Pray for them. Six years ago, I was caught up in the NAR false religion, and God brought me out of it when I "accidentally" clicked on a you tube video that exposed my deception, and He granted me repentance, and pointed me to the truth of Jesus in Scripture. Some of these people simply don't know they're deceived, and only the Holy Spirit, through sound Bible teaching, can reveal it to them. Thanks, Matthew!
Brother, I got your book on Audible and listened to the whole thing start to finish while driving to TN from NC. It was fantastic! Thanks for the work!
Just finished Worshiptainment this morning. Started it yesterday afternoon and wasn’t able to put it down. I’ll be giving it to my wife to read after me.
As a former sufferer of epilepsy I do have more concerns regarding flashing lights which could trigger photo sensitive epilepsy so these churches should come with a health warning regarding this issue
@@gazzamedia Interesting, that had never occurred to me. Good point. Such "churches" need health warnings in more ways than one. The confusion and tumult in these churches is shocking and really not edifying at all. It all seems like a powerful and cunningly calculated DISTRACTION. They need some rules to check disorderly self-assertion and idle self display in their assemblies.
I definitely plan on getting this book. Thank you for what you’re doing! At my last church, the Pastor’s son (who is also “pastor” himself) was a literal “American Idol” contestant and a “Voice” finalist. Hahaha. Ugh. To be sure, he was/is an incredible musician and extremely talented, but yeah, that church is your classic, modern, big Eva type…you know, the whole “rock concert followed by a Ted talk.” No real exposition at all. Just lots of feel good, life advice sermons with some Bible references thrown in. I spent YEARS in that place until COVID hit, and then went online to discover the likes of John MacArthur, Paul Washer, etc. haven’t been back to that church since. And it’s kind of amazing, since the main Pastor even declared himself a Prophet of God just a couple years back. You’d think as a “prophet” there’d be a bit more discernment. 😂 But, even though I laugh, it really is tragic for people like me and thousands of others who are getting distorted and watered down gospel messages, if at all, at that church and many others like it.
Yes, it's not church gathering as per instructions given Paul where everyone comes to contribute in there gift for the building up of the whole gathere. Some have acteaching, to another a psalm, another has a teaching and another brings a word, exhortation etc. Cheers
Do you (or anyone else here in the comments) have suggestions of how to bring this subject up gently? My Gf goes to a worshiptainment based denomination that engages in half truths, false teachings, and one preaching which is borderline heresy. It'll go over like a lead balloon if I try bringing it up like that though... Any suggestions are welcome.
How are these examples any more absurd and blasphemous than the Christ mass? Answer: They're not. We have just become desensitized to all the evils of the season.
@@forgingluck Many years ago my now wife (then girlfriend) took me to a reformed style worship service and I completely hated. Up to that point in my life all the christian music and services I have experienced were very emotion oriented, therefore I could not adapt to the more conservative style. It took me years to finally start to enjoy singing hymns and really worshiping our Lord (not myself). To my wife It took many hours of praying, a lot of patience and never stop pressuring me (hahaha). I do not say you need to wait years (that's only my case), but definitely it requieres time to detox from the hype of the contemporary christian service. Do no give up, our Lord is faithful to is word, and will honor those who want to honor him. God bless you
@forgingluck do you do bible study with her? If she's your gf with plans of becoming wife, you're supposed to lead the family. And study and worship the lord as a family with you leading it. Start now if you really want to be with her. Lead her to what's right, and that doesn't mean talking down or bashing what she does or being negative. It just means open her eyes during study and at some point she will awaken to what she's seeing. Another thing you can do is just try different churches every week. Just tell her it's for fun, and to expand your horizons. But get her to hear somwthing different. And hope there's some good pastors out there. But spend 2 or 3 months going to different places.
I'd love to see a clip of a "right" example of worship. I've not experienced worship that includes singing Psalms, etc. Having examples of what is good will help us discern clearly, the errant...
Paul gives instruction in his letters, Corinthians etc. When you come together, each bringing their gift in the Spirit for the building up of the ehole assembly; some have a word, exhortation; to another, a psalm; another, a teaching; to another, a prophecy etc.
