I don't live in America. But it sounds like people are deliberately confusing Palestinians for Hamas and Israel for Jews. Nobody is trying hard for discernment. Glad to see that dialogue in places like Dartmouth exist, and shows that disinformation can be fought back.
A governing body is composed of its citizens. It is not an actual person. You can't be a governing body without the support of the citizens... Citizens are directly responsible for what their government / or terrorists do to others. You can't say the dog in your house is not your dog....
Why do we bring into the country people who do not respect our law, our culture and religion, women, pluralism and freedom of speech. They don't believe in democracy but know how to exploit our democracy for their nefarious cause.
@@mountainairthe internet is allowing us to see all sides of the conflict, where a hundred years ago, we would only see one side. Paradoxically, it seems like people are getting increasingly entrenched.
Yes remember to put yourself in the Hamas leaders shoes living it up in Qatar, worth billions, squandering any aid and using it for themselves. Living like rich westerners, the ones who they despise. Yes put yourself in their shoes
@mba, are you one of those sanctimonious hypocrites who thinks words are violence but violence is free speech? When will you stand for the oppressed people everywhere other than Palestine?
A friend called me today. We had not spoken for months. He asked how I was doing. I told him that I was physically disease-free and keeping busy. But that I felt weary in a way unlike before. He felt the same way. We noted that unlike our earlier lives as students (when we felt we could make the world a better place) we were now losing hope for a good future. The problems grow worse and worse. Where are the national and international figures who can lead us out of the present instability and pending catastrophes? There is danger all around us, with the worst of the worst vying for power in ways that embrace violence.
@@Jesmonkey-js3jf I was once in the hospital for over a week. In great pain. The first 2 nights, as lights dimmed on the floor, I could hear patients in other rooms crying, some begging for medical attention. During those times I realized that all over the world there were millions of people who were in that same condition. People in great pain, some with incurable diseases, some feeling abandoned. It gave me some comfort to know that I was not alone, but part of a huge worldwide community of suffering humanity. // You are correct that there is much corruption in our world. It can seem overwhelming, especially with all the instant access to news.
@@maxfitch4864 I totally feel like @rr7firefly, but I don't feel anything but liking or being capable of politics. I would feel dirty and hate myself even before I do anything. But I think the biggest problem is that knowing the current leadership is wrong in all possible ways and more doesn't mean I know better. I mean I do of course :) for example less hate is better, but I don't have an idea that we haven't tried yet (at least within the constraints we had until now) and failed. So looking at a specific problem (Israel vs Arabs) I don't see any current leader on either side who could positively do any step. The only hope I could have is that there might be some outside leader who could make us do a move. The problem is that I also agree on the regional and the global level there is a leadership vacuum as well :(
This is a problem as old as time. Trump for all his faults simply represents a growing populous who're angry at their representatives for taking their country in the wrong direction. He's basically at the right place at the right time. It worked for Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin it'll work for Trump as well. Not that he will change anything.
Dartmouth has a big advantage that has to be pointed out: they have educated their students about the conflict and their teachers are competent, one of the professors is a former diplomat, so his experience is beneficial in this case. In addition, their knowledge of the conflict makes them more resistant to propaganda. On the other hand, one would also expect this from the Harvard history department, but it seems that they failed to achieve that.
The interviewer accepted the the answer from a young man who called anti occupation supporters also erroneously called pro-Palestinian supporters, Hamas supporters. Only a propagandist lets obvious inaccuracies go without question.
@@MrSigh not in America. Spotting propaganda take practice but, once you familiarize yourself it gets much easier. Manipulative language and unchallenged miss or disinformation are clear indicators of propaganda.
In the first minute of the program he cited a death toll by the "Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry". That is all anyone should need to hear, to then promptly tune out.
Dartmouth seems to have gotten it right over Columbia, Harvard, MIT, and Penn. Administration and faculty firmly setting rules and condemning violence, swiftly enforcing discipline even against radical faculty, creating a balanced forum for free expression and dialogue for the purpose critical thinking and debate, free of disinformation and propaganda.
@@BitterPillPapa no. what they are supporting is poor ppl being killed for nothing. of course you wouldnt understand that because a person would need empathy to do that. you support Israel because america told you that Israel is good. and you believe amerikkka. yet i dont know a country that lies more than amerikkka
@@BitterPillPapa all they have to do is tell you the same thing a hundred times and you will believe it. thats all they have to do. its like you dont possess the ability to think for yourself. just because amerikkka and israel keep saying the same thing, dont make it true i dont care how many times they say it.
@@Bettrdays You think Nehanyau or the the US govenment cares about a bunch of college kids protesting? If you really believe that then I have a bridge to sell you!
I am not confused by the Palestinian guy, you are saying that a Israeli soldier came to your home, shot your friend (10 year old boy) in cold blood, and just decided to leave you alive. He speaks as though he has reason, but interviewer literally went to his rallies to see them defacing a missing child poster. He talks about empathy and how he doesn't agree with Hamas action of Oct 7, yet has no problem with people in his organization doing these kinds of acts? The measure of hypocrisy seems to make this movement extremely fallable.
Bravo Dartmouth! This is what education looks like. Teaching Critical thinking, listening to each other & understanding both sides. The only way forward…
My friend and his family were victims of a home invasion and kidnapping, they took all of his belongings locked him in a basement for two days, while the intruders took items out of their home. They gave him and his family a limited supply of rations in the meantime. My friend eventually got free, got his firearm and in a fit of rage started shooting at whoever was upstairs taking from him, no questions asked. While you might not respond in the exact way, you might be able to place yourself in my friend's shoes to understand where he is coming from. That's called empathy.
@@NaNa-kj2gwhow is teaching metacognition an echo chamber? The profs at Dartmouth were encouraging their Middle Eastern and Jewish students to challenge their beliefs. Is a courtroom an echo chamber? I know a jury is with me when I see listening and nodding.
@@NaNa-kj2gw What a stupid thing to say. Those were four kinds of different people all of whom could be shouting at each other or killing each other. Instead, they agree that they need to think and consider and look for "the weak points in their arguments."
“If I have rejoiced at my enemy’s misfortune or gloated over the trouble that came to him- said Job in Job 31 and that is he did so he would deserve being judged. The porphet Job PBUH would not approve of rejoicing and dancing over an enemy's downfall. It's a mystery to me why there isn't widespread Palestinian and Arab condemnation of the Hamas rapes of women and why they have handbooks for that. It underminds claims when they turn a blind eye to violence and britality on Hamas part (but people are fallen and sin broken and need mercy from God and in great need of a savior).
One huge problem that continues to fuel this conflict is the manner in which the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were formed. The establishment of a Jewish State occurred right after Imperialism and during Colonialism. Hence, there was absolutely no consideration for the Palestinian people (where they would go when exiled or where they would live if they remained in Israel). In 1948, the physical occupation of the land was conducted in a manner that only considered the needs and placement of the Jewish people. Neither the Palestinians nor the members of the Arab world were consulted and none of them participated in the strategic planning to establish Israel. As a result, the Palestinians were left without a geographic land space to live. Making a Two-State option geographically impossible
Fast forward to the modern era where there are barbed wire and cement barriers, military checkpoints, Jewish only highways and ever increasing Settlements which encroach and invade further the land space occupied by the Palestinian people- Now you have a recipe for disaster and endless conflict. The resistance to peaceful discussion and reconciliation is pervasive on both sides. Both sides, as evidenced by the never ending War, choose violence over peace
Generally, quite a good segment. Highlighting what Dartmouth did so well delivered an important message. Being more specific about what Columbia (see: Joseph Massad) and other universities did so poorly would have made it much more powerful.
It should be formed as such, “we condemn all forms of violence on both sides” it’s not moral to take the life of anyone period. There is enough land, sun, and water to nourish everyone.
not liike what happpening in West Bank.... no Hamas there, and yet Palestinian were treat like garbage, cant walk on certain road, cant do business, can not even collect rainwater for themselves... while their houses was taken away from from illegal settlers from new york or new jersey, if any reporters report about things there, they will be shot...just like Abu Shireen Akleh, a US netizen reporter... even her funeral was attacked...
Before 10/7 many Palestinians lived and worked happily in Israel. How many Jews could live in Gaza? For how long would Jewish person live, if he went to Gaza? For one hour?
Gigi & Bella Hadid father said when Jews were oppressed in Europe and their ship was denied entrance to UK , USA they head to Palestine. Palestinians open their hearts & homes to those refugees! His father took 2 families into his home for 2 years. When Haddid pregnant mother was about to deliver him, she went to his grandparents house. When she returned home her guests took over her house and wouldn’t let her in. Palestinians then became the refugees in their own country!!!
@@crystal2484 Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir carried a Palestinian Passport from 1921 to 1948 and called herself Palestinian!! She's originally a Ukrainian American citizen. She should've stayed in USA instead of creating all this mess.
