Now I have +4 to both tendrils and bone spirit on my boots, so yea, good luck finding replacement. Also I tend to use blood mist to survive rather than move faster, we need more options.
So you pay to use your skeletons with 1 skill slot, mutiple paragon points, skill points for passives and sigils for then to be well bad. Same with golem. The you pay to use your corpse mechanics with another skill slot and skill points. Then you have to pay to have a unstopablea skill slot (like everyone), plus 2 legendary affixes. O ok... while every oter class gets everything for free with superior functionality.
Pretty much. Necros feel horrible compared to other classes which is a shame because it is my favorite class fantasy for decades. With Necros, everything is a tradeoff to do something well and yet still worse than every other class.
I had an interesting find trying this. I tried some new boots after watching this. I tried the unstoppable grants movement speed affix and love it. My boots have 3 extra charges of dash though. I noticed for the first time that you can actually cancel reap early on in its animation with a dash. I had just never noticed before because I didn't always have a dash ready to go. Also because my button rotation was more like walk in then reap then immediate Corpse tendrils. But if you reap and press dash almost right away the animation barely comes out and you skip the full swing but also put the Corpse on the ground. It gives some fun button timing to an otherwise slow skill on top of slowobility. Win win. As a fun thing to experiment with I've been practicing a neat interaction with reap and bonestorm. Usually my bonestorm consumes the corpses right away when I'm using the affix that makes it last longer by consuming corpses. The problem with this is that you can't always use reap into tendrils while bonestorm is up because it consumes the Corpse too quickly. Well with this trick you can have bonestorm active, reap then dash cancel through it, and you land after dashing far enough away that your bonestorm doesn't eat that Corpse and you can do what you want with it, tendrils, explosion, or walk into it to consume with bonestorm. I don't know if it's a high level strategy, but for me the variation gave some life to an otherwise repetitive cycle. This let's you be one notch more creative. Thanks for the info, it inspired me to look in places I haven't before to find some fun that was hiding in there.
50% move speed from boots and smmy is more than enought to be faster than most classes. Perhaps this mobility will benefit other set ups but not bone spear
I was able to roll 25% movement speed with 34% movmement after killing an elite. Got 25% movement speed on my amulet too so makes the ghost walker aspect a bit overkill. Definitely have to run the bloodmist trailing damage aspect though! Thank you for this video - helped my build a ton.
I would still prefer to have some sort of passive that consumption gives a stacking movement speed buff, but working within the confines of the current game this seems like a reasonable trade-off. Currently either way your sacrificing your damage or essence generation on your ring for the extra aspect slot, so its a big ask in the current paradigm. It sounds like the theorycrafting of the class is revealing a breakpoint where your character "Hits hard enough" for the content you are doing and you can start to look at moving away from a 2h weapon for a 1h weapon to gain increased Attack Speed and an additional aspect slot on your focus.
Actually have been running these on my boots already. Swapped it for the one where blood mist consumes corpse reduces cooldown. But intead of the blood soaked aspect, am running the bonestorm consume corpse
I can't group up anymore because every other class just runs 10 times faster than me through the dungeon. I waddle behind like a sad caboose and do nothing.
I don't really want to go fast while I'm fighting though. I want to go fast running between packs of mobs in dungeons or heading to the boss after I unlock him.
I like the ones that give me 1.2 or whatever reduced cooldown for dodge after attacking, I can dodge all the time in fights, because corpse explosion triggers the cooldown quickly even if it does not hit a corpse.
There is an aspect which causes blood mist to trigger corpse explosion. I tried this on my CE necro and felt it didn’t feel very strong because it only explodes once per second. I wonder if this would synergies with the black river. There’s also the movespeed shadow talent. Decrep is also bugged or doesn’t work like the tooltip. It’s lucky hit to lower cooldown can be procced by minions I’ve noticed. I wonder if you can become perma immune somehow
I mean I could put those aspects on my rings but if I do not have literally both essence aspects on my rings for bone spear I will be very fast with no essence.
Just by rolling good move speed for boots and amulet you can get good speed. There are several other conditional ways like the one in this video but the sorcerers and rogues have to dash to keep up now with just my unbuffed speed. Best advice is to find rare boots with at least 2 extra evade charges plus move speed and an amulet with desirable stats and move speed. To get move speed rolled onto a good amulet or boots I'll pay dearly. It's worth it. Save your aspects for more important things. Just get good base speed on boots and amulet. Surprisingly quick.