Like your scripture content... Very refreshing to see videos that truly have the truth about worship as stated in God's word...We have over 40 so-called churches where I live... There are only a few that somewhat resemble pure teachings and practices that glorify God the father and his only son Jesus... Thank you..
I need to buy several copies of your book and share them with my elders and pastor of my SBC! The worship music I experience every Sunday reminds me of a contemporary Christian music concert.
“Don’t you know the enemy, he HATES to see us coming because we’re wild enough to do a song like Dangerous Loaf of Bread.” No, I’m pretty sure the enemy laughs that to scorn
Couple things a real sad by all these people that are going to buildings that I think they’re going to church and but also at the same time very thankful for my Church. I guess you could call it old-fashioned PCA, but we hear the word of God and we honor our God
Read your book and wish I could send a copy to every pastor in my area. A church doesn’t have to be this outlandish to be unbiblical . Most churches in our are are just dimming the lights, singing music from Hillsong, Elevation, & Bethel and skipping the expository preaching for sermon series . They’re neither regulative or normative but pragmatic in how the church is run. Sadly, that was exactly what I wanted in a church until very recently. I didn’t realize we were doing everything for ourselves or to attract the goats instead of pleasing and obeying God.
I need context for "Dangerous loaf of bread" clip. I saw a lot of kids in that arena so I'm guessing some sort of youth event? Maybe they were talking about Gideon and the vision the Midianites had of the loaf of bread rolling through their camp scaring them?? P.s. Fire in the sky traumatized me as a kid 😂 *edited to add I'm not trying to defend the ridiculousness of these clips, but context always helps to give us the best judgement.
It should be said, and has been said by Travis Walton himself, that "Fire in the Sky" was, unfortunately, NOT an accurate depiction of what happened to him. Please watch one of Travis' better online interviews for the facts.
Yes, context is important. You would be correct with the Gideon reference. Her jersey says Rooftop 24. Youth movement: Meet Me On The Rooftop (helping those in need to Christ). This clip does NOT belong in this commentary.
Do you offer Worshiptainment as a treatise as well? I think it would be great to offer as a Christmas gift to the entire council of elders, but a tiny booklet might be a better for than a paperback book.
I'm interested in his answer to this as well. My guess is no, but I can tell you from experience that those theatrics pushed me away from church when I was younger. Do any Baptist preachers still do this?
@@Brianbrandfas I'm a member of an IFB church, and our pastor and teachers NEVER yell and scream, or act in a way to manipulate emotions. They realize how immature and carnal that stuff is. They exegete the text, and keep their emotions in check, because self control is part of the fruit of the Spirit.
Yes. For they are Arminian Heretics! Baptists in name Only! The Reformers and the Puritans, as with the Early Church, condemned the Theatre, Theatricals, Acting and Actors, as a result, such theatrics are not allowed in Reformed Baptist Circles. Thus only "General Baptists" go around shouting and screaming like that, and they are Aminians, condemned as Heretics by the Canons of Dort, and are, thus, not even Christian!
@@popjaw1andOnly Very true, very true. And boy are you hitting the nail on the head about manipulation. But when done right (the old Fire and Brimstone!) can be very entertaining.
@@popjaw1andOnly That's good to hear. Even at a young age it did not sit well with me. I didn't really know why, but it just did not seem to be the way I thought God's message should be taught. Unfortunately as a kid my choices were limited and it ended up separating me from God. I'm back now and the pastor at my church is a fantastic teacher and I have learned more in just a few months from him than I did in years at the screamy church.
Didn’t Yeshua say “ it is finished “? After Yeshua was Resurrected…He didn’t go around sprinkling people with the blood. Since when is “ worship “ supposed to be a “ program “ or a “ show “ ? Maybe The Scriptures should be our guide.
Ok, that last one reminded me too much of a pagan ritual when I was into it, and the Aztec dancing is pure paganism, as well as the wicked music with Dangerous Loaf of Bread, which sounds like something a 7 year old wrote! Franklins worship is just another concert, and the blood ritual looked more like some Voodoo with people being possessed. God will not be mocked. Ezekiel vision of all the abominable things in the temple. Judgment begins at the house of God.
