I lived with my parents until I was 28, saved for 2.5 years while in my career and it allowed me cushion to build up a savings, travel and buy a house by 29. Do what you gotta do, it’s a privilege to be able to have the opportunity to live with your parents!!
Honestly I feel like it is normal for people in their 20s and 30s to still live with their parents. I’m 22 I work in the quarry industry and I make enough to where I could live on my own. I choose to stay at my parents house because I wanna save up as much as I can before I do eventually move out. But I don’t think it’s a red flag to be in your 30s and still be with your parents. I 100% agree the cost of living is ridiculous. I mean 2000 for a 1 bed 1 bath apartment for rent? Heck No!! And yea everyone needs their alone time here and there and that’s alright too. Personally I feel that as long as you act as an adult and earn your keep at your parents house, pay rent, bills, etc, I don’t see anything wrong with it in all honesty. Also I love these vids they’re so nice and refreshing to listen to after a long work week lol
I am very fortunate enough to be helped by the government financially because I am disabled. I live alone at 22 in a very nice low rent apartment. My relationship with my mother was not very nice, and I am super happy I got to get out of that environment. I thank God for real for blessing me with what I have. Don't be ashamed for living with your parents, if anyone judges you, they clearly do not have a grasp on how this world is working nowadays.
it never made sense to me like why do other people care if someone is living with their parents at a certain age???? it doesnt affect them so they need to just mind their business. you never know what people are going through and in this economy!!! its getting harder and harder to just live. there is no "rule book" on life saying you NEED to move out of your parents home by a certain age, do whatever works for you and makes life easier for you. it is nobody else's business but your own! loving this type of content thalia!
I’m 23 and have been living with my parents during my four years in university (I’ve been wanting to save money). During these four years I’ve felt SO ashmed saying that I still live with my parents. Now that I’ve graduated I feel like people expect me to move right away and moving is the first thing they ask me about. This video really helped me not feeling alone regarding this matter💕
When I was 24 I moved out to Denver. It was my first time on my own and it was definitely a volatile time in my life. Long story short I was making $19/hr, had no driver's license, was on probation, no support system at all, and was $20k in debt. All the debt wasn't racked up there but most of it was. Luckily probation kept me sober and focused enough to seek a better situation for myself, and I ended up landing a remote job. So my time in Denver was a year and a half, I moved back in with my parents on the East Coast bc my job allowed it. I'm 29 now, debt free, have healthy amounts in my bank acct, and have been preparing myself for my next move.
I used to hate living w my parents and i was so excited to move out. it was like they didnt realise i was a real, complete person. then I had to move out for school and it was the worst experience of my life lol. my roommates were impossible to live with, never wanted to talk, never even said hello to me. i came back to my parents' place for the summer bc my mental health was horrible. luckily for me, something about moving out for a year drastically improved my relationship w my parents. now im happy to be here again, they consider and respect me and we can actually have conversations. so ig all that to say, moving back in w your parents shouldnt be embarrassing and sometimes, things can get better unexpectedly
I relate to this so much , I went to college ( a college I didn't even want to go to , I got accepted into my dream college and wanted to go there,but changed my decision because my mom would argue with me every time I try to go to a different college than the one she went to whether I had a scholarship to go or not , she would argue you down saying that she didn't care but she does ) I hated every single second of it , living with roommates wasn't a problem but next door roommates who where always loud , and sharing a bathroom with the whole hall, our college not having wifi , serving the same food everyday , it honestly sucks , and also my mom has severe anxiety, dealing with that is causing me to have severe depression and anxiety myself , i dropped out if college to focus on myself because i had very traumatic experiences there , im getting shifts so i cannmove to a new city or state
@@Literally_dangeleeen wow your situation sounds draining and heavy. and I would have a hard time not feeling resentment in your situation, so I definitely feel for you. hang on tight, in my case it did get better, and im sure it will for you too. 🧡
In Asia (idk if it's the whole continent), but living with your parents even past adulthood is quite common. I'm from Pakistan and for us (idk if it's everyone over there and for all the different religions that live in Pakistan), but we have this thing of living with our parents till marriage you can say, and then we move.
yup, in my country indonesia it's common to live w your parents even until marriage. it depends on your desicion, wheter you decide to live with your parents or move out to your husband/wife house, even if you decide to buy a house for you and your husband/wife to live.
I remember when I was in my late teens and early 20s where I felt embarrassed to be living at home still. I'm 24 now, and I stopped caring because the housing crisis here in the states is absolutely ridiculous. All they really want from me is to pay off my bills, help out with rent if they need the extra help, and I pay for my own groceries. I also get to travel here and there which is a huge bonus!
I love my parents with all my heart and they have supported me so much, but I have always wanted to move out on my own. I’m sure I mentioned this previously but the main reason is because of still being in flight school and having a big debt for that, pair that with the increase in prices on so many things. I defiantly am not ashamed of saying I still live at home. The good thing is I am patiently building myself up and getting close to finishing all my certificates and ratings for flying. Once I get situated with everything and have a airline job, I will be able to go on my own but never forgetting the amazing things and the support my parents given me. I will always be grateful for everything they’ve done while giving back to them too.
