More than anything, I'm glad that you're feeling better. We love you, King. Me being 27, I am anxious about being single but watching videos like this calm me down. God bless you
good looking + good personality = the meme writes itself bad looking + good personality = nice guy good looking + bad personality = bad boy bad looking + bad personality = bad guy
Nice comes from the latin word nessus, which means ignorant. Women realize that guys that act nice do so to make up for not being capable. That's why women like confident guys.Because confidence is basically a facade of the capacity to be capable. If you Want something out of this life as a man, you're going to have to be ruthless, and smart about it. Women have their value given to them.Men have to make their value.
So many young fools chase relationships only to be used and discarded once they are drained. SingleANDChildlessPeacefulLiving is the way forward with the rigged laws and social deterioration nowadays.
"Confidence is the facade of the capacity to be capable." So, it's like, if you are capable, or build up your capability and skills in any area, it will show up as confidence. Love it! Yeah, it's always amazing how these common-sense stuff are grand and insightful, once you really "realize" them. Thanks again!
I went through the same journey and thought process as you did. Started off in college trying to be the nice guy to get girls attention. Going to events and parties that girls I liked went to and overall bending over backwards to prove to the girl I liked that I was a nice guy. But girls see through that facade and it screams desperation. Think about it from the girl's perspective. Do they want a guy who's only motivation is to please the girl he likes? No, they want a guy who has aspirations, is capable of being a leader, protector, and provider. Because overall they're looking for someone they can count on to start a family with. Now about the bad boy perspective. It's true that there are a lot of guys who attractive and don't have to worry about being nice to attract girls. Why would a guy who attracts girls by default put in effort or do anything differently if he already pulls girls by just existing? The caveat here is, it doesn't work for guys who are not attractive. So it's not the fact that you are a bad boy that makes you attractive to girls. It's the fact that you attractive. Both bad boys and nice guys who are attractive pull girls. Case in point, I'm not an attractive guy. I read online all these pickup artists on how in order to attract girls you gotta be the bad boy. So I tried doing that. Started wearing chains, studs in my ears, wearing dark clothing, acting macho, putting down girls, and not caring about their feelings. Didn't help. I wasn't attractive in the first place so whether I'm a nice guy or bad boy didn't affect girls attraction towards me. What worked, was I decided I'm going to unashamedly be myself. Whoever likes me likes me, who ever doesn't doesn't. I didn't want to have to live my life being someone I'm not to attract a girl. Who was that guy? Well, my baseline is nice guy. But this time, not being nice specifically to anyone girl or person, but nice to everyone I meet because I genuinely want to help people. Also, another thing about me is I'm a huge nerd. Instead of trying to wear things that I thought were attractive to girls like designer clothing or look like a bad boy, I instead bought star wars and lotr t-shirts and hoodies and wore them with jeans and shorts. I fully embraced my nerdy hobbies like board game nights, playing video games, traveling to places that are in movies I liked (New Zealand from LOTR, Lake Como from Star Wars from the I don't like sand scene, and Kalua (sp?) Ranch in Hawaii from Jurassic Park to name a few). When interacting with girls whether it be IRL or on dating apps, it became less about how can I get you to like me by serving you to this is my life and do you find this life to be an exciting complement to your life? I think in the end, girls do want a nice guy. But nice guy meaning someone who will protect and care for them. They don't want a guy who will abuse them whether physically or emotionally. But they want someone who has their own life. Someone to add on to their life and enhance it or enrich it. Now sometimes, a girl will fall for the attractive bad boy because they think they can have it all and fix the bad boy. But take it from me, they don't go after unattractive bad boys. In case you were wondering, I did end up dating and marrying a girl who on paper is way out of my league. Taller than me, more attractive that me (I'm a 5, she's an 8 or 9), makes more money than I do. She was attracted to me because I was nice to other people in need. I try to make people who are outcasts or newcomers in the group feel included. For example, when we were playing pickup basketball I would pass the ball to the guy/girl/kid who was obviously not good at basketball to make them feel included and encourage them to take the shot even at the expense of our team losing the match. At board game nights I purposefully sabotage others (hey, it's a valid strategy for winning) to boost up a newcomer. Or in MarioKart I'll act as the wingman of someone who is really bad at the game to see if I can get them to 1st place. Despite being a nerd, the fact that I embraced my nerdiness and hobbies was also what attracted her to me because she was able to take interest into a whole other side of life that she wasn't aware of, and vice versa she was able to share her interests with me. Okay, well, I think I've written enough. Good luck to you Kenji. Wish you the best!
