Be a weeb... just not like that

  • Опубликовано: 25 июл 2022
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    Black love video- • Death to "Black Love"(tm)

Комментарии • 2,4 тыс.

  • @wawfleu
    @wawfleu Год назад +2484

    I’m glad someone is tackling this. Especially nowadays cuz of the pandemic, a lot of teens and young adults are locked in their room in a bubble of toxic anime tropes and communities

    • @omniframe8612
      @omniframe8612 Год назад +60

      And they start coming into spaces and goating anime that just came out within their year frame of reference like they now know everything that’s out there

    • @pizzacrescent1080
      @pizzacrescent1080 Год назад +84

      With youtubers like Verdis Joe, Mother’s Basement, and Noralities, we definitely need more people talking about this to push back against the reactionary narratives and get people to acknowledge some problems with the medium despite the backlash they get.

    • @krusher181
      @krusher181 Год назад +27

      Yeah they won’t stop calling me daddy when I play online games… which is very damn weird cuz I’m prob old enough to be some of their actual dads.
      Humour right now is just strange sometimes. It’s funny sometimes but it’s also… weird af.

    • @Armendicus
      @Armendicus Год назад +5

      @@omn8612 the folly of youth

    • @sunflowersamurai10
      @sunflowersamurai10 Год назад +17

      Everyone and their mother calls this out, even anime fans.

  • @sael91
    @sael91 Год назад +1320

    The incel mindset towards women often feels like a twisted take on the old phrase "find someone who likes you for you." It's like they hear that and interpret it to mean that they're entitled to women's affection just for existing.

    • @zinjanthropus322
      @zinjanthropus322 Год назад +72

      They think that's how it is for everyone else (and it is if you're attractive) so they get angry when it isn't that way for them.

    • @ggdatboi
      @ggdatboi Год назад +76

      You got to remember a lot of these ppl we raised by ppl (not saying it was correct but just how times were) that to an extent were entitled to a women’s affection due to societal pressures. Every one was expected to marry. A lot of women didn’t work so they needed a husband. Etc etc. These values have passed on to them and times are different.

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz Год назад +30

      But there’s a huge issue with this interpretation. People DO say “I deserve to be loved for who I am” or they’ll say “people deserve to be loved.”
      Why would do people deserve to be loved at all. And more than that, how can you blame an Incel for believing that when everyone in our culture keeps saying it?

    • @botanicalitus4194
      @botanicalitus4194 Год назад

      @@BASSFZz i mean there are barely any women with the same entitlement as lnceIs, and there are tons of men who also cant get dates who are not entitled and toxic like inceIs... if those people figured out how to interpret these messages in a positive way then yes we can blame inceIs for their shtty interpretations

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz Год назад +29

      @@botanicalitus4194 have you…tried to date women? Or have I just encountered the “barely any women” that are equally entitled? 🤨😂
      I honestly don’t know very many people on the internet that honestly take the blame for lack of being with people more than man. All of the advice for men to date women is about how they have to improve themselves. How can you say they are more entitled when they have to do the most to be acceptable? 🤔
      How many Incels have you talked to? How many Incel discords have you chatted on? You’re going to find that these men hate themselves far more than they hate women. I find the discourse on incels to be rather disingenuous. Especially when there’s a belief that men and women aren’t equal on this regard.
      Barring in mind…I’ve technically only ever heard women say “the deserve to be love.” Never once heard that from an Incel.

  • @Phase4TheProphet
    @Phase4TheProphet Год назад +736

    I've had a theory for a long time that the little sister/childhood friend thing both stem from writers (and to some extent readers) being unable to imagine a loving relationship that forms for any reason other than just...familiarity? Like, they can't conceive of how those relationships form naturally and the only way they figure it works is that if you spend enough time around a girl you just end up together. So as gross as it is, this idea kind of reaches its natural conclusion of "oh well your sister has been around you for a long time, surely they'd develop some romantic feelings!" It's depressing to think about.

    • @EF-wy3di
      @EF-wy3di Год назад +41

      I think it more so has to do with chasing trends. Anime is saturated beyond belief and the only way to really get attention to your show is to make a masterpiece, adapt a manga that's already super popular or adapt something that is going to make headlines for one reason or the other. Ero manga sensei blew up and people watched it ironically for the lols. Now every season they try to recreate that. It's like how Sword art online spawned a decade of Isekai.

    • @Phase4TheProphet
      @Phase4TheProphet Год назад +104

      @@EF-wy3di I don’t really buy this mostly because the imouto trope waaaaaay predates Eromanga. To the point where Drakengard was already subverting it as a trope in 2003. It’s not a recent thing by any measure.

    • @PR0MAN01
      @PR0MAN01 Год назад +106

      I think that's just because that's how the unique form capitalism has made adult life in Japan. When all your time is spend either at work or home, there really aren't many opportunities to meet new people after you leave HS. It's why so many anime are set there, you need an excuse for characters to have actual free time to do wacky romcom shit.

    • @kuronetwork920
      @kuronetwork920 Год назад +5

      Na too be honest it's how it goes in Japan. A lot women just look for the first dude to attach to that way they don't have to be in the toxic work environment.

    • @onimaxblade8988
      @onimaxblade8988 Год назад +40

      Familiarity obviously plays a role, but yeah, it's always kind of sad. And it kind of reinforces that people are just going to naturally and hormonally attract to one another if they're opposite sex, which isn't great, and really not how it always works.

  • @ipdddd
    @ipdddd Год назад +1152

    I’m so glad youre talking about this. I’ve searched for years for someone to criticize and de-normalize the prevalence of incest and pedophilia in anime.

    • @zkkitty2436
      @zkkitty2436 Год назад +87

      Veridis Joe also made a video about this! I’m glad bc I was starting to feel like I was crazy since it seems no one takes issue w it despite it being so disturbing

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +18

      There's Noralites, and the responded hard on her claims

    • @zenogias01
      @zenogias01 Год назад

      @@kostajovanovic3711 And then she followed up with the recent revelation that the Dragon Maid writer does strsight actual child porn making the subtext just straight text.

    • @artypyrec4186
      @artypyrec4186 Год назад

      True, it got so damn weird. The incest happened over night, that came out of left field, but the pedo thing just keeps popping up like whack a mole and people have arguments for it.

    • @frannava7175
      @frannava7175 Год назад +1

      What pedo stuff

  • @Zetamen7
    @Zetamen7 Год назад +1779

    One thing that I truly hate about the larger anime fandom is the lack of critical engagement. Think about what you see, branch out, seek other stuff, use your goddamn brain

    • @imanigordon6803
      @imanigordon6803 Год назад +9

      Whose gonna make us 😂

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +74

      Big anitubers perpetuating that idea also

    • @darkanddandy6898
      @darkanddandy6898 Год назад +239

      Remember how that one aniyoutuber Noralities tried to have a discussion about how often anime sexualizes minors and they got dragged up and down the internet?!

    • @georgiezcr
      @georgiezcr Год назад +111

      yeah the number of people I've heard say "oh yeah I just ignore that stuff and move past it" as if that's good enough lol

    • @innitbruv-lascocomics9910
      @innitbruv-lascocomics9910 Год назад +169

      @@darkanddandy6898 Exactly! She made some very valid points in that video and most of the comments were along the lines of "iTs fIctIon" or "mAyBe yOuRE tHe wEirD One" and at this point....a large amount of some anime communities (not ALL, just some) are in denial about their admiration or viewership of weird affixiations in some Anime.

  • @Densoro
    @Densoro Год назад +411

    Reminds me a lot of that Hayao Miyazaki quote: "If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t [design characters who are people], because you’ve never seen it. Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves. Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans. And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!"
    It's equally pushed _at_ humans who can't stand looking at other humans. It's one thing to see yourself authentically reflected in fiction, but it's another thing to try and typecast yourself and the world around you, to a handful of marketable checkboxes.
    And also seriously too many otaku are coming out of these ecchi bubbles and legit harassing people, thinking they can discuss their most intimate preferences without any lead-up or rapport-building. They have not learned the concept of, 'You don't know me like that.'

    • @phoenixfritzinger9185
      @phoenixfritzinger9185 Год назад +40

      So my art teacher who told me in high school that I should learn proper anatomy before going into more stylized stuff like anime was right

    • @Densoro
      @Densoro Год назад +28

      @@phoenixfritzinger9185 idk about _that_ xD My art teachers demanding that I figure out what realistic human beings look like without any tools or instruction was _not helpful._ What allowed me to improve was letting myself draw anime, and drawing gradually smaller and more nuanced details until the oversized eyes shrank and the anime _became realism._
      I think Miyazaki's advice applies more those characters _present themselves._ Their habits, their tastes, their behaviors.
      I think writers 'who can't stand looking at human beings' think of characters like robots who fight and push the plot forward. Writers who _love humans_ are good at showing what their characters are fighting _for_ -- hot meals with their friends at sunset, they way they laugh together, the way they do their hobbies. The downtime _between_ the big action-plot moments, that makes you fall in love with humans.
      Even if your characters look like a high schooler's notebook scribbles, you can capture these endearingly human details like, 'She always wore a ribbon in her hair,' 'She used cherry blossom body wash,' etc. The little things. It comes from thinking about how they live their life, instead of just smashing them together like action figures.

    • @phoenixfritzinger9185
      @phoenixfritzinger9185 Год назад +11

      @@Densoro I guess it’s different for everybody, but my teacher was the type who would say no drawing anime stuff until you have a good grasp on anatomy
      I did like to sneak in anime stuff though like I’d have a person who was wearing a t-shirt with like a generic anime person on it or I would draw anime people on the posters on the walls of the rooms I drew

    • @kero6298
      @kero6298 Год назад +22

      @@phoenixfritzinger9185 no, your teacher was right. Learn proper anatomy before moving on to more stylized art like anime. It’s important to have at a firm understanding of the foundations, learn the rules before you break them. Proportions, perspective, shadows, and color theory are extremely important, especially if you are still in the earlier stages of your art. Please learn them before you form bad habits. Reference studies aren’t fun but you’ll be grateful you did them once you start to pursue more ambitious projects. Creating your own style becomes much easier once you’ve already gotten a good grasp on the basics, it’s all down to personal preference at that point.

    • @isamekailmahmud9302
      @isamekailmahmud9302 Год назад +1

      What if i lioe it better stylized? It's not like i can't stand talking or observing other people i just prefer doing this instead.

  • @lunchbox3109
    @lunchbox3109 Год назад +974

    Im happy it's a dude pointing this stuff out. I feel like im so scared to criticize this stuff bc im a girl and people wont take my criticism seriously bc they think im just being oversensitive. Like i get that this stuff isnt the worst thing in the world. Watching and enjoying these fantasy fulfillment animes isnt gonna *hurt* anyone, technically, but that makes my comments about it easy to diminish. Also, when women call these animes out on say, like twitter, there's just a huge dogpile of people telling her that "its not made for ur demographic, watch something else".

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +133

      Unfortunately true,
      Look at reception FD got compared to what Noralites went through...

    • @megamillion5852
      @megamillion5852 Год назад +164

      Yep, misogny is as ingrained in anime as the culture that created it.

    • @camcam794
      @camcam794 Год назад +89

      There are a few women RUclipsrs that get shit on for criticizing these tropes. I’m like thank god I’m not alone thinking this

    • @komos3719
      @komos3719 Год назад +65

      Yeah. It's annoying because we're the ones who are the most capable of seeing through this kind of thing as well.
      edit: *seeing > seems

    • @gloomyloomy
      @gloomyloomy Год назад +15

      speak your mind

  • @williambutler6558
    @williambutler6558 Год назад +905

    I appreciate the empathy that you show for these young men and boys. Obviously they do a lot of damage, and that has to be addressed and taken seriously, but it is nice to hear someone who understands the pain that led them to where they are, and believes that they can still be better.

    • @riverw4721
      @riverw4721 Год назад +34

      I really don't wanna hear from people who were born paragons of moral virtue. I wanna hear from people who have had to do the work.

    • @ryanallen2001
      @ryanallen2001 Год назад +12

      So much this. It's a voice that's sorely lacking in the discourse.

    • @sayjinpat4life
      @sayjinpat4life Год назад +6

      @@riverw4721 you are right most would rather not hear it from a paragon but from a person on the ground level.

    • @grapeshot
      @grapeshot Год назад +23

      I can't but I won't have empathy for people who are extremely racist and the anime community is full of people like that. Maybe they should do what people love to tell black people to do all the time, take responsibility.

    • @frannava7175
      @frannava7175 Год назад +1

      @@grapeshot what there anime communities world wide even in black countries the fuck u on

  • @ryoku1236
    @ryoku1236 Год назад +915

    I will take every chance I get to listen to someone drag Kirito.

    • @tenaciousrodent6251
      @tenaciousrodent6251 Год назад +28

      I don't think i ever saw anyone who specifically liked Kirito.

