How do Narcissists treat Pets?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3,2 тыс.

  • @crimsonmoon1985
    @crimsonmoon1985 Год назад +593

    I used to date a narcissist. And at the time a had a very small, young dog. He was a teacup poodle that I got for my 19th birthday and he was the most precious, loveable thing. I started dating this guy who came off as so sweet and kind and considerate but, needless to say, he started showing his true colors eventually. When we became engaged, he was treating me badly. I was more blinded then because it was my very first relationship and I knew that relationships could have rough patches, but it should have never been like that. My little dog was my world. He was just like my child and he was my best friend and I felt like we had a deep connection, which was important because I had no friends at the time. He was my only support and this monster of a guy wanted to separate me from that love and support. Ive dealt with depression and anxiety since I was 15, so having that love and support was so important to me. That guy told me that when we got a place together that I wasnt allowed to bring my dog. He tried to call it my mum's dog, but I corrected him and said that it was MY dog. I was raising him, I cared for him, I payed the vet bill, I bought the food so he was mine. This guy said that I couldnt bring him with us, but he wanted to get a bunch of cats, which im allergic to. His thing was that I could take allergy pills for it. It was all about him. His wants were the most important and he couldnt stand that any of my time or affection was going to something or someone else. I couldnt even have time with my friends or family. Finally, one evening he was at my house and he had been having stomach aches for a while. My dog was all happy and trying to be affectionate and he jumped on this guys stomach and this guy swung his arm and knocked my dog on the floor. I was livid. I went straight into "mama wolf" mode and went off on the guy saying "Whats wrong with you?! Dont you know you could have broken his legs?! Hes so little!". The guy didnt like this and said that his stomach hurt. I blantly said that I didnt care and its no excuse to just knock a tiny creature to the floor. The guy was so pissed that I cared more about my dog than I did his stomach. Yeah! That dog was my baby. You hurt my baby and I hurt you! I broke up with that guys soon after and have never talked to him since. He always tried to make himself out to be this wonderful, honorable person, but he wasnt. He used me and abuse me because of my kind heart. I was taught to care for things and be loving. My little dog lived to be a bit over 16 btw. He passed away Feb of last year. Always my little love.

    • @tovenrvik6336
      @tovenrvik6336 Год назад

      Narcissists are self absorbed individuals, who only cares about themselvs, they are always jelous and envious on others, even your pets and children ‼️🎯JazzyT.

    • @finster1968
      @finster1968 Год назад +45

      Whoa... I'm glad you got out and didn't get married.

    • @crimsonmoon1985
      @crimsonmoon1985 Год назад +43

      @@finster1968 So am I. Everyday since him and I broke up, I am so glad I didnt marry him. I would have had no life whatsoever and Im sure the abuse would have gotten worse

    • @Treezp1
      @Treezp1 Год назад +5

      ❤🤗❤🤗❤🤗❤🤗❤🤗❤ T

    • @Fatemaforlife
      @Fatemaforlife Год назад +17

      This is a story I am relieved to hear. I am happy for you that you got out when you did. Also the whole cat thing sounded like he just wanted to make you miserable. I doubt cats were important to him

  • @desktopkitty
    @desktopkitty Год назад +1629

    When I was a kid my dad would not let me have a pet. Considering how abusive he was, that was probably just as well. When I was 7 years old my grandma began staying with us, because my mom had left. My grandma brought her dog. I would play with him. When my grandma realized her dog liked me more than her, she took her dog and left. From time to time she would visit, but not bring her dog. I never saw him again. I found out from my uncle that whenever the dog would hear children outside, he would run to look out the window, as if he was looking for someone. And then the dog would look sad and go lay in his bed. My uncle told me that he thinks the dog was looking for me. I think it was selfish of my grandma to keep her dog away from me, knowing how much we made each other happy.

    • @alonzomosley7
      @alonzomosley7 Год назад +116

      I live with a guy who is the same ,he is pathetically jealous of my relationship with his dog .I gave up I feel for the dog I now have little to do with the dog SAD

    • @camellia8625
      @camellia8625 Год назад +72

      So sad for both you and the 🐕

    • @rexbeavers6746
      @rexbeavers6746 Год назад +130

      Sounds like you had a horrible set of parents/grandparents. I’m sorry.

    • @Dice-Z
      @Dice-Z Год назад +122

      @@alonzomosley7 My god, jealousy for an animal is incredibly low.

    • @marciloni12
      @marciloni12 Год назад +70

      They are evil, and karma will get them.

  • @swarnakshidas
    @swarnakshidas Год назад +246

    He had his pets to show off that how animal lover he was but as days passed I realized through his rough behavior with even those soundless creatures same as he used to treat me when I disobeyed him . They were simply punching bags for that cruel , heartless man.
    Thank you.

    • @HoneyBadger80886
      @HoneyBadger80886 Год назад +6

      You never "disobeyed". He failed to recognize and respect your personhood and equality. You ❤️ you and be happy he's in the rear view window.

    • @rodica69
      @rodica69 Год назад +12

      Yesterday, I saved our dog from being chocked to death by my narcissist husband. The dog had an eye problem and needed a little eye surgery, and than, at home, she needed to wear a cone. "Dear hubby" wanted put on the collar+cone himself. The dog started to choke to death. I immediately checked her and loosened the collar (it was VERY tight).
      The poor lil' soul went to sleep immediately (she was still under the anaesthetic's effect). Of course, the "hubby" was in total denial and I ended up bullied and being called "crazy, paranoid, liar..." you name it.

    • @statusdisarray9598
      @statusdisarray9598 Год назад +1


    • @swarnakshidas
      @swarnakshidas Год назад

      @@HoneyBadger80886 I can relate with your comment . It really made me think twice if I know u or u know me !

    • @JackBeNimble-ff3hb
      @JackBeNimble-ff3hb Год назад

      @@rodica69 stay on alert. people who hate animals are sociopaths...........

  • @blueorange6026
    @blueorange6026 Год назад +86

    I was with my ex for two years. We spent all our time at his home, and he often asked me to bring my cat from my own home, to stay at his house, permanently as though we were gonna live together. Intuitively I knew not to take her there. If she had as much as scratched his furniture I knew he'd hurt her.

  • @cheryltodd695
    @cheryltodd695 Год назад +5

    Thank you for talking about how cruel a narcissist can be to pets because they are jealous people. They go out of their way to talk down about you and your pet that is apparently in the way of them obtaining the attention they desire. Without even knowing about how narcissists act, I conclude and believe for sure my friend of 49 years was terribly jealous of my pets because he was not getting the attention he wanted from me. No contact has been in effect for almost a year and I can honestly say I feel great relief.

  • @sherrydee7880
    @sherrydee7880 Год назад +54

    I never realized the correlation between infants and pets, but I now can CLEARLY see how my NPD ex treated our new baby, his jealousy and the way he was always trying to separate me from the infant that I was breastfeeding. He did a lot of damage that I was blind to until this very moment. I have to agree that the word "EVIL" is closer to what these hard core NPD people truly seem to be. A disorder can often be worked with and rectified for the good of all involved. I don't think I have ever seen the upper NPD people come down off their pedestals for more than a few minutes, then it's right back to abuse, drama and outright lies.

    • @chadx8269
      @chadx8269 9 месяцев назад

      NPD? Other people don't understand your acronyms. So. Write it down folliw by ( )

    • @ac-hk4fs
      @ac-hk4fs 5 месяцев назад

      I understand your conflict well. When I think back to the time I began dating my husband (35 yrs ago), he showed so many signs of narcissism. But I had no idea what it was back then. I tolerated his odd behaviors because I 'loved' him. The first time that I realized how nasty and bizarre his behaviors were, was when we had our daughter. For the first 6 months of her life, he pouted, stomped around and complained about how she and I were getting so much attention from family/friends, and he was ignored. I specifically remember him telling my family that he was being treated like he had no part in creating this baby and felt like an ATM machine, etc. While I understood that it was a huge change in our lives and some of his concerns were valid, I couldn't get over how dramatic he was being about it all. Jealous, over a baby? YOUR baby?! Really?! He was behaving like a toddler who couldn't control his emotions and would literally have tantrums. I felt like I was Mommy to 2 children. It was embarrassing. For a time it got a little better, but he would end up going in and out of these fits throughout our marriage (did it with our 2nd child, pets, etc.) and ended up becoming distant and unfaithful. He often sought out the attention and company of co-workers (mostly female) for supply/validation. It's what he always needed and craved (and always will), in order to function normally and be 'happy' (ie. Regulated). It took me 36 years and a final discard by him to realize this and take the hint. 😢 I have always truly loved him and am devastated that our marriage didn't last, but I understand now that it just wasn't meant to be, and we need to go our seperate ways. I refuse to be in someone's life that doesn't want me there. I'm worth way more than that. It hurts, but it's ok. We will be alright. All the best to you and everyone else going through this.

  • @soulonice99
    @soulonice99 10 месяцев назад +2

    This topic is IMPORTANT. Whoever you are ... don't ignore it one more hour.

  • @rosemarybrown4407
    @rosemarybrown4407 Год назад +38

    Your analysis on pets is so truthful - I have witnessed regular abuse of a pet by its owner who is a narcissistic bastard - plus my own dog doesn’t like him he senses his evil treatment of everyone

    • @keh-dalia809
      @keh-dalia809 Год назад +4

      You definitely need to report that!

  • @julieolson1402
    @julieolson1402 Год назад +28

    I was indelibly impressed with how a cat, and a toddler, reacted with anxiety when meeting a narcissist neighbor, who swore to me that animals and kids LOVED her. Now I always rely on cues from others when I think I detect a narcissist. Thank you for your great video. It informed me of potential horrors I wouldn't have anticipated. I think I'll be a new subscriber.

  • @BarbDano
    @BarbDano 5 месяцев назад

    You are totally correct with every word you explain of this action. I felt you were explained what I lived. I had a white German Sheppard. I am in recovery and seeing a life coach 4yrs. It's a hard road, but I'm growing and starting to get my life back.

  • @rachelthompson4996
    @rachelthompson4996 Год назад +10

    All you say is true. My ex husband put my dog down without bringing him home from the vet. The man I got engaged to after that would complain about my dog and kick him form jealousy, He'd say 'why you go to the dog? why you not come to me?'. Thankfully I broke up with him but it was hard to get away. It takes years for the penny to drop - for me to understand what kind of person I was dealing with. Thank you for the message and information you are passing on to help others.

  • @zamyrabyrd
    @zamyrabyrd Год назад +16

    When we were growing up, we kids were not allowed pets, so it surprised me that my mother got an Alaskan husky, actually brought to her by her live in boyfriend. She was gushing about her affection for the dog, even let her have a litter. A couple years later, she callously had the pet put down, saying it was too much trouble to care for her.

