Mayor Ben Houchen: why Tories are winning the North

  • Опубликовано: 9 май 2021
  • Listen to the podcast version:
    Freddie Sayers meets Teesside's newly re-elected Conservative mayor, Ben Houchen.
    There's a stereotype of England's North-Eastern cities as left-behind, backward-facing, clinging to a long-gone industrial past. Some Labour politicians have even tried to play up to this image too, but it could not, says Teesside's newly re-elected mayor Ben Houchen, be further from the truth. According to Houchen, who won 73% of the Teeside vote in last week's by-election, voters in Hartlepool and Teesside aren't nostalgic, they are looking to the future. He plans to turn Teesside into the Silicon Valley of the UK.
    #RedWall #BorisJohnson #Conservatives

Комментарии • 112

  • @fraserbailey6347
    @fraserbailey6347 3 года назад +69

    Houchen speaks knowledgeably, clearly and rapidly in complete sentences, all of which is beyond the wit of the vast majority of politicians. Very encouraging.

  • @tobygoessailing
    @tobygoessailing 3 года назад +23

    I bloody *love* this. A switched-on guy achieving great practical things for his local area, and getting overwhelmingly re-elected for doing so. If I was living there I'd vote for him in an instant. Puts the likes of useless mayors like Sadiq Khan (all gestures, no substance) to utter shame. Rock on, Ben Houchen.

  • @vicki5811
    @vicki5811 3 года назад +25

    Very smart man! They are lucky to have him..he is sticking to his conservative view of the future!

  • @bridge_studio
    @bridge_studio 3 года назад +28

    Who’d have thought that genuinely helping the people would win you votes. That’s something that left need to learn.

  • @PaddyIrishman
    @PaddyIrishman 3 года назад +5

    This is the type of rhetoric I lie to hear. Clear, spoken from experience and none of the mud slinging and cringy rubbish we hear from these weak knee people on the left side of the aisle. Just straightforward no-nonsense words and actions.

  • @katiemann63
    @katiemann63 3 года назад +16

    I didn't vote Lab this time as the party simply does not listen to the working class anymore. They are pandering to identity groups instead. New Labour version 2 will not do it for me either. I think they are done, for a decade at least.

    • @martynpage1794
      @martynpage1794 3 года назад

      Interesting parallel to Scotland. There is something about Labour that we can’t stand.

    • @ArtyFactual_Intelligence
      @ArtyFactual_Intelligence 3 года назад

      @@martynpage1794 Tony Blair's fault.

  • @megaloschemos9113
    @megaloschemos9113 3 года назад +22

    Excellent interview once again

  • @stevesmith3990
    @stevesmith3990 3 года назад +7

    Wow, fantastic, a politician who actually knows what he's talking about and has a real passion to serve the people. Well done.

  • @kiwiworldview318
    @kiwiworldview318 3 года назад +5

    I spent much of my youth in the North East, how fantastic to see such an in-touch inclusive impressive leader. I now live in NZ, which is sadly turning into what would have happened to the UK, if Corbyn had gotten into power. Well done Teeside, on voting this awesome man in!

  • @MrGunnar69
    @MrGunnar69 3 года назад +10

    "If we were to leave it to the free market, we would not need the government"
    Such honesty is a good way to be found with two holes in the back next to your own suicide note.

    • @C_R_O_M________
      @C_R_O_M________ 3 года назад +1

      Well, behind this statement lies the belief that the government is indeed needed with its interventions. I don’t think that’s the case but professional bureaucrats have to justify their existence.

  • @williamtell6750
    @williamtell6750 3 года назад +14

    A very impressive young man.

  • @matthewsmith2787
    @matthewsmith2787 3 года назад +3

    For years, labour has been the dominant force in the North, however I think voters are starting to wake up and see that Labour takes these voters for granted

  • @Andygb78
    @Andygb78 3 года назад +1

    Ben Houchen should run for PM in the future.

  • @Turbo2640
    @Turbo2640 3 года назад +7

    Thanks for the interview. Ben Houchen is very impressive indeed. I'd love to see more politicians of all levels of government just like him.

  • @suigeneris3909
    @suigeneris3909 3 года назад +6

    Ben Houchen has been doing a great job, so it’s no surprise that he has been re-elected to carry on his much-needed work in one of the most deprived parts of the UK 👍🏻.

  • @driftingsnow
    @driftingsnow 3 года назад +5

    Excellent interview. More, please!

