Restorative Justice for Sex Offenders - Alissa Ackerman

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024
  • Dr. Alissa R. Ackerman offers a new perspective on restorative justice and how it can help those who suffered from sexual assault. With her personal experience, she shares with everyone the true importance of engaging in difficult conversations to heal from intimate harm.
    Dr. Alissa R. Ackerman is a criminal justice professor at California State University, Fullerton, where she specializes in the study of sexual violence. For almost 15 years, Dr. Ackerman has devoted her career to better understanding how to prevent sexual misconduct of all kinds. Her research and advocacy work are nationally and internationally recognized and she writes extensively on topics related to gender-based violence and restorative justice. Her newest books include The New Campus Anti-Rape Movement: Internet Activist and Social Justice and Sex and Gender in the 2016 Election.

Комментарии • 143

  • @GirlofNicky
    @GirlofNicky 3 года назад +69

    Kudos to her for studying this sensitive subject. Laws need to be based on science not emotions.

    • @AlanWangVideos
      @AlanWangVideos Год назад +7


    • @reviewgeek6162
      @reviewgeek6162 Год назад +1

      Obviously democrats don't believe in science like they claim. Biden was in favor of sex offender registration so was Clinton but Biden loves little girls so let's watch him. I won't let him around my children for sure. Jill Biden needs to watch him and Clinton around there friends. Obama not sure I haven't seen much on him except he is a dork. I never voted for them. Bush he died bless his sick motives touching a girl's arse while president. #woke #abusers

    • @sig7948
      @sig7948 Месяц назад


    • @sig7948
      @sig7948 Месяц назад

      @@AlanWangVideos pedo

  • @theluckiesteh9058
    @theluckiesteh9058 3 года назад +41

    It's hard to forgive those who commit a crime of that nature.... but sometimes, it's not impossible.
    There are people who truly deserves to make things right for themselves, their victim and everybody else.
    Compassion and forgiveness is not a weakness to those who are remorseful and wish to do good.

    • @SD_Chosen
      @SD_Chosen 2 года назад +4

      You Couldn't Have Said That Better, I Have Been Hoping and Praying to Turn My Life Around that Was Too Far Gone...To Know You Are Forgiven, Gives Hope That Change is Even Possible...
      With God All Things Are Possible

    • @davidowen3036
      @davidowen3036 2 года назад +4

      Many people believe that to forgive you must forget. How could the victims possibly do that. What forgiveness is all about is being able to remove the emotions from those memories. Specifically, forgiveness is more for the forgiver than the intended forgiven. I had a very hard time forgiving myself for what I had done. About 3 months into my jail time, I sat down and wrote the names of all the people I may have negatively affected. It came to 65 people, family, friends, co-workers, all directly or even indirectly were impacted by my actions. That was unacceptable and I carried that self-hatred for years. There is a passage in 1John in the New Testament: "For if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts and He knows everything." For ME, that greatly impacted me. My heart was certainly condemning me. If God is greater than my own condemnation and He knows everythiing, who am I to question that. The was my first step to forgiveness, and when I purged the emotion of my own actions, I began to see what the victims must be going through. I was not in my right mind. Three years with a psychologist showed me I suffered from clinicl depression. I talked to my youngest son not too long ago to keep him in the loop about the court date and I expressed how the victims would get closure or if they had already. He respectfully and lovingly reminded me that their closure would not be dependent on me showing up to help. He was right.

    • @krislarsen6546
      @krislarsen6546 Год назад +4

      I agree..... And when it comes to crimes of this nature people don't want Justice they want revenge. Trust me it's not the same thing

    • @redeemingpatriot3487
      @redeemingpatriot3487 Год назад +1

      ​@Kris Larsen hmmmm maybe its possible as long as people get healing without being TOO vengeful

    • @krislarsen6546
      @krislarsen6546 Год назад +1

      @@redeemingpatriot3487 it's possible yes but it's a hard thing to balance. And then all depends if the victim is a highly emotional person.

  • @joschawil
    @joschawil Год назад +14

    Any organization with attempts to abolish the registry are to be respected. Any groups attempting to defer or augment the registry are not to be trusted. They sound like someone blaming someone else for their punishment.

