Michael Jordan VS Isolation 1-1 Defense Part 1:Jordan 53pts in 1987

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 111

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад +1

    (cont.) Payton, Cheeks, Alvin Robertson, Moncrief, Pippen, Jordan, Cooper, DJ, Majerle, Pressey, McCray, Reid, McKey, Sprewell, McMillan, Rodman, Dumars, Starks, Gerald Wilkins, Newman...the list of good/great defenders is endless. And on top of all these great defenders, as you can see from this video and others, Jordan was doubled/trapped/swarmed more than any player of his era, and more than all but a couple in history (Wilt/Shaq). That he still produced the way he did is amazing.

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад +2

    Like SPMJ said, I'm not sure where this myth that Jordan played 1-on-1 all day came from. Like he said, were teams stupid? Did they just NOT want to double-team the most dangerous scorer in the league, and possibly in history? The reason why at times it looks easy for Jordan is because he was MUCH more adept than a guy like Kobe at reading defenses and exploiting double-teams by going away from them, splitting them, or beating them with his passing. He also always attacked more quickly than KB.

  • @fqwgads
    @fqwgads 11 лет назад +5

    This is why three-point shooting is so valuable in the NBA.
    Because the Bulls didn't have shooters to space the floor, defenders could double and triple team Jordan, yet still have the time to recover on defense when he passed out of it.

    • @boogieloo1831
      @boogieloo1831 5 лет назад +1

      the_infinite - lol. You have no idea what you're talking about. Parsons was an incredible 3 point shooter. So was Hodges. Pip was decent and of course MJ himself. But the game was different with much different rules. You could physically defend guys on the perimeter using your hands on them and a forearm in their chests. That's why you saw such little fancy ball handling - not because they had no handles but in most situations, you couldn't use it as you'd get hand checked with force.
      And with all the bigs dominating the paint defensively and not being forced out by a three second defensive rule, you couldn't drive the basketball to the basket. Look at this video and watch where the defenders are standing - in the paint. Nobody was getting easy hoops. No drives means very difficult outside shooting as perimeter defenders didn't care if you blew by them - they had true Centers and Power Forwards manning the paint and basket. So the perimeter defenders would get up close and personal to the outside shooters constantly hand checking them - especially if they started making threes.
      Too many today believe fantasy nonsense that the game today has evolved in a vacuum. It evolved because the NBA changed all the rules or specifically added countless rules castrating defensive capabilities.
      - You can't stand in the paint on defense.
      - You can't touch a face froward player.
      - Elimination of hands and forearms on bodies.
      - And no impeding the forward progress of an offensive player.
      And there are countless more restrictions every year since the rule changes came into effect in 04-05.
      And it wasn't just the rules but changes in foul interpretations by refs - much more in favor of the offensive player.
      Why did the NBA do this? To increase ticket sales and ratings by increasing offense. This has been done by every professional sports league.
      With these new, easy conditions, players and coaches and teams started changing the way they played to take advantage of these soft, new conditions. 04-05 saw a skyrocketing of points by all perimeter players and teams and this just continued in each successive season. ESPN might present this as an evolution but the reality is that evolution only occurs when homeostasis ceases due to environmental changes.
      Too many fools believe idiotic videos on YT and nonsense ravings on Redditt by butthurt kids who can't stand the fact that today's game is much, much easier. This is indisputable fact and acknowledged by players and coaches alike. This is not debatable but historical fact.
      Yes three point shooting spreads defenses but you simply couldn't chuck away like that in Jordan's day. Defenses would crush you and they would offensively convert constantly on the other end by throwing the ball to the big men in the paint. Do you really think coaches didn't think the game through back then? Stop thinking this was the Middle Ages. It wasn't that long ago and the NBA had been around for 50 years in the 90's. The game was at it's pinnacle. Changes occurred when the NBA changed the conditions, period.

    • @dkkeo6320
      @dkkeo6320 5 лет назад

      Boogie Loo u clearly need to watch the video “We”ve all been lied to”, exposes everything your talking abt 🤣🤣 NBA TODAY IS WAY MORE EVOLVED & TALENTED THAN THE 90S.. period.

