My Grandfather fought in the Aleutian islands 43,44 then Rhineland and Central Europe Jan 45 till the end. His 355th Regiment 89th division liberated Ohrdruff in April 45.
@@giovanni88551 sadly no, he came home after the war amd raised 8kids and retired after 30yrs from the Bluegrass Army Depot and passed away from cancer in 1988 when I was 5yrs old.
@@danbazinet7620 The German Army wasn't defeated by the British until 1943 in North Africa. Operation Torch wasn't even until Nov. '42. Where the fck did you go to school?
This series about WWII is very good, however, unfortunately, there are many significant errors in the description of the Soviet-German War (a.k.a. 'The Eastern Front'), especially with the defeats the Germans suffered, including the reasons for the massive defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad. Much of this video seems to rely on accounts based on the memoirs and descriptions of surviving German generals, which was necessary in the past, because so many records from the Nazi's, western Allies, and Soviets were classified & not available to historians. This changed in the 1990s and 2,000s, as highly-regarded historians such as David M. Glantz (who is fluent in German, Russian, French, and several other languages, and gained direct access to primary documents from the Soviets, Germans, etc), plus Robert Citino were able to separate truth from fiction when it came to decisions made by Hitler & his generals, as well as decisions made by Stalin & his generals. Both Glantz and Citino also uncovered a lot of defeats by the Soviets that remained hidden in the Kremlin's records until the 1990s, plus they both dispel a lot of myths regarding Hitler, the German generals, reasons for the Germany's defeats, etc. Unfortunately, there are still many less-qualified historians, documentaries, and movies which perpetuate the older, incorrect understandings of the Soviet-German War, and one has to be careful where they get their facts and analysis from. I will strongly encourage those who wish to have a more accurate understanding of what happened during Operation Barbarrossa (in 1941), Operation Fall Blau (in 1942, ending with Germany's defeat at Stalingrad in early 1942), Operation Citadelle (in 1943), and the crushing defeat of the German military in 1944 & 1945 to read books from two excellent historians: David M. Glantz (e.g. "When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler") and Robert Citino (e.g. 'The Death of the Wehrmacht"). IMHO, Glatntz tends to have much more detail & a far more in-depth analysis of the Soviet-German War, but Glantz tends to write in a factual, dry style that some find difficult to enjoy, especially if the reader is new to the subject. Robert Citino's books tend to be more enjoyable to read, and still contain enough recent, legit research to be illuminating and even eye-opening. FYI, there are a few videos of lectures by Glantz and Citino, although the video/audio quality is not always good. Last, I will also heartily encourage those who want to understand the Soviet-German War more accurately to check out the RUclips Channel belonging to "TIK" He bases his factual accounts of battles on the most up-to-date research, e.g. from Glantz & Citino..), and he makes a good effort to include as many graphics as he is capable of providing. One caveat: TIK does have videos that interpret the politics of Naziism in a way that I strongly disagree with...and I purposely avoid those videos....nevertheless, TIK's factual accounts of battles/strategy/tactics are excellent..
Yr comments are v interesting. First, any discussion of 'first Allied victories' must surely begin with the Battle of Moscow. When Keital, Hitler's one time C.O.S. was captured, he was asked when he knew Germany had lost the war. He replied with one word : 'Moscow.' He was of course refering to the Battle of Moscow, late 1941. It was a defeat for the Germans on exactly the same scale as Stalingrad, but as it had no exact start date, and no exact end date, and not such a clear cut result as Stalingrad, many people overlook it. Next - I'm interested to hear yr further comments about Tik's view of Nazi politics. For the record, I see it as powered by the engines of grievance, arrogance, and race hatred. The death trains were kept running right to the end, even while German troops in Russia were short of food and ammunition. Your interpretation would be welcome.
