DPS shamans holding hands as they disappear into the ether when resto shaman becomes the default 4th healer because it brings the raid buff + BFA Spirit Link.
I would be surprised, but I guess it's not impossible given how mage and warrior buffs work. The thing is you can choose to hard stack mastery, so it would really make the buff way more powerful for certain specs and at the end of the expac.
There have been many effects that are worded the same way as Skyfury (notably stuff like torghast or cobalt assembly powers). It won't give 2% mastery to every spec, it gives mastery that's scaled like the rating but without actually adding to rating. Or more simply, it will be worth the same amount of Mastery rating to everyone, it's just worded misleadingly
The kick dr is really not that situational. Most pulls (and entire dungeons really) have one primary spell school. Imagine ruby life pools, everything after the first boss just does fire damage to you, and involves kicking fire spells on cd the entire time. Literally just a 30% passive dr for the dungeon. Shadow in necrotic wake, etc. The talent is beyond absurd. Very much isn’t just situational.
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш I assure you, more than half of the playerbase who overload their game with WAs do not need them and they are just handicapping themselves into complete over-reliance on icons all over the screen rather than game visuals and sounds as a whole
@@nolikita If you put in the minimum amount of effort into customizing your wa package (or just get used to an already set up package) wa's will just improve your game experience. I'm not gonna deny that there are a lot of clueless people though who just import a ton of auras and think they are gonna play the game for them.
The advantage in Primordial Bond is the synergy with a whole load of ele talents. With everlasting elements, echo of the elementals, fury of the storms, flash of lightning and Skybreakers, it's trivial for an elemental shaman to now have 100% uptime on elementals. That's makes it a permanent 5% DR, which combined with the new defensive and the already decent astral shift makes the spec vastly more tanky than before. Ele may actually be able to survive in higher-end keys now.
I’m officially convinced Blizzard said they weren’t doing all these things for TWW like changing affixes, shaman raid buff, etc. just so they can turn around and add it later to become the “hero”
Enhancement works, but you have to talent for far too much. They need more baseline. Stormstrike and windfury at least, and molten assault should just be baked into lava lash.
Reactive warding sounds great since we have 6 water sheild charges now and in the farseer tree 12 eartheheild charges it effectivly can be used as a spot heal
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш So? I enjoyed it more, and the pugs I built were plenty varied. Tune classes to do well at different things and it's not a problem.
@@Xynth25 I'm not saying anything about personal preferences. Some people prefer bring the player, the others bring the class. Currently Blizzard wants at least 1 of each class present in a raid and easiest way to accomplish that is unique raid buffs and utility.
as someone who actually plays resto and ele, these changes all look sweet. I cannot believe the level of complaining I am still seeing on wowhead and forums. And I've read those sites for years, so that's saying something. It's funny because Blizz seems to have taken the "address the loudest concern" method, which is sadly being proven to be fruitless, as even louder people will suddenly appear and just start complaining about something else once you fix something.
To add onto the "is Skyfury good in M+", I'm going to say, while it may not be amazing, it's already a straight buff for the class. Enhancement didn't use WIndfury Totem in M+ before (from my experience at least) so now get to have that extra buff for free. Even in raids, it'll be nice not having to replace the totem every 1-2 minutes. As an Enhancement shaman, yes I would have liked some adjustments/changes, but I fully understand their position on the spec and why Ele and Resto took priority. I'm also not worried about the raid spot. Not every group wanted/cared about the Windfury totem buff. Now that the buff is applicable to all classes, the value of having a shaman has gone up.
I'd say we're going to see more resto than ele shamans because of the buffed Spirit link totem and specially the really high Ancestral Vigor uptime. A potential 100% uptime on a 10% HP buff is right now the best raid buff of them all.
on the lave surge target scailing you also need to rember un like with bear or shadow it was also allready capt at 6 targets you could have Flame shock on so it didnt go more crazy on super hige target counts
@Dratnos the Rookery follower dungeon provides you a shaman tank in it, so I’d guess that the “later updates” thing could be a mid expansion spec added to shaman.
God I really hope for more specs, even if it's bad for balance. Thematically they're awesome and class/spec diversity is always fun for me. My pick would be a warden-style ranged-melee hybrid DPS for either Rogues or Demon Hunters with chakram skills, similar to survival but with more ranged spells
@dratnos can you explain why no raid buffs would be the best option? Wouldnt that just make so you stack the highest performing dps spec and sprinkle in some utility in your comp? For example, assume destro does 1% more damage than the second best spec, what would keep you frome stacking at least 10 of them in a raid group?
Raid buffs and successful completion of a raid are not all about dps. A lot of specs bring utility and survivability that are more valuable than 5% more dps. Especially when the bottleneck is your raid surviving the pull rather than losing the dps race
They reduced the effectiveness of 2pt Talent-Nodes across the board. Like Master of the Elements: Used to give 20% damage gain for "correct" rotation, now only does 15%. So in a way they lowered the skill ceiling (or rather the maximum possible output) without really giving us compensation..
