You literally just described what an artist does... whether it be a painter, a musician, a dancer, etc... taking elements and putting them together and in an order that makes something that conveys what you were hoping to through your medium. It is an art and it is great!
Anyone can shoot photos today and say they are a photographer but without an artists vision they will have no soul. I think most people have art inside them, or can. People are creative in different ways. Filmmaking is definitely an art.
agree on the photographer part (because the entry bar is so low you can trip over it, also plenty of my all time best pictures to me were taken with a 2016 iphone se) but my opinion is the soul thing is overrated. We all know sometimes we randomly take a photo because your camera was with you to take that picture and it turns out to be great, or one of your best. Filmmaking is entirely different from being a videographer, because it's not just being a cameraman. The bar is so high that in the beginning or without studying it for tens or hundreds of hours you can barely touch it when you jump. That's why you probably say it's an art. But these hours are worth putting in in case anyone is wondering.
I couldn’t disagree more. Making videos and especially films is not possible without an artistic vision. A painter can not paint without having an artistic vision, a perspective. Same goes for filmmakers. You have a voice and even if you only subconsciously listen to your voice , you listened. And the color of your voice and what the voice is saying is formed by your live, your experiences, your DNA.
I’ve been a longtime fan of the dope squad and matti in particular. I’ve learned a lot from his tutorials and gear reviews and I thought his Roger Deakins lighting video was the best video he made this year. But these “hot take” videos need to stop. This goes in the same category as 1. “Photography is dying” 2. “Action cameras aren’t needed” 3. “Adobe > Final Cut, Final Cut > Adobe, Davinci > Final Cut etc.” And this flies directly in the face of all the video he made about Danny Gevirtz’s FILM. Matti made at least 5 videos about that movie and how proud he was to help Danny “bring his artistic vision” to life. That’s an actual quote from one of his vlogs. If Matti doesn’t want to be called an artist, then he doesn’t have to. That’s not why I dislike this video. I dislike the hypocrisy and the baseless claims being made to sell us LUT’s and stock video. Videography used to be an accessible medium where creatives can share their stories with brands or people and make a decent living too. Now it’s just “buy my LUT pack!” Or “here’s a course that explains how I got these shots!”
He just sold his soul entirely, in the case he even had a soul in the first place. Are you wondering? The more Subs/views/likes i see on any youtuber, the more i know its garbage and influencer nonsense as well paid advertisements.
Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Building wealth involves developing good habits, such as regularly setting aside money for sound investments.
I invested $2,500 and made $7,450 weekly with it. I only trust Mr. Ricky wen with my investment. Thanks to him, I can now send my kids to a great school in LA.
Ok you don't need to be an artist to draw a beautiful painting. You don't need to be an artist to write beautiful music, just put some notes together. Gotcha.
There is a difference between BEING CREATIVE vs KNOWING TO USE TOOLS. Anyone who knows to use a camera is not a CINEMATOGRAPHER. Anyone who knows to play a Piano is not a MUSIC PRODUCER. Anyone who knows to sing is not a Lyricist. Anyone who knows to use ILLUSTRATOR is not a graphic designer. You get the point ? Actors, Singers, Dancers, etc are PERFORMING ARTISTS, not really CREATIVE ARTISTS. Directors, WRITERS, LYRICISTS, etc are those who actually CREATE ART. the others are just the ones who PERFORM ART. BIG DIFFERENCE.
@@mattih Nay matti, on this one I have to disagree. They don't call you guys content makers, they call you guys content creators because there is a level of creativity and artistry evolved and that's the same as music or painting, you have to feel the process an envision it. By your logic everyone can be a musician or painter just buy the brush, canvas and sit on a beautiful beach and paint it, what's the problem? You have all the tools don't you.
@@mattihthe broader definition of the term artist is someone so has mastered a certain craft, not necessarily a painter or a sculptor, that’s within the visual arts , which is not all arts.
This is technically true actually; to be an artist has in it the necessity to create something new. More people could recreate a famous painting than could create a work that becomes famous. I would say that is the distinction
Sounds to me like you have a high standard for who you consider an “artist”. I personally don’t associate “genius” and artist, to me there are plenty of inexperienced artists. Lazy artists, yes, pretentious artists, copycat artists, but (to me) still artists. I wonder how you would describe the difference between creativity & art? To me there’s little difference between the two, but I do acknowledge that “art” sounds more lofty and esteemed. That’s why I don’t call myself an artist, even though I include myself and anyone making creative, expressive work under the term.
Just simply explaining that I don’t feel like an artist and I’m sure a lot of people don’t get into filmmaking because they think it’s just for artists.
You're right that you are not a filmmaker, you're a RUclipsr that doesn't even think about the art, as you say. Your "puzzle" in every new video you post just seems to be "how can I make a commercial for artlist/squarespace/etc?" I don't care if you're on your grind, props, but this was a bit too clickbaity and honestly insulting.
"Filmmaker's don't need to be artists. Filmmaking... the goal is to tell a story." Well, that is art. Storytelling is an art. So, have to disagree from the get go.
Most artists don't reach deep within their "artistic" soul to to create things. They just put the right pieces together to evoke a feeling or emotion or connection, just as you say in the video. Creating art requires skills and tools, but that doesn't make it any less an art. As long as it comes from you and your unique experiences and perceptions, it doesn't matter how technical you are about the whole process, you are still an artist.
The video is perpetuating a bit the gatekeeping of what an artist is. Art is everything that goes further than merely being functional. Sure, a commercial will never be fine art, but it's still art in the broader sense to make one.
