When the Tactical Droid became just too Dumb for the Separatists to Use

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @geetslys
    @geetslys  4 года назад +859

    Boys, check out our second channel, you’d love it. ruclips.net/user/thefront

    • @ramninth7732
      @ramninth7732 4 года назад +6

      I love how being bad at tactics makes you a virgin🤣🤣🤣

    • @ramninth7732
      @ramninth7732 4 года назад +3

      Master Luminara must have been defeated by a lot of older tactical droids bc of how orthodox she was

    • @IronWarhorsesFun
      @IronWarhorsesFun 4 года назад +1

      SO overconfident and arrogant they could be Cylons lol.

    • @keithmacphee1020
      @keithmacphee1020 4 года назад

      yez your right

    • @kittybuilderbunch7906
      @kittybuilderbunch7906 4 года назад

      I’m already subscribed to the front

  • @evanorr4685
    @evanorr4685 4 года назад +4567

    I am programmed to resist intimidation.
    Such a Chad thing to say

    • @geetslys
      @geetslys  4 года назад +599

      Real chads are resistant to intimidation

    • @generalgrievous2782
      @generalgrievous2782 4 года назад +117

      @@geetslys even from me.

    • @alem1655
      @alem1655 4 года назад +91

      @@generalgrievous2782 Grevious, Anikan tells me that you're shorter than he expected, he is right.....

    • @thiccchungo1041
      @thiccchungo1041 4 года назад +54

      Yoda I’m sorry to tell you this but an average sized senate called you his little green friend

    • @alem1655
      @alem1655 4 года назад +32

      @@thiccchungo1041 Oh, angry I was by that comment.....

  • @burningcoal5705
    @burningcoal5705 4 года назад +3527

    When a girl stands me up
    "Just as I calculated."

    • @JaelaOrdo
      @JaelaOrdo 4 года назад +42


    • @isaackim7675
      @isaackim7675 4 года назад +27

      Burning Coal that’s what she said

    • @wolfieinu
      @wolfieinu 4 года назад +10


    • @ricerice8940
      @ricerice8940 4 года назад +69

      When a gal says yes to a date
      "Does not compute. Does not compute-"

    • @wolfieinu
      @wolfieinu 4 года назад +20

      @@ricerice8940 Identifiable. Happened to me earlier. I'm still expecting it to be a joke or misunderstanding. Kind of pathetic. But life only kicks you in the nads so many times before you stop trusting it.

  • @ABadassDragon
    @ABadassDragon 4 года назад +2935

    I love super tactical droids, their look is so artistic, like a droid was built in victorian era london. And their voices are badass and threatening

    • @ratbat1072
      @ratbat1072 4 года назад +17

      Tactical droid designs > super tactical droid designs

    • @ABadassDragon
      @ABadassDragon 4 года назад +100

      @@ratbat1072 wut?

    • @ratbat1072
      @ratbat1072 4 года назад +11

      Normal tactical droids look cooler than super tactical droids

    • @ABadassDragon
      @ABadassDragon 4 года назад +139

      @@ratbat1072 Alright, we agree to disagree

    • @kelvinfahrenheit1107
      @kelvinfahrenheit1107 4 года назад +76

      "You experienced drag in the vacuum of space?"

  • @thesecondromuluan8216
    @thesecondromuluan8216 4 года назад +4462

    Frankly, the old tacticals were a little too overconfident and arrogant. Kalani and his kind... were slightly different. I actually found Kalani a very interesting character compared to the original TX-20.

    • @geetslys
      @geetslys  4 года назад +561

      Loved they made him more than a droid and an actual threat

    • @cloudhazard2860
      @cloudhazard2860 4 года назад +243

      Kalani’s voice was also the sexiest thing in Star Wars no homo

    • @thesecondromuluan8216
      @thesecondromuluan8216 4 года назад +176

      @@geetslys Yeah, but I feel that they kinda nerfed him in Rebels. It's like TCW Kalani and Rebels Kalani were different, and I'm not talking about voice.

    • @jc8k
      @jc8k 4 года назад +34

      I know right kalani was so cool

    • @jc8k
      @jc8k 4 года назад +16

      Cloudhazard agreed no homo

  • @indianajones4321
    @indianajones4321 4 года назад +4874

    The probability of the tactical droid being wrong is 98.7%

  • @Ben-Giggips
    @Ben-Giggips 4 года назад +3723

    Super tactical droid: it’s over tactical droid, I have the better battle plans.

    • @geetslys
      @geetslys  4 года назад +450

      It’s over! I have the higher intelligence!

    • @nobleman9393
      @nobleman9393 4 года назад +194

      "I am programmed to resist intimidation"

    • @Ben-Giggips
      @Ben-Giggips 4 года назад +28

      Wow thx for replying to my comment geestly. I’ve just started my own channel and really enjoy yours.

