The Man Who Discovered the Truth | MATRIX EXPLAINED

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 190

  • @philipfabiani9325
    @philipfabiani9325 3 года назад +27

    The reason why the main character in the comic feels alone and creates idealistic illusions is because that is how the Matrix caused him to behave. If you do not accept the simulation, you feel alone. You have existential angst. The Matrix does not allow for rejections -- it does not give humans autonomy. The character's desire for personal love and happiness is human nature.

    • @yahu5988
      @yahu5988 3 года назад


    • @PhilHibbs
      @PhilHibbs 3 года назад +1

      He feels alone because he’s in a pod with tubes up the wazoo.

      @DONKEDONKA 3 года назад +2

      Tis not human nature... it is human nurture... we are pure potential. The nurture of humans creates the illusion of human nature. Though their might be some truth to your quip but for the facts that address our slow processing speed and it’s effects on the bio-mechanics of our output expression

  • @worderwonder2256
    @worderwonder2256 3 года назад +6

    Dude... I closed the lights, put this video on headphones and suddenly the voice of the narrator made me completely get lost in his words... for a moment I thought I was part of the story...
    Good job bro. Tha k you for uploading... and daaaaamn on your voice and tone...

  • @vKyIe
    @vKyIe 3 года назад +31

    A lot of the thing's you say make me feel like I'm going to get a call from Morpheus or a visit from an Agent.

  • @silverinternational101
    @silverinternational101 3 года назад +59

    Nooo, I'm not ready for the truth.... yet..... 😱 First let me roll one, get some cookies and get comfy in my seat 😁

    • @sharifwilson44
      @sharifwilson44 3 года назад +5

      I got mines rolled bout to light my shit smoke my shit but i won't be passing my shit lmao!!

    • @silverinternational101
      @silverinternational101 3 года назад +6

      @@sharifwilson44 I'm burning with you man right as we type 😅 Ain't no passing and sharing the cookies around in my house, it's just me... me ... me... me (saying in a Mister Smith Voice 😎). Gotta be careful though with them cookies from Auntie Oracle according to the M.E. 🍪👵

    • @sharifwilson44
      @sharifwilson44 3 года назад +3

      @@silverinternational101 cookies need love like everything does lolol

    • @ioioioioioioioioioioioioio5019
      @ioioioioioioioioioioioioio5019 3 года назад +3


    • @TheChuckwagonLite
      @TheChuckwagonLite 3 года назад +2

      Damn straight, son.

  • @unknowninfinium4353
    @unknowninfinium4353 3 года назад +5

    Even if you accept for what reality is, what you can craft from it is entirely up to your efforts. Whether that gives you meaning or not is another question but there is an infinite possibilities in our actions.

  • @Mdautkreix
    @Mdautkreix 3 года назад +3

    Someone posted this comment here and deleted it but it resonated with me so much I’m going to reproduce it for them:
    *“Nothing is more powerful than LOVE...Love wins every time. So from my understanding, true love is the real reality... right? And when you find “the one/true love” you both have a choice to live the life you both want to live.” -Amanda Foster*
    I dont know why Amanda deleted this insightful comment but i really like where this train of thought could lead in terms of quantum realities/emergent realities/entanglement/love/etc. Is it possible that reality only exists on a 1:1 scale? Is shared experience through love the only true reality? Getting a lot of Interstellar meets Matrix vibes. Thank you Amanda! Wherever you are lol

  • @georgewilliamsiii4677
    @georgewilliamsiii4677 3 года назад +54

    This matrix is devolving into chaos. We must be close to a reset.

    • @Menaceblue3
      @Menaceblue3 3 года назад +5

      This has been the sixth version of the matrix and we have been increasingly efficient!

    • @Mdautkreix
      @Mdautkreix 3 года назад +1

      Imagine... a world full of Agent Donalds 😟

    • @HenritheHorse
      @HenritheHorse 3 года назад +1

      Yes, the great reset...

    • @MR3DDev
      @MR3DDev 3 года назад +4

      The architect went to get some coffee and his young child came in, pressed all the buttons and covid appeared

    • @charisma-hornum-fries
      @charisma-hornum-fries 3 года назад +1

      Don’t think it counts if only one country is in chaos. Maybe they can do a regional one. The Danish servers a working quite well.