Wow, thank you for sharing your story. I think being really comfortable in your own skin in a genuine way and not holding yourself back from showing it to others is very important it sounds like. Glad you met your wife! Kudos!
Most guys aren’t born with bad genetics. The difference between you and good-looking guys often comes down to nutrition. Men need more meat and animal fats to grow taller, develop a well-defined face, and boost attractiveness. These nutrients help increase testosterone and enhance manliness. Many of us Asians weren’t born as “soy boys”-we were raised that way due to poor diets. The sad part is that many Asian women can still turn out attractive despite these nutritional deficiencies, as girls don’t need to be tall or have a well-defined jaw to be considered attractive. You could visit a poor village in Asia and easily find attractive women, but attractive men are much rarer-even though they come from the same gene pool. This shows that genetics isn’t the issue-nutrition is.
So, do you want to stick with the genetic fallacy and believe nothing can be done about it? Or would you rather focus on the nutrition side, optimizing it as much as possible to gain at least some benefits?
Hello kenji, I think you have a very perceptive way of viewing your current situation (dating wise). You shouldn't beat yourself up over things you can't control. Simply focus on things that make you happy, it is very easy to fall into a hateful mindset. It helps that your outlook is positive, rational and you also have self-awareness. You should be neutral with people (including women). You don't owe them anything and they don't owe you anything. There is nothing to "fix." You should also not allow yourself to be used by people that don't appreciate you (kindness can often be a weakness for many to exploit) being strung along in a relationship. Overall, thank you for sharing your videos.
If you talk to guys who are truly honest about relationships, you will understand the headaches are not worth it. Cheaper to keep her, doesnt mean happy.
def listening to this after work, timing is crazy though, i was literally thinking about how you doing, checking your last community post to see if you're better or for any updates. appreciate your stories man, hope you're feeling better and getting enough hours of sleep❤❤❤.
I think a lot of men go through this phase because, usually, in our early to mid-20s, we often feel powerless. As a consequence, we lash out and try to blame forces outside of our control for our shortcomings.
Glad you are doing better Kenji! One advice I would say is to not show desperation to get a gf. Just focus on being happy where you’re not dependent on others. I believe happy people tends to get more opportunities.
Yay kenji! Glad chemo is going well. Thank you for the updates. So glad to hear you’re getting better 🤝 I am married, but if I had to be dating in this current environment- I would be loosing my mind. It’s so tough on all sides. I saw a girl on Instagram move to Texas with her Bf so her bf can be closer to her dad. She gave up her career, improv team, and home to make the move. Her bf, shortly after a family trip after the move, gave her a letter saying they are incompatible and he wants to break up. They dated…. For three years. So horrible 😢 humans are very complicated. You will find your person, just realize that dating, making friends, even getting a job is just so terrible rn in our current environment ❤ that doesn’t mean that you can’t get what you want tho. Fighting!!!!
From a woman’s perspective: Being perceived as “hot” or “beautiful” definitely gives many men and women a 1 up over others who are perceived as less physically attractive according to societal standards, but most people also know that in the long run that alone is not enough to sustain a healthy and meaningful relationship between anyone. At the end of the day, if any individual puts enough effort into taking care of themselves physically and mentally, has something going for themselves (a career, passions, goals, etc.), and is independent - they will become more confident in themselves and THAT is attractive to women. Don’t focus on women and why they don’t seem interested, focus on yourselves and the interest will follow! - And yes be NICE lol
It's always interesting to hear woman's perspective because I think us men can be so entrenched in our own idea of reality when it may not be necessarily true no matter how much it feels true to us. Thank you for sharing your insight on this!
@@DailyKenji Anytime! It also saddens me to hear people consider surgeries to alter their appearance for others. Have more faith in yourself and more faith in the ladies!
Kindness is just one aspect. Similar to being healthy, looking good, having money etc. I definitely want someone who is nice, but I also want someone with humor, who works out etc. If you're just nice but everything else lacks hard then it won't matter, I think that's something some guys miss. I'll say you can also be too nice, in the sense that you're so nice you become boring. I certainly know guys like that, and while it might be good once you're 40-50 years old, for someone younger I want more excitement in my life.