«The Greek word "techně", often translated as "art", implies mastery of any sort of craft. The adjectival Latin form of the word, "technicus",[1] became the source of the English words technique, technology, and technical.» - I think you might be confusing the visual arts and arts in general, and what the definition of an artist was and is - the art of filmmaking is a craft, a set of skills that are learned, and a master of the craft can be called an artist. «The word art derives from the Latin "ars" (stem art-), which, although literally defined means "skill method" or "technique", also conveys a connotation of beauty.» It seams your definition of «artist» is too narrow compared to the broader definition and use of the word, and within that narrow definition it’s understandable that you don’t feel like an artist, but defining «artist» as just someone with «weird, out there ideas» is just one sub-type of artist in the realm of visual arts (be it painting, sculpting or performance art) - an artist in the broader sense, being someone who has mastered a craft, and use that craft to tell stories, ewoke emotions and express themselves and their ideas is very much what you and many more people do on youtube - maybe not in every video, but in some, and that makes a lot of people artists, in the broad definition of the word.
There is an artform to everything, even builders will have their own approach or touch. You are talking about informed decisions and best tools for the job, and choices... but it all determines the end result which is an arrform, you mention style, style is also art. So not sure I 100% agree with you on this. But defo agree you need to be proficient with your tools and know when to use and not to use things, but every decision is part of your art 😎
I don’t know I can agree. Filmmaking is a combination of ALL the arts. That’s why I love directing, because I love art. Each department on a film crew or aspect of filmmaking is a different art form. Directors need enough knowledge of each of the arts to guide the artists under them to create a coherent story. But individual arts have their technical sides that you hit once you get into it enough, but it’s still an art.
I would also add that at the root of every art is storytelling. Another reason why a film with a bad story fails no matter how good other aspects appear to be… if the story is bad the other aspects have no story to tell
Quite an amazingly created video. The visuals, the learnings, the lessons, the colour grading, and the sound design - perfection. Have already watched it three times. Am hooked. 💯
A Technician - I tell people I am more of a technician than a "director" or "artist". I understand the idea/vision and i use my skills, gear and know how to try and achieve it. I am envious of those so much more creative than me able to come up with ideas out of nothing.
I think it’s about whether you are a CREATOR or a REPLICATOR. When I make films I don’t look at other people’s stuff because I don’t want to be influenced. Some do watch for inspiration but sadly that turns you into replicating things and following trends. Artists are trend makers not followers :) also they don’t care much about money. Art and money (in terms of greed) don’t mix.
As an ECD at a leading global advertising network, I consistently emphasise to my creative team that our fundamental duty transcends personal artistic aspirations. Our mission is to empower our clients, guiding them to realise their fullest creative potential.
You decide on a vision of what you then decide the best way to put the puzzle together in the best way you can to achieve your vision...that is art...but I suspect that you actually know that already.
Well said! For years, I always thought that I was an artists, and I had to be an artist when working on commercials, and other productions. It wasn't until I started working on bigger productions, big budget commercials, big budget feature films, and I seen peoples experience, way more than what I had. i.e. grips, electricians, DP, camera ops and all they were doing was, solving problems. Here I always thought, as you mention, had to take those solo life trips finding ones self, understanding the great masters of art, etc. it wasn't until then, it just clicked. I don't need to be some artists, I just needed to be good at solving problems quickly. It's kinda sad for me to realize that, but it's also a good thing to know that. The thought of yes, I am an artist did feel nice, vs I solve problems.
I felt like this a couple years ago. I didn’t feel I could take calling myself an artist seriously. Partly because I was too cynical. I would see myself more of a technician. But realistically I’m an artist because I have a voice and something to say and synthesise and create from nothing using those technical skills. I’m much happier allowing myself to take art seriously and be happy calling myself an artist and not cringe.
technology is just another form of art. Just think about the first jet fighters, the nuclear bomb, the first H-bomb etc... Those technical people also must have felt like artists creating some extraordinary art.
“Puzzle-solvers” are artists too. The same way that they have to decide which block fits where, a painter has to decide where each stroke of their brush will be placed on the canvas. You mentioned your brain being “too logical” to feel like an artist-but creating art is ALL logical! Whatever method you use to create, you still have to choose the right tools for the job and make decisions that are sensible for what you’re trying to create. Logic is the use of reasoning. An artist reasons that it would be more effective to use a pencil to create their drawing rather than an Arri Alexa to create their drawing. A “puzzle-solver” would probably come to the same conclusion! Don’t sell yourself short Matti.
Loved this perspective and insight Matti! It really is a puzzle solving process. I also like how there are often infinite different ways to solve it. It makes each person unique in how they approach solving problems and finding their style through that. Great stuff as always, we'll all miss these videos when you're off taking a break!
As a photographer/videomaker i always considered myself as a service provider instead of an artist. I may do some work for myself that i can call art and all but most of the time is just a work. Many people like to use art as an excuse to anything. Really like the puzzle solver metaphor.
same. id never call myself an artist. service provider sounds about right. and don't even get me started with this "your movies have to have soul" thing. You pay, I shoot. It's closer to being a businessman than to being an artist to me.