    • @itszach6808
      @itszach6808 7 месяцев назад

      Sex offender defender is not a good thing. Make the registry more stringent.

    • @joschawil
      @joschawil 7 месяцев назад

      Is the registry Legal? Or is it illegal? Does it violate the World Human Rights Commission's regulations? Or should the World Human Rights Commission come down and arrest and incarcerate those who enforce it? Constitution: "Among these inalienable rights are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 1.) Are those on the registry robbed of inalienable rights of Life-No unless they are murdered for being on the registryg-then, Yes. [INALIENABLE is defined as never being taken away nor given up, inalienable] 2.) Are those on the registry robbed of inalienable right to Liberty? (Liberty is Freedom, to do what? Everything everyone else is allowed to do.) Being restricted from any institution is a violation of this inalienable right. Being forced to move or be restricted from living anywhere they want to or work anywhere they want to is a violation of the Inalienable Rights to Liberty. 3. I'll just ask straight up. Do you believe thos on the registry or their neighbors and family are enjoying that inalienable right to happiness? Ok. To brass tacks. The Constitution Trumps all laws. The Constitution guarantees the right to privacy and to be secure in ones papers. Does the registry violate this right? [There are others too.] You dont know how to defend that one. Moving on. Is the registry legal? "Any law repugnant to the Constitution is null and void." Marbury vs. Madison 5US (Cranch) 137, 161, 167. (1803). Justice Marshall of the case overturned law enacted by Congress and signed by the President. This case-law has never been overturned. Why? Because the Constitution trumps all laws. Does the registry violate the orders of the World Human Rights Commission? 1.) Let's takes examples and well find out how others fared. Hitlers men were found after investigation to be hiding in South America decades after their crimes in Germany and other parts. What were their crimes? They took people from their homes and forced them to live in concentration camps, and treating them like garbage. The state of Florida has Televised that their state assembly members do not want those on the registry to be living in townships. Those taken by Hitler were given no care for their health and welfare. In short, these were ongoing experiments of the strength of humans. Sending person to live under bridges, in the Everglades, and in encampments shows that Florida and other states are conducting human experiments by providing nothing for these people, and treating them like garbage. Now, defend your response. Your opinion means nothing as everyone has one. You can quote law (as long as it is legal), You can quote history-of the US or any other nation.And you can quote any authority that doesnt violate law.You will find none.

  • @Nightmarefuel66
    @Nightmarefuel66 Год назад +18

    The law gives a false sense of security as well. Knowing where they live...WONT STOP THEM FROM COMING TO YOUR HOME AND DOING GOD KNOWS WHAT!!! Keeping them marginalized and labeled and held down will only leave them with nothing to lose and, thus, more likely to reoffend. Use common sense for once.

    • @therichardgravesgroup4747
      @therichardgravesgroup4747 Месяц назад

      Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. The fact is, there are consequences for the choices of violating the rights of other individuals and there is the issue of public safety that has to be balance with the rights of the offender. There is a balance, the law is not to keep anyone from doing the crime, the law is to hold the personal accountable for choosing to commit the crime. The socioeconomic / sociopolitical issues that led up to the choice are to be addressed by public / social policy the try mitigate the factors in the offender's life that may contribute to them commiting the crime. Followed by programming (substance abuse, mental health, education, job training, etc.) while the offender is incarcerated, as well as the re-entry aspect for those who leave incarceration to assist in mitgating the factors that may contribute to someone reoffending.

    • @Nightmarefuel66
      @Nightmarefuel66 Месяц назад

      @therichardgravesgroup4747 Never heard such malarkey before. Glad my comment got your attention. Just lets me know the nimby population (yeah your kind) is stalking these videos with their bs point of views. Well done....

    • @therichardgravesgroup4747
      @therichardgravesgroup4747 26 дней назад

      @@Nightmarefuel66 You're a simple Simon margk ass fool.

    • @therichardgravesgroup4747
      @therichardgravesgroup4747 26 дней назад

      @@Nightmarefuel66 you are simply a simple Simon margk. Reality sounds like Malarkey to your type..

