NCLD has developed the LD Checklist: Recognize & Respond tool to help spot the potential signs of LD. Take the first step here: #Check4LD
I’m 45 and when I was in school, it was either you were labeled lazy or just plain stupid if you had trouble in school. I’m just now trying to figure out what learning disability I had. I could add and subtract…multiply but once we hit pre-algebra, I was done. It was like I was looking at a different language. I was punished and ostracized… made to feel stupid. I’m glad today kids can get help rather than feeling like they’re drowning. That time of my life scarred me. It still affects me to this day. I might never know what exactly I had. I can draw comfort knowing there was a reason and that I wasn’t just stupid.
I love those last three questions. Beautifully done - this gave me affirmation in my new perspective working with my learning disabilities. Long story short, I went to a special ed therapeautic high school. As you can imagine, it was a tough shameful time. I tried so badly for 10 years to suppress the shame by "acting normal." I refused to give myself a chance to be who I was always meant to be because I felt so different and abnormal. I am 28 years old now and finally beginning to find myself again. I hope this comment helps anyone undergoing a similar reality. To the persons that find joy and relief in my comment: You are loved and respected in totality by me, a fellow broken human being on this incredible journey. Thank you
It's just the math problems and only if.i was good at reading I will be good at doing word problems plus It really stress me out and also I always have to.cry and do the work because I don't understand it
don't feel bad try searching dyscalculia and maybe you might even have that! I'm dyscalculic and I was harsh on myself for all my life until I realized I have dyscalculia
I was just talking about this the other day. As a person with ADHD, I am very good at staying busy, doing multiple things at once. Multitasking seems to be where my strength is. I really enjoyed this video! It's nice to remember that my learning disability also holds a certain strength to it
I find that I go in and out of being good at these things, when I resist the flow of my mind, I'm pretty much terrible at everything, the more I go with it, the stronger all of my skills become. I find that social pressure drives me to resist the way my mind works, and am getting the most traction I've ever experienced now that I have gone through diagnosis. I no longer resist the way I am and the more I let it flow, the more I am able to play into those strengths.
Interesting, I cannot multitask. I am much better at sitting down and focusing on something for a few hours. When I have a lot of small things to do in a short time period, I'm doing multiple things at once, the executive dysfunction kicks in and I can't balance competing priorities. But that being said, I have to be watching tv and dancing while washing the dishes. Or doodling and listening to a podcast while reading. Talk to myself and listen to news while driving. But two important tasks at once, like on the phone with someone and folding laundry? Either I will pay attention to the phone call or fold laundry, never both.
My weakness from third grade on it was in math and it still is today even though I'm the 33 years old. I can add subtract multiply and divide but pre-algebra forget it.
I'm so relieved that I came across this video...I work with those who happen to be on the autism spectrum coupled with a learning disability and the number of times i've come across workign who dismiss their abilities and focus on what they can't do is unbelieveable...I on the other hand take a differnt approach...when I'm working with someone who happens to fall into any of the categories above I simply am more interested in what they can do rather than what they can do, or as I like to cal my approach "empowernment, not pity"....
Good video. I have learning disabilities. Even in adulthood. I lose focus easy & I have trouble remembering stuff. My boss at work tells me I didn't do this or that task. If it's a task I don't normally do, I get really confused and distracted and forget. My comprehension on some things like certain concepts people understand it's hard for me to grasp it. It takes a while for me to understand. I'm extremely smart in other ways.
This is normal with auditory learning disorders... I would just ask your boss to give you like 3 tasks and come back and ask for 3 more... or one of you write it down. I have this issue too.
Thank you for your compassion. In my day we weren’t allowed to pursue art/sports/etc until we aced the academics. Often the subjects we would excel at were classified as ‘electives’.
+GAM3RS ASSASS1N yeah it you get a router you will be able to do the math. It takes practice and tricks to learn. I made it through college math with a lot of work and a calculator. It's a lot like climbing a mountain in your brain. You need the tools to get you up the mountain.
Jennifer Romero Whoa, you must be very dilligent! I admit it that sometimes my depression disorder made me give up too easily. Are there any tricks for me to learn better in math? I admire your mental strengh.
Additionally, there is no official "criteria" for NLD. It can be called Disability *or* Disorder, since it's not even a DSM diagnosis, whereas AS is. Yes, they are two different conditions, but they're also in completely different sciences. They're simply related in some ways and share some common characteristics *statistically most of the time*. That doesn't mean each case is identical, it only means they're correlated.
hi….I have a child in college with LD ...and her teacher makes fun of her….said that she must have came in on the short bus...this teacher does not want to answer her questions about the class work……so child is trying to learn...she is a good reader and speller….she can't depend on her teacher for help.
Ugh I had teachers like that. They think it’s a waste of their time to slow down. The beauty of college is that you can drop the class within a certain time and pick a different teacher. I had a math class where the teacher was a you know what and I was failing. It was past the time frame, I went and took the class again... that teacher was bad and I couldn’t understand him bc of his accent. I failed that one. The third time I took it at a different campus and I found best teacher ever. No one failed his class he came early and stayed late. Mind you, I had extra help from the school to LD. One hour, one on one math clinic and extra time on tests. In the end, it was the teacher that made all the difference.
@RandomAxOfViolets You are absolutely correct on them being separate conditions and that a person can have both. 80% of those with NLD meet the AS criteria or 80% with AS meet the NLD criteria, leaving the 20% with just AS or just NLD. I also have NLD and I found those percentage facts quite fascinating.
Thank you for this video. I love the perspective and it’s refreshing to get this POV as the main point of the video instead of as a quick add-on after hearing all about the challenges and deficits.