I disagree heavily with the premise of this video. Maybe it was for clickbait, which is what it is, but I feel like it'll be largely discouraging and feed into people's insecurities. Problem solving is a component of an artist. But you still need to utilize artistic touches. It's one of the reasons I really don't care for these, "pay-to-win" things like motion graphic presets or exclusive LUTs. If you're always using someone else's work and only injecting low effort content of your own, then I suppose I can see why you wouldn't feel like an artist. (Not saying this about Matti, just a generalized statement). You can be a problem solver and an artist. They aren't exclusive roles. The project I'm working on right now is a deep dive into that very premise. If you are an artist who is struggling, don't take the premise of this video to heart. A lot of points made in it were certainly valuable, but the root claim that you're more likely just a problem solver and not an artist just simply isn't true. Part of being an artist is the journey you took to get where you are today. Matti, love your videos man. It'll be sad to see you go on 2024. Just keep in mind the influence you have and the impact you make on other artist. Much love, keep going ❤️ 🤘
A filmmaker (of cinema) IS an Artist. They have to be. However, RUclipsrs and videographers who make advertisements are not filmmakers. Maybe I'm just being a snob, but I can't stand how we've conflated the two.
You are an artist - all artists solve problems of re-imagining or re-creating the world. What I think you mean is that you do not seek out divine 'inspiration' as you work ... They once asked Chuck Close about artistic 'inspiration' - his reply - Inspiration is for amateurs- I just have to go to the studio every day and paint!
I think people is confusing creativity with art. The puzzle solving that Matti is referring to has more to do with being creative and that is a muscle that can be trained with better or worse outcome. Was Picasso who said something in the lines of “when inspiration comes it should find you working”. The more you practice and knowledge you have the “easier” is going to be to be creative. Anyone …a doctor, an architect or a chef could be creative. But doesn’t necessarily mean that they are creating art. That’s no difference when it comes to photography, filmmaking and many other mediums.
I think art is the thing that happens by having the skills/science to solve the puzzle pieces. Over time one has "a way" or "A look or looks" to puzzle solving. The art is the thing that makes your stuff identifiable. It may not be a conscious thing. It's not necessarily "I'm trying to make art or thinking of an artistic plan." It may just be the thing that creeps into your work as the thing that makes it "your work." It's interesting but I think the strongest "sell" to clients is my puzzle-solving abilities. I can solve the client's puzzle. The art is just something that tags along.
Excellent video! Maybe a filmmaker does not have to be an artist, but working like You said, and with love for this activity, comes inspiration, and there You go, Art manifests!!!
The word is also like cinematic or epic. Overly used by the year from RUclips and Artist is also been overused just like being a Creator, why a filmmaker is also an artist because the final product is becoming ur art, a motion photography art on a digital canvas
Great video Matti, I don't agree with all you say. It is not just a puzzle, it is art, but I agree. I would not see myself as an artist but as a storyteller. It is true, we don't have to be masterminds, we need experience in all aspect of filmmaking to make a great product, but all those puzzle pieces, together, that is art. And art can be so much, but as I said, I am more of a storyteller, and if the film is viewed as art by someone... that is great. If not, that is ok too :-)
I wish I could agree, but you need to have a creative mindset in order to create beautiful work and something truly captivating. Hence where a true artist comes in.
An artist is literally one who uses different mediums to express themselves in what they create. Therefore filmmaking is an art form. However, that person still needs to have the necessary skills and understanding to make something great, which you do. I think you just think that your not an artist because of your own unique creative process. You are an artist because what you create conveys emotion and it connects with the audience in one way or another.
This craft oriented side of filmmaking, deliberately distancing oneself from the art, is one of the biggest tragedies of the medium. Great job making something hollow, filled with tropes and downright boring!!!!!!
I think what you are describing is art, but it feels demystified because you understand the art of filmmaking. When art is foreign to us, it feels more artistic. Let me explain. If a non-musician watches a jazz drummer, it looks free flowing and effortless, maybe even magical, but at the foundation of their skills are technical proficiencies which can solve their problem. What is a drummer's problem? Keeping time, establishing the groove, and keeping the band in tact. In order to accomplish this, they could use any combinations of the rhythms they have mastered. Certain songs call for different rhythms and a-lot comes down to personal taste and feel. There's a thousand ways to skin a cat. The more technically proficient we are at any skill, the more tools we have to solve problems. In my opinion, the ways we express ourselves through those tools to solve our problem is the art.
There is nothing wrong with being an artisan. I agree with you, if you are not drawing from the muses you are not creating art. I’m a musician. There are big differences between songs I assemble and songs that come from inspiration. I have never solved problems when inspiration strikes. The work writes itself; and my body is just the conduit. The technical busywork to Polish the recording after the fact is just that; technical busy word.
I understand your perspective and in it bare bones you are correct, we do solve “puzzles” but I think your premise is to reductive. This puzzle analogy could be applied to any “Art” (the word “Art” is subjective in and of itself). To say that filmmaking is only a puzzle is to also say the John Williams only puts musical note puzzle pieces with instrument puzzle piece to just create the musical puzzle in his head, or Picasso and Bob Ross only put the paint puzzle pieces with the brush and canvas puzzle pieces to create their painting puzzle. There are many ways with multiple artistic crafts that can all be broken down this way. My opinion is that all of the learning (cinematography, color theory, acting, directing, lighting, sound, etc.) is all different aspects of film “Theory” like a musician leaning all the ways sound is created and how to affiliate those sounds with notes and emotions. How we as filmmakers apply that theory is where we get to express our creativity and make a form of art. One of the unique things about film (which is also true in video games) is that filmmaking is not an art form that is owned by one person (lest you do everything from planning, shooting, acting, sound, edit, etc all by yourself). Filmmaking is an art that is owned by everyone who worked on it, from the actors performance to the composers score, from the cinematographers and gaffers use of light to the editors and graders use of pacing and color, and so many more crafts. Each persons craft is a contribution to the entirety of the art form. Even if you are putting puzzle pieces together you have to choose which ones out of Millions of possibilities you want to use and that use of creativity as to what to use and how is an art form. So don’t sell yourself short. Btw I look at those who make puzzles as artists too, there are puzzles out there with original art that as you put them together they also tell a story. Happy shooting everyone who reads this, Cheers!
