Campus police union blames UCLA for violent response

  • Опубликовано: 3 май 2024
  • The University of California campus police union is accusing the UCLA school's administration of mishandling the violent response toward the pro-Palestinian protesters. Tracey Leong reports for the NBC4 News on May 4, 2024.

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @comradecat3678
    @comradecat3678 28 дней назад +30

    Definitely the admins fault

    • @user-sl5vw6pb5c
      @user-sl5vw6pb5c 23 дня назад

      Translation apps often get it wrong, so please have someone who understands Japanese read it, please!
      秘伝→ 今の自分は 時代の情報での自分であり 本当の自分ではない 育てられ老化し 転生をし また転生し 変化した自分    そして完全な自由になってから  本当の自分になる     あと誰か大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って    なぜ 生きなければ ならないか  真我たちと1つのサングナから始まった世界で 戻るしかなく 人間で訓練するのが効果的だから   全ての生物は元々自由で本当の自分(真我)で同じ性格のものは いなくて沢山いた が なぜか1つのサングナ(貪り 怒り 愚かさの関係のもの)に全ての真我たちが接したため反応が起こり上位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 徐々に劣化し中位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた後に 上位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ この2つはおよそ似ている  さらに劣化し下位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)の後に下位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 最後に物質世界(表層意識と関係)の天の川銀河系などに物質と生物が出現した この3つはおよそ似ていて六道輪廻で これを666としカルマの法則の現象が展開す   なので人々は迷う  この太陽系など物質世界にいるが 下位アストラル(非物質世界)、下位コーザル(非物質世界)をたまに体験し予言などが起こる   キリストなどは上位アストラルから来たとする  ゆえに神が作ったとは 訳があっての発言で 最初から全ての生物は永遠 劣化し転生し肉体だけ死に食われたり誰かが助かったり   ゆえに誰でも正しく訓練し 正確な超能力を持ち 神をも越えて 元々の真我の状態(本当の自分)に戻り 完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   物質世界(表層意識と関係)の地球と広い宇宙は ① 天使界(堕天使より寿命が長く能力があり6階層ありUFOに乗ってて物質世界での神) ② 堕天使界は人間より寿命が長く能力があり少し悪でUFOに乗ってて物質世界での悪の感じの神(堕天使だから) ③ 人間(遺伝子組み換えなど色々) ④ 餓鬼道のような幽霊 ⑤ 動物(小さいものから恐竜以上) ⑥ 地獄は3つと 劣化して劣化して でき上がり 六道輪廻になり カルマの法則の現象が展開して平等   自分がやった時と似たような時に自分がやった事が返ってくるのがカルマの法則 そして守護霊が見ている(隠せない)   楽だけに なるには真我に戻るしかない   物質世界の現象は下位コーザルの六道輪廻で起き 下位アストラルの六道輪廻に現れ そして物質世界の六道輪廻に現れる 予言などは下位アストラル コーザルを見ればできる   下位アストラル(潜在意識と関係)は寝て見る夢や 予言や あの世と関係し 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3も関係して 下位アストラルの表現だろう(丹波哲郎の講演会などRUclipsにある)  変化している今の自分が死ぬと 丹波哲郎の大霊界だったり  転生の時  自分が 両親を選ぶ場合と別とがあり  赤ちゃんになり  色々あり だんだん過去の記憶は薄れ薄れ 色々で 変化した自分で 反応し動き反応して動き生活しカルマの法則を体験し変化しつつ ある日、天才に(過去世の記憶が使え)なったりして またまた死に転生し変化した自分になる  この広い宇宙には 少ないが 六道輪廻が千個だけ 1つ2つとできて千個で 同じ六道輪廻かは不明で科学力の差がある あっちの六道輪廻から地球の方の六道輪廻に来るには UFOで来るか 輪廻転生 かである    人間が 餓鬼道のような幽霊を除霊や助けたり動物を救助や動物実験を  するのと同じく堕天使や天使たちも人間をUFOの中で人体実験とかする   だから全ての生物は真我に戻る訓練をするのが 新世界秩序である   中国やプーチンたちやイスラエルなどは知らないのだろうか カルマの法則を    そして誰か大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って      ある人の予言→ 2025/7/4の金の朝4:11から30日の水までに大津波や大暴風や大地震   硫黄島とルソン島の間で 人間が水素爆弾実験か 人工地震か UFOがやるか 太陽フレアで衛星などが落下や 海底火山噴火  木星からの隕石の影響で 日本の陸地3割が海水をかぶる 台湾から香港は陸続きになろう  または富士山 南海 東京直下で震度7.5前後    2025/10の ある日 淡路島大地震   2026/8/20か2031/8/20に富士山の小規模噴火   RUclipsの伝説ユタのハルさんが2030年までに第三次世界大戦(英国 独 露 イラン アフガニスタン 中国 マレーシア 米国が画策)で日本には中国が先に攻撃するが本土上陸なしで やがて中国が負けインドが管理し松原照子の話しと混ぜてインド連邦になる  そして朝鮮半島はロシアが管理  2029年にも隕石や人工地震の影響で 青森の無農薬栽培リンゴの木村さんのUFO体験のように2031年ごろ地球人口は減る 米国のフロリダなども  またマスク氏の人工知能のAGIで人口削減計画 コロナより増やすため   そしてそののち救済者が現れる  そして2100年ごろ地球人口は50億人以下で 日本では全てリニア新幹線みたいな交通でロボットが働き人間労働は週2日 また 松原照子は日本人口4900万人位かなと  対策として 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3や講演会をRUclipsで見て記憶して死後にかまえる  丹波哲郎が気にしていた出口王仁三郎の83集も読む あと真我の状態に戻る訓練として とりあえず とりあえず十善戒をどんどん守るようにし ヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法をやり 1日の食事を2回  2回よりは1回にして根菜類を食べ 玄米も餅米も餅も食べ 納豆やネギやニンニクも食べ(ニンニクを4分ぐらいゆで ゆでじるとともにカップラーメンに入れたりしてコロナのワクチン注射0回で元気な人がいた)1日2回の食事で 人間に転生 1回なら 天使界に転生 ヨガをやり ちゃんとした解脱と悟りをすれば早く真我に戻れる   予言をハズすには CMのように広げればいいらしい 2012/12のマヤの予言は地球じゃない方向に太陽フレアが吹いたからハズレた  人から人へ伝えたので 天使などがUFOで太陽に接したような写真のように 太陽フレアを動かしたとする しかし人間は人間で動物実験や駆除  堕天使や天使も訳があり人間を殺す時もあろう     話はとんで 天使界の所は6階層あり第2天使の所は なぜか地球の植物と天気を担当している   ゆえに妖精を見れる有名な絵本作家の信実さんや丹波哲郎の大霊界のあのシーンは 似ている   第6天使たちの所は ほとんどの願いが叶う所   人間の真我は首の後ろとか心臓にあるとか動かしているとかある   ゆえに真我に戻る訓練で変え 正しく正確に真我に到着し完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   十善戒をどんどん守るようにしてヨガや四無量心や瞑想や呼吸法もやり冷静な感じにして1日の食事を2回 2回よりは1回にして根菜類を食べ 玄米 餅 納豆 ネギやニンニクも食べてゆかないと 動物界みたいに 相手を食えばいいと怖い怖い雰囲気になってしまう 十善戒を破る生活は およそヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法や食事制限をしないから 他の情報で頭がいっぱいだから 他の情報でいっぱいだからである

  • @vg4472
    @vg4472 28 дней назад +29

    Someone is filtering comments on hypocrisy LOL

  • @VDP207
    @VDP207 28 дней назад +107

    Let the finger pointing begin. Its going to be a PR nightmare for all these campuses and municipalities

    • @Anthony-kp7sf
      @Anthony-kp7sf 28 дней назад

      its gonna be countless expensive lawsuits. these colleges are beyond moronic, as are the police. both are getting sued for the next decade, at least.

