I'm honestly at a loss as to how you could say that Tina's nerves seem out of character for her...It's very well established in the show that Tina struggles with performing in front of people. It's one of the first things you learn about her (when she's playing the tree in Linda's Dinner Theatre you learn that she has a fear of public speaking and Tina's mess of a Call of the Wild performance and that's just to name two). You could definitely argue that the writers seem to pick and choose when to utilize her fear of public speaking and that there are consistency issues with that, but I don't think it can easily be argued that it's out of character seeing that we've witnessed her struggle multiple times throughout the series.
I also thought it was out of character as I was watching the episode. To me it felt like Tina was flanderized. Tina was always a bit shy but never this much. Is this the same girl that was excited for the lead in the Mono play. The Subplot was absolutely horrible. It wasn't funny and it went nowhere. The whole time I was thinking. Just cut up the vegetables and put them on the burgers.
@@icecreamhero2375 a fear of speaking in front of people is not the same as singing in front of people. I'm a singer and I have no problem performing but it's much less comfortable for me to be the center of attention without the "character" of being an artist to hide behind
I appreciated how Tammy covered for Tina in the finale. Tammy’s been a typical frenemy mostly on the enemy side at times, but here she did something nice and acknowledged what she did was mean and why she did it
Because nobody was going to see it like that. 😒 When I went to see it. There was a couple. And me & my friend. We went there high as hell 🤣 i had a 2 Wendy's burger in my pockets and some Nuggets
Tina has always been portrayed as shy and freezing up in situations. First episode they say she's not good with the customers, send gene to get molested. When the restaurant is on fire Tina's on with 911 just moaning uhhhh She's a mess , you just haven't been paying attention.
It was a relatively weak season but it was probably also in writing competition with the movie when the episodes were originally being made. It kinda reeked of split focus.
I’m about 6 months late but I will say in their defense that this was also the first season that was both written and recorded during the pandemic. For the first time in the entire run of the show they were unable to record as an ensemble so we couldn’t get the same dynamics and improv from the characters that we’re used to.
Maybe it's just my love of the show and characters, but I think the show just gets better with each season added. I only sort of like seasons 1-3 and seasons 4-now are just amazing.
I feel like they pushed Louise really hard this season to prepare for the movie, witch is largely about Louise, her bunny ears and her self-esteem regarding her "Bravery"
I think the show really tripped itself up by making Louise the obvious favourite, of both the writers and the viewers. Personally I'd rather watch Louise do literally anything than a Gene or Tina centric episode- she just outshines any other series regular as a character! Though Tina could really grow on me if they continue to develop her like they've started doing a bit now (I'd LOVE to see her get expelled, and see somewhere new/meet some new kid characters)
I am SO happy they've been developing Tina from less sex obsessed and creepy into being more chill and understanding/used to her hormones-- I mean, I was a teenager once upon a time too, but damn. It didn't make it any better to see a girl stalking people instead of a guy.
Another episode Tina express fear of public speaking is the one where she does a presentation on the Call of the Wild. She's also afraid of performing in the dinner theater episode from season one (:
So fun to see how people react differently to comedy and art in general. Although I agree with most of your ranking in this season it’s still surprising to see you rank episodes like “unbearable like likeness of Gene” so low, an episode that has so much to offer to the series in general and the tittle alone is genius, anyways fun to see these lists
i feel like a lot of this season was creating more background and setting new fundamentals in the family system and then the movie furthers that. i’m really curious what the coming seasons will be like
I actually really liked seventween again, but I think that's because I related so hard to gene in that episode. Not wanting to grow up and just wishing to be a kid again.
I hope there’s mention of the movie and SOME continuity shift in season 13. Especially with the movie being the start of summer. I feel like it’s time to shake things up a bit Yknow?
I suppose it is a strength of the series, that different things resonate. I particularly like Teddy and Bob's road trip, among my favorites in the series. I have found season twelve to be surprisingly good and grounded. To me, a weakness in the movie is the outlandish plot. I much prefer ordinary day-to-day foibles. Thank you for the review.
