Thanks to HelloFresh for sponsoring today's video. Go to and use code POGFALSENOV70 for 70% off plus free shipping on your first box!
@@visitinggoat6696 apparently, and idk if this is true, they get their coconut milk from thailand. A milk gotten by using and abusing monkeys to get it for them
The year is 2030, generation 13 has just been released. Mega rayquaza has now dropped from NU to ZU, garchomp is struggling in Triple ZU and super Saiyan ultra mega primal shadow arceus is potentially being banned from UU to OU due to it having a base stat total of 10,000,000 and having an OHKO move with 190% accuracy that goes through protect, super protect and double triple quadruple substitute. Lando-T is still in OU and is sitting at S+ in the viability rankings with 99.9999% usage on the ladder and in tournaments.
Wish you talked about the cascading effect of how Power Creep absolutely devastates the lower tiers. The Pokemon pushed out of the higher tiers combined with the sheer number of new mons disproportionately wreaks ABSOLUTE HAVOC on the lower tiers and, more often than not, forces the creation of a new low/lowest tier.
I think the dex cuts in gen 8 and 9 actually make it so the creation of new lower tiers is unnecessary. Tho if every mon was available we'd probably need at least one new one...
@@meticakolli1237 gen 9 is not only chi yu and I think gen 9 power creep is the second most after gen 5 closely followed by gen 7 why paradox mons are so op and the ruin legendary is just like a cheat code in doubles
@@tapankoley9713ey are contenders for sure, but only because Megas are phased out. Lucario, Blaziken, Metagross, Salamence, Alakazam, Blastoise, Gengar, Khangaskhan, Lopunny are literally Uber-tier even by today's Natdex standards, and let's not mention the actual Ubers in the Primal Duo, Mega Rayquaza, Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde Complete.
@@Vinniflame I saw the leaked abilities and it's just so stupid : many are stat increases when hit by a certain type and there is even one that get a fucking Extreme Evoboost buff by sacrificing its ally in doubles.
I'm looking forward to seeing how the meta handles Ferrothorn not being in Gen 9 by default. Sure it might come back in the DLC, but people have relied so heavily on it that they might not know how to replace it right away. Personally I'm hoping it comes back just so it can fight Forretress, though, because Forretress gets Body Press now and seeing a Forretress completely stomp the pokemon that replaced it in the meta would be glorious.
I think Forretress would get overwhelmed easier. It doesn't get leech seed for recovery (so it gets chipped easier), doesn't resist electric (koko and magnezone handle it easier) and has way lower special defense (which means that Lele, one of the mons Ferro was tasked to check, can probably 1v1 it). It does resist u-turn and is neutral to fighting, can spin away hazards and has volt switch, but I think those traits would take to UU at best, or back to RU when power creep hits
I really, REALLY hope that things become viable now that some of the OU threats are gone. Things like Beheeyem, Florges, and Ludicolo have so much going for them, but are unviable just because of how the metagame is funcioning.
An interesting fact is that powercreep affects lower tiers faster than it does higher ones, as the effects of just making more strong tools available get amplified by the new drops. Look at how most pokemon that were UU in gen 4 are already NU, but almost every pokemon in gen 6 NU either fell to PU or became untiered
Honestly the "How Good was ____" series is great for the individual pokemon but this and the hyper beam video are great examples of some incredibly welcome and refreshing variety with the same format of going through the different generations.
Gen 6 feels like that's when TPC took competitive seriously. Sure megas seem powerful, but there were dozens of small changes that worked to dial back the craziness that took over gen 5
My favorite example of power creep is that Regigigas' stats were so strong that it warranted an ability that nerfed it into near-uselessness. And Zacian's stats are BETTER, even without factoring in its beneficial ability.
@@didack1419 No, that's the straight-up definition. In gen 4, that stat spread was considered good enough to slap a limiter on, even on a legendary. In gen 8, it's just fine and even okay to give it a purpose-built buffing ability.
@@EinDose Ok, the way I understood your comment was that the first paragraph was an example of "good" power-creep, Regigigas, that then you compared with Zacian. So I just responded that Regigigas was not power-crept in any relevant way, because it had no impact.
Gen 9 introduced Palafin, a non-legendary Pokemon with a stat total equal to Regigigas (also Slaking) with equal attack, but without a hindering ability. Rather you'd simply switch out, either with Flip Turn or just raw switching, then you become Shazam.
I feel like one big aspect of power creep that wasn't talked about as much was stat distribution. Even if their stat total is the same the way they start Distributing it, especially in Gen 5, made some Pokemon obscenely strong like ferrothorn example. Old Pokémon like Nidoking, even with sheer force, just can't hang anymore because their stat totals are too low.
It's really interesting coming back to this video after Teal Mask DLC. I like how we considered Garchomp and Heatran essentially immune to power creep yet both are now UU Pokemon
Power creep, at it's most basic, is when new content is significantly better then previously released content to such an extent that it changes the meta entirely after its release to compensate for it. If you have the unfortunate business of playing tabletop 40k, you know this all too well. Space dwarfs just being the most recent version of it.
It's a tricky question. As a game designer, you want to make sure people want to buy the new stuff, so you want to make it as good or better than the old stuff. But if you overdo it, boom, power creep.
Loving FSG's different video essays on competitive Pokemon. You think the series regarding the History and Viability of Pokemon types will make a comeback after more than half a decade?
I genuinely love when powerful Pokemon get nerfed in a way that doesn't make them worse, only more situational. It just makes for more interesting teambuilding IMO, always frustrating when a mon is so universally good that almost every team has one (Landorus-T, Ferro, etc).
@@UnwantedGhost1 STAB Earthquake, learns U-turn, Intimidate ability, excellent Attack stat, only weak against 2 types. I'm only scratching the surface on what makes Landorus-T a great Pokemon.