Really glad you made this video because people who judge others who live with their parents or other family members need to remember and accept that not everyone is as fortunate as them to be able to live out on their own, especially with the way the world is going. Not everyone is afforded the same opportunities, or has jobs that pay them a livable wage. Some people live at their parents because of college. A friend of mine who had to move back home because of student loans after living with a roommate for a while. Heck, and financially aside, sometimes some people aren’t ready to be independent. Being independent can be both scary and expensive, and while you have to learn to be independent eventually, it doesn’t have to be immediately after you turn 18. And I feel like it’s even worse to judge people for this too because some people don’t even WANT to live at home but have no choice because it’s either that or homelessness, which is infinitely worse than getting a few weird looks from people because you still live at home. Honestly, people need to just mind their business and let others live their lives. They aren’t hurting no one by living in a house. 🤷♀
It’s also good that you can admit that you have the same mindset that subconsciously judges people who live at home with their parents past a certain point. I don’t think it’s automatically a red flag if a man (or woman) lives at home in their 30’s because everyone’s situation is different, and not even men should be pressured to move out just because they’re expected to be the breadwinners. That said! It really comes down to the situation. If he’s got a good paying job and can afford to live alone but stays at home because he wants to support his family or is close to them, that’s a beige flag imo, and only beige because some people are too attached to their parents and it can be weird? and like a hurdle relationship wise. But not everyone is like that obviously. Iit’s a red flag if he lives at home with his parents in his 30’s and you get the feeling that he doesn’t contribute and is kind of a bum leeching off of them. Could be a beige flag because again, everyone’s situation is different and he may just be having trouble finding work. But some dudes are just bums and a lot of stereotypes have some basis in reality, like the basement dweller one’s. It’s also a red flag imo if he lives at home in his 30s because his parents just don’t want him to be independent, but more so from the parents lol
I literally just moved back in with my parents this past Saturday. I am not ashamed of it, but it's soooooo comforting knowing that I'm not alone. I was planning on moving in with my brother, but we both decided we wanted to move in with our parents and help pay off the mortgage. I love this idea because I love my family and communal living is my desired lifestyle so I'm very blessed that my family also value that lifestyle. The family support system is so important.
Hi Thal. Love ya natural makeup 😊💛 Hailing from New York as a recent college graduate with a bachelor's degree in human services and a minor in public administration, I’m 24 years old now and I still live with my parents. It’s traditional in Asian culture that Asian families live together and the sons and daughters, they don't move out until they work out of town or get married. My parents have been pushing me to get married already but I’m not ready to transition to that moment. I’ve had my worst days with ex's, especially during my high school years, and the thoughts of my first ex at high school kinda held me back. That’s why I want to wait and cool down first before I eventually consider embracing that moment to be part of my life I loved how you pointed out the essence of weighing "out the pros and cons" of living with parents. While part of me doesn’t mind living with my parents, which doesn’t seem too bad of a habit or thing, the worst moments of living with them outweighs the best moments I expected. For one, ever since I got dragged into the daycare industry by them, I have to work without any paid time off. Additionally, two years ago, I was involved in a car crash incident that led me to live life with herniated discs on my neck and my back and despite my injuries, my older sister and I still had to work while my father was out in Manhattan doing whatever he was doing lol. My psychological state of well-being fell into question too and I feel that living with parents just to be dragged into the family business in an industry I don’t intend being in isn’t really worth the amount of time wasted. However, the only bonus I see by living with my parents isn’t too bad, as they don’t mind me being out, especially at night, while chilling with my friends
i come from a culture where being with your family and parents until you're married is normal, no one even thinks about moving out nor they want you to move out it's interesting to see different perspectives on the topics from different countries and cultures also i this has to do with they type of society you come from, the western world (generally speaking) tend to gravitate more towards individualism and the "I", while eastern ones (also generally speaking) are more about the community and "we". Thus why we see youth moving out from their homes in the USA lets say, much more than they do in asian countries loving the new content so so much, been an avid follower for years I'm so happy to be seeing this
see im the opposite, i am 26 and i do have a close friendship with my mama but because of having a toxic abusive brother, i am wanting to move out and get away from him. my bf and i both live with our parents and are trying to find an apartment but it's so expensive nowadays. we moved in with our grandparents few years ago until we could find another place but decided to stay so we could take care of them. now unfortunately , it's just my grandpa left that we're taking care of. i always try and make sure to give him some money whether it's for rent, groceries or electricity bill while also trying to move out. society always makes us feel like we're doing something wrong because it's so judgmental. i shouldn't feel ashamed of having a roof over my head and food on the table. my bf and i are trying to save up money for a used car and it's already expensive to find one around $1.6-3.0k the apartments nowadays are more than that.