    • @serahloeffelroberts9901
      @serahloeffelroberts9901 Год назад +1

      My vet refuses to euthanize healthy animals and always finds good homes for them. He's a good man.

  • @timefoolery
    @timefoolery Год назад +11

    My situation with my Narc was odd and I think it was because of my father. He loved animals dearly, and it was a part of my mother’s act to pretend she loved them, too. But the only animals she liked were as you said, the ones who clung to her. But there were moments that I hated her for how she treated some of our pets. My 12 year old cat got thrown outside to never be let in again when I left for college. The reason was because she was shedding 🙄. I saw the cat at Thanksgiving that year but she had disappeared by Xmas break a month later. She either died of loneliness or a predator got her. I will always bear a hate for my mother for doing that to her. Another time, I had found a Boston terrier running along the street, which such an animal is very expensive and I imagined someone would want it back. It was a really high-stress dog at first but started to chill out. Meanwhile I had an ad in the paper advising I’d found the dog. I came home two days later to find she had loaded up the dog and dumped it on the opposite side of town. Once my father died, she got to being more active in preventing us from taking in pets, and I think the absolute worst thing she did to animals was when a Manx cat showed up at our house pregnant. My brother and I wanted to bring her in so we could tame her kittens and give them away. NO. We had to make a place for her outside in a shed. And then the cat disappeared, likely taken by a fox, and then her kittens began disappearing, but still we couldn’t bring them in. The last kitten we found shivering in a tree and that’s when I put my foot down and brought him indoors. And between me and my brother, we kept him indoors for 17 awesome years. I think what I hated most about my Narc mom was the way she picked and chose which animals she would tolerate and to hell with the ones she didn’t. 😢

  • @GabrielsTears
    @GabrielsTears Год назад +13

    He looks almost like my kitties. Mine too had a traumatic history. I got them from the shelter and it took them a year to learn that I was not going to hit them. And these are the sweetest little kitties anyone could ever have.

  • @Humbleyogi93
    @Humbleyogi93 10 месяцев назад +2

    When I was a young child through my teen years my dad would beat literally punch and kick any and every dog we had if they had an accident in the house. They were puppies and just needed training. The sounds of their cries I can still remember. He told me that's what you had to do in order for them to learn. But what I observed is that those animals never respected him. They feared him and would keep their heads low everytime he would come around. That's exactly how he treated my mom and I. My mom and I reacted the same way the animals did.

  • @blacksheepbrown1601
    @blacksheepbrown1601 Год назад +63

    I had a mother and son cat pair. I’d had them about 14 years when I got married. I married a narcissist. She hated the cats, and showed absolutely no affection or desire to form a bond with them. Cats would walk on the counter tops. She demanded I put an end to this. I explained I had tried. Cats often times don’t follow their humans rules. So I had to spray them with water whenever they did this, which didn’t have any effect on the situation, as I knew it wouldn’t. She actually started demanding I give them to the pound. I loved these cats, and was upset my new wife would demand such a thing, knowing full well I was not willing, under circumstances, to get rid of these two cats, which I loved very much. Much to my dismay, I had two children with her, and had to watch treat our children in a similar manner, mainly in regards to neglect. The kids were always left with the grandmother, or myself. But hey, whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. I filed for divorce when the kids were just one and six months of age. So sad.

    • @KatErina-ii6ru
      @KatErina-ii6ru Год назад +7

      Glad you could leave 💗

    • @blacksheepbrown1601
      @blacksheepbrown1601 Год назад +4

      @@KatErina-ii6ru to make matters worse, my 22 year old daughter lives with her, and has a cat. The cat walks on the counter tops, and she doesn’t complain about it at all. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @camellia8625
      @camellia8625 Год назад +3

      Good you got out and removed the children from the unhealthy dynamic

    • @blacksheepbrown1601
      @blacksheepbrown1601 Год назад +6

      @@camellia8625 no, both children live with their mother. They have always complained about her, but she had the house, 60% custody and cousin for the kids. I had expectations (chores, be enrolled on athletic teams, and go hiking with me on weekends), whereas moms had they could do anything they wanted. No chores, no rules, not even a bedtime on week nights. So, of course, they favored their moms house. Mom had her mother living there to do all household chores. Mom just watched TV and went out on dates. It is what it is

    • @tovenrvik6336
      @tovenrvik6336 Год назад +2

      Narcissists are always jelous and envious on others, even your pets and children ‼️🎯JazzyT.

  • @andreagruber5813
    @andreagruber5813 Год назад +9

    That just shows, that I was right. I once had a housemate and she was in my opinion a Narcissist. I came home, after being 3 weeks in the country I was born (long story, why I call it like that) and I saw her limping as well. It broke my heart. 😿 She had already a tough time behind her, by being several years on the street and a while in a shelter. It was a black cat and I loved her. Unfortunately only after she lived with me about 2,5 years, I just came out of the bathroom and she was laying aside with some strange moves. It was in the middle of the night ans I had to take the vet which had open. She had a stroke and I had to decide the worst you can imagine, but he (hopefully he was not lying to me) was telling me, that she would not survive too long and was in pain. I still hope, that at least the last few years she could have a little bit of a taste, what a nice cat-life is.
    I also grew up in a narcissistic household. Believe it or not, in my case, my parents where able to turn the whole family against me, this is one of the reason, why I do not even live in the country anymore, I was born. I was always "too weird" and I recently made a personality test (although I hate to be in a special category) It turned out that I am an INFJ-T and well, I do now understand some things more, but it does not get it more easy.
    Thank you, for talking about it. ❤

    • @jessicapatton2688
      @jessicapatton2688 Год назад +1

      I’m an infj too! Yes we are weird!!

    • @andreagruber5813
      @andreagruber5813 Год назад

      @@jessicapatton2688 I know. Sometimes I feel like from another planet, but what shell we do about it. Oh, it seems like I did not write, it was a black cat, did I. Oh, sometimes I only "think" some sentences.

  • @andeblieck
    @andeblieck 10 месяцев назад

    My ex frist ex, who is a narcisist, he was so jealous of the loving bound me and my cat had that he put him just 3 centimeters from the turning ventilator on the sealing. My cat was terrified since than from the ventilator hanging there.
    My 2nd ex, he had a dog, a rotweiler. Hé was so shining and proud that his dog was agressif to me.
    The 3th ex, he trow my cat out of the house when I wasn't at home for a period. It was snowing for weeks and he never let him come inside the house again. I never saw my cat back. I've been surching for him for months, but never found him back. He did that to break me because he had new supply and I wasn't easy going anymore... I struggled for years and years of feeling so guilthy to my cat. I'm still not over it. That was what broke my heart, it literally felt broken, such pain in my heart for more than a year. And he, my ex, he had his fun... Sick people... They destroy so much.
    2 weeks ago I left the one I was together with for a year. He was a friend for 27 years, but had hide well that he is a narcisist too... He tried to dump my 2 cats to hurt me, and said afterwards he would never have done that. O no, really, he did even break the door to get to my cats to scare them and me. He's the devil, the worst of all I've had in my life. Too bad I'm a real magnet for these types. But I got out and am healing, thanks to the suppof my therapist and doctor I had the power to leave with all I have, and my 2 cats to a mini mini apartment. We are safe! He tries to get me back. He doesn't understand that I know, and I told him. He lost the most beautiful in his life, real love, and I am finding back love, from myself and my cats ❤️ Thank you for your video's! ❤️

  • @Wahnetta
    @Wahnetta Год назад +7

    My mother in law is quite abusive to animals. She constantly insults her own dog by calling her fat and ungreatful and controls her food. Threatens to take her to the pound for not doing exactly as she demands. I feel sorry for the dog.
    We had to move in with her for a while and brought our own dog.
    She choked our dog on at least once. Another incident was when she was mad at my husband and did something to the dog and caused her to limp.
    You are so correct in all you say. Thank you

  • @tesia626
    @tesia626 Год назад +9

    ❤ As difficult as it was to hear this treatment of animal companions articulated, I want to thank Danish. When I saw his cat in a previous video, I knew he was not only a friend of survivors but to precious animal companions too.
    I have always loved animals, cats in particular. My mother and sister neglected my cat during my senior year in college. She died covered in fleas and shut away in my room. One of her remaining kittens from a litter of three is ill right now at 19 years old and my mom has me financially dependent (long, complicated story) and is watching her die slowly instead of helping me get her to the vet to see if anything can be done for her, knowing her health has been declining for 3 years. One of my first memories is her my mother making me and siblings abandon kittens she had let us have in the dead of night by the railroad in elementary school.

    • @abcr1998
      @abcr1998 8 месяцев назад

      My golden child sister treats her dog better than my son . She talk to and treats her dog while completly ignoring my son.

  • @annettemoolman6504
    @annettemoolman6504 9 месяцев назад

    Fully agree. We don't deserve the great love of our pets and animals. Thank you for this video❤

  • @charlieangelyoutube
    @charlieangelyoutube Год назад +18

    You’re right. We don’t deserve the pure, unconditional love of animals! They’re so innocent and free of malice. They will only ever attack out of complete fear in many cases to protect their babies. Sometimes they just take the abuse 😞💔 PS I’m so sorry for what your poor animals and you suffered. Breaks my heart to hear such things. Much love to Ben and Bella ❤️❤️

    • @princesspikachu3915
      @princesspikachu3915 Год назад +1

      What about all the unprovoked dog attacks because someone can’t contain their bully breed? Unconditional love my butt. I had an ex set his “Am-Staff Terrier” on me and have nerve damage all these years later.
      Unless you mean they unconditionally love to turn on their owners or rescuers to which I agree.

    • @skathwoelya2935
      @skathwoelya2935 Год назад +2

      @@princesspikachu3915 Dogs obey their owners. Narcissists should never be allowed to own animals.

  • @brettt2000
    @brettt2000 6 месяцев назад

    yes, absolutely , he was jealous when I meet the dog and cuddle it. He would try not to show it but still was trying to discipline a dog to prevent our exchange of joy. Happened all the time when he was visiting after we broke up.

