I made an experiment on Alocasia Silver Dragon: I bought it as a baby plant, brought home, gently completely washed off all the soil, and the whole plant, repoted into selfwatering Lechuza pon and she loves it - not only hasn´t lost any leaves, but looks better than when I brought her home and is having new leaves. No crisping or anything. Such a sturdy plant - I´m impressed. Update: within 2 months of moving into pon, she has 4 sprouting babies on the way, yeay :-)
I believe due to the fact that they love moist soil that they’re good for Pons. I have a Polly, Melo, Silver Dragon and Dragon Scale in Pons as an “Experiment”. I have 11 at the moment and I hope they don’t go dormant. They are the Koolest plants in my collection.
I dont have any Alocasias, but I've been wanting to get a Silver Dragon. Thanks for all the information! Alocasias intimidate me, but I feel better prepared to own one because of your video :).
I got my silver dragon from a box shield a few weeks ago. It was almost done unfurling a new leaf and now it has a new leaf coming up! It has been fairly easy for me ☺️ I love it sooo much
You should get an alocasia lauderbachiana. It was my first alocasia and it is super easy, at least that’s my experience. I hope I can grow my alocasia’s as beautiful as yours! 🥰🪴
Of course I chose the hardest one (Black Velvet) as my first Alocasia. Now I'm nervous. I don't have room or the budget for an indoor greenhouse so I'm a little concerned about the humidity requirement. I do have a pebble tray, so I'll see if it likes it. Wish me luck! Thanks for the info!
The Black Velvet was one of the plants that startet my plant addiction, because it was gifted to me 😂 I didn't knew before, that "cool" houseplants exist. It lives in the exact same terracotta pot as yours and I never repotted since I got it, 2,5 years back. The roots don't grow that much, but look healthy. The plant grows very very slow in general. Every new leaf is a highlight! It has 5 leaves right now. Propagating the corms is the most hardest job though. I got one little baby since last year December and it's still at the second leaf 😅
Alocasias are so pretty! I've been caring for a peace lily the past couple of years that I got at my grandpa's funeral & have started enjoying it. Just started getting into other plants, and alocasias were the first ones I have really been blown away by. Have an amazonica and silver dragon so far. Thanks for helping me understand more about them!
Beautiful plants! You definitely have the “Alocasia touch”. I started with a Black Velvet on a whim and expected a quick death and to be stuck in the two leaf club. But it thrives under a weaker grow light and consistently has 6 leaves now. I got a Polly and it seems less finicky and a sits a couple feet from a south window loving life in bright light. Just got two small Frydek and love them like newborns. Have had the hardest time with Silver Dragon from big box store. That one keeps drying out and always gets crispy tips so maybe a repot is needed. I appreciate all the knowledge and will keep trying to optimize their care. 💚 🪴
Thank you!! 🥹🙏🏼 I just love them and I’m really happy they seem to do well for me. I still haven’t repotted my black velvet so it’s on the list to do soon. Good to know about the light! 🙏🏼 hoping your silver dragon gets a less finicky for you! ❤️❤️
I have a Black Velvet and a Mayan Mask. They are definitely always on the struggle bus. I’m not giving up on them, but hopefully one day they will start to thrive for me.
I have a collection also and I'm loving your advice. The one which I have that is my nemesis is the Frydek. Its mid winter in Scotland and it's looking as if it's going to go dormant. I have polly, curly bambino, silver dragon, cuprea, sarian, zebrini, pink dragon, black velvet and last but not least Frydek. All happy not in cabinets but close by a grow light as we dont get much daylight in the winter. First year propagating corms so still learning. Love your channel.
I absolutely agree with you about that bigger/older Alocasias can be easier. right now my easiest Alocasia is Bambino. it has +20 leaves and whenever I see her, she's growing a new leaf. she's living in normal room humidity which is low and had never pest issues. the second easy one for me is Silver Scale the other ones I have are all babies (Alocasia Azelani, Alocasia Zebrina, Alocasia Melo) and they're not doing that well. specially Azelani is the most difficult for me. it has just one tiny leaf right now and it crisped up even before unfurling. I guess it needs a lot more humidity
Very nice video. I am an Alocasia Freak. From the leaf size, to the leaf texture, to the ease of care I feel you get a lot of bang for the buck. I started out not wanting the big Boys, and buy only babies in order to acclimate them to my lighting and temperature. I did get a super deal on an established 3 leaf Lauterbachiana for 3€!! I live in Germany and the prices here are really reasonable in comparison to the US. That also depends on the size. I am not a fan of buying large plants simply because they take too much space, usually die due to light and temperature difference, and with Babies you can better find a better place for them to live. The price is also one reason I love them. I love the Red Secret, and the Frydek the most. I currently have 9 various plants and many doubles. I find the “corns” really practical to enlarging my collection or as trading material. While the majority of them have longer but not leggy stems, not like the Frydek, I do prefer the short “Fat” variety. I assume based on the fact that many of yours have multiple leaves and are of the shorter variety that they are kept in a Cabinet with bright light in comparison to being in a room environment with normal light? I swear by soil but find the chunky mix harbors gnats. I use Perlite, worm castings, Pons, soil, and Coconut rind mix and I sprinkle aquarium gravel over the soil to combat the gnat problem. I water all on my plants on the same schedule, Sundays is Plant day, and I have found according to my mix that they need water every 2-3 weeks in summer and longer in winter at 60% humidity. I suppose it depends on the room temperature and where they stand. What type of fertilizer do you use? Synthetic or Organic? Do your plants go dormant? I am planing to plant in Pons or an Organic mix to see how my new Melo vibes. I suppose that since they love water it should do ok. It’s interesting how they lose a leaf when a new one comes although I have had 6 stems on my Black velvet before. Thanks for sharing..
