The reason Japan did not coordinate an invasion of the Soviet Union from the East with the German invasion of the USSR in the West was *not* that “it was preoccupied with its war against China,” as the video suggests. Japan’s war against China had not in any way prevented the Japanese Kwantung Army from trying to eject the Soviets from Mongolia in 1939. The *fact* is that Japan’s tiny, poorly constructed tanks and infantry were NO match at all for the Soviet armoured brigades under Georgy Zhukov, and they had been *annihilated* at and forced to sign an armistice with the Soviets after the Battle of Khalkin Gol. The Japanese Army was not *at all* prepared or equipped to fight any sort of campaign on Soviet soil after 1939.
Interesting and informative. Excellent photography job making it easier for viewers to better understand what the orator was describing. Historians did a very good job presenting actual facts from fiction. Orator presented the documentary very well. Class A research project!!! Special thanks to the allied forces who fought/perished/survived fighting the axis powers. Along with the civilians resistance groups. Conquering the axis powers. Least not forget the motion & still photographers who made this documentary possible!!!
What about this history that's not told Eisenhower intentionally caused the deaths by starvation or exposure of around a million German prisoners of war held in Western internment camps after the Second World War.
Oui l'homme dans ses neurones chromosomes et ADN au fond de chacun nous avons tous les moyens de tuer sans pitié mais il y a heureusement plusieurs catégories de monstres humains ou hommes de paix et cela qui sont irrespectueux des hommes femmes et enfants innocents sont en vérité profondément malade de Schizophrénie, Paranoïa où les êtres humains qu'ils massacres tuent et torturent dans le monde entier et comme des tueurs en série n'ont aucun regret ni culpabilité, là où cela devient très dangereux pour les peuples qui croient à ces gens qu'ils pensent être protégés et a obtenir une belle vie après la guerre s'aperçoivent comme à ce jour que tout est faux et enfin les peuples se réveillent et cela dans les prochaines décennies un monde meilleur mais cette fois ci crée par chacun de nous qui avons été trompés et en esclavage. Tout ceci sera bientôt fini et nous constatons que ce genre de dirigeants se disant puissant par la force la guerre et la peur s'effondrent à ce jour inexorablement et se retournent déjà contre eux...
Avrupa ve Amerika isteseydi gerçekten 1919 20 lerde çarlık Rusya ya ve beyaz orduya yardım edebilir henüz yeni kurulan kızıl Ordu'nun önünü kesmek kolay olurdu tam destek silahlar artı yuzbinlerce asker gonderebilirdiler
"Letztlich wurden ZWEI WELTKRIEGE GEFÜHRT, um eine dominante Rolle Deutschlands zu verhindern." Hochgradfreimaurer und Bilderberger Henry Kissinger in "Welt am Sonntag" vom 23 Oktober 1994 /Initiator des Vietnamkrieges und MAO-Befürworter (Roter Terror) sowie Einflussnehmer der korrupten WHO (IMPFKRIEG :Alle Fakten von Dr. Barbara Kahler) Bi.owaffe
Never forget the French declared war on Germany in 1939. The same French who surrendered their country in 6 weeks in1940. The British declared war on Germany in 1939 and begged America for help. A word of advice, learn to say I surrender in German before you declare war again.
The Brits didn't need to say I surrender. Germany failed to invade Britain. Let's not forget WW2 was won by the soviet Union and allies, Not just the U.S. 8 out 10 German casualties were caused by the Soviets.
You forget to specify that 6 months earlier, when Germany annexed the Czechoslovak Sudetenland, Hitler had signed a treaty in which he promised not to claim any further territory. And what did he do 6 months after signing? He invaded Poland. France and England were therefore obliged to declare war on Germany, as agreed in the treaty So it was Germany that provoked the war with France and England by not respecting the treaty it had signed. Don't rewrite history
No matter how politically in correct, no matter how socially unacceptable--- the view, the commitment, dedication, devotion to a ideal, a standard of a very exclusive principle, I salute.
Realidade a epoca era cruel contra o povo judeu. Exercito alemao e seus admiradores nao receberam um tratamento a altura de suas atrocidades. Japao recebeu.
It's hard to believe Hitler couldn't see , at least , a long difficult struggle with the Soviet Union. It was a different time of course and just how different is hard for myself and others to fully grasp.
