+iliden strmrege The hardware is alright. Definately not good. They pair and i7 with an OEM GTX 745 and want to charge $1000 for it (Prices in my country are inflated to hell and back.)
L.A.G oh, i didn't even have a look at those, only at the GTX 970/080/080 Ti builds. For the price of an Alienware with a 980 Ti I could probably make an 980 Ti SLI build and water cool the whole thing.
my friend bought a alienware x51 with a i5 3330 and 6gb ddr3 1333mhz ram and gt 640 1gb for £800 and i bought my pc parts witch are i7 6700k gtx 760 16gb 3200mhz ddr4 ram msi z170a pc mate and a cooler master haf x for £722
2 years ago I needed a laptop for school. My mom called me from Best Buy asking which one to get and I told her to ask them for a gaming laptop. They sold her a MacBook Air smh. Edit: I was more laughing at how Best Buy employees sold her a MacBook Air either thinking it was good for gaming or just straight up selling MacBooks to meet a quota. That was a good laptop though
MakiPlayz yea fr I just saved up all my money and built my first pc by myself, then my brother got jealous and asked for a ps4 and my parents got him one no questions asked. I just can’t see my self taking my parents money like that, it just doesn’t feel right
Atleast your mom has money to buy you one. I only built my gaming pc after months of 8 dollars an hour ,break your back work. Be more grateful, please. Did you even tell your mother thank you?
I expected to be choking on my own vomit, but it's actually a pretty good half assed pc. Also OEM Windows goes for $100? what oem windows have i been buying of G2A all these years?
Last time i was at best buy and there was a pc that was running minecraft, and i was like "could i test some other games" and an employee was like "you wouldn't want too" 30fps.
Now, now, that's no way to refer to your PS4 or XBOX one. I mean, think about all it does for you. On the bright side, It allows you to play video games (yeah at shitty 20-30 fps, in checkerboard fake 4k, but hey, atleast you GET to play games right?)
Brendin Lloyd my question is what generation i5 or i7 and what do you mean everyday tasks, an i3 will be enough for most people, an i7 is for video for rendering tasks, if you want a faster computer get an ssd and get faster and bigger storage ram
Ministry of Indoctrination I'd require some sort of certification to work for me if I ran a corporate tech company. Salespeople in large companies should know what their talking about.
He might have been implying that even for a "normal" person she's probably smarter than the average "normal" person. Which makes sense, because my exwife actually knows more about investments and retirement plans than your typical small business owner who works in Pet care does because she picked up a lot of stuff from being married to me. I'm guessing his wife has picked up a lot from him as well about hardware and computers.
+Baraka That is, if you replace your motherboard. How I see it, a regular key isn't any more "worth it" than an OEM key. Only as a PC enthusiast I would buy a regular key.
yes yes, it is the teleprompter button. they have a button to skip to the next page to read the script. although i wonder if they never thought of using a pedal instead.
+StoreBrand i paid for a dell 8400 for 1200 ish back in the day how do you think i feel , i am not upgrading my machine till i can buy a computer with what ever i have in my pocket (jelly bean, a toothpick, bit of lose coins, and a pack of gum)
the fucking 1000$ desktops with I7 cpus and Intel HD gpus are fucking bullshit in fact I've seen some with I 5s go for 1000$ without gpus. most if them were HP.
+Luna Pacheco I didnt say that a 1000$ laptop has to be a gaming one.but certainly if you pay that much for a laptop it has to come with a gpu.if you use one for work you can get a great ssd laptop for 500-700$.
Say what? YOu can buy an 8 dollar usb flash drive and get the .iso windows 10 file off of microsoft website for free,,, buy on ebay the cd key for 10-25 and you saved a lot of money,,, who the f- buys a windows in a store for over 90 dollars anymore...... well, only the uninformed do... damn casuals!! PCMR Biach! XD so much for important factor
@@tommyn65 There are even legit websites that sell cd keys for windows under 20 bucks, like kinguin, its not stolen, you can't steal something that exists in the digital void/matrix. In a way you could say the same sht about other things, it's called reselling, somehow someone had to get it but doesnt need it so resalling. Are you implying if I have a car for 100k and I resell it for less that it's stolen because I am reslling it on a website for say 20k? no...
Why do prebuilt gaming PCs have extremely powerful CPUs but lame GPUs? Here in germany we have an electronics store called "Expert" and they wanted to sell me a PC with 16 fucking GB of RAM, 4 TB HDD space and an i7 4700. But they had a GTX 745 in it :D
+StarTrek123456 Germany is HORRIBLE when it comes to prebuilt PCs....Go to Medion if you're bored or take a look at their website. They are selling an i7-4790 (non k),GTX 980,16gb ram,256gb SSD,2TB HDD PC for 1900€ i7-6700(non k),GTX 980ti,32gb RAM,512GB SSD,2TB HDD for 3500€
+StarTrek123456 most prebuilts are "meant for the office" and most of them are cpu/ram intensive and aslong as you dont have integrated graphics it will work well for those uses/ It's when the "SUPER GAMING PC 9000" doesnt have a good GPU that you should worry.
+StarTrek123456 tell me about it. In fact tell fucking alienware.........$1200-2000 computers with i7's and gtx 745's.........then they charge you an extra $660 to upgrade from a gtx 745 to a gtx 760 oem.......what a fucking joke.
my first "gaming" computer was a Dell P3 600MHz and Geforce 256 AGP. I don't even remember how little ram was in it (500mb?). I did, however, cut a window in it, and paint it blue and silver. Was so much faster after I did that, it would play UT99 and quake like a champ. That computer was probably older than most of the people posting replies here.
+Voytek You're right, looks like a typo on the 370. If you add up everything it comes to a higher total price than the $1025 they show, so the GPU has to be cheaper than they list it in the video.
My friend actually went to Best Buy, asked for a gaming PC and bought what they showed him lol. It played Minecraft at 30 FPS. That was his first decent computer. Now he has a custom rig that I helped him build with an i5 4690k, and a GTX 970. He's bawlin' in frames now.
Shows how stupid some people can be. Almost wherever you go, they'll give you a "gaming" pc that has an awesome cpu but a shitty gpu because processors are apparently 4x more important than gpu for gaming :|
+Jumah Khan I've noticed it for a long time now, but never knew what it would be... But guess it would be to scroll the script. Thanks for solving my questions! =]
every time I watch the PC videos I get closer to just selling all my consoles and games to build a kick ass PC. currently I just use a Asus rog 501jw I got as a gift
About to buy one with a gtx 1070 core i5 6600k. All for 1000$. It is somehow better than what I was going to build, and costs less, so I guess I'm just going to buy pre built haha.
nothing wrong with pre-built imo. my asus rog handles most games at hd around 50-60fps . the only reason why i want to truly get into pc gaming my building my own pc is to run vr
2SidedTech the problem with prebuilt is it's just not good money management. sure it's easier (not really imo but many people think so) but it's always more expensive.
Thanks for the video Linus! I'm working my first job at Best Buy currently and I always thought like the masses do that Best Buy controlled this and does that and rips people off because its all so expensive, but in reality, PC parts cost that much and its not up to Best Buy, but the manufacturers themselves. People often seem to get that confused and get mad at us sales reps and its disappointing to see the confusion and despair of the customers. Happy to say the consultants at my store are always on top of things and we in the computing department know exactly what we are talking about no matter what we are talking about. One of our guys is in the top 10 people for the company :D
How is he a douche? He stated the fact that they couldn't assemble it themselves at that price point... so it looks to be good VFM. Are the facts hurting you?
I actually thought the same thing until I started looking into it and realized I would have saved about 100 bucks on nearly the exact computer if I'd gotten it at best buy in the first place. I actually applied for a sales job at best buy after that, and I'm now a computer sales rep. I love people coming in asking about gaming computers. It's absolutely my forte.
Alright guys, this is my current rig: CPU: tigerbrain GPU: gorilla brain RAM: ram brain Motherboard: Snorlax Cooling: somebody who exhales in my computer SSD: 512mb SD Card Wiring: strings Case: lunchbox It can run GTA VI on max settings 9001fps.
I got an older generation Asus MC-32 off amazon for $432 USD, it had a 300 watt and no graphics card but all else was the same. I dropped in 8 gigs of Kingston ram, a 2 tb hard drive, a Zotac Nvidia 1050 TI, migrated it to a new case and put in five lit fans. Payed a total of like $730 USD. I am very well pleased. It worked out of the box, and let me spend my time buying parts as I needed them, and it has played everything I've thrown at it without a hitch.
This is on vessel and is going to be published to youtube soon. i guess the link got leaked somehow, so we can see the unlisted video. someone posted the link on the PCMR Subreddit
the names rick just rick Yes, with those small fans and no sound insulation it will be quite loud. My Define R2 is under my desk, and I can't hear it over the ambient noise.
+the names rick just rick ////// If you just use it for officeapplications than the answer is probably "Nope". If you use hardwareintensive programms, the case can actually matter. Starting with noiseissues all the way to overheating. If you just game than overheating is normally not an issue. But lets say you are into Animations or simply editing and rendering, overheating can be an issue. Then you have asthetics, some people pay more for looks. Also its more likely that if you upgrade your rig, you want to use the old case unless its rubbish. So lets say you pay 250€ for a case, but you can use that case for like 10 years without any problems, than its a good investment, but if you buy 3 cases in 10 years thats a bad investment. Just like GPUs and CPUs, do you really need the 980 ti right now? Probably not, but you will be able to use that longer than a 950. PCs are all about investments. A normal user wont need all the newest hardware there is right now, but do you wanna spend 600€ in 5 years in a onetime payment, or 800€ in 5 years in multiple payments bc you need to upgrade again. So simple answer to your question, a case actually does matter. Compare it to a car, you wont buy the motor of a ferrari and put it into a Opel carframe. And with current hardwareprices you could buy a car for the price of the highend PCs
While there is a lot of pride and learning that can come from building your own PC, if you are just entering the game, you can absolutely buy a pre-made rig.
