Insanely Heated Debate vs Glenn Greenwald

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @destiny
    @destiny  8 месяцев назад +94

    Expert Analyst Challenges Destiny, Gets Basic Facts Wrong

    • @tnndll4294
      @tnndll4294 8 месяцев назад +5

      Wish Destiny would limit debates with crazy people like Greenwald & Alex Jones.

    • @mikelivingood7797
      @mikelivingood7797 8 месяцев назад +2

      So Destiny when had a debate where he was supposed to prove J6th was an insurrection, says the protesters do not matter. Trump sending fake electors was a coup. I listened to everyone's opening statements no one said coup, everyone said insurrection. This is called moving the goalposts which is a debating tactic when you do not have a strong argument. If the facts are against you, argue the law, if the law is against you argue the facts, if the facts and law are against you pound the table and yell like hell. This is Destiny's pound the table and yell like hell video.

    • @angeltonny1746
      @angeltonny1746 8 месяцев назад


    • @gregor9189
      @gregor9189 8 месяцев назад +42

      @@tnndll4294 Destiny is the crazy one pal.

    • @groverrogers6916
      @groverrogers6916 8 месяцев назад +43

      ​@@gregor9189after watching this I realized how out of touch with reality Destiny is.

  • @joebe123
    @joebe123 8 месяцев назад +2111

    " there weren't thousands, there were only two thousand" -- Glenn Greenwald 2024

    • @TurtleChad1
      @TurtleChad1 8 месяцев назад +63

      Two thousand peaceful protesters

    • @DeliveringSolutions
      @DeliveringSolutions 8 месяцев назад +45

      No, from the snippet at the beginning, of which we don't see the entire context, Greenwald was just stating that Destiny had said that there were not more than 2 thousand people in the capitol building. But for real, until we see the entire part of that conversation, I think it is not wise to quote something without first seeing the entire point.... i.e. I'm giving Greenwald the benefit of the doubt. If you have ever watched Greenwald debate before, he is very articulate and does his research. The first part of this video is Destiny replaying clips of the 2 hour and 51 minute video and he knows his audience will not likely watch the entire thing.
      It's wise for Destiny to put clips at the beginning to make it look like he dominated the debate. The proof is in the pudding.
      I can't say more until I watch it. The video was just uploaded twenty something minutes ago....

    • @dawnkeyy
      @dawnkeyy 8 месяцев назад +13

      ​@@TurtleChad1Protestors might be too harsh. A slightly peeved group is what I'd call em

    • @chandlers6778
      @chandlers6778 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@DeliveringSolutions you said a lot so

    • @100AcreWoodz1
      @100AcreWoodz1 8 месяцев назад +43

      Bro. Imagine if 2000 people were outside glenns house throwing dookie at his windows and the police cheif waited 3 hours to do something about it

  • @darkmatchsteve9963
    @darkmatchsteve9963 8 месяцев назад +1128

    It’s hard to understand both sides without Alex Jones screaming

    • @TheBadGab
      @TheBadGab 8 месяцев назад +38

      Already a classic

    • @KennedyIvy
      @KennedyIvy 8 месяцев назад +57

      I just opened a new tab with Alex screaming while I listened to this debate. Makes it easier

    • @Pemmican1871
      @Pemmican1871 8 месяцев назад +14

      @@KennedyIvy I have it opened for 24 hours every day. Makes life easier

    • @bash555
      @bash555 8 месяцев назад

      I got to have Alex screaming in the background to orgasm with my wife

    • @Deathwhitch
      @Deathwhitch 8 месяцев назад +11

      That fact that Jones unintentionaly keep Glen from talking makes him an accidental hero. True patriot. I'm gonna go buy his video game now

  • @tjbes
    @tjbes 7 месяцев назад +32

    Wow, Glen Greenwald could go to the Olympics with all the mental gymnastics he’s doing.

    • @jdarmin
      @jdarmin Месяц назад

      and Destiny must be the Larry Nassar of those gymnastics given how hard he f*cked Greenwald

  • @hmkhgx8068
    @hmkhgx8068 8 месяцев назад +463

    Saying "peacefully" is the right wing "in a video game"

    • @GDJ113
      @GDJ113 8 месяцев назад

      And if the woman floats then she's a witch

    • @CynicalGear
      @CynicalGear 8 месяцев назад +19

      What are you even trying to say?

    • @thulyblu5486
      @thulyblu5486 8 месяцев назад +52

      @@CynicalGear Some people incite violence and follow that up with "... in a video game" just to get plausible deniability just in case. OP says the right does the same with inserting the word "peacefully"

    • @thulyblu5486
      @thulyblu5486 8 месяцев назад +20

      wasn't the excusing-the-riots-brigade saying they're "mostly peaceful" pretty much all left wing? ...

    • @CynicalGear
      @CynicalGear 8 месяцев назад +23

      @@thulyblu5486 well, that’s just a stupid statement then. Especially because destiny has made the same argument when it comes to Ray Epps. In the debate against drone tech destiny Consistently regurgitated the fact that Ray Epps once, after being called out as a feds said do it “peacefully”. But now it doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to Trump.

  • @iknowyourname36
    @iknowyourname36 8 месяцев назад +78


    • @IAmTheBugInsideYou
      @IAmTheBugInsideYou 8 месяцев назад +2

      No it was to Donald! Pence is his VP, HE HAS TO SHOW HIS LOYALTY!

    • @SaltyCorpsman
      @SaltyCorpsman 8 месяцев назад +8

      I was getting a little irritated by that as well. There is a difference between legal and illegal orders. Of course, I suppose that is up to each individual service member’s subjective interpretation. We aren’t all lawyers, and you’d be hard pressed to find lawyers that agree on what is legal or not. To Glenn’s credit, there would be those that would have probably followed those orders. It does, lend some credit to his point. However, destiny is correct, it would be a horrible look if Trump had to take military action to effectuate a coup. It’s optically more appealing for a large popular uprising ushering in trump. Reminds me of Julius Caesar, 3 times he denied the crown.
      Sorry to ramble.

    • @actionalex3611
      @actionalex3611 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@SaltyCorpsman And the fact that Millie had actually been taking steps in case Trump would have moved towards that.

    • @SaltyCorpsman
      @SaltyCorpsman 8 месяцев назад

      @@actionalex3611 A valid point. There are enough safeguards within the system to prevent something like this. It isn’t fool proof, but I am confident that it is very unlikely to ever really be tried. Had this been a planned coup, I seriously believe there would have been more blood in the streets.

    • @gsfouroone5045
      @gsfouroone5045 7 месяцев назад +1

      They swear an oath to the Constitution and Commander in Chief. So, they are required to follow the POTUS orders unless they formally refuse or resign. This is the oath military must swear for enlistement: "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

  • @travisclementsmith6949
    @travisclementsmith6949 Месяц назад +2

    Wasn't the official protest confined to the Elipse? When Trump directed them to the Capitol, didn't he direct them to commit an illegal act? Therefore, the only legal protesters are the ones who didn't go to the Capitol. The level of violent intent, therefore, increases for those who move beyond the March to the Capitol to actually entering the Capitol. The last escalation occurs from those escalating violence against the officers. Whether or not the majority do not realize the crowd is being used as cover for the more concentrated and purposeful activity does diminish the act of insurrection.

  • @GO-GO_SO-SO
    @GO-GO_SO-SO 8 месяцев назад +293

    I personally think that the most annoying part of Conservatives denying the facts is that if a president on the left had said and did the exact same thing the day of and leading up to that day, they would be singing a completely different tune. But since it is someone on their side, they nearly injure themselves pivoting and reaching for whataboutisms.

    • @MustardSkaven
      @MustardSkaven 8 месяцев назад +47

      That's not a conservative problem. That's a problem of how partisan/divided the US is.
      That goes both ways. The US is obviously divided into 2 camps right now politically and each side is in an echo chamber and unwilling to consider the other.
      I'm a European and when I saw how the "fine people on both sides" got played out in the US, it became very clear how polarised US citizens are.

    • @jackeagleeye3453
      @jackeagleeye3453 8 месяцев назад +55

      @@MustardSkaven Actually there was a study done recently that MAGA voters in particular are a lot more inclined to lie on their beliefs and views and how things play out. The US is divided, but with MAGA the problem is a lot more prevalent.

    • @ConsciousExpression
      @ConsciousExpression 8 месяцев назад +41

      @@MustardSkaven No it doesn't go both ways. We are perfectly capable of saying that people on our side are corrupt. For example who do you see defending the Senator who got caught taking bribes from Egypt? Oh right, nobody. Nobody is whatabouting that and trying to say it's not as bad as stuff Trump did.
      The right is the party of changing the subject and avoiding the topic. Period.

    • @BlackHeartRC
      @BlackHeartRC 8 месяцев назад +26

      Glenn’s not conservative at all

    • @unicorn73212
      @unicorn73212 8 месяцев назад

      ​​@@jackeagleeye3453yeah a lot of these extremist groups want to over throw democracy they were actually very wise for sueing that guy because nobody wants a dictator in office sometimes I scroll past those Magda videos because there not conservatives there more like Nazis banning together to try and destroy this country and turn back the clock they don't even take care of there own women but they want to fly to other countries and try to steal there women. That group is asking for problems because they don't want to change they don't want to help people they just want the title of leader just so they know what it feels like to enslave people for their own personal benefit they certainly don't represent all men but they are usually the loudest.

  • @owenschmidt1608
    @owenschmidt1608 8 месяцев назад +125

    The most insane thing about this debate is that Glenn greenwald has an entire multi-million dollar complex in Brazil to give his news and he's putting out in 1080p and then this silly internet girl over here is broadcasting in 4K brutal

    • @highway955
      @highway955 7 месяцев назад

      The silly internet girl tore this Glenn moron a new asshole though

    • @davidalvarez7262
      @davidalvarez7262 7 месяцев назад +1


    • @MrParedex
      @MrParedex 7 месяцев назад +10

      Internet in Brazil absolutely sucks

    • @wizzzer1337
      @wizzzer1337 7 месяцев назад

      Resmaxxing mogging is real

    • @TransKidsMafia
      @TransKidsMafia 7 месяцев назад +2

      Please pray for Amish trans kids. Please pray for the trans kids of Sentinel island.