I have been fiddling around with this build and I think I found a pretty optimal setup for ME. I know how much you've been digging the speed boost with the synergy between the Ghost Walker aspect and the Blood Soaked aspect but hear me out. Remove both of those and use the Embalming Aspect and the Edgemaster Aspect. Seeing we are capped out on essence constantly we are going to get that increased damage and with the Embalming aspect we will spawn a fuck ton of blood orbs. Also, put the blood orb passive on tendrils and get rid of vulnerability. This will allow us to have an almost permanent uptime on our Ultimate/Tendrils/Mist, deal more damage, spawn blood orbs which will result in having more health. Again you will be slower but all those blood orbs reducing cooldown on the ultimate is just insane along with Decrepify on top of that. Edit: I am still fiddling around with the Edgemaster Aspect on the ring. Part of me wants to take that aspect off and put the aspect on that increases the duration of Bone Storm by x seconds. We would CONSTANTLY be having Bone Storm up and for a long period of time on top of that. The only issue is paying attention to the corpse usage which you have said before in some of your other build videos.
speaking of unstoppable, it happens a lot to my minions and the only time I really notice is when not in combat, just standing there for a while and they go unstoppable with the chains I d on't get it. hey, what is your total movement speed on the stats sheet? the highest I got myself to was 137%. felt like my internet sped up or something when I picked up a dungeon objective and it went up to 160 something % lol. I just do those dungeons by collecting the first stone and then clearing the monsters then going and getting the other stones. the speed is just too fun for me
The problem with this is that Blood Mist is primarily a SURVIVAL skill, so if you're using it to move around, you may not have it ready for when you actually need it the most: whilst being CCed. It's cool that it can be setup for mobility, but I don't think I'll be using it as such. Unless I somehow managed to get it's cooldown to below 10 seconds, which I'm not sure is possible. I want Blizzard to find a better mobility solution for the Necro. The only reason why anyone uses Blood Mist really, other than for a Blood Mist/Corpse explosion build, is for the brief immunity from enemy CC.
🤔 how about blood spec, using blood mist with the corpse explosion talent on a overpower proc and whipping through loads of mobs with your speed boost trick
Need corpses creation, I think their is some way to make corpse explosion from blood mist to have more procs per second as well; not sure if it's just general attack speed that does it.
@@OffMetaProfessor I mean the actual damage coming from the blood mist itself, on a overpower tick, not the corpses? Be interesting to see what could be achieved
The "CE talent" is actually another aspect called "Exploding Mist" it worked really well in the Beta, but it was overperforming so the dev team nerfed it to only cast CE once per second. Its functional, but isn't worth the aspect slot imo. You can pair it with the CE unique "Black River" which allows for each cast of CE to consume up to 5 corpses, but giving up your weapon slot is a big ask. Edit: personally I would like to see "Exploding Mist" turned into "Hungry Mist" where instead of casting CE it only consumed corpses, but did so at the Beta rate. You would lose out on the damage component, but there are plenty of interactions with consumption (orbs, essence, damage) that would benefit from a having a button to get a quick burst of consumption.
@@bobnewkirk7003 I’m pretty sure macro and the other necro class writers like echo are working on the infinimist build that functions much like the beta iteration. Focuses on lucky hit, cdr, big shadow dmg with blighted corpse, black river, and howl bombs. Sounds juicy
@@NeonTubeGaming I think Mac recorded it yesterday and is in process of getting it ready for upload; dude is a monster at content creation. That being said, I still think the problem is 2 fold: 1 the moment Necros can go back to near-permanent uptime of mist (immunity) the devs will nerf it, and 2 the Exploding Mist passive is criminally underpowered at the moment and would be better served with a change rather than a full build to make it work. I very well may eat crow once it gets min-maxed but I think something like my suggestion above would be a better change for mist utility long term imo.
There should be more movements speed in our paragon points. While I dont mind other classes being fast, when it comes to actual gameplay being slow is a pretty big hindrance for necro. Most skills revolve around debuffing/cursing, using boneprison/tendrils to group/cc and aim your skills the the enemy. Which means being able to reposition is crucial for optimal damage and IMO its pretty bad/hindering design to not give that class any MS%. Getting 4 Dashes on my boots really helped me stay alive like nothing else, because it made juggling my setup skills and not getting hit by ground effects/boss attacks way easier to manage.
