They always take a step back just as they seem to be fully opening up. They do move forward a little more each time. But the process is very very slow. And the more they open up the more harsh cruel things they'll say to counteract the higher amount of vulnerability they realise they've shown.
I lived this tango for 9 years. I finally went to God with it. Within a few short months he delivered my family from my husband - albiet penniless, God provided for my family in ways I could not have ever done on my own. God paid the ransom for my family to escape. My ex says he misses us
This video was very helpful for me to realize that the avoidant I am attached to is a negative pattern I need to change for my highest and best good. Thank you so much, Chris for sharing this information.
Most people will talk about their plans and dreams. My avoidant never did. He would always use words like "will" or "want", and never follow through. He would say "I want us to grow old together". With no plan on how to make that a reality, and we are in our fifties. Sir... My Good Man... This is happening as we speak... 🧐
This is so true for me. I am currently having no contact with my dismissive avoidant after he finished it. During the 8 months of seeing him, he would shy away from making any plans at all, saying he didnt want to plan too far in advance. Therefore, we never got to do anything specific together, even a trip away to the Lake District, which I booked well ahead, and he helped me choose the cottage we were going to stay in. Then a week before we went he said he had to work so I went on my own! So many possible day trips away to see things that he said he wanted to see just didn't happen. It was so dreadfully disappointing. 😢
My DA online friend can't even meet for a coffee. He says, "Why are there expectations in a friendship?" You really just never know where you stand with them. I eventually told him, if he wants to meet me, it will have to come from him with a specific date and time. I won't ask anymore or misinterpret his vague attempts for closeness, nor will I waste any more feelings. So done with the push and pull.
@@SaraX2024 It really is a waste of our energy and tears! I would only ever suggest we do stuff that he had previously suggested so the ideas came from him, and although I agreed to doing them all, none of them came to fruition. I had never even heard of the attachment styles until I started to look into manifestation and meditation videos and relationship videos and it all seems so clear now. I wish I had known before, I would have clocked on to the situation a long time ago, but I believed it was his past trauma that made him scared and fearful so I was always understanding and forgiving. This was despite the fact that every rebuff and negative comment he made about me hurt me to the core. I forgave him.every time. I still do forgive him because of the love I have for him but I see now how destructive the relationship has been for me. It has taught me a lot in a very short space of time however, and I am now focusing on myself and transforming from an anxious attachment to a secure one. I will not let this happen to me ever again. At least, not if I can help it. Sending you love and best wishes ❤️
Don't waste your time. I'm married to one and he's always too busy with work. I go on holiday on my own now. He's so avoidant that he moved out and didn't tell me where he moved to. Yet I still see him once a month as he's on my quiz team.
I know an avoidant and he is a beautiful man. While I won't push myself to an extent where I sacrifice my core values, I will meet him halfway and allow him to see through actions that he can be who he is unafraid. No words will ever change em. We change and react because of the actions of others. It can take actions to change that back as well.
YOUR RESPONSE IS WATCHING FOR RELIABLE ACTIONS. Notice how those types dismiss or avoid the actions they’ve yet agreed to in sayings . Lastly , following thru takes actions and effort. From a secure perspective, a lot of insecure types are only good in one area . Being majorly skilled at words but not living up to or maintaining those very same words in actions.THATS MANIPULATING 😂. Leave these people alone they are not worth it!!! DO THE WORK AND FIND SOMEONE SECURE !
Yes I agree. I love to travel and my now ex DA would say he wanted to travel with me, but when the time would come he would always get wicked anxiety over it and not follow through. Honestly though, as someone who leans avoidant, I love traveling alone way more than with others so I guess I never really cared. He would definitely talk about future plans, but I stopped holding him to it because of how anxious he got. You're right though. Sometimes we do make excuses for people we love. He wasn't a liar and never did anything nefarious and we got along like best friends. There was definitely something missing though and for that reason I ended things on good terms. I don't want a relationship as I am very career focused and he came very close to being the perfect person for me. But it wasn't it and I feel good about my decision. ❤
You have DA wriyten all over you. You ended that relationship because you are DA, not for sny other reason, no matter what excuse you create. Watch his other videos. You need to come to terms wirh that if you ever want to provide space for a healthy relarionship
@joshuahall6488 I'm a FA actually. You do know that there are people who don't want or need relationships correct? Lol I'm in my 40's and frankly get more enjoyment going to Las Vegas and watching shows by myself and eating good food than any relationship I've ever had. Go somewhere else with all your assumptions. ✌️
@joshuahall6488 not necessarily. I'm on the verge of doing the same thing. I married my husband (DA) 7 years ago. I've lived with him for 2 of those years.. the rest of the time he has upped and moved out without telling me where.. he's that avoidant. I'm also now in my 40s and wanted a family. How long do you wait for? How long do you stay single and lonely in a marriage for? Other people are building and moving on in life and DA partners are expected to simp away on their own? I don't think that's fair, do you?
