Would you love to build your own container house and be an owner in a much more economical way than the traditional one? PLAHOUSE has all the answers in his new ebook! Step-by-step guide on how to make your own container house a reality. Buy it here: bit.ly/4cu6Siv
It is an honor for me to be part of Quantum Tech. A small piece of this great work you do. I've been watching your videos for years 🤩. Thanks family 🙏.
@@PLAHOUSE-CONTAINER⚠️ God has said in the Quran: 🔵 { O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous - ( 2:21 ) 🔴 [He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him]. ( 2:22 ) 🔵 And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful. ( 2:23 ) 🔴 But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.( 2:24 ) 🔵 And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, "This is what we were provided with before." And it is given to them in likeness. And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally. ( 2:25 ) ⚠️ Quran
My wife and I have been living in a container for the past 6 months! It has a full bath, kitchen with dishwasher! Plenty of cupboards and built in drawers! It's actually pretty amazing! Love this guy's work!
@@salmalopes788 si una casa prefabricada hecha con contenedores la mandas hacer, el metro te sale a 700 pavos de media. Eso si, si la haces tu, te ahorras la mano de obra que es el 35-40% de un proyecto. Asi que si tienes 100 m2 y la haces tu, te sale a unos 40000€ mas o menos
|> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> Yes yes ... But how ... Im machinist and the kilometers I weld pfffth ... I see how they "weld" ... Grandpa maver, Vater macer and brother macer ... Hahahahaha ... I grow up with that ... Then watch that thing after 5 years. |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |>
Кто бы что бы не писал всё равно скажу ,, МОЛОДЦЫ"!!! Я не сомневаюсь, что любой, самый наилучший дом, вы сделаете !!! Дело мастера боится! Для таких трудяжек не жалко и ста лайков!!!❤
сказка для диванных экспертов. строит команда специально обученных строителей, а снимают только его на простых примитивных операциях. вот так и накручивают просмотры и коментарии.
Fair play to that guy making a home out of an Container. I see his dog is the overseer on the project and lending some support. It's amazing what a person can do once they have a creative mind. It's beautiful. I love it. They have made homes here in Ireland out of Containers for the homeless. I would live one. Hi from the West of Ireland 🧡
Doyle, How are you keeping on this cold Monday?, well it's 11:00-pm here in Colorado so I know it's the wee hour's in the lovely West of Eire. I myself lived in the West and missed it the day *Aer Lingus* took off for America. I was coming back of course BUT due to Medical Problems I was unable. Just wanted to pop in and say 'Hello', and all the very best to you now and always. God bless. ☘️ Eileen ☘️
I'm undecided re : living in a Hapag Lloyd container, a Cosco container , Maersk, Evergreen , or MSC container, there's so many choices. Which is the most environmentally friendly built container?
Back when containers were cheap it made sense to try to make cool stuff out of them but now it isn't worth all the extra crap you have to do to make it work
@@sfmsomethingfreshmedia257”all the extra crap” is another way of saying “I don’t have any specific details, so I’m just gonna ambiguously call it extra crap”
Vraiment j'ai été scotchée devant cette vidéo. Tout est fait de vos mains. Beaucoup de travail, excellent . Il n'y a pas de mots 👍. Le toit et les murs renforcés, la porte de la terrasse aussi . Vous avez bien sécurisé le tout . Un grand BRAVO et merci .
Я просто в восторге от вашего умения все делать идеально у вас и руки не крюки и голова на месте, я обязательно буду искать такого же мужа только в следующей жизни, так как эта уже заканчивается, а вам желаю счастья, здоровья, любви в вашем собственными руками построенном доме. 🥰
It's not realistic, you can't stuff everything you need in a 20' container. But who needs a kitchen when you have all of those ultra premium fixtures and finishes, right.
Reminds me of people trying to convert an old school bus into a functional RV. Takes way more money than u think and 50,000 hrs of hard work. This guy however has the tools, skill and time to make it come together. 👍
@@galahad6001 Funny because I built one using 3 shipping containers in two acres of land and spent less on it then I would have a house of similar size on a smaller property.
PLEASE ADVISE ME. I was told to spread my savings across different things like BTC and Stocks to protect and support my retirement. with everything being shaky,I'm considering going into Trade. i don't wanna make the wrong choice.
Yo I didn't know Kate was this popular,my cousin trade with her for some months now, I tried but couldn't understand anything it's not my thing tho so I passed Lol. I can testify that trade pays very well because my cousin at 23 bought a house already.@@vincentstewart1843
When it comes to Trade, I can confidently say that bitcoin is the best option. But most people think it's all about buying and leaving it to rise but It takes a lot more you need to trade it to earn daily.