  • @The.Sicilian.Realtor
    @The.Sicilian.Realtor 2 месяца назад

    My ex gave away my dog . I told him I didn’t want to get rid of her but he did it anyways. Broke my heart. I still miss her :(

  • @stopwars8642
    @stopwars8642 Год назад

    I'm so thankful someone is finally talking about this topic about pets not just humans. Animal creulty is top on my list and I want to change the laws that have been so slack for years on end. They let abusers go up to 11 counts and still not punishing them. It should be one count and done. Where is the fight for animals ? eveyone turns a blind eye. Where is the culture change that keeps passing it on ?. I had a dog and he was senstive to thunder and had panic attacks so if you were not home he would try to escape and and scratch and put holes in the walls. Otherwise he had no issues. Then it happend we had a house and storm came and were not home.The dog put a whole in wall. So my ex husband then flipped out when he got home and agressively started to yell and pull the dogs collar as he coward under the table bcause he wanted him now out into the garage since he dammaged the walls and now he has ro repair it .He forcebly pulled the dog out and put him in garage and wanted him to stay there. Next he went online to some animal site and put my dog for sale. So I went on there and told the people what happend and that he was not for sale. The people were disgusted. From then on I knew he was wrong for me. Anyone who cares more about their house then the animals own fears that they cannot control and punishes them for it is not worthy. The animal doesnt even know what they did wrong since it was hours after event as well. He continued to punish and ignore our dog for any attention for a month which made me sad for him too. while we were married he get jealous of the attention to the dog and kids more than him. I said why woud you get married since when you do there is no allattention jsut on you anymore thats a given but he ddit like that. Prior in the past I had a bf and a cat then. We lived together for a short time I brought my cat. He got mad that the cat was crunching on his food in the kitchen late at night and waking him up. Also he complained that the cat hair was anonying and on his clothes and I needed to vacume more. I think we had a convo about the cat or him and it was def the cat not him and I lator left him.These people dont have any heart for anything less than perfect and thats not the way life is.

  • @Hawaiiansky11
    @Hawaiiansky11 Год назад +1

    I had to click on this video, because during my healing journey, my dog Mandy recently came into my mind. I found a couple of old snapshots of her from when she was a puppy then a year later when she was grown. I adopted her from the county fair when I was 14, at the FFA petting zoo where they would offer puppies and kittens for adoption.
    After much begging and pleading, I was allowed to take home the little puppy. I had intended to train her so that I could later show her at 4-H events. Even though we lived on 5 acres, I was not allowed to keep her in the house, although I did sneak her in from time to time. She was a puppy, but I had to keep her in the garage. Grant you, this is Minnesota where the winters can be excessively cold, oftentimes below 0 for weeks at a time. Still, she was not allowed inside. Our garage was attached, but not heated. We had an older fixed male dog who left her alone. He had a doghouse that was eventually moved into the garage. I didn't know a thing about raising an animal back then, but I lament now at age 53 that the bond was not able to be adequately formed because she was never allowed inside.
    Aside but related: when we were little, my father drove over-the-road semi truck. He would be gone for 2-3 weeks at a time, come home for 2-3 days, then be off again. My narcissist mother delighted in being able to tell us, "Just wait until your father gets home!" So she would tell him about the naughty things we had done over the past 2-3 weeks, and he would beat us with his belt in succession. It occurs to me that her doing so was a way of creating a 'negative association' between the children and their father, by making it so every time we saw him, we would be afraid of him and associate him being home with us getting hit.
    I believe (cannot say for certain, but it seems familiar - many of my memories are returning, slowly, and I have worked to decipher their realness v. contemplation). I believe that she also did that with me and my puppy. She would tell me that Mandy had done something wrong that day, then tell me to spank her. I didn't know back then --at age 14-15--that you don't do that to animals. They have no way of knowing why they are being spanked. And this was the 1980s where we didn't know not to hit animals. I played a little too rough with her outside, but tried to give her as much time and attention as I could and also train her to do tricks and walk on a leash, which she didn't like (probably because I was forced to keep her tied up all day while I was in school or at swim lessons, etc.).
    Over time, my mother brainwashed me into believing that there was something 'wrong' with the dog; she was too aggressive. My flying monkey siblings were all too happy to agree with this. She had me take the dog to the vet and request that she be euthanized. I can remember the vet seeming shocked, because she was young and healthy. I remember saying to the vet with flat affect, "I can't go home with the dog," using the term 'the dog' as opposed to her gender or name. This breaks my heart now, when I realize how cold I had become towards this little creature I had once loved. I now allow myself to grieve over it; I really hope and pray that the vet adopted her out rather than go through with the procedure.
    Now, whenever I think of the Barry Manilow song, it makes me tear up, because that's literally my song for her. She came and she gave without taking...but I sent her away.
    If I didn't know any better (sarcasm), I'd guess that my narcissist mother made it so I had nobody who loved me and so that I had nobody to love.
    So yes, I agree that narcissists are evil / demonic / satanic / soulless - how else could they work so hard to steal, kill and destroy the purest form of energy there is? Love? And innocent creatures such as dogs and cats? I remember we also had a dog named Ginger for a short while, but I do not recall what happened to her. I suspect my mother had her k'd too. I was probably told she 'ran away.'

  • @P4melaMasters
    @P4melaMasters Год назад +5

    I dated a narc psycho for 2 months. I got rid, but he was very dangerous.
    The worst thing was when I saw on Facebook that his next lady had a dog. I felt so scared and sad for that dog

  • @adamlivingstone3239
    @adamlivingstone3239 4 месяца назад

    Much love, yes , there are too many people that just flat out hate an animal. I lived with a gal. The cats were best friends. Later, she left. ( left me with her cat ) every time I took out the broom. My cat would hide . These guys were best friends.

  • @kritikaroy5058
    @kritikaroy5058 Год назад +9

    Have faced all the points Danish😭 it breaks my heart to remember the past. Unfortunately I got married to a narcissist after trying to get out of my narcissistic maternal home. My babies -dog and turtles got abused like anything. They became so exhausted like me and scared. Literally traumatized. My mother abuses my dog when I am not watching. My dog avoids her. Poor baby. I feel so sad to have brought her into this shit with me. Her dog has separate set of rules. And my baby has separate. She would allow her dog to eat anything from the kitchen or even the counter. But my dog will be beaten up even if she is playing around somewhere near the kitchen. My now ex husband suddenly devalued my dog once he realised that i won't let him abuse her in any way. Finally suddenly one day he asked both of us to get out of his house that too at around 1-2 AM because his mother had allergies from dogs. 😲 they are sooooo brain just hurts. On the pretext of dog my mom has abused me many times in several different ways. I feel so sad for my baby she was caged for several months. And ex's family sprayed hand sanitizer in her eyes, threw burning matchstick at her. When I was not watching. Am so shocked how they condition us to fall prey for them even after all these tortures. Danish thank you for covering so many topics. I sincerely wait for your videos. Because they are lifeline right now for me.

    • @pam8962
      @pam8962 Год назад +1

      I'm so sorry 😞

    • @tovenrvik6336
      @tovenrvik6336 Год назад

      Narcissists are predators, they are not capable of love and lacks empathy, they are takers who only breadcrumbs others‼️🎯JazzyT.

    • @eavi1653
      @eavi1653 Год назад

      How old are you? You need to call the police instead of just letting your dog get abused.

    • @pam8962
      @pam8962 Год назад +1

      @E Avi iam 60 years old. The animal abuse happened in my childhood. Iam and wonderful 🐕 👩. I have never had children. My dogs are my children and they are loved and spoiled 💕 ❤️ rightfully so

  • @Keelan350
    @Keelan350 4 месяца назад

    When I was younger, my dad would not allow us to adopt a pet. We had to write a 200-page long essay to adopt. When my pet passed away at the age of 19, I cried so hard I nearly unalived myself. he would not allow me to adopt another pet.

  • @tarasilver8591
    @tarasilver8591 5 месяцев назад

    2 yrs ago me 50 her 70 my narcissistic mother had to stay with me or go to a shelter i worked nights n hated that she was in my house with my 5 cats she said they were doing spite work when they would run across the couch she was sitting on she hated that i loved them n they loved me she would say ur cats get more attention than her n then she did it she called me at work 2am winter snowing n said she thinks one of the cats got out it was my 3rd stray a bombay who she knew was my absolute favorite i told her she better pray to whoever she worships (herself) that i find him because if i dont she needs to leave... I rushed home from work just left didnt say anything i bundled up i spread tuna fish n snacks all on my porch n i layed there until the sun came out i fell asleep when i woke up thefe he was laying at my feet❤❤

  • @Eniral441
    @Eniral441 Год назад +1

    I think it was convenient that that the dog that accepted me as their human was also a troublemaker. She was hard-headed and my narc complained a lot. My case wasn't as bad though.

  • @joyporcella81
    @joyporcella81 Год назад +9

    Danish the woman I told you about had a black cat and this news scares me to death and i love animals been with the ASPCA since 2015 and it breaks my heart. I will try to find the poor black female cat. I love all animals and i would do anything to take it away from her. Even the cat has a negative name and its called Suicide now im gonna make it my mission to intervene on that little sweethearts behalf. Im so scared that i will lie to her just to take care of it and get it away from her. I will lie to get that little animal and i would call her Midnite Rendezvous. Thank you for being so thoroughly amazing!❤️💜💙💚💛

  • @yugoslava6409
    @yugoslava6409 Год назад

    Oh, this video broke my heart. I am not pet owner, had never been as I live all my life with fobia of cats, but.... I have seen the scenes of pat abuse and it definitely made me sick to my stomach, like you narration. 💔

  • @meyalshaial5280
    @meyalshaial5280 10 месяцев назад

    Omg that 100% true. They never like animals only pretend. Which sounds scary for me.

  • @lisaoberle9721
    @lisaoberle9721 Год назад +4

    Oh my goodness, I am mortified what I must have put my dog through. Before I got away from him, I feel so terrible for her..

  • @ghostieable
    @ghostieable 10 месяцев назад

    Brilliant talk. Very enlightening. Thanks

  • @tiosurcgib
    @tiosurcgib 11 месяцев назад

    After the narc came to live with me, my little dog started to have unusual behaviour. He would hesitate to enter the room, however much gentle coaxing on my part. At this stage I wasn't aware that my partner was a narc, nor what that implied particularly. At the time I used to leave the narc on his own with my dog every weekday in order to see my elderly mother and ensure she was ok.
    It's only in retrospect that I realise the narc probably hurt my dog in my absence. He has recounted occasions when he had acted cruelly towards other dogs yet always acted lovingly tomy dog in my presence. If only I'd had a hidden cam in the room!

  • @paulablair395
    @paulablair395 Год назад

    My narcissist ex took my beloved cat and threw it to the dogs, dumped it in a nearby creek, then took it to the vet, telling me to look at what good care he shows toward my pet. It's an evil that I am not facing very well, and certainly not healing.

  • @uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu61
    @uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu61 4 месяца назад

    My narc friends dog was a nervous wreck when my friend wasn't around. My friend refused to take the dog on walks until the weather was nice and she wanted to go outside. She would tell me that her dog didn't like walks. I found this to be untrue, in fact her dog loved walks.

  • @billygreenbean7119
    @billygreenbean7119 Год назад

    It breaks my heart how widespread the mistreatment of our furry friends is. One of life’s biggest gifts is our relationship with dogs, cats or any other type of friend one can have. A human holds so much power objectively over a dog or cat that to abuse that bond in any way is so sad and angering. They deserve love and respect and nothing less. Abusing animals is a sign a person would abuse anyone they felt they could get away with abusing. Animals can’t literally tell us what a person does. I think that adds to why it makes me sick.
    Great video man. Blessings to you and yours.

