14 energy per second then dump the rest into crit. mastery is your lowest priority stat and should NEVER be favored over the other two. Xuen is your best talent for single target bosses use him at the very start of the fight ITS A DPS LOSS to wait for brews especially if you're using bloodlust/heroism at the start. any other boss where there is 3 or more targets on the field take Rushing Jade Wind and keep it up 100%, use S. E. & F. if there is 2 OR MORE TARGETS use this for AOE pulls AND BOSSES. 2 flex 1 handers are better than a normal warforged 2 hander because: faster melee and 2 enchants. glyphs: Touch of Karma, Touch of Death and Spinning Crane Kick. and minor glyph of Blackout Kick. Also: MONK 4 SET IS GARBAGE! you spend 40 chi to save 1 after you use tiger eye brew. and get more of your useful stats off of warforged offset pieces. DO NOT GO FOR FOUR SET.
Thanks man that actually really helped me out
For the record I've started using chi brew religiously as well as geming primarily for agility. with chi brew, if you use it right you can stack 10 brews within about 6 seconds of a pull and compete with hunter burst fairly easily. I burst over 700k on heroic fights relatively easily.
Diffuse magic is better for Garrosh.
Chi Brew is a lot better once you have a decent amount of haste where you're not running out of energy all the time
I know it's old but Xuen does not benefit from TEB: Xuen is not affected by Tigereye Brew or anything else that increases your damage by a percentage; only direct buffs to your attack power / crit rating / haste rating will be transferred.
But Storm, Earth, and Fire is a godsend! D; with it active on your targets, you can instantly use Transendence with it to warp to the target instantly thus making it an extremely useful additional mobility tool! D; like a grappling line! On 2 targets it teleports you to the closes one. And the attacks it mimics extends past its 40 yd range summoning req. Example: Transendance cast after Storm, Earth, and Fire applied, right when Matter swap was casted on you
preachy i think storm fire earth is an actual DPS increase for more than 3 targets you dont need to have them all just pop one and spam spinning crane kick it will give you 20% more dmg
What addon did he say to get at 7:20?
I believe it was TellMeWhen
Also, can any windwalkers confirm; haste over crit? Should you just aim for 14 energy per second and then go crit, or should you just go crit all the way?
oh! whats that song in the background?
Is it Sylvanas theme song? or her sister...?
Nice guide preach. I've been wondering about managing fist of fury. Should I use it (assuming is not gonna interfere with the rising sun kick CD) even if it means that by using it I'm going to be capping energy for a few seconds?.
Could you make an addon video or just tell us what addons you use in the description?
on a side note.... why was the background music lament of the highborn? i mean in mot complaining i love that piece but, why was it the background music for the DPS monk video?
There is an item (I think a locket) that plays it. You can see a banshee on the right in the video. The locket summons four banshees that sing the tune.
I miss MOP 😢
Whats the addon you use that shows when tiger palm was about to go away (blue bars to the left of your screen)
Tell me when
class timer
You shouldn't only stack haste, you should get it to around 6-7k then go full crit.
Mastery does not proc free Tiger Power/Blackout kick, it was changed it 5.2, and then again in 5.4 to give you a chance to an extra Tigereye brew stack.
Storm Earth and Fire should ALWAYS be up if there are more then one target as it will be a dps increase. UNLESS the targets are going to die in just a few seconds. It works with Spinning Crane Kick and the dps increase is pretty damn amazing
To all the people in the comments, Ascension is NOT better than Chi Brew, not since the change where Chi Brew actually allow's mastery proc's.
He just said storm earth and fire is a bad spell. Everything you said before that just got nullified. That is honestly the best spell a monk has...
MoP Classic announced. back for a refresher for my new main
@491drpepper He has a video of the ui and the total pack on his account somewhere.
this guide still relevant today in 6.3 or whatever we are in now?
You said with more than 3 targets to simply use spinning crane kick, why not SEF and then spam spinning crane kick?
guys quick quesstion isit a huge loss if u pick ascensinon over chi brew? cause i can't use it efficiently should i push myself to use it or is it not that much of a deal>?
I've heard crit is the way to go before haste, what do you think about that Preach?
yo Preach , you forgot to mention one glyph , the glyph of blackout kick ( dot also aplied if you are in front of the target ). Thats actually a good increase of monks dps ,
Actually it was Darkmaster Grandling with the Polymorphic Acid, on normal single target fights I do 250-337K depending when we BL. If we Bl when I have 17 stacks of Powerade, Elsen ish a happy girl.
