Grateful for pastor Costi! I used to hate him so much when I was hyper charismatic 😅. I thought he was a traitor. Now that the Lord opened my eyes, I love listening to him preaching and sharing his testimony or the Gospel.
@@somemedic8482 Weird comment. You must hate evil and falsehood. Also, it's not like Christians are perfect by any stretch of imagination. And the original poster is clearly saying it was something wrong he did. So don't miss the point there.
Been feeling charismatically stuck lately with all these scandals going on, really really needed to hear this! Thanks! In him talking about Joni, I have been amazed on how much energy and ministry vitality she still had while disabled. That's the work of the Holy Spirit as well.
Really loved this conversation. I agree with Costi on reading the writings of J.C. Ryle and Charles Spurgeon. There are quite a few free e-books from both authors on Kindle.
Loved this. Thanks guys. Tom Pennington at strange fire sermon brought me out of the charismatic movement. I fought it for years but then the Lord just opened my eyes. Praise Him
I echo the other comments in saying this was a good conversation. Thank you, Costi for the gospel message at the end. I pray that the Lord keeps these ministries and men faithful .
When I heard a Calvinist say that the dreams Muslims dream of Jesus are "of the Devil", I was horrified! He truly believes that the Holy Spirit of God does not speak to His Church today!! To me, that is no less deceptive than hyper-charismania. There are deep ditches on *both* sides of the road, Brother. The Spirit is alive and active in His Church *today* ! Just look at our persecuted brethren around the World. God has by no means abandoned them. And God *does* reveal Himself through dreams, in the Muslim world - where no missionary has set foot, and where there are no Bibles, and no Christians available. *Both* hyper-charismatism and hyper-cessationism are *false* . There IS a sound way, that doesn't reject the Spirit's work in each believer and in the Worldwide Church - nor gets hijacked by a *false fire* , and Kundalini manifestations.
@jonathanfreeman4607 He does indeed speak through His Word. And at times He gives dreams. Both to believers, and to unbelievers. I've heard several testimonies to this. Rare though it may be, it does happen. Like with many muslims, who saw Jesus in a dream, and through those dreams became believers. We were on the mission field in the Middle East, so we got to hear this directly from people. One occasion that I will never forget, was when two young believers were made aware by the Lord, that they would be going to heaven very soon. So they both, especially one of them, went around and said goodbye to friends and family. A few days later, there was a car crash, and they died instantly. If God speaks *only* through His Word, and never through His Spirit, then how would they have known to say goodbye to their families, letting them know they were going to heaven? I know one of the mothers, a widow, and it was an immense comfort to her that her son knew he was going to Heaven. We sat with her as she told us how her son had gone from house to house, bidding farewell, hugging family and friends. I am by no means a Hyper charismatic or even a regular one. But I believe that the Holy Spirit of God is alive and at work in His Church today.
Thank you for this time of sharing. It was very encouraging especially the gospel message at the end. Such truth and so humbly yet aptly explained. 🙏🏻 From Cape Town, South Africa
It's amazing how GOD put Costi in that family.... To come out under Benny Hinn teaching and go to sound doctrine like that!!! If that doesn't show us how great and calculated OUR LORD is then nothing will lol
It almost felt like Costi was being interviewed for a job at G3. Maybe it's just me. Enjoyed his testimony yet again - I never tire of hearing it. Thank you all.
This is an amazing interview…. only a bit about the title and touches on so many interesting subjects. Every pastor needs the encouragement found in this video.
What i find concerning, is that they always promote some book on commentary about something. When you said you read john 5, it was the HOLY SPIRIT that opened your eyes. Why not tell people to read the BIBLE only?
It is the same reason you don’t leave church after worship. Commentary is a form of discipleship from an elder or wiser Christ follower. Holy Spirit is our helper! Sometimes I read the John McArthur commentary and still don’t understand-it truly is the Holy Spirit that helps me understand and have it written in my heart (and when I use the that metaphor, I’m meaning that: it is committed to my memory and is brought forth not in my own will but by the Holy Spirit when I come across situations in my life that the Bible clearly has scripture about). Thank God for faithful teachers who will not allow for people to be deceived! The commentary is for historical accuracy and context which is crucial to understanding the meaning of many if not all scripture but the Holy Spirit is our ultimate helper and guide to actually understanding the Bible for *ourselves* and not just reading historical words, definitions, and stories. The Bible is the living word of God and the Holy Spirit is what allows that supernatural change in our hearts while we read. Hope my personal answer gave you and anyone else clarity on why people read commentary Bibles!
Because Christ promised to build His church and endowed men with different gifts for the edification of his body, of which we are each merely a part; we were not meant to interpret the Bible in isolation without the local and universal church, and the guidance of an ecclesiastical hierarchy with elders and pastors. No Christian until modernity, perverted by the radically ungodly extollation of individualism that arose from the Enlightenment and became part of the founding (unchristian) values of America believed otherwise.
This is very helpful and I hope to exemplify the true gifts of the Holy Spirit. My husband is an amazing nobleman who is made by the Holy Spirit through deep abiding time in the Word.
Paul Washer is truly amazing. So glad he has submitted his life to God. He preaches with conviction and moves me to repentance every day. May we all live a life led by daily submission and repetnace.
I find that if the most important issue in all of creation is people being born again and saved from going to hell, and we have ministries and denominations and 1000’s of pastors cant agree on doctrine.
The bible is sufficient. And "profitable for teaching, rebuking, correction, and training in righteousness..(2 Timothy 3:16) The Holy Spirit helps us achieve sanctification...
I pray that you read- or re-read Is 53. The Entire chapter in context. This is about our "transgressions", our "iniquities", our sin. It's not about physical healing. I spent around 40 years not knowing- not reading for myself in context the scripture. Once you set aside the false teachings we hear or read from others that are not scripture, you can see the truth of God's Word.
Not the case at all, or you have to explain why hospitals are full of christians. everyone is not physically healed, period. I think you know this but won't let yourself admit it. Isaiah is talking about the healing of our inward man. the forgiveness of sin-the connection of the human back to God.
@samanthakrzak3451 You can type in - Grace To You Strange Fire; also Justin Peters Clouds Without Water; also Spencer Smith Third Adam series... All wonderful...
My out of word of faith is so similar. Now it’s people telling me “Calvinism bad!” lol well it’s all biblical. Nothing makes a Calvinist more then scripture
@ yeah people tend to think Calvinist just sit and do nothing. People just use it as some kind of bad thing to believe in the complete sovereignty of God.
@@ReformCulture I believe God is sovereign enough that He can reveal Himself to whomever He wants, at any time. Yes, Charismania is wicked and deceptive - demonic. But denying the *true* work of God, and claiming that *God's Spirit* is no longer at work, or that God will not ever use dreams - that is false and damaging to the Church and the Gospel! Charismania mocks God. Cessationism limits and denies God. Both are WRONG.
I believe God is sovereign enough that He can reveal Himself to whomever He wants, at any time. Yes, Charismania is wicked and deceptive - demonic. But denying the *true* work of God, and claiming that *God's Spirit* is no longer at work, or that God will not ever use dreams - that is false and damaging to the Church and the Gospel! Charismania mocks God. Cessationism limits and denies God. Both are WRONG.
@FlowerPower-r8h Take a look at the antics of Heidi Baker, John Crowder, Todd Bentley and the rest of the NAR crowd. They call it "holy drunkness"... And yes it's spiritual drunkness, but it's not holy. It looks just like Kundalini. There are many warning videos legitimately warning about the NAR, and its dangers. So look through some of them, and I think you will see more than enough, to know that it's outrageous. They seek after "signs and wonders", and place experience over Truth.