    • @ZundelArt
      @ZundelArt Год назад +78

      @@tenaciousrodent6251 I had a friend who really liked him- to add salt to injury, she also defended the incest subplot, it was the absolutely worst discussion on the topic of media I've ever had

    • @brian_Austin27
      @brian_Austin27 Год назад +20

      @@tenaciousrodent6251 I mean he got better over time especially in ggo and meeting Eugeo and a lot of people say his relationship with him is better than asuna. It feels more natural just for him to die it's funny and the fujoshi's called this out and it took me a while too see that too Even in the games asuna gets jealous of Kirito and Eugeos relationship. Shit man had a whole breakdown over him to were he lost his arm and couldn't even move and all the girls in his harem couldn't get him back fighting. But u know who did....the ghost of his Male "friend" Eugeo he seemed like a better relationship that most people sus it out. Asuna was this mans whole wife but have a whole breakdown over a childhood friend even his female childhood friend names Alice had a thing for him took care of him while he was temporarily disabled and didn't worked. I feel like Japan in that regard is very homophobic not in the way where they hate gays or LGBTQ community but they fear writing close Male relationships because they write it better than the Male x female ones. Same with Naruto and Sasuke they tried to kill each other but they still came back to each other and Naruto and Sasuke getting with Sakura and Hinata feels like bullshit because u see how Hinata(liking Naruto) and Sakura(liking Sasuke) happens but u never see them give that same feelings back most of the time its them being protected by them because they cant just let them die a lot of people even straight men saw this and was like naruto and sasuke should just end up together because how obsessed with each other they were mostly Naruto 😭

    • @lyndonwesthaven6623
      @lyndonwesthaven6623 Год назад +27

      I only got three episodes into SOA and a major reason was that Kirito's characterization just *made no sense* to me. Like, it led with him being a ruthless bastard, he was somene who was going to use his early-access advantage to win even though access to in- game resources now has lethal stakes. Then he's penitent and is here to save weaker players, then he's a stop-and-smell-the-roses guy who worked to get an infinite honeypot..... Like, none of these would necessarily be bad if they were actual legitimate character arcs that we *saw happen* but flipping between them just makes it seem like the writers room is passing the pen between episodes!
      The concept has so much potential to occupy interesting territory between gamer culture and the survival game subgenre I was legitimately mad at how blandly thoughtless it managed to be.

    • @zerg2820
      @zerg2820 Год назад +1


  • @wawfleu
    @wawfleu Год назад +480

    Something I’ve also noticed about some anime fans, they’ll discredit valid criticism of the debauchery in a piece of work just because “it’s not in the real world” like it wasn’t written by a real person, that knows real people in real life that co-signed and even collaborated to create some of the worst tropes

    • @mosthated.e.2422
      @mosthated.e.2422 Год назад +9

      To be quite honest.I don’t think anyone cares.I said that with respect

    • @lizk96
      @lizk96 Год назад +121

      Or my favorite, when they start their argument with "well, the age of consent in Japan is 13..."

    • @nami-ic5nv
      @nami-ic5nv Год назад +107

      @@lizk96 the amount of age of consent debates i saw in the anime community during my time as a fan was my cue to exit

    • @wawfleu
      @wawfleu Год назад +75

      @@lizk96 anime and right wing communities are the only ones constantly talking about age of consent lol

    • @innitbruv-lascocomics9910
      @innitbruv-lascocomics9910 Год назад +72

      @@mosthated.e.2422 Apathy is not a valid argument

  • @TsubataLately
    @TsubataLately Год назад +172

    My older brother (Gen X) used to go to the local comic store to watch raw Japanese anime films in the late 80s/early 90s. A few years later, I (Xennial) was online spending every spare penny I had ordering fansub tapes of numerous shojo series that never had a chance of getting licensed in the US. This was very early in the era of anime cons, but as a lonely black girl nerd, I was too accustomed to being isolated in my hobbies to really see the appeal of hanging out with a bunch of other nerds.

  • @Jane-oz7pp
    @Jane-oz7pp Год назад +443

    I was hella worried going into The Promised Neverland, because it's all about children, and with modern anime that shit is always suss as hell. But then I finally watched it and was really surprised that they just let the kids be kids and didn't sexualise them. Season 1, definitely recommend. (it falls off a bit in season 2, becoming a more generic dark fantasy and that really kills the suspenseful horror tone that they had in season 1)

    • @Ash_Wen-li
      @Ash_Wen-li Год назад +76

      Season 2 was a travesty because they shoved like 13 volumes into about 12 episodes and skipped the best arc. When it could have had like 3 more seasons.

    • @Jane-oz7pp
      @Jane-oz7pp Год назад +23

      @@Ash_Wen-li awh damn that actually explains a lot about the jumps in story and character. Might have to give the manga a go soon and see what I missed out on.

    • @ragnarockerbunny
      @ragnarockerbunny Год назад +42

      Which is funny since The Promised Neverland's entire premise is kids who have to grow up fast since the adults in their life are selling them like farm produce.

    • @eagleleft
      @eagleleft Год назад

      Agreed. Also watch gintama

    • @eagleleft
      @eagleleft Год назад +4

      Oh and blue period

  • @nickc6621
    @nickc6621 Год назад +428

    When you started saying “my favourite of all time…” I was fully expecting like an FMA or Death Note and then you dropped Madoka Magica and I just started nodding my head.

    • @PR0MAN01
      @PR0MAN01 Год назад +12

      Patricians taste.

    • @degreeskelvin3025
      @degreeskelvin3025 Год назад +32

      Deadass me too 😂. Was sitting expecting high level stuff like what you said or code geass of nonster or something. He hut us with the Madoka Magica and i was like checks out 👍

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +3

      Considering all the isms death note has, I'll be surprised if it ended up among his favs

    • @nickc6621
      @nickc6621 Год назад +22

      @@kostajovanovic3711 sure, but it’s a staple of most people our age (outing myself as an rider millennial lol) “fav anime of all time” list. It’s not in mine either.

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +2

      @@nickc6621 ok, fair

  • @TheWindBlack
    @TheWindBlack Год назад +687

    Anime has drafted a lot of bullshit ideas, so much so that it has bred the mentality that everything that is drawn is just a drawing and doesn't reflect on themselves. Which would be an alright statement if people weren't using this mentality to defend themselves for liking Lolicon or drawings of young characters in a sexual fashion. I always found that strange when all these extreme ideas start getting backlash, now it's "It's just a drawing man, cmon I'm not weird. :D"

    • @girlsnightgirIsnight
      @girlsnightgirIsnight Год назад

      exactly. any attempt to completely separate art from reality is bs lol. the story isn’t real, but if you personally think a child on your screen is hot, you should not be around children irl either. and should also die

    • @strayiggytv
      @strayiggytv Год назад +1

      It's also crazy to me that a lot of these right wing weebs will accuse LGBTQ+ people of "grooming" by discussing Amy of their struggles or issues at any time but I'm the same breath with say "it's not real kids though! Stop trying to police people's thoughts!"
      You can catch these f:_ckers out doing that all day but when you point out the hypocrisy they don't care.

    • @SaberToothPortilla
      @SaberToothPortilla Год назад +141

      To be fair, there's at least some validity to the idea. There's a long history of depicting questionable shit in media.
      I think the issue is that a lot of those people (mostly dudes, but I'll be fair), are non-critical to the point of something like avoidance. Like they would never present a reason for the suspect elements needing to be present. Moreover, even when they don't have a reason, they won't go out of their way to say that it is what it is.
      Like, at least someone who was into, say, gore or hyper violence generally wouldn't continuously say "it's just a drawing" when asked, they're gonna tell you "Yeah, I like this shit for reasons x, y, z".
      Very few of those anime fans are willing to do that, because they'd have to grapple with the fact that there just are pedophillic tendencies there, usually for no particular reason, and no one wants to admit what that might imply about them, or at least about the people who are creating the works.

    • @Robok-E
      @Robok-E Год назад +16

      @@SaberToothPortilla if I can give my point of view as a lolicon, now I don't just watch that type of content, I'm into many genres, but from what I can say from my perspective is it's liking something in fantasy that is Taboo or a kink, sort of, from what I have experienced, i didnt think much of the genre, most people talked a lot about dragon maid and have bursted out with comments of its sussy themes, meanwhile I watched it with some family members and they were fine with it and I think majorly its either because you think too far into it or there's something that might tells about a person.
      I totally didn't even know the category until the hentai gods bestowed me the forbidden doujins, and from what I saw, I liked and at the beginning I did reflect on it, I've recently got into a subreddit where they kick back the arguments and have discussions about why they might feel like they like it or why do we have this sort of attraction and from what I gather some people have the tendency to just like random stuff and it's up to us individually to reflect on our thoughts so we don't act upon the fantasy and I might get Dislikes or comments saying that it's horrible either way but I'm expressing that through art instead of action.
      What I do feel is the problem is the antagonistic nature against the engagement of this discussion, not an argument, a discussion for understanding, if we don't understand why people do the things they do you'll resolve nothing in the end, there's also a youtuber named Nataliexhunter she made a video a while ago talking about this
      It's a bit of a watch but I would appreciate if you gave it a watch and try to come with understanding in mind, yeah other than that I'm just some stupid dude on youtube, hope you all the best

    • @USSAnimeNCC-
      @USSAnimeNCC- Год назад +5

      Drawing of a child how "it's just a drawing" a good defense seriously Megumin, the two girls form Evangelion, or that one girls who 14 and the younger sister of a girl form who 17 I think form "my dress up darling" and have hug bust ok maybe teen girl can have hung bust but their still children the end of day even if their cartoons

  • @ThexAngryxPharoah
    @ThexAngryxPharoah Год назад +345

    What kills me is that genres that are usually reserved for porn are just casually thrown into shows that really have nothing to do with sexual stuff. Fam service use to be " place attractive female character here" abd she still makes sense. To "pick a porn genre and make it a character" in a story about cooking

    • @zkkitty2436
      @zkkitty2436 Год назад +79

      I had to drop Food Wars bc the plot and recipes were so good but the “fan service” was horrendous .. as a teen I was desensitized to most of it but when I tried picking it up again a few years later it was too much. I’m still mad about it, bc that show helped me realize my love for cooking but I can’t watch or recommend it, ever.

    • @megamillion5852
      @megamillion5852 Год назад +76

      I hate so much that we just call deliberate erotica "fanservice." It's such a gross precedent under a context where any girl is potential "fanservice" material.

    • @DavidAllgaier_
      @DavidAllgaier_ Год назад +27

      This is what has turned me off from watching certain anime shows. It is so annoying now that I have to constantly check before starting a series whether or not it has excessive fanservice or adultification of its characters.

    • @ladynoluck
      @ladynoluck Год назад +27

      Food Wars and Fire Force ruined good shows with that nonsense

    • @frannava7175
      @frannava7175 Год назад +1

      @@zkkitty2436 woow it's because it's shounen dummy

  • @KillsAllHumanity
    @KillsAllHumanity Год назад +153

    Honestly, a lot of that fantasy vs reality mindset in the anime community was ultimately why i left. I was big into cosplay and anime as a teenager, but the sense of ownership and entitlement that some of these fans had for specific animes was too much.

    • @GreenWolf2k
      @GreenWolf2k Год назад +8

      I don't watch a lot of anime I spend more time with games and movies. I have watched Demon Slayer, Konosuba, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and I'm currently reading my first manga series My Hero Academia. I don't tend to interact with the community in any of my hobbies. I just stick with my group of friends. Most fans of any group tend to be chill and just enjoy the art but as the saying goes "a few bad apples spoil the bunch".

    • @tygerchickchibi
      @tygerchickchibi Год назад +2

      I keep my love of interest with shows around positive supporting people involved. I don't typically talk to people online as much in Fandom but yeaaahh

    • @chrisk5985
      @chrisk5985 Год назад +12

      Cosplaying especially brings to light how people cant separate reality from fantasy. I started cosplaying over a decade ago when I was only 12 years old, and I cannot tell you how many people would follow me around, touch me, "glomp" me, etc just because I was the character they liked... all before I was even 18. There's a reason they now have "cosplay is not consent" signs all over conventions now.

  • @R3tr0Tunez
    @R3tr0Tunez Год назад +604

    The worst boyfriend I ever had, that always talked about how hot other girls were, and tried to force himself on me was in love with Ramona Flowers and Summer. Of course, he exclusively dated high school freshmen 💀

    • @ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos
      @ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos Год назад +120

      Sounds like he's in the running for worst bf period 😬

    • @miss_chelles1338
      @miss_chelles1338 Год назад +34

      Oh god. 💀😷

    • @vidmuncher
      @vidmuncher Год назад +120

      Your boyfriend was Scott Pilgrim?

    • @yserareborn
      @yserareborn Год назад +46

      I hope you're still alright. More I think about more kinda dangerous that dude sounds.

    • @ziolp
      @ziolp Год назад

      He sounds like a predator.

  • @sogothshesblack
    @sogothshesblack Год назад +418

    I'd say that shoujo has a very...odd view of relationships. Like, theres so much popular shoujo where the point boils down to "Even if your relationship is garbage and this guy is barely respectful of your feelings, just stick with him even if you have to change yourself" like, there's really good shoujo out there but the most popular ones especially in the 2010s were straight brain poison for teenagers

    • @ultimamage3
      @ultimamage3 Год назад +21

      Seeing Black Bird recommended in the wake of Twilight getting popular was a trip.