It can be especially tricky when someone shows up and is not invested at the same time. If you have to wonder, it might be tine to call it what it is: they do not bring nor want what you bring and want in the relationship. They can be simultaneously amazing *and* not as invested. This is what they do when they value you for certain things. It can be really confusing and ultimately hurt you.
My ex insisted we go on a cruise and insisted I pay my own way. We planned months in advance; however, you'd think I was the LAST prrson he wanted to be on the cruise. No kisses, hugs, and lots of unearned anger
Crazy, they all live day to day, some numb feeling and emotions , day to day, and try to protect and control every conversation day to day. That’s my so called GF’s theme “day to day”!
Thank you beyond words, Chris!!! You're doing God's work, in bringing experience AND science-based facts, thus bringing knowledge of these impactful relationship dynamics to all of us out here watching, trying to learn. I sincerely thank you for sharing your insight, and with a delivery that is authentic, artistic, humorous, yet cleanly straightforward with no bull. I appreciate your presentation of knowledge, because with knowledge can come understanding, hopefully giving a person an epiphany. The epiphany: now Alarmed with this fresh knowledge, a person can make a choice. A coice to either stay stuck in said shitty dynamics, or remember that they, too, are their own individual and indeed hold the power of making a choice in how they continue (or don't) in investing themselves in that situation. Thanks again, and best to all who may stop by this note!! May we all invest our time and essence wisely!! 💕 ETA: I meant "armed" with knowledge up there, but it can also be alarming to learn about these things lol, so I left it for humor's sake. 😂
I did this test and he said many wonderful things... by text. I noticed he did not say these things in person and actions didn't match words. He dumped by text 3 months later
You have a great voice.... the info is detailed -great content. I would love to hear you do comedy on this topic .....ya know what i mean? Great Channel!
My DA he'll throw some ideas out about how we could move forward then fumbles his words, pauses as he is waiting for me to have my input. I don't say nothing! He couldn't follow through with the dreams that we first planned! It was just a fairytale he walked away played the field never spoke to me for months. He knows I'm deeply in love with him and I hang onto his words but this time I'm not going to allow his love bombing to affect me I need to stand strong for myself and not show him my vulnerability.
You're the one that has built him. You're the one that gives him strength. Give that back to yourself Don't give it to someone who will never appreciate it.❤️🩹❤️
@@RC-ud4qoBS. My avoidant husband was an absolute love bomber. Flowers every week, carried my bags, opened doors ect.. he even used to put my toothpaste on my brush! The difference between a narc and DA love bomb is the place where its coming from..narcs know what they are doing and want to use and abuse until the next one comes along.
And yet, this question is difficult to answer for some without meaning to be emotionally unavailable or avoidant or having other priorities... e.g. it would be difficult for me to give a definite answer to that question because I'm self-employed in a very unstable and inconsistent creative industry. There are periods I need to prioritize work even though I'd much rather be on vacation because it might be sparse. It's become really difficult for me to plan months or even weeks in advance, even though I'm very much of a planner, someone who used to plan well ahead of time. It's hard for outsiders with regular 9-5 jobs to understand sometimes, but anyone in my industry would agree. I think it's a matter of compatibility and transparency then.
so i was talking to a few friends the other day and they all mentioned they read this book called magnetic aura. i didn’t think much of it until i realized how much more confident and magnetic they seemed. one of them got a job offer out of nowhere, and they didn’t even apply for it, the company just reached out. another started attracting amazing people into their life, like the kind of people who actually lift you up instead of draining you. honestly, it’s like something shifted in them after reading it. they don’t walk around talking about it non-stop, but it’s like you can feel it when you’re around them. i didn’t believe in that ‘energy attracts energy’ thing before, but after seeing them change, i had to wonder. if you want a little boost in your personal energy, maybe check it out. not that it’s a magic pill or anything, but it definitely made a noticeable difference for them.
yo, people with adhd often suffer from time blindness. we‘re screwed when it comes to plan for the future. we‘re likely gonna fail that test despite being emotionally fully committed.
