The destruction of native American civilization is one of the cruelest and darkest events in human history. We live on top of the bones of millions of men women and children who were brutally massacred and displaced.
If you think that was one of the darkest events in the world, you really don't know a single s#it about history also it wasn't anything bad 300 years ago, almost any other nation would do it and by your logic that means that for example every person before 1900s was bad cuz everyone was racist then even though there are many things that were normal in the past and bad now but that doesn't mean those people in the past were bad
@@Faoijhfr4rsgioi What a mouth full lol. We don't deny any of the claims you just made, its the perpetual commercialization and fictional narratives that say America was built on noble principles. Denial perpetuates, knowledge liberates my friend.
Look up the mummies from Chile and the mummy found in Utah, there is no humans remains that come close to the same era that they were found in and this bullshit is still being passed around
@@sakshipersai6162 Hello and hoping you and your family are doing well in this crazy time of life. Truthfully...the Aboriginal people of this country still exist. Even though hundreds of millions of our people were murdered...and oppressed by the SETTLERS who came here hundreds of years ago...we are still here. And we still practice our cultures. Our beliefs and understandings weren't fully brainwashed and bred out of all of us. We all belong to different "tribes" and "nations". We have different but very similar beliefs and languages. My family and I are "Pueblo" Natives. We live in the states of NEW Mexico and Arizona. The history, culture and understanding that we have, know and follow belongs to the Hopi Pueblo Indians. We also are intertwined with the Apache and other Native Tribes in Arizona and all the way into South America. We have similar beliefs, traditions and prophecies as the Mayan, Incas, Aztecs, Hawaiian tribes, Plains Native tribes of North America, Australian Aboriginals and also Ancient Egyptians. And probably more... We all have knowledge and Understanding of so many things that science is still yet "trying" to prove. Most of what we know has been kept from others because THEY weren't willing to respect our ways and traditions and took everything we had and knew for Granted, because of IGNORANCE and opinion. That such people like ours(savage/primitive)wouldn't have such understanding or knowledge. "The Book of the Hopi" sorry forgot the Author, "The Hopi Survival Kit" by Thomas E. Mails..."Prophecy Rock" on RUclips. For research....
@JHOSBERANY GARCIA what I understand is that a Teacher of yours told you to watch this video and respond? No disrespect....but this person has no understanding of the true history of this country. At least the truth from an Indigineous persons actual perspective, understanding and knowledge. If you would like can research the "Battle at Wounded Knee", The "Pueblo Revolt" "The Book of the Hopi" "The Hopi Survival Kit(book)", "How the West was Won" and "How the West was Lost"(documentaries). Just a few to name.... When you research these will also find links to other history related to many other Indigenous tribes and nations of this country. RUclips a video called "Prophecy Rock" is also linked to the 2 books I shared with you. And the history and prophecies in these books are related to the people of the Ancient Mayan, Azteca, and Egyptian to name a few.
Native Americans are not just from USA but in areas like central America , USA , and South America and as well in the arctics. I'm part native American and I'm proud of it. Just get your facts right. This document is not as accurate.
I'm also American indian, since my grandfather is Filipino american indian and it still runs in my blood even if it's only 1/4 im still proud to have that blood.☺️
You want to know something about modern natives then watch this short video on Bolivia's rising Native middle class -видео.html
My grandfather is Filipino American Indian since his Father is Pure American Indian and His mom is Filipina. My mom's mother is Filipina Chinese Spanish. So I'm proud to say that I am Filipina-Spanish ,Chinese American Indian.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
@@defective7340 im from finland, native americans fought one another way before europeans came, and they where incredibly brutal (especially the Comanches). Europeans did the same too, because we're all humans, its just that Europeans where simply technologically more advanced, therefore natives lost the fight and the land, this has happened all over the planet by all races, I dont know what fairy tales do they teach you in your american schools
@@MBRETION Read up on what the "trial of tears" is. Native American history and spirituality was and still is being erased and or made into a joke. The US committed the most terrible racial genocide in human history against native americans and I will NOT let that be forgotten. They may have brainwashed you, but they cannot lie to the people it was done to.
"Washington saw them as equals" he might have said so but he was literally nicknamed "Town Burner" by the Seneca after burning down 28 of their 30 cities.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I adore Native American culture and history. They lived right, as well as the Africans and Aborigines; in twine with nature. Yes, they had wars between tribes, and did heinous things to each other, but that doesn't hinder the way I view their culture at all. I think about their destruction and decline often, how devastating that must have been...thousands of years removed, burned, just over the period which can be considered a fraction of their time.
Lol you're weird. They were human beings, just like us. Which means they stole, lied, and did both good and evil. Don't put anyone on a pedestal. It's wrong.
Native Americans developed sophisticated societies long before the arrival of European settlers, with advanced agricultural practices, complex trade networks, and unique art forms. They also had diverse belief systems and spiritual practices deeply tied to the land and nature. The arrival of Europeans in the late 15th century brought significant challenges to Native American communities, including disease, displacement, and the loss of their ancestral lands. Despite these hardships, Native Americans have continued to contribute to the cultural mosaic of the Americas, and their perseverance in the face of adversity is both inspiring and humbling.
When I took New Mexico history in 7th grade I had a teacher who didn't sugar coat anything and talked heavily about the genocides from when Columbus landed and even injustices towards today's indigenous people in our state.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
@@chestman1776you mean the bad history about Europe people how they discovered the American because of greed, Europeans they killed the Native Americans and robbed their lands and killed the children’s and women now they call themselves we are American you never be American you belong to Europe remember your crimes at native people and at African people seriously if someone just searches about what white peoples did to Native American you get sad and sick I’m wondering why white peoples Call Muslims are terrorist who slave and sell Africans people it’s you Europe who killed, steal and destroy native Americans peoples it’s you
@@usa6207 pff yeah after getting nearly wiped out for defending their lands, let's not play this dumb card, these people should go back where they came from.
I know for a fact you were not buying that, everyones learned about the indians, and how the english and spanish stole their land. Its like common sense by now.
@@yshent8487 The truths of North America aren't taught for reasons many aren't willing to believe or understand. Our Native people to this country have Ancient understandings, HISTORY, that are told would take 3 lifetimes to tell. We also have prophecy and knowledge that other Ancient cultures also understood and held onto. But because of all the evil, brainwashing, Ignorance, oppression and genocide...most was lost. The settlers that came here murdered hundreds of millions of our people...and still continue to OPPRESS us to this very day. The Spanish and Italian brought the Catholic church to where our people lived and literally forced us to become devout catholics. Murdered, handicapped and imprisoned our parents if they didn't send their children to their schools and church. Punished for practicing our daily cultural duties and ceremonies, also speaking our languages. Children were taken from their homes to far away boarding schools, where they were taught to live like so called "whites". Punished and murdered for speaking their home languages. Our people were forced out of our homes, villages and Pueblos and forced to build Catholic churches on top of our Sacred Kivas. To this day...these churches still oppress our people...standing on our Pueblos and villages. There are probably hundreds of thousands of different tribes of Native Aboriginal people who still live here. And we were all a part of this Ginormous Horrific Genocide that NO ONE Talks about. And this is very sad. Very sad. Research the Hopi Pueblo, and the Pueblo Indians of NEW Mexico. A couple books to read that share very good info are The Book of the Hopi and The Hopi Survival Kit. These books also share prophecy. Some of the prophecies also coincide with other Ancient cultures like the Mayan and the Egyptians.