  • @Natasha-tu5qs
    @Natasha-tu5qs 3 года назад +11

    I grew up in Teesside. Glad to hear that things seem to be looking up there. The whole time I lived there the area was solidly Labour, including under the Blair government. And the only progress I ever saw was the odd new shopping district or car park.

    • @peterhardie4151
      @peterhardie4151 3 года назад +3

      Yep, New Labour went after the swing seats. Thats where the investment went.

  • @petethedrummer
    @petethedrummer 3 года назад +10

    Have a sip of beer every time he says levelling up.

  • @eggymixes
    @eggymixes 3 года назад +1

    Clear, can bring the detail, focused, passionate and not an ounce of grandstanding or self-aggrandizement. How refreshing to see this in a politician. Good luck Ben.

  • @johncoppinger3208
    @johncoppinger3208 3 года назад

    Labours last Redcar MP Anna Turley was forever lecturing us on how stupid we were to have voted for Brexit 😂😂 great work Anna 👏👏

  • @yinoveryang4246
    @yinoveryang4246 3 года назад +2

    Interview mentions the governments approach to coronavirus, but not the “opposition” Of any current subject, the sheer idiocy of having no questioning opposition, when so many opportunities existed throughout the pandemic to question the governments decisions,,THAT’S what’s moved people towards the conservatives.

  • @denniss4609
    @denniss4609 3 года назад +3

    Good for you Ben. Wishing you and all Teesiders good fortunes. There is a genuine urge and desire to create a booming and prosperous environment for this part of the UK -so richly deserved.

  • @hayleylongster4698
    @hayleylongster4698 3 года назад +3

    This guy is cool
    I'd vote for him

  • @stepchicken3238
    @stepchicken3238 3 года назад +2

    It's been a long downward slide: Ever since Labour started severing it's ties with the unions (via Neil Kinnock) it lost it's original purpose. New Labour was the culmination of that process. To be called the Labour Party is a misnomer, and it is out of date. I don't think people voted Tory because they think they represent them but because there is no other choice - "first past the post."

  • @chrisohanlon69
    @chrisohanlon69 3 года назад +4

    I like the sound of this guy a lot for a Conservative he sounds pretty based

  • @richardwilson57
    @richardwilson57 3 года назад +1

    Free ports are brilliant....... I love how Labour never mention it ;)

  • @kb4777
    @kb4777 3 года назад +2

    This bloke sounds very sensible. If he is indicative of the calibre of people the conservative party have in the driving seat in the so called 'red wall' then I think they are on to a winner. Rather than just being political speak, the 'levelling up' hopefully will actually happen.

    • @thomasm1964
      @thomasm1964 3 года назад +1

      Unfortunatey, Dehenna "Two Tits Tik Tok" rather lets the side down. She is my MP and she is bloody useless. Absolutely votes along party lines and is a rotten constituency MP.

  • @garypowell1540
    @garypowell1540 3 года назад +1

    This is what one should get when political ideology is finally drained from the system after a very long hold of over 100 years. No more dreams of Utopia or elitist plans to bring about a perfect world that invariably delivers the exact opposite. Just ordinary genuinely well-intentioned people deciding on the best option as to how to improve their own little part of the world and getting there just one well-made and founded brick at a time.
    The only way that the World has ever been made better is by the ordinary people doing it for themselves.
    Look around yourself when you walk through lines of buildings built by skilled men 200 or more years ago, with little more than hard work, basic tools, and the will to create something of beauty that stands the test of time. Marvel at the magnificence of your forefathers and foremothers for breading such remarkable people. Then hang your heads in shame at what utter crap we produce these days with all of the technological 'advantages' we so arrogantly boast about to our grandparents.
    If you are half the man that your grandfather was, you are doing better than most. If you are not so impressed with the chap, think how YOU would have turned out if you had to deal with the hardships that his generation had to face on a daily basis and humble yourself with deep humility.

  • @franciscomartinez8724
    @franciscomartinez8724 3 года назад +2

    A little known fact about that area is that it has really good waves for surfing

  • @martynpage1794
    @martynpage1794 3 года назад

    Is it possible that Labour has actually been phenomenally successful? So much so that they have made themselves irrelevant? Labour was the original “levelling up” party. If the even the Conservatives have bought into the idea, their work is done?