My friend, you are one of the best Mother... I’ve seen. You should have a container construction company. Thank you for sharing this excellent video; I take my hat off to you
Since thousands of these containers are left sitting around, the basic structure is pretty cheap; however, you need to make sure the container you purchase hasn't been carrying hazardous goods, for there could have been contamination in the container. Testing for contaminents tends to be expensive. In cold weather climates, to get a sufficient R-value, additional insulation/insulating products would be required. In addition, a proper base to sit the container(s) on would be higher than in warmer climates where basic pillars or blocks could be used. I love the idea of using shipping containers in this way, but people need to be informed of all the possible issues, including l;local zoning laws, that they could face before and during construction.
also by time you have fitted everything inside as well they are usually not cheaper then say building a log house or something similar size in bricks. they are an entirely design aspect. its cool to recycle the containers but they are far from the "cheap" alternative people seem to think they are.
yeah, it's cheap rubbish wood. I laughed when I saw he was using particle board.It bends after a while if weight is on it. It swells if it gets wet, yeah, real highend materials. This thing is all well and good, but it doesn't even have a kitchen, no good if you want to permanently live in it and who has the skills and tools to build this. I was waiting for the solar panels to go up, didn't happen, yet he goes on about your carbon footprint. I think in today's world, people are more concerned about putting a roof over their head than worrying about the truck that delivers food to the shop for you to buy.
Großer Respekt an dem Alleskönner, der Typ ist der Hammer, Wahnsinn 💪💪💪 wenn dass ein Doppel Container wäre, also mehr Platz in der Breite, wäre dass bombastisch!
Классно! Это намного лучше, чем фанерные домики в США за 500000 $! Но для России этот проект не годен, зима в России 7 месяцев и температура -30 °С! 👍👍👍👍👍👍
The other container may be the next project .. building that kitchenette we all longed to see. Oh my I’m almost sure of it. lol. .. waiting to see if may be right ~ and this is the idea 👍
То что построил сам это очень хорошо ну этот контейнер вообще не стоит того можно было за эти потрачинную сумму нормальный большой дом построить с кухней гостиной и отдельной спальней не говоря уже о сан узле или сауной😊 ну а так респект этим людям что руки у них прямые. 😊👍
Hermoso y impresionante trabajo! Me quedé con ganas de mudarme a uno así,increíble 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️, creo que en segundo contenedor hará cocina, comedor y sala! Eso me hace pensar 🤔🤔🤭🤭🥰
Wow, this DIY container home is truly a masterpiece! 🛠 It's incredible to see how you've turned a simple shipping container into a beautiful, functional home. The attention to detail, creativity, and hard work you've poured into this project is so inspiring. Not only have you created a cozy living space, but you've also shown that affordable housing can be stylish and sustainable. Your journey is a testament to what can be achieved with vision and determination. Thanks for sharing this amazing transformation with us! 🌟
Great video. Would be helpful if we could get like a total budget cost for some of these smaller builds, just as a comparison point or benchmark for our own builds.
in my country i imagine this build would cost 50k or more and good luck tryin to find a piece of land to put it on, that be another 120k if you're lucky.
@@cadisainmduit-sy4ey same problem at Finland, land cost too much no found cheap anywere. but container can build lot less than 50K € full container cost normal 2000-4000 € and then need only sheet and other parts and lot work only.
Muy inteligente,de verdad muchas felicidades por tan grande logro,me alegro mucho por la dedicación,esfuerzo y amor ❤️💜😍🍀 Dios lo bendiga a usted su casa y a su perrito🐕
Quanto vorrei trovare un uomo capace di fare ogni cosa..come questo bravissimo giovane ...complimenti di cuore ❤️. La sua compagna e una donna fortunatissima ...auguri a voi due .
The cost of bureaucrats, to come "inspect" your property and drain your bank account is kind of why people have to look at other ways to build. Sober or later no one is going to care about what some zoning monkey thinks and if pushed will feed their garden with them, scary times ahead.
Wow this guy is clever than most of you who seem to think he is.To be so skillful in knowingly how you want to build your own home and do it by yourself is fantastic.Good on you for achieving such a beautiful container home.I bet there ain't many men out there who can mow a lawn let alone build their home by themselves or a dog box.
I liked that you built a house from a container cabin, but since you chose a small size cabin, it would be more beneficial to use 2 containers because especially the shower area and WC part are narrow. You also had to pay attention to the safe house part in order to sleep peacefully with your spouse at night.
@@mattivirta I will use double containers downstairs and a single container upstairs and my priority will be Security. Solid and durable places have become a must, especially after the bloody attack in Russia. Unfortunately, safe places have become very scarce, so we must create living spaces first for bad people and then against natural disasters
I could see building an initial small container first. Then you would have a place to live on the construction site while adding other containers for more comfortable and spacious living.