@FlowerPower-r8h Look up Heidi Baker, John Crowder, Todd Bentley, Bill Johnson, and the whole NAR gang. Jesus says "by their *fruit* you will know them. And the fruit of this charismania has been devastation to the Church. What they call "anointing" looks just like Kundalini Kriyas. Look it up. The similarities are striking! They have brought *strange fire* into the Church! Compare with Kundalini, and tell me the difference. Many warning videos have been made addressing this. Ask God to help you discern what is of Him, and what is false and deceptive.
What gifts specifically, do you believe some Christians have today? I only ask because I have never witnessed any person actually speak in tongues, Or prophesy etc. I am a classic cessationist I’d say. And I very much believe the Holy Spirit is still active in the world today and is our power source so to speak as believers. But what gifts are you referring to that ARE still active or can you just delve in to that little more specifically
Charasmatic people have not been grounded in sound doctrine. Calvinists have what they call the tulip doctrine,which you could google. I have attended a huge nondenominational Bible college in Canada and been a Christian for decades. You don’t hear much about Armenian doctrine which is what Baptists,Alliance,Mennonites, Evangelical Free and others are. I have been deeply hurt when I was first married and in a new town and very sick. They came and piled their hands on my head and jabbered away. No one told me what they said. None of it was in the three languages I know. Then a very judgemental,old lady told everyone she had a word of knowledge that I had a baby before marriage and they believed her. According to her it was why I was sick.It was WRONG,if not demonic.My husband was not there unfortunately but he laughed.All they do is cause excitement,controversy,lies,division, and lots of false prophetic stories. Many of them for example prphetized that Trump would have 2 straight terms. Unfortunately he did NOT. God hasHIS reasons and this term will be so much better than if he had before during COVID. Anyway when someone declares themself to be a miracle healer, wants a lot of money that lines their own pockets, or says “God told me or God told me in dreams and visions “ or constantly rebukes you with condemnation and self righteousness just RUN. Don’t let them rattle you. God loves you,keep trusting him. Yes gifts exist. Even healing but God usually uses them where the people have not heard of Jesus yet. Remember Satan tries to mimic God and he uses misinformed Christians. We have the Bible and the very last book is Revelation and the last chapter says that no one is to add or subtract anything from it.
What the world calls faith, including the unsaved church like the NAR, is just belief. Faith, is a gift from God at rebirth, so faith healing is working with demons not God . Cessationists are a reaction to the huge amount of falsehood. I believe the Holy Spirit is restraining His power due to the vast amount of widespread heresy, traditions of men and apostacy, false worship songs, creating atmospheres and churchianity generally. In that environment why would Holy Spirit want to reinforce and endorse, men ? We have ceased the Spirit not Him!! You really want revival, get rid of all those high alters and back to humble submission to God . Btw, there is a real
He did not, because, as with every other feigned and professed instance of repentance, he has "returned to his vomit," showing no authentic signs of repentance by failing to make restitution, remaining in the "ministry," and continuing to engage in the same exploitative and deceptive practices.
Lamentations 2:19 Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: Jesus wants us to tell Him honestly about the thoughts and feelings and motives in our hearts. He wants us to tell Him truthfully about what we are thinking, and feeling; whether good or bad, or ugly; whether sad or happy, and whether calm or angry. God wants us to pour out our hearts and be truthful with Him. Even if it's guilt, bitterness, fear, or jealousy. And then Jesus wants us to ask for purifying, forgiveness, strength, hope and comfort. He wants us to ask Him to completely change us, but only after being totally open and honest with Him about who we are and our deepest secrets and thoughts and feelings. To be truthful about everything we have done and why. Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
Hyper-Cessationism - "The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" - Pastor John MacArthur GTY Gives a list of Biblical Gifts and states the mantra of Cessationism, that All Gifts from 70 AD until now are, "All False, All Lies, All Deception." A TULIP believer does not really believe in the Born Again experience of John 3, and Ephesians 2:8,9, especially Reformed Baptists that reject "Covenant Theology." Just a minute later in the same sermon Pastor John MacArthur states that the Biblical definition of the "Unpardonable Sin" found in Matthew 12, practiced by the Pharisees is "Attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit." It is not just that Pastor John MacArthur believes that Gifts are no longer for today, he repeatedly makes a sin of generalizing that nobody in different Christian groups are saved. Sermons like, "Are Catholics Saved?," the actual sermon is titled, "The Pope and the Papacy." At the "Stange Fire Conference," October 2013, Q&A Session 1, Pastor John MacArthur made the following comment about ALL that worship with Contemporary Christian Music, (Calvary Chapel was attacked at that Conference), "They say the word Jesus, but they don't know Him, they don't know the Gospel." Pastor MacArthur has even attacked Hank H. for becoming Orthodox. It is like Pastor MacArthur did not understand his teaching on 1 John 4:1-6 at the Strange Fire Conference, (confirmed by Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 12:3, and 1 John 4:1-6), about the confession of Jesus being your LORD God as the sign if a person is a believer. Of course, he probably never reads 1 Corinthians 12 very much. For ex-Reformed Baptist Steve Lawson, his unrepentant sin is terrible, the teaching of TULIP gives the excuse that God ordered Steve Lawson to commit adultery: In referencing both Eph 1 and Gen 20, Dr. Zachariades says: “God works all things according to the council of His will. Even keeping the kings who want to commit adultery from committing so. AND WHEN WE WANTS TO HE ORDERS THOSE TO COMMIT ADULTERY WHEN HE WANTS TO!” I put the second sentence in all caps because Dr. Zachariades shouted it at the top of his lungs. Clearly, in his mind, the volume at which you state something is equal to how true it is. Especially when making God into the being that orders you to commit the sin He then punishes you for. - Reformed Baptist, Dr. Theodore Zachariades, Regressive Calvinism Soteriology 101 Costi, I am not defending your uncles, except there is a huge amount of difference in recently putting a picture from 2011 from National Enquirer, (Reformed Baptist Justin Peters did this), holding hands with Paula White, calling it a scandal, when both of them were divorced by their spouses, (Suzanne Hinn), before the picture, and doing this to justify Pastor Steve Lawson! Reformed Baptists are the pits from hell, like Steve Lawson doing a video in front of a picture of Jonathan Edwards, yes, this Christian that believes Gifts are for today has read the sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," by Jonathan Edwards, even recognized the person as Jonathan Edwars. ...and Reformed Baptists, (like G3), are contradicting themselves in writing if Pastor Steve Lawson was a member of Trinity Church!
I see educated doctors whom God has given us as a gift to advise us about our health. Of course many were deceived and pressured during COVID and re countless vaccines given to babies. That’s how I have seen God heal. Look what happens when others give diabetic children honey because they consider it a holistic food or when Jehovah Wittnesses do not allow blood transfusions and unnecessarily lose people that could live. In Jamaica they have demonic voodoo and witch doctors in other parts of the world but NONE of that is OK with the Lord. Including cults like Mormonism.
Well i must agree, most baptis do preach a solid word or cessationist but no power. causes don't belive in the baptism of the Holy Spirit to endue them with powers for ministry!!!
So happy for him and grateful he is bold in sharing his story. The Macarthur Study Bible is truly phenomenal indeed! God is so loving and faithful to bring us through and to the truth. Amen!
@ There is a huge difference between a sinner saved by Grace and a man who lived a lie for at least five years. Lawson and Benny Hinn are one and the same. Lawson has gone underground to try and repackage himself. Post Tenebras Lux!
How many times can you address, and then re-address the same thing? I'm more concerned with the issues in conservative circles which are being tolerated (by G3 as well as others).
AAAMENN!!! 💯🎯 Let’s talk about how we (G3) lacked the discernment to recognize and expose the Judas we were coddling among us. Let’s talk about the sin of partiality.