Love this positive 'reapraisa'l! So sad when you think of all those who education has failed.......... apparently Dyslexia is known as the 'MIT disease'! Thank you
I was diagnosed with a specific learning disability as a young student. I always felt like an outcast in the world of learning. It was a real struggle for me. I had problems with math concepts and symbols. My learning difficulty IMO was and is ADD and spatial concepts. If I cant visualize the concept I wont understand it. I also have major test anxiety. I just took my board test for medical coding and did not pass. Are there any strategies for test taking problems?
I always suffered from severe test anxiety but thought it was normal because I was never diagnosed as a child. Now as a adult I realize I have had add/adhd and bad dyslexia since childhood. As well as being diagnosed with ptsd, generalized anxiety and depression disorder, and substance abuse disorder as a adult needless to say college was a bit of a struggle. I still managed to get my degree though and maintained a position on the honor roll while doing it. It wasn’t easy and I wanted to give up many many times, and I even had to retake a few tests and spend countless hours with a tutor but I got it in the end. I strongly recommend not referring to your brain as learning disabled, just nontypical or neurodiverse. Labeling people as learning disabled is just wrong. ✌️💚🙏
My best suggestion is to not let your ego get in the way and ask the school for help. A lot of the time they are willing to allow you a separate private place to take tests as well as extended timeframes. It’s what helped me with testing while in college.
So what's my learning disability? I read and write just fine. It's just that often times I don't understand information or instructoins I read or hear. I often need clarification and get confused easily. I'm on the Autism Spectrum and had a speech delay as a preschooler, but I don't think ASD is directly and ultimately the name of my learning disability.
Hearing could be an auditory learning disorder and reading could be reading comprehension. I use to have to read the paragraph several times before I got it. People telling me a list of items to never worked out. I only remembered the first couple of items. I am better now with lots of practice.
@@johnrainsman6650 If you are asking if I have reading comprehension and auditory issues, yes I do. In college they had me sit in front of a computer that highlighted a section of a sentence the scrolled through a paragraph at a particular speed. It also had questions at the end. As I got further in the class the highlighted areas went faster. I had to learn how to read faster. Another good way to learn is karaoke and read when ever possible. I like to highlight important parts of my textbooks. Or make notes. Which helps my memory. You will get better with practice.
The most paradoxical thing mos experts even cannot explain is the fact that you can be gifted and have a learning disability. I for example am a mathematician with an IQ of 75, do not Profit from lectures at all but still can sometimes have intuiton about theorems which is beyond most math students. I Think its because we need to diferentiate between pure informational input and internal processing, two completely different pair of shoes. IQs meassure your ability to put Information into your mind. Because of the significance of the time factor, it does - in sone people - not even measure the ability to Think logically because you could have been able to link - superficially- completely different topics with each other once the knowledge is inside you, even much better than the students with a much higher IQ. I am not a brain scientist and would ask the neurologists among you to explain how this could be explained in terms of neuroscience since most teachers often far underestimate the abilities of a student if he cannot listen and process the data presented during the lecture.
An IQ test doesn’t determine how intelligent you are, just how well you can identify patterns. My older brother has an IQ of 130+ he’s a high school dropout with no job at 27… so take that test with a grain of salt…
I am gifted with a high IQ (i was tested during my autism assessment as a child) but i also have dyscalculia (math dyslexia) ASD, and selective mutism/speech delay. I have met people MUCH smarter than me with lower IQs or who couldnt make good grades in school. Despite my disabilities i was always in the top 99%. The kids who struggled just to pass the grade were often singled out by the teachers as if they were bad kids, yet i felt they were brilliant. We were seperated/segregated in special ed, but as adults many of us ended up friends. I think we could have pooled our strengths and helped each other as kids if the teachers had supported that instead of pitting us against each other.
I have a learning disability and adhd I just finish my medical training in ecg technician but I have to take a ecg technician national exam I’m 39 now and things have getting better I don’t have Short term Memory I pass my ecg class with no Accommodations so something is getting alil better any more but I still do have problems spelling
I just embarrassed my mom and myself because, I couldn't measure something. She FaceTime me to tell me how to do it and it took me forever to do it. She said that I have a really bad problem. Is hard man.
I was teased when working fast food because i couldnt tell which size cups were which unless they were lined up by size side by side. Then i found out spatial recognition problems are common to autism. I was diagnosed as a child with dyspraxia as well. Its not our fault.
My weaknesses is handwriting.I can’t read it ,most of my teachers can’t,and it’s been the exact same since kindergarten (and no I still dont get to type assignments)
the term "Nonverbal Learning Disabilities" is not correctly used in this video. the condition he is trying to describe is called "Nonverbal Learning Disorder" aka NLD...btw, i'm an adult with NLD, have an adult relative with it, and another with Asperger's (AS)...NLD and AS are *very* different conditions. some with AS will also meet the criteria for NLD. in which case, they should be dx'd with BOTH. whereas, someone without AS at all can have NLD severely...i'm living proof.
Dyslexic and AD half of ADHD lol. It’s a huge spectrum I am high (superior range) general intelligence but severely dyslexic and my short term working memory is borderline (meaning almost at a level it would be considered a full disability). I’ve known mildly dyslexic people with better memory than me, but below average intelligence. And it’s very weird, so I perform in dyslexia impaired tasks and repetitive (tasks that are impacted immensely by my memory and attention deficits. Plus dyslexia) at the same level as someone with a lower IQ and mild dyslexia. Sometimes they do better than me making less small errors. All my errors are memory errors, focus and small set like writing the correct number or word. Ticking the correct box, accidentally skipping lines when reading and missing out information. Mixing up numbers if I have to write more than 4 numbers. But, once tasks become complex and you have to manipulate information and ideas I outperform everyone I know. Even neurotypicals. I have the knowledge and can make new things, I just can’t be a robot. It means neurotypicals are left wondering why I keep making basic mistakes inconsistently but then seem more intelligent than them. Why I failed most of my schooling but I understand and come up with solutions for things consistently. Why does the girl who sees your problem and fixes it within moments keep not clicking “submit” on systems? She must be complacent, lazy, careless and doesn’t care. I do care it’s just my brain ain’t about that life, let me just fix complex things you can’t work out and you can keep dotting the is and crossing the t’s. Deal? Lol
I want to be a Neuroscientist, but the thing is..I'm good with science, pure science excluding math. I have LD for math or numbers, is there still hope for me at all?
there always hope!! i have LD and i want to be a graphic designer or animals recused. all u need is extra help then u will be fine! NEVER GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT! :)
So I have a question. I see a lot of labels disability and disorders with all kinds of titles. Is the disorder or disability really in the person or is it the world around them that expects everyone to see the world the same as they do? Maybe a deeper understanding equanimity could be the resolve.
