Identifying Babel and its Tower - Dr. Doug Petrovich (Conf Lecture)

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • If you like this lecture from the 2017 IGH Conference, you can get it and over 70 more at: isgenesishisto... Dr. Petrovich earned a PhD from the University of Toronto, with a major in Syro-Palestinian archaeology, a first minor in ancient Egyptian language, and a second minor in ancient Near Eastern religions.
    He formerly was the academic dean and a professor at Novosibirsk Biblical-Theological Seminary (Siberia, Russia), as well as at Shepherds Theological Seminary (Cary, North Carolina), having taught over 30 different courses.
    Dr. Petrovich’s research interests include biblical history and exegesis, Egyptology, and ancient Near Eastern history (including archaeology, epigraphy, chronology, and iconography). He teaches Ancient Egypt at Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Canada).

Комментарии • 199

  • @sissydewoody8717
    @sissydewoody8717 3 года назад +14

    Sir... do you realize how important you are? I hope and pray you have a secret vault somewhere with triplicate hard copy in your findings..
    Christ bless and preserve your work sir!

  • @tanyatmarie2263
    @tanyatmarie2263 2 года назад +3

    This is a very necessary video, not many people realize how relevant this actually is. Good job!

  • @GospelandSpade
    @GospelandSpade 3 года назад +7

    Thanks! A really enjoyable and very interesting lecture. At the very least I would feel that Eridu seems to be a very strong candidate for the site of biblical Babel.

  • @lawneymalbrough4309
    @lawneymalbrough4309 2 года назад +2

    If only a map from that time could be found. I'm not sure it really matters. What matters is Christ and your relationship with him. All these stories were handed down to teach a lesson. If you learn the lesson you've learned what you needed to.

  • @billperez1141
    @billperez1141 4 года назад +6

    TY for this lecture. What blew my mind about this event was the fact that these people did this having first hand knowledge of The Flood of Noah's Day. I was studying scripture one day and noticed that the flood took place just 2-3 generations earlier, which would mean that at least Noah's sons were still alive as witnesses to "The Flood" God used to judge man because the thoughts of their hearts were evil continually, YET, the people building this tower (a symbol of one global gov't IMO) still disobeyed God's command to spread across the earth. Today we see this mindset again, as this world believes they are going to stop God's Everlasting Kingdom.

    • @freemind..
      @freemind.. 4 года назад +1

      Bill Perez - It truly is incredible how quickly people can "forget" and fall away. It reminds me of those traveling in the wilderness with Moses. They witnessed miracle after miracle.. and awakened each morning to magic manna from Heaven.. but Moses is gone to the mountain a bit longer than expected, and they start melting down gold making idols to worship!? SMH...🤦‍♂️

    • @ahope4u2
      @ahope4u2 4 года назад

      Bill Perez ....God sent the flood because of the wickedness of mankind but also to destroy the Nephilim. Noah was described as “perfect in his generations” implying he and his sons were not tainted by the interbreeding of the fallen Angels with humans. Unfortunately the women the sons brought on the ark were not pure and the Nephilim returned.

  • @Gutslinger
    @Gutslinger 4 года назад +8

    Would be nice to see a graph showing the timelines of these periods being discussed. I'm better at understanding when it comes to graphs and numbers than I am with names, especially uncommon names that I'm not familiar with.
    Edit: 26:11 Ah..

  • @Critter145
    @Critter145 5 лет назад +12

    It is interesting to me that we still call it the “Tower of Babel”. In Hebrew, “Babel” means confusion. It would be more precise to call it the “Tower of Confusion”, since it apparently wasn’t in Babylon, which could just be a linguistic coincidence. Similarly, the He few writers use representative names in place of the official name. For example, according to David Rohl, famous archaeologist and Egyptologist, the actual name of King Saul, which means “asked for” in Hebrew, was Labaya, hence why his crack-troops that hunted David were called “Labayim”.

    • @VernCrisler
      @VernCrisler 5 лет назад +1

      Not a good idea to rely on Rohl's views.

    • @jeezed2950
      @jeezed2950 5 лет назад +2

      Actually it was Babylon Josephus backs this up as well.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 5 лет назад +3

      I agree with you C Ritter.
      Did you know Ron Wyatt found the tower in southern Turkey?
      Photographs and video, its underwater now, when the water is low you can sill see it when you fly over it. (Ron followed directions from Genesis)

    • @vanuaturly
      @vanuaturly 3 года назад

      @@canadiankewldude ron Wyatt is a crackpot

    • @stephanpotgieter8993
      @stephanpotgieter8993 2 года назад +2

      Even in my native tongue "Afrikaans" ,we were taught that Babel mean "verwarring"/ confusion

  • @John-ww3ji
    @John-ww3ji Год назад

    A Tower of CONFUSION.
    Dearly beloveds and Royal heirs around the world, Let us fix our eyes on the Alpha and Omega and the Author and finisher of our faith.
    JESUS CHRIST the perfecter of our FAITH. After enduring the cross, Scorning it's shame, and Sat down at the RIGHT HAND of the throne of GOD.
    Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
    Praise and Worship Royal heirs around the world
    Restore unto us the JOY of thy Salvation, and uphold us with thy free Spirit.
    O''LORD, open thou our Lips, and our mouth shall shew forth thy Praise and Worship- for thou desires not sacrifice and Thou delightest not in burnt offerings.