I would assume the mastery buff would be either 2% of your rating... so the more you have the more you get, or like the buff in algethar where it says x%, but gives a certain amount of flat rating.
We are finally gonna see all the resto shaman tech in RWF streams. Increased HP/Link/ResTotem. And for Resto shaman coming into all M+ melee comps as the HEALER, They are also bringing 5% Constant / 15% increased Player HP Which is as good as a defensive. Healing stream in M+ would also be a constant 6%. With the healing rain totem, you get constant free dps and healing for nothing with healing stream ticking, You will hardly have to even heal, freeing you to actually dps.
Kinda wish we got more of a rework than this for elemental, i think removing maelstrom and making it a pure mana caster would have been more enjoyable, but i suppose spam casting lava burst like usual is going to be fine
I stole this from Theun, but I feel like Resto Shaman has a hidden raid buff in the form of Ancestral Vigor. It's probably going to remain pretty high uptime, and that's a double Fort buff on most/all of your raid, so RSham may well be st0nks going forward
enhance ele build has too many competing globals at any given time, and the stormstrike build has the opposite problem where u just hold down the stormstrike button and nothing else matters
The issue is that we are unable to get talents we need to make out talent points work. IF hero talents weren't a thing then sure, but hero talents are the issue.
Exited for elemental and resto, sad day for enhance tho. They try to buff and end up nerfing it and not sorting the talent tree. Either rework them a bit more like ele got or just give them less 2point nodes and its fine for raid atleast. If they are gonna be decent for m+ they need to either uncap some part of the aoe dmg or make them better on the 6 target cleave than the uncapped specs are. Kinda sad when a class that has uncapped aoe also wins on sub 6 targets....
As a Priest player who had Shining Force removed, It is extremely annoying that PvE Shaman are getting Traveling Storms... Priest utility is so lacking compared to every other healer.
The main reason Enhancement is up in arms is because of the hero talents. Totemic is a clusterfuck that requires you to talent into too many things that you dont usually take. Stormbringer forces you to play the enhancement storm build which is an RNG shitshow that encurages bad play patterns. Aside from that, the Enhancement talent tree still has 9 2-point nodes, which they have made a priority to remove from other trees, yet it is somehow still fine for Enhance.
Guess this will lead shamans in mythic guilds to be required to flex ele/enh. Not a myth raider myself, maybe something like this already was true, just enh was always required so I imagine if ele ever was required, it was played by someone usually maining mage etc.
I think that nobody having raid buffs would be the worst case scenario tbh, all the M+ meta problems would just spread into raid and half of the classes would just never get invited.
so i feel like the bigest problem for enh is that thy dont have any reson to telent totemic atm cos it just clases with the enh tree like 3/6 of the 2 points kinda do a simi good thing in ceeping you from geting clasing cds but the other 2 suck as 2 points and the 3rd is just 2 points for a 10% aura buff witch sucks ass
Shamans still capped at 6 targets. Extra bad. Can't believe it wasn't addressed. Shamans will not be willfully taken to high keys until this is changed. Esp now that splintered elements is kinda useless.
probably ye, but i expect some updates there to come how Lightning Rod will work out. Also with our overloads no longer being the gamba part of our M+ power I think they can finally tune and adjust master of the elements procs on chain lightnings/stormkeeper. I expect them to touch target cap for sure before season1, they have to common.
I love that line about how "all talents are now 1 point" is something that every spec in the game would get goosebumps over, right into enhancement which still has NINE 2 point nodes in its tree but the devs are pleased with it.
@@Xynth25 where was that stated? They said there would be more changes to shaman, yes, but nothing about enhance specifically. The fact that they said they are pleased with the state of the enhance tree and took a lighter approach with it even suggest that it ISN'T on their radar
They have got to axe the potency of raid buffs, otherwise an attempt to represent every class turns into a "you HAVE to have 1 of everything" rigid raid setup; which while fine on paper, doesn't have the player count - to raid hosted ratio of each class to support it, bottle-necking a majority of pug players. Their intentions to make you "want to bring" one of everything, has turned into a *necessity* to bring one of everything; which as with most things, the majority of the player-base who think they are the 1% and MUST play the meta like they're in the RWF, will treat as an absolute fact and not an "option / choice", further gating raid signups and pugs. It's also unbelievably dull and un-fun in my opinion, but that latter part is a personal thing. Shaman changes are nice though.
I'm Enhance and I agree with Blizz. The tree feels great. What other spec in the game has TWO viable builds that are actually different styles of gameplay and NOT just AoE vs ST?
Storm is viable, doesn't mean it's BiS. The tier set is going to decide which build is slightly better. Previously it WAS storm, 10.0 I think it was. The reason both are viable is that tier will make one SLIGHTLY better. That difference won't matter to anyone but the cutting edge players.
Also, while storm does benefit more from high-rolled RNG of Ascendency 1) there are storm builds without DRE and 2) if I remember correctly, halfway through this expansion they put bad luck protection into DRE anyway.