  • @Mimzmim-ng2bf
    @Mimzmim-ng2bf 9 месяцев назад

    I pretend to be upset that my pet shows interest and love to the narcissistic, they get their fix of upsetting me and weaponizing my pets affection and in turn my pet is safe because the more they seen it as a useful tool that served them, the safer they were. They tried hard to remain the "good guy" in my pets eyes so they get the pay off of upsetting me but my pet remained safe and pampered. It hurt to see them spending time with someone who fake loved them when I wanted to love them for real but I had to put their safety first. Time is precious and something I will never get back but I hope she's looking down from heaven and sees the sacrifice as an act of unselfish love. My hell and torment for her heaven = worth it.

  • @susanbetts761
    @susanbetts761 Год назад

    Such an excellent video! Thank you…

  • @terrioestreich4007
    @terrioestreich4007 Год назад

    It bothers me when people say that we don't deserve pets, because they love so unconditionally. I think that the people with that view actually hate humans, as though others are evil and don't deserve love themselves. And that maybe they aren't in the 'others' group, THEY are the ones who see the value in pets but nobody else does. I know that this is probably out of nowhere but every time I hear that, I am trying to figure that out because it always seems to be self serving instead of just appreciating the lovely animals

  • @gothiccswamphag
    @gothiccswamphag 2 месяца назад +1

    I got a young galah and she became attached to me and my ex narc would bash the cage and cover her up and scream at her to shutup whenever i wasnt in the room and the bird would screech to get me back. I have no idea how bad it was when i wasnt home.. i dont want to think about it. Since hes gone, not only has the bird calmed down a lot, my cats are also less stressed. (my cats never liked being near him ). my pets knew before I did on how toxic he really was.

  • @christinav3383
    @christinav3383 Год назад

    So true Danish so very true the German shepherd would bow to him and walk backwards and with me the dog would bite my toes and love me so much, but never bowed. The dog picked up on his personality hard as a stone.

  • @stephaniebradshaw2375
    @stephaniebradshaw2375 Год назад

    When I first moved in with my ex, I noticed he had been locking his dogs in the dark basement for extremely long periods of time. I would ask for him to allow the dogs upstairs with us but he'd make excuses for why he wouldn't. When one of our dogs died, I would hear the other crying and knew how lonely and sad he must be so I finally convinced him to allow him upstairs. The catch was, he had to stay in a crate a majority of the time. I had to wait for my ex to leave to let him out to play and be a part of the family. After he passed our boy was so devastated, I was convinced to get us a new dog. I refused to allow the crate so one day when I was at work, my daughter called hysterical. She told me my ex had kicked our new puppy so hard the entire neighborhood could hear him yelping. I rushed home and found that not only did he abuse our puppy, he did it in front of our little boy. We decided we had enough at that moment so we moved. While in the process of moving I had to leave the cats. I never witnessed him mistreat them so thought it would be okay for a few days. As a form of punishment, my ex locked the cats in the basement with no food or water. I wasn't narcissist aware at the time but happy to know now so I'm better equipped at dealing with him.

  • @Angelic102
    @Angelic102 9 месяцев назад

    My mother couldn’t stand that I was happy with my cat even though she took all my freedoms away as a normal child but I was still able to be happy with my cat so while I was asleep she stole my cat and the nanny told me I cried for months begging her to bring him back she said she had no idea where he was while having a smirk on her face to see me broken she never brought my cat back an denied it with a smirk all these years can u imagine she still gets satisfaction from remembering how that hurts me to this day I loved him so much she couldn’t handle me happy I miss him always remember him and I pray he is in another loving home atleast and not dumped on the street alone and run over 😢that’s the positive thought that let’s me sleep at night she would do the same to any family or friends that like me my older sister and her couldn’t handle people thinking I’m smart or kind or nice in any way they then would say the most shocking things to people so they don’t like me and things that r so beneath me it just doesn’t fit my nature but because it’s my own mother and sister people look and talk with me with caution like I’m a monster

  • @lauramudazken
    @lauramudazken Год назад

    I can't forget the day my psychologist said I needed a service dog and had one for me to give to me in the moment, skipping the around 2 years of waiting list to have one... My mother said no, keep saying no, despite knowing, as many specialists have told her I need it, not just for mental health, but for diabetes and leep disorders, I'm fighting this to be consiste abusd, as I know a service dog would even attack my parents for being so narcissists and try to manipulate ans hurt my son and me... Still, I need it.

  • @ahc1957
    @ahc1957 4 месяца назад

    This is the number 1 reason I do not have a dog now and my heart is breaking without one.😢😭😿

  • @beastly.warner
    @beastly.warner 4 месяца назад

    He told me he always wanted a Sheppard. So...i got him one. We didnt know the pup had lymphoma. I just knew something was wrong. When i left him, he kept the dog. I remember him kicking him and treating him poorly. Poor dude would cry all the time.
    After a couple of months, he called me to ask what to do. I stopped by and examined him. Every lymph node in his body was swollen and he had zero appetite.
    He refused to go back with him when he had to be i did. Feeling that cold...that kind of enraged me. If i had demanded to take him, at least he would have had peace and pain management.
    Because i was so afraid of what he would do, i failed that dog.

  • @sharonoverton9897
    @sharonoverton9897 Год назад

    This is so ex husband would physically torture my Doberman, when I was not home..we got into so many fights over my dog constantly 😢..

  • @Freshbrood
    @Freshbrood Год назад

    My ex was a narcissist who kept her large lab on a rope in her yard 24/7 as home security, never spending any time with the dog. It was so starved for affection and play that it would have lapped and wagged it's tail if any criminals tried to climb her fence. I called her out on the pointlessness of owning the dog and encouraged her to give him to a loving family who would spend time with him. Ignored me.
    Sadly I see so many moronic pet owners like this- especially the dogs for security types.

  • @edithasd2806
    @edithasd2806 Год назад

    my narc ex used to make my dog missbehave on purpose just to kick it. He would just stand there knowing my dog wanted to say hi to him, and my ex would get very angry if the dog's paws were dirty and get dirt on his clothes. Then my ex used that to be rude to me and hit my dog. That happened twice, and I had to carry my dog inside because I wasn't going to let it happen a third time. But it was so annoying because he would come to me and my dog every time I had to take it for a walk, so my dog's walk was interrupted. He also had a dog, but the dog was always sad and anxious, I felt bad for that dog.

  • @blondebeaker938
    @blondebeaker938 Год назад

    My narc mom treats her cats like gold..
    There were times I needed help, like had nothing to eat at home and she splurged on real leather collars that were $75 a piece,she has 4 cats.
    But claimed to me she didn't have the money to help me out,granted I don't ask for help often.. I definitely won't ask for it ever after this, needed to say we're not talking anymore

  • @debscrats55
    @debscrats55 8 месяцев назад

    My late (narcissistic) husband kept getting himself dogs, then when the poor thing would show a preference for me, he lost interest in it and started letting it run, supposedly this was ok since we lived in the country. Then they would disappear or get hit by a car. Then a couple weeks later another puppy would appear, and it would start all over.

  • @jane84321
    @jane84321 4 месяца назад

    I suspect that my nar abused my best best buddy (my dog) after he demanded I go back to work and pay more money to live with him even though I was caring for his personal care and buying all the food and household items needed plus my bills. One day I came home from work and my dog was very sick My nar bf said he didn't want to call me at work and worry me. My best buddy survived a few more days and die. I never suspected the abuse until he kicked me out of his house, and one day out of nowhere, the thought came to mind he threw him across the room for getting on the bed. One of the hardest things to live with. I blame myself because if I had never went to live with such a bad person I believe my best buddy would still be alive. He has a dog and he would scream and yell at the dog everyday. At least while I lived with him I could kinda watch over her. After 8 months after he kicked me out he threw me some bread crumbs and I went to visit. When I got there he would scream and yell at her as usual and make her stay in the bedroom so I couldn't show her affection. She didn’t going blind. I believe its will most likely kill her. Lord help him and me if I ever find out he killed my best buddy. I will find a way to notify authorities anonymously for his dog's safety after watching this video. When I would show attention to dogs he would bark like a dog because he wasn't getting attention. At times I still have problems wondering if could have done more in the relationship to keep it together. But after watching this video I don't think I'll have that problem anymore. This is just one more confirmation to add to the hundreds I already have.

  • @debbyn4647
    @debbyn4647 9 месяцев назад

    My ex. His whole family is plagued with narcissim. I ran into his mother at the store with her new pet 😢 It was only 1 week after her pet died, and they replaced her with another. Horrible, horrible people. Needless to say he sent me a message, and i went no contact for the 4th time blocking him from messenger. These people are monsters. They do not love pets. They do not love at all.

    • @debbyn4647
      @debbyn4647 9 месяцев назад

      Her pet that died away was mauled by the neighbors dog. She replaced it very quickly. Sad.

  • @Marganod
    @Marganod Год назад

    I used to date a serial cheater, a narcissist, and he'd found himself someone new. I was taking him to task and he was standing in his living room telling me that he was in love, nothing he'd ever experienced came close, and he threatened to break up with me. His cat came to me and rubbed on my leg during this argument, then came to him, and he kicked his cat. I told him I'd call animal control on him if he ever touched his cat that way again, but I needn't have done so; the cat bit him on the back of the ankle and he wound up in the hospital for a week with infection. The breakup happened, of course, and all I heard after from him was a lament about ending up in the hospital. No regrets for anything he did to the cat or to me. Total narcissist.