  • @philipfabiani9325
    @philipfabiani9325 3 года назад +4

    This is insightful analysis. But I don't agree with the idea that all that matters is we are alive. Humans should strive to improve. By accepting the Matrix -- or our own illusion-- we are being passive and not evolving. The Matrix is designed to control humans -- it is not meant to promote growth.

  • @greyisometrix
    @greyisometrix 3 года назад +6

    One of your best ones in the last few days I think. Keep it up man. I've subscribed! I still say Matrix was one of the best movies of all time.

  • @naturalbrunette07
    @naturalbrunette07 3 года назад +5

    What's the significance in the television reading "deeper images" during Neo's first load?

  • @tru_710
    @tru_710 3 года назад +11

    I've heard mathematicians explain the universe in terms of numbers. Math is its own language that was always there. We didnt invent it. We discovered it. Does that mean if your too smart, u can see thru the matrix?

    • @deekdouglas3055
      @deekdouglas3055 3 года назад +1

      It's not being smart as such. Neo could see it because that part of smiths code that saw the matrix was copied into him. Kid freed himself not through his intellect as such more through his emotions. We have simulation theory which basically says we do live in a matrix like simulation but it's just a theory. Our math isn't advanced enough to understand the whole universe as it is if that's even possible but also you can't quantify the soul or mathematically predict the randomness of human behaviour. Math in relation to nature is often more an approximation rather than precision. It's an interesting question I'd assume has dependancy on how good the simulation is and how good the user interface is

    • @lordteapot9740
      @lordteapot9740 3 года назад

      not really, math is an arbitrary set of relationships that allow us to make sense of things. we did not 'discover' math, we invented 'language' and 'numerals' and established relationships between the numerals to explain things. there is no fundamental reason another species could not use a completely different set of numbers to arrive at the same conclusions and relationships.

    • @tru_710
      @tru_710 3 года назад

      @@lordteapot9740 whatever set of numbers they use, is only an avatar to represent the numbers and measurements that already exist within the universe. Seeing the universe in numbers all the same because the numbers already exist. We only discovered them and made up our own names for that.

  • @JohnSagin-SimViDeLucis579
    @JohnSagin-SimViDeLucis579 3 года назад +5

    Solipsism is REAL! You can feel it from them, see it on their faces! The only trick to it is learning which side YOU are on. Its a hard thing to prove, like LastThursday-ism. The hypothesis that our universe just sprang into existence *last thursday.*

  • @ahmede3608
    @ahmede3608 3 года назад +5

    Solipsism is a symptom of mental distress as a result of isolation and alienation. This occurs when there is a lack of community and decline in collectivism.

  • @nathaniel6087
    @nathaniel6087 3 года назад +3

    Perception is the substance in which our minds exist to serve with the symbiosis of Reality

    • @JohnSagin-SimViDeLucis579
      @JohnSagin-SimViDeLucis579 3 года назад +1

      Conscious perception imbues meaning, EXISTANCE itself. Like learning in reverse...

    • @nichsulol4844
      @nichsulol4844 3 года назад

      @@JohnSagin-SimViDeLucis579 eye maybe just a future camera is too simple highly advanced enough

  • @julienathalie7768
    @julienathalie7768 3 года назад +2

    In the "reality" I was given to experience since "my earthly birth" I have the chance to experience moments pleasant "sensations"such as Love, joy, peace, etc...
    For these I am Grateful
    I truly felt Love & Safety during this "life"
    & that is Extremely Precious to me
    I do not know exactly what it looks like for me on the other side of the curtain & I do not know how to run away from it either
    Thank you soooo much
    But I Truly am Grateful for those Precious Pleasant moments that were Given to me
    Was I able yo appreciate them before I've started to feel threatened.?
    But I am happy that I am given the chance to realize that now
    Thank you sooooo much to whom who has given me that Wonderful Chance

  • @christopherirving7685
    @christopherirving7685 3 года назад +1

    Two videos in one 24 hour period. Thanks man. Enjoyed this one

  • @amrfwws4461
    @amrfwws4461 3 года назад +2

    If all I can see is numbers, I'll just keep it for myself for the rest of my life. Hacking the Matrix to gets me some money and stuff, wows..