I'm not surprised. Places like Best Buy generally sell big ticket items like computers at or near cost, or even lower for sales. They make their money with add on services like extended warranties and on accessories which have a significant markup.
It's always worth checking what's inside the pre-built and then checking what the separate parts would cost you. Occasionally, you might get a great deal on something.
+Commander Steel I was about the pull the trigger on building my own pc when I saw the M32 for $100 off on sale. Looked at the parts, than bought the PC the next day.
I worked at Best Buy in Canada for a long time. I was friends with everyone in just about every section of the store. TRUST ME. No one there has any idea what they are talking about more so than the average person walking around on the street. Don't rely on the sales rep to know anything. They are being paid to SELL. Honestly, you would be much better off educating yourself online through forums and RUclips videos. If you don't believe me, try it. Find out everything you can on a certain product. Go to a Best Buy, and ask the person working there about it. 100% of the time they have no fucking idea what they are talking about. In my store, I was literally the only one who knew the ins and outs of the department I was working in. It's a rarity.
+The Destroyer I use to work at Best Buy as well. They made me work in the back because I knew too much about computers. I always ended up helping customers when putting stuff away. I saved so many people $100's of dollars. You don;t need an i7 ultrabook with 3 year protection plan to check facebook. Oh, I also told them to buy cables and accessories online if they didn't mind waiting for shipping. $60 for a rocketfish cable? Eat me. Staff discount was cost +5%, I got the $60 cables for $5. I understand they have to markup products to make money, but from $5 to $60, that's just stealing.
that may have been the case in your store but it just depends on where you go. there are those "diamond in the rough" salesmen that are going to college for a computer engineering degree and know about computers. I honestly don't use the CRW and just talk with them. obviously you don't need a 900 dollar computer for Facebook and that is what I tell them, the markup on the cables is pretty crazy I will admit, but unless someone specifically wants a 900 to 1200 dollar laptop for just Facebook I probably won't even mention it. Also to say you are the only one to know anything at your store is a bit harsh but I can say the same about my store except there is like one person in each department that knows their shit. we both just happen to be diamonds in the rough
lol, Linus is missing the point the less savvy shopper would have not even gotten a video-card instead they would of believe what the first sales guy told them.
I want to buy a gaming pc but I’m not a pc gamer and do t have a clue where to start. I almost bought a Best Buy pc tonight but thought I’d watch a couple videos before I bought it. Glad I waited.
I know I'm super late to this video, but I find it funny how people don't understand that this video is in canadian dollars. $600 usd is close to 800 cad and it'll probably run for more here since retailers won't just directly convert the prices.
Please tell me what the joke is because this case is actually a serious candidate in my list (first time buying a case, I've only ever swapped stuff in and out of my old one)
T B6 nothing is wrong with the case, he is just asking if he can run games on a 4K resolution and all settings on ultra with just a pc consisting of only a case. That is the joke.
Asus is pretty-much the only respectable prebuilt-manufacturer left. A computer from any other company would be an overpriced tax-filing boat-anchor. Avoid Acer (and DON'T get them mixed-up with Asus), avoid Dell, avoid Gateway (iirc they don't make PC's anymore anyway), avoid HP, avoid Origin, avoid Lenovo, avoid Alienware especially, but if it's Asus it might not be too bad, but I'd buy one fucking anywhere besides Best Buy.
Razer makes (mostly) respectable laptops. The Blade stealth kills it in the $1k ultrabook range and has great value, the Blade is overpriced but great for $1800, but the blade pro is about $2000 too expensive for the average laptop owner.
I actually bought this same system (refurbished) on amazon last year before seeing this video for $400 usd. bought a second matching 8gb stick ddr4 used ebay $30. caught a pny 240 ssd on sale bestbuy for $50. then this year upgraded video to an asus gtx 1070 dual $364 from jet. plays everything i have thrown at it so far. Tower: skylake i5-6400 gtx 1070oc 16gb ddr4 240gb ssd 1tb hdd dvd burner wifi ac bluetooth multi-card reader Win 10 Dont think I did bad
JoeAceJR I mean it's not uncommon for gaming PCs, that could actually be underpowered in certain scenarios CPU wise. My home built pc has an Intel i7-7700K, GeForce GTX 970, 28 GB DDR3 RAM, a 500 GB SSD for OS and normal apps and a 1 TB HDD for games. I have a USB WiFi adapter. It cost me $1200 at the time but even it can get up to 80-90% usage in some scenarios. His computer could definitely throttle out
lol, i have some shitty all in one desktop i was told is "amazing" and "can play alot of games". its a 20 inch monitor yet i can oly run games in 720p without it lagging
Be happy for your 800 $ PC. I've got an 800 $ LAPTOP amd A10 - 5750 2.5 ghz cough cough and dual graphics 8650g + 8670m 1.7GB Vram and 12 gb ram, no clue why i needed that much ram.
Do you know if I can just swap the Motherboard out or is it case specific? Because I googled the mobo and it seemed to be a regular micro atx mobo. Thanks in advance
i got a prebuilt from walmart when i was a kid and then i upgraded it over the years sense 2010. modding minecraft back then on pc taught me everything about computers
You should take a look at the off-the-shelf 'gaming' PCs at Harvey Norman here in Australia. Their best unit has just one GTX 980 (not a Ti) and costs over FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS.
+DylanDesign NoNoNo... My local pc store in the ACT with a best buy market sells "gaming rigs" With an i3 4100, 8GB ddr3 1330mhz, 2tb hdd, A cheap case with a built in 350WPSU with a GTX750 for....... $1500!!! What. The. Fuck.
+DylanDesign You talking about the lenovo-y900-gaming-desktop? Yeah component wise looks like around AU $2500 worth maybe? But there are specifications missing, like the PSU is not listed, or the motherboard, or what type of ram/SSD/HDD. Selling for AU $3997
I went to best buy and a guy asked for a gpu and the sales guy was like "We have Nvidia and AMD, but I would personally NEVER buy AMD." guy buying goes "mhm" then the sales guy goes "They are just failing as a company right now. Thats just how it is." I barely stopped myself from going over there and bopping the sales guy on the head with one of the display keyboards.
+RagingPanda102 "They are just failing as a company right now. Thats just how it is." you should have told him. "well with people like you no wonder they are failing". #translation of the sales rep#. "i like green nvidia and hate red amd, you should too"
Not a reason to avoid buying their products but the rep is right AMD is failing as a company, they are hemorrhaging hundreds of millions of dollars per quarter.
+haloShAdOwSnIpE Microsoft actually allow you to download Windows 10 from the website and use it without using a key you have 30days before it say get a key but you don't need one you will just have a water mark at the bottom saying activate windows 10 witch BTW you can disable thought reg-edit
that is soo true , since graphics card prices are so high when buying it as standalone , but "older" prebuild systems did not get any price bumps lately (because of mining), their prices even went down a bit, so yea, very strange situation where you can buy a laptop with 1060 6gb and i7 for the same price as building a new pc (with monitor) for the same price , which was impossible just a year ago ..
+Gaming247412 And you can get cases for far less. i'm an insane cheapskate so i get my cases as whole pc's at the thrift shop and sell the internals. 7.50 or less for a case m8. often they're pretty fancy too, one looked like one of those fancy cases with a 100% flat front(buttons on top) and the other one had an LCD screen that showed temps.
Durpy Panduh Yup lol and my friends who are obsessed with PC say that PC will save money in the long run (they calculate cost of Xbox live and the cost of games). I'm not the one who has to upgrade my console every other month
i bought an almost top of the line PC in 2010/2011 (2500k/6950) and i haven't upgraded since. it still serves me well. it's still better than a PS4/xbone.
You really don't have to upgrade every month, not even close really. Also you save much more money from services like steam and g2a, so yes it is cheaper in the long run.
Saga We don't have to, but usually games get an upgrade big enough that spending that money makes you go from minimum specs to at least high settings. Example: I've been playing with my gtx970 at high-ultra. But I will probably upgrade in a couple years to get the Gtx 1180 whenever it comes out so i still play in ultra, and probably in a 144hz 1440p monitor aswell.
If the objective is "budget" then you can get a 40-60$ case with a 40$ PSU easily and have something that's a bit more reliable. I feel like the bigger mistake here is going for an ATX build instead of an mATX build, since micro ATX motherboards/cases are signifcantly cheaper than full ATX.
OK, a year ago, I bought a factory recon Dell desktop with an Intel i7-4790 cpu, with 16gb DDR3 ram and a 1Tb hd for under $500 off of ebay. I added a dual head Nvidia GT218 (NVS300) video card, a more beefy 500W PS to replace the Dell's 300W unit, and a 128gb SSD to hold the system and swap areas. My home partition is on the factory 1TB disk which came with Windows-8 on it, which I wiped and installed Linux Mint 17. (The system was named "ThePenguinInTheDell" on my LAN). Not bad for a general purpose home desktop, and fast enough for my software development activities. No it's NOT a gaming machine, but I do have dual Dell U2412M 23" monitors, lots of screen area.