Speaking from experience... it’s definitely my brain... we just need different tools to help us understand. For example, I had to work on both speed and comprehension in order to be able to read a paragraph. It took me an hour when it took others a minute or two. Working on straightening my skills definitely brought passion to the experience. I didn’t hate reading I can enjoy it now. I can be confident now. There can be a lot of societal stigmas and shame to being diagnosed with anything but without feeling those things I am not sure I would have tried so hard. Definitely could have gave up but I wanted that degree. I wanted to show them what I could do.
I Think its for example not being able to Profit from current educational System but still able to teach yourself since only you know what to do so that your brain can finally process the data.
I would say I have a moderate learning disability and have 24 years now End it doesn’t really affect my day-to-day life But when it comes to math don’t ask me to do it
@@seanm7539 I have struggled with it all my life but got told I had it 9 years ago but just never really understood it, lots of people have dyslexia witch is well know but mld I don't think is understood like that
How do you know which ones you have because my elementary school teacher put me in this connection program/special education thing in high school and I am not sure what learning disabilities I have to be in there.
They should have given you an IQ test to determine what you have. I live in Florida and they requested me to take it every two years to remain in the smaller classes. You can attempt to take one now... some local colleges need volunteers to take the test for the students to learn how to administer them.
No, it will always be there but academic testing wise it can be undetectable with the more you learn. IQ testing wise they will be able to see the difference in the chart (compared to everything else on the test). Usually in the timed tests like reading comprehension and math. Remember your IQ has nothing to do with your LD it just the best way to detect where your issues are.
Im trying to get into the military. But I have to pass the asvab. Im having trouble with math and English. I have a learning disability. Does this affect my way going into the service?
I think the constant belittling and abuse I underwent rendered me incapable of summoning the kinds of motivations one needs to succeed in any area of life.
So what kind of help but he is an adult can get for this problem I've had it all my life and I know how to hit it and I am tired of it I want the world to know that I am smart just the way you look at me but when it becomes for me to write something I freeze and sometimes pass out it really hurts I am a 60-year-old woman that needs nothing and a lot of it I will I want to become a US citizen I'd be in the United States on my life I hat I am a residential I would not know what to do in Mexico but I do not know how to achieve my US citizen papers since I cannot read write memorize and pressure I will pass out what kind a help what kind of doctor could help me
Sound like and anxiety disorder along with your learning issues. You need an organized tutor to help you write out you goals and Break them down and to help you write your thoughts down. Take a breath and work on it slowly.
I have a receptive processing disorder (spoken, written, drawings), so I just have to face the fact I am far too stupid to understand ANY of this! No one is going to waste their precious time to explain a d*mned thing, because I wouldn't under stand anyway. It's called Disabilitism! Have you ever spent 15 hours, day and night, straight through to understand/try to do only to get nowhere? That's me every single day and I am fed up with it! Oh.... I'm also bi-polar. I don't expect any replies.... I'm used to it.
I dont think your stupid we all learn differently. Someone out there has to have the patience for us to learn . Being an adult with learning disability sucks for sure and I'm rather embarrassed me being 34 and dont know things people my age learn . We are smart is other things I bet there are many things your good at that you just dont give yourself credit for . Much love to you !
Thank you, girl. When I posted my comment, I was at the lower end of my bipolar and couldn't think straight. That's what happens when I struggle with what others find so "simple." It's really upsetting when people just don't want to help. I always hear, " We don't know how to help. " Not one has tried. I have given up drawing because of the frustrations of not getting anywhere with it. To see my drawings, go to facebook, type my name in the search, go to my photo albums and click on J's Drawings and you'll see a few of them. Selling them is an issue, because I simply don't know the process to get to that point.
I can understand waking up and being frustrated about having a disability trust me on that I wake up every day like that but you know what I try to do as I try to push myself to do things that I know I fucking suck at and if somebody tells me I can’t do something I crush that motherfuckerThis is the one thing that I wish people with disabilities would learn to love about them selves you have a unique perspective of the world that many people do not and probably will never have.
Sorry I find the crash of acronyms a little disorienting. But if I take "unlocated" or "unplaced" comments it seems interesting. Too many floating Codes has me Googling too much and having a disjointed experience, nothing new there lol! Sorry to cavil and appear petty.
I can't process information-visual or auditory-it doesn't fucking matter. I just get overwhelmed and shut down. I get distracted constantly and I'm late to everything. My showers take 30-90 minutes now. I don't even know what it is that's distracting me-I just can't think anymore. I used to work really hard in school and I actually did well but it took up way too much of my energy. Any strengths that I have are inaccessible because I'm fucking retarded. I have the work ethic of a fucking two-year-old now. I'm as good as dead.
i have nvld and adhd. i don't have the nvld strength of being detaiil-oriented because my adhd makes me miss details most of the that's great. what now? lmao in terms of adhd, yes, i'm creative...
As your fellow NLD-er, I'm obligated to point out that your reasoning is insensible. You're *someone else's* proof of the subjective nature of diagnoses, and also of the generalization that disorders are static and not overlapping, which is almost always the case. FYI, there's a crisis in the psychological community with the categorical method, as it's proven to be virtually useless in clinical practice. AS is a psychological condition, NLD is a neurological condition, by their definitions.
