Ultrakill - Early Access (Prelude, Act1, Act2) Playthrough

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 84

  • @gasaiko
    @gasaiko Год назад +57

    Really nice to see Zero Master play ULTRAKILL. Would love to see more!!

  • @thagrizz5497
    @thagrizz5497 Год назад +2

    I still can't bring myself to like this game

    • @kasparlaugasson4427
      @kasparlaugasson4427 Год назад +2

      What's wrong with it?

    • @thagrizz5497
      @thagrizz5497 Год назад

      @@kasparlaugasson4427 level design sucks, I do like the coin/punch abilities though the rest of the guns feel kinda generic, i also feel like its trying to be over complex and difficult(not that I'm against it) but some of the hidden rooms feel like a obstical course to get through. Enemies feel generic? I like midos and Gabriel, but I don't like the enemy designs. Like a common enemy is a rock with face posted on it...
      The game I was coming off of was turbo overkill ((equal in gameplay but level designs was way better,(you fought on highway going the speed of sound?) enemies were fun to fight an, and I felt weapons were used for different enemies. Like the guns had "elements" that you had balance, like you had, electricity, fire, blast and technical bulllets?)) So when people were hyping up, I was thinking this had to be equal to it, I just massively dissapoint by 6th stage...I think I'm just envious that turbo overkill doesn't has hype like this one does

    • @zaptor8784
      @zaptor8784 Год назад +5

      @@thagrizz5497 TLDR: The two games seem to aim for different combat styles and gameplay priorities which just comes down to what you like more in a fast paced fps.
      I think the differences/dislikes you bring up tend to lead to the conclusion of just different styles of combat the two games wanted to go for, in which you prefer the other and is totally fine.
      Turbo overkill uses far more open and larger scale maps/encounters, likely to match its arsenal, which includes many projectiles that whirl and arc around (as opposed to Ultrakill’s straight lines) and greater ranged weapons, and give more usability to the classic pickup style health, ammo, etc on the ground, since you can run around and find more. Ultrakill instead has a tool kit aimed at closer range combat, where the environment is far more closed off. Many times this shortened effective range and claustrophobic rooms allow the tempo of the encounters to change, a good example of this being when you first encounter the Cerberus enemy, in which the game throws two of them at you in a tiny room as a boss fight. Engage these same enemies later in a bigger area and they are far easier to dispatch. This design choice is very apparent in the only way you can heal, dealing damage right next to an enemy, all of these factors influence the player to be far closer to the enemies than they may be comfortable with in order to be effective or manage resources yet also play riskier. Im interested to hear what specific level design choices/elements you felt “sucked” since I did not notice any glaring thing I hated when playing.
      As for the enemy design, I found that gameplay wise and lore wise they felt unique to me, an example being the schism, two enemies fused together with the headshot hitbox instead being the skull fused into its right arm. Maurice (the stone head) I can see being called uninspired, yet it integrates itself nicely with the Sisyphean insurrectionists, appearing as the large rock they swing around tied to their arm, acting as their punishment to pull the heavy boulder up large structures of greed built by humanity. Streetsweepers (flamethrower guys) have an explosive tank on their back, instakilling them if managed to be shot, this interaction allowing one to treat them as usable bombs, since they consistently attempt to run at you.
      Weapons in ultrakill is something I never thought would be called generic. The primary fires are usually synonymous with real life / other game counterparts, but the right click functionality is what makes them all fresh to me. You mentioned you like the coin mechanic but the rest are generic which is strange since the majority of the guns have gimmicks of similar stature. Nailgun magnets to create damage blocks, area denial, pull enemies around, arc nail trajectories, which also works with the overheat nailgun, rocket launcher, is cancellable with any damage, and this is only 1 weapon allowing for these options. You can freeze rockets mid air to ride on them around, aim them manually while they are frozen to a certain point, queue up multiple rockets to strike at once, shoot the frozen rockets with any other weapon for a greater explosion, the damage of said rockets changes depending on the movement status of the enemy struck, again all elements of 1 weapon.
      As for overcomplexity and difficulty, I dont think ultrakill is being elitist or trying too hard in that department, as they give you full access to full screen aimbot, enemy outline, cheat menu, easy mode difficulties, etc whenever you want, and the complexity of the weapons interacting with eachother doesn’t feel over-engineered to me, just interesting to experiment and utilize. You dont have to partake in many of the deeper mechanics like the ones I just mentioned in the game to succeed, they are just helpful and interesting additions that add flavor to combat. Projectiles interact with eachother in useful combos, such as the shotgun core being fired and then shot in mid air with the malicious cannon, creating a far greater explosion. The S.R.S. cannon leans into arsenal compatibility the most with all kinds of choice interactions the player can create, all useful in varying situations, launching a cannonball upwards, allowing you to either shoot it for an explosion, punch it for a piercing projectile, or allow it to fall and send surrounding enemies upwards to then be combo’d into the rocket launcher, which deals critical damage on falling enemies.
      You mentioned a sort of “weapon elements” like some of your loadout being more effective against certain foes. Ultrakill has this as well, though having not played turbo overkill, only watching gameplay of it, I cannot say for certain how the extent compares. Shotgun projectile boosting (punching your own shotgun bullets as they come out of your gun) causes explosive damage instead of the normal pellet hits, igniting enemies on fire if not killed by the blast. Most explosions trigger this effect, including parrying all manner of enemy projectiles back at them. Some enemies are more susceptible to this fire, and others completely ignore it. The aforementioned stone face is immune to explosives, necessitating the use of the revolvers, nailguns, shotguns, railcannons, punches, or ground slam. The nailguns, shotguns, and ground slam in particular dealing increased damage to them. Sentries can only have their shots interrupted by select damage, like red arm punches, revolver shots to the antenna, ground slam. Soldiers can block explosions, but not while in the air, nor can they block red explosions, usually created by stacking explosive sources together. The rocket launcher dispatches them in a quick two shot combo, or they can be bypassed with hitscan alternatives.
      I simply think that it comes down to a case of how you like your combat cooked. Its just a different flavor profile your getting with each game, not necessarily faults of game design within, just separate priorities that we expect to the equal.