Один вопрос. На ху я?! Что мешало за основу взять дерево и сделать нормальный домик. Взял ржавый контейнер. Если бабки есть на материалы в контейнер ввалить столько сил и денег. Это просто дебелизм
87000 морской контейнер 20 футов с авито. за 87 можно и каркас собрать. Радость от контейнера только в том, что несущая конструкция готова. просто берешь и обшиваешь со всех сторон. Как каша из топора. Какой размер 20 футового контейнера? Все размеры морских контейнеров 20 40 45 футов DC DV HC PW Морской сухогрузный контейнер 20 футов имеет стандартные размеры и параметры. Внешние размеры: длина - 6,058 метров, ширина - 2,438 метров, высота - 2,591 метров. Внутренние размеры: длина - 5,905 метров, ширина - 2,352 метров, высота - 2,393 метров. Вес пустого контейнера составляет 2370 кг. Вдруг пригодится
Из дерева это был бы бытовка-курятник. А так получился крепкий мини-домик. Контейнер нормальный, не ржавый, только помят у него. Мы тоже сделали из контейнера временный мини-дом, чтобы жить там на время стройки. Классная вещь и не дорого, но я не занимался штукатуркой и прочей лишней работой. Всё делается гораздо проще
Не согласен с вами. Главное отличие этого дома от обычного - его мобильность. Контейнер имеет очень высокую прочность, и позволит, в случае необходимости, перевезти его в любое другое место. И, судя по тому, как подключены коммуникации, так всё и запланировано. Стоимость контейнера в общей смете данного строительства очень небольшая, это факт. Хотя фасадную часть можно было и не делать вовсе, просто покрасить, и всё. В остальном, приятный, качественный, продуманный, компактный небольшой домик! P.S. досмотрел до конца. Всё-таки перемудрил с домиком. Проще было обычный каркасник построить. Его, разве что, перевезти немного сложнее. Но и этот домик не так-то просто будет перевозить. Велика вероятность повредить фасад и кровлю. Всё-таки, дома из контейнеров - это своя, особая ниша для своей аудитории. Себе бы такой не строил и не купил никогда. Всем строителям и самостройщикам удачи!
Bon travail Monsieur que Dieu vous gardez depuis Haïti bravo bravo bravo bravo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Would you love to build your own container house and be an owner in a much more economical way than the traditional one? PLAHOUSE has all the answers in his new ebook! Step-by-step guide on how to make your own container house a reality. Buy it here: bit.ly/4cu6Siv
It is an honor for me to be part of Quantum Tech. A small piece of this great work you do. I've been watching your videos for years 🤩. Thanks family 🙏.
@@PLAHOUSE-CONTAINER⚠️ God has said in the Quran:
🔵 { O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous - ( 2:21 )
🔴 [He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him]. ( 2:22 )
🔵 And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful. ( 2:23 )
🔴 But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.( 2:24 )
🔵 And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, "This is what we were provided with before." And it is given to them in likeness. And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally. ( 2:25 )
⚠️ Quran
La grande classe !!!! Félicitations super travail ! Magnifique
Why don’t your thumbnails match the video. Your thumbnails are way more interesting than the actual house you show
My wife and I have been living in a container for the past 6 months! It has a full bath, kitchen with dishwasher! Plenty of cupboards and built in drawers! It's actually pretty amazing! Love this guy's work!
in the united states
Cuanto costaría!
@@salmalopes788 si una casa prefabricada hecha con contenedores la mandas hacer, el metro te sale a 700 pavos de media. Eso si, si la haces tu, te ahorras la mano de obra que es el 35-40% de un proyecto. Asi que si tienes 100 m2 y la haces tu, te sale a unos 40000€ mas o menos
Se fosse aqui no Brasil 🇧🇷 seria no valor de 35 a 65 mil reais muito caro 😢
Designer, builder, carpenter, electrician, boilermaker and plumber What a clever and intelligent person!
Bravo bre mladicu 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I work in a warehouse and every time I load the trucks, I fantasize about doing this to the shipping trailers. I love this. Awesome job.
Me too.
Do It!
This dude has some MAD building skills! Welding, plumbing, electrical, framing, finishing... he can do it all.