I’m rewatching this video and it’s amazing how much your alocasias have grown, especially the regal shield 😮 Would you consider doing a video of your alocasia glowups? Like going over their growth with pictures? I find that fascinating 🤩
Love love love this video!! 💚🙌🪴 I love all my Alocasia’s so much as well! They are all very beautiful and so rewarding when thriving.. once acclimated and they take off they are stunning! Thank you for sharing your beautiful collection!! 🌿🪴💚
Oh my goodness, thank youuuuuuuu for this video! I've had my eyes set on a silver dragon (and now I'm really digging that frydek! LOL!) but seriously did not want to go down the Ikea cabinet path, convinced I would have too. I'm going to my plant shop tomorrow and getting my silver dragon. My plant room is always upper 70s for temp and 53ish on the humidity, so I think I'm good. I'm so excited!! 🌿💚
I just recently got a silver dragon alocasia and it has been doing so so well for me! I hope that you were able to get one and that it's been doing well for you as well
I have 8 so far. I only started growing them in the last 6 months and I am loving them. My Regal Shield is growing like crazy, while the others are doing well, they are a lot slower than the Regal. My Azlanii and Black Velvet could be my faves right now.
Hi there! I found this video because I have a black velvet alocasia that's been thriving and wanted to get some more alcoasias! I'm very excited to hear that this was your hardest alocasia since it's my first and now I'm excited to grow my alocasia collection! And as an FYI, my black velvet is in a typical glazed ceramic pot with just a single drain hole and the soil is a more absorbant mix. I water it once a week and it gets low light from a west facing window (no grow light). It's not in a grow case but I mist it everyday.
Thanks for showing us your collection! I have several, yet the only overlap we share is Black Velvet! I absolutely love my Sarian, which is a cross between Zebrina and Amazonica, so it's the best of both worlds - amazing stems plus the more ornate leaves with the ruffled edges of the Amazonica. Yay! I also LOVE my Hilo (beautiful) and Pink Dragon.
You’re welcome! I have a Hilo beauty I didn’t show because I think it’s technically a caladium now 🙈 and I have a big alocasia outside too I forgot to show lol oh well. I have seen the sarian and they’re beautiful! I want a zebrina too!! Thanks for watching!! 🙏🏼🥰
I LOVE Alocasias! I have all the ones you showed except for the regal shield. I also have the pink dragon, bambino, sinuata, Scalprum, watsoniana, bisma, and Sarian. The Sarian I find to be the most fussy! And I find BV to be easy except that the leaves don't stay perfect for very long with the crispy bits. I find Polly really easy going, but the babies I grew from corm seem delicate, and sometimes the leaf goes melty when I pot them up. Thanks for sharing! Was excited to watch when this popped up!!
I really enjoyed this video and all of your beautiful plants! Alocasia is one of my favorite genus 🥰 Just so you know, Liqui-dirt is great, I use it every water, but it's not a fertilizer. It's a soil conditioner of beneficial microbes. You probably know that. I just wouldn't want you to think you were fertilizing. It's very different. All that you are doing, you're doing right! Your plants are amazing. Thank you so much for all the great info! I look forward to more of your content 😊 All the very best ✨️
Your collection is beautiful 😍 I struggled keeping multiple leaves on my alocasias initially however once I moved them into self watering pots they have flourished and rarely drop leaves now.
I have a black velvet that has 8 leaves and currently producing number 9! None of the leaves are yellowing yet so I’m hopeful it stays that way. It is only about 12” tall and gave me 5 corms at repotting. It’s such a cool plant!
wow great collection and they are doing super fine. alocasias always loose the oldest leaf first. that‘s typical for them. :) I have a silver dragon, pink dragon, black velvet, cuprea, azlanii, wentii and a big zebrina. they are all in lechuza self watering pots with my own pon mix (1 part seramis, 3 parts vulcatec premium). they are doing very very fine (even close to a south facing window). watering them makes it extremly easy with self watering pots. but i live in germany an maybe i have different conditions in my home and this also helps. your fridek is looking amazing and this will be my next buy :D oh and you really should check out the alocasia azlanii. they have deep shiny purple leaves. :)
I acquired an alocasia lauderbachiana and it has made me want more alocasias! I’ve only had it for about 6 weeks, but it’s doing well. My next ones will hopefully be dragon scale and silver dragon. I just love the patterns, they have a very prehistoric feel to them. Thank you for the very helpful information. 😊🪴🌻
Beautiful Alocasia collection! Many thanks for sharing. Along with some of the ones you showed, I have a chunky Low Rider and its been easy to grow. I like his chunky full look. 👌🪴🥰
I rescued a silver dragon from a Home Depot clearance shelf and hoping it shows more signs of life, so far its only got 1 leaf on the mother plant and 1 leaf on a baby. Hoping I can keep it alive. The Stingray Alocasia is amazing too, highly recommend finding one :)
I got a Silver Dragon for my Bday in October and I'm in love with it! It has tons of babies! Luckily, I've never had any problems with my black velvet and It's been outside for most of the time I've had it (about 4 to 6 months) and I live on a tropical island so it rains a lot. 🤔 It's given me like 6 new leaves including one on a new corn! Again, maybe I've just been lucky? I also have a Purple Sword and I LOVE it! It's very different from my other Alocacias with its long, spiky leaves. You should get one. The only Alocacia I've had a problem with has been my Regal Shield. It's HUGE and gorgeous, but it's gotten spider mites twice already. Luckily I was able to catch it on time and both times one go at it with the insecticidal soap did the trick. 👍🏼 My dream is to jave a Pharaoh's Mask someday... when I can afford one, that is. 🥺
They're so beautiful 😍 they're my favorite plant !!! But I struggle with some of mine .. stem dropping, and I don't know why... Can you tell me what soil do you use for them ? Thanks !!
