I found it incredibly interesting, and I was completely captivated watching and listening to you. I really wished I could have seen it live, but I'm so glad you recorded it. I want to thank you all for this fascinating program, and I hope you bring these ladies back again. Programs like this are so rare, especially since they aren't being shown on TV . Thank you so much, and please keep up the great work!
Sayan insegwi kull episodju avolja ma naqbilx ma hafna milli tghidu, imma fuq episode bhal tallum imissek taghmel disclaimer (kif gieli ghamilt) biex min ikollu problemi mentali jara piskologu jew tabib. Interessanti (jew inkwetanti) kif dawn ghed jittargetjaw nies vulnerabbli bhal alcoholici u drugati biex jaqalaw lira minn fuqhom. Sadattant sejjer naghlaq il plakek u l wifi ghax ed ninkwieta!
Minn dan il podcast wiehed jinduna kemm energijja, ghalkem ma tidherx ,xorta qeda hemm u tafetwa lil bniedem .li xtaqt nghid li id dark mhux dejjem hazin u il light mhux dejjem hemm afarijiet tajbin Biex wiehed ma jinqabadx f dawn il vibrations baxxi wiehed irid jahdem fuqu nnifsu biex jeleva energijja gholja ,u bhekk dik energijja baxx ma tigix ghandrk ghax iz zewgt energijja iridu jaqblu flimkien .Proset lil kulhadd .
Kull adiction gejja minn spirits, u ghalhekk l alcohol isejhulu spirtu. Wiehed ghandu joqghod attent xi jdahhal go dar jekk ma jkunx jaf jiklirja dik energijja ta dak l ogett , ghax jista jkun li ikollu entity attachement, , l iktar ogetti li jistahbew go fihom huma amara antika, pupi, maskli u pittura.
@jeangove01 she's not lying. ever went to a second hand shop? we went to one the owner dismissed our comment when we said 'minjaf kemm aw spirti atteched mal daw l affarijiet.' some times i feel called to go close or touch certin thing..and at other times i don't even want to be in the same vicinity of something or place. things and places have vibes and energy that can be felt as humans do, some you feel comfortable around and some you really feel the need to avoid.
I found it incredibly interesting, and I was completely captivated watching and listening to you. I really wished I could have seen it live, but I'm so glad you recorded it. I want to thank you all for this fascinating program, and I hope you bring these ladies back again. Programs like this are so rare, especially since they aren't being shown on TV . Thank you so much, and please keep up the great work!
proset bhal dejjem interresanti ferm !
bring someone who can explain dreams that would be dope
Yes, we will!
Sayan insegwi kull episodju avolja ma naqbilx ma hafna milli tghidu, imma fuq episode bhal tallum imissek taghmel disclaimer (kif gieli ghamilt) biex min ikollu problemi mentali jara piskologu jew tabib. Interessanti (jew inkwetanti) kif dawn ghed jittargetjaw nies vulnerabbli bhal alcoholici u drugati biex jaqalaw lira minn fuqhom. Sadattant sejjer naghlaq il plakek u l wifi ghax ed ninkwieta!
Ghandek mitt elf ragun, naqbel 100%!
Well done guys 👍
Good job
X tista taghmel biex tiftakar il holm? U Sajan tista tispjega kif issir din l out of body experience?
Minn dan il podcast wiehed jinduna kemm energijja, ghalkem ma tidherx ,xorta qeda hemm u tafetwa lil bniedem .li xtaqt nghid li id dark mhux dejjem hazin u il light mhux dejjem hemm afarijiet tajbin
Biex wiehed ma jinqabadx f dawn il vibrations baxxi wiehed irid jahdem fuqu nnifsu biex jeleva energijja gholja ,u bhekk dik energijja baxx ma tigix ghandrk ghax iz zewgt energijja iridu jaqblu flimkien .Proset lil kulhadd .
The sound hurts ears impossible to watch.
Sound is clear.
Sound is clear yes… but painful to listen to the overdubbed audio track
Don’t understand why you’re also disguising the voices given that we can’t see the guests… very annoying considering
Jekk il-guests jixtiequ li ma jintarfux mill-vuci, ahna ma nsibu ebda oggezzjoni li nibdlu l-ilhna.
Kull adiction gejja minn spirits, u ghalhekk l alcohol isejhulu spirtu. Wiehed ghandu joqghod attent xi jdahhal go dar jekk ma jkunx jaf jiklirja dik energijja ta dak l ogett , ghax jista jkun li ikollu entity attachement, , l iktar ogetti li jistahbew go fihom huma amara antika, pupi, maskli u pittura.
@jeangove01 she's not lying. ever went to a second hand shop?
we went to one the owner dismissed our comment when we said 'minjaf kemm aw spirti atteched mal daw l affarijiet.' some times i feel called to go close or touch certin thing..and at other times i don't even want to be in the same vicinity of something or place. things and places have vibes and energy that can be felt as humans do, some you feel comfortable around and some you really feel the need to avoid.