I've been thinking of picking up one of these for a while now. I'm about roughly the same size as you, when you mentioned sizing down if you had your time over was that more to do with increasing the wave range? I'm looking to ride it in anything from 1-4ft & I'm tossing up between the 5'7 & 5'8. my current fish is a 6'0 Machado Seaside (6'0" x 22 ⅞" x 2 15/16" 44.8L) which is starting to feel a little boaty for me as I progress.
Hey, I think if your coming from a 6’0 seaside id go the 5’8 its still a pretty big step down in volume from your seaside. 4ft hollow set waves are gonna give u some trouble maybe but idk thats just my opinion!
Mine felt too loose until i tried a set of large keel fins. I got the al merrick keels and now it's a different board
I've been thinking of picking up one of these for a while now. I'm about roughly the same size as you, when you mentioned sizing down if you had your time over was that more to do with increasing the wave range? I'm looking to ride it in anything from 1-4ft & I'm tossing up between the 5'7 & 5'8. my current fish is a 6'0 Machado Seaside (6'0" x 22 ⅞" x 2 15/16" 44.8L) which is starting to feel a little boaty for me as I progress.
Hey, I think if your coming from a 6’0 seaside id go the 5’8 its still a pretty big step down in volume from your seaside. 4ft hollow set waves are gonna give u some trouble maybe but idk thats just my opinion!
@@AddisonRowlandwhat was your reasoning for wanting to size down?