This video was super helpful. I kinda went in blind w/ my alocasias and lost a few. I’m slowly working to build a collection back and this definitely helped w/ what went wrong w/ mine! ❤
Thank you so much! 🙏🏼 They can be so picky! I see bigger ones at my big box stores and I’m always tempted to buy one but then I tell myself it’s probably going throw a fit on me so I pass on them 😂
Loved this video! :) I've really grown to love Alocasia as I've learned more about their care. I killed one Black Velvet and then replaced it and my newest one has done really well after giving it lower light. I water all of mine with a diluted Liquidirt solution with every watering and they all seem to love it.
Thank you so much! 🥰🙏🏼 I love them too and it makes me so happy to hear that others love them! Mine is under a grow light so I’m hoping it’s not too strong for it. I still have to repot it so I’ll see how it does after and I’ll maybe move it! 🙏🏼 thank you!! 🥰
My maharani is a trooper. Does the best for me. Silver dragon on the other hand I struggle with. This is second time buying them and am determined to grow them as beautiful as yours. They keep yellowing and leaves dying off.
I just found your video and i immediately fell in love with your room!!! It looks so beautiful 😍 Also the lighting in this video is amazing! I really, really love your right shelf! Is that something you built yourself?
Aw thank you so much!! 🥰🙏🏼 I just did a room tour/plant collection video recently! I’m still getting used to my new set up and camera but I have a big window in front that helps too. The shelf I bought from overstock and I think it’s out of stock right now but it’s a really nice shelf! Here’s a link for it 👇🏼 www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Media-Bookshelves/2031/subcat.html?featuredproduct=32228786
I love Alocasia as well but low temperature and lack of light in Finland makes it hard for them to survive. Anyway, yours plants look as pretty as you are 😊
I love your collection. I❤️❤️❤️ But the cuprea is just stunning 🤩 I have only one alocasia which is the zebrina. The zebrina seems pretty easy thus far. She is a stunner ❤️
Thank you!! ❤️❤️ I really want a zebrina! I haven’t found one yet but if I ever do I’m going to get it. They’re so beautiful 😍 good to hear it’s an easier one! The cuprea is so beautiful in person the leaves are so sparkly too ☺️
A note for people buying alocasia from supermarkets and big box stores: As soon as you feel like your new plant has acclimated to your home, repot it! I bought four alos in 2023, and over winter, they all nearly died. I thought they just went dorment, but they didn't bounce back at all in spring. When i decided to repot them, i discovered that they were all planted in greasy, stomped down, fine grained soil. It was almost like a compost mix for gardening. My silver dragon had done the best, and i could tell that the baby plant had originally been grown in a perlite mix, but other than two or three little chunks of decomposing pine bark in its soil, it was the same story as the other ones. I replanted them in a super chunky soil mix that is actually made for orchids (it is just what i have available within my budget where i am) but i find that all my aroids really like the stuff. Depending on how much the plant despises having wet soil, i will mix in either perlite, leca or both. My philo birkins are happy in just the mix itself. My white princess and knight have approx a quarter perlite mix, and for my alos, i mixed close to 50% perlite into the soil, and then a bunch of leca as well. They are all pushing out leaves now. 😊
I agree! Regal shield was my first alocasia and it is very forgiving ((-: also, I’ve never had any spider mites on my of my alocasia which I’m proud!! I do mist weekly with diluted neem oil on all plants (-: love your channel! I follow you on Instagram.
I'm giving a silver dragon another shot. Shocked the heck out of my first one by repotting and ripping at the mesh therefore really ripping at the roots. I have another one now from Costa with mesh but it still is filling the pot with roots 🤷♀️ What kind of water do you use with your alocasia? What is your recommended soil combo and brands?
Absolutely beautiful collection… I could never because I live in the desert.. I’ll stick with my philodendrons and Syngoniums and keep admiring your collection 💚
Alocasia was my dream. Exactly the Red Secret. It was supposed to be my best flower. And I bought it for myself as a birthday present. And he died in 3 days, I didn’t even really understand why. Completely, even the stump rotted. A very short story. Even the life of Poinsettia in my house was longer.
Aw 🥰🥰 what do you mean by droopy stems exactly? A lot of alocasias can get top heavy with bigger leaves so they can lean down a lot but I know some people who use a stake to help support them up and use strings tied around the stems and attach them to the stake ☺️
I only have 1 Alocasia, and that would be my gorgeous Pink Dragon, but I am dying to get a Silver dragon and a dragon Scale... I am holding out a bit for now because I need to make space for more plants first 😅
on the silver dragon, do you keep the flower if it blooms? I have had two flowers pop up but have seen different opinions about it losing leaves if you let it flower?? Thanks
I'm struggling with a black velvet alocasia starter plant. I have it with orchid potting soil, and a moss pole but the leaves seem to be curling and wilting a bit.
Just recieved a Cuprea baby about 2 weeks ago. Its very limp! Help! I repotted it yesterday, it was in just coir and verycwet. Putcit in a very chunky mix. It sits in an east facing window. Anyctips? I adore this plant!!😮
Nice vidéo, thanks for all this information ! You mentioned a couple of times in the video that sometimes the plants push out flowers, my new silver dragon is currently growing its 2nd flower. Do you normally keep the flowers?
Thank you and you're welcome! For alocasia I don't not unless you plan on pollinating. They can take away energy from the plant so I usually cut them off so they can focus on producing leaves :)
So how is your Black Velvet Alocasia, im asking because i have a Silver Dragon and getting a Black Velvet today and i plan on putting it directly into pon.
See personally I agree with the humidity rule , though I’m my experience If your patient you CAN acclimate them to far , far lower levels of both heat & humidity. Now obviously plants are life… there all different , and can respond differently even in an experiment with nothing but true replication across the board. But personally my Frydek & mature polly are in my window ( in the UK) so as you guessed , it’s not only not humid at all , but also constantly fluctuating through temperatures especially in these colder months & there b,sated with sun light. I’ve noticed it’s growth is super slow , but it is definitely still producing new & healthy growth but it’s just slower than normal. But it took 2/3 months of slow accumulation…. When I did the same with my baby Silver Dragon , Azlanii , Polly , Cuprea-Red & Dragon Scale they all stayed stable for about a week / 2 weeks. But again , I’d also argue this is likely due to the rapid weather drops & rises.. + practically zero humidity outside my greenhouses & me moving the acclimation along to quickly. But it can be done with time , or better yet from seed or corm.