  • @weirdnerdygoat
    @weirdnerdygoat 7 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you, this is so amazing and exactly what I've been looking for to deal with my own experieces!

  • @ataraxia7439
    @ataraxia7439 Год назад +13

    I wish I was raised in a world where people were more compassionate. I could have moved on and healed from so many things so idk quicker if the first impulse of everyone around me wasn’t to hurt the person who wronged me every-time it happened.

  • @johnmurphy1599
    @johnmurphy1599 Год назад +9

    Speaking facts! The problem like many other issues today is once emotions flare up intelligence and objectiveness goes down and it's hard to convince someone who's emotionally caught up to take in or be able to process any data other than whatever worst case scenario their mind is imagining. Sex offenders as a whole have the lowest rate of recidivism besides individuals convicted of homicide. I know of two people I grew up with who are on the registry and obviously what they did was wrong but so is domestic violence or home invasion but apparently running up in someone's home with a weapon and holding up a family or beating mom up repeatedly is less of a concern than a statutory rape case. Sexual conversations are uncomfortable for a lot of people understandably but it's beyond obvious that subjective emotional based reasoning created the registry and policies around it that like she stated doesn't do a damn thing to reduce sex crimes, check the numbers annually since it's inception if you don't believe me. It's waste of tax dollars due to the fact it isn't achieving even remotely what the proposals and people who worked to create and pass these laws envisioned. I see the registry like the Karen of government policies... Allows emotions to take the reigns and believes they are making things better when in reality it's making a scene and laughably ineffective at accomplishing a goal. And anyone who has done even the slightest bit of research and is capable of critical thinking would see the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. But like COVID or the war on drugs, so long as people are afraid, they will be easily manipulated. Pretty basic stuff but that's why it's th oldest play in the book but still works like a charm.

  • @suetownsend1656
    @suetownsend1656 3 года назад +27

    The world needs more people like this.

  • @user-rm3ky3hv7s
    @user-rm3ky3hv7s 3 года назад +31

    This woman has gained incredible insight. She is definitely on the right track, for healing and change!

  • @davidowen3036
    @davidowen3036 2 года назад +13

    Very soon, within the next 30 days, I have the opportunity to terminate my probation at the half-way point which will be June 21 of this year of a 15 years sentence, having been released from prison on December 21, 2014. My public defender in Miami-Dade county (where I had committed my crimes) has already written the petition and has submitted it to a particular judge. Very shortly, within the next week of this writing, she will advise me as to the direction this petition is going. In 2017, I was allowed internet access under strict monitoringl. Three months later, my psychologist (a mandatory part of my probation at my expense) released me from that monitoring and I was able to continue my internet usage unfettered. In 2018, I was released from my obligation to my psychologist and at the same time, I no longer had to take an annual polygraph examination (basically to determine flight risk more than anything else). The only remaining restriction, if you will, is the court ordered ankle monitor and corresponding hand-held device. Once I am granted the early termination, the ankle monitor will be removed. The residenccy restrictions and the registration I have been doing every quarter at the Sheriff's office will continue. Any place I go to visit for a few days I must go to the local Sheriffs office and register the address at which I am staying is mandatory. I am still not allowed to contact my 2 victims who are adults now. I will never have the opportunity to apologize for my actions toward either of them. And I wonder, where is the closure for them? And I realize that this termination of probation is, in reality, a Pyrrhic Victory only. I am 69 years old with End Stage Renal Disease and have been taking dialysis for the last 7 years from March of 2015 (3 months after I was released from prison). I spent 4 months in the hospital having been given only a 10% chance of survival. Once released from the hospital in July 2015, I was released in a wheelchair, then a walker two months later, and then I had the ability to walk on my own two months after that. Although I was assigned a home health care nurse, I barely saw her. She was apprehensive going into an ex-cons house once she was advised the kind of crimes I had committed. Five grandchildren were born while I was incarcerated (2006-2014 jail and prison time combined). The two oldest was told by "the other side of the family" what I had done. They want to see me anyway, and that's heart. I learned quite a while back that around 92% or more sex offenders are people who live in the house with the potential victims or ar friends of the family who visit regularly. The residency restrictions do NOT apply to that percentage. They do NOT work the way politicians intends them to work and placate the public. I was one of those classic examples you mentioned. From the age of 6, I could remember my mom and dad yelling at each other behind closed bedroom doors. I felt disconnected, as you've pointed out. My psychologist (when I was released from prison) after giving me three writing exercises, diagnosed me with clinical depression. The "laundry list" of that condition checked all the boxes on the list. I am relelived from those conditions and have been since 2018. The idea of re-offending is no longer an issue knowing what I know. I will live on, with the 1/3 of the family who forgave me my transgressions. I learned a long time ago that forgiveness does not mean forgetting. Forgiveness is the discipline of removing the emotion from those memories. It actually helps the forgiver rather than the forgiven.