    • @zaptor8784
      @zaptor8784 Год назад +2

      @Brent Reid Other comment said it looked meh but might play better, the previous essay comment above I just wrote might give you an idea of if its your style or not.

    • @thagrizz5497
      @thagrizz5497 Год назад

      wow, what a essay defending this game, i mean get why people like people like it, its just, i have place of envy for it, other than to the people i recommand it to, no one i know has played it
      when i said overcomplex, i was referring to finding the secret, and i dont like being graded because i played it my way, and i couldve just "play the game on faster speed" and got better, but like at the same time, idc
      i get that, it wants you to be close to your enemies, but having every arena encounter feel like a box, i find it to bee so tedious, ig hell just clostiphobic, idk
      as for punching bullets, the game doesnt teach you and hopes you figure it out, though i dont like hand holding, its just something the player doesnt think about whenever they are playing, so 50/50 about it
      as for lore, i think there both on equal terms, i do feel ultrakill has bit more depth, but when i look into it, a part of me feels like lazy writing and is just pulling something together,, so we dont question the nature of the story....like why does gabriel live in midos stomach? "because god told him to"
      "and why?"
      "why are you questioning the nature of a video game"
      part of me likes it, part of me doesnt,
      also whenever i talk about the game, its usuually about gabriel, and the coin...maybe the punch but they never really explain what was there favorite part ((other than fighting gabriel)) as for me, i could explain to you why i like the going through the tv room or going on the highway to jump car to car
      anyways, im just envious of ulrakill, a lot of people praise it, and i get why but i kinda wish turbo had the same level of hype....its about to receive an update, and im hype but, hard to share the hype when no one else knows

  • @bumblegoot1139
    @bumblegoot1139 Год назад +9

    You play almost exactly like me! Slide spam and all. I guess people who play a lot of doom play ULTRAKILL similarly?