Nous n'en n'avons toujours pas fini avec cette idéologie mutée en néonazisme , sous l'égide des usa et un parlement européen . Beaucoup de gens se voile la face , en critiquant un parti dit d'extrême droite , mais accorde de l'aide militaire à un régime de Bandéristes.
De nos jours l'Allemagne réunifiée depuis plus de 32 ans impose sa dictature économique sur l'U.E de par sa position centrale.Cette Europe allemande va reconstituer le Saint Empire romain germanique avec une large extension vers les anciens pays du Bloc soviétique.
@@EllieMaes-Grandad Ah, but his legacy remains. If you doubt it, all you have to do is mention his name and see what happens. In some countries you go to jail. That's how much his enemies still FEAR him after nearly 80 years in the grave.
За 40 лет своего увлечения истории я не встречал документа (одни сплетни), в котором Сталин, запрещал военным готовится к войне в июне 41, но, исходя из должностей на 22.06.41 ясно, что Председателем Правления и Совета Директоров армии был Тимошенко, а Сталина вообще там не было. И ежедневные приказы по армии подписывались до 19.07.41 Тимошенко, а после Сталиным. Если даже без доказательно предположить, что Сталин все равно непосредственно возглавлял армию до 19.07.41, то возникают следующие вопросы: 1) Зачем Сталин так подставился, официально став Наркомом и Председателем Ставки и начав лично подписывать документы в безнадежной ситуации, когда пример Николая второго был перед глазами. 2) Почему он потом не убрал Тимошенко и Жукова как ненужных свидетелей. 3) Зачем Тимошенко поголовно зачистил Павлова и его заместителей. 4) Тимошенко и Жуков всегда могли перегруппировать силы под видом учений, если они были не согласны с указаниями Сталина. 5) Зачем нужны фиктивные генералы, которые только тупо выполняют решения Вождя, если они своих бояться больше чем немцев, то им надо выбрать более мирную специальность.
Excelente documental, (( QUE CLASE DE HISTORIA SOBRE LOS CONFLICTOS MUNDIALES, QUE LLEVARON AL MUNDO A DOS GUERRAS MUNDIALES )) Bien documentado, bien narrado, creo que es el mejor documental que he visto, sin "favoritismos " solo narrar parte de la historia del siglo pasado, ESTE SIGLO 21 VA POR EL MISMO CAMINO, NO APRENDEMOS DEL PASADO. (( ""EN FIN SERES ... ""HUMANOS"" ))
The stock market crash of 1929 did not create the Great Depression. This was the result of government intrusion into the free markets. Coolidge handled his crash by keeping government out and allowing self-corrections to restore the market.
@mikeballard8404 hoover did not follow the wise course of Coolidge and three years later, FDR exacerbated the mess into an inexcusable eleven years depression.
A perfect example of one who doesn't understand anything. The stock market crash of 1929 did indeed cause the Great Depression. Do some research, buddy. Also, in 1913, the President at the time signed the Federal Reserve Act which gave control over America's currency a small group of people. The Federal Reserve is not regulated by the Government. Our money supply has always been in the control of the banks and not the government.
О том, что немцы скоро нападут стало ясно после того, как они в декабре 1940 прекратили переговоры, не ответив на советские предложения от 26.11.40. Вопрос был какой план действий выбрать для отражения агрессии: оборонительный или наступательный. И когда кураторы армии от Политбюро Жданов и Маленков с Наркомом обороны и Председателем ГВС (довоенной Ставки) Тимошенко в конце декабря 1940 провели совещание о том, что нам делать, после нападения, все генералы, кроме Мерецкого, начали вещать, что порвут немцев как Тузик тряпку. И вместо осторожного Мерецкого Тимошенко продавил назначение Жукова и своего человека Ватутина, апологетов окружений противника. И наши войска, авиацию и запасы, те разместили в котлах на границе, чтобы после начала немцами войны опередить их в развертывании и окружить. Тимошенко и Жуков считали по опыту 1914 и 1939 на Западе, что немцы будут сначала осторожно перестреливаться на границе, и планировали за это время опередить их в развертывании и окружить в Польше. Таким образом, Тимошенко и Жуков выбирали наихудший вариант действий с качественно на порядок более сильным противником, не ожидая, что немцы в первые же часы войны нанесут рассекающие удары по слабым флангам наших ударных группировок, сосредоточенных в котлах, и сразу прорвутся нам в тыл, и более того Тимошенко с Жуковым продолжали попытки окружения немцев в июле 1941, и это приводило все к Новым котлам, пока Сталин их не выгнал и не вынужден был на себя взвалить ещё и непосредственное руководство армией, угробив своё здоровье.