Im also 25 and living with my parents lol. Thankfully I have a good relationship with them. Also, with all the money I save, I get to travel alot and see the world
You gotta do what's right for you being your best self. If you have parent's and a home that is a good and nurturing environment use your assets to help reach your maximum potential. One danger though is complacency and taking things too easy. If you need to you will find a way to make it on your own and it might even help you stretch and reach more potential than you thought you were capable of when you are forced to. For those of us without parents or a home to go back to, you will get creative and find a way to survive. Still, the important thing is what is best for your growth and being the best you. Good luck out there all!
Bestie you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL here [ as always! ] - I love this new path you’re going down content wise, please keep these videos going 🥰 I think there's absolutely no shame in living at home in your 20's. I'm 25 and still live with my Mum and it's the best thing, yes we both need our own space from time to time, but knowing when we need to take a break from each other, and equally knowing when we need to spend more time together only makes our bond stronger. If your parents are happy with you living with them then why wouldn't you take that offer? There's just so much judgement nowadays with literally EVERYTHING. The saying "the only person judging you, is yourself" is all well and good but also at the same time, everyone is a judge - it just depends on the topic
When my husband and I moved to Germany I was surprised how normal it is people still living with their parents. Their parents lived in their own part of the home.
If you're young still, you don't understand how crazy this is gonna get when you get older. IF you so happen to buy a house, you deal with paying mortgage, property tax, home insurance, house repairs, HOA fees (if you do that, but how houses are developed now, you have no choice honestly), water bills, electric bills, etc (and dont forget that brand new car you bought to show off). AND THEYRE NEVER GETTING CHEAPER. This is America, prices will never go down and wages never go up. Gas used to be less than $2 and if they really wanted to (which they will), they'll charge 7 a gallon. If you go for an apartment, you pay at least $1k+ a month for something you don't even own and you have next door neighbors who hopefully don't suck, ALSO you're probably gonna buy a fancy car that you'll spend 20 years to pay off, but HEY at least you got the respect off of somebody on the Internet. I DIDNT EVEN MENTION HEALTHCARE.
As a 31 year old man who is stuck at home due to financial issues and losing my job, this video truly makes me feel awful about myself. I understand I will be alone until I am on my own.
I have always enjoyed listening to your perspective on things and listening to you discussing staying at home has made me feel better about my journey right now as a 22 year old. I’ve been comparing myself to all of the other girls my age and how they are able to travel the world or living on their own etc… but I am simply not in the position to do so because I have disabilities and it has altered my life right now and I am trying to find myself again and I am trying to accept that this is my path right now and I cannot lose myself in this process🌱
I’m 21 and recently broke up with my 27 y/o boyfriend… The entire financial load was on ME. He never got a job in the two years we were together and his mom still pays and does everything for him. To me, it’s a HUGE red flag- NOT the living with the parents part but the not doing SOMETHING with your life at that point, especially because he has a son… 8:35 😅
I'm 21 my brother is 27 and my brother takes care of me sometimes , my parents aren't in the best financial state , so he helps out with my expenses, so that's kinda wild to see
i’ve lived in many different sized homes as i’ve moved more times than i can remember at this point, so yes but it heavily depends on where it is because environment personally plays a huuuuge role in my mental well being. thanks so much for watching! (:
In the Arabic world you can't move out your parents home and live alone boys or girls, only for education or job if it's far but you still should back home in the weekends or you move for marriage, if girl is not married she stays at her parents home and she even takes her father's retirement salary after his death. We are very protected here
i needed this SO BAD u have no idea!!! im 23 almost 24 and im not moving out anytime soon. some days im like ugh i need to, but others im like omg i cant afford that so 💞💞💞😭😭😭
My 30 year old daughter and I live together, we live in Ontario. There's no way that either of us could afford to live in a part of the city where we feel safe, or have the financial security we have if we lived alone. We'd both be living paycheque to paycheque, somewhere where we didn't feel safe, with no ability to put money aside for emergencies.
I moved out of my moms house at 15 and moved back in when I was 18 its' different for everyone and honestly its a blessing if your parents allow you to pay rent and live with them. Best case scenario you don't have to worry about them trying to hurt you in your sleep and they're easier to forgive and to let you be forgiven because its blood and not just two strangers housed together. I don't care if you're 40 respect your parents, pay your bills , buy your groceries and give each other space. Who cares about societies standards most of those jokers are in loveless relationships because they can't afford to live on their own and their parents don't want to deal with them. Happy people don't tare down other only people that think bitter things are sweet do.
I am from India, nd here we live with our parents, even after marriage, if you are a son you live with parents. I loved this video cause it is so interesting how different our cultures are, all over the world. Love you thalia
Let me tell you here in Italy is normal to go live on your own basically just before your 30s. Like if someone that is 20 is going to live alone, that comes out as "weird" or people certainly will think that's too soon
I’m in my 20s and I want to live with my mom for as long as I can the only issue is that I have to share a bedroom with her but my living situation would be perfect if I had my own space edit: I share a bedroom with her because we live in nyc and I’m unemployed
I agree with what you said. I do think that a man should be stable and have a place because men are supposed to be providers in their 30s and I also feel like women should stay at home until we are married. I don't see an issue with it men and women are different so "double standards" don't really exist we can't be compared to each other because we were created for different things. Men to provide and women to be nurturing and a helpmate. Sidenote: IDC who disagrees keep it to yourself or make your own comment don't reply to mine :).
