To me he showed the way to win the tourney is to git gud. There are plenty of cheese videos out there. This is a medieval tourney. The son of a blacksmith would likely lose a minority of the time
You can avoid getting stamina drained by doing perfect blocks and not randomly throwing attacks. If you're going into tourneys at lower levels, I've found that cornering them and getting into clinches can afford a free attack. Usually I'll clinch with the guy then knock him top on the head with whatever weapon.
The first guy is quite easy, almost does not block at all. The other two can block and counter almost every strike you do. My method is to focus on defence, it's easier when you have a shield: block - stab, block - stab, block - stab... or move quickly backwards and stab him after he "cuts the air". But when your opponent starts a combo, you are doomed most of time.
I don’t know if I’m too low of a level or something, but the first guy blocks literally every single one of my attacks. We were fighting for like 20 minutes and I hit him about 3 times.
@@God_Zeniplayed this game when it came out, the first guy was a breeze, now he blocks and master strikes every attack, also with 11 strength and master clinch I can't clinch the second guy let alone the third. Apparently they made combat more difficult. Or at least the tourney.
3 days ago I was pissed off because the combat was so difficult and I thought I'd never be able to get good at it. And then today I won the Rattay tournament without taking much damage or losing a single duel. Just riposte and strike.
bro i cant hit shit, they literally block 90% of my hits, it would take hours to whittle down my opponent. Am I too low level, since I just started the game?
HeavenHammer Yeah you'll be better i can promise you that, Just take you're time in the game don't rush the story mode, Trust me soon enough you'll masterblock (perfect block and attack in same time) everytime this game is kinda realistic RPG its much more easier for me to fight now and im in close to the mid of the story mode.
@@Normandy-e8i basically exploring do stuff yknow activities or even train ur combat in the combat arenas or even attending tournies its up to you, btw make sure you know how to fight thats important so you actually enjoy instead of getting killed each time my main point is like enjoy the game, it's just like skyrim
The Chief realistic? The game is still a buggy mess (at least on PS4). Still having issues with unloaded textures, getting arrested out of nowhere, almost every enemy literally blocking every attack even half way through the game with pretty high stats, feinting is absolutely pointless (they don’t even show if they’re blocking or not. They literally just block only when you attack), the alchemy dude in rattay runs away from me without any reason at all, the majority of regular gamers need to cheese the enemies by stabbing at them until their stamina is gone and can finally land a hit. The game isn’t “realistic” by any means. The only way to kill anything for a large majority of players is to cheese the enemies. The combos never work, there’s a massive difficulty spike in the mission “baptism with fire” (I had to cheese runt with an arrow to the head because I made it to him with one little piece of health). The only realistic thing in this game is the castles. Other than that, it seems to be pretty inaccurate with a decent amount of stuff wrong, noted by the metatron youtuber. Is it fun when the game actually works and you actually achieve something? Yes of course. But the issue is: the game is a massive mess even a year after it launched. There’s still so many systems that literally don’t matter because they don’t work. People seriously need to stop using the “realism” excuse and realize this isn’t a realistic game by any means and is still completely broken and can only be fixed with mods. Meanwhile a console player is screwed with combat who’s own feinting and combos don’t work, telepathic enemies that can read your mind and block literally everything coming their way (unless you cheese their stamina). Lol I went on a rant there XD but the point is: the game is broken and the only people that are able to fix it for themselves are pc players while console players can eat a pile of crap.
What i did was when everytime I clinch, there is a small time of him that he cannot block or attack, hit the peson immediately and vice versa. But beware of master strickes for you are prone to that.but for a one handed weapon with a shield, make sure to clinch him in the corner of the arena and there you can use the clinch spam
WH should remove that clinch perk too entirely so broken, i only experience the best duels with early game tourney with master strikes, patience then combos
i know im late to this vid, but i swear black peter on hardcore mode is unstoppable, after about like 1 hr replaying the tournament i just killed him while he slept out of rage lol
Looks like I need to wait until I'm stronger before attempting this again. Went in at level 5 and got destroyed by the first guy in the first damn round!
I’m level 5 rn and struggling against first guy. Literally every fucking hit I do, doesn’t hurt him, but he does a single hit, and I get damaged, how tf is that fair
good luck with this tutoral on hardcore mode :) your stamina is out after 2-3 strikes max and enemy will perfect block 99% of your normal strikes if you won't play it smart. First enemy is nothing but difficulty on 2nd is going over the roof. quick tips from my experience : No waving like a peasent (see the vid) and very carefull approach from 2nd opponent. Focus on cornering enemy and winning the clinch (even with perk on this difficulty it's not easy), and while doing that remember about the glitch that when after the perfect parry you'll move towards your oponent it won't start clinch just slash/stab. Wait until the animation after pp end and then you can approach with clinch (you can try to hit him but I've noticed that most of the time he will pp or even pp with ripost) Using sword (long or short doesnt matter) try to stab face, slash from upper right and both down (legs are weaker I think) and no peasent waving like on video, more hits only if you're performing a combo and keep your parry ready as most of the time enemy will perform perfect parry, very often riposte so back up after that. with hammer and axe best is to jus hit the head after clinch (my char have no points in those wepons so I kept it simple) and again one hit and try for next clinch otherwise perfect parry. It's really important to focus on performing perfect parrying instead of normal one as enemy will almost always use combos and you will loose lots of stamina. Maybe I'm putting too much into this but as a fan of sekiro, (dark souls are not good excample for this game) i've learned that it's better to take more time at one approach than waste way more on few shorter replays after loosing. Hope it will help, cheers.