I bought a Best Buy pc but I did a ton of research and waited for the best time to go get it and I am happy I did it, I should of made it myself but I don’t know how to.
Do the math. It's impossible to lie. The spec is the spec and the price is the price. Also why would I lie? Best Buy had nothing to do with this video and I even paid for the computer.
+LinusTechTips I did the math and you can build a much better pc for under $800 if you'd like simply go to pcpartpicker.com and bam, you will quickly find out how right I am, but you know that Linus, I've been watching you for years and have seen nearly everyone of your videos, I think maybe you got lucky with that one computer to get so close to a decent value but still you can get better parts and build it your self, but I work with computers for a living so maybe for those that don't have my kind of knowledge of computers might find building a computer yourself scary so in that case yes that computer would be a tad better price, but hell find a friend buy them pizza and I'm sure they would be happy to help, so don't tell me to do the math when you and I both know that thing will never last as well as self built computer and the upgradability is total shit and the cooling is shit and it's ugly so I'd rather spend less for something that looks, cools, and performs better that crap
+caleb m Your build, in Canadian dollars, which is what Linus was using: $1260.69 Or, in other words, you can build a better PC if you have almost $300 dollars more to work with. Who knew?
"Oh I wonder why this best buy PC runs better than the one I built for cheaper" Linus says as he replaces the vastly superior i5 6400 with a literal piece-of-ass AMD 6-core that can't even beat an i3 6100. I truly don't understand how he came to this outcome sane.
Hey! That's my ASUS tower I bought! The red one at 1:08! Bought it from Memory Express two years ago because I couldn't build the same thing for the price I paid for it. works great, but no space to up grade...
I purchased a gaming PC IBuyPower i7 8700 with GeForce gigabyte 2070 & 1TB SSD for $1249 from BB. When I priced everything in it, I would’ve spent around $1300 plus now I can deal with one entity for warranty issues. Granted this was on sale for $300 off and I managed to squeak out another $50 off it’s still not a bad deal.
I won't buy a pre-made desk top PC ever again. I only want in my computer what I put in there. Last pc I got was a laptop with WIndows 8 and it was loaded with a bunch a shitware and I'm pretty sure desk tops are too.
+psovegeta That's why the first thing you do with a prebuilt is wipe and reinstall Windows, or in my case, wipe and install Windows + Linux as a dual-boot setup. Windows for games, Linux for everything else. Use each to their strengths.
***** Well prebuilt towers really aren't recommended and I highly doubt you bought a $479 tower that can play anything. It cost them less than $450 to make that themselves.
I got a steal in my opinion. CPU: Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.8GHz GPU: Radeon HD 6870 OC 1GB SSD: Samsung 850 250 GB HDD: Hitachi 7200RPM 1TB PSU: 625watt all for $320
The first "Gaming Computer" that I had just had an A10 6700 in it, for 600 dollars and no monitor. I wish that I knew about iBuyPower, Cyber Power, or something like that back then. ;-;
Weega Why would you pay more for a card that will get clocked down vs the 250. Dual Graphics clockes the higher end Graphics Card to the lowests ones clock speed.
LOL mine had an a8 something it was terrible it had 4 cores and I overclocked it from 2,4 to 3,6 ghz and it didn't help at all, it was still slow I upgraded in the meantime and never getting pre built ever again
Actually Bestbuy has stepped up a little bit. You can actually get an alright PC from there as long as you know what you are looking for. I got a dinosaur PC running FX 6300 8 gigs ddr 3 R9 270 OC. I still have that same unit since 2013 was a budget build but the over locking abilities on those devices have made it a worth while keep especially with all the expensive parts nowadays due to mining. I have been an AMD fanboy since 2006 and have peeked over the fence lately. Bought the wife a computer at Bestbuy recently. Good breathable case with lots of fan options it came with an i7 7700 (non k) 16 gigs of ram and a GTX GeForce 1060 3g version for 999.00 on sale. Also came with SSD 120 GB and a Western digital blue 1 TB Asus 24” 1ms 144 MHz refresh rate Nvidia ready TN monitor and some funky brand gaming keyboard and mouse. There is so much you can add to this unit and even in this bare bones state I guess it’s safe to say her new PC blows mine out of the water.
well, I understand to a point. I am using a laptop drive in my gaming rig since my 3.5" died on me. But 3.5" drives run around 100mbits per second. SSDs run around 400mbits per second. SSHD's are not much more expensive than HDDs and are around 200mbits per second.
i did the same thing in 2015. i asked for a gaming pc at best buy and they sold me a asus m32bc. it had a amd fx 8310 cpu , a 2gb asus card, and a 2tb 7500 rpm hdd. shortly after buying it i bought a additional 8gb of ram and a amd rx 480 4 gb gpu and a evga 600w psu. here we are in 2020 and im able to still handle most games at high settings at a playable 30-60 fps. my board has 2 pcie slots and the 2nd one has a wifi card that came with the computer. also it has 4 ram slots. 2020 and still going.
Got a similar unit back when the haswells were being replaced for like $600CAD at Staples and it included Windows 7 Pro so I qualified for the free windows 10 pro upgrade when it came out. It's still going strong (although I've got 16GB ram in there now, a better psu, a better gpu and added an SSD drive) but I would have been hard pressed to build anything even close to it for that price at the time that had an OS included.
+cobra60six Usually it's a feature of the cheapest C-Media USB headset oriented chipset. It pretends to be a multichannel soundcard but then it mixes down to stereo, with whatever passes for HRTF (i think just a mild high pass, delay) for the rear channels. I don't really remember whether it's a hardware or driver feature, i think driver. Ultimately, it's just a free bullet point that the manufacturers can put on their product to attract buyers. For game use, in-game headphone oriented mixdown is going to be much more exact but often sounds less roomy than 7-channel speaker mixdown mixed down to stereo. It also allows to salvage 7-channel mixes in some DVD players, i suppose. I can't say too many good things about C-Media. Certainly if carefully designed, OK sounding soundcards can be built with the chipset, or even excellent sounding but expensive and bulky if the internal DAC and ADC is bypassed altogether, but they are finicky with modes and sampling rates. And most end up being quite shitty. Like mentioned, multi-speaker headphones exist, but then you don't have room for a nice fullrange speaker even, so they aren't all that good and are a rare exception.
8 лет назад
+Flat4Buggy 2 There is no such thing as true 5.1 surround sound headphones what your experiencing is virtual surround sound they place the speakers so the sound bouncing around and gives you the 5.1 effect but it's not true surroundsound.
+PROPHET GAME Why buy a case? Go to your local post office and grab a bunch of boxes and buy a box cutter for $3 and go arts and crafts on that shit 'til it'll hold a mobo off the ground. Then spend $20 more on the GPU. Drop Windows for Linux and spend that $50-100 extra on the GPU. Keep cutting back until you don't even wanna look at your $850 rig with a 980 Ti stuck to a hunk of silicon with a joke of a processor sitting in it powered by hope and cooled by gravity
bottom line for me is: do NOT purchase ANYTHING affiliated with alienware, that garbage highway robbery scumbag company, with their shitty cheap Photoshop alien logo and con-artist tech support. Anyway, my friend is rich as fuck and his parents, (being ignorant parents), bought him a $1000 computer and it had like an i5 cpu (Not exactly sure which exact i5) along with a gtx 750ti. does that seem like a ripoff to anyone else?
TheBanjoShow here in Malaysia, almost all gaming laptop with geforce gtx 950 gpu will get on that price. Yeh. For desktop, i dont really know. Because we mostly bought laptops, but not me of course. PC MR!!
This isn't true. Alienware has some laptops that are amazing for their price. I personally stick with msi, but Alienware builds SOLID laptops that don't break mechanically, and also have great specs.
Hey, that's my PC. (Although my specific model is a beefier version of this.) Best Buy is still selling it (as of late 2017.) I've been using it for the past few years without upgrades and haven't had any complaints from it. PC master race can suck it.
Just make sure you get the highest priced HDMI cables that block all them viruses.
Don't forgot the gold headphone jacks for better "audiophile-ness"
I spendz 1000$ dolluz un d hdmi cabule wid viruz protectuion..I doze gud senpai?
+lakib adhikari FUCK off you Fucking weeb, you're not funny at all
+Bryn Then ^
I think the most gaming PCs at Best buy are called 'gaming' pcs because they have an LED fan and a flashy case.
Pretty much the same tactic Alienware uses.
well Alienware pc's got good hardware but at a way too high price.
+iliden strmrege The hardware is alright. Definately not good. They pair and i7 with an OEM GTX 745 and want to charge $1000 for it (Prices in my country are inflated to hell and back.)
oh, i didn't even have a look at those, only at the GTX 970/080/080 Ti builds.
For the price of an Alienware with a 980 Ti I could probably make an 980 Ti SLI build and water cool the whole thing.
my friend bought a alienware x51 with a i5 3330 and 6gb ddr3 1333mhz ram and gt 640 1gb for £800 and i bought my pc parts witch are i7 6700k gtx 760 16gb 3200mhz ddr4 ram msi z170a pc mate and a cooler master haf x for £722
it's hard to be poor and watch LTT videos
+Daniel Lee i cri evrtim
+Daniel Lee i dont seem to have a problem
+Daniel Lee I know right! One can dream.
I know that feel...
+269thatguy im 15, its illegal for me to work...