Can you make a video talking about necro uniques? I'm wearing Temerity but Howl From Below seems kinda trash especially for the optimised bone spirit build.
@@MacroBioBoi Appreciate the reply. That's the problem I have with games like these sometimes. Like I thought losing the crit chance from gloves would be bad. When bone spirit doesn't crit it's horrible waiting 11 seconds again.
Sure but I need to spend 2 affixes to get this it sucks. Tried to play with druid and oh boi do I love trample and zooming across entire map. I will consider this though.
Amen. You get the option to panic dodge if something really bad shows up next to you. And its quite nice to reposition against melee units, on controller I like to keep holding Corpse explosion which makes you stand still and keep repositioning with Left stick and dodge. Just feels better than cast, move, cast, move, especially against bosses and elites with ground AoEs
When trying to find the aspect for crits giving movement speed should I be target farming boots? I guess it only drops on boots right somehow I haven’t gotten one
Great video thanks! Could I ask a favor of you? I'm on PS5 so my ability to test certain things are limited due to the UI / controller. I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be ab icon that shows in our buffs for when Wind Striker procs showing remaining duration. I can't scroll down to movement speed on the UI fast enough to verify if it is indead increasing. Since my base speed is 150% it's hard to notice if these are working or not. I figured it would be easier to check on PC. Would you mind looking into this please?
Replace Sever with Decrepify and reduce that blood mist CD so you can just spam it. Also reduces bone storms CD to reduce it so it can be kept up basically permanently. Combine with blood mist pops corpses and gg
Seems wasteful + you lose your emergency button. Reaper's Sprint + Blighted CE gives basically +15% movement speed through entire dungeons. Add in MS boots & Windwlaker and you can keep up with other classes easily.
I got MS on both neck and boots and is happy with that. I tryed but I just cant get myself to remove Auducity on boots. a 4sec stun when5mobs or more is on you with a 20sec Cd have saved me so many times. the radius is insane and those moments I needed it the most to get my 100nmg is when you get an ambush as soon as the grp spawn on you they all get stuned and you can just walk out. movespeed is good but kinda useless if face first to the floor
I can’t see how 9% movement speed is worth an aspect slot. The crit aspect already gives you 16%. Not to mention you’re never going to have blood mist up when you actually need it as a CC break if you’re using it as a mobility skill. Yeah it’s possible, just not practical and almost certainly not worth losing an aspect slot for.
Spec for it right and you can reduce the blood mist CD to keep it up basically permanent. Stack lucky hit+CD reduction and use Decrepify to reduce the CD. Then you can just back to back immune+ run fast
My Sorcerer has 18% run speed boots and an amulet with 25%. I run faster than the horse in town. I think it would be unbearable now trying to level a Necromancer. Until I had those boots and the amulet I at least had Teleport and Arc Lash. Also, none of the intrinsics besides +dodge are good on a Necro for mobility. The dodge = 1s boost is still much, much slower than simply having more evade charges. Also, putting an aspect on boots that replaces a much better utility one just to get movement speed is not Necro specific. Other classes can use the same aspect and have other movement skills on top of it. This is just a band-aid.
Two in one day?! By the gods, we are blessed. The struggle is real, for all of us bone-heads here, but it's nice to know a few things. (1) We are all together in this suffering as we look for the greatest loot in the game (for bone-heads), go-fast boots! lol. Ooof, it feels kind of bad. HOWEVER... (2) All we need to do is enslave, err, I mean "make friends" with as many Barbs as possible to leech that speed buff. Once we get our boots, we've no need for them afterwards, seriously, who could tolerate all that shouting. Although, we could still keep the Barbs around, you know...meat-shield and all that 🤫
Cool ideas, imo its dumb from the devs that you have to use 2 aspects on gear to have some kind of movement all others have some sort of dash, leap, blink. I dont get why they didnt put in the d3 blood teleport thingy for the necro. Idk let it have a smaller range than teleport but give a corpse or something. Its stupid.
Imho this was obvious usage to most ppl from first day. The reason why (almost) no1 use it is that you have to put 5 (or more from items) points into Mist and waste 2 aspects to turn it into kinda lame movement skill while most ppl need it to break CC (mostly frozen) and thats just for 1 point. So unless you rly need Bloodmist in build for some blood/shadow synergy stuff or necros gets some other CC breaker, its kinda pointless.