TEDx Talks-Topis and people to research about Native Americans: "We shall remain", Winona LaDuke, Nick Tilden, Dave Archambault, Redwing Thomas, Lorraine Davis, "We the people"-the 3 most misunderstood words in the US...., Indigenouse in Plain Sight-Gregg Deal.....etc...
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
@@rnegbi8983souls don’t make you bomb and bullet proof. Again no one is trying to exterminate them in whole or in part. Populations do not increase in the area of genocide. This is just pro Palestinian propaganda.
@@janava7968 I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
At 0:07, there’s actually indigenous people in Hawaii. But sadly they just return receive Native American status, which is a status that allows Native American to receive many helpful affirmative action.
Hawaiians are Polynesians not Native Americans… That’s completely different. Native Americans came from North East Asia (Mongolia, Siberia). Polynesians originally came from South East Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan). We do share a common ancestry but that dates back to tens of thousands of years, before the Ice Age, in prehistoric China.
Please further research into the fact that fossils of natives have dated to 10,000 + years ago. The 3000 year theory proposed in the video is one I’ve never heard of.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
Below my answer to the channel which I am sharing with everyone for them to know what really happened. 1:30 So you think that what caused to the death of most of the indians among what came from europe is only sicknesses, right? OK, let me sahre with you a passage from Bartolomeo de las Casas' book who was a 16th-century Spanish landowner, friar, priest, and bishop, famed as a historian and social reformer: (The book is a translation of its Spanish original to an old version of English and nothing was edited by myself to look it modern) ... Of the Island of Cuba. In the year, 1511 they went over into the Island of Cuba, which extends as far in length as it is from Valladolid to Rome, in which there were many fair Provinces, inhabited with an infinite number of people, where the humanity and clemency of the Spaniards was not only as little as it had been in other places, but their cruelty and rage much greater. In this Island many things were done worthy observation. A certain Lord of great power among them by name Hathvey, who had fled over to Cuba, that he might avoid either death or perpetual captivity, hearing by some of the Indians that the Spaniards were also come into this Island, having assembled the Indians together, he began as followeth: Countrymen and Friends, you are not ignorant of the rumour by which we understand that the Spaniards are come among us, neither am I now to tell you how they have used the inhabitants of Hapti (so the call Hispaniola, in the Indian language) you know it by a fad experience: nor can we hope to finde them more merciful then they did. Then quoth he, Countreymen do you know the Errand which brings them hither? To whom they replyed, that was unknown to them, yet they further replyed, that they were well assured of the cruel nature of the Spaniard. Then quoth he, Ile tell ye the cause of their coming. They do worship some covetous and unsatisfied Deity, and to content the greedy worship of that Celesiial Power, they require many things from us, using all their endevour to murther and enslave us. Which having said, taking upa little Cheft filled with Gold, he proceeded in these words: Behold here the God of the Spaniards and therefore if you think fitting, let us daunce and sing before this their God, Perhaps we may thereby appease his rage, and he well then command the Spaniards to let us alone: Who with an unanimous shout cryed out all, Well said, well said; and so they went to dauncing round this box, not ceasing till they had sufficiently wearied themselves. Then the Lord Hathvey going on with his speech, quoth he, If we do keep this God till he be taken from us, we shall be surely slain, and therefore I think it expedient for us to cast it into the River; so his counsell being followed, the Cheft was cast into the River. When the Spaniards had landed in this Island, this noble man that had sufficient tryal of their manner, avoided them as much as he could, still flying from them and defending himself by force of armes upon all occasions. But at length being taken, for no other reason, but because he fled from those that sought his life, and defended himself that he might not be tormented to death, he was by the Spaniards burnt alive. While he was tyed to the stake, there came to him a Monk of the Order of St. Francis, who began to talk to him of God and of the Articles of our Faith, telling him, that the small respire which the Executioner gave him was sufficient for him to make sure his salvation if he believed. Upon which words after Hathvey had a little while paus'd, he asked the Monk if the door of heaven was open to the Spaniards, who answering, Yes, to the good Spaniards. Then replyed the other, Let me go to Hell that I may not come where they are. It happened once that the Citizens of a very fair City distant about twelve miles from the place where we were, came forth of the City to do us honour, and to submit themselves to the King of Castile, but they being returned home, the Governour of the Spaniards about the middle of the night as they were sleeping in their bed, and least suspecting any such thing, sent a company who came suddenly upon them, and set fire upon their houses, burning up both men, women and children, here some they murthered, others whom they spared, they tormented to make them tell where they had hid their Gold, after which they made them their slaves, having first marked them in the body: and immediately as soon as the fire was spent, they ran to finde out the Gold. At that time the Spaniards got above ten hundred thousand Crowns of Gold, out of which the King scarce had three hundred thousand sent him; there were slain in this place eight hundred thousand people; and those other Tyrants that came afterwards, emptied the Island of those that remained. Among all the notorious enormities committed by the foresaid(?) Governour, there is one not to be omitted: a certain noble Indian presenting him, perhaps more for fear then love, a present of above nine thousand Crowns, the Spaniards not consent with this, tied him to a stake, and stretching out his Legs, put fire to them, requiring a greater sum of Gold, who not able to endure the torment sent home for three thousand more; notwithstanding the Spaniards with a fresh rage began to torment him again, but seeing that he was able to give them no more, they kept him so long over the fire till his marrow dropt from the soles of his feet, whereof he died. These were the torments wherewith they murthered not only the common People, but the Peers and Lords of those Nations. Sometimes it would happen, that a Band of Spaniards ranging abroad would light upon a mountain where the Indians were fled for protection from their cruelty, where they immediately fell upon the Indians, killing the Men, and taking the Women and Virgins captive; & when a great company of the Indians pursued them with weapons for the recovery of their Wives and Children, they resolving not to let go their prey, when the Indians came near them, immediately with the points of their swords ran the poor Women and Children through the bodies. Upon which the wretched Indi- ans beating their brests for grief would now and then burst forth in these words, O perverfe men, O cruel Spaniards, What will ye kill helplesse women? There was the house of a Noble man distant from Panama above 15 miles; he was by name called Paris, and he was very wealthy in Gold; to him the Spaniards came, and by him they were entertained like Brothers, he giving to the Captain, as a Present, fifteen thousand Crowns; who by that perceiving that he must of necessity have a very great treasure, feigned a departure, but about the middle of the night returning again entred the City, set it on fire, sacrificing the poor people to the flames. Hence they took away about fifty or sixty thousand Crowns. The Noble man escaping, gathered together what force he could and made after the Spaniards, who were gone away with no lesse then a hundred and forty thousand Crowns of his own Treasure; when he had overtaken them, he fell upon them, and having slain above fifty of the Spaniards, he recovered his Gold again. The rest saved themselves by flight. But not long after the Spaniards returned with greater force upon the Noble man and having routed him, made slaves of all his people. ...
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
The American Indian cities where pretty localised. Some smaller ones in the south westren USA, some big ones by the Mississippi River. But most in the andes and in Mesoamerica
Maybe, long time ago , ancestors of some Asians moved eastbound from Eastern coast of Africa , when they reached Tibet , some of them didn't want to move further and stayed in Tibet , while others didn't think so and wanted to take more risks and move further ahead , and they moved to China , becoming the ancestors of people in Beijing, Shanghai , etc , today's Chinese. However, even reaching China , there were still some others wished to move further, and then they became American Indians
This is disgusting! How painful and how sad. Making the native Americans of their own country 😣😞WTH. The way he watered down that native Americans were pillaged and killed.🤦🏾♀️
@@historyonmaps That was not the point. The native americans were murdered until they faced extinction but where is that in the video. You are spreading false and wrong informations in other words. You literally just said "they european settlers had wars with the natives about the land". Plsssssss it was more cruel than that. The truth is hard but it is the only way, u know when we learn about ww2, we learn how evil Hitler was and how the jews were tortured. But isn't Ironic that USA has a "Colombus day". You fkn called that terrorist murderer "an explorer".