The show runners are getting kinda lazy and okaying pretty weak episodes. A lot of these I don't even remember because they were so bland. I hate to say it but BB is starting to go the way of the Simpsons. I haven't watched a new episode of The Simpsons in 20 years. I highly doubt BB will last as long as the Simpsons has but the way the show is going it's not gonna be around much longer with these lackluster episodes.
Agree completely...its one of my favorite episodes of the entire series...probably top 5. Most of us can relate to Bob in this...I personally know 3 people at least I would hate to spend hours in the car with. And Bobs speech at the end was heartfelt...love it.
From what I saw in an interview about the movie, they were working on the movie and season 12 at the same time so maybe that's why the season is a little bit weaker than most.
I LOVE this show- but as I saw you go through these I think my biggest realization is that in this season more than the previous, I have no issues with the A-plots at all but the B-plots have started to really drag. There is still so much to love and enjoy with these shows- but it feels like even the best episodes this season were like "the kids do this and it's cool and deep and meaningful ... and Bob and Linda just do some random thing that's not at all interesting" or vice versa.
It's unfortunate how Gene progressed in the series. He used to be very funny. Like when he dressed up to look just like Bob. But the later seasons he's just cringy.
With the music video. I think the message was supposed to be that you're supposed to be supportive of friends even if the things they like aren't typically things that you like. That's the idea I was getting
The show is doing a lot of things that come with being a long-running series. The "thing a character is supposed to do every year, but is just now being mentioned and never will again" thing, like this season's Christmas episode, is a clear example. Its inevitable, but there were ways to keep from getting to this point so soon. Because if the characters can't age, and they have to be the sole focus of every episode, the options are to either formalize storylines or burn the characters out. I think this season is so dull because they've chosen the former, but the way they're going it's only a matter of time before they start having to play fast and loose and later episodes start contradicting earlier ones.
Honestly this is more opinion than fact but it’s still good to see how everyone thinks. I don’t like the ones you liked and I like the ones you hated lol
With the weird cat game episode, I was really thinking / hopingvthat they would have taken it more towards an addiction angle, tbh rather than it ending with Bob accepting it. For the first bit of the episode i really related to the fact that gene's obsession with the game was interfering with his life and homework. I would habe liked it more if Gene had eventual recognized on his own that his obsession with the game was unhealthy and giving it up or finding a way to limit his time with it.
I just realized something. I can't remember what season this was but in the September it's but in this episode Tina got paired with Henry and they both thought they were cooler than the other 1. Henry said something about robots antenna said how dorky that was but that it gave her an idea for an idea for an erotic friend fiction. They totally just brought that back.
Season 3 when bob was chaperone the kids trip to the museum. That’s when gene and Zek was doing the boob tour .Louise , Regular size Rudy got stuck with Bob .
I actually loved the Big Bob story episode. But the only flaw I have with it is Tina weird hatred of the family’s telling stories? Why? It’s not like Big Bob is there and the kids are interrupting him while he’s trying to tell a story. They are just seemingly having fun making theories on what’s the tree story before he arrives. If anything, he outrage just made her look like she’s having a trauma over something that didn’t even happened
I find it very interesting how badly you misinterpret the point of some of the stories they put together. You miss some very well established points or info given in any given episode....like., when Gene is obsessed with the digital cat. It is mentioned that they found it at a garage sale or thrift store, yet you ask in disbelief if its even a thing anymore, if not, then a misstep gor the writers. Argh!! Or, Jen. Jen has always easily been known as a clueless adult. How you got teenager, is beyond me. And lastly, you miss the point on sentiment in the storylines often. Maybe thats a male brain vs female brain thing??? Your top 10 wouldn't be my top 10... thats how drastic it is. I respect your efforts and appreciate the work you have put into your countdowns.
It was just boring to me like I either skipped some episodes or struggled to get through them, but I did love the school evaluations and loft bed episode.