  • @about2mount
    @about2mount 3 года назад +1

    Babel was not a completed city,, they never finished it as the Bible states. They had left from building the city when God destroyed the Tower Of Babel. The Tower of Babel is underneath and is the base of the largest of the ziggurats in Babylon and was covered over by Nebuchadnezzar II. Also you missing the main point that everyone in those times knew full well where that tower had been built and why the newer city was named after it as Babylon. And that word was well known as meaning "The City Of Confused Languages".

  • @bugnfront
    @bugnfront 4 года назад +13

    The "dispersion of language" was the first "social distancing experiment"?

  • @hso9618
    @hso9618 7 месяцев назад

    in a video with Paleologos, you mention the confusion of languages applying worldwide. I agree, and wonder whether there is any evidence for temples around the world - Peru, Great Pyramid of Cholula, Teotihuacan being constructed over earlier period temples - constructed for similar reasons "to reach the heavens."

  • @mn4056933
    @mn4056933 3 года назад +1

    What could the population be at that time?

  • @aaagggmmmsss
    @aaagggmmmsss 4 года назад +1

    Thank You !

  • @Xcerptshow
    @Xcerptshow 3 года назад +1

    You need to add his website(26:10) to the description

  • @Moving2U
    @Moving2U 4 года назад +2

    I find it interesting that the author takes the time to interpret the Hebrew for chapter 11 of Genesis, and in doing so he hits on the fact that there was one common language (not all English translations reveal this), but he ignores all of chapter 10, destroying proper context of the whole of chapter 11.
    There were no chapter or verse breaks originally, they were added later for ease of locating information. Context.
    Chapter 10 outlines all of the descendants of the sons of Noah that came from Shem, Ham and Japheth. Some 70 tribes, each with their own tongue, or language. A myriad of languages existing, before the story of the Tower of Babel. Context.
    THEN the next chapter and verse, 11:1 we see that there was one COMMON tongue or language that was confused by God. Most people skip even reading chapter 10 as it is an exhausting read of hard to pronounce names and genealogies. Context.
    How many of you have been taught that the Tower of Babel was when all of the languages supernaturally appeared, men forgetting their native tongues to suddenly speak a completely new and never before spoken one instead?
    I submit to you: There was one common language that was spoken from Adam to Noah and through the sons of Noah. All of the tribes descended from Shem, Ham and Japheth would speak it to intercommunicate with one another. Each tribe also had their own unique native language. The common tongue was the one that Adam and Eve spoke to Cain and Able. The common language was confused brothers and sisters, so that the different tribes could not communicate and work could not be completed on the tower. This is not the story of the origin of languages.
    Probably not a key point to the salvation story, but proof that truth can be hidden in the text in plain sight for generations until someone who is hungry for the Word, and God opening his eyes, seeks and finds. What have you missed in scripture, or blindly accepted because you didn't understand the correct context? Ask and seek.

    • @meltingeinstein3012
      @meltingeinstein3012 4 года назад +2

      And the whole earth was of one(אחד) language(שׂפת שׂפה - lip) and of one(אחד) speech(דּבר - speaking). Both language and dialect were one; one vocabulary.
      The word "common" is an NIV translation that does not exist in any original. There is no reference to many languages or forms of communication by tribes _and also one common language_ ... you just made that up.

    • @Moving2U
      @Moving2U 4 года назад

      @@meltingeinstein3012 Context. Chapter 10 states there are over 70 languages, Chapter 11, And, the whole earth had one common language...

    • @meltingeinstein3012
      @meltingeinstein3012 4 года назад +6

      @@Moving2U Oh, I see where you're confused. You assume the divisions of ch10 to have taken place before the explanation in ch11. That's an easy mistake to make but no worries, it's good that you're looking at these things.
      I hope you get some clarity with this:
      These chapters, 10 and 11, form a hebraism, a figure of speech known as _Hysterologia_ or subsequent narration, where a later record provides supplemental or new information not previously found in the history. In this case Chapter 11 is providing the reason for Chapter 10.
      Consider the narrative again:
      11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, *_lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth._*
      Chapter 10 describes the generations of Noah and his sons _AFTER they were scattered_ ... do you see now how they were in their own lands?
      Look at some of the men's names, and where they appear later in the word as _place names_ I.e. Havilah; Ophir; Tarshish; Asshur; Tubal; Magog... etc. all different areas of the middle east: North, South, East, and West.

    • @doltBmB
      @doltBmB 4 года назад

      Very astute. Thank you.

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 Год назад

      There’s no mechanism to explain how your proposal could happen, let alone motive

  • @lawneymalbrough4309
    @lawneymalbrough4309 2 года назад

    After the language changed the names of important people changed with it. So we have similar stories with different named people but similar themes. Same stories in different places but the names have been chnged.

  • @rrios1173
    @rrios1173 4 года назад

    The Lord showed me the Flood occurred in 3100’s BC, Abraham knew Noah and was born in 2800’s, His greatgrandson Joseph was Pharaoh Djoser in the 2600’s with his brother Benjamin (Imhotep) was his right hand man named at birth when Rachel died ‘son-of-the-right- hand’, and the Hebrews continued until 1800’s BC when they became enslaved by Pharaoh Sesostris III and 430 years later the exodus occurred in 1424 BC. And you can take that to the bank!!!! Because the Lord showed me and it all adds up... and thank you for your wonderful work Dr Petrovich!