I'm running 5+4 blood mist in my bone spear build. It's just too great as an initiator for generating corpses and an oh shit button. In higher keys you'll get clapped if you try to sever a mob and your damage is too low to kill anything efficiently without corpse tendrils up.
Fun fact: The aspect "when Unstoppable and for 4 seconds after, you gain extra move speed and can move through enemies" does not proc on Blood Mist. So it seems Blood Mist indeed doesn't grant Unstoppable, but a weird equivalent of it. Spaghetti code, yay.
Hmm. So there is some kludged form of mobility for the Necromancer class. Blizz: do better. Misery doesn’t sell games nor coax wallets open. It means players play something else. And your market share moves towards 0. PoE is still out there. I love the Necromancer class. But I do hate clueless summons and weak mobility. Neither are fun.
@@jprec5174 I admit that in D3 it took me a long time to realize the obvious. That every class required a skill slot reserved for mobility skill to get your out of jailed+poison+arcane+orbiting+explosions etc. I hated giving up an attack skill. But being somewhere else on demand is needed in ARPGs. In D4 I hate that they’ve made convoluted ways to achieve greatness. It’s the concept of Runes: game elements added together in fixed random ways to achieve rare, powerful states. Like enigma. A bunch of 0.00000001% chance drop items put together in a 4 socket armour yo give teleport skill to any class. Plus other valuable affixes. Same deal. Rare (but much higher chance) combination.
This is the only video of yours that I’ve watched so I can only judge by this one video but I have to say I’m not going to watch any of your other content. You come off so patronizing in this video and you explain things as if the people you’re talking to are idiots. Yes we all know that immune grants unstoppable, for anyone who doesn’t know that you could have said it in 3 to 5 word’s instead of getting defensive about you not realizing that. Also, the over dramatic pauses as you explain in great detail what should be OBVIOUS about how removing blood mist’s movement speed reduction removes the movement speed reduction… (yes you really paused dramatically for that as if it was some kind of revelation) is just so over the top cringe content that I had to stop watching there and comment. All that said Necro still doesn’t have a movement ability. You’re giving up 2 aspects slots and one of them is a ring slot to make this happen. It could be useful on an infinimist build tho so it’s not completely useless information. That said your video could have been half the length. You talk like a highschool student trying to fulfill a minimum word limit on an essay. Clear and concise, that’s all we are looking for.
Thanks for the feedback. Fun fact: the tooltip didn't include the fact that Immune granted Unstoppable until Season 1 and people still tell me everyday I'm wrong and you don't get unstoppable from the skill. There are other lived experiences than your own.
2 aspect slot and 1 skill to gain mobility is quite a big investment in my opinion.
Blood mist is alr in every build anyway
Yeah Idk if this guy is starving for content or if he genuinely believes that this is a good idea
Bro the first thing he says about it is what you have to give up and why he thinks its still worth it lmao
@@kindredclawthorne Damn people are so quick to respond, but not quick to listen.
its very worth it, if you want to push
Now I have +4 to both tendrils and bone spirit on my boots, so yea, good luck finding replacement. Also I tend to use blood mist to survive rather than move faster, we need more options.
So you pay to use your skeletons with 1 skill slot, mutiple paragon points, skill points for passives and sigils for then to be well bad. Same with golem.
The you pay to use your corpse mechanics with another skill slot and skill points.
Then you have to pay to have a unstopablea skill slot (like everyone), plus 2 legendary affixes.
O ok... while every oter class gets everything for free with superior functionality.
Yeah they should have 1 extra skill alot at least for utility like skeletons summons
Pretty much. Necros feel horrible compared to other classes which is a shame because it is my favorite class fantasy for decades. With Necros, everything is a tradeoff to do something well and yet still worse than every other class.
I don’t have to play hardcore mode for a challenge in d4. I just play necro
Just give this dude some Blood Rush from D3
I had an interesting find trying this.
I tried some new boots after watching this. I tried the unstoppable grants movement speed affix and love it. My boots have 3 extra charges of dash though.
I noticed for the first time that you can actually cancel reap early on in its animation with a dash. I had just never noticed before because I didn't always have a dash ready to go. Also because my button rotation was more like walk in then reap then immediate Corpse tendrils. But if you reap and press dash almost right away the animation barely comes out and you skip the full swing but also put the Corpse on the ground. It gives some fun button timing to an otherwise slow skill on top of slowobility. Win win.