2 years ago I needed a laptop for school. My mom called me from Best Buy asking which one to get and I told her to ask them for a gaming laptop. They sold her a MacBook Air smh. Edit: I was more laughing at how Best Buy employees sold her a MacBook Air either thinking it was good for gaming or just straight up selling MacBooks to meet a quota. That was a good laptop though
I’m a year late to to this comment
That is a pretty big oof.
entitled af
MakiPlayz yea fr I just saved up all my money and built my first pc by myself, then my brother got jealous and asked for a ps4 and my parents got him one no questions asked. I just can’t see my self taking my parents money like that, it just doesn’t feel right
Atleast your mom has money to buy you one. I only built my gaming pc after months of 8 dollars an hour ,break your back work. Be more grateful, please. Did you even tell your mother thank you?
I expected to be choking on my own vomit, but it's actually a pretty good half assed pc. Also OEM Windows goes for $100? what oem windows have i been buying of G2A all these years?
+Robbaz My master, we meet again
Robbaz :O
+Robbaz Most of those cheap keys are student keys. People get those for free from school and then sell them.
+Robbaz hai robbaz love the content
"Get wrecked as the kids say" 👏🏼
+Jonathan Morrison went Donald Trump doing the can can on that like button right then.
Get rekt*
Love your videos fam.
lel rekt.
Last time i was at best buy and there was a pc that was running minecraft, and i was like "could i test some other games" and an employee was like "you wouldn't want too"
Experience But can it run Roblox?
AHAHAHAHAH made my day looool
superman30814life laughing out out out out loud doesn't make sense LOL
You’re either lying or it was a completely shit pc with no gpu
-K R Y P T O- or it may just be a joke
i have a 4 slot toaster with 2 four to one level heat adjusters a 600 watt power supply and the case is silver its so nice
Wow you have 4 slots?! Mine only has two :(
I need a gaming toaster upgrade
Now, now, that's no way to refer to your PS4 or XBOX one. I mean, think about all it does for you. On the bright side, It allows you to play video games (yeah at shitty 20-30 fps, in checkerboard fake 4k, but hey, atleast you GET to play games right?)
preston garvey my toater has eight slots for toast. I think I should stop buying extra large toasters since I can't eat toast
preston garvey lit
preston garvey
Silver or chrome..?
Best Buy be like "If it's got an i7, it'll max out any game".
+Kakyoin Noriaki "yeah like the gt 730 is better than a titan x. that doesn't even have numbers!"
+Nick Gregory the case looks more athestically pleasing its more powerful than that other computer. BestBuy
+Eric istooop lmao
+Nick Gregory Best buy be like, "It's got an i7, your day to day tasks will be noticeably faster than this i5"
Brendin Lloyd my question is what generation i5 or i7 and what do you mean everyday tasks, an i3 will be enough for most people, an i7 is for video for rendering tasks, if you want a faster computer get an ssd and get faster and bigger storage ram
What can my pc run? Specs:
-can heat up food
-can defrost
-has a glass plate inside which rotates
Hmm, can probably load up RUclips comments fast enough to copy them.
u can cook pizza on High at 60rpm
underrated reply oliver
uh you can play the game pizza.
step 1 put pizza in microwave
step 2 slam it shut
step 3 turn on your beast pc
Probably could play Heat Up Bread Made by Bossa Studios. Fairly low settings tho... and make sure you clean the glass plate out every now and then.
"there's no difference between a gaming PC and a normal PC just price"
Ohh boi i knew better than that and i worked AT WALMART!
Ministry of Indoctrination I'd require some sort of certification to work for me if I ran a corporate tech company. Salespeople in large companies should know what their talking about.
ideally but working in a ~3% profit margin saving a few (million) dollars not certifying your employees goes a long way.
Yeah, I was facepalming on that one.
So intelligence, much smart...
Walmart has really been stepping up their game in the past few years to be fair
He called his wife “normal” with quotation marks. Definitely sleeping on the couch.
anding kneeling down on his Titan cards lol
Thomas Liebl his wife’s a man so....
Uhhh Linus aint gay nigga
He might have been implying that even for a "normal" person she's probably smarter than the average "normal" person. Which makes sense, because my exwife actually knows more about investments and retirement plans than your typical small business owner who works in Pet care does because she picked up a lot of stuff from being married to me. I'm guessing his wife has picked up a lot from him as well about hardware and computers.
🤣🤣🤣 you know how cold it gets in Canada 😂
One thing you should also mention is that with your rig has FULL windows license while the best buy only OEM one.
The $100 license is an oem one
LinusTechTips oh my bad - but anyway for only few more bucks you can buy a full one which is imho worth it
+MrJigssaw1989 Whats the problem with an OEM License? they work just like a regular license? seems like you are complaining abouit nothing
+Baraka That is, if you replace your motherboard. How I see it, a regular key isn't any more "worth it" than an OEM key. Only as a PC enthusiast I would buy a regular key.
+Baraka the OEM key from my Asus PC workes after I change the mobo twice. Now I brought a completly new rig and used the same OEM key to upgrade to 10
Why does he keep putting his hand under the table?
Trying to hit the desk button lol.
What button?
Cole Batis Did you seen some movies/tv shows where that some people have a button underneath the desk?
The button of the teleprompter?
yes yes, it is the teleprompter button. they have a button to skip to the next page to read the script. although i wonder if they never thought of using a pedal instead.
That exchange rate is absurd. 900 bucks to 625 USD??? I'm so sorry Canada
worse in the uk. even tho our currency is stronger than the doller we have to pay more for computers.
Australia is worse.
Japan's inflation is like the god of inflation 1 Usd = 104 Japanese Yen
+Xavier Rodriguez (Bones) rip m8
1 USD = 5600 guaraníes
I did this about 10 years ago and they brought me a Sony VAIO laptop about three different times... after I had told them I want a desktop.
first $900 "gaming pc" i paid for had a Geforce GT 630 gpu, I wish i could go back in time and slap myself
We've all been there. I know the feels.
+StoreBrand i paid for a dell 8400 for 1200 ish back in the day how do you think i feel , i am not upgrading my machine till i can buy a computer with what ever i have in my pocket (jelly bean, a toothpick, bit of lose coins, and a pack of gum)
+Gavin Crane Mine was all amd. I wish I could go back in time and punch myself.
I paid like $1,200 for my Alienware x51 with a gtx 645 I want to go back in time to kill my self
+Gavin Crane If you want an even bigger slap, CAD is way more inflated than USD, that was like $700 USD.
Happy Christmas everybody!
Got my new Gaming PC with Windows 7 and using the Internet Explorer 9.
You dont get the joke right?
Good one;)
+EasyGoingXD the correct term for any holiday where you use internet explorer is doomsday
+Sanity smh
+EasyGoingXD What year is it? 2011?
You know what else is overpriced? 1000$ laptops without a dedicated gpu.
I bought a macbook pro, trust me I know rip me lol
i didnt talk about macbooks specifically. *cough* hp spectre 360 *cough*
fucking 360 hinge gimiks
the fucking 1000$ desktops with I7 cpus and Intel HD gpus are fucking bullshit in fact I've seen some with I 5s go for 1000$ without gpus. most if them were HP.
+Luna Pacheco I didnt say that a 1000$ laptop has to be a gaming one.but certainly if you pay that much for a laptop it has to come with a gpu.if you use one for work you can get a great ssd laptop for 500-700$.
I'm glad the cost of the OS was included in this evaluation .. its an important factor than can be overlooked very often when comparing
Say what? YOu can buy an 8 dollar usb flash drive and get the .iso windows 10 file off of microsoft website for free,,, buy on ebay the cd key for 10-25 and you saved a lot of money,,, who the f- buys a windows in a store for over 90 dollars anymore...... well, only the uninformed do... damn casuals!!
PCMR Biach! XD so much for important factor
@@nexisidenetwork5027 that's an stolen windows key resold online, its the same as someone robbing you then selling your stuff for super cheap.
@@tommyn65 There are even legit websites that sell cd keys for windows under 20 bucks, like kinguin, its not stolen, you can't steal something that exists in the digital void/matrix. In a way you could say the same sht about other things, it's called reselling, somehow someone had to get it but doesnt need it so resalling. Are you implying if I have a car for 100k and I resell it for less that it's stolen because I am reslling it on a website for say 20k? no...
@@nexisidenetwork5027 your argument is what the chinese do about intellectual property. It already exists so they just make it cheaper.
You can install windows without a key
Why do prebuilt gaming PCs have extremely powerful CPUs but lame GPUs? Here in germany we have an electronics store called "Expert" and they wanted to sell me a PC with 16 fucking GB of RAM, 4 TB HDD space and an i7 4700. But they had a GTX 745 in it :D
i know, its terrible. i would never buy prebuilt PCs in germany.
+StarTrek123456 Germany is HORRIBLE when it comes to prebuilt PCs....Go to Medion if you're bored or take a look at their website.
They are selling an i7-4790 (non k),GTX 980,16gb ram,256gb SSD,2TB HDD PC for 1900€
i7-6700(non k),GTX 980ti,32gb RAM,512GB SSD,2TB HDD for 3500€
At least they don't put fancy GPUs in them for "Enhanced video and document rendering"
most prebuilts are "meant for the office" and most of them are cpu/ram intensive and aslong as you dont have integrated graphics it will work well for those uses/
It's when the "SUPER GAMING PC 9000" doesnt have a good GPU that you should worry.
+StarTrek123456 tell me about it. In fact tell fucking alienware.........$1200-2000 computers with i7's and gtx 745's.........then they charge you an extra $660 to upgrade from a gtx 745 to a gtx 760 oem.......what a fucking joke.
my first "gaming" computer was a Dell P3 600MHz and Geforce 256 AGP. I don't even remember how little ram was in it (500mb?). I did, however, cut a window in it, and paint it blue and silver. Was so much faster after I did that, it would play UT99 and quake like a champ.