I do not get it, why would you expect to see unanimity on a campus? I would indeed worry if there will be no dissent or different ideas about this issue because only in dictatorships like North Korea this happens.
I doubt anyone expects unanimity on a campus. What is unsettling is the degree of polarization given the complexity of the situation. Polarization is a growing sickness in the US that has emerged from the amalgamation of social media and our two party political system. Social media demands everyone to choose a side on complex issues (gun laws, vaccine mandates, abortion rights, pronouns, climate, affirmative action, immigration, etc.) and follow it loudly and blindly, else you are complicit in some great crime against humanity. And if you don't know which side to pick, don't worry, a political party will choose for you.
There's a difference between dissensus and something that leads to harassing people simply because of their identity. If it escalates to violence, especially towards unrelated people because they have a Magen David, this has to stop.
This is all it comes down to really. One side has the donors on their end. They’re trying to shut down free speech. It’s not working and it makes people even madder.
You need trust if you want peace. I can’t see that coming any time soon. The Arabs tried to kick out the Jews from the start with force. The people who say immigration is a good thing deny it to the Jews who go back to there homeland.
The last sentence is very revealing. Some people believe in revenge and the desire for someone else to experience “your” pain. If that’s not the definition of hate or a position impossible to reason with, i don’t know what is.
@@gilagababathen it should go both ways. However the terrorist act against the Jews - there is no justification for that act ever. one can’t say like he implied that there is. that was pure brutality pure evil and anyone who thinks there is a reason so we should ‘accept’ because of that reason is horribly wrong.
@@staal2691 Palestinians make the same claim that there is no justification for their occupation, oppression and settler colonization on their lands that the U.N. says are illegal.
Historian Dr. Jake Wasenstein in the Jewish Chronicle did an article saying Islam Saved the Jews. The Muslims protected the Jews in Spain for 800 years. Jews from around Europe were facing extinction and had a place of safety under Muslims ruling and flourished and called it their Golden Age. When the Muslims were defeated and the Spanish Inquisition started prosecuting non catholic and jews, they chose to flee to muslim land in Morocco. Even later Albanian and Bosnian Muslims saved the jews from the Nazis.
Before 1948 Jews lived across Muslim countries as citizens of those countries. In Palestine there lived Jewish , Christian, muslim Palestinians peacefully as part of one nation. Only European Jews were oppressed by Europeans and denied immigration to American and European countries after world wars 2.
Gigi & Bella Hadid father said when Jews were oppressed in Europe and their ship was denied entrance to UK , USA they head to Palestine. Palestinians open their hearts & homes to those refugees! His father took 2 families into his home for 2 years. When Haddid pregnant mother was about to deliver him, she went to his grandparents house. When she returned home her guests took over her house and wouldn’t let her in. Palestinians then became the refugees in their own country!!!
In my opinion, every student that is protesting against Israel. 0:29 Needs to go fight for what they believe in. Thank God, family and friends have decided not to allow their children to go to these Universities won't pay all that money to have your children destroyed.
This West Bank Arab wants everyone to feel his pain. Apparently, his pain is the most important thing in the world. He in fact brushed aside the terrorist attack on Israel with an "or course..." and did not condemn the brutality for, basically, he accepts what Hamas did as a just thing. Because the important thing here is, of course, his pain. It's all about revenge. Never mind how many peace plans you put on the table; as Arafat said at Camp David, "if I sign this I'll be killed as soon as I get home" or something close to that. That tells you the story. The real goal is the elimination of the State of Israel as well as the extermination of all Jews in the region, as it happened earlier in all Muslim countries.
I didn't see this post and I wrote the exact same. I don't know what that student was talking about. Either you condemn the atrocities of Hamas or you support them.
I can understand both sides. They are both to blame now, but the problem was created long ago. The only way forward is an open discussion between the people of both sides, the government's are not helping rather the opposite. The west created Israel and did take land, in some instances by force and some not, since wast areas were inhabited. All this for a people who were unwanted and percicuted elsewhere. The resulting quality of life is now fare worse on one side as a result. Two wrongs don't make a right.
If only the Arabs accepted the two-state solution in 1947, the rest of the world would have been left unbothered. Now that the two are where they're now, it's either they go back to the pre-1967 partition plan whereby a buffer zone is created by the international community to protect Israel against sudden aggression by Arab states against the state of Israel (this is the singular reason why Israel is expanding and keeping the Palestinians as far away as possible, and unreasonably the worse of the two solutions based on current burning emotions); the Israelis don't trust the UN or any outsider to guarantee their own security and safety and in fact this episode is not helping that distrust. OR West Bank becomes permanently part of Jordan and Gaza becomes permanently part of Egypt.
@@geaca3222 yep i will never understand why palestinians chose to brutally try and commit genocide against the iraelies back in the arab-israeli conflict and then have the gall to question why they're being treated the way they are
The difference is that the Palestinians and Islamic are calling for Israel and Jew genocide and Israel ans Jews don't call for the Palestinians and Muslims genocide. The Palesinians declined every peace offer even when they got 99% of what they asked for, Israel never started a war just won every one when needed to defend itself. Not to mention the difference in human values
@@celinyin1494no, unfortunately there very much true. Israel has made two offers for peace, one in 2000 and the other in 2008. Palestine, namely Hamas refused both, even when Israel offered 66% more of the Gaza Strip to them. But Hamas want all non-Muslims mainly Jews but non-Muslim nonetheless to leave the area. As well activist don’t seem to remember how Palestinians started the Lebanese Civil War with their mass killings of Christians and turning Lebanon essentially into a launchpad to attack Israel.
Im glad 60 minutes had studemt palestinian leaders talk about empathy and understanding the root cause. His reaction to his best friene dying......thats how violence perpetuates. We have 2 ethnicities who have experienced generational trauma. The difference is a power imbalance between Israel and palestine.
@JasonKing12348People don’t usually lie about their experiences. And palestinians being killed and treated like second class citizens is not something new
Fairly certain he is lying, he is a "leader." One that claims that his best friend was shot in the chest in cold blood, point blank range, standing next to him by a Israeli soldier. Yet for some reason he was spared. There might be some truth to his story but I an highly doubtful it is the full truth. On top of this his organization does nothing about individuals defacing Israeli missing persons posters, while he claims to condem Hamas on Oct 7th. You would think his personal child hood experience, would bridge some emotion when seeing a kidnapped child poster being defaced. Yet we see nothing on this front. There is a book called extreme ownership writen by Navy seals. This guy like Hamas Leadership shows no ownership of their actions or their peoples which is the prominent problem today.
Where were these people when our government ws bombing Marawi City a few years back? Oh yes most of these people never heard of Marawi City cos no Jews were involved in the battle. Whenever the word Israel or Jew is mentioned something triggers these people into madness
"If Tuesday’s hearing made anything clear, it’s that the time for having it both ways, at the expense of Jews, must come to an end now!" Bret Stevens, NYT Columnist, 10. Dec., Spot On!
In light of the Hamas-Israeli war after October 7th...and after watching the heads of these schools testify before Congress concerning the Anti-Semetic protests in their campuses (The Latinate plural form campi), I came to realize that the level of education attained is not necessarily equal to the level of intelligence acquired. As Saint Marie Eugenie said, “Education is to allow the good in every person to break through the rock that imprisons it and bring it into the light where it can blossom and shed its radiance.” But these schools are allowing hatred to take hold under the guise of "free-speech." Hence...These so-called elite ivy legue schools are like Land Rovers: expensive, elitist and luxurious, and ultimately nothing but self-aggrandized, pretentious and junk!
How are they allowing hate-speech for the sake of free speech? It seems that critizising Israel for the bombings are very easily called «anti-semitic», but the people standing with Israel is not called any word that has the same meaning.
Very well put. Points for inserting “campi” and a perfect score for landing the dismount using the illustration of a Land Rover to depict the highfalutin costume of our Ivy League Universities.
@@KiLo9530it was quote good. It recalled my two years at Emerson College decades back, listening to entitled idiots whone about a world they didn't understand. Instead I transferred to Brooklyn Cille where we got much of the same for 1/5 the cost. We are not creating our best.
@@thephotoandthestory Paying $0.20 on the dollar for the same quality education probably saved you from funding a professor’s lifetime subscription to ‘The New Yorker,’ a musings column and lecture fees where they talk to mostly empty chairs about the most “important topics of today.”
@@averagecitizen863 agreed, but the main conversation it's not pro Israel, as also there is context behind that there is no innocent ppl sentence,but make gaza flat again it's disgusting saying. But the Palestine needs to start need to educate themselves for a better life not a better war
@@roylebitski6685 jesus christ dude they are removing families from their homes in what world does this Israeli ocupación become a "no inocente side" situation?