BB has definitely been a little weaker the past few years, but as a whole I thought S12 was a lot better than 10 and 11 (though those seasons had one or two eps that really stand out, for me the aquarium overnight field trip one especially)
Season 12, ep.15 is epic. The political reality check at 16:00 minutes in is epic dig at Trump, Rudy Guliani, and whoever Loiuse is portraying is staggering.
it bad enough you say the smell B plots are boring but pouting out flaws. not ok I like most of the Tina episodes and the Gene episode are not to bad either.
5:26 I hate this episode. Not for the plot. Watching Louise battle the Fishoeders is amazing. The reason I hate it is the voice actor for Mickey is just too noticeably different from the normal guy. It's off-putting and Mickey is my 2nd-favorite character closed following everyone's favorite little pink-bunny-eared agent of chaotic good, Louise.
@@ColdCactus405 It's not about it being a different voice actor. It's about how the replacement voice actor isn't even trying to sound like who he's replacing. It would've been preferable to have someone else do what Mickey did in this episode. For example, they could've used some random carnie or a classmate or the guy in the Dizzy Dog costume.
Just about all of your sentiments are exactly mine. The biggest difference is I despise Lost in Bedslation. There were no jokes. I felt like I was watching normal people build a bed. I also dislike the sub plot. It was boring.
I feel like at the beginning the show was finding it’s self, it was around season 5 when they have found themselves and what the show is and how it’s different from others, the first seasons were definitely a lot more inappropriate but this season has become like family friendly and less adult-ish. it’s still an adult show but like I can just watch this season with little kids around, i think they kinda lost what they found back in season 5 and 6. A lot of these episodes were forgettable, none of these episodes were really good, the only memorable episodes were the Tina bot ones. The gene star one, like it dosent even really feel like gene at all, he’s just mad the whole time. I love this show, and the fact that they made the movie kinda forgives this season being kinda bad. The shows mid seasons are amazing but towards the beginning and the newest episodes are kinda meh, I can’t wait for next season, I hope we get better episodes becuase now they don’t have to work on movie now and they can focus 100% on the show.
Episode 2, we have seen Tina present in class and get nervous before! When she had to do her book report (Call of the Wild, i believe), the whole episode focused on how to get her out of doing it/conquering it with song and Teddy showed up for support! (Outside the window 🤭) Granted, we have also seen her perform with no problem to her peers, like in the first Tammy episode when she reads her friend fiction to everyone, and in the harmoniums where she sings and performs!
I'm so disappointed by seasons 11 and 12. I hope that it was just because the team was busy working on the movie during these 2 seasons. but that would upset me too, if they ruined 2 whole seasons so they could make a movie that is just ok. and that is unlikely to attract new fans or even make a profit. so many repetitive themes (with predictable plots), trying too hard to teach obvious lessons, or sometimes just plain boring or depressing. really not that funny or unique anymore. I hope the next season gets back to at least season 10 level quality or else might have to quit watching.
This and last season are the worst of the series. Unfortunately disappointing. Especially the episodes we all look forward too like Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas. Sure there were a few gems in there but they fell flat overall.
Season 12 was really bad. Most of the episodes were mediocre or horrible. Part of the fun of Bob's Burgers is that the situations start out normal then in Act 2 or 3 it gets Kooko banana's one good example of this is Lice Things are Nice. Season 12 doesn't do that very much. Literally every episode doesn't need to be like that but alot of these aren't funny. There are a few gems. The Best episodes of Season 12 are The Two Part Episode with the Blade Runner spoof, Touch of the Evaluations, Ancient Missbehaving, Manic Pixie Crap Show, and the Movie.
Honestly a shame how mediocre the show is getting. Miss the edginess of the show. Imo it’s been downhill since like season 7. And the movie was so disappointing which sucks cuz the plot had such potential. Personally I’d give the series another season or two just to wrap everything up and end the series
I'm honestly at a loss as to how you could say that Tina's nerves seem out of character for her...It's very well established in the show that Tina struggles with performing in front of people. It's one of the first things you learn about her (when she's playing the tree in Linda's Dinner Theatre you learn that she has a fear of public speaking and Tina's mess of a Call of the Wild performance and that's just to name two).