Even if they just made stormstrike do nature/physical (like the name suggests) i would be happy without putting a talent into stormbringer for only 25% or atleast buff it to 100% because 25% of 20k is only 5k and that if you get a stormbringer proc. Stormstrike is just too weak honestly because its used as a filler ability and to make it do decent damage you have to talent into like 4 or 5 2 point nodes so like 8 to 10 talent points which almost buffs its damage by 100% and it still gets out damaged by some spells that only need 1 or 2 talent points. Not to mention windstrike when you ascend that replaces stormstrike doesnt even hit that hard either and thats if you get a dre proc or if you want to wait 3 min between your spam windstrike phases because DAM 3 min ascendance is annoying
Glad for shamans. Seems like 90 percent of what dratnos and max say and make videos about magically get added to the game. Almost like the devs are just copying directly from the poddy c.
Yup, we're doing so well according to Blizz that they actually nerfed us and left us to rot with 9 2-pointers. Wtf are they thinking? Maelstrom Weapon was in our class tree and free. Flurry takes WFT's spot in the spec tree so we LOSE a spec point in any non-raid build. Feral Lunge is nice but it was never talented. We only lose. It is not even the same, it's actually so much worse. Oh, and as a bonus, I was happy to see us not included in all the Leech and Avoidance nerfs because our points were already very low. Then I see the new tree and we weren't mentioned because they just fucking deleted the talent...
i am sorry but no... enhancement isnt in a good place imo. too many 2 point nodes, very limited aoe in ST specc, extreme overreliance on LB and EB for damage. i guess the elementalist build is fine but the SS build needs something more. my suggestion an mealstrom spender that triggers a souped up windfury attack, or something more melee focused. i hate being a LB caster as a melee. even when going for melee focus build.
All the changes enhance did get are great. Yeah losing “our raid spot” is potentially bad, butt feral lunge for free and not spamming wind fury/projection all fight is great. People who are complaining are clowns. Enhance best spec in game rn and this is just even better
I am genuinely amazed at how many enhance shamans were 1) expecting significant changes when the spec was already in a fine place and 2) are moaning that ele and resto get the wind fury buff instead of just them. Not to mention that blizzard has already said they're going to keep iterating on the class and this is not the final word. This is a W for shamans as a whole and y'all need to chill.
I love the changes that Shaman is getting. I think it's better for the game for them to have the raid buff and they definitely needed some TLC in the class and Spec trees. However, I am so unbelievably mald that Priest also needs changes that we have not gotten yet. Tbf priest was in a way more playable spot than Shaman despite us having similar issues in class and spec trees with bad nodes and an abundance of 2 pointers. I could go into a whole rant on how little choice there actually is and why it needs changes even though our numbers are good, but I'll stick to the main point with Blizzard's weird double standards with Priest. I hate they decided to bring back Shining Force, which we lost in DF beta, to give it to Shamans, a class that already had a lot of utility/stops. Another example is them giving the talent for Shamans to have 25% haste during Ascendance. Well PI got nerfed to only be 20% for 15 seconds specifically because of it's interactions with giving the buff to others. Healer priests already have to give it on someone else's cooldown timer, so why couldn't they have just reworked Twins of the Sun Priestess so that the Priest player gets the unnerfed 25% for 20 seconds which was the standard for years. They realize that haste injections during your cooldown is fun, but they nerf our fun due to outside interactions. 20% for 15 seconds is worse than 25% for 18 seconds like Shamans have, with the talent, and Resto Shamans get to use it as a healing CD, while also being able to proc it to have even higher uptime. I don't think the Shaman version should get nerfed, I just want to point out the differences, so that Blizzard can let healer priests have fun too, whether that is doing a Twins of the Sun Priestess change or just removing the ability to give it out all together. That's not the only weird change. Holy still has to talent 3 talents to do their damage, while they are removing that from Resto. And Holy still is in the weird place where they have to use healing cooldowns in Apotheosis and Divine Word to do damage instead of healing. The recent changes in S3 were a good bandaid fix to make the rotation feel better and do more damage, but it didn't actually solve the fundamental issue with how our damage is only good if we fully focus on it with the caveat that we sacrifice a lot of healing. Healer Priests are also the only 2 specs in the game without a kick, without any real compensation or good justification. It's not like we have some crazy CC toolkit that makes us good, we have Psychic Scream that requires us to be in melee and doesn't solve the more deadly scenarios. You can't stop a cast from any scary elite or boss, which tend to have abilities that you kick or die.