That computer was probably older than most of the people posting replies here.
yes. I lol'd while writing that. I also played burning crusade for about a year while in college. It was a low point in my life.
u wot m8 why is burning crusade a low point in someone's life
+iliden strmrege If you are winning at that game, you are losing at life. Just saying...
DJ Matusiak
i won at that game, passed my exams very well and have time to party. now what?
3:57 The R7 370 is the same price as the R9 380 at 4:38
+Voytek holy shit you're right
+Voytek the 380x is much more expensive than 250c$ D:
+Voytek It was likely a bundle discount
it's actually 230$ in Amazon now
+Voytek You're right, looks like a typo on the 370. If you add up everything it comes to a higher total price than the $1025 they show, so the GPU has to be cheaper than they list it in the video.
Future Shop! Lol....spent a ton of money there. Nice throwback my fellow Canadian.
My friend actually went to Best Buy, asked for a gaming PC and bought what they showed him lol. It played Minecraft at 30 FPS.
That was his first decent computer.
Now he has a custom rig that I helped him build with an i5 4690k, and a GTX 970. He's bawlin' in frames now.
+TrivisionZero good to know
TrivisionZero dnt bother mate it's not worth your time
Shows how stupid some people can be. Almost wherever you go, they'll give you a "gaming" pc that has an awesome cpu but a shitty gpu because processors are apparently 4x more important than gpu for gaming :|
I don't know what name to have That's cus their target consumers are those who don't know much about computers but want to 'game' on a computer.
+I don't know what name to have best buy fear the smart people i would not be supersize if they try to sell this to someone
Once you notice it, you can't "un"-see it. Linus reaches under the table every few seconds, probably to scroll.
+Jumah Khan I always notice it, but since I watch Linus for a very long time and know what happened, I kinda ignore it XD
+Jumah Khan See Linus for years and never notice that xD
+Jumah Khan Its audio.
+Jumah Khan I've noticed it for a long time now, but never knew what it would be... But guess it would be to scroll the script. Thanks for solving my questions! =]
+Jumah Khan He does hold that infamous 'quick fap under the table' title...
every time I watch the PC videos I get closer to just selling all my consoles and games to build a kick ass PC. currently I just use a Asus rog 501jw I got as a gift
About to buy one with a gtx 1070 core i5 6600k. All for 1000$. It is somehow better than what I was going to build, and costs less, so I guess I'm just going to buy pre built haha.
nothing wrong with pre-built imo. my asus rog handles most games at hd around 50-60fps . the only reason why i want to truly get into pc gaming my building my own pc is to run vr
2SidedTech Lol I just want a pc...
2SidedTech the problem with prebuilt is it's just not good money management. sure it's easier (not really imo but many people think so) but it's always more expensive.
2SidedTech no regrets
Thanks for the video Linus! I'm working my first job at Best Buy currently and I always thought like the masses do that Best Buy controlled this and does that and rips people off because its all so expensive, but in reality, PC parts cost that much and its not up to Best Buy, but the manufacturers themselves.
People often seem to get that confused and get mad at us sales reps and its disappointing to see the confusion and despair of the customers. Happy to say the consultants at my store are always on top of things and we in the computing department know exactly what we are talking about no matter what we are talking about. One of our guys is in the top 10 people for the company :D
Linus has a wife!!! *(Dramatic music)*
aND a son too
***** Dun Dun DUNNNNN
+MC Dub and her wife is pregnant
+Arka Roy he has like 2 kids
+legenderyslol are they watercooled?
Im here looking at these prices dumbfounded, until me in my infinite wisdom realizes that this i'snt in US dollars
Astronut33 Why would you be dumbfounded because it's Canadian😠
CrazySkullGamer I though it was in US dollars and the prices didn't make sense but it was because it's in Canadian dollars
the prices dont make sense for us canadians. some places in america get paid more then us, but everything is so expensive
Astronut33 Yea i was thinking the same thing. I could probably head to pc part picker and build something like this for under 500 bucks
Astronut33 No, it just means you're not a good listener
Can it run solitaire?
Jedislayer No dude, Solitaire's 18k graphics and high end gameplay mechanics are too much for the poor thing.
GengarProductions damn it man, you can't just find a good gaming rig these days
Mysopias hah! My xbox can run it at 30 fps. Beat that! #consolemasterrace
Frauggu well not all of us can shell out 900 bucks for some pc that we have to spend hundreds on for upgrades every week. Console is better!
-lynx- I love when a joke goes right over someone's head.
I got scared when I saw this video, This is my exact PC I got from Best Buy. Although I paid A LOT less it reassures me.
InnDreki I have the same one. It’s complete shit
InnDreki Tells me this guy is a douche. Over paid and sponsored by Best Buy.
How is he a douche? He stated the fact that they couldn't assemble it themselves at that price point... so it looks to be good VFM.
Are the facts hurting you?
RC Hobbyist Extreme He talks down upon Best Buy a lot in the video, why would he be sponsored? Did you even listen to half of what he said?
0:59 - 1:57
I actually thought the same thing until I started looking into it and realized I would have saved about 100 bucks on nearly the exact computer if I'd gotten it at best buy in the first place. I actually applied for a sales job at best buy after that, and I'm now a computer sales rep. I love people coming in asking about gaming computers. It's absolutely my forte.
Alright guys, this is my current rig:
CPU: tigerbrain
GPU: gorilla brain
RAM: ram brain
Motherboard: Snorlax
Cooling: somebody who exhales in my computer
SSD: 512mb SD Card
Wiring: strings
Case: lunchbox
It can run GTA VI on max settings 9001fps.
very original fuck you
TeamDiamond why so harsh what the fuck
Damn nice rig, my CPU is a potato and GPU is a cabbage
Sounds legit
DankFrogz me pc is an pc
I got an older generation Asus MC-32 off amazon for $432 USD, it had a 300 watt and no graphics card but all else was the same. I dropped in 8 gigs of Kingston ram, a 2 tb hard drive, a Zotac Nvidia 1050 TI, migrated it to a new case and put in five lit fans. Payed a total of like $730 USD.
I am very well pleased. It worked out of the box, and let me spend my time buying parts as I needed them, and it has played everything I've thrown at it without a hitch.
This is on vessel and is going to be published to youtube soon. i guess the link got leaked somehow, so we can see the unlisted video.
someone posted the link on the PCMR Subreddit
+BuildMineSurvive he linked it in his 800$ dell video...
That is actually pretty decent, apart from the case.
+vanhakaveri does the case really fucking matter?
Usually you're gonna want a steel case for reliability but its not bad having an aluminum like that
the names rick just rick Yes, with those small fans and no sound insulation it will be quite loud. My Define R2 is under my desk, and I can't hear it over the ambient noise.
+vanhakaveri i own this computer and its not loud in the slightest can you hear it yes but i would not say its loud
+the names rick just rick ////// If you just use it for officeapplications than the answer is probably "Nope". If you use hardwareintensive programms, the case can actually matter. Starting with noiseissues all the way to overheating. If you just game than overheating is normally not an issue. But lets say you are into Animations or simply editing and rendering, overheating can be an issue. Then you have asthetics, some people pay more for looks. Also its more likely that if you upgrade your rig, you want to use the old case unless its rubbish. So lets say you pay 250€ for a case, but you can use that case for like 10 years without any problems, than its a good investment, but if you buy 3 cases in 10 years thats a bad investment. Just like GPUs and CPUs, do you really need the 980 ti right now? Probably not, but you will be able to use that longer than a 950. PCs are all about investments. A normal user wont need all the newest hardware there is right now, but do you wanna spend 600€ in 5 years in a onetime payment, or 800€ in 5 years in multiple payments bc you need to upgrade again.
So simple answer to your question, a case actually does matter. Compare it to a car, you wont buy the motor of a ferrari and put it into a Opel carframe. And with current hardwareprices you could buy a car for the price of the highend PCs
While there is a lot of pride and learning that can come from building your own PC, if you are just entering the game, you can absolutely buy a pre-made rig.
I agree
+Robert Headley I built my own rig to get into PC gaming.
That is fine, but not everyone has the confidence. That is ok too.
Robert Headley True.
+Robert Headley no, if you want to get into the game, you need to get the confidence, never buy pre-rig.
I'm not surprised. Places like Best Buy generally sell big ticket items like computers at or near cost, or even lower for sales. They make their money with add on services like extended warranties and on accessories which have a significant markup.
It's always worth checking what's inside the pre-built and then checking what the separate parts would cost you. Occasionally, you might get a great deal on something.
+Commander Steel I was about the pull the trigger on building my own pc when I saw the M32 for $100 off on sale. Looked at the parts, than bought the PC the next day.
Asus is not too bad, I changed graphics card and put in SSD still runs Facebook great
+TBKJDM I lol'd
+Commander Steel thats true, sometimes, albeit very ratrely, but sometimes a pre-built might actually have a good deal for you
I worked at Best Buy in Canada for a long time. I was friends with everyone in just about every section of the store. TRUST ME. No one there has any idea what they are talking about more so than the average person walking around on the street. Don't rely on the sales rep to know anything. They are being paid to SELL. Honestly, you would be much better off educating yourself online through forums and RUclips videos. If you don't believe me, try it. Find out everything you can on a certain product. Go to a Best Buy, and ask the person working there about it. 100% of the time they have no fucking idea what they are talking about. In my store, I was literally the only one who knew the ins and outs of the department I was working in. It's a rarity.