  • @seattlejayde
    @seattlejayde 3 года назад +26

    This lady is wicked intelligent and compassionate

  • @charliestanley2749
    @charliestanley2749 Год назад +4

    Include abolishing the registry nationwide. It's abusive and punitive to both the victims and offenders. Plus, it serves no real purpose or benefit to society. Consider how sex offenders are managed in several European countries.....registries have been tried then abolished. The facts speak for themselves.

  • @defco89
    @defco89 3 года назад +14

    Dont think registries should be abolished. They need to be refined to only include accurate classification of *_violent_* tier 3 offenses involving child victims and adult rape.

    • @leonardodalongisland
      @leonardodalongisland 2 года назад +1


    • @PieInTheSky9
      @PieInTheSky9 2 года назад +4

      What if they change, become better people, and have zero chance of reoffending?

    • @defco89
      @defco89 2 года назад

      @@PieInTheSky9 They should remain on the registry but maybe designated a reduced threat after 10/15/20 year intervals. It's well known that the recidivism rate for violent sexual predators is extremely high so the threat persists throughout their entire lives.

    • @PieInTheSky9
      @PieInTheSky9 2 года назад +6

      @@defco89 the recidivism rate for any sexual predator is actually really low, the second lowest next to murder. Recidivism being high is demonstrably incorrect. So why are these people being singled out?

    • @defco89
      @defco89 2 года назад

      @@PieInTheSky9 they are being singled out because, like murder, the damage is irreparable to the victim !!! the recidivism rate is low for first time offenders but inexorably high for repeat offenders !!! which is why the registry exists... it's a 'wait and see' observation list... so if they don't repeat they get removed... but repeat offenders are on for LIFE !!!

  • @danielroy8232
    @danielroy8232 3 года назад +8

    restorative justice requires participation from the victim. what do you do if the victim wants no part in it?

    • @eddiegranberry5276
      @eddiegranberry5276 2 года назад

      the best thing is to give her or him justice because that person was scared for what the other person did and put him or her behind bars and make them serve their time for what they did and when they get out then let them accommodate their victims.

    • @leonardodalongisland
      @leonardodalongisland 2 года назад

      It doesn't happen

  • @gooneywagner1201
    @gooneywagner1201 11 месяцев назад +3

    I respect you just listening to your video honestly, touch my heart I think it’s sad that sex offenders have to be treated like aliens, or taken back to the old days and treated like slaves when deep down the side, they have their own trauma and they were treated in a sexual way when they were sexually assaulted as a child but that part is not looked at it looked at the crime that they can meet us an adult that way the person that did them Brown gets a child don’t have to be looked at and those people maybe have sex with a person two years younger than them have to deal with the rest of their life being a sex offender or something that was consensual and I agreed upon, especially if they didn’t violently take someone sexual ability, but they have to live the rest life being judged by others and treated like they murdered someone. I agree with protecting the community and protecting the children but if a person gets a sexual charge with they’re young and they never ever catch another charge as an adult you shouldn’t have to judge them and treat them like alien.

  • @derekc2042
    @derekc2042 2 года назад +8

    Jesus healed them because he had compassion and it's only compassion that will prevent , heal redeem and reduce recivedism period

  • @seanofl
    @seanofl Год назад +16

    Current registries are punitive and easy political wins but they don't protect the public. Thank you for sharing what you've learned.