نعم لديه مهارات لاكن استخدم مواد سهله التركيب
@@aoj4106Enjoy 😍 and forward to you all and have a good day and forward to you all and have a good day 😘 love you can you all the office 😁 0:32 0:32 0:32 0:33 0:33 0:33 0:33 0:33 0:33 0:33 0:33 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:35 0:35 0:35 0:35 0:35 0:35 0:35 0:35 0:35 0:36 0:36 0:36 0:36 0:36 0:36 0:37 0:37 0:37 0:37 0:37 0:37 0:37 0:37 0:37 0:38 0:38 0:38 0:38 0:38 0:38 0:38 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:39 0:40 0:40 0:40 0:40 0:40 0:40 0:40 0:41 0:41 0:41 0:41 0:41 0:41 0:41 0:41 0:42 0:42 0:42 0:42 0:42 0:42 0:42 0:42 0:42 0:43 0:43 0:43 0:43 0:43 0:43 0:43 0:44 0:44 0:44 0:44 0:44 0:44 0:44 0:44 0:44 0:45 0:45 0:45 0:45 0:45 0:45 0:45 0:46 0:46 0:46 0:46 0:46 0:46 0:46 0:47 0:47 0:47 0:47 0:47 0:47 0:47 0:47 0:48 0:48 0:48 0:48 0:48 0:48 0:48 0:48 0:49 0:49 0:49 0:49 0:49 0:49 0:49 0:50 0:50 0:50 0:50 0:50 0:50 0:50 0:51 0:51 0:51 0:51 0:51 0:51 0:51 0:51 0:52 0:52 0:52 0:52 0:52 0:52 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:53 0:54 0:54 0:54 0:54 0:54 0:54 0:54 0:54 0:54 0:55 0:55 0:55 0:55 0:55 0:55 0:55 0:56 0:56 0:56 0:56 0:56 0:56 0:57 0:57 0:57 0:57 0:57 0:57 0:57 0:58 0:58 0:58 0:58 0:58 0:59 0:59 0:59 0:59 0:59 0:59 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:01 1:01 1:01 1:01 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:03 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:04 1:05 1:05 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:06 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:07 1:08 1:08 1:08 1:08 1:08 1:08 1:09 1:09 1:09 1:09 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:11 1:11 1:11 1:11 1:11 1:11 1:11 1:11 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:12 1:13 1:13 1:13 1:13 1:13 1:13 1:13 1:13
The price of labor like that is incredible expensive.
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Yes yes ... But how ...
Im machinist and the kilometers I weld pfffth ...
I see how they "weld" ... Grandpa maver, Vater macer and brother macer ...
Hahahahaha ... I grow up with that ...
Then watch that thing after 5 years.
|> |> |> |> |> |> |> |>
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Imagine he earned only from this one video over 1mln dolars.
Как говорят у нас в России- этот мужчина рукастый 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!!! Только уважение и восхищение!!!
Такому мужчине цены нету.Молодец ❤😊❤.
@@ОльгаЧехова-с7дА драться за него будете если приспичит? 😄
Вы мастер с большой буквы.Руки золотые умничка, так держать
Bravo Monsieur c'est magnifique ce que vous avez fait surtout n’écoutez pas les mauvaises langues car c’est votre défi et vous l’avez réussi ❤
A big thank you for not ruining the video by talking all the time, the subtitles were a great idea.
Amazing job!!! ❤
It was ruined by the muzak instead
Con ingenio, creatividad, pasión, mucha paciencia y el dinero suficiente realizó una obra de arte.🎭. Hermosa la casa.
Кто бы что бы не писал всё равно скажу ,, МОЛОДЦЫ"!!! Я не сомневаюсь, что любой, самый наилучший дом, вы сделаете !!! Дело мастера боится! Для таких трудяжек не жалко и ста лайков!!!❤
сказка для диванных экспертов. строит команда специально обученных строителей, а снимают только его на простых примитивных операциях. вот так и накручивают просмотры и коментарии.
Я встречала в жизни много мужчин, которые своими СВОИМИ РУКАМИ ПОСТРОИЛИ ДОМ,.БЕЗ БРИГАД И ПОМОЩНИКОВ - САМИ.
@@ЭкоФрост не исключено.. прям и сварщик, и электрик(!), и стены запенить, а а голимую дверь поставить - другой мужик засветился..))..
@@ЭкоФростя с Вами согласна на все 100%
He’s a genius most men wish they were like him! Lucky woman if she’s his wife. 😊
Fair play to that guy making a home out of an Container. I see his dog is the overseer on the project and lending some support. It's amazing what a person can do once they have a creative mind. It's beautiful. I love it. They have made homes here in Ireland out of Containers for the homeless. I would live one. Hi from the West of Ireland 🧡
Doyle, How are you keeping on this cold Monday?, well it's 11:00-pm here in Colorado so I know it's the wee hour's in the lovely West of Eire. I myself lived in the West and missed it the day *Aer Lingus* took off for America. I was coming back of course BUT due to Medical Problems I was unable. Just wanted to pop in and say 'Hello', and all the very best to you now and always. God bless. ☘️ Eileen ☘️
Ireland , probably one of my cousins there . Never been there , the one thing I’d like to do . Go there and see for myself !
As always a man and his dog can do anything 👌👌👌
I'm undecided re : living in a Hapag Lloyd container, a Cosco container , Maersk, Evergreen , or MSC container, there's so many choices. Which is the most environmentally friendly built container?