He couldn’t because Goring flubbed the destruction of the RAF. Hitler was poised to invade but the RAF saw what was going on and flattened the incision ports.
No air superiority in 1940, or afterwards, so the British navy would have destroyed any attempt at seaborne invasion. However, keeping warships ready to repel invasion cost casualties in the Atlantic convoys. @@sethpotter9592
Pararam no braço, no tiro, no frio, na bala. Se os franceses tivessem lutado assim, a História teria sido outra, e um animal não viria aqui para dizer em francês que em 1939 se enganaram de inimigo.
Il ne faut pas sous-estimer la défaite de Napoléon qui était considéré comme invincible et pourtant elle a été vaincu, Staline avait même déclaré rappelez-vous de Napoléon rappelez-vous de ce que notre peuple nous les Russes avons fait Les Allemands reconnaissait que ce terrain-là était tellement vaste qui ne faisait que transparaître sur eux par la fatigue la résistance farouche des Russes les ravitaillements qui se retarder et pour finir raspoutitsa la pluie qui transforme les terrains vagues en bout visqueuse les Allemands n'ont pas pu repartir de Civic à ce moment-là et il a fallu attendre l'arrivée de l'hiver pour que la route sur de nouveaux assez solide pour reprendre la marche on a jusqu'à l'automne il ne faisait que 8 km de progression par jours au lieu de 30 ? Les Allemands avait bien reconnu et ils était bien forcé à l'accepter.
Et aujourd'hui certains nous ont dit que l'armée russe était invincible, "la deuxième armée du monde". C'est pourquoi, attaquant un pays 30 fois plus petit, 10 fois moins armé, 5 fois moins peuplé, l'opération spéciale devait durer quelques jours, Kyiv devait tomber le 3eme jour à 14h55. Tout se passe selon les plans.
@@mickaelhildevert3121 Vive la Russie libre ! Donc débarrassée de son criminel dictateur et de la kleptocratie. "La Russie n'est grande que lorsqu'elle est européenne", Léon Tolstoï.
A war would have occured later. Hitler feared the growing industrial power of Russia, he needed to make a quick war to break the communist enemy before its power grows too much. He hated slavic people and wanted to extrrminate them quickly. And he knew that Stalin would have attacked first at one time. The confilct was unavoidable. Alas for him (and thankfully for the rest of the world), the war lasted. And on a long term war, Germany had no other possible fate than a crushing defeat.
1:58 no no he didn’t underestimate his enemies, he overestimated his friends! Mussolini and the Fins and the Romanians. Germany was constantly providing massive military assistance to Italy an a massive scale. And the enemy had broken German enigma code and so was able to read Germany’s most secret messages. And the chief of German military intelligence Weilhelm Canaris was a traitor.
Canaris was not a traitor. War is war. What he hated was the way the Nazis treated innocent defenceless human beings. Was Schindler a traitor, were so many others who tried to help innocent people?
@@mikeballard8404 too, yes! While Germany was building up its forces on Russia's border (kinda simular to what US nato doing today) to invade, Without informing Hitler Mussolini invade Greece and Germany had to go and help them to prevent their certain defeat And so Germany had to delay the attack date on Russia by newly 2 months When the attack started some units were still in Greece. The Germans decided it was too late to attack because of winter But because the next time to attack would be a year later and didn't think they could keep it a secret so long, so they attacked. The victors like to leave this part out but now you know.
@@reginaldmcnab3265 Exactly. Wasted 2 months in Greece. For what? Just to help Mussolini. Greece has no natural resources, nothing, just Feta Cheese and some olives. If Hitler had attacked starting in April, 41, he would have had all of Russia before the start of winter.
Brillant !!!! Merci une vrai travail historique.
A tout de fete!
Summer of 1941 was peak Europe. Everything went down the drain. Beautiful people, beautiful country. United and strong!!