    • @crand20033
      @crand20033 28 дней назад +5

      What parent would send their child to an unsafe environment like that? These thugs are not going to stop.

    • @Theendisnear429
      @Theendisnear429 28 дней назад

      Exactly! They’ve been bought by the Muslims

    • @Sho-gr3wu
      @Sho-gr3wu 28 дней назад +1

      They won't stop. This has to BE STOPPED! NOW! These U.S. universities have become another Iranian IRGC proxy! The fanatical Islamists regimes won't stop with the West. or our schools! They have already infiltrated our universities by donating billions and dictating what to teach, teachers and administrators. Impressionable young students have been radicalized. This has all been planned for years - probably decades! People have been brainwashed to feel sympathy for Hamas because Hamas has sacrificed the people they are supposed to govern and protect. Instead they have radicalized the civilians and used that tragedy as propaganda to get sympathy in the eyes of the world. People are being manipulated and students have become the Hamas and IRGC " useful idiots"

    • @LethalBubbles
      @LethalBubbles 28 дней назад +1

      education hater

  • @mtstash
    @mtstash 28 дней назад +144

    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    • @DG-nk7jo
      @DG-nk7jo 28 дней назад +6

      Why aren’t you telling us who said that?

    • @crispinfornoff206
      @crispinfornoff206 28 дней назад +1

      Oh, so you’re a conservative.

    • @TheJustJoe
      @TheJustJoe 28 дней назад +27

      ​@@crispinfornoff206oh so you're a liberal.

    • @cleny217
      @cleny217 28 дней назад +31

      you have every right to protest, but that does not give you the right to do it where you want. Does not give you the right to camp on campus. Does not give you the right to break into buildings and damage them. DOes not give you the right to create barricades or traps. Does not give you the right to assault police.

    • @DG-nk7jo
      @DG-nk7jo 28 дней назад +2

      @@TheJustJoe You don’t know who said the OP’s quoted statement do you?

  • @vg4472
    @vg4472 28 дней назад +87

    It would be great to hear the University respond by saying they acted in direction from the White House.

    • @gobot581
      @gobot581 28 дней назад +8

      Nah the IDF are sending them direct instructions along with congress

    • @hawkeye9793
      @hawkeye9793 28 дней назад +1

      Lol 😂

    • @ivangranger8494
      @ivangranger8494 28 дней назад +2

      @@gobot581No, google bot.

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 28 дней назад

      More like from Soros. We all know he is behind this…

    • @JrKnomes
      @JrKnomes 28 дней назад

      ​@KenCheeseBro red states making way more money than your state in your mom's basement u 40 yr old anger addict

  • @cbob3605
    @cbob3605 28 дней назад +4

    Strip them of federal funding immediately

  • @RogueFire777
    @RogueFire777 28 дней назад +46

    There's a lot of videos where they talk about no law present. If the campus has requested law enforcement as a precaution when it started things would not have come to this

    • @uncomfortabletruth5915
      @uncomfortabletruth5915 28 дней назад

      They were there and ignored the counter protestors.
      This is establishment strategy to allow counter protesters to assault peaceful protestors..

    • @RandyTodd-ms8yb
      @RandyTodd-ms8yb 28 дней назад +10

      They didn't want to deal with it and ended up letting things get out of hand.

    • @RogueFire777
      @RogueFire777 28 дней назад +2

      @@RandyTodd-ms8yb yeah

    • @jacquelyndevitte4992
      @jacquelyndevitte4992 28 дней назад +6

      That’s bull. People are responsible for their own actions. Stop putting the blame on someone else #police officers.

    • @cronizle
      @cronizle 28 дней назад

      Campus security was there watching, filming and laughing as pro israeli protestors attacked the encampment and sent 25 kids to the hospital. Also the protestors were calling 911 for ambulances that didnt come because again, they were being attacked.

