'Celebrity True or False' with Alan Ruck | The Rich Eisen Show | 8/16/18

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 178

  • @mjnelson4151
    @mjnelson4151 5 лет назад +82

    I’m so glad he continued to be successful. Great actor!

  • @JohannesYtterstrom
    @JohannesYtterstrom 5 лет назад +116

    I miss Spin City. Very underrated sitcom that was!

    • @dannyr2976
      @dannyr2976 4 года назад +5

      @Tom Henesey For me, the quality went sooooo downhill once Charlie Sheen took over as the lead (partly because half the cast left due to the move of filming location to LA to accommodate Sheen). I was like 'What the hell happened?...'

    • @johnkahuila4878
      @johnkahuila4878 4 года назад +6

      That show was hilarious

    • @drewholley6314
      @drewholley6314 2 года назад +4

      It was not underrated. The show had a good run and an awesome cast.

    • @BDUBZ49
      @BDUBZ49 2 года назад +1

      There's an entire wiki page just for its awards/nominations including 4/10 Golden Globe wins.

    • @eddiewinehosen6665
      @eddiewinehosen6665 10 месяцев назад

      Yup, when Fox left it wasn't the same.@@dannyr2976

  • @dragon7590
    @dragon7590 4 года назад +63

    Got to meet him a few years ago while filming a pilot for a TV show that didn't get picked up. He was very down to earth and prior to the first scene he came over to introduce himself and talk the the extras. Thought that was so cool.

    • @bradlafferty6076
      @bradlafferty6076 2 года назад +2

      I’m kind of a big thing in the extra scene

    • @MisterMister5893
      @MisterMister5893 2 года назад +1

      Cool. Csn you talk about the pilot thst did t get picked up? Do the actors as well as extras but mainly big main actors get their agreed upon rate if the show doesn’t get picked up? And how often do pilots get shot and there are no takers? Must just be sitting in a warehouse never to be seen by anyone outside of thr immediate circles, right?

    • @Dave_MB
      @Dave_MB 10 месяцев назад

      @@MisterMister5893, actors get paid to do the pilot. They get paid a lot more if the pilot gets picked up.

  • @richardwelsh9577
    @richardwelsh9577 3 года назад +109

    I love how Ferris was like the most popular kid in school, but his best friend was a misfit. You almost get the impression that it was his only real friend.

    • @SonnyGTA
      @SonnyGTA 2 года назад +5


    • @BAKER22-l4u
      @BAKER22-l4u 5 месяцев назад

      Arguably the most IDIOTIC and ignorant thing I've heard in years...WTF are you smoking?

  • @tedlogan5628
    @tedlogan5628 5 лет назад +19

    When you wish you were Ferris 😎but you relate more to Cameron...🤧🥺. Great acting , Mr. Ruck!

  • @78bcat
    @78bcat 3 года назад +19

    This is SO the dream career. To have consistent work (certainly making a great living), do work that is incredibly memorable...and yet nobody knows your name. You get recognized, but people can't always place you and leave you alone. You're not a "celebrity", no paparazzi, no gossip, just fun work, good money, then you go home.

    • @edp3202
      @edp3202 Год назад

      Many character actors fit this bill.

  • @iveywin
    @iveywin 4 года назад +21

    To Rich Eisen and his team - you guys do a great job! Love the show!! 👍😎

  • @seanhart9706
    @seanhart9706 5 лет назад +49

    He seems like a sweet funny and genuine guy

  • @sprsprtrudy
    @sprsprtrudy 2 года назад +4

    One of the most underrated cameos is Alan ruck in kicking it old school when he makes the comment about the Ferrari!

  • @cjpatz
    @cjpatz 5 лет назад +15

    He’s a great character actor! The guy you always know his face when you see it. “That one guy form that one movie.”

  • @theStacyJames
    @theStacyJames 3 года назад +12

    I loved Repo Man. Great film. I'm sure barely anyone born after 1990 has ever seen it. First rate oddity of a film. Happy to hear you mention it Alan, even though you weren't in it.

    • @rulinghabs
      @rulinghabs 2 года назад +1

      Loved that movie.