    • @Tirgo69
      @Tirgo69 Год назад +49

      Itazura na Kiss made me want to die watching it. Literally the only thing I liked was how it went all the way from meeting to being married and having a child after college and having formed careers, most shoujo stuff stops after high school so that was cool I guess. It was the absolute worst most stereotypical shoujo possible. "I'm just an average girl and WHOOPS now I have to live with (and maybe be like a step-sibling? don't recall) The Richest and Most Handsome Guy at School, who is cold and mysterious but hides a soft side but usually just outright bullies or abuses me for no reason". I remember his confession scene coming out of absolutely nowhere after they had spent all their time together making it seem like he despised her.
      I would be interested to her your examples of shoujo with shitty male protags

    • @robertosian6329
      @robertosian6329 Год назад +37

      Black prince and wolf girl is the epitome of this.

    • @Prodigi50
      @Prodigi50 Год назад +29

      I’m glad someone is calling out shoujo too. I only see people talking about how toxic shonen is.

    • @benababas
      @benababas Год назад +44

      Boys over flowers, anyone? Hot Gimmick?

  • @myrmepropagandist
    @myrmepropagandist Год назад +177

    "Effort" can just mean meeting more people and paying more attention to *who is attracted to you* rather than who you are attracted to. My initial approach to romance was to develop a horrible crush on someone who I hardly knew and then do basically next to nothing about it and ignore everyone else. Then get sad when I got some sign of rejection and decide I was unlovable. If you know, say 180 people who are around your age and looking to date someone and you pick JUST ONE... the odds are not high that they will like you.
    The thing that makes this more wild is I was really attracted to people who were outsiders, short guys, fat guys, really really really nerdy guys. I wanted someone I could relate to so I'd have a crush on some dude who sat alone at lunch and who has really strange hobbies like playing the bagpipe or making model airplanes or reciting train time tables by heart. Guys who got laughed at in class or bullied ... I could relate.
    And these total nerds NEVER liked me. I was invisible, part of it was race, part was just being a nerd myself. Black nerd boy and white ones were both kinda racist in some cases. With girls it was different, but with girls I had the added obstacles that come with looking for someone who was gay or bi. And they always said I was uptight.
    After listening to yet another incel pouring out his heart to me about the girls he *really* liked (who, tellingly were not people he knew, and only one or two people out of the many we both knew) and when I was like "what about me?" he said "you don't count" I kind snapped out of it.
    I know I'm pretty good looking and fun. I knew even then I had other options. I could date some preppy dude I did not care.
    So I started making note of who seemed to like me. I stopped worrying about who I thought I'd like. I realized I could never really fall in love with someone who wouldn't be able to fall in love with me so why waste time with sheltered limited longing? Why go out of my way to get the attention of the guys who weren't popular?
    And then I just held out until I met a guy who liked me AND he is nerdy in the ways I like. But I wouldn't have tuned into him naturally since he's good at hiding with not so nerdy people. He has a lot of friends. He's clean cut and conventional. That is to say he has excellent social skills. How I ever thought THAT was a turn off is beyond me but when he showed me his spreadsheets of national train times... the wedding bells had basically already started ringing. It's been 15 years that we've been together.
    So take from that what you will. It might apply a bit more to girls than to guys IDK. Stop chasing "one crush" then calling yourself a romantic failure since they don't like you back. There are several people who probably have a crush on YOU right now. Check 'em out. If they aren't your type keep meeting new people.

    • @juicyparsons
      @juicyparsons Год назад +14

      this is GREAT, thank you!

    • @Hugo-MTX96
      @Hugo-MTX96 Год назад +13

      damn what a read, no trying to be insulting just wow, liked the ending .

    • @lyonsin2535
      @lyonsin2535 Год назад +12

      This was a great read, thank you

    • @terrier-9544
      @terrier-9544 Год назад +15

      Thank you so much for this! I am also a black girl nerd that never had success with romance in school and now maybe I think I have a chance based on this wonderful comment! Cheers to your 15 years!

    • @theob6457
      @theob6457 Год назад +1

      Oh my god is this relatable

  • @lovinglydull
    @lovinglydull Год назад +227

    Welcome to the NHK, you kinda miss the mark on -- the girl in Welcome to the NHK latches onto the main dude because he's essentially a science project to her in how she can "fix" him, and their relationship actually strains and struggles when he confronts the fact that he's a cesspit of a person and actually starts putting in effort to improve himself. Part of the resolution is not just the main dude fixing himself, but her confronting her own problems, too.
    With everything else, you hit the mark hard. Anime has definitely created this space where people have insulated themselves from reality and spiralled deeper and deeper into delusion and antisociality.

    • @Chatrbuug
      @Chatrbuug Год назад +22

      Not even kinda tbh, just straight up missed the mark.
      This guy be besmirching one of the best anti-anime anime

    • @MegamanStarforce2010
      @MegamanStarforce2010 Год назад +8

      the problem is they still end up together and it's portrayed as a 'happy end' of sorts.

    • @Chatrbuug
      @Chatrbuug Год назад +9

      @@MegamanStarforce2010 yes, at the end of their character arcs, which is fine.

    • @artless3438
      @artless3438 Год назад +17

      @@MegamanStarforce2010 I find that really interesting. I suppose because I've been around depressive people, and seen the show analyzed through a depressive lens, that the ending is not a problem. They do not just end up together and it's happy- there's that lurking feeling of hardship still to overcome:
      Case in point: They have a suicide pact at the end. Which unlike for most of the show, it is not just some strange way to express their feelings- it just straight up is a uneasy pact of trauma bonding. Like you said, they do not just end up together happily- there's that lurking feeling of hardship still to overcome. That the two need each other because they are both still fundamentally dysfunctional and the only people around to help each other.
      I dunno though. If you want a good analysis of the show and it's ending, I'd recommend Bess Sonozaki's analysis of the show. She's underrated af.

    • @slavajuri
      @slavajuri Год назад +6

      Thanks for the correction. It's been 8 years since I watched NHK, and his assessment wasn't clicking for me. Now I have a bit clearer memory of why.

  • @spookydonkey42
    @spookydonkey42 Год назад +608

    Rent A Girlfriend is a current anime that teaches the WORST kind of messages about how dating "works" and is indicative of all the worst aspects of the problematic narrative making the protagonists stalker actions "right" in order to move the plot

    • @Ash_Wen-li
      @Ash_Wen-li Год назад +142

      I think it's general consensus that Rent A Girlfriend is trash

    • @larissabrglum3856
      @larissabrglum3856 Год назад +100

      The title alone is concerning

    • @rossdelarosa792
      @rossdelarosa792 Год назад +63

      I mean, Rent-A-Girlfriend's MC isn't someone to look up to.
      I watched the whole series (begrudgingly at some point), and he's pathetic.

    • @Wakkowolf
      @Wakkowolf Год назад +40

      110% right, but I'ma still watch the trash burn. The main issue is there isn't a character that comments on what he does often enough. A narrator would likely be best since if it was someone he interacts with he would be acting a fool even with someone looking out for him.

    • @Spades20XX
      @Spades20XX Год назад +10

      That’s a very surface level reading of the whole story. As someone who’s been reading the chapters consistently and weekly, the road is still very long for Kazuya to actually mature into a confident human being who is worthy of love and is capable of giving actual love. The story just got to a point where he and Chizuru actually have a genuine conversation over the phone.
      Rent a GF has some trashy shit in it but it’s also got a lot of heart and Absolutely understands that Kazuya is not going to get the girl just by being the way he is. I think if you’ve read the manga up until now you’d see his changes and how much he still has to go. None of that bullshit where the character is someone who gets love for literally no reason… which is actually Ruka’s character who seems to lack true understanding of Kazuya as a human being.

  • @DonnieMoreland
    @DonnieMoreland Год назад +497

    I wrote a paper in my film studies program about Akira Kurosawa films as meditations on the implications of a failed imperial state on masculine performances. A book I came across in preparing the essay was on the subject of frigid male sexualities by a Japanese philosopher, Masahiro Morioka. The book title translates to Confessions of a Frigid Man. Morioka provides a first-hand account of sexual depersonalization, social isolation, and the fetishization of young girls while investigating how he arrived at that interior crisis. The book caught fire in Japan in '05 because of how male social/sexual expressivity seemed to be shaping ( the flip side being what inspires Yusuke from YYH). Male sexual frigidity has become so commonplace in masculine social performances, and in the dating cultures of Japan, that there are classes where women learn how to be the "most ideal partner" to men who have arrested emotional, and sexual development. Socially, the conditions for the politics of Haram manga are taking place in real life because the social responsibility falls on the women to meet the men at their conditions of desirability, and not the other way around. It's a lot like North America except incel culture suggests society is at fault for repressing men, whereas Japanese cultures of frigid masculine performances suggest that the repression of expressive masculinities is how you prevent a country from being bombed again and that has spread, and evolved generationally into what we see with the development of fictional protagonists who are emotionally, and sexually "frigid" and yet are still desired. It's having your cake and eating it too. It's asking the question, "how do I live in my masculine fantasies while not expressing any perceived desirable masculine qualities?". Thus, SAO lol

    • @malcor913
      @malcor913 Год назад +37

      It sounds like a really interesting essay, is there any way to read it?

    • @DonnieMoreland
      @DonnieMoreland Год назад +44

      @@malcor913 Whole book is available for download from that philosophy archive.

    • @onimaxblade8988
      @onimaxblade8988 Год назад +18

      That definitely does sound super interesting, and some of it certainly makes sense.

    • @imaginaryguide1895
      @imaginaryguide1895 Год назад +3

      Thank you for the book rec! It sounds super-interesting.

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +4

      Can you go a little more in detail about Yusuke, i am not connecting the dots here?

  • @kirbbb1995
    @kirbbb1995 Год назад +430

    this video is amazing! as a girl anime fan, seeing all of the misogynistic anime fans in the community makes me sick. and also just the creepy pdf file shit. what's even worse is that sometimes that gross shit is in the source material!
    this video really hit the nail on the head, and i believe that every anime fan should watch this video. even if it was just a "rant"! also madoka magica being one of your favorite animes? respect. infinite respect.

    • @bennymountain1
      @bennymountain1 Год назад +24

      Pdf file 🤣

    • @IAmTheBugInsideYou
      @IAmTheBugInsideYou Год назад +36

      Misogyny is heavily prevalent in socially conservative Japan & the US, Anime gives voice to that REALLY well if you don't keep an eye out for it. Personally like Spike Spiegel, I love a woman that matches or exceeds me intellectually, or can kick my ass lmao, that's one of the joys of being into the opposite sex for me, & it's been normalized for a very long time that disrespect for women, whether it comes to equal pay or equal opportunity, sex work, raising children, & so on is 'acceptable'.
      People out here really saying these days that they get yelled at or scolded by women for holding a door open now lmao, done that dozens of times myself, has nothing to do with women specifically, majority of people thank you for doing that, I have men hold the door open for me sometimes as well, it's just about being compassionate to others.

    • @neoqwerty
      @neoqwerty Год назад +8

      @@IAmTheBugInsideYou Yeah, like, I just hold a door open because it's rude to shut it in someone's face, I ain't doing it to be thanked and if someone yells at me over the door I just go "bad day? Do you want to vent about it?"
      (and sometimes they do want to rant about what went wrong and come out of the interaction feeling better)

    • @Densoro
      @Densoro Год назад +37

      @@IAmTheBugInsideYou Seriously, I catch doors for people all the time and I've never gotten any crap for it. I wonder how many self-proclaimed "Nice Guys" get called out because they held the door _and then used that as an excuse to be obnoxious and demand something in return._

    • @amuroray9115
      @amuroray9115 Год назад +18

      Anime community and gamer community have a shit ton of alt righters by the way.
      Something about those two mediums being “nerdy niche” and “free from the liberal mainstream censorship!!” Attracts all kinds of socially inept lowlives to it.

  • @keithbrisbane7775
    @keithbrisbane7775 Год назад +88

    Tenchi was constantly trying to not be the harem protagonist. He really just wanted his personal space. He's really a victim of sexual harassment.

    • @kuronetwork920
      @kuronetwork920 Год назад +8

      Right who wants 100 year old aliens trying to get at you all day.

    • @juicyparsons
      @juicyparsons Год назад +17

      yup that part is a problem in and of itself!

    • @stephennootens916
      @stephennootens916 Год назад +14

      The think with Tenchi is he just wanted to live his life. And when you think about the show wasn't even about him as it was about the alien women in his life. There is a reason why it was call No Need For Tenchi.

    • @AdumbroDeus
      @AdumbroDeus 4 месяца назад +1

      Yep, speaking as somebody who thoroughly disagrees with the sentiment that nobody could be into Tenchi cause I was, that's what made me uncomfortable with the show.
      Of course the critiques of Harem anime still apply because it reads as written by somebody who not only doesn't get the problem with sexual harassment but thinks the situation is hot, or at least is writing it for other people who feel that way.

