FDNY- St. George Hotel Fire Aug 25, 1996

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2022
  • Quick clip:18-Alarms for this Ripping vacant huge hotel fire in Brooklyn Heights, NY
    August 26, 1995
    ©Tom Savage Video

Комментарии • 16

  • @RetLtFF43
    @RetLtFF43 Год назад +6

    This was Chief Maxwell’s (Batt. 31) last night tour on the job and was retiring in the morning. Myself and another FF from Cape Cod, missed this job by 1 week to the day, as we were riding at Tillary St.

  • @Relic119
    @Relic119 Год назад +2

    was there a throwback article in a wnyf from last year or two about this fire?

  • @Thatuptownguy
    @Thatuptownguy Год назад +1

    Anywhere I can find audio of this job? Brooklyn fire dispach?

    • @JohnpaulDejoria666
      @JohnpaulDejoria666 Год назад +2

      I have it on CD

    • @Thatuptownguy
      @Thatuptownguy Год назад +1

      @@JohnpaulDejoria666 Is there any way you could format it and email it to me? My father is retired he would love to hear it!

  • @JohnpaulDejoria666
    @JohnpaulDejoria666 Год назад +1

    Man it would be nice if Someone had a longer version

    • @R1SmokeEater
      @R1SmokeEater  Год назад +4

      I do actually have a longer version somewhere.
      Still looking for it in my boxes

    • @JohnpaulDejoria666
      @JohnpaulDejoria666 Год назад +1

      @@R1SmokeEater copy. Just a thought, you have some amazing videos, you ever consider burning them onto DVD and selling them? I for one would be in the market, and would pay $45-50 per DVD for like an hours worth. Advanced has none and fire lines pretty much out of business. I’ve got pretty much every dvd you can get (all the war years) as well as the other stuff

    • @R1SmokeEater
      @R1SmokeEater  Год назад +2

      @@JohnpaulDejoria666 I have all those you mentioned.
      Some I can’t put up due to copyrights.
      I try to contact the original videographers for permission when able to.
      It’s too bad, I don’t see the harm in reposting the old stuff
      So people can see it!
      Otherwise it’s just lost forever.

    • @JohnpaulDejoria666
      @JohnpaulDejoria666 Год назад +1

      @@R1SmokeEater same here, I posted shoe clips of a few and got a “talking too”

    • @JohnpaulDejoria666
      @JohnpaulDejoria666 Год назад +1

      Probably my fav fire. Here is chief L’s recollection of the fire when he was in R2
      was driving R*2 that night of the 1979 Fire at 653 Broadway.....it was referred to as "The Infinity Disco Fire" ....it was an old large Loft Bldg with the Infinity on the ground fl on the Broadway side.....upstairs were both residences & commercial occupancies....we were in BKLYN when the Fire first came in....over the SOD monitor we heard a Unit of ESU Truck 1 reporting sighting 2 women trapped at a window facing the Bleecker St side...John Vig was the LT , he said head for the Bridge....ESU kept reporting the women....when we got to the Bridge John called Manh & told the Dispatcher that the Women were still being reported trapped & that we were at the Bridge ....Manh assigned us....when we got there the Women were still in a window about the fourth fl about halfway back in the bldg on the Bleecker St side which was exposure 2....they were not in a position to be reached directly by an Aerial.....Vig reported to DC Radtke DV*1 & told him about the Women....Vig told Jon T. RIP & myself to take the Roof Rope to the Roof....we soon realized the problem was that they were shuffling Rigs in the street to set up TLs & no Aerials remained to the Roof at this time so we attempted to go thru an interior stair.....as we passed thru the Disco it was surreal....there were large neon phallic symbols still lit on the walls & a large amount of burning ashes falling down in an enclosed shaft....there was only a light haze in the Disco....as we searched for a way up we heard a report on the HT that LAD*5 had gotten to the Women by going up a Ladder from the Mercer St (exp 3) side & made there way thru the bldg to the Women & removed them back the same way.....in searching for a way to the Roof Jon & I got a good sense of the depth of this bldg & that it extended to the next block....now we set out to find Vig & the rest of the Company.....I called Vig on the HT & he said they were on the Fourth fl & had come up the straight run stair from Broadway....we made our way up & found them operating a Line ...Jimmy L. was by the door & was trying to pull more line from the stairway....I asked him how far they were in & he said almost a Length...I said Jim the bldg goes to the next block ! .....about that time all units were ordered out of the bldg .....it looked like it was burning more when we took up than when we got there.

  • @Relic119
    @Relic119 Год назад

    That 119 105 and 131 setup?