@@ardadavidian6521 I don't think anyone saw that, I don't hold that against G3 (though their response to their failure to properly vet his church membership was terrible). My concern is the woke right within reformed circles, and the elevation of a social gospel, as well as the toleration of heretics who redefine faith.
@@ethan9868 If I saw it blatantly years ago and miles away in other facets of his character, they ought to have seen it too. They either saw it but lacked the courage to rock their safe and established boats, OR they were blinded by his name, ability, and how strongly he was pounding pulpits. Personally I think it was the former, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. Not just G3, but every ministry that hired the hireling.
man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one spirit.
The problem with guys like him, is that they alleviate any responsibility to the covenant. Jesus said seek and you’ll find, ask and you’ll receive. Fast and pray. Give generously. Do greater works than Him etc. believing God is sovereign and mysterious in His ways is wrong. There are things we do to activate our covenant blessings. Jesus said to be persistent, and never give up on anything. If we faint not, We will reap. These people shun the work of the Holy Ghost and anything supernatural.
show me where those things work. you have a smartphone so you should be able to catch it all on video. show me greater things that what Jesus did. we don't even know the God we claim to serve.
I believe that Benny is missing some things but, so are you. When I have gone to bring recovery to a person as it says in Mark 16:19 I am believing what God has said. That when I touch a person extending Jesus He said, they will recover. I do not blame anyone except me if they don’t get because it’s my faith not their’s. A dead man can’t have faith so it has to be me. Mark 16:20 And those going out preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, confirming the word through signs following after. I believe the church whether Protestant, Catholic, Pentecostal, or Charismatic has not spread Jesus’s true Gospel for at Least 1500 years. We fight about the gifts whether we have false prophets or apostles not Recognizing them as the foundation with Jesus Christ As Chief Cornerstone. I have a question for you is Benny Hinn driving people from Jesus Christ and not bringing people to salvation or is he like what the Corinthian Church was and we know the Corinthian Church was the most Corrupt and Had the most power of any church. And what did Paul say? I have more but my phone text needs charging.
Another danger in the church today it's called New Thought it's not new age it looks very much like Christianity with a spin. They talk about Jesus they quote scripture but it's all about finding the Divinity within one's self. a young lady who is in RUclips who came out of new age and new thought. She has a great video on what this is about one of the big influences of this Oprah Winfrey who claims to be a Christian.her name is Melissa Dougherty.
G3 believes you can't even cast out demons as a Christian, meanwhile I've been doing it for 2 and half years, if you're a Christian and you have the Holy Spirit you can cast out demons. That's according to Jesus himself, if you have a problem with that you have a problem with what Jesus is saying or you're calling him a liar. There's so many problems with hyper cessationism, it's just as bad as hyper charismatics, yup. I'm a continuationist because the Bible teaches it, nowhere does the bible teach cessationism at all, I'm not a hyper charismatic of course, I would say I'm a reformed charismatic, reformed in doctrine but charismatic in expression. The point is there's abuses in all sorts of beliefs and extremes to everything, unfortunately cessationists throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Where in the Bible do we see Christians that have demons? Where is the in dwelling Holy Spirit while Christians are also possessed by demons, hiding in a corner?
Mark 16:15-18 tells us that signs WILL follow BELIEVERS. As believers, we are supposed to preach the gospel to everyone, we will cast out demons, speak in tongues, lay hands on the sick & they will recover. This is what Jesus said. Notice how He didn't say only the apostles will do these things, He said anyone who believes! That includes you and I. I've been doing it for the past 4 years because I believe Jesus! Anyone who says casting out demons, laying hands on the sick is not for today, they are basically in opposition to Jesus and what He is trying to accomplish on earth through His church.
since demons are invisible how do you know you cast out anything at all. it could still be there, right? there is no evidence of a demon. so you say some magic words and proof it's gone? if there was a demon it would have hopped out of the person and ate you. LOL
@ Definitely hyper. I’ve read “God Doesn’t Whisper”. It is definitely hyper. According to Ozman if you say the “Lord is leading me” it’s wrong. That is what he says.
Costi is still being blown around with every wind of doctrine. Like most who are seeking the right religion or denomination, they go from one false teaching to another false teaching. When you truly believe in the grace of God apart from any works, you would never be led astray with another false gospel. I've heard of people going from one religion or denomination to another many times and thinking they found the real one each time. But, the truth is, they are just being tossed around with every wind of doctrine. They never actually discovered the one and only foundation that can be laid. If you don't have the Gospel right, you got nothing. They are trying to build their house without the SURE foundation. NOBODY would ever do that!
I remember being a young man went onbreakatwork was reading johnmcarthurs bibleyeaching aboutcwternal life likextge devilwas tempting thereallfornucatorsxiknowxyou wantthat but what was ireading he that has christ has life ok so this isxour bezt life now we have the jolyspirit sealed partakers of divine nature whenyoy are young of course you want to fornicate but decided to walk with christ rejoiced he that has christ has life
Now we havesmart phones ebolcommunications vorrupt good manners debilup onthisdevice be doisxthe holyspirit!fullfrontalattack!thedevils going down hard!!!!!glory to god
IF you have the power to heal others, YOU have an obligation to go to every hospital near you and pull the people from their beds and command them to be healed. Are you doing that? or is it that everyone but you has no faith? not everyone is healed. that is utter stupidity.
@@curious011 Well for Gods sake don`t every pray and believe for the healing of a loved one it might not be Gods will. And yes I`ve prayed and with witnesses by the laying on of hands, by the authority of the Name of Jesus, had a quadriplegic man get out of his wheelchair and with help use his arms and legs to walk. He had been that way for 7 years. The nurses at this facility FLIPPED OUT two we led to salvation and another young married couple wanted Jesus. We went back the next day to check on Jerry and the home said Jerry was picked up that morning. Jerry was 57. Another time I prayed for a friend who said his adult daughter Believed that Jesus could heal her she suffered from scoliosis of spine . We prayed and as she Believed she Received. She immediately ran to the hallway and laughing praising god did somersaults. Ok want anther I was delivering a stove to a woman and her adult son she were already at the open front door she started to motion me to follow her and she pointed to her Ears and conveyed she was almost completely deaf then our eyes locked met and she said (and I don`t know how she knew.) "will you pray for me" of course not once thinking "If it`s God`s Will " She had Faith to reach out and Believe . Not by my faith alone but in conjunction with her Faith, I layed hands on her ears and told the deafness to leave "INTHE NAME of JESUS" she started crying with joy her son came from back room and she said i can hear , the son said he was a backslid Christian started crying as well .Does everyone I`ve prayed for get instantly healed no, sometimes it`s process over time. However the will of God is always to heal. The New Testament the 4 gospels the words of Jesus are clear. some methods are strange Jesus spit in the ground made clay later on after man washed he received his sight. Faith come by Hearing and Hearing by the word of God !
This must be Satan's preacher ahead of the coming revival. Healing is a reward for becoming sanctified and casting out your demons. It can also be a confirmation of the Gospel message. Those of you who speak against it are speaking against the Holy Spirit. The unforgivable sin.
Good, I hope you have an interpreter. And no, the Holy Spirit isn't the interpreter.😮 Tongues never was gibberish either. Go reread the 2nd chapter of Acts. It just may open your eyes to the truth of tongues.😊
If someone doesn't want to speak in tongues, or acknowledge the supernatural gifts of the Spirit, it does not affect me at all. When we stand before God, we will find out if His Scriptures were true, if He was ever changeable. In this life, God's mercy will let us believe anything. Believing Scripture is endlessly true is a choice. Did God repent of gifts and callings? We will, one day, find out.