I respectfully disagree, Matti! 5 different film makers can shoot the same movie with the same actors, cameras, lenses etc and you’ll end up having completely different feels from all of them. You may not feel like an artist, but you are, my guy.
I needed this video. I needed to hear this. I think you have just helped me figure out why I was so afraid of taking a leap. I was always comparing myself to others more artistic than me. Hearing you say that for you "Filmmaking is solving a puzzle" it blew my mind. As someone who doesn't feel like an artist, it just gave me a sense of relief to hear that. I can now try with this new mindset. Thank. You. So. Much.
Not necessarily. Filmmaking could be art. But that doesn’t mean that everything you film is intrinsically art. A corporate interview for example is not art and its purpose is not being art.
I'd agree with most of the comments I've seen in this post. I know problem solvers who try to edit...and it's horrific. I get that you're trying to highlight a certain skill set of editing, but it really does take some artistic ability to know how the puzzle fits together. Some are better than others and I'd venture to say the "better" are those who have an artistic eye ON TOP of problem solving. Keep being artistic!!
K so this was a very good video and it was very helpful for me - but in a kind of inverse way. The reason is that I know I am the artist type. And I’ve had quite a bit of frustration trying to get into filmmaking on top of my true love which is photography. But as an artist, the business side goes right over my head and so does the puzzle-piecing of filmmaking. For me, at the end of the day, I just want to create a beautiful image. So all the extra stuff of like editing footage together, finding music etc is more exhausting for me. So it’s encouraging to hear that this filmmaking thing is not necessarily an artist’s domain. Now, I’m sure there are artists who do filmmaking and it makes sense for them, but this video helped clarify that it’s not my niche. Which I’m grateful for!
I'd say it depends on your approach... is it a technical approach? Looking at all of the production details and focusing on angles, lenses, lighting, etc.... or is it an artistic approach? Thinking about the emotional effect of the lighting and how to create an intimate moment with your lens choice and hearing the score in your head as it plays out. I think there's artistic filmmakers and I think there's technical filmmakers... and there's certainly other types of filmmakers as well. It's all about the perspective and approach as well as what becomes the focus while trying to tell the story.
How's that not a description of an artist? Matti you can definitely call yourself an artist, having the creativity to problem solve and put the puzzle together is being an artist. On another note, I still can't belive you are ending your youtube life... you will be missed...
Like, your whole pulling things out of the genius artist brain in whole form is just dumb. Most art is exploratory and generative. It's exactly how you describe "putting together puzzle pieces". Change your opinion of how art works.
“To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it in oneself, then by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling that others may experience the same feeling - this is the activity of art.” - Tolstoy, What is Art. Filmmaking is 1000% art. It's a unique type of art that combines multiple different disciplines in a beautiful, harmonically congruous symphony that tells a story. Some filmmakers are technicians, but the ones who are truly trying to express and display beauty and package the human experience in order to present it back to an audience or community are true artists. This video presents an unfortunate, utilitarian, and post-modern perspective on the craft that would've made our predecessors cringe. Don't mean to keyboard warrior this. Love your work and your contribution to the business. But this was a miss.
You literally just described what an artist does... whether it be a painter, a musician, a dancer, etc... taking elements and putting them together and in an order that makes something that conveys what you were hoping to through your medium. It is an art and it is great!
100% agree ! this is art !
Beautifully said, my friend
Anyone can shoot photos today and say they are a photographer but without an artists vision they will have no soul. I think most people have art inside them, or can. People are creative in different ways. Filmmaking is definitely an art.
agree on the photographer part (because the entry bar is so low you can trip over it, also plenty of my all time best pictures to me were taken with a 2016 iphone se) but my opinion is the soul thing is overrated. We all know sometimes we randomly take a photo because your camera was with you to take that picture and it turns out to be great, or one of your best. Filmmaking is entirely different from being a videographer, because it's not just being a cameraman. The bar is so high that in the beginning or without studying it for tens or hundreds of hours you can barely touch it when you jump. That's why you probably say it's an art. But these hours are worth putting in in case anyone is wondering.
But selling your soul to camera and accessories brands for paid advertisements has nothing to do with being creative
Solving problems is exactly what an artist does...I teach choreography and I instill this in my students.
Yeah, Matti solved also a problem.... now he "earns" money by doing paid advertisements and gets even paid in multiple ways for this rat move
I don't really think it matters if it does or doesn't make you an artist. That feels more like a deflection from the actual task at hand.
I couldn’t disagree more. Making videos and especially films is not possible without an artistic vision. A painter can not paint without having an artistic vision, a perspective. Same goes for filmmakers. You have a voice and even if you only subconsciously listen to your voice , you listened. And the color of your voice and what the voice is saying is formed by your live, your experiences, your DNA.
I’ve been a longtime fan of the dope squad and matti in particular. I’ve learned a lot from his tutorials and gear reviews and I thought his Roger Deakins lighting video was the best video he made this year.
But these “hot take” videos need to stop.
This goes in the same category as
1. “Photography is dying”
2. “Action cameras aren’t needed”
3. “Adobe > Final Cut, Final Cut > Adobe, Davinci > Final Cut etc.”
And this flies directly in the face of all the video he made about Danny Gevirtz’s FILM. Matti made at least 5 videos about that movie and how proud he was to help Danny “bring his artistic vision” to life.