  • @doshirakproject6783
    @doshirakproject6783 3 года назад +3

    Music in the very beginning sounds a lot like intro of Damage, Inc. by Metallica lol

    • @philipfabiani9325
      @philipfabiani9325 3 года назад +2

      The music that best fits with The Matrix universe is found on the And Justice for All album.
      "Freeee-dom no lonnn-ger frees you!"

    • @svetoslavsimeonov6903
      @svetoslavsimeonov6903 3 года назад

      Fuck yeah🤘

  • @sylvesterfox9185
    @sylvesterfox9185 3 года назад +7

    This makes me sad. It reminds me of how I feel at times. Nothing is what I wish it to be. Last year I was even told that, what was in my head didn't match with reality. I believed I had a boyfriend and we understood what we were to one another, but he hadnt decided what we were and we hadnt really talked about it, just went with the flo until he felt thing were moving too fast.. I thoughts that the people I surrounded myself with were my friends although i often question their intentions and like the person featured in this vid, reality crashed dwn on me. Its hard now to trust what i see and hear, wondering if its real or something i dreamed up to cope with reality. As a Pisces I am a natural dreamer but as a kid all i had was my dreams. I can't say i was isolated from anything but because I shielded from a lot I didn't really get to experience too much of anything until my teen and adult years. I think that's why I love the matrix so much, my whole life I've been a red pill waiting to wake up

    • @christopherirving7685
      @christopherirving7685 3 года назад

      And your experience matches mine perfectly but makes me want to be a blue pill and die in my own happiness. Why awake to more bs? But I can relate and even sympathise with your comment as I've had a similar experience makes you think the matrix dosent it

    • @jasonwaynemoss3912
      @jasonwaynemoss3912 3 года назад

      Nicely put

    • @LuanEevee
      @LuanEevee 3 года назад +1

      It feels like you are reading my thoughts. Fellow Pisces here as well. The whole sense of reality has been on and off over the last 2,5 years. I literally question everything that has been happening to me. Especially when it comes to social and romantic relationships. How can reality be true if reality is subjective? Is there even such a thing as reality? It feels like I'm getting unplugged, in Spiritual terms: having a 'dark night of the soul', it is driving me insane.

    • @Iightstar
      @Iightstar 2 года назад

      @@LuanEevee are u dead?

  • @47thfraz
    @47thfraz 3 года назад +2

    Has anything been in depth reviewed in the book/pages neo stored his software in that had the cut out pages. Nihilism, simulacra and simulation in the first movie?

    • @Magusdlbr
      @Magusdlbr 3 года назад +1

      That was one of the books the actors were required to read and understand, by the directors, so they could understand the concept of the movie.

  • @halerelic5169
    @halerelic5169 3 года назад

    Feelings are the only aspect of reality that cannot be questioned or denied. If you have a feeling, you have that feeling, no question about it.

  • @MR_EYEX
    @MR_EYEX 3 года назад +9

    i think everyone here will be interested in A Glitch in The Matrix upcoming documentary.

    • @dreadhead_rastatv31
      @dreadhead_rastatv31 3 года назад

      Is that real

    • @MR_EYEX
      @MR_EYEX 3 года назад +1

      @@dreadhead_rastatv31 Maybe is a simulation, who knows.

  • @magpieeuc4846
    @magpieeuc4846 3 года назад

    Ayn Rand's Philosophy (Objectivism) states that 1. you have to accept that reality exists, and you are a part of it. This is the complete opposite of solipsism as you mention which states that reality does not exist other than inside your mind, therefor you can not be a part of it.

  • @BlizzRM10MOZES
    @BlizzRM10MOZES 3 года назад +1

    I've been smoking way too much weed but I'm addicted to this channel

  • @rhonwenstephens8539
    @rhonwenstephens8539 2 года назад

    As far as I can tell I interact with the world around me and the people there. Therefore I may as well act as if what I perceive as reality, is reality

  • @lamaahruloma4270
    @lamaahruloma4270 3 года назад +2

    As everyone can check and try for himself or herself, there are strong reasons to assume the reality is really a simulation and if the reality around you isn't a simulation, then we will be forced to find a better explanation for the weird results.