First 20 seconds explained to me why i always see some Asian in native Americans and Latinas. We all came from the same ancestors. Hello from Kazakhstan ❤
@@TmanRock9 You know what i am talking about. History is written by winner. Where is the side of story as told by native Americans? Not by the winners (European settlers). This is so bias view. Also, in history, there is no facts, it is all assumptions & everyday we were surprised with new discovery.
@@TmanRock9 it is clear. Where is the history of what happened from view point of native Americans? I see only bias twisted side of story here not facts.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
This video should be called History of native Americans in the US. It should be noted that when the Spanish first arrived they found plenty of new things not found in Europe. So they borrowed the native name for these items and added it to the Spanish language. From Spanish these words spread to the other languages of the world. A good number of the words were borrowed from the Taino natives of the Caribbean since the first place the Spanish arrived at were the Bahamas and the three greater Antillean islands which were populated with Taino natives. Words in English like Barbecue, Canoe, Hurricane and so on. When it comes to natives crossing the Bering Straits, some natives in South America got there from Polynesia. They sailed the Pacific ocean. Also, some natives say they originated in the Americas. Going back, natives of what is today the Russian Far East migrated over the Bering straits. Some of these natives seem culturally very similar to North American native. Example, a short clip of Russian Far East natives from Kamchatka. -видео.html
The Bering Strait theory IS NOT TRUE. Again....NATIVE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF NORTH AMERICA HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING that others aren't willing to accept or respect. We have knowledge prophecy and understanding that we know would take 3 lifetimes to tell. But because of Ignorance a prejudice no one is willing to listen. This information and understanding comes from our elders who were chosen to carry this, for tens maybe hundreds of thousands of years. But no one believes this because HOW COULD SUCH A PRIMITIVE AND SAVAGE PEOPLE HAVE THIS KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING.
@@kimberlyhonyumptewa5266 no, just believing something because an older person says it's true is a terrible way to form your understanding of the world. Go by evidence based in facts which can be confirmed that point to a definitive conclusion, accept that facts are amenable to change based on new information, and ignore the nonsense superstition that is based on nothing but cultural importance. How could such a primitive and savage people have knowledge and understanding beyond more developed cultures? By confirming it through study. Indigenous Americans were very accomplished in many areas that outshone other people, due to the collection of information that was relevant to their lives over generations. Mostly this was focused on survival and prosperity within their environment. Believing nonsense ghost stories is not a unique aspect of native culture, it's the dumbest aspect of any culture, probably the biggest cause of war across the world. Be grateful for the knowledge and understanding passed down through your generations, be resentful of the prophecy.
Bro I gotta write ten interesting thing I find about the video and I’m super tempted to put: 1.this Video has many false facts 2. they dont give the history of genocide, child stealing and other terrible acts 3. this is just an absolute mess of a Video Amd 4 through ten literally just being blank
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
They come from all different backgrounds this is very inaccurately told disease didnt kill most natives pale faces did Christopher Columbus is native Americans Hitler
You mean Indians came to Alaska. While the Black Natives were already living in North and South America before the Indians peacefully migrated inland and the whites man named Indians Natives.
Research the "Hopi" people of the Southwest. Search for the "Hopi Survival Kit" by Thomas E. Mails, or the Book of the Hopi...sorry forgot the Authors name. there are many videos also search for the "Hopi Prophecy Rock" video on RUclips. The 2 books referenced are also about PROPHECIES....which also mesh with the ancient Maya People and also the Ancient Egyptians.
Anyone noticed the Indigenous Black American Aboriginal male! Standing next to thee Siberian Native American woman? The truth is FINALLY coming out about today's Black peoples real identities. Reclassification system.
I mean those Siberian were treated better by whites, same whites who proudly discriminated against your kind, because those same whites have indigenous ancestry that goes back to colonialism, and they're not related to your kind
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I find it hard to believe that Native Americans were mainly "peaceful." The Iroquois literally have a legend where they buried their weapons under a special tree when they created their confederacy, which means at one time they were fighting. That doesn't mean they didn't fight with other nations afterward. The Hopi tribe, who tried to be peaceful, literally put their doors on their roofs with ladders they could pull up so that other tribes couldn't attack. The other nations around the Aztecs sided with the Europeans in order to wrest control from the Aztec Empire. They are HUMANS just like everyone else. The history with the Europeans is layered and messy like all history is, but I think some of the other commentators addressed that already. As a teacher, I can't use this video with my students because of all of the inaccuracies.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
Are you forgetting it was vice versa? Are you even Native American? I am, and there was a lot of scalp hunting down between Native peoples, from Native to Colonizer, or from Colonizer to Native. Let's not repaint history to suit narratives. The majority of colonizers came over because they were searching for freedoms from the oppression they were facing. And the majority of colonizers were friendly to Native Americans. The greedy politicians were not and that was where the biggest issues came from, with the exploitation of the perceived "Savage and uneducated" Native Americans at the hands of those in charge of treaties and sales. Yes the government did us Natives wrong... but the everyday folk who came searching for new lives generally did not. And stop pretending it was one way violence when it was a two way door.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
Native American people are great and interesting people we should point out how attrocious they were treated and the genocides they went through we should recognize the plight of American reservation life considering Native Americans were here first we should start thinking ablut how Native Americans got a raw deal...
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
Who else is doing this for school work Im gonna come back in two months to see all likes LOL Edit: I bet all the kids that are listening to this unliked it 🤣
The truth is, many of us are actually offended to be called Indians. For many years the term Indian was a derogatory term meant to dehumanize us and promote manifest destiny.
It is recorded that the earliest people migrated up from Africa to the Middle East, to China and to the Siberian peninsula before crossing into North America. Europeans sailed from Europe to the Eastern America. So everyone who ended up in North America were immigrants - including Indians.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
Its weird to think they were here for thousands of years, but the euros(pilgrims) were just here for 528 years, yet American indians are barely revelent now
I would not say barely revelent. For example, in Ecuador there is a special forces unit made up of Shuar natives. Shuar were famous for being headhunters. They lived in family clans all scattered throughout the jungles. Both the Incas and Spanish tried to conquer them but they could not. The Spanish stayed out of there gold rich territory for 300 years. There fierce reputation and headhunting ways kept others out. The following a short clip of the Ecuadorian Shuar special forces -видео.html
Imagine one sunny day, you sitting on the beach eating your fruits with your family and relatives. All of a sudden you see something unsuall from far away in the ocean. You hide and see what it is, you see people coming out of a weird thing. You go up to them and give them food, and gold. And guess how they repay YOU? Little did the natives know that they wouldn't exist a couple of hundred years after because of that reason.. They shoulda never been kind.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
This is a great video if you are looking for history for indians! im doing a essay about indians and i watched this video and it helped a lot God Bless Have a blessed day :)
Also odd that the bering straight theory isn’t that widely supported anymore, there are several native sites that date much older than previously believed
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
Not so, calling people Asian or African doesn’t lend credence to your ideas. Genetic testing tells us exactly who everyone is. Glad I could clear that up for you!