You have to do all these fights at once back to back!? My first opponent took me a half an hour to beat. Then I realized I have to beat him twice and he proceeded to stomp me twice with different weapons I'm not trained in. Now I learn you have to beat two other whole opponents straight away immediately after, Jesus Christ!
It is a tournament which means multiple rounds to determine a winner. The Rattay Tourney is win 2 out of 3 combats with each of 3 increasingly difficult opponents.
i’ve mastered the art of cheesing the fights if it’s 1 on 1 and weapons you go for the clinch and win it then spam heavy attacks and continue like that blocking when u hear the sound that plays when they are about to attack and boom ez cakes
I know this game is pretty old but I recently bought it and I just want to give anyone that struggles with this stupid combat a tip. Each time the opponent changes stance press block. You almost always will get a counter as they usually attach right when they shift stance. I managed to get through the whole ting this way with lv5. So have fun and enjoy the money price afterwards🤘
Nice. I’ve always clinched and then struck from the top hitting there head. Repeat. If you have headcracker it also increases chance to knock them out from headshots.
I haven’t unlocked chain strikes so I don’t spam attacks. I find the tournament is really easy if you play it patiently and do master strikes followed up by a single hit.
If you're like me and were just fast forwarding through the days trying to get all armour pieces for the trophy then a super cheese way to get through the fights quick is too: rush your opponents the moment the fight starts. Get really close to initiate the "grapple" if you beat them at the grapple you kick/push them backwards and will have time to hit them once before they recover. Keep doing this till you have them backed into a corner of the ring. Then rinse and repeat the grapple followed by a hit and their stamina will drain very quickly. Eventually they won't even be able to block to defend themselves. I was able to defeat some opponents in about 6-8 seconds by doing this. (My Henry is maxed lvl and combat stats for reference)
i wail on peter, but i still havent won. he is tough but fair if you have combat skills near half maxxed. after the first two wins, you need to master combat to win.
That petty ass bitch attacked me after the tourney while all I had was a tunic because I was getting ready to take a walk with that girl in the mill. Fucker poisoned me and I had to run away to put my armor on and survive the poison just to fight him
7:46 I like to think you gave him a little kiss 😘 Side note: in my 2nd play through I walked up to Black Peter and started him down between rounds. He could barely look me in the eye lol
PROTIP: Choose any 1h + shield. 2nd and 3rd boss fights are not even in the same universe of difficulty if you try longsword. Barely even got past 2nd opponent with longsword with perfect blocks, while missing 1 block against Black Pete will lose you the duel. However, I won all the 1h duels 1st try - all opponents chose 1h sword + hammer as their 2 duels and I won them all with almost no trouble even though i had 1 skill in hammers (15 STR, 12 warfare, 8 def). You can also drink 10 min combat stat potions just before you talk to the herald which will help you at least with the 1st Black Pete battle if you defeat the other 2 guys fast enough. I drank 5 def and 50% stamina pots. To the author of the video: Headcracker was almost irrelevant in my tries, it seems chain strike from warfare is much more useful as I see you also use it.
So like you literally dont explain anything. I dont understand how youre able to hit anyone. when I do the tournament the guy blocks every single thing.
Going to assume this was harder before, because I won the tourney on my first try today (picking longsword), by basically just perfect blocking / master strikes. Last guy seemed to be less aggressive than in this video. Still do not like the combat system in this game, especially when facing several at once.
What levels of your weapon skills do you need? I'm doing this at the beginning and I can't copy what this guy is doing in the video, it feels like it's a low level number game issue than an actually "just play better/git gud" issue. Seems like EXP. levels and perks are necessary.
I was beating everyone and then when black peter was almost dead, suddenly i couldnt get a riposte anymore and he did a bs god combo and i didnt even die en he won 10:49 is exactly what i mean, sp rigged.. unblockable without ditection attacks
I managed to knocked off and removed all their gear except one contestant. Then one of the victims who just woke up, yell thief thief. At least 10 guards were attending the call. Somehow i managed to avoid being a suspect.
I realized that too. Mid game, you cannot throw Black Peter out of a clinch and he is randomly attacking and is actually hitting the npc, that means not only is his strength maxed but his warfare is too lol. If there is anyone that actually came here for tips then they aren't going to get it, because they don't know what they are seeing and no game play tips have been given.