So far my Alocasia Polly (aka Pterodactyl) is doing very well after about 3 months ownership. It has 8 leaves. Now I know I have to be very vigilant in its care sine it is on the fussy side. I’ve been thinking that it could use a friend so I am looking for another Alocasia, probably a fried egg (oops Frydek) is tops on my list. I think that the beauty of Alocasias are well worth the fuss of taking care of them. As usual I learned a lot watching this video and thanks for that. Do you ever name your plants?
I got my first Red Secret about 3 weeks ago I got a 6" plant shipped to me. So I'm watering from soaking from the bottom. There is slight damage around the edges. This is my first Alocasia. It's started pushing out a bunch of flowers is this normal for it? I have a West facing room that my plants are in. I put her in an up high spot out of the direct light. I have had people saying to cut the flowers off but I haven't yet my thinking is that wouldn't she just want to push out even more. Right now she's got 4 flowers. Any additional advise would be appreciated.
🥲My first and only Alocasia is the black velvet. I've been having it for 2 months now. It started with 3 leaves and a new leaf is out and dark. HOWEVER, the existing 3 leaves have long stems, which I have no clue why it's happening. The stems are long and skinny and I afraid they'll break 😵💫
I do! I made a separate video on my channel. I should have it saved under a soil mix playlist! It's potting soil base and I add extra perlite, orchid bark and charcoal :)
My favorites of the plants. Although alocasias I noticed are temperamental with certain people. Like my frydek doesn't do well indoors and wants high humidity. Although others are just fine indoors.
I’ve got a two leaf pink dragon. Three weeks in and it’s still alive. That’s a big deal for me since I killed my Polly. Do you know anything about the pink dragon?
It's actually not even Frydek, it's actually Micholitziana. Frydek's are actually variegated Alocasia's. It's just a common misnomer for people to call this plant a Frydek. But yours looks great. It absolutely blows my mind that you said you've NEVER had spidermites on any of your Alocasia's. I have more than thirty Alocasia's, and several of them have been destroyed by spidermites. So some of them don't look nearly as good as they used to, for this very reason. But you have to be the luckiest person ever. I do have like five or six smaller Micholitziana's that all came from the original one. And I do hover over those more than I did the older one. So maybe it is just a matter of really monitoring these plants daily. But I have way too many plants to do that with all of them.
I made an experiment on Alocasia Silver Dragon: I bought it as a baby plant, brought home, gently completely washed off all the soil, and the whole plant, repoted into selfwatering Lechuza pon and she loves it - not only hasn´t lost any leaves, but looks better than when I brought her home and is having new leaves. No crisping or anything. Such a sturdy plant - I´m impressed.
Update: within 2 months of moving into pon, she has 4 sprouting babies on the way, yeay :-)
I believe due to the fact that they love moist soil that they’re good for Pons. I have a Polly, Melo, Silver Dragon and Dragon Scale in Pons as an “Experiment”. I have 11 at the moment and I hope they don’t go dormant. They are the Koolest plants in my collection.
I dont have any Alocasias, but I've been wanting to get a Silver Dragon. Thanks for all the information! Alocasias intimidate me, but I feel better prepared to own one because of your video :).
I got my silver dragon from a box shield a few weeks ago. It was almost done unfurling a new leaf and now it has a new leaf coming up! It has been fairly easy for me ☺️ I love it sooo much
You should get an alocasia lauderbachiana. It was my first alocasia and it is super easy, at least that’s my experience. I hope I can grow my alocasia’s as beautiful as yours! 🥰🪴
Of course I chose the hardest one (Black Velvet) as my first Alocasia. Now I'm nervous. I don't have room or the budget for an indoor greenhouse so I'm a little concerned about the humidity requirement. I do have a pebble tray, so I'll see if it likes it. Wish me luck! Thanks for the info!
The Black Velvet was one of the plants that startet my plant addiction, because it was gifted to me 😂 I didn't knew before, that "cool" houseplants exist.
It lives in the exact same terracotta pot as yours and I never repotted since I got it, 2,5 years back. The roots don't grow that much, but look healthy. The plant grows very very slow in general. Every new leaf is a highlight!
It has 5 leaves right now.
Propagating the corms is the most hardest job though. I got one little baby since last year December and it's still at the second leaf 😅
Alocasias are so pretty! I've been caring for a peace lily the past couple of years that I got at my grandpa's funeral & have started enjoying it. Just started getting into other plants, and alocasias were the first ones I have really been blown away by. Have an amazonica and silver dragon so far. Thanks for helping me understand more about them!
Beautiful plants! You definitely have the “Alocasia touch”. I started with a Black Velvet on a whim and expected a quick death and to be stuck in the two leaf club. But it thrives under a weaker grow light and consistently has 6 leaves now. I got a Polly and it seems less finicky and a sits a couple feet from a south window loving life in bright light. Just got two small Frydek and love them like newborns. Have had the hardest time with Silver Dragon from big box store. That one keeps drying out and always gets crispy tips so maybe a repot is needed. I appreciate all the knowledge and will keep trying to optimize their care. 💚 🪴
Thank you!! 🥹🙏🏼 I just love them and I’m really happy they seem to do well for me. I still haven’t repotted my black velvet so it’s on the list to do soon. Good to know about the light! 🙏🏼 hoping your silver dragon gets a less finicky for you! ❤️❤️
I have a Black Velvet and a Mayan Mask. They are definitely always on the struggle bus. I’m not giving up on them, but hopefully one day they will start to thrive for me.