Follow Holy Spirit and with discernment follow men of God you know God has connected you with. If you know Holy Spirit, meaning you have relationship with God, then you would know who is being deceived. I don’t agree with Costi
Well if it was the case that you only needed to know the Holy Spirit and follow Him to know who is deceiving and being deceived, then we would have a lot less people being deceived. But so many people are still deceived by people like Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn. People who really do love God, they do, but they believe lies still. They do know the Holy Spirit but they believe the lies of these men. By this logic, it would mean that anyone who is deceived by these men, does not know the Holy Spirit and therefore isn't saved. That means that the stadiums of these men is filled with people who are not saved. That's not the case, there are genuine Christians in those stadiums who are just deceived.
@ do you really listen to the thoughts about these things you are commenting? What makes you think Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn are deceiving people?
I can see that. The Spirit is not telling anyone anything apparently because you can't tell what is the Spirit and what is not. the charismatic church can't even figure out what God they serve. too busy running around falling down, yelling in gibberish and falsely prophesying stupidity over people. clean your house and then we can talk.
@soulz2003 if you believie in Calvinism its bad. Not all Reformed beluevers are Calvinist although Calvinists have claimed the Reformed title for themselves.
@@feelgoodfishingwithhenko251 You have part of that backwards. Calvinism is a subset of Reformed. “Reformed” includes Calvinism along with older, non-Dispensationalist interpretation of Revelation, and sometimes a Covenant Theology that sometimes includes infant baptism (although they don’t believe baptism saves like Catholics do). The main alternative is Arminianism / Wesleyanism, which dominates Methodist, Nazarene, half of Anglican/Episcopal, half of Baptist, and Pentecostal /Charismatic churches. Extreme Arminians embrace the heresy of Pelagianism. Strict Calvinism goes too far one way; Arminianism goes WAY too far the other way. There are degrees of Calvinism. Ironically, many of the most angry opponents of Calvinism owe much of what they believe to Calvin.
Speaking in tongues and being slain in The Holy Spirit IS REAL; but the problem is with seeking THESE experiences more than just drawing closer to God and seeking His face. Don’t speak against the acts of The Holy Ghost-this is dangerous territory. One problem “the church” has is believing God for things for oneself-instead of believing Him for things that expand the Gospel. We seek a better more comfy life here on earth whilst believing this earth is not our home. It would be like going camping-and building a mansion in the wilderness-we are not going to stay there-we are going HOME one day-if we believe The Truth
Your priorities are right, but your pneumatology is cronked. Every time people fell down in the scriptures, it was either a voluntary act of worship or a sign of judgment. Nobody today speaks in tongues as defined in scriptures. Both are worked-up emotional experiences today. You say it’s dangerous to speak against (carnal imitations of) biblical gifts. The unforgivable sin was attributing to Satan the testimony that the Holy Spirit gave to Christ’s identity through empowering Christ’s miracles. By extension, it meant rejecting Christ Himself. That is what made it unforgivable. No Cessationist rejects Christ or the Spirit’s testimony about Christ. You cannot separate tongues and slaying from the false prophets for whom tongues and “slaying” were entry-level “gifts.” I say it’s a lot more dangerous to misapply scripture and ascribe fleshly displays to the Holy Spirit.
so if we don't believe your version of the gospel you threaten us with the wrath of God. ?Charismatics cant figure out if Jesus is God or THEY are gods. not everyone is healed, in fact almost NO ONE IS. the tongues are gibberish, period. the interpretations are jokes that exalt humanity and other mindless stupidity that contradicts the Bible and the falling out in the spirit happens all the time in most every cult in the world. for heavens sake, figure out the lies and the mindless stupidity and then get back to me with what the bible actually says and not what happens at charismatic church services. and please for goodness sake stop with the false prophecies.
If you would pray in tongues, you would hear, see, say, do what charismatics hear, see, say and do. When you speak in tongues it is the mysteries talked about in God's Word. Your problem is, you have God in a box.
you cant put God in a box neither do you get to take his word and say it means something it doesn't say. and plenty of people speak a tongue and do we know what it all means YET? no, we don't we are as stupid as we were yesterday and the years before.
I’m glad you bring up hyper cessationism . It’s another extreme that needs to be avoided
Grateful for pastor Costi! I used to hate him so much when I was hyper charismatic 😅. I thought he was a traitor. Now that the Lord opened my eyes, I love listening to him preaching and sharing his testimony or the Gospel.
Why would a christian hate anyone? Remember what Jesus said about hate.
Thank you Holy Spirit for opening my eyes. Back in the 1990s I went to a Benny Hinn crusade, SMH
@@somemedic8482 Weird comment. You must hate evil and falsehood. Also, it's not like Christians are perfect by any stretch of imagination. And the original poster is clearly saying it was something wrong he did. So don't miss the point there.
Praise the lord for making you see the truth. Now go and live your life for his glory. Amen.
It's so funny how God changes our heart and understanding as we seek after Him.
I was hesitant to watch this because of his name but I was so glad I did!!!! I thoroughly enjoyed listening!!! Excellent.
Really appreciate getting to know Costi so in depth. Seems like a solid man in Christ.
Been feeling charismatically stuck lately with all these scandals going on, really really needed to hear this! Thanks! In him talking about Joni, I have been amazed on how much energy and ministry vitality she still had while disabled. That's the work of the Holy Spirit as well.
Have you watched the film American Gospel? Helped me so much after being extremely frustrated as a charismatic Christian.
I could listen to Costi share the gospel all day .... edge of the seat stuff!! Thankful for God's gift to the church; for He gave gifts unto men.
Thank you for this delightful, enlightening, and godly conversation, beloved brothers!
Really loved this conversation. I agree with Costi on reading the writings of J.C. Ryle and Charles Spurgeon. There are quite a few free e-books from both authors on Kindle.
He jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. Calvinism is just another "wind of doctrine" that is false.
Costi's podcast is called "For The Gospel". It is a great resource.
I actually started listening to that before I found G3 Ministries.
Excellent! Costi is the real deal, thank you for allowing him to share!
So edifying. Thank you G3 and Pastor Costi Hinn for the conversation. Really so good. I will watch it again.
Excellent interview with pastor Hinn! Thank you for sharing this!
I love Chuck Swindol!!!! Always have! And McArthur is bold and unashamed!!!
I could listen to Costi Hinn share the gospel all day ❤
Loved this. Thanks guys. Tom Pennington at strange fire sermon brought me out of the charismatic movement. I fought it for years but then the Lord just opened my eyes. Praise Him
So encouraging. Just subscribed to Costi's channel here. Thank you & God bless you both!!
Great conversation guy's. Love the tetimony Costi. Thanks guy's
Thank you. Really good conversation.
I echo the other comments in saying this was a good conversation. Thank you, Costi for the gospel message at the end. I pray that the Lord keeps these ministries and men faithful .
When I heard a Calvinist say that the dreams Muslims dream of Jesus are "of the Devil", I was horrified!
He truly believes that the Holy Spirit of God does not speak to His Church today!!
To me, that is no less deceptive than hyper-charismania.
There are deep ditches on *both* sides of the road, Brother.
The Spirit is alive and active in His Church *today* !
Just look at our persecuted brethren around the World. God has by no means abandoned them.
And God *does* reveal Himself through dreams, in the Muslim world - where no missionary has set foot, and where there are no Bibles, and no Christians available.
*Both* hyper-charismatism and hyper-cessationism are *false* .
There IS a sound way, that doesn't reject the Spirit's work in each believer and in the Worldwide Church - nor gets hijacked by a *false fire* , and Kundalini manifestations.
@@ingela_injeela God speaks to us through his Word. That's sufficient.
@jonathanfreeman4607 He does indeed speak through His Word.
And at times He gives dreams.
Both to believers, and to unbelievers.
I've heard several testimonies to this.
Rare though it may be, it does happen.
Like with many muslims, who saw Jesus in a dream, and through those dreams became believers. We were on the mission field in the Middle East, so we got to hear this directly from people.