As a fun thing to experiment with I've been practicing a neat interaction with reap and bonestorm. Usually my bonestorm consumes the corpses right away when I'm using the affix that makes it last longer by consuming corpses. The problem with this is that you can't always use reap into tendrils while bonestorm is up because it consumes the Corpse too quickly. Well with this trick you can have bonestorm active, reap then dash cancel through it, and you land after dashing far enough away that your bonestorm doesn't eat that Corpse and you can do what you want with it, tendrils, explosion, or walk into it to consume with bonestorm.
I don't know if it's a high level strategy, but for me the variation gave some life to an otherwise repetitive cycle. This let's you be one notch more creative.
Thanks for the info, it inspired me to look in places I haven't before to find some fun that was hiding in there.
So now you have to choose to get rid of grasping veins or serration if youre running bone spear, seems pretty huge in the loss of damage
50% move speed from boots and smmy is more than enought to be faster than most classes. Perhaps this mobility will benefit other set ups but not bone spear
I was able to roll 25% movement speed with 34% movmement after killing an elite. Got 25% movement speed on my amulet too so makes the ghost walker aspect a bit overkill. Definitely have to run the bloodmist trailing damage aspect though! Thank you for this video - helped my build a ton.
I would still prefer to have some sort of passive that consumption gives a stacking movement speed buff, but working within the confines of the current game this seems like a reasonable trade-off. Currently either way your sacrificing your damage or essence generation on your ring for the extra aspect slot, so its a big ask in the current paradigm.
It sounds like the theorycrafting of the class is revealing a breakpoint where your character "Hits hard enough" for the content you are doing and you can start to look at moving away from a 2h weapon for a 1h weapon to gain increased Attack Speed and an additional aspect slot on your focus.
Actually have been running these on my boots already. Swapped it for the one where blood mist consumes corpse reduces cooldown. But intead of the blood soaked aspect, am running the bonestorm consume corpse
Actually one of your best videos
I can't group up anymore because every other class just runs 10 times faster than me through the dungeon. I waddle behind like a sad caboose and do nothing.
description is funny
How could this combo be applied to the "Bone Spirit Necromancer" guide?
Same way. Drop Retribution probably.
You forgot that you go even faster when it’s doing shadow damage from your passive shadow skills in your skill tree. It’s like another 15%.
I don't really want to go fast while I'm fighting though. I want to go fast running between packs of mobs in dungeons or heading to the boss after I unlock him.
@@kmaguire7161 That's what the passive works great for, though, moving from pack to pack...
I like the ones that give me 1.2 or whatever reduced cooldown for dodge after attacking, I can dodge all the time in fights, because corpse explosion triggers the cooldown quickly even if it does not hit a corpse.
There is an aspect which causes blood mist to trigger corpse explosion. I tried this on my CE necro and felt it didn’t feel very strong because it only explodes once per second. I wonder if this would synergies with the black river. There’s also the movespeed shadow talent.
Decrep is also bugged or doesn’t work like the tooltip. It’s lucky hit to lower cooldown can be procced by minions I’ve noticed. I wonder if you can become perma immune somehow
I mean I could put those aspects on my rings but if I do not have literally both essence aspects on my rings for bone spear I will be very fast with no essence.
Just by rolling good move speed for boots and amulet you can get good speed. There are several other conditional ways like the one in this video but the sorcerers and rogues have to dash to keep up now with just my unbuffed speed. Best advice is to find rare boots with at least 2 extra evade charges plus move speed and an amulet with desirable stats and move speed. To get move speed rolled onto a good amulet or boots I'll pay dearly. It's worth it. Save your aspects for more important things. Just get good base speed on boots and amulet. Surprisingly quick.
The boot slot sucks for necros anyway, put that on with a movement speed modifier and then put on your amulet as well, necro goes fast.
I have been fiddling around with this build and I think I found a pretty optimal setup for ME. I know how much you've been digging the speed boost with the synergy between the Ghost Walker aspect and the Blood Soaked aspect but hear me out. Remove both of those and use the Embalming Aspect and the Edgemaster Aspect. Seeing we are capped out on essence constantly we are going to get that increased damage and with the Embalming aspect we will spawn a fuck ton of blood orbs. Also, put the blood orb passive on tendrils and get rid of vulnerability. This will allow us to have an almost permanent uptime on our Ultimate/Tendrils/Mist, deal more damage, spawn blood orbs which will result in having more health.