Actions speak much louder than words. Do they follow up their words with actions? I can't build long term by myself, takes two to build a relationship together, even a toxic relationship takes two. Odd how that works.
My question is how does this test change between the genders? What if the lady in this situation is the avoidant? And which and how does this apply to fearful vs. dismissive avoidants?
funny enough, i didn’t believe in this kind of thing until a friend handed me magnetic aura. she’d been telling me about it for weeks, and i kept brushing it off, thinking it was just another one of those self-help books that people overhype. but i heard so many people talking about it, and every single one of them seemed to change in a subtle way after reading it. they were calmer, more attractive in a subtle way, just… magnetic. it wasn’t like they suddenly became different people, but they definitely seemed more comfortable in their own skin. i guess i thought it was all just talk until i saw it in action, and after seeing those shifts in people i knew, i thought, okay, maybe there’s something to it. i’m not saying it’s the miracle answer to everything, but it seems to have a real impact on people’s energy. guess we all could use a little extra aura sometimes, huh?
okay so i used to think all these books about energy and attracting good vibes were a bit much, just another one of those ‘feel-good’ things that sound nice but don’t really do much. but after hearing a lot of my friends talk about this book called magnetic aura, i had to take a second look. at first i thought they were all just jumping on a bandwagon, but then i started seeing changes in them. they were more grounded, more confident, and honestly, a lot more likeable, without even trying. people gravitate toward them, and it’s not in that ‘fake it till you make it’ way - it’s more like they’ve tapped into something genuine. i finally decided to pick it up after hearing about how it helped them with their confidence and how they started dealing with stress better. it’s kind of like when you realize the power of a positive attitude but without all the clichés. doesn’t hurt to give it a go if you feel like your vibe could use a little lift. who knows, it might work for you too.
I appreciate your intelligence and application of research. You lost me when you showed a woman as commenters with "pitchforks." It's disrespectful, reveals your rageful fragility in a way that isn't honest vulnerability. I felt viscerally smacked by it and kind of tuned out for awhile, couldn't listen to what you said after that, though trying to. I'm not sure I can anymore.
so here’s a wild thought - have you ever met someone who just seemed to attract everything they wanted? i mean, the kind of person who walks into a room and you just know they’re going places? i asked a few friends how they did it, and almost all of them mentioned magnetic aura. at first, i thought they were just being dramatic, but the more i heard about it, the more intrigued i got. it’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not; it’s about owning who you are, flaws and all, and not letting negativity pull you down. i’ve seen people go from feeling overwhelmed by life to totally in control of their own energy. it’s like you stop attracting the wrong kind of people and start bringing in the ones who match your vibe. i’m not saying it’s the only way to make that happen, but i don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many of them were onto this book. life’s too short to stay stuck in negativity, and if you’re tired of feeling drained or stuck, this might help shift something in you too. no pressure, just saying.
This is pretty useless though. It assumes you are still with the avoidant - ie you havent been discarded or you havent ended things but you worked out theyre avoidant. It's also too conspicuous a question to ask. They'll be aware of this and pre plan an answer to throw you off the scent
They always take a step back just as they seem to be fully opening up. They do move forward a little more each time. But the process is very very slow. And the more they open up the more harsh cruel things they'll say to counteract the higher amount of vulnerability they realise they've shown.
You must know my ex hmmm
Well said and so true
I lived this tango for 9 years.
I finally went to God with it. Within a few short months he delivered my family from my husband - albiet penniless, God provided for my family in ways I could not have ever done on my own. God paid the ransom for my family to escape.
My ex says he misses us
"Does this person consistently show up in a way that feels safe, reliable, and emotionally engaged?"
~ Thank you!
This video was very helpful for me to realize that the avoidant I am attached to is a negative pattern I need to change for my highest and best good. Thank you so much, Chris for sharing this information.
Most people will talk about their plans and dreams. My avoidant never did.
He would always use words like "will" or "want", and never follow through.