First opponent with longsword is fine, but the other 2 fights are significantly harder with longsword because opponents can execute a parry-counterattack that you can't evade or parry in any way and is guaranteed to lose you 5% hp so even if you time blocks perfectly you will still take damage and have to somehow cheese some hits in. I managed to defeat 2nd opponent longsword by perfect blocking almost everything and alternating between slash and stab because this way my hits would sometimes cut his attack animation. The 2nd opponent 1h + shield match was a joke compared to longsword and Black Pete longsword is next to impossible, if you miss a single block there is no recovery, it seems ridiculously easy with 1h + shield.
@@Feanor306 I managed to defeat Black Peter with longswords, but he got me in three hits with hunting swords and shield in the 2nd round. Then we got warhammers and I won.
I leveled all my weapon skills to 20 with Captain Bernard, even halberd. I've tried to get the hang of melee but I'm still a klutz. I don't seem to be lethal with anything but bow and fists. That's how I took down Runt, a one shot in the face. I earned myself an A in calculus so I know I'm not brain dead. And yet I don't understand what the game wants me to do with combos. My first whack at the tourney was dismal. I want to know I can win Rattay Tourney consistently before I'm done with my first run. Maybe I should go back to Bernard. If I can whip Bernard every time with every weapon and never break a sweat, maybe I've got a shot at the tourney. Maybe the problem is I'm female and short on combative genetics. This video helped me some, "wait and let him move to strike"
The ai always does to me what HE does when it's the hammer, and I get shredded, and I hate shields, only weapon I feel I won't get raped is the longsword
It's just sad it's impossible to win this tourney on low level. I'm able to beat Peter by long sword but when it comes to use short ones and shields, it's just impossible to hit him. Clinch is also not a thing because my strength is not good enough and I'm being pushed back all the time. The only thing I can do, is to block his attacks but it's totally pointless because not a single counterattack can come out of it - he literally blocks like 99% of those and eventually he stabs me back and I end up with my health bar being lowered. Why's this mission even available if I'm not able to win this? Literally 10 hours of struggling with none result.
I Find that after a bit you can spam cinches Rightclick then Get a free hit, and the master strikes for shortswords and hunting swords have ended a match in a single hit for me, the one that Hits the face directly
this should have been spoiler warning................... But yes I came across him right by the mill in ratay. He pulled a rope acros the road which instaly "unhorsed" me.
After over 100 hours I was finally able make it past the first round. Clinching and stabing in the corner really helps. But damn the second guy hits hard. Where is doesn't work.
I am level 16 and have headcracker perk and I use axe and shield. I hit the guy so many times in the head but it does no damage and he just takes away all my health when I run out of stamina
I had a bug against Black peter where I did not have the short sword while he had, so I just put my shield away and simply punched him to the ground. He was not happy with that XD
I love the combat, but part of me feels like you’d be done after that warhammer came down on dude the first time.. like even if you weren’t dead.. you’d pretend to be 😂
dude, i made the mistake of betting all my money (80 grunchkins so i could have the 60 for the actual entry fee) on myself to the miller thinking it would be easy. i haven't done any main story missions in rattay so my guy is like level 4 strength. and shit. i have 0 perks. i spent a good 2 hours re loading saves so i could beat the first guy just to find out that theres 2 more much harder foes. lol. rip all my money.
I haven't played this game since the updates that put in the dlc and I'm on my second play through and I'm only at the activity "Rob the rich to give to the poor"? So I'm more a less not far from the beginning and already I've just got the message to sign up for the Rattay Tourney dlc? WTF??? I'm in no way good or strong enough to do this quest? So why has this game let this dlc start so soon. If I ignore it and try and build my stats up, one its going to take awhile and two I'll get failed quest? What is going on!!!
actutally there is an exploit in whole game mecanic only you have to run from guy stop for 1-2 seconds ı dont know why but if an enemys run animation start and he get close to you it %100 percent attack and you can block attack its so easy
So how DO you actually "win tournaments"?? Prerequisites? Stats needed? Skills needed? And why the fuck does the herald ask me for my choice of weapons if my answer is ignored in every second fight?
This isn't helpful early game like most of us are doing. If it works for you I'm glad but you the others still have problems, you should focus on defense let them come to you but don't move your character around stand your ground don't parry but actually block once the first hit lands there's your opening walk back (LS or R3) then forward at the same time attacking (R1 , R2 or RB, RT) nothing fancy take the one hit and go back on the defense. This works great they actually hesitate to attack me, when that happens you have to bait them, always block but put it down if they're just staring at you.
Oh is that what's happening to me I've probably spent 40 minutes bonking my opponent on the head and blocking all of his attacks With nothing happening me and the cpu are stuck in a stand still lol
Everytime I block and do an attack this asshole grabs me and pushes me. Why is this game so hard I'm on normal all I wanted was a game to relax and play but I'm over here wanting to break my TV
Ist if I just suck is what but I’m level 12 in strength and fight and level 13 in sword but still can’t get past the second fighter I think I’m moving too much tbh but no matter what I do they always block like 80% of my attacks and if I land a hit for once I like don’t do any damage wth
I have 17 lvl warfare and 11 defense, but I get compeltely trashed by second guy.... he seems invincible, no matter how many times I hit him... and he blocks everything the fucker
beat this on the second try. This is a real rpg. if you can't win, go train. Go fight bandits. You can't expect to win a fucking tournament if you haven't put any time into levelling up...