    • @oasambinladen9225
      @oasambinladen9225 4 года назад +56

      You underestimate my knowledge

    • @robertagu5533
      @robertagu5533 4 года назад +16

      Old Tac Droid, New Tax Droid... STILL gets cut down by same lightsabers...

  • @isaackim7675
    @isaackim7675 4 года назад +2000

    Tac-Droid, “I’m afraid Wat Tambor has chocked on his aspirations.”
    Dooku , “That is, unfortunate. Order our bombers to attack the city.”

    • @filipignjatovic4344
      @filipignjatovic4344 4 года назад +131

      Some random virgin droid tryinna kill ma man Tambor 😔

    • @isaackim7675
      @isaackim7675 4 года назад +29

      @@filipignjatovic4344 Roger. Roger

    • @collincaperton6718
      @collincaperton6718 4 года назад +46

      He was the only good tacdroid I loved him

    • @aaronrediess9566
      @aaronrediess9566 4 года назад +37

      The only chad tactical droid...

    • @dmann5938
      @dmann5938 3 года назад +9

      The virgin that evolved into a Chad by saying *SHIT*

  • @szabodaniel5575
    @szabodaniel5575 4 года назад +660

    The republic's tactics be like: "if we don't know what we are doing the enemy is sure as hell not gonna see it coming"

    • @Author_Paluthor
      @Author_Paluthor 4 года назад +58

      That's just Star Wars tactics in general. I mean Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers, both professional soldiers stand out in the open when there is cover available all the time and miss shots despite their enemies being entirely exposed.

    • @little_foxy9118
      @little_foxy9118 3 года назад +11

      @@Author_Paluthor but clones hit and stormtroopers not

    • @Author_Paluthor
      @Author_Paluthor 3 года назад +11

      @@little_foxy9118 Both miss horribly. Just watch any of the Star Wars films.

    • @maxwellbernacerart4946
      @maxwellbernacerart4946 3 года назад +7

      That’s how you beat a chess pro

    • @upisntdownsilly
      @upisntdownsilly 3 года назад +3

      @@Author_Paluthor watch some clone wars and watch clones shine my friend

  • @Sov-Ryn15
    @Sov-Ryn15 4 года назад +1859

    Commander: Hey, that group of Clone Trooper is flanking us over the canyon by jet packing over it. Sensors indicate they have a bunch of explosives to take out our power generator that we need to win this battle.
    Tac-Droid: Nah, we got this. Ignore them.
    Commander: But they’re slicing through the doors.
    Tac-Droid: Hey, I’m like 1000% sure that’ll never, eeever-
    *Bay-formers explosion*

    • @garyismad8283
      @garyismad8283 4 года назад +21

      Lol so lol

    • @snwmn4783
      @snwmn4783 4 года назад +5


    • @UltimaDoombotMK1
      @UltimaDoombotMK1 3 года назад +43

      What?! That was 10283737467372 to 1! Impossible! *Gets shot and dies*

    • @dr.bright6272
      @dr.bright6272 2 года назад +48

      Droid: Sir they're entering the command center!
      Tactical Droid: that's impossible, we are in the command center and there's a 0.001% chance anyone can get in.
      Clones: *walk in*
      Tactical Droid: they're not here, I don't see them

    • @Gravity_studioss
      @Gravity_studioss 2 года назад +9

      the commander deserves a Promotion

  • @samjones7834
    @samjones7834 4 года назад +692

    An interesting fact for you all: the first Super Tactical Droid we see in Star Wars The Clone Wars, General Kalani, was voiced by Gregg Berger, the voice of the Transformers character Grimlock in the original Transformers animated series, the 2012 video game Transformers: Fall of Cybertron and the 2015 video game Transformers Devastation.

    • @marrqi7wini54
      @marrqi7wini54 4 года назад +39

      One, that's a cool fact.
      And two, I wonder how a transformer would in a tactical/super tactical droid's place?

    • @Nostroman_Praetor
      @Nostroman_Praetor 4 года назад +4


    • @shamanbrush4024
      @shamanbrush4024 4 года назад +13

      THAT IS-

    • @mikd157
      @mikd157 4 года назад +21

      Marrqi7 wini depends on which transformer, someone like ironhide, who is a frontline soldier would minimize casualties, while someone like shockwave would do the most logical plan

    • @marrqi7wini54
      @marrqi7wini54 4 года назад +14

      Yeah, I would assume a few of the notable cybertronians would be excellent commanders in this war.
      Since they're no strangers to war along with their great age.

  • @Illusiqn1st
    @Illusiqn1st 4 года назад +300

    4:50 -“...underestimate our memes. If the rebel army falls, the citizens will loose their cringe...”