  • @IAmTheEggMan111
    @IAmTheEggMan111 28 дней назад +6

    Biden’s America

    • @user-sl5vw6pb5c
      @user-sl5vw6pb5c 23 дня назад

      Translation apps often get it wrong, so please have someone who understands Japanese read it, please!
      秘伝→ 今の自分は 時代の情報での自分であり 本当の自分ではない 育てられ老化し 転生をし また転生し 変化した自分    そして完全な自由になってから  本当の自分になる     あと誰か大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って    なぜ 生きなければ ならないか  真我たちと1つのサングナから始まった世界で 戻るしかなく 人間で訓練するのが効果的だから   全ての生物は元々自由で本当の自分(真我)で同じ性格のものは いなくて沢山いた が なぜか1つのサングナ(貪り 怒り 愚かさの関係のもの)に全ての真我たちが接したため反応が起こり上位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 徐々に劣化し中位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができた後に 上位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ この2つはおよそ似ている  さらに劣化し下位コーザル世界(超 潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)の後に下位アストラル世界(潜在意識と関係の非物質世界)ができ 最後に物質世界(表層意識と関係)の天の川銀河系などに物質と生物が出現した この3つはおよそ似ていて六道輪廻で これを666としカルマの法則の現象が展開す   なので人々は迷う  この太陽系など物質世界にいるが 下位アストラル(非物質世界)、下位コーザル(非物質世界)をたまに体験し予言などが起こる   キリストなどは上位アストラルから来たとする  ゆえに神が作ったとは 訳があっての発言で 最初から全ての生物は永遠 劣化し転生し肉体だけ死に食われたり誰かが助かったり   ゆえに誰でも正しく訓練し 正確な超能力を持ち 神をも越えて 元々の真我の状態(本当の自分)に戻り 完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   物質世界(表層意識と関係)の地球と広い宇宙は ① 天使界(堕天使より寿命が長く能力があり6階層ありUFOに乗ってて物質世界での神) ② 堕天使界は人間より寿命が長く能力があり少し悪でUFOに乗ってて物質世界での悪の感じの神(堕天使だから) ③ 人間(遺伝子組み換えなど色々) ④ 餓鬼道のような幽霊 ⑤ 動物(小さいものから恐竜以上) ⑥ 地獄は3つと 劣化して劣化して でき上がり 六道輪廻になり カルマの法則の現象が展開して平等   自分がやった時と似たような時に自分がやった事が返ってくるのがカルマの法則 そして守護霊が見ている(隠せない)   楽だけに なるには真我に戻るしかない   物質世界の現象は下位コーザルの六道輪廻で起き 下位アストラルの六道輪廻に現れ そして物質世界の六道輪廻に現れる 予言などは下位アストラル コーザルを見ればできる   下位アストラル(潜在意識と関係)は寝て見る夢や 予言や あの世と関係し 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3も関係して 下位アストラルの表現だろう(丹波哲郎の講演会などRUclipsにある)  変化している今の自分が死ぬと 丹波哲郎の大霊界だったり  転生の時  自分が 両親を選ぶ場合と別とがあり  赤ちゃんになり  色々あり だんだん過去の記憶は薄れ薄れ 色々で 変化した自分で 反応し動き反応して動き生活しカルマの法則を体験し変化しつつ ある日、天才に(過去世の記憶が使え)なったりして またまた死に転生し変化した自分になる  この広い宇宙には 少ないが 六道輪廻が千個だけ 1つ2つとできて千個で 同じ六道輪廻かは不明で科学力の差がある あっちの六道輪廻から地球の方の六道輪廻に来るには UFOで来るか 輪廻転生 かである    人間が 餓鬼道のような幽霊を除霊や助けたり動物を救助や動物実験を  するのと同じく堕天使や天使たちも人間をUFOの中で人体実験とかする   だから全ての生物は真我に戻る訓練をするのが 新世界秩序である   中国やプーチンたちやイスラエルなどは知らないのだろうか カルマの法則を    そして誰か大金持ちの人が輪廻党を作って      ある人の予言→ 2025/7/4の金の朝4:11から30日の水までに大津波や大暴風や大地震   硫黄島とルソン島の間で 人間が水素爆弾実験か 人工地震か UFOがやるか 太陽フレアで衛星などが落下や 海底火山噴火  木星からの隕石の影響で 日本の陸地3割が海水をかぶる 台湾から香港は陸続きになろう  または富士山 南海 東京直下で震度7.5前後    2025/10の ある日 淡路島大地震   2026/8/20か2031/8/20に富士山の小規模噴火   RUclipsの伝説ユタのハルさんが2030年までに第三次世界大戦(英国 独 露 イラン アフガニスタン 中国 マレーシア 米国が画策)で日本には中国が先に攻撃するが本土上陸なしで やがて中国が負けインドが管理し松原照子の話しと混ぜてインド連邦になる  そして朝鮮半島はロシアが管理  2029年にも隕石や人工地震の影響で 青森の無農薬栽培リンゴの木村さんのUFO体験のように2031年ごろ地球人口は減る 米国のフロリダなども  またマスク氏の人工知能のAGIで人口削減計画 コロナより増やすため   そしてそののち救済者が現れる  そして2100年ごろ地球人口は50億人以下で 日本では全てリニア新幹線みたいな交通でロボットが働き人間労働は週2日 また 松原照子は日本人口4900万人位かなと  対策として 丹波哲郎の大霊界1〜3や講演会をRUclipsで見て記憶して死後にかまえる  丹波哲郎が気にしていた出口王仁三郎の83集も読む あと真我の状態に戻る訓練として とりあえず とりあえず十善戒をどんどん守るようにし ヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法をやり 1日の食事を2回  2回よりは1回にして根菜類を食べ 玄米も餅米も餅も食べ 納豆やネギやニンニクも食べ(ニンニクを4分ぐらいゆで ゆでじるとともにカップラーメンに入れたりしてコロナのワクチン注射0回で元気な人がいた)1日2回の食事で 人間に転生 1回なら 天使界に転生 ヨガをやり ちゃんとした解脱と悟りをすれば早く真我に戻れる   予言をハズすには CMのように広げればいいらしい 2012/12のマヤの予言は地球じゃない方向に太陽フレアが吹いたからハズレた  人から人へ伝えたので 天使などがUFOで太陽に接したような写真のように 太陽フレアを動かしたとする しかし人間は人間で動物実験や駆除  堕天使や天使も訳があり人間を殺す時もあろう     話はとんで 天使界の所は6階層あり第2天使の所は なぜか地球の植物と天気を担当している   ゆえに妖精を見れる有名な絵本作家の信実さんや丹波哲郎の大霊界のあのシーンは 似ている   第6天使たちの所は ほとんどの願いが叶う所   人間の真我は首の後ろとか心臓にあるとか動かしているとかある   ゆえに真我に戻る訓練で変え 正しく正確に真我に到着し完全な自由にならないと 苦がつきまとう   十善戒をどんどん守るようにしてヨガや四無量心や瞑想や呼吸法もやり冷静な感じにして1日の食事を2回 2回よりは1回にして根菜類を食べ 玄米 餅 納豆 ネギやニンニクも食べてゆかないと 動物界みたいに 相手を食えばいいと怖い怖い雰囲気になってしまう 十善戒を破る生活は およそヨガや瞑想や四無量心や呼吸法や食事制限をしないから 他の情報で頭がいっぱいだから 他の情報でいっぱいだからである

  • @jaad9848
    @jaad9848 28 дней назад +131

    lol. The fact that the police are supposed to keep both sides apart has been standard operating procedure for the longest yet these people couldnt figure it ou

    • @teejaybee8222
      @teejaybee8222 28 дней назад +32

      For real, It's the most obvious thing to do, you don't even have to be an expert in security to know that! The minute "counter-protestors" (read: agitators and instigators) showed up, there should have been at least two dozen officers ready to go to separate the two sides. Anybody gets too close or starts shooting fireworks or bear mace gets stopped and then arrested immediately.
      It's just straight-up incompetence from the UCLA admin. and police.
      What's really galling is that the ones who started the violence just disappeared into the night, none were even detained, not to mention arrested! I don't care what side you're on, you can't let these people just get away. I really hope they find and arrest these fools. All their crimes are on video. Just look at the NY Times article about the violence Tuesday night.

    • @SkunkApe407
      @SkunkApe407 28 дней назад

      ​@@teejaybee8222 the protestors are no more protected by law than the counter protestors. Intentionally labeling either group as "instigators" is a disingenuous attempt to label them as "other". The divisive attitude you show here is EXACTLY the kind of mentality that leads to violence. Instead of drawing battle lines, try civil discourse. Then again, the Left leaning, "anti-war" side is the same side whose members are delivering death threats to city council members.

    • @lawrenceleverton7426
      @lawrenceleverton7426 28 дней назад

      Bureaucracy. Too much red tape and not enough plain common sense. Too many Laws and Regulations restrict Normalcy for the majority. The few outweigh the many. This is what you get when the majority gives an inch, the few try to take a yard. And all the whining about defunding the police, and the same folks demanding where the eff are they, is asinine thinking. Eff Brandon.

    • @yrxuL
      @yrxuL 28 дней назад

      @@teejaybee8222 Bruh how do you expect them to differentiate who is who when they are one big crowd. (read: crowd mentality). Once it becomes a riot, the whole point is to shut it down. Boo hoo the non agitators and non instigators got caught in the middle, but that snot the fault of the authorities. I hope those who were ringleaders in the exploitation of a protest get caught just like you do, but if you really think the authorities should have sat there and personally sifted through everybody to find perpetrators, you're an idiot.

    • @PsychTech209
      @PsychTech209 28 дней назад +14

      Yeah, how dare the police not protect those nuts who want to defund the police as well 🤪

  • @ajburgess7242
    @ajburgess7242 28 дней назад +72

    lemme tell ya, if this is a preview of what summer's gonna be like again this year we're in for a hell of one

    • @wolfumz
      @wolfumz 28 дней назад +4

      I doubt it. Isreal/Palestine just doesn't have the widespread pull which George Floyd did. Especially if the conflict reaches some kind of detente or ceasefire, that's going to deflate the tension. Universities empty out over the summer.