I just got a black velvet through Amazon,THEY LEFT IT IN MY MAIL BOX IN FLA. I pray it pulls through
I have a collection also and I'm loving your advice. The one which I have that is my nemesis is the Frydek. Its mid winter in Scotland and it's looking as if it's going to go dormant. I have polly, curly bambino, silver dragon, cuprea, sarian, zebrini, pink dragon, black velvet and last but not least Frydek. All happy not in cabinets but close by a grow light as we dont get much daylight in the winter. First year propagating corms so still learning. Love your channel.
I absolutely agree with you about that bigger/older Alocasias can be easier.
right now my easiest Alocasia is Bambino. it has +20 leaves and whenever I see her, she's growing a new leaf. she's living in normal room humidity which is low and had never pest issues.
the second easy one for me is Silver Scale
the other ones I have are all babies (Alocasia Azelani, Alocasia Zebrina, Alocasia Melo) and they're not doing that well. specially Azelani is the most difficult for me. it has just one tiny leaf right now and it crisped up even before unfurling. I guess it needs a lot more humidity
Very nice video. I am an Alocasia Freak. From the leaf size, to the leaf texture, to the ease of care I feel you get a lot of bang for the buck. I started out not wanting the big Boys, and buy only babies in order to acclimate them to my lighting and temperature. I did get a super deal on an established 3 leaf Lauterbachiana for 3€!! I live in Germany and the prices here are really reasonable in comparison to the US. That also depends on the size. I am not a fan of buying large plants simply because they take too much space, usually die due to light and temperature difference, and with Babies you can better find a better place for them to live. The price is also one reason I love them. I love the Red Secret, and the Frydek the most. I currently have 9 various plants and many doubles. I find the “corns” really practical to enlarging my collection or as trading material. While the majority of them have longer but not leggy stems, not like the Frydek, I do prefer the short “Fat” variety. I assume based on the fact that many of yours have multiple leaves and are of the shorter variety that they are kept in a Cabinet with bright light in comparison to being in a room environment with normal light? I swear by soil but find the chunky mix harbors gnats. I use Perlite, worm castings, Pons, soil, and Coconut rind mix and I sprinkle aquarium gravel over the soil to combat the gnat problem. I water all on my plants on the same schedule, Sundays is Plant day, and I have found according to my mix that they need water every 2-3 weeks in summer and longer in winter at 60% humidity. I suppose it depends on the room temperature and where they stand. What type of fertilizer do you use? Synthetic or Organic? Do your plants go dormant? I am planing to plant in Pons or an Organic mix to see how my new Melo vibes. I suppose that since they love water it should do ok. It’s interesting how they lose a leaf when a new one comes although I have had 6 stems on my Black velvet before. Thanks for sharing..
I love them so much! The look so prehistoric and that's just one of the many reasons I love them♡
I’m rewatching this video and it’s amazing how much your alocasias have grown, especially the regal shield 😮
Would you consider doing a video of your alocasia glowups? Like going over their growth with pictures? I find that fascinating 🤩
Love love love this video!! 💚🙌🪴 I love all my Alocasia’s so much as well! They are all very beautiful and so rewarding when thriving.. once acclimated and they take off they are stunning! Thank you for sharing your beautiful collection!! 🌿🪴💚
Aw thank you for watching! 🥰 I love them so much and it’s so nice to hear when others love them too! 🙌🏼
Oh my goodness, thank youuuuuuuu for this video! I've had my eyes set on a silver dragon (and now I'm really digging that frydek! LOL!) but seriously did not want to go down the Ikea cabinet path, convinced I would have too. I'm going to my plant shop tomorrow and getting my silver dragon. My plant room is always upper 70s for temp and 53ish on the humidity, so I think I'm good. I'm so excited!! 🌿💚
You are so welcome! They really don't need high humidity. I have all my alocasias out of the cabinet now and they do just fine :)
I just recently got a silver dragon alocasia and it has been doing so so well for me! I hope that you were able to get one and that it's been doing well for you as well
I have 8 so far. I only started growing them in the last 6 months and I am loving them. My Regal Shield is growing like crazy, while the others are doing well, they are a lot slower than the Regal. My Azlanii and Black Velvet could be my faves right now.
Oh my gosh me too Melissa! 😂 I have recorded a whole potting session and found I hadn’t recorded! So frustrating! 😅. Thank you for your videos!
Hi there! I found this video because I have a black velvet alocasia that's been thriving and wanted to get some more alcoasias! I'm very excited to hear that this was your hardest alocasia since it's my first and now I'm excited to grow my alocasia collection! And as an FYI, my black velvet is in a typical glazed ceramic pot with just a single drain hole and the soil is a more absorbant mix. I water it once a week and it gets low light from a west facing window (no grow light). It's not in a grow case but I mist it everyday.
Thanks for showing us your collection! I have several, yet the only overlap we share is Black Velvet! I absolutely love my Sarian, which is a cross between Zebrina and Amazonica, so it's the best of both worlds - amazing stems plus the more ornate leaves with the ruffled edges of the Amazonica. Yay! I also LOVE my Hilo (beautiful) and Pink Dragon.
You’re welcome! I have a Hilo beauty I didn’t show because I think it’s technically a caladium now 🙈 and I have a big alocasia outside too I forgot to show lol oh well. I have seen the sarian and they’re beautiful! I want a zebrina too!! Thanks for watching!! 🙏🏼🥰
I just bought Dragon scale and Silver Dragon at Home Depot so it was nice to watch this video...Thanks for being so knowledgeable....
Glad it was helpful!
I LOVE Alocasias! I have all the ones you showed except for the regal shield. I also have the pink dragon, bambino, sinuata, Scalprum, watsoniana, bisma, and Sarian. The Sarian I find to be the most fussy! And I find BV to be easy except that the leaves don't stay perfect for very long with the crispy bits. I find Polly really easy going, but the babies I grew from corm seem delicate, and sometimes the leaf goes melty when I pot them up. Thanks for sharing! Was excited to watch when this popped up!!