Gotta give props where props are due 👏🏾. Good shyt @60Minutes. I've prayed many nights that we ALL can just have a complex but simple conversation. I'm soooo tired of the division and negative energy surrounding the entire globe 🌎. Here's an Oldie but a goodie... LOVE THY NEIGHBOR
Its so hard to uproot, the way you were brought up, your heart is with your family, its so hard to change your beliefs, I'm so glad 60 minutes, showed this!!!! Education is 🗝️ key.. thousands of years , fighting, hate, pain, loss, anger, repeat" ❤ break the cycle" LOVE, !
With all the social media culture wars, and identity politics taking centre stage and the self segregation of communities it's hard to cut through the hate around at the moment.
03:00 she was actively fueling hatred in public places, then there's no reason cry and get upset when she might not be able to graduate anymore? she dug her own grave.
That Merriam"free palestine" riot inciting protester girl says she faces repercussions for being what amounts to a supporter of terrorism well shouldnt she face negative repercussions? right
The solution for this problem in the University spaces is simple - LESS protesting, MORE LEARNING. This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY for students to setup Information sharing groups. Twice a week, students should all meetup in an auditorium at which any pertinent information students discover that informs their opinions can be shared via videos, interviews, historical documents, etc. It is obvious students feel entitled to an opinion about a problem that is rooted in aspects far deeper than what they are accustomed to. They are treating it as if it is a political, academic and conflict that can be rationally discussed and negotiated. But that is the mistake. Israel shares western logical discourse. Arab culture is an Islamic value system which informs EVERY aspect of the dillemma. I know for a fact that well over 90% of students have ZERO knowledge and comprehension of Arab-Islamic Ideology. It's so foolish to watch these kids going bananas and going in circles with the same talking points that all barely scratch the surface of what's really going on. American kids, we don't realize Palestinians are a part of a broader culture, that is Arab-Muslim- which does not use the same set of ethics or even all the same hierarchy of values. If this is not included in the discourse, the BIGGEST point of contention is missed. Very stupid. I'm embarrassed for them expressing so much rage and Social moral righteousness, while being totally ignorant of the biggest problem. It shows how much they care more about being right and being angry and crying, than about sitting down in the library reading, seeking suppressed information and uncovering the conspiracies, so they can write innovative papers on the subject. They are just being children putting on their little show. They think they are actively being a part of the "solution" when in this case, they are imitating many of the same behavior patterns that are rampant in the middle east. This is like a true test of stupidity- Monkey See, Monkey Do. At some point one Monkey has to see other monkey approach and say "that's not working" and go to the drawing board. Or not. There are aspects of Islamic tribalism which value NON-Compromise. They hold on to everything from the past like a grudge, so it's hard to tell if when we are intending to sit and have discourse for solutions, whether they (Islamic-Arab representatives) are engaging with you with the same intent, or simply there to convince you further why they have a natural right to the whole pie. Lastly, it's a disingenuous debate around this whole issue if it is not inclusive of 1. the principles of the Quran, 2. How Islam is an all inclusive belief system- the culture, Politics and set of laws with specific and extreme punishments for what westerners consider minor infractions. 3. that the Quran is riddled with teaching hatred and demonization of Jews. 4. That they practice and believe in the Quran to this day as if nothing has changed since the 7th century. They don't comprehend naturally that laws and beliefs are two separate conversations, and so on. The religious element is so crucial to this context that students getting all worked up creating tension and divide is an absolute waste of time, that will lead to the same outcome as has existed in the Middle East - a NEVER ENDING running around in circles yelling and throwing tantrums about their anger and frustration. The students are literally unwittingly absorbing the same conflict from Palestine to Columbia University. Except its extra dumb because it's an education institution that should have plenty of trustworthy sources of information, and the teachers should be present to this issue and be designing new educational programs on the fly to resolve the violence through access to KNOWLEDGE, deeper historical influences at play, hidden alliances, and critical analysis of all media especially news sources in Palestine, Iran, etc. Cmon professors, are you all still committed to Truth and education as a way to solving problems?? Or are you all too scared to allow the Truths to be seen and spoken, for fear of being a target? If WW3 begins, I blame you, the University Professors, especially at the so called reputable ones (one of which I graduated from). I won 't be impressed when students start getting hurt, and I will hold the teachers accountable for it, for not honoring facts and critical analysis as KING of academic value!
60 minutes is corrupt like most of the mainstream media unfortunately. And it goes back a long way. Like back in the 80’s when they rigged an Audi to make their cars appear unsafe and when they failed to report on the tobacco industry having advance knowledge of the health risks associated with their products.
Palestinian feel endangered on the Columbia University. Palestinian people are not giving the equal rights to speak for their people. The Jewish people can't acknowledge that they are getting special treatment. Pro Israeli has a building not so much for the Palestinians. Treatment is not equal.
Always remember this pattern, 1) Conflict is almost always between the 'peaceful' religion vs other religions 2) Other 'Peaceful' countries will not accept those affected peacefuls as their refugees, but they somehow sneak into non-'peaceful' countries. (Russia, whole EU problem with refugees: France, Germany, Spain etc., India divided into 3+ countries, Iran was not an islamic state initially) 3) once they are into non-'peaceful' countries, they create separate laws and try to break that country too. 4) Political parties pandering to vote banks of these countries are always playing them up as victims no matter how violent they get 5) Criticism of the 'peaceful' religion is blasphemy in peaceful countries and Islamophobia in non peaceful countries which means the religion can never be criticized or refined..
These protests aren’t pro-Palestinian, they are pro Hamas & antisemitic. The pro-Hamas protests are violent, intimidating, & chaotic. Whereas, the pro-Israel demonstrations are peaceful & dignified. There is a HUGE difference in these groups. One is violent & the other wants peace. If Hamas stopped attacking Israel, they’d be left alone by Israel. Hamas needs to return the hostages & surrender. This is on them, not Israel to ‘ceasefire’.
You do realize that this goes back 75 years with Israel displacing the Palestinians and creating and apartheid state right? Hamas didnt exist at the beginning and you can look up how many times Israel has violated previous ceasefires. This is not the first time Israel "mows the lawn" using deception to justify the killing of civilians. Palestine has never been "left alone" and it never has been able to avoid conflict with the oppressive state of Israel.
Have empathy for Palestinian civilians caught (by Hamas) in the cross fire. Have empathy for peaceful Palestinians caught (by Hamas and the PA) behind an impenetrable wall of hatred for Jews which causes the to have to live under occupation. This is who you have empathy for. Have empathy for a Jewish population that just wants to live somewhere where they can't be expelled and exiled, and have their own state and live in peace, but can't because of "Jew Hatred". If this Medawi guy and others like him want others to "feel his pain", his head it not in the right place. Once you realize that the person you are fighting against just wants peace, the pain ends. Want others to lay down their arms and accept a peaceful solution and the pain will end. Love your children more than you hate the Jews, and the pain will end...
tu quo que. Die imagining. The reality IS , these students are in USA. Be mindful of your host country. Respect, please. If these students want to resolve problems from a faraway country, silently pack up, ship out TO that country and help there. End of story.
Those students should go to Gaza to protest not in America,those Universities should not allowed it,they need permits to do this.Its about Hamas terrorist that’s happened in Gaza it’s not about Palestinian and Israel need to understand it.
My polarized friends and I were profoundly centered after watching: *Frontline's **_Shattered Dreams of Peace._* In the two-hour report, the whole problem comes into focus and suggests no remedy _(while imparting likely consensus about the solution)._ The two-state outcome is imperative, but first there's an obstacle course requiring outside help _(international contingency)_ to facilitate the solution and enforce peace _(likely for a generation)._
Historian Dr. Jake Wasenstein in the Jewish Chronicle did an article saying Islam Saved the Jews. The Muslims protected the Jews in Spain for 800 years. Jews from around Europe were facing extinction and had a place of safety under Muslims ruling and flourished and called it their Golden Age. When the Muslims were defeated and the Spanish Inquisition started prosecuting non catholic and jews, they chose to flee to muslim land in Morocco. Even later Albanian and Bosnian Muslims saved the jews from the Nazis.
Gigi & Bella Hadid father said when Jews were oppressed in Europe and their ship was denied entrance to UK , USA they head to Palestine. Palestinians open their hearts & homes to those refugees! His father took 2 families into his home for 2 years. When Haddid pregnant mother was about to deliver him, she went to his grandparents house. When she returned home her guests took over her house and wouldn’t let her in. Palestinians then became the refugees in their own country!!!
@@nisahmed9121 I saw you are making the same replies to every comment. In doing so you contribute nothing to any conversation. Spam is not conversation. It's only annoying!
Thanks for the valuable review, and especially the example of Dartmouth. If the Palestinian guy wants to be seen and others to feel his pain, he has to be ready to see the Jews and feel their pain, too. It cannot be one-sided. There are two opposite narratives. And neither of those narratives is the absolute truth.