    • @ajburgess7242
      @ajburgess7242 28 дней назад +1

      ​​​​​​​​​​​​​@@wolfumzI think its just as widespread if not more when it comes to this age group, the feelings all over the country may have reached a larger amount of ppl but these are the same exact kids who actually did hit the streets in protest for the most part plus 4 years of students above them so they have even more young ppl because 4 years have passed. I doubt any ceasefire'll happen even if its in "talks" its been in talks before...n them leaving college campuses is exactly my point, it'll hit the streets, their issue is the gov't itself, not the campuses, theyre just using where they currently are as the place to express it. It's not about who the floyd situation affected, its about who actually did something about it

    • @danielowen5889
      @danielowen5889 28 дней назад +4

      Saint Floyd 2.0

    • @michaeltaylor4271
      @michaeltaylor4271 28 дней назад

      Well I mean schools are usually out for summer so I don’t think protests on campuses would work to well.

    • @ajburgess7242
      @ajburgess7242 28 дней назад +8

      ​​​@@danielowen5889indeed, because this is the current "virtue signal" and they all feel a need to stand for a cause that some dont even understand. I saw a video of 2 girls and they were protesting n someone interviewed asking why n one literally said "i dont exactly know" n that girl proceeded to ask the girl next to her n that girl said "im not really educated on the matter" whatttt dude?

  • @kentduryea7109
    @kentduryea7109 28 дней назад +7

    This isn't eight hours ago. It's footage three days old.

  • @chodkowski01
    @chodkowski01 28 дней назад +20

    The school waits until it gets out of hand.

    • @RandyTodd-ms8yb
      @RandyTodd-ms8yb 28 дней назад +2


    • @wendigos_eat_people7177
      @wendigos_eat_people7177 28 дней назад

      They should have never allowed the silly protest to begin with. The school is made to educate students in whatever courses they signed up for. They should have never allowed any Marxist ideals into their schools at all. These Collages are not indoctrination camps, but they have became one. They need to strip the campuses of any anti-american teachers from those schools and remove worthless courses that create equally worthless jobs that pay very little and cause decades worth of debt. It looks like only STEM fields are worth collage at this time.

  • @emperorremus8409
    @emperorremus8409 28 дней назад +17

    Campus Police Union? 🤨 That's an ACTUAL f'ing THING? 🤣

    • @christopherjakel1049
      @christopherjakel1049 28 дней назад +3

      Even fast food have unions these days.

    • @nunyabusiness9013
      @nunyabusiness9013 28 дней назад +3

      They gotta have someone to get them off of murder charges.

    • @Joe-gw9wh
      @Joe-gw9wh 28 дней назад

      @@christopherjakel1049 fast food unions are real unions. Police unions are not unions. Police unions only exist to help police escape accountability. Police aren’t an exploited labor class that needs unions. Lmfao.

    • @emperorremus8409
      @emperorremus8409 28 дней назад

      @@christopherjakel1049 Oh 💩 Well I thought it was just a myth, just like homeowners associations. I thought those kinds of things were just made up for television, for entertainment. Homeowners associations and fast food unions don't affect me, so I don't care about them or the people involved. I hope that doesn't make me sound like a bad guy.

  • @henrywhite3057
    @henrywhite3057 28 дней назад +26

    Lol the school blaming the damn cops lol you can't make this up

    • @josiahstuart1630
      @josiahstuart1630 28 дней назад

      It’s so funny to me these people camp up on private property telling their schools to divest and every single one of the schools uses the police to kick them out that is the required practice for people camped up, but then all blame is directed at police or I see politicians talking about the police brutality of this, and it’s like come on guys your can’t expect your school to completely withdraw all money and then when they don’t and make no comment about it we just blame the police,Israel, the opposing side anybody to put the blame on rather then talk about the complex details of this situation things are not always as black and white as they seem

    • @janetbaker7848
      @janetbaker7848 28 дней назад

      The school didn't beat those kids up the cops did. What's wrong with your head?

    • @Tired603
      @Tired603 28 дней назад

      The police union is blaming the school for police violence

  • @joshjacks2837
    @joshjacks2837 28 дней назад +40

    That or easily maintain a peaceful distance between the protest groups the night before.

    • @whatsgoodmyguy4391
      @whatsgoodmyguy4391 28 дней назад

      Ir just let them go at it, honestly who cares... Its blm 2.0

    • @cleny217
      @cleny217 28 дней назад +12

      Or they could have dispersed like they were told. Idk man, seems simple to me. That was not a protest, they even stated they will not leave. They barricaded and broke into buildings. They damaged property. That was not a peaceful protest.

    • @whatsgoodmyguy4391
      @whatsgoodmyguy4391 28 дней назад +9

      Nah ...once they don't leave as they were told to their trespassing and should be arrested and charged

    • @djzip9231
      @djzip9231 28 дней назад +3

      @@cleny217cringe. Protests with no sincerity are useless. An easily reparable building can be put to the side when larger causes to gather for come about

    • @cleny217
      @cleny217 28 дней назад

      @@djzip9231 DOes not give you the right to destroy it. Try again idiot

  • @JadyGrudd
    @JadyGrudd 28 дней назад +54

    The primary problem is that everybody's blaming everybody else instead of doing anything responsibly productive. Welcome to California.
    Edit for the Californians: I said nothing about the right to assemble or speak freely, though I'm not sure protests are what you've got there.

    • @larynOneka8080
      @larynOneka8080 28 дней назад +5

      The First Amendment:
      Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    • @garenthal9638
      @garenthal9638 28 дней назад +9

      @@larynOneka8080 they aren’t peaceful. Thanks for playing

    • @djbrianeye
      @djbrianeye 28 дней назад +4

      But this is not a peaceful assembly.

    • @ME-ot2ce
      @ME-ot2ce 28 дней назад +2

      Protests are as American as apple pie

    • @mattleathen445
      @mattleathen445 28 дней назад +3

      @@garenthal9638the protesters were peaceful. Anti-Palestine protesters and police came in with violence.

  • @martygufler2621
    @martygufler2621 28 дней назад +48

    Campus police are one step up from mall security. They are not trained to deal with violence.

    • @lancesidone164
      @lancesidone164 28 дней назад +1

      No German shepherds ?

    • @melodysfiresidefarm
      @melodysfiresidefarm 28 дней назад +14

      You are incorrect! They go to the same academy, are under the same mandatory LE training. It is the school that restricts what they can do or enforce on campus.

    • @melodysfiresidefarm
      @melodysfiresidefarm 28 дней назад

      This is what liberals do! They allow the wound to fester to gangrene then blame the surgeon when amputation is mandatory!! The feral protestors want trouble and will do whatever it takes to get it, after all they are following HAMAS (terrorists)!!! The left destroys everything they touch!!!

    • @jesualdocortez6426
      @jesualdocortez6426 28 дней назад +1

      They insight it

    • @brewcity2317
      @brewcity2317 28 дней назад +3

      UW-Milwaukee police (state university system) and even Marquette University police (private, Catholic university in Milwaukee) are real Milwaukee police officers that graduate from the Milwaukee police academy.

  • @user-ei6cx1pr8r
    @user-ei6cx1pr8r 28 дней назад +3

    Leave the police out of this the college administration messed up

  • @blue5had0w
    @blue5had0w 28 дней назад +2

    Oopsie, it didn't look good. Here comes the blame game

  • @tunatony
    @tunatony 28 дней назад +9

    Just get ahead of the problem next time around. Campus leaders obviously to passive.