I was a fucking loser the first time I´ve tried to win tourney, and they beat the shit out of me. So I´ve trained and beat the game so I could win the tourney. And the fucking game ended and never let me try the tourney again, so I fucking deleted this motherfucking game.
I have the tournes. I find you can hit the opponent a shit load of timesafter perfect blocks etc before they drop whereas it seems 5 or so hits yourself n your dead. Frustrating :(
Freedom Anon Iv found it to be the opposite, all I do in combat is watch the reticule, the second it goes green, bop.. follow up attacks tend to be the mashing part imo.
It's actually not too hard, I play on console myself. And no it's not about mashing buttons... It's about observing your opponent and avoid being predictable.
gives the video title "how to win tournaments"
sais literally shit about how to win tournaments
I was thinking exactly the same thing.
Thisi s a video about him winning. It gives ZERO tips on how to do it.
To me he showed the way to win the tourney is to git gud. There are plenty of cheese videos out there. This is a medieval tourney. The son of a blacksmith would likely lose a minority of the time
Whenever I compete they block every attack, take away all of my stamina instantly, and do triple damage I do
You can avoid getting stamina drained by doing perfect blocks and not randomly throwing attacks. If you're going into tourneys at lower levels, I've found that cornering them and getting into clinches can afford a free attack. Usually I'll clinch with the guy then knock him top on the head with whatever weapon.
sounds like you're not experienced in combat enough. train more before entering the tourney.
@@Silas465 he isn't a loser... hes just having trouble
Be better
i just realized im trying to do this with peasant armor and super low level combat with no perks. Guess I will come back to this
The first guy is quite easy, almost does not block at all. The other two can block and counter almost every strike you do. My method is to focus on defence, it's easier when you have a shield: block - stab, block - stab, block - stab... or move quickly backwards and stab him after he "cuts the air". But when your opponent starts a combo, you are doomed most of time.
what the fuck do you mean "almost doesnt block"2????? he straight up blocks all of my hits
I don’t know if I’m too low of a level or something, but the first guy blocks literally every single one of my attacks. We were fighting for like 20 minutes and I hit him about 3 times.
@@God_Zeniplayed this game when it came out, the first guy was a breeze, now he blocks and master strikes every attack, also with 11 strength and master clinch I can't clinch the second guy let alone the third. Apparently they made combat more difficult. Or at least the tourney.
I won a few times without learning perfect block, dodge and master counter attack. It was tough but it skyrocketed my stats and made my game easier.
Black peter gave up literary after one perfect block. We were fighting axes and shields and I blocked his first strike and he was like "Ok im done".
Same with me somehow. Thank God cause he had already gotten a good combo on me and I was pretty much 1 hit away from losing the tournament.
3 days ago I was pissed off because the combat was so difficult and I thought I'd never be able to get good at it. And then today I won the Rattay tournament without taking much damage or losing a single duel. Just riposte and strike.
Your opponents are ridiculously easy compared to the ones im facing man they block every strike even after a perfect block
joshua engelbrecht that’s probably because you were low level and hadn’t defeated black peter yet
What level should you be for this? I tried this at lvl 4 and got my ass kicked at anything except longswords.
bro i cant hit shit, they literally block 90% of my hits, it would take hours to whittle down my opponent. Am I too low level, since I just started the game?
HeavenHammer Yeah you'll be better i can promise you that, Just take you're time in the game don't rush the story mode, Trust me soon enough you'll masterblock (perfect block and attack in same time) everytime this game is kinda realistic RPG its much more easier for me to fight now and im in close to the mid of the story mode.
@@EIia_M okay sounds good. by dont rush story do you mean try do more side quests?
@@Normandy-e8i basically exploring do stuff yknow activities or even train ur combat in the combat arenas or even attending tournies its up to you, btw make sure you know how to fight thats important so you actually enjoy instead of getting killed each time my main point is like enjoy the game, it's just like skyrim
@@EIia_M alright fair thanks
The Chief realistic? The game is still a buggy mess (at least on PS4). Still having issues with unloaded textures, getting arrested out of nowhere, almost every enemy literally blocking every attack even half way through the game with pretty high stats, feinting is absolutely pointless (they don’t even show if they’re blocking or not. They literally just block only when you attack), the alchemy dude in rattay runs away from me without any reason at all, the majority of regular gamers need to cheese the enemies by stabbing at them until their stamina is gone and can finally land a hit. The game isn’t “realistic” by any means. The only way to kill anything for a large majority of players is to cheese the enemies. The combos never work, there’s a massive difficulty spike in the mission “baptism with fire” (I had to cheese runt with an arrow to the head because I made it to him with one little piece of health). The only realistic thing in this game is the castles. Other than that, it seems to be pretty inaccurate with a decent amount of stuff wrong, noted by the metatron youtuber. Is it fun when the game actually works and you actually achieve something? Yes of course. But the issue is: the game is a massive mess even a year after it launched. There’s still so many systems that literally don’t matter because they don’t work. People seriously need to stop using the “realism” excuse and realize this isn’t a realistic game by any means and is still completely broken and can only be fixed with mods. Meanwhile a console player is screwed with combat who’s own feinting and combos don’t work, telepathic enemies that can read your mind and block literally everything coming their way (unless you cheese their stamina). Lol I went on a rant there XD but the point is: the game is broken and the only people that are able to fix it for themselves are pc players while console players can eat a pile of crap.