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
"Unto the cities of all nations He hath sent His Messengers, Whom He hath commissioned to announce unto men tidings of the Paradise of His good pleasure, and to draw them nigh unto the Haven of abiding security, the Seat of eternal holiness and transcendent glory." - Writings of Baha’u’llah, Baha'i Faith
We all, NATIVE PEOPLE to the North American Continent knew Jesus before he was known as the Savior that he was. He came to our people sharing truths and knowledge he had found for himself. NOT FROM ANY RELIGION!, BUT from the Creator himself.
RELIGION is part of what separates all peoples...just like GOVERNMENT...which was created to DIVIDE AND CONQUER. SPIRITUALITY is what Native American people Believe in. That is within each and every one of us. It has just been brainwashed out of us. Spirituality is our true connection to THE CREATOR, GOD, ALLAH...but the evil has created so many distractions from the truth. Just sharing understanding and love. Find your own truths and understanding through your own cultures. We still have our CULTURE. Because we understood and knew what was coming. We were TAUGHT to hold onto our CULTURE ...NO MATTER WHAT or WHO tried to take it from us. Even through all the GENOCIDE of the hundreds of Millions of our people that were taken. WE ARE STILL HERE!!!
@@kimberlyhonyumptewa5266 "Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth, give birth to spirituality, and bring life and light to each heart. If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act." ~ Baha'i Faith
@@francismausley7239 In the understanding and belief of our Native Aboriginal people of North America...we are taught about Spirituality. Taught about the Spirit in everything thing we do...since we are every day that we are alive. We have our culture and understanding of how everything is connected. This is what Einstein worked so hard to teach others as well. Instead they used his Theory of Relativity for Evil. When all he wanted was peace and similar understanding of what we already knew and practiced. We have no religion. Only understanding and respect of the cannot have a Complete human or body without the Physical, Mental and SPIRITUAL. Throughout my lifetime...all I have ever seen on TV in other this country has been no compassion, respect, understanding or acceptance and love for what other cultures believe. Always fighting. Mostly because of RELIGION. SAD. This was all prophesied. everywhere and so stealthy.
@@kimberlyhonyumptewa5266 "Spirituality is the greatest good, and the cause of great evil" is quite the prophecy. You can cherrypick just about every interaction of spiritual belief to fall in to one of those two categories, so it's pretty much useless. Kind of like spirituality itself. There is no such thing as a spirit. Disagree? Prove it.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
When they tell the americans to return the land to the Native Americans they say it belongs to them because they conquered it but keeps chanting free Tibet and free Xinjiang like China didn't conquer it as well,it's over for yall
Not a single mention of the genocide that happened to the Natives and the discrimination that happens till today.
And immense poverty and oppression on reservations. He kinda ignored all of that
The racism in this comment section alone. We have suffered enough let us be.
It’s really sad, it breaks my heart that they’re erasing our pain, as if my great grandpa didn’t die in a residential school
I like how he said @ 0.8 sec except Hawaii 😆 lol .
@UC1RC2TmoDfqAg2zorGWAOjA I know what a sob.
Cultivate new farms lands??? Create new jobs??!!! What a polite way to call out colonizers who literally exploited them!!
Exactly his tone explains the type of person he is. Don't need to explain .
Both are true we were exploited and colonized for their benefit
Friday Fun birthday party
If they didn't, there would've been someone who did.
It is the USA way of putting things:) very usual of USA like history explaining.
imagine being granted citizenship in own homeland after 2000yrs
Really, where are you from? The past has occurred, most people move on.
@@macarde10 👁️👄👁️
@@macarde10 👁️👄👁️👌
@@macarde10 👁️👅👁️
@@accuright3016 i can’t argue against the almighty emojis
The destruction of native American civilization is one of the cruelest and darkest events in human history.
We live on top of the bones of millions of men women and children who were brutally massacred and displaced.
There lying to kids to protect image disgusting
its even more disgusting that they lie that diseases ended up killing most of the Native Americans. No! That is bullshit!
@@unmasteredEP 💯 I agree
If you think that was one of the darkest events in the world, you really don't know a single s#it about history also it wasn't anything bad 300 years ago, almost any other nation would do it and by your logic that means that for example every person before 1900s was bad cuz everyone was racist then even though there are many things that were normal in the past and bad now but that doesn't mean those people in the past were bad
@@Faoijhfr4rsgioi What a mouth full lol. We don't deny any of the claims you just made, its the perpetual commercialization and fictional narratives that say America was built on noble principles. Denial perpetuates, knowledge liberates my friend.
The information in this video is incorrect, please do not use this video for school or educational purposes.
please tell me the right info. I dont know anything about native americans
Look up the mummies from Chile and the mummy found in Utah, there is no humans remains that come close to the same era that they were found in and this bullshit is still being passed around
@@sakshipersai6162 Hello and hoping you and your family are doing well in this crazy time of life.
Truthfully...the Aboriginal people of this country still exist. Even though hundreds of millions of our people were murdered...and oppressed by the SETTLERS who came here hundreds of years ago...we are still here. And we still practice our cultures. Our beliefs and understandings weren't fully brainwashed and bred out of all of us. We all belong to different "tribes" and "nations". We have different but very similar beliefs and languages. My family and I are "Pueblo" Natives. We live in the states of NEW Mexico and Arizona. The history, culture and understanding that we have, know and follow belongs to the Hopi Pueblo Indians. We also are intertwined with the Apache and other Native Tribes in Arizona and all the way into South America. We have similar beliefs, traditions and prophecies as the Mayan, Incas, Aztecs, Hawaiian tribes, Plains Native tribes of North America, Australian Aboriginals and also Ancient Egyptians. And probably more...
We all have knowledge and Understanding of so many things that science is still yet "trying" to prove. Most of what we know has been kept from others because THEY weren't willing to respect our ways and traditions and took everything we had and knew for Granted, because of IGNORANCE and opinion. That such people like ours(savage/primitive)wouldn't have such understanding or knowledge.
"The Book of the Hopi" sorry forgot the Author, "The Hopi Survival Kit" by Thomas E. Mails..."Prophecy Rock" on RUclips. For research....
@JHOSBERANY GARCIA what I understand is that a Teacher of yours told you to watch this video and respond?
No disrespect....but this person has no understanding of the true history of this country. At least the truth from an Indigineous persons actual perspective, understanding and knowledge. If you would like can research the "Battle at Wounded Knee", The "Pueblo Revolt" "The Book of the Hopi"
"The Hopi Survival Kit(book)", "How the West was Won" and "How the West was Lost"(documentaries). Just a few to name....
When you research these will also find links to other history related to many other Indigenous tribes and nations of this country. RUclips a video called "Prophecy Rock" is also linked to the 2 books I shared with you. And the history and prophecies in these books are related to the people of the Ancient Mayan, Azteca, and Egyptian to name a few.
When we need this to answer the questions😑
Native Americans are not just from USA but in areas like central America , USA , and South America and as well in the arctics. I'm part native American and I'm proud of it. Just get your facts right. This document is not as accurate.
Exactly. Mostly Mexico, then Central America and South America.
Don't forget asia
I'm also American indian, since my grandfather is Filipino american indian and it still runs in my blood even if it's only 1/4 im still proud to have that blood.☺️
I'm Indian Indian, as in Asian Indian. 😂
*me, a native american, watching a white man explain native americans*
how do you know he's white?
@ScepticalX 420 Same
Stephen Films Ltd. well i am not i am a Scottish person researching about ethnic misconception
You want to know something about modern natives then watch this short video on Bolivia's rising Native middle class -видео.html
My grandfather is Filipino American Indian since his Father is Pure American Indian and His mom is Filipina. My mom's mother is Filipina Chinese Spanish.
