  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2012

Комментарии • 97

  • @myvenusheeler
    @myvenusheeler 11 лет назад

    I just subscribed to your channel because of the gun safe pistol holder video you posted and then decided to look at your videos and see this!!
    My heartfelt sympathy to you.
    At least he did not land inside your home that a corner house neighbor of mine endured a few years ago to his house by a friggen drunk illegal "guest" here in Houston,which is getting way to common.
    Good luck on the insurance claim and dont forget to make them pay for that nice Sego Palm too !!!

  • @Mr23JRS
    @Mr23JRS 11 лет назад

    Fubar I'm sad to hear about your recent chain of events man.. Try to keep positive and know people care out there man.. You're an awesome guy with an awesome channel!

  • @battymomof3
    @battymomof3 11 лет назад

    Glad you are ok ... sorry you have to go through this drama. Best wishes for a speedy resolution! :)

  • @katiatomsk
    @katiatomsk 11 лет назад

    A friend of ours had a drunk driver, drive all the way into her house and was walking around wondering what happened. It was a mess.
    I am so glad no one was hurt.

  • @intoweapons
    @intoweapons 11 лет назад

    Glad everyone in your family is safe...

  • @GunGlutton
    @GunGlutton 11 лет назад

    thank god you are okay

    @GUNTOTER1 11 лет назад

    That really sucks, nice to see that he did not come into the house with the truck. That could hve been alot worse if he had and anybody was in that room thank God that did not happen. Hope that S.O.B. HAS INSURANCE AND IT DOES NOT COME OUTTA YOUR POCKET. GOOD LUCK.

  • @firedawg529
    @firedawg529 11 лет назад

    Sorry about your bad luck my friend. Hope it all works out with as little stress for you as possible. You would be so surprised at how often this happens in our area and most of the time the driver isn't even drunk!

  • @DeeHersey
    @DeeHersey 11 лет назад

    omgosh fubar! I am glad you guys are alright. That is very scary. Please keep us updated and let us know if this guy fries hard for this!

  • @homegirl918
    @homegirl918 11 лет назад

    Sorry to see what happened. Thank goodness nobody was hurt.
    good luck w/ the claims, repairs, etc.

  • @TNGlockman
    @TNGlockman 11 лет назад

    Wow, that sucks. Glad no one got hurt!

  • @WestCoastPrepperRN
    @WestCoastPrepperRN 11 лет назад

    Glad you are OK Foobie...I'd be pissed off like a wet cat! I have ZERO tolerance for drunk drivers - I lost my Grandparents to one...That guy should be thanking his lucky stars he didn't kill someone! I hope he gets bent over!!

  • @stayingawake20
    @stayingawake20 11 лет назад

    Well, glad you guys are ok, and he could've wound up in your bedroom. House is fixable. Glad you're ok Fubar

  • @saltyshellback
    @saltyshellback 11 лет назад

    Wow, that sucks. Hopefully he has insurance to pay for damages. Glad no one was hurt that you know of. Good luck with it all.

  • @DeeDeeDIY
    @DeeDeeDIY 11 лет назад

    aww man, drunk drivers are so deadly! glad you are okay

  • @MongoWongo777
    @MongoWongo777 11 лет назад

    All my best!!! Glad it was only propery damage and no family members were injuried,

  • @sebagosteve
    @sebagosteve 11 лет назад

    You are OK and that is the only thing that matters. All the repairs will be made and it will be good as new again. We can't replace you though. God Bless.

  • @FernHillOhio
    @FernHillOhio 11 лет назад

    Damn brother you just cant catch a break can you! Keep your head up my friend. Sorry to see this.

  • @Webtime96
    @Webtime96 11 лет назад

    When my son was 2 months old, 4 teenagers running from the police in a stolen BMW run off the road and up onto my porch, and careened into the wall of my house, I was on the couch, on the other side of the wall laying on the couch with my son across my chest. The only thing that stopped them from coming thru the wall (which they bumped) was the post of the porch ( which slowed them down enough). I thought the house was coming down.

  • @mrmikesgunrack
    @mrmikesgunrack 11 лет назад

    That's why I don't live in town anymore, I had something similar happen to me. A drunk guy parked on my concrete front porch, and didn't realize it until I left for work at 5 in the morning. I climbed over the hood looked inside saw his wallet, found out he lived two blocks down, and he left the keys in it, so I took the truck for a little spin... After I had my fun I drove it in a very lake ditch at about fifteen miles an hour, walked home went to work.