  • @thesenate5770
    @thesenate5770 4 года назад +10062

    If it weren't for plot armor, these guys would have won ten times more often.

    • @geetslys
      @geetslys  4 года назад +1696


    • @nobleman9393
      @nobleman9393 4 года назад +1155

      @@geetslys Chancellor Palpatine...

    • @geetslys
      @geetslys  4 года назад +1445

      Nobleman The senate...

    • @nobleman9393
      @nobleman9393 4 года назад +930

      @@geetslys Not Yet...

    • @thesenate5770
      @thesenate5770 4 года назад +665

      @@geetslys I always believed that Sidious was purposely thwarting many of the separatists plans and they would have won otherwise (great channel, I love your content).

  • @jamiewalsh3349
    @jamiewalsh3349 4 года назад +1058

    TX-20 "I am a droid. I am always right."
    A few moments later
    TX-20 "Does not compute. Does not compute." Gets dismantled by the Twi'leks

    • @openshutterfilms
      @openshutterfilms 4 года назад +10


    • @h5skb4ru41
      @h5skb4ru41 4 года назад +28

      Basically "this isn't happening!!!"

    • @davidgeorge1943
      @davidgeorge1943 4 года назад +8

      (Cover's Numa's eyes from the rather barbaric ravaging, even if it's just a droid.

    • @manqiwang8348
      @manqiwang8348 3 года назад +12

      @@davidgeorge1943 General Kenobi is so civilized!

    • @counterattack248
      @counterattack248 3 года назад +5

      *Insert sonic drowning music*

  • @banzeyegaming2234
    @banzeyegaming2234 4 года назад +607

    Tactical droid: “Who are you?”
    Super Tactical Droid: “I’m you, but *better.”*

    • @cadbane3128
      @cadbane3128 3 года назад +8

      I am the better droid

    • @ninja6245-real
      @ninja6245-real 3 года назад +6

      @LegoGuy87 Me: you forget the reason why the clones won.

    • @Gravity_studioss
      @Gravity_studioss 2 года назад +5

      Imagine those two having to work together

  • @Jaro_Hakai
    @Jaro_Hakai 4 года назад +3279

    “The virgin tactical droid” my gosh geetsly😭

  • @Tapeholder
    @Tapeholder 4 года назад +268

    I think it is because the t-series focus only on military factors while the new series focus on every single factors, including those with no logic.

  • @DanTheYoutubeAddict
    @DanTheYoutubeAddict 4 года назад +332

    The first time I say the Super Tactical Droid I got scared for the protagonists because I could immediately tell that this droid was not the same as the comedic other tactical droids. This one was smarter and would not make many of the mistakes the other ones made. To give that feeling from a first impression shows how well they were written.

  • @AngelDust6969
    @AngelDust6969 4 года назад +919

    That's extremely accurate. A great example of how Super Tactical Droids are better is the one that assumed the shut down order was a Republic trick and fought the Empire believing it was the Republic, eventually siding with a group of rebels, including both a Jedi and Clone Captain/Commander Rex.

    • @lemig-3179
      @lemig-3179 4 года назад +109

      His name was Kalani

    • @AngelDust6969
      @AngelDust6969 4 года назад +36

      Thanks, I couldn't remember his name.

    • @Doc51499
      @Doc51499 4 года назад +118

      Plus it was implied to have happened other times as the empire had protocol specifically for that situation

    • @skullzans
      @skullzans 4 года назад +67

      @@Doc51499 Sepratist Holdouts are a thing, so its more likely that.

    • @handleonafridge6828
      @handleonafridge6828 4 года назад +21

      @@lemig-3179 wasn’t Kalini the first std that we meet in clone wars

  • @tnatstrat7495
    @tnatstrat7495 4 года назад +187

    "Ignore the tactical droid. He's an idiot. We designed him wrong on purpose, as a joke."

    • @gigaspheal9439
      @gigaspheal9439 2 года назад +12

      I know that reference lol!!

    • @mckenzie.latham91
      @mckenzie.latham91 Год назад +1

      "I have been outmanuevered against my calculations, making me the victor"

  • @corporategunner5972
    @corporategunner5972 4 года назад +183

    The last words of a Tactical Droid:
    *Grenade is thrown onto the side of a CIS Super Tank*
    Haha fool, the super tank
    is impervious to all wea-
    *Grenade explodes*

    • @kabob0077
      @kabob0077 4 года назад +33

      Yeah, that one just DESERVED to eat its words after that... I mean

    • @andrewaftontheandroidhedge2780
      @andrewaftontheandroidhedge2780 3 года назад +18

      well he was right tho the tank didnt get a scratch just got pushed a bit

    • @tysondennis1016
      @tysondennis1016 2 месяца назад +1

      Exact words. Sure, the tank won't take damage, but you still can.