  • @howie3000
    @howie3000 28 дней назад +6

    You watched "students" put on masks and helmets and haul plywood onto a college campus for weeks and
    expected what?

  • @gradyrogers6707
    @gradyrogers6707 28 дней назад +36

    these colleges are allowing this.

    • @nicocrestmere9688
      @nicocrestmere9688 28 дней назад +11

      Just like they allowed the Vietnam protests, the apartheid S Africa protests, the Iraq War protests. The kids are always on the right side of history

    • @walkingcontradiction223
      @walkingcontradiction223 28 дней назад +1

      ​@@nicocrestmere9688Right.. Have fun with that.

    • @Taylor-vz4ot
      @Taylor-vz4ot 28 дней назад +8

      "colleges are allowing students to express their constitutional right to assembly and protest". there, fixed it for you.

    • @walkingcontradiction223
      @walkingcontradiction223 28 дней назад

      @@Taylor-vz4ot Problem is it's private property and that most of the "protesters" that have been arrested aren't students. In addition they have become a public nuisance to actual students attending college.
      Not certain how protesting a war that were not actually fighting is going to change anything.

    • @cleny217
      @cleny217 28 дней назад

      @@Taylor-vz4ot Ya until it became essentially an organized riot. THat is not longer you exercising your rights when you are destroying property and trespassing.

  • @hauntedandAloneFB
    @hauntedandAloneFB 28 дней назад +2

    It’s the universities fault for not providing more security for the campus in general. This supposed to be a in closed campus surrounded by a fence. But that’s only semantics. The university creates these events with their own actions, policies

  • @PresleysMom
    @PresleysMom 28 дней назад +2

    Agreed!! I watched it live and school administrators made the call TOO LATE for law enforcement!! 2.5 hrs. of lawlessness took place before anything was done!!

  • @raiden72
    @raiden72 28 дней назад +28

    You can't continue to censor comments about Israel forever.

    • @hawkeye9793
      @hawkeye9793 28 дней назад

      The massive food recalls is the online news distraction flavor of the week. I hear that animal feed was recalled in Gaza...

    • @afridgetoofar1818
      @afridgetoofar1818 28 дней назад +3

      _The ADL would like to know your location_

    • @JackCarsonite
      @JackCarsonite 28 дней назад +1

      Why do YOU care about Israel buddy?

    • @sonicexereaper6814
      @sonicexereaper6814 28 дней назад +3

      THIS and many other protests have zero reasonings to be intended, nor does it do everything to help the situation. You want to do your protest right? Don’t be extra, don’t be abnormal, don’t be a blunt wokie, and start doing it peacefully without being in anyone’s way. If you want to be extreme, then buy a plane ticket and fly to Israel to do it over there. 😑🙄

    • @Theendisnear429
      @Theendisnear429 28 дней назад

      Why do you care so much about Hamas and Palestine who rap3d, kill3d babies and tortur3d?

  • @777Ridley
    @777Ridley 28 дней назад +18

    What seriously distorted reporting, this is. The corporate press gets at least an 8 out of ten on the propaganda scale. The video with the verbal overlay creates an obviously constructed lie.

    • @hawkeye9793
      @hawkeye9793 28 дней назад +3

      Here I thought all the online stories about food recalls was window dressing. I think the UCLA Campus Police Union was told " We'll take it from here.." Jails must be overflowing...

    • @djzip9231
      @djzip9231 28 дней назад

      How so?

    • @anthonywilson4181
      @anthonywilson4181 28 дней назад

      It's all organized, it's an election year....

  • @Kitkat-wu3ow
    @Kitkat-wu3ow 28 дней назад +2

    IMO... If students are allowed to protest let them be but they cannot set up camp. If students are allowed to protest on campus it should only be students. If you are protesting on campus must show a valid student ID, if you cant you gotta leave, escorted out be campus police.

  • @davestark5560
    @davestark5560 27 дней назад +1

    Campus leadership needs to be held accountable. END FEDERAL FUNDING.

  • @HeartBleeds4U
    @HeartBleeds4U 28 дней назад +17

    Now thats what i call entertainment.

    • @RandyTodd-ms8yb
      @RandyTodd-ms8yb 28 дней назад +1

      That's not funny.

    • @purplespeckledappleeater8738
      @purplespeckledappleeater8738 28 дней назад

      Watching "mostly peaceful protestors" pull off a worse version of 2020 right before an election is kinda funny.

  • @eric647f
    @eric647f 28 дней назад +17

    Saw no violence by police at all. In my opinion, they were way too calm and relaxed.

    • @mattleathen445
      @mattleathen445 28 дней назад +4

      Hard to see anything while licking boots..

    • @someoldatheist6712
      @someoldatheist6712 28 дней назад +2

      Yea? I bet you didn't see any violence at jan 6 capital riot either did you?

    • @carlosvasquez6054
      @carlosvasquez6054 28 дней назад +2

      How does the boots taste

    • @wendigos_eat_people7177
      @wendigos_eat_people7177 28 дней назад

      @@someoldatheist6712 Well there wasn't. After all when the Capital police quietly took away the barricades and open the doors and the people slowly marched up to the building and walked in. Why would there be violence when they were invited in ? I know two recently retired Military men that were there in the back watching the speech ,but had a birds eye view of the capital. When the barricades were removed by the police and the doors open and the people moved forward, he and his friend left right then. It felt more like a trap than an invitation he said, and figured if that's the case the military was on the way and will lock down the whole DC area around there.

    • @someoldatheist6712
      @someoldatheist6712 28 дней назад

      @@wendigos_eat_people7177 You are delusional.

  • @fredgrosso7927
    @fredgrosso7927 28 дней назад +1

    How many counter protesters were arrested?

  • @astridmcduffee7205
    @astridmcduffee7205 28 дней назад +1

    They should have never let the encampments begin to be set up.

  • @petedawson1683
    @petedawson1683 28 дней назад +11

    Why not say insurrection?

    • @christopherjakel1049
      @christopherjakel1049 28 дней назад

      Well.... one because it is not an overthrow of government. It's a bunch of tards tarding around a college campus.

    • @jbo8540
      @jbo8540 28 дней назад

      Because thats not what any of the protests have been, and the media is already facing backlash for their biased coverage, so they probably want to cool down the hysterics.

    • @lovejoy1311
      @lovejoy1311 28 дней назад

      Against whom?

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 28 дней назад

      @@lovejoy1311some of these protesters were shouting “death to America & Israel…”

    • @nunyabusiness9013
      @nunyabusiness9013 28 дней назад

      The only people who do insurrections are the ones who put a foreign nation above our own.

  • @emwa3600
    @emwa3600 28 дней назад +6

    Sue them. Use USC's law school and sue UCLA.

    • @uncomfortabletruth5915
      @uncomfortabletruth5915 28 дней назад +1

      And the police

    • @nunyabusiness9013
      @nunyabusiness9013 28 дней назад

      Police can't be sued due to qualified immunity. Google it. That's why they're above the law.
      The UCLA admin however do not have qualified immunity, and have very deep pockets. A class action suit for violation of constitutional rights to the tune of a half billion or more sounds about right.

  • @Er-sv5tn
    @Er-sv5tn 28 дней назад +1

    Blaming each other over who's the most WOKE

  • @Chulitatr
    @Chulitatr 28 дней назад +1

    I blame every president of the universities nationwide.