    • @DryHeaveSteve
      @DryHeaveSteve 2 года назад +2

      "The life of a repo man is always intense"

    • @BAKER22-l4u
      @BAKER22-l4u 5 месяцев назад

      Great film? Lol..WTF is WRONG with you?

    • @mysticsofthemaya
      @mysticsofthemaya 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@BAKER22-l4u What's wrong with you? Let me guess, you think Rocky III is tops. Lol!

  • @lpr5269
    @lpr5269 4 года назад +31

    "I'm dying." "You're not dying. You just can't think of anything good to do."

    • @flexiblestrategist9922
      @flexiblestrategist9922 3 года назад +1


    • @fromthehaven94
      @fromthehaven94 2 года назад +2

      If anyone needs a day off it's Cameron. He has a lot of things to sort out before he goes to college. Can't be wound up this tight and go to college, his roommate'll kill him!

  • @kamuelalee
    @kamuelalee Год назад +3

    "No Tiger Beat magazine for me." LOL

  • @saxonsteve
    @saxonsteve 5 лет назад +6

    29! WOW! He looked very young! Good genetics!! Seems like a nice guy.

  • @erichargrove1187
    @erichargrove1187 4 года назад +3

    LOVED him on Spin City!! HILARIOUS!!!! 😂😂😂

  • @killercaritas9442
    @killercaritas9442 3 года назад +7

    He’ll keep calling me He’ll keep calling me😂

  • @mjm5081
    @mjm5081 5 лет назад +49

    "Let my Cameron gooooo..." I'm assuming he has another interview.

  • @jaggass
    @jaggass 5 лет назад +19

    He looks like Brian Wilson who went forward in time in the 80's.

    • @danielstack4158
      @danielstack4158 5 лет назад +1

      Yeah, a much healthier looking Brian Wilson.

  • @cameron1975williams
    @cameron1975williams 5 лет назад +9

    Aw, I was hoping they'd ask Alan about being in a scene with James T. Kirk, or working with Michael J. Fox on Spin City.

  • @chrisstephens3196
    @chrisstephens3196 3 года назад +7

    Emilio actually turned down Bueller because he was set to do his own movie. A movie he wrote, directed and stared in “Wisdom”. Not to bad as he was just 24 at the time. “Repo Man” he had already done two years prior in 1984.

    • @PreApocalypseJitters
      @PreApocalypseJitters 2 года назад

      yeah, thanks for verifying that - I wrinkled my forehead when Alan said that, like, "Naw, that was BEFORE..." Wisdom wasn't bad, gets a lot of crap, but I liked Maximum Overdrive better.

  • @vibeofthee80s_
    @vibeofthee80s_ Год назад +1

    I've come to love this show LOL great podcast with great interviews with some of my favorite actors

  • @jeffhenjes1722
    @jeffhenjes1722 Год назад +1

    Alan Ruck, one of the captains to helm an Enterprise... NCC 1701-B

  • @TheMilesswint
    @TheMilesswint 3 года назад +2

    “Rabbit is good, rabbit is wise”. Lol 😂 🌪

  • @marcwharb333
    @marcwharb333 5 лет назад +3

    One of his best scenes in Ferris Bueller was so simple..When Ferris calls him to tell him to come over and hes in bed sick...When he hangs up,pauses,then says "I'm dying." Gold

    • @trevgreg2
      @trevgreg2 4 года назад +1

      The ambient music in the background was a nice touch as well, lol.

    • @cityhawk
      @cityhawk Год назад

      “You're not dying, you just can't think of anything good to do.” 😂

  • @jasona9
    @jasona9 5 лет назад +7

    4:19, Anthony Michael Hall passed on 'Ferris'? Thanks for the information Alan Ruck, I had never heard that before! I had heard the name Johnny Depp attached to 'Ferris' but never Anthony Michael Hall. I have to believe that Anthony Michael Hall and Emilio Estevez regret their decisions. Of course Matthew and Alan were PERFECT!

    • @alromas8082
      @alromas8082 3 года назад

      Hall thought he was going to be in Full Metal Jacket.