  • @nobleman9393
    @nobleman9393 4 года назад +601

    8:41 Yeah, A Super Tactical Droid would just start punching them.

    • @sondremarsteen5064
      @sondremarsteen5064 4 года назад +118

      Or close the hatch.

    • @bladedninja8853
      @bladedninja8853 4 года назад +38

      Or at least close the lid on the tank when he had the chance

    • @vampirecount3880
      @vampirecount3880 4 года назад +6

      @TACTICAL DROID No one likes you

    • @handleonafridge6828
      @handleonafridge6828 4 года назад +46

      He would order the main guns to fire, killing Obi Wan and the child, and then close the hatch and run over the Til’leks

    • @SaltCane
      @SaltCane 4 года назад +31

      @@handleonafridge6828 Yeah. Any super tactical droid would know that hesitation is suicide.

  • @jhonnymejia9702
    @jhonnymejia9702 4 года назад +544

    Highly advanced tactical droids: "my calculations conclude that the republics odds of success are 10,000 to 1"
    Randoms space wizards and clone bois: *haha blasters go brrr*

    • @banzeyegaming2234
      @banzeyegaming2234 4 года назад +18

      Droids: “Hey! Nerf the Republic!”

    • @szilagyidavid650
      @szilagyidavid650 3 года назад +6

      @@banzeyegaming2234 they buffed tactical droids instead

    • @thaiylooze8217
      @thaiylooze8217 3 года назад +2

      The droids are hilarious to say the least. I loved when they lost too

    • @jimbodeek
      @jimbodeek 2 года назад +2

      Blasters and laser swords go brrr

  • @akumaking1
    @akumaking1 4 года назад +2017

    The tactical droids weren’t stupid, just limited by programming and overconfidence. They were over-specialized.

    • @CloneScavengerVulpin8389
      @CloneScavengerVulpin8389 4 года назад +136

      Don't blame the droid blame the programmers.

    • @Andre-gn4sj
      @Andre-gn4sj 4 года назад +109

      programmers: hardware constraints.

    • @gavinisdie
      @gavinisdie 4 года назад +55

      @@Andre-gn4sj wanna see what games we can run using the specs the tactical Droid provides?

    • @TheSmsm16
      @TheSmsm16 3 года назад +24

      @@gavinisdie probably doom

    • @El_Hornio_II
      @El_Hornio_II 3 года назад +9

      @@TheSmsm16 nah we'd only be able to play pong

  • @FandomEditsTrooper
    @FandomEditsTrooper 2 года назад +73

    My fav quote from super tactical droid:
    “You were experiencing drag… in the vacuum of space?”
    Because believe it or not the old tactical droids probably would have believed that whereas the super tactical droid didn’t lol

    • @spicymeatballs2thespicening
      @spicymeatballs2thespicening 2 года назад


    • @thomasnolastname8734
      @thomasnolastname8734 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@spicymeatballs2thespicening Because they were fridges with printers for heads, they'll believe anything
      One literally got outsmarted by 3 B1 droids

  • @jasonk.301
    @jasonk.301 4 года назад +591

    The C H A D super tactical droid 😂😂😂

  • @Ben-Giggips
    @Ben-Giggips 4 года назад +74

    Tactical droid: I am a droid I am always right.
    Ten minutes later gets head ripped off.

  • @praiseit4805
    @praiseit4805 4 года назад +50

    4:41 lol I love how the super tactical droid leans and puts his hand under his chin like he’s in deep thought. Its very human is what I’m saying

    • @TheTallOne890
      @TheTallOne890 2 года назад +4

      I mean the super tacs were remarkably smart so it's possible he is somewhat sentient

    • @usdachoicedirt
      @usdachoicedirt 2 года назад +3

      What better to base it's intelligence on if you're trying to make it creative

  • @notlistening6499
    @notlistening6499 2 года назад +34

    In Star Wars Rebels, one of the Supertactical Droids was actually able to be convinced that he was wrong, and also took a suggestion on how to win the battle from a jedi, all after being able to admit he had been defeated.

    • @Supernova3695
      @Supernova3695 11 месяцев назад +2

      That was kalani

    • @notlistening6499
      @notlistening6499 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@Supernova3695 did not even realize the droid had a name I guess that's on me

  • @ethribin4188
    @ethribin4188 3 года назад +91

    Tactical droid: "99% chance of victory. That means I win"
    Super tactical droid and Xcom players: "99% chance of victory/hit. .... I dont trust this... I think I'll loose/miss"
    Reality: anything bellow 101% chance means failuer.