You can’t negotiate genuine desire. No matter how nice you are if you’re not 6 foot four Chad or Tyrone you most likely will not Garner very much female attention. Unfortunately, women tend to all target, the outlier men and our off putt by the average guy however, this does not mean it’s over for the average guy if he looks maxes hits, the gym gets his money up, focuses on his hobbies careers and personal success. The women will show themselves. It’s a tough reality for a lot of men to face, but the truth is, if you want a female the only thing you can do is work hard and as any good fisherman would do go where the fish are passport Bros unite!
No, human is not quite part of nature, because can make choices to be moral or natural. People make decisions based on what their experience, desires, what's in their head.
Not sure how this got recommended to me. I’m a gay guy and typically what people would consider attractive-tall, in shape, etc. But in my limited experience with dating, I’ve noticed a lot of Asian guys being the typical “nice guy” - even when shorter, average build, Asian guys are typically my type. Women (and men because “nice guy” syndrome is moreso about being a people pleaser than the gender) don’t like nice guys because they don’t feel protected and secure with them. Nice guys are very dishonest, passive aggressive, vindictive, have a victim mentality, and are pretty narcissistic- traits a lot of people will become subconsciously and energetically pushed away by even if there is strong physical attraction from the woman. It’s not that women like “bad boys”. It’s just that they feel emotionally safer with them because at least they know what they’re getting. If a bad boy is hurt or angry, they’ll admit it and own it rather than deny their feelings and do/say hurtful things while denying their intentions. It’s a very painful and even traumatic experience being with a “nice guy” because you can’t full trust them and trying to hold a nice guy accountable is met with gaslighting and manipulation. I don’t know much about you but you look like you got a good head on your shoulders and are a thoughtful guy. Focus on being a good man than being a nice guy and the right one will come along.
Now I know what a gay guy thinks of nice guys. Women gravitate towards alpha behavior. They've been programmed to seek alpha energy in the subconscious hope to pass on those traits to their offspring.
Personality is not a catch all term. Often these guys are more confident and funny and bold, even if they're not very considerate or thoughtful or apologetic. Let's not just simplify everything into "nice" and "asshole". Also, nobody needs surgery unless it's clinical like a cleft jaw. If you get a haircut that fits your face, perhaps contacts, work out, it adds so many points to attractiveness
"Nice guy" has nothing to do with being nice. "Nice guys" are yes men, people pleasers, afraid to be assertive. "Nice guys" usually arent nice at all in reality. Grow a backbone.
lol Kenji talking about how he had 6 - 8 girlfriends in the past and saying its a struggle, bruh most of us have never had a girlfriend. IDK this sounds out of touch man. The rest of us are getting nothing....
Most of gf's I had was in my early 20's and times were very different back then when it came to dating because there were no online dating apps like there are now, so it didn't feel like cut-throat competition like it is now and much of interaction was very organic back then. Still even then, a lot of things I did or willing to do to get a gf was out of desperation and cringe-worthy though. Sorry if it sounds out of touch though 😥
Well, he’s almost 40. That’s 6-8 over 40 years. And you absolutely could do that by age 40 anybody could, doesn’t mean it’s quality or that they’re attractive, but you can do it. If you don’t, then that’s your own choice which is okay, but you could
It's called dating in your league. As brutal as it may sound it's a fact, if youre not physically attractive yourself then don't expect to be able to pull really attractive women. Of course there are exceptions to this but it's rare. There are plenty of less desirable women out there for the uglies to get with but ugly people want the ones out of their league and that goes for both women and men. The reality is attractive women or men dont need to give a person who looks unattractive to them a chance because they have options. Ugly people do too but with other ugly people that they themselves arent even attracted to. So what do the unattractive do? Blame the attractive people for being shallow for not giving them a chance when in fact they themselves are being shallow by not giving their ugly counterpart a chance. If your're ugly you gotta get comfortable with the idea that you might just have to come to terms with settling down with sharkiesha at the end of the day or stay single. Im sorry but it's the truth people don't want to hear.