4:19 me when opponent strikes me in tourney
Wait wut
A good way to cheese the tourney is having clinch master and repeatedly clinching the opponent into the corner and attack after each hit.
What i did was when everytime I clinch, there is a small time of him that he cannot block or attack, hit the peson immediately and vice versa. But beware of master strickes for you are prone to that.but for a one handed weapon with a shield, make sure to clinch him in the corner of the arena and there you can use the clinch spam
WH should remove that clinch perk too entirely so broken, i only experience the best duels with early game tourney with master strikes, patience then combos
i know im late to this vid, but i swear black peter on hardcore mode is unstoppable, after about like 1 hr replaying the tournament i just killed him while he slept out of rage lol
Looks like I need to wait until I'm stronger before attempting this again. Went in at level 5 and got destroyed by the first guy in the first damn round!
I’m level 5 rn and struggling against first guy. Literally every fucking hit I do, doesn’t hurt him, but he does a single hit, and I get damaged, how tf is that fair
I’m level 10 and still got destroyed lol
@@2kmichaeljordan438 kinda late but go check bernard and practice
good luck with this tutoral on hardcore mode :) your stamina is out after 2-3 strikes max and enemy will perfect block 99% of your normal strikes if you won't play it smart. First enemy is nothing but difficulty on 2nd is going over the roof.
quick tips from my experience :
No waving like a peasent (see the vid) and very carefull approach from 2nd opponent. Focus on cornering enemy and winning the clinch (even with perk on this difficulty it's not easy), and while doing that remember about the glitch that when after the perfect parry you'll move towards your oponent it won't start clinch just slash/stab. Wait until the animation after pp end and then you can approach with clinch (you can try to hit him but I've noticed that most of the time he will pp or even pp with ripost)
Using sword (long or short doesnt matter) try to stab face, slash from upper right and both down (legs are weaker I think) and no peasent waving like on video, more hits only if you're performing a combo and keep your parry ready as most of the time enemy will perform perfect parry, very often riposte so back up after that.
with hammer and axe best is to jus hit the head after clinch (my char have no points in those wepons so I kept it simple) and again one hit and try for next clinch otherwise perfect parry.
It's really important to focus on performing perfect parrying instead of normal one as enemy will almost always use combos and you will loose lots of stamina.
Maybe I'm putting too much into this but as a fan of sekiro, (dark souls are not good excample for this game) i've learned that it's better to take more time at one approach than waste way more on few shorter replays after loosing.
Hope it will help, cheers.
You have to do all these fights at once back to back!? My first opponent took me a half an hour to beat. Then I realized I have to beat him twice and he proceeded to stomp me twice with different weapons I'm not trained in. Now I learn you have to beat two other whole opponents straight away immediately after, Jesus Christ!
It is a tournament which means multiple rounds to determine a winner. The Rattay Tourney is win 2 out of 3 combats with each of 3 increasingly difficult opponents.
i’ve mastered the art of cheesing the fights if it’s 1 on 1 and weapons you go for the clinch and win it then spam heavy attacks and continue like that blocking when u hear the sound that plays when they are about to attack and boom ez cakes
How are you hitting them so easy whenever I play they perfect block almost every strike I throw
the higher your Warfare skill the faster your strikes, the higher your defense skill the bigger the window for perfect blocks
plus the higher your strength you can beat them in every clinch
how to win a tournament implies you teaching how to win the tournament. this was u just doing the tournament
I recommend that you wait until he attacks and then just spam. If you're ever out of stamina just RUN it's not worth it to hit him.
I know this game is pretty old but I recently bought it and I just want to give anyone that struggles with this stupid combat a tip.
Each time the opponent changes stance press block. You almost always will get a counter as they usually attach right when they shift stance. I managed to get through the whole ting this way with lv5. So have fun and enjoy the money price afterwards🤘
Nice. I’ve always clinched and then struck from the top hitting there head. Repeat. If you have headcracker it also increases chance to knock them out from headshots.
I haven’t unlocked chain strikes so I don’t spam attacks. I find the tournament is really easy if you play it patiently and do master strikes followed up by a single hit.