  • @joshuazeeman7553
    @joshuazeeman7553 Год назад +512

    One of the many reasons I really love Samurai Champloo is that the three main characters aren't bogged down in a dramatic love triangle. Like the show plays with the idea sometimes but it's never a central driver of the plot. The music helps too

    • @gundamnmechas8518
      @gundamnmechas8518 Год назад +73

      Indeed. Rip Nujabes.

    • @killascorpo3558
      @killascorpo3558 Год назад +44

      My favorite anime of all time. Samurai Champloo is GOATed

    • @SuperMiIk
      @SuperMiIk Год назад +8

      @@killascorpo3558 same. Nothing can top it I fear

    • @Syren90...Aka9
      @Syren90...Aka9 Год назад +12

      Champlooooooo!!! JIN has my heart forever. Lol

    • @jamjox9922
      @jamjox9922 Год назад +40

      Yeah, that was awesome. They become real friends by the end, but still part ways and understand that friendships doesn't mean being together, but having support somewhere, by people that know you and still like you. And they're all different, but all learn to grow from each other.

  • @stewsworld5009
    @stewsworld5009 Год назад +345

    Barely started this video but I just knew he was gonna show up Kirito when he said this character ruined anime and honestly you’re right F.D

    • @birdiewolf3497
      @birdiewolf3497 Год назад +29

      Same here!!! I knew it was Kirito. SAO really was that bad.

    • @alejandro28763
      @alejandro28763 Год назад


    • @IshtarNike
      @IshtarNike Год назад +11

      SAO abridged is actually kind of good. Asuna and kirito actually have chemistry. It's not really progressive but it's far less incel power fantasy.

    • @maad1670
      @maad1670 Год назад +8

      also Kazuma from Konosuba. "muh gender equality tee hee" fuuuuuck outta here.
      *sidenote: on 2nd thought the damage of him is more on anime fans rather than the medium itself, my bad.

    • @HollowGolem
      @HollowGolem Год назад +33

      @@IshtarNike SAO Abridged was scripted by someone who _got_ the problematic aspects of the original and subverts/mocks them. SAO Abridged is the only good thing to come out of SAO.

  • @Cajaquarius
    @Cajaquarius Год назад +36

    As a minority nerd from the nineties, I feel your pain lol Mine was D&D. Playing at lunch and trying to avoid teachers because the older ones still believed the satanic panic nonsense from the decade prior. Now my nephew is in a D&D club in public school. Turning me into that old man thinking "kids got it too easy today" lol

  • @taimatsuko
    @taimatsuko Год назад +88

    Late 90s black female weeb here: On the shoujo side the portrayal of a lot of relationships was SO toxic in hindsight especially in manga. Clamp’s CCS, Sailor Moon (you know which parts…), fushigi yuugi. Romanticizing r*pe and relationships between underage girls and grown men was such a common trope. I think because I was watching it in junior high it never occurred to me to have a critical lens about it till this new generation was like “there’s nothing even fantastically romantic about this”. And it feels somewhat double edged because a lot of my ability to not get mired in the homo/transphobic messages from the black religious community around me and stay open minded comes from seeing relatively positive examples in anime/manga. I think this has come to an interesting head in the super popular Isekai villainess/otome genre right now. It’s a genre that sometimes examines how ridiculous those characterizations/situations are but also falls into its own hole of trite and uncritical storytelling. Particularly the popularity of yandere/obsessive male leads which I am personally fascinated by but I would be terrified if any young person thought that was desirable to emulate.

    • @neptunie5171
      @neptunie5171 Год назад +7

      I wish I could like this more since I know exactly what you're talking about especially with Sailor Moon as an example. As much as I love it and it was my first anime, there is definitely problematic aspects that was pretty prevalent in Shoujo in general at the time. Though is the parts you're thinking about the 1) age difference (which 1st eng dub made worse by basically saying Mamoru was like 21~ when in manga he's 17). 2) The Usagi/Mamoru/Chibiusa situation. Probably the most disturbing thing for me even years later. 3) Implying romantic relationship between future Mamoru/Setsuna.
      There's probably more I'm forgetting but yea. It's wild how common some things were and still are in the anime/manga world

    • @taimatsuko
      @taimatsuko Год назад +7

      @@neptunie5171 I’m glad you know where I’m coming from (also, condolences). Absolutely, 1 and 2! I forgot about three but the amount of times Mamoru has been kidnapped by other women is just too many 🤦🏾‍♀️ Another example I was thinking about is how regularly assault is thrown in as a plot situation where the ML can rescue/comfort the FL. On one hand I could see that it might be comforting wish fulfillment to imagine that someone will “save” you in these situations but it’s regularly added in so casually and not really dealt with in depth or at length to justify its addition. It’s uncomfortable for assault to be reduced to just another plot point or story arc.

  • @elder_millennial_Fboy
    @elder_millennial_Fboy Год назад +463

    re: being a nerd in the 90's. I was lucky in that i grew up in nyc with a big chinatown, getting Fansub vhs tapes of anime was legit a group bonding activity. Firstly we were 12-15 and broke, and that bit of struggle made us really inclusive of anyone wanting to join as long a they tried to contribute, we were pooling our money, hooking each other up with odd jobs to get cash, spending friday nights at arcades paling street fighter alpha and killer instinct. We're turn it into 3 day weekend lan\anime parties complete with squirt, surge and funions. It was really fun, until you turn 16 and start noticing girls and you can't understand why your friends are angry at you for missing an event here or there for your new girlfriend.

    • @owenamenta1
      @owenamenta1 Год назад +44

      You just gave everyone nostalgia for your life

    • @Theendbeginsagain
      @Theendbeginsagain Год назад +8

      Yes! This was certainly a time. I felt lucky to have access to my brother’s Fatal Fury vhs or Saturday Anime on the SciFi channel.

    • @joelman1989
      @joelman1989 Год назад +9

      Man these were the days. I remember asking my mom to take me and my friends to Chinatown to try and find this place that sold anime vhs tapes. My friends older brother had all the anime but I wanted my own. We could not find it. We kept getting conflicting answers. This should have been around 97 because I remember it being about a year or two before CN started airing DBZ. Because I’ll never forget how hyped I was that CN was going to show DBZ. Anyway we ended up finding it right before my mom was about to give up. and it just felt like this ultimate treasure hunt to search for and find this store and then seeing all these posters and stuff just all the cool stuff you would never see anywhere. No google maps or internet to help us find it. Just word of mouth. This was also the same year I played FF7 for the first time.
      We used to play X-Men vs Street fighter and street fighter alpha in the arcade at the back of the local pizza store. Go up stairs and take turns JRPGs like chrono trigger, or FF7 Or get the daylights scared out of us playing resident evil. I have all the video games and anime I could ever want now. But something about the scarcity and rarity of that media in those days made it so special.

    • @harchierplebbington9397
      @harchierplebbington9397 Год назад +7

      Damn I missed out

    • @uzoma1541
      @uzoma1541 Год назад +2

      A bit of nostalgia.

  • @saxmanmel
    @saxmanmel Год назад +311

    There's anime, and then there's "sigh, anime." Don't give up; there's still a lot of good stuff out there!

    • @HollowGolem
      @HollowGolem Год назад +36

      The problem is that the good stuff doesn't get the mainstream attention.
      Part of it is volume. _Naruto_ and _Sword Art Online_ and the like have a formula that lets them be obnoxiously long, have raw volume, but better series like _Monster_ or _Planetes_ have a tight, contained story that ends when it ends.
      So just in terms of raw content/volume, the bad stuff wins out because it's easier to churn out. You and I can watch the good shit, but it doesn't matter when the _vast_ majority of the anime-watching audience is happy with slop.

      @DOCTOR.DEADHEAD Год назад +38

      @@ilymykiki Not the commenter but I highly recommend Monster, Mob Psycho 100, Michiko & Hatchin, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken, and Perfect Blue, which is an anime movie :)

    • @saxmanmel
      @saxmanmel Год назад +27

      ​@@ilymykiki Yeah, there's always the classics (Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Full Metal Alchemist, etc.), but here's a small list of more current, good anime.
      The 88 (a military anime that tackles systemic divisions, such as class and ethnicity)
      Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song (a female android time-travels to save humanity, all while searching what it means to sing from her heart)
      Carol and Tuesday (Feel good story of two aspiring musicians)
      Ascendance of a Bookworm (Isekai that doesn’t involve the male power fantasy)
      Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day (Slice of Life that deals with grief and the process of healing)

    • @Drstrange3000
      @Drstrange3000 Год назад +10

      @@ilymykiki Zankyou No Terror, Death Parade, Banana Fish, Mob Psycho 100, Ranking of Kings, Sonny Boy (not everyone's cup of tea, but it is different), The Great Pretender, Psycho Pass, Blue Period, Vinland Saga, Carole and Tuesday, Aggretsuko and The Way of the Househusband just to name a few.

    • @Ash_Wen-li
      @Ash_Wen-li Год назад +9

      @@ilymykiki March Comes in Like a Lion, Odd Taxi, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Land of the Lustrous, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Monster, Space Brothers, Mushishi are some examples

  • @darcellcreswell1827
    @darcellcreswell1827 Год назад +67

    Great points! Mitchiko and Hatchin is a good woman led anime. The main character is inspired by Aaliyah and the setting is inspired by South America if your interested in getting back into it.

    • @bhavya5692
      @bhavya5692 Год назад +3

      I loved that anime 😭

    • @PlatinumDagger
      @PlatinumDagger Год назад +2

      That makes the two of us I love that show too.

    • @strudelh
      @strudelh Год назад +1

      I remember randomly finding it I need to watch it again, it was so good

  • @BAMFdude15
    @BAMFdude15 Год назад +15

    FD you are absolutely right because I relate to that "soft-boy, fantasizing about being fawned over," kind of energy so much. Like my joke is always i was half a step from being an incel but I actually developed empathy as a kid, so luckily it wasn't for me.

  • @hellokittykillz5636
    @hellokittykillz5636 Год назад +460

    I think you have great points in terms of shounen anime. They do awful with female characters sometimes. It's really not the same for shoujo because they slowed down on making a lot of shoujo/josei over the years, so in general, it's harder to find new shoujo or josei. Sadly, most shoujo/josei anime get canceled after 2 seasons and it's lucky if a series gets to exist past that. Shoujo/Josei also doesn't really have the same issues with lolicon content. With that said, if you want to see good romance and characterization, it might be good to look for a series that is aimed toward adults instead of teens! Shoujo and shounen are made toward the teenage demographic. Series written by women are also more likely to have better female characters regardless of the target demographic. For Josei, Chihayafuru is really good, as is Wotakai. Nana is a good drama about the messiness of life. There's shoujo like Snow White with the Red Hair that is fantasy oriented and has a nice relationship that is respectful. Senien like Mushishi (almost like a surreal slice of life with horror elements) are pretty great too and avoid some of the traps that others in the male-oriented seinen space can fall into. Dance Dance Danseur is a great portrayal of positive masculinity you might like as is Mob Psycho 100. :)

    • @Ninjacatmuffin
      @Ninjacatmuffin Год назад +19

      Good picks! I really liked watching / reading both Wotakoi and Chihayafuru

    • @hellokittykillz5636
      @hellokittykillz5636 Год назад +29

      @@Ninjacatmuffin Thank you! It's honestly a shame how little we get in terms of shoujo/josei these days. I wonder if he'd like Nodame Cantabile too because that's another great one! Witch Hat Alterier might be up his ally too-I think the anime is coming out (hopefully they adapt it well). Fantastic magic system, lovely female characters, and amazing plot that just gets better the deeper the series go

    • @mmhere821
      @mmhere821 Год назад +57

      yeah like I don't think the shoujo/josei crowd propagates anywhere near the same toxicity of the rest of the anime community. The genre historically has always been focused on the importance of friendship, LGBT characters in respectful ways, exploring healthy and unhealthy parts of femininity and masculinity, navigating relationships/romance/sexuality. I usually see that people from this community are pretty open to criticism of the work and other interpretations.

    • @hellokittykillz5636
      @hellokittykillz5636 Год назад +29

      ​@@mmhere821 Absolutely! I wouldn't consider them the same at all. Even the reddit community /r shoujo is way less toxic overall then the main /r anime subreddit. People are definitely open to criticism in that space. The manga scene is pretty steller too for shoujo/josei since it doesn't get picked up to be animated these days as it doesn't really merchandise as easily as battle shounen (and it's harder to get guys to pick up a series in that demographic). Stuff like Ooku, No.6, Basara, Bright and Cheery Amnesia, 7 Seeds (anime adaptation wasn't good :c), Queen's Quality, etc are fantastic and avoid toxic masculinity traps. Tbh, even "harem" series like Yona of the Dawn are completely different then the male oriented counterpart.