Do they have to pay royalties to Fred Durst ? 😳 Jentezen Franklin is my favorite (worst ?) pastor to bash because of his woeful lack of any smidgen of Biblical knowledge infused with horrific Kabbala mysticism
Yes, I remember, "Fire in the Sky," the Travis Walton incident. Always reminds me of what the world will say and do at the 2nd Advent of Christ: "they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty." [Rev. 16:14]. " God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled..." [Rev. 17:17]. Make no mistake, "UFO"...or, now,..."UAP."..sitings will be more and more used by the Gov't and Media to prepare for the brainwashing of the masses that will surround the 2nd Advent of Christ when He returns with Legions of His Holy Angels (the "reapers"; cf. Mt. 13:24-30, 36-43; Rev. 14:14-20] to slay all the wicked who are living at that time. *Soli Deo Gloria*
From my comment above: It should be said, and has been said by Travis Walton himself, that "Fire in the Sky" was, unfortunately, NOT an accurate depiction of what happened to him. Please watch one of Travis' better online interviews for the facts.
That is a good introduction. It might be worth mentioning that New Testament says nothing about the use of any musical instruments in accompanying sung praise (the Psalms). This absence was explained by early Church leaders, such as Chrysostom, as leaving behind the school master of the Levitical temple service as it was only suitable for the child phase of the Old Testament church. They also suggested that the use of musical accompaniment in church would make it appear to be like a theater. Aquinas said that the use of musical instruments would involve the church in Judaizing (using Old Testament ceremonies in the New Testament church, which the apostles forbade). Calvin said that the use of musical accompaniment (and taking a silly delight in them) would cloud the gospel with the shadow of a former dispensation. Just thought I'd mention it.
What on earth are you talking about? David wrote many of the Psalms. He was a musician. Other Psalms also have the beginning notes about "for stringed instruments" and other such things. Have you read the rest of the OT? There are musicians and musical instruments used for worship all over it. Music, itself, was created by God. It's gift. Now we're not supposed to use it in worship of the One who created it? Absolutely mind boggling.
@@Yesica1993 Hi. Thank you for replying. If I remember correctly, my post acknowledged the OT use of musical instruments in Temple worship. It was a Levitical thing established in David's reign. David never played his harp in Temple worship but handed his compositions to the chief musician, a Levite. This musical accompaniment ceased with the temple services at the coming of Christ, along with circumcision, and the dietary laws. The New Testament does not continue the practice as there was a change in the law with the change of priesthood (from Levitical to Christ). That was the point being made by Chrysostom, Aquinas, Erasmus, and Calvin (I could add the testimony of Basil and Augustine as well).
@@blackukulele And yet your name reflects the name of a musical instrument. How utterly bizarre. Stay in silence, then. There's nothing else I can say.
@@Yesica1993 I admit that I used to play guitar in church, but I have changed my view of things. I still play ukulele outside of the worship service, as David played harp outside the temple worship service. My present views are not weird, but they were the established practice of the Presbyterian churches for about 300 years from 1560, and for most of the Christian church before that time. It is really only in the last 200 years that musical instruments have accompanied singing in church.
Placing emphasis on believers' meetings as the chief expression of Christianity is the foundation upon which all this garbage rests. That foundation was part of Rome, and the Reformers brought it right along with them. A little doctrinal improvement in areas, but the same old Nicolaitan foolishness. His house is a house of prayer, but people have turned it into a house of singing, preaching, and teaching.
Dude you have to have discernment on testing spirits between what is The Holy Spirit and what is people just entertainment . It says in the Bible to test every spirit , but you can’t throw the baby out with the bath water , as it also says do not quench the Holy Spirit . But there is an order as well . We must remain biblically grounded and what the Bible actually says on how to handle these things .
There is no such thing, Biblically speaking, of a "principle of worship." Worship is a literal act one can "do" in real time and space. It is not a concept, idea, attitude, perspective, or principle.