Much of the frustration of pro-Palestine people is due to the fact that western media is so overwhelmingly pro-Israel that it creates a David and Goliath type scenario. There's a tendency to minimize Palestinian suffering or not portray it at all.
There cannot be a future of peace for either side of this conflict while one side is allowed to act with impunity! Anybody who doesn't understand or accept this is denying reality.
Learn about Islam. An ideology which has 6 different types of religiously instituted lying is flawed from the core: Kitman: deceit by omission Taqiyya (Shia) or Muda’rat (Sunni): tactical deceit for the purposes of spreading Islam Tawriya: deceit by deliberate ambiguity Taysir deceit through facilitation (not observing all the tenets of Sharia by “making things easier”) Darura: deceit through necessity (to engage in something “Haram” or forbidden such as drinking alcohol to exploit non-Muslims) Muruna: “flexibility” or temporary suspension of Sharia to make Muslim migrants appear “moderate” and blend in until Muslims are numerically strong enough to enforce Sharia
Can we just take a minute to applause Dartmouth for their stance on this? This is exactly how a university should handle situations such as the Israel-Hamas war!
The Palestinian guy he interviewed is wild. Dude is chasing revenge while simultaneously saying he wants to put a good face to Palestinians, and THEN he says he sympathizes with Oct 7. What a tool.
I used to see this kind of thing a lot when I went to university ten years ago, both at my university in Canada and when I studied abroad in Israel (I spent a bit more time in Israel after I graduated). The volume may have turned up because of recent events, but the content hasn't really changed. I became very disillusioned with Israeli-Palestinian activism of all kinds, but especially on campus. I found this topic was often used as a way for students to show that they're a good person and signal to their friends that they're part of a tribe. They often don't even know that much about the conflict in a lot of cases, and in almost all cases they're getting themselves involved in something they don't REALLY understand. I care about the opinion of an Israeli who is going to be recalled for reserve duty. I care about the opinion of a Palestinian in East Jerusalem. I care about the opinion of academics on this topic, especially Israeli and Palestinian ones. I'm not very interested in the opinion of a lot of these students. They should be listening rather than think they can save the world or their activism is going to matter one bit. That being said, I really liked how the teachers and students at Dartmouth featured in this video handled this. We need more of that.
just express your opinion and move on instead of yelling and screaming. when you are young and in University trying to look brave, cool, intellectual among your contemporaries and sometimes nutty and silly and not having kids and family to take care of to understand your responsibilities. just remember you are not going to stay young for ever ad when you get old and look back, you will talk to yourself how silly you were acting and will be shaking your head. you live in America and have everything within your reach and taking it for granted how wonderful life is here. problem you are yelling and screaming about ( GAZA ) is about 10000 miles away from here. you want to address it you must go there. you want to address it and be compassionate about, you must go there to GAZA. I bet you all you won't last a minute to get your rear-end out of there so quick. because reality is going to hit you on your head like a brick.
Columbia can learn a thing or two from the way Dartmouth is handling the painful situation on both sides. Really commendable to make it a teaching moment; I also thought it would have been obvious, instead of fomenting a greater divide.
I don't live in America. But it sounds like people are deliberately confusing Palestinians for Hamas and Israel for Jews. Nobody is trying hard for discernment. Glad to see that dialogue in places like Dartmouth exist, and shows that disinformation can be fought back.
You hit the nail on the head. Listen closely and all you hear is propaganda talk. I live in the Matrix
Deliberately is correct. At least for a large swathe of people. Also, many people are "burying their heads in the sand."
Differentiation and nuance are usually not strong points of US mass media, no wonder a lot of Americans reflect that.
The extremists on both ends are counting on it...
A governing body is composed of its citizens. It is not an actual person. You can't be a governing body without the support of the citizens... Citizens are directly responsible for what their government / or terrorists do to others. You can't say the dog in your house is not your dog....
The older I get, the less I understand this horrrible world we live in
Why do we bring into the country people who do not respect our law, our culture and religion, women, pluralism and freedom of speech. They don't believe in democracy but know how to exploit our democracy for their nefarious cause.
Too many people are mentally controlled by tribal mentality. Listening and empathy levels are just not naturally high enough
It's the internet that is ruining us.
People seeking to feel like a hero and receive praise. Part of the participation trophy and 'stunning and brave" generations
@@mountainairthe internet is allowing us to see all sides of the conflict, where a hundred years ago, we would only see one side. Paradoxically, it seems like people are getting increasingly entrenched.
Bravo, Dartmouth, for fostering the kind of dialogue that actually gets people to start putting themselves in the other side's shoes.
Yes remember to put yourself in the Hamas leaders shoes living it up in Qatar, worth billions, squandering any aid and using it for themselves. Living like rich westerners, the ones who they despise. Yes put yourself in their shoes
Joshua, humanity foreces you to stand with the oppressed people. because we are human, not rocks. Free Palatine 🇵🇸
@mba, are you one of those sanctimonious hypocrites who thinks words are violence but violence is free speech?
When will you stand for the oppressed people everywhere other than Palestine?
@@mba1164 Palatine lmao. You can't even spell. ISRAEL FOREVER
Yes. Dialog. In the face of rhetorical diatribe.
A friend called me today. We had not spoken for months. He asked how I was doing. I told him that I was physically disease-free and keeping busy. But that I felt weary in a way unlike before. He felt the same way. We noted that unlike our earlier lives as students (when we felt we could make the world a better place) we were now losing hope for a good future. The problems grow worse and worse. Where are the national and international figures who can lead us out of the present instability and pending catastrophes? There is danger all around us, with the worst of the worst vying for power in ways that embrace violence.
At least you're healthy. Imagine being physically in pain and also living in this corrupt world.
You should become a figure of leadership.
@@Jesmonkey-js3jf I was once in the hospital for over a week. In great pain. The first 2 nights, as lights dimmed on the floor, I could hear patients in other rooms crying, some begging for medical attention. During those times I realized that all over the world there were millions of people who were in that same condition. People in great pain, some with incurable diseases, some feeling abandoned. It gave me some comfort to know that I was not alone, but part of a huge worldwide community of suffering humanity. // You are correct that there is much corruption in our world. It can seem overwhelming, especially with all the instant access to news.
@@maxfitch4864 I totally feel like @rr7firefly, but I don't feel anything but liking or being capable of politics. I would feel dirty and hate myself even before I do anything. But I think the biggest problem is that knowing the current leadership is wrong in all possible ways and more doesn't mean I know better. I mean I do of course :) for example less hate is better, but I don't have an idea that we haven't tried yet (at least within the constraints we had until now) and failed. So looking at a specific problem (Israel vs Arabs) I don't see any current leader on either side who could positively do any step. The only hope I could have is that there might be some outside leader who could make us do a move. The problem is that I also agree on the regional and the global level there is a leadership vacuum as well :(
This is a problem as old as time. Trump for all his faults simply represents a growing populous who're angry at their representatives for taking their country in the wrong direction. He's basically at the right place at the right time. It worked for Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin it'll work for Trump as well. Not that he will change anything.
kudos to 60 minutes for doing a fair reporting. I think this is the first time I thought that in decades.
Fair? So Hamas killed people and Palestinians just happened to die, how’s that fair?
Keep smiling and taking those pictures.Its going to help you with your careers.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them and do nothing about it". Albert Einstein
I mean, the United States is being very active in helping Israel combat evil.
I think we're good.
@@JoshuaVogel79Yes nothing says «combating evil» as killing innocent people
I tend to not take advice about the future of the world from a man who helped create nuclear weapons.
@@JoshuaVogel79plus 1000000
@@JoshuaVogel79the world will fall quickly to oblivion once US loses uno numero status in this world, a day I fear will come in the next decades
The Dartmouth professors and the students who took their course are a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else
Now it’s Ivy League to POISON IVY League
Dartmouth has a big advantage that has to be pointed out: they have educated their students about the conflict and their teachers are competent, one of the professors is a former diplomat, so his experience is beneficial in this case. In addition, their knowledge of the conflict makes them more resistant to propaganda.
On the other hand, one would also expect this from the Harvard history department, but it seems that they failed to achieve that.
Lol yeah, a course animated by an israeli and an egyptian diplomat, the first arab nation ever to sell out to Israel
@@Signe0184 harvard didn’t fail to adress that, history doesn’t side with the israeli narrative and it would be dangerous to dare and speak the truth
Way to go 60 Minutes. This is what journalism should look like and sound like.
The interviewer accepted the the answer from a young man who called anti occupation supporters also erroneously called pro-Palestinian supporters, Hamas supporters. Only a propagandist lets obvious inaccuracies go without question.
@@cynthiabrown9596this is the most balanced program I have watched so far. Anything better out there?
@@MrSigh not in America. Spotting propaganda take practice but, once you familiarize yourself it gets much easier. Manipulative language and unchallenged miss or disinformation are clear indicators of propaganda.