I agree. There are exceptions of course but overall you get what you’re worth. If you want more then become more. It’s why famous guys who are a 5 in the looks department get 10/10 supermodels, they leveled up.
The point? Do you know WHY you were rejected? Once or twice is understandable but 7 and you’re CLEARLY doing something wrong. Are you overweight? Do you smell? Did you get to know them first? Are you unpleasant to be around? What made them not attracted to you?
Wow so looks like 2025 is the year where normies finally admit that being attractive matters. Its about time you guys realize this. But its too late. The damage has been done. Its over for dating 100%.
It’s tough being a nice guy in this society because of the social stigma around it and people assumed these type of guys just wanna hit on Women (Using them for personal gain) when in reality most of us “nice guys” just wanna be in a genuine relationship with Women that actually care about us.
Brother, You are nearly 38 and still are whining about stuff like this. You act like a 17 year old always chasing validation from girls it's really important you become happy with yourself. I understand you are unwell I wish you the best but really work on your career and future
@@Tejana I see you watch his videos. 🤝🏻 And to this comment, that’s so rich that telling people to be happy with themselves is such cope when in reality you see terrible people in relationships all the time, everyone deserves to feel like they want to be in a relationship and crave it.
@@Tejana That time is basically over. Finding a wife at that age is basically impossible. The dude has nothing to show for as well. No car, No house, No career. At 25 there's already a stigma of men still living with their parents imagine the stigma at 38.. While most 38 year olds have found wives and have gotten married this dude is still whining about how girls like bad boys....
@casket8530 yes 👏 thats exactly what happens I honestly wish women saw how amazing nice men can be u don't gotta be rough being gentle and kind is honestly a beautiful way to express love. Why you want a rough and tough guy makes no sense to me. 😆 I just don't understand like come on now u got a man who so unbelievably gentle with u and here come a big guy who loves to fight he not gonna dry ur tears he gonna say suck it up while the nice guys gonna do everything he can to make those tears dry up and have u laughing and feeling safe and loved.
@@SpanishPrincess89 The conundrum is, they want to feel safe and loved and all that by the bad guy. There used to be social systems/stigmas in place to prevent this from happening. Such as slut shaming and shaming women who were not married. But in todays world, women are running rampant with nothing to prevent them from engaging in these cycles. Women are aroused by the bad guys which is why they go after them.
@@dappidy3763 Regardless, you’ll hear women say if youre boyfriend material, they’ll take it slow but if youre a fuck boy or “hot” they’ll sleep with him immediately. Its faking virtue and manipulative. Being called a nice guy or good guy is actually a slur for most modern men who are aware of female manipulation.
Seek jesus bro, trust me all your insecurities will dissappear. Jesus is the truth the way the life. In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen.
are you in america? that could be a big issue with the accent, it makes it seem you're from a different culture which can be alienating for a potential partner. similarly women usually find their own race most attractive, dating in your native culture might be alot easier. granted you could still get a gf in america with effort, learning game, asking out women just it might be alot harder because of the accent imo.
More than anything, I'm glad that you're feeling better. We love you, King.
Me being 27, I am anxious about being single but watching videos like this calm me down.
God bless you
good looking + good personality = the meme writes itself
bad looking + good personality = nice guy
good looking + bad personality = bad boy
bad looking + bad personality = bad guy
Nice comes from the latin word nessus, which means ignorant. Women realize that guys that act nice do so to make up for not being capable. That's why women like confident guys.Because confidence is basically a facade of the capacity to be capable. If you Want something out of this life as a man, you're going to have to be ruthless, and smart about it. Women have their value given to them.Men have to make their value.
So many young fools chase relationships only to be used and discarded once they are drained. SingleANDChildlessPeacefulLiving is the way forward with the rigged laws and social deterioration nowadays.
"Confidence is the facade of the capacity to be capable." So, it's like, if you are capable, or build up your capability and skills in any area, it will show up as confidence. Love it!
Yeah, it's always amazing how these common-sense stuff are grand and insightful, once you really "realize" them. Thanks again!
I went through the same journey and thought process as you did. Started off in college trying to be the nice guy to get girls attention. Going to events and parties that girls I liked went to and overall bending over backwards to prove to the girl I liked that I was a nice guy. But girls see through that facade and it screams desperation. Think about it from the girl's perspective. Do they want a guy who's only motivation is to please the girl he likes? No, they want a guy who has aspirations, is capable of being a leader, protector, and provider. Because overall they're looking for someone they can count on to start a family with.