You could definitely argue that the writers seem to pick and choose when to utilize her fear of public speaking and that there are consistency issues with that, but I don't think it can easily be argued that it's out of character seeing that we've witnessed her struggle multiple times throughout the series.
I immediately thought of Call of the Wild too!
I also thought it was out of character as I was watching the episode. To me it felt like Tina was flanderized. Tina was always a bit shy but never this much. Is this the same girl that was excited for the lead in the Mono play. The Subplot was absolutely horrible. It wasn't funny and it went nowhere. The whole time I was thinking. Just cut up the vegetables and put them on the burgers.
@@icecreamhero2375 a fear of speaking in front of people is not the same as singing in front of people. I'm a singer and I have no problem performing but it's much less comfortable for me to be the center of attention without the "character" of being an artist to hide behind
@@-Carlisle- I can get that. I still don't like the episode though.
I appreciated how Tammy covered for Tina in the finale. Tammy’s been a typical frenemy mostly on the enemy side at times, but here she did something nice and acknowledged what she did was mean and why she did it
Okay but the restaurant being a safe impenetrable building was such a sweet detail. She feels safe from judgment in her home.
Teddy actually drove me crazy in the Big Dummy episode. I’ve never wanted to strangle a fictional character so badly.
Teddy falling off the ship twice was seriously hilarious. Also Tina has the best song sequences.
the ranking bobs burgers video is like my go to comfort mechanism 😭 so glad to have a little sequel
I have no idea what it is about these videos but they’re so damn interesting 😭 I watched the OG in one sitting
The movie isn’t even in my theater anymore, but they’re still showing dr strange three times a day.
it just got added to hulu today!! if you don't have a subscription, its a great time to take advantage of the free trial!
It's on Hulu and HBO Max incase you wanted to watch it
Because nobody was going to see it like that. 😒
When I went to see it. There was a couple. And me & my friend. We went there high as hell 🤣 i had a 2 Wendy's burger in my pockets and some Nuggets
I KNOW! It's so annoying, I went to see it twice and I probably would've seen it a third time if it had stayed in cinemas longer!
Tina has always been portrayed as shy and freezing up in situations.
First episode they say she's not good with the customers, send gene to get molested.
When the restaurant is on fire Tina's on with 911 just moaning uhhhh
She's a mess , you just haven't been paying attention.
It was a relatively weak season but it was probably also in writing competition with the movie when the episodes were originally being made. It kinda reeked of split focus.
While i 100% agree with you, i also think it could have definitely been wayyy worse too
@@Rubythewiredragon oh, agreed. It was just kinda off, I didn't think it near as bad as he did.
Seasons 6-10 were my favorites, definitely better than season 4 and 11 though. 11 had a VERY strong 3rd episode though
I’m about 6 months late but I will say in their defense that this was also the first season that was both written and recorded during the pandemic. For the first time in the entire run of the show they were unable to record as an ensemble so we couldn’t get the same dynamics and improv from the characters that we’re used to.
Maybe it's just my love of the show and characters, but I think the show just gets better with each season added. I only sort of like seasons 1-3 and seasons 4-now are just amazing.
I personally loved the new season so much? Idk it felt kinda weird and fresh and so fun. It’s how I felt when I when the show first aired
I feel like they pushed Louise really hard this season to prepare for the movie, witch is largely about Louise, her bunny ears and her
self-esteem regarding her "Bravery"
Season 12 was definitely a Louise season.
She the most episodes focused on her
I think the show really tripped itself up by making Louise the obvious favourite, of both the writers and the viewers. Personally I'd rather watch Louise do literally anything than a Gene or Tina centric episode- she just outshines any other series regular as a character!
Though Tina could really grow on me if they continue to develop her like they've started doing a bit now (I'd LOVE to see her get expelled, and see somewhere new/meet some new kid characters)
I am SO happy they've been developing Tina from less sex obsessed and creepy into being more chill and understanding/used to her hormones-- I mean, I was a teenager once upon a time too, but damn.
It didn't make it any better to see a girl stalking people instead of a guy.