    • @ativaadzem566
      @ativaadzem566 Год назад +22

      Second that Mob Psycho recommendation

  • @kakerumanabelover
    @kakerumanabelover Год назад +176

    You're right and you should say it lol. Also saying "I don't know enough about Japan, not a real weeb" like nah man, *weebs* dont know SHIT about japan. I love your videos tho, love to hear these takes as well. If you're looking for something with heavier writing and great stories and characters, I've got a big list: but try out Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu and 2019 Dororo

    • @Ash_Wen-li
      @Ash_Wen-li Год назад +2

      SGRS is a masterpiece

    • @kakerumanabelover
      @kakerumanabelover Год назад +4

      @@Ash_Wen-li Seriously!! Huge, deeply developed cast, gorgeous animation and music, and a story spanning LITERALLY a hundred years, just so good, so underrated!

    • @Wince_Media
      @Wince_Media Год назад +18

      That's why fd isn't a weeb. He KNOWS he doesn't know anything about Japan. A true weeb believes they are experts on Japan and have the exact same opinions that is the "monolith" of Japan, but in reality, they know absolutely nothing as well

    • @SolarArmadillo
      @SolarArmadillo Год назад +7

      I've always suspected that most weebs who claim they know "everything" about Japan know the least.
      When in reality being an socially and emotionally intelligent person will beat out exact culture knowledge 9/10 times when it comes to intercultural interaction.

  • @milesbairely-ujueta4785
    @milesbairely-ujueta4785 Год назад +22

    As a dude who's seen ALL of Sword Art Online, I can say with 100% confidence, that you are speaking nothing but the gospel

  • @mrAPchem
    @mrAPchem Год назад +73

    Damn.....this Black man is happily married, loves wrestling and knows frame data??? And he was a teacher for 10 years??? Is he me in another dimension???? That's crazy!!!
    On a more serious note, keep on making this fire ass content on both of your channels. My wife and I love to watch your video essays due to their evidence-based insights and meticulousness.

  • @satyr_9
    @satyr_9 Год назад +173

    I think one of the problems (and take this with a grain of salt because its been a while since I've actively watched anime) is that manga is extremely over-saturated with bad writers. The manga that gets picked up for adaptation are always the popular ones, and the popular ones have tendency to appeal to male fantasies where the guy gets the girl for no reason. The guys tend to be blank slates, but I mean this exists in media directed at girls too. Bella from Twilight is an example that people point to a lot because she has no personality, but it enables the reader to project themselves onto the character.
    I watched Naruto Shippuden and the romances frustrated me so much because they didn't make a lot of sense, or there wasn't a lot of in universe justification for it other than proximity, but I can also say that Harry Potter has the same problem, so I can't help but think it is a writing problem.
    I also think that shonen/ seinen shows are a little bit more hypervisible and popular on the internet than shoujo/josei. I used to read a lot of josei and shoujo, and the well written ones tend to do a lot of deconstruction of problematic shonen tropes. For example, Ouran High School Host Club is meant to be a satire of a harem show. I also think shoujo is extremely focused on relationships with people and not just romances, just because a high school setting can necessitate it: Fruits Basket comes to mind, and so does Toradora. I can even think of shonen that is well written tends to have more developed female characters like Blue Exorcist. However, I can also say that the badly written shoujo/josei can also fall into problematic tropes that are normalized by uplifting them on the internet in the same way seinen/shonen does.

    • @mmhere821
      @mmhere821 Год назад +41

      yes absolutely. I also see most people who love shoujo/josei can also admit to a lot of the problematic aspects of the work and tropes depicted, whereas so many people find it impossible to criticize a popular shonen without getting major hate. I think obviously there's bad examples one can cherry pick from both sides, but usually I think shoujo has an easier time with nuance because they are usually interested in exploring both male and female perspectives, while in my own experience so many shonen only seem concerned with male ideas/perspective, and the female characters are often so poorly developed it's clear the authors don't see them as full poeple.

    • @brill34536
      @brill34536 Год назад +2

      you put everything i feel into words perfectly haha

    • @pizzacrescent1080
      @pizzacrescent1080 Год назад +25

      To add on to that, the whole Manga vs Comics debate that reactionaries love to talk about involves only focusing on the good storytelling of the biggest examples as proof that manga only focuses on “quality instead of diversity” while ignoring all the problematic elements of said stories (Sexualization, Power Fantasy, Toxic Beliefs) and the fact that manga/anime also have their fair share of garbage all while only putting a spotlight of comics’ flaws saying that they’re woke garbage. Sure, comic writers/stories can be cringe with their poor representation and rainbow capitalism, but let’s not pretend that Japan and Manga/Anime as a whole is the golden standard of storytelling when the whole point of this debate is to further perpetuate the Culture Wars TM and justify their bigotry.

    • @LoneWulf278
      @LoneWulf278 Год назад +1

      @@pizzacrescent1080 exactly

    • @Jane-oz7pp
      @Jane-oz7pp Год назад +5

      tbh the only romances I like from Naruto overall is Jiraiya and Tsunade's will they/won't they/were they thing, Naruto and Hinata (lowkey I see that one in reality, loud goofy boy and quiet shy girl, or the reverse) and Shikamaru and Temari, because they just had that chemistry in a way that made sense for their characters. Otherwise... it was like they pulled a raffle to decide who goes with who and just slapped Sakura with Sasuke to be like "there, closure on Sakura"

  • @SpaceLionGold
    @SpaceLionGold Год назад +64

    Anime is less of a norm in Japan than people tend to think. Manga is more common among the different demographics there. With that being said some Anime shows that became popular in the West were originally made to appeal to fringe, otaku communities in Japan. Examples would be Sword Art Online, Oreimo, etc. These shows and their source material are made to appeal to mostly young men. The cringe aspects come from the fact that the writers base their characters and stories not from life experience but from their consumption of other light novels, manga and anime. Unfortunately, these stories are now the norm for the genre consumed by Westerners and become the basis for Weeb culture.

    • @htsunmiku
      @htsunmiku Год назад +27

      Precisely. This is why i hate when people say "It's just their culture" or just outright deny definitions. (Like "Loli doesn't mean child". It does. Loli-con means a guy who likes young girls and can/is often translated to pedo.)
      A lot of japanese people i've spoken only watch the very popular shows (AoT, One piece) and nothing else, or watched it as a kid and grew out out it.

    • @SOMEGUY7893
      @SOMEGUY7893 Год назад +10

      @@htsunmiku (Like "Loli doesn't mean child". It does. Loli-con means a guy who likes young girls and can is often translated to pedo.)
      They actually get really upset about that while also conveniently ignoring how often "lolicon" is used as an insult in anime/manga(And in many cases not even as a sort of tsundere thing either).

  • @cwatkins7749
    @cwatkins7749 Год назад +61

    I did my uni dissertation on anime and how Japan did not include 'art' in their laws for child *exploitative imagery* and how underrated depictions were so common. It's mad how licencing to UK and US happens because our laws include digital content

    • @catalyst6882
      @catalyst6882 Год назад +1

      I'm pretty sure that the U.S. and some of the more countries in Europe have similar laws no? The distinction I've seen in U.S. law is the level of obscenity vs Japan having no such qualifier.

    • @frannava7175
      @frannava7175 Год назад

      Why on anime

  • @Kaikicm
    @Kaikicm Год назад +62

    It's reveled at the end of NHK the girl got close to Sato because she wanted to feel useful to someone worse off than her. She wanted to find someone so pitiful and fix him so she could feel like her life had meaning.

    • @millerwrightt
      @millerwrightt Год назад +24

      They also don't end up together in the end! It's a work that lines up with his viewpoint more than he realizes imo.

  • @juuuu0
    @juuuu0 Год назад +61

    Golden time and fruits basket being two of FDs favourite anime makes me really happy!!

  • @SistahPunkStudios
    @SistahPunkStudios Год назад +219

    Hmmm I havent watched Welcome to the NHK in a while but the love interest WAS NOT A MINOR (the bar is in hell) But also that was one of the few anime that called out and held incels and the MC accountable for their gross personalities and selfish behaviors that escape from the reality of society's often valid criticisms but are still enabled by others around them. Welcome to the NHK's message seemed to be the ultimate get offline and go touch some grass anime plotline instead of the let's just escape into a fantasy world/video game power fantasy for shut-in nerds.

    • @LookingForAName...
      @LookingForAName... Год назад +50

      Yeah, Welcome to the NHK was a mirror to the weebs who indulge in the same type of behavior, it was showed that there were consequences to live like that and be toxic.

    • @harrydsgn
      @harrydsgn Год назад +35

      from what I remember the show also makes it pretty clear that all of its characters are kinda fucked up and not to be looked up to. I mean they literally all fail their goals by the end. Definitely not a shining example for many other reasons but there’s def some nuance there that certainly isn’t present in a lot of harem stuff

    • @SistahPunkStudios
      @SistahPunkStudios Год назад +41

      @@harrydsgn I feel like NHK reminds me in a way of Bojack Horseman, where the characters were never meant to be idealized or relatable unless you're really messed up and in a way caricatures and critiques those problematic archetypes which is all I can ask for with any media

    • @foreignerhill
      @foreignerhill Год назад +21

      I just left a comment saying something along the lines of this earlier, oh my god I should've scrolled down
      Yeah, as a young teen, what I got from the show is "isolation is hell, touch grass, get out of yourself and grow", honestly, that and more

    • @hanstone2662
      @hanstone2662 Год назад +17

      Thank goodness other people see it that way too. He brought it up and I was like “hey wait a minute” like I also saw it in a way that the girl didn’t actually love him either. She was love-bombing him in order to manipulate him into joining her cult. That’s not a romance. They were all mentally fucked and trying to get something out of each other.

  • @Boumhaar
    @Boumhaar Год назад +24

    I'd like to point out MOST mangaka don't go out much , not because they are nerd , but because they don't have time , they work a shit ton and it's safe to say that in a country with a very old age when it comes to first relationship/sex which in japan is on average pretty old you can check the stat on that easily, they don't have much experience so ya. They do write romance badly and i noticed it when i was 12 so i don't think it's rocket science i think if you have parent talking openly about seduction about dating , or adult in general around you joking about it you easily and early have feel on how bad it is there.
    Even something like shakugan no shana which is supposed to be mainly for a female audience and an anime i liked when i was 12 with a cute romance , that shit is still pretty weird and the girl is literally doing everything for the romance to go forward (which is fine) but it seems to dress a pattern on how bad they are at protraying a male character being active in seduction , like active man are either perverted , weird , stupid or straight up harassing and predatory or they are passive , ridiculous , clueless . There's no in-between really.
    And there's a small amount of manga that do try to tackle those things a bit differently or exist in a more "realistic" modern japan and shed light to those issue in a way , the commercial appeal is stronger tho it's just like any medium , the good stuff , the intelligent stuff , the interesting stuf are very hard to find as an outsider (and by outsider i mean outside the japanese culture all together) and there's probably way more to that than what we can grasp .

    • @alexvaughan1013
      @alexvaughan1013 Год назад

      Shakugan no Shana should've stuck to being a Bleach-esque action fantasy series, instead of trying to mix it with boring slice-of-life and a shitty love triangle.

  • @Mister_Stink_Drink
    @Mister_Stink_Drink Год назад +34

    Sometimes I wonder if the writers of these harem incest shows have families and siblings they like, go to dinners with and have to be like. "nah man it's just the show, im not like that." while mom's just stiring some soup.

  • @RevanSurik
    @RevanSurik Год назад +54

    To elaborate on Tenchi Muyo - watching the anime again as an adult, one thing I realised is that he's the embodiment of the "nice guy" fantasy: he's awkward but well-meaning and 'does everything right', and that's literally why he has space princesses and badass pirate queens having the hots for him lol
    And I laugh at it now, but this notion that being nice is all it takes for someone to be interested in you can be a dangerous one, and it really affected me as a teen. I was what one might call a "nice guy", and having difficulty with relationships at the time I was puzzled at how no girl seemed interested in me despite me being "nice" - while the guys who (at least to me) looked like jerks always seemed to attract girls' interests.
    Thankfully I never fell in the manosphere trap, and already in my early adulthood I realised I wasn't as "nice" a teenager as I thought I was. But watching Tenchi Muyo again as an adult got me wondering the extents to which stories like Tenchi's influenced my expectations of reality (specifically in regards to women and relationships).
    (Though I will say this, Tenchi was one of the very, very few examples of brown-skinned protagonists that I - myself a brown-skinned guy - had as a kid, so Tenchi will always have a dear place in my memories for that lol)

  • @charnaeyoung9815
    @charnaeyoung9815 Год назад +105

    I used to watch Tenchi Muyo as a black girl.
    They liked Tenchi because he was a not only a “nice boy” but he was also a distant relative to one of the protagonists, etc. you had to watch it to understand. It’s not much different than Sailor Moon and how Usagi is nothing like the person everyone expects her to be. But Tenchi is just more likeable. It’s supposed to be a chill and humorous show. Not taken too serious. And it was refreshing because he didn’t have to be stereotypical as an “attractive” hero. He was just a regular nice kid. Yeah you might have to re-watch that one. My husband liked it when I put him on but the episodes chronologically are hard to find and put together on the internet.
    Edit: I probably should add that part of the problem with anime romance is that people misinterpret the happenings of becoming attracted to people. Sometimes you find that person because of circumstance. In other words, in a regular setting you probably wouldn’t even look in that person’s direction but since you have a school project together or have to live or work with that person, anything is possible. Right place right time. There isn’t a formula. You should not expect your fantasy to be reality.