Oh wow!! You have such a nice collection!! Goals!! 🙌🏼👏🏼🥰 thank you and I’m so happy you love them!! It’s always so good to hear that!! ❤️❤️
I really enjoyed this video and all of your beautiful plants! Alocasia is one of my favorite genus 🥰 Just so you know, Liqui-dirt is great, I use it every water, but it's not a fertilizer. It's a soil conditioner of beneficial microbes. You probably know that. I just wouldn't want you to think you were fertilizing. It's very different. All that you are doing, you're doing right! Your plants are amazing. Thank you so much for all the great info! I look forward to more of your content 😊 All the very best ✨️
Yes, thank you! I no longer use liquidirt I use an actual fertilizer now and it's been a game changer for sure!
LOVE your babies! 💚🪴
Your collection is beautiful 😍
I struggled keeping multiple leaves on my alocasias initially however once I moved them into self watering pots they have flourished and rarely drop leaves now.
Thank you! That’s so good to hear! 🙌🏼🥰
I keep mine all in Leca, using water culture. They are all doing very well. Yours look good also!
Excellent video. Loved that you thoroughly showed the plants!
Thank you!!
I have a black velvet that has 8 leaves and currently producing number 9! None of the leaves are yellowing yet so I’m hopeful it stays that way. It is only about 12” tall and gave me 5 corms at repotting. It’s such a cool plant!
wow great collection and they are doing super fine. alocasias always loose the oldest leaf first. that‘s typical for them. :) I have a silver dragon, pink dragon, black velvet, cuprea, azlanii, wentii and a big zebrina. they are all in lechuza self watering pots with my own pon mix (1 part seramis, 3 parts vulcatec premium). they are doing very very fine (even close to a south facing window). watering them makes it extremly easy with self watering pots. but i live in germany an maybe i have different conditions in my home and this also helps. your fridek is looking amazing and this will be my next buy :D oh and you really should check out the alocasia azlanii. they have deep shiny purple leaves. :)
I acquired an alocasia lauderbachiana and it has made me want more alocasias! I’ve only had it for about 6 weeks, but it’s doing well. My next ones will hopefully be dragon scale and silver dragon. I just love the patterns, they have a very prehistoric feel to them. Thank you for the very helpful information. 😊🪴🌻
Beautiful Alocasia collection! Many thanks for sharing. Along with some of the ones you showed, I have a chunky Low Rider and its been easy to grow. I like his chunky full look. 👌🪴🥰
Thank you!! Nice!! I like the look of that one! ☺️
I rescued a silver dragon from a Home Depot clearance shelf and hoping it shows more signs of life, so far its only got 1 leaf on the mother plant and 1 leaf on a baby. Hoping I can keep it alive. The Stingray Alocasia is amazing too, highly recommend finding one :)
I got a Silver Dragon for my Bday in October and I'm in love with it! It has tons of babies! Luckily, I've never had any problems with my black velvet and It's been outside for most of the time I've had it (about 4 to 6 months) and I live on a tropical island so it rains a lot. 🤔 It's given me like 6 new leaves including one on a new corn! Again, maybe I've just been lucky? I also have a Purple Sword and I LOVE it! It's very different from my other Alocacias with its long, spiky leaves. You should get one.
The only Alocacia I've had a problem with has been my Regal Shield. It's HUGE and gorgeous, but it's gotten spider mites twice already. Luckily I was able to catch it on time and both times one go at it with the insecticidal soap did the trick. 👍🏼
My dream is to jave a Pharaoh's Mask someday... when I can afford one, that is. 🥺
I love your collection so nice ! Love the information got me a polly first one ! Hopefully it will thrive!Thanks
My favorite plant species!!! Beautiful plants! Thanks for sharing 🥰
They're so beautiful 😍 they're my favorite plant !!!
But I struggle with some of mine ..
stem dropping, and I don't know why...
Can you tell me what soil do you use for them ?
Thanks !!
So beautiful 😍 love your plants. I have 40 plants 🪴 but this is my first 💞
This video was super helpful. I kinda went in blind w/ my alocasias and lost a few. I’m slowly working to build a collection back and this definitely helped w/ what went wrong w/ mine! ❤
Thank you! I’m glad it was helpful! 🙏🏼💚
Hi Melissa! I recently watched your Etsy birthday plant shopping video. Do you have any updates on your gorgeous Alocasia Jacklyn?
I love love LOVE your collection! Let’s just say i couldn’t keep my first alocasia Polly.. 😅 Keep up the great work!! 💚💚💚
Thank you so much! 🙏🏼 They can be so picky! I see bigger ones at my big box stores and I’m always tempted to buy one but then I tell myself it’s probably going throw a fit on me so I pass on them 😂
Black velvet is on my wish list!!! So pretty. I only have a pink dragon and silver dragon
Loved this video! :) I've really grown to love Alocasia as I've learned more about their care. I killed one Black Velvet and then replaced it and my newest one has done really well after giving it lower light. I water all of mine with a diluted Liquidirt solution with every watering and they all seem to love it.
Thank you so much! 🥰🙏🏼 I love them too and it makes me so happy to hear that others love them! Mine is under a grow light so I’m hoping it’s not too strong for it. I still have to repot it so I’ll see how it does after and I’ll maybe move it! 🙏🏼 thank you!! 🥰
Your plants are happy 😊
Thank you! :)
I love this video!! Thank you for sharing your collection 😊 I enjoyed it. My favs are Frydek and Cuprea aswell 💚
Aw thank you so much!! 🥰🥰
My maharani is a trooper. Does the best for me. Silver dragon on the other hand I struggle with. This is second time buying them and am determined to grow them as beautiful as yours. They keep yellowing and leaves dying off.
Oh no! Hopefully, it will stop yellowing and do okay for you! 🙏🏼 they’re so beautiful so I would be determined too! Good to hear about the maharani 🙌🏼
I only have two Alocasias, regal shield and Hilo beauty. So far, so good but fingers crossed!! LOVE your collection 😍😍
Aw thank you so much!! 🥰❤️❤️
I just found your video and i immediately fell in love with your room!!! It looks so beautiful 😍 Also the lighting in this video is amazing! I really, really love your right shelf! Is that something you built yourself?