  • @treysketch5651
    @treysketch5651 Год назад +30

    I'm so freaking happy to see you play this and enjoying yourself. Idc about watching the most optimal gameplay ever, I just enjoy see how other people play this god tier arcade shooter. My advice is to not stress about getting P ranks and experiment with ape shit combos in the Cyber Grind.

  • @kasparlaugasson4427
    @kasparlaugasson4427 Год назад +31

    On the topic of SM:
    Swordsmachine is really aggressive, but also very predictable. The predictable nature of his attacks are an open invitation to utilize parries. As such, dealing what I'm going to be calling "active damage", aka shooting him, shouldn't always be the main focus. Instead, some of the effort should be aimed at calmly waiting for the correct time to parry, and then executing said parry, with the added bonus of stunning SM in addition to dealing a significant amount of damage.
    Once he's been stunned by the parry, coin punching is your friend. Coins are an incredibly valuable resource in this game, and coin punching is one of the more useful strategies related to coins. The damage dealt by a coinpunch increases each time you punch the coin. So punching the same coin repeatedly will deal a large amount of damage. That's why it's a good idea to stun him via parries, and then go for a coinpunch combo, or what is often called a coin juggle, because you're repeatedly juggling the coin off of SM. Coins have a lot of depth, and a good starting point to understanding them is HerbMessiah's video tutorial on the topic.
    When it comes to parrying itself, patience is of utmost importance. Ultrakill has a cooldown to punching. This cooldown increases in length, as more punches are executed in quick succession. If too many punches are performed in close proximity, the cooldown will become very long, and the accuracy of the punches will also significantly decrease. The accuracy decrease is expressed in increased difficulty to land both parries and coin punches. Both of which are important. As a result of this, spamming punch to hit parries or coin punches will only decrease the likelyhood of doing so. Which ties back nicely to being patient with parries.
    Dealing some active damage, while SM is in the middle of a combo, or simply running around, isn't necessarily a mistake. But if doing that prevents the reliable landing of parries, it should be dialed back. Another thing to note, is that parrying an attack heals you to full health (doesn't bypass hard damage), so taking a little bit of damage in the name of landing a parry soon after, is completely okay.
    This was all long-winded, and could've been shortened, but I hope it helps. I've really enjoyed all of your doom speedruns over the years, and I'm excited to see you playing Ultrakill. Best of luck in your travels!
    There are several other things I noticed in this playthrough as I kept watching, that could be tweaked a little:
    -You did use projectile boosting, but you missed out on the combination of projectile boosting, and shotgun swapping. Combining these two shotgun mechanics is incredibly useful, as it allows you to fire several explosions in quick succession. Because pro-boosting relies on parrying, which in turn is affected by the fist cooldown, you can't do infinite pro-boosts in a row. Instead, you can do 3 pro-boosts at "max speed", and then the punch cooldown will catch up to you, and you have to alternate between pro boost and normal shotgun shot. Herbmessiah has another video on shotgun mechanics, which covers and showcases this.
    -There were several points where you used coins on filth, which isn't the best use of coins, as essentially any explosion will instantly kill filth. A pro-boost, knuckleblaster (red arm) explosion
    or core eject snipe will do the job nicely. Core eject snipe means shooting your core eject with any hitscan weapon. Malicious railcannon causes a nuke to happen, revolver hits cause smaller, but still large explosions.
    -I also noticed that you have bound slide/slam to C. I assume that the reason you did this, is to be able to perform slide-jumps with a single finger motion, by pressing c and spacebar at once. I have to admit that that's a pretty clever idea, but also point out that it might be hindering your movement somewhat. Ultrakill has numerous movement techniques connected to different combinations of sliding, slamming, and jumping. Examples include slam storage, slam jumps, slide jumping, the FDJ (free dash jump), the USJ (the ultraslide jump), the SSJ (super slide jump) the dive, the hyperdive. All of these require different timings and sequences of sliding, slamming, and(/or) jumping, and by consolodating three of these functions to a single motion you increase the difficulty of performing all of the separate movement tactics associated with them. In other words, pressing slide x amount of seconds before or after jumping becomes more difficult, when one finger has to do both. This is more of a guess on my part, but I saw you doing some weird combinations of jumping, sliding, and dashing, which resulted in awkward movement patterns. This is just my guess as to why. I might be totally incorrect, and everyone's keybinds are their own personal preference. If you want to practice this unusual style of keybinds and play, I encourage you to make your own style work. Herbmessiah's also made multiple videos on the movement techniques that I mentioned, except the hyperdive because that's fairly new and unknown to a large part of the community as of today.
    -Managing stamina is very important. I-frames allow you to avoid damage, and the only way to get them is dashing. So dashing when you don't necessarily need to, might prevent you from dashing when you desparately need to. Replacing a couple dashes here-and-there with some kind of other movement mechanic like a SSJ (my personal favourite) might be good for your survival abilities.
    -Something I wish I had known while originally getting all of my P-ranks is that the music changes, once all the enemies die. There's an audible difference in most if not all arenas' music, once all of the enemies have been killed. This is super useful for getting P-ranks and not missing any enemies. Highly recommend to take as much advantage of this as possible.
    -You can indeed get the dual wield powerup after having raised the pillars. The floor under the powerup is breakable, and you can use slam storage to get up.
    -Sorry for literally writing 1032 words in this comment.