I use Zen Meditation for the huge magic damage, so I took healing Elixers, but to be fair I PvP a lot and played a part in my choice making
which is the realm that mike plays?
I heard that you shouldn't use Fists of Fury if you are going to cap on energy, but you capped a few times while doing it. Confirm or deny? I want to make sure I am doing the best dps I can, that includes clipping energy, etc.
You should try to not cap yourself, but we have quite high energy regen, so it's going to happen now and then. My advice is to pop Rushing Jade just before you cast FOF, to throw away some energy (which still does damage whilst FOF is casting.)
At higher gear levels you cap energy too much. You should only be using FoF if the 4 things are true: 1. Rising Sun Kick doesn't come off CD when you channel. 2. You don't hit max energy while channeling. 3. Tiger Power has at least 5s left on the buff. 4. Your FoF won't break from movement or not hit target. At the gear levels in SoO, the fights are so mobile and you have such high energy regen that using Blackout Kick is usually best. This also depends on whether you use Chi Brew or Ascension and your ilvl. Hope this helped!
Whats addon do you use to keep track on your cds for the abilitys?
it's tell me when
I know this seems a little late and I am new to wow and your video's help me out massively, anyways I was hoping that you could do a tutorial on TMW setup for your WW Monk as it is my main and I don't understand TMW
whats ur add ons in this video?
What is that cool-down add-on???
Too much misinformation to be useful for heroic raiding and it's probably from a lack of time playing the class which is understandable. Good beginner guide though preach
Crit+ascension tends to be the best on most fights for those who want confirmation
No, haste to personal softcap(anywhere between 9k-15k depending on trinkets and preference) then crit, and don't use Ascension. Chi Brew is straight up better.
Also Ascension is basically the one talent that is necessary
Is there a video that he says what adds he uses?
Don't know man.. I thing storm earth and fire is a really nice spell. Tooltip is big but not because of debuffs shoved into it. It's just a really clear explanation
is that eversong woods in the background?
I can see the use of FoF on a lower level WW rotation but when u get enaugh haste i really dont see the use of it, in my raids i get higher dps if i dont use FoF. Nad about the stats, haste is only good til u get too about 7K ish, the crit will pull ahead. Anyway, nice vid and GZ on being a dad :)
what addon is that above the mobs heads?
what's your recount addon called???
Why is "try not to cap energy" a thing? Isn't it better to pump out damage using chi, rather than capping chi and continue using Jab?
Reaching energy cap means you're wasting potential opportunities to get chi with jab, jade wind or crane kick.
what addons are being used here?
I really hope that monks don't get nerfed in WoD. They're too much fun to suddenly have blackout kick have a 3 sec cd.
Song name anyone? i know its mists of pandaria music but it's more trancey, can't find much on youtube
If you mean the background music during his video, it's Lament of the Highborne, Lady Sylvanas sings it.
would be cool if you added the add-ons you use in the discription
do you use tell me when or what do you use?
I have seen bit split thinking of Storm, Earth and Fires Damage split.
So what i think is it increases your damage by 20%, You do 60% of your normal damage and your illusion does same, won't that be 60+60=120 if you attack same target as your illusion?
kinda yes but you really dont notice that much more so not worth it
Checked it out.
True, Illusion does not do any other than Auto attacks if you are attacking same target, this means no damage from Tiger Palm, Jab or any other special attacks.
Kinda was wondering 10 energy for 20% damage bonus, but it was false thinking.
Storm, Earth, Fire, can be a DPS LOSS cuz it doesnt always boost ur dps, it can lower it..dont use it
This is an older comment but your SEF clones won't damage a target that you're attacking so it's useless to use it on 1 target. A couple of examples of when I use SEF is on any fight where boss/adds share HP. Take Heroic Protectors for example. Sorrow/Gloom/Misery all share an HP pool so if you have spirits on all three and blast a TeB you deal MASSIVE damage and bring the mobs down fast. I also use them on Garrosh to kill the weapon while I stay on the boss. Again those are just a couple of examples but SEF is a significant DPS boost.
What is it the Ui you're using called?