    • @NothingElseMattersJM
      @NothingElseMattersJM 2 года назад +1

      @@dkkeo6320 I think you have the 80’s confused with 90’s . In the 80’s teams were taking 3.5 3’s a game at 28.9%. In the 90’s, teams were already shooting the 3 ball at a 35% clip on 10+ attempts . 2000’s basketball is very similar to 90’s basketball. 2010’s is when teams started taking a lot more 3’a

    • @bachnguyen1135
      @bachnguyen1135 18 дней назад

      @@boogieloo1831i hope you put this much energy into finding a job

  • @andgar923
    @andgar923 16 лет назад +3

    One thing I noticed during last night's game is Kobe's ability to dribble into double teams. He'd dribble not to an open space, but to a location where a defender was close too. I noticed this time and time again last night, where the help defender didn't switch off or close the lane, HE DRIBBLED INTO THEM. I couldn't believe it, this happened at least 3 times.

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад +6

    This video perfectly demonstrates the double-teaming, trapping, and sometimes outright swarming that Jordan had to deal with his entire career, especially pre-first retirement (and even mmore so pre-1991, which, amazingly, is when he had his most productive statistical seasons). I've always maintained that Jordan is the most double-teamed perimeter player in history by a good margin, and the only other player I've seen doubled as much consistently throughout his career is Shaq.

  • @LorenzoCastillo7
    @LorenzoCastillo7 16 лет назад +1

    That was because MJ was as physically gifted as they come. He said he didn't even train his legs yet without weights he jumped 10 inches higher than KB (48in vs 38in). Besides that, MJ was one of the strongest players in the league pound for pound. Imagine with all the conditioning and machines they have now.

  • @airtime23
    @airtime23 16 лет назад +1

    I was a little "shocked" reading your description but now I get it... you are being ironic :)
    Is that game video in normal speed ???

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад

    By the way, like SPMJ, I believe that the best defense was played between 1993-2004. It was the best blend of physical defense and good/great team defense. I too believe that Jordan would be the same exact player today on slightly lower FG% (his TS% may remain virtually unchanged since he'd be getting to the line 11+ times each year; at any rate, it'd be above 59.0% TS in his best years).

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад

    rrTale, I believe you're mistaken. I've read in numerous books that, prior to MJ, only Wilt had scored 50+ in 3 consecutive games. Kobe has since done it in 4 straight, but I never heard Baylor's name mentioned. I could be wrong, though, if you have a source.

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад +1

    Another correction, this was the first of his 50 point game streak

  • @Gfgoodrichtires
    @Gfgoodrichtires 13 лет назад

    @Jordanhair, you can't be serious. This video is full of double-teams and other such forms of help defense (with some isolation); if you know basketball you would know this. If you notice also, in isolation plays, Michael scores effortlessly. It is only during the double/triple teams that he has to exert a little more effort. Plus, the league was much more athletic than you seem to realize, my friend. Ever heard of David Thompson, Clyde Drexler, Dominique Wilkins, Spud Webb, Scottie Pippen?

  • @John6-40
    @John6-40 6 лет назад +7

    53 points on 19-27 shooting, 4 rebounds, 8 assists, 4 steals, 2 blocks. Bulls won 116-95. The stat lines never tell the whole story with MJ though. Teams were so focused on him that it opened things up for his teammates. Look at all the wide open looks other players are getting.

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад

    Jordanhair said that the video is sped up a bit after 6:05 due to a software error.

  • @bwink23
    @bwink23 16 лет назад +3

    Jordan just had an incredible ability to get thru the seams of the defense like no other. There has never been a player like jordan ever who could get to a hole so quickly and be able to manuever on a dime. I know a guy who used to play pick-up in chicago with jordan in his prime, and he said he was blown away by how much Jordan can cover so quickly...He was just too long and quick for defenses to get to him fast enough to prevent the penetration most of the time.

  • @andgar923
    @andgar923 16 лет назад

    Basically. But to be fair, one game isn't the tell all, but it does serve as an example and an proof of our argument.