  • @mr.boomguy
    @mr.boomguy Год назад

    Personally, I try the oppersite of sylipsism. I try to connect with people, even if just for a moment with a stranger, even just a wave to say hallo. Because if I don't, everything might as well be a simulation.

  • @AspieMediaBobby
    @AspieMediaBobby 2 года назад

    As an ex-solipsist, it`s a dangerous way of thinking.

  • @philipfabiani9325
    @philipfabiani9325 3 года назад +2

    I don't know if anyone will read this comment, but it truly is amazing how nobody seems to realize the political symbolism in the Matrix. I have watched many videos, read several articles, read multiple reddit posts, read many comments, and I didnt see anyone point out the most obvious symbolism. This is how you know the Matrix works. A mainstream film's symbolism flies over the heads of some of the most nerdy internet people.
    I will give you a strong hint of what I'm referring to -- the code in the Matrix is green and often shown with numbers. Do you think this was meant to just be a nice visual?

    • @jellohead122000
      @jellohead122000 3 года назад

      I'm slow my friend. And still plugged in. Can you give another hint?

    • @KarimBilal1
      @KarimBilal1 3 года назад

      Can you explain the green and numbers

  • @RashadMakes
    @RashadMakes 3 года назад +2

    Did the Machines / The Architect know how to “program love” in the Matrix, before Neo displayed love in Reloaded ?

    • @peaknonsense2041
      @peaknonsense2041 3 года назад +2

      Not until Neo made the choice of love of Trinity (God) over man.
      That's what the two choices are about. To continue in rebellion against God by following human nature to protect the species. Or to follow God in love to your personal detriment, self sacrifice.
      The anomoly isn't the person, it's making the choice, wilfully to choose love, self sacrifice in the name of the Trinity. That why the Architect called it irrational because they were taught by humans that it threatens the species to view the machines in their image which is in the image of God so the machines view them the same way.
      The previous five were not "The One". They chose to save Zion, their species like the humans that scorched the sky.
      They weren't one of the anomoly humans that chose to defend the machines from destruction against those who scorched the sky.
      Neo isn't the "One" either. He wasn't born in the Matrix to two other programs like Saati. But he did choose against his own species like the humans that tried to protect the machines before the war started. This taught the Oracle who studies everything in the Matrix choice was real, not just a story in human history.
      Learning that, she could now make choices she couldn't understand, and helped Saati be created then sacrifice her form to smuggle her in to the Matrix.
      Smith took Saati's code then took the Oracles causing the truce option, as both sides have to be willing to stop the rebellion against each other. Smith then gave those codes to Neo who then uploaded to the Matrix creating the ability for programs to know choice, and create Saati's.
      I assume this will result in Trinity having the REAL One through how Saati was created with Neo's choice creating the code. And that child will be the one who teaches the rest of the humans and programs to permanently end the rebellion against each other which is really a rebellion against their creators, God. As God created man in His image. Man created machine in theirs which is the image of God. Then man attacked machines which is a rebellion against themselves and God. The machines fought back in rebellion against the same.
      Only when both realize they're images of each other and images of God, so they can live in peace together, will the Matrix end.
      The machines and programs are just as much slaves to the Matrix as humans through their rebellions against each other thus God.

    • @HonestHeartsClub
      @HonestHeartsClub 3 года назад

      @@peaknonsense2041 very interesting

  • @ccc822007
    @ccc822007 3 года назад +4

    Wow this ones deep. So Deep it resonates within.

  • @alaricgoldkuhl155
    @alaricgoldkuhl155 3 года назад

    Solipsism is self-defeating. Even if it is true, what choice do you have but go along with whatever reality you find yourself in?

  • @cottagepie1
    @cottagepie1 3 года назад +1

    Have you seen the film Cube? Look at the final scene of that film and tell it's not a construct connected to or leaving The Matrix lol.
    Also Total Recall lol

  • @arrogantbandit1
    @arrogantbandit1 3 года назад

    Maybe these have been answered or are obvious.
    But how do Agents see the Matrix, in code?
    Do they have an Operator, who?
    And who are they talking to through the earpieces?

  • @davidoliver7510
    @davidoliver7510 3 года назад +1

    Wow. That's one thought provoking story.