  • @mariepascale6921
    @mariepascale6921 Год назад

    J'ai connu un PN qui avait une jument. Il venait de se l'acheter.
    Il voulait que je m'en occupe la semaine parce que tout ce qui l'intéressait, lui, c'était les concours le weekend.
    Il était sûr de gagner tous les concours.
    En fait il était éliminé à chaque fois.
    Et puis il a constaté que j'avais créé un lien avec la jument.
    Alors il a dit que s'il ne gagnait pas en concours c'est parce que je montais mal à cheval. C'était de ma faute.
    Il a voulu m'imposer une façon de monter qui était mauvaise pour le cheval. Moi j'avais plus d'expérience que lui, j'ai continué comme je savais faire.
    Alors il m'a interdit de monter, puis de m'occuper de la jument.
    En fait il était devenu jaloux !
    Je devais aller les weekends en concours avec lui pour faire les tâches ingrates mais j'avais interdiction de toucher la jument. Je ne pouvais pas lui donner à boire.
    Il préférait que la jument attende 1/2 en pleine chaleur pour boire dans le seau qu'il lui donnait, lui.
    J'aimais cette jument qui avait un petit caractère rebelle et qui était très vive. Elle était intéressante.
    J'ai quitté le mec.
    La jument, je l'ai revue 3 ans plus tard. Elle était devenue triste. Le caractère complètement cassé. Plus aucune volonté.
    C'est là que j'ai vraiment compris que ce gars était un PN. (La jument était"morte dans sa tête" c'était comme une machine.)
    Je n'avais pas compris qu'il était PN par rapport à ce qu'il me faisait subir à moi. J'ai compris grâce à la pauvre jument. 😳

  • @nainai8173
    @nainai8173 5 месяцев назад

    My mother would get me a pet as a child and when she felt like I was " misbehaving" she would kill it or give it away 😢😢😢

  • @weissnathalie7428
    @weissnathalie7428 2 месяца назад

    That's true ! He was mean whith our dog, Reglisse, a so intelligent and kind dog : he said that she wasn't good at anything !
    I think he was jealous of the love she had for me but most of all the love I had for her
    They are jealous of what they can't be : loving people

  • @aimWelLbird9970
    @aimWelLbird9970 Год назад

    I was engaged to marry a narcissist and lived with him for 4 yrs before I had to move over 2500 miles away to hide from him. He wasn’t the average, cookie cutter (which is bad enough) narcissist.., no, he was the Grand High Witch President CEO Rothschild level narcissist. He was the evil I had underestimated existed through all prior indirect experiences. Evil I hadn’t imagined and will never be able to forget. He was jealous of our 2 tiny chihuahuas. He despised my love for them because he thought it took away from the love I should only have for him. There were instances, I won’t elaborate to describe in detail, that had me preparing mentally to rehome the only joyous things in my life at that point, they were the only real love I experienced on a day to day basis. They were my most precious things. I could never understand how anyone could mistreat anyone else. I’m happy to say that I got the 3 of us out of that situation and both my sweet girls went on to live to 19yrs old with a 2yr gap because Pixie was 2yrs older than Sophie. Pets are not safe with narcissists, neither are children., especially if they aren’t biologically theirs. I have to say that you saying narcissists have no soul has a real ring of truth and sparked my interest to entertain that thought further and more in depth.🤟

  • @joons3374
    @joons3374 5 месяцев назад

    Some weeks ago I read a few books about narcissism and came to conclusion thay I am a nerc, however this video makes no sense to me... When I visit my parents I carry my old pup with me anywhere, I cannot take my eyes off of her gaze, I always pet her clean her, take the buggers out of her face, put her on my shoulder like she's a patrot, put it into everyone's faces telling them to worship her, I ripp food into smaller pieces for her to be more comfy to eat and I comfort her when my parents yell at her...
    My parents however ... My mom is surely a narc.. she cries when someone dies but she just cannot bare living things, I was terribly pisses when I came back from abroad after my pup was rum over with a car and obviously been sick after that for a while which I have noticed asap, I was the only person who did.. I brought her to a vet and turns out her diaphragm is split from the impact and she was like that for a few months, I paid for tests and surgery and I gave no fucks about the money and let me tell you it was somw investment, my family said if it was up to them they would have put her down rather than pay 500€... I'd kill for that dog... Soooo I am unsure if all narcs are abusive.. I am still quite convinced I am a vulnerable(aka covert) narcissist

  • @taytayfresh34
    @taytayfresh34 Год назад

    My ex only referred to my oldest cat as "your cat", never by her name, because he thought her name was so terrible. It's been 8 months and I'm still trying to get out of the habit of referring to her by "my cat". Mind you, we had 2 and then 3 in this time. And she has 3 legs, no tail, a very traumatic accident when she was 3-4 weeks old. I'm her only person, her comfort. From this video, maybe he just couldn't take it take she wouldn't give him the same affection

  • @strongerbetterfitness3776
    @strongerbetterfitness3776 Год назад +1

    They also treat the animals better than you. They love it more, give it an abundance of attention and affection. In order to make you jealous and to show you the animal means more than you do, to put strife between you and the animal. The make the animal extremely anxious they they are not around because the animal is so dependent upon them and they love the fact that the animal only wants them. The animal can do no wrong, if the animal is hit it begs for love, if it’s yelled at if forgives quickly. If the animal does anything that is if they fly off the handle yelling, screaming and hitting it. With my animal it was hidden abuse and I knew it because it would cower or shy away in their presence. These people are sick and can be dangerous. Psychologically damaging for all.

  • @PatriciaS-t1x
    @PatriciaS-t1x 10 месяцев назад

    The malignant narc ex brother would put on a leather glove and make his cat fight with him. A little bit ok but after a time the cat had had enough but he wouldn’t stop. Then his second wife moved in with cat and elderly dog. He said her dog was sleeping under his car wheel and he ran over her???I hated hearing him yell in a rough voice at her loving dog, it went deaf. She had to have it put down.

  • @linda7279
    @linda7279 Год назад

    He killed my Saidi kitty when I went somewhere and he didnt expect me to go. He thought he had blocked my financial way. I csme home and when I finally found her she was limping bad and her eye started bulging. I had to have her put down.
    He also injured my Sofi kitty who I bottled raised when her eyes were still shut. I couldn't touch her without her crying for several days. Sofi sleeps with her tongue hanging out but she's ok. No pain. Narcissist reaped God's vengeance about 6 months later. A very undignified and humiliating (for all the times he humiliated me) death from alcoholism....

  • @eyetrollin710
    @eyetrollin710 4 месяца назад

    I've seen a few narcissists deal with my dog two of them want to obsess that the dog was more interested in them and loved them more than me... one even threatened to steal my dog and repeatedly told me this is a man's dog, because yes my pup is big and adorable and perfectly behaved, and I know that when I wasn't around he didn't harm him because if you hurt him he will react to you he won't go with you he won't like you he will act differently around you and he never did that with that specific douchebag narcissist, the other hated the fact that I had a dog even though the dog loved him it was a distraction for me to have the dog and not make everything completely about the narcissist, he wouldn't allow my perfectly behaved dog at his house and went out of his way to make up several long-winded lies, one time I met up with his roommate and asked about some of the reasons and things I have been told and he said no none of that is right you guys are welcome here anytime... I was never allowed to meet with that man again in person, because the conversation was had in front of the narcissist

    • @4514rooster
      @4514rooster 4 месяца назад

      This has happened to me even though I have had my dog for 9 years and only knew the person trying to take her less than a year!😔 it’s terrifying I even had an ex show up at 3 am with a new BF trying to take my dog on a “trip”

  • @jonnuanez7183
    @jonnuanez7183 Год назад

    She would treat her cat like a king, but she would also tell it "I'm gonna break your neck" or "I'm going to smack you" if it misbehaved. My friends and gf's would also see this-my mother didn't care-and would just be like "wtf was that/why would she do that?". I had no answer. She would also put said cat between her legs while she'd lay on the couch in a position... that's all I'll say. And when I called her out on doing that, she got mad at me. I guess she didn't want to be called out on something so heinous.

  • @donnaf5922
    @donnaf5922 10 месяцев назад

    I think another thing that is done is the narcissist will bring animals home to dump unannounced on family members. My ex-husband thing would do this to me all the time!! We had 2 small children, and he was a truck driver, so he was gone a lot and would dump extra things (animals) on me all the time. Then, I would look like the bad person to my kids when I would take them to the shelter.
    And yes, he would go into rages at the animals when they irritated him!!

  • @juliechristiansen4363
    @juliechristiansen4363 4 месяца назад

    My father is a true narcissist. Back in the 70's, we had a beagle and he would like to dig in the yard. My dad would abuse the dog by burying him up to his head and then turning the water hose on him. Finally, he had our dog killed while we were gone on vacation one year. We came back from vacation and were told that our dog ran away and we spent weeks looking for him, creating flyings, etc. My dad confessed years later than he he had someone kill the family pet.

  • @castingcauldron6578
    @castingcauldron6578 5 месяцев назад

    In time as I began to acquire a formal education my narcissist husband was exhibiting physical aggression. Afraid I was going to have the money to leave him with a good paying job. One by one there were times when each of us would get quickly punched on the leg or the arm for one stupid reason or another. One day he even reached out and punched the cat. I knew he was sick but I didn't know what to call it. And yes it was hard enough to leave a bruise. I couldn't wait to get a job and leave him. And yes I went to a shelter because that's the only place I could go with my steady income. I wish I could have left sooner.

  • @animalsareourangels93
    @animalsareourangels93 Год назад +1

    I went to visit India. It was my holiday. I could not believe how mean the people were to animals there. It broke my heart. There were so many animals that were hit with bats in the head or thrown off of 15th floor balcony or starved and left on the streets to die. Unfortunately, I had to go home early as I could not stand or tolerate the abuse that I saw in this country towards so many animals. PS: You need to report this to the police….😢

  • @futurekron
    @futurekron Год назад +368

    Owning an animal is the greatest gift of protection against a narcissist. I dated a man for a while and he wanted to get married, but insisted I just dump my dogs in the country because he didn't want pets. I dumped HIM!

    • @dontbelongherefromanother
      @dontbelongherefromanother 9 месяцев назад

      Narcs treat their pets like slaves to provide them with endless supply

    • @debbyn4647
      @debbyn4647 9 месяцев назад +25

      Good job🎉. Yes to pets, no to the narcissist. You chose your pets! ❤

    • @sbonnett8583
      @sbonnett8583 8 месяцев назад +15

      Good call 😊

    • @deealexander6178
      @deealexander6178 6 месяцев назад +11

      Congratulations on your choice! Wonderful ❤

    • @bagoodhuman143
      @bagoodhuman143 5 месяцев назад +8

      Good call

  • @cate499
    @cate499 Год назад +176

    Animal abusers should be sentenced to jail.

    • @kerstinsjö
      @kerstinsjö 5 месяцев назад +3


    • @cassiafaehayden3683
      @cassiafaehayden3683 5 месяцев назад +4

      I have to agree. It's illegal. But they usually get away w it

    • @karah916
      @karah916 5 месяцев назад +4

      I’m not vegan, but gave up eating pork because of how pigs are treated. They are like dogs and I just couldn’t be part of their abuse.

    • @clintbarr5342
      @clintbarr5342 4 месяца назад +4

      ​@@karah916you should extend that to all animals go spend some time with chickens cows and the little baby lambs

    • @plainjane1812
      @plainjane1812 4 месяца назад +4

      And evaluated for sociopathy and psychopathy. As far as I know, all serial killers have been known to torture animals.

  • @elainejude4616
    @elainejude4616 Год назад +628

    I am someone who attracts narcissist. I am aware of this and try to be very careful but am not always successful. I have 2 cats and a dog. I watched my ex-husband strangle my dog,throw it up against a wall, kick my cats and onetime drive it 30 miles away and dropped off in a forest. I prayed for my cat everyday and 6 months later it was at my front door on Christmas Day!! I've been divorced from that husband for 34 years. I love your spiritual spin on this subject. Narcissism is evil!