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад +3

    Also, something that's often overlooked about the difference in defense between then and now is that back then, you could hard trap players without getting called for touch fouls. This meant that you could more easily get the ball OUT OF a player's hands. Nowadays, if you try to hard trap, all the offensive player has to do is keep dribbling around or faking and they'll eventually get a whistle. This happens a LOT. This means you can't take star players out of the game (figuratively) as much.

  • @youri98
    @youri98 13 лет назад +1

    Jordan playing like Moses, splitting the D like he comes straight out of Exodus

  • @airtime23
    @airtime23 16 лет назад +6

    ok. Jordan was really fast as a Jaguar !!!!!
    Thanks for the upload !!!
    I don't get why people think the defense was not as hard back in the days...just because the shorts looked funny on some guys :)

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад +2

    Also, I do believe that the quality of man to man defense was equal or superior from '85-'96 than it has been from '04-'09. Part of that is the increased physicality permitted, and part of it is that defenders needed to be able to contain their man better because of no zone and lesser team defenses. The individual defensive players at the PG/SG/SF spots in Jordan's era have not been matched imo (continued)

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад +2

    Keep in mind that Jordan had 53 points this game. He averaged 37.1 ppg this year along with 2.9 steals/1.5 blk (first player ever to record 200+ stl/100+ blk in the same season). He did it against defenses much like this. This was the third consecutive game where he had 50+ points, which at that time had only been done once in history. The energy he exerted in every game was phenomenal, and is something that tends to get overlooked about him.

  • @mikester8821
    @mikester8821 16 лет назад

    What year was this video. I liked it but i do agree with dv122 that help D and double team are pretty much the same thing in my eyes.

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад +2

    Of course you know. His name is KB42PAH the kiddies brainwasher. His man crush on KB is sickening. Since KB can stack up to Jordan's accomplishments then "its gotta be the weak D Jordan faced! It just gotta!"
    IMO Jordan isnt just "1 of the 3 most destructive offensive forces of all time". He's THE most destructive of them all - dominates at 6'6" SG, complete arsenal of moves and shots while maintaining an astounding efficiency in a tougher defensive era. No one has beaten that.

  • @blackadam06
    @blackadam06 15 лет назад +2

    B4 the Finals, everyone said the lakers had the BETTER team & bench, but then they started gettin' served & then everyone turned on kobe's supporting cast, like it was ENTIRELY their fault..
    This is the problem I have with kobe fans.
    I ALWAYS find it funny how kobe fans diss Lebron because he & his team lost to the Celtics by saying "His" individual performance was the cause. But when U look at kobe's poor showing vs them, kobe fans blame his "Teamates" LOL!!

  • @dyep29
    @dyep29 15 лет назад +1

    if kobe would be defended like this at this time, considering there is no off. 3 sec & illegal handcheck, hell probably have a FG% no higher than .35

  • @rsx2
    @rsx2 16 лет назад +1

    quick observation from this video.
    1. he rotates the ball before the double team comes.
    2. he drives to the hoop before a double team can develop.
    For someone who has an ability to average 8 assists per game (1989) wouldn't you think twice before doubling him.
    example. 1997 finals, game 6. russell and stockton doubled MJ. He finds Kerr for a wide open game winning fieldgoal. 1998 finals, game 6. single coverage vs russell, hits the game winner. either way, MJ wins. peace.

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад +2

    I wanna thank you Jordanhair for taking the time to make this video. Great stuff

  • @accepttrue
    @accepttrue 16 лет назад

    you are absolutely right

  • @psychomajoreflex
    @psychomajoreflex 12 лет назад +3

    look at the way MJ moves the ball constantly instead of taking too many dribbles for several seconds unlike 2 guards today, especially the one that is 'supposed-to-be-better-than-MJ'

  • @alessdiavolo
    @alessdiavolo 15 лет назад +1

    Jordan was the best... simply. No kobe, no Lebron... No matter what ignorant people will say.
    If Jordan played nowadays, he would problaby score 40 points per game.