That’s an actual quote from one of his vlogs. If Matti doesn’t want to be called an artist, then he doesn’t have to. That’s not why I dislike this video. I dislike the hypocrisy and the baseless claims being made to sell us LUT’s and stock video.
Videography used to be an accessible medium where creatives can share their stories with brands or people and make a decent living too. Now it’s just “buy my LUT pack!” Or “here’s a course that explains how I got these shots!”
He just sold his soul entirely, in the case he even had a soul in the first place. Are you wondering? The more Subs/views/likes i see on any youtuber, the more i know its garbage and influencer nonsense as well paid advertisements.
Yeahhh this was a stretch to fit in your sponsor bro. You literally described what a filmmaker/artist does ha. It's not one or the other
Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Building wealth involves developing good habits, such as regularly setting aside money for sound investments.
I've seen a lot of recommendation about Mr Ricky wen, Please can I have his info? I want to invest 2,000usd with him.
Thanks for your swift response. I already have the App downloaded I'll get in touch immediately.
I invested $2,500 and made $7,450 weekly with it. I only trust Mr. Ricky wen with my investment. Thanks to him, I can now send my kids to a great school in LA.
Ok you don't need to be an artist to draw a beautiful painting. You don't need to be an artist to write beautiful music, just put some notes together. Gotcha.
Or put some work into learning the craft and getting good at it. Sounds like I could be talking about making a movie or plumbing. Same same.
There is a difference between BEING CREATIVE vs KNOWING TO USE TOOLS.
Anyone who knows to use a camera is not a CINEMATOGRAPHER.
Anyone who knows to play a Piano is not a MUSIC PRODUCER.
Anyone who knows to sing is not a Lyricist.
Anyone who knows to use ILLUSTRATOR is not a graphic designer.
You get the point ?
Actors, Singers, Dancers, etc are PERFORMING ARTISTS, not really CREATIVE ARTISTS.
Directors, WRITERS, LYRICISTS, etc are those who actually CREATE ART.
the others are just the ones who PERFORM ART.
@@mattih Nay matti, on this one I have to disagree. They don't call you guys content makers, they call you guys content creators because there is a level of creativity and artistry evolved and that's the same as music or painting, you have to feel the process an envision it. By your logic everyone can be a musician or painter just buy the brush, canvas and sit on a beautiful beach and paint it, what's the problem? You have all the tools don't you.
@@mattihthe broader definition of the term artist is someone so has mastered a certain craft, not necessarily a painter or a sculptor, that’s within the visual arts , which is not all arts.
This is technically true actually; to be an artist has in it the necessity to create something new. More people could recreate a famous painting than could create a work that becomes famous. I would say that is the distinction
That's what ART is... talk about clickbait.
Sounds to me like you have a high standard for who you consider an “artist”.
I personally don’t associate “genius” and artist, to me there are plenty of inexperienced artists.
Lazy artists, yes, pretentious artists, copycat artists, but (to me) still artists.
I wonder how you would describe the difference between creativity & art? To me there’s little difference between the two, but I do acknowledge that “art” sounds more lofty and esteemed.
That’s why I don’t call myself an artist, even though I include myself and anyone making creative, expressive work under the term.
Just simply explaining that I don’t feel like an artist and I’m sure a lot of people don’t get into filmmaking because they think it’s just for artists.
ah gotcha! Totally agree that the “weight” of creative expression puts people off getting started
You're right that you are not a filmmaker, you're a RUclipsr that doesn't even think about the art, as you say. Your "puzzle" in every new video you post just seems to be "how can I make a commercial for artlist/squarespace/etc?" I don't care if you're on your grind, props, but this was a bit too clickbaity and honestly insulting.
"Filmmaker's don't need to be artists. Filmmaking... the goal is to tell a story." Well, that is art. Storytelling is an art. So, have to disagree from the get go.
Most artists don't reach deep within their "artistic" soul to to create things. They just put the right pieces together to evoke a feeling or emotion or connection, just as you say in the video. Creating art requires skills and tools, but that doesn't make it any less an art. As long as it comes from you and your unique experiences and perceptions, it doesn't matter how technical you are about the whole process, you are still an artist.
Deeper level of understanding here. This is golden information for creators. 🐐
Matti I think you are making the distinction between successful artists and unsuccessful artists.
Everything you described is being an artist... in my view, anyway.
Haha yep I think it’s just a different perspective cause I would never call myself an artist. Yet people think I make “art”
Fair enough! Big respect for your art, even if you're not an artist😁@@mattih
The video is perpetuating a bit the gatekeeping of what an artist is. Art is everything that goes further than merely being functional. Sure, a commercial will never be fine art, but it's still art in the broader sense to make one.
I disagree. I believe that you just described the ways that do art. Every artist has their methods. These are some of yours.
Keep making ART!
putting all the puzzle pieces together is the artistic part of it all.
Ahhh, this is what an artist does. You seem adverse to the word, artist. Don't be! Accept that an artist is more than the box you put it in.
«The Greek word "techně", often translated as "art", implies mastery of any sort of craft. The adjectival Latin form of the word, "technicus",[1] became the source of the English words technique, technology, and technical.» - I think you might be confusing the visual arts and arts in general, and what the definition of an artist was and is - the art of filmmaking is a craft, a set of skills that are learned, and a master of the craft can be called an artist. «The word art derives from the Latin "ars" (stem art-), which, although literally defined means "skill method" or "technique", also conveys a connotation of beauty.» It seams your definition of «artist» is too narrow compared to the broader definition and use of the word, and within that narrow definition it’s understandable that you don’t feel like an artist, but defining «artist» as just someone with «weird, out there ideas» is just one sub-type of artist in the realm of visual arts (be it painting, sculpting or performance art) - an artist in the broader sense, being someone who has mastered a craft, and use that craft to tell stories, ewoke emotions and express themselves and their ideas is very much what you and many more people do on youtube - maybe not in every video, but in some, and that makes a lot of people artists, in the broad definition of the word.