@@gordonbennet1094 Late response, but from what I’ve gleaned from a few videos TIKHistory is quite ingrained in his belief that the Nazis were socialists. One example is his assertion that because the DAF, (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) replaced traditional workers unions, the Nazis did more to empower workers rights than socialists.
@@jacksandone7244 I'm not at all knowledgeable about Nazi politics. At it's very core, however, was 'National Socialism.' They never called themselves Nazis - they called themselves National Socialists. Whether this 'socialism' has any similarity to the socialism we understand in the UK - ie, the conservative/ socialist polarization - I don't know. If u can tell me more about it, pls do.
@@gordonbennet1094 I would say this is something to do your own research on. I am only knowledgeable regarding Naziism based on some general studies in high school/ college and various books and articles i have come across. Many scholars have claimed that the "National Socialism" label was to entice the working class to support the party, hence the name. Debate is still out regarding the actual "socialist" tendencies of the Nazi regime-- both for and against labeling Naziism as a type of "socialism". As such, many have labeled Naziism's economic policies as a sort of "third way" between free market capitalism and state-run centralized economies, and so I think it is up to you to make that decision through your own research.
Blatant inaccuracy aided by an intentionally camouflaged important historical chronological order exposes the creator's obvious biases, and intentional unethical revision of historical reality....
Allie’s- “why are we fighting Germany again?” Soviet’s- “because they invaded Poland” Allie’s- oh yeah, but didn’t you…” Stalin- “hitler must be defeated!” Allie’s- “hitler must be defeated!”
@@dustylover100 I’m talking about when Stalin was helping Hitler. France and England declared war on Germany for invading Poland… Poland was then split between Russia and Germany.
THIS IS WRONG! The first Allied strategic win was the East African Campaign, which ended in November 1941. The Allies had about 115 000 soldiers against Italy's 350 000 troops. Around 80 Allied aircraft faced 350 Italian aircraft. Historians like to forget this Allied victory for some reason. Without securing Egypts southern flank, a combined operation by Italian forces from Libya to the East, and Italian East Africa would have meant the loss of the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal.
@3:35 "We Americans protest Communists picketing the White House" sign. Right before that, they showed college aged people carrying "Union" signs against the war! Stalin told the elites in America on colleges to stand down USA because he was still in alliance with Hitler. Just an FYI.
Halala l'humain quelle belle espèce, c'est dans ces moments que l'on reconnait toute la splendeur et l'intelligence n'est ce pas..............c'est à vomir 🤮🤮🤮🤮
oui, cela se peut très bien.. dans certaines situation, le déploiement militaire peut être contrintuitif.. tout dépend de ce qui se passe sur la ligne, et de la capacité de ravitaillement des différentes forces disponible à un moment donné.. parfois, il faut former la ligne, avancer si on peut ou s'il le faut vraiment, attendre/espérer l'aviation ou les blindés possiblement en route, tout dépendant des priorités en place, au moment donné.. bref la guerre sur notre planète, ne se ressemblent pas dune époque à une autre. de nos jours, les drones militaire précède l'infanterie et les blindés.. l'important, c'est de d'abord comprendre l'époque, et l'enjeu d'un événement précis. j'espère que mon explication vulgarisé a pu t'aider à comprendre. la guerre, ce n'est jamais beau.. nous vivons toi et moi à une époque chanceuse.. il faut absolument bien le comprendre.. j'ai connu une personne qui a vécu la 2e grande guerre de très près mon ami.. il ne faut jamais que cela se reproduise. jamais.. nous sommes chanceux. désolé pour cette longue réponse à ton questionnement logique 👍
تقرير محتال يقدم مادة دعائية لدور الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في حسم الحرب العالمية الثانية بينما الحقيقة أن أميركا تنازلت عن سيادة دول أوروبا الشرقية مقابل ان يقوم ستالين والجيش الاحمر بغزو اليابان واحتلالها فقام الجيش الأحمر بعد تدمير الجيش الألماني واحتلال برلين قام الجيش الأحمر مباشرة بالانتقال إلى الشرق فحرر منغوليا ومنشوريا من الاحتلال الياباني ثم نقل الحرب إلى داخل الجزر الأساسية التي تتكون منها دولة اليابان فاحتل جزيرة الكوريل وعدد آخر من اراض اليابان قبل ان يقوم الامريكان بعمل جبان وهو قصف المدن اليابانية بالقنابل النووية وهنا حقيقة تاريخية يجب التنويه عليها دائما وهي أن استسلام اليابان لم يكن بسبب القصف الامريكي لناجازاكي وهيروشيما بالقنابل النووية بل بسبب خوف القيادة اليابانية من اجتياح الجيش الأحمر لكل اراضيها.