  • @juju100000
    @juju100000 16 лет назад +1

    good fing work man best vid of the 80s defense.seriously u have Goat editing

  • @Jordanhair
    @Jordanhair  16 лет назад +1

    The video looks a bit quicker(around 3%) in the youtube .
    But It's still very quick in normal speed

  • @loepower
    @loepower 14 лет назад +1

    Funny how so many people don't know that you are being sarcastic in your description section.

  • @Jordanhair
    @Jordanhair  16 лет назад +1

    After 6:56,the speed become a little quicker because of some problems of software.

  • @Fantumh
    @Fantumh 16 лет назад +2

    Yes, I've noticed the very same thing. You can see it too on some of the highlight videos on youtube, one in particular sticks out, where he has the ball just right of the FT line, dribbles into a double team and is forced into the corner where he jacks up a three-pointer. Yes, he makes the low-percentage shot but that's not the point. He should have easily (with his great athletic skills) been able to cut it inside and have a relatively open lane to the basket. No comparison.

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад

    dv122, Jordanhair was being sarcastic with his description. The intent of the video is clear.

  • @boogieloo1831
    @boogieloo1831 7 лет назад +6

    For those that still don't get the description, Jordanhair is being sarcastic and proving MJ was aggressively defended despite how some ridiculous Kobe fans (now LBJ fans) say that Kobe suffered more.

  • @TBlake34
    @TBlake34 15 лет назад

    No, I didn't pick up on the sarcasm. I even read the description a few times.
    And obviously I watched the video, which is why I commented as i did. But RUclips is full of people dumb enough to post videos that directly contradict their claims.
    In my defense I will point out that the comment to this video isn't exactly very clearly written, but I owe the maker an apology if sarcasm was his intent.

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад +1

    Jordan would still shoot 4-6+% above league average FG% every year from age 22-33, by the way.

  • @jordanlover23
    @jordanlover23 16 лет назад

    Beyond all the selective editing liberties taken in KB24PAH's video; beyond the fact that he condensed an entire SERIES worth of plays into one 10 minute video, there is this: people like KB24PAH don't want you to remember that WE SAW KOBE UNDER MAN-TO-MAN RULES FOR THE FIRST 8 YEARS OF HIS CAREER (1997-2004). Kobe was not some sort of world-beater under man-to-man rules either in the regular season or playoffs, despite having Shaq to draw defensive attention. He was great, but not Jordan great.

  • @andgar923
    @andgar923 16 лет назад

    Oddly enough, he was doing the best defensive job on him. His speed was making Kobe work hard to get position or the ball. If he had any type of team help and was allowed to be physical, it would've been a different outcome. Since thanks to KPAH, we know Kobe can't deal with physical play.

  • @DownloadDoctor1
    @DownloadDoctor1 13 лет назад +3

    My favorite part of the video is when the commentator said double team on Jordan 50 times and triple team on Jordan another 50.

  • @TBlake34
    @TBlake34 15 лет назад

    For your argument to be at all worth paying attention to, you need to show how GOOD teams played MJ. Watch how Boston and Detroit played him early in his career, and how New York and the other good defensive teams of the 90's ran doubles at him.
    And by the way, 2:00, 2:05, 2:20, and many more show him being double teamed. There are 4 DEFENDERS on him at 2:45. The announcers talk about the double team around 2:20.
    What's your point again?

  • @ThaRealERAQ
    @ThaRealERAQ Год назад +1

    Harden could never score 50 against that defense

  • @andgar923
    @andgar923 16 лет назад +1

    There's decent defenders, but not great. And ironically enough, the so called great defenders like Bowen, Artest, and Battier AREN'T athletic or tall. They play what would be considered normal defense in MJ's era. And they couldn't be as physical or have the consistent "team" help.

  • @lionelangemario
    @lionelangemario 12 лет назад +1

    great job!

  • @andgar923
    @andgar923 16 лет назад +2

    I've always compared MJ to a 6'6 Iverson, in regards to his speed. As shown in this vid, the lane was always clogged and he rarely had any lanes in which to penetrate. Even when he broke past a double, he was met with ANOTHER double or triple. Help defenders were quicker to switch since his teammates weren't respected and he had never played with a decent big man that drew defenders.