He would say "I want us to grow old together". With no plan on how to make that a reality, and we are in our fifties. Sir... My Good Man... This is happening as we speak... 🧐
This is so true for me. I am currently having no contact with my dismissive avoidant after he finished it. During the 8 months of seeing him, he would shy away from making any plans at all, saying he didnt want to plan too far in advance. Therefore, we never got to do anything specific together, even a trip away to the Lake District, which I booked well ahead, and he helped me choose the cottage we were going to stay in. Then a week before we went he said he had to work so I went on my own! So many possible day trips away to see things that he said he wanted to see just didn't happen. It was so dreadfully disappointing. 😢
My DA online friend can't even meet for a coffee. He says, "Why are there expectations in a friendship?" You really just never know where you stand with them. I eventually told him, if he wants to meet me, it will have to come from him with a specific date and time. I won't ask anymore or misinterpret his vague attempts for closeness, nor will I waste any more feelings. So done with the push and pull.
@@SaraX2024 It really is a waste of our energy and tears! I would only ever suggest we do stuff that he had previously suggested so the ideas came from him, and although I agreed to doing them all, none of them came to fruition. I had never even heard of the attachment styles until I started to look into manifestation and meditation videos and relationship videos and it all seems so clear now. I wish I had known before, I would have clocked on to the situation a long time ago, but I believed it was his past trauma that made him scared and fearful so I was always understanding and forgiving. This was despite the fact that every rebuff and negative comment he made about me hurt me to the core. I forgave him.every time. I still do forgive him because of the love I have for him but I see now how destructive the relationship has been for me. It has taught me a lot in a very short space of time however, and I am now focusing on myself and transforming from an anxious attachment to a secure one. I will not let this happen to me ever again. At least, not if I can help it. Sending you love and best wishes ❤️
Don't waste your time. I'm married to one and he's always too busy with work. I go on holiday on my own now.
He's so avoidant that he moved out and didn't tell me where he moved to.
Yet I still see him once a month as he's on my quiz team.
Should of given me a call, I love The Lake District. It’s got to be one of the most beautiful and chilled places to take someone.
@@lisahopkins2004 ps. They're always busy with work.
I know an avoidant and he is a beautiful man. While I won't push myself to an extent where I sacrifice my core values, I will meet him halfway and allow him to see through actions that he can be who he is unafraid. No words will ever change em. We change and react because of the actions of others. It can take actions to change that back as well.
Not with an avoidant lol but good luck w that rambling
YOUR RESPONSE IS WATCHING FOR RELIABLE ACTIONS. Notice how those types dismiss or avoid the actions they’ve yet agreed to in sayings . Lastly , following thru takes actions and effort. From a secure perspective, a lot of insecure types are only good in one area . Being majorly skilled at words but not living up to or maintaining those very same words in actions.THATS MANIPULATING 😂. Leave these people alone they are not worth it!!! DO THE WORK AND FIND SOMEONE SECURE !
The timing of this absolutely through the roof. Taking this very seriously now
Yes I agree. I love to travel and my now ex DA would say he wanted to travel with me, but when the time would come he would always get wicked anxiety over it and not follow through. Honestly though, as someone who leans avoidant, I love traveling alone way more than with others so I guess I never really cared. He would definitely talk about future plans, but I stopped holding him to it because of how anxious he got.
You're right though. Sometimes we do make excuses for people we love. He wasn't a liar and never did anything nefarious and we got along like best friends. There was definitely something missing though and for that reason I ended things on good terms. I don't want a relationship as I am very career focused and he came very close to being the perfect person for me. But it wasn't it and I feel good about my decision. ❤
You have DA wriyten all over you. You ended that relationship because you are DA, not for sny other reason, no matter what excuse you create. Watch his other videos. You need to come to terms wirh that if you ever want to provide space for a healthy relarionship
@joshuahall6488 I'm a FA actually. You do know that there are people who don't want or need relationships correct? Lol I'm in my 40's and frankly get more enjoyment going to Las Vegas and watching shows by myself and eating good food than any relationship I've ever had. Go somewhere else with all your assumptions. ✌️
@@joshuahall6488 jheeze relax
@@Layla-k6f ❤
@joshuahall6488 not necessarily. I'm on the verge of doing the same thing. I married my husband (DA) 7 years ago. I've lived with him for 2 of those years.. the rest of the time he has upped and moved out without telling me where.. he's that avoidant. I'm also now in my 40s and wanted a family.
How long do you wait for? How long do you stay single and lonely in a marriage for? Other people are building and moving on in life and DA partners are expected to simp away on their own? I don't think that's fair, do you?