Seeing the stats, typing, movepool and abilities of a ton of the new gen 9 mons, I think we'll see a wave of powercreep of possibly unprecedented level once the games will come out
I doubt it will eclipse that of gen 5 with permanent weather, the genies, heatran, volcarona, keldeo etc. All of that still heavily affects the meta, even without permanent weather anymore weather teams are still a big deal and that's the least impactful part of that.
@@cintronproductions9430 Nah, it's got stupendous attack but this thing is one of the slowest Pseudo out there, I believe it's only slightly faster than Dragonite whilst not having access to DD, and it's an ICE TYPE Sure it has very good HP and nice defenses and Snow boosts the defense of Ice types but ...... I don't know, of all of the broken things in this gen he doesn't look like one of them (chief amongst these broken things being the Ice/Dark legendary with stats even better than Weavile with basically the same movepool (sans Knock Off but with Sacred Sword and Recover) and an ability that permanently decreases the opponent's defense whilst it's on the field, and remember 135 Speed so it speed ties with Flutter Mane at worse, so good luck trying to play around this monstrosity)
@@jotarokujo3603 All of these new mons are on a relative level very comparable to gen 5, but the new moves and abilities are also just as busted (I'd say the new gen 9 moves look more busted than the gen 5 moves by a mile) and one of the biggest factor will also be the massive debuff of recovery moves, so that temporizing the game is going to be much MUCH more difficult. All of this combined makes me think that gen 9 is going to be at least comparable to gen 5 in terms of powercreep if not surpass it (it will surpass it by far with Terra, but this mechanic will 110% get banned, looks way too broken from what we've seen)
I agree. Nintendo should pay more attention to older Pokemon. The new Pokemon are designed to thrive in the new environment. The older ones are sometimes still trying to pull off their old tricks. This normally does not work except if you are Linoone.
Great intro! And I’m in love with the thumbnails of this series. This is the best competitive encyclopaedia I know on the internet, and not just for the presentation.
I always understood power creep, not as a change in mechanics or nerfs, but specifically to a past option being not longer viable, despite sufering no change at all. Just more powerfull options enter the game
Can’t wait for Gen 9’s power creep, looks like it’s gonna be rough Edit: wow, there’s a war in this comment section. I know power creep sucks but how about inhaling copium??
@@starkiller6tothe9gaming81 new ‘Mon with Technician and Normal type multi hit move that hits up to 10 times, equipped with loaded dice = 300 damage each time move is used. I’ll let you decide whether you want to find out what I’m talking about or not.
I would appreciate you covering doubles power creep as there is quite a difference between VGC power creep and 6v6 power creep as with gen 8 possessing Intimidate, Parting Shot Incineroar which is in WAY too mass usage in Gen 8 but also Dynamax is much more controllable in the format compared to Megas and Z-moves.
Love the vid man, love the thumbnails, love the new content. It would be kinda cool if you made a video looking at the strongest and weakest pokemon from each gen then explain why
You will definitely feel the power creep in gen 8’s battle spot singles. Dynamax can both sweep the enemy’s team, and stop a sweep cold in its tracks. Being limited to only 3 Pokémon only further emphasizes this, as losing just one Pokémon can be devastating
@@tomhuddleston1850 makes no sense that it's fine in doubles but absolutely awful in singles. Almost like no one wants to change playstyle. Just keep unga bunga and cry
I think what makes gen 8's power creep feel so much worse then other generations is that most other gens only had pokemon fall in viability because the net of power was widened, but in gen 8, the power net was tightened. Pokemon didn't lose viability because opposing pokemon gained options, they lost viability because they *lost* options they needed.
@@billybobbobson3797 you seriously can't say anything even remotely negative about a pokemon game without someone coming out of the woodworks to call you a hater
Awesome video, great work! Some other stuff you could talk about in a similar vein to this: 5 Pokemon Great in Singles but Bad in VGC (and vice versa) 5 Bad Pokemon rescued by a (non-mega stone) buff History of trapping
examples of the first idea Good in singles, bad in doubles/VGC: Clefable Slowbro Blissey Toxapex Skarmory Weavile Pheromosa Pelipper (whenever Politoed is avaliable) Barraskewda Blaziken Gliscor Mega Venusaur (whiling it lasted) Shuckle Good in doubles/VGC, bad in singles: Incineroar Grimmsnarl (without Light Clay in UU) Whimisicott Venusaur Raichu Tsareena Indeedee-F Glastrier Clefairy, Porygon2, and Dusclops Arcanine (in metagames without Incineroat)
For the second, I imagine a lot of those would come from hidden abilities. Crawdaunt got Adaptability, Aqua Jet and buffed Knock Off (and physical special split), Tangrowth got Regenerator and Assault Vest, Sableye got Prankster, Porygon2 got Eviolite, Pelipper and Torkoal became decent OU weather setters and Charizard, Venusaur and Kingdra became premier weather abusers. You could potentially include national dex OU's Mega Blastoise, where Shell Smash turned it from an RU Pokemon into an Uber.
I feel the channel needs videos about diferent roles a pokemon can fill. For a newbie hearing Wall-breaker, Sweeper and such can be confusing. Not a newbie but I do have some friends who have interest in playing competitive pokemon and dont know where to start
@@robertlupa8273 not exactly. A wallbreaker is not necessarily a sweeper. A wallbreaker's job is to remove key pokemon that are able to stop your offense. A sweeper's job is "clean up" by finishing the battle finishing off the remmains of the opponent's team
@@robertlupa8273 it is a common missunderstanding newer players have. Thats exactly why I asked for the video, it would help new players a lot Set up Sweepers do set up and try to grab as many KOs as they can before being KOed themselves but it is still more often on the late-game
Now that gen 8 is over I’d love to see a How Good Was Gen 8 ACTUALLY? Which is basically a video covering Pokémon who you already made videos about before gen 8 started that had interesting competitive journeys during the generation. For example Weavile/Froslass/Slowbro/etc.
I thought this'd be a subject that already made sense, but could still be an interesting video. However, the number of pivots each release caused, and especially which games influenced the most blew me away. This really helps give some perspective on the franchise as a whole!