    • @HesperianHorsePower
      @HesperianHorsePower 9 месяцев назад

      How can you say they don’t protect communities? Stats? Just because sex offenders still exist doesn’t mean registries don’t help prevent crime. It’s hard to prove a negative.

  • @RvanderWall
    @RvanderWall Год назад +6

    Just seeing this now, Alissa. God damn! Powerful presentation!

  • @danielk8149
    @danielk8149 2 года назад +3

    But here's the deal it's a corporation if the laws change they won't get anymore donations

  • @WilliamBarrs
    @WilliamBarrs 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you so much for your bravery,and your wisdom

  • @HesperianHorsePower
    @HesperianHorsePower 9 месяцев назад +2

    How do you even know whether or not the registry prevents sex crimes? How can it be proven. There will always be sex offenders. No denying that but tying a rise in reported sex crimes to an introduction of a registry as proof it’s “laughable” in preventing crime is pretty weak. These registries weren’t solely created to prevent anything. They were created to give law abiding citizens a choice on who they let into their lives and where they choose to live them.

  • @kimBoyd-i8y
    @kimBoyd-i8y Год назад +3

    Thank you for researching this and understanding the shame, isolation and trauma the laws put on those who are justice involved.

    • @HesperianHorsePower
      @HesperianHorsePower 9 месяцев назад

      Justice involved is sidespeak for CRIMINAL! Just call it what it is.

  • @kimBoyd-i8y
    @kimBoyd-i8y Год назад +1

    Connection over Compliance.

  • @martinkaye6397
    @martinkaye6397 Год назад +2

    i am starting an international petition to make these laws more sensible and into laws that can be used in a modern democratic, because at the moment i think they went out when we stopped throwin people to the lions. and i would be most glad of your signature. on: "reform sex offender law for a more effective system" - change

    • @joschawil
      @joschawil 7 месяцев назад

      How about learning law and devising how YOU would like to punish people

  • @boldwarrior2196
    @boldwarrior2196 3 года назад +9

    Ty so much

  • @AlisonFoley1
    @AlisonFoley1 Год назад +3

    I agree with you but some of these offenders are so caught up in their own ways of thinking they don't even realize it's wrong..some criminals are hard to reach

  • @pratical_indifference
    @pratical_indifference 5 месяцев назад

    How does a person get put on one of these lists?

  • @therichardgravesgroup4747
    @therichardgravesgroup4747 Месяц назад

    Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. The fact is, there are consequences for the choices of violating the rights of other individuals and there is the issue of public safety that has to be balance with the rights of the offender. There is a balance, the law is not to keep anyone from doing the crime, the law is to hold the personal accountable for choosing to commit the crime. The socioeconomic / sociopolitical issues that led up to the choice are to be addressed by public / social policy the try mitigate the factors in the offender's life that may contribute to them commiting the crime. Followed by programming (substance abuse, mental health, education, job training, etc.) while the offender is incarcerated, as well as the re-entry aspect for those who leave incarceration to assist in mitgating the factors that may contribute to someone reoffending.

  • @phoque4611
    @phoque4611 2 года назад +5

    I think most cases happen due to childhood sexual trauma.

    • @user-mo3iq7vf4q
      @user-mo3iq7vf4q 2 года назад +1

      @Brown Incel do they deserve forgiveness if they watched cp because of trauma

    • @redeemingpatriot3487
      @redeemingpatriot3487 Год назад

      ​@Brown Incel hmmmm it needs to be said if the person did the harm they should be the one to heal that person

    • @somapersona
      @somapersona Год назад

      Caused by childhood sexual predators that weren't punished....

    • @redeemingpatriot3487
      @redeemingpatriot3487 Год назад +1

      @@somapersona thats sadly true that or those that were unaware that was predatory itself, some people were never helped or educated on this stuff

    • @nickdelaney6953
      @nickdelaney6953 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@somapersonaproves the list doesn't work

  • @rmh702
    @rmh702 Месяц назад +1


  • @whitelivesmatter2396
    @whitelivesmatter2396 Год назад +3

    Am thing is this am a survivor of rape and molestation as a child my rape could have been avoided if I had known that he had three other victims but he was not on the registry so I didn’t know who he really was that is why it is extremely important that we know who these people are some women such as this one giving the talk are not bothered by it and would be willing to run the risk of being assaulted by one of them me not so much but we should have the right to make that decision