As someone who loves music, i WILL NEVER GET NOR UNDERSTAND the contemporary style of music in church. Its all just cringe. The lyrics are usually all poorly written. Its like some lame mix of pop and rock and pop country. Its just cringe. And i love music. I play music. But its like the whole christian movies where they wanted to try and mix the word with the culture. The problem was none of them were good movies. The music is the same way. And to see sooo many people act like it is good music is the cringe part. Theres plenty of really good christian music out there. Whats in most churches aint it.
You’re handpicking some very unique and wacky examples, which are most definitely not examples of the wider Pentecostal/charismatic movement. More like churches that are led and influenced by the ideologies of their respective leaders.
Pray for them. Six years ago, I was caught up in the NAR false religion, and God brought me out of it when I "accidentally" clicked on a you tube video that exposed my deception, and He granted me repentance, and pointed me to the truth of Jesus in Scripture. Some of these people simply don't know they're deceived, and only the Holy Spirit, through sound Bible teaching, can reveal it to them. Thanks, Matthew!
Now I'm going to have "Dangerous Loaf of Bread" stuck in my head. Thanks a lot. 😄
Same here 😭
Counterattack with the bread of life😂
Well written! This is EXACTLY the book that American Christians need today! ☦️✝️
My charismatic sister-in-law claims the music is what brings the Holy Spirit down into the worship service.
It sounds like she believes the Holy Spirit is a force rather than a person.
You should tell her that's not how any of this works. My aunt is a member of Bethel in Redding, pictures our conversations
Brother, I got your book on Audible and listened to the whole thing start to finish while driving to TN from NC. It was fantastic! Thanks for the work!
Sing Psalms. It is the antidote to self focused false worship.
Just finished Worshiptainment this morning. Started it yesterday afternoon and wasn’t able to put it down. I’ll be giving it to my wife to read after me.
“Hope nobody has autism…” There’s a reason I use my earplugs for every nondenominational service I attend. 😂
I thought about that the other day 😅 people with autism must have a rough time in these churches
As a former sufferer of epilepsy I do have more concerns regarding flashing lights which could trigger photo sensitive epilepsy so these churches should come with a health warning regarding this issue
@@gazzamedia Interesting, that had never occurred to me. Good point. Such "churches" need health warnings in more ways than one. The confusion and tumult in these churches is shocking and really not edifying at all. It all seems like a powerful and cunningly calculated DISTRACTION. They need some rules to check disorderly self-assertion and idle self display in their assemblies.
I definitely plan on getting this book. Thank you for what you’re doing! At my last church, the Pastor’s son (who is also “pastor” himself) was a literal “American Idol” contestant and a “Voice” finalist. Hahaha. Ugh. To be sure, he was/is an incredible musician and extremely talented, but yeah, that church is your classic, modern, big Eva type…you know, the whole “rock concert followed by a Ted talk.” No real exposition at all. Just lots of feel good, life advice sermons with some Bible references thrown in. I spent YEARS in that place until COVID hit, and then went online to discover the likes of John MacArthur, Paul Washer, etc. haven’t been back to that church since. And it’s kind of amazing, since the main Pastor even declared himself a Prophet of God just a couple years back. You’d think as a “prophet” there’d be a bit more discernment. 😂 But, even though I laugh, it really is tragic for people like me and thousands of others who are getting distorted and watered down gospel messages, if at all, at that church and many others like it.
Yes, it's not church gathering as per instructions given Paul where everyone comes to contribute in there gift for the building up of the whole gathere. Some have acteaching, to another a psalm, another has a teaching and another brings a word, exhortation etc. Cheers
Worshiptainment must END
Do you (or anyone else here in the comments) have suggestions of how to bring this subject up gently? My Gf goes to a worshiptainment based denomination that engages in half truths, false teachings, and one preaching which is borderline heresy. It'll go over like a lead balloon if I try bringing it up like that though... Any suggestions are welcome.
How are these examples any more absurd and blasphemous than the Christ mass? Answer: They're not. We have just become desensitized to all the evils of the season.