So I'm proud to say that I am Filipina-Spanish ,Chinese American Indian.
Native American *
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
your blood is so dirty
I am here cause online school check✔
me to
This video is sanitized and incorrect as f, you shouldn't really on it for education
How tf are you gonna give them citizenship after fighting in ww1, when they were here first lol
Especially since they risked their lives to fight for the white man in Europe smh
they were the first ones to discover the country, but they did not found the USA.
@@attysthoughts3253 I think you meant "stole the US"
@@defective7340 im from finland, native americans fought one another way before europeans came, and they where incredibly brutal (especially the Comanches).
Europeans did the same too, because we're all humans, its just that Europeans where simply technologically more advanced, therefore natives lost the fight and the land,
this has happened all over the planet by all races,
I dont know what fairy tales do they teach you in your american schools
@@MBRETION Read up on what the "trial of tears" is. Native American history and spirituality was and still is being erased and or made into a joke. The US committed the most terrible racial genocide in human history against native americans and I will NOT let that be forgotten. They may have brainwashed you, but they cannot lie to the people it was done to.
Anyone one else came from online class work wow didn’t expect this to kinda blow up thanks for the likes and replies!
Yes, and I love anime too
Got a B on my essay
me btw i have to use dads gooogle account
I love Jin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love anime yep
"Washington saw them as equals" he might have said so but he was literally nicknamed "Town Burner" by the Seneca after burning down 28 of their 30 cities.
I feel bad for the Native Americans, it is their motherland and yet they are not there anymore.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
They are from asia
@@dhammawiwekantaraoh really? By your logic everyone is from Africa now ._.
@@JonathanBlazz 🤣🤣 is that your problem
i love their culture so much. just so authentic and resourceful
I adore Native American culture and history. They lived right, as well as the Africans and Aborigines; in twine with nature. Yes, they had wars between tribes, and did heinous things to each other, but that doesn't hinder the way I view their culture at all. I think about their destruction and decline often, how devastating that must have been...thousands of years removed, burned, just over the period which can be considered a fraction of their time.
It’s called the destruction of gog and Magog
@@financialsolutions8578 source?
They lived like every other human in the late stone age.
Lol you're weird. They were human beings, just like us. Which means they stole, lied, and did both good and evil. Don't put anyone on a pedestal. It's wrong.
Native Americans developed sophisticated societies long before the arrival of European settlers, with advanced agricultural practices, complex trade networks, and unique art forms. They also had diverse belief systems and spiritual practices deeply tied to the land and nature.
The arrival of Europeans in the late 15th century brought significant challenges to Native American communities, including disease, displacement, and the loss of their ancestral lands. Despite these hardships, Native Americans have continued to contribute to the cultural mosaic of the Americas, and their perseverance in the face of adversity is both inspiring and humbling.
Native Americans had beautiful civilizations with unique culture ,music ,food and human scarifie
When I took New Mexico history in 7th grade I had a teacher who didn't sugar coat anything and talked heavily about the genocides from when Columbus landed and even injustices towards today's indigenous people in our state.
I just love learning about their culture.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
Good to learn Black History a bit huh?
americans tortured killed raped indigenous ppl
@@chestman1776you mean the bad history about Europe people how they discovered the American because of greed, Europeans they killed the Native Americans and robbed their lands and killed the children’s and women now they call themselves we are American you never be American you belong to Europe remember your crimes at native people and at African people seriously if someone just searches about what white peoples did to Native American you get sad and sick I’m wondering why white peoples Call Muslims are terrorist who slave and sell Africans people it’s you Europe who killed, steal and destroy native Americans peoples it’s you
@@chestman1776I agreed with you it’s good to learn about history
Im native American and we are still alive
you should claim your lands back
@@glasgowblackchigowski6117 they're living in their lands, it's no your problem😉
@@usa6207 pff yeah after getting nearly wiped out for defending their lands, let's not play this dumb card, these people should go back where they came from.
@@glasgowblackchigowski6117 ok American Indian should go back to Asia😉
OMG I was buying everything he was saying until I saw the comments Thanks you guys ❤️
I know for a fact you were not buying that, everyones learned about the indians, and how the english and spanish stole their land. Its like common sense by now.
@@7Blicc am not American so I rly believed everything lol
McFlurry I don’t think they teach this outside of America. I’m Balkan and they never teach this in school.
@@yshent8487 The truths of North America aren't taught for reasons many aren't willing to believe or understand. Our Native people to this country have Ancient understandings, HISTORY, that are told would take 3 lifetimes to tell. We also have prophecy and knowledge that other Ancient cultures also understood and held onto. But because of all the evil, brainwashing, Ignorance, oppression and genocide...most was lost. The settlers that came here murdered hundreds of millions of our people...and still continue to OPPRESS us to this very day. The Spanish and Italian brought the Catholic church to where our people lived and literally forced us to become devout catholics. Murdered, handicapped and imprisoned our parents if they didn't send their children to their schools and church. Punished for practicing our daily cultural duties and ceremonies, also speaking our languages. Children were taken from their homes to far away boarding schools, where they were taught to live like so called "whites". Punished and murdered for speaking their home languages.
Our people were forced out of our homes, villages and Pueblos and forced to build Catholic churches on top of our Sacred Kivas. To this day...these churches still oppress our people...standing on our Pueblos and villages.
There are probably hundreds of thousands of different tribes of Native Aboriginal people who still live here. And we were all a part of this Ginormous Horrific Genocide that NO ONE Talks about. And this is very sad. Very sad. Research the Hopi Pueblo, and the Pueblo Indians of NEW Mexico.
A couple books to read that share very good info are The Book of the Hopi and The Hopi Survival Kit.
These books also share prophecy. Some of the prophecies also coincide with other Ancient cultures like the Mayan and the Egyptians.
TEDx Talks-Topis and people to research about Native Americans:
"We shall remain", Winona LaDuke, Nick Tilden, Dave Archambault, Redwing Thomas, Lorraine Davis, "We the people"-the 3 most misunderstood words in the US...., Indigenouse in Plain Sight-Gregg Deal.....etc...
everyone is here is either here because of online school or because they're native americans
I’m here because I’m studying for no reason about world history and science, etc. preparing for 6th grade. I’m on my dads account.
@@trteresa93 I dunno, ya look kinda 5 dollar-ish to me 🤔
Comes a time when people steal land. In time there will justice for those who have been mistreated.
Who will stand up for the now extinct Calusa Indians who were exterminated by the Seminoles? Justice!
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
IM LIKE : 😡😡😩😩😱🥺👿
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
What about the genocide? That's Exactly like what Israel and USA is trying to do in Palestine since 1948 till now.
If they wanted to do that it would be done by now.
@@TmanRock9 Palestinians warrior souls are stronger than their weapons.
@@rnegbi8983souls don’t make you bomb and bullet proof. Again no one is trying to exterminate them in whole or in part. Populations do not increase in the area of genocide. This is just pro Palestinian propaganda.
@@rnegbi8983😂😂 who cares
😂😂 who cares... They are from asia
Proud to be a Indian , We are not hijacked by European ,we fought we won
Yes we are families of native American Indians I am a Indian
Yes proud to be Indian, my family Is Indians half Indians
@@janava7968 I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
there is a spelling mistake of chicken pox at 2:04 and of fund at 3:32
So every people make mistakes
Shaurya Sen whatever man
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
Modern agriculture, a modern but environmentally friendly lifestyle with a variety of cultures, looks very beautiful
At 0:07, there’s actually indigenous people in Hawaii. But sadly they just return receive Native American status, which is a status that allows Native American to receive many helpful affirmative action.