Well what also comes into play here is when your parents reach the age of not being able to take care of themselves anymore...and they move in with you. The ultimate failure is not being able to take care of them when they now need your help. And if you have a good relationship with your parents, stick around for a bit and save up to BUY a house, and not waste money on rent. Then everything comes full circle, two places to call home, and life long investments 🙂 :-))))))))
I'm sorry for being a creep but tbh I'm a failure and I'm failing incredible in a fail society, I live in a LATAM country... And tbh Thalia you don't have an idea how much of a success you can be nothing to be ashamed or bad with your life I Know you have struggled and you have prevail amazingly 😊
Also, we don't live any more in societies were you can start from scratch, and build your home, I think new societies required to build over and with what your family have 😅😅
I think in their 30’s is a red flag, because do you even know how to live alone?? It would be concerning for me because I would want them to know how to pay bills, keep a house clean, go grocery shopping, clean & decorate a house etc. I guess because I don’t have a great relationship with my parents, I want to get out right away, & I always felt others should too. It’s a sign of independence for me, but I’m more open to a situation like yours! Where you’re contributing with bills & groceries etc! I also think independence is a good thing, your parents aren’t going to be around forever SO you need to learn how to live without them! If you’ve lived with them for 30 years, will you even know how to survive alone?? That’s where my concern is.
Umm how can you move out if you can't afford the rent and no one will give you a chance. And a mortgage is cheaper but they still won't give you one even though youd be able to afford mortgage because its less than renting. 😅 Im disabled and rely on my mum tbh so until someone comes that wants to look after me and knows my income is minimum i have no choice.
I would try to find a work from home job or you can get social security if your disabled , my dad had a bad back injury he gets social security check , my friend who has a leg surgery gets a disability check too
Sorry for so many comments, but the dude that said you’re a failure for living with your parents past 25 is ridiculous because he’s definitely speaking from a place that assumes that everyone’s situation is the same. “The worst thing that’ll happen if you fail is you have to move back in with your parents” like that’s not true for everyone and that should go without saying. For example, what about the people who have bad relationships with their parents or left on bad terms? The types of parents who tell their kids that they can’t come back if they choose to leave? Obviously it’s good to take chances sometimes but it’s smartest to do so only when you have things to fall back on. Not everyone does. A lot of people are going to take his advice without thinking about it and mess up their futures, not realizing that he likely had all the things he needed to succeed, or at least a place to go back to if he didn’t, and is speaking to them from a privileged position.
never apologize for leaving multiple comments! i LOVE hearing your thoughts! couldn't agree more. you simply can't make a blanket statement as everyone's situation is soo so unique. thank you for leaving all your opinions, i enjoyed reading em & getting a peek inside your mind. (:
some of these idiots online with a cellphone post a bunch of nonsense. The dude telling people to move out with no plan at 25 is an idiot. It's a waste of your time and money to move out without a plan for the sake of saying you did it smh. By his logic he's telling people to set themselves up for failure for the experience sake what a load of baloney.
My mental health got sooo much better after moving out of my parents house…they were mentally abusive and harassing… never been happier in my 26 years of my life! Been 6months moving out. Fortunately I live in Korea so rent is pretty low than US, so I am grateful that I can afford living alone in Seoul.
i relate to you girlie, im very blessed to have my parents and be able to live with them 🥺💕 but, they’re divorced & separated so i’m always living with one or the other 😅 still i agree and they’re my besties too and i love them. 🥹💗 it’s a blessing to have support and have a place provided that will help you get on your own. i loveeee your hair by the way 🥰🥰
I lived with my parents until I was 28, saved for 2.5 years while in my career and it allowed me cushion to build up a savings, travel and buy a house by 29. Do what you gotta do, it’s a privilege to be able to have the opportunity to live with your parents!!
Honestly I feel like it is normal for people in their 20s and 30s to still live with their parents. I’m 22 I work in the quarry industry and I make enough to where I could live on my own. I choose to stay at my parents house because I wanna save up as much as I can before I do eventually move out. But I don’t think it’s a red flag to be in your 30s and still be with your parents. I 100% agree the cost of living is ridiculous. I mean 2000 for a 1 bed 1 bath apartment for rent? Heck No!! And yea everyone needs their alone time here and there and that’s alright too. Personally I feel that as long as you act as an adult and earn your keep at your parents house, pay rent, bills, etc, I don’t see anything wrong with it in all honesty. Also I love these vids they’re so nice and refreshing to listen to after a long work week lol
I am very fortunate enough to be helped by the government financially because I am disabled.