One occasion that I will never forget, was when two young believers were made aware by the Lord, that they would be going to heaven very soon. So they both, especially one of them, went around and said goodbye to friends and family.
A few days later, there was a car crash, and they died instantly.
If God speaks *only* through His Word, and never through His Spirit, then how would they have known to say goodbye to their families, letting them know they were going to heaven?
I know one of the mothers, a widow, and it was an immense comfort to her that her son knew he was going to Heaven.
We sat with her as she told us how her son had gone from house to house, bidding farewell, hugging family and friends.
I am by no means a Hyper charismatic or even a regular one. But I believe that the Holy Spirit of God is alive and at work in His Church today.
@@jonathanfreeman4607yes and the word says He gives dreams and visions among other things. You admire the Word but doesn't sound like you believe it.
@@jonathanfreeman4607 , show that from Scripture . if not then someone is wrong.
@zerosparky9510 John 17:17
Thank you for this time of sharing. It was very encouraging especially the gospel message at the end. Such truth and so humbly yet aptly explained. 🙏🏻 From Cape Town, South Africa
Excellent!! Thank you both!!
Danke! Sehr wichtig auch für Deutschland.
Awesome conversation!
It's amazing how GOD put Costi in that family.... To come out under Benny Hinn teaching and go to sound doctrine like that!!! If that doesn't show us how great and calculated OUR LORD is then nothing will lol
Awesome interview, if I ever get up towards the Phoenix area on a weekend I would love to go to the Shepherds house church!!
I knew I liked Costi for a reason. Ryle and Spurgeon would also be my 1 and 2.
Thank you, sirs. God bless you
That was a blessing to listen to. Great interview guys. God bless Costi Hinn
It almost felt like Costi was being interviewed for a job at G3. Maybe it's just me.
Enjoyed his testimony yet again - I never tire of hearing it. Thank you all.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Costi "You're hired"
This is an amazing interview…. only a bit about the title and touches on so many interesting subjects. Every pastor needs the encouragement found in this video.
Thank you (:
What i find concerning, is that they always promote some book on commentary about something. When you said you read john 5, it was the HOLY SPIRIT that opened your eyes. Why not tell people to read the BIBLE only?
It is the same reason you don’t leave church after worship. Commentary is a form of discipleship from an elder or wiser Christ follower. Holy Spirit is our helper! Sometimes I read the John McArthur commentary and still don’t understand-it truly is the Holy Spirit that helps me understand and have it written in my heart (and when I use the that metaphor, I’m meaning that: it is committed to my memory and is brought forth not in my own will but by the Holy Spirit when I come across situations in my life that the Bible clearly has scripture about). Thank God for faithful teachers who will not allow for people to be deceived! The commentary is for historical accuracy and context which is crucial to understanding the meaning of many if not all scripture but the Holy Spirit is our ultimate helper and guide to actually understanding the Bible for *ourselves* and not just reading historical words, definitions, and stories. The Bible is the living word of God and the Holy Spirit is what allows that supernatural change in our hearts while we read.
Hope my personal answer gave you and anyone else clarity on why people read commentary Bibles!
Because Christ promised to build His church and endowed men with different gifts for the edification of his body, of which we are each merely a part; we were not meant to interpret the Bible in isolation without the local and universal church, and the guidance of an ecclesiastical hierarchy with elders and pastors.
No Christian until modernity, perverted by the radically ungodly extollation of individualism that arose from the Enlightenment and became part of the founding (unchristian) values of America believed otherwise.
@@reimannsum9077 that was very well put, thank you !
I’m reading several books by a Puritan named John Flavel. Have read many books by Arthur W Pink.
Amazing stuff brother.
@@invisibleman53 AW Pinks Sovereignty of God is amazing.
Sad to see costi go from one error to another, praying he finds the true grace gospel of God, I to went down his path.
This is very helpful and I hope to exemplify the true gifts of the Holy Spirit. My husband is an amazing nobleman who is made by the Holy Spirit through deep abiding time in the Word.
God bless you for your testimony 🙏🙏🙏
Great interview
Really good!!
Paul washer says he’s charismatic! But he’s a sensible one and I think you’re in the same page.
Probably because he was a missionary.
Paul Washer is truly amazing. So glad he has submitted his life to God. He preaches with conviction and moves me to repentance every day. May we all live a life led by daily submission and repetnace.
Costi is wonderful pastor he definitely follows same pastors I do
Precious Joni Earekson Tada❤
I find that if the most important issue in all of creation is people being born again and saved from going to hell, and we have ministries and denominations and 1000’s of pastors cant agree on doctrine.
John mccarthur and R C Spurs are two of my favorite people. They helped me see the things i was blind to
The bible is sufficient. And "profitable for teaching, rebuking, correction, and training in righteousness..(2 Timothy 3:16) The Holy Spirit helps us achieve sanctification...
For folks who say they want to be a pastor then need to read 1 Timothy 3:1-7
By His stripes we are healed.
That was spiritual His stripes you were healed (forgiven)of you sins.
God still heals today.
I pray that you read- or re-read Is 53. The Entire chapter in context. This is about our "transgressions", our "iniquities", our sin. It's not about physical healing. I spent around 40 years not knowing- not reading for myself in context the scripture. Once you set aside the false teachings we hear or read from others that are not scripture, you can see the truth of God's Word.
@@kimdiez2681Maybe if I wrote the book of Matthew you could say that is the case. Unfortunately that isn’t so. Do your homework…
Not the case at all, or you have to explain why hospitals are full of christians. everyone is not physically healed, period. I think you know this but won't let yourself admit it. Isaiah is talking about the healing of our inward man. the forgiveness of sin-the connection of the human back to God.
Can someone link the “Strange Fire” videos Costi mentions here?
You can type in -
Grace To You Strange Fire; also
Justin Peters Clouds Without Water; also
Spencer Smith Third Adam series...
All wonderful...
Just do a search here using that term and they will come right up.
The lower hanging false teaching of the prosperity teachers, convinces many into Calvinsim. The problem is Calvinism is actually more deceptive.
Now Costi, you need to witness about baptism taught clearly in Romans 6.
Well Done - thank You …
Nice job
My out of word of faith is so similar. Now it’s people telling me “Calvinism bad!” lol well it’s all biblical. Nothing makes a Calvinist more then scripture
They are both ditches.
There *is* a middle of the road.
@ yeah people tend to think Calvinist just sit and do nothing. People just use it as some kind of bad thing to believe in the complete sovereignty of God.
@@ReformCulture I believe God is sovereign enough that He can reveal Himself to whomever He wants, at any time.
Yes, Charismania is wicked and deceptive - demonic.
But denying the *true* work of God, and claiming that *God's Spirit* is no longer at work, or that God will not ever use dreams - that is false and damaging to the Church and the Gospel!
Charismania mocks God.
Cessationism limits and denies God.
Both are WRONG.
@ well there’s always too far one way or the other I agree . God bless and have a good day
@teddy_westside81 Likewise ✨🕊️
I believe God is sovereign enough that He can reveal Himself to whomever He wants, at any time.
Yes, Charismania is wicked and deceptive - demonic.
But denying the *true* work of God, and claiming that *God's Spirit* is no longer at work, or that God will not ever use dreams - that is false and damaging to the Church and the Gospel!
Charismania mocks God.
Cessationism limits and denies God.
Both are WRONG.
What is Charismania? What do they believe that you have judged them so harshly?
@FlowerPower-r8h Take a look at the antics of Heidi Baker, John Crowder, Todd Bentley and the rest of the NAR crowd.
They call it "holy drunkness"...
And yes it's spiritual drunkness, but it's not holy. It looks just like Kundalini.
There are many warning videos legitimately warning about the NAR, and its dangers. So look through some of them, and I think you will see more than enough, to know that it's outrageous.