The very same people that assign me labels and the conflated stereotyping that media assosiates with it; then come to me for help when they can not solve a problem. This is as frusterating and insulting as it is validating as a human being. "what is inside the box is known, what is outside the box is unknown..... So who made the box?"
why doe's society feel a need to put label's on those with disabilitie's?? or just a bit different ???? and unique???? whats been up with that?? and why??? what purpose doe's labelization have?? in today's society???
It helps doctors and carers and the person diagnosed know what exactly the kind of problems they have and what care they need. Like how you're 'labelled' with a cold when you have a runny nose and fever. Though I can understand why a label can be hurtful, it can make you feel like you won't achieve higher than what you're diagnosed with. But with the right help you can get better! I'm a much better person than I was 8 years ago. Seek help, work at it, and please remember doctors aren't 'labelling' you to hurt you, it's to help you.
When I was in school it was a good thing for me to be labeled as LD. The teachers had to read test too me and take test threw speaking. in schooling I was tested every couple year. I had an 8th grade reading leve my senior year. Now I'm in my mid 30 and work weld shop. Im a former now. It's feels good for people who have a collage degree to ask me how to solve a problem. It takes all different kinds of people to make the world go around.
Being labeled help me get free tutors, extra time on tests, and free tools such as recorders and calculators both in high school and college. These are the very exact things I needed to succeed without which I would have given up.
Everything is great Except the White Colonizer Pathologizing language of "disorders" I wonder if there is a follow up with strength based language- he starts with the Disprder language and tries to strength base them yet he still uses "disorders" wayyyy to much
When will people realize that is impossible to multitask you can only do one task at a time and switch back and forth between them you cannot do two things at once prove it can you read a book and play video games at the same time no can you play basketball and football at the same exact time now you can pee and poo at the same time😅😅
Being 11 years old and being aware that you have a learning disability is amazing. Also it seems like you have accepted it and want to know more about LD because you watched this video. Meaning you want to know how your brain processes things, which makes you an intelligent girl.
I found out I had a LD in the 1st grade. I had no idea what was going on. I worked really hard and went to any tutoring or after help I could get. I still wasn’t good at it in college but I used my tutors and teachers to help me. Now I have my master’s degree and never have to use math again lol. My husband also has ADD and he focused really hard and is a doctor now. Don’t let it hold you back from doing what you want to do. You got this.
Vocational rehabilitation can provide money to severe cases. You take a test but I think in some cases you need an IQ test from the past 5 years. I took the test and had my IQ test from high school but because I scored high on there particular test I didn’t get anything.
NCLD has developed the LD Checklist: Recognize & Respond tool to help spot the potential signs of LD. Take the first step here: #Check4LD
I’m 45 and when I was in school, it was either you were labeled lazy or just plain stupid if you had trouble in school. I’m just now trying to figure out what learning disability I had. I could add and subtract…multiply but once we hit pre-algebra, I was done. It was like I was looking at a different language. I was punished and ostracized… made to feel stupid. I’m glad today kids can get help rather than feeling like they’re drowning. That time of my life scarred me. It still affects me to this day. I might never know what exactly I had. I can draw comfort knowing there was a reason and that I wasn’t just stupid.
Sorry to hear Paul! I haven’t found society to be supportive enough yet
@@Coastpsych_fi99 what’s your story?
Potentially dyscalculia
Me neither lol
I love those last three questions. Beautifully done - this gave me affirmation in my new perspective working with my learning disabilities.
Long story short, I went to a special ed therapeautic high school. As you can imagine, it was a tough shameful time. I tried so badly for 10 years to suppress the shame by "acting normal." I refused to give myself a chance to be who I was always meant to be because I felt so different and abnormal. I am 28 years old now and finally beginning to find myself again. I hope this comment helps anyone undergoing a similar reality.
To the persons that find joy and relief in my comment: You are loved and respected in totality by me, a fellow broken human being on this incredible journey. Thank you
im struggling in math and reading everyone comments how they struggle with math kinda puts me at ease.
It's just the math problems and only if.i was good at reading I will be good at doing word problems plus It really stress me out and also I always have to.cry and do the work because I don't understand it
Hang in there, you two. There's hope.
don't feel bad try searching dyscalculia and maybe you might even have that! I'm dyscalculic and I was harsh on myself for all my life until I realized I have dyscalculia
Keep going, don’t give up, and all the tools at your disposal.
I think math is my only flaw when it comes academics
I was just talking about this the other day. As a person with ADHD, I am very good at staying busy, doing multiple things at once. Multitasking seems to be where my strength is. I really enjoyed this video! It's nice to remember that my learning disability also holds a certain strength to it
I completely agree multitasking, creativity, and thinking outside the box are where adhd/add really shine bright.
Weird because I suffer from issues with executive function related to ADHD with causes issues with concentration and multi-tasking
I find that I go in and out of being good at these things, when I resist the flow of my mind, I'm pretty much terrible at everything, the more I go with it, the stronger all of my skills become.
I find that social pressure drives me to resist the way my mind works, and am getting the most traction I've ever experienced now that I have gone through diagnosis.
I no longer resist the way I am and the more I let it flow, the more I am able to play into those strengths.
Interesting, I cannot multitask. I am much better at sitting down and focusing on something for a few hours. When I have a lot of small things to do in a short time period, I'm doing multiple things at once, the executive dysfunction kicks in and I can't balance competing priorities. But that being said, I have to be watching tv and dancing while washing the dishes. Or doodling and listening to a podcast while reading. Talk to myself and listen to news while driving. But two important tasks at once, like on the phone with someone and folding laundry? Either I will pay attention to the phone call or fold laundry, never both.
Yeah, my daughter and I are also very creative.