  • @MrVirus9898
    @MrVirus9898 3 года назад

    Solipsism is a mistake. It is a self destructive perspective that is easily refuted by something as simple as a water. The Solipsist is like the kid in math class who says "Teacher, I know how to divide be zero; just multiply by zero, and it comes out to one!

  • @sharifwilson44
    @sharifwilson44 3 года назад

    Great vid as always Ty for doing a panel on the matrix comics please do more

  • @Normington
    @Normington 3 года назад +2

    I think the solipsism he feels is based on being alone in the real world in the pods.

  • @boedye
    @boedye 3 года назад +1

    I love this channel -- it's thought provoking and interesting to look back on the Matrix 20 years later. But I do have a small criticism: Could you maybe dictate in something that isn't an ASMR voice? I get what you are going for, but it comes off as you whispering loudly, rather than speaking softly and serenely.

  • @thisirishlife2429
    @thisirishlife2429 3 года назад +1

    Great video, very enjoyable. We have no choice but to accept reality as it is. To do otherwise is swimming against the divine flow of life into turbulent waters. Wu Wei in the matrix vs battling AI bots in the so-called 'real' world. Depends on which game is your flavour I suppose.

  • @briandaleske5139
    @briandaleske5139 3 года назад +1

    I theorize that there might be a true reality that’s beyond the Matrix, and I theorize that it might be hidden.
    But I theorize that it is very difficult to get to; Do to the fact that the MATRIX will do anything to keep people trapped within it.
    I also theorize that someday into the far future a small group of people might get set free from the prison illusion of the Matrix, and I theorize it could be by the true remaining natural born humans, and to add I theorize that these people have been planning for many years to figure out some way to free as many people as they can that are trapped in the Machines City.
    In addition I theorize that the remaining natural born people who still exist could have a hidden sanctuary that is somewhat similar to Zion, and yet I imagine that it has a different name to it, and to add not even the robots from the Machines City knows about, and not only that the robots from Machines City never indicated that they knew that any natural born humans were still alive, and hidden somewhere beyond their reach.
    To add I theorize that one of the people that the natural born humans are going to try to free from Machines City; Is of the guy who is the template for the male clones hybrids of that are half human, and half machine parts that the machines make to use for certain purposes, and that guy is the one whose DNA is constantly being used to create different versions of NEO over the years for the Matrix system.
    Plus to add the other person that the naturally born people are trying to find to try to set free; Is a lady whose DNA was used only two times to create 2 different versions of TRINITY clones for the Matrix system, and I imagine that the 2nd. one had died when fighting with the eighth version of NEO against robots in the movie of (MATRIX 3: REVOLUTION).

    • @nichsulol4844
      @nichsulol4844 3 года назад

      natural born meaning to person who claim since have birth in advanced society of future of true

  • @SOURCEw00t
    @SOURCEw00t 3 года назад

    You have an explanation for in the first movie when the helicopter crashes the windows do like a wave pattern and then explode?

  • @KrepsyK
    @KrepsyK 3 года назад

    Fantasy is "the act of self pleasuring" REALITY is truth. Never stop learning and challenging reality to find the truth.

    • @nichsulol4844
      @nichsulol4844 3 года назад

      machine is not only treating human but even too training human how to escape very easy learning

  • @alexanderandrew6535
    @alexanderandrew6535 3 года назад

    But why he sees the codes? Neo started to see the codes after he became the one & im guessing morphius & the others dont see in code aswell

  • @Sobeewan
    @Sobeewan 3 года назад

    Dez does not have Mia's love, she has his. He is a pet. This comic is a male/female role reversal with the male projection of what they want a woman to be. The real Matrix is that women love men, which they cannot. They can only respect, or not respect, you as a man. But you, as a man, assume the love you feel as a natural protector for women, to be the same as the love she feels for you as the protected. It is not.

  • @patricknelson6935
    @patricknelson6935 3 года назад

    Dammed if you don't, dammed if you do. Or, too many chief's & not enough Indian's. If you follow,then people look at you one way,if you lead they look another way. But,when you do both,they stay around. I have experienced cynipcism,& when I did,I felt very alone. No Bible,no other person,no answers,just what was before me in this situation of mirror reality. Not who am I, where's my life going,or is there a God,but at that moment,my honest thought was an incredible urge to try to understand the feeling of wanting to vibrate so fast enough to escape the visional reality before me. I mean all , everything, to not be in my body,but in my body at the same time traveling somewhere, anywhere,to answer my curiosity.