Aw thank you so much!! 🥰🙏🏼 I just did a room tour/plant collection video recently! I’m still getting used to my new set up and camera but I have a big window in front that helps too. The shelf I bought from overstock and I think it’s out of stock right now but it’s a really nice shelf! Here’s a link for it 👇🏼
Melissa, I just found your page & i loved this video.
yay! Glad you liked it! Welcome!! Happy to have you here :)
I agree regal shield super easy. Mine has only 3 leaves but they are massive. I’ve never had more than 5 leaves. Mine is about 3 yrs. Old. 💚🇨🇦
My god! Your videos are so relaxing 😌. Can you add some relaxing music to your videos?
I love Alocasia as well but low temperature and lack of light in Finland makes it hard for them to survive.
Anyway, yours plants look as pretty as you are 😊
I love your collection. I❤️❤️❤️ But the cuprea is just stunning 🤩 I have only one alocasia which is the zebrina. The zebrina seems pretty easy thus far. She is a stunner ❤️
Thank you!! ❤️❤️ I really want a zebrina! I haven’t found one yet but if I ever do I’m going to get it. They’re so beautiful 😍 good to hear it’s an easier one! The cuprea is so beautiful in person the leaves are so sparkly too ☺️
I keep my one Alocasia Silver Dragon in a Lechuza Hydro Pot and it's doing great!
I still need to try that! I have everything in soil but I want to branch out a bit and see how it goes for me 🥰
A note for people buying alocasia from supermarkets and big box stores:
As soon as you feel like your new plant has acclimated to your home, repot it! I bought four alos in 2023, and over winter, they all nearly died. I thought they just went dorment, but they didn't bounce back at all in spring. When i decided to repot them, i discovered that they were all planted in greasy, stomped down, fine grained soil. It was almost like a compost mix for gardening. My silver dragon had done the best, and i could tell that the baby plant had originally been grown in a perlite mix, but other than two or three little chunks of decomposing pine bark in its soil, it was the same story as the other ones. I replanted them in a super chunky soil mix that is actually made for orchids (it is just what i have available within my budget where i am) but i find that all my aroids really like the stuff.
Depending on how much the plant despises having wet soil, i will mix in either perlite, leca or both. My philo birkins are happy in just the mix itself. My white princess and knight have approx a quarter perlite mix, and for my alos, i mixed close to 50% perlite into the soil, and then a bunch of leca as well. They are all pushing out leaves now. 😊
I agree! Regal shield was my first alocasia and it is very forgiving ((-: also, I’ve never had any spider mites on my of my alocasia which I’m proud!! I do mist weekly with diluted neem oil on all plants (-: love your channel! I follow you on Instagram.
Thank you so much! Happy to have you here! I need to repot my regal shield soon! I love the leaves! 😍
I'm giving a silver dragon another shot. Shocked the heck out of my first one by repotting and ripping at the mesh therefore really ripping at the roots. I have another one now from Costa with mesh but it still is filling the pot with roots 🤷♀️
What kind of water do you use with your alocasia? What is your recommended soil combo and brands?
Also do you have any grow light recommendations?
Absolutely beautiful collection… I could never because I live in the desert.. I’ll stick with my philodendrons and Syngoniums and keep admiring your collection 💚
Thank you so much! I’m definitely lucky to live somewhere more humid living in a desert with plants would be so hard 🥲
Oohhh, came here for the alocasia knowledge, but i'm never saying no to a Monstera sidetrack! ❤
I got a tiny baby frydek and now it's the size of yours in less than 1 year. It's one of my fastest growing plants
That’s amazing!! It’s so good to hear yours doing so well! I hope mine starts to grow faster! 🥰
Alocasia was my dream. Exactly the Red Secret. It was supposed to be my best flower. And I bought it for myself as a birthday present. And he died in 3 days, I didn’t even really understand why. Completely, even the stump rotted. A very short story. Even the life of Poinsettia in my house was longer.
I re-watched your video🙈🥰 could u please tell little bit about Frydek droopy stems?
Aw 🥰🥰 what do you mean by droopy stems exactly? A lot of alocasias can get top heavy with bigger leaves so they can lean down a lot but I know some people who use a stake to help support them up and use strings tied around the stems and attach them to the stake ☺️
This is exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you😊
I only have 1 Alocasia, and that would be my gorgeous Pink Dragon, but I am dying to get a Silver dragon and a dragon Scale... I am holding out a bit for now because I need to make space for more plants first 😅
on the silver dragon, do you keep the flower if it blooms? I have had two flowers pop up but have seen different opinions about it losing leaves if you let it flower?? Thanks
I'm struggling with a black velvet alocasia starter plant. I have it with orchid potting soil, and a moss pole but the leaves seem to be curling and wilting a bit.
Just recieved a Cuprea baby about 2 weeks ago. Its very limp! Help! I repotted it yesterday, it was in just coir and verycwet. Putcit in a very chunky mix. It sits in an east facing window. Anyctips? I adore this plant!!😮
Nice vidéo, thanks for all this information !
You mentioned a couple of times in the video that sometimes the plants push out flowers, my new silver dragon is currently growing its 2nd flower. Do you normally keep the flowers?
Thank you and you're welcome! For alocasia I don't not unless you plan on pollinating. They can take away energy from the plant so I usually cut them off so they can focus on producing leaves :)
All of my alocasias love semi hydro went crazy when I moved them !!!
I wish I could add a pic, I had to measure my newest leaf on my silver dragon and it’s 10 and a half inches long, definitely one of my favorites ❤
Yay!! That’s impressive!! Congrats! ☺️
Beautiful alocasias, I have only two after seeing ur video I want to buy more, love from Canada
Thank you so much! 🙏🏼 haha it’s hard to not buy more! 🥰🙌🏼
Just checked my siver dragon gor a net and yep there it was...thanks for the tip! I hate those nets....