Now about the bad boy perspective. It's true that there are a lot of guys who attractive and don't have to worry about being nice to attract girls. Why would a guy who attracts girls by default put in effort or do anything differently if he already pulls girls by just existing? The caveat here is, it doesn't work for guys who are not attractive. So it's not the fact that you are a bad boy that makes you attractive to girls. It's the fact that you attractive. Both bad boys and nice guys who are attractive pull girls. Case in point, I'm not an attractive guy. I read online all these pickup artists on how in order to attract girls you gotta be the bad boy. So I tried doing that. Started wearing chains, studs in my ears, wearing dark clothing, acting macho, putting down girls, and not caring about their feelings. Didn't help. I wasn't attractive in the first place so whether I'm a nice guy or bad boy didn't affect girls attraction towards me.
What worked, was I decided I'm going to unashamedly be myself. Whoever likes me likes me, who ever doesn't doesn't. I didn't want to have to live my life being someone I'm not to attract a girl. Who was that guy? Well, my baseline is nice guy. But this time, not being nice specifically to anyone girl or person, but nice to everyone I meet because I genuinely want to help people. Also, another thing about me is I'm a huge nerd. Instead of trying to wear things that I thought were attractive to girls like designer clothing or look like a bad boy, I instead bought star wars and lotr t-shirts and hoodies and wore them with jeans and shorts. I fully embraced my nerdy hobbies like board game nights, playing video games, traveling to places that are in movies I liked (New Zealand from LOTR, Lake Como from Star Wars from the I don't like sand scene, and Kalua (sp?) Ranch in Hawaii from Jurassic Park to name a few). When interacting with girls whether it be IRL or on dating apps, it became less about how can I get you to like me by serving you to this is my life and do you find this life to be an exciting complement to your life?
I think in the end, girls do want a nice guy. But nice guy meaning someone who will protect and care for them. They don't want a guy who will abuse them whether physically or emotionally. But they want someone who has their own life. Someone to add on to their life and enhance it or enrich it. Now sometimes, a girl will fall for the attractive bad boy because they think they can have it all and fix the bad boy. But take it from me, they don't go after unattractive bad boys.
In case you were wondering, I did end up dating and marrying a girl who on paper is way out of my league. Taller than me, more attractive that me (I'm a 5, she's an 8 or 9), makes more money than I do. She was attracted to me because I was nice to other people in need. I try to make people who are outcasts or newcomers in the group feel included. For example, when we were playing pickup basketball I would pass the ball to the guy/girl/kid who was obviously not good at basketball to make them feel included and encourage them to take the shot even at the expense of our team losing the match. At board game nights I purposefully sabotage others (hey, it's a valid strategy for winning) to boost up a newcomer. Or in MarioKart I'll act as the wingman of someone who is really bad at the game to see if I can get them to 1st place. Despite being a nerd, the fact that I embraced my nerdiness and hobbies was also what attracted her to me because she was able to take interest into a whole other side of life that she wasn't aware of, and vice versa she was able to share her interests with me.
Okay, well, I think I've written enough. Good luck to you Kenji. Wish you the best!
Wow, thank you for sharing your story. I think being really comfortable in your own skin in a genuine way and not holding yourself back from showing it to others is very important it sounds like. Glad you met your wife! Kudos!
@@boredoreos talked about a whole bunch of nothing
Great comment!
@@kevinwilson3337 Let me guess. You're in the bad boy alpha chad and tyrone 6 6 6 camp.
@@kevinwilson3337 I disagree, some good takeaways you can take from his journey. Be open minded and supportive instead of being dismissive.
Most guys aren’t born with bad genetics. The difference between you and good-looking guys often comes down to nutrition. Men need more meat and animal fats to grow taller, develop a well-defined face, and boost attractiveness. These nutrients help increase testosterone and enhance manliness. Many of us Asians weren’t born as “soy boys”-we were raised that way due to poor diets.
The sad part is that many Asian women can still turn out attractive despite these nutritional deficiencies, as girls don’t need to be tall or have a well-defined jaw to be considered attractive. You could visit a poor village in Asia and easily find attractive women, but attractive men are much rarer-even though they come from the same gene pool. This shows that genetics isn’t the issue-nutrition is.