  • @lucianmaximus4741
    @lucianmaximus4741 3 года назад

    Kudos -- 444 Gematria -- 🗽

  • @MrMrdamon1
    @MrMrdamon1 3 года назад

    If an illusion is all you have live YOUR illusion.

  • @aq3d-altitude-593
    @aq3d-altitude-593 3 года назад +1

    Awaits 😎

  • @kingofhell1985
    @kingofhell1985 3 года назад

    Okey so we know pretty much everything about Neo history, but what about Morpheus and Trinity what did they do before becoming a red pill like Neo?

  • @anti9945
    @anti9945 Год назад

    Solipsism is the only true way to live, no any other philosophical idea can't truly deal with solipsism. More even, other philosophical ideas rather prove solipsism more.

  • @darthwader4472
    @darthwader4472 3 года назад +3

    Not doing ANY drugs, pours sugar in his coffee...

  • @shadowhenge7118
    @shadowhenge7118 3 года назад

    Dez, is not wrong.

  • @zach4thlife
    @zach4thlife 3 года назад +1

    Nice smile mr a

  • @kenzaruz2982
    @kenzaruz2982 3 года назад

    after the lock downs, It feels like the reality that one’s was, is no more. The sense of safety in the matrix is broken now. 😵‍💫

  • @beverlycoates1739
    @beverlycoates1739 3 года назад


  • @Scorpiosgraphx
    @Scorpiosgraphx 3 года назад

    I brought up thus concept on one the prior videos. I definitely think this is the case.

  • @knight64art
    @knight64art 3 года назад

    I thought only neo could see the code in the matrix does this mean he could be one of the first ones

  • @James-qu8jw
    @James-qu8jw 3 года назад

    I have a question.... are we in the matrix? And how would we know if we were ?

    • @miguelpatrick79
      @miguelpatrick79 3 года назад +1

      only you would know does something feels wrong with the world do everyone feels fake to you?

    • @James-qu8jw
      @James-qu8jw 3 года назад +1

      @@miguelpatrick79 yes people are fake as hell so maybe I am in the matrix

  • @samuelcosta8189
    @samuelcosta8189 Год назад +1

    I think reality blows🤨

  • @danielgomessilva8966
    @danielgomessilva8966 2 года назад

    "Dez" in portuguese means 10 (ten)

  • @stephengarrett9301
    @stephengarrett9301 3 года назад

    Why don't you guys look at the matrix comics for content purposes?

  • @erikohman2294
    @erikohman2294 3 года назад

    I dont think solipsimsm is real. I also dont think it can be disproven. When the definition of truth or reality is at stake, discussion can be hard.

  • @MrSauserMFly
    @MrSauserMFly 3 года назад

    ...but isn’t Love a conform of control in the matrix ? So he’s still being controlled

  • @DuberlyMazuelosBZero
    @DuberlyMazuelosBZero 3 года назад

    thats me every day

  • @prohollow606
    @prohollow606 3 года назад

    If someone is slowly waking up to the matrix. Is there a reason the agents don’t just take over the body?

    • @DarkWolper
      @DarkWolper 3 года назад +1

      If they took the red pull thry can't no morebecsuse the red pill kinda disconnect them from the system ... In case of for example Neo they first tried to calm him down and giving promises so that he's gonna stay a part of the system

    • @prohollow606
      @prohollow606 3 года назад

      @@DarkWolper first off thanks for responding haha.... but I more meant before the red pill moments... so you slowly starting to see number. Before they would meet Morpheus for example. Or is it a case of once you start to wake up (even if you don’t know fully) the agents can no longer take your body?

  • @Gfish17
    @Gfish17 3 года назад

    If human knows thier reality is fake yet decide to just accept it.
    Are they still a threat to the Status quo (the Matrix)?

  • @shodan198
    @shodan198 3 года назад

    Challenge perspective wake up

  • @dj2000lbs
    @dj2000lbs 3 года назад

    i am living in a dream world

  • @btchpants
    @btchpants 3 года назад

    I think therefore I am.

