How do I identify someone's temperament? | Session 5

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 7

  • @abdulrazaqramat3728
    @abdulrazaqramat3728 Год назад +2

    Wow this was really helpful never for once thought I had a choleric temperament as my mbti revealed ISFJ, it seems like I had been damaged from my childhood from constant bullying, scolding and rejection, so grateful to learn this is my original temperament

  • @SacredNerve
    @SacredNerve 6 месяцев назад

    How the f*** is this not being taught at schools throughout the world? It's astonishing to me. This should be mandatory learning for EVERYBODY, that's how valuable this information actually is. Thank you for these "Session Videos"... They are so insightful & helpful.

  • @opal777
    @opal777 5 лет назад +2

    I have not been in total agreement with a lot of this course thus far. I do believe that they have nailed our personalities...currently. But had I taken this test about 30 years ago, I honestly believe that I would have fallen into a different category. Why? I wasn't save back then. I am now. I am older and wiser now. We all change....and hopefully for the better. One of the examples towards the end of the video is when blue encounters yellow at the grocery store and warns the person about impending doom. Now, it was exaggerated....but if I knew that someone was going to do something and might encounter danger....I would tell them. They may not like it....and it wouldn't have to be delivered the way that it was in this example....but I would never be able to live with myself had something happened to the person because I wanted to concentrate on the positive. Positive vs negative is pretty much equivalent to political correctness. But if we say and do things in a loving manner....we can still initiate the "negative" warnings. So, I understand the premise of these videos....but I don't always agree with them. It reminds me of the Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus trend....the key word being trend. This so far is focusing on egocentric behaviors in my estimation. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and then all of these things will be added unto you." Where is God in any of this? Where is Scripture? Though it attempts to go for agape hasn't delivered that so far. Besides, these are actors. They are all wearing the colors that they are. They were wearing them in the first video...before they were supposed to know that those were their colors. I will follow through to see where this goes....but so far....I am not buying into any of this. Behavior science in the church? Hmm....I don't think so. Personally, I will allow God to have the final Word.

  • @stevedavenport1202
    @stevedavenport1202 Год назад

    The blue panelist seems so much like Ron Livingston.

  • @melaniesinclair724
    @melaniesinclair724 5 лет назад +1

    So interesting, I got the first 2, but was wrong with the 5 yr. old son. This has been a great course. I am learning a lot.

  • @veganfresh6373
    @veganfresh6373 3 года назад

    Balance your humor, change your life
    How food affects your well being

    Every person has a unique humor makeup representing his healthy state. . When this makeup is understood and the proper foods are consumed, it will help the body to regain power and it will bring it to an optimum level and restore humoral balance.
    Avicenna (980-1037 AD) believed that certain human moods, emotions and behaviors were caused by an excess or lack of bodily fluids called humors. Types of humors are: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Every human has a different composition of these four types of humors. This is important because all aspects of our lives are influenced by the makeup of our bodies. The type of food we eat can have a significant impact on all of our organs and nerves from the brain to the heart, stomach, liver, kidneys and colon. Eating a poor diet can have enormous consequences. In the simplest cases, one can observe, for example, the consumption of a date that immediately produces acne. This is the body’s response to the food consumed. Also, a proper diet and good digestion are considered to maintain humoral balance. This book explores how your optimal diet will achieve the humoral balance needed for the healthiest you.
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