It can be especially tricky when someone shows up and is not invested at the same time. If you have to wonder, it might be tine to call it what it is: they do not bring nor want what you bring and want in the relationship. They can be simultaneously amazing *and* not as invested. This is what they do when they value you for certain things. It can be really confusing and ultimately hurt you.
My ex insisted we go on a cruise and insisted I pay my own way. We planned months in advance; however, you'd think I was the LAST prrson he wanted to be on the cruise. No kisses, hugs, and lots of unearned anger
Oh my Gad. Just let them go. They're selfish as f and will drain you.
Omg I needed this video SO much! Thank you!
The game theory explanation blew my top. Such a great way to approach it.
I love this 180 of yours, Chris. Thank you so much for what you do
You are very knowledgeable and educated. Presented this very very well. I learned something. Thanks
He would be "I dont know"...even while I was with him, he was a "day to day" person...i'm the planner...he's not.
Crazy, they all live day to day, some numb feeling and emotions , day to day, and try to protect and control every conversation day to day. That’s my so called GF’s theme “day to day”!
@@jraa4560 thats a LOT to manage...exhausting
Thank you beyond words, Chris!!! You're doing God's work, in bringing experience AND science-based facts, thus bringing knowledge of these impactful relationship dynamics to all of us out here watching, trying to learn. I sincerely thank you for sharing your insight, and with a delivery that is authentic, artistic, humorous, yet cleanly straightforward with no bull.
I appreciate your presentation of knowledge, because with knowledge can come understanding, hopefully giving a person an epiphany. The epiphany: now Alarmed with this fresh knowledge, a person can make a choice.
A coice to either stay stuck in said shitty dynamics, or remember that they, too, are their own individual and indeed hold the power of making a choice in how they continue (or don't) in investing themselves in that situation.
Thanks again, and best to all who may stop by this note!! May we all invest our time and essence wisely!! 💕
ETA: I meant "armed" with knowledge up there, but it can also be alarming to learn about these things lol, so I left it for humor's sake. 😂
I'm not here for the test. I'm here for Chirs' gold nuggets. 😊 It's never about the video title for me.
This is one of your best videos! The infinite vs finite was 💯
Damn Chris you got us!! The ending of the video is soo good! Thank you Chris!!!! ❤
I did this test and he said many wonderful things... by text. I noticed he did not say these things in person and actions didn't match words. He dumped by text 3 months later
You have a great voice.... the info is detailed -great content. I would love to hear you do comedy on this topic .....ya know what i mean? Great Channel!
Chris, high quality video... btw you look very good 💯
Just brilliant topic, questions, accents and presentation today! Thank you !
My DA he'll throw some ideas out about how we could move forward then fumbles his words, pauses as he is waiting for me to have my input. I don't say nothing! He couldn't follow through with the dreams that we first planned! It was just a fairytale he walked away played the field never spoke to me for months. He knows I'm deeply in love with him and I hang onto his words but this time I'm not going to allow his love bombing to affect me I need to stand strong for myself and not show him my vulnerability.
You're the one that has built him. You're the one that gives him strength. Give that back to yourself Don't give it to someone who will never appreciate it.❤️🩹❤️
??? There is a difference between avoidant vs covert narcissist. Avoidants do not do love-bombing
@@RC-ud4qoBS. My avoidant husband was an absolute love bomber. Flowers every week, carried my bags, opened doors ect.. he even used to put my toothpaste on my brush!
The difference between a narc and DA love bomb is the place where its coming from..narcs know what they are doing and want to use and abuse until the next one comes along.
And yet, this question is difficult to answer for some without meaning to be emotionally unavailable or avoidant or having other priorities... e.g. it would be difficult for me to give a definite answer to that question because I'm self-employed in a very unstable and inconsistent creative industry. There are periods I need to prioritize work even though I'd much rather be on vacation because it might be sparse. It's become really difficult for me to plan months or even weeks in advance, even though I'm very much of a planner, someone who used to plan well ahead of time. It's hard for outsiders with regular 9-5 jobs to understand sometimes, but anyone in my industry would agree. I think it's a matter of compatibility and transparency then.
Best video so far… 👌👌👌 Research (and difficult words) make things better
An avoidant will truly love you if they show that they want to get intimate with you
Elaborate a bit more?