  • @bridogg23
    @bridogg23 16 лет назад +1

    you have 1 game from his rookie season. The defense of the late 80's early 90's is 100% tougher than today. David Stern took away the hand check rule to create a more offense orientated game. You can barely touch a guy now and its a foul. Its a joke really. Michael played during a time with more hall of famers than ever. Argue all you want....you ask 1000 people who the best ever is 95% of them will tell you MJ....no doubt

  • @779michael
    @779michael 14 лет назад +1

    ooh...the old time Nba game seems to be like" FIFA final" with fast rhythm and intensity for every single game that I don't believe today's slagger players even could survive at that old time..including kobe..

  • @sudoku28
    @sudoku28 13 лет назад

    i think the camera has a hard time following Jordan...hes too quick

  • @juju100000
    @juju100000 16 лет назад +2

    I love how u showed his misses and TO.The problem with the other vids is they only show is highlights and not when he got doubled and pushed without the ball.5/5

  • @airtime23
    @airtime23 16 лет назад

    You should not take the description too serious :)

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад

    "The last Laker with three consecutive 50-point games was Hall of Famer Elgin Baylor in December 1962. Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain are the only other players with three straight 50-point games. Chamberlain has the record with seven consecutive 50-point games, which he did in December 1961."
    ESPN article on Bryant extending his 50 point streak to 3 games.

  • @kingike25319
    @kingike25319 12 лет назад

    the guy who posted this video must have been sarcastic or dumb, because it looks to me he have edited the video mostly to a point of where we see jordan getting double teamed throughout the game

  • @gg2000gg2000
    @gg2000gg2000 12 лет назад

    MJ is definitely not the most double teamed player in history. Why? Because MJ was so fast that the second or third defender couldn't even get to him.

  • @Demetrio1926
    @Demetrio1926 13 лет назад


  • @marcelobesch
    @marcelobesch 14 лет назад

    Description is obviously ironic.

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад

    Wow that's odd.. You're a knowleadgeable fan and not those idiots we see everyday, so im just gonna respect your opinion and leave it at that.

  • @quadence
    @quadence 13 лет назад +1

    yeah youre right at 0:54 thats totally not a double team at all. wait. yeah it is. I'm not saying Jordan is the MOST double teamed person ever ( I'm sure Shaq was double teamed more), but Kobe's is not double teamed more than MJ ever was.

  • @marcelobesch
    @marcelobesch 15 лет назад

    the description is ironical, right?

  • @fornogames23
    @fornogames23 8 лет назад +3

    lol they doubled him everytime he got the ball

  • @Gfgoodrichtires
    @Gfgoodrichtires 13 лет назад

    @Jordanhair My only explanations for your description is either you are being sarcastic or you don't know basketball, and judging by your videos, I'll take the former.

  • @cmoney2
    @cmoney2 15 лет назад

    help defense is when the guy gets beat so you help. The guy guarding jordan is not getting beat and they still send a guy at him.
    that is called doube teaming dude.

  • @Bonzikow
    @Bonzikow 16 лет назад

    Why is this speeded up. Look closely.

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад

    Which guy are you refering to?

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад

    Agree with everything you said jordanlover just wanted to correct one small thing. By the time MJ did his 50 point streak in '87 two players had achieved this already - Wilt Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor.

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 15 лет назад

    What's wrong with you man, don't you see the guy's being sarcastic with the description. I mean all you have to do is watch the video..

  • @mikester8821
    @mikester8821 16 лет назад +1

    because i saw Jordan get doubled on the perimter like 4-6 times, and if that is "help D" then I consider them to be the same thing.

  • @riezexeero7392
    @riezexeero7392 11 лет назад +1

    agreed man... kids should watch old nba

  • @juju100000
    @juju100000 16 лет назад

    mie and dv he was joking.WTF is dv122 talking about?He was being sarcastic

  • @VinmanMJ23
    @VinmanMJ23 14 лет назад

    He wasn't even the greatest Laker when he won "his" first two championships.

  • @Jordanhair
    @Jordanhair  16 лет назад

    Yes,Elgin Baylor scored 50,50 and 53 pts in December 1962

  • @andgar923
    @andgar923 16 лет назад

    the zone and the modern day advanced defense doesn't allow this on Kobe tho.