Así es .......un claro ejemplo la Malvinas . Solo velaron por sus intereses Los nazis con pocos hombres y poco combustible le dieron una paliza a los aliados , solo imagina que todas la división que el FIURER dirigió a la URSS las hubiera designado a los África Kors
Exact, comme l'ont toujours fait tous les colonisateurs avec + ou moins de férocité depuis la nuit des temps (huns, arabes, hitites, romains, turcs etc). Moi c'est plutôt la nature humaine dans son ensemble qui me désespère. Elle est même capable d'invoquer Dieu tout en commettant des massacres, c'est dire combien l'Homme est abruti !
Nous vous remercions pour ce documentaire.
Bucharest, Roumanie
My Grandfather fought in the Aleutian islands 43,44 then Rhineland and Central Europe Jan 45 till the end. His 355th Regiment 89th division liberated Ohrdruff in April 45.
Your grandfather is alive ?
@@giovanni88551 sadly no, he came home after the war amd raised 8kids and retired after 30yrs from the Bluegrass Army Depot and passed away from cancer in 1988 when I was 5yrs old.
@@RedEyedPatriot my condolences for your loss! Thanks for the answer.
@@giovanni88551 he was a good man I wish I could have known him better. Thank you 😎🤙
Melhor documentário que também aborda os detalhes geopolíticos da segunda guerra. Parabéns!
For sure NO movie! REAL filming! Brave men and brave camera man! Five ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bravo pour ce documentaire très instructif, et surtout apolitique.
Pepe lapu Viva la camsta France sucks surrender flag in 1940
@@nancyvance494 r,x
intéressant bravo
The first large victory was in June '42 at Midway. It was actually a war changing victory.
I think British defeating German Army would be.
@@danbazinet7620 The German Army wasn't defeated by the British until 1943 in North Africa. Operation Torch wasn't even until Nov. '42. Where the fck did you go to school?
So much of this is just repeating the previous programme. Why ?
os homens velhos fazem as guerras, e os jovens nem sabem o porque são os que morrem.
Falo só pelos aliados. Os do eixo sabiam bem contra quem estavam lutando...
very very tanks for ww2 move 😍✌️
A única parte ruim do documentário é tratar os países do eixo como vilões. Mas na realidade eles são os heróis.
As vítimas dos campos de concentração nazistas e dos abusos dos japoneses que o digam
Cosa sarebbe successo se le forze dell'asse non invadevano : l'unione Sovietica?Gli alleati avrebbero vinta la guerra? Io credo di no!
Ja me pergubtei muito isto
O mair conflito da história já estamos perto de outro ainda maior
Η νίκη της ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ επί της ΙΤΑΛΙΑΣ ήταν η πρώτη των συμμάχων και από της πιο σημαντικές
Évidement Bien - sûr !
This series about WWII is very good, however, unfortunately, there are many significant errors in the description of the Soviet-German War (a.k.a. 'The Eastern Front'), especially with the defeats the Germans suffered, including the reasons for the massive defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad. Much of this video seems to rely on accounts based on the memoirs and descriptions of surviving German generals, which was necessary in the past, because so many records from the Nazi's, western Allies, and Soviets were classified & not available to historians.