@PulauSwan Good on you. Log cabins hand build would be for me. I'm really impressed on your talent.
First of all…the music to this video rocked! Super loud. Louder than my cds in fact. Loved everything about this video.
여기는 한국입니다.
우리나라에서도 컨테이너하우스를 꿈꾸는 사람들이 많아요.
그런데 이정도 퀄리티는 생각도 못했네요.
열정에 박수를 보냅니다.
우리나라도 이쁜거 많던데요 ㅎ
한국은 잘해놓고 마지막에 재활용 그린색유리를껴서 다 조져나! 칙칙한 그린색유리는 무섭기까지도해
저렇게 해봐야 허가 안나옴
한국 제품과 퀄 차이가 분명히 남...
이 정도로 만드는 업체 없음
물론 가격이 문제지만...
겨울에 춥지않을까요? 전 그게 걱정...
When space is small, creativity becomes more important than ever.
Когда руки у мужика растут с нужного места!!! Респект!!!😊❤
Это , когда финансы не поют романсы.
@@СергейПолаев-е2уЗа вложенные в покупку и оборудование этого контейнера финансы у нас в Николаеве можно купить квартиру.
@@СергейПолаев-е2уЩас она тебе выше скажет - ты же мужчина, ты должен 😄
Did I miss the kitchen? Not a home without one. Such a stunning job on this, mad skills.
I think he's making a guest house / air bnb
@@actualangel5133 still think it would need a kitchen though.
My thoughts exactly . Would have preferred a 2 container joined project with fully loaded kitchen 👌
Maybe a barbecue on the verandah was in the plans?
Right. I thought I'd missed the kitchen but there is none!
Back when containers were cheap it made sense to try to make cool stuff out of them but now it isn't worth all the extra crap you have to do to make it work
Containers are still dirt cheap.
@@Itsreallymarcusstill cheap in Virginia, US and A
What crap?
@@sfmsomethingfreshmedia257”all the extra crap” is another way of saying “I don’t have any specific details, so I’m just gonna ambiguously call it extra crap”
True, if their not cheap, they are expensive to transport/deliver. Not really worth it anymore.
Dios bendiga sus manos y su sabiduría estoy asombra algun Dia tendre un hogar como esté felicidades y muchas bendiciones
Vraiment j'ai été scotchée devant cette vidéo. Tout est fait de vos mains. Beaucoup de travail, excellent . Il n'y a pas de mots 👍. Le toit et les murs renforcés, la porte de la terrasse aussi . Vous avez bien sécurisé le tout . Un grand BRAVO et merci .
Super Masz Rację.❤
This guy is good. He looked like he built hundreds of these. Very beautiful.
Great job. I'm sure you saved yourself a ton of money doing the work yourself. I wish i knew how. God bless, and keep up the great work.❤
Sorprendente el trabajo de este muchacho felicitaciones 😮 👏👏👏
Супер!Чудо мужчина! Золотые руки!👌
Hi I am from Thailand. Thank you very much for the VDO to show step by stem to build container house. It is very useful.
Красавчик! Мужик!❤
Я просто в восторге от вашего умения все делать идеально у вас и руки не крюки и голова на месте, я обязательно буду искать такого же мужа только в следующей жизни, так как эта уже заканчивается, а вам желаю счастья, здоровья, любви в вашем собственными руками построенном доме. 🥰
Sir, I will watch all your endeavors as you build and create..... All Glory to God for your talent.
اصلا باورم نمیشه... این مثل معجزه میمونه... یه مرد واقعا تمام عیار که میتونه آرزوی هر زنی باشه... عالی عالی عالی🎉🎉🎉🎉🤩🤩🤩👌👏👏👏👏🦾👩❤️💋👨
Super!!! Bardzo pomysłowo, gratuluję wykonania.
Very good job and many hours of work👍👍👍❤very nice finish !
Niesamowity talent . Domek piękny . Pozdrawiam serdecznie ❤❤❤
The only things missing was a kitchen and solar panel system .I love you professional work .
It's not realistic, you can't stuff everything you need in a 20' container. But who needs a kitchen when you have all of those ultra premium fixtures and finishes, right.
@@joshuaprince898Real men eat raw food, sir.
My container home runs off protein. It has a bug catching system and I have to put beans into it every now and then. Worth every dime.
@@joshuaprince898 Of course it's realistic. Never seen the inside of a caravan?
Es hermosa la casa Pero sobre todo el genio de hombre que la hizo.😊
Electrician, Carpenter, plumber, welder, painter, etc…… all in man 👏🫡
normal men can do all this simple easy job.
@@mattivirtaно их так мало, этих нормальных мужчин😂
Dude is awesome God gift him foreal blessed his man lord
Times like this I wish I was more into construction rather than office work....