You must be a bot. How could a real conscious person say this
Toujours de super document pour pas dire les meilleurs ! Merci à vous tous ainsi qu’au courageux reporteur ! 🙏🏿
The reason Japan did not coordinate an invasion of the Soviet Union from the East with the German invasion of the USSR in the West was *not* that “it was preoccupied with its war against China,” as the video suggests. Japan’s war against China had not in any way prevented the Japanese Kwantung Army from trying to eject the Soviets from Mongolia in 1939. The *fact* is that Japan’s tiny, poorly constructed tanks and infantry were NO match at all for the Soviet armoured brigades under Georgy Zhukov, and they had been *annihilated* at and forced to sign an armistice with the Soviets after the Battle of Khalkin Gol. The Japanese Army was not *at all* prepared or equipped to fight any sort of campaign on Soviet soil after 1939.
True. And the Japanese government didn't trust the Germans.
Absolutely true👍, but the script writers and the voice-over are common hypocrites.
Interesting and informative. Excellent photography job making it easier for viewers to better understand what the orator was describing. Historians did a very good job presenting actual facts from fiction. Orator presented the documentary very well. Class A research project!!! Special thanks to the allied forces who fought/perished/survived fighting the axis powers. Along with the civilians resistance groups. Conquering the axis powers. Least not forget the motion & still photographers who made this documentary possible!!!
Very beautiful old video
Muito bom o documentário, bom seria completo com essa narração
é Realmente muito bom assistir os documentários sobre a segunda guerra mundial. uma aula de história
به شرط اینکه تحریف نباشه و دروغ نباشه،دوست عزیز!
Show excelente documentário parabéns 👍
Beau documentaire merci !
The fascination with Hitler is growing after all these years because of such a momentous event in history
What about this history that's not told
Eisenhower intentionally caused the deaths by starvation or exposure of around a million German prisoners of war held in Western internment camps after the Second World War.
O melhor documentário que já assisti sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tensão do princípio ao fim! Parabéns!🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Se prepara, a 3° guerra ta vindo ai.
Fantástico, o documentário nos alerta para o presente momento 👏
Everyone just sitting around watching what the master race who own them an the media tell them what to think?
Ukraine is the Nazis in todays time. Russia is fighting the new world order
Nigel Mirages fav
Ótima narração parabéns 👏👏👏👏
Triste époque !! Mais on dirais que cela ce répète en 2023.!! Espérons que NON.!!! vive la paix
Oui l'homme dans ses neurones chromosomes et ADN au fond de chacun nous avons tous les moyens de tuer sans pitié mais il y a heureusement plusieurs catégories de monstres humains ou hommes de paix et cela qui sont irrespectueux des hommes femmes et enfants innocents sont en vérité profondément malade de Schizophrénie, Paranoïa où les êtres humains qu'ils massacres tuent et torturent dans le monde entier et comme des tueurs en série n'ont aucun regret ni culpabilité, là où cela devient très dangereux pour les peuples qui croient à ces gens qu'ils pensent être protégés et a obtenir une belle vie après la guerre s'aperçoivent comme à ce jour que tout est faux et enfin les peuples se réveillent et cela dans les prochaines décennies un monde meilleur mais cette fois ci crée par chacun de nous qui avons été trompés et en esclavage. Tout ceci sera bientôt fini et nous constatons que ce genre de dirigeants se disant puissant par la force la guerre et la peur s'effondrent à ce jour inexorablement et se retournent déjà contre eux...
Bonjour je crois que vous voyez juste, vu les événements àctuelle, dieu nous protège.
Documentaire très éclairant, merci.
Quel est le titre de la belle musique que l'on entend dès les premières secondes ?
Johnny Hallyday, que je t'aime
Operation Babarossa was his biggest mistake.
The Holocaust corrupted Hitler’s karma. That’s why he lost ww2. You get pretty bad karma from the lord from murdering millions
merci encore j'adore vu tout tes documentair et en u us ta une Bonne voix bravo
🌹 RIP🌹WW2 🌹
Avrupa ve Amerika isteseydi gerçekten 1919 20 lerde çarlık Rusya ya ve beyaz orduya yardım edebilir henüz yeni kurulan kızıl Ordu'nun önünü kesmek kolay olurdu tam destek silahlar artı yuzbinlerce asker gonderebilirdiler
The tragic ramifications of directive 33 are still being felt to this day.