In the first minute of the program he cited a death toll by the "Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry". That is all anyone should need to hear, to then promptly tune out.
Dartmouth seems to have gotten it right over Columbia, Harvard, MIT, and Penn. Administration and faculty firmly setting rules and condemning violence, swiftly enforcing discipline even against radical faculty, creating a balanced forum for free expression and dialogue for the purpose critical thinking and debate, free of disinformation and propaganda.
How others could deface images of innocence hostages despite their opinions on the war is absolutely beyond me...
The same way isreal imposes an apartheid state on innocent people.
Listening to them in the first part the students can't seem to distinguish between anger/outrage and hate.
Good for 60 minutes, having the guts to get into the heart of a very difficult subject, with a very sensitive group.
@@BitterPillPapa and we should believe you because..........................wait, im running out of dots
@@BitterPillPapa no. what they are supporting is poor ppl being killed for nothing. of course you wouldnt understand that because a person would need empathy to do that. you support Israel because america told you that Israel is good. and you believe amerikkka. yet i dont know a country that lies more than amerikkka
@@BitterPillPapa all they have to do is tell you the same thing a hundred times and you will believe it. thats all they have to do. its like you dont possess the ability to think for yourself. just because amerikkka and israel keep saying the same thing, dont make it true i dont care how many times they say it.
@@BitterPillPapa i mean if you rely on the media to tell you the truth...lol all i can do is laugh at you
3:57 - Why 'unsafe'?... Who started it? I wonder where they were before the war. Surly they didn't had a clue
Perhaps you’d feel more comfortable commenting in your native language
@@YaleinPraguePerhaps you need to be quiet. Thanks.
@@yw1971Remedial English is your friend
@@yw1971 what do you mean, "be quiet"? I never hear pat make a sound. Let me know if you struggle to read my English...
In japan went go to college to to attend class not to protest about things outside education.
Protest is of vital importance.
@@Bettrdays You think Nehanyau or the the US govenment cares about a bunch of college kids protesting? If you really believe that then I have a bridge to sell you!
Keeping silence, Means not improving anything.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean tolerating hatred and terrorists. If it is terrorists ideology then it should not come under free speech
I am not confused by the Palestinian guy, you are saying that a Israeli soldier came to your home, shot your friend (10 year old boy) in cold blood, and just decided to leave you alive. He speaks as though he has reason, but interviewer literally went to his rallies to see them defacing a missing child poster. He talks about empathy and how he doesn't agree with Hamas action of Oct 7, yet has no problem with people in his organization doing these kinds of acts? The measure of hypocrisy seems to make this movement extremely fallable.
Glad you caught that.
Bravo Dartmouth! This is what education looks like. Teaching Critical thinking, listening to each other & understanding both sides. The only way forward…
These kids believe the world began when they were born.
“I did not say I justified what Hamas did but I empathize” yeah that’s the problem
How so? I mean it’s an occupation
My friend and his family were victims of a home invasion and kidnapping, they took all of his belongings locked him in a basement for two days, while the intruders took items out of their home. They gave him and his family a limited supply of rations in the meantime. My friend eventually got free, got his firearm and in a fit of rage started shooting at whoever was upstairs taking from him, no questions asked. While you might not respond in the exact way, you might be able to place yourself in my friend's shoes to understand where he is coming from. That's called empathy.
@@cenecasfulfound a terrorist FBI arrest
You can't empathize with an oppressed population resisting? You can't empathize with slaves revolting against their masters?
It is not Israel Hamas war, but the occupation attack on Palestine.
You can see the two protests. One is decent and one is horrible. Imagine if it were blacks in the Jews shoes. The media must be all over,😂😂😂😂
I love the way, as one female Dartmouth student spoke, her peers listened and nodded.
yeah, they tend to do that in an echo chamber
@@NaNa-kj2gwhow is teaching metacognition an echo chamber? The profs at Dartmouth were encouraging their Middle Eastern and Jewish students to challenge their beliefs.
Is a courtroom an echo chamber? I know a jury is with me when I see listening and nodding.
- You mean because she's female, and they're male, and they were listening to her?
- You mean because she's female, and they're male, and they were listening to her?
@@NaNa-kj2gw What a stupid thing to say. Those were four kinds of different people all of whom could be shouting at each other or killing each other. Instead, they agree that they need to think and consider and look for "the weak points in their arguments."
It’s interesting that both sides are thinking “how can you let this happen?”
its so toxic people who point out how violent Islam is are labeled as islamophobic. its not a religion of peace like they lie and say it is
“If I have rejoiced at my enemy’s misfortune or gloated over the trouble that came to him- said Job in Job 31 and that is he did so he would deserve being judged. The porphet Job PBUH would not approve of rejoicing and dancing over an enemy's downfall. It's a mystery to me why there isn't widespread Palestinian and Arab condemnation of the Hamas rapes of women and why they have handbooks for that. It underminds claims when they turn a blind eye to violence and britality on Hamas part (but people are fallen and sin broken and need mercy from God and in great need of a savior).
One huge problem that continues to fuel this conflict is the manner in which the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were formed.
The establishment of a Jewish State occurred right after Imperialism and during Colonialism. Hence, there was absolutely no consideration for the Palestinian people (where they would go when exiled or where they would live if they remained in Israel).
In 1948, the physical occupation of the land was conducted in a manner that only considered the needs and placement of the Jewish people. Neither the Palestinians nor the members of the Arab world were consulted and none of them participated in the strategic planning to establish Israel. As a result, the Palestinians were left without a geographic land space to live. Making a Two-State option geographically impossible
Fast forward to the modern era where there are barbed wire and cement barriers, military checkpoints, Jewish only highways and ever increasing Settlements which encroach and invade further the land space occupied by the Palestinian people- Now you have a recipe for disaster and endless conflict.
The resistance to peaceful discussion and reconciliation is pervasive on both sides. Both sides, as evidenced by the never ending War, choose violence over peace
Generally, quite a good segment. Highlighting what Dartmouth did so well delivered an important message. Being more specific about what Columbia (see: Joseph Massad) and other universities did so poorly would have made it much more powerful.
Maybe Dartmouth has more Gentile donors?
Dartmouth is far less diverse.
He wants them to feel his pain but he doesn't feel theirs.
Of course. Left wing Israelis who feel Palestinian pain exist in abundance... Palestinians who feel Israeli pain... show me one ;)
It should be formed as such, “we condemn all forms of violence on both sides” it’s not moral to take the life of anyone period. There is enough land, sun, and water to nourish everyone.
not liike what happpening in West Bank.... no Hamas there, and yet Palestinian were treat like garbage, cant walk on certain road, cant do business, can not even collect rainwater for themselves... while their houses was taken away from from illegal settlers from new york or new jersey, if any reporters report about things there, they will be shot...just like Abu Shireen Akleh, a US netizen reporter... even her funeral was attacked...
To criticise Zionist Israel for the Palestinian genocide is NOT antisemitism!!!!
Before 10/7 many Palestinians lived and worked happily in Israel.
How many Jews could live in Gaza?
For how long would Jewish person live, if he went to Gaza? For one hour?
What a great action of the two professors. This and nothing else should be implemented in any other Unis with the same faculties.
Gigi & Bella Hadid father said when Jews were oppressed in Europe and their ship was denied entrance to UK , USA they head to Palestine. Palestinians open their hearts & homes to those refugees! His father took 2 families into his home for 2 years. When Haddid pregnant mother was about to deliver him, she went to his grandparents house. When she returned home her guests took over her house and wouldn’t let her in. Palestinians then became the refugees in their own country!!!
Watch Irish comedian Tadhg Hickey explaining the conflict in 2 minutes!!!
@@nisahmed9121 well, there was no Palestine back then....
@@crystal2484 Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir carried a Palestinian Passport from 1921 to 1948 and called herself Palestinian!! She's originally a Ukrainian American citizen. She should've stayed in USA instead of creating all this mess.
@@nisahmed9121 there was no such thing as "Palestinian" back then, they were Egyptian passport holders. what drugs are u on?
I do not get it, why would you expect to see unanimity on a campus? I would indeed worry if there will be no dissent or different ideas about this issue because only in dictatorships like North Korea this happens.
Did you watch the video? The explicitly went over the issues. Have you been skipping news reporting on what has been happening at major US campuses?
I doubt anyone expects unanimity on a campus. What is unsettling is the degree of polarization given the complexity of the situation. Polarization is a growing sickness in the US that has emerged from the amalgamation of social media and our two party political system. Social media demands everyone to choose a side on complex issues (gun laws, vaccine mandates, abortion rights, pronouns, climate, affirmative action, immigration, etc.) and follow it loudly and blindly, else you are complicit in some great crime against humanity. And if you don't know which side to pick, don't worry, a political party will choose for you.