Excellent comment it is indeed good to know all these arts.
@far_outlook lucky you 👍
Thankuuuuuu for sharing this video...WOW! MUCH RESPECT!
Simply amazing. It’s always inspiring to see the truly smart and talented people in this 🌎 .
Reminds me of people trying to convert an old school bus into a functional RV. Takes way more money than u think and 50,000 hrs of hard work. This guy however has the tools, skill and time to make it come together. 👍
Great job!!
I agree as a builder of 40 years it makes no sense at all ...
Why not?
@@galahad6001 Funny because I built one using 3 shipping containers in two acres of land and spent less on it then I would have a house of similar size on a smaller property.
Супер руки у мужчины золотые, приятно смотреть на его работу. 👍👍👍
Мужчина на многое готов, когда его поддерживает и помогает верная и любимая женщина)
I was told to spread my savings across different things like BTC and Stocks to protect and support my retirement. with everything being shaky,I'm considering going into Trade. i don't wanna make the wrong choice.
I always advice new members to have a mentor orientation on how it works before getting involved. Trade offers more benefits than just holding.
Kate Floretta
Face book
She Trade for Top Celebrities and super stars & could Mentor you.
Yo I didn't know Kate was this popular,my cousin trade with her for some months now, I tried but couldn't understand anything it's not my thing tho so I passed Lol. I can testify that trade pays very well because my cousin at 23 bought a house already.@@vincentstewart1843
When it comes to Trade, I can confidently say that bitcoin is the best option. But most people think it's all about buying and leaving it to rise but It takes a lot more you need to trade it to earn daily.
فوق العاده ❤❤❤❤ولی کسی که مهارت چنین کاری نداشته باشه باید هزینه زیادی پرداخت کنه
That's why there is the saying, everything that is done with love and affection comes out perfect 😍❤️
All you need is every tool ever made, the skill and expertise to use them properly
This, plus about $60k in building materials and 400 man hours. It's a nice little house, but there is no way this was cheap or affordable.
I partially finished my basement and had to buy damn near everytool... and it was just a room and lights!
@@timw7946 and you won’t use most of them ever again.
He has received 10 million views. I think the new paint roller is paid for.
Молодец просто умница настоящий мужчина 😊👍👍👍👍
Absolutely amazing work!!! You are so gifted to bring those containers to life ...well done ❤😊xx
Я из Крыма молодец умница так держать ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The only thing missing was a kitchen. I love the under bed storage.
My friend, you are one of the best Mother... I’ve seen. You should have a container construction company. Thank you for sharing this excellent video; I take my hat off to you
Since thousands of these containers are left sitting around, the basic structure is pretty cheap; however, you need to make sure the container you purchase hasn't been carrying hazardous goods, for there could have been contamination in the container. Testing for contaminents tends to be expensive.
In cold weather climates, to get a sufficient R-value, additional insulation/insulating products would be required. In addition, a proper base to sit the container(s) on would be higher than in warmer climates where basic pillars or blocks could be used.
I love the idea of using shipping containers in this way, but people need to be informed of all the possible issues, including l;local zoning laws, that they could face before and during construction.
Very good idea and advice.😊
also by time you have fitted everything inside as well they are usually not cheaper then say building a log house or something similar size in bricks. they are an entirely design aspect. its cool to recycle the containers but they are far from the "cheap" alternative people seem to think they are.
Hermoso trabajo y felicitaciones por todos los conocimientos que tienen 🥰👏👏👏👏👏
Мы к вагончику пристроили большую веранду, прихожку, котельную, душ и туалет. Получился уютный домик в деревне.
Золотые руки!!!😊🎉Молодец!!!😊"Я думала об этом"Что,так можно!А вы Молодец!Вы-можете!😊😊😊
Если "Мы", это вместе делали, это хорошо, а если он один все делал, но это очень плоха 😄
Que maravilla, merece un premio, es un artista.
@ 26:25 that particle board bed base sure says "this project only features high=end materials throughout the interior" LMAO
yeah, it's cheap rubbish wood. I laughed when I saw he was using particle board.It bends after a while if weight is on it. It swells if it gets wet, yeah, real highend materials. This thing is all well and good, but it doesn't even have a kitchen, no good if you want to permanently live in it and who has the skills and tools to build this. I was waiting for the solar panels to go up, didn't happen, yet he goes on about your carbon footprint. I think in today's world, people are more concerned about putting a roof over their head than worrying about the truck that delivers food to the shop for you to buy.
Großer Respekt an dem Alleskönner, der Typ ist der Hammer, Wahnsinn 💪💪💪 wenn dass ein Doppel Container wäre, also mehr Platz in der Breite, wäre dass bombastisch!