I live alone at 22 in a very nice low rent apartment. My relationship with my mother was not very nice, and I am super happy I got to get out of that environment. I thank God for real for blessing me with what I have.
Don't be ashamed for living with your parents, if anyone judges you, they clearly do not have a grasp on how this world is working nowadays.
Living with parents is the smartest move
it never made sense to me like why do other people care if someone is living with their parents at a certain age???? it doesnt affect them so they need to just mind their business. you never know what people are going through and in this economy!!! its getting harder and harder to just live. there is no "rule book" on life saying you NEED to move out of your parents home by a certain age, do whatever works for you and makes life easier for you. it is nobody else's business but your own! loving this type of content thalia!
I’m 23 and have been living with my parents during my four years in university (I’ve been wanting to save money). During these four years I’ve felt SO ashmed saying that I still live with my parents. Now that I’ve graduated I feel like people expect me to move right away and moving is the first thing they ask me about. This video really helped me not feeling alone regarding this matter💕
This new genre of content ur doing is so good Thal! 🤩 much love miss 🤍🤍
ahh yay!! i’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying the new content ((:
When I was 24 I moved out to Denver. It was my first time on my own and it was definitely a volatile time in my life. Long story short I was making $19/hr, had no driver's license, was on probation, no support system at all, and was $20k in debt. All the debt wasn't racked up there but most of it was. Luckily probation kept me sober and focused enough to seek a better situation for myself, and I ended up landing a remote job. So my time in Denver was a year and a half, I moved back in with my parents on the East Coast bc my job allowed it. I'm 29 now, debt free, have healthy amounts in my bank acct, and have been preparing myself for my next move.
if my situation was different i would be still living at home with my mum
same here :/
I used to hate living w my parents and i was so excited to move out. it was like they didnt realise i was a real, complete person. then I had to move out for school and it was the worst experience of my life lol. my roommates were impossible to live with, never wanted to talk, never even said hello to me. i came back to my parents' place for the summer bc my mental health was horrible. luckily for me, something about moving out for a year drastically improved my relationship w my parents. now im happy to be here again, they consider and respect me and we can actually have conversations. so ig all that to say, moving back in w your parents shouldnt be embarrassing and sometimes, things can get better unexpectedly
I relate to this so much , I went to college ( a college I didn't even want to go to , I got accepted into my dream college and wanted to go there,but changed my decision because my mom would argue with me every time I try to go to a different college than the one she went to whether I had a scholarship to go or not , she would argue you down saying that she didn't care but she does ) I hated every single second of it , living with roommates wasn't a problem but next door roommates who where always loud , and sharing a bathroom with the whole hall, our college not having wifi , serving the same food everyday , it honestly sucks , and also my mom has severe anxiety, dealing with that is causing me to have severe depression and anxiety myself , i dropped out if college to focus on myself because i had very traumatic experiences there , im getting shifts so i cannmove to a new city or state
@@Literally_dangeleeen wow your situation sounds draining and heavy. and I would have a hard time not feeling resentment in your situation, so I definitely feel for you. hang on tight, in my case it did get better, and im sure it will for you too. 🧡
Please live with your parents as long as you can life is so expensive and freedom comes with a high price it is so expensive.
I am here for this content😫 so REAL. Its always comforting to know youre not alone in these situations.
it makes me SO smiley to hear you’re enjoying this content, you have no idea ((: thank you so much for watching! ♥️
Us Latinos like to stick together.
In Asia (idk if it's the whole continent), but living with your parents even past adulthood is quite common.
I'm from Pakistan and for us (idk if it's everyone over there and for all the different religions that live in Pakistan), but we have this thing of living with our parents till marriage you can say, and then we move.
yup, in my country indonesia it's common to live w your parents even until marriage. it depends on your desicion, wheter you decide to live with your parents or move out to your husband/wife house, even if you decide to buy a house for you and your husband/wife to live.
I remember when I was in my late teens and early 20s where I felt embarrassed to be living at home still. I'm 24 now, and I stopped caring because the housing crisis here in the states is absolutely ridiculous. All they really want from me is to pay off my bills, help out with rent if they need the extra help, and I pay for my own groceries. I also get to travel here and there which is a huge bonus!
I love my parents with all my heart and they have supported me so much, but I have always wanted to move out on my own. I’m sure I mentioned this previously but the main reason is because of still being in flight school and having a big debt for that, pair that with the increase in prices on so many things.
I defiantly am not ashamed of saying I still live at home. The good thing is I am patiently building myself up and getting close to finishing all my certificates and ratings for flying. Once I get situated with everything and have a airline job, I will be able to go on my own but never forgetting the amazing things and the support my parents given me. I will always be grateful for everything they’ve done while giving back to them too.
Really glad you made this video because people who judge others who live with their parents or other family members need to remember and accept that not everyone is as fortunate as them to be able to live out on their own, especially with the way the world is going. Not everyone is afforded the same opportunities, or has jobs that pay them a livable wage. Some people live at their parents because of college. A friend of mine who had to move back home because of student loans after living with a roommate for a while. Heck, and financially aside, sometimes some people aren’t ready to be independent. Being independent can be both scary and expensive, and while you have to learn to be independent eventually, it doesn’t have to be immediately after you turn 18.