There's a difference between dissensus and something that leads to harassing people simply because of their identity. If it escalates to violence, especially towards unrelated people because they have a Magen David, this has to stop.
@@Sad_Bumper_Stickerthey also explicitly let inaccuracies go by unquestioned.
Look at the donors of Columbia University and you'll get your answers
This is all it comes down to really. One side has the donors on their end. They’re trying to shut down free speech. It’s not working and it makes people even madder.
You need trust if you want peace. I can’t see that coming any time soon. The Arabs tried to kick out the Jews from the start with force. The people who say immigration is a good thing deny it to the Jews who go back to there homeland.
99,40%(traffic 💀 violation)1,7% Wrong place 🔃 Wrong root 🔃Wrong 💕 lovers / GET OUT
Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorists.
The last sentence is very revealing. Some people believe in revenge and the desire for someone else to experience “your” pain. If that’s not the definition of hate or a position impossible to reason with, i don’t know what is.
I don’t think he meant he wants others to practically experience his pain, as in revenge, but to be seen and acknowledged.
@@gilagababathen it should go both ways. However the terrorist act against the Jews - there is no justification for that act ever. one can’t say like he implied that there is. that was pure brutality pure evil and anyone who thinks there is a reason so we should ‘accept’ because of that reason is horribly wrong.
MLK made a name for himself through non-violent protests. It made him a great man. So did Gandhi. Violence never settled anything.
@@danthomas6587google “March of Return”
@@staal2691 Palestinians make the same claim that there is no justification for their occupation, oppression and settler colonization on their lands that the U.N. says are illegal.
What the world needs most now is empathy. Feek the pain on the other sides, only then can we unite to bring that peace that only comes after justice
Proof that people want good things but rarely have any idea what they are doing or even thinking.
That's your takeaway from the Dartmouth model?
Historian Dr. Jake Wasenstein in the Jewish Chronicle did an article saying Islam Saved the Jews. The Muslims protected the Jews in Spain for 800 years. Jews from around Europe were facing extinction and had a place of safety under Muslims ruling and flourished and called it their Golden Age. When the Muslims were defeated and the Spanish Inquisition started prosecuting non catholic and jews, they chose to flee to muslim land in Morocco. Even later Albanian and Bosnian Muslims saved the jews from the Nazis.
Before 1948 Jews lived across Muslim countries as citizens of those countries. In Palestine there lived Jewish , Christian, muslim Palestinians peacefully as part of one nation. Only European Jews were oppressed by Europeans and denied immigration to American and European countries after world wars 2.
Gigi & Bella Hadid father said when Jews were oppressed in Europe and their ship was denied entrance to UK , USA they head to Palestine. Palestinians open their hearts & homes to those refugees! His father took 2 families into his home for 2 years. When Haddid pregnant mother was about to deliver him, she went to his grandparents house. When she returned home her guests took over her house and wouldn’t let her in. Palestinians then became the refugees in their own country!!!
Watch Irish comedian Tadhg Hickey explaining the conflict in 2 minutes!!!
Why hasn't 60 Minutes done an episode on the only racial group forbidden to have an official student club? White Students.....
In my opinion, every student that is protesting against Israel. 0:29 Needs to go fight for what they believe in. Thank God, family and friends have decided not to allow their children to go to these Universities won't pay all that money to have your children destroyed.
This West Bank Arab wants everyone to feel his pain. Apparently, his pain is the most important thing in the world. He in fact brushed aside the terrorist attack on Israel with an "or course..." and did not condemn the brutality for, basically, he accepts what Hamas did as a just thing. Because the important thing here is, of course, his pain. It's all about revenge. Never mind how many peace plans you put on the table; as Arafat said at Camp David, "if I sign this I'll be killed as soon as I get home" or something close to that. That tells you the story. The real goal is the elimination of the State of Israel as well as the extermination of all Jews in the region, as it happened earlier in all Muslim countries.
I didn't see this post and I wrote the exact same. I don't know what that student was talking about. Either you condemn the atrocities of Hamas or you support them.
- reporter - what makes you feel unsafe
- Israeli student: “I had to walk thru protests”
SMH 🤦♂️
Poor baby
And that one male student's account? That's nothing, I suppose..
I can understand both sides. They are both to blame now, but the problem was created long ago. The only way forward is an open discussion between the people of both sides, the government's are not helping rather the opposite. The west created Israel and did take land, in some instances by force and some not, since wast areas were inhabited. All this for a people who were unwanted and percicuted elsewhere. The resulting quality of life is now fare worse on one side as a result. Two wrongs don't make a right.
I don't and will never understand such cruelty, such atrocities are from extremism. The peace minded Palestinians and Israelis are victims.
If only the Arabs accepted the two-state solution in 1947, the rest of the world would have been left unbothered.
Now that the two are where they're now, it's either they go back to the pre-1967 partition plan whereby a buffer zone is created by the international community to protect Israel against sudden aggression by Arab states against the state of Israel (this is the singular reason why Israel is expanding and keeping the Palestinians as far away as possible, and unreasonably the worse of the two solutions based on current burning emotions); the Israelis don't trust the UN or any outsider to guarantee their own security and safety and in fact this episode is not helping that distrust.
West Bank becomes permanently part of Jordan and Gaza becomes permanently part of Egypt.
Yes yes, I agree.
You have no idea what a ridiculous statement
@@geaca3222 yep i will never understand why palestinians chose to brutally try and commit genocide against the iraelies back in the arab-israeli conflict and then have the gall to question why they're being treated the way they are
For such a contentious topic I think y’all did a great job reporting on it
An Israeli soldier targeted and killed a 10 year old boy? What a liar. He should be , but I know he's not, ashamed of himself
The difference is that the Palestinians and Islamic are calling for Israel and Jew genocide and Israel ans Jews don't call for the Palestinians and Muslims genocide. The Palesinians declined every peace offer even when they got 99% of what they asked for, Israel never started a war just won every one when needed to defend itself. Not to mention the difference in human values
Lies lies
Hamas tried a genocide in a day and failed, the IDF could commit a genocide ANY day but won’t
Please teach them that Israel is an angel of peace and the bad palestinians are trying to cut its wings ... bohoo
@@celinyin1494no, unfortunately there very much true. Israel has made two offers for peace, one in 2000 and the other in 2008. Palestine, namely Hamas refused both, even when Israel offered 66% more of the Gaza Strip to them. But Hamas want all non-Muslims mainly Jews but non-Muslim nonetheless to leave the area. As well activist don’t seem to remember how Palestinians started the Lebanese Civil War with their mass killings of Christians and turning Lebanon essentially into a launchpad to attack Israel.
The pain the Palestinians are suffering is self inflicted so stop telling everyone they must sympathize and support your cause.
Im glad 60 minutes had studemt palestinian leaders talk about empathy and understanding the root cause. His reaction to his best friene dying......thats how violence perpetuates. We have 2 ethnicities who have experienced generational trauma. The difference is a power imbalance between Israel and palestine.
@JasonKing12348People don’t usually lie about their experiences. And palestinians being killed and treated like second class citizens is not something new
If Palestinian government in Gaza (aka Hamas) had more power, we know exactly what they would do and we saw it on October 7.
Fairly certain he is lying, he is a "leader." One that claims that his best friend was shot in the chest in cold blood, point blank range, standing next to him by a Israeli soldier. Yet for some reason he was spared. There might be some truth to his story but I an highly doubtful it is the full truth. On top of this his organization does nothing about individuals defacing Israeli missing persons posters, while he claims to condem Hamas on Oct 7th. You would think his personal child hood experience, would bridge some emotion when seeing a kidnapped child poster being defaced. Yet we see nothing on this front. There is a book called extreme ownership writen by Navy seals. This guy like Hamas Leadership shows no ownership of their actions or their peoples which is the prominent problem today.
I have heard the exact same sad story on RUclips, told by another Palestinian. @JasonKing12348
Israelis From Across The Globe Fly Home To Join Fight Against Hamas.
What about the Palestinians?
Exactly. Why aren't all the pro Palestinians flying to defend those in Gaza. All they do is protest.
This is the United State, we shouldn't be holding any other countrtry flags other than US flag
Where were these people when our government ws bombing Marawi City a few years back? Oh yes most of these people never heard of Marawi City cos no Jews were involved in the battle. Whenever the word Israel or Jew is mentioned something triggers these people into madness
These students seem brainwashed.
Which students?
@@VeteranWayne the ones with the star of david.
Yes,It's israeli people.
@@farqueuemancorrection. Its the star of remphan.
@@caravanroseactually you're 100% correct.
"If Tuesday’s hearing made anything clear, it’s that the time for having it both ways, at the expense of Jews, must come to an end now!" Bret Stevens, NYT Columnist, 10. Dec., Spot On!
Looks like progressive socialist have a lot in common with national socialist. Rebranded with a few different ingredients.