That was not my experience. He feigned true love until we did get intimate. Then he was gone.
so i was talking to a few friends the other day and they all mentioned they read this book called magnetic aura. i didn’t think much of it until i realized how much more confident and magnetic they seemed. one of them got a job offer out of nowhere, and they didn’t even apply for it, the company just reached out. another started attracting amazing people into their life, like the kind of people who actually lift you up instead of draining you. honestly, it’s like something shifted in them after reading it. they don’t walk around talking about it non-stop, but it’s like you can feel it when you’re around them. i didn’t believe in that ‘energy attracts energy’ thing before, but after seeing them change, i had to wonder. if you want a little boost in your personal energy, maybe check it out. not that it’s a magic pill or anything, but it definitely made a noticeable difference for them.
Why does every person on RUclips mention this book, sounds like a scam
yo, people with adhd often suffer from time blindness. we‘re screwed when it comes to plan for the future. we‘re likely gonna fail that test despite being emotionally fully committed.
Well done. Thank you
Damn, you pulled an Uno reverse on me. 😂
Actions speak much louder than words. Do they follow up their words with actions? I can't build long term by myself, takes two to build a relationship together, even a toxic relationship takes two. Odd how that works.
Come to think of it, yes to go on a cruise or go to the Bahamas, they like to dismiss you and won't even talk about it
My question is how does this test change between the genders? What if the lady in this situation is the avoidant? And which and how does this apply to fearful vs. dismissive avoidants?
Yes yes yes and yes 🤦🏻♀️
funny enough, i didn’t believe in this kind of thing until a friend handed me magnetic aura. she’d been telling me about it for weeks, and i kept brushing it off, thinking it was just another one of those self-help books that people overhype. but i heard so many people talking about it, and every single one of them seemed to change in a subtle way after reading it. they were calmer, more attractive in a subtle way, just… magnetic. it wasn’t like they suddenly became different people, but they definitely seemed more comfortable in their own skin. i guess i thought it was all just talk until i saw it in action, and after seeing those shifts in people i knew, i thought, okay, maybe there’s something to it. i’m not saying it’s the miracle answer to everything, but it seems to have a real impact on people’s energy. guess we all could use a little extra aura sometimes, huh?
They don't have feelings. They feel nothing g. Numb. To the core.
Just giving enough to string sb. along is narcissistic, not avoidant.
Someone’s been reading Simon Sinek 😃
Great to watch..
thank you...
This doesn't seem so straight forward
Absolutely - wow!
What a head a hair! Damn son
okay so i used to think all these books about energy and attracting good vibes were a bit much, just another one of those ‘feel-good’ things that sound nice but don’t really do much. but after hearing a lot of my friends talk about this book called magnetic aura, i had to take a second look. at first i thought they were all just jumping on a bandwagon, but then i started seeing changes in them. they were more grounded, more confident, and honestly, a lot more likeable, without even trying. people gravitate toward them, and it’s not in that ‘fake it till you make it’ way - it’s more like they’ve tapped into something genuine. i finally decided to pick it up after hearing about how it helped them with their confidence and how they started dealing with stress better. it’s kind of like when you realize the power of a positive attitude but without all the clichés. doesn’t hurt to give it a go if you feel like your vibe could use a little lift. who knows, it might work for you too.
well that is a click bait
I appreciate your intelligence and application of research. You lost me when you showed a woman as commenters with "pitchforks." It's disrespectful, reveals your rageful fragility in a way that isn't honest vulnerability. I felt viscerally smacked by it and kind of tuned out for awhile, couldn't listen to what you said after that, though trying to. I'm not sure I can anymore.
so here’s a wild thought - have you ever met someone who just seemed to attract everything they wanted? i mean, the kind of person who walks into a room and you just know they’re going places? i asked a few friends how they did it, and almost all of them mentioned magnetic aura. at first, i thought they were just being dramatic, but the more i heard about it, the more intrigued i got. it’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not; it’s about owning who you are, flaws and all, and not letting negativity pull you down. i’ve seen people go from feeling overwhelmed by life to totally in control of their own energy. it’s like you stop attracting the wrong kind of people and start bringing in the ones who match your vibe. i’m not saying it’s the only way to make that happen, but i don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many of them were onto this book. life’s too short to stay stuck in negativity, and if you’re tired of feeling drained or stuck, this might help shift something in you too. no pressure, just saying.
This is pretty useless though. It assumes you are still with the avoidant - ie you havent been discarded or you havent ended things but you worked out theyre avoidant. It's also too conspicuous a question to ask. They'll be aware of this and pre plan an answer to throw you off the scent
First 🎉
She told me hunting in South Africa