  • @varun4929
    @varun4929 Год назад +5

    Very nice for just 30 hrs in the game. So...for getting faster using slide jumping in regular maneuvering too.

  • @blahblah94897
    @blahblah94897 Год назад +2

    HE. IS. HERE...
    Its funny how he knows what he is supposed to do but isn't yet ULTRAKILLING, can't wait for zeromaster to master the game.. it will be beautifull

  • @lucasnooker
    @lucasnooker Год назад +4

    I really like that idea of the gun where you flick the coin then shoot it to make it repel off of walls to hit the enemies. smart idea!

  • @brokenglassboy860
    @brokenglassboy860 Год назад +3

    I was wondering if you were gonna play this game, so glad you did.

  • @Platzhalterxy
    @Platzhalterxy Год назад +2

    I love the low poly style and the fast gameplay

  • @unitybeing777
    @unitybeing777 Год назад +1

    Heresy satanism. Enjoy the weather.

  • @coolawesome76
    @coolawesome76 Год назад +2

    I've waited for so long for this to happen and I'm happy it did

  • @_xymi
    @_xymi Год назад +45

    The literal only game I'm better than Zero Master at

    • @DavidsFlute
      @DavidsFlute Год назад +44

      Not for long probably haha

    • @_xymi
      @_xymi Год назад +24

      @@DavidsFlute Yeah in a few days he's gonna p rank this game blindfolded 🗿

    • @Yash9278
      @Yash9278 Год назад

      @@_xymi 😀😁😂

    • @doggastiandoggatore6402
      @doggastiandoggatore6402 Год назад


    • @_xymi
      @_xymi Год назад

      @@doggastiandoggatore6402 cap?

  • @joeschmoe6908
    @joeschmoe6908 Год назад +1

    Maybe it's a fun game, but this looks awful IMO. I don't mean it's a bad game, I just think it's exceptionally ugly.

    • @zaptor8784
      @zaptor8784 Год назад +5

      I quite enjoy the aesthetic myself, guess it cant be everyone’s thing.

