Kacie's Eating Disorder Recovery Story | Eating Disorder Solutions

  • Опубликовано: 15 фев 2023
  • Kacie’s eating disorder started out as many do - quietly. Her condition wasn’t obvious to her or the people around her immediately, although Kacie always felt something was wrong. Although she attempted to get help, seeing multiple doctors about her pains and struggles, no one ever mentioned the possibility of an eating disorder. However, after 13 years of struggling and trying to manage things on her own, a simple yet brutal comment made her realize the gravity of the situation.
    “I was trying to manage things independently, which did not work. One day I had a grilled cheese and someone close to me said, “‘Well, don't go and throw that up now.’” That hit hard to realize I was not hiding it - and someone did see it. It took me hours of crying before I could even say the words ‘“I have an eating disorder.” I had never said it out loud.”
    After that, Kacie researched the best possible treatment center for herself, and she ended up in Eating Disorder Solution’s loving and welcoming arms. After speaking with the first team member on the phone and visiting the center, Kacie knew it was the right home for her to heal.
    “I've never been with a staff where they care so much. You can tell they love to be here; it shows in how they care for us. There's no moment we ever feel alone or like we don't have somebody. We go to restaurants and outings together and have a lot of freedom, but much of that time is spent together. We are not alone in this whatsoever. There are very deep relationships that happen here. It's just a genuine love for people, which was important to me. It’s important to anyone.”
    “There's no shame in seeking mental health treatment. Eating disorders look so different for everyone. It doesn't mean that we're not lovable. It doesn't mean our world has to continue crashing down. We have to work on it every day - but we don't have to do those things alone.”
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