Yeah that is true. A lot of unattractive guys look like they eat a bunch of junk food even if they are skinny.
Bronny is 6'1 while LeBron is 6'8 because of nutrition?
So, do you want to stick with the genetic fallacy and believe nothing can be done about it? Or would you rather focus on the nutrition side, optimizing it as much as possible to gain at least some benefits?
You cant be real there is no way 😂😂😂
Hello kenji, I think you have a very perceptive way of viewing your current situation (dating wise). You shouldn't beat yourself up over things you can't control. Simply focus on things that make you happy, it is very easy to fall into a hateful mindset. It helps that your outlook is positive, rational and you also have self-awareness. You should be neutral with people (including women). You don't owe them anything and they don't owe you anything. There is nothing to "fix." You should also not allow yourself to be used by people that don't appreciate you (kindness can often be a weakness for many to exploit) being strung along in a relationship. Overall, thank you for sharing your videos.
Wow this is very well written
Very well put!
If you talk to guys who are truly honest about relationships, you will understand the headaches are not worth it. Cheaper to keep her, doesnt mean happy.
Very well said! 🥰
def listening to this after work, timing is crazy though, i was literally thinking about how you doing, checking your last community post to see if you're better or for any updates.
appreciate your stories man, hope you're feeling better and getting enough hours of sleep❤❤❤.
I think a lot of men go through this phase because, usually, in our early to mid-20s, we often feel powerless. As a consequence, we lash out and try to blame forces outside of our control for our shortcomings.
You nailed everything kenji. Great advice
kenji is genuine nice guy
Glad you are doing better Kenji! One advice I would say is to not show desperation to get a gf. Just focus on being happy where you’re not dependent on others. I believe happy people tends to get more opportunities.
Right, desperation usually leads to unhealthy result. Thank you.
Yay kenji! Glad chemo is going well. Thank you for the updates. So glad to hear you’re getting better 🤝 I am married, but if I had to be dating in this current environment- I would be loosing my mind. It’s so tough on all sides. I saw a girl on Instagram move to Texas with her Bf so her bf can be closer to her dad. She gave up her career, improv team, and home to make the move. Her bf, shortly after a family trip after the move, gave her a letter saying they are incompatible and he wants to break up. They dated…. For three years. So horrible 😢 humans are very complicated. You will find your person, just realize that dating, making friends, even getting a job is just so terrible rn in our current environment ❤ that doesn’t mean that you can’t get what you want tho. Fighting!!!!
Hi Tokki, good to see you again! Thank you for your kind words as always🥰
youre are the nicest doomer i ever seen
all other doomer are just doomer
From a woman’s perspective: Being perceived as “hot” or “beautiful” definitely gives many men and women a 1 up over others who are perceived as less physically attractive according to societal standards, but most people also know that in the long run that alone is not enough to sustain a healthy and meaningful relationship between anyone. At the end of the day, if any individual puts enough effort into taking care of themselves physically and mentally, has something going for themselves (a career, passions, goals, etc.), and is independent - they will become more confident in themselves and THAT is attractive to women. Don’t focus on women and why they don’t seem interested, focus on yourselves and the interest will follow! - And yes be NICE lol
At least these people can get in the door while ugly guys struggle all day
It's always interesting to hear woman's perspective because I think us men can be so entrenched in our own idea of reality when it may not be necessarily true no matter how much it feels true to us. Thank you for sharing your insight on this!
@ its all down to attractiveness. Look up the 1960 study by Elaine Walster. She said this world is all about looks.
@@DailyKenji Anytime! It also saddens me to hear people consider surgeries to alter their appearance for others. Have more faith in yourself and more faith in the ladies!
Kindness is just one aspect.
Similar to being healthy, looking good, having money etc.
I definitely want someone who is nice, but I also want someone with humor, who works out etc.
If you're just nice but everything else lacks hard then it won't matter, I think that's something some guys miss.
I'll say you can also be too nice, in the sense that you're so nice you become boring. I certainly know guys like that, and while it might be good once you're 40-50 years old, for someone younger I want more excitement in my life.