My weakness from third grade on it was in math and it still is today even though I'm the 33 years old. I can add subtract multiply and divide but pre-algebra forget it.
Disney girl 30 Gwilt dude I’m having the exact same problem but I’m 13 did you figure it out?
Bruhhh I can’t divide 🤦🏾♀️need help with that and multiplying my learning disability makes me feel low asf sometimes
Is it better now? I have managed to become mathematician with an IQ of 75 (so I have moderate learning disability), so can you. Tell me how are you?
How mathematicians create maths not me math I could not solve myself reading was the same I struggled I graduated in 2005
Antisocial Buttercup me to
I'm so relieved that I came across this video...I work with those who happen to be on the autism spectrum coupled with a learning disability and the number of times i've come across workign who dismiss their abilities and focus on what they can't do is unbelieveable...I on the other hand take a differnt approach...when I'm working with someone who happens to fall into any of the categories above I simply am more interested in what they can do rather than what they can do, or as I like to cal my approach "empowernment, not pity"....
Im proud of who I am.... Mine is what is difficult to others, easy to me and vice versa
Very good approcah on learning disorders. Focus on people's strenght instead of on their weaknesses. This is not exludent at all.
Thanks for talking about the positive side of learning differences!
Good video. I have learning disabilities. Even in adulthood. I lose focus easy & I have trouble remembering stuff. My boss at work tells me I didn't do this or that task. If it's a task I don't normally do, I get really confused and distracted and forget. My comprehension on some things like certain concepts people understand it's hard for me to grasp it. It takes a while for me to understand. I'm extremely smart in other ways.
What kinda work do you do
This is normal with auditory learning disorders... I would just ask your boss to give you like 3 tasks and come back and ask for 3 more... or one of you write it down. I have this issue too.
These things are normal
Thank you for your compassion. In my day we weren’t allowed to pursue art/sports/etc until we aced the academics. Often the subjects we would excel at were classified as ‘electives’.
LD and proud. Spatial visual is off the charts. Math, ha ha ha it will always be my worst subject.
+Jennifer Romero I have LD in math too :)
+GAM3RS ASSASS1N yeah it you get a router you will be able to do the math. It takes practice and tricks to learn. I made it through college math with a lot of work and a calculator. It's a lot like climbing a mountain in your brain. You need the tools to get you up the mountain.
+Jennifer Romero tutor***
Jennifer Romero Whoa, you must be very dilligent! I admit it that sometimes my depression disorder made me give up too easily. Are there any tricks for me to learn better in math? I admire your mental strengh.
+GAM3RS ASSASS1N flashcards, tutors, picking the right teachers, pick a math buddy on your class, and relearn the basics...
Lovely break down and explanation! My twin sons have ASD and are remarkably brilliant!
Please fix the close captioning to make the video accessbile to the hearing impaired and deaf population.
Paula Lombardi they work for me?
LD and proud working on my CRNA so to speak 😁🤘
Additionally, there is no official "criteria" for NLD. It can be called Disability *or* Disorder, since it's not even a DSM diagnosis, whereas AS is. Yes, they are two different conditions, but they're also in completely different sciences. They're simply related in some ways and share some common characteristics *statistically most of the time*. That doesn't mean each case is identical, it only means they're correlated.
Wow this is very interesting I'm glad I stumbled across this video. I've always had struggles with reading grammar punctuation and lack of focus.
hi….I have a child in college with LD ...and her teacher makes fun of her….said that she must have came in on the short bus...this teacher does not want to answer her questions about the class work……so child is trying to learn...she is a good reader and speller….she can't depend on her teacher for help.
Lynette Clair wow I don't like that teacher
teachers can be pure scum bags sometimes eh! :( you'll find some good info here that will help your child!-видео.html
Ugh I had teachers like that. They think it’s a waste of their time to slow down. The beauty of college is that you can drop the class within a certain time and pick a different teacher. I had a math class where the teacher was a you know what and I was failing. It was past the time frame, I went and took the class again... that teacher was bad and I couldn’t understand him bc of his accent. I failed that one. The third time I took it at a different campus and I found best teacher ever. No one failed his class he came early and stayed late. Mind you, I had extra help from the school to LD. One hour, one on one math clinic and extra time on tests. In the end, it was the teacher that made all the difference.
On my evaluation it says LD-NOS with nonverbal learning disability written below it because there is no DSM criteria.
@RandomAxOfViolets You are absolutely correct on them being separate conditions and that a person can have both. 80% of those with NLD meet the AS criteria or 80% with AS meet the NLD criteria, leaving the 20% with just AS or just NLD.
I also have NLD and I found those percentage facts quite fascinating.
Thank you for this video. I love the perspective and it’s refreshing to get this POV as the main point of the video instead of as a quick add-on after hearing all about the challenges and deficits.
You should make a video on Auditory Processing Disorder! (I have it and it is a disorder that is not well known. I also have ADD)
Yes please 🙏
Could you possibly make a video on cognitive disorder n.o.s?
Could you clean up the captions? This video seems to be auto-captioned which is in accurate at times. Plus, there is not punctuation. Thanks.
I absolutely love this video. Thank you for this.
Nicely done. Nicely balanced. Sheldon, love this informal, low-tech, lecture-with-flip-chart approach. ;-)
Love this positive 'reapraisa'l! So sad when you think of all those who education has failed.......... apparently Dyslexia is known as the 'MIT disease'! Thank you
Usually I can’t understand any question or any number or any meaning in work. What would that mean?😕
My son is like that also but so far he's only been diagnosed with autism. He's mildly autistic.
I was diagnosed with a specific learning disability as a young student. I always felt like an outcast in the world of learning. It was a real struggle for me. I had problems with math concepts and symbols. My learning difficulty IMO was and is ADD and spatial concepts. If I cant visualize the concept I wont understand it. I also have major test anxiety. I just took my board test for medical coding and did not pass. Are there any strategies for test taking problems?
