Why can't you empty your bladder? (difficulty peeing)

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @sumayakenan6955
    @sumayakenan6955 Год назад +5

    Your video helped me today , god bless you with true guidance the on the path that leads to heaven. 🤗 May God help you like you helped me!

  • @jerimiah_y
    @jerimiah_y 5 месяцев назад +5

    We wouldn’t be on RUclips if we wanted to see a doctor.

    • @az21bob666
      @az21bob666 4 месяца назад

      or if we could afford to see a dr

  • @fujiwarabunta111
    @fujiwarabunta111 2 месяца назад

    2:42 I know such a problem. Sometimes it is difficult for me to urinate when there is some noise or movement nearby. It's necessary so that the urge was very strong.. Now it is not so pronounced, but earlier it was generally terrible problem for me. As soon as something extraneous is nearby, the sphincter muscle simply clamps down and the urge goes away. And I had to wait for the next one when it came.
    But I've learned to deal with it. There are several ways to do this. I use them myself one at a time:
    1) Try to distract yourself, relax, think about something detached. If you constantly think that you need to urinate (or that you need to do it quickly; or that someone will see you), it is unlikely that something will work out, you will only get on your nerves.
    2) You can talk to yourself. Let's say we whisper our plans for the day. So you will focus on something else and get a little distracted.
    Or another variant of this method: say to yourself something like: "Relax, don't be nervous, dear/honey . You have nowhere to hurry. All is ok. You can do it." Convince yourself of this.
    3) And one more way. It may seem ridiculous to some, but it works. Talk to yourself like to a child. Use appropriate affemisms that are spoken to children in similar situations or treat yourself kindly. I'll give you different examples. For example: "Come on, come on, pee-pee-pee/wee-wee" (or you can imitate the sound of water to yourself, just like "shhhhhh" Or: "Come on, dear - (how do you usually address yourself, how do you cheer yourself up), come on, (affectionate form of the name) come on, my dear, relax, psssss." And be sure to praise yourself: "Well done boy/girl, my beauty, good" and so on. Feel free to talk like that to yourself. After all, there is a child in each of us)
    If it doesn't work out, get up, walk around, do something around the house, for example; drink some water. If you want to, go to the toilet again. Don't dwell on it. Take a break.
    All this, of course, is approximate. It depends on the situation, the intensity of the urges. In the end, it depends on your psychology and attitude towards yourself.
    I hope some of the above will help) I wish happiness and health to all of you.

  • @Elianna.gymnast
    @Elianna.gymnast 3 месяца назад

    Thxx.. when I go to the toilet to pee i have to wait for like very long and i wait for the urine to come out but it just takes so much time and is very slow. Thx for helping❤❤❤❤❤

  • @moh574
    @moh574 8 месяцев назад +2

    My wife had a surgery and then she had retention. She can’t do on her own and now she is on self catheterization.
    Please let me know if this is temporary as it’s been 2 months now.
    Thank you.

  • @Paddy955
    @Paddy955 11 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you. This has been happening to me for a few years now and has got worse to the point where I'm in constant pain as if my bladder is so full it's bursting 24/7, yet when i try to pee nothing comes out.
    It feels like there's something blocking my bladder stopping the urine from being released. I found if I squat as low as possible over a bowl my bladder sometimes opens but I could be sitting for 10 or 15 minutes before a small amout of urine comes out and the pain doesn't go away.
    This causes problems with my day to day living in that when I have to leave my home, I'm constantly looking for the nearest public toilet never knowing if when and if I ĝoing to get any relief from my pain and be able to let out even a tiny amount of pee.
    Even though I know nothings going to come out, what if my bladder is bursting with urine and one day it's going to burst in public and I'll wet myself with a large amount of ùrine on public transport or in a supermarket all over their floor.
    I saw my doctor about this problem about 4 years ago when it first became such a painful problem and she basically dismissed it as down to "getting old".
    I was 54 then and now I'm 58 having suffered more and more pain as my condition has gradually got worse. This is really affecting me both physically and emotionally/mentally as I'm so worn ouf by the constant pain and becoming more housebound because I would spend all my time looking for public toilets.
    Can you give me some advice as to what to say to my doctor so I'm not just dismissed?
    I'm getting very worried I may have something serious such as bladder cancer that could havd been investigated earlier than now.
    I'm in the UK where we get free healthcare but the that 'free healthcare' is very poor. Please help if you can!