  • @redeemingpatriot3487
    @redeemingpatriot3487 3 года назад +4


  • @Verkinggettorix
    @Verkinggettorix 6 месяцев назад

    Pretty lame that RUclips or this channel deleted my comment….I think we all know which side your on

  • @loydtalley4002
    @loydtalley4002 Год назад +3

    So my question is where do they learn those types of behaviors especially when you have kids that are sexually offending where do those kids learn that type of behavior cuz I don't foresee that just being something like you wake up one day and be like oh hey I think I'm going to do this.
    For somebody to do something that to another human being that behavior are those thoughts or ideas would have to be learned or taught.
    At least I would think.
    Moreover why aren't we as professionals and the public sitting down and asking these individuals that have done these heinous crimes like this ask them what drove you to do it what made you do it why do you do it.
    Sure that'll be a very tense interview a very tense situation it's going to make us angry what they might have to say but if we can get inside the mind and understand what makes these people tick then we can start to understand on how to better prevent or treat these people to detour them to not commit these heinous acts.
    I mean this is the 2020 we should college skill set and tools to be able to psychologically analyze with human biology why somebody thinks something like that is okay and what drives them to do it.
    Because every crime whether it be a sex offense crime a drug crime property crime any crime that is committed For the most part is all psychological you have to have thoughts and feelings to act on why can't we change people's thoughts and feelings you can.
    It's just this particular subject is very sensitive and sticky and hurtful and most people don't want to take on that type of monster.
    And like I said this is all from my view of things because of the field of work I'm in doing psychobiology
    Moreover there might be certain people out there that commit these heinous crimes that can't be helped cuz they might have a psychological issue or behavioral deficit but I firmly still believe that even with those issues they can be not fixed but managed to where those behaviors don't happen and those thoughts don't appear anymore

  • @maggiesfloridaliving1272
    @maggiesfloridaliving1272 9 месяцев назад +2

    Can you help me

  • @lynnes5980
    @lynnes5980 Год назад

    Welp. 3 minutes left to share your strategy. …

  • @shadowwarrior2793
    @shadowwarrior2793 5 месяцев назад +6

    Stop supporting offenders; they are not victims.

  • @Regansaidso
    @Regansaidso Год назад +11

    Everyone in this comment section should be on a watch list

  • @Nimish204
    @Nimish204 Год назад +1

    What if the victim is out for blood?

    • @Nightmarefuel66
      @Nightmarefuel66 Год назад +1

      Yeah what if the 'victim' was/is a liar??? What if the "pervert", the "sicko" is an innocent person who was FORCED into a plea deal under threat of decades upon decades in prison? What about the fact that most cases that don't involve alleged penetration don't require any evidence, only an accusation to get a conviction? You know, he said she said and he said that she said he was guilty so he must be! Pathetic justice system makes me SICK!!! How many people have been screwed by the guilty until proven innocent mindset that more often than not goes along with an accusation? I do not support Megan's law at all. And I don't give a FUCK who doesn't like it.

    • @greenishpiss3588
      @greenishpiss3588 Год назад +4

      Then let em' have it, baby!

    • @weirdnerdygoat
      @weirdnerdygoat 7 месяцев назад +2

      However understandable that may be, that is definitely something that should be worked through in therapy- long term intense urges for revenge like this tend to be very unhealthy

  • @destroyingfear777
    @destroyingfear777 4 месяца назад


  • @geroldgrimel4811
    @geroldgrimel4811 3 года назад +5

    4:20 "It makes sense to me why I have been called an S.O. lover and a Rp apologist."
    Wtf? Why would that make sense?! A playground bully could find more sophisticated insults! Why would you pardon that idiotic mockery as being understandable?!

    • @davidgafo
      @davidgafo 3 года назад +1

      Send her an email and ask her.

    • @geroldgrimel4811
      @geroldgrimel4811 3 года назад

      @Rise Over here305 How about complete decriminalization? See, I know for sure that you're trolling, but you'll always wonder if I am.

