How WE MUST PROTECT our ONE OF ONENESS to REACH OUR HUMAN-POTENTIAL and FLOURISH into what NATURE MADE US. ART is one tool to find our One of Oneness. COULD AI HELP? Flawed financial principles brought us into a collective lack and made us increasingly exploit and outdate systems. This scarcity in return segregates us and makes us compete instead of collaborate. One of oneness is the natural human and system update. #dyslexicthinking #humanbirthrights
How WE MUST PROTECT our ONE OF ONENESS to REACH OUR HUMAN-POTENTIAL and FLOURISH into what NATURE MADE US. ART is one tool to find our One of Oneness. COULD AI HELP? Flawed financial principles brought us into a collective lack and made us increasingly exploit and outdate systems. This scarcity in return segregates us and makes us compete instead of collaborate. One of oneness is the natural human and system update. #dyslexicthinking #humanbirthrights