Ah yes they’re the worst! 🥲
Beautiful Alocasias😍most of mine have 2 to 3 leaves☺️
Mine kept that way for awhile but it definitely took awhile for them to grow and hold onto more leaves. Hoping you get more growth on yours 🥰🙏🏼
So how is your Black Velvet Alocasia, im asking because i have a Silver Dragon and getting a Black Velvet today and i plan on putting it directly into pon.
You're one very good Mama!!!👍
I have spider mites on my black velvet acacia
See personally I agree with the humidity rule , though I’m my experience If your patient you CAN acclimate them to far , far lower levels of both heat & humidity.
Now obviously plants are life… there all different , and can respond differently even in an experiment with nothing but true replication across the board.
But personally my Frydek & mature polly are in my window ( in the UK) so as you guessed , it’s not only not humid at all , but also constantly fluctuating through temperatures especially in these colder months & there b,sated with sun light. I’ve noticed it’s growth is super slow , but it is definitely still producing new & healthy growth but it’s just slower than normal.
But it took 2/3 months of slow accumulation…. When I did the same with my baby Silver Dragon , Azlanii , Polly , Cuprea-Red & Dragon Scale they all stayed stable for about a week / 2 weeks. But again , I’d also argue this is likely due to the rapid weather drops & rises.. + practically zero humidity outside my greenhouses & me moving the acclimation along to quickly.
But it can be done with time , or better yet from seed or corm.
Hello! Is your Feydec planted in soil?
They are beautiful plants,yes need to keep an eye on them..
Thank you so much ☺️🥰
Oh so beautiful
So far my Alocasia Polly (aka Pterodactyl) is doing very well after about 3 months ownership. It has 8 leaves. Now I know I have to be very vigilant in its care sine it is on the fussy side. I’ve been thinking that it could use a friend so I am looking for another Alocasia, probably a fried egg (oops Frydek) is tops on my list. I think that the beauty of Alocasias are well worth the fuss of taking care of them. As usual I learned a lot watching this video and thanks for that. Do you ever name your plants?
So happy to hear it’s doing well! 🥰🙌🏼 the fried egg is so velvety and beautiful 😂😂 I don’t name them no they just go by she or he lol
I got my first Red Secret about 3 weeks ago I got a 6" plant shipped to me. So I'm watering from soaking from the bottom. There is slight damage around the edges. This is my first Alocasia. It's started pushing out a bunch of flowers is this normal for it? I have a West facing room that my plants are in. I put her in an up high spot out of the direct light. I have had people saying to cut the flowers off but I haven't yet my thinking is that wouldn't she just want to push out even more. Right now she's got 4 flowers. Any additional advise would be appreciated.
🥲My first and only Alocasia is the black velvet. I've been having it for 2 months now. It started with 3 leaves and a new leaf is out and dark. HOWEVER, the existing 3 leaves have long stems, which I have no clue why it's happening. The stems are long and skinny and I afraid they'll break 😵💫
What do you concider chunky soil? or do you make your own?
I do! I made a separate video on my channel. I should have it saved under a soil mix playlist! It's potting soil base and I add extra perlite, orchid bark and charcoal :)
Could someone explain the flowers to me? I’d be so excited if mine was to flower, but should I still cut it off? Or is it just personal preference?
My favorites of the plants. Although alocasias I noticed are temperamental with certain people. Like my frydek doesn't do well indoors and wants high humidity. Although others are just fine indoors.
So interesting for sure! They’re such beautiful plants and I’m happy to hear that people love them! 🥰
Thank you for "grade scale" of 1-10, that's really helpful. Such impressive leaves on these plants ❣️
Can new corms develop overtime within the root system of Alocasias, or does it always have the same amount?
it always changes and they’ll grow more 🥰
@@plantsbymelissa Okay cool! After about a month, my Alocasia Black Velvet corms are starting to sprout!
@@haydenbrantley 🙌🏼🥰
I’ve got a two leaf pink dragon. Three weeks in and it’s still alive. That’s a big deal for me since I killed my Polly. Do you know anything about the pink dragon?
I’ve seen those but I would treat it like my others. The pink stems are so cute! ☺️
I’ve decided to get an Alocasia stingray jus because it looks super stupid so I feel like it’ll grow on me ❤
I purchased an alocasia and 1 of the leaves was brown and half crispy. Should I cut that leaf or leave it to completely die off
High humidity helps keep spider mites at bay.
hello from Raleigh NC :D
Hi!! I miss Raleigh! :)
I have found more light=more leaves (but not direct sunlight)
I love your Videos…But my english ist Not so good 😢 i don’t unterstand all. I‘m from Germany. Your Plants are Amazing ❤💚
Where should I get a alocasia, a healthy one can u recommend. Thank u
Alocasias use to be hated, but now it’s the complete opposite. People go crazy for them. ❤ we all know why.
1st. 🥳🥳🥳👏👏👏👏🤗🤗🤗💚💚💚🌿🌿🌿 Gorgeous alocacias.
Thank you! 🙏🏼
If indoors where does mites come from
I struggle with my Alocasia Frydek so much :(
It's actually not even Frydek, it's actually Micholitziana. Frydek's are actually variegated Alocasia's. It's just a common misnomer for people to call this plant a Frydek. But yours looks great. It absolutely blows my mind that you said you've NEVER had spidermites on any of your Alocasia's. I have more than thirty Alocasia's, and several of them have been destroyed by spidermites. So some of them don't look nearly as good as they used to, for this very reason. But you have to be the luckiest person ever. I do have like five or six smaller Micholitziana's that all came from the original one. And I do hover over those more than I did the older one. So maybe it is just a matter of really monitoring these plants daily. But I have way too many plants to do that with all of them.
Where can I purchase a alocasia plant
Terracotta do cause your plants to breathe but too much - it drys out faster. Plastic is used for more water retention.