Amo estes documentários da segunda guerra mundial, quanta riquezas de informações/detalhes.
Parabéns pelas aulas de história 👏👏👏
"Letztlich wurden ZWEI WELTKRIEGE GEFÜHRT, um eine dominante Rolle Deutschlands zu verhindern."
Hochgradfreimaurer und Bilderberger Henry Kissinger in "Welt am Sonntag" vom 23 Oktober 1994 /Initiator des Vietnamkrieges und MAO-Befürworter (Roter Terror) sowie Einflussnehmer der korrupten WHO (IMPFKRIEG :Alle Fakten von Dr. Barbara Kahler)
This you tube vs ?
Que documentário fantástico. Parabéns pelo vídeo. 📹 👏👏
Glorious moments before the calamity.
Never forget the French declared war on Germany in 1939. The same French who surrendered their country in 6 weeks in1940. The British declared war on Germany in 1939 and begged America for help. A word of advice, learn to say I surrender in German before you declare war again.
The Brits didn't need to say I surrender. Germany failed to invade Britain. Let's not forget WW2 was won by the soviet Union and allies, Not just the U.S.
8 out 10 German casualties were caused by the Soviets.
You forget to specify that 6 months earlier, when Germany annexed the Czechoslovak Sudetenland, Hitler had signed a treaty in which he promised not to claim any further territory. And what did he do 6 months after signing? He invaded Poland.
France and England were therefore obliged to declare war on Germany, as agreed in the treaty
So it was Germany that provoked the war with France and England by not respecting the treaty it had signed. Don't rewrite history
It was treaty of Versailles. Don't rewrite the history @@yantbomn
@@sadaqatali6393 Yantbomn was not trying to rewrite history.
@@davids4313 agreed
No matter how politically in correct, no matter how socially unacceptable--- the view, the commitment, dedication, devotion to a ideal, a standard of a very exclusive principle, I salute.
As guerras são históricas,mortal e injusta. Àqueles que as fomenta não lutam nas trincheiras não morrem nos combatem.
Merci pour vos videos TRÈS intéressantes
Bravo pour miami parfait pour moi c.est la voix qui compte pour un documentaire
Vu ce que l'Europe est devenue, on s'est trompé d'ennemis, pdt la dernière guerre mondiale !
Exacto, Hitler muchas veces buscó aliarse con Francia e Inglaterra para destruir al comunismo que se estaba extendiendo por Europa como una plaga.
%100 correct
Un peu bizarre tout ça
Bom documentário.
China never forgave or forgot Japanese war crimes!
Estos documentales con su riqueza nos previenen del future
The winter war against Poland . . . . or against Finland?
The absolute insanity of war. As Edwin Starr sung "War -- Oh good God ya-ll....what is it good for - absolutely NOTHIN"
Wars are bankers wars
It was this move that lost the war for hitler
A história das guerras me fascina
Espero que no tengas que vivir una, o te fascinara tanto.
The 20th century was brutal
Realidade a epoca era cruel contra o povo judeu.
Exercito alemao e seus admiradores nao receberam um tratamento a altura de suas atrocidades.
Japao recebeu.
It's hard to believe Hitler couldn't see , at least , a long difficult struggle with the Soviet Union. It was a different time of course and just how different is hard for myself and others to fully grasp.
If you think there's no camera within it's not..!
Esse narrador é fenomenal
Nous n'en n'avons toujours pas fini avec cette idéologie mutée en néonazisme , sous l'égide des usa et un parlement européen . Beaucoup de gens se voile la face , en critiquant un parti dit d'extrême droite , mais accorde de l'aide militaire à un régime de Bandéristes.
De nos jours l'Allemagne réunifiée depuis plus de 32 ans impose sa dictature économique sur l'U.E de par sa position centrale.Cette Europe allemande va reconstituer le Saint Empire romain germanique avec une large extension vers les anciens pays du Bloc soviétique.
Excellent documentaire.
Ce qui est agaçant, c'est ce fond de musique d'ascenseur, impersonnelle et permanent...
The music is just too annoying. Such a pity because the narration is superb.
mais uma bela aula de História no tema segunda guerra....
Божевільні! Це ж треба так людям втратити здоровий глузд!
Так само, як тепер жителі Росії, котрі шаленіють у захваті від свого диктатора.