@@forgingluckYou discuss scripture with her to slowly prove the wickedness of it. If she continues to push back, pursue God, let her go
@@forgingluck Many years ago my now wife (then girlfriend) took me to a reformed style worship service and I completely hated. Up to that point in my life all the christian music and services I have experienced were very emotion oriented, therefore I could not adapt to the more conservative style.
It took me years to finally start to enjoy singing hymns and really worshiping our Lord (not myself). To my wife It took many hours of praying, a lot of patience and never stop pressuring me (hahaha).
I do not say you need to wait years (that's only my case), but definitely it requieres time to detox from the hype of the contemporary christian service.
Do no give up, our Lord is faithful to is word, and will honor those who want to honor him.
God bless you
@forgingluck do you do bible study with her? If she's your gf with plans of becoming wife, you're supposed to lead the family. And study and worship the lord as a family with you leading it. Start now if you really want to be with her. Lead her to what's right, and that doesn't mean talking down or bashing what she does or being negative. It just means open her eyes during study and at some point she will awaken to what she's seeing.
Another thing you can do is just try different churches every week. Just tell her it's for fun, and to expand your horizons. But get her to hear somwthing different. And hope there's some good pastors out there. But spend 2 or 3 months going to different places.
This makes me all the more thankful for my church’s traditional BCP service 👍🏻
That loaf of bread song is actually fire 🔥😂
I'd love to see a clip of a "right" example of worship. I've not experienced worship that includes singing Psalms, etc. Having examples of what is good will help us discern clearly, the errant...
Paul gives instruction in his letters, Corinthians etc. When you come together, each bringing their gift in the Spirit for the building up of the ehole assembly; some have a word, exhortation; to another, a psalm; another, a teaching; to another, a prophecy etc.
Like your scripture content... Very refreshing to see videos that truly have the truth about worship as stated in God's word...We have over 40 so-called churches where I live... There are only a few that somewhat resemble pure teachings and practices that glorify God the father and his only son Jesus... Thank you..
I know the difference between when I've been entertained, and when I've heard God's word. It's obvious.
Come QUICKLY Lord Jesus!. QUICKLY.
I need to buy several copies of your book and share them with my elders and pastor of my SBC! The worship music I experience every Sunday reminds me of a contemporary Christian music concert.
*adds Dangerous Loaf of Bread to set list
That bread song is catchy though
Good teaching here. I am pleased that you keep bringing more to our attention on the crazy stuff going on. It is certainly not Biblical.
Lol. Matthew my dear wonderful brother. Its epilepsy not autism 😂😂😂
“Don’t you know the enemy, he HATES to see us coming because we’re wild enough to do a song like Dangerous Loaf of Bread.” No, I’m pretty sure the enemy laughs that to scorn
Couple things a real sad by all these people that are going to buildings that I think they’re going to church and but also at the same time very thankful for my Church. I guess you could call it old-fashioned PCA, but we hear the word of God and we honor our God
I’ve never heard of this song
Great title. Well done.
"hope no one has autism" 😂😂
That was hilarious. Thats one of those things where you wish you had a rewind button. Lol. Think he meant epilepsy.
Dangerous loaf of bread from Gideon defeating the Midianites.
Read your book and wish I could send a copy to every pastor in my area. A church doesn’t have to be this outlandish to be unbiblical . Most churches in our are are just dimming the lights, singing music from Hillsong, Elevation, & Bethel and skipping the expository preaching for sermon series . They’re neither regulative or normative but pragmatic in how the church is run. Sadly, that was exactly what I wanted in a church until very recently. I didn’t realize we were doing everything for ourselves or to attract the goats instead of pleasing and obeying God.
I need context for "Dangerous loaf of bread" clip. I saw a lot of kids in that arena so I'm guessing some sort of youth event? Maybe they were talking about Gideon and the vision the Midianites had of the loaf of bread rolling through their camp scaring them?? P.s. Fire in the sky traumatized me as a kid 😂 *edited to add I'm not trying to defend the ridiculousness of these clips, but context always helps to give us the best judgement.