  • @user-bd7kh6di7b
    @user-bd7kh6di7b 28 дней назад +13

    Please, the students were warned!!!

    • @SteveWilliams-zp1vg
      @SteveWilliams-zp1vg 28 дней назад +3

      😂😂😂😂😂 yeah remember when trump tried to overthrow the government he thinks he is not guilty either I agree with you

    • @Bubbastonks
      @Bubbastonks 28 дней назад +2

      Jan 6 rioters were also warned to leave our nations federal building.

    • @carlosrivas3004
      @carlosrivas3004 28 дней назад

      @@Bubbastonksthey were invited and setup by Nancy the lizard palosi

    • @carlosrivas3004
      @carlosrivas3004 28 дней назад

      @@SteveWilliams-zp1vg you are like a fake news artifact

    • @adamlilly2548
      @adamlilly2548 28 дней назад

      ​@@Bubbastonksyeah j6ers put up tents and stayed for a week while not allowing any Jewish people access ...🤔 Oh wait... That never happened... I guess your argument is full of 💩

  • @neuroticnation144
    @neuroticnation144 28 дней назад +5

    It depends if it’s a riot or a a peaceful protest, it depends if it’s on public or private land, but it says we have the right of assembly in the Constitution, it seems our government is trying to abolish that and call it a crime. If not here, in other places in the US.

  • @user-cr3hl8vb1l
    @user-cr3hl8vb1l 28 дней назад +1

    These are not students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @duckypam
    @duckypam 28 дней назад

    How many arrested were actually students?

  • @roc7880
    @roc7880 28 дней назад +23

    wow, when cops say you were too violent.

  • @amineantion
    @amineantion 28 дней назад +78

    We need a name. Someone needs to lose their job for this failure.

    • @monkofkrayak6235
      @monkofkrayak6235 28 дней назад +43


    • @Makeitgreat1
      @Makeitgreat1 28 дней назад +10

      ​@@monkofkrayak6235 Absolutely!! I cant believe this.

    • @CriminalonCrime
      @CriminalonCrime 28 дней назад

      The staff that didn't read the ACLU's guide to proper protesting and encouraged young people to take part in civil disobedience as a form of proper protest....

    • @CriminalonCrime
      @CriminalonCrime 28 дней назад

      The staff who encouraged civil disobedience after knowing that it was against ACLU guidelines on proper protesting!

    • @jc7997aj
      @jc7997aj 28 дней назад

      George Soros.
      This is planned and funded.

  • @drknralh8624
    @drknralh8624 28 дней назад +1

    Exactly the people who get in trouble for doing stuff always blames somebody else when they get in trouble.
    I mean if you weren't doing things that you weren't supposed to be doing and you were listening and following within the guidelines of a protest.
    then maybe it wouldn't have got out of hand to the point where the cops had to get called.

  • @outboardprsnlstndup
    @outboardprsnlstndup 28 дней назад +1

    Finally someone takes initiative and calls out this idiotic universities

  • @texczechbohunk2143
    @texczechbohunk2143 28 дней назад +9

    Peaceful demonstration… good. Hostile demonstrations while breaking law… not an act of liberty… an act of anarchy… go to jail…

  • @RatfromNadeaust
    @RatfromNadeaust 28 дней назад +36

    I would hate to be a CHP officer rn. I did not apply to assist this crap.

    • @dragonflarefrog1424
      @dragonflarefrog1424 28 дней назад +9

      The officers should be proud. They got those criminals arrested

    • @thedude4762
      @thedude4762 28 дней назад +4

      But at the same time at least Americans well most Americans have their back this time unlike prior events

    • @dizzleslaunsen2372
      @dizzleslaunsen2372 28 дней назад +2

      Yeah they absolutely did. Anybody joining the CHP knows they are the equivalent of state police in any other state. They aren’t simply highway cops. The name might be confusing but they have duties far beyond speed traps and stuff like that. There used to be a state police in California but they merged with the CHP.

    • @themeanhornet1070
      @themeanhornet1070 28 дней назад +1

      Ok “Ponco” am sure they are just fine with out you.

    • @thesterndragoon9159
      @thesterndragoon9159 28 дней назад +6

      @@dragonflarefrog1424 those aren't criminals, kiddo.

  • @williamcope2652
    @williamcope2652 28 дней назад

    It definitely seems like there’s an unequal application of the law in regards to certain protesters

  • @mikethorson7243
    @mikethorson7243 28 дней назад +3

    The campus police KARENS should look in the mirror for the mistakes.

  • @ibme93
    @ibme93 28 дней назад +24

    Police will never take responsibility for their actions. It doesn't matter what occurs. They investigate themselves, and most of the time, they find themselves not at fault. America

    • @michaelmula6841
      @michaelmula6841 28 дней назад +2

      What lol get these people out of here

    • @thedude4762
      @thedude4762 28 дней назад +3

      But they didn’t do anything wrong why do they need to investigate themselves?

    • @Digger-Nick
      @Digger-Nick 28 дней назад +2

      Sounds like what leftists do

  • @jfreund91
    @jfreund91 28 дней назад

    "We are not responsible for our own decisions"

  • @KingCovfefe
    @KingCovfefe 28 дней назад +3

    Precisely why we need sherifs who are directly accountable to voters and not police forces acting as attack dogs for their masters.

    @TYRANTS-EXPOSED 28 дней назад +4

    This is for the police and their unions

  • @CowboyConan
    @CowboyConan 28 дней назад +1

    So arrest the leadership!

  • @KevinRCarr
    @KevinRCarr 28 дней назад +1

    Typical corrupt cop union, it's everybody's fault but their own.

  • @Shivkumar-fb3qh
    @Shivkumar-fb3qh 28 дней назад +4

    The United States of not America but you know who owns the country

  • @djbrianeye
    @djbrianeye 28 дней назад +6

    Regular people with emergencies aren't getting the help they need, cuz the cops are too busy dealing with protesters. It's a disservice to the working people of the county.

  • @Sbxallday
    @Sbxallday 28 дней назад +1

    The university let it go too far.

  • @richardtscott7489
    @richardtscott7489 27 дней назад

    Why are non-sworn entities in control of how sworn entities police crime? It makes no sense it's like letting children tell police what crimes they can and can't enforce

  • @walfredswanson
    @walfredswanson 28 дней назад +3

    I think this is true. University administration sets the rules, but they also feel a need to virtue signal or bend in the name of wokeness. Only after things get predictably out of hand are the police sent in to clean things up, and I’m sure dominant conversations on campus most of the time are anti-cop. The degree to which campuses are targets for crime is an uncomfortable truth: theft, drugs, sexual assault, vagrancy, car thefts and many other acts are made relatively easy on campuses because of the transient and trusting population of students. This is mostly what campus police deal with (not to mention mentally ill characters). Major disturbances that involve institutional policies cannot just be relegated to police to clear up.

  • @thedude4762
    @thedude4762 28 дней назад +4

    Wait theyre trying to blame cops enough trying to use them as escape goats

    • @aes0p895
      @aes0p895 28 дней назад +3

      "Escape goats" lmao. really shows the level of sophistication we're dealing with here.