As a ret pal, wind fury bugs out crusading strike and is a net negative buff. previously we can avoid this by not being in the party but now its raid wide. Underhanded nerf to ret in a shaman update. Sad
You can always cancel aura the buff. Just put it in a macro with your most pressed abilitys and you won't have it - no matter how often it gets rebuffed. Or simply hope that blizzard is aware and fixes it. Since I don't think they want this behavior to exist. (Removing buff to deal more DMG)
Dratnos it's counter intuitive but raid buffs are good if they didn't exist then there would o oy be 3 specs in every raid. 2 of the best tank 4 of the best healer and all the rest whatever dps is highest like marksman hunter
Not true, class stacking wasn't that common in legion when we had no raid buffs. You did sometimes immunity stack, stack raid externals like rally etc, but stacking the "best dps" wasn't the norm. Look at some old world first comps and you'll see
i will never get the enh being mad at low chengs like enh from the start till the end of df have had the best spec tree with 2 unic playstyle options that bring difrent parts of ther kit to the forfront and have bean toond well agents ech other wall still haveing ther oven damage patons
tbf, DKs bring the fact that they are DKs lol. Blood is regularly no.1 Raid tank, and Unholy is often a top tier DPS. Plus you usually want AMZ as well, so its not like DKs are ever gonna get left out of raid
I feel absolutely gutted by the lack of Enhance changes. The spec is gonna feel terrible without the tier set or any changes to the talent tree layout.
Even in s1 and s2 of dragonflight enhance was praised for feeling good and they both had low impact sets. Obviously it feels worse going back to a previously worse play pattern but this is kind of what happened at the end of shadowlands with double legendaries.
You realize there was a time before this current tier and it still felt great? You realize after this current tier, they'll have a new tier which might be even better! Or not. Everyone deals with the roll of the dice that is tier bonuses. Luckily, Enhance is pretty great baseline.
Kinda feel like Evoker raid buff should give like 1% haste on top of the movement CDR. It's pretty much officially the worst raid buff now that shamans are giving a real stat. Hell, give DKs a leech raid buff while we're at it.
Enhance is dead. No not because of Skyfury, that's actually great I no longer need to remember to drop the damn thing. No it dead because the tree is mostly untouched, it's dead because of EB. It's actually dead because it was working fine, but when everything else gets a makeover, trimming, or overhaul the one that's ignored is just left in the dust. ... Not that it's actually bothering me much this next xpac, I was going to change it up to SPriest and warrior.
looks like icefury is indeed instant cast, hooray!
As an enhancement shaman, I am attuned with the wind. Thus, I will ascend into a Windwalker Monk.
DPS shamans holding hands as they disappear into the ether when resto shaman becomes the default 4th healer because it brings the raid buff + BFA Spirit Link.
Big facts
I feel that’s it’s entirely possible that what they mean by 2% mastery is 102% of mastery rating. They probably thought of the difference in effect.
I would be surprised, but I guess it's not impossible given how mage and warrior buffs work. The thing is you can choose to hard stack mastery, so it would really make the buff way more powerful for certain specs and at the end of the expac.
It's 2% flat. I can confirm.
It's 2% flat just like MotW. % secondary increases are generally flat in a lot of places.
There have been many effects that are worded the same way as Skyfury (notably stuff like torghast or cobalt assembly powers). It won't give 2% mastery to every spec, it gives mastery that's scaled like the rating but without actually adding to rating. Or more simply, it will be worth the same amount of Mastery rating to everyone, it's just worded misleadingly
The kick dr is really not that situational. Most pulls (and entire dungeons really) have one primary spell school.
Imagine ruby life pools, everything after the first boss just does fire damage to you, and involves kicking fire spells on cd the entire time. Literally just a 30% passive dr for the dungeon. Shadow in necrotic wake, etc. The talent is beyond absurd. Very much isn’t just situational.
Love the new raid buff, I'm that guy who forgets to drop totems waaayyy too often. Now I can forget to apply the buff after a wipe instead lol
There are weakauras for that
@@Calltrops77 Not everyone wants to shit-up their game with WAs
@@nolikitaMore like improve the look and functionality of their game.
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш I assure you, more than half of the playerbase who overload their game with WAs do not need them and they are just handicapping themselves into complete over-reliance on icons all over the screen rather than game visuals and sounds as a whole
@@nolikita If you put in the minimum amount of effort into customizing your wa package (or just get used to an already set up package) wa's will just improve your game experience. I'm not gonna deny that there are a lot of clueless people though who just import a ton of auras and think they are gonna play the game for them.
Waited a long time for this video
The advantage in Primordial Bond is the synergy with a whole load of ele talents. With everlasting elements, echo of the elementals, fury of the storms, flash of lightning and Skybreakers, it's trivial for an elemental shaman to now have 100% uptime on elementals. That's makes it a permanent 5% DR, which combined with the new defensive and the already decent astral shift makes the spec vastly more tanky than before. Ele may actually be able to survive in higher-end keys now.
I’m officially convinced Blizzard said they weren’t doing all these things for TWW like changing affixes, shaman raid buff, etc. just so they can turn around and add it later to become the “hero”
Enhancement works, but you have to talent for far too much. They need more baseline. Stormstrike and windfury at least, and molten assault should just be baked into lava lash.