Awesome transformation.
Talented man.
Eficiência, muita criatividade, qualidade, muito trabalho,e de uma beleza fora de série! Parabéns! From Brazil,São Paulo City 😊❤
I am too old to live in plahouse, but was joy to see how lovely it is.
Это намного лучше, чем фанерные домики в США за 500000 $!
Но для России этот проект не годен, зима в России 7 месяцев и температура -30 °С!
К сожалению, ты прав, разве что в южных регионах. А так по средней полосе как минимум деревянная, хорошо утеплённая бытовка нужна.
The other container may be the next project .. building that kitchenette we all longed to see. Oh my I’m almost sure of it. lol. .. waiting to see if may be right ~ and this is the idea 👍
quedo genial gracias por compartir ❤
То что построил сам это очень хорошо ну этот контейнер вообще не стоит того можно было за эти потрачинную сумму нормальный большой дом построить с кухней гостиной и отдельной спальней не говоря уже о сан узле или сауной😊 ну а так респект этим людям что руки у них прямые. 😊👍
Niemożliwe jest zbudowanie w tej cenie normalnego, większego domu i w takim czasie. Nie w UE, same pozwolenia zajmą więcej czasu i sporo pieniędzy.
Hermoso y impresionante trabajo! Me quedé con ganas de mudarme a uno así,increíble 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️, creo que en segundo contenedor hará cocina, comedor y sala! Eso me hace pensar 🤔🤔🤭🤭🥰
Well I think you did a wonderful job buddy both of you. Well done.
Wow, this DIY container home is truly a masterpiece! 🛠 It's incredible to see how you've turned a simple shipping container into a beautiful, functional home. The attention to detail, creativity, and hard work you've poured into this project is so inspiring. Not only have you created a cozy living space, but you've also shown that affordable housing can be stylish and sustainable. Your journey is a testament to what can be achieved with vision and determination. Thanks for sharing this amazing transformation with us! 🌟
Great video. Would be helpful if we could get like a total budget cost for some of these smaller builds, just as a comparison point or benchmark for our own builds.
in my country i imagine this build would cost 50k or more and good luck tryin to find a piece of land to put it on,
that be another 120k if you're lucky.
@@cadisainmduit-sy4ey Depends on where you look but I see you're point
I follow the chanel and he had videos with the budget of the project
@@cadisainmduit-sy4ey same problem at Finland, land cost too much no found cheap anywere. but container can build lot less than 50K € full container cost normal 2000-4000 € and then need only sheet and other parts and lot work only.
En su canal está toda la información y todos los vídeos detallados, el nombre del canal es : PLAHOUSE es español
Respect from Russia. It's wonderful. Great job.
Приезжай в Сибирь вместе с контейнером,посмотрим что получится!!!😂😂😂😂
Да, даже конура для собаки у меня теплее. Но для их климата норм, там можно хоть в коробке из под холодильника жить
Muy inteligente,de verdad muchas felicidades por tan grande logro,me alegro mucho por la dedicación,esfuerzo y amor ❤️💜😍🍀 Dios lo bendiga a usted su casa y a su perrito🐕
Один за бригаду молдаван сработал❤
Он не один работал - см. видео внимательней
Tanto di cappello x questuomo veramente bravo un artigiano vero😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Great job and would definitely live in one. Big up from Scotland mate and well done 👏
Quanto vorrei trovare un uomo capace di fare ogni cosa..come questo bravissimo giovane ...complimenti di cuore ❤️. La sua compagna e una donna fortunatissima ...auguri a voi due .
This project should impress anyone lacking knowledge of building codes.
What breaks building codes?
Always someone...
@@killer008rThe attic completely lacked ventilation.
The cost of bureaucrats, to come "inspect" your property and drain your bank account is kind of why people have to look at other ways to build. Sober or later no one is going to care about what some zoning monkey thinks and if pushed will feed their garden with them, scary times ahead.
@@MrMudslap It's intended to prevent people from building and then selling it to unsuspecting buyers.
Uauuuu, parabéns por suas habilidades e inteligência! Você é um rapaz incrível! Ganhou a admiração de uma vó aqui no Brasil! ❤🇧🇷
Хорошо у вас зимы не бывает, а у нас с таким утеплением дубу дашь!
согласен, зимой холодно, летом оч жарко
Ну можно было 2 контейнера вместе скрепить и между ними двери,окна ,утеплить пеноплексом стены ,и кондей поставить и не поймёшь что это контейнеры.
Утеплял он напыляемым ППУ, его надо гораздо меньший слой. Например, в России, в средней полосе 5-7 см достаточно
Wow this guy is clever than most of you who seem to think he is.To be so skillful in knowingly how you want to build your own home and do it by yourself is fantastic.Good on you for achieving such a beautiful container home.I bet there ain't many men out there who can mow a lawn let alone build their home by themselves or a dog box.