    • @Lazarultos
      @Lazarultos Год назад +8

      "99% chance? Prepare contingency measures in the event of the 1% failure chance and protocols for damage/loss mitigation in case all our contingencies fail to minimize the cost of defeat" - Super Tactical Droid and XCOM Veterans

  • @Karlos1234ify
    @Karlos1234ify 4 года назад +132

    My crush asks me out.
    Me: Impossible! The probability of that is 10 003 to 1 .

    • @zero5496
      @zero5496 4 года назад +4

      Oh ho ho, the bigger odds is when she did I rejected her, cuz I can’t accept someone with such low standards even if I believed she’s may be the love of my life

    • @comradeurod9805
      @comradeurod9805 3 года назад

      @@zero5496 gigachad

    • @zero5496
      @zero5496 3 года назад

      @@comradeurod9805 thank you, someone gave me the title chad already, now i got the bigger title lol

    • @PlayBoX-qq9kr
      @PlayBoX-qq9kr 3 года назад

      @@zero5496 Lol. Also nice pfp

  • @sirshockraiden
    @sirshockraiden 4 года назад +48

    8:02 That one Twi'lek punching the tactical droid in the face always gets me

  • @TetsuShima
    @TetsuShima 4 года назад +860

    Separatist Commander: "You will be replaced"
    Droid: "But Why?"
    Separatist Commander: "We have found you a perfect replacement. It's from my family"
    Droid: "But who is the...? *Gets shot in the head*
    HK-47: "Ready for your service, master Shan"

    • @kenjibork
      @kenjibork 4 года назад +12

      Oookkkkkkk tttthhhheeeeennnnn

    • @crdog4009
      @crdog4009 4 года назад +42

      ah the old republic I thought people forgot about that era
      also I love hk-47 so funny big laugh

    • @demi-femme4821
      @demi-femme4821 4 года назад +16

      HK would've SLAUGHTERED the Republic.

    • @FirstLast-kr3ep
      @FirstLast-kr3ep 3 года назад


    • @unknownwarriorprescoknight8586
      @unknownwarriorprescoknight8586 2 года назад

      Gets shot “ I discharge you from duty “

  • @TheZamaron
    @TheZamaron 4 года назад +26

    here's how I see the Droid Army chain of command.
    1: B1 Battle Droid, basic infantry.
    2: specialist droids like Commandos, Supers, Destroyers, and others don't fit normally and fit differently.
    3: Commander Droids, later on in the war became so inferior that they basically became more of squad or small detachment leaders, lie a Sargent.
    4: Tactical Droids, more of small army or starship commanders.
    5: Super Tactical Droid: Lead entire armies and fleets as a General/Admiral. Organic commanders just fit in where ever depending on their military rank.

  • @eren34558
    @eren34558 4 года назад +36

    I love how Obi-wan tries to shield the girl's eyes, but she still wants to watch.

  • @reaperking7748
    @reaperking7748 4 года назад +189

    T-Series tatical droid: The Karen of all droid models

    • @gavinisdie
      @gavinisdie 4 года назад +6

      When police.come to take it out of the store: *Fucking Dies*

    • @justawilliamsfan
      @justawilliamsfan 3 года назад +7

      The similarities are uncanny...think they're superior to every single goddamn thing, and think they're infallible. Then...well, you know what happens.
      So what if Karens were T-Series tactical droids in disguise...?

    • @reaperking7748
      @reaperking7748 3 года назад

      @@justawilliamsfan You might be onto something lol

  • @CT--xu4te
    @CT--xu4te 4 года назад +310

    “You’re over confidence is you weakness”

  • @connorclabaugh9962
    @connorclabaugh9962 4 года назад +54

    Ah yes, the tactical droid. Otherwise known as the Star Wars version of Total War's Autoresolve button.

  • @KoalaTContent
    @KoalaTContent 3 года назад +55

    2020: Tactical droids are dumb
    2021: Tactical droids are *absolutely vital* and *extremely valuable*

  • @superjesse645
    @superjesse645 4 года назад +19

    2:58 - I never imagined those words to come out of Geetsly's mouth in all my life.

  • @simonb31
    @simonb31 4 года назад +54

    Virgin Tactical Droid: Is an arrogant price
    Chad Super Tactical Droid: Well, I guess I'm in charge now

    • @arbiterdidact1580
      @arbiterdidact1580 3 года назад +3

      Not to mention the super tactical droids wouldn't commit war crimes without reason

  • @theotv5522
    @theotv5522 10 месяцев назад +5

    “I am programmed to resist intimidation” reminds me of Blade Wolf: “I was not designed to fear termination”.

  • @sanchezevan898
    @sanchezevan898 4 года назад +145

    The tactical droid looks like it has a mini fridge body

    • @yorhano9typesaka9s52
      @yorhano9typesaka9s52 4 года назад +11

      Tactical droid with the Brain's voice: "I! AM NOT! A MINI FRIDGE!!!!"