And I feel like it’s even worse to judge people for this too because some people don’t even WANT to live at home but have no choice because it’s either that or homelessness, which is infinitely worse than getting a few weird looks from people because you still live at home.
Honestly, people need to just mind their business and let others live their lives. They aren’t hurting no one by living in a house. 🤷♀
It’s also good that you can admit that you have the same mindset that subconsciously judges people who live at home with their parents past a certain point. I don’t think it’s automatically a red flag if a man (or woman) lives at home in their 30’s because everyone’s situation is different, and not even men should be pressured to move out just because they’re expected to be the breadwinners. That said! It really comes down to the situation. If he’s got a good paying job and can afford to live alone but stays at home because he wants to support his family or is close to them, that’s a beige flag imo, and only beige because some people are too attached to their parents and it can be weird? and like a hurdle relationship wise. But not everyone is like that obviously.
Iit’s a red flag if he lives at home with his parents in his 30’s and you get the feeling that he doesn’t contribute and is kind of a bum leeching off of them. Could be a beige flag because again, everyone’s situation is different and he may just be having trouble finding work. But some dudes are just bums and a lot of stereotypes have some basis in reality, like the basement dweller one’s. It’s also a red flag imo if he lives at home in his 30s because his parents just don’t want him to be independent, but more so from the parents lol
I literally just moved back in with my parents this past Saturday. I am not ashamed of it, but it's soooooo comforting knowing that I'm not alone. I was planning on moving in with my brother, but we both decided we wanted to move in with our parents and help pay off the mortgage. I love this idea because I love my family and communal living is my desired lifestyle so I'm very blessed that my family also value that lifestyle. The family support system is so important.
Hi Thal. Love ya natural makeup 😊💛
Hailing from New York as a recent college graduate with a bachelor's degree in human services and a minor in public administration, I’m 24 years old now and I still live with my parents. It’s traditional in Asian culture that Asian families live together and the sons and daughters, they don't move out until they work out of town or get married. My parents have been pushing me to get married already but I’m not ready to transition to that moment. I’ve had my worst days with ex's, especially during my high school years, and the thoughts of my first ex at high school kinda held me back. That’s why I want to wait and cool down first before I eventually consider embracing that moment to be part of my life
I loved how you pointed out the essence of weighing "out the pros and cons" of living with parents. While part of me doesn’t mind living with my parents, which doesn’t seem too bad of a habit or thing, the worst moments of living with them outweighs the best moments I expected. For one, ever since I got dragged into the daycare industry by them, I have to work without any paid time off. Additionally, two years ago, I was involved in a car crash incident that led me to live life with herniated discs on my neck and my back and despite my injuries, my older sister and I still had to work while my father was out in Manhattan doing whatever he was doing lol. My psychological state of well-being fell into question too and I feel that living with parents just to be dragged into the family business in an industry I don’t intend being in isn’t really worth the amount of time wasted. However, the only bonus I see by living with my parents isn’t too bad, as they don’t mind me being out, especially at night, while chilling with my friends
i come from a culture where being with your family and parents until you're married is normal, no one even thinks about moving out nor they want you to move out
it's interesting to see different perspectives on the topics from different countries and cultures
also i this has to do with they type of society you come from, the western world (generally speaking) tend to gravitate more towards individualism and the "I", while eastern ones (also generally speaking) are more about the community and "we". Thus why we see youth moving out from their homes in the USA lets say, much more than they do in asian countries
loving the new content so so much, been an avid follower for years I'm so happy to be seeing this
same for my culture and i've been dying to move out but i cant until i'm married.
see im the opposite, i am 26 and i do have a close friendship with my mama but because of having a toxic abusive brother, i am wanting to move out and get away from him. my bf and i both live with our parents and are trying to find an apartment but it's so expensive nowadays. we moved in with our grandparents few years ago until we could find another place but decided to stay so we could take care of them. now unfortunately , it's just my grandpa left that we're taking care of. i always try and make sure to give him some money whether it's for rent, groceries or electricity bill while also trying to move out. society always makes us feel like we're doing something wrong because it's so judgmental. i shouldn't feel ashamed of having a roof over my head and food on the table. my bf and i are trying to save up money for a used car and it's already expensive to find one around $1.6-3.0k the apartments nowadays are more than that.
Im also 25 and living with my parents lol. Thankfully I have a good relationship with them. Also, with all the money I save, I get to travel alot and see the world
You gotta do what's right for you being your best self. If you have parent's and a home that is a good and nurturing environment use your assets to help reach your maximum potential. One danger though is complacency and taking things too easy. If you need to you will find a way to make it on your own and it might even help you stretch and reach more potential than you thought you were capable of when you are forced to. For those of us without parents or a home to go back to, you will get creative and find a way to survive. Still, the important thing is what is best for your growth and being the best you. Good luck out there all!
