Brian Mulvey on finding out he had autism through his son's diagnosis

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024
  • It wasn’t until he became aware that his son Kit was autistic several years ago, that Brian Mulvey (47), began to wonder if he too was autistic.
    “The more my wife Jenny and I read on it, the more we looked at it, just the ­clinical aspects of it with our son Kit were exactly mirrored in me,” Brian, an actor who appeared in Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, says.
    “His stimming - I would have stimmed as a young guy. I would have been told to stop it, or it would have been (seen as) odd, or there would have been shame attached to it. You learn to mask very, very, very quickly. I suppose as a child you become adept. Whereas Kit isn’t being told to stop being himself in any way by anyone. So he can perform the way he needs to perform, to regulate himself,”
    Kit is Brian and Jenny’s youngest of two children. He was born in the summer of 2018 and diagnosed when he was three.
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Комментарии • 2

  • @seonar
    @seonar 4 месяца назад +2

    What a decent guy , his son is lucky to have him as a dad.

  • @JenniferKastelic
    @JenniferKastelic 4 месяца назад +2

    The more people come forward the more we can see its not a disability, its another way to think. Like apple vs android.