Great guide, but honestly... there is very little advantage in using Fists of Fury once you get past something like 520ilvl... the dps is not worth the perfect rotation needed to execute it. It's useful for stunning adds and stuff, but just not needed outside of that.
It's a good guide for absolute beginners to the class but further than that this guide would probably be a disadvantage to your DPS, there's some bad enchants, gems and general stat advice in this video, not bad though
as someone who has recently mained a WW monk, (from a ret paladin) i have to disagree with the "storm earth and fire" point you brought up. getting used to it while leveling saved my ass NUMEROUS times, and in certain raid situations (ie SoO Fallen Protectors) i'm EASILY pushing 200k dps in 515 gear. it';s stupidly overpowered if you use it right
I gotta disagree on the 3rd tier im using ascension my self which is working out great for me i know Chi brew might be the optimal to take but Ascension is good to
I agree with a lot of those examples, except the slimes on Dark shaman. If you are melee and anywhere near the slimes, then someone fucked up and the melee is probably dead.
Shouldnt Fist of fury unless below 50% energy so you don't energy cap
but during raiding youu would wanna be behind the boss except for encounters where its impossible like tortos
The windwalker mastery actually has a chance to generate an extra charge of Tiger's Eye brew. The procs you are talking about are the result of the passive called "Combo Breaker". Still, nothing that breaks how the guide is explained.
What addon is that?
thanks for this, my mistweaver just hit lvl 56, good to know how to talent tree and haste is king.
the onlu glyph u didnt mention is the only one that matters - glyph of blackout kick
I had assumed that this guide would included PVP rotation/talent specs as well. i was wrong. very wrong.
fyi, my son will be born around Feb 13. Another baller in the making.
just sayin like the video of were he was showing storm fire earth it is amazing if u use rushing jade wind because ur illuisions will also use it and its an overall beast for aoe in any amount just sayin
Not completely. If you have both your trinkets procced you have to use TEB at that moment to, doesnt matter if it is not 10 stacks yet. So in a lot of cases you should also use TEB with ~7 stacks because 2 proccs + 7 TEB > 10 TEB without trinket proccs. That easy.
Gradual gear progression in the game will naturally nerf content to make it easier for players who haven't done it yet capable of doing it. Nerfing it makes it easier to complete and so means they can rush through it more times. Something only holds someones attention for so long and so they burn out on it and leave. An easy example of burn out like this is shown in Dragon Soul where even heroic level was not enough.
if you check his channel or even type it into youtube you will find his ui video
I thought i could get some good infos on here since i stoped playing my monk and wow quite a while ago. Kinda disappointed abt how he talked about the usage of fist of fury. Also earth wind and fire is a massive dps boost in aoe situations together with spinning crane kick and if you want to even do more aoe, like as i said siege of orgrimmar trash or stuff like that, earth wind and fire + rushing jadewind + spinning crane kick will do crazy dps.
preach just an tipp to make insane AOE dps INSANE ... use 2,fire than use rushing jadewind and than be sure to have your 2 buffs up tiger... and sunkick ... and than use furorfists ... you make INSANE dps ^^
i miss the live comentary gameplays :|
still, great vid preach.
got my monk to 90 last niight and it is so much fun to play :D loving it.
You should use the glyph that always gives blackout kick a DOT :)
Why do you go haste instead of crit?
haste increases ur dps while crit only does extra damage, u can stack both it aint that hard
I myself am a heroic monk raider and dont go above the about 22% haste since you get to 30% buffed and no longer get your energy regen increased by haste
Lvl 60 talents now have a purpose. Especially in LFR's with complete boneheads as your teammates. General Nazgrim, the whirlwind adds hurt like a bitch it your dont stun them, Leg sweep is amazing for it! But Ox wave also could help. never explained touch of karma never explained energizing brew
8.expel harm is a great abbility to use while not in range which you forgot to mention
9. the criteria for fist of fury is
-not going to energy cap
-tiger palm will stay up
-you will not postpone rising sun kick
I disagree with your view on Storm, Earth and Fire... It's is amazing ! Gearing my monk at the moment, I was in a flex run on Protectors (2nd boss SoO) SE&F used all fight on all 3 mobs, switching between each. Was beating players 20 item levels higher.
Preach what UI addons you use?
It's ElvUI
Good guide for beginners but really if you are already 14/14 normal you will know that some things mentioned in the guide aren't exactly true.
someone please tell me the damage font addon?