Reactive warding sounds great since we have 6 water sheild charges now and in the farseer tree 12 eartheheild charges it effectivly can be used as a spot heal
I miss the MoP/WoD raid buff situation...had 9 buffs and like 3-4 specs covering each.
You won't accomplish their goal of bring the class not the player like that.
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш So? I enjoyed it more, and the pugs I built were plenty varied. Tune classes to do well at different things and it's not a problem.
@@Xynth25 I'm not saying anything about personal preferences. Some people prefer bring the player, the others bring the class. Currently Blizzard wants at least 1 of each class present in a raid and easiest way to accomplish that is unique raid buffs and utility.
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш Yeah...but my post was about what I miss and what I like.
as someone who actually plays resto and ele, these changes all look sweet. I cannot believe the level of complaining I am still seeing on wowhead and forums. And I've read those sites for years, so that's saying something. It's funny because Blizz seems to have taken the "address the loudest concern" method, which is sadly being proven to be fruitless, as even louder people will suddenly appear and just start complaining about something else once you fix something.
Great news on the raid buff. Now give warriors a shout style BL
To add onto the "is Skyfury good in M+", I'm going to say, while it may not be amazing, it's already a straight buff for the class. Enhancement didn't use WIndfury Totem in M+ before (from my experience at least) so now get to have that extra buff for free. Even in raids, it'll be nice not having to replace the totem every 1-2 minutes.
As an Enhancement shaman, yes I would have liked some adjustments/changes, but I fully understand their position on the spec and why Ele and Resto took priority. I'm also not worried about the raid spot. Not every group wanted/cared about the Windfury totem buff. Now that the buff is applicable to all classes, the value of having a shaman has gone up.
I'd say we're going to see more resto than ele shamans because of the buffed Spirit link totem and specially the really high Ancestral Vigor uptime. A potential 100% uptime on a 10% HP buff is right now the best raid buff of them all.
on the lave surge target scailing you also need to rember un like with bear or shadow it was also allready capt at 6 targets you could have Flame shock on so it didnt go more crazy on super hige target counts
So now its just DK with no raid buffs I believe. Big sad for my DK but happy for Shammys
Dks are fine, they will always be covered in raid with the utility they have.
@Dratnos the Rookery follower dungeon provides you a shaman tank in it, so I’d guess that the “later updates” thing could be a mid expansion spec added to shaman.
God I really hope for more specs, even if it's bad for balance. Thematically they're awesome and class/spec diversity is always fun for me.
My pick would be a warden-style ranged-melee hybrid DPS for either Rogues or Demon Hunters with chakram skills, similar to survival but with more ranged spells
Been waitin for shaman tank spec since 2003....so prob not
This also lets ranged hunters benefit from windfury which matters for bm especially
I wonder if it impacts pets... not sure
@dratnos can you explain why no raid buffs would be the best option? Wouldnt that just make so you stack the highest performing dps spec and sprinkle in some utility in your comp? For example, assume destro does 1% more damage than the second best spec, what would keep you frome stacking at least 10 of them in a raid group?
Raid buffs and successful completion of a raid are not all about dps. A lot of specs bring utility and survivability that are more valuable than 5% more dps. Especially when the bottleneck is your raid surviving the pull rather than losing the dps race
They reduced the effectiveness of 2pt Talent-Nodes across the board. Like Master of the Elements: Used to give 20% damage gain for "correct" rotation, now only does 15%. So in a way they lowered the skill ceiling (or rather the maximum possible output) without really giving us compensation..
yeah the 30% aura buff and buffs to lightening build aren't really a compensation..
I would assume the mastery buff would be either 2% of your rating... so the more you have the more you get, or like the buff in algethar where it says x%, but gives a certain amount of flat rating.
We are finally gonna see all the resto shaman tech in RWF streams. Increased HP/Link/ResTotem.
And for Resto shaman coming into all M+ melee comps as the HEALER, They are also bringing 5% Constant / 15% increased Player HP Which is as good as a defensive. Healing stream in M+ would also be a constant 6%. With the healing rain totem, you get constant free dps and healing for nothing with healing stream ticking, You will hardly have to even heal, freeing you to actually dps.
Kinda wish we got more of a rework than this for elemental, i think removing maelstrom and making it a pure mana caster would have been more enjoyable, but i suppose spam casting lava burst like usual is going to be fine
Oh lord spouting spirits is back
Hello Dratnos, our name is Everybody.
2% master for Aug is like 10% more mastery when they are already in the 3rd/4th DR of mastery to get ~20% which is insane
I stole this from Theun, but I feel like Resto Shaman has a hidden raid buff in the form of Ancestral Vigor. It's probably going to remain pretty high uptime, and that's a double Fort buff on most/all of your raid, so RSham may well be st0nks going forward
enhance ele build has too many competing globals at any given time, and the stormstrike build has the opposite problem where u just hold down the stormstrike button and nothing else matters
The issue is that we are unable to get talents we need to make out talent points work. IF hero talents weren't a thing then sure, but hero talents are the issue.
