Stephen Moyer on Twins: They're Doing What Babies Do

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @brookehanner8420
    @brookehanner8420 7 лет назад +11

    The way he talks about her OH MY GOSH. 🙌🏼❤️😩

  • @joannebombardier7984
    @joannebombardier7984 8 лет назад +20

    I'm 66 years old and I just started to watch True Blood 3 weeks ago . I'm hook I love all of the actors and am extremely pleasewhen I just found out Anna and Steve are truly marry with twins OH HOW WONDERFUL I have lots more to say but I will at later day This is 2016 I have so much to get caught up on . I more thing to add right now I wish this would go on on on . Joanne

  • @dguarino6586
    @dguarino6586 2 года назад +3

    Binge watching True Blood right now 🙏💖

  • @Sharon-k7y
    @Sharon-k7y 6 месяцев назад +1

    Bill and Sookie are awesome and amazing couple and Eric and Pam awesome and amazing couple Holly and Andy and every other couples on True blood are awesome and amazing you all are going to be greatly missed by us all ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊

  • @Lunasent
    @Lunasent 10 лет назад +12

    OMG Stephen's look from 0:37-0:42. Any idea what he's thinking? ;D

  • @txnbeauty
    @txnbeauty 10 лет назад +8

    I love Eric's long, blonde eyelashes 😄

  • @viannafin
    @viannafin 11 лет назад +5

    Maybe she's tired of giving the same answers to a dozen reporters. Or maybe she's just tired, you know, as she said; she's got twins and a full time job.

  • @katc1949
    @katc1949 11 лет назад +3

    2:28 Anna'a accent comes out for a little bit lol it's always weird when you can hear it because you would never guess that she's not American.

  • @tamarareed9916
    @tamarareed9916 8 лет назад +9

    stephen Moyer and Anna paquin is a great couple and I'm a big fan of bill and sookie and I act 2😀💕

  • @rachelnigeria4374
    @rachelnigeria4374 8 лет назад +9

    Really wish there is season 8 of True Blood.... loving it n don't want it to end.. Love Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) the most.... He has a way of making nudity a beautiful dress...

  • @sharesomeideas
    @sharesomeideas 11 лет назад +2

    is the presenter australian :)?

  • @Amdenley
    @Amdenley 10 лет назад +1

    I have a question.. What will happen to the humans and the vampires in season 7 with that toxic in them ??

  • @raine2000m
    @raine2000m 8 лет назад +2

    They are cute together

  • @Raiynna
    @Raiynna 11 лет назад +3

    Anna and Stephen look MUCH older and tired since they had their twins...Anna doesn't look as healthy as she did on prior interviews---They both need to get some rest and gain a little bit of weight.

  • @k.e.c1233
    @k.e.c1233 6 лет назад

    It was at this moment I realised.. I’d love a Stephen/Alex and joe sandwich 😍😍😍

  • @sarahlane871
    @sarahlane871 11 лет назад +1

    Ooohhh eric

  • @itzjodiekayz
    @itzjodiekayz 11 лет назад

    ikr her face!!

  • @Eliniify
    @Eliniify 10 лет назад +1

    And then Alex came.

  • @jennifercarson4757
    @jennifercarson4757 Год назад

    I hated Bilith. But love the show!

  • @helloitsleah512
    @helloitsleah512 11 лет назад +1

    mmm does anna paquin seem a little moody? every interview she does she just seems very uninerested in talking to anyone...

    • @brookehanner8420
      @brookehanner8420 7 лет назад +5

      abluebook it's honestly just her personality. She's really shy and awkward

  • @nepetaren1267
    @nepetaren1267 10 лет назад

    Tara is dead
    Let the rage begin!Mwahahaha...

  • @patriciaadam2673
    @patriciaadam2673 11 лет назад

    Anna's getting more and more skinny!

  • @brendabacon4719
    @brendabacon4719 8 месяцев назад

    Why's Anna paquin talking with an accent when she's from Canada? Turn the acting off girl and be yourself.

    • @mbpandora50
      @mbpandora50 5 месяцев назад +1

      She moved to New Zealand while quite young and that’s why she has the NZ accent.