    • @Silverheart1956
      @Silverheart1956 4 года назад

      Dear R Rios,
      "the Lord Showed me ... ", "Because the Lord showed me ...".
      Careful ! I have heard those words before. Those were favorite words of Joseph Smith.
      Be Well and Be Careful

  • @rtofield
    @rtofield 6 лет назад +6

    i tried to invent a logical writing that was like a position code directly relating to the shape you have to make with your mouth.i found myself reinventing our european script.then i noticed all the phonetic scripts in the world are the same but mirror images of each is like they were designed to be like that but scholars trace back our writing to basic rune-like letters,so maybe we have subconsciously made changes to the writing thru history to make it logical

    • @dantheo4188
      @dantheo4188 5 лет назад +2

      Id buy you a beer to watch eclectic concepts bubble up. Your comments are intriguing in a way that comments cant embody. A rant would be much appreciated ...I have the feeling that if i could find friends like you...Id prob have real friends! Lol

    • @helpmehelpme323
      @helpmehelpme323 4 года назад +1

      Did your friendship take off?

    • @lynnv8501
      @lynnv8501 3 года назад

      I have no idea what you just said. But I would love to have studied linguistics.

  • @VernCrisler
    @VernCrisler 5 лет назад +2

    Whether or not Petrovich is right or wrong that the Tower of Babel was in Eridu, I think he is incorrect to identify Nimrod with Sargon of Akkad. I think the Late Uruk expansion was a product of Nimrod's imperial policies and that the Tower was built in the Late Uruk period. The confusion of languages led to the collapse of the Late Uruk period.

    • @alexscott730
      @alexscott730 4 года назад

      Back it up with more than just emotion and opinion kiddo...Anybody can just blurt out whatever they want that doesn't make it fact.

    • @glenndonald7557
      @glenndonald7557 4 года назад +1

      You’re correct. As per the brilliant David Rohl’s work: It was Enmerkar. Sumerian: “En” - Priest-King, “Mer” - his name, “Kar” - Hunter. The consonants: N-MR-K. Translated into Semitic: N-MR-D (D with a vowel means Hunter). Enmerkar was recorded as the first empire builder, evidently trying to reassemble the power potential displayed before the split in language (which he acknowledged and lamented in ‘Enmerkar and the king of Urartu’. He is well remembered as a cultural hero as the ‘Master of Animals’ icon in many reliefs. He claimed to be one third a god, as his grandfather Ham was considered a deity having been born before the flood.

    • @glenndonald7557
      @glenndonald7557 4 года назад

      Alex Scott Hi. I thoroughly recommend you read the research books by Prof David Rohl, well worth the purchase prices. As per his study: Nimrod was Enmerkar. Sumerian: “En” - Priest-King, “Mer” - his name, “Kar” - Hunter. The consonants: N-MR-K. Translated into Semitic: N-MR-D (D with a vowel means Hunter). Enmerkar was recorded as the first empire builder, evidently trying to reassemble the power potential displayed before the split in language (which he acknowledged and lamented in ‘Enmerkar and the king of Urartu’. He is well remembered as a cultural hero as the ‘Master of Animals’ icon in many reliefs. He claimed to be one third a god, as his grandfather Ham was considered a deity having been born before the flood. Yours sincerely....

    • @VernCrisler
      @VernCrisler 4 года назад

      @@glenndonald7557 I've read Rohl. The problem is that Enmerkar lived after the Late Uruk period, which in my view means he is too late for Nimrod.

  • @lawneymalbrough4309
    @lawneymalbrough4309 2 года назад +1

    Pretty sure ziggarauts had a religious theme. Built high to honor their gods. It's the same evil offspring of the fallen angels. Though they be dead their spirits still inhabit the earth. Enoch wrote this down before the flood. And passed his writings down to Noah his grandson. You should read the book of Enoch. It covers our current time.

  • @solomonlee4503
    @solomonlee4503 5 лет назад +5

    I found that Most biblical scholars interpretation of the bible were subjective suppositions.

    • @dantheo4188
      @dantheo4188 5 лет назад

      For example plz?

    • @solomonlee4503
      @solomonlee4503 5 лет назад

      God told Adam that he shall surely die if he eat the fruit and he did died of old age.
      They told me that Adam would had lived forever if he did not ear it.
      This is supposition and conjectural.

    • @dantheo4188
      @dantheo4188 5 лет назад +4

      @Solomon Lee
      Well, based upon the story itself, of which, you affirm Adams consumption and subsequent death, the Bible clearly states that by his disobedience, death came into the world. So death wasnt inherent to any of creation.
      I personally think it is quite self-evident and quite undeniable that this is the only interpretation.
      Additionally, aside from Adam and Eves original immortality and even after their sin had brought death into the world, the Bible also says that God sent them from the garden and guarded The Tree of Life because if they ate from that tree also, they STILL could have lived forever!!!
      So this is not supposition or conjectural within the context of the story itself. In fact, there is quite literally no other reasonable alternative interpretation. Is there?