You can’t negotiate genuine desire. No matter how nice you are if you’re not 6 foot four Chad or Tyrone you most likely will not Garner very much female attention. Unfortunately, women tend to all target, the outlier men and our off putt by the average guy however, this does not mean it’s over for the average guy if he looks maxes hits, the gym gets his money up, focuses on his hobbies careers and personal success. The women will show themselves. It’s a tough reality for a lot of men to face, but the truth is, if you want a female the only thing you can do is work hard and as any good fisherman would do go where the fish are passport Bros unite!
11:44 Evolution is never fair. Nature is never fair. NATURE IS METAL!
No, human is not quite part of nature, because can make choices to be moral or natural. People make decisions based on what their experience, desires, what's in their head.
Not sure how this got recommended to me. I’m a gay guy and typically what people would consider attractive-tall, in shape, etc. But in my limited experience with dating, I’ve noticed a lot of Asian guys being the typical “nice guy” - even when shorter, average build, Asian guys are typically my type.
Women (and men because “nice guy” syndrome is moreso about being a people pleaser than the gender) don’t like nice guys because they don’t feel protected and secure with them. Nice guys are very dishonest, passive aggressive, vindictive, have a victim mentality, and are pretty narcissistic- traits a lot of people will become subconsciously and energetically pushed away by even if there is strong physical attraction from the woman.
It’s not that women like “bad boys”. It’s just that they feel emotionally safer with them because at least they know what they’re getting. If a bad boy is hurt or angry, they’ll admit it and own it rather than deny their feelings and do/say hurtful things while denying their intentions. It’s a very painful and even traumatic experience being with a “nice guy” because you can’t full trust them and trying to hold a nice guy accountable is met with gaslighting and manipulation.
I don’t know much about you but you look like you got a good head on your shoulders and are a thoughtful guy. Focus on being a good man than being a nice guy and the right one will come along.
Wow, that's a great insight! Thank you for sharing!
Now I know what a gay guy thinks of nice guys.
Women gravitate towards alpha behavior. They've been programmed to seek alpha energy in the subconscious hope to pass on those traits to their offspring.
This (gay) guy gets it. I agree 100%
Brutal, but more men just need to realize this.
The nice guy is a victim of assumptions.
How else would we finite beings make sense of reality? There just isn't enough time nor the will power to see what reality is.
being a nice guy if you got the money
Personality is not a catch all term. Often these guys are more confident and funny and bold, even if they're not very considerate or thoughtful or apologetic. Let's not just simplify everything into "nice" and "asshole".
Also, nobody needs surgery unless it's clinical like a cleft jaw. If you get a haircut that fits your face, perhaps contacts, work out, it adds so many points to attractiveness
"Nice guy" has nothing to do with being nice. "Nice guys" are yes men, people pleasers, afraid to be assertive. "Nice guys" usually arent nice at all in reality.
Grow a backbone.
lol Kenji talking about how he had 6 - 8 girlfriends in the past and saying its a struggle, bruh most of us have never had a girlfriend. IDK this sounds out of touch man. The rest of us are getting nothing....
Most of gf's I had was in my early 20's and times were very different back then when it came to dating because there were no online dating apps like there are now, so it didn't feel like cut-throat competition like it is now and much of interaction was very organic back then. Still even then, a lot of things I did or willing to do to get a gf was out of desperation and cringe-worthy though. Sorry if it sounds out of touch though 😥
Well, he’s almost 40. That’s 6-8 over 40 years. And you absolutely could do that by age 40 anybody could, doesn’t mean it’s quality or that they’re attractive, but you can do it. If you don’t, then that’s your own choice which is okay, but you could
@@notreallyafamousartist695 so am I....
It's called dating in your league. As brutal as it may sound it's a fact, if youre not physically attractive yourself then don't expect to be able to pull really attractive women. Of course there are exceptions to this but it's rare. There are plenty of less desirable women out there for the uglies to get with but ugly people want the ones out of their league and that goes for both women and men. The reality is attractive women or men dont need to give a person who looks unattractive to them a chance because they have options. Ugly people do too but with other ugly people that they themselves arent even attracted to. So what do the unattractive do? Blame the attractive people for being shallow for not giving them a chance when in fact they themselves are being shallow by not giving their ugly counterpart a chance. If your're ugly you gotta get comfortable with the idea that you might just have to come to terms with settling down with sharkiesha at the end of the day or stay single. Im sorry but it's the truth people don't want to hear.