  • @ronaldadams3230
    @ronaldadams3230 3 года назад +3

    Repo Man, I can tell you a story about this movie nobody would believe. In the Late 80/Early90s Repo Man was played every single night into every room of the American/British Hotel in Pakistan, across the street from Benazir Bhutto. They had a VCR at the desk connected to every room and that was the only English movie in the place, the god damn floating car almost makes the movie good.

  • @jarrollin
    @jarrollin 5 лет назад +12

    Stockard Channing was 33 when filming Grease.

    • @jamminjohn
      @jamminjohn 5 лет назад +4

      Looked 43

    • @jasona9
      @jasona9 5 лет назад +1

      All of the actors were too old to be in High School, but it worked. Dinah 'Marty' Manoff was the closest at age 19. She was HOT!

    • @danielavazquez4788
      @danielavazquez4788 2 года назад

      yeah she looked it

    • @Hummerbird99
      @Hummerbird99 27 дней назад

      @@jamminjohn She didn't look a day over 32

  • @GetsumJ
    @GetsumJ 2 года назад +1

    John Hughes - Legendary

  • @Zapp__Brannigan
    @Zapp__Brannigan 3 года назад +2

    @1:46 Bernie Sanders was his director?

  • @georgehgordy1690
    @georgehgordy1690 5 месяцев назад +1

    CALL ME SIR, GODDAMNIT! 🤣🤣 The best 4 word comedic line in a movie EVER! With a strong argument of it being the best comedic line in a movie EVER! Whenever I'm on the phone with a company that makes a mistake but thinks I'm at fault first, but then realize it's the company that they work for is at fault and they have to walk it back ( wrong invoice or something I've ordered ) When they have to eat crow and admit blame, then start apologizing.. The first thought that pops in my head everytime is to say " CALL ME SIR, GODDAMNIT! " I'm just waiting for the wrong bad day and the right smartass to come along , and I will let that one fly..

  • @jaytc3218
    @jaytc3218 8 месяцев назад

    Ben Stein, who played the teacher in FB'sDO, was an actual teacher before he went into acting. He told the story that John Hughes talked to him about the scene where he's teaching the economics class. John Hughes told him, "Ben, just act like you're teaching an actual class. Make it really dry and really boring. You can say whatever you want but it has to actually be true in case later down the road someone looks it up. So it has to be true." I always like to hear stories like that. And Alan Ruck is pretty cool here.

  • @D-Fens_1632
    @D-Fens_1632 5 лет назад +6

    I read in a book about 80's movies that Eric Stolz was originally going to be Ferris. Poor Stolz, a good actor in his own right, but that's gotta sting thinking you could have been McFly AND Ferris, perhaps the two most recognized and heralded 80's teen movie icons.

    • @Friggle_Dee
      @Friggle_Dee 5 лет назад

      Theres actually footage of Stoltz as Marty McFly. Its terrible. Zemeckis was thrilled to get Michael J Fox after haggling with the studios. They actually filmed a good chunk with Stoltz, spent a lot of money. But Zemeckis knew the movie needed the real McFly.

    • @trevgreg2
      @trevgreg2 4 года назад

      Stoltz was asked in an interview about how he took the Back to the Future thing. He more or less confirmed that he was upset about it at the time, but was happy with the direction his career went afterward (and which he confirmed would've likely been very different had the film succeeded or failed with him).

    • @DMalltheway
      @DMalltheway 2 года назад

      Soltz did some great 80s flicks, so it’s not like he came out with nothing, still a solid career

  • @djquinn11
    @djquinn11 3 года назад

    Such a classic movie...

  • @robocock475
    @robocock475 5 лет назад +13

    If Ruck didn't feel comfortable playing a teenager in Ferris Bueller, I wonder how awkward he would feel French Kissing Molly Ringwald in the Breakfast Club

    • @jasona9
      @jasona9 5 лет назад +6

      If he's heterosexual, I doubt he would have minded. Molly was a looker! The red hair was fake, but the lips were natural.

    • @MakeMeLo
      @MakeMeLo 4 года назад +3

      @@jasona9 the red hair was not fake, she dyes her hair brown now. Omfg, she is a classic ass ginger with freckles all over!!!!!

  • @alcoholic2412
    @alcoholic2412 2 года назад +1

    I was hoping he'd get asked about being the Captain of the Enterprise "B"

  • @kooj22
    @kooj22 4 года назад +3

    The Con-heads are loving this interview!