Another episode Tina express fear of public speaking is the one where she does a presentation on the Call of the Wild. She's also afraid of performing in the dinner theater episode from season one (:
So fun to see how people react differently to comedy and art in general. Although I agree with most of your ranking in this season it’s still surprising to see you rank episodes like “unbearable like likeness of Gene” so low, an episode that has so much to offer to the series in general and the tittle alone is genius, anyways fun to see these lists
I agree, when he was saying some of his rankings of past episodes I was like “what!? I love that episode!”
And the letdown of this and most recent Halloween thanksgiving eps. Season 12 can't even compare
I think the Christmas Episode in this season is one of the best Gene Centric episodes in the series. And I love the Evaluations episode.
I love episodes that focus on obscure characters, so an episode about the dynamic between Louise and Ms. Labonz was very sweet.
i feel like a lot of this season was creating more background and setting new fundamentals in the family system and then the movie furthers that. i’m really curious what the coming seasons will be like
I actually really liked seventween again, but I think that's because I related so hard to gene in that episode. Not wanting to grow up and just wishing to be a kid again.
I hope there’s mention of the movie and SOME continuity shift in season 13. Especially with the movie being the start of summer. I feel like it’s time to shake things up a bit Yknow?
I heard that the title sequence is changing...
I was thinking maybe they make the new darker patch of the road a thing in the upcoming seasons?? that would b so cute
@@KA-bm6kj im hoping they include the entire sinkhole and its repair as part of the "grand reopening" part
@@TheDevilishangel123 yes yes yes!
ohh i love this, its like a recap of the season in a way
I suppose it is a strength of the series, that different things resonate. I particularly like Teddy and Bob's road trip, among my favorites in the series. I have found season twelve to be surprisingly good and grounded. To me, a weakness in the movie is the outlandish plot. I much prefer ordinary day-to-day foibles.
Thank you for the review.
The show runners are getting kinda lazy and okaying pretty weak episodes. A lot of these I don't even remember because they were so bland. I hate to say it but BB is starting to go the way of the Simpsons. I haven't watched a new episode of The Simpsons in 20 years. I highly doubt BB will last as long as the Simpsons has but the way the show is going it's not gonna be around much longer with these lackluster episodes.
I wouldn’t be so worried the bobs burgers movie was great so I doubt the quality will go down even more
Not every episode should be great-- some is just a normal life thing. which is good and relatable. Thats why i love thus(the) show.
The Bob and Teddy episode is one of my favs. Teddy just gives me such anxiety that I feel Bob’s struggle
Agree completely...its one of my favorite episodes of the entire series...probably top 5. Most of us can relate to Bob in this...I personally know 3 people at least I would hate to spend hours in the car with. And Bobs speech at the end was heartfelt...love it.
From what I saw in an interview about the movie, they were working on the movie and season 12 at the same time so maybe that's why the season is a little bit weaker than most.
I LOVE this show- but as I saw you go through these I think my biggest realization is that in this season more than the previous, I have no issues with the A-plots at all but the B-plots have started to really drag. There is still so much to love and enjoy with these shows- but it feels like even the best episodes this season were like "the kids do this and it's cool and deep and meaningful ... and Bob and Linda just do some random thing that's not at all interesting" or vice versa.
I can't give a pass for them having Mickey in an episode without Bill Hader
😳 Man! I didn't notice people tripping over the sidewalk in the background throughout this season as a prelude to the movie! Clever! 😆
It's unfortunate how Gene progressed in the series. He used to be very funny. Like when he dressed up to look just like Bob. But the later seasons he's just cringy.
With the music video. I think the message was supposed to be that you're supposed to be supportive of friends even if the things they like aren't typically things that you like. That's the idea I was getting
Thanks and greetings from Netherlands.. I will check this video out after I have finished 12
This video showed me how much this is all up to personal preference haha, i totally disagreed with a lot of the placements but loved the commentary
I can’t wait for you to do Season 13. It’s amazing
The show is doing a lot of things that come with being a long-running series.