Skalním se velmi šikovný pan. Přeji vám v životě hodně štěstí, zdraví a ať se vám hodně daří. ❤❤😂😂🎉🎉
Cheaper, easier, less fuss to just buy a second hand static caravan. Plenty big enough and plenty available too.
I liked that you built a house from a container cabin, but since you chose a small size cabin, it would be more beneficial to use 2 containers because especially the shower area and WC part are narrow.
You also had to pay attention to the safe house part in order to sleep peacefully with your spouse at night.
WC/shower not need biggest but living area, kitchen need be more, perfect use 1-2 full size 40FT container then can live lot lot better.
@@mattivirta I will use double containers downstairs and a single container upstairs and my priority will be Security. Solid and durable places have become a must, especially after the bloody attack in Russia.
Unfortunately, safe places have become very scarce, so we must create living spaces first for bad people and then against natural disasters
@@ufukgul3221 good you have nice house i hope, i want made to Finland too, but not easy found land and not money buy very expensive have all land.
I could see building an initial small container first. Then you would have a place to live on the construction site while adding other containers for more comfortable and spacious living.
This is the best shipping container home design I've ever seen so far 👍
Not trying to hate on this it was a great job but a big static caravan would have been cheaper with most of the work already done
Static caravan walls are crap they flex in the wind ... containers don't they are rigid. Do your Due Dilligence
Meu sonho e morar no container❤❤❤ lindo uauuuu
A nice little shed to play in, but without any kitchen, nobody is going to live in it.
Terry, this man is not done by a long shot.🕊️
Clearly have never lived off grid before.
Mil bendiciones hermosa tú casa mereces lo mejor el trabajo es único en tu 🏡 dd Costa Rica Pura vida
Один вопрос. На ху я?! Что мешало за основу взять дерево и сделать нормальный домик. Взял ржавый контейнер. Если бабки есть на материалы в контейнер ввалить столько сил и денег. Это просто дебелизм
посчитай !!!
87000 морской контейнер 20 футов с авито.
за 87 можно и каркас собрать. Радость от контейнера только в том, что несущая конструкция готова. просто берешь и обшиваешь со всех сторон. Как каша из топора.
Какой размер 20 футового контейнера?
Все размеры морских контейнеров 20 40 45 футов DC DV HC PW
Морской сухогрузный контейнер 20 футов имеет стандартные размеры и параметры. Внешние размеры: длина - 6,058 метров, ширина - 2,438 метров, высота - 2,591 метров. Внутренние размеры: длина - 5,905 метров, ширина - 2,352 метров, высота - 2,393 метров. Вес пустого контейнера составляет 2370 кг.
Вдруг пригодится
Это Ютуб детка
Из дерева это был бы бытовка-курятник. А так получился крепкий мини-домик. Контейнер нормальный, не ржавый, только помят у него. Мы тоже сделали из контейнера временный мини-дом, чтобы жить там на время стройки. Классная вещь и не дорого, но я не занимался штукатуркой и прочей лишней работой. Всё делается гораздо проще
Напомнило сказку, "каша из топора")
Не согласен с вами.
Главное отличие этого дома от обычного - его мобильность.
Контейнер имеет очень высокую прочность, и позволит, в случае необходимости, перевезти его в любое другое место. И, судя по тому, как подключены коммуникации, так всё и запланировано.
Стоимость контейнера в общей смете данного строительства очень небольшая, это факт.
Хотя фасадную часть можно было и не делать вовсе, просто покрасить, и всё.
В остальном, приятный, качественный, продуманный, компактный небольшой домик!
P.S. досмотрел до конца. Всё-таки перемудрил с домиком. Проще было обычный каркасник построить. Его, разве что, перевезти немного сложнее. Но и этот домик не так-то просто будет перевозить. Велика вероятность повредить фасад и кровлю.
Всё-таки, дома из контейнеров - это своя, особая ниша для своей аудитории.
Себе бы такой не строил и не купил никогда.
Всем строителям и самостройщикам удачи!
все верно, чисто проект записать видосик
Muito show em e ingenheiro de mão cheia muito lindo fico 🎉🎉
Picture on the video is just a clickbait
Es increíble que al final todo el esfuerzo es por que el ama a esa mujer ...es un muy buen esfuerzo .❤
Phanominal!!!this man got some serious skills!!,practically by himself!!🤩🤩
Bon travail Monsieur que Dieu vous gardez depuis Haïti bravo bravo bravo bravo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Me encantó cada detalle realizado hecho con mucha pasión ❤❤
Admiro profundamente a las personas que saben hacer este tipo de trabajos tan impecables desde mi punto de vista. Gran habilidad!
that dog is proud of his human