Was surprised at the lack of mention of Arceus, Mega Ray, and Zacian Crowned being too strong for even Ubers, the powercreep not just being restricted to the most played tier but the banlist metagame above it too.
Kinda wish there was a brief mention of Naganadel, Marshadow, and Pheromosa in the Gen 7 section. Sure, they didn't stick around long, but those brief additions were great examples of the continued power creep.
Eh non full legends got sent to Ubers all the time though. Phero is no more insane than Deo-A and Marsh was simply the first ghost/fighting which is one of the best offensive type combos in the game. All of these Pokémon have also stayed in Ubers since Gen 7 and are in gen 9 natdex Ubers. Zacian and Caly-S are the most recent mons that showcase powercreep. Gen 7 had no mons in Ubers that really powercrept much, even Necro Dusk Mane was really just another steel type that made other steel types slightly worse but not unviable by any means. Gens 4, 5, and 6 all changed the Ubers and OU meta more than gen 7 ever did imo. Clefairy, Rotom-W, Ferro, Heatran, and Lando-T are all major players in OU still and define it quite a bit in every gen they are in. In Ubers Arceus, P. Don, Yveatal, Xern, Dialga, NDM, Lunala, Zekrom, and Marsh all changed the meta an insane amount. Gen 3 is easily the biggest shake up of a meta ever, Ray, the Lati twins, Deo, Groudon, and Kyorge all have defined Ubers (not the Latis after the soul dew nerf) in a major way every gen. They reshaped Ubers as a concept in a way I would argue only gen 6 did with fairy types alongside P. Don and Yveatal.
Legendaries went from a couple of cool birds you can get once, to gods of space and time, same cool birds but unfair abilities and moves and the great Grey wolf sif who got banned not once but TWICE, once in his op form and once in his nerfed form because of his insane attack
Right now I'm guessing that Terastal will feel like somewhere between Z-Move power but more and Dynamax flexibility but less. There is such a huge emphasis on power. Straight up doubling damage if it's STAB from original type is just wildly powerful and potentially volatile. Kinda wish it'd be ×1.3 bonus and ×1.5 bonus if STAB instead of ×1.5 and ×2. Maybe if there was some aura effect for also boosting allies, or a small utility effect like Max Moves got.
Gen 4 was the height of creep in mechanics, gen 5 in the Mons themselves. While not as ubiquitous and "necessary" as power creep in the Pkmn TCG (or any tcg for that matter), creep will always be the natural progression in any expansion based game/franchise simply because it drives sales of new products and forces changes in competitive formats (for example, even though Smogon uses tiers that allow "bad" mons to still compete, VGC, the "official" and sponsored competitive Pkmn format does not).
well gen 9 seems to have reall have insane powercreep. alot of breaking the 130 speed stat. higher BST and questionable new moves (although most of them wont be great, the revive can really be broken but time will tell). look gen 8 dragapult how broken it would have been if it actually would have gotten poltergeist
@@shadowtitanx3962 i think the nerf to recovery moves is kinda blown up. how often did you actually used 9 or more recovery moves on your mon. yes it hapend in some matches but not that mutch. coriknight will still be an amazing wall. toxipex mainly used regenerator to heal and sometimes recover but way less then regen. and i'm curious if they will take over the legend arceus sleep mechanic. cause if they do rest could be the next go to recovery
Power creep isn’t only in the main games, it’s in the TCG as well and I’d say a lot more blatant. Anyone remember EX and Mega EX Pokémon? V and VMax are just them but with better attacks, a third more HP, and not needing to end your turn when you evolved them.
and now we're here. Landorus-T on the brink of dropping to UU. Heatran, recently beating the UU allegations and have risen back to his OU prowess while the likes of Garchomp and Rotom-Wash are nowhere to be seen in OU
Hot take, there should be more types of stealth rocks. *Hear me out.* I imagine that it would work like this (or atleast this is my idea) You would only be able to have one type of "elemental" hazard at a time. Spikes and Toxic Spikes maybe left unchanged. Laying a new "elemental" hazard would burry the previous ones. Either that would simply eliminate the previous hazard, or it would only temporarily disable them. In which case rapid spin would only be able to remove active hazards, while defog could fully clear the field. Examples of what type hazards could be: Thorns (Grass) Hot Coals (Fire) Debris (Steel) Curse/Hex* (Ghost)
@@jotarokujo3603 It's no drawback to basculegion. As far as we know, there's no stat drop, recharge, or health loss when using it. You killed his friends, now he's going to kill you. The ultimate reverse sweeper.
@@otaviojohannjardim1702 Could say the same for Dracovish's Fisheous Rends, and he's considered Uber tier. This hits harder than that, and can be even faster.
The way I see powercreep is what once worked a gen ago isn't as consistent anymore or fulfilled better by others, bringing it down to lower tiers. It doesn't mean older mons become bad. Mons like Amoongus and Tangrowth obtain newfound relevance in higher tiers due to their traits becoming useful for the new metas. The only way to avoid the powercreep drop is to develop consistent utilitarian niches. T-tar remains relevant because it is the stopgap to the monstrously powerful psychics and ghost that get added each gen, it's ability to set up sand for team support and chip damage, and it's ability to reliably set up stealth rocks and threaten all mons that would attempt to spin, defog or magic bounce them away with powerful stab or coverage. I don't anticipate Terastalizing will be a busted mechanic like Dynamax or Z-moves. It provides a 2nd or 3rd stab depending on the user while also changing the to the tera type. Some mons will prefer specific types of terastalizing than others, making it easier to predict. I don't think we will ever get a monstrous meta like Gen VI or VIII ever again. Many mons will likely stay and be toned down or be introduced to checks that can properly handle them.
The funny thing is, dynamax isn't broken in VGC because it was designed for it, but in singles it's utterly broken. That being said, Rillaboom, Grimsnarl, Regieleki, Gmax Charizard, and Zacian all contribute to huge power creep in doubles otherwise.
