Too Many Games, So Little Time

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @777thSonYT
    @777thSonYT 9 месяцев назад +2

    Your videos are so relatable and I love them! Means a lot that you watched my Sims 1 video haha.
    Games have certainly become compulsive collectibles for me. When I did get a few occasional titles as a kid, I did not always get good games. With RUclips/seeing which games have passed the test of time, it’s a little easier to make sure I find hidden gems now too!

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  9 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks so much! :) I'm really glad you've been enjoying my videos, yours are just as good! :D I know, it was the same when I was a kid. I mean every game my brother and I got was fun even though it was an objectively bad game, but that was only because our options were so limited, we had no choice but to enjoy every game we got. XD But RUclips and the internet in general has made choosing and buying games a whole lot easier, I agree! A hidden gem I recently stumbled across was Hifi Rush. That game was incredible, I definitely recommend! :)

  • @FirstLast-mn4re
    @FirstLast-mn4re 7 месяцев назад +2

    This is pretty relatable. Being a college student myself (though I'm graduating in a semester and a half). I've found that I can only really dip into my backlog during spring, Thanksgiving, Winter, and Summer breaks, and most of those periods are spent with my family or in the case of summer, working part time. As a result I can't really play RPGs anymore, which I used to love growing up, because my time is pretty limited and those are the kind of game that are best enjoyed in longer play sessions. It sucks having responsibilities and I'll probably have even less free time once I graduate and start my career. I guess thats just part of growing up though.

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, you make a really good point here! I totally get where you're coming from. For me, it's kind of bittersweet to leave my old gaming habits behind for the responsibilities of adulthood, but at the same time--like you said--it's part of growing up and it's not something that's too tragic. It's a difficult adjustment to make but I'm sure it's something we'll both pull through. :) I hope you have a successful semester and a very happy graduation! :D

  • @NottJoeyOfficial
    @NottJoeyOfficial 4 месяца назад +2

    I have this exact problem as I've grown into my 20s. I adore modding game consoles, so I buy a lot of hardware that lets me play any game I want. I have so many games I've downloaded, which all have taken time to download. The thing is, when you walk around with every GBA game ever made and then some in your pocket, you end up not being able to choose what to play. It's tough. I was unemployed a few times in the past several years, and it really made me think about this. I used to buy at least one Switch game a month, but after not making money I bought maybe one a year. It made me realize I have so many games already that I'll never be able to finish them all, so I don't need to rush to buy more. I still do get games that I love, but I never spend full price on them anymore except very rare exceptions.
    Thanks for this video, it really is exactly how I feel about this situation summed up well. I remember how much I'd play my Wii as a kid, no matter how bad the game I got for it was. Getting a new game was an experience, and you play it as much as you can because ot was all ypu had.

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for your beautiful and thoughtful comment, I absolutely loved reading through it. 😊 I'm glad you were able to resonate with what I was discussing in the video. Trust me, I know how it feels like. I feel like at this point in my life, I should be used to work and responsibilities, but usually the first thing that run through my head when I have to work is "when will I get a chance to play a game?" Then when I do have the time, I get nasty choice paralysis because of *all* the games I have to play that I don't end up playing anything at all. Definitely an issue that's unique our generation. But I have faith that it isn't anything we can't learn to manage or juggle with. 😊 And I know you will, too! One step at a time.

  • @-ozreus-
    @-ozreus- 9 месяцев назад +1

    I hadn't really though about it but, growing up with games it was almost as much an exploration and discovery of ourselves as much as it was an exploration and discovery of the games. Your video (great one btw!) got me thinking and I realized I'd be a much different person today if the games of my youth were somehow removed. I know it doesn't have to do with games backlog but it's what I thought of :D. Again, great vid Dutchess!

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  9 месяцев назад +1

      You're totally fine haha! You made a great point, there. The games that we played growing up really does have an impact on who we are today. Just like any other form of media (TV shows, movies, etc.), games have a place of influence in our lives, too. :) So happy you enjoyed the video, thank you for your kind words!

  • @securityguruguy
    @securityguruguy 8 месяцев назад +1

    I totally agree! I spent weeks playing Abadox on the NES because it was the only game my dad bought me for the system.
    Compound the existence of Epic games store giving away games constantly, and yes I now have so many games, many I have barely played or havent played at all. For a while i had a humble bundle subscription and was just getting like 10 games a month for $12 and it just made my Steam account balloon out of control.
    Now, aside form the few games I keep going back to like No Man's Sky, I find myself bouncing around from game to game, searching for that magic of my childhood but mostly feelinf a strange sense of pressure to kove on to another game rather than finish any of them.
    I hate the feeling.
    Great video! Really got me thinking!

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  8 месяцев назад

      Abadox, huh? I never heard of it, actually! If it kept you invested as a kid though, it probably had quite a bit of an appeal, too. :) I noticed that a lot more passion were poured into games back then. Not saying newer games lack passion but a lot of them feel slightly... manufactured at this point. Like mass produced. I think that's another reason why it's so difficult to work through games nowadays. Just a thought! Really glad to hear you're trying to work through your backlog though. I hope it works out for you! :)

  • @TomsToys95
    @TomsToys95 9 месяцев назад +1

    LittleBigPlanet 2 is honestly up there with one of the greatest games ever! Uncharted is also one of my favourite series! Nice video 😊

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  9 месяцев назад +2

      Glad you agree haha! LBP2 was my life back in the day, I wish Sony would make something of it again! The IP has become a bit of a joke these days, sadly... Uncharted had a fantastic run, though. Brilliant game series from start to finish. :) So happy you enjoyed watching!