@@informant2024 Никто не в восторге в России. Вы не живёте в России и не знаете ничего.
There is no "h" in Stalin. It's not Shtalin, not in Russian or in English.
Drives me crazy!!
Это сейчас надо русским смотреть ....Именно они должны видеть к чему приведет российский фашизм.....
Very Very informative
Let's put it this way.......he had better success at hitting the USSR hard than NATO Europe has.
NATO is still around and Russia is not on the Atlantic coast . . . . whereas AH is long gone . . .
@@EllieMaes-Grandad Ah, but his legacy remains. If you doubt it, all you have to do is mention his name and see what happens. In some countries you go to jail. That's how much his enemies still FEAR him after nearly 80 years in the grave.
Lefties use him in 'straw man' arguments, when reality is they're the threat to our freedom. @@ortho-g9826
За 40 лет своего увлечения истории я не встречал документа (одни сплетни), в котором Сталин, запрещал военным готовится к войне в июне 41, но, исходя из должностей на 22.06.41 ясно, что Председателем Правления и Совета Директоров армии был Тимошенко, а Сталина вообще там не было. И ежедневные приказы по армии подписывались до 19.07.41 Тимошенко, а после Сталиным.
Если даже без доказательно предположить, что Сталин все равно непосредственно возглавлял армию до 19.07.41, то возникают следующие вопросы:
1) Зачем Сталин так подставился, официально став Наркомом и Председателем Ставки и начав лично подписывать документы в безнадежной ситуации, когда пример Николая второго был перед глазами.
2) Почему он потом не убрал Тимошенко и Жукова как ненужных свидетелей.
3) Зачем Тимошенко поголовно зачистил Павлова и его заместителей.
4) Тимошенко и Жуков всегда могли перегруппировать силы под видом учений, если они были не согласны с указаниями Сталина.
5) Зачем нужны фиктивные генералы, которые только тупо выполняют решения Вождя, если они своих бояться больше чем немцев, то им надо выбрать более мирную специальность.
The Russian soldiers surrendered en masse, Russian army virtually collapsed from the Nazi onslaught, but Hitler delayed the invasion by 6 weeks
Russia was not a Capitalist country. Facts matter.
It is today though. Russia is a capitalist class state.
Documentário muito completo. 👏
Excelente documental, (( QUE CLASE DE HISTORIA SOBRE LOS CONFLICTOS MUNDIALES, QUE LLEVARON AL MUNDO A DOS GUERRAS MUNDIALES )) Bien documentado, bien narrado, creo que es el mejor documental que he visto, sin "favoritismos " solo narrar parte de la historia del siglo pasado, ESTE SIGLO 21 VA POR EL MISMO CAMINO, NO APRENDEMOS DEL PASADO. (( ""EN FIN SERES ... ""HUMANOS"" ))
Muito bom o documentário tp
It goes without saying that even if Hitler had passed the art university, a replacement dictator would have appeared.。
The educated Hitler would be worse
He was a great leader
Just a stupid psychopat!
Giving context is always good, but drifting with it so far away from the actual target, i.e. specifically certain months of 1941, is not the best idea
The stock market crash of 1929 did not create the Great Depression. This was the result of government intrusion into the free markets. Coolidge handled his crash by keeping government out and allowing self-corrections to restore the market.
Hoover was President.
@mikeballard8404 hoover did not follow the wise course of Coolidge and three years later, FDR exacerbated the mess into an inexcusable eleven years depression.
A perfect example of one who doesn't understand anything.
The stock market crash of 1929 did indeed cause the Great Depression. Do some research, buddy.
Also, in 1913, the President at the time signed the Federal Reserve Act which gave control over America's currency a small group of people. The Federal Reserve is not regulated by the Government. Our money supply has always been in the control of the banks and not the government.
@@mikeballard8404 hoover meddle and caused it
О том, что немцы скоро нападут стало ясно после того, как они в декабре 1940 прекратили переговоры, не ответив на советские предложения от 26.11.40.
Вопрос был какой план действий выбрать для отражения агрессии: оборонительный или наступательный. И когда кураторы армии от Политбюро Жданов и Маленков с Наркомом обороны и Председателем ГВС (довоенной Ставки) Тимошенко в конце декабря 1940 провели совещание о том, что нам делать, после нападения, все генералы, кроме Мерецкого, начали вещать, что порвут немцев как Тузик тряпку.