+The Destroyer I use to work at Best Buy as well. They made me work in the back because I knew too much about computers. I always ended up helping customers when putting stuff away. I saved so many people $100's of dollars. You don;t need an i7 ultrabook with 3 year protection plan to check facebook.
Oh, I also told them to buy cables and accessories online if they didn't mind waiting for shipping. $60 for a rocketfish cable? Eat me. Staff discount was cost +5%, I got the $60 cables for $5.
I understand they have to markup products to make money, but from $5 to $60, that's just stealing.
that may have been the case in your store but it just depends on where you go. there are those "diamond in the rough" salesmen that are going to college for a computer engineering degree and know about computers. I honestly don't use the CRW and just talk with them. obviously you don't need a 900 dollar computer for Facebook and that is what I tell them, the markup on the cables is pretty crazy I will admit, but unless someone specifically wants a 900 to 1200 dollar laptop for just Facebook I probably won't even mention it. Also to say you are the only one to know anything at your store is a bit harsh but I can say the same about my store except there is like one person in each department that knows their shit. we both just happen to be diamonds in the rough
+AssassainFlank GROWNPC you forgot the 4 titan xs you need for the intense youtube videos while browsing the web.
maplestory15413 whats a graphicscard, OOUR COMPUTERS HAVE I7 IN THEM BUY NOW-BESTBUY
lol, Linus is missing the point the less savvy shopper would have not even gotten a video-card instead they would of believe what the first sales guy told them.
+Invalidstr ingError (007Strings007) And they will only think that having i7 processor and tons of ram would give them better gaming performance.
+WB IsMe What about the performance-enhancing red LEDs?
+Fadi Alzammar rainbow lefs m8
+UberHaxorMarty leds*
UberHaxorMarty Ah yes, I forgot about CES 2016.
I want to buy a gaming pc but I’m not a pc gamer and do t have a clue where to start. I almost bought a Best Buy pc tonight but thought I’d watch a couple videos before I bought it. Glad I waited.
I know I'm super late to this video, but I find it funny how people don't understand that this video is in canadian dollars. $600 usd is close to 800 cad and it'll probably run for more here since retailers won't just directly convert the prices.
Steve Watson they just don't accept cad
right? who wants that funny money.
I bought this thing for 600$ cad
Your late?
Can anyone with experience tell me if my pc specs are good enough to run all aaa games at ultra and 4k specs:
Corsair carbide case
Landon Davidson Lmfaooooooo
yep you’re good.
There's a system called "can I run it" which will tell you if your computer can run a certain gamem
Please tell me what the joke is because this case is actually a serious candidate in my list (first time buying a case, I've only ever swapped stuff in and out of my old one)
T B6 nothing is wrong with the case, he is just asking if he can run games on a 4K resolution and all settings on ultra with just a pc consisting of only a case. That is the joke.
yeah dont give props to bestbuy give props to asus. they do shit legit.
their geeksquad gave me a 950 with factory oc and removed it? im like.. why? what the hell is the point of that?
Thats why they sell a i7 + 970 + 64, yes 64 gigs of ram
Yep if you do buy a pre-built rig, buy it from ASUS and never buy it from ACER!
Asus is pretty-much the only respectable prebuilt-manufacturer left. A computer from any other company would be an overpriced tax-filing boat-anchor. Avoid Acer (and DON'T get them mixed-up with Asus), avoid Dell, avoid Gateway (iirc they don't make PC's anymore anyway), avoid HP, avoid Origin, avoid Lenovo, avoid Alienware especially, but if it's Asus it might not be too bad, but I'd buy one fucking anywhere besides Best Buy.
Razer makes (mostly) respectable laptops. The Blade stealth kills it in the $1k ultrabook range and has great value, the Blade is overpriced but great for $1800, but the blade pro is about $2000 too expensive for the average laptop owner.
lmfao you slide in the merch so damn smooth every video
I actually bought this same system (refurbished) on amazon last year before seeing this video for $400 usd. bought a second matching 8gb stick ddr4 used ebay $30. caught a pny 240 ssd on sale bestbuy for $50. then this year upgraded video to an asus gtx 1070 dual $364 from jet. plays everything i have thrown at it so far.
skylake i5-6400
gtx 1070oc
16gb ddr4
240gb ssd
1tb hdd
dvd burner
wifi ac
multi-card reader
Win 10
Dont think I did bad
Tbh I think DVDs are sort of obsolete, but who knows you may use DVDs for work or something.
Cloud dvd burner was just part of the package, but it does come in handy burning cds for friends with cars that dont have aux or usb ports
That's actually impressive. Nice
Are you trying to bitcoin mine here? Who needs this much power in their system?
JoeAceJR I mean it's not uncommon for gaming PCs, that could actually be underpowered in certain scenarios CPU wise. My home built pc has an Intel i7-7700K, GeForce GTX 970, 28 GB DDR3 RAM, a 500 GB SSD for OS and normal apps and a 1 TB HDD for games. I have a USB WiFi adapter. It cost me $1200 at the time but even it can get up to 80-90% usage in some scenarios. His computer could definitely throttle out
Tbh for $600 it's amazing
+Kriss F 900CAD or 600USD
+Kriss F $625USD*
+Kriss F 900$ in Canadian currency but according to linus it's 600$ in US currency
+Kriss F $500- $600 In US Dollar.
900c$ - Canadian Dollars.
fucking kill me, I have this...
lol, i have some shitty all in one desktop i was told is "amazing" and "can play alot of games". its a 20 inch monitor yet i can oly run games in 720p without it lagging
+CameronZimos I mean my gameplay is amazing so fuck idk maybe it's not bad in all but shit seeing this video makes me feel like a genuine dumbass
My da bought me a all in one desktop for gaming. He said it was the best he could do
Be happy for your 800 $ PC. I've got an 800 $ LAPTOP amd A10 - 5750 2.5 ghz cough cough and dual graphics 8650g + 8670m 1.7GB Vram and 12 gb ram, no clue why i needed that much ram.
Do you know if I can just swap the Motherboard out or is it case specific? Because I googled the mobo and it seemed to be a regular micro atx mobo. Thanks in advance
i got a prebuilt from walmart when i was a kid and then i upgraded it over the years sense 2010. modding minecraft back then on pc taught me everything about computers
Can I run no mans sky with this setup?
PC parts list:
Corsair cx500
go for it man, just make sure you download the rest of the computer.
aand now you don't need no mans sky at all.
no mans energy
Sure, it'll run it fine.
You should take a look at the off-the-shelf 'gaming' PCs at Harvey Norman here in Australia. Their best unit has just one GTX 980 (not a Ti) and costs over FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS.
+DylanDesign NoNoNo... My local pc store in the ACT with a best buy market sells "gaming rigs" With an i3 4100, 8GB ddr3 1330mhz, 2tb hdd, A cheap case with a built in 350WPSU with a GTX750 for....... $1500!!! What. The. Fuck.
DoctorTactful Lol.
+DylanDesign Harvey must be a con man. rofl
+DylanDesign You talking about the lenovo-y900-gaming-desktop? Yeah component wise looks like around AU $2500 worth maybe? But there are specifications missing, like the PSU is not listed, or the motherboard, or what type of ram/SSD/HDD. Selling for AU $3997
Yep that's the one.
I went to best buy and a guy asked for a gpu and the sales guy was like "We have Nvidia and AMD, but I would personally NEVER buy AMD." guy buying goes "mhm" then the sales guy goes "They are just failing as a company right now. Thats just how it is." I barely stopped myself from going over there and bopping the sales guy on the head with one of the display keyboards.
+RagingPanda102 "They are just failing as a company right now. Thats just how it is." you should have told him. "well with people like you no wonder they are failing".
#translation of the sales rep#. "i like green nvidia and hate red amd, you should too"
+RagingPanda102 AMD lost 1.52 Billion dollars in gross revenue in 2015 down to 3.99B from 5.51B in 2014 and thats even with new products launched.
Not a reason to avoid buying their products but the rep is right AMD is failing as a company, they are hemorrhaging hundreds of millions of dollars per quarter.
+gameguy301 don't tell that to Team Red...
I'm a high end user. Switched from AMD to Nvidia to reflect my needs.
+RagingPanda102 Nice profile picture you have there.
So glad you mimed what calling looks like. I wouldn't have had a clue what you were talking about otherwise
Ok guys, serious question?
Can my build run Club Penguin on low settings?
Intel Core i7-4790K
Geforce GTX 970
16 GB of RAM
500 GB SSD
Win 10
Not enough Vram
+Tristan Crawford r9 390 and you'l be fine
+tom siemerink bruh, he needs 2 titan x's on sli
+XavBaz defaq you talking about it needs a NVIDIA Quadro K6000 in sli
+Tristan Crawford
Processor: Intel i7 4790k OC to 4.6GHz
Video Card: GTX 970
RAM: 16 GB
OS: Win 10
HDD: SSD 120gb + 1TB 7200 RPM
Motherboard: asus MAximus VII Hero
Keyboard: Razer chroma
Mouse: Razer deathadder 3.5g
Headset and mic: Logitech G930
It's actually $125 cheaper, who the fuck would pay to use windows 10?