    • @geroldgrimel4811
      @geroldgrimel4811 3 года назад +1

      @Rise Over here305 You know that's not what I meant. lol

    • @geroldgrimel4811
      @geroldgrimel4811 3 года назад

      @Rise Over here305 I believe many Asian and Eastern European nations do teach their children how to fight, as part of their schooling, so that seems alright. In fact, it would help to teach children about the nature of aggression and violence, as it would help to reduce bullying, and spur personal growth. All of those other things you mentioned could be wrapped up into one class, that teaches sexual health and safety. My only objection, is that I don't think it should be mandatory. There are children who are unready to learn how to fight, and some children who have suffered past trauma, and may need special safe tutoring when it comes to learning about violence and sex.

    • @geroldgrimel4811
      @geroldgrimel4811 3 года назад +1

      @Rise Over here305 I agree.

  • @nafisahoque760
    @nafisahoque760 3 года назад +15

    U r ignorant about this . No . Some don't deserve kindness and that's how empaths gets taken advantage of. No . Absolutely no , they should be given torture and death penalty so these people cannot harm others not the victims again

    • @nafisahoque760
      @nafisahoque760 3 года назад +8

      @@waltergeorge9617 Hon don't say these things to someone who actually have gone through this . So don't say things nonsense to people who knows what they talking about

    • @waltergeorge9617
      @waltergeorge9617 3 года назад

      @@nafisahoque760 I'm sorry I must have misunderstood 😔

    • @waltergeorge9617
      @waltergeorge9617 3 года назад +9

      Isn't torture and Death a Radical Extremism though ? Why the Hate Cancel Mentalities ?? Yeah they Fucked up, BUT LETS REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL VICTIMS OF OTHERS VICTIMS, SO HOW WE PROPER STOP ABUSE, INSTEAD OF KILL ?
      Two Wrongs don't make anything right ???

    • @waltergeorge9617
      @waltergeorge9617 3 года назад

      Dog that bite you, not bad, it a victim too, So you kill dog ??

    • @AZ-JKUR-HR
      @AZ-JKUR-HR 3 года назад +3

      @@nafisahoque760 as a s.o. should be killed. What about the two women that molested me when I was 5? Almost all s.o. have been molested. Vicious circle. So we'll kill all then. Oh that day is coming......

  • @lynnes5980
    @lynnes5980 Год назад

    Ok, so exposure therapy. Got it.

  • @gabbelol580
    @gabbelol580 Год назад +2

    “statutory rape” isn’t rape this crime should just be abolished completely going to jail for consensual sex is ridicules the “victim” literally wanted it dosent matter for example if a young girl wants to have sex with an older guy there’s nothing wrong with that they both consented he’s not a “monster” and she definitely isn’t a “victim” even calling her that is disrespectful to victim of actual crimes like murder, robbery, forced rape etc

    • @greenishpiss3588
      @greenishpiss3588 Год назад +7

      Children aren't mature enough to interact with someone older like that

    • @redeemingpatriot3487
      @redeemingpatriot3487 Год назад

      ​@@greenishpiss3588thank you

    • @alondrazharick9544
      @alondrazharick9544 11 месяцев назад

      Children cannot consent you are pedophile if you think they can.

    • @deku3i
      @deku3i 8 месяцев назад +3

      Children cannot consent, what don’t you understand about that?

    • @utzfedericohoeser6809
      @utzfedericohoeser6809 2 месяца назад +1

      Children cannot consent. On the other hand, teenagers as young as 13 can give sexual consent.

  • @sig7948
    @sig7948 Месяц назад +1


  • @sig7948
    @sig7948 Месяц назад +1

    hey mod someones gonna find you one day

  • @Lynk-gq2bb
    @Lynk-gq2bb Год назад +10

    Nope! Death penalty for all offenders !!!! NO TOLERANCE

    • @alondrazharick9544
      @alondrazharick9544 11 месяцев назад +5


    • @rilonius2865
      @rilonius2865 Месяц назад

      So, death penalty for indecent exposure, an 18 year old old with an explicit picture of his 17 year old girlfriend, or a 19 year old who made a mistake with his willing 16 year old girlfriend?