Hawaiians are Polynesians not Native Americans…
That’s completely different.
Native Americans came from North East Asia (Mongolia, Siberia).
Polynesians originally came from South East Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan).
We do share a common ancestry but that dates back to tens of thousands of years, before the Ice Age, in prehistoric China.
😃 Great Job keep it up doing great for my kid
Please further research into the fact that fossils of natives have dated to 10,000 + years ago. The 3000 year theory proposed in the video is one I’ve never heard of.
Real Native American History 😁 👇🏾
Im reading a war book in school
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
This is the history that should be more thaught in schools of Americans 👍👍
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
Below my answer to the channel which I am sharing with everyone for them to know what really happened.
So you think that what caused to the death of most of the indians among what came from europe is only sicknesses, right? OK, let me sahre with you a passage from Bartolomeo de las Casas' book who was a 16th-century Spanish landowner, friar, priest, and bishop, famed as a historian and social reformer:
(The book is a translation of its Spanish original to an old version of English and nothing was edited by myself to look it modern)
Of the Island of Cuba.
In the year, 1511 they went over into the Island of Cuba, which extends as far in length as it is from Valladolid to Rome, in which there were many fair Provinces, inhabited with an infinite number of people, where the humanity and clemency of the Spaniards was not only as little as it had been in other places, but their cruelty and rage much greater. In this Island many things were done worthy observation. A certain Lord of great power among them by name Hathvey, who had fled over to Cuba, that he might avoid either death or perpetual captivity, hearing by some of the Indians that the Spaniards were also come into this Island, having assembled the Indians together, he began as followeth:
Countrymen and Friends, you are not ignorant of the rumour by which we understand that the Spaniards are come among us, neither am I now to tell you how they have used the inhabitants of Hapti (so the call Hispaniola, in the Indian language) you know it by a fad experience: nor can we hope to finde them more merciful then they did. Then quoth he, Countreymen do you know the Errand which brings them hither? To whom they replyed, that was unknown to them, yet they further replyed, that they were well assured of the cruel nature of the Spaniard. Then quoth he, Ile tell ye the cause of their coming. They do worship some covetous and unsatisfied Deity, and to content the greedy worship of that Celesiial Power, they require many things from us, using all their endevour to murther and enslave us. Which having said, taking upa little Cheft filled with Gold, he proceeded in these words: Behold here the God of the Spaniards and therefore if you think fitting, let us daunce and sing before this their God, Perhaps we may thereby appease his rage, and he well then command the Spaniards to let us alone: Who with an unanimous shout cryed out all, Well said, well said; and so they went to dauncing round this box, not ceasing till they had sufficiently wearied themselves. Then the Lord Hathvey going on with his speech, quoth he, If we do keep this God till he be taken from us, we shall be surely slain, and therefore I think it expedient for us to cast it into the River; so his counsell being followed, the Cheft was cast into the River.
When the Spaniards had landed in this Island, this noble man that had sufficient tryal of their manner, avoided them as much as he could, still flying from them and defending himself by force of armes upon all occasions. But at length being taken, for no other reason, but because he fled from those that sought his life, and defended himself that he might not be tormented to death, he was by the Spaniards burnt alive. While he was tyed to the stake, there came to him a Monk of the Order of St. Francis, who began to talk to him of God and of the Articles of our Faith, telling him, that the small respire which the Executioner gave him was sufficient for him to make sure his salvation if he believed. Upon which words after Hathvey had a little while paus'd, he asked the Monk if the door of heaven was open to the Spaniards, who answering, Yes, to the good Spaniards. Then replyed the other, Let me go to Hell that I may not come where they are.
It happened once that the Citizens of a very fair City distant about twelve miles from the place where we were, came forth of the City to do us honour, and to submit themselves to the King of Castile, but they being returned home, the Governour of the Spaniards about the middle of the night as they were sleeping in their bed, and least suspecting any such thing, sent a company who came suddenly upon them, and set fire upon their houses, burning up both men, women and children, here some they murthered, others whom they spared, they tormented to make them tell where they had hid their Gold, after which they made them their slaves, having first marked them in the body: and immediately as soon as the fire was spent, they ran to finde out the Gold. At that time the Spaniards got above ten hundred thousand Crowns of Gold, out of which the King scarce had three hundred thousand sent him; there were slain in this place eight hundred thousand people; and those other Tyrants that came afterwards, emptied the Island of those that remained.
Among all the notorious enormities committed by the foresaid(?) Governour, there is one not to be omitted: a certain noble Indian presenting him, perhaps more for fear then love, a present of above nine thousand Crowns, the Spaniards not consent with this, tied him to a stake, and stretching out his Legs, put fire to them, requiring a greater sum of Gold, who not able to endure the torment sent home for three thousand more; notwithstanding the Spaniards with a fresh rage began to torment him again, but seeing that he was able to give them no more, they kept him so long over the fire till his marrow dropt from the soles of his feet, whereof he died. These were the torments wherewith they murthered not only the common People, but the Peers and Lords of those Nations.
Sometimes it would happen, that a Band of Spaniards ranging abroad would light upon a mountain where the Indians were fled for protection from their cruelty, where they immediately fell upon the Indians, killing the Men, and taking the Women and Virgins captive; & when a great company of the Indians pursued them with weapons for the recovery of their Wives and Children, they resolving not to let go their prey, when the Indians came near them, immediately with the points of their swords ran the poor Women and Children through the bodies. Upon which the wretched Indi- ans beating their brests for grief would now and then burst forth in these words, O perverfe men, O cruel Spaniards, What will ye kill helplesse women?
There was the house of a Noble man distant from Panama above 15 miles; he was by name called Paris, and he was very wealthy in Gold; to him the Spaniards came, and by him they were entertained like Brothers, he giving to the Captain, as a Present, fifteen thousand Crowns; who by that perceiving that he must of necessity have a very great treasure, feigned a departure, but about the middle of the night returning again entred the City, set it on fire, sacrificing the poor people to the flames. Hence they took away about fifty or sixty thousand Crowns. The Noble man escaping, gathered together what force he could and made after the Spaniards, who were gone away with no lesse then a hundred and forty thousand Crowns of his own Treasure; when he had overtaken them, he fell upon them, and having slain above fifty of the Spaniards, he recovered his Gold again. The rest saved themselves by flight. But not long after the Spaniards returned with greater force upon the Noble man and having routed him, made slaves of all his people.
Got as far as the tribes swearing at each other lol.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
The American Indian cities where pretty localised. Some smaller ones in the south westren USA, some big ones by the Mississippi River. But most in the andes and in Mesoamerica
No Asian Indians
Became Outsiders in their Own Land
As a Navajo, this is some funny a** sh*t. Please get your facts straight mister. 😂
Maybe, long time ago , ancestors of some Asians moved eastbound from Eastern coast of Africa ,
when they reached Tibet , some of them didn't want to move further and stayed in Tibet , while others didn't think so and wanted to take more risks and move further ahead , and they moved to China , becoming the ancestors of people in Beijing, Shanghai , etc , today's Chinese.
However, even reaching China , there were still some others wished to move further, and then they became American Indians
They are not Indian's. They are indigenous people of american continent.
Indian's are from India(Bharat).
Blame Columbus
Not just the United states. Natives of the Americas come all across south, central & North Americas.