  • @1952Jeep
    @1952Jeep 11 лет назад

    Glad none of your family got in harms way, like you said "could have been worse". !'m sure he has insurance...it's the law right?...Good luck!! Looked like he lived in a decent neighborhood maybe it will turn out OK.

  • @glover65
    @glover65 11 лет назад

    I agree with the guy that said sue him. If you can't beat his ass the make his life miserable in civil court. Best wishes to you and yours brother from San Antonio.

  • @DaveGunslinger
    @DaveGunslinger 11 лет назад

    Raw deal. Glad that you and your family are ok. Houses are fixable. He must have been pretty F'd up to come that far up. Too bad he didn't wrap himself around one of them trees though.

  • @RayBecker
    @RayBecker 11 лет назад

    Fooby...That is seriously fucked up. Being from the city, I thought I'd seen everything. Damn. And that's a pretty quiet neighborhood. I'm sure you got it all under control. Oh...I am very sorry for your loss my friend. Just got my puter back up and did not have a chance to tell you that. Be good Fooby!

  • @mikemorrison281
    @mikemorrison281 11 лет назад

    You can file a lien against his property if he doesn't have insurance!!! I'm glad no one in your family was hurt!!!

  • @AnnBearForFreedom
    @AnnBearForFreedom 11 лет назад

    Oh, Fubar! I'm so thankful no one was injured...or worse. Remember if he didn't have insurance, you can file a civil suit for damages. While youre waiting to hear from the police, it would be worth calling a contractor to get a dollar estimate of the damage and the repair. Even if you plan to do most of the work yourself, you'll still need the official estimate paperwork for legal stuff. Try to stay positive, and my heart goes out to you

  • @kristianbarry
    @kristianbarry 11 лет назад

    Just glad nobody in house got hurt! Hope that dude gets screwed, things could have neen much worse

  • @cokeman250
    @cokeman250 11 лет назад

    WOW now thats a little to close for comfort for my taste glad your ok God Bless

  • @raw5069
    @raw5069 11 лет назад

    Glad your ok , I know you feel like kick'n  his ass ,but ...it's not worth it brother. Don't let this put you in jail,let the law handle it.

  • @GilthasNex
    @GilthasNex 11 лет назад

    OMG! I am glad you and your family are safe. Maybe time for some creative landscaping with vehicle obstructions(reinforced fence posts, boulders, decorative pond, concrete yard ornaments, etc...) My recommendations at least.

  • @MyHollowpoint
    @MyHollowpoint 11 лет назад

    That sucks! Don't overlook 10 cents worth of damage.

  • @BigFun4Life
    @BigFun4Life 11 лет назад

    That sucks,the good news is nobody at your house got hurt,the bad thing is it will still cost you out of pocket.I say make him pay one way or another.

  • @TheSickman99
    @TheSickman99 11 лет назад

    damn man that sucks ..i really wanna know how this turn out so keep us informed

  • @ChristBoarder
    @ChristBoarder 11 лет назад

    i got hit by a drunk driver about a month ago. he totaled both of our cars and nearly killed us both. its rediculous how much trouble drunk drives cause!

  • @orng1
    @orng1 11 лет назад

    I hope they get that guy on every charge. No slap on the wrist.

    @FUBARPROTOCOL  11 лет назад

    They gave me a case number and the detectives phone number.Thanks for the information.

  • @bentheleet
    @bentheleet 11 лет назад

    wow this is a bummer.
    drinking and driving is never good.
    hope all is well with this :D

  • @rdsii64
    @rdsii64 11 лет назад

    In North Carolina if he didn't have insurance the state would hold him financially responsible for the damage to your house. His license will never be reinstated until he makes restitution. I'm no lawyer or anything but if this guy ends up not having any insurance, check into putting a lien on his house. You may even be able to sue him if he has any equity in his house.

  • @QRFCombatVET
    @QRFCombatVET 11 лет назад

    Damn bro, sorry to hear what happen. Is the insurance company going to cover everything to get your house fixed??

  • @Miroku1226
    @Miroku1226 11 лет назад

    Why can't stuff like this happen to scumbags?

  • @shawntannehill
    @shawntannehill 11 лет назад

    Hope they throw the book at him! He will get his.