    • @_Love85
      @_Love85 Год назад +51

      God is so good. I'm glad your cat came back ❤

    • @valeriejimenez8674
      @valeriejimenez8674 Год назад +32

      I am SO SO incredibly sorry you went through that. Pets are so much more than just pets, they are our family members. I pray that your healing journey has been nothing but blessings 🕊 I’m currently on my own healing journey. I was married to a narcissist for almost 2 years and I’m starting to get a shift of perspective: instead of being sad and broken about the things that did happen to me (nowhere near as bad as this but it was still emotionally bad), I’m going to start being thankful and grateful for the things that God saved me from. Hearing all these testimonies break my heart to see how bad things get with the narcissist years down the road. I am so sorry for you and to anyone that had to endure such evil 😭 I have me own experiences with my ex-husband the narcissist but i am grateful for getting out when I did and from the things God saved me from! Blessings sister praying for your peace and joy! 🤍

    • @PeterShaw-ne1yq
      @PeterShaw-ne1yq Год назад +28

      Your lucky to have survived him😮

    • @petalflowers4765
      @petalflowers4765 Год назад +24

      I am sorry for your horrible experiences. Since you believe that you attract narcissists, please ….please don’t put your pets in a situation where they would live with an abuser. Please be aware and use your intuition. We humans must protect those who can’t protect themselves. God bless you and your pets 🙏🏽

    • @cindygould1261
      @cindygould1261 Год назад +19

      My ex pretty much ignored our pets. Never fed them, made sure they had water, cleaned the litter box, walked our dog, nothing. It used to bother me but they were actually lucky now that I think about it. Our dog has passed but I have the 2 cats. Needless to say they are very happy spoiled kitties.

  • @flyingkikidesigns
    @flyingkikidesigns Год назад +596

    You can tell a Lot about a person by the way they treat animals 😢 thank u for ur videos ❤

    • @magdakonop4566
      @magdakonop4566 Год назад +11

      absolutely true!

    • @solvereadingproblemswithph9070
      @solvereadingproblemswithph9070 Год назад +15

      I know someone who hits their dog out of anger and frustration, but on Facebook he posted, " you can always tell someone's character by the way they treat their dog." I find the guilty party usually stands on a soapbox. Like the b;usdriver who kidnapped girls off his bus, and when missing he 'helped' to find them; meanwhile locked up in in upstairs bedroom. Gruesome story, I know. The good news is that they were finally rescued.....

    • @CJ-CANADA
      @CJ-CANADA Год назад

      @@solvereadingproblemswithph9070 Chameleons. They change based on their audience/witness/target.

    • @Dice-Z
      @Dice-Z Год назад +7

      I think one of the best way to test a person's character is by finding out what their opinion on cats are, and how they treat them. Dogs are obedient so it's easy to get along with them. But cats are kinda like roommates. If someone can't handle living with a cat and gets abusive, let alone at the sight of them, it would likely transpose to their human relationships to some extent. I'm not saying people have to like cats or even not dislike them. But those who actually wish for and would carry out harm on cats have never been ONCE good people in my experience.

    • @miss_naomi7377
      @miss_naomi7377 Год назад +8

      Mine threw my cat 🐈 against the wall. The next day he said, “ I thought I told you it’s me or the cat 🐱. I told him that I had heard him and the cat is still here.

  • @justjen2591
    @justjen2591 Год назад +794

    My husband, the narcissist, would rage at my cat knowing that it hurt me. Calling him nasty names, screaming and stomping his feet after him. I left last month and my cat and dog have been in a quiet environment along with me. They are healing as well. They are not "jumpy " anymore. They are getting a little better every day. Thank God my husband never put hands on them. God bless you all. Just Jen.

    • @Prometheuspredator
      @Prometheuspredator Год назад +27

      God Bless you as well. So glad you left him.

    • @Adrianafaith123
      @Adrianafaith123 Год назад +24

      I'm so glad to hear that your pets weren't left in a horrible environment like that! No pet deserves that from anybody!

    • @TheSeekeroftruth1
      @TheSeekeroftruth1 Год назад +18

      'jumpy' yes, exactly. My cat would sink low and skirt the skirting boards to avoid being near my husband. He physically abusive her whenever I wasn't around to see.

    • @TheSeekeroftruth1
      @TheSeekeroftruth1 Год назад +8

      @@MissX33 It's an individual thing, and also narcissism is on a spectrum. Narcissist are abusive people, some worse than others. As for pets, yes SOME narcissists are abusive to pets, I would imagine they particularly dont like cats, as they are independent, whereas dogs are more subordinate and so more likely to be tolerated as they can control them. The narcissistic abuse towards pets can be quite subtle, such as taking in a pet and then giving it away a year or two later or just leaving them home locked in a laundry room for most of the day or in an outside dog run. What Danish is referring to is the narcissists partner's pet and how the narcissist often will pretend to be kind to them in your presence (and I think we are talking more about cats here) and then behind their backs treat them abysmally, such as not feeding them, force feeding them and/or physically abusing them. I have written about my experience my narcissistic husband did with my cat elsewhere in this thread. If you truly have a narcissist in your family, then count yourself lucky if they truly did nothing to your pets behind your back, but please do not paint all narcissists with the same brush as yours, when clearly just reading the comments here and from Danish's own experience, it seems there is a twisted thing going on between many narcissists and pets.

    • @HoneyBadger80886
      @HoneyBadger80886 Год назад +4

      @@MissX33 I am so sorry that your mother didn't have the capacity to be a healthy human. I send healing vibes to you.

  • @lovepilie
    @lovepilie Год назад +195

    Owning a pet is a truly humbling experience, I agree with you! We don't deserve them

  • @supersonic84421
    @supersonic84421 Год назад +74

    To cut it short. My dog was the reason why I left the narcissist and I cant even express how greatful I am for it. She saved me from the hell I was going through and set us free. Love dog and cats ❤❤

    • @jselenatan9834
      @jselenatan9834 4 месяца назад +3

      You made the right choice.

    • @supersonic84421
      @supersonic84421 4 месяца назад

      @@jselenatan9834 yes, i really think so!

    • @LauriKunes
      @LauriKunes 3 месяца назад

      My dog ended up saving my life. My ex threaten to kill my dog so I left. I Thought more of my dog than me.

  • @TisCake
    @TisCake Год назад +1056

    When you went the extra step of saying narcissism isn't a disorder, but a manifestation of evil, that's when I hit the like and subscribe button. Great video.

    • @TheCenyon
      @TheCenyon Год назад +47

      nothing furthers medical science more than denying mental disorders and demonizing them, really makes those seeking help want to reach out

    • @alleycat616
      @alleycat616 Год назад +25

      When you think about it, because of the way we have “clinicized” it, the word “disorder” really just means that something isn’t right with this person. So it’s still right either way.

    • @PageShearling
      @PageShearling Год назад +10

      Me too!

    • @sickofcrap8992
      @sickofcrap8992 Год назад +16

      It's what I have thought for years.

    • @TisCake
      @TisCake Год назад +65

      @@TheCenyon I just really want to address this comment. I am in no way saying everyone with mental issues is evil. I have loved, cared for, and advocated for close friends struggling with issues. There is, however, a large divide between a gentle human being that is having inner turmoil, and someone who presents as a predator with mental illness. I believe this is why some people can be helped, and others cannot. If you are hurting yourself, I have great compassion. If you are hurting others, my compassion ends there and is given to your victims.

  • @pauldharmer
    @pauldharmer Год назад +100

    The trademark of the narcissist is that smile when someone else has misfortune and pain

    • @donnaryan71
      @donnaryan71 5 месяцев назад +13

      totally. More like a smirk

    • @Mantelar
      @Mantelar 4 месяца назад +3

      That is also the trademark of a Marine.

    • @jp13119
      @jp13119 4 месяца назад

      Sounds like conald frump

    • @KKTomahawk
      @KKTomahawk 2 месяца назад

      @@jp13119can we have one space at least where someone doesn’t have to bring politics in outta nowhere???
      Here- how about ALL people in a high position of power likely did NOT get there without doing some shady s**t and most politicians and the elite are likely to have these tendencies. Most if not all.
      One isn’t better than the other they all suck and don’t care about us.
      Can we move on now because I’m trying to work through some s**t and heal???

    • @macnchessplz
      @macnchessplz Месяц назад +1

      Could be sociopathy as well.

  • @Helen-q8j5t
    @Helen-q8j5t Год назад +60

    Yes, I am still being stalked and harassed by a narcissist person. He breaks into my home and split my parrots head down the middle and pulled its feathers off the head so I would know he did it. About 2 years later he broke in and poisoned my 12 yr old blind dog. I live by myself and I have no help. I finally stopped going to the police because they never would help. Sad part it that it's my 58 yr old brother.

    • @Pookabee
      @Pookabee 9 месяцев назад +31

      That's not narcissism that's psychopathy.

    • @Julie-e1m
      @Julie-e1m 5 месяцев назад +4

      I have a narcissist in my life pulling similar crap- know you're not alone even if you are- I'm sorry for your situation and for your pets

    • @pjnix5618
      @pjnix5618 5 месяцев назад

      Ur bro a psychopath!

    • @annjohnson8437
      @annjohnson8437 5 месяцев назад +7

      Holy crap! That is horrific! I'm so sorry! 😢

    • @RitaDoran-p4v
      @RitaDoran-p4v 5 месяцев назад +2

      Try to raise money if you can't afford for a small security camera be safe

  • @mumsow
    @mumsow Год назад +115

    All of my family were like that. When I was a child I got rheumatic fever and was in hospital for weeks. My brother promised me that my animals would be looked after. When I finally went home I found my two pet rats, two rabbits and six mice all either dead or dying 😞 no one had even given them water. I still have nightmares and wake up sobbing now

    • @Hawaiiansky11
      @Hawaiiansky11 Год назад +16

      That's so heartless!! Poor little things. Jesus said, "That which you do unto the least of these (the most innocent), you also do unto me." They will get their just desserts, one way or another.

    • @keh-dalia809
      @keh-dalia809 Год назад +18

      @@Hawaiiansky11 the Bible also says, that those who destroy the earth will be destroyed, and I take that as all encompassing of God's creation. God commanded Adam to take care of the garden of Eden and the animals, it was God's first instruction to man. People who needlessly harm the earth or any living thing disgust me. Why would anyone want to destroy beauty.

    • @lightbulb888
      @lightbulb888 Год назад +8

      Omg😢 that's horrible so sorry

    • @mumsow
      @mumsow Год назад +4

      @@lightbulb888 bless you 💜

    • @epccounsellingservice5516
      @epccounsellingservice5516 Год назад +6

      So sad☹️

  • @roselove001
    @roselove001 Год назад +97

    You are absolutely right. Before I understood narcissistic abuse, I wondered how my family members could act so cruel to a poor animal that loved them… now I know.