  • @kaykwanu
    @kaykwanu 7 месяцев назад +6

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:00 🏛️ *The debate focuses on whether the events of January 6th constituted an insurrection.*
    01:23 📺 *Video evidence shows thousands outside the Capitol, engaging in violence.*
    02:05 💬 *Greenwald argues that the scale of violence on January 6th doesn't meet the threshold for an insurrection.*
    18:40 🚨 *Destiny refutes the notion that the January 6th events weren't a serious threat, pointing out the potential consequences if the situation had escalated further.*
    21:00 📉 *Destiny argues that a specific percentage of violence is needed to classify an event as an insurrection or coup, but Greenwald believes such terms lack fixed definitions and depend on perspective and context.*
    22:22 🧩 *Greenwald argues that the January 6 events did not pose a significant threat due to the lack of numbers and organization among participants, comparing it to historical events like the Vagner Rebellion in Russia.*
    25:26 🗳️ *Destiny highlights the historic significance of the January 6 event, being the first time the certification of electoral votes was delayed due to protesters, challenging the notion of minimal disruption.*
    30:49 🤔 *Destiny uses "Loki's wager" to counter Greenwald's argument about the scale of the event, suggesting that the magnitude of an insurrection should not be downplayed based on comparisons with more extreme events.*
    33:35 🔍 *Greenwald emphasizes the importance of historical comparisons to contextualize events like January 6, questioning the authenticity of narratives that align with partisan agendas without historical precedent.*
    38:44 📜 *Jack Smith, an aggressive prosecutor, did not charge Donald Trump with inciting or participating in an insurrection, suggesting it would be difficult to prove.*
    41:58 💼 *Despite Jack Smith's prosecutorial aggressiveness, no prosecutor, including Smith, accused Trump of inciting or participating in an insurrection, raising questions about the feasibility of proving such charges.*
    43:34 🤔 *Historical precedent shows that individuals were not charged with insurrection even in significant events like the Civil War, indicating that lack of charges does not negate the occurrence of an insurrection.*
    45:10 🗡️ *Trump's failure to utilize executive powers to perpetrate a coup, like commanding the military, suggests his intent wasn't insurrectionary but rather aimed at delaying the certification of election results.*
    49:07 🧐 *Trump's inaction during the Capitol riot, despite having authority and responsibility, raises questions about his intentions, indicating his focus may have been on delaying the certification of the election results rather than staging a coup.*
    55:40 🧠 *Glenn Greenwald emphasizes the ease of peacefully dispersing the Capitol protesters after three hours, highlighting the event's absurdity.*
    57:59 💬 *Glenn Greenwald argues against comparing the Bolivia election controversy to Trump's fraud claims, emphasizing the differences in the allegations.*
    01:00:33 🔍 *Destiny presses Glenn Greenwald on how the Capitol rioters gained entry, emphasizing their use of force to break in despite police resistance.*
    01:01:17 🤔 *Destiny challenges Glenn Greenwald on the casualty count of the Capitol riot, highlighting the absence of deaths directly caused by rioters.*
    01:10:07 🔍 *Greenwald questions the severity of the Capitol riot threat, contrasting it with historical coup attempts and emphasizing the lack of meaningful danger posed by the rioters.*
    01:12:44 📺 *Greenwald challenges the portrayal of January 6th as a clear-cut event, highlighting nuances in police conduct and media coverage.*
    01:13:54 🗣️ *Pelosi's rejection of Republican nominees for the January 6th commission is discussed, with accusations of partisanship from both sides.*
    01:15:21 💬 *Greenwald argues that Pelosi's commission choices were partisan, while Destiny defends the rejection of certain Republican nominees.*
    01:16:44 💼 *Greenwald criticizes Pelosi for rejecting Republican commission nominees, stating it undermined bipartisanship.*
    01:17:10 🔍 *Greenwald accuses the January 6th commission of crafting a narrative filled with lies and selective video footage.*
    01:19:36 🔥 *Debate intensifies as Greenwald and Destiny clash over the significance of video footage showing police guiding protesters inside the Capitol.*
    01:22:48 💡 *Greenwald argues that most Capitol protesters were nonviolent, challenging the portrayal of January 6th as a grave threat to democracy.*
    01:26:28 🧠 *Greenwald and Destiny debate whether January 6th constitutes an insurrection, highlighting differing interpretations of events.*
    01:29:34 🏛️ *Trump's supporters went to the Capitol on Jan 6 as he directed, aiming to disrupt the certification of the vote.*
    01:31:12 🗣️ *Destiny emphasizes the importance of analyzing the entirety of Trump's speech and subsequent actions, suggesting they incited violence and attempted to subvert the electoral process.*
    01:32:49 🚨 *Destiny argues that Trump's failure to immediately call off the rioters and deploy the National Guard demonstrates his culpability in the events of Jan 6.*
    01:39:13 💬 *Greenwald questions why, if Trump intended an insurrection, he publicly urged for peaceful protest and later told rioters to go home.*
    01:45:59 💬 *Greenwald highlights the State Department's labeling of events in other countries as coups and insurrections, suggesting a long history of such terminology use.*
    01:47:08 🧐 *Greenwald argues against trivializing terms like "insurrection" by examining historical context beyond the Trump era.*
    01:48:30 💡 *Greenwald distinguishes between political protests causing delays and genuine attempts at undermining power.*
    01:49:39 🤔 *Destiny questions the motive behind the January 6 protest, suggesting it aimed to dispute the election outcome.*
    01:51:57 🔍 *Greenwald references historical rebellions and protests to contextualize discussions about insurrection and coup attempts.*
    01:55:28 📜 *Greenwald presents Trump's legal actions post-election as a recourse within the American democratic framework.*
    01:59:38 🤷 *Destiny argues that a failed coup still constitutes a coup, regardless of its outcome, while dissecting legal arguments and intentions behind Trump's actions.*
    02:03:11 🏛️ *Legal advice from reputable lawyers is relevant in determining criminal intent.*
    02:05:43 🔍 *Trump pursued legal recourses and peacefully left office after exhausting them.*
    02:07:22 🔒 *Not all crimes require mens rea (intent), but it's crucial in many prosecutions.*
    02:09:41 🗽 *Trump likely would have left office even if legal proceedings delayed certification.*
    02:12:01 📜 *Trump's request to DOJ about election fraud evidence depends on intent.*
    02:13:25 📢 *Trump's responsibility for Jan 6th is a matter of debate; he may bear some moral responsibility.*
    02:15:20 ⚖️ *Speeches inciting violence may have legal protection under free speech unless directly inciting violence.*
    02:17:56 🤔 *Trump's belief in election fraud could stem from various factors, including distrust in the establishment.*
    02:19:50 🧠 *Greenwald and others suggest Trump genuinely believed in election fraud, despite evidence to the contrary.*
    02:20:45 🔍 *The persistence of Trump's claims of election fraud, despite lack of majority support and contrary evidence, suggests strong psychological incentives for his belief.*
    02:21:15 🎯 *Dispositive proof is rare in understanding someone's state of mind, relying more on circumstantial evidence.*
    02:22:39 💬 *Evidence that could change opinions includes a confession or lack of surrounding support for claims of fraud.*
    02:24:47 🔥 *Discussion highlights tactics of deflection and obfuscation in political debates.*
    02:28:16 🤯 *Greenwald's claim that the attack on Fort Sumter was only an insurrection in hindsight is heavily criticized as absurd.*
    02:29:15 💡 *Challenging Greenwald's criteria for evidence, particularly his reluctance to criticize Trump's actions or beliefs.*
    02:33:32 🤔 *Greenwald's avoidance of directly criticizing Trump's actions indicates a lack of good faith in the debate.*
    02:34:54 🗣️ *Greenwald's selective interpretation of Trump's statements and actions is highlighted, pointing out inconsistencies and bias.*
    02:36:17 💡 *Destiny questions why select footage was released to specific media, suggesting a lack of good faith in transparency.*
    02:36:43 🤔 *Destiny challenges the significance of releasing footage after the Capitol breach, questioning what it aims to prove.*
    02:37:27 💬 *Destiny criticizes repetitive arguments from Glenn Greenwald, highlighting the lack of substantial response to key points.*
    02:38:51 💬 *Destiny emphasizes the importance of owning positions outright instead of vague justifications, criticizing evasive responses.*
    02:39:32 🧠 *Destiny critiques Glenn Greenwald for associating him with arguments he didn't make, pointing out inconsistencies in his reasoning.*
    Made with HARPA AI

  • @DannyIMCF
    @DannyIMCF 8 месяцев назад +103

    Glenn Griftwald

    • @Rem_NL
      @Rem_NL 8 месяцев назад +9

      Destiny calling Glen a partisan, while displaying the most partisan statements just shows the total lack of self awareness.

    • @DjMaxi005
      @DjMaxi005 8 месяцев назад

      Grifter = "he was more on the left and I liked him, but now I disagree with him, so he must be doing it for money"
      You have more bad faith than an average ISIS member

    • @PixelPenguin77
      @PixelPenguin77 8 месяцев назад +3

      L Greenwald

    • @ssj4punkrocker
      @ssj4punkrocker 8 месяцев назад

      @@Rem_NLif those kids could read, they’d be very upset

    • @GovnaBuckingham
      @GovnaBuckingham 8 месяцев назад +1

      did you know putin invaded ukraine before but forgot to bring weapons so they had to go back and start again

  • @zachpedrotti307
    @zachpedrotti307 8 месяцев назад +115

    If I try to murder someone with a pencil. It’s not considered attempted murder because the outcome of me succeeding is nearly zero…..Glens logic

    • @mariab7453
      @mariab7453 7 месяцев назад +19

      actually, in that sense, isn't Glen correct? No one would get charged with attempted murder if they use a non-lethal weapon. They will get charged with assault but to jump to attempted murder is a big leap, even if there is the intent to kill. I'm no lawyer though so I'm not sure how it works but I do know that no one was charged with insurrection on January 6th. They were all charged with trespassing and a few with seditious conspiracy, which is not the same as insurrection.

    • @milantarbuk1039
      @milantarbuk1039 7 месяцев назад +30

      @@mariab7453 Just checked, regardless of how ineffective the tool or method, if you can prove that there was intent to not just harm the victim but kill them then you would be charged with attempted murder. In short, it's not the lethality that matters it's the intent.

    • @RanEncounter
      @RanEncounter 7 месяцев назад +5

      ​​@@mariab7453 He isn't because if you publicly state what you are doing and how, it is still an attempted murder even if you try to do it with a pen. It is a premeditated killing.

    • @puctbridge
      @puctbridge 7 месяцев назад

      @@mariab7453 Look up the case of the lady that killed her lover with the heel of her stiletto by repeatedly beating him with it and then come back! Just type in Stiletto Murder. One could argue the end of that type of shoe is just a thick pencil! Not even a sharpened pencil lol

    • @mariab7453
      @mariab7453 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@milantarbuk1039 again, I’m no lawyer but if you attacked someone with a spoon and claimed you wanted to kill them, what jury would believe that? I imagine it would be very difficult to prove in court because the evidence (the spoon) contradicts the intent (the desire to kill).

  • @IntoxicatedSensei
    @IntoxicatedSensei 8 месяцев назад +5

    Destiny was the first one to start name calling. Just sayin’.

    • @DannyIMCF
      @DannyIMCF 8 месяцев назад +3

      I mean these kinds of things of who did what first are always silly because Greenwald and Destiny have been shit talking on Twitter for years lol (and in their last debate)

  • @rousseaufishing3795
    @rousseaufishing3795 8 месяцев назад +5

    I love how coup means asshole in Portuguese and Greenwald keeps saying it around Brazilians who don't speak English

  • @Darm0k
    @Darm0k 8 месяцев назад +7

    Glenn's entire argument just sounds like "Trump is a sweet innocent boy, he would never do anything bad."

  • @darkaquatus
    @darkaquatus 8 месяцев назад +22

    So this was a total waste of time. In the end they just disagree over the significance and the danger level of jan 6th. It turns out that if you can't agree on that, you will never see eye to eye on anything related to the topic.

    • @scottholder4431
      @scottholder4431 8 месяцев назад +15

      The problem was.....expecting Glenn would be honest or charitable or rational.

    • @sacredraisincake
      @sacredraisincake 8 месяцев назад

      If you think about it January 6th was worse than 9/11, WW2,WW1, combined

    • @Spytyler12
      @Spytyler12 8 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@sacredraisincake for our democracy, possibly.

    • @GovnaBuckingham
      @GovnaBuckingham 8 месяцев назад

      The problem is the conspiracy theorists can always say "well I think that was the intention" if you have no evidence just point out the unprovable. The cope is hilarious. The fbi cia and military just decided to let it all go I guess LOL

    • @kara5202
      @kara5202 8 месяцев назад +2

      I dont even think its about that… Like Shapiro said in his debate with Destiny was that they just dont take what Trump does that seriously. But if Biden did the exact same thing you know they would be going crazy. Its all about politics

  • @EdertheJust
    @EdertheJust 7 месяцев назад +8

    Does Greenwald truly believe what BS he says, or is he a grifter?

    • @no98765
      @no98765 5 месяцев назад +1

      How is he a grifter?

    • @EdertheJust
      @EdertheJust 5 месяцев назад

      @no98765 He is pretty intelligent, and he was a good journalist. Unless he got a brain injury recently, there was no way he believes the 💩 he's been pushing.