Last line of the notes = SHAMAN TANK CONFIRMED MID XPAC
As an ele player, god I hate having to get a staff just let me get one weapon drop and be done with it
Exited for elemental and resto, sad day for enhance tho. They try to buff and end up nerfing it and not sorting the talent tree. Either rework them a bit more like ele got or just give them less 2point nodes and its fine for raid atleast. If they are gonna be decent for m+ they need to either uncap some part of the aoe dmg or make them better on the 6 target cleave than the uncapped specs are. Kinda sad when a class that has uncapped aoe also wins on sub 6 targets....
Enhance is well put together??
here an enh, i´m sad , but hopefully they cook somethin up , otherwise i reroll to ele, looks nice with those many new element summons.
As a Priest player who had Shining Force removed, It is extremely annoying that PvE Shaman are getting Traveling Storms... Priest utility is so lacking compared to every other healer.
The main reason Enhancement is up in arms is because of the hero talents.
Totemic is a clusterfuck that requires you to talent into too many things that you dont usually take.
Stormbringer forces you to play the enhancement storm build which is an RNG shitshow that encurages bad play patterns.
Aside from that, the Enhancement talent tree still has 9 2-point nodes, which they have made a priority to remove from other trees, yet it is somehow still fine for Enhance.
2% mastery for BM hunter is something, probably not so great with all the emphasis on crit. If Skyfury affected pets, that would be sick
Guess this will lead shamans in mythic guilds to be required to flex ele/enh. Not a myth raider myself, maybe something like this already was true, just enh was always required so I imagine if ele ever was required, it was played by someone usually maining mage etc.
I think that nobody having raid buffs would be the worst case scenario tbh, all the M+ meta problems would just spread into raid and half of the classes would just never get invited.
so i feel like the bigest problem for enh is that thy dont have any reson to telent totemic atm cos it just clases with the enh tree like 3/6 of the 2 points kinda do a simi good thing in ceeping you from geting clasing cds but the other 2 suck as 2 points and the 3rd is just 2 points for a 10% aura buff witch sucks ass
i've never mained shaman but does their self res still not reset after wiping? that seems ridiculous
Shamans still capped at 6 targets. Extra bad. Can't believe it wasn't addressed. Shamans will not be willfully taken to high keys until this is changed. Esp now that splintered elements is kinda useless.
probably ye, but i expect some updates there to come how Lightning Rod will work out. Also with our overloads no longer being the gamba part of our M+ power I think they can finally tune and adjust master of the elements procs on chain lightnings/stormkeeper. I expect them to touch target cap for sure before season1, they have to common.
Dratonos, you don't get to talk about Shaman buffs and changes! 🤨🤨
How else would you keep making jokes about Shamans? 😆😆
Will Skyfury effect Warlock minions to ? 😈
DK raid buff next? Like wrath aura!
Ah what ? Death grip and AMZ hello?
@@angelabadzhiev9036 those are utility spells
I love that line about how "all talents are now 1 point" is something that every spec in the game would get goosebumps over, right into enhancement which still has NINE 2 point nodes in its tree but the devs are pleased with it.
It's going to get fixed, but Enhancement was understandably triaged to a later patch.
@@Xynth25 where was that stated? They said there would be more changes to shaman, yes, but nothing about enhance specifically. The fact that they said they are pleased with the state of the enhance tree and took a lighter approach with it even suggest that it ISN'T on their radar
predicting the mastery buff to be bugged for shadow preists and actually granting them 6% increased dmg through mastery 🙂
Enh shaman still has so much button bloat. I wish they would address it
They have got to axe the potency of raid buffs, otherwise an attempt to represent every class turns into a "you HAVE to have 1 of everything" rigid raid setup; which while fine on paper, doesn't have the player count - to raid hosted ratio of each class to support it, bottle-necking a majority of pug players. Their intentions to make you "want to bring" one of everything, has turned into a *necessity* to bring one of everything; which as with most things, the majority of the player-base who think they are the 1% and MUST play the meta like they're in the RWF, will treat as an absolute fact and not an "option / choice", further gating raid signups and pugs.
It's also unbelievably dull and un-fun in my opinion, but that latter part is a personal thing. Shaman changes are nice though.
I'm Enhance and I agree with Blizz. The tree feels great. What other spec in the game has TWO viable builds that are actually different styles of gameplay and NOT just AoE vs ST?
Storm is viable if you get 30 ascendancy proccs. You dont? To bad shouldve played elementalist lmao
Storm is viable, doesn't mean it's BiS. The tier set is going to decide which build is slightly better. Previously it WAS storm, 10.0 I think it was. The reason both are viable is that tier will make one SLIGHTLY better. That difference won't matter to anyone but the cutting edge players.
Also, while storm does benefit more from high-rolled RNG of Ascendency 1) there are storm builds without DRE and 2) if I remember correctly, halfway through this expansion they put bad luck protection into DRE anyway.