True. Especially since you can get a Windows 8.1 license for $20 and upgrade to Windows 10 for free literally an hour later
+haloShAdOwSnIpE Microsoft actually allow you to download Windows 10 from the website and use it without using a key you have 30days before it say get a key but you don't need one you will just have a water mark at the bottom saying activate windows 10 witch BTW you can disable thought reg-edit
MosesChangingGaming Exactly, I'm running windows 7 ultimate, think I paid for that shit? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+haloShAdOwSnIpE I would, if I need to make a new build, I will. The benifts to Direct X 12 are substantial, the OS itself is still even more stable.
Hellmo Sandvich Why would you buy it though, you can just get it for free.
I spent $1000 at best buy to get a premade Cybertron with a 4.l0ghz i7 quadcore cpu, 1tb hdd, 16 gigs of ram, and a gtx 960 gpu
RedGeoBlaze that is not the best deal out there
With questionable psu and mobo, still could be cheaper
RedGeoBlaze That's terrible. You can get a i7 1070 IbuyPower for only. 1150 on best buy.
RedGeoBlaze it'd probably be more worth the 1 grand if it had an ssd
Ken The Black Reaper Kaneki except that cyber power pic is one the worst gaming pic company which most likely uses refurbished parts
that is soo true , since graphics card prices are so high when buying it as standalone , but "older" prebuild systems did not get any price bumps lately (because of mining), their prices even went down a bit, so yea, very strange situation where you can buy a laptop with 1060 6gb and i7 for the same price as building a new pc (with monitor) for the same price , which was impossible just a year ago ..
Why did he spend so much on the case
+jack dalisa Bundled with a PSU if I heard correctly ;)
TheKingston16 so the case came with a power supply. Still for 100 it's too much. You can get a case for like 40 and a powers supply for 40
+jack dalisa a whole 20$ savings, wow
+Gaming247412 still, 25 bucks saving vs 45 saving on final pc...
+Gaming247412 And you can get cases for far less. i'm an insane cheapskate so i get my cases as whole pc's at the thrift shop and sell the internals. 7.50 or less for a case m8. often they're pretty fancy too, one looked like one of those fancy cases with a 100% flat front(buttons on top) and the other one had an LCD screen that showed temps.
you forgot the "Sponsered by bestbuy" part
You forgot the "Spell like someone who deserves to stay in the gene pool" part
+Mythical Dust no stfu
Mythical Dust my nigga
he was too busy getting a bj from best buy's CEO to place that in the video. look at his hand during the video lol
Unlisted? Why? What?
+David Jeffers (Forte) For PCMR only
+Tim Weijermars (TimDeAardappel) No the link got leaked.
The link was from a LTT video. I wouldn't consider that a leak...
+David Jeffers (Forte) I know but i got the link on pcmr
Did you not hear me? I was linked here specifically from a card on a LTT video.
Best Buy stepped up their game from 3 years ago they always overstock at stores and have newest products as well
i bought a 1000 pc one year later its sold at 400
Durpy Panduh Yup lol and my friends who are obsessed with PC say that PC will save money in the long run (they calculate cost of Xbox live and the cost of games). I'm not the one who has to upgrade my console every other month
but you don't, I do a small PC upgrade every 2 or 3 years. Normally runs me about 200-400 USD and keeps me at the top of the game.
i bought an almost top of the line PC in 2010/2011 (2500k/6950) and i haven't upgraded since. it still serves me well. it's still better than a PS4/xbone.
You really don't have to upgrade every month, not even close really. Also you save much more money from services like steam and g2a, so yes it is cheaper in the long run.
Saga We don't have to, but usually games get an upgrade big enough that spending that money makes you go from minimum specs to at least high settings. Example: I've been playing with my gtx970 at high-ultra. But I will probably upgrade in a couple years to get the Gtx 1180 whenever it comes out so i still play in ultra, and probably in a 144hz 1440p monitor aswell.
you spent way too much on the case
Antichrist well the case also comes with a power supply
If the objective is "budget" then you can get a 40-60$ case with a 40$ PSU easily and have something that's a bit more reliable. I feel like the bigger mistake here is going for an ATX build instead of an mATX build, since micro ATX motherboards/cases are signifcantly cheaper than full ATX.
TroidHunter yeh you are spot on there mate
OK, a year ago, I bought a factory recon Dell desktop with an Intel i7-4790 cpu, with 16gb DDR3 ram and a 1Tb hd for under $500 off of ebay. I added a dual head Nvidia GT218 (NVS300) video card, a more beefy 500W PS to replace the Dell's 300W unit, and a 128gb SSD to hold the system and swap areas. My home partition is on the factory 1TB disk which came with Windows-8 on it, which I wiped and installed Linux Mint 17. (The system was named "ThePenguinInTheDell" on my LAN). Not bad for a general purpose home desktop, and fast enough for my software development activities. No it's NOT a gaming machine, but I do have dual Dell U2412M 23" monitors, lots of screen area.
i like mint
+Evbil_wafflez mint mint mint
+The Champ yup
yea i do.
I bought a Best Buy pc but I did a ton of research and waited for the best time to go get it and I am happy I did it, I should of made it myself but I don’t know how to.
And you are my 100% tech news channel, but your very sourly disappointed me today with these lies
Do the math. It's impossible to lie. The spec is the spec and the price is the price.
Also why would I lie? Best Buy had nothing to do with this video and I even paid for the computer.
+LinusTechTips It just shows us how much money actually goes to marketing and not R&D/performance when buying all the different parts separately :-)
+Robert Nickle Right... Don't bother to add any context to your complaint. Just bitch and moan. Sounds about right.
+LinusTechTips I did the math and you can build a much better pc for under $800 if you'd like simply go to pcpartpicker.com and bam, you will quickly find out how right I am, but you know that Linus, I've been watching you for years and have seen nearly everyone of your videos, I think maybe you got lucky with that one computer to get so close to a decent value but still you can get better parts and build it your self, but I work with computers for a living so maybe for those that don't have my kind of knowledge of computers might find building a computer yourself scary so in that case yes that computer would be a tad better price, but hell find a friend buy them pizza and I'm sure they would be happy to help, so don't tell me to do the math when you and I both know that thing will never last as well as self built computer and the upgradability is total shit and the cooling is shit and it's ugly so I'd rather spend less for something that looks, cools, and performs better that crap
+caleb m Your build, in Canadian dollars, which is what Linus was using: $1260.69
Or, in other words, you can build a better PC if you have almost $300 dollars more to work with. Who knew?
"Oh I wonder why this best buy PC runs better than the one I built for cheaper" Linus says as he replaces the vastly superior i5 6400 with a literal piece-of-ass AMD 6-core that can't even beat an i3 6100. I truly don't understand how he came to this outcome sane.
BestBuy depositing money in his checking account probably had a significant impact...
Um. Thought it was an R7 370, not an R9 370.
EDIT: Apparently it IS actually an R9 370 - it's an OEM-only card (a la GTX 745).
+Kubius R9 370 does exist. It is OEM only and features the cutdown Pitcairn chip with 1024 stream processors.
+Kubius Read the label at 2:39
+Matthew Lui Huh. Got out my microscope, and sure enough, the label said R9 370.
+Arkeo The Pangaean 1024 is the same as the r7 370.
+Dirt Lab that is shit/10 horrible value
Hey! That's my ASUS tower I bought! The red one at 1:08!
Bought it from Memory Express two years ago because I couldn't build the same thing for the price I paid for it.
works great, but no space to up grade...
This is actually a good pre built for the price, ALOT of other ones are fucking rip offs.
my local best-buy had an iBuyPower beast LOL
is that good or bad? cant tell
I had to go to another towns Best Buy, like miles away. I have now what I think I'll be okay with for a while.
Gtx 960 isn't a beast but it's pretty good
Milsim Tac mine had a 970. 8gb ram though, i plan to upgrade.
Winter r No its not beast but it's good. I have a GTX 1070, that's a beast
Why is the hand getting behind the desk all the time??? And what's that white stuff???
I noticed the same thing. It's quite distracting! Haha.
+trodat07 glitter from the "Extreme Office Makeover" video
+Flat4Buggy 2 That's what he would like you to believe, lol
Mic adjustment??
I purchased a gaming PC IBuyPower i7 8700 with GeForce gigabyte 2070 & 1TB SSD for $1249 from BB. When I priced everything in it, I would’ve spent around $1300 plus now I can deal with one entity for warranty issues. Granted this was on sale for $300 off and I managed to squeak out another $50 off it’s still not a bad deal.
why do you frequently take your hand under the desk? what's under it?
+KyloRen's Lightsaber you're not wrong
BadWolf 21 I'm racist towards transgenders
his coke look at his face
i think he is scrolling down his script, what ever he wrote down to help him keep track of what to talk about.
Dennis ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I won't buy a pre-made desk top PC ever again. I only want in my computer what I put in there. Last pc I got was a laptop with WIndows 8 and it was loaded with a bunch a shitware and I'm pretty sure desk tops are too.
+psovegeta That's a real problem with these things. He didn't go into the shitware I'm sure they packed on that fucking thing. FUCK that shit!
+psovegeta That's why the first thing you do with a prebuilt is wipe and reinstall Windows, or in my case, wipe and install Windows + Linux as a dual-boot setup. Windows for games, Linux for everything else. Use each to their strengths.
+Marius Varinius takes 2 minutes to uninstall the shitware
Asus isn't too bad with shitware, and Powerspec doesn't include any. So it depends a lot on brand lol.
***** Well prebuilt towers really aren't recommended and I highly doubt you bought a $479 tower that can play anything. It cost them less than $450 to make that themselves.
I got a steal in my opinion.