  • @liljerseygirl249
    @liljerseygirl249 Год назад +120

    My eldest brother stabbed my beautiful white cat in the stomach and my mother didn't have the money to pay the vet for surgery and put the cat down. I saw him have my younger brother hold the cat while he stabbed him It was extremely traumatic to me. I was 10 years old at the time. I'm 61 now. I never got over it. I still feel aweful when I think about it. He and one of his friends took one of our other cats who had kittens and put her and her kittens in a sack then thew them in the river.
    How could anyone be so cruel, I will never understand. I hope to see these kittys when I get to the other side. It still is traumatic for me to think about it. It was like a living nightmare. I have kittys now and give them lots of love and take good care of them.

    • @Prometheuspredator
      @Prometheuspredator Год назад +11

      Was your older brother the, "Golden Child" in the family? Since your other brother held your kitty down is he a narcissist? Do you know what the "Golden Child" of the family means? I am so very sorry about your kitty. My gosh, 10 years old 😢🥺😭. I hope your brother has spent time in the penitentiary.

    • @daynapeterson9033
      @daynapeterson9033 Год назад +7

      Bless your heart!! I saw these things too. Maybe that's why I am such an animal lover! God bless these babies.

    • @liljerseygirl249
      @liljerseygirl249 Год назад +13

      @@Prometheuspredator , the golden child was actually not involved in this. The brother who held the cat was threatened & called names by the eldest to get him to hold the cat. My eldest brother was horrible for many years. He was sexually abused by a Catholic Priest as a child and my father used to beat my brother. Until my dad died when he was 12 years old. When my eldest brother got married he drank a lot and beat his wife for years. He finally stopped drinking and stopped beating hi wife in his 40's, when she finally left him. She did wind up getting back together with him, and ironically he became a minister for a non-denominational church. He is still married to the same women since 1969, and she is also very narcissistic. Two peas in a pod.

    • @liljerseygirl249
      @liljerseygirl249 Год назад +29

      He never went to prison at all. He straightened himself out. Now he's old. I don't asdociate with him or his wife, I got tired of their gossiping and putting everyone down including me. They tried making me their scapegoat, but Im not having it, so I just stay away from both of them.

    • @nellieshoals
      @nellieshoals Год назад

      @@liljerseygirl249 EW!!! That is fckn DISGUSTING I am so sorry to hear!!! Pastor of a church?!!! Gimme a break. 😠😠

  • @sherry0074
    @sherry0074 5 месяцев назад +123

    The three worst narcissists in my life treated their pets better than any person or thing. I've never seen them abuse an animal.

    • @JonathanVachon777
      @JonathanVachon777 5 месяцев назад +29

      Yup same, they love animals way more than humans by far

    • @elel319
      @elel319 5 месяцев назад +12

      Probably you never seen what and how they are 1 to 1 with pet.
      My narcissist even said so many times to one of our dog - you are so amazing, I could marry you 🤦‍♀️ at the same time if she wasn’t listening to him, he could became very rude to her.
      I never allowed him to abuse pets, always stopped him even from shouting at them.
      Once she did something wrong, he said let’s slap her.

    • @stainless1175able
      @stainless1175able 5 месяцев назад +23

      Pets give them unconditional love and attention. They make excellent sources of supply. I've been in relationships with two narcs. If the pet begins to favor you or even just show you some attention, the narc quickly begins to resent the pet. I've seen it with my own eyes.

    • @elel319
      @elel319 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@stainless1175able yes, pets, especially dogs will love their hooman, doesn’t matter who they are, how they feel or look etc.
      From my experience, they are not able to love them in the same way as pets do.
      They cannot care about them constantly, for a long time… if cat weed ( from experience, when cat was ill ) on the carpet or scratched him, he blames the cat and becomes angry to cat!
      Not too long ago he said, he was sitting in the garden and one of dogs pooped in front of him!
      He walked in and said, she turned her back to me and pooped on the grass! She definitely shoved disrespect to me! 🤦‍♀️
      On the other hand, he constantly speaks how beautiful and clever she is! Sometimes buying treats and then starting arguments, we should buy a cheaper dog food!
      They will “love” when they can get all they want from you, doesn’t matter, human, pet or thing!
      Of course there are few types of narcissists, some are worse and some are bit better 🤣 also depends on age, the older they get, the worse they are.

    • @Tyndalic
      @Tyndalic 5 месяцев назад +8

      My ex would stop anyone on the street to talk about their dogs. He LOVED all animals. I never thought he could hurt one until he hurt mine because I wouldn’t come back.

  • @DiesiraeL
    @DiesiraeL Год назад +87

    The woman I am in the process of leaving has been abusive to my dog, that was the last straw tbh. I put up with emotional and physical abuse of my own but no one does that to my baby.

    • @LKauf279
      @LKauf279 Год назад +9

      That was me too, 5 yrs ago. I left because I refused to let my dog live that way! I had accepted it for myself but NOT my dog!

    • @oliviahafnermunichteaching957
      @oliviahafnermunichteaching957 Год назад +7

      I hope you and your fur baby are safe and happy and left her 💖

    • @damonmelendez856
      @damonmelendez856 Год назад +3

      Good for you. Toss that attention seeking bioch to the curb. Don’t let anyone hurt your dogs.

    • @fullajoy3325
      @fullajoy3325 Год назад +2

      Good decision. I hope that you can see yourself, now, too, as someone who does not deserve that. I hope that you would leave now, because you yourself deserve love and kindness. ❤️

    • @tahendricks
      @tahendricks Год назад +2

      God bless you 🙏💜✝️

  • @imdawolfman2698
    @imdawolfman2698 Год назад +39

    If a narcissist has a dog it is likely about how good the dog makes them look. Perfect breed, perfect training, even perfect communication, love and adoration.
    This can even work out well, as long as nothing breaks the spell.
    - from a recovering narcissist with a GREAT dog.

    • @user-wi9hv2pb2q
      @user-wi9hv2pb2q 10 месяцев назад +1

      yes a coworker already talked about getting two Dalmatians as her 'next dog' because she wanted them to "look good walking in a room together."

    • @sleepingdogslie
      @sleepingdogslie 9 месяцев назад

      Yup exactly, my ex liked the attention our dogs brought him because I spent a lot of time training them and they were quite cute. He acted like they were his achievement. I never liked leaving the dogs alone with him as I knew he’d neglect them. When we split my first thought was “No matter what the dogs come with me”. Luckily he didn’t care at all and instead was relieved. One less thing to distract him from himself.😮

    • @imdawolfman2698
      @imdawolfman2698 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@sleepingdogslie It's really sad how much a narcissist misses of the world, like having a carton of ice cream and only licking the drops of condensed water off the pretty picture on the outside.
      I am dog dependent, not that I couldn't live without one, but having a sincere companion enriches my life in so many ways. And I guess that reveals I've suffered through a number of insincere non-canine companions, too.

    • @MadonnaGrogan
      @MadonnaGrogan 7 месяцев назад

      They buy pedigree dogs, not rescue dogs

    • @Honey-vz1qq
      @Honey-vz1qq 5 месяцев назад +2

      Recovering narcissist? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅

  • @olivest509
    @olivest509 Год назад +111

    The reason I finally got the motivation to leave my mom's house was this. I was at the breaking point and one day i told her that i was going to start looking into moving out and getting my own place. She smiled at me with this evil glint in her eye, but said nothing. I thought to myself, I'm still going to leave, there's nothing you can do to stop me. I then went to bed and woke up to find that she had left the doors open to the room where all her plants were kept, every single one of them being toxic to cats. There are two doors between where the cats live and the plants are kept. She left both doors open. Luckily my cats didn't get into the plants, but they had all day to do so (I worked nights and slept days). I confronted my mom about it and, with the same evil glint in her eye, she said she had been so distraught about me talking about abandoning her that she must have accidentally left the doors open. I got the message. After that, i said nothing more about leaving, but secretly put my plan together, covering all my tracks and playing into her narcissism, being a good little victim, so she didn't get suspicious.

    • @peachesandpoets
      @peachesandpoets Год назад +17

      Oh man. I hope you got away

    • @skathwoelya2935
      @skathwoelya2935 Год назад +13

      I love the way you mention the evil glint in the eye. Yes, that is it exactly.

    • @PrissyLadyVenom
      @PrissyLadyVenom Год назад +6

      How are you doing now?
      Did you go no contact? Or is she still in your life?

    • @Xandoscritters
      @Xandoscritters 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@skathwoelya2935 its hard to describe any other way..crazy eyes kinda fits too..its somewhat of a dead wide eyed

    • @catlynnearkin8825
      @catlynnearkin8825 11 месяцев назад +4

      My mother was mean. My mother was mean to a little beagle mix we had. She would scream at her. The dog was not allowed inside. She had a dog house and was chained to it 90% of the time. When my sis went to college I looked after the dog. But Mom did treat one dog okay. That dog stuck to Mom like glue. When the dog died Mom cried. She treated my sister horribly and after my sis left she started on me. She pulled my hair and slapped me. She called me a dummy, and when I got into my teens and as an adult she was verbally mean and physically abusive. She ended up with dementia and died. My dad left her when I was 14 because of her abuse. Thank God I had a Uncle that got me through. She turned me on Dad for a short time as well. But Dad and I were close and it did not last long. She knew it bothered me whenever she was mean to the cat and dog. When Mom passed I was not sad.

  • @magdakonop4566
    @magdakonop4566 Год назад +110

    When i started this video, i wasn't sure i wanted to finish it.. People like me, now, we can understand those pathetic, sad, blood suckers! and we can leave, but poor animals cannot... They don't deserve it...
    Your cat is beautiful!

    • @bethetruth6428
      @bethetruth6428 Год назад +2

      Bless you and yours Magda' xo🥰xo.

    • @kittykat632
      @kittykat632 Год назад

      Listen idk what you believe but these narcissistic assholes WON'T get away for their mistreatment of all God's creatures including you! God created you and will hold EVERYONE accountable for themselves.

    • @petekdemircioglu
      @petekdemircioglu Год назад

      This person has a nice cat

  • @Lv-nq9qz
    @Lv-nq9qz Год назад +36

    looking back, this all kind of makes sense. My father would brag about how great his dogs were when he was growing up. But he barely took care of any of our pets. He actually put our first dog down when I was very young without telling anyone because it peed on the bed a couple of times and sometimes would have seizures. That made my mom cry, and I was left wondering why the dog was there one day and gone the next. He said it was for my sake years later because he thought the dog was dangerous. I got a turtle for my 7th birthday that I neither wanted nor asked for. He didn't help take care of it at all and then chastised me for not taking care of it and being ungrateful for having it. We had two dogs after that that he was very minimally involved with, barely trained them, never walked them, never cleaned up after them, was critical of whether or not they needed to go to the vet. His first action in disciplining them was to hit them, anger was always his first resort. It's amazing how we tend to miss these signs, or explain them away for the sake of preserving piece of mind.