    • @dorismcveigh1164
      @dorismcveigh1164 10 месяцев назад +2

      Your story is exactly what I am going thru right now,but I was diagnosed with a bladder infection and am on antibiotics for couple of days now hoping that this will help. I am a young 86 and never in my life have I had this problem until last yr where I was diagnosed with an infection without any symptoms,to which the Dr.put me on antibiotics after a urine test. Now this seems to be recurring since then,with terrible pain when I do urinate,before and after.I don’t trust being on this medication,I’ve heard there can be reoccurrences because of the antibiotics..The best bet is to see a urologist I’m thinking,or maybe a gynaecologist,hoping you have found a solution because the pain is horrific.Take care

    • @laflaca658
      @laflaca658 9 месяцев назад +1

      I dont wish this condition on nobody, it's the worst pain, to constantly feel full heavy, so painful, go check your bladder for an infection, try working out and drink lots of fluids, do you find yourself gassy as well? They put me on antibiotics now I am feeling much better, the nurse told me even after I'm done taking them I will still have mild symptoms as my bladder needs to heal, I couldnt drink coffee, soda, juice, she said that it will irritate my bladder. only water, I've been doing 97% better since. Go get checked out for a uti, not sure if you are a male or female, didnt get to look at your name well, but also it might be your prostate if you are a male, good luck to you, may God help you in this, hope you find a solution soon, I'm going to try to workout to see if I can overcome this

    • @Certified_cancer
      @Certified_cancer 6 месяцев назад

      Water! Drink more water even if you cannot. force yourself to drink more than 2 litre at one sitting and your pain shall be relieved as mine had. And actually I think your bladder isn't really full but the bacteria is causing your bladder to inflame which initially trick your brain that's it full

    • @gordoncrawley5826
      @gordoncrawley5826 Месяц назад

      Check out self catheters so you can be sure that your bladder is fully empty. Feels kind of weird but it's not that discomforting and what a relief when you see all that pee come out. If you are a male and have a hard time starting, lub and gently stroke your penis while with the other hand press up on your sack and message the tube that comes out of your body. Try not to get constipated, it will make it easier to pee. Stay ahead of it by drinking some prune juice and eating fiber, but not too much, ease into it with small meals. Check out videos for details. When in pain, look to God, He may be trying to get your attention, in that you have a very real need for Him in your life. Both in this life and even more so, that He is willing to forgive all of our sins, if we are believing in Christ. Then, at death, to stand before Him righteous and be included in His Kingdom to come. Read the book of Romans.

  • @smilledk3160
    @smilledk3160 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for helping me knowing and also what if I pee it's so hissy it's because my urine is touches my sphincters or what?

  • @smilledk3160
    @smilledk3160 4 месяца назад +1

    I have my sphincters too weak so I pee every time I mean every hour I mean I need I need to pee every hour

  • @jakemiles422
    @jakemiles422 6 месяцев назад +1

    informative and super gorgeous

  • @kateroth7154
    @kateroth7154 4 месяца назад

    You have beautiful hair!

  • @travelchannel304
    @travelchannel304 3 месяца назад

    My step.mother is doing PT for this but its not working...for 4 yrs now. Its really affect her energy & ability to stand for ant length of time.

  • @kylekeen3497
    @kylekeen3497 Год назад +4

    Interesting video

  • @fujiwarabunta111
    @fujiwarabunta111 2 месяца назад

    Greetings to everyone reading this comment. Many people have various problems with urination. For some they are physiological, for others they are associated with the nervous system, and for others with a certain psychological block. I once had a very pronounced problem that it was difficult for me to relax in order to start urinating. So I came up with a few psychological techniques that I want to share with you. Maybe this will help in this case too.
    Imagine your bladder, visualize it in your mind. It is filled, inflated like a balloon with a lot of water poured into it. Here we are. Now imagine how you relax your pelvic floor and sphincter muscles: you relax it, relax it, relax it.... And start peeing. Visualize it. You are peeing, peeing, peeing, peeing..... You are peeing until your bladder is completely empty. Its muscles contract again and again, again and again.... Until completely empty..... Tell yourself: “Until the end, until the end, only until the end.” Say it mentally, in a whisper, or just with your lips - as you wish. But talk, set yourself up for it, program yourself.
    Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out the first time. Talk to your inner child, tell him/her: "Come on, dear, come on, you need to do this, come on psssss...."
    Praise yourself if you succeed, tell yourself that you did well, you did it and you feel comfortable now. This will set your mind and body up to completely empty your bladder every time you do so. Combine this technique with massage and movement techniques.
    I hope that my advice will help you. I wish you health, happiness and comfort.