    • @strayiggytv
      @strayiggytv Год назад +17

      I think the main problem with tenchi muyo was that while it wasn't bad it acted as a gateway drug to other terrible harem anime. There were so few anime to choose from when tenchi was doing it's thing that people would just watch ANYTHING even stuff that Japan thought was terrible so long as it was subbed.

    • @charnaeyoung9815
      @charnaeyoung9815 Год назад +9

      @@strayiggytv I feel that way about 98% of anime tbh. Most have a lining adult content or suggestion to me. Some people feel as if their anime is more tame than others. I do not think Tenchi Muyo should have been on Toonami but more Adult Swim. There was also a bit of toxicity in which the main characters felt as if Tenchi belonged to them like an object. I also see that as a problem.

    • @tygerchickchibi
      @tygerchickchibi Год назад +3

      Tenchi Muyo is one of my guilty pleasures but I rewatched the series ( not the latest OVAs last year)
      And I must say Jurai is the absolute worst
      Not even Ayeka specifically
      Like, the whole kingdom is absolute garbage, and that's all I really have to say about the show. 😆

    • @michaelshjohnson
      @michaelshjohnson Год назад +4

      "I used to watch Tenchi Muyo as a black girl."
      What do you watch it as now? :p

    • @BobPlaysOfficial
      @BobPlaysOfficial Год назад +11

      One of the things that made Tenchi interesting as a "harem" anime is that only two of the girls living with Tenchi were actually interested in him. For all the other girls it was exclusively platonic and Tenchi himself was perfectly fine with that. If anything, he found the romantic attention he got from Ryoko and Aeyka to be embarrassing and burdensome. He was far too wholesome to be an anime protagonist, especially in a harem anime.
      Tenchi's father, on the other hand...

  • @Tarumarugan
    @Tarumarugan Год назад +30

    He’s right about there being dangerous communities that ppl isolate themselves in, you’d be surprised how bad some of them get. Like I’m partially color blind (can’t see turquoise and other similar shades) and there’s a group for that on Reddit, and even there if you scroll long enough they get wild. The internet is weird.

    • @PoggoMcDawggo
      @PoggoMcDawggo Год назад +9

      Wait how can it get wild on a subreddit about being color blind? Do people gatekeep blindness?

    • @Tarumarugan
      @Tarumarugan Год назад +11

      @@PoggoMcDawggo someone mentioned how due to regional and environmental differences colorblindness is more prevalent in certain groups of ppl and then the whole forum devolved into arguments about race

  • @dernddy
    @dernddy Год назад +104

    Mother's Basement has a surprisingly good critical insight into the shows that had big controversy when they came out and dissects them. His shield hero video is great!
    You can say slavery is bad and being a pdf file is wrong without getting that many death threats now :D

    • @FlashmanJW
      @FlashmanJW Год назад +45

      The amount of people who still defend Shield Hero’s slavery is weird

    • @dernddy
      @dernddy Год назад +20

      @@FlashmanJW Hopefully it's less people defending it than back then. I remember a lot of the "kind slave master" thing going around.

    • @FlashmanJW
      @FlashmanJW Год назад

      @@dernddy or the “he had no choice” meanwhile he’s still enslaving girls

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад

      His content improved?

    • @dernddy
      @dernddy Год назад +9

      Depends on what you're judging his content. If it's his style, no it's still the same. But like his analysis and what he has to say is much more fun and insightful. Let's you look at stuff in a different light than what you first saw or the anime community saw.

  • @galprimak3481
    @galprimak3481 Год назад +106

    Grew up watching anime and stopped because I grew out of it. Came back to rewatch One Piece because I remembered it fondly. Despite knowing the plot and characters, multiple points in it brought me to tears again, even over a decade after I left it. It's an amazing show, anime or otherwise (it is long and could be easily cut down and still has some weird shit like Sanji with literally any woman but I still like the series in total).

    • @lyndonwesthaven6623
      @lyndonwesthaven6623 Год назад +27

      Hard same. One Piece isn't perfect, but it's so damn good

    • @THEdudeproductions
      @THEdudeproductions Год назад +10

      One Piece peeps up in here? Nice.

    • @Jane-oz7pp
      @Jane-oz7pp Год назад +7

      I mean, at least they address Sanji later in the series and he _grows_ as a character where his obsession with women is concerned. He goes from predatory creeper to hopeless romantic and I appreciate that. Not sure I appreciate the whole part where his growth is achieved through basically a very long "lmao trans women gross" gag, though. Unless he switches back later, idk the furthest I've got is just past the time skip.

    • @Jane-oz7pp
      @Jane-oz7pp Год назад +6

      @@THEdudeproductions One Piece peeps are everywhere lol I swear it's the only anime with as many fans as Dragon Ball or Naruto.

    • @Ion_TheTrashB3ast
      @Ion_TheTrashB3ast Год назад

      @@Jane-oz7pp yeah they cut out the Sanji being super simp blue after a little bit. I think it's done by the next arc manga wise anyway

  • @im_tiffany
    @im_tiffany Год назад +71

    F.D. low key hating on the blerds of the new gens is hilarious to me lol.
    But I understand what he means.
    Liking anime was for weirdos growing up. When I first came across people who openly liked anime they happened to be white and had some... sus ass views on a lot of things that made me feel unwelcomed... so that didn't last long.
    Finally in more recent years I'm seeing the blerds that I wish I would have known growing up thrive online and at cons! It's makes me happy 😊

    • @XingAoShen
      @XingAoShen Год назад +8

      so true! the black anime community is pretty dman great.

    • @juicyparsons
      @juicyparsons Год назад +4

      I get the saltiness.....something about feeling like you missed out on something great and now you're too old or out-of-the-loop to get back in. Feels slightly unfair because like.....I'm a black nerd too .......! I have AND know how to use the internet!! I wanna nerd out tooooooo but I gotta go to work an pay a bunch of bills and shit XD

      @LOVE-VIBES-X-PROJECT-CARS Год назад +2

      You could say the same for most communities before the Internet made it easier to group up. Anime, video games, cars, sneakers, fashion, breakdance, skateboarding. You had to put yourself out there, meet people, learn as much as you could, invest time and money into it and depending on where you lived you might not find many people with similar interests.

  • @daylite34
    @daylite34 Год назад +74

    I just can't uncritically watch how female characters are in anime anymore knowing Japan has a massive SA problem

    • @savvivixen8490
      @savvivixen8490 Год назад +13


    • @inkersbrew6370
      @inkersbrew6370 Год назад +1

      Yeah, the only reason Japan has a low crime rate is because nobody reports on it. People praise how safe Japan is, but its really not.

    • @frannava7175
      @frannava7175 Год назад +2

      What sa is everywhere the fuck

    • @daylite34
      @daylite34 Год назад +17

      @@frannava7175 Japan has it a lot worse ask any international woman who lives there. Also where did I say sa isn't anywhere else?

    • @frannava7175
      @frannava7175 Год назад +4

      @@daylite34 umm there anime alot that are good female rep .have u ever heard of shoujo and Josi anime

  • @quichelorraine7208
    @quichelorraine7208 Год назад +85

    To me, Tatami Galaxy feels like an antithesis to the usual incel bizz you see in a lot of anime/manga. Its core lesson is about leaving your comfort space and just living an actual life. It's def worth a watch for anyone interested!

    • @arborwin
      @arborwin Год назад +5

      Tatami Galaxy is phenomenal!

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +1

      What are the issues bugging it down?

    • @quichelorraine7208
      @quichelorraine7208 Год назад +1

      @@kostajovanovic3711 It's too short and I wanted to see more of the characters living in that world :(
      Nawh but seriously, I was thinking more about this last night and changed my mind. Had re-watched the series recently and was thinking that some of the heteronormative beliefs that Watashi has on 'raven haired maidens' and the whole 'love doll is a refined pure love' thing etc. would turn people off from watching a great series. But from what I remember the show doesn't champion these as being great and healthy, and portrays them more as barriers that hold him back, or ideas he should mature out of. I edited my og comment to clear this up too. (flip floppin but sure feck it, thats the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hahaha)

    • @MarilynMalkovich
      @MarilynMalkovich Год назад

      @@quichelorraine7208 The Night is Short, Walk on Girl and Tatami Time Machine Blues are fucking phenomenal too, if you haven't had the chance to get around to them.

  • @mikelpelaez
    @mikelpelaez Год назад +30

    More weebs should watch revolutionary girl utena

    • @zkkitty2436
      @zkkitty2436 Год назад +1

      With massive tw though, that shit is dark

    • @mikelpelaez
      @mikelpelaez Год назад

      @@zkkitty2436 that's true, but I think it's one of the reasons most weebs should watch it, showing how harmful some of the attitudes present in the show can be and how culture and society can make those ideas normal

  • @yourkingreturns
    @yourkingreturns Год назад +170

    In SAO, when she (his cousin can't remember her name) said it's okay, we're COUSINS not SIBLINGS, I gave up on that shit. My boy from high school DXD can stay though 🤣

    • @campbelldare5717
      @campbelldare5717 Год назад +10

      Issei is a chad. He doesn’t hesitate at all. It’s so absurd it’s funny lmao

    • @TheHighestOrderHO
      @TheHighestOrderHO Год назад +5

      Ruined such a good show for me. I stopped watching after that weird incest stuff.

    • @bryfunkenstein
      @bryfunkenstein Год назад +4

      Dating cousins is not frowned upon.... japan....

    • @innitbruv-lascocomics9910
      @innitbruv-lascocomics9910 Год назад +5

      @@bryfunkenstein Okay. But it is here in America

    • @TheHighestOrderHO
      @TheHighestOrderHO Год назад +7

      @@bryfunkenstein which is strange since disability is frowned upon and we know what happens when you “keep it in the family”. Seems illogical to me.

  • @loorthedarkelf8353
    @loorthedarkelf8353 Год назад +12

    True facts the anime that almost broke me from watching any other anime was Food Wars. The fact that the FIRST time the show does its sexy peep thing, it is SPECIFICALLY non consensual. The fun food anime ends its first episode with a r*pe joke.

  • @starlantzer
    @starlantzer Год назад +132

    As a woman still in the anime community (some days I don't know why lol) I agree that it feels as if most people have become toxic with aligning themselves to the internet to this art medium. Women don't just like you because your so cool and do the bare minimum as anime likes to sell it as. Also, I can't stand Kirito...shit, I honestly can't stand sword art online, no hate if someone in the comments does doe.

    • @j.6267
      @j.6267 Год назад +14

      All offense, that show is objectively trash, i rather watch a harem

    • @dariuswilliams7509
      @dariuswilliams7509 Год назад +7

      The thing is nobody I know wit taste likes sword art we all consider it bottom tier trash 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @starlantzer
      @starlantzer Год назад +2

      @@j.6267 Like love Hina harem or harem harem?😂😂

    • @starlantzer
      @starlantzer Год назад +1

      @@dariuswilliams7509 I mean...I feel you right.

    • @PlatinumDagger
      @PlatinumDagger Год назад +2

      @@starlantzer or Negima

  • @ianemory5800
    @ianemory5800 Год назад +39

    As a nerd in the 90's I felt the "what do you mean there is an anime club" also shout out to the fellow fooball/chess "athlete".
    The biggest issue with social media is that it's convinced everyone their right and they much be right because so many people agree with them. Even if the whole amount of people who agree with them is sub 500. These young people are getting told that someone will see them for their "true" selves without ever having to actually put themselves out there.

  • @fangsabre
    @fangsabre Год назад +42

    I was a kid when Toonami came around, so DBZ and Inuyasha were like my big anime growing up. And I'm glad that at least one of my big two anime as a kid was Inuyasha because its actually a shoujo romance manga that just snuck itself into the Shounen category by making you think that Inuyasha was the main character. Kagome is, Inuyasha is the bad boy romance interest.
    Also SAO abridged is better than SAO, and there's whole ass video essays about it
    And all that being said there is a lot of bullshit about queer representation in anime especially of gay/bi men but that's another video or another channel to have that discussion on. But think about it tho

  • @brooklyn113
    @brooklyn113 Год назад +8

    Definitely look up the trigger warnings first but Revolutionary Girl Utena actually tackles a lot of these really strange and toxic tropes we see in anime. I don't have my manga in front of me but at the back of the last volume there is a quote from one of the creators, Ikuhara, about how he wanted to make something for hurt children. It's from the 90's though so sadly anime has not changed.

  • @lkriticos7619
    @lkriticos7619 Год назад +26

    I've got one recommendation for a Harem anime that I really honestly think anyone can enjoy. My Next Life as a Villainess. Because it's just hilarious. And unlike so many of the shows that fall flat you can see why so many peple want to be with the main character. She's kind and brave and actively compassionate and she sees the best in everyone. She lifts people up. Unfortunately she also has the brains of three rocks in a sack and just can't imagine all the people hanging out with her see her as anything other then a friend. It's fantastic.