I think you are definitely right here 😝
I agree. There are exceptions of course but overall you get what you’re worth. If you want more then become more. It’s why famous guys who are a 5 in the looks department get 10/10 supermodels, they leveled up.
@@DailyKenji You aren't ugly though. YOu are pretty hot, actually lol. So, maybe you are just kind of depressing?
the problem is men have to date levels down. A male 5 is expected to date an entitled female 2 and be happy about it.
I havent looking for girls since 2017 since i got 7 rejections in school i was like f it whats the point
The point? Do you know WHY you were rejected? Once or twice is understandable but 7 and you’re CLEARLY doing something wrong. Are you overweight? Do you smell? Did you get to know them first? Are you unpleasant to be around? What made them not attracted to you?
@@mitthrawnuruodo1730 7 is not that many rejections. A lot of guys try 50+ times for 4-5 dates.
Wow so looks like 2025 is the year where normies finally admit that being attractive matters. Its about time you guys realize this. But its too late. The damage has been done. Its over for dating 100%.
if one can't get gf one should do something he couldn't do if he had one
It’s tough being a nice guy in this society because of the social stigma around it and people assumed these type of guys just wanna hit on Women (Using them for personal gain) when in reality most of us “nice guys” just wanna be in a genuine relationship with Women that actually care about us.
If she's attracted to a man. He doesn't need to be very nice.
Brother, You are nearly 38 and still are whining about stuff like this. You act like a 17 year old always chasing validation from girls it's really important you become happy with yourself.
I understand you are unwell I wish you the best but really work on your career and future
brutal 😭😭
Getting a woman is a GIANT part of a man's life. Saying otherwise is cope.
I see you watch his videos. 🤝🏻
And to this comment, that’s so rich that telling people to be happy with themselves is such cope when in reality you see terrible people in relationships all the time, everyone deserves to feel like they want to be in a relationship and crave it.
@@Tejana That time is basically over. Finding a wife at that age is basically impossible.
The dude has nothing to show for as well. No car, No house, No career.
At 25 there's already a stigma of men still living with their parents imagine the stigma at 38..
While most 38 year olds have found wives and have gotten married this dude is still whining about how girls like bad boys....
He could have a career and still be depressed when he comes home to an empty quiet apartment.
I dated a lot of nice guys I never understood why women go for the tough guys.
They sleep with the “tough guys” and “date” and take things slow with the nice guys. But the relationships are terrible.
@casket8530 yes 👏 thats exactly what happens I honestly wish women saw how amazing nice men can be u don't gotta be rough being gentle and kind is honestly a beautiful way to express love. Why you want a rough and tough guy makes no sense to me. 😆 I just don't understand like come on now u got a man who so unbelievably gentle with u and here come a big guy who loves to fight he not gonna dry ur tears he gonna say suck it up while the nice guys gonna do everything he can to make those tears dry up and have u laughing and feeling safe and loved.
@@SpanishPrincess89 The conundrum is, they want to feel safe and loved and all that by the bad guy. There used to be social systems/stigmas in place to prevent this from happening. Such as slut shaming and shaming women who were not married. But in todays world, women are running rampant with nothing to prevent them from engaging in these cycles. Women are aroused by the bad guys which is why they go after them.
Difference between nice guy TM and authentic nice guy
@@dappidy3763 Regardless, you’ll hear women say if youre boyfriend material, they’ll take it slow but if youre a fuck boy or “hot” they’ll sleep with him immediately. Its faking virtue and manipulative. Being called a nice guy or good guy is actually a slur for most modern men who are aware of female manipulation.
Seek jesus bro, trust me all your insecurities will dissappear. Jesus is the truth the way the life. In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen.
"Just seek jesus bro" there is no jesus for your face and genetics brother. King Aelfred talking ahh
are you in america? that could be a big issue with the accent, it makes it seem you're from a different culture which can be alienating for a potential partner. similarly women usually find their own race most attractive, dating in your native culture might be alot easier.
granted you could still get a gf in america with effort, learning game, asking out women just it might be alot harder because of the accent imo.
We need to get kenji a stripper ASAP!!!!!