The overall bulk of Gen 8 wasn't helped by the fact that most of the offensive threats introduced were TOO overpowering (G-Darm, Dracovish, Urshifu-S, HA Cinderace, Spectrier). Once they were removed, those left behind struggled to break through the walls like Pex, Bilssey, the Slow Twins, and Ferro.
in early generations, pokemon normally have stats of 80-90 considered as good.. now, everything has attack stats of 120, not to mention the legendary, it even absurd
Omg I’ve been waiting for a video to explain power creep for so long! It was always a topic in these videos and I’m glad we’re going to get a deep dive into the details!
I heard gen 9 will turn the meta upside down so I really hope to see a previously ZU pokemon end up in ubers or something like that. Is impossible but hey it would be funny wouldn't it be
Thanks to HelloFresh for sponsoring today's video. Go to and use code POGFALSENOV70 for 70% off plus free shipping on your first box!
I know this was a deal you accepted ahead of time but hoo boy this isn't great timing for this sponsor lol
@@ashikjaman1940 what happened?
@@visitinggoat6696 monkey slavery
@@visitinggoat6696 apparently, and idk if this is true, they get their coconut milk from thailand. A milk gotten by using and abusing monkeys to get it for them
Hard fuckin pass.....
The year is 2030, generation 13 has just been released. Mega rayquaza has now dropped from NU to ZU, garchomp is struggling in Triple ZU and super Saiyan ultra mega primal shadow arceus is potentially being banned from UU to OU due to it having a base stat total of 10,000,000 and having an OHKO move with 190% accuracy that goes through protect, super protect and double triple quadruple substitute. Lando-T is still in OU and is sitting at S+ in the viability rankings with 99.9999% usage on the ladder and in tournaments.
also, staraptor is still BL
Why is this so accurate? 😂😂😂
Actually laughed😂 Ty dude
@@thounewen5277 nah this was the funniest thing I’ve read along with this comment 😂
Quagsire is Quintuple ZU but still has a niche in Ubers.
Wish you talked about the cascading effect of how Power Creep absolutely devastates the lower tiers. The Pokemon pushed out of the higher tiers combined with the sheer number of new mons disproportionately wreaks ABSOLUTE HAVOC on the lower tiers and, more often than not, forces the creation of a new low/lowest tier.
Can't wait for the new gen 9 tier below zu, mu AKA minusused
I remember gen 7 PU alpha being a complete craphole for 2 months...
Gen 9 competitive, now with DU (decently used) between OU and UU and DNU (do not use) below ZU.
I think the dex cuts in gen 8 and 9 actually make it so the creation of new lower tiers is unnecessary. Tho if every mon was available we'd probably need at least one new one...
@@Gamesmarts194 Will Staraptor finally see long term tier viability?
Now imagine a world where all megas could hold any item like Rayquaza
Choice band mega mawile
Leftover bulky zard x
Choice Band Mega Banette
Imagine mega ray dmaxing and using z move
That was by far what broke the camels back. All that other power up is stupid, but preventing status or a guaranteed OHKO from items is utterly OP.
_"How could you POSSIBLY out do Gen 4's power creep?"_
Excadrill, Keldeo, Hydreigon, Landorus, Ferrothorn: *Allow us to introduce ourselves.*
And then mega mawile came
And then tapu fini
And then dragapult
And then chi yu
And then [insert op ou pokemon in generation 10 - ♾]
@@meticakolli1237 gen 9 is not only chi yu and I think gen 9 power creep is the second most after gen 5 closely followed by gen 7 why paradox mons are so op and the ruin legendary is just like a cheat code in doubles
@@tapankoley9713ey are contenders for sure, but only because Megas are phased out. Lucario, Blaziken, Metagross, Salamence, Alakazam, Blastoise, Gengar, Khangaskhan, Lopunny are literally Uber-tier even by today's Natdex standards, and let's not mention the actual Ubers in the Primal Duo, Mega Rayquaza, Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde Complete.
@@ducminhduong9873 If you consider mega's as new Pokemon then kind of but then gigantamax was even more powerful in singles at least
Power creep is really gonna hit this season seriously, gen 8 had a big one but gen 9 is looking crazy too
How bad is gen 9 powercreep ACTUALLY?
@@Vinniflame I saw the leaked abilities and it's just so stupid : many are stat increases when hit by a certain type and there is even one that get a fucking Extreme Evoboost buff by sacrificing its ally in doubles.
5 days later and you coudn't be more right. Fucking Flutter Mane
@@funninoriginal6054 one mon is super strong. MUH POWER CREEP
It literally got banned to ubers in less than a week and could outspeed like half the meta. Quit your bullshit.
I'm looking forward to seeing how the meta handles Ferrothorn not being in Gen 9 by default. Sure it might come back in the DLC, but people have relied so heavily on it that they might not know how to replace it right away. Personally I'm hoping it comes back just so it can fight Forretress, though, because Forretress gets Body Press now and seeing a Forretress completely stomp the pokemon that replaced it in the meta would be glorious.
and Clefable too
I think Forretress would get overwhelmed easier. It doesn't get leech seed for recovery (so it gets chipped easier), doesn't resist electric (koko and magnezone handle it easier) and has way lower special defense (which means that Lele, one of the mons Ferro was tasked to check, can probably 1v1 it). It does resist u-turn and is neutral to fighting, can spin away hazards and has volt switch, but I think those traits would take to UU at best, or back to RU when power creep hits
I really, REALLY hope that things become viable now that some of the OU threats are gone. Things like Beheeyem, Florges, and Ludicolo have so much going for them, but are unviable just because of how the metagame is funcioning.
Gen 9 has like 5 other, more urgent things to worry about lol
Thanks for the unmarked spoiler for a game that hasn't even come out yet
An interesting fact is that powercreep affects lower tiers faster than it does higher ones, as the effects of just making more strong tools available get amplified by the new drops. Look at how most pokemon that were UU in gen 4 are already NU, but almost every pokemon in gen 6 NU either fell to PU or became untiered
Yall been killing it with these videos exploring broader concepts of competitive Pokémon, keep it up!