Again you will be slower but all those blood orbs reducing cooldown on the ultimate is just insane along with Decrepify on top of that.
Edit: I am still fiddling around with the Edgemaster Aspect on the ring. Part of me wants to take that aspect off and put the aspect on that increases the duration of Bone Storm by x seconds. We would CONSTANTLY be having Bone Storm up and for a long period of time on top of that. The only issue is paying attention to the corpse usage which you have said before in some of your other build videos.
speaking of unstoppable, it happens a lot to my minions and the only time I really notice is when not in combat, just standing there for a while and they go unstoppable with the chains I d on't get it.
hey, what is your total movement speed on the stats sheet? the highest I got myself to was 137%. felt like my internet sped up or something when I picked up a dungeon objective and it went up to 160 something % lol. I just do those dungeons by collecting the first stone and then clearing the monsters then going and getting the other stones. the speed is just too fun for me
The problem with this is that Blood Mist is primarily a SURVIVAL skill, so if you're using it to move around, you may not have it ready for when you actually need it the most: whilst being CCed. It's cool that it can be setup for mobility, but I don't think I'll be using it as such. Unless I somehow managed to get it's cooldown to below 10 seconds, which I'm not sure is possible.
I want Blizzard to find a better mobility solution for the Necro. The only reason why anyone uses Blood Mist really, other than for a Blood Mist/Corpse explosion build, is for the brief immunity from enemy CC.
🤔 how about blood spec, using blood mist with the corpse explosion talent on a overpower proc and whipping through loads of mobs with your speed boost trick
Need corpses creation, I think their is some way to make corpse explosion from blood mist to have more procs per second as well; not sure if it's just general attack speed that does it.
@@OffMetaProfessor I mean the actual damage coming from the blood mist itself, on a overpower tick, not the corpses? Be interesting to see what could be achieved
The "CE talent" is actually another aspect called "Exploding Mist" it worked really well in the Beta, but it was overperforming so the dev team nerfed it to only cast CE once per second. Its functional, but isn't worth the aspect slot imo.
You can pair it with the CE unique "Black River" which allows for each cast of CE to consume up to 5 corpses, but giving up your weapon slot is a big ask.
Edit: personally I would like to see "Exploding Mist" turned into "Hungry Mist" where instead of casting CE it only consumed corpses, but did so at the Beta rate. You would lose out on the damage component, but there are plenty of interactions with consumption (orbs, essence, damage) that would benefit from a having a button to get a quick burst of consumption.
@@bobnewkirk7003 I’m pretty sure macro and the other necro class writers like echo are working on the infinimist build that functions much like the beta iteration. Focuses on lucky hit, cdr, big shadow dmg with blighted corpse, black river, and howl bombs. Sounds juicy
@@NeonTubeGaming I think Mac recorded it yesterday and is in process of getting it ready for upload; dude is a monster at content creation.
That being said, I still think the problem is 2 fold: 1 the moment Necros can go back to near-permanent uptime of mist (immunity) the devs will nerf it, and 2 the Exploding Mist passive is criminally underpowered at the moment and would be better served with a change rather than a full build to make it work. I very well may eat crow once it gets min-maxed but I think something like my suggestion above would be a better change for mist utility long term imo.
There should be more movements speed in our paragon points. While I dont mind other classes being fast, when it comes to actual gameplay being slow is a pretty big hindrance for necro. Most skills revolve around debuffing/cursing, using boneprison/tendrils to group/cc and aim your skills the the enemy. Which means being able to reposition is crucial for optimal damage and IMO its pretty bad/hindering design to not give that class any MS%. Getting 4 Dashes on my boots really helped me stay alive like nothing else, because it made juggling my setup skills and not getting hit by ground effects/boss attacks way easier to manage.
Can you make a video talking about necro uniques? I'm wearing Temerity but Howl From Below seems kinda trash especially for the optimised bone spirit build.
Howl from below is by top 3 uniques for Necro and Temerity is actually trash. That's why tier lists are weird to make sometimes.
@@MacroBioBoi Appreciate the reply. That's the problem I have with games like these sometimes. Like I thought losing the crit chance from gloves would be bad. When bone spirit doesn't crit it's horrible waiting 11 seconds again.