They seek after "signs and wonders", and place experience over Truth.
@FlowerPower-r8h Look up Heidi Baker, John Crowder, Todd Bentley, Bill Johnson, and the whole NAR gang.
Jesus says "by their *fruit* you will know them. And the fruit of this charismania has been devastation to the Church.
What they call "anointing" looks just like Kundalini Kriyas.
Look it up. The similarities are striking!
They have brought *strange fire* into the Church! Compare with Kundalini, and tell me the difference.
Many warning videos have been made addressing this. Ask God to help you discern what is of Him, and what is false and deceptive.
@FlowerPower-r8h My reply gets deleted. Look it up.
What gifts specifically, do you believe some Christians have today? I only ask because I have never witnessed any person actually speak in tongues, Or prophesy etc. I am a classic cessationist I’d say. And I very much believe the Holy Spirit is still active in the world today and is our power source so to speak as believers. But what gifts are you referring to that ARE still active or can you just delve in to that little more specifically
Charasmatic people have not been grounded in sound doctrine. Calvinists have what they call the tulip doctrine,which you could google. I have attended a huge nondenominational Bible college in Canada and been a Christian for decades. You don’t hear much about Armenian doctrine which is what Baptists,Alliance,Mennonites, Evangelical Free and others are.
I have been deeply hurt when I was first married and in a new town and very sick. They came and piled their hands on my head and jabbered away. No one told me what they said. None of it was in the three languages I know. Then a very judgemental,old lady told everyone she had a word of knowledge that I had a baby before marriage and they believed her. According to her it was why I was sick.It was WRONG,if not demonic.My husband was not there unfortunately but he laughed.All they do is cause excitement,controversy,lies,division, and lots of false prophetic stories. Many of them for example prphetized that Trump would have 2 straight terms. Unfortunately he did NOT. God hasHIS reasons and this term will be so much better than if he had before during COVID. Anyway when someone declares themself to be a miracle healer, wants a lot of money that lines their own pockets, or says “God told me or God told me in dreams and visions “ or constantly rebukes you with condemnation and self righteousness just RUN. Don’t let them rattle you. God loves you,keep trusting him.
Yes gifts exist. Even healing but God usually uses them where the people have not heard of Jesus yet. Remember Satan tries to mimic God and he uses misinformed Christians. We have the Bible and the very last book is Revelation and the last chapter says that no one is to add or subtract anything from it.
Oh dear😢from one extreme from hyper hinn to Calvinist...😢shame he doesn't see through John McArthur..who is a hyper cessationist.
Benny is so lucky to have a nephew like Costi, I believe Benny changed his thinking because of Costi.
and what has led you to this belief?
I Hope you appreciate martyn Lloyd Jones too.Especially his Preaching and Preachers.
What the world calls faith, including the unsaved church like the NAR, is just belief. Faith, is a gift from God at rebirth, so faith healing is working with demons not God .
Cessationists are a reaction to the huge amount of falsehood. I believe the Holy Spirit is restraining His power due to the vast amount of widespread heresy, traditions of men and apostacy, false worship songs, creating atmospheres and churchianity generally. In that environment why would Holy Spirit want to reinforce and endorse, men ? We have ceased the Spirit not Him!! You really want revival, get rid of all those high alters and back to humble submission to God .
Btw, there is a real
Did Benny Hinn truly repent, including restoring four-fold to those he defrauded?
He did not, because, as with every other feigned and professed instance of repentance, he has "returned to his vomit," showing no authentic signs of repentance by failing to make restitution, remaining in the "ministry," and continuing to engage in the same exploitative and deceptive practices.
No and his wife quietly divorced him a second time.
Thank you.
Lamentations 2:19
Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord:
Jesus wants us to tell Him honestly about the thoughts and feelings and motives in our hearts. He wants us to tell Him truthfully about what we are thinking, and feeling; whether good or bad, or ugly; whether sad or happy, and whether calm or angry. God wants us to pour out our hearts and be truthful with Him. Even if it's guilt, bitterness, fear, or jealousy.
And then Jesus wants us to ask for purifying, forgiveness, strength, hope and comfort. He wants us to ask Him to completely change us,
but only after being totally open and honest with Him about who we are and our deepest secrets and thoughts and feelings. To be truthful about everything we have done and why.
Psalm 62:8
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
Aren't the cessationist conference sessions available yet? I've been waiting months. Is there like a maturation period or something?
Hyper-Cessationism - "The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" - Pastor John MacArthur GTY
Gives a list of Biblical Gifts and states the mantra of Cessationism, that All Gifts from 70 AD until now are, "All False, All Lies, All Deception." A TULIP believer does not really believe in the Born Again experience of John 3, and Ephesians 2:8,9, especially Reformed Baptists that reject "Covenant Theology." Just a minute later in the same sermon Pastor John MacArthur states that the Biblical definition of the "Unpardonable Sin" found in Matthew 12, practiced by the Pharisees is "Attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit." It is not just that Pastor John MacArthur believes that Gifts are no longer for today, he repeatedly makes a sin of generalizing that nobody in different Christian groups are saved. Sermons like, "Are Catholics Saved?," the actual sermon is titled, "The Pope and the Papacy." At the "Stange Fire Conference," October 2013, Q&A Session 1, Pastor John MacArthur made the following comment about ALL that worship with Contemporary Christian Music, (Calvary Chapel was attacked at that Conference), "They say the word Jesus, but they don't know Him, they don't know the Gospel." Pastor MacArthur has even attacked Hank H. for becoming Orthodox. It is like Pastor MacArthur did not understand his teaching on 1 John 4:1-6 at the Strange Fire Conference, (confirmed by Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 12:3, and 1 John 4:1-6), about the confession of Jesus being your LORD God as the sign if a person is a believer. Of course, he probably never reads 1 Corinthians 12 very much.
For ex-Reformed Baptist Steve Lawson, his unrepentant sin is terrible, the teaching of TULIP gives the excuse that God ordered Steve Lawson to commit adultery:
In referencing both Eph 1 and Gen 20, Dr. Zachariades says:
“God works all things according to the council of His will. Even keeping the kings who want to commit adultery from committing so. AND WHEN WE WANTS TO HE ORDERS THOSE TO COMMIT ADULTERY WHEN HE WANTS TO!”
I put the second sentence in all caps because Dr. Zachariades shouted it at the top of his lungs. Clearly, in his mind, the volume at which you state something is equal to how true it is. Especially when making God into the being that orders you to commit the sin He then punishes you for. - Reformed Baptist, Dr. Theodore Zachariades, Regressive Calvinism Soteriology 101
Costi, I am not defending your uncles, except there is a huge amount of difference in recently putting a picture from 2011 from National Enquirer, (Reformed Baptist Justin Peters did this), holding hands with Paula White, calling it a scandal, when both of them were divorced by their spouses, (Suzanne Hinn), before the picture, and doing this to justify Pastor Steve Lawson! Reformed Baptists are the pits from hell, like Steve Lawson doing a video in front of a picture of Jonathan Edwards, yes, this Christian that believes Gifts are for today has read the sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," by Jonathan Edwards, even recognized the person as Jonathan Edwars.
...and Reformed Baptists, (like G3), are contradicting themselves in writing if Pastor Steve Lawson was a member of Trinity Church!
Gods still the same, I see Jesus heal all the time.
I see educated doctors whom God has given us as a gift to advise us about our health. Of course many were deceived and pressured during COVID and re countless vaccines given to babies. That’s how I have seen God heal. Look what happens when others give diabetic children honey because they consider it a holistic food or when Jehovah Wittnesses do not allow blood transfusions and unnecessarily lose people that could live.
In Jamaica they have demonic voodoo and witch doctors in other parts of the world but NONE of that is OK with the Lord. Including cults like Mormonism.