Me watching xBeau saying “back off, back off, back off” for 15 minutes straight: 👁👄👁
If you're like me and were just fast forwarding through the days trying to get all armour pieces for the trophy then a super cheese way to get through the fights quick is too: rush your opponents the moment the fight starts. Get really close to initiate the "grapple" if you beat them at the grapple you kick/push them backwards and will have time to hit them once before they recover. Keep doing this till you have them backed into a corner of the ring. Then rinse and repeat the grapple followed by a hit and their stamina will drain very quickly. Eventually they won't even be able to block to defend themselves. I was able to defeat some opponents in about 6-8 seconds by doing this.
(My Henry is maxed lvl and combat stats for reference)
Lachlan C it's works on 1st guy but 2nd guy is wise to it, I hate the way he does a lil counter nudge and takes a quarter of ur health too, how! Ha
Seriously how did you make the fights easier because black Peter blocks counters and dodges everything
i wail on peter, but i still havent won. he is tough but fair if you have combat skills near half maxxed. after the first two wins, you need to master combat to win.
@@Atamosk-bu7zt get the clinch master perk... Rush him and stab at his face when you win the clinch... I beat him easy like that
Not really I manged to give even 3 combos with sword.
That petty ass bitch attacked me after the tourney while all I had was a tunic because I was getting ready to take a walk with that girl in the mill. Fucker poisoned me and I had to run away to put my armor on and survive the poison just to fight him
@@2kmichaeljordan438 😂 yea he's a dick
7:46 I like to think you gave him a little kiss 😘
Side note: in my 2nd play through I walked up to Black Peter and started him down between rounds. He could barely look me in the eye lol
I never came closer to smashing my set up before. Never has a game enraged me like this.
PROTIP: Choose any 1h + shield. 2nd and 3rd boss fights are not even in the same universe of difficulty if you try longsword. Barely even got past 2nd opponent with longsword with perfect blocks, while missing 1 block against Black Pete will lose you the duel. However, I won all the 1h duels 1st try - all opponents chose 1h sword + hammer as their 2 duels and I won them all with almost no trouble even though i had 1 skill in hammers (15 STR, 12 warfare, 8 def). You can also drink 10 min combat stat potions just before you talk to the herald which will help you at least with the 1st Black Pete battle if you defeat the other 2 guys fast enough. I drank 5 def and 50% stamina pots.
To the author of the video: Headcracker was almost irrelevant in my tries, it seems chain strike from warfare is much more useful as I see you also use it.
i dominated with a long sword idk
so u can keep doing them just wait a week?
All fun and dandy until Black Army man shows up
I appreciate you man I was having trouble with my technique but your video helped a million
I can barely get past the first guy I have no skills I just learned how to do the perfect block idk what to do
So like you literally dont explain anything. I dont understand how youre able to hit anyone. when I do the tournament the guy blocks every single thing.
Mine perfect parrys me every hit ….
Going to assume this was harder before, because I won the tourney on my first try today (picking longsword), by basically just perfect blocking / master strikes. Last guy seemed to be less aggressive than in this video.
Still do not like the combat system in this game, especially when facing several at once.
what were your skills?
What levels of your weapon skills do you need? I'm doing this at the beginning and I can't copy what this guy is doing in the video, it feels like it's a low level number game issue than an actually "just play better/git gud" issue. Seems like EXP. levels and perks are necessary.
genesisSOC annoying coz I don't wanna fail 3 missions at once by losing or not participating 🤔
@@420thSFG It's replayable
Yes your character can't be low level, and you have to git gud.
@@pingaspearce9403 is it thanks
I wish the tournaments would give off more money, I always get my riches off of thievery.
Truth but hopefully the gear is worth it
Good video, i can’t still fight in turnay after 300 hours 😂, but I keep on it. Thanks 🙏🏼
I was beating everyone and then when black peter was almost dead, suddenly i couldnt get a riposte anymore and he did a bs god combo and i didnt even die en he won
10:49 is exactly what i mean, sp rigged.. unblockable without ditection attacks
Might be too late but what i did was during the night u knock off all the contestants and remove thier armor so it will be easier
I managed to knocked off and removed all their gear except one contestant. Then one of the victims who just woke up, yell thief thief. At least 10 guards were attending the call. Somehow i managed to avoid being a suspect.
@@biskutnation good shit man.... just save the game before enrolling in the tourney hopfeullly u dont get to meet him hahahah good luck
Henry's got a mustache. He looks different. Must be getting older unless we change his looks. That'll be so cool 😎.
I always preferred long swords cause it's a little bit easier to me to attack them
If you're dueling with longsword use combos that target the face and you'll swoon them quickly
Strength is 20.. that is why..
I realized that too.
Mid game, you cannot throw Black Peter out of a clinch and he is randomly attacking and is actually hitting the npc, that means not only is his strength maxed but his warfare is too lol.