Sure but I need to spend 2 affixes to get this it sucks. Tried to play with druid and oh boi do I love trample and zooming across entire map. I will consider this though.
I'd take 4 evades on boots rather than 75% movement speed for 1 second any time. 4 Evades gives far better surviveability
Amen. You get the option to panic dodge if something really bad shows up next to you. And its quite nice to reposition against melee units, on controller I like to keep holding Corpse explosion which makes you stand still and keep repositioning with Left stick and dodge. Just feels better than cast, move, cast, move, especially against bosses and elites with ground AoEs
True, those 3 extra charges have more value than a second of speed, in multiple situations.
for the beginning, been using this since leveling rogue
When trying to find the aspect for crits giving movement speed should I be target farming boots? I guess it only drops on boots right somehow I haven’t gotten one
You should farm boots, yes.
Great video thanks!
Could I ask a favor of you? I'm on PS5 so my ability to test certain things are limited due to the UI / controller. I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be ab icon that shows in our buffs for when Wind Striker procs showing remaining duration. I can't scroll down to movement speed on the UI fast enough to verify if it is indead increasing. Since my base speed is 150% it's hard to notice if these are working or not.
I figured it would be easier to check on PC. Would you mind looking into this please?
very good!
Replace Sever with Decrepify and reduce that blood mist CD so you can just spam it. Also reduces bone storms CD to reduce it so it can be kept up basically permanently.
Combine with blood mist pops corpses and gg
Yep been running this build for a while. It's a lot of fun
Seems wasteful + you lose your emergency button. Reaper's Sprint + Blighted CE gives basically +15% movement speed through entire dungeons. Add in MS boots & Windwlaker and you can keep up with other classes easily.
I got MS on both neck and boots and is happy with that. I tryed but I just cant get myself to remove Auducity on boots. a 4sec stun when5mobs or more is on you with a 20sec Cd have saved me so many times. the radius is insane and those moments I needed it the most to get my 100nmg is when you get an ambush as soon as the grp spawn on you they all get stuned and you can just walk out. movespeed is good but kinda useless if face first to the floor
Too expensive just to keep up with other classes. Story of the Necro so far. I have been nothing but disappointed with their handling of the class.
I got a max roll of that the other day, waiting till I’m in tier 3 to use it so I can have it for longer
Thank you ❤
I can’t see how 9% movement speed is worth an aspect slot. The crit aspect already gives you 16%. Not to mention you’re never going to have blood mist up when you actually need it as a CC break if you’re using it as a mobility skill. Yeah it’s possible, just not practical and almost certainly not worth losing an aspect slot for.
Spec for it right and you can reduce the blood mist CD to keep it up basically permanent.
Stack lucky hit+CD reduction and use Decrepify to reduce the CD. Then you can just back to back immune+ run fast
@@bosssavage3325 Yeah except you're playing a shit build just so you can have high uptime on blood mist.
My Sorcerer has 18% run speed boots and an amulet with 25%. I run faster than the horse in town. I think it would be unbearable now trying to level a Necromancer. Until I had those boots and the amulet I at least had Teleport and Arc Lash. Also, none of the intrinsics besides +dodge are good on a Necro for mobility. The dodge = 1s boost is still much, much slower than simply having more evade charges.
Also, putting an aspect on boots that replaces a much better utility one just to get movement speed is not Necro specific. Other classes can use the same aspect and have other movement skills on top of it. This is just a band-aid. you waste one escape button (can't save yourself from cc if it's on cooldown), two aspect slots, for 19% move speed?
Yep, unless you're playing Infinimist, then it's just moving 25+% faster all the time.
so you are giving up an offensive aspect to move 16% slower normally and only 8% faster during blood mist, i dont get it
Leveled my bone spear nec to 82, i love the playstyle but i couldnt stand how slow nec moves, so i went barb :P
Comment for the Skull Throne
Two in one day?! By the gods, we are blessed. The struggle is real, for all of us bone-heads here, but it's nice to know a few things. (1) We are all together in this suffering as we look for the greatest loot in the game (for bone-heads), go-fast boots! lol. Ooof, it feels kind of bad. HOWEVER... (2) All we need to do is enslave, err, I mean "make friends" with as many Barbs as possible to leech that speed buff. Once we get our boots, we've no need for them afterwards, seriously, who could tolerate all that shouting. Although, we could still keep the Barbs around, you know...meat-shield and all that 🤫
Cool ideas, imo its dumb from the devs that you have to use 2 aspects on gear to have some kind of movement all others have some sort of dash, leap, blink. I dont get why they didnt put in the d3 blood teleport thingy for the necro. Idk let it have a smaller range than teleport but give a corpse or something. Its stupid.