This is disgusting! How painful and how sad. Making the native Americans of their own country 😣😞WTH. The way he watered down that native Americans were pillaged and killed.🤦🏾♀️
Hope that future will be better for any human kind
@@historyonmaps That was not the point. The native americans were murdered until they faced extinction but where is that in the video. You are spreading false and wrong informations in other words. You literally just said "they european settlers had wars with the natives about the land". Plsssssss it was more cruel than that. The truth is hard but it is the only way, u know when we learn about ww2, we learn how evil Hitler was and how the jews were tortured. But isn't Ironic that USA has a "Colombus day". You fkn called that terrorist murderer "an explorer".
First 20 seconds explained to me why i always see some Asian in native Americans and Latinas. We all came from the same ancestors. Hello from Kazakhstan ❤
No one report the history from native side. This video explain European viewpoint
Not sure what your talking about, this video is a matter of fact kind of thing and not from a specific perspective.
@@TmanRock9 You know what i am talking about. History is written by winner. Where is the side of story as told by native Americans? Not by the winners (European settlers). This is so bias view. Also, in history, there is no facts, it is all assumptions & everyday we were surprised with new discovery.
@@TmanRock9 it is clear. Where is the history of what happened from view point of native Americans? I see only bias twisted side of story here not facts.
@@muhammadx656 again it’s just a matter of fact sort of thing for children.
I'm European but I agree that this is whitewashed history
Your videos are helpful
I got this from my class
The reason why I like this Story is because My friend Summer she is half Indan
You forgetting the historical time. When small amounts of Vikings encountered the Native Americans
And were surprisingly peaceful, a behaviour not common among ancient caucasian.
If this is what is being taught at school in the us I'd be very disappointed. 😂 I'm glad the comment section is a bit wiser.
Sore losers.
This whole narrative is off.
I’m actually American Indian 🥹 and I’m just trying to learn about things.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
This video should be called History of native Americans in the US. It should be noted that when the Spanish first arrived they found plenty of new things not found in Europe. So they borrowed the native name for these items and added it to the Spanish language. From Spanish these words spread to the other languages of the world. A good number of the words were borrowed from the Taino natives of the Caribbean since the first place the Spanish arrived at were the Bahamas and the three greater Antillean islands which were populated with Taino natives. Words in English like Barbecue, Canoe, Hurricane and so on.
When it comes to natives crossing the Bering Straits, some natives in South America got there from Polynesia. They sailed the Pacific ocean. Also, some natives say they originated in the Americas. Going back, natives of what is today the Russian Far East migrated over the Bering straits. Some of these natives seem culturally very similar to North American native. Example, a short clip of Russian Far East natives from Kamchatka. -видео.html
The Bering Strait theory IS NOT TRUE.
Again....NATIVE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF NORTH AMERICA HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING that others aren't willing to accept or respect. We have knowledge prophecy and understanding that we know would take 3 lifetimes to tell. But because of Ignorance a prejudice no one is willing to listen. This information and understanding comes from our elders who were chosen to carry this, for tens maybe hundreds of thousands of years. But no one believes this because HOW COULD SUCH A PRIMITIVE AND SAVAGE PEOPLE HAVE THIS KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING.
@@kimberlyhonyumptewa5266 no, just believing something because an older person says it's true is a terrible way to form your understanding of the world. Go by evidence based in facts which can be confirmed that point to a definitive conclusion, accept that facts are amenable to change based on new information, and ignore the nonsense superstition that is based on nothing but cultural importance. How could such a primitive and savage people have knowledge and understanding beyond more developed cultures? By confirming it through study. Indigenous Americans were very accomplished in many areas that outshone other people, due to the collection of information that was relevant to their lives over generations. Mostly this was focused on survival and prosperity within their environment. Believing nonsense ghost stories is not a unique aspect of native culture, it's the dumbest aspect of any culture, probably the biggest cause of war across the world. Be grateful for the knowledge and understanding passed down through your generations, be resentful of the prophecy.
The happy, upbeat music and infographics with these horrors grazed over or not even mentioned is so creepy 😭
Bro I gotta write ten interesting thing I find about the video and I’m super tempted to put:
1.this Video has many false facts
2. they dont give the history of genocide, child stealing and other terrible acts
3. this is just an absolute mess of a Video
Amd 4 through ten literally just being blank
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
Natives came from Siberia, and how come you didn’t mention Inuits or Eskimos? They’re Native Alaskan!
Creterampage Studios no they aren't u dum u are very superb dumb
I am smart
They come from all different backgrounds this is very inaccurately told disease didnt kill most natives pale faces did Christopher Columbus is native Americans Hitler
@@trteresa93 and the fact that amount of genocide was greater than the holocaust.
You mean Indians came to Alaska. While the Black Natives were already living in North and South America before the Indians peacefully migrated inland and the whites man named Indians Natives.
I’m just Australian trying to learn new things
Same but I'm english
They r lying in this video
Australia is stolen too for the record. Something USA and Australia got in common
Research the "Hopi" people of the Southwest. Search for the "Hopi Survival Kit" by Thomas E. Mails, or the Book of the Hopi...sorry forgot the Authors name. there are many videos also search for the "Hopi Prophecy Rock" video on RUclips. The 2 books referenced are also about PROPHECIES....which also mesh with the ancient Maya People and also the Ancient Egyptians.
Same but from Georgia (country not usa)
Anyone noticed the Indigenous Black American Aboriginal male! Standing next to thee Siberian Native American woman? The truth is FINALLY coming out about today's Black peoples real identities. Reclassification system.
I mean those Siberian were treated better by whites, same whites who proudly discriminated against your kind, because those same whites have indigenous ancestry that goes back to colonialism, and they're not related to your kind
Who else is here for online classwork?
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I find it hard to believe that Native Americans were mainly "peaceful." The Iroquois literally have a legend where they buried their weapons under a special tree when they created their confederacy, which means at one time they were fighting. That doesn't mean they didn't fight with other nations afterward. The Hopi tribe, who tried to be peaceful, literally put their doors on their roofs with ladders they could pull up so that other tribes couldn't attack. The other nations around the Aztecs sided with the Europeans in order to wrest control from the Aztec Empire. They are HUMANS just like everyone else. The history with the Europeans is layered and messy like all history is, but I think some of the other commentators addressed that already.
As a teacher, I can't use this video with my students because of all of the inaccuracies.
Are you kidding me.
U are not real American
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
Look at these joyful faces of the indigenous peoples, they did not even suspect that the English-speaking peoples would hunt for their scalps.
They were also humans
Are you forgetting it was vice versa? Are you even Native American? I am, and there was a lot of scalp hunting down between Native peoples, from Native to Colonizer, or from Colonizer to Native. Let's not repaint history to suit narratives. The majority of colonizers came over because they were searching for freedoms from the oppression they were facing. And the majority of colonizers were friendly to Native Americans. The greedy politicians were not and that was where the biggest issues came from, with the exploitation of the perceived "Savage and uneducated" Native Americans at the hands of those in charge of treaties and sales. Yes the government did us Natives wrong... but the everyday folk who came searching for new lives generally did not. And stop pretending it was one way violence when it was a two way door.
I love this beacus it helps me learn things I don’t know
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
they aren’t Indians, they are indigenous Americans or Native American
Could u imagine being the one to discover and then can't have a right to vote lol human being smh
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
Native American people are great and interesting people we should point out how attrocious they were treated and the genocides they went through we should recognize the plight of American reservation life considering Native Americans were here first we should start thinking ablut how Native Americans got a raw deal...