It's been good in DF, becomes worse with TWW hero talents etc
Even if they just made stormstrike do nature/physical (like the name suggests) i would be happy without putting a talent into stormbringer for only 25% or atleast buff it to 100% because 25% of 20k is only 5k and that if you get a stormbringer proc. Stormstrike is just too weak honestly because its used as a filler ability and to make it do decent damage you have to talent into like 4 or 5 2 point nodes so like 8 to 10 talent points which almost buffs its damage by 100% and it still gets out damaged by some spells that only need 1 or 2 talent points. Not to mention windstrike when you ascend that replaces stormstrike doesnt even hit that hard either and thats if you get a dre proc or if you want to wait 3 min between your spam windstrike phases because DAM 3 min ascendance is annoying
I hope a pure lightening build will be a thing. But I have a feeling will still be forced to use Lava burst
2% flat for augmentation 👀
i would instantly main shaman if they brought back 2-hand enhance
Glad for shamans. Seems like 90 percent of what dratnos and max say and make videos about magically get added to the game. Almost like the devs are just copying directly from the poddy c.
we need more
Silly Dartnos always introducing himself eventho I already know who he is
Dratnos is a villain. It is clear by his last entry into the video about deleting raid buffs. 😂
and ret lost their retribution aura buff
Yup, we're doing so well according to Blizz that they actually nerfed us and left us to rot with 9 2-pointers. Wtf are they thinking?
Maelstrom Weapon was in our class tree and free. Flurry takes WFT's spot in the spec tree so we LOSE a spec point in any non-raid build. Feral Lunge is nice but it was never talented. We only lose. It is not even the same, it's actually so much worse.
Oh, and as a bonus, I was happy to see us not included in all the Leech and Avoidance nerfs because our points were already very low. Then I see the new tree and we weren't mentioned because they just fucking deleted the talent...
Flurry should be a baseline passive
i am sorry but no... enhancement isnt in a good place imo. too many 2 point nodes, very limited aoe in ST specc, extreme overreliance on LB and EB for damage. i guess the elementalist build is fine but the SS build needs something more. my suggestion an mealstrom spender that triggers a souped up windfury attack, or something more melee focused. i hate being a LB caster as a melee. even when going for melee focus build.
All the changes enhance did get are great. Yeah losing “our raid spot” is potentially bad, butt feral lunge for free and not spamming wind fury/projection all fight is great.
People who are complaining are clowns. Enhance best spec in game rn and this is just even better
Try playing it with hero talents on beta first
Enhance feels way better without a rework than frost dk does with a rework.
I am genuinely amazed at how many enhance shamans were 1) expecting significant changes when the spec was already in a fine place and 2) are moaning that ele and resto get the wind fury buff instead of just them.
Not to mention that blizzard has already said they're going to keep iterating on the class and this is not the final word. This is a W for shamans as a whole and y'all need to chill.
I love the changes that Shaman is getting. I think it's better for the game for them to have the raid buff and they definitely needed some TLC in the class and Spec trees. However, I am so unbelievably mald that Priest also needs changes that we have not gotten yet. Tbf priest was in a way more playable spot than Shaman despite us having similar issues in class and spec trees with bad nodes and an abundance of 2 pointers. I could go into a whole rant on how little choice there actually is and why it needs changes even though our numbers are good, but I'll stick to the main point with Blizzard's weird double standards with Priest. I hate they decided to bring back Shining Force, which we lost in DF beta, to give it to Shamans, a class that already had a lot of utility/stops. Another example is them giving the talent for Shamans to have 25% haste during Ascendance. Well PI got nerfed to only be 20% for 15 seconds specifically because of it's interactions with giving the buff to others. Healer priests already have to give it on someone else's cooldown timer, so why couldn't they have just reworked Twins of the Sun Priestess so that the Priest player gets the unnerfed 25% for 20 seconds which was the standard for years. They realize that haste injections during your cooldown is fun, but they nerf our fun due to outside interactions. 20% for 15 seconds is worse than 25% for 18 seconds like Shamans have, with the talent, and Resto Shamans get to use it as a healing CD, while also being able to proc it to have even higher uptime. I don't think the Shaman version should get nerfed, I just want to point out the differences, so that Blizzard can let healer priests have fun too, whether that is doing a Twins of the Sun Priestess change or just removing the ability to give it out all together. That's not the only weird change. Holy still has to talent 3 talents to do their damage, while they are removing that from Resto. And Holy still is in the weird place where they have to use healing cooldowns in Apotheosis and Divine Word to do damage instead of healing. The recent changes in S3 were a good bandaid fix to make the rotation feel better and do more damage, but it didn't actually solve the fundamental issue with how our damage is only good if we fully focus on it with the caveat that we sacrifice a lot of healing. Healer Priests are also the only 2 specs in the game without a kick, without any real compensation or good justification. It's not like we have some crazy CC toolkit that makes us good, we have Psychic Scream that requires us to be in melee and doesn't solve the more deadly scenarios. You can't stop a cast from any scary elite or boss, which tend to have abilities that you kick or die.