Imho this was obvious usage to most ppl from first day. The reason why (almost) no1 use it is that you have to put 5 (or more from items) points into Mist and waste 2 aspects to turn it into kinda lame movement skill while most ppl need it to break CC (mostly frozen) and thats just for 1 point. So unless you rly need Bloodmist in build for some blood/shadow synergy stuff or necros gets some other CC breaker, its kinda pointless.
I'm running 5+4 blood mist in my bone spear build. It's just too great as an initiator for generating corpses and an oh shit button. In higher keys you'll get clapped if you try to sever a mob and your damage is too low to kill anything efficiently without corpse tendrils up.
I have this but i dont think it works
i dont feel like im going anuy faster
thx to this clickbait video , now blizzard wont give us any movments improvment or skill at the cost of an aspect and shitloud of dmg stats .
Which part is the clickbait? The true statement or the actual mechanics?
Cool, I'll dunk in an extra 2-300 hours to manage to roll those boots so I can move faster.
Fun fact: The aspect "when Unstoppable and for 4 seconds after, you gain extra move speed and can move through enemies" does not proc on Blood Mist.
So it seems Blood Mist indeed doesn't grant Unstoppable, but a weird equivalent of it. Spaghetti code, yay.
It completely procs on Blood Mist. You see it work in this video.
Wait you can search in the skill tree!?
I just ended up using mobility on boots and amulet
Hmm. So there is some kludged form of mobility for the Necromancer class. Blizz: do better. Misery doesn’t sell games nor coax wallets open. It means players play something else. And your market share moves towards 0. PoE is still out there.
I love the Necromancer class. But I do hate clueless summons and weak mobility. Neither are fun.
These aspects exist for a reason. You're just mad you have to give up damage.
@@jprec5174 I admit that in D3 it took me a long time to realize the obvious. That every class required a skill slot reserved for mobility skill to get your out of jailed+poison+arcane+orbiting+explosions etc. I hated giving up an attack skill. But being somewhere else on demand is needed in ARPGs.
In D4 I hate that they’ve made convoluted ways to achieve greatness. It’s the concept of Runes: game elements added together in fixed random ways to achieve rare, powerful states. Like enigma. A bunch of 0.00000001% chance drop items put together in a 4 socket armour yo give teleport skill to any class. Plus other valuable affixes. Same deal. Rare (but much higher chance) combination.
Not worth it in my opinion. I also preffer 3 extra charges of evade, wont even have a second thought about that.
movement speed bonus for x amount of seconds while in miasma.
It aint worth it dog this shit wants to be a movility skill but in reality ot aint
lmao used this for a while with out knowing it haha
this video………………😂
Or just use penitent greaves? Lol.
Awesome boots for essence management. Very bad for mobility.
This aged quite poorly
It didn't? This is all true.
This is the only video of yours that I’ve watched so I can only judge by this one video but I have to say I’m not going to watch any of your other content. You come off so patronizing in this video and you explain things as if the people you’re talking to are idiots. Yes we all know that immune grants unstoppable, for anyone who doesn’t know that you could have said it in 3 to 5 word’s instead of getting defensive about you not realizing that. Also, the over dramatic pauses as you explain in great detail what should be OBVIOUS about how removing blood mist’s movement speed reduction removes the movement speed reduction… (yes you really paused dramatically for that as if it was some kind of revelation) is just so over the top cringe content that I had to stop watching there and comment.
All that said Necro still doesn’t have a movement ability. You’re giving up 2 aspects slots and one of them is a ring slot to make this happen. It could be useful on an infinimist build tho so it’s not completely useless information. That said your video could have been half the length. You talk like a highschool student trying to fulfill a minimum word limit on an essay. Clear and concise, that’s all we are looking for.
Thanks for the feedback. Fun fact: the tooltip didn't include the fact that Immune granted Unstoppable until Season 1 and people still tell me everyday I'm wrong and you don't get unstoppable from the skill. There are other lived experiences than your own.
it's good, just everything else is a better choice for actually playing.