Scottie Barnes
Honestly the "How Good was ____" series is great for the individual pokemon but this and the hyper beam video are great examples of some incredibly welcome and refreshing variety with the same format of going through the different generations.
The fact that you can use the new mechanic to get any type (using the transformation) on your pokemon is quite the thing.
Can't wait to spam electric tera type shedinja with air baloon
@@promienodrzutowysamuel790 *laughs in Sandstorm*
*laughs in Ha-* oh, right :/
Gen 6 feels like that's when TPC took competitive seriously. Sure megas seem powerful, but there were dozens of small changes that worked to dial back the craziness that took over gen 5
Power creep is when this comment falls into obscurity because newer and better comments make this one obsolete
nah it's been 11 months and I found you quite quickly
Skarmory: Tyranitar! What does the scouter say about his Attack level!?
Tyranitar: It's over PLUS 2!!!!!!
My favorite example of power creep is that Regigigas' stats were so strong that it warranted an ability that nerfed it into near-uselessness.
And Zacian's stats are BETTER, even without factoring in its beneficial ability.
I wouldn't call that a power-creep, because what matters is how good is the pokemon.
@@didack1419 No, that's the straight-up definition. In gen 4, that stat spread was considered good enough to slap a limiter on, even on a legendary. In gen 8, it's just fine and even okay to give it a purpose-built buffing ability.
@@EinDose Ok, the way I understood your comment was that the first paragraph was an example of "good" power-creep, Regigigas, that then you compared with Zacian. So I just responded that Regigigas was not power-crept in any relevant way, because it had no impact.
Someone doesn't play doubles!
Gen 9 introduced Palafin, a non-legendary Pokemon with a stat total equal to Regigigas (also Slaking) with equal attack, but without a hindering ability. Rather you'd simply switch out, either with Flip Turn or just raw switching, then you become Shazam.
I think everyone knows what powercreep is at this point, but this ll make it even easier for beginners to get into competitive! Great work team!
I actually don't think power creep is very well understood as a whole. This comment section is a testament to that.
everyone gets the gist, but most dont know a proper definition
Well hello there
Oh yeah, just spam the strongest attack and you're ready for competitive Pokemon😒
@@snaxolotl548 General Kenobi
I've been really loveing the recent thumbnail art! It looks so distinct and expressive
I feel like one big aspect of power creep that wasn't talked about as much was stat distribution. Even if their stat total is the same the way they start Distributing it, especially in Gen 5, made some Pokemon obscenely strong like ferrothorn example. Old Pokémon like Nidoking, even with sheer force, just can't hang anymore because their stat totals are too low.
Just wanted to say I LOVE the art on the thumbnails on these videos. Big fan of whoever is creating them
As soon as Toxapex was released, that's when I realized that all hell was starting to break loose.
This has to be one of the most OP thumbnails on your channel. Truly powercreep at its pinacle.
It's really interesting coming back to this video after Teal Mask DLC. I like how we considered Garchomp and Heatran essentially immune to power creep yet both are now UU Pokemon
these thumbnails are SO good
0:04 That phrase has been in my head for so long lol. I remember that advertisement!
Also 10/10 thumbnail lmao!
Power creep, at it's most basic, is when new content is significantly better then previously released content to such an extent that it changes the meta entirely after its release to compensate for it.
If you have the unfortunate business of playing tabletop 40k, you know this all too well. Space dwarfs just being the most recent version of it.
Space dwarves, from the space mines of space Moria, who mine space minerals to space smith space weapons.
hello welcome to yugioh how may we make your recent 600$ deck useless???
It's a tricky question. As a game designer, you want to make sure people want to buy the new stuff, so you want to make it as good or better than the old stuff. But if you overdo it, boom, power creep.
@@murlocmaster6192 Only $600? That's quite the budget deck there!
Tau dropship exploit flashback
I think it's time for the channel mascot to have it's time in the sun. We all want this.
How GREAT was Aegislash actually?
Aegislash is one of my favourite pokemon, like bro got banned even though being about as close to a legendary as a... I dunno, fuckin pyroar
Maybe as a 500.000 subs special
I would love to see "How good are hidden abilities actually?"
Durant has a very good one
@@meticakolli1237 crazy new power level
@@ZeldaGamer mf is the kinda guy to post on an 8 month old comment
@@shardmaw built diff frfr
9:43 Man managing to not miss focus miss is probably the biggest thing in the video🤯
That T tars face in the thumbnail is how I feel everytime I see a Lando T on the other team
That thumbnail is top tier, I love it.
Loving FSG's different video essays on competitive Pokemon.
You think the series regarding the History and Viability of Pokemon types will make a comeback after more than half a decade?
Pls don't say it's actually been that long 💀
@@daniil5352 it was 5 years ago now 💀
You should definitely make a video of how hail has turned to snow and gives ice types and defence boost now. Could completely change the game now
As someone who's favorite Pokemon is Hydreigon, I'm glad my three-headed dragon boy is still thriving despite the advent of Fairy types.
I genuinely love when powerful Pokemon get nerfed in a way that doesn't make them worse, only more situational. It just makes for more interesting teambuilding IMO, always frustrating when a mon is so universally good that almost every team has one (Landorus-T, Ferro, etc).
@@phyllotaxis I'll never forget how everyone groaned when Landorus returned in the Crown Tundra expansion.
@@justinnzamora5366 It was hilarious. Not Landorus fault that Game Freak made it busted.
@@UnwantedGhost1 STAB Earthquake, learns U-turn, Intimidate ability, excellent Attack stat, only weak against 2 types. I'm only scratching the surface on what makes Landorus-T a great Pokemon.
You guys should make a video on the most consistent Pokemon in competitive history, using the likes of Tyranitar, Ferrothorn, Garchomp and Landorus-T
Bro, this new FSG schedule is insane. Keep up the good work.