    • @eltiolavara9
      @eltiolavara9 Год назад

      yeah, even for "ps1 style" it looks cheap
      hope they touch up the graphics and feel more before releasing, because while almost all of the game feel is really satisfying something about it just feels unfinished

    • @abandoned_channel41515
      @abandoned_channel41515 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@eltiolavara9i know this is an old comment but it probably looks unfinished because it is unfinished (it's still in early access)

    • @eltiolavara9
      @eltiolavara9 7 месяцев назад

      @@abandoned_channel41515 I mean it's not that old dw
      yeah ig they could update stuff still

  • @qu1253
    @qu1253 Год назад +1

    Can we just talk about how insanely badass it is to *punch your own shotgun blasts and turn them into missiles?*

  • @marrvynswillames4975
    @marrvynswillames4975 Год назад +1

    looks like a fun game, shame that for some reason every time i watch it gives me a headarche

  • @Vortale
    @Vortale Год назад

    Came to watch your usual godlike skills, and to see what you were talking about. I now understand what you mean lmao

  • @eldafi
    @eldafi Год назад +3

    hey, pretty good gameplay despite the 30hrs, I'm gonna leave some quick tips but not a bible because I want you to find some stuff by yourself because the spirit of the game is to also find what you find fun at times but hey, you are Zero Master, a god at shooters, you'll figure it out with time ;)
    -use the red arm more often, if one shoots most of the husk enemies and the shockwave also kill instanly filth
    -a good combo that is used in cybergrind meta for malicious faces (Maurice) is pumped shotgun until 3 (not 4), red arm with ground slam, killing him quickly, although it is based that you use the nailgun and that is fine, and using the ground slam quick is tricky but it deals more damage to Maurices, for whatever reason
    -something cool but I don't if it has that many uses in speedruns outside of clipping out of bounds, is to quickly learn to ride a rocket, look out in youtube, it might seem difficult but it becomes natural after learning it
    -everthing that is hitscan can be deflected, not just even the pistol or the railcannon, try to figure it out with Maurices and Sentries :)
    -you can whiplash a light enemy and instantly shoot a rocket to trigger the bigger explosion, it can be useful at times
    -learning to punch coins is both fun and useful and I think it can be very useful in the Swordmachine fight
    -don't forget you can quickswap between the 2 shotgun variants, learn that and then combine projectile boost :)
    -not a tip, just based that you use the screwdriver
    -if you want, you can whiplash a drone and punch it with the red arm, using it as an explosive projectile that gives a lot of style
    -read some terminals descriptions, you might learn something about an enemy you didn't knew about
    -you can deflect any parryable projectile with an explosion, you may know the mindflayer instakill which is super useful, but you can do a similar thing to the Leviathan to speed thing up
    I can say a shit more of stuff but that is ruining the fun in my opinion, experimenting and other dumb things in this game is great and speedruning just shows it better, have a nice day to everyone who reads

    @ИГАМШАМШИДИНОВ 8 месяцев назад

    Я думал что кроме DOOM он не знает других слов

  • @FobosUroboros
    @FobosUroboros Год назад +1

    Looks pretty good! Should I buy it now on early acces or wait for full release?

    • @kasparlaugasson4427
      @kasparlaugasson4427 Год назад +2

      This game's updates are incredibly slow, I'd get it now, because you'd have to wait like a year or more for the full release.

    • @eduardodiaz9942
      @eduardodiaz9942 Год назад

      It'll be more expensive with each update, so the sooner you get it the better

  • @doejon9424
    @doejon9424 Год назад

    ZeroMaster. We need you to make some dope Doom maps, that can be uploadedto the Bethesda "Add On's" because not everyone has a computer. You have been called to duty. Let's go !!!

  • @Preinstallable
    @Preinstallable Год назад

    The top gun of Doom is here. Fear him, for he may annihilate your records.

  • @Singingnoob-3minutesdirty
    @Singingnoob-3minutesdirty Год назад +9

    Ultrakill feels like THE arcade shooter with all the different manoeuvres and tricks there are to learn

  • @eugeneantonov1
    @eugeneantonov1 Год назад

    What the actual duck was that...
    For a moment a thought that video speed is x2.5, but nope, it wasn't

  • @solar901
    @solar901 Год назад

    Better that Prodeus? Interesting. I guess I have to check out this game.