    @MRYUNGSPLASH 7 месяцев назад +17

    Glenn greenwald is a national treasure

    • @James-hm8tq
      @James-hm8tq 3 месяца назад +6

      What nation though?

    • @CEWIII9873
      @CEWIII9873 3 месяца назад +6

      @@James-hm8tq Russia

    • @100AcreWoodz1
      @100AcreWoodz1 2 месяца назад


    • @thomashornbeck4468
      @thomashornbeck4468 Месяц назад

      @@James-hm8tq Brazil

    • @cmp6
      @cmp6 Месяц назад

      Strongly disagree. Unless this is irony.

  • @matthewbennett4039
    @matthewbennett4039 8 месяцев назад +13

    To claim that Trump believes that he lost the election fair and square is silly.

    • @Akkbar21
      @Akkbar21 8 месяцев назад

      So trump is an idiot incapable of understanding reality. Sounds like someone who should never be president.

  • @hello-rv1ci
    @hello-rv1ci 3 месяца назад +5

    Glenn destroyed destiny here

  • @MacA60230
    @MacA60230 8 месяцев назад +9

    first time I saw actual videos of jan 6, damn your country is crazy guys

    • @cptcanton8203
      @cptcanton8203 8 месяцев назад

      Well considering the message that Destiny is trying to portray, there are a lot of videos of January 6th not presented in this video. The media and authorities surrounding the January 6th narrative have been doing their best to try to keep the narrative that it was an insurrection and Trump and his supporters are bad.
      The more info that comes out..., the truth does not match up with the narrative.

    • @tunnelsloth5948
      @tunnelsloth5948 8 месяцев назад +6

      The crazier part is half the country says nothing happened that day and it was a guided tour.

    • @Jockito
      @Jockito 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@tunnelsloth5948I'm trying to think of the last guided tour I went on when someone smeared literal human sh*t on the walls...nothing comes to mind so far

  • @richybambam1995
    @richybambam1995 8 месяцев назад +4

    Hey there is a crowd of people breaking into my house I think they're robbing me!
    Glen: they're fat and have knives, relax and give it 3 hours before we come to that conclusion.

  • @ohiomom100
    @ohiomom100 7 месяцев назад +4

    In the third hour of this debate, Glen wipes the floor.

  • @cdlahm7571
    @cdlahm7571 8 месяцев назад +39

    Damn Glenn’s makeup was exquisite

    • @chinchillatwitch7234
      @chinchillatwitch7234 8 месяцев назад +4

      Dont like the guys politics, but he does look slick, and that background looks good.

    • @user-gp5rt9ol5o
      @user-gp5rt9ol5o 8 месяцев назад +9

      @@chinchillatwitch7234He should focus less on his appearance and more on the facts

    • @goosemasters
      @goosemasters 8 месяцев назад

      @@user-gp5rt9ol5o which facts,,, he has more 'facts' than destiney... that is clear...

    • @vishg5148
      @vishg5148 8 месяцев назад +8

      @@goosemasterscope harder kid

    • @goosemasters
      @goosemasters 8 месяцев назад

      @@vishg5148 im literally shaking rn

  • @william32811
    @william32811 7 месяцев назад +5

    the mod seriously didnt do his job

    • @CEWIII9873
      @CEWIII9873 3 месяца назад +1

      it is interesting they let Greenwald bloviate, allow him to interrupt and then cut off Destiny...

  • @luthercorp
    @luthercorp 7 месяцев назад +11

    Destiny accusing people of cherry picking jan6 clips… makes us sit through 5 minutes of January 6th cherry-picked clips before watching the debate.

    • @moonlemon09
      @moonlemon09 7 месяцев назад +5

      Wait so you think the clips at the start of the video are fake? Or do you think because there is other footage of the event that means what's captured in those clips is meaningless? I'd love to hear a legitimate explanation of what you're attempting to get at.

    • @aod_derekjeter4493
      @aod_derekjeter4493 7 месяцев назад +1

      It means he found the morons in the crowd and posted their videos on this video. Its not a hard concept. He did a tucker himself. ​@moonlemon09

    • @ddubya4097
      @ddubya4097 7 месяцев назад +1

      The more hilarious comment was Destiny talks only about the .1% of video that the Jan6 committee released as the only narrative that matters, but when 100% of the video is released, Tucker is selectively nit picking?

  • @Evan-qb6vr
    @Evan-qb6vr 8 месяцев назад +21

    Honestly considering this was against Glenn, this was a D man master class. One of his best performances

    • @CribNotes
      @CribNotes 8 месяцев назад +4 You can't google your way to political truth. Ain't gonna happen. Destiny talks faster than he thinks.

    • @mrmr2488
      @mrmr2488 8 месяцев назад

      @@CribNotesYou actually can when your audience is full of brain dead clowns who latch onto your every word.

    • @mitragyninethespeciosa6891
      @mitragyninethespeciosa6891 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@CribNotesYa Google literally shows you what they want you to see.

    • @mattsreptileroom
      @mattsreptileroom 8 месяцев назад +2

      Dude, destiny is fucking pathetic, and this just proves it.

    • @Evan-qb6vr
      @Evan-qb6vr 8 месяцев назад

      @@CribNotes Glenn was wrong on like every point they argued. Glenn got backed into such a corner he was out here tryna say fort sumter wasn’t an insurrection. You are delusional if you think Glenn looked good here lmao

  • @NastiSanders
    @NastiSanders 8 месяцев назад +10

    Im a Destiny viewer and i do not even remotely identify as a democrat. There are more of us than you think, Glenn.

    • @Rossstewart88
      @Rossstewart88 8 месяцев назад

      Same. I'm not a republican either, I'm Scottish lol!

    • @eggbertjohnson2591
      @eggbertjohnson2591 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@Rossstewart88 the truest and most based political ideology: Scottish

    • @Malepresentingtimelord
      @Malepresentingtimelord 8 месяцев назад

      Yeah.. 7 of you

    • @NastiSanders
      @NastiSanders 8 месяцев назад

      @Malepresentingtimelord 9 so far

    • @Rossstewart88
      @Rossstewart88 8 месяцев назад

      @eggbertjohnson2591 I wish that were true but our political leaders are awful:( and I voted them in

  • @camitis80
    @camitis80 8 месяцев назад +4

    Insane to see how people like Greenwald and Tulsi made such radical turns. Insane that Greenwald literally backed up Trump and made it look like everything Trump did was just fine.

    • @IAmTheBugInsideYou
      @IAmTheBugInsideYou 8 месяцев назад +1

      Because when he was a good journalist, he was colloquially on "the left." The left has always been anti-government or anti-centralized power, the right strengthens or increases it's reach & power.
      It's why Glenn gives lip service to anti-imperialist or anti-intervention situations in the past that the US has perpetrated, because that's when he was supportive of the better political party even if they're still weak & crap. He's just projecting who he used to be as his current shell of a human being plays at the grift of bolstering & supporting the right, while being obtuse & obfuscating the real harm of their policies & history.
      Especially when you can trace most of the things he complains about to a Republican executive/legislative branch.

  • @mattskibaismylove
    @mattskibaismylove Месяц назад +1

    God, I would love to hear one of these debates where the person defending the insurrection doesn't sound like they're constantly trying to dodge the facts of the situation. I'm sure there are plenty of valid points to be made or tactics to use that make the position of pro-insurrection seem valid.
    These people make themselves look bad by bending over backwards to try to manufacture ways to make the insurrection okay. It's alarming that so many people could view this debate and come away thinking Glen was more convincing, when a google search can disprove so many of his arguments.

    @QUEENSBRIDGE_10TH_ST231 7 месяцев назад +1

    Glenn Greenwald and people like him try so hard to minimize what happened that day and it’s disgusting.

    • @gianthills
      @gianthills 6 месяцев назад

      You mean like the guy shooting dead an unarmed woman? I see, you're fine with that.

    • @christiansargent6053
      @christiansargent6053 Месяц назад

      @@gianthillsfr, she only wanted to hang Mike pence and commit violence on congressmen for not trying to certify false votes. She only jumped through a window trying to attack congressmen and broke into the capitol.
      Smoking that regard pack 🚬😮‍💨

  • @kevinescobar237
    @kevinescobar237 8 месяцев назад +8

    If you are in the military you are duty-bound to obey orders. You can object if you think the order is illegal.
    Yes Glenn. Because they are sworn to uphold the constitution not to a king. What would make the order illegal? The laws they are sworn in with.

    • @loganhoffman5789
      @loganhoffman5789 8 месяцев назад

      What point are you even making. You type at an 8th grade level

  • @ethanmiller4807
    @ethanmiller4807 8 месяцев назад +3

    destiny agreed with glenns definition of insurrection then spent 30 minutes trying to attack glenns definition of insurrection beause glenns first question took apart destinys whole argument. its gotta be rough to be a fast talking midwit

  • @Grgrrr
    @Grgrrr 8 месяцев назад +5

    Considering that we’re the most heavily armed citizenry on the planet Jan 6 was total weak sauce.

    • @W00KER
      @W00KER 8 месяцев назад

      Lack of conviction I guess.

    • @lRosettaStonedl
      @lRosettaStonedl 8 месяцев назад

      @@W00KERor nonsense.

  • @Impervious11
    @Impervious11 8 месяцев назад +9

    I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed by this one. I think Glenn's arguments are pretty weak as they mostly amount to "who cares" and "it wasn't a big deal" but I think more time should have been exploring why Destiny thinks it *is* a big deal, rather than arguing over semantics. I think it happened once near the end where Destiny asked about a scenario in which the protestors actually reached the congressmen and harmed/killed them, but the debate had devolved so much at that point and Destiny didn't seem too interested in breaking that down. So much effort was put into the word "insurrection" instead of why what happened is really bad for our country and why Trump is culpable. I think it would have also been better to further explore what level of expectations we should have for the president. Rather than trying to argue with people who say "we can't know what he was actually thinking", why not ask what is a reasonable level of expectation for the president. Did Trump do enough to verify the claims he was making? Obviously not, but I think it would be more effective to show that he ignored so many credible people who he appointed or were on his side, and he sought out the "truth" he wanted. That is really dangerous, and is a key distinction when someone says "well people around him were telling him there was fraud." I know Destiny touched on that a bit, but again I think that's worth exploring further and again putting it in the context that this is the president of the United States, not some guy on the street who we hope will approach the country's interests in good faith.
    That all said, the part I was most disappointed with, which Glenn rightly called out, were all the times Destiny had to proclaim how he is so right about things, and how no one sees it the same way as Glenn. Glenn is right, clearly many people do see it the same way he does. Clearly many people do think it's not a big deal, sadly. The whole point of the debate is to convince them, so when condescending remarks are made about how wrong he is, how he's not using any facts, how he's a partisan hack, and how nobody agrees with him, then the people who *do* agree with him are going to hear that and be majorly turned off. Hate his views all you want, and again I think many of his arguments are weak, he's still a fairly reasonable and educated person who is willing to engage with the topic. Destiny treated him like he was your average conservative moron who jumps into discord for a casual conversation, which was clearly not the case. He got a lot of credit for his more even-handed approach with Ben, but this debate was a regression to how he used to debate so many people. Talk down on them, repeatedly pronounce how wrong they are, say they're scared, say they don't engage with facts, etc. This was one of Destiny's weaker debates in recent memory, and it could have been a really great one.

    • @gianthills
      @gianthills 6 месяцев назад +1


    • @NastazyaPhylipovnaTchornaya
      @NastazyaPhylipovnaTchornaya 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@gianthillsThank you -:) the previous comment was all over the place, from legal arguments about mens rea, which are irrelevant, to who was mean to whom to Ben Shapiro to basically utter inability to think straight. Thanks for the laugh 😂

  • @Limuru1
    @Limuru1 8 месяцев назад +20

    It was weird to hear him accuse Destiny of showboating when he would critique him (which he later did again on Twitter).