И вместо осторожного Мерецкого Тимошенко продавил назначение Жукова и своего человека Ватутина, апологетов окружений противника.
И наши войска, авиацию и запасы, те разместили в котлах на границе, чтобы после начала немцами войны опередить их в развертывании и окружить.
Тимошенко и Жуков считали по опыту 1914 и 1939 на Западе, что немцы будут сначала осторожно перестреливаться на границе, и планировали за это время опередить их в развертывании и окружить в Польше.
Таким образом, Тимошенко и Жуков выбирали наихудший вариант действий с качественно на порядок более сильным противником, не ожидая, что немцы в первые же часы войны нанесут рассекающие удары по слабым флангам наших ударных группировок, сосредоточенных в котлах, и сразу прорвутся нам в тыл, и более того Тимошенко с Жуковым продолжали попытки окружения немцев в июле 1941, и это приводило все к Новым котлам, пока Сталин их не выгнал и не вынужден был на себя взвалить ещё и непосредственное руководство армией, угробив своё здоровье.
Failing to invade the British isles he never tried to
He couldn’t because Goring flubbed the destruction of the RAF. Hitler was poised to invade but the RAF saw what was going on and flattened the incision ports.
No air superiority in 1940, or afterwards, so the British navy would have destroyed any attempt at seaborne invasion.
However, keeping warships ready to repel invasion cost casualties in the Atlantic convoys. @@sethpotter9592
درود بر ژاپن جنگ جهانی دوم،درود بر پیشوا آدولف هیتلر کبیر.
@@m.h.o6820 Гитлер КАПУТ!
Немцы фашисты и нацисты, лютые звери!! Демоны!
Pararam no braço, no tiro, no frio, na bala. Se os franceses tivessem lutado assim, a História teria sido outra, e um animal não viria aqui para dizer em francês que em 1939 se enganaram de inimigo.
وَقًْع انَتْاذَكِيَ وَقًيَْعيَ شِكِرَ لُانَيَتْيَ حُيَوَانَ
24:55, Kalkin Gol.
Historian Antony Beevor believes this is the actual battle that led to WWII.
This video is about to blow up
more than 70 years on and we have learned nothing !
Thanks 🔥♥️👑👈🚬🙋🏻♂️
Bela voz de dublagem. Faltou a dublagem, o som, no final do vídeo. Excelente video essa série é muito boa e legal.
Continue ç tresbien respect
Il ne faut pas sous-estimer la défaite de Napoléon qui était considéré comme invincible et pourtant elle a été vaincu, Staline avait même déclaré rappelez-vous de Napoléon rappelez-vous de ce que notre peuple nous les Russes avons fait
Les Allemands reconnaissait que ce terrain-là était tellement vaste qui ne faisait que transparaître sur eux par la fatigue la résistance farouche des Russes les ravitaillements qui se retarder et pour finir raspoutitsa la pluie qui transforme les terrains vagues en bout visqueuse les Allemands n'ont pas pu repartir de Civic à ce moment-là et il a fallu attendre l'arrivée de l'hiver pour que la route sur de nouveaux assez solide pour reprendre la marche on a jusqu'à l'automne il ne faisait que 8 km de progression par jours au lieu de 30 ? Les Allemands avait bien reconnu et ils était bien forcé à l'accepter.
Et aujourd'hui certains nous ont dit que l'armée russe était invincible, "la deuxième armée du monde". C'est pourquoi, attaquant un pays 30 fois plus petit, 10 fois moins armé, 5 fois moins peuplé, l'opération spéciale devait durer quelques jours, Kyiv devait tomber le 3eme jour à 14h55. Tout se passe selon les plans.
@@philippeengammare6253 alors , rien à voir , et beaucoup d’erreurs dans ce pavé.
@@HenriDessart ah bon ? Kyiv est tombée à 14h55 du troisième jour ?
@@philippeengammare6253 vive la Russie 😝 n'en déplaise a monsieur 🤣
@@mickaelhildevert3121 Vive la Russie libre ! Donc débarrassée de son criminel dictateur et de la kleptocratie. "La Russie n'est grande que lorsqu'elle est européenne", Léon Tolstoï.