CPU: Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.8GHz
GPU: Radeon HD 6870 OC 1GB
SSD: Samsung 850 250 GB
HDD: Hitachi 7200RPM 1TB
PSU: 625watt
all for $320
Hotelious the gpu is kind of shitty with 1 gb of vram
I know, I literally just ordered a R7 370 with 1096 MHz 4GB GDDR5 VRAM.
Hotelious thats better, how much are you spending on it?
I scored it on sale for $75, original price $120.
Hotelious nice, thats definitely worth it
i dont have a pc yet but i still watch the ads.. thanku linus
The first "Gaming Computer" that I had just had an A10 6700 in it, for 600 dollars and no monitor. I wish that I knew about iBuyPower, Cyber Power, or something like that back then. ;-;
+Weega A10 is capable when run in crossfire dual graphics with a *R7* *250*
Lutz Peyton it is capable of running dual graphics with any amd card. that one is just recommended
Weega Why would you pay more for a card that will get clocked down vs the 250. Dual Graphics clockes the higher end Graphics Card to the lowests ones clock speed.
Lutz Peyton I'm not planning on upgrading my old Pc...
LOL mine had an a8 something it was terrible it had 4 cores and I overclocked it from 2,4 to 3,6 ghz and it didn't help at all, it was still slow I upgraded in the meantime and never getting pre built ever again
Actually Bestbuy has stepped up a little bit. You can actually get an alright PC from there as long as you know what you are looking for. I got a dinosaur PC running FX 6300 8 gigs ddr 3 R9 270 OC. I still have that same unit since 2013 was a budget build but the over locking abilities on those devices have made it a worth while keep especially with all the expensive parts nowadays due to mining. I have been an AMD fanboy since 2006 and have peeked over the fence lately. Bought the wife a computer at Bestbuy recently. Good breathable case with lots of fan options it came with an i7 7700 (non k) 16 gigs of ram and a GTX GeForce 1060 3g version for 999.00 on sale. Also came with SSD 120 GB and a Western digital blue 1 TB Asus 24” 1ms 144 MHz refresh rate Nvidia ready TN monitor and some funky brand gaming keyboard and mouse. There is so much you can add to this unit and even in this bare bones state I guess it’s safe to say her new PC blows mine out of the water.
I know an absolute lie when I see one
I got a i7 8700 nvidia gtx 1060 16gb ddr4 for 1,050 from there
I got a rx560 and a ryzen 5 2400g witg 16 gigs for 700
Tut same but I got an i5
@@eatmethrice1155 link for pc?
I work at bestbuy so glad we didnt suck!
Few years later and my local Best buy's have very well built and wired custom prebuilt PCs for reasonable prices.
An SSD is essential these days, they could at least but a 32gb one to boot from or something.
+Captain Capellini or an SSHD at the least
Idk, I still use a good ol' 2tb mechanical drive and it loads really quick. Windows 10s start up time is really short. It is a 7200 rpm drive though.
well, I understand to a point. I am using a laptop drive in my gaming rig since my 3.5" died on me. But 3.5" drives run around 100mbits per second.
SSDs run around 400mbits per second.
SSHD's are not much more expensive than HDDs and are around 200mbits per second.
+Captain Capellini i still dont have an ssd, definetly not essential. I'll wait a bit longer and then get a decent pci ssd
Yeah but these days you can't argue with the cost of SSDs. Not necessarily essential but not a bad choice either
Canadian prices are lookin inflated as all fuck
Not that bad
+Matthias bos An R9 390x costs 600 dollars in Canada
+Csanad Chowdhry damn
+bjs260 the loonie is fucked because oil
+il2xbox We need to export more baby seal fur. That shit never drops in price.
All I wanted was Linus walking into Best Buy and asking for a gaming pc...
i did the same thing in 2015. i asked for a gaming pc at best buy and they sold me a asus m32bc. it had a amd fx 8310 cpu , a 2gb asus card, and a 2tb 7500 rpm hdd. shortly after buying it i bought a additional 8gb of ram and a amd rx 480 4 gb gpu and a evga 600w psu. here we are in 2020 and im able to still handle most games at high settings at a playable 30-60 fps. my board has 2 pcie slots and the 2nd one has a wifi card that came with the computer. also it has 4 ram slots. 2020 and still going.
That's the PC I have. Except I've got a 750 ti, 300 watt psu and a Gigabyte H110m-a.
But I built it for only 400-500 bucks
For 400-500 USD, a Gtx 750 ti is a terrible build for that money,
I'm in NZD. Not very good at converting. 400 USD is an estimate and I cbf converting when i posted that
komay in norway for 400$ u will Get a pentium no videocard
For 400 dollars? Rip off. Do you mean Krone or dollars because Krone is $66 NZD for me.
komay bucks norway is acctuly the most expensive country
That's actually a good price for the hardware in it. Wow. Not a bad rig.
Do an updated video of this for 2019
Brotineshake540 no fuck you
MrMaxInAMillion no he did it 8 months ago
Got a similar unit back when the haswells were being replaced for like $600CAD at Staples and it included Windows 7 Pro so I qualified for the free windows 10 pro upgrade when it came out. It's still going strong (although I've got 16GB ram in there now, a better psu, a better gpu and added an SSD drive) but I would have been hard pressed to build anything even close to it for that price at the time that had an OS included.
How do you get 7.1 Dolby Surround Sound from a pair of cans with only 2 drivers? and this isn't just aimed at Logitech, it's quite the common theme.
www.ign.com/articles/2010/08/02/surround-sound-headphones-explained 404
+cobra60six Usually it's a feature of the cheapest C-Media USB headset oriented chipset. It pretends to be a multichannel soundcard but then it mixes down to stereo, with whatever passes for HRTF (i think just a mild high pass, delay) for the rear channels. I don't really remember whether it's a hardware or driver feature, i think driver. Ultimately, it's just a free bullet point that the manufacturers can put on their product to attract buyers. For game use, in-game headphone oriented mixdown is going to be much more exact but often sounds less roomy than 7-channel speaker mixdown mixed down to stereo. It also allows to salvage 7-channel mixes in some DVD players, i suppose.
I can't say too many good things about C-Media. Certainly if carefully designed, OK sounding soundcards can be built with the chipset, or even excellent sounding but expensive and bulky if the internal DAC and ADC is bypassed altogether, but they are finicky with modes and sampling rates. And most end up being quite shitty.
Like mentioned, multi-speaker headphones exist, but then you don't have room for a nice fullrange speaker even, so they aren't all that good and are a rare exception.
+Flat4Buggy 2 There is no such thing as true 5.1 surround sound headphones what your experiencing is virtual surround sound they place the speakers so the sound bouncing around and gives you the 5.1 effect but it's not true surroundsound.
the front fan gets its air supply from the bottom of the front case cover.
Shave $30~$40 off case ($70 cases are the sweet spot nowadays), put into better CPU. Maybe check for Mobo/CPU/RAM combo deal.
Then BAMM!!!
No contest.
+Bruno Kenzo The case came with a craptastic PSU, that's why it's CAD$100 which is about USD$70.
pleasseee get a $20 case and spend $100 more on gpu
Man... forgot to consider the PSU. That is one super important component that always throw the mojo off when going for a value build. =P
+PROPHET GAME Why buy a case? Go to your local post office and grab a bunch of boxes and buy a box cutter for $3 and go arts and crafts on that shit 'til it'll hold a mobo off the ground. Then spend $20 more on the GPU. Drop Windows for Linux and spend that $50-100 extra on the GPU. Keep cutting back until you don't even wanna look at your $850 rig with a 980 Ti stuck to a hunk of silicon with a joke of a processor sitting in it powered by hope and cooled by gravity
+Bruno Kenzo 100$ CAD is about 70$ US...
1:31 this happened to me as well, except but it was an online reservation.
they also e-mailed me that it was ready for pickup, nice job best buy.
Make a video about the clock in the background
get cheaper mobo, cheaper case, cheaper gpu (gtx 760 is better and is only 140 USD). like, man, why would anyone on budget buy 100 CAD case?
+Le Van Exactly. My S340 is fantastic.
760 is around equal to this
+QuikSlvr223 You do know $100 CAD is only $70 USD right...? That is the price of your case.
+Le Van Yer it wasn't a fair comparison as the motherboard and case the ASUS PC came with were both clearly very cheap.
+Le Van I'm too lazy to look again, but I think the case came with a PSU
bottom line for me is: do NOT purchase ANYTHING affiliated with alienware, that garbage highway robbery scumbag company, with their shitty cheap Photoshop alien logo and con-artist tech support. Anyway, my friend is rich as fuck and his parents, (being ignorant parents), bought him a $1000 computer and it had like an i5 cpu (Not exactly sure which exact i5) along with a gtx 750ti. does that seem like a ripoff to anyone else?
WTf I barely know about computers well kinda and I know thats a fucking rip off INSANE.
TheBanjoShow here in Malaysia, almost all gaming laptop with geforce gtx 950 gpu will get on that price. Yeh. For desktop, i dont really know. Because we mostly bought laptops, but not me of course. PC MR!!
This isn't true. Alienware has some laptops that are amazing for their price. I personally stick with msi, but Alienware builds SOLID laptops that don't break mechanically, and also have great specs.
TheBanjoShow I got one with about those specs from Alienware for $500...
All computers can break mechanically... it just takes a hammer.
Hey, that's my PC. (Although my specific model is a beefier version of this.) Best Buy is still selling it (as of late 2017.)
I've been using it for the past few years without upgrades and haven't had any complaints from it. PC master race can suck it.
at my best buy in west haven and north haven have got some ibuypower msi AUSU and ROG gaming desktops and laptops