If there is anyone that actually came here for tips then they aren't going to get it, because they don't know what they are seeing and no game play tips have been given.
let it be known that longsword duals are impossible, all others are just straight wins
Havnar sorry dude but you probably just suck :/
First opponent with longsword is fine, but the other 2 fights are significantly harder with longsword because opponents can execute a parry-counterattack that you can't evade or parry in any way and is guaranteed to lose you 5% hp so even if you time blocks perfectly you will still take damage and have to somehow cheese some hits in. I managed to defeat 2nd opponent longsword by perfect blocking almost everything and alternating between slash and stab because this way my hits would sometimes cut his attack animation. The 2nd opponent 1h + shield match was a joke compared to longsword and Black Pete longsword is next to impossible, if you miss a single block there is no recovery, it seems ridiculously easy with 1h + shield.
@@Feanor306 I managed to defeat Black Peter with longswords, but he got me in three hits with hunting swords and shield in the 2nd round. Then we got warhammers and I won.
Funny. I bested Peter with long sword but he beat me with the axe and sheild I had all my skills in the long sword tho
this was a great guide. i thought i was trash prior to watching it but turns out im trash and they are pros
Just so you know the guy at the end will fucking ambush you with a poisoned sword
can't get passed round two
Maces were always my favorite weapon.
I leveled all my weapon skills to 20 with Captain Bernard, even halberd. I've tried to get the hang of melee but I'm still a klutz. I don't seem to be lethal with anything but bow and fists. That's how I took down Runt, a one shot in the face. I earned myself an A in calculus so I know I'm not brain dead. And yet I don't understand what the game wants me to do with combos. My first whack at the tourney was dismal. I want to know I can win Rattay Tourney consistently before I'm done with my first run. Maybe I should go back to Bernard. If I can whip Bernard every time with every weapon and never break a sweat, maybe I've got a shot at the tourney. Maybe the problem is I'm female and short on combative genetics. This video helped me some, "wait and let him move to strike"
The ai always does to me what HE does when it's the hammer, and I get shredded, and I hate shields, only weapon I feel I won't get raped is the longsword
bigycheese 333 Same! Fuck the shields
Is it normal when i just started the game and i dont do any dmg at tournaments? Pls answer
Normal. Level up. This guy has 20 strength
maybe you should start taking potions before the tournaments begin.
It's just sad it's impossible to win this tourney on low level. I'm able to beat Peter by long sword but when it comes to use short ones and shields, it's just impossible to hit him. Clinch is also not a thing because my strength is not good enough and I'm being pushed back all the time. The only thing I can do, is to block his attacks but it's totally pointless because not a single counterattack can come out of it - he literally blocks like 99% of those and eventually he stabs me back and I end up with my health bar being lowered. Why's this mission even available if I'm not able to win this? Literally 10 hours of struggling with none result.
And then black peter ambushes you
I Find that after a bit you can spam cinches Rightclick then Get a free hit, and the master strikes for shortswords and hunting swords have ended a match in a single hit for me, the one that Hits the face directly
are you playing on Hardcore ?
Did any of you come across black peter randomly after the first tourney, and did he try to kill you.
this should have been spoiler warning................... But yes I came across him right by the mill in ratay. He pulled a rope acros the road which instaly "unhorsed" me.
He is there as part of a quest "Dead Men Tell no Tales"
After over 100 hours I was finally able make it past the first round. Clinching and stabing in the corner really helps.
But damn the second guy hits hard. Where is doesn't work.
I am level 16 and have headcracker perk and I use axe and shield. I hit the guy so many times in the head but it does no damage and he just takes away all my health when I run out of stamina
The headcracker perk still works but it is nerfed in tourement, so instead of knocking them out it damages about half their health.
Well I usually destroy him when he runs out of stamina. That shouldgive you a hint.
@Rockstarkid 1989 yeah if yo urun out of stamina you end u like ser vardis with bron.
I had a bug against Black peter where I did not have the short sword while he had, so I just put my shield away and simply punched him to the ground. He was not happy with that XD
That would be hilarious
Sorry, but black peter litrally counters every hit I give, and he never swings back at me to counter his
I love the combat, but part of me feels like you’d be done after that warhammer came down on dude the first time.. like even if you weren’t dead.. you’d pretend to be 😂
is there no prize of you win the tourney a second time? because i can't find the guy that gives your the prize
There is. He walks nearby
I always go sword first makes it interesting maybe its stupid tho
So I have go level and come back to this tournament?
ickerolig it depends on your level I won with lvl 12 strength
@@jayc3091 same
Also Black Peter was SO MUCH EASIER than the second guy.... This game is ridiculously unbalanced.
dude, i made the mistake of betting all my money (80 grunchkins so i could have the 60 for the actual entry fee) on myself to the miller thinking it would be easy. i haven't done any main story missions in rattay so my guy is like level 4 strength. and shit. i have 0 perks. i spent a good 2 hours re loading saves so i could beat the first guy just to find out that theres 2 more much harder foes. lol. rip all my money.
Yes, grunshkins. Didn't you watch the Wizard of Oz?
@@valkyriesardo278 dude it's a 4 year old comment lol
I won but idk where to pick up the prize i cant find sir hanush
These two quest end for doing completionist trophy or only are repetible missions?
Rattay Tourney is an activity, not a quest. I think only main quests and side quests count toward the completionist achievement.