    • @tweex1
      @tweex1 28 дней назад +1

      ​@@aes0p895 High-level Internet discourse right here, fellas

    • @Digger-Nick
      @Digger-Nick 28 дней назад

      All leftists know is projection

    • @jbo8540
      @jbo8540 28 дней назад

      The kids that got out of Hind Hall without being arrested were escape GOATs

  • @astridmcduffee7205
    @astridmcduffee7205 28 дней назад

    Maybe they should be protesting the price of tuition

  • @maslowpavlov
    @maslowpavlov 28 дней назад

    can’t anyone assaulted on camera file charges against the individual that assaulted them?

  • @jjjrtarj9270
    @jjjrtarj9270 28 дней назад +10

    Where was this type of response in Minneapolis when the town was being burnt up ???? Defenseless students it was ok ???

    • @horaceball5418
      @horaceball5418 28 дней назад


    • @lissabee49
      @lissabee49 28 дней назад

      No towns were burned up. Right wing propaganda is how all if the vile and disgusting things happen. They lie to gullible people like you for years and then you act like lunatics in comment sections and in public. Proud boys and Boogaloo boys and people like you go to peaceful protests and you create the violence because that's what you are programmed to do

    • @Joe-gw9wh
      @Joe-gw9wh 28 дней назад

      4 years ago? Assuming the average kid is like 20 they were 16 years old 4 years ago. Where was this type of response when conservatives pretended to be freedom fighters during Covid?

    • @Joe-gw9wh
      @Joe-gw9wh 28 дней назад

      Conservatives call mask mandates tyranny but then support actual police repression because they are reactionary and butthurt.

  • @foley15136
    @foley15136 28 дней назад +8

    Fireworks = lethal explosives

    • @yami6259
      @yami6259 28 дней назад +3

      they also threw a fire extinguisher like the J6 fire extinguisher thrower

    • @nrg6245
      @nrg6245 28 дней назад

      @@yami6259the students are terrorist supporters

  • @Themanisred
    @Themanisred 28 дней назад

    The guy with the tennis rocket needs to go sit down somewhere

  • @omarfeira3813
    @omarfeira3813 26 дней назад +1

    Stop this coward students arrests

  • @scottjackson1420
    @scottjackson1420 28 дней назад +5

    University president should have never allowed students (bolstered by outsiders) any protest that violated school rules in the first place. The instant a determination was made that the assembly was "unlawful," the cops and nightsticks should have gone in to break everything up and arrest everyone who refused to peacefully leave.
    That's all so obvious, it shouldn't even need to be said.

    • @doggodoggo3000
      @doggodoggo3000 28 дней назад

      they would rather peacefully stay. they have a right to protest.
      the counter protestors are the once causing problem and being violent.
      the police were just watching as outside agiators came in with weapons to attack the barricade. thats insane.

  • @user-py5vo5ln8h
    @user-py5vo5ln8h 28 дней назад +11

    I wonder what America future is going to look like.

    • @jc7997aj
      @jc7997aj 28 дней назад

      3rd world nation if the leftists get their way.

    • @phonymontana4254
      @phonymontana4254 28 дней назад +5

      Idk either. But I know it would look far greater without jizzrael

    • @jackmeoff9299
      @jackmeoff9299 28 дней назад +4

      It's going to fall faster than the majority of great Empires in the past

    • @Brianuwu622
      @Brianuwu622 28 дней назад +3

      joe bidens america

    • @captaincapitalism264
      @captaincapitalism264 28 дней назад

      Meh. These are a few hundred, out of millions of non-protestors going about their daily lives. The country will do fine.

  • @olgaconway9131
    @olgaconway9131 28 дней назад

    Enrollment will go down in all these universities

  • @alaasaker
    @alaasaker 28 дней назад +1

    حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

  • @Supras111
    @Supras111 28 дней назад +6

    Your "Time Out", Participation Trophy Generation in action.

  • @LoveFactorySweatShop
    @LoveFactorySweatShop 28 дней назад +34

    A bunch of kid ghosts in Uvalde: "Ummm... We're still waiting."

    • @P.I.L.O.T
      @P.I.L.O.T 28 дней назад

      There wasn't any money put in the pockets of politicians and these SS Guards to save those children.

      @TYRANTS-EXPOSED 28 дней назад +5

      My thoughts exactly. I was specifically thinking hand sanitizer with blue line punisher symbol.

    • @canhmegai5850
      @canhmegai5850 28 дней назад +2

      go back to school and study kids that is what you supposed to do

    • @LoveFactorySweatShop
      @LoveFactorySweatShop 28 дней назад +8

      @@canhmegai5850 so those Uvalde ghost children need to go back to school?

    • @skimdockdiamdock6123
      @skimdockdiamdock6123 28 дней назад +1

      me when I compare a police department in a small town of 15,000 to one of the most well funded police departments in the entire united states:

  • @emperorremus8409
    @emperorremus8409 28 дней назад

    "We have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

  • @allisonnewell2838
    @allisonnewell2838 28 дней назад

    This is just sad, you should be able to protest in peace.

  • @joshharris7193
    @joshharris7193 28 дней назад +22

    Liberal protest turns violent. Imagine that.

    • @nocturnalrecluse1216
      @nocturnalrecluse1216 28 дней назад +7

      January 6th, much? 🤡

    • @Roadglide911
      @Roadglide911 28 дней назад +7

      @@nocturnalrecluse1216grow up. You’re still drinking the kool-aid. 😂😂

    • @nocturnalrecluse1216
      @nocturnalrecluse1216 28 дней назад +4

      @@Roadglide911 Drinking...the kool-aid? 🤨

    • @MrBombs-ez4vx
      @MrBombs-ez4vx 28 дней назад

      @@nocturnalrecluse1216 CHAZ/CHOP immediately makes the mention of Jan 6th insignificant and not even worth mentioning considering it is left wingers who burn cities and cause the most chaos and harm.

    • @randyc8771
      @randyc8771 28 дней назад

      The violence was done by cops and right-wing counter protesters, but you can never trust a conservative to understand facts.

  • @DanielOrtegoUSA
    @DanielOrtegoUSA 28 дней назад +7

    Use force to counter force; pretty simple. 🤷‍♂️

  • @patriot4826
    @patriot4826 25 дней назад

    Before any Federal funding , know the curriculum of all Universities would prevent indoctrination

  • @TriEarth96
    @TriEarth96 28 дней назад

    The Campus Administration should have stepped in day one. Instead, they lost control of the situation. They should be held accountable for the escalation

  • @cherylsmith4826
    @cherylsmith4826 28 дней назад +7

    UCLA needed to stop it but the REAL police needed to step in. Thats the job

    • @dnkgy
      @dnkgy 28 дней назад

      Shut up idiot

    • @JS-jn8ku
      @JS-jn8ku 28 дней назад

      Unfortunately, they don't have the manpower they used to. Had an issue where I am, some people (one off duty cop) stopped a drunk driver, detained him. When asked when the police were arriving, we found out, no police....let go a few years ago....this is Bidens America.

    • @JohnDoe-zw8vx
      @JohnDoe-zw8vx 28 дней назад

      Real police needed to step in because ucla allowed it to get so out of control. A small fire can be put out with a medium fire extinguisher but if you let the fire burn and get bigger, you need the fire department.