My question is..... How many innocent would die if Israel allowed Hanas to continue with their pledge of destroying Israel and killing all Jews?
imagine how many palestinians would die if hamas surrendered to the israeli government
In light of the Hamas-Israeli war after October 7th...and after watching the heads of these schools testify before Congress concerning the Anti-Semetic protests in their campuses (The Latinate plural form campi), I came to realize that the level of education attained is not necessarily equal to the level of intelligence acquired. As Saint Marie Eugenie said, “Education is to allow the good in every person to break through the rock that imprisons it and bring it into the light where it can blossom and shed its radiance.” But these schools are allowing hatred to take hold under the guise of "free-speech." Hence...These so-called elite ivy legue schools are like Land Rovers: expensive, elitist and luxurious, and ultimately nothing but self-aggrandized, pretentious and junk!
How are they allowing hate-speech for the sake of free speech?
It seems that critizising Israel for the bombings are very easily called «anti-semitic», but the people standing with Israel is not called any word that has the same meaning.
Very well put.
Points for inserting “campi” and a perfect score for landing the dismount using the illustration of a Land Rover to depict the highfalutin costume of our Ivy League Universities.
Technically Palestine is more semitic the the Caucasian/ turkic israelis.
@@KiLo9530it was quote good. It recalled my two years at Emerson College decades back, listening to entitled idiots whone about a world they didn't understand. Instead I transferred to Brooklyn Cille where we got much of the same for 1/5 the cost.
We are not creating our best.
@@thephotoandthestory Paying $0.20 on the dollar for the same quality education probably saved you from funding a professor’s lifetime subscription to ‘The New Yorker,’ a musings column and lecture fees where they talk to mostly empty chairs about the most “important topics of today.”
Good reporting. Both sides deserve peace and respect. I hope Dartmouth can set an example for others.🙏
The main problem, that the pro Palestine lives for revenge. Not for better future
Pro israel side ain't working for better future either, with that whole "no innocents in gaza" and "make gaza flat again" bs
@@averagecitizen863 agreed, but the main conversation it's not pro Israel, as also there is context behind that there is no innocent ppl sentence,but make gaza flat again it's disgusting saying.
But the Palestine needs to start need to educate themselves for a better life not a better war
@@roylebitski6685In their ancestral homeland.
@@YaleinPrague as also the Jews so...
@@roylebitski6685 jesus christ dude they are removing families from their homes in what world does this Israeli ocupación become a "no inocente side" situation?
The invented people can never return to Gaza, it's over, it must not happen. Israel is the state of the Jews, always has been and always will be.
Gotta give props where props are due 👏🏾. Good shyt @60Minutes. I've prayed many nights that we ALL can just have a complex but simple conversation. I'm soooo tired of the division and negative energy surrounding the entire globe 🌎. Here's an Oldie but a goodie... LOVE THY NEIGHBOR
Its so hard to uproot, the way you were brought up, your heart is with your family, its so hard to change your beliefs, I'm so glad 60 minutes, showed this!!!! Education is 🗝️ key.. thousands of years , fighting, hate, pain, loss, anger, repeat" ❤ break the cycle" LOVE, !
With all the social media culture wars, and identity politics taking centre stage and the self segregation of communities it's hard to cut through the hate around at the moment.
Support of Palestinian rights is being portrayed as support of Hamas
Yes. It is just one of many Zionist tricks
It might not be support of Hamas, but it is hatred of Israel.
The youth of today have much bigger problems facing them. Wake up kids!
Yes like gender identity??? Smh they dont face any problems. Stop. They are coddled beyond belief
just because there are other things happening in the world doesn’t mean they can’t advocate for countries in need
@@grandpagirl Correct advocate clowns if they wish. The world belongs to the youth. What eats them is not my concern.
03:00 she was actively fueling hatred in public places, then there's no reason cry and get upset when she might not be able to graduate anymore? she dug her own grave.
That Merriam"free palestine" riot inciting protester girl says she faces repercussions for being what amounts to a supporter of terrorism well shouldnt she face negative repercussions? right
I hope business owners refuse to hire anyone from Harvard & Columbia who participated in this 💩☠️
The solution for this problem in the University spaces is simple - LESS protesting, MORE LEARNING. This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY for students to setup Information sharing groups. Twice a week, students should all meetup in an auditorium at which any pertinent information students discover that informs their opinions can be shared via videos, interviews, historical documents, etc. It is obvious students feel entitled to an opinion about a problem that is rooted in aspects far deeper than what they are accustomed to. They are treating it as if it is a political, academic and conflict that can be rationally discussed and negotiated. But that is the mistake. Israel shares western logical discourse. Arab culture is an Islamic value system which informs EVERY aspect of the dillemma. I know for a fact that well over 90% of students have ZERO knowledge and comprehension of Arab-Islamic Ideology. It's so foolish to watch these kids going bananas and going in circles with the same talking points that all barely scratch the surface of what's really going on.
American kids, we don't realize Palestinians are a part of a broader culture, that is Arab-Muslim- which does not use the same set of ethics or even all the same hierarchy of values. If this is not included in the discourse, the BIGGEST point of contention is missed. Very stupid. I'm embarrassed for them expressing so much rage and Social moral righteousness, while being totally ignorant of the biggest problem. It shows how much they care more about being right and being angry and crying, than about sitting down in the library reading, seeking suppressed information and uncovering the conspiracies, so they can write innovative papers on the subject. They are just being children putting on their little show. They think they are actively being a part of the "solution" when in this case, they are imitating many of the same behavior patterns that are rampant in the middle east. This is like a true test of stupidity- Monkey See, Monkey Do. At some point one Monkey has to see other monkey approach and say "that's not working" and go to the drawing board. Or not.
There are aspects of Islamic tribalism which value NON-Compromise. They hold on to everything from the past like a grudge, so it's hard to tell if when we are intending to sit and have discourse for solutions, whether they (Islamic-Arab representatives) are engaging with you with the same intent, or simply there to convince you further why they have a natural right to the whole pie. Lastly, it's a disingenuous debate around this whole issue if it is not inclusive of 1. the principles of the Quran, 2. How Islam is an all inclusive belief system- the culture, Politics and set of laws with specific and extreme punishments for what westerners consider minor infractions. 3. that the Quran is riddled with teaching hatred and demonization of Jews. 4. That they practice and believe in the Quran to this day as if nothing has changed since the 7th century. They don't comprehend naturally that laws and beliefs are two separate conversations, and so on. The religious element is so crucial to this context that students getting all worked up creating tension and divide is an absolute waste of time, that will lead to the same outcome as has existed in the Middle East - a NEVER ENDING running around in circles yelling and throwing tantrums about their anger and frustration. The students are literally unwittingly absorbing the same conflict from Palestine to Columbia University. Except its extra dumb because it's an education institution that should have plenty of trustworthy sources of information, and the teachers should be present to this issue and be designing new educational programs on the fly to resolve the violence through access to KNOWLEDGE, deeper historical influences at play, hidden alliances, and critical analysis of all media especially news sources in Palestine, Iran, etc. Cmon professors, are you all still committed to Truth and education as a way to solving problems?? Or are you all too scared to allow the Truths to be seen and spoken, for fear of being a target? If WW3 begins, I blame you, the University Professors, especially at the so called reputable ones (one of which I graduated from). I won 't be impressed when students start getting hurt, and I will hold the teachers accountable for it, for not honoring facts and critical analysis as KING of academic value!
60 Minutes has been a bastion of quality journalism for as long as I can remember. I learn so much from this program. This is the dialogue we need.
60 minutes is corrupt like most of the mainstream media unfortunately. And it goes back a long way. Like back in the 80’s when they rigged an Audi to make their cars appear unsafe and when they failed to report on the tobacco industry having advance knowledge of the health risks associated with their products.
Palestinian feel endangered on the Columbia University. Palestinian people are not giving the equal rights to speak for their people. The Jewish people can't acknowledge that they are getting special treatment. Pro Israeli has a building not so much for the Palestinians. Treatment is not equal.
College campuses = waste of space
This is excellent reporting
I don't get why they demand everyone to condemn anyone. Let people have freedom of speech, thoughts and opinions.
Protests against the Israeli government or protests against zionism are not the same as anti-semitism.
They are when they call for the destruction of Israel which is the goal of Hamas.
Well… when you have a double standard against the one tiny Jewish state it kinda is
Revenge is a bad thing to do. It means you have no values in life.
Stand still and watch God work.The Lion of Judah will ROAR and those big mouths will TREMBLE with FEAR
Always remember this pattern,
1) Conflict is almost always between the 'peaceful' religion vs other religions
2) Other 'Peaceful' countries will not accept those affected peacefuls as their refugees, but they somehow sneak into non-'peaceful' countries. (Russia, whole EU problem with refugees: France, Germany, Spain etc., India divided into 3+ countries, Iran was not an islamic state initially)
3) once they are into non-'peaceful' countries, they create separate laws and try to break that country too.