Well i must agree, most baptis do preach a solid word or cessationist but no power. causes don't belive in the baptism of the Holy Spirit to endue them with powers for ministry!!!
So happy for him and grateful he is bold in sharing his story. The Macarthur Study Bible is truly phenomenal indeed! God is so loving and faithful to bring us through and to the truth. Amen!
Homeschooling your children is the best thing you can do.
Hyper cessationism is whacky
Steve Lawson???
@recoveredcalvinist who is not a wretched sinner? Are you,?
@ There is a huge difference between a sinner saved by Grace and a man who lived a lie for at least five years. Lawson and Benny Hinn are one and the same. Lawson has gone underground to try and repackage himself. Post Tenebras Lux!
Ask again…
@@Kay-br7by ask what again? Ask who again?
How many times can you address, and then re-address the same thing? I'm more concerned with the issues in conservative circles which are being tolerated (by G3 as well as others).
AAAMENN!!! 💯🎯 Let’s talk about how we (G3) lacked the discernment to recognize and expose the Judas we were coddling among us. Let’s talk about the sin of partiality.
@@ardadavidian6521they won’t😜
@@ardadavidian6521 I don't think anyone saw that, I don't hold that against G3 (though their response to their failure to properly vet his church membership was terrible). My concern is the woke right within reformed circles, and the elevation of a social gospel, as well as the toleration of heretics who redefine faith.
@@ethan9868 If I saw it blatantly years ago and miles away in other facets of his character, they ought to have seen it too. They either saw it but lacked the courage to rock their safe and established boats, OR they were blinded by his name, ability, and how strongly he was pounding pulpits. Personally I think it was the former, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. Not just G3, but every ministry that hired the hireling.
NOPE...if he is praising John McArthur, who is a Calvinist, a doctrine from hell, I can't listen to anything else he has to say.
You almost got it right. It should be... The dangers of cessationism. 🙂 There. I fixed it for you.
man to profit withal.
8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one spirit.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
@@susanvee2823 yes, that is what the bible says. what do you mean to say by quoting it?
The problem with guys like him, is that they alleviate any responsibility to the covenant. Jesus said seek and you’ll find, ask and you’ll receive. Fast and pray. Give generously. Do greater works than Him etc. believing God is sovereign and mysterious in His ways is wrong. There are things we do to activate our covenant blessings. Jesus said to be persistent, and never give up on anything.
If we faint not,
We will reap. These people shun the work of the Holy Ghost and anything supernatural.
Leave them lol…
show me where those things work. you have a smartphone so you should be able to catch it all on video. show me greater things that what Jesus did. we don't even know the God we claim to serve.
I believe that Benny is missing some things but, so are you. When I have gone to bring recovery to a person as it says in Mark 16:19 I am believing what God has said. That when I touch a person extending Jesus He said, they will recover. I do not blame anyone except me if they don’t get because it’s my faith not their’s. A dead man can’t have faith so it has to be me. Mark 16:20 And those going out preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, confirming the word through signs following after. I believe the church whether Protestant, Catholic, Pentecostal, or Charismatic has not spread Jesus’s true Gospel for at Least 1500 years. We fight about the gifts whether we have false prophets or apostles not Recognizing them as the foundation with Jesus Christ As Chief Cornerstone. I have a question for you is Benny Hinn driving people from Jesus Christ and not bringing people to salvation or is he like what the Corinthian Church was and we know the Corinthian Church was the most Corrupt and Had the most power of any church. And what did Paul say? I have more but my phone text needs charging.
Another danger in the church today it's called New Thought it's not new age it looks very much like Christianity with a spin. They talk about Jesus they quote scripture but it's all about finding the Divinity within one's self. a young lady who is in RUclips who came out of new age and new thought. She has a great video on what this is about one of the big influences of this Oprah Winfrey who claims to be a Christian.her name is Melissa Dougherty.
Moses camedownthemountainwiththe10commandmentsxtheywere worshiping aholdwncalf? Grafted inas gentiles theveiltornintwo?
spacebar please.
G3 believes you can't even cast out demons as a Christian, meanwhile I've been doing it for 2 and half years, if you're a Christian and you have the Holy Spirit you can cast out demons. That's according to Jesus himself, if you have a problem with that you have a problem with what Jesus is saying or you're calling him a liar.
There's so many problems with hyper cessationism, it's just as bad as hyper charismatics, yup.
I'm a continuationist because the Bible teaches it, nowhere does the bible teach cessationism at all, I'm not a hyper charismatic of course, I would say I'm a reformed charismatic, reformed in doctrine but charismatic in expression.
The point is there's abuses in all sorts of beliefs and extremes to everything, unfortunately cessationists throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Where in the Bible do we see Christians that have demons? Where is the in dwelling Holy Spirit while Christians are also possessed by demons, hiding in a corner?
Mark 16:15-18 tells us that signs WILL follow BELIEVERS. As believers, we are supposed to preach the gospel to everyone, we will cast out demons, speak in tongues, lay hands on the sick & they will recover. This is what Jesus said. Notice how He didn't say only the apostles will do these things, He said anyone who believes! That includes you and I. I've been doing it for the past 4 years because I believe Jesus!
Anyone who says casting out demons, laying hands on the sick is not for today, they are basically in opposition to Jesus and what He is trying to accomplish on earth through His church.
Ironically, you're the one throwing out the baby with the bathwater
since demons are invisible how do you know you cast out anything at all. it could still be there, right? there is no evidence of a demon. so you say some magic words and proof it's gone? if there was a demon it would have hopped out of the person and ate you. LOL
@@RobJames-j1f you realize the last verses of Mark were not in the original manuscripts, right? it was added later. study to show yourself approved.
I’ll be on this throne for a thousand years. Why talk about me?
Jim Ozman and Justin Peters are hyper cessationist
They would be classic cessationists
Definitely hyper.
I’ve read “God Doesn’t Whisper”. It is definitely hyper.
According to Ozman if you say the “Lord is leading me” it’s wrong.
That is what he says.
No, they're not hyper
So saying the Holy Spirit does not direct , lead or guide you is not hyper?
Because the Bible says he does
@@CoffeeWholeBean context is important. Also, what's the difference between hyper and classic?
Costi is still being blown around with every wind of doctrine. Like most who are seeking the right religion or denomination, they go from one false teaching to another false teaching. When you truly believe in the grace of God apart from any works, you would never be led astray with another false gospel. I've heard of people going from one religion or denomination to another many times and thinking they found the real one each time. But, the truth is, they are just being tossed around with every wind of doctrine. They never actually discovered the one and only foundation that can be laid. If you don't have the Gospel right, you got nothing. They are trying to build their house without the SURE foundation. NOBODY would ever do that!
so, what is the correct version of christianity that YOU follow since it's the right one? LOL
@curious011 I don't know how I could explain it clearer. There's only one way.
Great interview! Same God. Same Jesus. Same Holy Spirit.
Don't share your Reformed views AT ALL!
Great interview!
Calvinism is false
I'll take Jacob prasch over Johnny Mac any day. We don't correct error with error.
I remember being a young man went onbreakatwork was reading johnmcarthurs bibleyeaching aboutcwternal life likextge devilwas tempting thereallfornucatorsxiknowxyou wantthat but what was ireading he that has christ has life ok so this isxour bezt life now we have the jolyspirit sealed partakers of divine nature whenyoy are young of course you want to fornicate but decided to walk with christ rejoiced he that has christ has life
Now we havesmart phones ebolcommunications vorrupt good manners debilup onthisdevice be doisxthe holyspirit!fullfrontalattack!thedevils going down hard!!!!!glory to god
Sad for you stay sick then another fault finding "ministry" sorry you have no faith or can`t believe God
Based on that comment, we should feel sorry for you
IF you have the power to heal others, YOU have an obligation to go to every hospital near you and pull the people from their beds and command them to be healed. Are you doing that? or is it that everyone but you has no faith? not everyone is healed. that is utter stupidity.