    • @solomonlee4503
      @solomonlee4503 5 лет назад

      I still deem it is contradictory. Adam was created without knowledge of good and evil. He was an innocent child. God is omniscient , He knew that the serpent which He allowed to live in His garden would trick Adam and Eve. God did not stop the Serpent from deceiving Adam. It is very unreasonable to blame Adam for sinning when it was the setting created by God that caused Adam to sin.

    • @livingpicture
      @livingpicture 4 года назад +1

      @@solomonlee4503 It is not necessarily the setting God created that caused man to sin. Read Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, with the understanding that there are places in the Bible that are indeed allegory, otherwise, God has feathers, and I have hind's feet (like a deer or antelope). You will gain a knowledge of the serpent (some interpret as, "shining one"), who was in the garden, but also at some point in the Holy mountain of God, and was perfect, the anointed cherub, until iniquity was found in him. So whoever or whatever this creature was, invoking the idea that God created him to tempt Adam and Eve is wrong, considering this is also a doctrinal issue, that God does not tempt.

  • @mikedebell2242
    @mikedebell2242 4 года назад +3

    I noticed, from his previous lecture that when the Ubaid expansion went out, that they must have met other people who had not disobeyed the edict to go forth into the earth.
    There is a hypothesis that Abraham's Ur was not the Mesopotamian one but closer to Harran in the aria of San Urlifa.
    Curious about Gobeli Tepe too.

    • @mccalltrader
      @mccalltrader 4 года назад

      Mike DeBell interesting take...Abram is described as being from Ur of the Chaldeans...which is definitely southern Mesopotamia..where the Chaldeans were..

    • @zabaleta66
      @zabaleta66 4 года назад

      Abraham.....from Ur of the Chaldees via Haran, where he left his father, and his father's house.

    • @mikedebell2242
      @mikedebell2242 4 года назад

      @@zabaleta66 He sends to Padam-Aram to take a wife for Isaac then Isaac sends Jacob to the same place. Curious. There's no reference of him coming from the land of Shinar, which is Mesopotamia.

  • @TheLightofGod
    @TheLightofGod 6 месяцев назад

    When I listen to your presentations you place the flood at 3108BC and yet refer to the post Babel expansions (Uruk and Ubaid). Historically, the Tower of Babel came AFTER the flood; not prior. So am I just misunderstanding you? Are you saying the Ubaid and Uruk expansions occurred prior to the flood and then after the flood writing emerged? Are you saying that even though the Tower of Babel is mentioned in Gen. 11 that those verses 11:1-9 pertains to the world prior to the flood? even though the lineage of Shem mentioned in Gen 11 is clearly after it? I'm just trying to get clarification of how your archaeological finds correspond with the historicity of the sacred text.
    I also have to ask people that say mankind has been on the earth for tens of thousands of years, how they explain that assumption based on the present day population of 8 billion and counting from only 150 million 2000 years ago? In other words, if population growth was even remotely the same in the past, mankind would have overpopulated the planet many times over if they were around tens of thousands of years ago.

  • @rtofield
    @rtofield 6 лет назад +1

    i wondered if the act of inventing writing split the languages but as petrovich says this isnt what the scripture says.and heiroglyphic egyptian is very close to coptic egyptian so changing writing probably isnt enough to change the sound of the speech

    • @svenf68
      @svenf68 4 года назад +2

      I wouldn't be surprised if writing is going back all the way to the creation.

  • @foundworship8134
    @foundworship8134 4 года назад +8

    Serbians Know Stuff!

  • @billperez1141
    @billperez1141 4 года назад +2

    One more comment if I may. I look around this world today and see all sorts of structures; Egypt, S. America, N. America w/man made mounds, China, etc...along w/the fact that these cultures also have their version of "a flood caused by the false gods they worshiped". It causes me to think that the people fled in terror when their speech was confused by The Work of The True Living GOD, and YET, they still had it in their hearts to make a great name for themselves by building these structures to their false gods wherever they settled AND made up their own version of The Real Event of The Flood of Noah's Day.

    • @janbuyck1
      @janbuyck1 4 года назад

      Bill Perez: there are several ancient cultures who don’t know Flood stories like for instance the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Japanese , ... As a matter of fact: their culture existed before the so called flood and continued seamlessly after the so called event.

    • @matthewnovak9010
      @matthewnovak9010 4 года назад

      They really tried to make a name for themselves when they faked the moon landings, considering there is no "Outer Space" vacuum to begin with.

  • @barriesmith3489
    @barriesmith3489 4 года назад +2

    If I felt that I could build a tower to heaven I would start at a high point like a mountain or even a hill so elevation is important to the tower. Yet this dose not come into the talk.

    • @doltBmB
      @doltBmB 4 года назад +1

      There is a topographical map at 42:40 where you can see not only is the entire city built on a large hill, the tower is built on the highest part of that hill.

  • @webhead2777
    @webhead2777 4 года назад +1

    Cinar (pronounced Shinar) is in Turkey

  • @philippinestroppoholic7996
    @philippinestroppoholic7996 4 года назад +2

    Not another one 🙄. Where do these dudes pop up from?

    • @Gutslinger
      @Gutslinger 4 года назад +1

      Another what?

    • @vanuaturly
      @vanuaturly 3 года назад

      Which dudes? PhDs? They come from universities.

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 года назад +1

      From a very far, far planet called Crazyton, somewhere in the Universe !!!