  • @davewright9313
    @davewright9313 3 года назад

    The vaccination drive was only a success because of the NHS system, something the Tories hate, and have already privatised large parts of it.
    And please tell us what is the advantage of Brexit ??

  • @robjob9052
    @robjob9052 3 года назад

    Go Teesside!

  • @KokowaSarunoKuniDesu
    @KokowaSarunoKuniDesu 3 года назад +1

    So, if the Free Market is the be-all and end-all, why don't we run the Military and Intelligence services on Free Market principles? Why dont we run primary and secondary education on Free Market principles? Why don't we run the Police and the Courts on Free Market principles? Hell, why don't we run pandemic management without dumping inefficient Government money into it?

    • @thomasm1964
      @thomasm1964 3 года назад

      Who is claiming that the Free Market is the be all and end all? Some things are ebetter done by the private sector; some things are better done by the public sector and some things are better done by private/public sector partnerships.

  • @theglanconer6463
    @theglanconer6463 3 года назад

    Good man !

  • @dcoughla681
    @dcoughla681 3 года назад +1

    A fantastic mayor. A great ambassador & promoter for Teesside. They’re so lucky. He went back to work early the next day on projects. He really gets things moving. Meanwhile, Sadiq Khan in London went for snooze.

  • @rutters1
    @rutters1 3 года назад +1


  • @user-nx6ji9tk8i
    @user-nx6ji9tk8i 3 года назад +1

    Can see this being used as a training vid for new Mayors and Metro Mayors. Hope the cache of new ‘uns can learn something!

  • @olgakipke3720
    @olgakipke3720 3 года назад +1

    You should interview Dr Reiner Fuellmich.

  • @inbox0000
    @inbox0000 3 года назад +2

    So he has an actual plan for dealing with the 4th industrial revolution and automation with the job losses that will incur? Fair enough as labour or anyone else do not.

    • @quentinnewark2745
      @quentinnewark2745 3 года назад +2

      No one can see exactly what that revolution will bring. I remember when Apple Macintoshes arrived, within a couple of years the entire typesetting industry was dead, thousands, probably tens of thousands of jobs gone. Same happened to reprographics before printing, almost entirely vanished. Who knows what computers and robots are coming, and what trades they will made redundant. Hard to have a plan, other than Yuval Harari’s: educate yourself as well as possible, because you’ll likely have several jobs in your lifetime.

    • @inbox0000
      @inbox0000 3 года назад +1

      @@quentinnewark2745 yes true however there are trends emerging in countries that are ahead of us that should be monitored. Certain industries are also more susceptible to automation due to the progress of the technology available.

    • @quentinnewark2745
      @quentinnewark2745 3 года назад +1

      @@inbox0000 yes, Tony Blair in Newstatesman good on this, also Aaron Bastani!! His review of Amazon Go (the shop with no tills) here on YT, good on impacts to employment. Japan already well along on robots for social care... my business partner visited Bloomberg (before covid) and was met a reception by a robot (a box on wheels) that recognised him took him to the lift and to the meeting room!!! We already have robot mass transit - DLR trains are unmanned. Its happening right now.

    • @inbox0000
      @inbox0000 3 года назад

      @@quentinnewark2745 holy shit lol, cheers will check them out

  • @chadhogan4979
    @chadhogan4979 3 года назад

    I can never figure out which of Freddy's eyes is the lazy one

  • @idanceforpennies281
    @idanceforpennies281 3 года назад

    Proud to be born in Middlesborough

    • @roddyteague6246
      @roddyteague6246 3 года назад

      Maybe so but you cannot even spell the name of the town correctly! Houchen reflects Ironopolis at its best.

  • @karimayoubi74
    @karimayoubi74 3 года назад

    Great to hear the north is finally getting the investment it deserves. No wonder the Tories cleaned up in the elections. Pragmatism always beats ideology. Always.

  • @householdone7559
    @householdone7559 3 года назад

    Phil from "a different bias" has an interesting argument about freeports. Worth a listen to. Dated 12/5/21 - 1st Vlog of the day.

  • @juergenbracht9477
    @juergenbracht9477 3 года назад +2

    climate emergency, haha.

  • @janeb1484
    @janeb1484 3 года назад

    Its because its the lesser of two evils - that is all - who do you vote for - a lying monster or the monster raving loony

  • @johnburrows3385
    @johnburrows3385 3 года назад +2

    Time of course will tell, the Conservatives track record on 'the North ' is not great.