I always suffered from severe test anxiety but thought it was normal because I was never diagnosed as a child. Now as a adult I realize I have had add/adhd and bad dyslexia since childhood. As well as being diagnosed with ptsd, generalized anxiety and depression disorder, and substance abuse disorder as a adult needless to say college was a bit of a struggle. I still managed to get my degree though and maintained a position on the honor roll while doing it. It wasn’t easy and I wanted to give up many many times, and I even had to retake a few tests and spend countless hours with a tutor but I got it in the end. I strongly recommend not referring to your brain as learning disabled, just nontypical or neurodiverse. Labeling people as learning disabled is just wrong. ✌️💚🙏
My best suggestion is to not let your ego get in the way and ask the school for help. A lot of the time they are willing to allow you a separate private place to take tests as well as extended timeframes. It’s what helped me with testing while in college.
@@JP-mn5iv no, i am “LeArnInG DisAblEd” and I prefer the word re*t*a*rd
So what's my learning disability? I read and write just fine. It's just that often times I don't understand information or instructoins I read or hear. I often need clarification and get confused easily. I'm on the Autism Spectrum and had a speech delay as a preschooler, but I don't think ASD is directly and ultimately the name of my learning disability.
Hearing could be an auditory learning disorder and reading could be reading comprehension. I use to have to read the paragraph several times before I got it. People telling me a list of items to never worked out. I only remembered the first couple of items. I am better now with lots of practice.
@@SongBird1135 you have what I have?
@@johnrainsman6650 If you are asking if I have reading comprehension and auditory issues, yes I do. In college they had me sit in front of a computer that highlighted a section of a sentence the scrolled through a paragraph at a particular speed. It also had questions at the end. As I got further in the class the highlighted areas went faster. I had to learn how to read faster. Another good way to learn is karaoke and read when ever possible. I like to highlight important parts of my textbooks. Or make notes. Which helps my memory. You will get better with practice.
Sounds like Executive Dysfunction, which is common with autism.
I'd like to see an update on this video.
The most paradoxical thing mos experts even cannot explain is the fact that you can be gifted and have a learning disability. I for example am a mathematician with an IQ of 75, do not Profit from lectures at all but still can sometimes have intuiton about theorems which is beyond most math students.
I Think its because we need to diferentiate between pure informational input and internal processing, two completely different pair of shoes.
IQs meassure your ability to put Information into your mind. Because of the significance of the time factor, it does - in sone people - not even measure the ability to Think logically because you could have been able to link - superficially- completely different topics with each other once the knowledge is inside you, even much better than the students with a much higher IQ.
I am not a brain scientist and would ask the neurologists among you to explain how this could be explained in terms of neuroscience since most teachers often far underestimate the abilities of a student if he cannot listen and process the data presented during the lecture.
An IQ test doesn’t determine how intelligent you are, just how well you can identify patterns. My older brother has an IQ of 130+ he’s a high school dropout with no job at 27… so take that test with a grain of salt…
I am gifted with a high IQ (i was tested during my autism assessment as a child) but i also have dyscalculia (math dyslexia) ASD, and selective mutism/speech delay. I have met people MUCH smarter than me with lower IQs or who couldnt make good grades in school. Despite my disabilities i was always in the top 99%. The kids who struggled just to pass the grade were often singled out by the teachers as if they were bad kids, yet i felt they were brilliant. We were seperated/segregated in special ed, but as adults many of us ended up friends. I think we could have pooled our strengths and helped each other as kids if the teachers had supported that instead of pitting us against each other.
I have a learning disability and adhd I just finish my medical training in ecg technician but I have to take a ecg technician national exam I’m 39 now and things have getting better I don’t have Short term Memory I pass my ecg class with no Accommodations so something is getting alil better any more but I still do have problems spelling
trussell davis you’re so strong and amazing ! ☺️
Brilliant training much appreciated. I wish Centrelink would recognise these hidden disabilities.
I'm sooo excited about this upload....this will help my boyfriends daughter!
I love this outlook and focus on the positives! :) Thanks for doing this and posting!!!
Thanks for the awesome presentation. I loved the explanation!
LD sounds exactly like me!! Will find out on Wed after my test to see if I have it or not!!
Shannon Turner Hi! How'd it go? Would you be willing to message me about your experience testing?
I just embarrassed my mom and myself because, I couldn't measure something. She FaceTime me to tell me how to do it and it took me forever to do it. She said that I have a really bad problem. Is hard man.
Areyouin causeamnot aw, it’ll get better.
I was teased when working fast food because i couldnt tell which size cups were which unless they were lined up by size side by side. Then i found out spatial recognition problems are common to autism. I was diagnosed as a child with dyspraxia as well. Its not our fault.
I hope we get to a time where we do not call people disabeled unless they prefer that and disorders just cause it's not as ordered as others
very inspiring video; that makes everyone feel they are very valuable; thank you so much for this terrific video :)
My weaknesses is handwriting.I can’t read it ,most of my teachers can’t,and it’s been the exact same since kindergarten (and no I still dont get to type assignments)
the term "Nonverbal Learning Disabilities" is not correctly used in this video. the condition he is trying to describe is called "Nonverbal Learning Disorder" aka NLD...btw, i'm an adult with NLD, have an adult relative with it, and another with Asperger's (AS)...NLD and AS are *very* different conditions. some with AS will also meet the criteria for NLD. in which case, they should be dx'd with BOTH. whereas, someone without AS at all can have NLD severely...i'm living proof.
Thank you for this-well done too.
What you know bout developmental academic disorder
Dyslexic and AD half of ADHD lol. It’s a huge spectrum I am high (superior range) general intelligence but severely dyslexic and my short term working memory is borderline (meaning almost at a level it would be considered a full disability).