    • @johnjackson8740
      @johnjackson8740 7 месяцев назад

      Both at the same time?

    • @Limuru1
      @Limuru1 7 месяцев назад

      @@johnjackson8740 Glenn would accuse Destiny of showboating when Destiny was merely critiquing Glenn's arguments

    • @galaxycraftings
      @galaxycraftings 7 месяцев назад

      saying 'youre partisan!' 'youre on an island no pne believes ypu!' and 'all politicans agree with me, yuore delusional!' is not critiquing someones argument its insullting fluff lol rewatch the debate@@Limuru1

    • @chriswalsh2481
      @chriswalsh2481 7 месяцев назад +2

      Destiny is a buffoon while Glenn isn’t. Hope that clarifies.

    • @Limuru1
      @Limuru1 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@chriswalsh2481 Thanks, Chris. That was very insightful

  • @erikrobinson8427
    @erikrobinson8427 Месяц назад +2

    Destiny got folded here lmfao

    • @guesswho343
      @guesswho343 Месяц назад

      You're on Glenn's Island ... D destroyed him

  • @transcribeded
    @transcribeded 6 месяцев назад +4

    I used to respect your ability to conduct debates with people with whom you disagree, D.
    You are now worse than the mainstream media. It is not just that you are constantly interrupting with your red-lining emotional rhetoric, or your constant appeals to authority claiming everyone agrees with you rather than making an argument, but perhaps worst of all, you are completely disrespectful.
    Unwatchable. Lay off the Adderrall, bro. You are out of control.

  • @lukewithann7256
    @lukewithann7256 8 месяцев назад +1078

    I felt like Destiny was real close to playing the piano on this one lol

    • @odeode4338
      @odeode4338 8 месяцев назад +58

      I love when he does that.😂

    • @kainoizking
      @kainoizking 8 месяцев назад +82

      So surprised that he didn’t, if it wasn’t a popular figure he 100 percent would have lmao. I mean the amount of time Glenn spent going off on a long tangent to avoid questions was so frustrating and frankly disappointing from somebody that I actually used to admire.

    • @TransKidsMafia
      @TransKidsMafia 8 месяцев назад +9

      I want to be a trans kid when I grow up

    • @aliendesign2023
      @aliendesign2023 8 месяцев назад

      He plays the piano when he's getting owned. He should play funeral music. When someone is forced to scream and yell in a debate that typically means trying to cope with your weak argument. Right, libtards?

    • @kainoizking
      @kainoizking 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@aliendesign2023 let the copium flow through you friend. Cope and seethe…cope and seeeeeeeethe…

  • @twocheezitz9182
    @twocheezitz9182 8 месяцев назад +1101

    Who else is happy to be watching destiny debating more popular people

    • @maluminse6013
      @maluminse6013 8 месяцев назад

      Destiny is obviously trying to raise his profile by debating intelligent and celebrated opponents rather than the ignorant twitch callers that he's accustomed to debating. Big mistake for the soy boy. Glenn Greenwald is miles out of Steve's league.

    • @cptcanton8203
      @cptcanton8203 8 месяцев назад +49

      ...and get owned. It looks like Destiny is hoping that people will compare him to the intellectual giant of Glen Greenwald.

    • @maluminse6013
      @maluminse6013 8 месяцев назад

      @@cptcanton8203 💯

    • @juliusb8242
      @juliusb8242 8 месяцев назад +103

      @@cptcanton8203 what did he get owned on?

    • @xJDMWaRRi0Rx
      @xJDMWaRRi0Rx 8 месяцев назад +28

      @@juliusb8242well I’m listening to it right now and specifically on the point of the jan 6th tapes, destiny is crying that Glen is talking about whatever Tucker Carlson released in his 30 minute report. When in fact, Glenn is talking about the full unedited footage from the entire event that were released by Mike Johnson

  • @SoSickSry
    @SoSickSry 8 месяцев назад +173

    For the longest time i thought Eli Hassel was an oil painting of an IT nerd

    • @schwango4816
      @schwango4816 8 месяцев назад +2

      😂 based

    • @AB-et6nj
      @AB-et6nj 8 месяцев назад +3

      No just Jewish

    • @Dirty_bubs
      @Dirty_bubs 8 месяцев назад +2

      And what a beautiful painting it is 🖼️

    • @peterkirk8510
      @peterkirk8510 8 месяцев назад

      I thought rose wrist got a haircut lmao

    • @ShuffleboardJerk
      @ShuffleboardJerk 8 месяцев назад +1

      omg this is so funny

  • @Notorious1441
    @Notorious1441 8 месяцев назад +215

    "Submitting fraudulent electors is okay if you're trying to buy time to find evidence of a fraudulent election." - Glenn Greenwald 2024

    • @1vigorousdragon
      @1vigorousdragon 7 месяцев назад +15

      Your Democrat mates have done it over and over again

    • @SubvertTheState
      @SubvertTheState 7 месяцев назад

      I mean, it was fraudulent. The city I lived in took in all of the mail-in ballots which were late and post-marked them as on time. There was actually no way to even segregate late ballots from the others. That's what a Post Worker whistleblower revealed in my town Erie, PA. Now was that same tactic used on A NATIONAL LEVEL? No. That's why everyone had the same line.
      of WIDESPREAD, VOTER fraud."
      Why not say there was "No Known fraudulent activity in the election process".
      Because we are still finding pallets of Republican ballots in the f8cking woods under a bridge or half burned somewhere. I didn't even vote for Trump, I just have eyes.

    • @derekc423
      @derekc423 7 месяцев назад

      nope. certification of the electors has literally never been illegally delayed before.@@1vigorousdragon

    • @stevenmoffatt1423
      @stevenmoffatt1423 7 месяцев назад

      @@1vigorousdragon What election was that? Or are you one of those “all elections are rigged” folk

    • @HarleyMeseekes420
      @HarleyMeseekes420 7 месяцев назад +29


  • @Gumsley86
    @Gumsley86 8 месяцев назад +653

    Glenn's argument can be summed up as follows: "yeah, but it wasn't that bad".

    • @Rem_NL
      @Rem_NL 8 месяцев назад +40

      Destiny got destroyed, by Destiny..

    • @robertotrevino1796
      @robertotrevino1796 8 месяцев назад +18

      @@Rem_NLso far destiny is showing that commune sense runs on the Dems side

    • @Choscura
      @Choscura 8 месяцев назад +17

      "wasn't that bad" in a "technically not a coup by the president or an insurrection by his followers" sense, which is important, and also, he had more good points about "the way you go after bad guys isn't by being a worse bad guy" about the known bad behavior of law enforcement going after these idiots

    • @taLLdavidproduction
      @taLLdavidproduction 8 месяцев назад +39

      ​@@robertotrevino1796yea the people who dont know what a woman is have common sense on their side riiight

    • @akselandor8975
      @akselandor8975 8 месяцев назад

      Quite literally.

  • @imaginaryfanboy
    @imaginaryfanboy 8 месяцев назад +208

    This is the world Pisco wants.

    • @leeammagno2393
      @leeammagno2393 8 месяцев назад +11

      I'm glad I can now steal a blade of intellectual property grass

    • @shanecorrigan8524
      @shanecorrigan8524 8 месяцев назад +9

      What the fuck is a pisco

    • @LoudWaffle
      @LoudWaffle 8 месяцев назад +27

      @@shanecorrigan8524 It's a company responsible for the production and delivery of consumer-grade piss.

    • @roymarshall_
      @roymarshall_ 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@LoudWaffle hot

    • @amplifier515
      @amplifier515 8 месяцев назад +10

      @@shanecorrigan8524Pisco is a spirit from Chile and Peru made from fermented grapes. Delicious when prepared as a “Pisco Sour” or mixed with Coke (“piscola”).

  • @gutterdandy9173
    @gutterdandy9173 6 месяцев назад +5

    Easy win for Destiny.

    • @annetteaumiller3681
      @annetteaumiller3681 Месяц назад +1

      la la land. go back to the matrix

    • @Xornicus
      @Xornicus 16 дней назад

      ​@@annetteaumiller3681 conservatives are on average less educated and less intelligent. I dont know what to tell you. A couple decades of russian bot farm propaganda has degraded republicans into youtube doctors and journalists. The entire platform they have is anti-science and the heads dont even deny it lol. Only the randos.

  • @russellwest8767
    @russellwest8767 8 месяцев назад +206

    Also, lol about Glenn saying “I’m above this” as a guy who was happy to share a panel with Alex jones

    • @Skibbityboo0580
      @Skibbityboo0580 8 месяцев назад +6

      It's true though, he is beneath it!

    • @russellwest8767
      @russellwest8767 8 месяцев назад

      @@Skibbityboo0580 sorry skibbity I gotta edit lol I said that completely wrong

    • @Skibbityboo0580
      @Skibbityboo0580 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@russellwest8767 All good, lets just hold eachother by the peeworm, and go as hard as we can.

    • @hberrisford12
      @hberrisford12 8 месяцев назад +1

      *grabs the peeworm*

    • @LoudWaffle
      @LoudWaffle 8 месяцев назад +2

      ayo wtf goin on in this thread

  • @jacesantibata6917
    @jacesantibata6917 8 месяцев назад +486

    Eli is W moderator

    • @parzivallampruge2549
      @parzivallampruge2549 8 месяцев назад +10


    • @chinchillatwitch7234
      @chinchillatwitch7234 8 месяцев назад +9

      Mewh, i gotta be honest, why need a moderator between 2 people. He wasnt bad, but do we even need him?

    • @Rodent_
      @Rodent_ 8 месяцев назад +75

      @@chinchillatwitch7234 i like how he push's people to explain their points more in depth.

    • @BrendanBeckett
      @BrendanBeckett 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@chinchillatwitch7234 Why wouldn't you?

    • @Wickybizob1
      @Wickybizob1 8 месяцев назад +1

      100% agree.

  • @GeorgeSavrille
    @GeorgeSavrille 8 месяцев назад +200

    "I will immediately contest all these points..."
    *Doesn't contest any of the points and rambles instead*

  • @B-Nice
    @B-Nice 8 месяцев назад +45

    Edward Snowden is rolling over in his VPN

  • @danposner
    @danposner 8 месяцев назад +78

    Glen sounds like a south park character when he talks.

    • @ChadLieberman1
      @ChadLieberman1 8 месяцев назад +1

      He sounds like Bob Odenkirk

    • @ThrustWithVigor
      @ThrustWithVigor 8 месяцев назад +1

      It’s like nails on a fucking chalkboard

    • @Deathwhitch
      @Deathwhitch 8 месяцев назад

      I'm not your buddy pal!

  • @DJayJesse
    @DJayJesse 8 месяцев назад +253

    Greenwald is basically just a "coups are things that violent foreigners do on television with AK47s" kinda guy

    • @deadgolfer6345
      @deadgolfer6345 8 месяцев назад +7

      Those are coups.

    • @mrt7469
      @mrt7469 8 месяцев назад +7

      He's right, those sound exactly like coups. Infact, if I had to picture a coup, it would look exactly like that.

    • @jaybrosbarber2751
      @jaybrosbarber2751 8 месяцев назад +53

      ​​@@mrt7469and sex trafficking is literally just what happens in the taken movies.