  • @flam7307
    @flam7307 Год назад +52

    I’ve ALWAYS stayed away from people who don’t like animals, and have engrained the same into my daughters. I dated 1 guy who “hated cats” (I’ve always had one) and have realized after the cycles of abuse over the years, he was 1000000% a disgusting narcissist!

  • @princess_sapphire
    @princess_sapphire Год назад +232

    He knew I loved animals and took great delight in telling me cruel stories about animals so he could see me upset and then punish me for being upset .
    He never touched my dogs or guinea pigs,he was never alone with them and we didnt live together.
    My dogs however would go berserk when he entered the house-they knew what a monster he was before I did .

    • @narcabusecoach
      @narcabusecoach  Год назад +80

      Animals see what we humans can’t

    • @marciathomas1625
      @marciathomas1625 Год назад +35

      My dog knew he was a monster before I did too.

    • @princess_sapphire
      @princess_sapphire Год назад +25

      @@marciathomas1625 my dogs mean the world to me,they were trying to tell me he was bad ,I so wish Id listened to them.
      I truly hope your dog wasnt hurt by this evil man x

    • @marciathomas1625
      @marciathomas1625 Год назад +17

      @@princess_sapphire No. He was never alone with my pet.

    • @elephantintheroom5678
      @elephantintheroom5678 Год назад +17

      My dog never bit a single soul but for one man, who was the favourite buddy of the narcissist I lived with. I knew I didn't like the guy, so when I heard my dog had bitten him I wasn't that surprised. It was only later that I learned quite how bad that man really was.

  • @erinw1524
    @erinw1524 Год назад +87

    I've had suspicions that my dogs were being abused when I was gone at work ⁶and he would be home. One day I came home and my 9 year old female Rottweiler wasn't quite right. She was running into things her legs werent working properly and when I left everything was fine. He did something to my dog that day and she suffers everyday now because of him. I feel so horrible like how did I let this happen to my loved pet? I had a voice recorder and recorded the next day and sure enough I caught him on tape beating my animals and then turn around and act as if nothing was wrong. I'm filled with rage because of this, I can only hope one day he will run into his karma. Monitor your pets closely people. Mine has suffered brain damage from my narc ex! On top of other pain inflicted from him.

    • @mercyrahma9501
      @mercyrahma9501 Год назад +11

      I am so sorry for your dog...
      Poor innocent soul
      I was married to a covert narc
      I had a cat at my Mother's house before
      I was so sad not having him with me anymore...
      I was always talking about him, watching videos of cats on youtube
      The narc would say, you always watch these videos aren't you bored ???
      He was annoyed of course because i showed less attention to him..
      On day he told me well you should go to your Mother's house and bring buddy here (my cat's name)
      I was so surprised !!!
      Couldn't believe it and i shouldn't...
      Long story short, he showed jealousy and animosity to this poor innocent soul but he managed to manipulate me...
      We can't believe that there are evil people...
      One day like you i wasn't there
      Buddy stayed with the narc
      And when i came back he was hiding under the couch and stayed there terrified....
      This was the Last time my ex saw him
      Well i tought so...
      I brought him back to my Mother's house
      Months late, he suddenly disapeared...
      My ex would say well you know buddy is very vocal(this cat loved to "talk" with me)
      Maybe one your Brothers chased him....
      I believed it for one time but i had this feeling... Plus one day he told me
      You know buddy is the type of cat that if you kicked him he would never ever come back Right ?
      This !!!!!
      I knew it was him who did it !!!
      But i had no proofs....
      Anyways God SAW it all and i Pray for Justice for Buddy🤲❤️❤️❤️
      I am so sad i Couldn't Protect him🥺😔

    • @erinw1524
      @erinw1524 Год назад +8

      @Mercy Rahma exactly how I felt and still feel today. Our pets don't deserve this and I would have stepped in between if I were there. I can't even imagine what he did to my dog, especially since she is a large dog. It tears me apart to hear things like this. They won't get away with this abuse forever! I hope everyone that reads this that is in a narcasistic relationship takes their pets seriously and does something for their sake before it's to late like in my case...

    • @mercyrahma9501
      @mercyrahma9501 Год назад +3

      @@erinw1524 there should be more videos about how Narcs treat pets
      Knowledge is Power and it can save Lives !
      I am wondering my friend how he could hurt your dog since it's a large one ?
      Dogs are so loyal and innocent
      She must have tought the narc was "nice" like you did and she didn't see it coming... 🥺
      They are such cowards !!!
      They only hurt women and animals
      A real man go for a man like him !
      Did you report the abuse of your dog to the Police ?
      Since you had records
      You are very smart by the way for thinking about this !
      I wish you all the Best, may you live a peaceful life with your Sweet dog 💖
      I have 2 cats now, single and happy ! 🥰

    • @KatErina-ii6ru
      @KatErina-ii6ru Год назад +8

      Did you sue him for animal abuse and notify the authorities?

    • @CJ-CANADA
      @CJ-CANADA Год назад

      @@KatErina-ii6ru I told police, the psychopath narcissist was believed over me 7x. They wouldn't ask my child as he was under 10yrs when we finally got out. Sue? I can't even get court mandated child support out of him 🤪 suing is just throwing more money at a bad investment.

  • @eleanorsolana9346
    @eleanorsolana9346 Год назад +250

    Hard for me to relate to this one 😮. Mine came home every day , played with the dog, petted it, fed it gave it 1000 times more affection and attention that I ever received from him! He also let the cat sleep with him when he would sleep and the couch and not even come to bed😢. He tried to make us jealous of the animals not the other way around but I never was because I loved the animals.

    • @powerofknowledge7771
      @powerofknowledge7771 Год назад +39

      This! This is exactly what I went through with him!

    • @Jackie78NJ
      @Jackie78NJ Год назад +59

      Narcissists can absolutely turn people, kids, pets against you, purposely to hurt you. There are a few different subtypes of narcissism and the traits they exhibit vary for each individual. However, as a whole, they ALL have huge similarities.

    • @elephantintheroom5678
      @elephantintheroom5678 Год назад +62

      How little he had to do to maintain a relationship with a dog than with a human, and yet get so much unbridled adoration in return.
      Not to mention how the innocent animal could be used as a tool to make you feel bad, and, potentially, compete with it for scraps of the narcissist's attention.

    • @lizevans8043
      @lizevans8043 Год назад +30

      I agree my ex was the same cared more about the cat then hes family!

    • @veebliss1266
      @veebliss1266 Год назад +69

      He was triangulating you with animal

  • @ladidodi8912
    @ladidodi8912 Год назад +182

    My narc sister went out of her way to buy a cute little dog. She researched for weeks and finally met up with the seller and got the dog. She was telling everyone about it. She purchased a bed, lots of wee wee pads, toys and even scheduled to take pictures with the dog and Santa and place the photo on the wall at her place.
    She didn’t have ANY patience with potty training the little pup. She couldn’t tolerate the mess when she got home and then tried to guilt trip other people into taking care of the dog when she went to work. I wanted no parts because I just brought a newborn home and didn’t want to have to think about a puppy to mind as well. This of course got her upset because who in the world tells her no right??!?!
    She then started to neglect the dog and instead of leaving the dog in the house while she was at work, she left him in the cold dark garage. And I mean COLD. He got matted and dirty and she stopped talking sweet to him. Then a blizzard came and you know what she did?? She took him to the groomers and shaved all his fur down to his bare skin because it was so matted and dirty. The groomer had no choice but to do that. And instead of bringing the dog in house where it is warm…she put him back in the cold dark garage again. When asked why doesn’t she bring him in, she responds with “I can’t be bothered.”😒
    Next morning she goes in the garage and finds him frozen to death. And you know what she started to do??? Cry. She started to cry and tell everyone about how hurt she is.
    I can’t tell you how much she disgusts me. She continued to cry for weeks looking for sympathy from everyone. She is seriously a special case.

    • @gctechhubcstutorials7856
      @gctechhubcstutorials7856 Год назад +57

      and u just watched silently as she abused the poor innocent creature 😒

    • @michellesimmons3150
      @michellesimmons3150 Год назад

      @@gctechhubcstutorials7856right?! She is worse than her sister. She had the power to help the animal and chose to be passive. Because she seen it as helping her sister not the animal. Pathetic. She is just as vile

    • @marisamartin3664
      @marisamartin3664 Год назад +7

      @@gctechhubcstutorials7856 That was ridiculous! How do you know she abused him? And how could she take a pet away from someone for buying a bed and pads or taking pics? Evil people love dogs and cats. They don't often abuse their animals, because narcs target humans. In fact Nazis and other horrific persons adored their pets and 'nature'. It is a creature who seems to worship them.

    • @kimberlee2809
      @kimberlee2809 Год назад +41

      You make no sense. Did you ignore this all along or did you discover it after the dog died? If you knew about it while it was happening you are just as guilty for your inaction.

    • @taleandclawrock2606
      @taleandclawrock2606 Год назад +5

      @@kimberlee2809 He may have been a child or not understood the possible consequences or have been victimised so thoroughly that he was afraid to intervene.

  • @sthomas4634
    @sthomas4634 Год назад +90

    Thank you for this episode. This kind of abuse is bazaar and extremely painful. I thought I was alone and it helps to know I’m not.

    • @Parrotgirl-tattoo
      @Parrotgirl-tattoo Год назад +6

      When I was married to my ex husband, I had a little 3 lb chihuahua. Every time he would go into a narc rage, she would get physically sick. Her little tummy would rumble, & she would throw up foamy bile. After we left, she never had another episode. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he abused her behind my back. He was, & probably still is, a monster.

    • @sthomas4634
      @sthomas4634 Год назад +4

      @@Parrotgirl-tattoo That’s so awful. I’m glad you left.

    • @tammyrawdon3587
      @tammyrawdon3587 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Parrotgirl-tattoo😞I'm sorry you two had to go through that, I really sympathize bc while I was growing up my "egg donor" was so jealous of my connection with animals that she'd kill my pets and then make me believe that it was my fault.
      I stopped having them bc of it (even though I've always been obsessed with critters) and became clinically depressed.
      After I left home, I worked/ ran Dude Ranches and eventually started my own Animal Rescue Farm (ARF🐕) 👍😻👍
      After I found out the truth about her, I went NC and now I teach OP all about animals... specializing in (teaching OP in) training Service Dogs and Therapy Animals (if they flunk SD training) for people with disabilities.
      It toadally🐸 INFURIATES her 😹🤣😹
      I'm really glad that you managed to escape too! 👏😺👍

  • @flowersofthefield340
    @flowersofthefield340 Год назад +14

    Pets are disposable to them ....... Or they may serve a purpose to get narc supply. Sometimes it's to keep up appearances ....
    How people treat animals is always a good indicator