    • @user-kt8dy7pc8n
      @user-kt8dy7pc8n 28 дней назад

      @@JohnDoe-zw8vx other than the pro genocide counter protesters who inflicted violence on the pro Palestinian protesters, what was out of control

  • @__BlacklotuS__
    @__BlacklotuS__ 28 дней назад +3

    america where everyone blames someone else, booooring

  • @walteroreilly8963
    @walteroreilly8963 28 дней назад

    So what I hear is that the police say they aren't responsible for their own actions because they were told to address the protestors. This is pure BS. The police are always responsible for their own individual actions. This is just them trying to defer their actions to others. This would be like telling a repo guy to get your car and he breaks down a wall and runs over 2 kids to get it. Then he says its not his fault because you told him to get the car.
    As for the actual police response, they were probably not too bad and just exceeded the expectations of the students.

  • @abefroman4953
    @abefroman4953 28 дней назад

    A shame cops weren't allowed to chase the miscreants off when the first tent was set up.

  • @willbradford5676
    @willbradford5676 28 дней назад +9

    counterprotesting with the goal to suppress someone else’s protest should be a crime is it not encroaching on the right to protest in the first place. It’s one thing to protest the opposite side but to actually protest against someone else’s right to protest should be a violation of constitutional rights

    • @someoldatheist6712
      @someoldatheist6712 28 дней назад +2

      That makes waaaaay to much sense for the average right winger to understand!

    • @Redneck903
      @Redneck903 28 дней назад

      Funny how the left only wants the Constitution to benefit their petulant, childish behavior

    • @debbiec4914
      @debbiec4914 28 дней назад +1

      Peaceful protests are allowed encampments and violence is NOT

    • @purplespeckledappleeater8738
      @purplespeckledappleeater8738 28 дней назад

      Right-winger? How many times has ANTIFA shown up to conservative events and bullied old ladies?

  • @______IV
    @______IV 28 дней назад +12

    Being ordered to inflict unethical buffoonery doesn’t exculpate officers who carried it out. It just adds to the # of people who should be held accountable.

    • @ozyankee4403
      @ozyankee4403 28 дней назад

      Those with basic skills of observation can see the use of wooden shields and Bear spray by the “peaceful students” was a planned resistance NOT to comply.
      Therefore NOT within the scope of definition of peaceful protest. Who escalated first? Those who planned NOT to comply with authority and be led peacefully away. Instead those behind the plywood had NO intent to be peaceful

  • @terrytheterratoma6829sdsfs
    @terrytheterratoma6829sdsfs 28 дней назад

    Gestapo "oh we wont disapear you."

  • @jamesdellaneve9005
    @jamesdellaneve9005 28 дней назад

    Time to cut all social science and “studies” programs. Use the money to hire LAPD and the Sheriffs to provide campus security. Cut the entire Campus police.

  • @289cobra9
    @289cobra9 28 дней назад +9

    I blame Biden.

    • @alexsheppard153
      @alexsheppard153 28 дней назад

      Yeah Biden is to blame for college students protesting. Is biden also to blame for counter protesters attacking the protesters?

  • @denisellamas2955
    @denisellamas2955 28 дней назад +3


  • @brianbevilacqua4984
    @brianbevilacqua4984 28 дней назад

    Following orders is not an acceptable excuse. Honor your oath.

  • @acespace7255
    @acespace7255 28 дней назад

    Better get some action going, students. You're boring me.

  • @destroystreets1023
    @destroystreets1023 28 дней назад +11

    what a bunch of clowns

    • @JoboMcFakeAF
      @JoboMcFakeAF 28 дней назад

      The little white American college kids burning flags and supporting Hamas? It is nuts.

    • @phonymontana4254
      @phonymontana4254 28 дней назад +2


    • @destroystreets1023
      @destroystreets1023 28 дней назад

      @@phonymontana4254 Who do you think?

    • @P.I.L.O.T
      @P.I.L.O.T 28 дней назад

      @@destroystreets1023 the college leadership, Congress, the Executive Branch, and every politician who support Israhell.

    • @phonymontana4254
      @phonymontana4254 28 дней назад +1

      @@destroystreets1023 I'm asking because I don't know who ur referring to. There are two opposing sides. Again, who?

  • @alanbrooke3237
    @alanbrooke3237 28 дней назад +10


    • @JohnDoe-zw8vx
      @JohnDoe-zw8vx 28 дней назад +4

      I agree, especially when students not involved in the protest were being barred from freely moving across campus by a wall of 6 or so protesters.

    • @Bubbastonks
      @Bubbastonks 28 дней назад

      For what?

    • @djzip9231
      @djzip9231 28 дней назад

      Quiet cornball

    • @Da1Rocky
      @Da1Rocky 28 дней назад

      ​@@JohnDoe-zw8vxlol I see what you did there 😏

    • @alanbrooke3237
      @alanbrooke3237 28 дней назад +1

      @@Bubbastonks If this rioting interferes with the schools normal class schedule then those students not participating in this criminal activity are denied what their tuition has paid for CLASSES. Plus their lives maybe at risk as the school hasn't ensured that it's a safe place to study, that is the schools responsibility.

  • @softtaco8264
    @softtaco8264 28 дней назад

    Imagine allowing the people(most of which are NOT students) to take over the campus, destroy property, threaten and assault students and staff, and then act surprised when these people lash out and resist when you tell them to leave

  • @propblast82nd
    @propblast82nd 28 дней назад +10

    Joe Biden’s America 🇺🇸

    • @gregjobe5672
      @gregjobe5672 28 дней назад +5

      Let’s go Brandon!

    • @BROU-bb2uc
      @BROU-bb2uc 28 дней назад

      Bought and paid for by George Soros.

    • @jackmeoff9299
      @jackmeoff9299 28 дней назад +4


    • @propblast82nd
      @propblast82nd 28 дней назад

      @1YUGE_RichardBulge The only thing Biden has built back better is the Taliban , Hamas and Mexican Cartels

  • @bobwalker2293
    @bobwalker2293 28 дней назад +7

    Students should be expelled but how many were not students?

  • @khonkala665
    @khonkala665 27 дней назад

    Ah the old “just following orders” defense.

  • @Brunzy1970
    @Brunzy1970 28 дней назад

    Good! Most aren't even students.

  • @gashousegorillas1
    @gashousegorillas1 28 дней назад +1

    Close all these schools

  • @christophergomez2584
    @christophergomez2584 28 дней назад +22

    The union will always blame everyone else that's their job

    • @Shayzare
      @Shayzare 28 дней назад

      The Union said " Mommy they made me shoot rubber bullets in protesters face"

    • @Hybris51129
      @Hybris51129 28 дней назад

      The Union serves the Union first anyone else be they member or employer will only benefit if they want what the Union wants at the time.

    • @robbydockery1272
      @robbydockery1272 28 дней назад

      Just like the current administration. Trump did it! Or caused it! Over and over for the last 3+ years.

    • @JohnDoe-zw8vx
      @JohnDoe-zw8vx 28 дней назад +1

      I'll admit that I don't know how a Campus Police is structured but if it's anything like a city police, the policies and procedures are made by administrators with police chief input but ultimately the administrators decide how they want their police/security to behave. The union better hope they have some documentation that the Campus Police wanted to act sooner to counter the protest but were stopped by administrators otherwise it'll seem like a bunch of hot air.

    • @debbiec4914
      @debbiec4914 28 дней назад

      Wow you have zero intelligence!!

  • @stevebailey3960
    @stevebailey3960 28 дней назад +4

    This is Biden America. Remember vote Trump in 2024trump.