    • @sanchezevan898
      @sanchezevan898 4 года назад

      Batman hahahaha

    • @robertagu5533
      @robertagu5533 4 года назад +1

      @@yorhano9typesaka9s52 sure your not... Not give me a sandwich

    • @akumaking1
      @akumaking1 4 года назад +1

      They’re based on concept art for A New Hope

    • @peachdevils3893
      @peachdevils3893 3 года назад


  • @battledroidcommander234
    @battledroidcommander234 4 года назад +318

    1:01 im very offended by this

  • @necronustheeverchosen1994
    @necronustheeverchosen1994 4 года назад +71

    TX-20: I am a Droid. I am always right.
    Kalani: Your overconfidence will be the dismantling of you.
    And Twileks tear TX to pieces.

  • @DestructoDisk
    @DestructoDisk 4 года назад +159

    The fact that CHAD is used so commonly in culture now is hilarious. Hahah

    • @mechanwhal6590
      @mechanwhal6590 4 года назад +3

      If I recall correctly, there's an entire country named Chad.

    • @travisft11
      @travisft11 4 года назад

      That shit doesnt work with star wars

  • @LiliaArmoury
    @LiliaArmoury 4 года назад +82

    jedi: i can't belive my clone troops turned on me
    separatist generals with a t series under their command: first time?

  • @ARC07TheLad
    @ARC07TheLad 4 года назад +36

    4:49 "you underestimate our memes..."

    • @michagrzanewicz8770
      @michagrzanewicz8770 4 года назад +3

      When someone say star wars are not funny

    • @arbiterdidact1580
      @arbiterdidact1580 3 года назад

      A chad mentions a good game

    • @SMarie-zk9oj
      @SMarie-zk9oj 10 месяцев назад +1

      “If the army falls the citizens will lose their cringe…”

  • @Steve_47187
    @Steve_47187 4 года назад +34

    Tactical droids: the odds are 3000 to 1 that’s the Jedi are in the ship, Meanwhile Jedi in the ship

  • @radiantduality8366
    @radiantduality8366 4 года назад +33

    *When you realize that the droid literally created for it’s tactics got replaced by the exact same thing*

  • @thejadedeagle6729
    @thejadedeagle6729 4 года назад +34

    "My strategy is flawless. Do not fail to execute it." is a quote I've gotten way too fond of in my everyday life.

  • @kmk5626
    @kmk5626 4 года назад +13

    8:34 the twielek on the left. Yeah, his shoulder looks pretty messed up.

  • @OpLapDancePikachu69
    @OpLapDancePikachu69 2 года назад +14

    Kalani was one of my favorite characters in TCW as a kid. When he was introduced I thought he was scary and menacing but also cool af. As an adult I really appreciate how much work went into making smaller characters like him stand out to the audience. He should've really gotten more screen time

    • @christopherpaciotti520
      @christopherpaciotti520 Год назад +3

      I know he was such a cool character and they even put him in an episode of rebels

  • @shortieberg6343
    @shortieberg6343 3 года назад +81

    “Impossible, the odds of republic victory is 10,036 to 1”

    • @thaiylooze8217
      @thaiylooze8217 3 года назад +1

      😂😂😂that’s why those guys are so hilarious

  • @asiblingproduction
    @asiblingproduction 4 года назад +68

    such a separatist thing to do: throw more money to the problem. also, tactics ain't got nothing on plot.

  • @SuperClonezzzProductions
    @SuperClonezzzProductions 4 года назад +17

    7:58 TX-20.exe has stopped working

    • @ashandtodd
      @ashandtodd 4 года назад

      Heya, i like your LEGO animations.

    • @gavinisdie
      @gavinisdie 4 года назад +2

      Droid: sees civilians running at it
      Also Droid: *Fucking has a Seizure*

  • @StephenDelRosario777
    @StephenDelRosario777 2 года назад +15

    It's amazing that Tactical droids never registered a factor equivalent to plot armor in their predictive models, since plot armor was a common occurence. It also shouldnt've been too hard for their algorythms to reocgnize the main characters as sigularities.

  • @BlackCowboy0
    @BlackCowboy0 4 года назад +25

    feel like the normal tactical droid was that arrogant kyle.

    • @American_Trekkie
      @American_Trekkie 3 года назад +1

      The separatists went from t series Karen to super karen

  • @chickenbucketsfr
    @chickenbucketsfr 4 года назад +19

    The OG tactical droid is the droid equivalent to a KAREN

  • @andrewmunro4884
    @andrewmunro4884 3 года назад +5

    5:09 me and the boi’s playing gmod.