Everything you said is called art… is art ….everything we do is art…….everything
I think you do need that youtube break matti. be seein ya
visual art is communication at its core. Images speak where words fall short. You are an artist amigo
There is an artform to everything, even builders will have their own approach or touch.
You are talking about informed decisions and best tools for the job, and choices... but it all determines the end result which is an arrform, you mention style, style is also art. So not sure I 100% agree with you on this. But defo agree you need to be proficient with your tools and know when to use and not to use things, but every decision is part of your art 😎
I don’t know I can agree. Filmmaking is a combination of ALL the arts. That’s why I love directing, because I love art. Each department on a film crew or aspect of filmmaking is a different art form. Directors need enough knowledge of each of the arts to guide the artists under them to create a coherent story. But individual arts have their technical sides that you hit once you get into it enough, but it’s still an art.
I would also add that at the root of every art is storytelling. Another reason why a film with a bad story fails no matter how good other aspects appear to be… if the story is bad the other aspects have no story to tell
I would definitely say you’re a producer Matti. You seem like somewhat of an artist, but you’re more of a problem solver.
sounds like a coping mechanism tactic lol but you are an artist sir.
I can relate for sure, thank you for being real , I kinda needed this tbh
Quite an amazingly created video. The visuals, the learnings, the lessons, the colour grading, and the sound design - perfection. Have already watched it three times. Am hooked. 💯
Solving problems is an art in itself
A Technician - I tell people I am more of a technician than a "director" or "artist". I understand the idea/vision and i use my skills, gear and know how to try and achieve it. I am envious of those so much more creative than me able to come up with ideas out of nothing.
Just doing a job makes you a filmmaker, creating with passion makes you an artist
I think it’s about whether you are a CREATOR or a REPLICATOR. When I make films I don’t look at other people’s stuff because I don’t want to be influenced. Some do watch for inspiration but sadly that turns you into replicating things and following trends. Artists are trend makers not followers :) also they don’t care much about money. Art and money (in terms of greed) don’t mix.
As an ECD at a leading global advertising network, I consistently emphasise to my creative team that our fundamental duty transcends personal artistic aspirations. Our mission is to empower our clients, guiding them to realise their fullest creative potential.
Bro has not looked up the definition of art.
You decide on a vision of what you then decide the best way to put the puzzle together in the best way you can to achieve your vision...that is art...but I suspect that you actually know that already.
Well said! For years, I always thought that I was an artists, and I had to be an artist when working on commercials, and other productions. It wasn't until I started working on bigger productions, big budget commercials, big budget feature films, and I seen peoples experience, way more than what I had. i.e. grips, electricians, DP, camera ops and all they were doing was, solving problems. Here I always thought, as you mention, had to take those solo life trips finding ones self, understanding the great masters of art, etc. it wasn't until then, it just clicked. I don't need to be some artists, I just needed to be good at solving problems quickly. It's kinda sad for me to realize that, but it's also a good thing to know that. The thought of yes, I am an artist did feel nice, vs I solve problems.
I felt like this a couple years ago. I didn’t feel I could take calling myself an artist seriously. Partly because I was too cynical. I would see myself more of a technician. But realistically I’m an artist because I have a voice and something to say and synthesise and create from nothing using those technical skills.
I’m much happier allowing myself to take art seriously and be happy calling myself an artist and not cringe.
technology is just another form of art. Just think about the first jet fighters, the nuclear bomb, the first H-bomb etc... Those technical people also must have felt like artists creating some extraordinary art.
Did Matti just jump the shark?
“Puzzle-solvers” are artists too. The same way that they have to decide which block fits where, a painter has to decide where each stroke of their brush will be placed on the canvas. You mentioned your brain being “too logical” to feel like an artist-but creating art is ALL logical! Whatever method you use to create, you still have to choose the right tools for the job and make decisions that are sensible for what you’re trying to create. Logic is the use of reasoning. An artist reasons that it would be more effective to use a pencil to create their drawing rather than an Arri Alexa to create their drawing. A “puzzle-solver” would probably come to the same conclusion! Don’t sell yourself short Matti.
A statement by the National Storytelling Network defines Storytelling as an ancient art form and a valuable form of human expression.
Loved this perspective and insight Matti! It really is a puzzle solving process. I also like how there are often infinite different ways to solve it. It makes each person unique in how they approach solving problems and finding their style through that. Great stuff as always, we'll all miss these videos when you're off taking a break!
Good filmmakers are artists.
The ongoing give and take between design and art.
Love this analogy! Appreciate you Matti!
As Filmmakers we create stuffs for solving problems whether its a Filmmaking tutorial or a education video...
mate...gonna miss you on youtube... pls consider to comeback someday 🫶
As a photographer/videomaker i always considered myself as a service provider instead of an artist. I may do some work for myself that i can call art and all but most of the time is just a work. Many people like to use art as an excuse to anything. Really like the puzzle solver metaphor.
same. id never call myself an artist. service provider sounds about right. and don't even get me started with this "your movies have to have soul" thing. You pay, I shoot. It's closer to being a businessman than to being an artist to me.
meanwhile in 21st century... Matti Haapoja argues that film makers arnt artists.
Amazing Video Matti !