  • @marcelobesch
    @marcelobesch 14 лет назад

    Every single time he was not doubled, basket.

  • @riezexeero7392
    @riezexeero7392 11 лет назад +1

    agreed... SHAQ is just too big not to be double teamed, he will make points... but for a physic like jordan... its really impressive to see opposing teams knew he is needs to be double teamed... thats how great MJ is

  • @loepower
    @loepower 14 лет назад +2

    @VinmanMJ23 He wasn't the best player on his team when he won his 5th.Gasol got robbed for that MVP

  • @markgramenz
    @markgramenz 15 лет назад

    u do realize that shaq came before duncan and is way more dominate

  • @xRenzokukenx
    @xRenzokukenx 15 лет назад

    LOL the announcers have sooo little enthusiasm
    boom baby... haha

  • @blackadam06
    @blackadam06 15 лет назад

    More "skilled" than who?

  • @riezexeero7392
    @riezexeero7392 11 лет назад +2

    your correct... like when jordan was with the wizards... he still still a great player at that time ave around 20 points but he can't win the game with out some great team mates... you can't win championships all by your self... a lot of stupid kids now a days... 80's and 90's basketball is the golden age of the game... then the 70's ... today's basketball is good but cannot compare to the oldies...

  • @dyep29
    @dyep29 15 лет назад

    oh im sorry i mean def. 3 sec

  • @subswithoutvids-dw6dv
    @subswithoutvids-dw6dv 8 лет назад +3

    very intense defense on Jordan

  • @ch3ckth1s0ut1
    @ch3ckth1s0ut1 12 лет назад +1

    0:38 DAMN NIGGA

  • @accepttrue
    @accepttrue 16 лет назад

    very nice clip, how many times did MJ got doubled, lol

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад

    Lol yeah man dont worry he's being sarcastic.

  • @RR0849
    @RR0849 16 лет назад

    They always let MJ shoot freethrows uncontested. :)

  • @blackadam06
    @blackadam06 15 лет назад

    "Kobe/jordan are almost the same for me king of their time"
    For MJ yes, but U can't say that about kobe & maintain a straight face LOL!!
    If kobe's been the "king of his time", then "WHERE IN THE HELL" are the individual & team accolades that PROVE what you're saying?
    He hasn't been the most dominant player of this era! I could say that about Tim Duncan B4 I could about kobe! Where's kobe's MULTIPLE titles, MVP's or Finals MVP's that PROVES his dominance?
    Lem'me know when U wake up..

  • @mikester8821
    @mikester8821 16 лет назад

    i saw you posted a link on pahs page, i will do the same

  • @rrTale
    @rrTale 16 лет назад


  • @GetPaid2Click
    @GetPaid2Click 13 лет назад

    This just shows how overrated Michael Jordan really is. I mean seriously, look at how confused he is against the zone. The only baskets he gets is if he's in transition and if he's guarded 1 on 1... OVERRATED!

    • @NothingElseMattersJM
      @NothingElseMattersJM 2 года назад +1

      MJ Literally averaged 17.7 ppg on 54% FG in college against unrestricted zones, no defensive 3 second and legal handchecking lol

  • @riezexeero7392
    @riezexeero7392 11 лет назад +1

    hahaha true man!

  • @GetPaid2Click
    @GetPaid2Click 13 лет назад

    @jp3813 Basketball 101 for dummies: If your teammates don't give a fuck about winning a basketball game and have no skill at all, you do whatever it takes to win the basketball game for your team. Kobe has been doing this for YEARS AND YEARS, while on the other hand, MJ has had one of the 50 greatest players of all time not only on offense, but on defense. Pippen is one of the greatest defenders ever, and in my opinion even better than MJ. There's a reason they won those 6 championships (Pippen)

  • @riezexeero7392
    @riezexeero7392 11 лет назад

    So your saying, basing on this video, Jordan is exposed?! ... OK FINE... but he still got 53 points??? yeah is is exposed right LOL

  • @riezexeero7392
    @riezexeero7392 11 лет назад

    hahaha lame defense compared to this :P