  • @BDUBZ49
    @BDUBZ49 2 года назад +6

    I wanted to know whose idea it was to have him walk around Chicago in a Redwings jersey.

    • @toniigx8
      @toniigx8 2 года назад +3

      i heard john hughes made him wear it as a homage to gordie howe who he admired and loved so much because he was a detroit red wings fan

    • @cityhawk
      @cityhawk Год назад +1

      @@toniigx8 Stan Mikita or Bobby Hull would have been a good choice. Those red Black Hawks jerseys are awesome.

    • @Hummerbird99
      @Hummerbird99 27 дней назад

      @@cityhawk I remember the John Candy movie Summer Rental where he wore a Blackhawks jersey. A Canadian interviewer asked him why he wore it. He said it looked great on camera.

    • @cityhawk
      @cityhawk 27 дней назад

      @@Hummerbird99 I may be a Rangers fan, but I agree. The red Blackhawks jersey is one of the coolest in the NHL. I can see why it'd pop on camera. It's simple yet unique.

  • @vinmad6669
    @vinmad6669 3 года назад

    LOVE this dude Alan Ruck ....
    = AWESOME .....
    thank u bro

  • @JasonthePunk
    @JasonthePunk 4 года назад +4

    "Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise."

  • @JerryC25
    @JerryC25 2 года назад +2

    I hope he’s feeling better

  • @chriskay1449
    @chriskay1449 2 года назад +1

    When Cameron was in Egypt's land....
    Let my Cameron goooooo.

  • @TubenIt83
    @TubenIt83 5 лет назад +9

    I always thought that Cameron was imitating Fred Gwynn (Herman Munster)! But then I didn’t know what Gene Sax sounded like.

    • @lynnturman8157
      @lynnturman8157 5 лет назад +1

      If you've ever seen Nobody's Fool with Paul Newman, he played Paul Newman's lawyer. He also directed Odd Couple with Mathau & Lemon. He was a highly respected actor/director in movies and on Broadway.

      @JOECANDELA22 5 лет назад +1

      Gene Saks also acted when he played Jack Lemmon's older brother in another Neil Simon classic "The Prisoner of Second Avenue" in case your interested in seeing and hearing Gene speak. I'm sure you can find scenes right here on RUclips.

    • @lynnturman8157
      @lynnturman8157 5 лет назад

      @@JOECANDELA22 Forgot about that one. He was also in A Thousand Clowns with Jason Robards, I believe.

      @JOECANDELA22 5 лет назад +1

      @@lynnturman8157 never heard of that one. Comedy Lynn or drama? Jason Robards was a great actor.

    • @lynnturman8157
      @lynnturman8157 5 лет назад

      @@JOECANDELA22I agree about Jason Robards. He's probably in my top five favorite actors ever. A Thousand Clowns was a comedy and a drama. It had a very light touch but turns serious. It's loosely based on the life of Jean Shepherd, the great humorist who wrote a Christmas Story. Gene Saks' part is pretty small. He plays a TV clown along the lines of Bozo.

  • @dennisjr77
    @dennisjr77 5 лет назад +11

    Lol.... no tiger beat magazine for me.

  • @ThomasSFH
    @ThomasSFH 5 месяцев назад +1

    Stuart was a great character on Spin City

  • @eddiewinehosen6665
    @eddiewinehosen6665 Год назад

    He was awesome in Spin City too.

  • @coolhandluke3223
    @coolhandluke3223 2 года назад

    “When Cameron was in Egypt’s Land….let my Cameron goooo”

  • @danielking6426
    @danielking6426 3 года назад +1

    I never knew this guy existed until now. Anytime I saw him I thought it was Ed Norton.

  • @jamespfitz
    @jamespfitz 4 года назад +1

    "You were 29?"
    "YOU WERE 29!??!!"
    Dude, that's what both you AND he just said.

  • @blue84freak
    @blue84freak 3 года назад

    Translation: Alan Ruck doesn't care for Brian Cox. Rich asked him how it is working with Brian Cox. Alan replied by saying the whole cast is great. Rich then had to prod him, hey, don't forget to mention Brian Cox.