    • @DJayJesse
      @DJayJesse 8 месяцев назад +25

      @@mrt7469 No. It's a "feels over reals" appeal to the tone of a situation that makes him look like an idiot

    • @Miderguy_
      @Miderguy_ 8 месяцев назад


  • @Jon-fc2ss
    @Jon-fc2ss 8 месяцев назад +449

    "It depends on how a congressman is killed for it to be an insurrection" -Glen Greenwald, 2024

    • @Michael-kp4bd
      @Michael-kp4bd 8 месяцев назад +21

      I mean out of context that’s like one of the least insane statements he made 😅
      Motive would 100% matter. Here, the motive for many of the law breaking violent invaders of the Capitol was to keep Trump in power, and that was Trump’s motive as well, so a killing would be clearly for insurrectionist purposes. A random psycho on a random day killing a random congressperson would likely not be evidence of trying to overthrow the government.
      Does any of this help Glenn in this context? No. But quoting the statement without context to make it sound wrong just gives it credibility for the annoying reasons i just had to outline.

    • @EffigyofChaos
      @EffigyofChaos 8 месяцев назад +15

      That is accurate, though.

    • @semo9197
      @semo9197 8 месяцев назад +10

      @@Michael-kp4bd Very true lmao, its almost like he forgot he was in a debate about an event where a large group of people broke into the capital 😂

    • @CribNotes
      @CribNotes 8 месяцев назад

      @@semo9197 "a large group of people broke into the capital 😂" Yes, with the assistance of under cover deep state agents. You young and dumbers are way too slow on this stuff.

    • @MrMango331
      @MrMango331 8 месяцев назад

      @@Michael-kp4bd It wasn't why, it was how. It's dumb af

  • @Trossman107
    @Trossman107 8 месяцев назад +156

    He just made up that 2000 russian soldiers were killed in the wagner coupe lol it was like less than 20

    • @vp3398
      @vp3398 8 месяцев назад +11

      True! They just brushed such a significant overstatement off

    • @dannyboy3163
      @dannyboy3163 8 месяцев назад +6

      It was alot more than 20. 20 officers…thousands of soldiers

    • @tristansheese4149
      @tristansheese4149 8 месяцев назад

      Coup was staged. Putin wanted distance and deniability for what Wagner has done, is doing, and will do.. Belarus was strong armed into paying Wagner the millions Putin owed. Progs not dead either. Wagner is behind the hamas oct attack AND the terror cells popping off to get US to attack Iran.
      You're all so clueless.

    • @IncognitoAtreides
      @IncognitoAtreides 8 месяцев назад +9

      That is not true. There were less than 100 dead. @dannyboy3163

    • @patricklloyd1797
      @patricklloyd1797 8 месяцев назад +16

      He also spoke about it being "crushed", when it was actually a negotiated settlement which saw few deaths. If they had been "crushed", then maybe it would have been 2000 but that's not the reality we live in

  • @CyanPhoenix_
    @CyanPhoenix_ 8 месяцев назад +157

    I like having Eli in these debates, he could do a bit better with moderating but he asks some great, hard questions to both parties and it definitely helps the more reasonable person stand out.

    • @galaxycraftings
      @galaxycraftings 7 месяцев назад +4

      a bit better with moderating destiny** you mean.

    • @ddubya4097
      @ddubya4097 7 месяцев назад

      He needed a couple mute buttons and a timer though

    • @ddubya4097
      @ddubya4097 7 месяцев назад

      He needed a couple mute buttons and a timer though

    • @snakebebop
      @snakebebop 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@galaxycraftings he was too busy moderating Glenn

    • @galaxycraftings
      @galaxycraftings 7 месяцев назад

      which is a pretty large issue when destiny interupted the majority of the conversation@@snakebebop

  • @note4note804
    @note4note804 8 месяцев назад +385

    Glenn saying an insurrection isn't an insurrection unless you used everything available to you to do it is like saying that you can't be charged with attempted murder by failing to poison someone when you own a gun.

    • @TotalWater-d2o
      @TotalWater-d2o 8 месяцев назад +35

      He's saying Donald Trump's actions objectively dont constitute incitement because he didnt actually encourage anyone to illegally enter the capital ; we dont retroactively define things as incitement based on how other people subjectively interpret what is said.
      He's saying Jan 6th wasnt an insurrection because the overwhelming majority of people there were unarmed, had no intention of committing an insurrection [confirmed in FBI interviews] and had no conceivable way of achieving an insurrection.

    • @roymarshall_
      @roymarshall_ 8 месяцев назад +60

      @@TotalWater-d2o You don't have to be armed to be part of an insurrection, that is nowhere in the definition. Their testimony after the fact once facing potential legal consequences carries little weight.

    • @note4note804
      @note4note804 8 месяцев назад +42

      @@TotalWater-d2o Pointing out that you can direct morons to perform an illegal act and then highlight that they were too stupid or ill equip to do said act doesn't mean you didn't direct them to perform an illegal act. That's why attempted crimes are still illegal even if they fail. If I thought that my boss had a peanut allergy and I told my coworker to give him a peanut butter sandwich, it's still attempted murder if he doesn't have the allergy.

    • @TotalWater-d2o
      @TotalWater-d2o 8 месяцев назад +14

      "Pointing out that you can direct morons to perform an illegal act"
      - Except he objectively DIDNT 'direct them to do an illegal act'.
      - His statements were vague and open to interpretation (as-is often the case with politicians on the left) which IS NOT incitement and DOES NOT constitute a crime ; you cannot retroactively define speech as incitement based on how other people choose to interpret it.
      *"then highlight that they were too stupid or ill equip to do said act"*
      - Their obviously and woefully inadequate lack of means to achieve insurrection provides circumstantial evidence towards their lack motive.
      - The subsequent FBI interviews confirmed the overwhelming majority of the Jan 6th protesters had no intent to commit insurrection.
      - Calling something an 'insurrection' when 'the overwhelming majority of people involved had no intent of committing insurrection' is disingenuous.

    • @TotalWater-d2o
      @TotalWater-d2o 8 месяцев назад +14

      *"You don't have to be armed to be part of an insurrection"*
      - Sure, but being armed is indicative of insurrection and the fact they were not provides basis to doubt the claim.
      *"Their testimony after the fact once facing potential legal consequences carries little weight."*
      Their testimony and interrogations by the FBI,
      COMBINED with their conduct on the day (which can be best characterized as trespassing and minor scuffles with police - 0 murders and the most damage that occurred was the 'theft' of the speakers podium which never made it past the lobby),
      COMBINED with their obvious and woefully inadequate ability to actually effectuate an insurrection (both in terms of armaments and in terms of the possible outcomes from occupying the capital),
      Provides more than sufficient evidence to dismiss the unevidenced claim that the majority of them wanted to enact insurrection.

  • @NugKnights
    @NugKnights 8 месяцев назад +401

    Imagine if in a murder trial the defendant says ignore the video of the murder. Lest just focused on the video of him eating lunch.

    • @jennifershaw5302
      @jennifershaw5302 8 месяцев назад +28

      Telling people to be peaceful is incitement now? What did you think the clips show you?

    • @serjarmen
      @serjarmen 8 месяцев назад +83

      @@jennifershaw5302 yeah just ignore all the fear pumping in his speech and cling to a throw away line.

    • @alexraymond5572
      @alexraymond5572 8 месяцев назад

      @serjya6762 MUH FEAR PUMPING!!!!!!!!!!!! Charge him with fear pumping lmao

    • @SKRATCH1988
      @SKRATCH1988 8 месяцев назад +16

      imagine in a murder trial ignoring the video evidence that exonerated the murderer and instead twisting the narrative to make it confirm your own biases.

    • @paromanin
      @paromanin 8 месяцев назад +1

      "it's ok cause he said the word peacefully" lmao how far down your gullet can you possibly shove Trump's balls?

  • @integratedfrost435
    @integratedfrost435 8 месяцев назад +194

    Definitely the best moderator we've seen

    • @odeode4338
      @odeode4338 8 месяцев назад +13

      It‘s crazy that Eli‘s channel is only around 6k.

    • @merlin72001
      @merlin72001 8 месяцев назад +4

      He consistintly let Glenn ramble over Destiny.

    • @Gardimus
      @Gardimus 8 месяцев назад +6

      I don't know, that mod for the Alex Jones debate who did nothing most of the time, let Alex hijack every conversation, condescendingly told everyone how great they were doing, especially Glenn, and then started screaming like a lunatic is a close second.

    • @PR-lf1qr
      @PR-lf1qr 8 месяцев назад +4

      He has great moderator physiognomy. He looks like a great early 20th century author or poet who wrote about his time as a signalman or code taper during the First World War.

    • @roymarshall_
      @roymarshall_ 8 месяцев назад

      @@PR-lf1qr I feel like that is significantly impacted by his background which literally makes him look like an author bio photo

  • @danagadberry5129
    @danagadberry5129 8 месяцев назад +245

    I want to hear a debate between an avid Trump supporter and another conservative Trump supporter who disagrees.

    • @SlackerMagician
      @SlackerMagician 8 месяцев назад +8

      disagrees on what? Jan 6th?

    • @tristenatorplaysgames6833
      @tristenatorplaysgames6833 8 месяцев назад +1

      Just look at q. Half of them are saying the deep state pdfs caused this and the other half are saying yippee trump should’ve finished overthrowing the government

    • @hairzilla
      @hairzilla 8 месяцев назад

      Never going to happen, all people accusing Trump already hate him. Its the most partisan bs ever

    • @Seaneey
      @Seaneey 8 месяцев назад +76

      It wouldn't be interesting. They'd end up agreeing & making out for 45 minutes

    • @danilonden3782
      @danilonden3782 8 месяцев назад

      You don't realise that trump supporters are in a cult, so they aren't allowed their own opinion.

  • @unclehollywoodshouseofther995
    @unclehollywoodshouseofther995 8 месяцев назад +242

    I watched as Jan 6th happened. The one thing that sticks with me was people coming out of the Capital claiming "we stopped the steal" and cheering

    • @alexraymond5572
      @alexraymond5572 8 месяцев назад +12


    • @DeliveringSolutions
      @DeliveringSolutions 8 месяцев назад

      The problem with what we watched, is that it was select footage put out by the mainstream media who have a track record of their dislike for Donald Trump.
      The more one researched January 6th, I mean really research it, and not just gobble up what CNN, NBC, and even FOX say ... the more you realize that there were many under cover federal employees and 'contractors' helped make this what it was, and it still was not as violent as they wanted it to be.
      If you believe the media and you believe the government has only the best intentions and would never lie to you intentionally, then you will never believe that January 6th was anything other than what "the people that you trust" tell you that it was.

    • @stonetemplepilot420
      @stonetemplepilot420 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@alexraymond5572 these people KNEW what they were doing. They weren't there just to break stuff, it was to end democracy.

    • @godyamit
      @godyamit 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@alexraymond5572and part of an insurrection is the obstruction of a federal proceeding. I know it's a lot of information for your tiny brain but try to keep up

    • @hoverboard
      @hoverboard 8 месяцев назад

      @@alexraymond5572…AND that’s them telling on themselves- their intention was to illegally halt the electoral process. Insurrection

  • @derekc423
    @derekc423 8 месяцев назад +202

    I think maybe Glenn was just in a coma on January 6 or something. He seems to have forgotten that the congressional floor had barricaded the doors with furniture, guns drawn, as people were banging on the doors trying to get in.

    • @CribNotes
      @CribNotes 8 месяцев назад +28

      Are talking about Q Anon Horn Guy who was being quietly and cheerfully escorted onto the congressional floor by Capitol security? Were you in a coma for the last 3 years AFTER Jan 6?

    • @tarfielarchelone2674
      @tarfielarchelone2674 8 месяцев назад +49

      ​@CribNotes yeah that's a shit point he was moved their after they were escorted out. We literally see him break in earlier.

    • @Tesla_Death_Ray
      @Tesla_Death_Ray 8 месяцев назад +9

      Woah I didn't know they tried to get into the building! This changed everything. That's so coup.