Seeing the stats, typing, movepool and abilities of a ton of the new gen 9 mons, I think we'll see a wave of powercreep of possibly unprecedented level once the games will come out
True, I mean.......
*Spoiler alert*
The new pseudo legendary is going to destroy Garchomp.
I doubt it will eclipse that of gen 5 with permanent weather, the genies, heatran, volcarona, keldeo etc.
All of that still heavily affects the meta, even without permanent weather anymore weather teams are still a big deal and that's the least impactful part of that.
@@cintronproductions9430 Nah, it's got stupendous attack but this thing is one of the slowest Pseudo out there, I believe it's only slightly faster than Dragonite whilst not having access to DD, and it's an ICE TYPE
Sure it has very good HP and nice defenses and Snow boosts the defense of Ice types but ...... I don't know, of all of the broken things in this gen he doesn't look like one of them (chief amongst these broken things being the Ice/Dark legendary with stats even better than Weavile with basically the same movepool (sans Knock Off but with Sacred Sword and Recover) and an ability that permanently decreases the opponent's defense whilst it's on the field, and remember 135 Speed so it speed ties with Flutter Mane at worse, so good luck trying to play around this monstrosity)
Specially with the nerf to defensive moves. The Gen 9 Hyper Offense will run rampart and is not going to be a healthy meta.
@@jotarokujo3603 All of these new mons are on a relative level very comparable to gen 5, but the new moves and abilities are also just as busted (I'd say the new gen 9 moves look more busted than the gen 5 moves by a mile) and one of the biggest factor will also be the massive debuff of recovery moves, so that temporizing the game is going to be much MUCH more difficult.
All of this combined makes me think that gen 9 is going to be at least comparable to gen 5 in terms of powercreep if not surpass it (it will surpass it by far with Terra, but this mechanic will 110% get banned, looks way too broken from what we've seen)
I agree. Nintendo should pay more attention to older Pokemon. The new Pokemon are designed to thrive in the new environment. The older ones are sometimes still trying to pull off their old tricks. This normally does not work except if you are Linoone.
Bdrum espeed 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Great intro! And I’m in love with the thumbnails of this series. This is the best competitive encyclopaedia I know on the internet, and not just for the presentation.
I always understood power creep, not as a change in mechanics or nerfs, but specifically to a past option being not longer viable, despite sufering no change at all. Just more powerfull options enter the game
Can’t wait for Gen 9’s power creep, looks like it’s gonna be rough
Edit: wow, there’s a war in this comment section. I know power creep sucks but how about inhaling copium??
It can't get much worse than gen 8 I've seen whole rants about it
@@starkiller6tothe9gaming81 new ‘Mon with Technician and Normal type multi hit move that hits up to 10 times, equipped with loaded dice = 300 damage each time move is used.
I’ll let you decide whether you want to find out what I’m talking about or not.
@@DisastrousIntentionally Me when I'm in a bad ability competition and my enemy is Weak Armor:
@@zeno3353 I'll switch to my ghost type then
@@starkiller6tothe9gaming81 gen 8 meta imo is the best out of all, gen 6 is the worst even
You are right, power creep is crazy, that's why we should give Huge Power to Slaking
Speed boost*
I would appreciate you covering doubles power creep as there is quite a difference between VGC power creep and 6v6 power creep as with gen 8 possessing Intimidate, Parting Shot Incineroar which is in WAY too mass usage in Gen 8 but also Dynamax is much more controllable in the format compared to Megas and Z-moves.
Love the vid man, love the thumbnails, love the new content. It would be kinda cool if you made a video looking at the strongest and weakest pokemon from each gen then explain why
Finally a video focus on Power Creep!
And now Gen 9 is coming we can see how Power Creep is gonna continue
You will definitely feel the power creep in gen 8’s battle spot singles. Dynamax can both sweep the enemy’s team, and stop a sweep cold in its tracks.
Being limited to only 3 Pokémon only further emphasizes this, as losing just one Pokémon can be devastating
3v3 has always felt very quick but strategic…..for battle towers
having a team preview of 6 hurts my soul
Dunno if I would include the regional gimmick as powercreep
Hope you like gen 9 cause lol
Dynamax is so busted and beyond overpowered, I really doubt they could make anything more OP lol
@@tomhuddleston1850 makes no sense that it's fine in doubles but absolutely awful in singles. Almost like no one wants to change playstyle. Just keep unga bunga and cry
I think what makes gen 8's power creep feel so much worse then other generations is that most other gens only had pokemon fall in viability because the net of power was widened, but in gen 8, the power net was tightened. Pokemon didn't lose viability because opposing pokemon gained options, they lost viability because they *lost* options they needed.
I mean, if you lose options then you're worse. That's not power creep, power creep is staying the same while all the new stuff is better.
@@natnew32 forgive him. He is a blind player who mindlessly hates on stuff for no reason
@@billybobbobson3797 … he wasn’t hating
@@billybobbobson3797 you seriously can't say anything even remotely negative about a pokemon game without someone coming out of the woodworks to call you a hater
Awesome video, great work! Some other stuff you could talk about in a similar vein to this:
5 Pokemon Great in Singles but Bad in VGC (and vice versa)
5 Bad Pokemon rescued by a (non-mega stone) buff
History of trapping
examples of the first idea
Good in singles, bad in doubles/VGC:
Pelipper (whenever Politoed is avaliable)
Mega Venusaur (whiling it lasted)
Good in doubles/VGC, bad in singles:
Grimmsnarl (without Light Clay in UU)
Clefairy, Porygon2, and Dusclops
Arcanine (in metagames without Incineroat)
For the second, I imagine a lot of those would come from hidden abilities. Crawdaunt got Adaptability, Aqua Jet and buffed Knock Off (and physical special split), Tangrowth got Regenerator and Assault Vest, Sableye got Prankster, Porygon2 got Eviolite, Pelipper and Torkoal became decent OU weather setters and Charizard, Venusaur and Kingdra became premier weather abusers. You could potentially include national dex OU's Mega Blastoise, where Shell Smash turned it from an RU Pokemon into an Uber.