  • @BrotherFrankTV
    @BrotherFrankTV 4 года назад +1

    Cool Dude! Thanks 😊!

  • @SonnyGTA
    @SonnyGTA 2 года назад

    Great channel!

  • @bradlafferty6076
    @bradlafferty6076 2 года назад +2

    Abe Froman The Sausage King of Chicago

    • @BDUBZ49
      @BDUBZ49 2 года назад

      Ferris was Abe Froman.

  • @pts5217
    @pts5217 5 лет назад +1

    Fascinating to think of Hall and Estevez in Ferris Bueller. Probably still wouldve been great, not to the same extent.

    • @jasona9
      @jasona9 5 лет назад +2

      Yeah, I like Hall and Estevez, but Matthew and Alan were the perfect team.

    • @pts5217
      @pts5217 4 года назад

      jasona9 Absolutely. John Hughes was on fire in the 80s and couldve made anything work, but Matthew and Alan had amazing chemistry

    • @slipnorris5882
      @slipnorris5882 3 года назад +1

      Hughes was great, he would of gotten the best out of them

  • @8cire
    @8cire 5 месяцев назад +1

    I thought Alan Ruck was doing Mr. Howell from Gilligan's Island.

  • @joshualett6536
    @joshualett6536 5 лет назад +2

    He made That Film

  • @plantpoweredjack9847
    @plantpoweredjack9847 2 года назад

    "My name is Hendry William French."

  • @markspringer8296
    @markspringer8296 2 года назад

    I'll always remember him as the nervous guy from SPEED

  • @alvarorojas5515
    @alvarorojas5515 3 года назад +2

    "Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age"
    TRUE or FALSE???

  • @vinnydurham8964
    @vinnydurham8964 2 года назад

    It's quite common to see high school characters played by people in their 20s

  • @DMalltheway
    @DMalltheway 2 года назад +1

    Anthony Michael Hall could’ve had a better career if he continued wanting to work John Hughes, he would’ve been a good Ferris Bueller.

  • @tatayaya
    @tatayaya 5 лет назад +7

    Repo Man rules

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor9100 6 месяцев назад +1

    I loved Repo Man, that was the right choice

  • @purefoldnz3070
    @purefoldnz3070 4 года назад +1

    Should have asked him what Shatner is like

  • @theplanetruth
    @theplanetruth 5 месяцев назад +1

    Why the phuk is this only 6 mins??????

  • @trevormcmanis
    @trevormcmanis 5 лет назад

    Check out the Greatest 80’s Band from NJ / NY called Abe Froman & The Sausage Kings!

    • @abelesser69
      @abelesser69 4 года назад

      Naaaa...Bon Jovi is, followed by El Jefe.. Abe is close tho...right behind The Gas Light Anthem

    • @trevormcmanis
      @trevormcmanis 4 года назад

      Abe Lesser The bands you mentioned are good but they are original bands. Abe Froman is a 80s cover band playing a variety of music from all different bands from the 80s.

  • @smyrnawednesday
    @smyrnawednesday 5 лет назад

    what show were they talking about at the end ?

    • @TubenIt83
      @TubenIt83 5 лет назад

      It’s called Succession I believe

    • @tenofivelips
      @tenofivelips 5 лет назад +1

      Succession, it's on HBO. Produced by Wil Farrell but not funny at all. Alan plays Connor and is terrifying in his own way.

  • @cgh7337
    @cgh7337 Год назад

    I would've guessed Alan Ruck was 18 (at best) in FBDO.

  • @jeanmarienadal7268
    @jeanmarienadal7268 3 года назад

    Youre the man.

  • @maximilianbecker773
    @maximilianbecker773 3 года назад

    Thx man....you DID NOT Break THAT CAR in real!
    And of course thx for the Inspiration to Deal with my youth! 🤙🏻😎

  • @verawarren2893
    @verawarren2893 4 года назад

    I love him

  • @vestaxwax
    @vestaxwax 4 года назад +1

    When Cameron was in Egypt land...