It should be said, and has been said by Travis Walton himself, that "Fire in the Sky" was, unfortunately, NOT an accurate depiction of what happened to him. Please watch one of Travis' better online interviews for the facts.
Yes, context is important. You would be correct with the Gideon reference. Her jersey says Rooftop 24. Youth movement: Meet Me On The Rooftop (helping those in need to Christ). This clip does NOT belong in this commentary.
Do you offer Worshiptainment as a treatise as well? I think it would be great to offer as a Christmas gift to the entire council of elders, but a tiny booklet might be a better for than a paperback book.
Curious... Would you consider the old school Baptist Preachers yelling and screaming sermons as part of these Worshiptainment?
I'm interested in his answer to this as well. My guess is no, but I can tell you from experience that those theatrics pushed me away from church when I was younger. Do any Baptist preachers still do this?
@@Brianbrandfas I'm a member of an IFB church, and our pastor and teachers NEVER yell and scream, or act in a way to manipulate emotions. They realize how immature and carnal that stuff is. They exegete the text, and keep their emotions in check, because self control is part of the fruit of the Spirit.
Yes. For they are Arminian Heretics! Baptists in name Only! The Reformers and the Puritans, as with the Early Church, condemned the Theatre, Theatricals, Acting and Actors, as a result, such theatrics are not allowed in Reformed Baptist Circles. Thus only "General Baptists" go around shouting and screaming like that, and they are Aminians, condemned as Heretics by the Canons of Dort, and are, thus, not even Christian!
@@popjaw1andOnly Very true, very true. And boy are you hitting the nail on the head about manipulation. But when done right (the old Fire and Brimstone!) can be very entertaining.
@@popjaw1andOnly That's good to hear. Even at a young age it did not sit well with me. I didn't really know why, but it just did not seem to be the way I thought God's message should be taught. Unfortunately as a kid my choices were limited and it ended up separating me from God. I'm back now and the pastor at my church is a fantastic teacher and I have learned more in just a few months from him than I did in years at the screamy church.
I'd read that book. Is it out?
Is your Jonathan Edwards Study Bible on track?
People need to listen to what "Tom Wadsworth" teaches about Biblical "worship"
does the dangerous loaf of bread come from nob bakeries?
Didn’t Yeshua say “ it is finished “?
After Yeshua was Resurrected…He didn’t go around sprinkling people with the blood.
Since when is “ worship “ supposed to be a “ program “ or a “ show “ ?
Maybe The Scriptures should be our guide.
Spencer Smith wrote a similar book
I can’t even watch these anymore because they just make me depressed
I can get into the loaf of bread only if it's gluten-free.😮😅
But then…would it even be dangerous??🤣
Does Protestia cite their sources?
That blood stuff looked demonic
Ok, that last one reminded me too much of a pagan ritual when I was into it, and the Aztec dancing is pure paganism, as well as the wicked music with Dangerous Loaf of Bread, which sounds like something a 7 year old wrote!
Franklins worship is just another concert, and the blood ritual looked more like some Voodoo with people being possessed.
God will not be mocked. Ezekiel vision of all the abominable things in the temple. Judgment begins at the house of God.
Do they have to pay royalties to Fred Durst ? 😳
Jentezen Franklin is my favorite (worst ?) pastor to bash because of his woeful lack of any smidgen of Biblical knowledge infused with horrific Kabbala mysticism
Yes, I remember, "Fire in the Sky," the Travis Walton incident.
Always reminds me of what the world will say and do at the 2nd Advent of Christ:
"they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty."
[Rev. 16:14].
" God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled..."
[Rev. 17:17].
Make no mistake, "UFO"...or, now,..."UAP."..sitings will be more and more used by the Gov't and Media to prepare for the brainwashing of the masses that will surround the 2nd Advent of Christ when He returns with Legions of His Holy Angels (the "reapers"; cf. Mt. 13:24-30, 36-43; Rev. 14:14-20] to slay all the wicked who are living at that time.