@@curious011 Well for Gods sake don`t every pray and believe for the healing of a loved one it might not be Gods will. And yes I`ve prayed and with witnesses by the laying on of hands, by the authority of the Name of Jesus, had a quadriplegic man get out of his wheelchair and with help use his arms and legs to walk. He had been that way for 7 years. The nurses at this facility FLIPPED OUT two we led to salvation and another young married couple wanted Jesus. We went back the next day to check on Jerry and the home said Jerry was picked up that morning. Jerry was 57. Another time I prayed for a friend who said his adult daughter Believed that Jesus could heal her she suffered from scoliosis of spine . We prayed and as she Believed she Received. She immediately ran to the hallway and laughing praising god did somersaults. Ok want anther I was delivering a stove to a woman and her adult son she were already at the open front door she started to motion me to follow her and she pointed to her Ears and conveyed she was almost completely deaf then our eyes locked met and she said (and I don`t know how she knew.) "will you pray for me" of course not once thinking "If it`s God`s Will " She had Faith to reach out and Believe . Not by my faith alone but in conjunction with her Faith, I layed hands on her ears and told the deafness to leave "INTHE NAME of JESUS" she started crying with joy her son came from back room and she said i can hear , the son said he was a backslid Christian started crying as well .Does everyone I`ve prayed for get instantly healed no, sometimes it`s process over time. However the will of God is always to heal. The New Testament the 4 gospels the words of Jesus are clear. some methods are strange Jesus spit in the ground made clay later on after man washed he received his sight. Faith come by Hearing and Hearing by the word of God !
This must be Satan's preacher ahead of the coming revival. Healing is a reward for becoming sanctified and casting out your demons. It can also be a confirmation of the Gospel message. Those of you who speak against it are speaking against the Holy Spirit. The unforgivable sin.
Please give scripture to back up your statement.
I thank my God i speak in tongues more than you all.
Good, I hope you have an interpreter. And no, the Holy Spirit isn't the interpreter.😮 Tongues never was gibberish either. Go reread the 2nd chapter of Acts. It just may open your eyes to the truth of tongues.😊
For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for “no one” understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
If someone doesn't want to speak in tongues, or acknowledge the supernatural gifts of the Spirit, it does not affect me at all. When we stand before God, we will find out if His Scriptures were true, if He was ever changeable. In this life, God's mercy will let us believe anything. Believing Scripture is endlessly true is a choice. Did God repent of gifts and callings? We will, one day, find out.
And what tongues would they be?
Follow Holy Spirit and with discernment follow men of God you know God has connected you with. If you know Holy Spirit, meaning you have relationship with God, then you would know who is being deceived. I don’t agree with Costi
Well if it was the case that you only needed to know the Holy Spirit and follow Him to know who is deceiving and being deceived, then we would have a lot less people being deceived. But so many people are still deceived by people like Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn. People who really do love God, they do, but they believe lies still. They do know the Holy Spirit but they believe the lies of these men. By this logic, it would mean that anyone who is deceived by these men, does not know the Holy Spirit and therefore isn't saved. That means that the stadiums of these men is filled with people who are not saved. That's not the case, there are genuine Christians in those stadiums who are just deceived.
@ do you really listen to the thoughts about these things you are commenting? What makes you think Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn are deceiving people?
I can see that. The Spirit is not telling anyone anything apparently because you can't tell what is the Spirit and what is not. the charismatic church can't even figure out what God they serve. too busy running around falling down, yelling in gibberish and falsely prophesying stupidity over people. clean your house and then we can talk.
Unfortunately now Costi is being decieved by the Calvinists. Hopefully he will also grow out of it.
I'm not sure being reformed is bad?
@soulz2003 if you believie in Calvinism its bad. Not all Reformed beluevers are Calvinist although Calvinists have claimed the Reformed title for themselves.
You have part of that backwards. Calvinism is a subset of Reformed. “Reformed” includes Calvinism along with older, non-Dispensationalist interpretation of Revelation, and sometimes a Covenant Theology that sometimes includes infant baptism (although they don’t believe baptism saves like Catholics do).
The main alternative is Arminianism / Wesleyanism, which dominates Methodist, Nazarene, half of Anglican/Episcopal, half of Baptist, and Pentecostal /Charismatic churches. Extreme Arminians embrace the heresy of Pelagianism.
Strict Calvinism goes too far one way; Arminianism goes WAY too far the other way. There are degrees of Calvinism. Ironically, many of the most angry opponents of Calvinism owe much of what they believe to Calvin.
One deception leading to another déception
Did you watch the video
So these satsnic celberties thesecrockicons etc likethebeatles johnlennonsaudxtgebeatkeswere bigger thanjesus christ ? Nope neither isxthedevil !!!
Greg luarie ahuge preacher?ahugefanof the beatles!!!aswell gerg johnlennon sold his soultothedevil he blasphemed jesuschrist pastor greg!!!!
People worship dports stars rockstars inchristwedontworship thespeaker thstwas onthetadio theholyspirit was conducting his buisness!!!
no one can read your comments if you don't discover the space bar.
@@curious011 Lol…it’s pretty bad.
Speaking in tongues and being slain in The Holy Spirit IS REAL; but the problem is with seeking THESE experiences more than just drawing closer to God and seeking His face. Don’t speak against the acts of The Holy Ghost-this is dangerous territory.
One problem “the church” has is believing God for things for oneself-instead of believing Him for things that expand the Gospel. We seek a better more comfy life here on earth whilst believing this earth is not our home. It would be like going camping-and building a mansion in the wilderness-we are not going to stay there-we are going HOME one day-if we believe The Truth
Being under the power of Satan is real also.
What Bible verse confirms being "slain in the Spirit?"
Your priorities are right, but your pneumatology is cronked. Every time people fell down in the scriptures, it was either a voluntary act of worship or a sign of judgment. Nobody today speaks in tongues as defined in scriptures. Both are worked-up emotional experiences today.
You say it’s dangerous to speak against (carnal imitations of) biblical gifts. The unforgivable sin was attributing to Satan the testimony that the Holy Spirit gave to Christ’s identity through empowering Christ’s miracles. By extension, it meant rejecting Christ Himself. That is what made it unforgivable. No Cessationist rejects Christ or the Spirit’s testimony about Christ.
You cannot separate tongues and slaying from the false prophets for whom tongues and “slaying” were entry-level “gifts.” I say it’s a lot more dangerous to misapply scripture and ascribe fleshly displays to the Holy Spirit.
@@ricksonora6656I couldn't have said it any better praise Jesus !
so if we don't believe your version of the gospel you threaten us with the wrath of God. ?Charismatics cant figure out if Jesus is God or THEY are gods. not everyone is healed, in fact almost NO ONE IS. the tongues are gibberish, period. the interpretations are jokes that exalt humanity and other mindless stupidity that contradicts the Bible and the falling out in the spirit happens all the time in most every cult in the world. for heavens sake, figure out the lies and the mindless stupidity and then get back to me with what the bible actually says and not what happens at charismatic church services. and please for goodness sake stop with the false prophecies.
If you would pray in tongues, you would hear, see, say, do what charismatics hear, see, say and do. When you speak in tongues it is the mysteries talked about in God's Word. Your problem is, you have God in a box.
you cant put God in a box neither do you get to take his word and say it means something it doesn't say. and plenty of people speak a tongue and do we know what it all means YET? no, we don't we are as stupid as we were yesterday and the years before.
Somebody thst blasphened jesuschrist greg lusriecyouahugefan!!!!!