  • @rrios1173
    @rrios1173 4 года назад +1

    Somewhere in the Bible I read that David could see the Tower of Babel, which was very old at his time, from a place of a cave where he was hiding from Saul.

  • @daniels4338
    @daniels4338 4 года назад +2

    Well if he dreams up his own translation he can fit it to whatever theory he wants.

  • @user-xs5fj3ms2l
    @user-xs5fj3ms2l 4 года назад +5

    Seems logical to consider the tower was an idol like the Washington Monument. There's also a similar idol in Rome.

    • @leonardobarbieri1292
      @leonardobarbieri1292 3 года назад


    • @voiceofREASONS
      @voiceofREASONS 3 года назад

      The washington monument is in the same vein as the tower @ babel. I'm almost done working on a documentary about it. Will be releasing it in about 10 days.

    • @edennis8578
      @edennis8578 3 года назад

      You mean monument, not idol, surely?

    • @basecamp5319
      @basecamp5319 2 года назад

      It wasn’t an idol. It was a gateway for Enki. This is what “in the heavens” means. Western Christians are embarrassingly naïve.

  • @ITechcompulock
    @ITechcompulock 4 года назад

    And as to the tower which the sons of men built, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part thereof, and a fire also descended from heaven and burned another third, and the other third is left to this day, and it is of that part which was aloft, and its circumference is three days' walk.
    Jasher. The Book of Jasher, or 'the Upright or Correct Record' (p. 22). E.C. Marsh. Kindle Edition.

  • @WalterRMattfeld
    @WalterRMattfeld 2 года назад

    As regards the Tower of Babel. I have encountered a scholarly explanation about the Hebrew word for Tower, being MIGDOL. A MIGDOL is a defensive tower, which would be encountered as a prt of a defensive wall, or a _lone_ defensive tower in a wilderness setting. If this is a correct explanation then the word MIGDOL is making a mockery of the tower! MIGDOLS are simply too small to contain a large number of people within them. A MIGDOL might squeeze 100 people in their confines, but no more!
    So, the Hebrew author of Genesis is apparently MOCKING the Babylonian tower by calling it a MIGDOL!
    The Babylonians built Ziggurats for their gods to dwell in. These HUGE STRUCTURES, made of thousands of bricks, were NOT called TOWERS, they were referred to as being ARTIFICAL MOUNTAINS!
    The Babylonian word for Mountain being KUR (compare with Hebrew HAR for mountain).
    In myth the gods of Babylon dwelt atop mountains. Some Ziggurats were actually called KUR as a part of their name.
    Scholars understand the Mesopotamians migrated from the Mountains surrounding the EDIN, the floodplain of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
    Regards, Walter R. Mattfeld

  • @JBaads
    @JBaads Год назад

    Building the tower goal was to reach heaven. Maybe the city of Enoch was still visible? People were still being taken up and wanted to go also.

  • @duncanapiyo6412
    @duncanapiyo6412 4 года назад +2

    Look for mt Sumeru. This is the true Sumer. Indians maintained the real name. Book of Jasher is accurate. Size and height. Destroyed by fire or Volcanism

  • @janbuyck1
    @janbuyck1 4 года назад +1

    Where do these guys always get their degrees?

    • @janbuyck1
      @janbuyck1 4 года назад

      Gerald McFarlin : Yes, so that’s the way one get’s his degree? Interesting!

    • @vanuaturly
      @vanuaturly 3 года назад


    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 года назад +1

      Trump University !

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 Год назад +1

      You should probably look before you scoff, it cold save you embarrassment

  • @canadiankewldude
    @canadiankewldude 5 лет назад +2

    Ron Wyatt found the tower in southern Turkey, Babel not Babylon.
    Photographs and video, its underwater now, when the water is low you can sill see it when you fly over it.
    (Ron followed directions from Genesis)
    The actual Tower of Babel is round, with large bricks.
    Partially, still standing.

    • @svenf68
      @svenf68 4 года назад +2

      Ron Wyatt is not a very trusty person. He even "found" Noah's ark.

    • @alexscott730
      @alexscott730 4 года назад

      @@svenf68 What was so untrustworthy of a man who used his own money and money from investors to pursue his work for his God???...Back up your bogus accusations.

    • @svenf68
      @svenf68 4 года назад +1

      @@alexscott730 I know that John Baumgardener didn't approve of his Noah's ark conclusion. What Ron Wyatt found concerning the Noah's ark was just some kind of geological formation, but nothing associated to the ark.
      Concerning the tower of Babel, no one is saying it is Babylon, but it is made clear fromme the Bible that it was located in Sinear area, which has nothing to do with the area around Turkey.

    • @webhead2777
      @webhead2777 4 года назад

      @@svenf68 in the first place Shinar is in Turkey where it is spelled Cinar. In the second place Ron Wyatt DID find Noah's ark. It's too symmetrical to be a natural formation and it's made up of petrified wood AND the Turkish government declared it to be Noah's ark.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 4 года назад

      Why then is John Baumgardener on film supporting the site and tests he had done. What, a few years later he changes his mind, who paid him off.