I’ve known mildly dyslexic people with better memory than me, but below average intelligence. And it’s very weird, so I perform in dyslexia impaired tasks and repetitive (tasks that are impacted immensely by my memory and attention deficits. Plus dyslexia) at the same level as someone with a lower IQ and mild dyslexia. Sometimes they do better than me making less small errors. All my errors are memory errors, focus and small set like writing the correct number or word. Ticking the correct box, accidentally skipping lines when reading and missing out information. Mixing up numbers if I have to write more than 4 numbers.
But, once tasks become complex and you have to manipulate information and ideas I outperform everyone I know. Even neurotypicals. I have the knowledge and can make new things, I just can’t be a robot.
It means neurotypicals are left wondering why I keep making basic mistakes inconsistently but then seem more intelligent than them. Why I failed most of my schooling but I understand and come up with solutions for things consistently. Why does the girl who sees your problem and fixes it within moments keep not clicking “submit” on systems? She must be complacent, lazy, careless and doesn’t care.
I do care it’s just my brain ain’t about that life, let me just fix complex things you can’t work out and you can keep dotting the is and crossing the t’s. Deal? Lol
I want to be a Neuroscientist, but the thing is..I'm good with science, pure science excluding math. I have LD for math or numbers, is there still hope for me at all?
there always hope!! i have LD and i want to be a graphic designer or animals recused. all u need is extra help then u will be fine! NEVER GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT! :)
babysnoops14 Thank you very much, though I'll have to fight my depression through the process haha
It's Dyscalculia.
Get yourself tested and get the support you need.
Cleric775 Yup tested, I have Dyscalculia.
Fern Corleone Look at that, I also have dyscalculia and depression. I would love to hear about your experiences, actually
What does add and nvld together look like?
❤ Absolutely beautiful ❤️
So I have a question. I see a lot of labels disability and disorders with all kinds of titles. Is the disorder or disability really in the person or is it the world around them that expects everyone to see the world the same as they do? Maybe a deeper understanding equanimity could be the resolve.
Speaking from experience... it’s definitely my brain... we just need different tools to help us understand. For example, I had to work on both speed and comprehension in order to be able to read a paragraph. It took me an hour when it took others a minute or two. Working on straightening my skills definitely brought passion to the experience. I didn’t hate reading I can enjoy it now. I can be confident now. There can be a lot of societal stigmas and shame to being diagnosed with anything but without feeling those things I am not sure I would have tried so hard. Definitely could have gave up but I wanted that degree. I wanted to show them what I could do.
ADHD isn’t a disability
So, in all honesty, what if all your strengths require using your weaknesses? I would like to pursuethe arts but its all digital now.
Thank you for your work!!!
Fantastic video. Thank you!
Does anyone know what moderate learning difficulties are , thank you .
I Think its for example not being able to Profit from current educational System but still able to teach yourself since only you know what to do so that your brain can finally process the data.
I would say I have a moderate learning disability and have 24 years now End it doesn’t really affect my day-to-day life But when it comes to math don’t ask me to do it
@@seanm7539 I have struggled with it all my life but got told I had it 9 years ago but just never really understood it, lots of people have dyslexia witch is well know but mld I don't think is understood like that
How do you know which ones you have because my elementary school teacher put me in this connection program/special education thing in high school and I am not sure what learning disabilities I have to be in there.
Same thing with me i wish i knew more i wonder how we can figure it out
@@blakesee3083 parents kept it from you as well.?
The specialist couldn't figured it from what I understand
They should have given you an IQ test to determine what you have. I live in Florida and they requested me to take it every two years to remain in the smaller classes. You can attempt to take one now... some local colleges need volunteers to take the test for the students to learn how to administer them.
Can you reverse LD?
No, it will always be there but academic testing wise it can be undetectable with the more you learn. IQ testing wise they will be able to see the difference in the chart (compared to everything else on the test). Usually in the timed tests like reading comprehension and math. Remember your IQ has nothing to do with your LD it just the best way to detect where your issues are.
Im trying to get into the military. But I have to pass the asvab. Im having trouble with math and English. I have a learning disability. Does this affect my way going into the service?
For me it did... your jobs are limited.
can you get ssi for lD
Yes I do
I think the constant belittling and abuse I underwent rendered me incapable of summoning the kinds of motivations one needs to succeed in any area of life.
I have a learning disability but I’m not sure what kind I don’t think its. Specified but I would like to know because I feel it would help me cope
You need to take an IQ test to determine this.
Where can adults get help for learning disabilities?
Go on disability allowance
80's Baby In schooling there is a disability center.
Add here, and very strong and beautiful.
I have two friends who's kids and son who are ASD my cousin and myself
So what kind of help but he is an adult can get for this problem I've had it all my life and I know how to hit it and I am tired of it I want the world to know that I am smart just the way you look at me but when it becomes for me to write something I freeze and sometimes pass out it really hurts I am a 60-year-old woman that needs nothing and a lot of it I will I want to become a US citizen I'd be in the United States on my life I hat I am a residential I would not know what to do in Mexico but I do not know how to achieve my US citizen papers since I cannot read write memorize and pressure I will pass out what kind a help what kind of doctor could help me
Sound like and anxiety disorder along with your learning issues. You need an organized tutor to help you write out you goals and Break them down and to help you write your thoughts down. Take a breath and work on it slowly.
What does LD stand for?
learning disabilities
That's me
I have a receptive processing disorder (spoken, written, drawings), so I just have to face the fact I am far too stupid to understand ANY of this! No one is going to waste their precious time to explain a d*mned thing, because I wouldn't under stand anyway. It's called Disabilitism! Have you ever spent 15 hours, day and night, straight through to understand/try to do only to get nowhere? That's me every single day and I am fed up with it! Oh.... I'm also bi-polar. I don't expect any replies.... I'm used to it.