The "thing a character is supposed to do every year, but is just now being mentioned and never will again" thing, like this season's Christmas episode, is a clear example.
Its inevitable, but there were ways to keep from getting to this point so soon. Because if the characters can't age, and they have to be the sole focus of every episode, the options are to either formalize storylines or burn the characters out. I think this season is so dull because they've chosen the former, but the way they're going it's only a matter of time before they start having to play fast and loose and later episodes start contradicting earlier ones.
I definitely see Louise bias.
How can you not talk about the fact that Joe Pera guest starred in the Valentine's Day episode
Honestly this is more opinion than fact but it’s still good to see how everyone thinks. I don’t like the ones you liked and I like the ones you hated lol
Ginger seems to be cartoons answer to Maris from Fraiser
Just found this! Such a comfort watch, don't always agree, but that's cool! Want to see you do this with king of the hill and the x-files!
haven't seen an honest x-files reference in the wild, in years! lol
With the weird cat game episode, I was really thinking / hopingvthat they would have taken it more towards an addiction angle, tbh rather than it ending with Bob accepting it. For the first bit of the episode i really related to the fact that gene's obsession with the game was interfering with his life and homework. I would habe liked it more if Gene had eventual recognized on his own that his obsession with the game was unhealthy and giving it up or finding a way to limit his time with it.
I just realized something. I can't remember what season this was but in the September it's but in this episode Tina got paired with Henry and they both thought they were cooler than the other 1. Henry said something about robots antenna said how dorky that was but that it gave her an idea for an idea for an erotic friend fiction. They totally just brought that back.
Season 3 when bob was chaperone the kids trip to the museum. That’s when gene and Zek was doing the boob tour .Louise , Regular size Rudy got stuck with Bob .
I actually loved the Big Bob story episode. But the only flaw I have with it is Tina weird hatred of the family’s telling stories? Why? It’s not like Big Bob is there and the kids are interrupting him while he’s trying to tell a story. They are just seemingly having fun making theories on what’s the tree story before he arrives. If anything, he outrage just made her look like she’s having a trauma over something that didn’t even happened
I find it very interesting how badly you misinterpret the point of some of the stories they put together. You miss some very well established points or info given in any given episode....like., when Gene is obsessed with the digital cat. It is mentioned that they found it at a garage sale or thrift store, yet you ask in disbelief if its even a thing anymore, if not, then a misstep gor the writers. Argh!! Or, Jen. Jen has always easily been known as a clueless adult. How you got teenager, is beyond me. And lastly, you miss the point on sentiment in the storylines often. Maybe thats a male brain vs female brain thing??? Your top 10 wouldn't be my top 10... thats how drastic it is.
I respect your efforts and appreciate the work you have put into your countdowns.
It was just boring to me like I either skipped some episodes or struggled to get through them, but I did love the school evaluations and loft bed episode.
I enjoyed season 12 more than season 11.
BB has definitely been a little weaker the past few years, but as a whole I thought S12 was a lot better than 10 and 11 (though those seasons had one or two eps that really stand out, for me the aquarium overnight field trip one especially)
Huh I thought 12 was the worst and the aquarium on is my least favorite in the series.
Season 12, ep.15 is epic. The political reality check at 16:00 minutes in is epic dig at Trump, Rudy Guliani, and whoever Loiuse is portraying is staggering.
Do you have your full ranking written down somewhere? would love to see it
it bad enough you say the smell B plots are boring but pouting out flaws. not ok I like most of the Tina episodes and the Gene episode are not to bad either.
Should talk about stranger things like to hear your idea of every episode like this
The movie is on Disney plus in Canada . I quite enjoyed it
5:26 I hate this episode. Not for the plot. Watching Louise battle the Fishoeders is amazing. The reason I hate it is the voice actor for Mickey is just too noticeably different from the normal guy. It's off-putting and Mickey is my 2nd-favorite character closed following everyone's favorite little pink-bunny-eared agent of chaotic good, Louise.