  • @soarindragon603
    @soarindragon603 3 года назад

    Can you do a video on deaths and effects due to "the cure". Incidence, severity, etc... Is the cure worse than the disease?

  • @wmialil
    @wmialil 3 года назад

    Sounds like pork barrel politics to me.

  • @anatolyadyatlov7301
    @anatolyadyatlov7301 3 года назад +2

    4:44. I like the channel but that's a bad definition of Social Conservatism. To use just your terms. Social Conservatism is about gay marriage and divorce, and is not necessarily supportive of patriotism or Brexit. Why would a Social Conservative feel patriotic towards his nation if that nation supports gay marriage and divorce? Why would a Social Conservative support Brexit if an 'independent' United Kingdom supports gay marriage and divorce? The acceptance of this definition by Conservative Mayor Houchen means that Socially Conservative people should not vote Tory.

    • @judyhopps9380
      @judyhopps9380 3 года назад +1

      mmhm. I think he's caught in the trap of admitting it though, and social conservatism becoming the new alt right (which originally wasnt meant as anything hateful)

    • @anatolyadyatlov7301
      @anatolyadyatlov7301 3 года назад

      @@judyhopps9380 Admitted, dismissed, redefined and forgotten. Straight back to the Blairite talking points of competence, compassion, partnership, progress. I didn't watch much more of the video but I doubt the societal feelings of oppression and fear was discussed. And the low desire to survive the day without your head being blown off. And this in our own home.

    • @unreasonable3589
      @unreasonable3589 3 года назад

      Conservatives in the UK, even of my boomer generation, are very rarely hung up on this kind of issue: generally they are tolerant of homosexuality, divorce, cross dressing and so on, but just do not want to see these preferences celebrated as somehow preferable, or have their children indoctrinated. Tolerance is, in the UK, a socially conservative position, in contrast to the authoritarian tendencies of progressives, who see anyone who disagrees with them as evil, to be cancelled socially or punished by the law.

    • @judyhopps9380
      @judyhopps9380 3 года назад +1

      @@unreasonable3589 so am I, but now it's teaching your 5 year old trans rights, getting them ready for hormone tablets, turning a blind eye to grooming gangs for tolerance, apologising for whiteness.

    • @anatolyadyatlov7301
      @anatolyadyatlov7301 3 года назад

      ​@@unreasonable3589 Tolerance is one thing but for our society to allow the destruction of the institution of marriage is to topple the central pillar of Burke's relationships between the past, the present and the future. And for what? The forlorn hope of personal fulfillment? For a Social Conservative that is not tolerance but acceptance born of weakness. One of many acceptances, aggregating to the acceptance of a progressive future which we now share. A future illustrated by Judy where the only hope is, as I've said, not having your head blown off.

  • @jethrobodine9155
    @jethrobodine9155 3 года назад +1

    I wasn't going to comment because I didn't want to barge into British politics as a lunatic fringe American libertarian, but since I paid good money for a subscription, I'll annoy everybody with my 2 cents. The whole things sounds like the same old, same old warmed over crony capitalism to me. I admit it's mostly aesthetic, but I'm not a fan of "razing" urban blight. Usually, the new modernistic structures are uglier than the ones that are knocked down, and they themselves soon decay into an ever worse blight. Admittedly, most of this is personal taste.
    They may be fewer and further between in Britain, but I know there have to be some libertarian comrades in your country. If you're really serious about idea diversity, you really ought to track some down and have them on more often.

    • @thomasm1964
      @thomasm1964 3 года назад +1

      You really have not seen just how ugly some of these areas are, have you? Don't romanticise what is currently there: a lot of it is really, really bad. As someone who lives in the North, I take your point about new ugly but, if done sensitively, the new could be held up as a shining example of how to revitalise decaying brown area sites.

  • @juergenbracht9477
    @juergenbracht9477 3 года назад +1

    pork, it is called.

    • @thomasm1964
      @thomasm1964 3 года назад

      Or - more plausibly - rectifying past wrongs.

  • @1234abcd...
    @1234abcd... 3 года назад +2

    Why isn't EVERY news channel covering the Maricopa county audit? The most important event in history.

  • @Deepfake820
    @Deepfake820 3 года назад

    People will always vote for what benefits them.
    So all politics is porky.
    It's the like term popularism.
    It's the popular parties that get the most votes.