I though you are so good until I saw you stats in the end of the video :-]
If he gets near a corner, clinch him. If you corner him and have full stamina it's over. Just dont give him a second to recover
I haven't played this game since the updates that put in the dlc and I'm on my second play through and I'm only at the activity "Rob the rich to give to the poor"?
So I'm more a less not far from the beginning and already I've just got the message to sign up for the Rattay Tourney dlc? WTF??? I'm in no way good or strong enough to do this quest? So why has this game let this dlc start so soon. If I ignore it and try and build my stats up, one its going to take awhile and two I'll get failed quest?
What is going on!!!
A new tourney will be up
Tourney is always replayable
actutally there is an exploit in whole game mecanic only you have to run from guy stop for 1-2 seconds ı dont know why but if an enemys run animation start and he get close to you it %100 percent attack and you can block attack its so easy
I managed to win one but I need a faster way to complete them because it takes like 30 mins for me each time because I look for master strikes
If you get him in a corner, move off to his right side. Then he can only attack from 3/5 angles.
Where is Sir Hanush of Leipa? I can't find him.
Cornering them does not work
So how DO you actually "win tournaments"?? Prerequisites? Stats needed? Skills needed?
And why the fuck does the herald ask me for my choice of weapons if my answer is ignored in every second fight?
mug them in their sleep in the camp and then sell all their stuff.
This isn't helpful early game like most of us are doing. If it works for you I'm glad but you the others still have problems, you should focus on defense let them come to you but don't move your character around stand your ground don't parry but actually block once the first hit lands there's your opening walk back (LS or R3) then forward at the same time attacking (R1 , R2 or RB, RT) nothing fancy take the one hit and go back on the defense. This works great they actually hesitate to attack me, when that happens you have to bait them, always block but put it down if they're just staring at you.
if youre like me youre trying to win on level 1 stats, which ive spent about 7 hours trying to beat. its impossible with beginning stats i say.
Oh is that what's happening to me
I've probably spent 40 minutes bonking my opponent on the head and blocking all of his attacks
With nothing happening me and the cpu are stuck in a stand still lol
The tourney is way too easy. I pretty much just jabbed my way through it. I atm still don't really know how to fight or how counters work.
Na it’s the last round man. Ive won one before but since then it’s the final warrior beats me in the 2nd or 3rd fight.
If you join tournament without increase your stats, you will lose. After 3-4rd round you can't clinch them they always clinch you
Do you have a problem where you win and the announcer say collect your prize from hanush but I never got anything from him?
@@frankiehernandez6232 dunno I couldn't won
Buy Chainstrik perk Then Clinchmaster And Headcracker Get level 10 On Sword You won the tournament
Everytime I block and do an attack this asshole grabs me and pushes me. Why is this game so hard I'm on normal all I wanted was a game to relax and play but I'm over here wanting to break my TV
Ist if I just suck is what but I’m level 12 in strength and fight and level 13 in sword but still can’t get past the second fighter I think I’m moving too much tbh but no matter what I do they always block like 80% of my attacks and if I land a hit for once I like don’t do any damage wth
I can’t pass the first guy.. wtf he blocks everything
try to right click him until he goes to a corner and spam the right click. that did the job for the first 2 opponents for me
I have 17 lvl warfare and 11 defense, but I get compeltely trashed by second guy.... he seems invincible, no matter how many times I hit him... and he blocks everything the fucker
Youre just trash
Black Peter, can't win a single clinch against him, counters all my attacks and does major damage. F'ing rigged
beat this on the second try. This is a real rpg. if you can't win, go train. Go fight bandits. You can't expect to win a fucking tournament if you haven't put any time into levelling up...
I was a fucking loser the first time I´ve tried to win tourney, and they beat the shit out of me. So I´ve trained and beat the game so I could win the tourney. And the fucking game ended and never let me try the tourney again, so I fucking deleted this motherfucking game.
I think he finished all levels
Pretty sure i haven't dealt a single point of damage.. how do you always got that much stamina? I swing 3 times and im done
How are the stats of your charachter the weapons used in the tournament have stat requirments.
@@commandergame it's over a month old comment bro i dont even play the game anymore, my dumbass thought i could beat the whole thing on level 4
@@slick3996 lmao same here just same page currently level 5
I have the tournes. I find you can hit the opponent a shit load of timesafter perfect blocks etc before they drop whereas it seems 5 or so hits yourself n your dead. Frustrating :(
They need a online mode
Lmao, playing on console and hearing the words "perfect block" just makes me giggle. It's impossible on console. It's all about just mashing buttons.
Freedom Anon Iv found it to be the opposite, all I do in combat is watch the reticule, the second it goes green, bop.. follow up attacks tend to be the mashing part imo.
It's actually not too hard, I play on console myself.
And no it's not about mashing buttons...
It's about observing your opponent and avoid being predictable.
Combat is easier on console.
Perfect block is executed by a single press of the block button. What do you mean mashing buttons? Button mashing is for potatoes.