  • @BiPolarBear512
    @BiPolarBear512 11 лет назад

    good luck man, sorry about your house

  • @SilverStarGazer
    @SilverStarGazer 11 лет назад

    Man that sucks! It's nice to have insurance BUT it still is a hassle that you'll pay for somehow either cash or time both equally as valuable and who knows how bad it really hurt the house until they inspect everything. I hope it's a easy fix and nothing major. That poor palm tree... It looked so sad laying there :(

  • @aksbe27
    @aksbe27 11 лет назад

    Have your foundation checked and bill him back.

  • @raw5069
    @raw5069 11 лет назад

    just get a repair estimate ..and send it to him register mail with a copy of the police report, put a note it letting him know he can make monthly payments on it until it's paid off.

  • @starlordish
    @starlordish 11 лет назад

    WTH!!!! Sorry to hear that fub.what a piece if shit to run like that!!!

  • @zenbear30
    @zenbear30 11 лет назад

    Holy hades! I do hope that you and yours are safe sir.
    Stupid drunk deserves to have the world sued out of him.
    Good Hunting.

  • @preparedchipmunk
    @preparedchipmunk 11 лет назад

    I'm very sorry that happened to you.

  • @RagnarOdinsson
    @RagnarOdinsson 11 лет назад

    This happened to me but they him my wifes car out on the street. Hit is so hard it traveled across the neighbors driveway and into their house. They took off but I was able to follow the coolant trail to their house a few blocks away. Full size Blazer with a smashed front end with steam coming out. Porch lights were out as well. The 1st cop I sent up there said she was in diabetic shock. Which was BS we found out she had been puller over earlier that night for driving drunk....

  • @TheGunnut87
    @TheGunnut87 11 лет назад

    it wasnt anti freeze- he pissed hiself with fear after he realized who's home he ran into.

  • @HedgehogOutdoors
    @HedgehogOutdoors 11 лет назад

    That is before I watched the video lol. Good thing they got him!

  • @whiplashie
    @whiplashie 11 лет назад

    damn, seems to be pretty restless back there.

  • @MeAndMyGuns44
    @MeAndMyGuns44 11 лет назад

    Im glad no one was hurt...but that sucks.... I would be knocking on his door, just like you said if you drink and drive you gonna get what coming to ya....

  • @siriusdvi123
    @siriusdvi123 11 лет назад

    Well im glad u and ur grandkids werent hurt

  • @BurtBartlow
    @BurtBartlow 11 лет назад

    I must admit...I drink beer on a regular basis but one thing I do not do is drink and drive...even after drinking even one beer. I either have a ride arranged or call a cab. This guy should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. He could have killed someone and at the very least he killed your plant and damaged your house. I'm glad you and yours are ok.

  • @ThePauperPrepper
    @ThePauperPrepper 10 лет назад

    Hey Fuby, whatever happened with this event. I sure hope you made out on top.

  • @Prepper556
    @Prepper556 11 лет назад

    That sucks bro! Just stay calm and remain the better man... He will get what's coming to him in the end... karma's a bitch!

  • @KiLLaDaTa
    @KiLLaDaTa 11 лет назад

    Now you need a new prepping item.... guard rails. and violence is not the answer

    @URBANAMERICANTAC 11 лет назад

    Fubar, First some ass hat breaks into your car and now this. Buddy, you done pissed someone off. LOL. This happened to my parents house when I was a new born. Car hit the corner of our house and did a good number to my bedroom. The house was 100+ feet from the road with trees and bushes 50 foot deep between our yard and the road. Amazing what idiots can do with car.
    Glad to see everyone is safe.

  • @HedgehogOutdoors
    @HedgehogOutdoors 11 лет назад

    I thought maybe you lived near me, went on a call this morning car vs. telephone. and fire hydrant. and house. Went through the house enough to cause structural damage, and this was a small side road maybe 350 yds long.

  • @allen841
    @allen841 11 лет назад

    The cops should have given you a copy of their report for your insurance company. They require that information immediately. They will go after him too. It seems like the cops left you in the dark about information to which you are entitled. You can sue the perp for the equity in his house and anything else he owns.