  • @scottenosh4548
    @scottenosh4548 Год назад

    The BABEL of Genesis 11 is two units ...a city, and a tower. Genesis 11 tells us that Asshur went forth out of Nimrod's kingdom and built Nineveh. Asshur is the man that the Assyrians get their name from.
    Look at Isaiah 23:13, and you'll see that God tells us the Assyrian founded the land of the Chaldeans...Babylon.
    Gen 11 also tells us Noah landed in Ararat (1656 AM...2345BC)...120 years later, this construction project was sanctioned. Man journeyed from the east when they found a 'plain' (Hebrew BEK-ah...which means 'valley'). The only place called Shinar as man travels east from Ararat, according to water sources of rivers, is Lebanon. In order to travel east and arrive in the (fake) UR of common acceptance, man would have had to travel ALL THE WAY AROUND the globe westward until they came around and ended up in Iraq. Shinar is a mountain range (this is the area where mt Hermon is located....there are three ranges here. In fact, the word for 'brick' in Gen 11 is 'lebnah' which means 'white'. There are NO sources of white clay in Mesopotamia.
    Gebal (means 'rock' or 'height) Lebanon is the place you're looking for....known to the Greeks as Byblos (to this day), and to the Arabs as Jabuul (means 'source of two rivers'). The tower was in Gebal. The city is Baal-bek Lebanon. The Ur is lake Urmia of Armenia...right next to Ararat.
    Nimrod was one of the kings destroyed by Abraham during the war of 9 kings. Genesis 14....Tidal, king of nations. As a result of the genocide that this war resulted in, the deconstruction of Babel became priority #1 for Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Noah's three sons). When you understand that Shem is Melkizidek, king of Salem, the priest of the most high God, and is also Abraham's great×5 grandfather (who outlived Abraham by decades), Egypt starts coming into view.
    Ever wonder where ALL THOSE MATERIALS came from that were used to build the Great Pyramid??? It's the material salvaged from Babel's deconstruction. It was built by the Order of Melkizidek. This is why Isaiah 19 tells us the Great Pyramid will be an alter to the LORD when Christ returns and sets up His Kingdom on earth.

  • @baronsecuna
    @baronsecuna 4 года назад

    Petrovich has combined letters previously identified from some other scholars with some of his own interpretations-a method that may make it difficult for others in the field to accept his findings. Another point of controversy is the source he offers for dating some of his references-the Bible.

    • @baberoot1998
      @baberoot1998 4 года назад +3

      Right?!?!? That darned old Bible. That book, that has always been proven right through history. Kind of like the secular world said for years...Ninevah never existed. Then...out of nowhere...they find Ninevah. And countless other cities they claimed never existed. Lol. That darned old lie...the Bible. Lol.

    • @patrickfoster4586
      @patrickfoster4586 3 года назад

      @@baberoot1998 Yeah, they like to forget how for years scholars insisted the Hittites mentioned in scripture were a myth...until they uncovered the Hittites city in Asia Minor and uncovered a massive Hittite empire whose history mirrors what is said of them in the Bible. So much is known of the Hittites now that you can get a PhD in Hittite history- not bad for a myth!

  • @bigchieftrucker9757
    @bigchieftrucker9757 4 года назад +3

    People get the idea that when peoples languages were confused they just gathered in groups that hour and ran from each other as far as they could. A better explanation is they had to stay for food and crops, and tried to write languages , so this thing, would not only, not happen again, but they could try to communicate with their friends and relatives. Probably where sign language Point being I'd wager fallen disobedient people immediately started trying to UNDO what God had just done to them.
    I'm sure there was some fun making when the,.. say, Thailandnese was spoken..or the tongue clicking language of Africa. (comic relief! those are comical sounding languages) I know there wasn't any modern language spoken at that time) At divine timing they slowly moved out to be scattered as God decreed, many out of Just because God wacked them doesn't mean they suddenly got religion and started obeying God. Or were happy with the new or funny sounds coming out of their pie holes.

    • @kyle18934
      @kyle18934 3 года назад

      That's a good point. I know I would try to stay where I lived as long as possible, just because I know that place as home.
      It could be doable if the group you are in is able to somewhat communicate by making pictures and scratches in tablets. It ended up not working, but they learned how to communicate not just verbally from it lol

  • @ronaldsmall8847
    @ronaldsmall8847 4 года назад +2

    Adam could write.

    • @alexscott730
      @alexscott730 4 года назад

      Adam didn't need to write.

    • @hotepkiller1180
      @hotepkiller1180 4 года назад +1


    • @ronaldsmall8847
      @ronaldsmall8847 4 года назад

      @@hotepkiller1180 Is that intended to be a question or are you 7?

    • @ronaldsmall8847
      @ronaldsmall8847 4 года назад

      @@hotepkiller1180 Teledots.

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 года назад +1

      Pre Bronze age men couldn't write on clay tablets...

  • @l-ssfhgr6118
    @l-ssfhgr6118 4 года назад +1

    Where is he getting "Some undefined number of them"? Who gave this guy a doctorate, Walt Disney?

    • @vanuaturly
      @vanuaturly 3 года назад +1

      Where's your PhD?

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 года назад +1

      He may have a real doctorate however is mind is now confused ....

  • @canadiankewldude
    @canadiankewldude 4 года назад +1

    I thought you where going to wipe away modern cultural concepts.
    The city and tower of Babel is north of there, they went west from the Ark settlement.
    I have seen what's left of the tower, it is round.
    Take your Bible and follow it, starting in Turkey.