Awesome video Matti! Thank you!🤘
I disagree heavily with the premise of this video. Maybe it was for clickbait, which is what it is, but I feel like it'll be largely discouraging and feed into people's insecurities.
Problem solving is a component of an artist. But you still need to utilize artistic touches.
It's one of the reasons I really don't care for these, "pay-to-win" things like motion graphic presets or exclusive LUTs. If you're always using someone else's work and only injecting low effort content of your own, then I suppose I can see why you wouldn't feel like an artist. (Not saying this about Matti, just a generalized statement).
You can be a problem solver and an artist. They aren't exclusive roles. The project I'm working on right now is a deep dive into that very premise.
If you are an artist who is struggling, don't take the premise of this video to heart. A lot of points made in it were certainly valuable, but the root claim that you're more likely just a problem solver and not an artist just simply isn't true. Part of being an artist is the journey you took to get where you are today.
Matti, love your videos man. It'll be sad to see you go on 2024. Just keep in mind the influence you have and the impact you make on other artist.
Much love, keep going ❤️ 🤘
A filmmaker (of cinema) IS an Artist. They have to be. However, RUclipsrs and videographers who make advertisements are not filmmakers. Maybe I'm just being a snob, but I can't stand how we've conflated the two.
filmmaking and photography is definitely a form of art. And you are an artist. There's so much bs these days that is called "art".
Artist? More like one of the thousands of wannabe photo/videographer which are just doing paid advertisements
Telling a story is an art itself therefore you are an artist :)
You are an artist - all artists solve problems of re-imagining or re-creating the world. What I think you mean is that you do not seek out divine 'inspiration' as you work ... They once asked Chuck Close about artistic 'inspiration' - his reply - Inspiration is for amateurs- I just have to go to the studio every day and paint!
I think people is confusing creativity with art. The puzzle solving that Matti is referring to has more to do with being creative and that is a muscle that can be trained with better or worse outcome. Was Picasso who said something in the lines of “when inspiration comes it should find you working”. The more you practice and knowledge you have the “easier” is going to be to be creative. Anyone …a doctor, an architect or a chef could be creative. But doesn’t necessarily mean that they are creating art. That’s no difference when it comes to photography, filmmaking and many other mediums.
Wait what???
I think art is the thing that happens by having the skills/science to solve the puzzle pieces. Over time one has "a way" or "A look or looks" to puzzle solving. The art is the thing that makes your stuff identifiable. It may not be a conscious thing. It's not necessarily "I'm trying to make art or thinking of an artistic plan." It may just be the thing that creeps into your work as the thing that makes it "your work."
It's interesting but I think the strongest "sell" to clients is my puzzle-solving abilities. I can solve the client's puzzle. The art is just something that tags along.
Excellent video! Maybe a filmmaker does not have to be an artist, but working like You said, and with love for this activity, comes inspiration, and there You go, Art manifests!!!
The word is also like cinematic or epic. Overly used by the year from RUclips and Artist is also been overused just like being a Creator, why a filmmaker is also an artist because the final product is becoming ur art, a motion photography art on a digital canvas
Great video Matti, I don't agree with all you say. It is not just a puzzle, it is art, but I agree. I would not see myself as an artist but as a storyteller. It is true, we don't have to be masterminds, we need experience in all aspect of filmmaking to make a great product, but all those puzzle pieces, together, that is art. And art can be so much, but as I said, I am more of a storyteller, and if the film is viewed as art by someone... that is great. If not, that is ok too :-)
storytelling is a form of art
Imposter syndrome in 11 minutes.
I wish I could agree, but you need to have a creative mindset in order to create beautiful work and something truly captivating. Hence where a true artist comes in.
I get it. But what if we solve problems by being artists?
U r a video maker, films are something else, not what u do
An artist is literally one who uses different mediums to express themselves in what they create. Therefore filmmaking is an art form. However, that person still needs to have the necessary skills and understanding to make something great, which you do. I think you just think that your not an artist because of your own unique creative process. You are an artist because what you create conveys emotion and it connects with the audience in one way or another.
This craft oriented side of filmmaking, deliberately distancing oneself from the art, is one of the biggest tragedies of the medium. Great job making something hollow, filled with tropes and downright boring!!!!!!
Correction. RUclipsrs and videographers aren't artists. Actual filmmakers are artists.
I think what you are describing is art, but it feels demystified because you understand the art of filmmaking.
When art is foreign to us, it feels more artistic. Let me explain. If a non-musician watches a jazz drummer, it looks free flowing and effortless, maybe even magical, but at the foundation of their skills are technical proficiencies which can solve their problem.
What is a drummer's problem? Keeping time, establishing the groove, and keeping the band in tact. In order to accomplish this, they could use any combinations of the rhythms they have mastered. Certain songs call for different rhythms and a-lot comes down to personal taste and feel.
There's a thousand ways to skin a cat. The more technically proficient we are at any skill, the more tools we have to solve problems. In my opinion, the ways we express ourselves through those tools to solve our problem is the art.
next year I will go to film school 😙 wish me luck
Good luck!!
There is nothing wrong with being an artisan. I agree with you, if you are not drawing from the muses you are not creating art. I’m a musician. There are big differences between songs I assemble and songs that come from inspiration. I have never solved problems when inspiration strikes. The work writes itself; and my body is just the conduit. The technical busywork to Polish the recording after the fact is just that; technical busy word.
Filmmaking is definitely an art. Agree to disagree.
This is a silly video. Dismissive and short-sighted. Expected better.
If you make art, you are an artist. Simple as that. If the title "artist" bothers you, then don't own it. Who cares?