*Soli Deo Gloria*
From my comment above: It should be said, and has been said by Travis Walton himself, that "Fire in the Sky" was, unfortunately, NOT an accurate depiction of what happened to him. Please watch one of Travis' better online interviews for the facts.
That is a good introduction. It might be worth mentioning that New Testament says nothing about the use of any musical instruments in accompanying sung praise (the Psalms). This absence was explained by early Church leaders, such as Chrysostom, as leaving behind the school master of the Levitical temple service as it was only suitable for the child phase of the Old Testament church. They also suggested that the use of musical accompaniment in church would make it appear to be like a theater. Aquinas said that the use of musical instruments would involve the church in Judaizing (using Old Testament ceremonies in the New Testament church, which the apostles forbade). Calvin said that the use of musical accompaniment (and taking a silly delight in them) would cloud the gospel with the shadow of a former dispensation. Just thought I'd mention it.
What on earth are you talking about? David wrote many of the Psalms. He was a musician. Other Psalms also have the beginning notes about "for stringed instruments" and other such things. Have you read the rest of the OT? There are musicians and musical instruments used for worship all over it. Music, itself, was created by God. It's gift. Now we're not supposed to use it in worship of the One who created it? Absolutely mind boggling.
@@Yesica1993 Hi. Thank you for replying. If I remember correctly, my post acknowledged the OT use of musical instruments in Temple worship. It was a Levitical thing established in David's reign. David never played his harp in Temple worship but handed his compositions to the chief musician, a Levite. This musical accompaniment ceased with the temple services at the coming of Christ, along with circumcision, and the dietary laws. The New Testament does not continue the practice as there was a change in the law with the change of priesthood (from Levitical to Christ). That was the point being made by Chrysostom, Aquinas, Erasmus, and Calvin (I could add the testimony of Basil and Augustine as well).
@@blackukulele And yet your name reflects the name of a musical instrument. How utterly bizarre. Stay in silence, then. There's nothing else I can say.
@@Yesica1993 I admit that I used to play guitar in church, but I have changed my view of things. I still play ukulele outside of the worship service, as David played harp outside the temple worship service. My present views are not weird, but they were the established practice of the Presbyterian churches for about 300 years from 1560, and for most of the Christian church before that time. It is really only in the last 200 years that musical instruments have accompanied singing in church.
So much abnormalative worship out there.
Placing emphasis on believers' meetings as the chief expression of Christianity is the foundation upon which all this garbage rests. That foundation was part of Rome, and the Reformers brought it right along with them. A little doctrinal improvement in areas, but the same old Nicolaitan foolishness.
His house is a house of prayer, but people have turned it into a house of singing, preaching, and teaching.
Exorcism is Catholic not Christian.
The Ben Shapiro of reviewing religious content
🤣Much love tho
Dude you have to have discernment on testing spirits between what is The Holy Spirit and what is people just entertainment . It says in the Bible to test every spirit , but you can’t throw the baby out with the bath water , as it also says do not quench the Holy Spirit . But there is an order as well . We must remain biblically grounded and what the Bible actually says on how to handle these things .
There is no such thing, Biblically speaking, of a "principle of worship." Worship is a literal act one can "do" in real time and space. It is not a concept, idea, attitude, perspective, or principle.
The sound is quite weak
As someone who loves music, i WILL NEVER GET NOR UNDERSTAND the contemporary style of music in church. Its all just cringe. The lyrics are usually all poorly written. Its like some lame mix of pop and rock and pop country. Its just cringe. And i love music. I play music. But its like the whole christian movies where they wanted to try and mix the word with the culture. The problem was none of them were good movies. The music is the same way. And to see sooo many people act like it is good music is the cringe part. Theres plenty of really good christian music out there. Whats in most churches aint it.
This is what Protestantism leads to, which Orthodoxy sees.
Do you understand what Protestant actually is? Go look that up. This is a fringe group of people making Unbiblical Fake Church's.
You’re handpicking some very unique and wacky examples, which are most definitely not examples of the wider Pentecostal/charismatic movement. More like churches that are led and influenced by the ideologies of their respective leaders.
please don't say Hillsong.. that word makes me vomit. thank you