I feel the channel needs videos about diferent roles a pokemon can fill. For a newbie hearing Wall-breaker, Sweeper and such can be confusing. Not a newbie but I do have some friends who have interest in playing competitive pokemon and dont know where to start
Yeah, if a Pokemon is strong enough to break through walls, shouldn't it be a sweeper too? Unless it's slow, I guess.
@@robertlupa8273 not exactly. A wallbreaker is not necessarily a sweeper.
A wallbreaker's job is to remove key pokemon that are able to stop your offense.
A sweeper's job is "clean up" by finishing the battle finishing off the remmains of the opponent's team
@@Marcelofilho24 I thought a sweeper's job was to set up at the start or middle of the battle and then one-shot everything (except its checks).
@@robertlupa8273 it is a common missunderstanding newer players have. Thats exactly why I asked for the video, it would help new players a lot
Set up Sweepers do set up and try to grab as many KOs as they can before being KOed themselves but it is still more often on the late-game
Now that gen 8 is over I’d love to see a How Good Was Gen 8 ACTUALLY? Which is basically a video covering Pokémon who you already made videos about before gen 8 started that had interesting competitive journeys during the generation. For example Weavile/Froslass/Slowbro/etc.
FSG: What is power creep?
Me: Gen 9
Quagsire doesn't understand this concept.
It's almost like ol' Quagsire is UNAWARE of the meaning of power creep..... I know where the door is..... 😅
Why do I have deja vu reading both your comments?
Yes bes nes les ees hes des kes tes res wes qes aes oes pes fes ges jes mes zes ces ves ies ues
unironically being one of the best walls for zacian sword is crazy
I thought this'd be a subject that already made sense, but could still be an interesting video. However, the number of pivots each release caused, and especially which games influenced the most blew me away. This really helps give some perspective on the franchise as a whole!
Accurate thumbnail, Landorus-T is, in fact, the real-world manifestation of power creep.
Was surprised at the lack of mention of Arceus, Mega Ray, and Zacian Crowned being too strong for even Ubers, the powercreep not just being restricted to the most played tier but the banlist metagame above it too.
Power Creep is one of the many main examples of “Out with the Old. In with the New”
Whoever makes these thumbnails need a raise
Kinda wish there was a brief mention of Naganadel, Marshadow, and Pheromosa in the Gen 7 section. Sure, they didn't stick around long, but those brief additions were great examples of the continued power creep.
Eh non full legends got sent to Ubers all the time though. Phero is no more insane than Deo-A and Marsh was simply the first ghost/fighting which is one of the best offensive type combos in the game. All of these Pokémon have also stayed in Ubers since Gen 7 and are in gen 9 natdex Ubers. Zacian and Caly-S are the most recent mons that showcase powercreep. Gen 7 had no mons in Ubers that really powercrept much, even Necro Dusk Mane was really just another steel type that made other steel types slightly worse but not unviable by any means. Gens 4, 5, and 6 all changed the Ubers and OU meta more than gen 7 ever did imo. Clefairy, Rotom-W, Ferro, Heatran, and Lando-T are all major players in OU still and define it quite a bit in every gen they are in. In Ubers Arceus, P. Don, Yveatal, Xern, Dialga, NDM, Lunala, Zekrom, and Marsh all changed the meta an insane amount. Gen 3 is easily the biggest shake up of a meta ever, Ray, the Lati twins, Deo, Groudon, and Kyorge all have defined Ubers (not the Latis after the soul dew nerf) in a major way every gen. They reshaped Ubers as a concept in a way I would argue only gen 6 did with fairy types alongside P. Don and Yveatal.
My god, Ive been waiting for an answer to this question since I first discovered your channel 4 years ago!
Legendaries went from a couple of cool birds you can get once, to gods of space and time, same cool birds but unfair abilities and moves and the great Grey wolf sif who got banned not once but TWICE, once in his op form and once in his nerfed form because of his insane attack
Right now I'm guessing that Terastal will feel like somewhere between Z-Move power but more and Dynamax flexibility but less. There is such a huge emphasis on power. Straight up doubling damage if it's STAB from original type is just wildly powerful and potentially volatile.
Kinda wish it'd be ×1.3 bonus and ×1.5 bonus if STAB instead of ×1.5 and ×2. Maybe if there was some aura effect for also boosting allies, or a small utility effect like Max Moves got.
It’s always a good day when False Swipe uploads
That commercial was hype. Great vid mr fsg.
Gen 4 was the height of creep in mechanics, gen 5 in the Mons themselves. While not as ubiquitous and "necessary" as power creep in the Pkmn TCG (or any tcg for that matter), creep will always be the natural progression in any expansion based game/franchise simply because it drives sales of new products and forces changes in competitive formats (for example, even though Smogon uses tiers that allow "bad" mons to still compete, VGC, the "official" and sponsored competitive Pkmn format does not).
Bro imagine if FSG was a cooking channel, it would be something like, "how was this hamburger actually" lmao that would be awesome 😂
2:18 "use my link or go to hell"
He's learning 😈
Awesome idea for a video! What a great release for new generation week.
well gen 9 seems to have reall have insane powercreep. alot of breaking the 130 speed stat. higher BST and questionable new moves (although most of them wont be great, the revive can really be broken but time will tell). look gen 8 dragapult how broken it would have been if it actually would have gotten poltergeist
Also, neutering Stall significantly. Scald is now Volcanion only. Recover + Roost is 8 PP Max (5 PP by default).
@@shadowtitanx3962 i think the nerf to recovery moves is kinda blown up. how often did you actually used 9 or more recovery moves on your mon. yes it hapend in some matches but not that mutch. coriknight will still be an amazing wall. toxipex mainly used regenerator to heal and sometimes recover but way less then regen. and i'm curious if they will take over the legend arceus sleep mechanic. cause if they do rest could be the next go to recovery
@@shadowtitanx3962 WHAT? WTF is Quagsire even supposed to do anymore?