    • @downunder7342
      @downunder7342 4 года назад

      You are saying, you have seen it! Can you expand please.
      I vividly remember having read an article in National Geographic with satellite images of the babel tower mounds and other proof for the tower. The article was published possibly around the late 70s. I have tried to locate the issue without any success.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 4 года назад


    • @kyle18934
      @kyle18934 3 года назад +1

      @@canadiankewldude where was it? If I get the money and time I live to take a trip down there and see it

  • @user-xs5fj3ms2l
    @user-xs5fj3ms2l 4 года назад

    The reason God had to confound their language is because with everyone speaking the same language evil could be concentrated. God had already had to allow the earth to be flooded because the heart of every imagination of the thoughts of his (man's) heart was ONLY evil continually.(Genesis 6:5). God had promised the earth would not be flooded again. It will be consumed in fire during the day (or time) of wrath. By multiplying the languages then God could avoid having to destroy the earth again.

    • @eniszita7353
      @eniszita7353 3 года назад +1

      so google translate must be the work of the devil.

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 Год назад

      @@eniszita7353 language was the means of dispersion, not the sin that required it

  • @mckster56
    @mckster56 4 года назад


  • @paulsoccer191
    @paulsoccer191 5 лет назад +1

    Daniel 12:4 material.

  • @JungleJargon
    @JungleJargon 5 лет назад +3

    This is also the time when the continents broke apart... 100 years after the global flood.

    • @michaele5075
      @michaele5075 5 лет назад +1


    • @JungleJargon
      @JungleJargon 5 лет назад +2

      @@michaele5075 See if you can prove something.

    • @VernCrisler
      @VernCrisler 5 лет назад +4

      More than likely that happened during the flood. Peleg has nothing to do with continental drift.

    • @JungleJargon
      @JungleJargon 5 лет назад +5

      @@VernCrisler There are sediment layers that go from one continent to the other. So it is more likely that they broke apart after the sediments were deposited by the global flood.

    • @VernCrisler
      @VernCrisler 5 лет назад +1

      @@JungleJargon Yes, some of the Grand Canyon formations are intercontinental. What about Tertiary formations? How many of them are intercontinental? Are there any Pleistocene layers that are intercontinental? If there are, then drift would have only begun after the post-Flood Pleistocene. Interesting subject.

  • @JohnA000
    @JohnA000 4 года назад +1

    This is Babble alright.

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 года назад +1

      They flew directly from planet Babble !

  • @canadiankewldude
    @canadiankewldude 6 лет назад

    Babylon was built long after the dispersal from Babel.
    Where in the Bible does it say these two are the same city?
    Babel is up northern Mesopotamia, try following the instructions in the Bible.
    Babel is in the land of Shinar, near the base of the mountains in Turkey/Syria.
    Your book, pride and money.
    Stop listening to men, listen to scripture.
    Pottery may not be a good indicator very close to Babel.
    As peoples were dispersed, some had skills of different value but came from one source.
    The Bible says North, from the east of the ark area.
    Your Babel/Babylon is another scripture, Paul warned about people like you.

    • @michaele5075
      @michaele5075 5 лет назад +2

      The Bible just says they found a plain when they traveled from the east. Thats the entire Mesopotamian plain. Archaeology shows the earliest settlements were indeed to the north, but were small settlements. It wasn't until there was an expansion south to Eridu, that we see what Doug is talking about here. The Bible gives no indication that the tower of Babel needs to be in the north.

    • @ADEzor
      @ADEzor 5 лет назад

      @@michaele5075 This is a good point. I had (and still have) trouble understanding "from the East" part as Bible is really sparse with information regarding this topic and we should base our research on the few clues that the Bible gives. My counter argument is.. if the "from the East" is not directly related to the mountainS of Ararat. Isn't it then totally pointless even to use "from the east" at all, if it doesn't carry any information? 🤔

    • @michaele5075
      @michaele5075 5 лет назад +1

      @@ADEzor Maybe you aren't understanding my point. "From the east" IS related to the mountains of Ararat...BUT just because you move east and find the plain of Shinar...and you hit it in the north of that plain if you go directly east from the mountains of Ararat...does NOT mean that the tower of Babel has to be in that northern region of Shinar. It just has to be in Shinar period...and can be all the way to the south where Eridu is. There is nothing in the text of scripture that says people moved perfectly east and then instantly built a tower when they got to the plain of Shinar on the exact latitude that they came across that plain.

    • @ADEzor
      @ADEzor 5 лет назад

      @@michaele5075 ah, thanks for clarifying. 🙂

    • @VernCrisler
      @VernCrisler 5 лет назад +1

      The phrase "from the east" is from the perspective of Israel, not from our modern perspective. The sacred writer regarded Mesopotamia as east of Israel.

  • @AWalkOnDirt
    @AWalkOnDirt 5 лет назад +1

    Craziness. As a former Christian I didn’t give much merit to biblical stories. I leaned toward the stories being parables. Taking the Bible literally was the lynchpin to questioning my faith.

    • @VernCrisler
      @VernCrisler 5 лет назад +5

      If you were a Christian and didn't give much merit to biblical stories, no wonder you are no longer a Christian.

    • @l.g.7169
      @l.g.7169 4 года назад +3

      I pray that you find Christ again. The bible is true and literal history. God bless.