    • @hikarikyuubi3906
      @hikarikyuubi3906 Год назад +5

      And they do a good job showing how the people grown to like the MC. None of the cases were like love-at-first-sight or just a crush on appearances. It is really gold xD
      Another reverse-harem (or kinda of) that I enjoy is Akatsuki no Yona, as first the dragons have a mystic connection to her, but not imply a romance/sexual attraction ( it is just more of a platonic/must-protecc thing). So it is a harem in the sense of girl surround by guys, but doesn't have the other aspects.

  • @Roshuwah
    @Roshuwah Год назад +85

    Tenchi is bland but was a nice wholesome boy. I've heard nothing good about SAO dude and just steered clear. But I did think Inuyasha did a pretty compelling love triangle. I could see the fact that the author of Inuyasha is a woman probably helped vs most other shounen authors

    • @dirkwood4544
      @dirkwood4544 Год назад +18

      I loved Inuyasha's love triangle.. it's so tragic. It still gives me chills when Kikiyo is brought back to life and believes Inuyasha betrayed her..
      I just wish the rift came about from something real, like a real struggle in the relation and not a trick from Naraku.

    • @apollo105
      @apollo105 Год назад +12

      Bruh thats what im saying. If you aint watch the show you would know. Tenchi was a genuinely nice person who put others before himself. He wasn't just a bland regular ass dude. He was the descendant of a royal family

    • @pathead9944
      @pathead9944 Год назад +6

      Tenchi is the goat for real. He was a legit dude without being a perv about anything and everything. And took care of everyone around him as much as he could.

    • @apollo105
      @apollo105 Год назад +4

      @@pathead9944 i get wheres hes going but tenchi was definitely a bad example. There were alot of women but the story went much deeper than that

      @HALOSnHORNS Год назад

      I think their love was more fleshed out and had reason and drive kagome wasn't head over heels for our fave boy that took time, there were mistakes made, fights had, and hurt feelings. It was so much more than big strong man, cute magick girl. I still don't like kikiyo and kagome as individuals but as far as the love story goes I was here for it as a kid.

  • @Lufftwaffles15
    @Lufftwaffles15 Год назад +78

    I think if they did harem like someone figuring out they're poly and how to go about that kind of relationship would be at least interesting

    • @LookingForAName...
      @LookingForAName... Год назад +17

      That would be super dope actually, interesting spin on the concept of harem

    • @gimlis_beard1771
      @gimlis_beard1771 Год назад +8

      It's not an anime (yet), but "The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You" actually touches on a couple of these themes. Despite firmly being a comedy, all of the girls have to consent to anyone joining the relationship and there are hints of side couples within the group, so it's not like the protagonist is demanding exclusive attention from any of the girls. That isn't to say there aren't issues with the manga, but it on the whole seems to depict a much healthier relationship than most other works in the genre.

    • @dylanhelvetios2300
      @dylanhelvetios2300 Год назад

      Or maybe you know the point of harem anime isn't the harem but for anyone to find a "best girl" to watch for.

    • @lyonsin2535
      @lyonsin2535 Год назад +4

      I been thinking about this for the longest time, how we have all this harlem anime but no show talking about a poly relationship and like the trial/conflicts and lifestyle of that. Like it sounds like a no brainer idea in the harlem genre.

  • @TempvsMortis
    @TempvsMortis Год назад +11

    FYI, there is stuff out there from Japan that has complex female characters, and just good writing in general, it's just not targeted at teenage boys. "Keep Your Hands of Eizouken" (Eizouken = Film Club), "Mirai," Makoto Shinkai's stuff, really anything by Satoshi Kon.

    • @AdumbroDeus
      @AdumbroDeus 4 месяца назад +1

      His favorite anime is Modoka Magicka so he knows. It's more a criticism of certain parts of weeb culture than a condemnation of all anime.

  • @AleshaM30
    @AleshaM30 Год назад +13

    "Terraform the world with anime titties." I AM DEAD.
    I do think a part of the problem with the insularity of weeb/anime culture is anime gets the same flack as all things "girl". Just like if "that's for girls" it automatically is a subject of derision and couldn't possibly be "art" or "sophisticated" or even "good", all things anime still somehow (even now!) carry a stigma of childishness because they are "cartoons". That goes straight to that negative feedback loop you talk about.

  • @ruthfolorunso8715
    @ruthfolorunso8715 Год назад +37

    It's so weird to hear names like gigguk and ygg studio from FD's mouth lol 😆 that said tho, thank you for talking about this! Sometimes I feel like I'm insane trying to talk critically about the fetishism in anime

    • @XingAoShen
      @XingAoShen Год назад +5

      i literally had a :O moment for a second lool this is the last place i expected to hear a gigguk shoutout

  • @saga685
    @saga685 Год назад +14

    I’m not an anime fan, but I’m a geek and have been friends with a lot of self proclaimed Otakus in my life. I think it comes from an innocuous place of “wanting to be loved for who they are”, but gets twisted into “love me exactly as I am, take it or leave it”.

  • @mrlucy7197
    @mrlucy7197 Год назад +38

    I'd highly recommend Berserk for a manga of great storytelling, romance, and character writing.
    Its a dark fantasy series, so
    HEAVY TRIGGER WARNING for: violence, sexual assault, and gore- this story goes to some dark places, but the author/artist handles all of it maturely with tact and taste. It handles the psychology of vengeance, religion, growing up in wartime, and the meaning of destiny and choice of how you live with a terrific sense of gravity and seriousness without forgetting the tenderness of what it means to be human.
    Strong recommendation for great portrayal of the questioning of the human condition and what it means to be a man or woman in an apathetic world.

    • @thepunishersequence291
      @thepunishersequence291 Год назад +1

      speaking of manga Asano's stuff is really good

    • @dcard228
      @dcard228 Год назад +1

      Guts' ability to carry on despite literally being almost dead for no other reason than to avenge the people he loved alone makes it worth the read

  • @moustik31
    @moustik31 Год назад +139

    The thing, that edgelords refuse to admit is that representation matters. They may start watching harmful sexual content as a "joke" or a "provocation", but chances are, they will start getting into it for real and this is where the escalation path starts to become a possibility.

    • @Sofiaode18
      @Sofiaode18 Год назад +1

      Add in the very high probability of weebs not interacting with female peers on a consistent basis, and you’ve got yourself a demographic who is too awkward to talk to girls no matter how badly they want to so they start to resent the female population.

    • @wiswc
      @wiswc Год назад

      You have literally no evidence of anything you just said, you're not as smart as you think, stop it

    • @hoominbeeing
      @hoominbeeing 9 месяцев назад

      Yep, and that's why Satanic Panic was justified and D&D really did cause murd3rs and satan worship!

  • @bigbawlzlebowski8886
    @bigbawlzlebowski8886 Год назад +45

    They're the reason I never admit that I'm into anime on dating sites.

    • @juuuu0
      @juuuu0 Год назад +15

      Bruh I'm so embarrassed of being a weeb sometimes 🤦🏽‍♀️😂

    • @erisunflower
      @erisunflower Год назад +3

      Does this mean you’ll stop supporting your favorite Japanese artist(s) who probably don’t have a problem with weird shit their peers/other creators make or actually like that fictional stuff?? lol this “attack” on others who like harmless things and being so judge-mental is weird enough unless you know who the person really is..

    • @mosthated.e.2422
      @mosthated.e.2422 Год назад

      You saying that.your already fucking up

    • @ggdatboi
      @ggdatboi Год назад +2

      Bruh nah u got it. Ppl really be down to anime and chill. We in the golden age lol

    • @BaldTrent
      @BaldTrent Год назад +4

      I don’t put it in my bios but it’s a topic I usually bring up while chatting on dating apps. You would be surprised how many women in their 20s watch anime now.

  • @davidtran9444
    @davidtran9444 Год назад +11

    Anime lost me when the space opera wasn't in vogue anymore. When I dipped my toe back in, I was like, why is everyone always in highschool.

    • @Densoro
      @Densoro Год назад +2

      Seriously, I just can’t get into the high school thing anymore. I’m so tired of fanservice of characters less than half my age.
      Space opera stuff was great. My jam was always wandering heroes like Wolf’s Rain. But now it’s all just high school.

  • @SirKickz
    @SirKickz Год назад +7

    As someone who has been watching anime for decades and has been low-key really frustrated with anime fandom communities....THANK YOU.
    The biggest example of my frustration has been how popular "Rising of the Shield Hero" got.

  • @robertosian6329
    @robertosian6329 Год назад +84

    Some of the most popular titles in the yaoi and Yuri genres especially have some rather troublesome tropes of abusive realtionships. Alot of "Yuri" anime and manga I have read sexualize the most basic of intimacy with fanservice yet while simultaneously trying to convince you it's the purest of romance. While yaoi seems to have a facination with "this relationship is abusive as hell, but dude's hot and mysterious so imma stay with him."

    • @zkkitty2436
      @zkkitty2436 Год назад +20

      It should be said that these are overwhelmingly written by straight people for straight people who fetishize queerness. Their interest is to sexualize it and push toxicity bc there is some element of wanting to punish the queer characters or use them as a twisted fantasy, or both. They’re written that way to serve the interests of the writers and publishers, which is to sell as many as possible and make money. Appealing to queer folk or writing good relationships isn’t profitable in their eyes.
      All of this to say, that these tropes aren’t just a few cases of poor writing. They’re written to appeal to the taboo fantasy for straight ppl, and at no point are actual queer people considered. It’s deliberate.

    • @OpheliaTerat
      @OpheliaTerat Год назад +5

      @@zkkitty2436 I agree with most of what you said, but I don't think the toxicity is about punishing the queer characters. I think the reason for the toxicity is simply that yaoi fans are just into the dom/sub type thing going on between two attractive guys. I don't think most of them are trying to be malicious towards real gay people. Most just seem young, naive, and into anything involving hot anime guys. They could also like yaoi because they get jealous of the girl in straight pairings but idk.
      Also if you want stuff targeted towards actual gay guys there's actually a separate genre for that called bara. I don't think there's an equivalent for lesbians though.

    • @Tpeaks
      @Tpeaks Год назад +3

      Sigh I am SO TIRED of these bad takes of "straight people reading stories with gay people in it is groooossss." WHEN WILL IT F*CKING STOP ALREADY...

    • @Tpeaks
      @Tpeaks Год назад

      @@zkkitty2436 THIS IS DEMONIZING AS ALL HELL what the actual heck I--- dude. Actually im gonna humble myself. Im just going to casually drop this video about why YOURE RIGHT!!!видео.html

    • @neidhardt8093
      @neidhardt8093 Год назад +1

      @@zkkitty2436 I don't think this is accurate at all. You might wanna research the demographics of who consumes and makes Yuri, because it isn't actually accurate to say straight cis men. I encourage you to look up the analysis titled "Yuri is for everyone".

  • @vcprovost
    @vcprovost Год назад +30

    I watched anime since I was a kid. (33 now) and read mangas daily. And I have never seen these characters. I like stories with high steaks and struggle, and not just a main character falling on girls and having them instantly fall in love him.

    • @kaybaumann4989
      @kaybaumann4989 Год назад +11

      You missed absolutely nothing, harem anime is the fucking worst. The only one I followed was “Oh, my Goddess” but I quit that after a few volumes as the protagonist and his love interest where both bland as fuck and annoying.

    • @hadesrequiem8639
      @hadesrequiem8639 Год назад +2

      Thank you lol anime is so broad and full of several different genres idk why people choose to solely focus on the ones specifically targeted at adolescent to teen boys to be so critical of. If you look at American media as well a lot of the stuff with romance as a primary focus is not marketed to boys and usually it’s a big surprise if it becomes popular with young male audiences

  • @EtruskenRaider
    @EtruskenRaider Год назад +16

    My favorite anime is a Samurai Champloo which was cool because it had an interesting female lead (also the soundtrack was hip hop).
    Fuu never really has a love interest but she does reveal complex motivations, a difficult past with her mom and a bitter relationship with her father.

  • @Jagdedge
    @Jagdedge Год назад +17

    Love the critique of the way anime portrays relationships with women, but I think the NHK bit is half-baked. It's been around a decade since I've seen it, but the explicit point of the series, as you find out later, is that the main girl finds the main character pathetic and disgusting and is feeding off his attention to prop herself up while wrestling with a ton of her own insecurities. And then the other girl who shows up, from the main character's high school days, is taking advantage of the usual weeb/hikki-bred notion that women are just into you to sucker him into an MLM.
    The show was unapologetic in its depiction of how gross, sheltered, paranoid, and naive hikkis can be. The end of the series is the main character realizing that he isn't unique in finding things hard or feeling overwhelmed with his life, others have to struggle and grow and actually try at being the best version of themselves. He learns he isn't owed the love of others and that he needs to better himself as a person, but it can't happen overnight. So he starts with cleaning up and getting a job and is very clearly not in a romantic relationship with any of the women at the end.