Bestie you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL here [ as always! ] - I love this new path you’re going down content wise, please keep these videos going 🥰 I think there's absolutely no shame in living at home in your 20's. I'm 25 and still live with my Mum and it's the best thing, yes we both need our own space from time to time, but knowing when we need to take a break from each other, and equally knowing when we need to spend more time together only makes our bond stronger. If your parents are happy with you living with them then why wouldn't you take that offer? There's just so much judgement nowadays with literally EVERYTHING. The saying "the only person judging you, is yourself" is all well and good but also at the same time, everyone is a judge - it just depends on the topic
When my husband and I moved to Germany I was surprised how normal it is people still living with their parents. Their parents lived in their own part of the home.
If you're young still, you don't understand how crazy this is gonna get when you get older. IF you so happen to buy a house, you deal with paying mortgage, property tax, home insurance, house repairs, HOA fees (if you do that, but how houses are developed now, you have no choice honestly), water bills, electric bills, etc (and dont forget that brand new car you bought to show off). AND THEYRE NEVER GETTING CHEAPER. This is America, prices will never go down and wages never go up. Gas used to be less than $2 and if they really wanted to (which they will), they'll charge 7 a gallon. If you go for an apartment, you pay at least $1k+ a month for something you don't even own and you have next door neighbors who hopefully don't suck, ALSO you're probably gonna buy a fancy car that you'll spend 20 years to pay off, but HEY at least you got the respect off of somebody on the Internet. I DIDNT EVEN MENTION HEALTHCARE.
go off!!! speaking facts... it's WILD (& honestly depressing to think about)
As a 31 year old man who is stuck at home due to financial issues and losing my job, this video truly makes me feel awful about myself. I understand I will be alone until I am on my own.
I have always enjoyed listening to your perspective on things and listening to you discussing staying at home has made me feel better about my journey right now as a 22 year old. I’ve been comparing myself to all of the other girls my age and how they are able to travel the world or living on their own etc… but I am simply not in the position to do so because I have disabilities and it has altered my life right now and I am trying to find myself again and I am trying to accept that this is my path right now and I cannot lose myself in this process🌱
I’m 21 and recently broke up with my 27 y/o boyfriend… The entire financial load was on ME. He never got a job in the two years we were together and his mom still pays and does everything for him. To me, it’s a HUGE red flag- NOT the living with the parents part but the not doing SOMETHING with your life at that point, especially because he has a son… 8:35 😅
I'm 21 my brother is 27 and my brother takes care of me sometimes , my parents aren't in the best financial state , so he helps out with my expenses, so that's kinda wild to see
You do what works for you. It speaks volumes how you feel about them and they feel about you. Always your fan.
Could you see yourself enjoying life in a humble abode? Always delighted to see your videos here!
i’ve lived in many different sized homes as i’ve moved more times than i can remember at this point, so yes but it heavily depends on where it is because environment personally plays a huuuuge role in my mental well being. thanks so much for watching! (:
It's always a wonderful wonderful weekend whenever Thalia posted a new video🥹💖😀
In the Arabic world you can't move out your parents home and live alone boys or girls, only for education or job if it's far but you still should back home in the weekends or you move for marriage, if girl is not married she stays at her parents home and she even takes her father's retirement salary after his death. We are very protected here
u are sooooooooo so stunning as always oh my god, im living for this hair and make up
She's evil
i needed this SO BAD u have no idea!!! im 23 almost 24 and im not moving out anytime soon. some days im like ugh i need to, but others
im like omg i cant afford that so
Canada sucks now I have no way of moving out in this economy everything is too expensive and I’m 21
My 30 year old daughter and I live together, we live in Ontario. There's no way that either of us could afford to live in a part of the city where we feel safe, or have the financial security we have if we lived alone. We'd both be living paycheque to paycheque, somewhere where we didn't feel safe, with no ability to put money aside for emergencies.
im rly loving this content so so much ❤
34 min long video?? oooo I love🤍 i always love your videos & it always brightens my day
20:00 I agree because that’s my situation!! My mental health is PRICELESS, & I’d rather pay for my sanity!
I moved out of my moms house at 15 and moved back in when I was 18 its' different for everyone and honestly its a blessing if your parents allow you to pay rent and live with them. Best case scenario you don't have to worry about them trying to hurt you in your sleep and they're easier to forgive and to let you be forgiven because its blood and not just two strangers housed together. I don't care if you're 40 respect your parents, pay your bills , buy your groceries and give each other space. Who cares about societies standards most of those jokers are in loveless relationships because they can't afford to live on their own and their parents don't want to deal with them. Happy people don't tare down other only people that think bitter things are sweet do.
I am from India, nd here we live with our parents, even after marriage, if you are a son you live with parents.
I loved this video cause it is so interesting how different our cultures are, all over the world.
Love you thalia
really needed this video. thank youu!!!