Does mickey having a different voice make you hate the episode that much? He doesn't even have much lines in the episode
@@ColdCactus405 It's not about it being a different voice actor. It's about how the replacement voice actor isn't even trying to sound like who he's replacing. It would've been preferable to have someone else do what Mickey did in this episode. For example, they could've used some random carnie or a classmate or the guy in the Dizzy Dog costume.
@@DarkKingsKing ok well did that ruin the episode that much?
Gene's terrified of growing up... 😆
I really want to see where you do a how much with [the middle] family
How is sacred cow so far on the list?!
Just about all of your sentiments are exactly mine. The biggest difference is I despise Lost in Bedslation. There were no jokes. I felt like I was watching normal people build a bed. I also dislike the sub plot. It was boring.
Bob burger is OK now it's not as funny or interesting as it once was, I just miss the humor that was there at the start of the show.
Yeah, hopefully on season 13 it gains its humor again
@@theswingchannel7189 I hope so.
@@onemillionmilesonthebeach9747 yeah, because the movie was pretty funny to me, and that humor just wasn’t present on the season 12 episodes
Yeah this season was very underwhelming I barely remember any of it
I feel like at the beginning the show was finding it’s self, it was around season 5 when they have found themselves and what the show is and how it’s different from others, the first seasons were definitely a lot more inappropriate but this season has become like family friendly and less adult-ish. it’s still an adult show but like I can just watch this season with little kids around, i think they kinda lost what they found back in season 5 and 6. A lot of these episodes were forgettable, none of these episodes were really good, the only memorable episodes were the Tina bot ones. The gene star one, like it dosent even really feel like gene at all, he’s just mad the whole time. I love this show, and the fact that they made the movie kinda forgives this season being kinda bad. The shows mid seasons are amazing but towards the beginning and the newest episodes are kinda meh, I can’t wait for next season, I hope we get better episodes becuase now they don’t have to work on movie now and they can focus 100% on the show.
Missed hard on the last 3 episodes
Episode 2, we have seen Tina present in class and get nervous before! When she had to do her book report (Call of the Wild, i believe), the whole episode focused on how to get her out of doing it/conquering it with song and Teddy showed up for support! (Outside the window 🤭)
Granted, we have also seen her perform with no problem to her peers, like in the first Tammy episode when she reads her friend fiction to everyone, and in the harmoniums where she sings and performs!
I'm so disappointed by seasons 11 and 12. I hope that it was just because the team was busy working on the movie during these 2 seasons. but that would upset me too, if they ruined 2 whole seasons so they could make a movie that is just ok. and that is unlikely to attract new fans or even make a profit. so many repetitive themes (with predictable plots), trying too hard to teach obvious lessons, or sometimes just plain boring or depressing. really not that funny or unique anymore. I hope the next season gets back to at least season 10 level quality or else might have to quit watching.
I used to really like this show. It's still good; it just got so predictable that it just got a bit boring...
In the Christmas episode of this season,gean could of just streamed his album on Spotify, there fix the episode.
the camera episode sucked. i thought they were maybe going to go a different direction but it ended up being completely predictable and one note.
also just an uncomfortable ep
This and last season are the worst of the series.
Unfortunately disappointing.
Especially the episodes we all look forward too like Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Sure there were a few gems in there but they fell flat overall.
i would say the worst one yet but 12 made up for it
Season 12 was really bad. Most of the episodes were mediocre or horrible. Part of the fun of Bob's Burgers is that the situations start out normal then in Act 2 or 3 it gets Kooko banana's one good example of this is Lice Things are Nice. Season 12 doesn't do that very much. Literally every episode doesn't need to be like that but alot of these aren't funny. There are a few gems. The Best episodes of Season 12 are The Two Part Episode with the Blade Runner spoof, Touch of the Evaluations, Ancient Missbehaving, Manic Pixie Crap Show, and the Movie.
The ginger episode was so annoying -.-
Honestly a shame how mediocre the show is getting. Miss the edginess of the show. Imo it’s been downhill since like season 7. And the movie was so disappointing which sucks cuz the plot had such potential. Personally I’d give the series another season or two just to wrap everything up and end the series
I disagree with alot of this