Someone take this video down. You make all the genocide sound like an accident. This is sick
Will Native Americans ever be made to pay reparations to Europeans for stealing this land before the Europeans even had a chance to discover it?
1. Where did you get these facts From? 2. Columbus killed many Natives. 3. Get your info from real Natives like our elders. And yes I'm native.
Hello my friend 👋
Cool and helpfull
Why doesn't he mention any massacres and that Indians live under a federal agency named the Bureau of Indian Affairs?
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I am native american
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
@@davidmrodriguez8067 from United states California
@@newzeriahgamingstudio5154 That's good to know.
Si how is the weather over there with you?
@@davidmrodriguez8067 it's ok I'm used to the weather here
I never Knew Native Americans are called Indigenous Americans!?!?!?!
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
Who else is doing this for school work
Im gonna come back in two months to see all likes LOL
Edit: I bet all the kids that are listening to this unliked it 🤣
When you are an Indian (from India) watching American people call themselvs *Indian*
You clearly don't understand
Goshhh I was just joking I know Columbus was on his way to find India when he landed in America
@@devanshi864 yeah u r right
i live in america and im part indian😕my dad is indian
The truth is, many of us are actually offended to be called Indians. For many years the term Indian was a derogatory term meant to dehumanize us and promote manifest destiny.
It is recorded that the earliest people migrated up from Africa to the Middle East, to China and to the Siberian peninsula before crossing into North America. Europeans sailed from Europe to the Eastern America. So everyone who ended up in North America were immigrants - including Indians.
amazing I got an A+ in my test thanks for you 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
thankyou my douter got an A+ this vedio is good for kids
Then ur school must white wash as well
@@hodaalsais585 guy, guys this is litterally false....its not true how did she get that??
pls check comments now pls..👁️👄👁️
@@Vivisdiaryyyy racism
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
Great video History on Maps :]
As a true Cherokee Please don’t believe all of this
👁️👄👁️👌 true..
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
Its weird to think they were here for thousands of years, but the euros(pilgrims) were just here for 528 years, yet American indians are barely revelent now
I would not say barely revelent. For example, in Ecuador there is a special forces unit made up of Shuar natives. Shuar were famous for being headhunters. They lived in family clans all scattered throughout the jungles. Both the Incas and Spanish tried to conquer them but they could not. The Spanish stayed out of there gold rich territory for 300 years. There fierce reputation and headhunting ways kept others out. The following a short clip of the Ecuadorian Shuar special forces -видео.html
i'm here from school searching for hope
Can you make a video about sonic the hechog
Stacy Thompson I agree
Ye boi
Imagine one sunny day, you sitting on the beach eating your fruits with your family and relatives. All of a sudden you see something unsuall from far away in the ocean. You hide and see what it is, you see people coming out of a weird thing. You go up to them and give them food, and gold. And guess how they repay YOU? Little did the natives know that they wouldn't exist a couple of hundred years after because of that reason.. They shoulda never been kind.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
Yes I agree😊
This is a great video if you are looking for history for indians! im doing a essay
about indians and i watched this video and it helped a lot
God Bless Have a blessed day :)
@@Krishna-mz8rt hello😀
@@jansynlouder_12 where are you from??
@@Krishna-mz8rt Texas
How about you!
Also odd that the bering straight theory isn’t that widely supported anymore, there are several native sites that date much older than previously believed
The narrator speaking too fast if this video is for kids.
I have to watch this for school
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
You this guy needs to do better research
British empire eradicated these people and their culture. A terrible crime
And this why I don't stand up for the plagues
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
God please return America back to Native Americans
Many Native Tribes were herders and farmers but a good number were also warriors, traders, merchants, hunters, gatherers, And more
Thanks for the info!
Came here to see how white people explain
That’s some watered down history. 😡 wow... I had to pause it every few seconds and yell at the video.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?-
The First American was discovered in Brazil and she wasn't Asain, she was African.
Not so, calling people Asian or African doesn’t lend credence to your ideas. Genetic testing tells us exactly who everyone is. Glad I could clear that up for you!
Luzia may have been aborigine, but aborigines are closer to Asians than your kind, so...
Dude read a book with the right facts bc if we had a test and listened to you we would've get a big fat F in History and might even get left back
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?.
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
"Unto the cities of all nations He hath sent His Messengers, Whom He hath commissioned to announce unto men tidings of the Paradise of His good pleasure, and to draw them nigh unto the Haven of abiding security, the Seat of eternal holiness and transcendent glory." - Writings of Baha’u’llah, Baha'i Faith
We all, NATIVE PEOPLE to the North American Continent knew Jesus before he was known as the Savior that he was. He came to our people sharing truths and knowledge he had found for himself. NOT FROM ANY RELIGION!, BUT from the Creator himself.
RELIGION is part of what separates all peoples...just like GOVERNMENT...which was created to DIVIDE AND CONQUER. SPIRITUALITY is what Native American people Believe in. That is within each and every one of us. It has just been brainwashed out of us. Spirituality is our true connection to THE CREATOR, GOD, ALLAH...but the evil has created so many distractions from the truth. Just sharing understanding and love. Find your own truths and understanding through your own cultures. We still have our CULTURE. Because we understood and knew what was coming. We were TAUGHT to hold onto our CULTURE ...NO MATTER WHAT or WHO tried to take it from us. Even through all the GENOCIDE of the hundreds of Millions of our people that were taken. WE ARE STILL HERE!!!
@@kimberlyhonyumptewa5266 "Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth, give birth to spirituality, and bring life and light to each heart. If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act." ~ Baha'i Faith
@@francismausley7239 In the understanding and belief of our Native Aboriginal people of North America...we are taught about Spirituality. Taught about the Spirit in everything thing we do...since we are every day that we are alive. We have our culture and understanding of how everything is connected. This is what Einstein worked so hard to teach others as well. Instead they used his Theory of Relativity for Evil. When all he wanted was peace and similar understanding of what we already knew and practiced. We have no religion. Only understanding and respect of the cannot have a Complete human or body without the Physical, Mental and SPIRITUAL.
Throughout my lifetime...all I have ever seen on TV in other this country has been no compassion, respect, understanding or acceptance and love for what other cultures believe. Always fighting. Mostly because of RELIGION. SAD.
This was all prophesied. everywhere and so stealthy.
@@kimberlyhonyumptewa5266 "Spirituality is the greatest good, and the cause of great evil" is quite the prophecy. You can cherrypick just about every interaction of spiritual belief to fall in to one of those two categories, so it's pretty much useless. Kind of like spirituality itself.
There is no such thing as a spirit. Disagree? Prove it.
It's chickenpox not chicken box. There is a little mistake in the minute 2:03
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?,
When you watch this 10min before you history test
Tysm I probably would of failed if I didn’t see this
I pray to God to give you a lot of beautiful days and I hope God bless you to have a great day, I'm David by name from Overbrook Philadelphia and you where are you from?!
@@davidmrodriguez8067 im from texas
@@jansynlouder_12 Good to know, so how is the weather over there with you?
@@davidmrodriguez8067 Its so cold right now a little bit of snow
When they tell the americans to return the land to the Native Americans they say it belongs to them because they conquered it but keeps chanting free Tibet and free Xinjiang like China didn't conquer it as well,it's over for yall
Bro China gotta go
@@timohara7717 China didn't go nowhere for the past 5000 years they sure as hell won't anywhere now
@@fluffyseal8782 just unchina
@@timohara7717 You can't un something that has continuously existed for 5000 years
@@fluffyseal8782 erm source?