This changed in the 1990s and 2,000s, as highly-regarded historians such as David M. Glantz (who is fluent in German, Russian, French, and several other languages, and gained direct access to primary documents from the Soviets, Germans, etc), plus Robert Citino were able to separate truth from fiction when it came to decisions made by Hitler & his generals, as well as decisions made by Stalin & his generals. Both Glantz and Citino also uncovered a lot of defeats by the Soviets that remained hidden in the Kremlin's records until the 1990s, plus they both dispel a lot of myths regarding Hitler, the German generals, reasons for the Germany's defeats, etc. Unfortunately, there are still many less-qualified historians, documentaries, and movies which perpetuate the older, incorrect understandings of the Soviet-German War, and one has to be careful where they get their facts and analysis from.
I will strongly encourage those who wish to have a more accurate understanding of what happened during Operation Barbarrossa (in 1941), Operation Fall Blau (in 1942, ending with Germany's defeat at Stalingrad in early 1942), Operation Citadelle (in 1943), and the crushing defeat of the German military in 1944 & 1945 to read books from two excellent historians: David M. Glantz (e.g. "When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler") and Robert Citino (e.g. 'The Death of the Wehrmacht"). IMHO, Glatntz tends to have much more detail & a far more in-depth analysis of the Soviet-German War, but Glantz tends to write in a factual, dry style that some find difficult to enjoy, especially if the reader is new to the subject. Robert Citino's books tend to be more enjoyable to read, and still contain enough recent, legit research to be illuminating and even eye-opening. FYI, there are a few videos of lectures by Glantz and Citino, although the video/audio quality is not always good.
Last, I will also heartily encourage those who want to understand the Soviet-German War more accurately to check out the RUclips Channel belonging to "TIK" He bases his factual accounts of battles on the most up-to-date research, e.g. from Glantz & Citino..), and he makes a good effort to include as many graphics as he is capable of providing. One caveat: TIK does have videos that interpret the politics of Naziism in a way that I strongly disagree with...and I purposely avoid those videos....nevertheless, TIK's factual accounts of battles/strategy/tactics are excellent..
Yr comments are v interesting. First, any discussion of 'first Allied victories' must surely begin with the Battle of Moscow. When Keital, Hitler's one time C.O.S. was captured, he was asked when he knew Germany had lost the war. He replied with one word : 'Moscow.' He was of course refering to the Battle of Moscow, late 1941. It was a defeat for the Germans on exactly the same scale as Stalingrad, but as it had no exact start date, and no exact end date, and not such a clear cut result as Stalingrad, many people overlook it.
Next - I'm interested to hear yr further comments about Tik's view of Nazi politics. For the record, I see it as powered by the engines of grievance, arrogance, and race hatred. The death trains were kept running right to the end, even while German troops in Russia were short of food and ammunition. Your interpretation would be welcome.
@@gordonbennet1094 Late response, but from what I’ve gleaned from a few videos TIKHistory is quite ingrained in his belief that the Nazis were socialists. One example is his assertion that because the DAF, (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) replaced traditional workers unions, the Nazis did more to empower workers rights than socialists.
@@jacksandone7244 I'm not at all knowledgeable about Nazi politics. At it's very core, however, was 'National Socialism.'
They never called themselves Nazis - they called themselves National Socialists. Whether this 'socialism' has any similarity to the socialism we understand in the UK - ie, the conservative/ socialist polarization - I don't know. If u can tell me more about it, pls do.
@@gordonbennet1094 I would say this is something to do your own research on. I am only knowledgeable regarding Naziism based on some general studies in high school/ college and various books and articles i have come across. Many scholars have claimed that the "National Socialism" label was to entice the working class to support the party, hence the name. Debate is still out regarding the actual "socialist" tendencies of the Nazi regime-- both for and against labeling Naziism as a type of "socialism". As such, many have labeled Naziism's economic policies as a sort of "third way" between free market capitalism and state-run centralized economies, and so I think it is up to you to make that decision through your own research.