  • @blank_stare_productions
    @blank_stare_productions 3 года назад +3

    Rooney! This is George Peterson, Chicago police!
    You took my farm Mr. Chisholm. You took alota farms Mr. Chisholm. =)

    • @BDUBZ49
      @BDUBZ49 2 года назад

      William Henry French

  • @optimusprime3484
    @optimusprime3484 3 года назад

    And he's 62 here and looks 50.
    He's perpetually 10 years younger looking.

  • @SL-vi4tk
    @SL-vi4tk 3 года назад

    No questions about Twister...

  • @cygnus024
    @cygnus024 5 лет назад +2

    Ruck needs to look up a couple fellas named Willy Ferrel and Adam McKay

  • @tempolost
    @tempolost Год назад

    Emelio Estevez was doin Maximum Overdrive not Repo Man

  • @djtforever1414
    @djtforever1414 3 года назад

    I wanted to hear questions about Michael J Fox and Charlie Sheen.

  • @hankster0878
    @hankster0878 3 года назад +2

    You make me make a phony phone call to Edward Rooney?????

    • @chriskay1449
      @chriskay1449 2 года назад +1

      I think you should be sorry for christ sake! A family member dies, and you insult me;what the hell is a matter with you anyway?

  • @robertmoulton2656
    @robertmoulton2656 4 года назад +1

    Yeah, after all these years I can finally sleep knowing no real Ferraris where hurt in the making of this movie 😥

  • @melainewhite6409
    @melainewhite6409 5 лет назад +4

    "You were actually 29?"
    It's called acting (haha).

    • @jasona9
      @jasona9 5 лет назад

      Heck, Dustin Hoffman was 30 when he made The Graduate.

  • @captainmurphy509
    @captainmurphy509 4 года назад +2

    Heyyyyyy batter batter batter, swing batter..

    • @williamshaw9047
      @williamshaw9047 4 года назад

      Hecanthit, hecanthit, hecanthit, hecanthit....

  • @bajaborracho9139
    @bajaborracho9139 3 года назад +1

    Saaawing batter batter saaawing!

  • @covidisaconfirmedscam1325
    @covidisaconfirmedscam1325 3 года назад

    Ruck was 62 at the time of this taping.

  • @Iceman-gw8on
    @Iceman-gw8on Год назад

    I’ve watched about 5 of these segments and I’m yet to see a False reply.

  • @oldrestless
    @oldrestless 4 месяца назад

    Good answers. Rabbit is wise.

  • @cbarrett34
    @cbarrett34 6 лет назад +2

    Broderick was 23

  • @williamgullett5911
    @williamgullett5911 3 года назад +1

    I think I see my dad....

    • @fromthehaven94
      @fromthehaven94 2 года назад

      We gotta lot of work to do, let's go!

  • @aranjenkins2627
    @aranjenkins2627 3 года назад

    So glad to know that wasn’t a real Ferrari.

  • @rahul-qm9fi
    @rahul-qm9fi Год назад

    Wait that was Connor ?

  • @christopherallen9580
    @christopherallen9580 2 года назад

    Ruck hair for the win!

  • @kdizzle901
    @kdizzle901 Год назад

    He’s only like 10 years younger then Brian Cox who plays his father….he could pass for 50

  • @giannisksanthopoulos4300
    @giannisksanthopoulos4300 3 года назад

    Ooo i miss Stuart Bondek...

  • @williammitchell4417
    @williammitchell4417 Год назад

    Captain John Harriman USS Enterprise-B. Rabbit is good Rabbit is wise!!

  • @BestTreadCarefully
    @BestTreadCarefully Год назад

    Grease had six-30+ year old 18 year olds.

  • @MisterMister5893
    @MisterMister5893 2 года назад

    How old is he here?

    • @MrRwk314
      @MrRwk314 2 года назад

      He would be 61 here if he was 29 in 1986

  • @AbeVicious
    @AbeVicious 5 месяцев назад

    I hope they asked him about Speed

  • @brian-ld4vd
    @brian-ld4vd 11 месяцев назад

    How old is this guy? 80?

  • @bradlafferty6076
    @bradlafferty6076 2 года назад

    Start underrated comments below please

  • @davidlogan6139
    @davidlogan6139 2 года назад


  • @wildforthecats661
    @wildforthecats661 Год назад