Intro too long
21:04, the tread of a tank being unraveled.
Love Germany From Libya Tripoli ❤😊2023
Слава народу-победителю!
parabéns ''dublado''
رَوَسِيَ احُتْيَرَامٌ
Parabéns ao narrador pelas pronúncias em inglês, alemão e russo! Nota mil é pouco kkk
A Evil Sadistic Monster
Whose teachings and educators live on manipulating the masses out of view of western media.
If Germany hadn't invaded the Soviet Union at that time, maybe the story would have been different.. Maybe Germany would have won WW2.
A war would have occured later.
Hitler feared the growing industrial power of Russia, he needed to make a quick war to break the communist enemy before its power grows too much.
He hated slavic people and wanted to extrrminate them quickly.
And he knew that Stalin would have attacked first at one time.
The confilct was unavoidable.
Alas for him (and thankfully for the rest of the world), the war lasted. And on a long term war, Germany had no other possible fate than a crushing defeat.
Comment. Les. Hêtres. Humains. Peuves. T il. Être. A. Se. Point. Pouri. Jusqu'à. L'os
So much great content. The study of the 3rd Reich never gets old! How could it happen, and could it EVER happen again?
L’histoire se répète plusieurs conflits et la la troisième
S’il y.aura une troisième, ce sera la dernière, vu les forces en jeu et la folie de certains l’humanité ne s’en remettra pas….
Vous espérez tous une 3eme guerre !! Vous aimez trop le sang et les morts.
@@boudj8893 on ne l’espère pas, on la craint, malheureusement, c’est sans doute comme cela que ça va terminer….
Exactement mais en pire avec le skisofrene de poutine déclare la troisième guerre mondiale avec bombe atomique ☠💀
La terre s'arrêtera !
Muy interesante me encanta los vídeos
Back when freedom was great
When did you become pro-genocide?
" это был шок для советов..." Слово шок тут неуместно,так как все знали на что Гитлер способен. Скорее печальное следствие.
Narrater voice ❤️💯does anyone know his name?
1:58 no no he didn’t underestimate his enemies, he overestimated his friends! Mussolini and the Fins and the Romanians. Germany was constantly providing massive military assistance to Italy an a massive scale.
And the enemy had broken German enigma code and so was able to read Germany’s most secret messages.
And the chief of German military intelligence Weilhelm Canaris was a traitor.
But they would not win the war
Canaris was not a traitor. War is war. What he hated was the way the Nazis treated innocent defenceless human beings. Was Schindler a traitor, were so many others who tried to help innocent people?
They started too late ( same day as Napoleon) and weren't ready for the cold harsh winter.
@@mikeballard8404 too, yes! While Germany was building up its forces on Russia's border (kinda simular to what US nato doing today) to invade,
Without informing Hitler Mussolini invade Greece and Germany had to go and help them to prevent their certain defeat
And so Germany had to delay the attack date on Russia by newly 2 months
When the attack started some units were still in Greece.
The Germans decided it was too late to attack because of winter
But because the next time to attack would be a year later and didn't think they could keep it a secret so long, so they attacked.
The victors like to leave this part out but now you know.
@@reginaldmcnab3265 Exactly. Wasted 2 months in Greece. For what? Just to help Mussolini. Greece has no natural resources, nothing, just Feta Cheese and some olives. If Hitler had attacked starting in April, 41, he would have had all of Russia before the start of winter.
am I a coincidence?. this video appears on my homepage at 19:41 western Indonesian time. and the title of this video is also 1941 💀
Et je vois ton message à 19h41
Churchill would be the last man to ask advice
Alan Brooke kept him in place!
48:03 É um helicóptero?
Ron DeSantis 2024
Keep The Dream Alive!
Dream on! Come back in 2028 . . .
trump 24
Almost exactly 50 years later i was born 😮 21 years after 1941 my dad was born. Not that far removed
. GPA born 1921
My heart goes out to every Red Army soldier who gave the ultimate sacrifice to fight fascism. Thank providence that the held Hitler's forces back.
They fought for Stalin a man who killed 10x what Hitler did. I guess the winners write the history
YES and the americans who died fighting fascism mean while america is more fascist than any other country in the world. Its criminal.
There's a school of thought which says Stalin would have gone west in maybe 1942 0r 1943. AH thought so . . .