Let me tell you here in Italy is normal to go live on your own basically just before your 30s. Like if someone that is 20 is going to live alone, that comes out as "weird" or people certainly will think that's too soon
missed u so so much
I’m in my 20s and I want to live with my mom for as long as I can the only issue is that I have to share a bedroom with her but my living situation would be perfect if I had my own space edit: I share a bedroom with her because we live in nyc and I’m unemployed
love love love !!
If my parents weren’t toxic, I would’ve definitely stayed and created a savings and good credit. Take advantage of it if you can!
I agree with what you said. I do think that a man should be stable and have a place because men are supposed to be providers in their 30s and I also feel like women should stay at home until we are married. I don't see an issue with it men and women are different so "double standards" don't really exist we can't be compared to each other because we were created for different things. Men to provide and women to be nurturing and a helpmate. Sidenote: IDC who disagrees keep it to yourself or make your own comment don't reply to mine :).
Well what also comes into play here is when your parents reach the age of not being able to take care of themselves anymore...and they move in with you. The ultimate failure is not being able to take care of them when they now need your help. And if you have a good relationship with your parents, stick around for a bit and save up to BUY a house, and not waste money on rent. Then everything comes full circle, two places to call home, and life long investments 🙂 :-))))))))
35 and living and working at home. Waiting for my bf to say I can come and I'll be ready in 5
I'm sorry for being a creep but tbh I'm a failure and I'm failing incredible in a fail society, I live in a LATAM country... And tbh Thalia you don't have an idea how much of a success you can be nothing to be ashamed or bad with your life I Know you have struggled and you have prevail amazingly 😊
living with parents is veryy common in hispanic households
Also, we don't live any more in societies were you can start from scratch, and build your home, I think new societies required to build over and with what your family have 😅😅
I think in their 30’s is a red flag, because do you even know how to live alone?? It would be concerning for me because I would want them to know how to pay bills, keep a house clean, go grocery shopping, clean & decorate a house etc. I guess because I don’t have a great relationship with my parents, I want to get out right away, & I always felt others should too. It’s a sign of independence for me, but I’m more open to a situation like yours! Where you’re contributing with bills & groceries etc! I also think independence is a good thing, your parents aren’t going to be around forever SO you need to learn how to live without them! If you’ve lived with them for 30 years, will you even know how to survive alone?? That’s where my concern is.
Lost so much respect for you after the live incident.
yeah same tbh
What happened?
@@passingby8394A long time fan of her was being bullied in her livechat and she started laughing.
@@ajaciedenniettestoppen71huh????? when??
thalia I have a question
Umm how can you move out if you can't afford the rent and no one will give you a chance. And a mortgage is cheaper but they still won't give you one even though youd be able to afford mortgage because its less than renting. 😅 Im disabled and rely on my mum tbh so until someone comes that wants to look after me and knows my income is minimum i have no choice.
I would try to find a work from home job or you can get social security if your disabled , my dad had a bad back injury he gets social security check , my friend who has a leg surgery gets a disability check too
@@Literally_dangeleeen I already work from home but it's limited hours. 😔
Sorry for so many comments, but the dude that said you’re a failure for living with your parents past 25 is ridiculous because he’s definitely speaking from a place that assumes that everyone’s situation is the same. “The worst thing that’ll happen if you fail is you have to move back in with your parents” like that’s not true for everyone and that should go without saying. For example, what about the people who have bad relationships with their parents or left on bad terms? The types of parents who tell their kids that they can’t come back if they choose to leave? Obviously it’s good to take chances sometimes but it’s smartest to do so only when you have things to fall back on. Not everyone does. A lot of people are going to take his advice without thinking about it and mess up their futures, not realizing that he likely had all the things he needed to succeed, or at least a place to go back to if he didn’t, and is speaking to them from a privileged position.
never apologize for leaving multiple comments! i LOVE hearing your thoughts! couldn't agree more. you simply can't make a blanket statement as everyone's situation is soo so unique. thank you for leaving all your opinions, i enjoyed reading em & getting a peek inside your mind. (:
some of these idiots online with a cellphone post a bunch of nonsense. The dude telling people to move out with no plan at 25 is an idiot. It's a waste of your time and money to move out without a plan for the sake of saying you did it smh. By his logic he's telling people to set themselves up for failure for the experience sake what a load of baloney.
My mental health got sooo much better after moving out of my parents house…they were mentally abusive and harassing… never been happier in my 26 years of my life! Been 6months moving out. Fortunately I live in Korea so rent is pretty low than US, so I am grateful that I can afford living alone in Seoul.
i’m so happy to hear your mental health has improved! plus how cool, living in Korea - where are you from?
@@HeyItsThaliaBreeI’m Korean! I used to live with my parents in suburban city of Seoul. Also I love your channel ❤
i relate to you girlie, im very blessed to have my parents and be able to live with them 🥺💕 but, they’re divorced & separated so i’m always living with one or the other 😅 still i agree and they’re my besties too and i love them. 🥹💗 it’s a blessing to have support and have a place provided that will help you get on your own. i loveeee your hair by the way 🥰🥰