
  • Опубликовано: 22 май 2024
  • 雞胸肉卷
    1. 將蔥頭和蒜頭攪碎,紅蘿蔔切絲,薯仔切絲,青椒和紅椒切粒備用。
    2. 熱鑊落油,爆香蔥頭和蒜頭粒,加入青椒和紅椒,紅蘿蔔和薯仔,加少許菇粉,鹽,胡椒粉和辣椒粉,翻炒至8成熟取出備用。
    3. 將雞胸肉混合麵包糠和一隻雞蛋,加入步驟2的蔬菜和幾片金不換,搓勻成團狀。
    4. 將步驟3材料放在錫紙上,卷成條狀包好,取一平底鑊加少許水,將其蒸熟。
    5. 打開錫紙,將雞胸肉卷取出,平底鑊落油,放進雞胸肉卷煎至金黃色,取出切片上碟,完成!
    Chicken Breast Roll
    📌 Chicken breast
    📌 Scallions
    📌 Garlic
    📌 Carrots
    📌 Potatoes
    📌 Green bell pepper
    📌 Red bell pepper
    📌 Chicken egg
    📌 Golden needles (mushroom)
    📌 Mushroom powder
    📌 Salt
    📌 Pepper
    📌 Chili powder
    1. Finely chop the scallions and garlic. Shred the carrots and potatoes. Dice the green bell pepper and red bell pepper. Set aside.
    2. Heat oil in a pan and sauté the chopped scallions and garlic. Add the diced green bell pepper, red bell pepper, shredded carrots, and potatoes. Sprinkle with a little mushroom powder, salt, pepper, and chili powder. Stir-fry until they are 80% cooked, then set aside.
    3. Mix the chicken breast with breadcrumbs and a beaten egg. Add the cooked vegetables from step 2 and a few pieces of golden needles. Shape the mixture into a roll.
    4. Place the roll on aluminum foil and roll it up. Take a flat-bottomed pan, add a little water, and steam the roll until cooked.
    5. Open the foil, remove the chicken breast roll, and heat oil in the flat-bottomed pan. Pan-fry the chicken breast roll until golden brown. Slice and serve on a plate. Enjoy your Chicken Breast Roll!

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