Seems like a weird place to whinge about your class.
Comments section on a Shaman video. 🤦♂️
@@leighjamieson1856 that's wow players for you "Hey you are talking about x class? But what about Y class????"
i love how he uses both the pronunciations for shaman interchangeably lmfao
As a ret pal, wind fury bugs out crusading strike and is a net negative buff. previously we can avoid this by not being in the party but now its raid wide. Underhanded nerf to ret in a shaman update. Sad
You can always cancel aura the buff. Just put it in a macro with your most pressed abilitys and you won't have it - no matter how often it gets rebuffed.
Or simply hope that blizzard is aware and fixes it. Since I don't think they want this behavior to exist. (Removing buff to deal more DMG)
This is the best time to bring it up on the forums
It only calculated as a negative in Sims because shamans had use a gcd to cast the thing. It won't effect pally at all
We do not know if crusading strike will be ran in the next expansion anyway.
@havtor007 With ret aura gone, I doubt we will run ret next expansion anyways, so I wouldn't worry about it.
"Enhance is fine"......said no one ever.
No it's been pretty good, they made a few too many of the sets focus on the ele blast build but they us have more freedom with the new changes
Now do warrior.
=( fuck raid buffs removed most of them would had been a better way to help shaman
Nah Enhance is slow by the time you spread your shocks everyone is already pumping. Primordial wave is cluncky and slow.....
Dratnos it's counter intuitive but raid buffs are good if they didn't exist then there would o oy be 3 specs in every raid. 2 of the best tank 4 of the best healer and all the rest whatever dps is highest like marksman hunter
He should know and he should remember the 4-8 balance druid that was ran in the past when we had Zero raidbuffs.
Not true, class stacking wasn't that common in legion when we had no raid buffs. You did sometimes immunity stack, stack raid externals like rally etc, but stacking the "best dps" wasn't the norm. Look at some old world first comps and you'll see
@@melipnos yeah stacking 4-8 players of the same spec is not class stacking
@@havtor007show me where it happened outside of some specific encounters, 4 stack isnt that crazy either especially before we had Evoker
@@melipnos bad take their were always raid buffs
i will never get the enh being mad at low chengs like enh from the start till the end of df have had the best spec tree with 2 unic playstyle options that bring difrent parts of ther kit to the forfront and have bean toond well agents ech other wall still haveing ther oven damage patons
This really puts enhance in a bad spot tbh. It just shifted the “only brought if it’s tuned high” spec to enhance
Enjoy the feeling. Ele has been having that for years
So DK's are the only one that doesn't bring a raid buff (hunter's mark and rogue 3% DR are kinda meh)?
tbf, DKs bring the fact that they are DKs lol. Blood is regularly no.1 Raid tank, and Unholy is often a top tier DPS. Plus you usually want AMZ as well, so its not like DKs are ever gonna get left out of raid
hunters mark....kekw
RIP enhance's guaranteed raid slot unless their damage is so busted that you take them anyway
I feel absolutely gutted by the lack of Enhance changes. The spec is gonna feel terrible without the tier set or any changes to the talent tree layout.
Even in s1 and s2 of dragonflight enhance was praised for feeling good and they both had low impact sets. Obviously it feels worse going back to a previously worse play pattern but this is kind of what happened at the end of shadowlands with double legendaries.
Enhance felt fine before S3 tier bonus. S3 was just an extraordinary tier.
The worst things are having to play storm quite likely and not having the points to take the talents that work with your chosen hero talent tree
You realize there was a time before this current tier and it still felt great? You realize after this current tier, they'll have a new tier which might be even better! Or not. Everyone deals with the roll of the dice that is tier bonuses. Luckily, Enhance is pretty great baseline.
Chill bud. We’ll get more next week. They’ve been p reliable with it.
Kinda feel like Evoker raid buff should give like 1% haste on top of the movement CDR. It's pretty much officially the worst raid buff now that shamans are giving a real stat. Hell, give DKs a leech raid buff while we're at it.
WOW on PS5 when? 🤓🤓
yep still didnt fix enh another blizzard L. let me download 5 weakauras and keybind my entire keyboard to play
I, for one, welcome our adam sandler shaman healers and their high quality H2O
There shaman!
2h enh when
The day they announce global release maybe
go back to classic
Enhance is dead. No not because of Skyfury, that's actually great I no longer need to remember to drop the damn thing. No it dead because the tree is mostly untouched, it's dead because of EB. It's actually dead because it was working fine, but when everything else gets a makeover, trimming, or overhaul the one that's ignored is just left in the dust.
Not that it's actually bothering me much this next xpac, I was going to change it up to SPriest and warrior.
Alright that's enough of Shaman, can we get back to more important topic? like mage.
lol Shaman finally get a raid buff, and they take away Ret's raid buff. *uck blizzard!
My favorite mega gay/woke dude 😂🤡🤖