    • @MishaLan23
      @MishaLan23 8 месяцев назад +9

      No he just knows what an insurrection is and that this was obviously not one which is why the media and the committe withheld video and lied about the death of a police officer

    • @uhok6712
      @uhok6712 8 месяцев назад

      @@MishaLan23show us the video then. Oh wait. It doesn’t exist because we saw the whole event live from like 500 different cameras. Sorry your coup failed. Maybe get less stupid people next time.

  • @JackSack-w5h
    @JackSack-w5h 8 месяцев назад +133

    "There weren't thousands of people inside the Capitol. There was only 2,000 people"

    • @odeode4338
      @odeode4338 8 месяцев назад +19

      But let‘s be fair, if some says „thousands of people“ the usually mean a much larger number than 2000. It‘s a term to say it‘s a fuck ton of people but we don‘t have clear numbers. Plus he likely has Destinys large number, of multiple tens of thousands, in mind.

    • @TurtleChad1
      @TurtleChad1 8 месяцев назад +5

      Two thousand = thousands lulw
      Wouldn't that be more like 5k or over that?

    • @earlofpants
      @earlofpants 8 месяцев назад

      @@TurtleChad1no it means more than one thousand, pick up a fucking dictionary lmfao

    • @calculator91
      @calculator91 8 месяцев назад +3

      You'd say a "couple thousand" if you were shorthanding it.

    • @jackeagleeye3453
      @jackeagleeye3453 8 месяцев назад +8

      @@TurtleChad1 I know you guys support alternative facts lol

  • @Neon_Lotus
    @Neon_Lotus 8 месяцев назад +49

    I just want some water for the weeds. They're so dried out. Please. These sweeping generalizations are sucking out all the substance.

  • @FastingFillip
    @FastingFillip 7 месяцев назад +5

    Destiny is the most insufferable and disingenuous debater I’ve ever seen.

      @IBIGBEATzZIIHD 7 месяцев назад +3

      Greenwald was lying and obfuscating throughout most of the debate, what are you talking about?

    • @stevegreen6086
      @stevegreen6086 7 месяцев назад

      He definitely a master debater

    • @stevegreen6086
      @stevegreen6086 7 месяцев назад


  • @patrickb6862
    @patrickb6862 8 месяцев назад +43

    1:09:30 on wikipedia it's reported that 2 people from Wagner Group and between 13 and 29 Russian government forces were killed not more than two thousand as Glenn Greenwald so confidently claimed. I checked Russian wikipedia to check and see if they make a claim of thousands dying there for some reason; however, they claim that exactly 15 casualties amongst Russian servicemen and 2 Wagner mercenaries.

    • @joelsommers
      @joelsommers 8 месяцев назад +5

      I wish I had thought to check that. Of course it was so few that naming the actual number would have muted the point Glenn was trying to make. Thanks for fact-checking and commenting on that.

    • @HarperSanchez
      @HarperSanchez 8 месяцев назад +3

      You believe the Russians now?

    • @GBGB000
      @GBGB000 8 месяцев назад

      He said two dozen, not two thousand. The overall point is stupid, though.

    • @tonymiranda39
      @tonymiranda39 8 месяцев назад

      He's point does hold that a legitimate threat to the power structure of the Russian government was there, a well trained militia vs jan 6 a bunch of Karen's and fat dudes on Trump's diet plan....

    • @Rob-qn8ed
      @Rob-qn8ed 8 месяцев назад +1

      Two words - Russian and wikipedia. This is your source of truth?

  • @zohare9028
    @zohare9028 8 месяцев назад +14

    I think it's ridiculous for the definition of insurrection to require being incited by armed forces in this day and age. Using those means to cause a coup or insurrection would be disastrous for any large country, or for the people inciting it.

  • @gangster125
    @gangster125 День назад +1

    Destiny, can we please find out EXACTLY how many people made it into the capitol? Because THAT is what decides everything. WTF 😂 Glenn is so far gone man. It’s gotta be Russian money or something, cause it just doesn’t make sense with him and Taibbi

  • @bonko86
    @bonko86 8 месяцев назад +13

    Glenns only point in this entire video was just "only a few people used violence", he just repeated the same point regardless of the point they were talking about

    • @GovnaBuckingham
      @GovnaBuckingham 8 месяцев назад +4

      Thinking Trump intentionally tried a coup by just saying his supporters should go protest at the capital while making 0 other preparations is peak autism

    • @StinkCabbage
      @StinkCabbage 7 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@GovnaBuckinghamYeah and I guess in your reality submitting false slates of electors is a huge nothingburger as well?

    • @stevegreen6086
      @stevegreen6086 7 месяцев назад

      You truly believe 1000’s of people went to an “insurrection” yet miraculously forgot their firearms? FFS you people are brain dead

  • @Jojahn
    @Jojahn 8 месяцев назад +141

    Glenn's point that it wasnt an insurrection because they didnt succeed is crazy

    • @RivetCityRamsey
      @RivetCityRamsey 8 месяцев назад +3

      Technically it was an attempted insurrection. Of course he is still wrong and a grifter. Lol

    • @onlyjoinedtotroll
      @onlyjoinedtotroll 8 месяцев назад

      it wasnt even near an insurrection, only a handful of people did anything illegal, if that. Nothing like Antifa did a few years know when buildings and police cars were on fire outside the WH?

    • @jeltje50
      @jeltje50 8 месяцев назад +5

      It's saying that a plan to murder someone doesn't count because the would be murderer are the duo from home alone.
      It's such a ridiculous position if you think about it longer than 5 seconds.

    • @gunsalves
      @gunsalves 8 месяцев назад

      It's not simply about it not succeeding it's that they never came with the means to succeed in the first place... Over you and Destiny's heads I suppose. If you call that an insurrection then you're most likely a person who just throws words around all willy nilly...aka a democrat or liberal...

    • @gunsalves
      @gunsalves 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@RivetCityRamseyHow exactly was it an "attempted insurrection"? You believe those people went there with the means or the intention of over throwing the government? That's straight comedy... It was nothing more than a protest. If you want to call that an insurrection what do you call it when BLM was rioting, burning and violently destroying everything?

  • @MrArthurT1100
    @MrArthurT1100 8 месяцев назад +76

    When the Pulitzer Prize winner, in the first five-ish minutes of a conversation, is seriously saying polls in January suggest a candidate *will* win...good god.

    • @DCzero50
      @DCzero50 8 месяцев назад

      If you think thats what he meant with that point youre actually brain dead

    • @evanbyrne7020
      @evanbyrne7020 8 месяцев назад +8

      Snowden won that Pulitzer Prize, really. All the Greenwald had to do was publish.

    • @CribNotes
      @CribNotes 8 месяцев назад +1

      Do you actually think Dementia Joe 2024 will get as many votes as Dementia Joe 2020? You're out of your mind. Or do you think Gavin Newsom will show up on stage this summer and win November? Or how about Michelle Obama!! Yay!! What percentage of Americans don't even know who the fk Gavin Newsom is?

    • @vorbo01
      @vorbo01 8 месяцев назад +11

      He was saying the polls favored Trump to set up his hypothetical, not once did he even imply that because the January polls show Trump winning does he thinks it's ironclad he's going to win.
      Are you okay?

    • @scottwills8539
      @scottwills8539 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@vorbo01 He brought up the polls constantly in the conversation, not to "set up his hypothetical" but to cheerlead for Trump.
      Are you okay?

  • @mpurusho
    @mpurusho 8 месяцев назад +75

    Donald Trump: “You’re too honest Mike [Mike].”
    Glenn: “Trump really believed his lawyers.” 2:05:11

    • @StinkCabbage
      @StinkCabbage 7 месяцев назад +1

      You nailed it

    • @gianthills
      @gianthills 6 месяцев назад

      too much cnn, kid.

    • @mpurusho
      @mpurusho 6 месяцев назад +1

      You’ve given me a lot to think about here. Let me check back in a week,.

    • @StinkCabbage
      @StinkCabbage 6 месяцев назад

      @@gianthills Too much System Update junior

  • @russellwest8767
    @russellwest8767 8 месяцев назад +40

    Does prigozhins rebellion even meet Glenn’s criteria? I could have sworn he never stated explicitly that he wanted to get rid of Putin, and it also quickly failed

    • @LoudWaffle
      @LoudWaffle 8 месяцев назад +3

      No, and it also only caused the deaths of 15-31 people (the Russian side, as usual, gives conflicting numbers).
      Couldn't have been an insurrection if the casualty numbers were that low, considering the amount of people involved.

    • @thatshadowguy1005
      @thatshadowguy1005 8 месяцев назад

      No, and neither would the Whiskey Rebellion, nor Fort Sumpter in-and-of itself. It's clear he's purposefully inflating his standards just to defend his position. In hindsight, J6 didn't achieve much, and Glenn latches onto this to downplay it as much as possible. He HAS to, or else he might lose his coveted "Most Anti-Establishment Guy Ever" award.

    • @MisterS.
      @MisterS. 8 месяцев назад +5

      He keeps saying that it was "squashed", but Prigozhin ordered his men to stand down after negotiations involving Lukashenko

  • @thedappermagician6905
    @thedappermagician6905 8 месяцев назад +75

    The difference between this comment sections and Glenns on his own video is astronomical.

    • @goosemasters
      @goosemasters 8 месяцев назад +34

      yeah, its what i was expecting. I thought destiny was annoying. Especially annoying since I just watched his extremely polite and asskissing debate with Ben Shapiro. Clearly he knows how to be calm and rational,,, just not today.

    • @xJDMWaRRi0Rx
      @xJDMWaRRi0Rx 8 месяцев назад +23

      First time learning that all sides live in their own echo chambers huh?

    • @mikem4481
      @mikem4481 8 месяцев назад

      @@goosemastersbecause Shapiro is a neocon and largely agrees with lib hacks like him. i think ppl are starting to see what's going on now

    • @vishg5148
      @vishg5148 8 месяцев назад +67

      @@goosemastersyou gonna cry about it? Maybe glenny boy shouldn’t have lied the entire time

    • @SkilledTadpole
      @SkilledTadpole 8 месяцев назад +62

      Nearly every comment there is an ad hominem attack on Destiny, effectively none address the substance of his argument. No surprise.

  • @matthewobrien7326
    @matthewobrien7326 8 месяцев назад +72

    Simple Glem’s argument boils down to “if you try to coup badly, you didn’t try to coup.” It’s akin to going to court and saying “I tried to murder my wife, but I’m a terrible shot so it’s not really attempted murder.” I would urge Simple Glem to return his law degree to the Cracker Jack box from whence it came.

    • @maluminse6013
      @maluminse6013 8 месяцев назад +5

      Simple, Pulitzer prize winning, Glenn

    • @matthewobrien7326
      @matthewobrien7326 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@maluminse6013I don’t care if he won the Heisman, he’s still Simple Glem. His entire argument here is, at best, intellectually stunted to the point he cannot defend it. It’s not an insurrection because the threat wasn’t sufficient! And/or there were no guns! Or Trump left office! Or…reasons! Simple Glem is simple minded.

    • @MrDreadEnd
      @MrDreadEnd 8 месяцев назад

      it cant be considered a real cou

    • @matthewobrien7326
      @matthewobrien7326 8 месяцев назад

      @@MrDreadEndit’s only a diet coup, because there weren’t any helicopters and Trump didn’t call the military? The zero calorie coup.

    • @smackyourlocalfrauditor9767
      @smackyourlocalfrauditor9767 8 месяцев назад

      😂😂😂 not the cracker jack box

  • @haydennash6780
    @haydennash6780 8 месяцев назад +77

    I love when people immediately pivot when faced with questions they don’t want to answer.

    • @JerkDeBust
      @JerkDeBust 7 месяцев назад +23

      dentiny's entire career in a nutshell.