  • @filip2210
    @filip2210 Год назад +7

    At least he ain't as bad as Beansprout

    • @coobk
      @coobk Год назад +9

      or that mayo guy

    • @filip2210
      @filip2210 Год назад

      @@coobk yeah sadly

  • @TheWolfgangGrimmer
    @TheWolfgangGrimmer Год назад

    Where's Name Family?

  • @doodlebob9943
    @doodlebob9943 Год назад

    kill (ultra)

  • @JJS563
    @JJS563 Год назад +3

    Always look forward to new vids, nice run man!

  • @namelessjoe8050
    @namelessjoe8050 Год назад +3

    Glad you try and enjoy ULTRAKILL, Minos Master!

  • @guillermojperea6355
    @guillermojperea6355 Год назад +3

    Next game: BPM, Bullets Per Minute

  • @SingaporeLoveItachi
    @SingaporeLoveItachi Год назад +3

    Will you be doing all P rank as well? 😇

  • @LerRhann
    @LerRhann Год назад +3

    I hope CIVVIE11 gets a hold of this because of course Xero makes it look easy.

    • @bumblegoot1139
      @bumblegoot1139 Год назад +1

      He already did a mini-review of it, but I’m sure when it comes out fully he’ll dive into it deeper.

  • @namefamily2748
    @namefamily2748 Год назад +2

    Yeeeeeeeeee! Finaly!

  • @fuGue_tv
    @fuGue_tv Год назад +1

    Nice man.

  • @Harzexe
    @Harzexe Год назад +2

    Movement seems to be tricky because of stamina.. am I correct? The game looks like a more arcade version of Dusk 🤔 Nice run mate 🥰

    • @zaptor8784
      @zaptor8784 Год назад

      Interesting you say that as this and dusk were both created by new blood interactive. You are correct about stamina, you get 3 max, 1 spent per dash, 2 spent for a dash jump (keeps momentum), 1 spent for a ground slam. Boss fights are where its most important to manage stamina since many of their attacks require spending stamina to avoid.

    • @kasparlaugasson4427
      @kasparlaugasson4427 Год назад

      @@zaptor8784 slight correction: 1 stamina spent for power slams, not normal slams.

    • @daniellee4003
      @daniellee4003 Год назад

      @@zaptor8784 both published by New Blood but created by totally different developers: New Blood just like to publish this vibe of game :)

  • @legenddairy0
    @legenddairy0 Год назад

    Where hampter

  • @DarklordKermit77
    @DarklordKermit77 Год назад

    3:48 You DO realise the marksman can spilt shot, right?
    10:25 You DO realise you can do a quickswitch combo between both of your shotguns to maximize your close range dps against tankier enemies, right?

    • @DarklordKermit77
      @DarklordKermit77 Год назад

      @@ArrakisOCE i know who zeromaster is, i just thought split shots and shotgun swapping was common knowledge

    • @elctrn3311
      @elctrn3311 Год назад

      @@DarklordKermit77 well you know he also just started the game right?Calm down dude

    • @DarklordKermit77
      @DarklordKermit77 Год назад

      @@elctrn3311 He didn't just start the game, he's memorized the locations of every secret, he's using tech like slam storage that a first time player would have no idea about, and he seems to know which enemies will spawn where and when.

    • @elctrn3311
      @elctrn3311 Год назад

      @@DarklordKermit77 just started the game and doing multiple playthroughs can mean the same thing,its possible to beat video games in a day,idk why you're getting so worked up about how someone else plays a game anyway

    • @DarklordKermit77
      @DarklordKermit77 Год назад

      @@elctrn3311 i wasn't getting worked up about it

  • @space_prick
    @space_prick 11 месяцев назад

    P-2 when