  • @jacktheflash8478
    @jacktheflash8478 2 года назад +3

    0:06 and it’s easier to repaint one model than constantly make new ones

  • @lucaseguez2825
    @lucaseguez2825 4 года назад +69

    “Asmr voices”

  • @andreytcookie9080
    @andreytcookie9080 4 года назад +60

    Imagine a super tactical droid with a magna guard body and the humor of HK-47. And then switch it with Anakin in the youngling slaughter scene XD

  • @crdog4009
    @crdog4009 4 года назад +11

    I like how the tactical droid looks but than you look at the super tactical and that will strike fear in anyone

  • @vampirecount3880
    @vampirecount3880 4 года назад +22

    Love the Confederacy man. I think theyre by far the most effective faction in SW and also the most effective faction in every fantasy and sci-fi universe. Love their droids, their ships, their tanks, everything looks so functional and logic. I would preffer that sidious would make his empire with them instead of the republic.

    • @andrewmento-matos6692
      @andrewmento-matos6692 2 года назад +3

      You know it has been said that the CIS would have actually won the Clone Wars in a landslide. If it wasn't Palpatine's intervention and proxies that led to its failure.

    • @Lord-Pierre
      @Lord-Pierre 2 года назад +2

      @@andrewmento-matos6692 Well yes but the war started because of Sidious. And if the CIS had a droid army, it’s because Sidiuous and Dooku managed to convince the corporations to finance and arm the confederacy (if not directly financing the war like dooku) . Without the support from corporations and their droids armies for the cis, and on the other the creation of the clone army, the scale of the war would have been much smaller

    • @apolloknight9521
      @apolloknight9521 2 года назад

      @@Lord-Pierre Now I understand why some Star Wars Fans dislike clone wars, because the fans I’ve encountered are CIS Fan boys and I understand now. TCW was too biased by just making the Republic the Good guys and the CIS the bad guys.
      If you guys want to read a fanfic that centered around the CIS, I suggest you read “A Single Decision” the remake. It’s a good book, as long as you ignore the rant that the author gives in the author notes.

    • @joaquinrodriguez227
      @joaquinrodriguez227 2 года назад

      @@apolloknight9521 to be fair, of course the Republic would look like the good guys, Jedi are way less wilingly to kill civilians for example than Grievous or Trench, it was the Conferacy Senate that was way better that the Republic Senate

    • @大砲はピュ
      @大砲はピュ 2 года назад

      @@apolloknight9521 that’s the point - one is meant to tell the republic propaganda

  • @piotrsitkowski8231
    @piotrsitkowski8231 4 года назад +15

    0:39 T-Series lmao

  • @davidbakke9293
    @davidbakke9293 Год назад +1

    The super tactical droid is literally a walking, talking version of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”

  • @bradmorales4002
    @bradmorales4002 4 года назад +61

    OOM commander battle droids deserve recognition too. They must've been good stategists not as good as the T series or Super tacticals but still they were decent. The plot writing or plot armor sadly forbade it.

    • @oceanbytez847
      @oceanbytez847 4 года назад +6

      honestly, it would have been nice to see republic defeats every now and again.

    • @bradmorales4002
      @bradmorales4002 4 года назад +6

      @@oceanbytez847 yeah. Only happened on Legend sources and not so much in canon.

  • @mr.mystery9338
    @mr.mystery9338 3 года назад +6

    In short: tactical droids got cheesed repeteadly without knowing why.

  • @caos1925
    @caos1925 3 года назад +2

    Tactical droid- "I am the greatest account ever, I make no errors, you have made many, you are inefficient and must be disposed of." *BLAM*

  • @yourlocalussoldier2430
    @yourlocalussoldier2430 4 года назад +25

    Is this why I keep losing on the droid team on bf2?!!!! Bc we didn’t have the super tactical droid?!!!?

  • @naturalist4life396
    @naturalist4life396 4 года назад +4

    I always hated the tactical droids when I was a kid, but I loved the super tactical droids, especially their cool chest plates; they look like cheetah faces!

  • @mrmelon4444
    @mrmelon4444 3 года назад +1

    Him repeating does not compute does not compute is the funniest part of the clone wars

  • @aydenburris8631
    @aydenburris8631 4 года назад +5

    While the tactical droid spends it's time trying to get it's head back, the super Tactical droid spends his nights with that service droid from Dexter's Diner

    • @gavinisdie
      @gavinisdie 4 года назад +1

      What have you done....

  • @oom-3262
    @oom-3262 4 года назад +17

    Excuse me, they filled their role accordingly. The thing is, STDs are just plain better, hence they were somewhat "replaced". But their cost is mighty high, so tactical droids were still used in the army, as you can see on the last season of tcw.

  • @jenothemississippianofmand5202
    @jenothemississippianofmand5202 4 года назад +4

    Kalani’s change in Rebels was a direct result of the Onderon General’s criticism, it was almost character development.