    • @TheMoravians
      @TheMoravians 2 года назад +1

      When you were a Christian, was your faith in the biblical stories being "literal"?
      Was your faith in the biblical stories being parables?
      Perhaps what you considered "your faith" wasn't founded on biblical stories at all, neither as "literal" nor as parables.
      When you were a Christian, did you believe the biblical stories about Jesus were "literally" true?
      What was your faith in?

  • @davesipsy7587
    @davesipsy7587 4 года назад +1

    Is Genesis History? Well; does the sun revolve around the earth? Do snakes talk? Can green plants grow without a light source? No. Seems simple enough.

    • @ThermaL-ty7bw
      @ThermaL-ty7bw 4 года назад

      to you maybe , but you have a basis TOO understand it all ... not these people ...
      not if hell froze over ;) lol
      no , these religious nut cases can't even wipe their own ass without instructions on How to do it ...

    • @stephenglasse2743
      @stephenglasse2743 4 года назад +1

      Doesn't claim the sun revolves around the earth or that snakes talk or that green plants grow without a light source so everything you stated was incorrect. However, Job 27:7 God "hangs the earth on nothing" and Genesis 13:16 and 15:5 and 22:17 the stars of heaven number in the trillions of trillions and Genesis 1:9 of course implies that the continents once formed a single land mass....

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 Год назад

      There was a light source. Light was made day one and trees day three. You seem to have made no effort to read or think about this

  • @Hackerinsidemyphone_caution
    @Hackerinsidemyphone_caution 4 года назад +1

    E dry single one of them wants to be raptured.
    My question. Whose going to stay and help the people in tribulations. Just watch its funny.

    • @lausdeo4944
      @lausdeo4944 2 года назад

      What was this supposed to mean?

    • @Hackerinsidemyphone_caution
      @Hackerinsidemyphone_caution 2 года назад +1

      @@lausdeo4944 was this... Okay... I can live with that... But presumptuously.. I hate goading... And as my gloating days over.... Can I take you to school tomorrow? 😁

    • @lausdeo4944
      @lausdeo4944 2 года назад

      @@Hackerinsidemyphone_caution Very Funny 🙄

  • @solomonlee4503
    @solomonlee4503 5 лет назад

    God is omniscient. He should know that it is impossible to build a tower from earth ..... So I dont believe god confused our languages

    • @dantheo4188
      @dantheo4188 5 лет назад

      Well, the story itself says God did that over their pride and refusal of spreading out across the earth right? So, if u dont think God fragmented this universal language on the grounds of the impossibility of such a structure being built, you should reread the story maybe and decide if thats a sound interpretation.
      Besides, do you really disagree based on a specific height?
      What height do u think would be impossibe to build?
      Maybe you arent doing this, but i noticed ppl give this vague type of doubt regarding Noahs ark...
      "All the animals would never fit on that ship."
      How many animals were there? "idk"
      How big was the ship? "idk"
      Hmm...! Lol

    • @solomonlee4503
      @solomonlee4503 5 лет назад

      It doesn't make sense to confuse our languages when god know that we can learn one another language. I think it just a fable to demonstration god power. The story also dont make sense. We found the remains of dinosaurs. Why there is no mentioned of them and how they fitted into the ark. All your explanation are either conjectural or extrapolation based on supposed facts.

    • @dantheo4188
      @dantheo4188 5 лет назад +3

      Of course it makes sense. You dont think that dividing language would drastically slow collaborative progress or cause it to cease amidst the chaos for an extensive period of time?
      How long do you think it would take to "Learn one another language"?
      2)"Fables" do not demonstrate, but rather illustrate. History however can and does demonstrate!;)
      3) Average dinsaur size is a sheep. Largest egg? Football size.
      Who would bring adult dinsaurs with half the life expectancy and reproductive time-span onboard when the whole purpose behind their salvation was repopulation??
      Theyd take up more space, eat more, and produce more waste.
      4)The bible doesnt have the word "dinosaur" in it for the same reason it doesnt contain the word "marsupial"...this jargon of later time-periods hadnt been coined yet sir.
      "dinosaur" wasnt coined till 1841 by Sir Richard Owen.
      5)Besides, The bible actually does make reference to them many times. In fact, mostly with the same word ALL cultures world-wide "dragons".
      More specifically, behemoth and leviathan both described in Job
      Additionally, if you arent going to give the Biblical record due credibility concerning our coexistence with them, what about Josephus, Heroditus, or Alexander the Great´s records.
      Are all those "Fables" also just bcuz they provide evidence against your interest?
      The Bible has and always will be the greatest historic record ever compiled.
      Lastly, idt u understand what conjecture or extrapolation means friend. I used questions, and a comparitive example. Moreover, your initial comment was close to 100% conjecture! XD Nobody concludes with "Complete" info.... And whats your beef with extrapolation exactly? Is it not a powerful tool of logical inference.

    • @solomonlee4503
      @solomonlee4503 5 лет назад

      If you look at history. All scientific progresses and inventions had nothing to do with languages. French Russian Italian English Chinese Arab. They did share a common language.

    • @solomonlee4503
      @solomonlee4503 5 лет назад

      Regarding to the mention of Noah and the flood. Earliest Sumerian civilisation had record of a similar flood before Noah era, it seems like the bible flood story is plagarism.