I understand your perspective and in it bare bones you are correct, we do solve “puzzles” but I think your premise is to reductive. This puzzle analogy could be applied to any “Art” (the word “Art” is subjective in and of itself). To say that filmmaking is only a puzzle is to also say the John Williams only puts musical note puzzle pieces with instrument puzzle piece to just create the musical puzzle in his head, or Picasso and Bob Ross only put the paint puzzle pieces with the brush and canvas puzzle pieces to create their painting puzzle. There are many ways with multiple artistic crafts that can all be broken down this way. My opinion is that all of the learning (cinematography, color theory, acting, directing, lighting, sound, etc.) is all different aspects of film “Theory” like a musician leaning all the ways sound is created and how to affiliate those sounds with notes and emotions. How we as filmmakers apply that theory is where we get to express our creativity and make a form of art. One of the unique things about film (which is also true in video games) is that filmmaking is not an art form that is owned by one person (lest you do everything from planning, shooting, acting, sound, edit, etc all by yourself). Filmmaking is an art that is owned by everyone who worked on it, from the actors performance to the composers score, from the cinematographers and gaffers use of light to the editors and graders use of pacing and color, and so many more crafts. Each persons craft is a contribution to the entirety of the art form. Even if you are putting puzzle pieces together you have to choose which ones out of Millions of possibilities you want to use and that use of creativity as to what to use and how is an art form. So don’t sell yourself short. Btw I look at those who make puzzles as artists too, there are puzzles out there with original art that as you put them together they also tell a story. Happy shooting everyone who reads this, Cheers!
I respectfully disagree, Matti! 5 different film makers can shoot the same movie with the same actors, cameras, lenses etc and you’ll end up having completely different feels from all of them. You may not feel like an artist, but you are, my guy.
I needed this video. I needed to hear this. I think you have just helped me figure out why I was so afraid of taking a leap. I was always comparing myself to others more artistic than me. Hearing you say that for you "Filmmaking is solving a puzzle" it blew my mind. As someone who doesn't feel like an artist, it just gave me a sense of relief to hear that. I can now try with this new mindset. Thank. You. So. Much.
film making is art.
Not necessarily. Filmmaking could be art. But that doesn’t mean that everything you film is intrinsically art. A corporate interview for example is not art and its purpose is not being art.
I'd agree with most of the comments I've seen in this post. I know problem solvers who try to edit...and it's horrific. I get that you're trying to highlight a certain skill set of editing, but it really does take some artistic ability to know how the puzzle fits together. Some are better than others and I'd venture to say the "better" are those who have an artistic eye ON TOP of problem solving. Keep being artistic!!
If you are creating something and hope to evoke some sort of emotional response of your work I would argue that you are an artist.
K so this was a very good video and it was very helpful for me - but in a kind of inverse way. The reason is that I know I am the artist type. And I’ve had quite a bit of frustration trying to get into filmmaking on top of my true love which is photography. But as an artist, the business side goes right over my head and so does the puzzle-piecing of filmmaking. For me, at the end of the day, I just want to create a beautiful image. So all the extra stuff of like editing footage together, finding music etc is more exhausting for me. So it’s encouraging to hear that this filmmaking thing is not necessarily an artist’s domain. Now, I’m sure there are artists who do filmmaking and it makes sense for them, but this video helped clarify that it’s not my niche. Which I’m grateful for!
cmon, you can´t be serious
RUclipsr = User Experience Designer
what if i told you, you could transform your videos with motion array fast?
You might have the #1 story but if Facebook and RUclips will not show it online- you are just wasting your time - and your money - true
I'd say it depends on your approach... is it a technical approach? Looking at all of the production details and focusing on angles, lenses, lighting, etc.... or is it an artistic approach? Thinking about the emotional effect of the lighting and how to create an intimate moment with your lens choice and hearing the score in your head as it plays out. I think there's artistic filmmakers and I think there's technical filmmakers... and there's certainly other types of filmmakers as well. It's all about the perspective and approach as well as what becomes the focus while trying to tell the story.
How's that not a description of an artist? Matti you can definitely call yourself an artist, having the creativity to problem solve and put the puzzle together is being an artist. On another note, I still can't belive you are ending your youtube life... you will be missed...
Never seen so much hate on a Matti Haapoja video - this is why I un-subbed from him. I don't think he actually knows what he wants.
What is an artist is doesn't have as simple answer as what is a woman.
Ofc you are an artist
I think you don't know what art is, man.
Like, your whole pulling things out of the genius artist brain in whole form is just dumb. Most art is exploratory and generative. It's exactly how you describe "putting together puzzle pieces".
Change your opinion of how art works.
A puzzle - NO - it is a story about REAL LIFE - Facebook Reels wants me to use music they give me 90 seconds - to do it - so it is Cut - Cut - Cut -
Whatever you described seems more creative effort then any artist.
“To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it in oneself, then by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling that others may experience the same feeling - this is the activity of art.” - Tolstoy, What is Art.
Filmmaking is 1000% art. It's a unique type of art that combines multiple different disciplines in a beautiful, harmonically congruous symphony that tells a story.
Some filmmakers are technicians, but the ones who are truly trying to express and display beauty and package the human experience in order to present it back to an audience or community are true artists. This video presents an unfortunate, utilitarian, and post-modern perspective on the craft that would've made our predecessors cringe. Don't mean to keyboard warrior this. Love your work and your contribution to the business. But this was a miss.
Thanks for sharing it. ✌️
Peter defines himself an artist. It seems that photography it perceived more as an art than filmmaking?
Did I watch this at 90% speed or was Matti
It is all about MONEY without IT you are screwed - true