  • @Lavendeer201
    @Lavendeer201 2 года назад +1

    Their old design just screams "that one kid that thinks they know everything"

  • @Mobysimo
    @Mobysimo 3 года назад +2

    I loved the Rebels Episode where the Super Tactical droid showed up. And seeing how he strategized against the Rebels and the fact he figured out that the shutdown signal wasn't coming from the CIS

  • @ifitsnotworthitdontdoit8310
    @ifitsnotworthitdontdoit8310 4 года назад +5


    • @GeneralGrievous-1138
      @GeneralGrievous-1138 4 года назад

      if it’s not worth it don’t do it Check the channel Twitter, I made a proper meme for it

  • @UnholyTerra
    @UnholyTerra 3 года назад +1

    3:37 yeah I work in fast food baby. I’ve met corporate people before.

  • @WeaponizedStrumpet
    @WeaponizedStrumpet 4 года назад +89

    Ben Shapiro's design was inspired by the tactical droids. The more you know.

  • @MmmMmph1968
    @MmmMmph1968 Год назад +1

    I know TX-20 was enslaving the Twi'leks and had a god complex and all that, but...that's gotta be one of the most brutal deaths in Star Wars. Dude got ripped apart while being in a state of utter confusion. I mean, from a first person perspective, that scene would be straight out of a horror movie.

  • @ontasbulent5709
    @ontasbulent5709 4 года назад +32

    Virgin tactical droid Chad super tactical droid Godlevel General Kalani

  • @Clone-Commander-Thire
    @Clone-Commander-Thire Год назад

    I love when TX-20 (I think) on Ryloth literally blue screened when the t’wi leeks attacked him.

  • @alexanderkaizer1095
    @alexanderkaizer1095 4 года назад +4

    I loved the super tactical droid the moment I first saw them. This video proves just how much better they were compared to their predecessors. Great job 👍

  • @markman6105
    @markman6105 2 года назад +1

    A super tactical droid was also able to kick Anakin’s fucking ass in season 6 until his arms were cut off by a lightsaber.

  • @marccamp6376
    @marccamp6376 3 года назад +5

    2:53 "Im a droid, Im always right", You are a droid, not a freaking wizard >:0

  • @ryancarrell3186
    @ryancarrell3186 3 года назад +3

    I would love to see a Super one commanding a regular one. i think he'd have to smack the normal one around now and then for overextending XD

  • @swimmerdude0621
    @swimmerdude0621 4 года назад +46

    Is it just me or does the tactical droid look kinda THICCC

  • @Razor_Wing
    @Razor_Wing 4 года назад +1

    3:05 "Boxy frames"
    Me: immediately gets ad for something called Square

  • @Dragon22159
    @Dragon22159 7 месяцев назад +3

    There was one thing that Tactical droids could never take into account. Plot Armor.

    • @racomaster
      @racomaster 7 месяцев назад

      does not compute does not compute

  • @ohaba4286
    @ohaba4286 Год назад +1

    To be fair, it's hard to program a robot to take care of a planet-scale invasion when the enemy can use magic

  • @Zerum69
    @Zerum69 4 года назад +3

    You gotta give them to those droids, they are playing chess against Jedi, force users can see the imminent future so they are almost untouchable in conventional warfare yet they still managed to get a few wins with raw tactics

  • @mournukai1413
    @mournukai1413 2 года назад

    I got to say the coolest in my opinion is Aut-o his low voice him, taking things in his own hands so awesome

  • @akorn9943
    @akorn9943 4 года назад +14

    3:52 like many people in the real world... “asserting that, as their conclusions were based on facts and logic, they were unfalliable.”
    Tx-20 DESTROYS SJW Jedi snowflakes with *FACTS AND LOGICCCC*

  • @user-gt1kg9qy3w
    @user-gt1kg9qy3w 3 года назад

    7:55 is my fav droid scene of all series. he kept saying it as if it makes any sense

  • @nerdytom6881
    @nerdytom6881 4 года назад +6

    Tactical droids did fine, outside of their encounters with heroes.

  • @flyingsniper1351
    @flyingsniper1351 4 года назад +1

    TX-20 may have not been able to defeat the Twileks, but “hahaha hahaha, you lose General Kenobi” mag just be one of the best lines in the clone wars. With that droid voice and the fact he’s in a tank, I find it hilarious.

  • @mannofdober873
    @mannofdober873 3 года назад +4

    "You fools, the Super Tank is immune to all wea-"

  • @EdgyShooter
    @EdgyShooter 2 года назад

    "They better understood how killing fellow officers over tactical disagreements would cause problems"
    Sounds like a very HR way to describe everyone freaking out because someone just shot the boss