4) Political parties pandering to vote banks of these countries are always playing them up as victims no matter how violent they get
5) Criticism of the 'peaceful' religion is blasphemy in peaceful countries and Islamophobia in non peaceful countries which means the religion can never be criticized or refined..
This issue has nothing to do with religion. It’s a fight over land theft, occupation, oppression and war crimes.
What is your point here?
@@rattle-can-resto5893 Israeli propaganda.
@@rattle-can-resto5893Whyt ppl do that too in non whyt countries
These protests aren’t pro-Palestinian, they are pro Hamas & antisemitic. The pro-Hamas protests are violent, intimidating, & chaotic. Whereas, the pro-Israel demonstrations are peaceful & dignified. There is a HUGE difference in these groups. One is violent & the other wants peace. If Hamas stopped attacking Israel, they’d be left alone by Israel. Hamas needs to return the hostages & surrender. This is on them, not Israel to ‘ceasefire’.
You do realize that this goes back 75 years with Israel displacing the Palestinians and creating and apartheid state right? Hamas didnt exist at the beginning and you can look up how many times Israel has violated previous ceasefires. This is not the first time Israel "mows the lawn" using deception to justify the killing of civilians. Palestine has never been "left alone" and it never has been able to avoid conflict with the oppressive state of Israel.
Actions speak louder than words.
No, no. They're anti-satanic.
What this Palestinian fails to mention is that his friend had a gun in his hand. Would he condemn HAMAS
And what you failed to mention is that he was killed by some European jew who invaded and took his land
@@mohh5560 you've just displayed racist thoughts. The literature suggests just the opposite.
3:50 dresses in a terrorist garb around her neck, cries people call her a terrorist.
Have empathy for Palestinian civilians caught (by Hamas) in the cross fire. Have empathy for peaceful Palestinians caught (by Hamas and the PA) behind an impenetrable wall of hatred for Jews which causes the to have to live under occupation. This is who you have empathy for. Have empathy for a Jewish population that just wants to live somewhere where they can't be expelled and exiled, and have their own state and live in peace, but can't because of "Jew Hatred". If this Medawi guy and others like him want others to "feel his pain", his head it not in the right place. Once you realize that the person you are fighting against just wants peace, the pain ends. Want others to lay down their arms and accept a peaceful solution and the pain will end. Love your children more than you hate the Jews, and the pain will end...
I wonder if they would be as brave if they had to actually go to battle for people who live so far away.
some students feel unsafe because of protests. imagine how palestinian children under constant bombardment feel. what a crazy world
tu quo que. Die imagining. The reality IS , these students are in USA. Be mindful of your host country. Respect, please. If these students want to resolve problems from a faraway country, silently pack up, ship out TO that country and help there. End of story.
The size of the pro-Palestinian crowds and the size of the pro-Israeli crowds tells you everything you need to know.
Says nothing ..
It tells you that people who by definition don't yet have a complete college education have sided with the terrorists.
What I can see. One is peaceful, one is violent
Those students should go to Gaza to protest not in America,those Universities should not allowed it,they need permits to do this.Its about Hamas terrorist that’s happened in Gaza it’s not about Palestinian and Israel need to understand it.
Why don't call a terrorist attack
My polarized friends and I were profoundly centered after watching: *Frontline's **_Shattered Dreams of Peace._* In the two-hour report, the whole problem comes into focus and suggests no remedy _(while imparting likely consensus about the solution)._ The two-state outcome is imperative, but first there's an obstacle course requiring outside help _(international contingency)_ to facilitate the solution and enforce peace _(likely for a generation)._
Watch Irish comedian Tadhg Hickey explaining the conflict in 2 minutes!!!
Historian Dr. Jake Wasenstein in the Jewish Chronicle did an article saying Islam Saved the Jews. The Muslims protected the Jews in Spain for 800 years. Jews from around Europe were facing extinction and had a place of safety under Muslims ruling and flourished and called it their Golden Age. When the Muslims were defeated and the Spanish Inquisition started prosecuting non catholic and jews, they chose to flee to muslim land in Morocco. Even later Albanian and Bosnian Muslims saved the jews from the Nazis.
Gigi & Bella Hadid father said when Jews were oppressed in Europe and their ship was denied entrance to UK , USA they head to Palestine. Palestinians open their hearts & homes to those refugees! His father took 2 families into his home for 2 years. When Haddid pregnant mother was about to deliver him, she went to his grandparents house. When she returned home her guests took over her house and wouldn’t let her in. Palestinians then became the refugees in their own country!!!
@@nisahmed9121 I saw you are making the same replies to every comment. In doing so you contribute nothing to any conversation. Spam is not conversation. It's only annoying!
@@DarkPesco Is this your contribution to the points I mentioned?!
Thanks for the valuable review, and especially the example of Dartmouth. If the Palestinian guy wants to be seen and others to feel his pain, he has to be ready to see the Jews and feel their pain, too. It cannot be one-sided. There are two opposite narratives. And neither of those narratives is the absolute truth.
Much of the frustration of pro-Palestine people is due to the fact that western media is so overwhelmingly pro-Israel that it creates a David and Goliath type scenario. There's a tendency to minimize Palestinian suffering or not portray it at all.
There cannot be a future of peace for either side of this conflict while one side is allowed to act with impunity!
Anybody who doesn't understand or accept this is denying reality.
Learn about Islam. An ideology which has 6 different types of religiously instituted lying is flawed from the core:
Kitman: deceit by omission
Taqiyya (Shia) or Muda’rat (Sunni): tactical deceit for the purposes of spreading Islam
Tawriya: deceit by deliberate ambiguity
Taysir deceit through facilitation (not observing all the tenets of Sharia by “making things easier”)
Darura: deceit through necessity (to engage in something “Haram” or forbidden such as drinking alcohol to exploit non-Muslims)
Muruna: “flexibility” or temporary suspension of Sharia to make Muslim migrants appear “moderate” and blend in until Muslims are numerically strong enough to enforce Sharia
Can we just take a minute to applause Dartmouth for their stance on this? This is exactly how a university should handle situations such as the Israel-Hamas war!
The Palestinian guy he interviewed is wild. Dude is chasing revenge while simultaneously saying he wants to put a good face to Palestinians, and THEN he says he sympathizes with Oct 7. What a tool.
Almost all are like that. They're extra confused or something
I used to see this kind of thing a lot when I went to university ten years ago, both at my university in Canada and when I studied abroad in Israel (I spent a bit more time in Israel after I graduated). The volume may have turned up because of recent events, but the content hasn't really changed.
I became very disillusioned with Israeli-Palestinian activism of all kinds, but especially on campus. I found this topic was often used as a way for students to show that they're a good person and signal to their friends that they're part of a tribe. They often don't even know that much about the conflict in a lot of cases, and in almost all cases they're getting themselves involved in something they don't REALLY understand.
I care about the opinion of an Israeli who is going to be recalled for reserve duty. I care about the opinion of a Palestinian in East Jerusalem. I care about the opinion of academics on this topic, especially Israeli and Palestinian ones. I'm not very interested in the opinion of a lot of these students. They should be listening rather than think they can save the world or their activism is going to matter one bit.
That being said, I really liked how the teachers and students at Dartmouth featured in this video handled this. We need more of that.
Well said 🙏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Colleges and Universities allowed debates learning from each other coming together to create real leaders.
Not in Colombia
Zero real leaders will be produced from these unis.
But they’re doing the exact opposite!! They’re not studying nor debating. They just want to silence those who do not support them
Dartmouth seems to be doing it the right way. Columbia leadership needs to take lessons.
Judith Varnai Shorer said the biggest threat to Israel is the young black community in America.
just express your opinion and move on instead of yelling and screaming. when you are young and in University trying to look brave, cool, intellectual among your contemporaries and sometimes nutty and silly and not having kids and family to take care of to understand your responsibilities. just remember you are not going to stay young for ever ad when you get old and look back, you will talk to yourself how silly you were acting and will be shaking your head.
you live in America and have everything within your reach and taking it for granted how wonderful life is here.
problem you are yelling and screaming about ( GAZA ) is about 10000 miles away from here. you want to address it you must go there. you want to address it and be compassionate about, you must go there to GAZA. I bet you all you won't last a minute to get your rear-end out of there so quick. because reality is going to hit you on your head like a brick.
Non Biased Reporting. Salute to 60 minutes'.
A definite difference in tone between the two protests. 🤔
Columbia can learn a thing or two from the way Dartmouth is handling the painful situation on both sides. Really commendable to make it a teaching moment; I also thought it would have been obvious, instead of fomenting a greater divide.
These campuses are clearly not healthy environments for young people. There is also scary similarities to behavior in 1940's Berlin.
Canceled all protesting students visa and deport them