    • @Oxtrooo
      @Oxtrooo 7 месяцев назад +10

      when did he pivot?@@JerkDeBust

    • @easyegg9760
      @easyegg9760 7 месяцев назад +8

      @@Oxtrooo”how many people did the insurrectionists kill”
      Destiny: refuses to answer, “how many people died in Fort Sumter”

    • @chrisjohnson-tn3gl
      @chrisjohnson-tn3gl 7 месяцев назад +2

      i agree with you. it was kind of cringe how many times destiny fell back on this and just started shouting over glen's points or answers to destiny's own questions.

    • @angelolopez2319
      @angelolopez2319 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@easyegg9760 zero people died at fort Sumter just like zero people were killed by insurrectionist on j6 he’s literally giving him an answer lmao??? Just because you didn’t know and pick up on that doesn’t mean destiny is wrong

  • @mcbean1
    @mcbean1 8 месяцев назад +116

    @33:58 Oh please, lets not act like if this had been Dems opposing trump's election in 2016, Reps would not be 100% on board with saying it was an insurrection

    • @ForOrAgainstUs
      @ForOrAgainstUs 8 месяцев назад +10

      Not that they wouldn't hop aboard an already moving train but... You familiar with the May 29 riots when Trump and family were moved by the secret service to a security bunker?

    • @SlackerMagician
      @SlackerMagician 8 месяцев назад

      They literally said he was an illegitimate president installed by putin for 4 years but ok

    • @MrGgabber
      @MrGgabber 8 месяцев назад +15

      They did. Multiple Democrats tried to get Biden to refuse to certify 2016. Jamie Raskin even petitioned for alternate electors

    • @SlackerMagician
      @SlackerMagician 8 месяцев назад +1

      Dems said Trump was illegitimate and installed by putin for 4 years and republicans never called it an insurrection

    • @mcbean1
      @mcbean1 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@SlackerMagician Do you think just saying something is the same as inciting people to riot?

  • @georgekolton9059
    @georgekolton9059 8 месяцев назад +38

    Lost major respect for delusional least on this matter.
    He nauseatingly keeps mentioning how the transfer of power was "only delayed by a miniscule and irrelevant 3 hours". It was "only" 3 hours because the insurrections failed in what they wanted to accomplish. Not because that "little" delay was all they wanted.
    The various chants going on tell us what they would've done, if they had succeeded.
    Greenwald misses that point and is basically saying that someone shouldn't be locked up for trying to kill somebody, because their aim was bad and the bullet missed.

    • @StinkCabbage
      @StinkCabbage 8 месяцев назад +7

      Excellent comment 👌

    • @thulyblu5486
      @thulyblu5486 8 месяцев назад +1

      You had respect for a lawyers' arguments before?!

    • @GovnaBuckingham
      @GovnaBuckingham 8 месяцев назад +5

      did they forget to bring guns?

    • @sorrymyenglishbad2535
      @sorrymyenglishbad2535 8 месяцев назад

      @@thulyblu5486Probably had respect for a Pulitzer prize winner.

    • @georgekolton9059
      @georgekolton9059 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@thulyblu5486 Greenwald does have a very good take on the Israel - Gaza situation and has done it justice in debates.

  • @TeamStevers
    @TeamStevers 7 месяцев назад +8

    Destiny L

  • @saltking2715
    @saltking2715 8 месяцев назад +135

    man, is Glenn training for the olympics? these mental gymnastics are through the roof

    • @michaelturley3457
      @michaelturley3457 8 месяцев назад +10

      Couldn’t beat Ben in a debate about this so he went to Glenn 😂 Destiny should just take the L and get over this childish argument

    • @JobVanDam
      @JobVanDam 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@michaelturley3457 He has to hold onto this tell himself the right is just as crazy or more crazy than the left. He cant let it go.

    • @sitonmuhdeckasshole
      @sitonmuhdeckasshole 7 месяцев назад

      I think it's because he considers himself influential in politics and thinks pushing this narrative helps Biden's chances of reelection and he know he can out argue most people to convince his audience that wants to hear it was an insurrection that it is. I don't think he actually feels like it was a serious insurrection, he's just looking it as a good opportunity to play the whole TRUMPS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY card. If you think 2000 hillibillies were a threat to democracy and downplay them being disorganized and not using serious lethal force, you're just not interested in having an honest discussion, he's just doing political activism here. That's why he smiled when he argued it with Ben because he knew he was about to be silly and probably lose but he had to give it his best shot. He doesn't buy any of these arguments@@JobVanDam

    • @TheFatAssCat
      @TheFatAssCat 7 месяцев назад

      @@JobVanDam y'all so triggered you've come to this strippers youtube channel to cope without any kind of actual argument. Just like your daddy Glenn.

    • @stevewillis1916
      @stevewillis1916 7 месяцев назад +5

      And then there’s you, who watches twitch streamers for political advice 😂😂😂.

  • @PoachStevens
    @PoachStevens 8 месяцев назад +91

    I needed to see Glenn Greenwald get a back-hand like this, pretty much since he left the independent. He caught several today. I was a fan before, now I’m just glad you exist. Even though Destiny is a girls name.

    • @mattsreptileroom
      @mattsreptileroom 8 месяцев назад +18

      Lmfao, are you kidding?! Destiny got embarrassed

    • @hansgullickson4080
      @hansgullickson4080 8 месяцев назад +6

      His fans do t think so. Lol

    • @user-el4su7tl6f
      @user-el4su7tl6f 8 месяцев назад +11

      U mean "the intercept"? Not the independent

    • @Chronoboost_
      @Chronoboost_ 8 месяцев назад

      @@mattsreptileroom Anyone would be embarrassed in Destiny's scenario. He's debating an imbecile. I would feel like it was such a waste of my time. Glenn Greenwald COULD be embarrassed, but he lacks social awareness.

    • @georgekolton9059
      @georgekolton9059 8 месяцев назад

      @@mattsreptileroom You have it backwards. Greenwald made one ridiculous claim after another, failing badly at explaining how an obvious coup wasn't a real coup....because not the correct number of people died... because 2 thousand wasn't "thousands"... because Trump left peacefully AFTER the fact... because Trump did nothing to get things under control for "an hour" which was actually more than 3 hours....bla bla BS....
      Greenwald went down in flames. Period.

  • @Alpine_Nightly
    @Alpine_Nightly 6 месяцев назад +2

    Greenwald's getting his face put on for his date with Destiny.

  • @olemanyounger5040
    @olemanyounger5040 8 месяцев назад +27

    Good point Glen bringing up Prigozhin in Russia. What happened to the ring leaders of that insurrection? Oh yeah, they're dead.

    • @bertthompson4748
      @bertthompson4748 8 месяцев назад +2

      Why does that matter? Can you draw a link?

    • @olemanyounger5040
      @olemanyounger5040 8 месяцев назад

      @@bertthompson4748 It was stupid for Glenn to bring it up as an insignificant Russian event, given the Russians thought it was significant enough to kill the leaders of Wagner and disband the unit.
      Also flexing about Russians "Crushing" the insurrectuonists in just 12 hours isn't true. Prigozhin and his men left peacefully, they weren't crushed by russians.
      The link is Glenn trying to desperately obfuscate the obvious fact that Jan. 6th was an insurrection.

    • @bertthompson4748
      @bertthompson4748 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@olemanyounger5040 oh i see. I didnt get that from your original comment.
      I thought you meant it was a good point to say "trump wasnt murdered like prigozhin so it cant have been a true coup".
      Thanks for clarifying

    • @stinkydinkybuttmuffin9693
      @stinkydinkybuttmuffin9693 8 месяцев назад

      What a deranged comment, Glenn was saying the Wagner rebellion was an actual coup.
      Now your suggesting that this was a bad decision from Glenn’s perspective as it introduces the possibility of trump’s rightful punishment?…death?
      It’s an evil world that I share a country with the likes of you.
      Destiny was humiliated by Glenn.

    • @Genarii
      @Genarii 8 месяцев назад

      What happened to the ring leaders of the Confederacy? This was somewhat addressed during this very debate.

  • @freeman7079
    @freeman7079 8 месяцев назад +12

    Slurpy Glenn….

  • @itskastrand
    @itskastrand 8 месяцев назад +10

    i cant wait for the debate breakdown video from that one editor guy. they’re so much fun to watch. it’s like a 40k battle report

    • @tunnelsloth5948
      @tunnelsloth5948 8 месяцев назад


    • @ignotuscapillary8313
      @ignotuscapillary8313 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@tunnelsloth5948 On destiny's second channel there are some videos breaking down his previous debates. They can be pretty informative and help to keep track of everyone's arguments and how people either counter or fail to counter certain points.

  • @Vorse_Raider
    @Vorse_Raider 4 месяца назад +5

    It is absolutely batshit WILD that Glenn is out here defending a coup because it only lasted three hours. Most successful coups are quick. What if it had succeeded Glenn? Would he still say that it wasn't that bad because it was only three hours?? Jesus.

  • @hecticfreeze
    @hecticfreeze 8 месяцев назад +6

    "Yes they delayed the vote, but only by 4 hours"
    How does anyone take Glenn Greenwald seriously when he says things like this?

    • @gianthills
      @gianthills 6 месяцев назад

      maybe because he is a legit journalist and the other guy with the weird jaw is a high school graduate

  • @kopekopekop
    @kopekopekop 8 месяцев назад +101

    Destiny talks about thousands of people violently entering the capital.
    Glen: “imagine two people with knives standing outside the capital”

    • @acason4
      @acason4 8 месяцев назад +17

      It's always a pivot & an obfuscation with people like Glenn. All of his previous credibility is on the wind...

    • @alexwestconsulting
      @alexwestconsulting 8 месяцев назад +13

      thousands of people didn't "violently enter the capital". Most people with very few exceptions simply walked in.

    • @masonterhorst
      @masonterhorst 8 месяцев назад +31

      @@alexwestconsultingbreaking and entering is legally considered a violent crime.
      The door/window doesn’t fix itself for each person to break again after the first few people break it to enter.
      Doesn’t mean the other people didn’t also commit “breaking and entering” if they trespassed through an already broken door or window onto property where they were not legally permitted.
      Also even if we granted that point, Glenns own stated estimate for how many explicitly violent people there were was around 120-200. That is like 100X the example he keeps falling back to “two violent people”.
      It’s a laughably stupid point.

    • @gimpg5329
      @gimpg5329 8 месяцев назад +30

      @@alexwestconsulting So ig if someone breaks into your house, you would be fine if a bunch of random people just wandered into it, since the door is now "open".

    • @acason4
      @acason4 8 месяцев назад +16

      So I'll let a 100+ of my friends know they can swing by your house anytime to break/kick your doors down, smash out your windows, damage your property screaming hang "Alex West Consulting". Also, I'll be sure an mention that as long as only 5 of them damage your property you'll be fine to advocate to law enforcement that the other 95 that dog pile in behind them were not violent & didn't actually commit a crime. That's the logical entailment of your delusional line of reasoning. Face palm.

  • @caseycowley4686
    @caseycowley4686 7 месяцев назад +3

    Whoops SCOTUS says Destiny is full of ShT. Surprise…..Suprise!

    • @truthstarved
      @truthstarved 7 месяцев назад +1

      By the very choice of names, destiny has demonstrated that he is a legend in his own mind.

  • @coolroxas
    @coolroxas 8 месяцев назад +69

    Yo all the TDS fans in here saying destiny is TDS. Lets be clear, destiny has never been to, worked or associated with The Daily Show. Though he may have enjoyed it when Jon Stewart was on.

    • @Godfrey544
      @Godfrey544 8 месяцев назад +2

      Didn’t he come back?

    • @coolroxas
      @coolroxas 8 месяцев назад

      @Godfrey544 starting Feb only on Mondays yes😂

    • @mikem4481
      @mikem4481 8 месяцев назад +6

      the left cant meme...