  • @geraldb4201
    @geraldb4201 11 лет назад

    wow thats not good glad your ok this is going to raise your home owners if you have to put in a claim even if he pays the damages they will still increase the rates on the ins because a claim got filed so no matter what its still going to end up costing you my dad got hit by a drunk driver his car got totaled so he got half of the money he had just spent in parts fixing the car up and had to fight to get his medical bills paid the drunk got 48hr in jail and a 400 dollar fine 90day license loss

  • @CPLBSS88
    @CPLBSS88 11 лет назад

    Insurance is o FUBAR...what bullshit that anyone has to pay their deductible for something like this..

  • @DuckSackJones87
    @DuckSackJones87 11 лет назад

    I miss read the title at first. Thought it said "horse"...

  • @PopsQuest
    @PopsQuest 11 лет назад

    Sucks brother, glad they got his ass.

  • @gunnwild1
    @gunnwild1 11 лет назад

    Good thing that wasn't a bedroom that got hit. I think a good ass whoopin' is exactly what that guy needs

  • @MichellesCraftsandMore
    @MichellesCraftsandMore 11 лет назад

    I understand someone hitting the house. I had some bimbo who doesn't know the difference between park and neutral and her car rolled into my house. Luckily it didn't hit the support under the house, just missed it.

  • @hotrodmerc
    @hotrodmerc 11 лет назад

    I have no use for drunk drivers.

  • @BorealSelfReliance
    @BorealSelfReliance 11 лет назад

    Was there a vote for obummer sign in his yard?

  • @TacticalTuber
    @TacticalTuber 11 лет назад

    you said it bro I would do exactly what you said

  • @codymon100
    @codymon100 11 лет назад

    That sucks Hope he pays you don't do anythang wrong and have to pay for some damb ass drunk.It's good no one was hurt or killed.Good luck bud.

  • @Stompajiggayo
    @Stompajiggayo 11 лет назад

    Lol well Fubar,I think it is YOU who should hope he has insurance.Otherwise,he will probably not pay anything for this little incident.

  • @thepatriot53
    @thepatriot53 11 лет назад

    At lest the cops got him

  • @MichellesCraftsandMore
    @MichellesCraftsandMore 11 лет назад

    Oh and her insurance had lapsed, so I didn't get to get my house fixed. And I don't have the money to get it fixed.

  • @XDPunisher
    @XDPunisher 11 лет назад

    For a guy who prays seems a little odd you wish harm for that drunk driver

  • @nightprowlerch19
    @nightprowlerch19 11 лет назад

    I'm kind of surprised that they didn't take the pieces of his vehicle seems kinda weird that they would just leave them there well I wish you the best let us know what happens

  • @nagaempress
    @nagaempress 11 лет назад

    That looked like his car in the driveway still if that was the house

  • @CenturianCornelious
    @CenturianCornelious 11 лет назад

    On the plus side, heart of palm is delicious.

  • @shartne
    @shartne 11 лет назад

    You should remove the siding and trim and see if it broke the 2x4's that frame the corner. They are possibly broken and may fall down later in a wind storm. It would piss me off too and I am a Christian. Christians are allowed to be angry for the right reasons. Just because you are a Christian dont mean your a sissy.

  • @copblock5793
    @copblock5793 11 лет назад

    how do you know he was drunk? what if he/she was just texting? quick to assume arent we?

  • @mruler360
    @mruler360 11 лет назад

    He's lucky he didn't end up with several new orifices.

  • @ArmyStinger150
    @ArmyStinger150 11 лет назад

    Damn!!! Took out the Palm tree! Freakin' drunk drivers...really suck.

  • @ChrisPenta
    @ChrisPenta 11 лет назад

    Was the trail weaving?

  • @jodiwilliams70
    @jodiwilliams70 11 лет назад


  • @thecrimsonops
    @thecrimsonops 11 лет назад

    holy shit ppl got to stop drinking and driving thje guy shud be put away for 10 years berfore he kills some one

  • @debraweaver5076
    @debraweaver5076 11 лет назад

    get your but out of town.the country is callin darlin,

  • @Pdpawlak
    @Pdpawlak 11 лет назад

    lol are your tags expired?

  • @Manly_Man
    @Manly_Man 11 лет назад


  • @firedawg529
    @firedawg529 11 лет назад

    Sorry about your bad luck my friend. Hope it all works out with as little stress for you as possible. You would be so surprised at how often this happens in our area and most of the time the driver isn't even drunk!