I dont think your stupid we all learn differently. Someone out there has to have the patience for us to learn . Being an adult with learning disability sucks for sure and I'm rather embarrassed me being 34 and dont know things people my age learn . We are smart is other things I bet there are many things your good at that you just dont give yourself credit for . Much love to you !
Thank you, girl. When I posted my comment, I was at the lower end of my bipolar and couldn't think straight. That's what happens when I struggle with what others find so "simple." It's really upsetting when people just don't want to help. I always hear, " We don't know how to help. " Not one has tried. I have given up drawing because of the frustrations of not getting anywhere with it. To see my drawings, go to facebook, type my name in the search, go to my photo albums and click on J's Drawings and you'll see a few of them. Selling them is an issue, because I simply don't know the process to get to that point.
I can understand waking up and being frustrated about having a disability trust me on that I wake up every day like that but you know what I try to do as I try to push myself to do things that I know I fucking suck at and if somebody tells me I can’t do something I crush that motherfuckerThis is the one thing that I wish people with disabilities would learn to love about them selves you have a unique perspective of the world that many people do not and probably will never have.
Neurodiversity is the most dangerous idea I've ever heard!
I have ADHD and a learning disability
i have a learning disability sense i was a baby
Sorry I find the crash of acronyms a little disorienting. But if I take "unlocated" or "unplaced" comments it seems interesting. Too many floating Codes has me Googling too much and having a disjointed experience, nothing new there lol! Sorry to cavil and appear petty.
I can't process information-visual or auditory-it doesn't fucking matter. I just get overwhelmed and shut down. I get distracted constantly and I'm late to everything. My showers take 30-90 minutes now. I don't even know what it is that's distracting me-I just can't think anymore. I used to work really hard in school and I actually did well but it took up way too much of my energy. Any strengths that I have are inaccessible because I'm fucking retarded. I have the work ethic of a fucking two-year-old now. I'm as good as dead.
No, you're not. You should watch Joel Osteen or Douglass Bloch on RUclips. Could help.
i have nvld and adhd. i don't have the nvld strength of being detaiil-oriented because my adhd makes me miss details most of the that's great. what now? lmao
in terms of adhd, yes, i'm creative...
I have the four maybe
As your fellow NLD-er, I'm obligated to point out that your reasoning is insensible. You're *someone else's* proof of the subjective nature of diagnoses, and also of the generalization that disorders are static and not overlapping, which is almost always the case. FYI, there's a crisis in the psychological community with the categorical method, as it's proven to be virtually useless in clinical practice. AS is a psychological condition, NLD is a neurological condition, by their definitions.
The very same people that assign me labels and the conflated stereotyping that media assosiates with it; then come to me for help when they can not solve a problem. This is as frusterating and insulting as it is validating as a human being.
"what is inside the box is known, what is outside the box is unknown..... So who made the box?"
Don't feel bad. People who put stereotypical labels on others are the dumb ones.
What about lead poisoning
why doe's society feel a need to put label's on those with disabilitie's?? or just a bit different ???? and unique???? whats been up with that?? and why??? what purpose doe's labelization have?? in today's society???
It helps doctors and carers and the person diagnosed know what exactly the kind of problems they have and what care they need. Like how you're 'labelled' with a cold when you have a runny nose and fever. Though I can understand why a label can be hurtful, it can make you feel like you won't achieve higher than what you're diagnosed with. But with the right help you can get better! I'm a much better person than I was 8 years ago. Seek help, work at it, and please remember doctors aren't 'labelling' you to hurt you, it's to help you.
When I was in school it was a good thing for me to be labeled as LD. The teachers had to read test too me and take test threw speaking. in schooling I was tested every couple year. I had an 8th grade reading leve my senior year. Now I'm in my mid 30 and work weld shop. Im a former now. It's feels good for people who have a collage degree to ask me how to solve a problem. It takes all different kinds of people to make the world go around.
Being labeled help me get free tutors, extra time on tests, and free tools such as recorders and calculators both in high school and college. These are the very exact things I needed to succeed without which I would have given up.
Everything is great Except the White Colonizer Pathologizing language of "disorders" I wonder if there is a follow up with strength based language- he starts with the Disprder language and tries to strength base them yet he still uses "disorders" wayyyy to much
I been know just making sure
OMG... you have A.S. on the wrong side.... Mind me if am mistaken... Jijiji
When will people realize that is impossible to multitask you can only do one task at a time and switch back and forth between them you cannot do two things at once prove it can you read a book and play video games at the same time no can you play basketball and football at the same exact time now you can pee and poo at the same time😅😅
You got to help me
I’m bored time to mess with a narcissist from messing with me lol 😂
Still fiddling around with what you still really don't know much about !
its not assburgers it is As per ger' s
Lusty Madonna 😂😂😂
No such thing as being disabled. Differentabled.
ADHD makes your attention spans shorter then short…. It’s not your fault it’s your brain it’s literally tells u Y df are u entertaining this 💩😭
Show time
I hate math and English
I am 11 i had a learning disability since i was 8 in 5th grade my level of math was at 1st grade
Being 11 years old and being aware that you have a learning disability is amazing. Also it seems like you have accepted it and want to know more about LD because you watched this video. Meaning you want to know how your brain processes things, which makes you an intelligent girl.
I found out I had a LD in the 1st grade. I had no idea what was going on. I worked really hard and went to any tutoring or after help I could get. I still wasn’t good at it in college but I used my tutors and teachers to help me. Now I have my master’s degree and never have to use math again lol.
My husband also has ADD and he focused really hard and is a doctor now.
Don’t let it hold you back from doing what you want to do. You got this.
New horoscope for dummies dropped
can you get ssi for lD
Vocational rehabilitation can provide money to severe cases. You take a test but I think in some cases you need an IQ test from the past 5 years. I took the test and had my IQ test from high school but because I scored high on there particular test I didn’t get anything.
❤ Absolutely beautiful ❤️