Perhaps Jason Reitman would direct the upcoming installment in the Beethoven film franchise titled Beethoven’s Homecoming with Chris Hemsworth, Rachel McAdams, Ever Anderson, Hank Greenspan, Pyper Braun, Paul Giamatti, Christina Hendricks, and Nicholle Tom returning as Ryce Newton.
Big LOVE & THANKS. Looking forward to the film!
Fantastic interview, Tom! I loved the film 📽️ Spot on actors 🎉
Perhaps Jason Reitman would direct the upcoming installment in the Beethoven film franchise titled Beethoven’s Homecoming with Chris Hemsworth, Rachel McAdams, Ever Anderson, Hank Greenspan, Pyper Braun, Paul Giamatti, Christina Hendricks, and Nicholle Tom returning as Ryce Newton.
lol is this really happening