    • @vighneshraja7231
      @vighneshraja7231 Год назад

      I didn’t watch the show but from what you’re describing it kinda sounds like pre-sigma incel shit.

  • @jonhunger9079
    @jonhunger9079 Год назад +1

    Bro I love the way you tackle these issues with so much empathy and understanding, it's great!

  • @kyleserafin9616
    @kyleserafin9616 Год назад +91

    I can't remember where I heard the concept originally, but male anime protagonists, especially in Shonen, are huge perpetrators of it. Broadly, there's a common romantic fantasy among cis/het boys/men of directly converting skill mastery into sexual/romantic capital. So all shonen protagonists "need" to do to get the girl/girls is excel at an unrelated task, which in shonen is usually killing dudes with badass weapons. It doesn't just let these protagonists off the hook for self-reflection, it actively discourages it if it's not in pursuit of "getting stronger" or whatever.

    • @PR0MAN01
      @PR0MAN01 Год назад +14

      That's why Luffy is the best Shonen protagonist because his asexual ass couldn't care less. He just wants to fight and eat.

    • @epicmarschmallow5049
      @epicmarschmallow5049 Год назад +6

      From what I remember that problem is more with harem/isekai shit than more traditional shounen

  • @tomisaacson2762
    @tomisaacson2762 Год назад +5

    Damn, I wish to came to check out your second channel sooner. I love hearing you talk off the cuff about culture. Perfect mix of levity and thoughtful nuance.

  • @MTBotShot
    @MTBotShot Год назад +27

    Why does everyone need a community for their hobbies? I spent a lot of my teens and 20s watching anime, some more trashy than others. I did this alone, and just liked what I liked in isolation. Later when I went to uni and started interacting with more nerds I found most of them insufferable. So when people say a fandom is toxic, I'm like: Of course it is! Have you tried just enjoying shit on it's own?

    • @ptlovelight2971
      @ptlovelight2971 Год назад +7

      I also recognized a....disconnect between myself and most anime fans. Like I was definitely a nerdy introvert lol, but not *like that* Alot of those kids were very troubled and unsociable in general, makes sense that I couldn't connect with them

    • @alicegisler6789
      @alicegisler6789 Год назад +14

      Glad to hear someone else say this. Fandoms are normalized today, but I’ve always avoided them because they consistently seem to produce toxic behavior.
      Having like-minded people around to discuss your favorite media with is nice, but fandoms always seem to deviate into groupthought, gatekeeping, and reactionary behavior with regard to criticism.
      Being able to enjoy something without needing the validation of others is important, it helps you stay open to trying new things, seek out media that appeals to you without becoming fixated solely on it, and keeps you open to criticism, which is important for your personal growth.
      Love the art you do, but don’t let it become who you are, and ESPECIALLY don’t let it lead you into groupthinking and mob mentality.

    • @juniperrodley9843
      @juniperrodley9843 Год назад +2

      Well I can speak for myself here: a major part of my enjoyment of media comes from discussing it. Your ability to enjoy it alone is great for you, but you need to recognize that not everyone can do that.

  • @ellelongacre3723
    @ellelongacre3723 Год назад +6

    I wanna hype up Spy x Family as an anime with good romance. It's a cute found family anime with a romantic couple where both partners genuinely support each other and hype each other up. However there's 1 episode that deals with the idea that the female protags brother has a crush on her and I don't blame you if thats a deal breaker. Instead I'll promote The Way of the Househusband. That's genuinely wholesome.

  • @Armitaco
    @Armitaco Год назад +50

    When we say that weebs/otaku "confuse" fantasy and reality, we are really saying that they desire the former where some argue they should desire the latter. After all, if someone is capable of articulating a rejection of reality in favour of fantasy, that requires they are able to discern between the two. We can disagree about whether our prescriptions are justified, but at the end of the day we are making a judgment about what the acceptable objects of desire for other people should be, and about where we draw those boundaries and police them. And that's not to say no boundaries should exist of course, but I don't think we should hide behind the language of "confusion."

    • @Jane-oz7pp
      @Jane-oz7pp Год назад +9

      But the thing is a lot of Weebs straight up argue that the fantasy they desire IS reality, it's just suppressed by society.

    • @Cellinator
      @Cellinator Год назад

      ​@@Jane-oz7pp Exactly, hence why incels become school shooters and stuff...

  • @bluehornet632
    @bluehornet632 Год назад +33

    Tenchi himself doesn't know why the girls of the show give him attention. He isn't very receptive to them but he cares for them deeply as FAMILY by the end of the show. The longer original Tenchi show is very sweet and is good and isn't very sexual compared to something like darling in the franxx

    • @allancastellon9248
      @allancastellon9248 Год назад +8

      I mean Tenchi depending on the version of the show you watch definitely has romantic feelings one way or the other with at least one of two main girls. It's why i like Tenchi Universe the best because it's a pro Ryoko timeline lol

  • @Poopinpooop
    @Poopinpooop Год назад +11

    The moment you said “being a nerd in the 90s” I had to comment. That was me. I grew up in the nineties. Loving all the anime that was flooding the US. NIGGAS THESE DAYS DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HARD IT WAS to be a nerd in the 90’s and early 2ks. Y’all have it so easy now. Being an anime nerd is norm. It’s hilarious.

  • @JaeDooks
    @JaeDooks Год назад +39

    "the response isn't to terraform reality with anime tiddies" dude lol that is a fuckin BAR. Like I need to frame that on put it above the fireplace lol.
    I can relate to being a nerd and a weeb (using the term lightly) in the late 90s-2000s when it wasn't cool. Shit, dudes thought I was gay cuz I liked Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura. DBZ leveled the playing field cuz hood niggas was on it lol, but yeah. I try to be positive and appreciative of the community that exists nowadays. Especially seeing so many beautiful black women cosplay too, but I be lowkey bitter af lmao. Like, so happy for you......lucky mf'ers lmao
    **Makoto Ito from School Days might be the absolute worse harem protag, and he fully earned that crazy ass ending lol

  • @Ninjacatmuffin
    @Ninjacatmuffin Год назад +15

    I know I'm in for a ride based on the title alone. I do enjoy anime, but I hate stuff like the "not blood siblings" trope, stepsibling romance, incest, etc
    It feels especially weird since I have two siblings
    Update: I'm at the 8:00 mark. You pretty much state why I don't get involved with the major community even though I do watch anime. I mostly talk about it with my friends and that 's it

  • @frozenindustry
    @frozenindustry Год назад +13

    As an FGC guy, the Tekken talk at the end was a very welcome surprise!

  • @Smile-ni9nc
    @Smile-ni9nc Год назад +9

    Oh god I feel this, as a child and a teen I watched and read any anime and manga I could get my hands on. As I got older I realised so many of the bs aspects you mention here and I got really turned away from mainstream anime and the surrounding communities. Now I have my close circle of friends I watch anime weekly with and exchange recommendations. With the broader anime community I only interact through animefeminist, where majorily women, queer & genderqueer people and people of colour review all the new anime coming out every season. They also have essays and other articles e.g. about the work conditions in the anime industry featured. I can really recommend it when searching for new anime to watch or if you got a recommendations but are unsure if the anime has e.g. some loli or rascist bs in it.

  • @thePettiest1
    @thePettiest1 Год назад +6

    I fully resonate with what you're saying!! I'm now 23 yo and as far as I can recall I've been a huge anime fan my whole life...
    A few months ago I realized just how much I hate the anime I used to love back then and how much I dislike some of the communities surrounding them...
    I feel like even though every now and then we do get half a handful of really interesting and critical new anime and manga series every year, systematically the industry isn't advancing to become more critical of itself and its past(especially considering it's issues with portraying women and relationships and all those things) and the fans aren't willing to confront others with those issues either...
    I know that this industry could do better in the future but I actually don't see this happening even in the far future. But I won't stick around with this shit and make myself comfortable in this bs that is anime so yeah... I let it go

  • @sleepinbelle9627
    @sleepinbelle9627 Год назад +107

    I love a lot of anime but there is something viscerally terrifying about men who self-identify as weebs. Doubly so for white men who call themselves "otaku".

    • @unpaintedcanvas
      @unpaintedcanvas Год назад +7

      Oh yeah half the the guys from my high school friend group like embodied that fucking energy to a T. And those same ones have hardly matured since then. It was bad but became suffocating as soon as I realized I was neither cis nor het: had to leave that group after a while. (nice pfp btw)

    • @itsstillmah6192
      @itsstillmah6192 Год назад +18

      Weeb is an ironic term it's more likely used as a joke and to make fun of ourselves for watching 100+anime it's more like a self-insult but some people proudly identify themselves as weebs and they missed the point

    • @vizari9570
      @vizari9570 Год назад +3

      Sometimes its ironic but most of the times its 100% real.

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +3

      @@itsstillmah6192 "literally me" also started as a meme, and it went down south pretty fast, same with weebs

    • @pizzacrescent1080
      @pizzacrescent1080 Год назад

      Didn’t Filthy Frank (Joji) constantly made fun of these mfs? He might have been edgy with the delivery, but his points and jokes were spot on with how they act.

  • @matthewmorris6378
    @matthewmorris6378 Год назад +15

    20:00 I hear you. I am in therapy now, but my experiences since childhood are no less then CPTSD, and I am not the only person like this. Between having an undiagnosed attention disorder, anxiety, being in an impoverished abusive household in the 'hood, growing up evangelical in the 90s, being the fat light-skinned kid in the ghetto, being awkward socially...most of my negatives experiences are recurring rather then acute (bullying throughout childhood and young adulthood, close to no friends throughout childhood, military was on par with childhood abuses, and parents' house remained unsafe even after my father passed away when I turned 30).
    In the Year of our Lord 2022, my stranger-danger is more active then anytime since early childhood and it has a lot to do with how society continues to treat outsiders, increasing unspoken social expectations, and the increasing cost of ostracization.

    • @zkkitty2436
      @zkkitty2436 Год назад +9

      As someone w CPTSD and who’s been grappling w agoraphobia for a while, I feel this. It’s hard to go outside even when we want to bc so much of our life experiences have proved that outside isn’t safe. I’m also marginalized on multiple axes and holy shit people will go out of their way to fuck you up if you look or act different from them.
      Sending you love and solidarity

  • @rudetuesday
    @rudetuesday Год назад +1

    Thanks for talking about opportunity cost. I think the process of improving skills of any sort does have different costs these days. There's also a rush to mastery, without a steady trajectory of getting better and stepping back to self-assess. As soon as things get uncomfortable enough to notice, tapping out can happen far more quickly, without accountability to stay involved and keep trying.
    Good B-side!

  • @scruffy4743
    @scruffy4743 Год назад

    lol I love that you’re talking about this with such passion that the mic audio is like constantly on the verge of cracking

  • @nissarevane4724
    @nissarevane4724 Год назад +12

    I felt this video in my soul. I used to be that person, cocooned in media, fantasy, games and staying in the community around it. I didn't like talking to normies, mostly because I was boring as fuck when I did talk to people outside of those spaces. I had little life experience and I didn't touch grass. I didn't seriously develop as a person until I had a partner that was a normie and had the patience to bring me up to speed on... life essentially. The advice of "just do it" is legit the only way to make it out.

  • @Doubtlessly
    @Doubtlessly Год назад +6

    As a fan of reverse harem anime (where the girl is the center), I feel like these kinds of complaints are made about the female protagonists CONSTANTLY. And while often the “Mary Sue” stuff is true for those shows, it’s always fascinating to me how girls get attacked for these things while men who like harem get to enjoy it uncritically. This is the first time I’ve heard someone call out these really bad problems. I think we should keep criticizing both harem and reverse harem, but young boys need to know they need to work on themselves so thank you for talking about it. It’s just interesting how uneven that is and I didn’t even realize it until you started talking about it

  • @billozer0761
    @billozer0761 Год назад

    This was very insightful. Thanks 👍🏿

  • @GarfiekdKartGo
    @GarfiekdKartGo Год назад

    I had to claw my way out of this whole, I’m happy you’re talking about it

  • @kevinbrown2095
    @kevinbrown2095 Год назад +3

    Anime that do a good (maybe just better) job of relationship stuff are usually not Shounen unfortunately.
    Personal Recommendations
    -Recovery of an MMO Junkie
    -Wotoakoi (haven't seen this one but every mention has been glowing)

  • @Godspeace21
    @Godspeace21 Год назад +11

    There's plenty of anime out there that can be enjoyed without dealing with the big tropes like that. There's a lot that still has them yeah. But this past year we had Vivy ~Fluorite Eyes Song~ about a hundred year plot to save humanity from androids, and ODDTAXI, which follows the intersecting lives of a taxi driver and various people in Tokyo.

  • @downpark402
    @downpark402 Год назад +1

    Man I just about lost my mind when I heard you talking about Tekken and shouting out my favorite creators. Had no idea you were a fan!

  • @joecool5356
    @joecool5356 Год назад

    I am so close to subscribing to your patreon. You cover so much I’d like to comment on as a mid 20s black nerd