@@alverdeo965 Quagsire sets hazards now lol
@@shadowtitanx3962 Yes! I hate stall teams.
12:50-12:55 that pretty much sums up everything you need to know about Gen 5’s notoriety
Power creep isn’t only in the main games, it’s in the TCG as well and I’d say a lot more blatant. Anyone remember EX and Mega EX Pokémon? V and VMax are just them but with better attacks, a third more HP, and not needing to end your turn when you evolved them.
Honestly, love the thumbnail for this video
and now we're here. Landorus-T on the brink of dropping to UU. Heatran, recently beating the UU allegations and have risen back to his OU prowess while the likes of Garchomp and Rotom-Wash are nowhere to be seen in OU
I'm from the future
Lando beat the washed allegations
im loving this style of video just as much as the main videos
Hot take, there should be more types of stealth rocks. *Hear me out.* I imagine that it would work like this (or atleast this is my idea)
You would only be able to have one type of "elemental" hazard at a time. Spikes and Toxic Spikes maybe left unchanged. Laying a new "elemental" hazard would burry the previous ones. Either that would simply eliminate the previous hazard, or it would only temporarily disable them. In which case rapid spin would only be able to remove active hazards, while defog could fully clear the field.
Examples of what type hazards could be:
Thorns (Grass)
Hot Coals (Fire)
Debris (Steel)
Curse/Hex* (Ghost)
Ferrothorn: 💀
@@mrtrollnator123ice weak legends and pseudos
@@jakariashafin8685 ☠☠☠
@@mrtrollnator123 they'll all know the pain of charizard
and now gen 9 is here with even more insane powercreep
Well we seem to be getting a 300 bp move with no drawbacks to the user. So yeah, power creep is still going strong.
Do you mean the Basculegion move? Because I'd say having the rest of your team be dead is definitely a drawback.
@@jotarokujo3603 It's no drawback to basculegion. As far as we know, there's no stat drop, recharge, or health loss when using it. You killed his friends, now he's going to kill you. The ultimate reverse sweeper.
@@DeadlockDrago or you can stall it with burn/toxic/hail and protect or kill with priority moves
@@otaviojohannjardim1702 Could say the same for Dracovish's Fisheous Rends, and he's considered Uber tier. This hits harder than that, and can be even faster.
The thumbnail is awesome. :)
I have to give props to the guy who makes these thumbnails, he knows what's up.
man i love false swipe gaming video uploads :)
"How mean was Gamefreak actually" alternative title
0:56 "Generation after generation it's Heatran, Garchomp, Rotom Wash..."
How the mighty have fallen, all of them went to UU at the same time.
I think they could have made stealth rock a multi-set up move like spikes. Seems unfair that it just does wayyy more damage for less investment
"Tyranitar what does the pokedex say about his power level?"
This is very informative. Thank you.
Thumbnail is chef kissss
The way I see powercreep is what once worked a gen ago isn't as consistent anymore or fulfilled better by others, bringing it down to lower tiers. It doesn't mean older mons become bad. Mons like Amoongus and Tangrowth obtain newfound relevance in higher tiers due to their traits becoming useful for the new metas. The only way to avoid the powercreep drop is to develop consistent utilitarian niches. T-tar remains relevant because it is the stopgap to the monstrously powerful psychics and ghost that get added each gen, it's ability to set up sand for team support and chip damage, and it's ability to reliably set up stealth rocks and threaten all mons that would attempt to spin, defog or magic bounce them away with powerful stab or coverage.
I don't anticipate Terastalizing will be a busted mechanic like Dynamax or Z-moves. It provides a 2nd or 3rd stab depending on the user while also changing the to the tera type. Some mons will prefer specific types of terastalizing than others, making it easier to predict. I don't think we will ever get a monstrous meta like Gen VI or VIII ever again. Many mons will likely stay and be toned down or be introduced to checks that can properly handle them.
These thumbnails go hard every time
Ngl it’s satisfying to finally see Landorus get its momentum killed
Never thought id see manaphy removed from ubers
Don’t worry false swipe, I’m a Yu-Gi-Oh! Player. I know what power creep is lol
Welcome to the tear zero format.
TRUUUUUE, I play goats now I gave up
Pokemon legends Z-A power creep gonna be crazy with new megas
We need a remake of the Quagsire vid with Gen 8
no, wait 4 gen 9...
Gen 9 is going to be absolutely wild for power creep.
Kleavor has a 135 base attack and has a stab U-turn...
Roaring Moon my friend... this thing is busted...
The funny thing is, dynamax isn't broken in VGC because it was designed for it, but in singles it's utterly broken. That being said, Rillaboom, Grimsnarl, Regieleki, Gmax Charizard, and Zacian all contribute to huge power creep in doubles otherwise.
Metagross: insert funny scene*
Tyranitar: ITS OVER 9000( godzilla accent)
Gen 9 looked at this video and just said. "Bet."
as always great video fsg thank you so much
The overall bulk of Gen 8 wasn't helped by the fact that most of the offensive threats introduced were TOO overpowering (G-Darm, Dracovish, Urshifu-S, HA Cinderace, Spectrier). Once they were removed, those left behind struggled to break through the walls like Pex, Bilssey, the Slow Twins, and Ferro.
in early generations, pokemon normally have stats of 80-90 considered as good.. now, everything has attack stats of 120, not to mention the legendary, it even absurd
Omg I’ve been waiting for a video to explain power creep for so long! It was always a topic in these videos and I’m glad we’re going to get a deep dive into the details!
I heard gen 9 will turn the meta upside down so I really hope to see a previously ZU pokemon end up in ubers or something like that. Is impossible but hey it would be funny wouldn't it be
Ledian's attack goes from 5 to 130!!!
Hey wake up, Misdreavus and Delibird got their variants and rose to Ubers