  • @P-Nello
    @P-Nello 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for your stories of growing up with video games!
    It is a special feeling to hear from someone who shared in that magic during their childhood.
    I think it is true that: one's access to new games directly influences one's appreciation of the games one already has.
    Hopefully, this "paradox" as you call it, will not hinder us from enjoying this amazing medium
    I plan on playing video games until my fingers fall off

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  8 месяцев назад +2

      I'm glad you enjoyed watching and liked hearing my gaming stories! 😊 Means so much that you took the time to watch and listen. And same here! I'll be gaming until my fingers fall off! 😁

    • @P-Nello
      @P-Nello 8 месяцев назад

      @@Dutchess5 I wanted to ask you something kinda cringe. I felt really awkward trying to figure out what I should say, so I'll just make it short and clear.
      I just wondered if you had any RUclips advice for me?
      I've been making videos off and on for the last year - which has been loads of fun - but more and more I'm becoming discouraged.
      I don't have a network of friends and I'd rather KEEL OVER than ask / beg people to watch my stuff, so I wondered if you knew any tips or tricks for getting people to comment or engage with the videos?
      Anyways, I'm sorry if this is odd or irritating. I really appreciate your videos and your time, I really hope to see you succeed!

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  8 месяцев назад +1

      Hi! So sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Life has been doing it's thing lately haha! But I'll be more than happy to help you out. And no worries, you don't sound cringe at all. I took a quick look at your channel and noticed a few things you could probably work on. Taking steps to improve your titles and thumbnails really goes a long way in encouraging viewer engagement. Taking a look at your most popular videos, I can tell that those videos stood out because the title was intriguing and the thumbnail made the video look appealing. Honestly, once you really get a handle on that, things become a little bit easier.
      The biggest factor, however, is creating videos that raises a question to the viewer. All of my videos deal mainly with issues within the gaming community, and many people have different opinions about those things, so there's a huge incentive to discuss it beyond the scope of my video.
      Your videos have a good direction, though. You're very concise when you speak and you stay on topic which is a major plus. I do think you have a lot of potential on RUclips. Just stick with it and see it through. Keep finding ways to improve either through tutorials or trial and error. You'll start to see progress, trust me. :) I dropped a sub too, btw! Let's help each other grow our channels. :D
      Anyways, I hope this advice was helpful! I'm not that huge of a channel either, so my advice might not be "pro level" advice for all I know. XD I'm just telling you what worked for me, and hopefully it'll have that same effect for you. :)
      I would definitely be down to discussing this more somewhere else, like on Discord, if you had anymore follow up questions. So yeah, just say the word and let me know. :) I'll be glad to help out anyway I can.

  • @MiniBytesMobile
    @MiniBytesMobile 9 месяцев назад +2

    I don't think I could have said that any better. The funny thing is that I now have less money to put towards games. 😂 That's why mobile gaming works well for me right now. Although I was able to snag a pretty sweet Fanatical bundle recently. I really enjoyed this video. It was well thought out and delivered.

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the video and found the topic interesting, Mini. A Fanatical bundle, though? I never heard of that! Is that a platform to buy games on?

  • @MotherKojiro
    @MotherKojiro 3 месяца назад +1

    Insightful video! I've seen plenty of people talk about how they have less time the older they get, but nobody really gets into any kind of depth with it like you do here.
    Historically, I've been pretty good at keeping my backlog down, even though I have a habit of checking out the entire system libraries of consoles and handhelds all the way from NES and Game Boy to GBA and NeoGeo, but several years ago, I jumped to PC as my main platform after not really having one for almost 20 years, and I was not ready for the sales. I tend to avoid Steam wherever possible, because I'm old-fashioned and that means I don't like DRM of any sort, but even GOG and itch constantly have crazy sales, and my backlog exploded with decades of games I wanted to catch up on; I've been working on this set for almost six years, and though I'm just one Yakuza marathon away from finally getting it under control, there have been all kinds of rom hacks and the like piling up in what is effectively a secondary backlog. Some day... some day...
    Still, I've been taking my time with it, largely for the reasons you mentioned here: I want to dig right in and enjoy my experience, and if that means I spend a whole month on a single game, then so be it; if I had rushed through something like Yume Nikki, I wouldn't have been able to appreciate the deep beauty found within it. The good news is that the more games I play (or maybe the older I get; my 20s came and went a long time ago), the fussier I seem to get, and that narrows my selection down considerably.

    • @Dutchess5
      @Dutchess5  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for your nice comment! It was a joy for me to read through. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to it, though! Life has been distracting me lately 😂 But yeah, I get what you mean. I've been trying to plow through a ton of games on my list before the summer ends and I can't help but feel like that's kind of destructive in a way, too. Like I'm not taking the time to appreciate the beauty of the game. I'm having that same feeling with Tears of the Kingdom where I feel oddly burned out, yet anxious to finish it at the same time... it's throwing me in for a loop, that's for sure! But good on you for taking your time with games and doing the best you can with game-life time mangement. Definitely not easy the older everyone gets.

    • @MotherKojiro
      @MotherKojiro 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Dutchess5 No worries; life always come first, and if you're still a student, then that doesn't leave you with time for much else. The academic chapter of my life was a long time ago, but I remember.
      It definitely does feel that way sometimes, though: the closer to the end you get (or maybe the longer you spend with it; for a game to take me more than 60 hours, it has to be something really special), you get antsy and just want to finish, and then when you think back, it feels like something is missing from the experience.