    • @coolroxas
      @coolroxas 8 месяцев назад +6

      @mikem4481 Hey, you're that one guy^ hi that one guy

    • @seankenny1275
      @seankenny1275 8 месяцев назад

      the correct guy@@coolroxas

  • @craigpoer
    @craigpoer 8 месяцев назад +6

    Wow destiny got destroyed 😮

  • @k45207
    @k45207 8 месяцев назад +51

    25:31 this is such a good point. You can’t define a rebellion by its chances of success.

    • @justaperson8144
      @justaperson8144 8 месяцев назад +4

      Rebellion..... Insurrection...?!
      Are we parsing semantics?
      Additionally, is that reality?
      In other words, if I can play word games better than I inherently supposedly more "valid"?
      I love words, games with words (crossword puzzles...etc), and to be clear, just like the propagandists.... I'm good at it.
      I have chosen not to use my gift for evil... not everyone does. To be clear, some do... premise would be, the VAST majority... you know those elderly folks and even some 40ish people being swept up in the notion that "hey, I guess we can go in " does not by any measure qualify an INSURRECTION. Lol.
      No guns, "from the supposed GUN NUTS"....are you kidding me?
      Nope. No how, no way.

    • @k45207
      @k45207 8 месяцев назад +6

      @@justaperson8144 sounds like you have strong feelings about this 😂 you can call it word games if you want. But I think defining it based on the chances of success especially in hindsight is a bad argue. Because a majority of rebellion and insurrections do have a low percentage of success they are almost always the underdog. Look at the American revolution on paper most people are putting their money on the British. If it didn’t succeed would it not still be call a rebellion or insurrection?

    • @justaperson8144
      @justaperson8144 8 месяцев назад

      @@k45207 Unsure...are claiming they were successful or are you claiming I was unsuccessful in proving the OBVIOUS.

    • @k45207
      @k45207 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@justaperson8144 not trying to be rude , but your question was worded weird. If I understand what your asking, I’m saying whether or not it was successful it can still be a rebellion or insurrection. No definition of either word entails that it has to have been successful for it to be defined as that action. Also you saying “I guess we can go in” is a huge misrepresentation of what actually happened. You make it sound like they were on some guided tour of the facility 😂

    • @bonko86
      @bonko86 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@justaperson8144 these were certainly all words

  • @gg-uq6zm
    @gg-uq6zm 8 месяцев назад +62

    “ Prestigious lawyers like Rudy Giuliani”

    • @wahh3074
      @wahh3074 8 месяцев назад +2

      R agedlikemilk

    • @rainmaker6261
      @rainmaker6261 8 месяцев назад

      Lol and this is why Glenn goes out of his way to explain the history of Rudy Guiliani to Destiny and his crew of brain dead children who believe history began in 2016.
      Rudy Giuliani has been on this planet for 80 years. He was a widely respected lawyer and mayor for far more of those 80 years than he has been broady scorned, a very recent phenomenon.

    • @seamusmcavey3826
      @seamusmcavey3826 7 месяцев назад +1

      @realrudygiuliani worth a follow

    • @davidsaraclark3739
      @davidsaraclark3739 7 месяцев назад +8

      You know Giuliani was like, the batman of prosecutors in his early life, right?

    • @ssj4punkrocker
      @ssj4punkrocker 7 месяцев назад +6

      This comment is fine example of the American education system

  • @mattcoakes5682
    @mattcoakes5682 8 месяцев назад +122

    The crazy thing about using "It ended in Trump peacefully giving up power, therefore it wasn't an attempted coup" as a defense, is that means that anyone could become president, try to do a sneaky coup, and as long as you forfeit before they charge you, you can't be held liable.
    Even if you wanna say Trump didn't try to do a coup, it's just not the precedent you want to set...

    • @Branif
      @Branif 8 месяцев назад +7

      The problem is Destiny always wants to tell us to trust in the institutions, and on this, he wants to clutch his pearls. Very inconsistent

    • @THEKNIGHT108
      @THEKNIGHT108 8 месяцев назад +15

      @@Branifliterally nothing about this is inconsistent, the president alone does not an institution make.

    • @mattcoakes5682
      @mattcoakes5682 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@Branif So for one, that is a complete non sequitur to my comment, not sure why you are replying to me with that.
      But to engage with that - it's not inconsistent at all. Destiny has general trust in our institutions but has never said "trust all members of all institutions regardless of what actions they take."
      If he had said those words, then I guess his criticism of Trump here would be inconsistent? But he has never said anything remotely close to that.

    • @alexd4566
      @alexd4566 8 месяцев назад +10

      That is like saying “I didn’t actually kill my aunt, since I missed my shot. Therefore, it wasn’t attempted murder”
      It’s a ridiculous argument.

    • @JobVanDam
      @JobVanDam 8 месяцев назад

      I just think liberals have to call Jan 6th a coup and an insurrection cause they can always tell themselves "but the right is MORE dangerous look at Jan 6th"
      Meanwhile the amount of things where the left has gone too far is insane.
      Then again i'm kinda used to this the left has such high standards for the right. The right standards are dont be crazy, and thats a huge bar for the left.

  • @brandonbenjamin5425
    @brandonbenjamin5425 7 месяцев назад +47

    I love how Glenn keeps shrinking the length of the insurrection at first he said 3 hours and a lil past half way into the debate its an hour😂😂

    • @stevegreen6086
      @stevegreen6086 7 месяцев назад +1

      Just stating the obvious…ITS FUCKING IRRELEVANT

    • @jamesalexander958
      @jamesalexander958 7 месяцев назад +2

      The length was zero

    • @Micscience
      @Micscience 6 месяцев назад

      You have to be a young person to follow Destiny. I am willing to bet not one older wise gentleman follows Destiny. He is like this new age debater that lives in a internet bubble by not understanding historical context or he down plays it's significance. On the other hand when he is just alone or just talking to someone not debating he actually seems really smart. I don't get the guy I really don't.

    • @gianthills
      @gianthills 6 месяцев назад

      when the left have no argument they exaggerate.

    • @Boxcar808
      @Boxcar808 3 месяца назад

      @@Micscience Well you wouldn't, you're dopey enough to believe age somehow automatically grants wisdom.

  • @Alright70
    @Alright70 8 месяцев назад +30

    Does Glen think that we didn’t watch everything for at least 10 hours that day? Jeez..

    • @jethrotool4828
      @jethrotool4828 8 месяцев назад +4

      After they got inside the building, when did they attempt to overthrow the government? I must’ve missed that part.

    • @zandafolf
      @zandafolf 8 месяцев назад

      He knows so

    • @robinsonc5
      @robinsonc5 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@jethrotool4828 when they were trying to get access to politicians? When politicians had to stop the vote because people were trying to kill them, etc

    • @jethrotool4828
      @jethrotool4828 8 месяцев назад

      @@robinsonc5 can you link the video on these attempted murders on politicians? Or where it describes protests delaying votes for a few hours as an insurrection?
      And btw a few yahoos outside with a make shift gallows, rhetorically chanting “hang mike pence” in a protest doesn’t qualify as attempted murder.

    • @ibaphomet6291
      @ibaphomet6291 8 месяцев назад +2

      On cnn

  • @alexjones306
    @alexjones306 3 месяца назад +12

    This was an annihilation. Glenn was humiliated

    • @ferguswatt2884
      @ferguswatt2884 Месяц назад +2

      I cannot understand how anyone could believe what you just said.
      A moderately sized crown protested legally, and then wandered around a government building for three hours before going home peacefully. Some of those protesters broke in, the majority were let in by an intentionally understaffed capital police crew guarding the building. There’s are thousands of photos and videos of the broad majority of protestors acting more like they were on a guided tour as compared to the violence, looting, or destruction that was conspicuously absent.
      One protestor was killed by an overwhelmed police person after that protestor made some unwise choices.
      Everyone went home in three hours, the president told everyone to go home and be peaceful. The president turned over power on time and peacefully, as per normal, despite his having believed that he was cheated due to election fraud, in a country with a long and undisputed history of actual election fraud being a problem, election fraud having actually been more common than not for at least the last fifty years.
      There is not a dispute between left and right about anything I just said.
      So what were the reasons you believe that Destiny just won a debate against Greenwald on a topic where Destiny was on the side of rightness and truth?
      I witnessed Destiny humiliate himself by badly and rudely arguing that a three hour protest delaying certification, where everyone went home peacefully and the leader of The protestors only advocated for his supporters to be peaceful if protesting and go home without causing problems.
      A coup or also an insurrection, those are both major earthquake events which almost always involved violence, often perpetrate human rights abuses, are clearly and openly meant to force through a political objective while communicating through actions that the violent party openly disregards competing political interests, including majority vote, on the authority of the still bloody blade.
      I am so shocked that there is this comment section politically invested in Destiny and opposed to Greenwald.
      And I see so few comments that reference Destiny’s arguments based on how those arguments prove Destiny is right. Cause all he’s got is arrogance and immaturity while utterly lacking substantive arguments which could be convincingly demonstrated to be accurate and true.

    • @BryanSurtain-xy7vc
      @BryanSurtain-xy7vc 26 дней назад

      ​​@@ferguswatt2884hello Magadonian! It's clear that the goal of the protest was to influence Pence to make a terrible decision, and to delay the certification of the vote. When you add in the fake electors that were provided by Trump's minions, you have an undeniable number of crimes worthy of prison time, which diaper Don will certainly get after he loses this election. Nothing but dark days ahead for Magadonia

    • @elephantoflight3362
      @elephantoflight3362 19 дней назад

      @@ferguswatt2884You have zero evidence that a police crew let anyone in….. And Ashley’s death is Trump’s doing. You say it yourself, after 3 hours Trump told them to go home….

    • @bd555
      @bd555 15 дней назад

      @@ferguswatt2884 Well said. 👍

  • @Yuh_mama
    @Yuh_mama 8 месяцев назад +9

    Destiny debating when she in heat are my favorite

  • @PokeChampionHQ
    @PokeChampionHQ 8 месяцев назад +5

    Honestly, I was going to abstain from this election because I don’t like either candidate but after this debate, trump needs to lose more then anything else

  • @PCGamesAndTek
    @PCGamesAndTek 8 месяцев назад +22

    Greenwald is a weasel.

  • @phoenixfire8226
    @phoenixfire8226 7 месяцев назад +4

    another embarrassing one for destiny. the moment he called greenwald a partisan hack was the biggest oops. lol literally everyone knows, and i think destiny even admits, he's the biggest democratic establishment partisan hack on youtube. rich.

    • @jonathanwilliams1641
      @jonathanwilliams1641 7 месяцев назад +3

      The "biggest democratic establishment partisan hack on youtube." Wow. That is maybe the craziest comment in this entire comment section.

    • @Extracredittttt
      @Extracredittttt 4 месяца назад

      He rips into democrats and "the left" literally constantly and he wears his values and biases in his sleeves. He obviously thinks Democrats are fundamentally better than Republicans, but this is a low bar
      Greenwald is also one of the *most* famous partisan hacks in the country. He is almost universally recognized for this

    • @millhousemillard2140
      @millhousemillard2140 20 дней назад

      But glenn is completely rational and not at all mad 🤣🤣🤣

  • @AnthonySuperCoder
    @AnthonySuperCoder 8 месяцев назад +61

    Watching Glen weasel around live was torture.

    • @williamboyd9690
      @williamboyd9690 8 месяцев назад +2

      As opposed to whining and sulking like Destiny did the entire debate because he wasn't getting his own way? Crybaby central 😆

    • @Xornicus
      @Xornicus 16 дней назад

      ​@@williamboyd9690 spitting facts and watching some moron deny reality can be depressing. When you realize how fucking stupid some people like Glen are it really makes you lose hope in modern conservatives.