  • @peteshea155
    @peteshea155 3 года назад

    hands up who think they live on a spinning ball Earth as given.

  • @chuckp3131
    @chuckp3131 3 года назад

    Angels came down to give messages in people's dreams
    It could be this world is a dream

    • @obergruppenmajorfring
      @obergruppenmajorfring 3 года назад +2

      Every time you’ve heard of an angel, it could be a redpill that was preparing someone to wake up

    • @murder1625
      @murder1625 3 года назад +1

      Lucid dreamer it's free real estate

  • @yahu5988
    @yahu5988 3 года назад +1


    • @djedeye2665
      @djedeye2665 3 года назад +1

      Nice thought but not true (I admit it can be helpful IF done correctly). Stress is the main cause of sickness, whether it's stressful situations or stressed foods, stressed electrical fields, stressed/ dis-harmonic sounds also called destructive interference..stressful architecture (hex/incubational vs pent,pramid or oval. . metals that are non conductive can cause interference in the field...(aluminum vs gold, paladium etc)..even stressed locations on the planet.. Remember what Einstein said.. "The field is the SOLE governing agency of the particle"

    • @yahu5988
      @yahu5988 3 года назад

      @@djedeye2665 why is a pentagon non stressful or beneficial?
      Wht did einstein mean by field?
      Why is paladium beneficial?

    • @yahu5988
      @yahu5988 3 года назад +1

      @@djedeye2665 also what i found out is being naked has great beneficial effects on the body

    • @djedeye2665
      @djedeye2665 3 года назад

      @@yahu5988 Pentagonal geometry encourages rotation of waves...Hexagonal in-cube-ates it..has tp do with the 90 degree vs 72 degree angles.

    • @yahu5988
      @yahu5988 3 года назад

      @@djedeye2665 what purpose does rotation in waves have

  • @metalberserk
    @metalberserk 3 года назад

    no :)
    you never discover the truth
    you just discover lies.
    and how can a lie protect you from anything if you are a red pill and they dont give you the illusion?

    • @deekdouglas3055
      @deekdouglas3055 3 года назад

      The prophecy was lie but it inderectly protected morpheus because he believed. Ultimately it came crashing down which I'd say was to be expected but he was made stronger through belief in the lie it gave him an unshakable confidence

    • @metalberserk
      @metalberserk 3 года назад

      @@deekdouglas3055 but theres no sense in this...becouse if a lie can make you stronger imagine what the truth could do with you :)
      it means you have to fear the truth becouse it makes you weaker...come on :)
      it seems to me there are something that protects the "truth" from the conscious mind...
      like something really bad could happen if that will come...
      yeah... bad but for who?

    • @deekdouglas3055
      @deekdouglas3055 3 года назад

      @@metalberserk that's a really nice point. He was made stronger at the time by the lie (like the oracle only tells you what you needed to hear) but haven't seen him inside the matrix since to know if he's even stronger than that now. You just got me hyped lol 😂 loved the character. That would be freaking awesome if he's even better now

    • @nichsulol4844
      @nichsulol4844 3 года назад

      @@deekdouglas3055 mind uploading in future already advanced enough to copy and delete memory then paste

  • @irvinmmala8213
    @irvinmmala8213 3 года назад


  • @mtaylor2232
    @mtaylor2232 3 года назад +1

    i am the only mind that exists. all of you are my creation

    • @peaknonsense2041
      @peaknonsense2041 3 года назад

      If true, then your mind doesn't exist outside of my mind which creates you and I don't exist outside of the others reading it who create me. The logic doesn't follow, obviously.

    • @mtaylor2232
      @mtaylor2232 3 года назад

      @@peaknonsense2041 you are high

    • @peaknonsense2041
      @peaknonsense2041 3 года назад

      @@mtaylor2232 It's not my fault you don't understand logic

  • @jynx3662
    @jynx3662 3 года назад


  • @lukethomeret-duran5273
    @lukethomeret-duran5273 2 года назад

    Kind of disappointed with this video. Didn't go into the actual philosophical work

  • @drippmacchina9317
    @drippmacchina9317 3 года назад


  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 3 года назад