@@jacksandone7244 OK - that helps a little bit.
Blatant inaccuracy aided by an intentionally camouflaged important historical chronological order exposes the creator's obvious biases, and intentional unethical revision of historical reality....
MOBRIG MENPOR 👍👍👍👍👍👍🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨
At least about 3 months A.D. received letter from
Allie’s- “why are we fighting Germany again?”
Soviet’s- “because they invaded Poland”
Allie’s- oh yeah, but didn’t you…”
Stalin- “hitler must be defeated!”
Allie’s- “hitler must be defeated!”
After Pearl Harbor and the declaration of war against Japan, the Germans declared war on us. First.
While before all of this happened, we were helping Britain and Russia even though we were technically neutral. Neutral in name only.
@@dustylover100 I’m talking about when Stalin was helping Hitler. France and England declared war on Germany for invading Poland… Poland was then split between Russia and Germany.
The tiny island Japan's empire? You mean, like the tiny island England's (much larger) empire?
Tiny Countries had great empires! Greece and Roman for example.
Fin 42, la guerre entrait plutôt dans sa 4ème année.
France la puuu got izz asse kicked by nazzzis pepe lapu
@@rsmithajd On a gagné la première eux la 2ème.
@@romainrichard8746 peppe lapu ud la France suxxs
اول كم دقيقه كافيه لا اثبات مدة كذبة هذه القناة وخاصتن أنها بي اللغة الفرنسية 😂
Smilling Dragon
Fransayı savunurken ingilizler:🤠 Sömürgeleri savunurken ingilizler:😑☠️
THIS IS WRONG! The first Allied strategic win was the East African Campaign, which ended in November 1941.
The Allies had about 115 000 soldiers against Italy's 350 000 troops.
Around 80 Allied aircraft faced 350 Italian aircraft.
Historians like to forget this Allied victory for some reason.
Without securing Egypts southern flank, a combined operation by Italian forces from Libya to the East, and Italian East Africa would have meant the loss of the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal.
44:42 lmao the golf claps
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR)
No mention of the very important Battle of Midway which wiped out 4 Japanese Carriers before steps were taken to invade Guadalcanal
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR)
Isn't it interesting how the "good guys" won ever single time?
Marco Dunn Well I just hope putin is defeated!
19:30, a tank thread being unravelled.
Pas difficile d'attendre entre 14 verres de whiskies et 20 cigarettes devenir claound de service
Un raté depuis les dardanelles noble
Teyze ne dedin burda
15 тыс. танков под Сталинграом ?!
4-й танковой армией командовал Герман Гот.
@3:35 "We Americans protest Communists picketing the White House" sign. Right before that, they showed college aged people carrying "Union" signs against the war! Stalin told the elites in America on colleges to stand down USA because he was still in alliance with Hitler. Just an FYI.
Il est sympa le reportage entre les PUBS.... Ou alors c'est un reportage sur la PUB
Télécharger adblock plus bloqueur de pub c gratos.
Halala l'humain quelle belle espèce, c'est dans ces moments que l'on reconnait toute la splendeur et l'intelligence n'est ce pas..............c'est à vomir 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Bjrs c bien vrais nous sommes une erreur sur cette planète.🤮🤮🤮🤮mais on est dirigé par des Toxic.
Moi c’est la fausse viande qui me fait vomir 🤮
ouais bah tes animaux pas capable de créer une bombe atomique cest pour ca qu'on a du le faire et le tester pour eux!!!🙄👍
Satuan Massa Atom (SMA)
Muito bom
Mano abajo por tener anuncios comerciales.
Gerakan Wartawan Indonesia (Gerwani)
Merah Benteng aka
10:42 O Capacete tá errado!
Long before Mussolini and Akihito has occupied Dutch Netherlands Hollandaise..
YEA THE FRENCH //////was they ever on the side of the ally ...not really
Downplaying de gaul? Wtf.
L'infanterie avança pour préparer le terrain pour les blindés. T'es sûre? Tu lis un texte la?
oui, cela se peut très bien.. dans certaines situation, le déploiement militaire peut être contrintuitif.. tout dépend de ce qui se passe sur la ligne, et de la capacité de ravitaillement des différentes forces disponible à un moment donné.. parfois, il faut former la ligne, avancer si on peut ou s'il le faut vraiment, attendre/espérer l'aviation ou les blindés possiblement en route, tout dépendant des priorités en place, au moment donné.. bref la guerre sur notre planète, ne se ressemblent pas dune époque à une autre.
de nos jours, les drones militaire précède l'infanterie et les blindés.. l'important, c'est de d'abord comprendre l'époque, et l'enjeu d'un événement précis.
j'espère que mon explication vulgarisé a pu t'aider à comprendre.
la guerre, ce n'est jamais beau.. nous vivons toi et moi à une époque chanceuse.. il faut absolument bien le comprendre..
j'ai connu une personne qui a vécu la 2e grande guerre de très près mon ami.. il ne faut jamais que cela se reproduise.
jamais.. nous sommes chanceux.
désolé pour cette longue réponse à ton questionnement logique 👍
AK 47 Kalashnikov 47
Military Discount Aggressive 2nd
Só um cabo doido para declarar guerra sem ter condições de atacar o inimigo.
تقرير محتال يقدم مادة دعائية لدور الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في حسم الحرب العالمية الثانية بينما الحقيقة أن أميركا تنازلت عن سيادة دول أوروبا الشرقية مقابل ان يقوم ستالين والجيش الاحمر بغزو اليابان واحتلالها فقام الجيش الأحمر بعد تدمير الجيش الألماني واحتلال برلين قام الجيش الأحمر مباشرة بالانتقال إلى الشرق فحرر منغوليا ومنشوريا من الاحتلال الياباني ثم نقل الحرب إلى داخل الجزر الأساسية التي تتكون منها دولة اليابان فاحتل جزيرة الكوريل وعدد آخر من اراض اليابان قبل ان يقوم الامريكان بعمل جبان وهو قصف المدن اليابانية بالقنابل النووية وهنا حقيقة تاريخية يجب التنويه عليها دائما وهي أن استسلام اليابان لم يكن بسبب القصف الامريكي لناجازاكي وهيروشيما بالقنابل النووية بل بسبب خوف القيادة اليابانية من اجتياح الجيش الأحمر لكل اراضيها.
Lekra lembaga keamanan
Les espions c'est no good
Java Os X: 3 musketeer
Французы тоже переделывают историю так, как того требует политика русофобии ЕС.
нет русофобии с оккупантами с украины
@@LopesRicarte Translate Me is a bad translator from English to Russian. Try another translator.
Le pape y le mame
11:45 😂😂
😢 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔪
Pas de générique merci pour ce manque de respect.
Y'en a qui s'attachent plus à la forme qu'au fond....
Normal les britanniques défende leur terre coloniale
Así es .......un claro ejemplo la Malvinas .
Solo velaron por sus intereses
Los nazis con pocos hombres y poco combustible le dieron una paliza a los aliados , solo imagina que todas la división que el FIURER dirigió a la URSS las hubiera designado a los África Kors
Exact, comme l'ont toujours fait tous les colonisateurs avec + ou moins de férocité depuis la nuit des temps (huns, arabes, hitites, romains, turcs etc).
Moi c'est plutôt la nature humaine dans son ensemble qui me désespère. Elle est même capable d'invoquer Dieu tout en commettant des massacres, c'est dire combien l'Homme est abruti !
@@josegoncalvestrindade963 😊
cen 'ai pas waké mais wake !!!
Es español flaco
Se non fuece la courage del puevo britanic el mundo falaria alemão
Only and One only