This was not a great interview, but it featured an amazing guest. It'd be nice if they occasionally let him finish a god damned thought. What he was saying was plenty compelling... he didn't need to be constantly reigned in or redirected.
So he bought himself a nice coat, so he is a billionaire ? A billion for me, a pittance for you. If there is not any substantial change, a revolution will be necessary. I hope not but the country is similar to that era of history. We all like nice things but the avarice and corruption is out of control
@@artistryartistry7239 He interviewed well disspite the asshole interviewers who even sunk so low as to make fun of his clothing. Bloomberg 2020, right?
My favorite line "Davos is a family reunion for the people that broke the world. I think Anand should have pointed out examples of good and bad populist ideas ie.. Trump's build the wall vs AOC's medicare for all. Which ones realistically benefits America.
I think it's obvious which one helps the majority of Americans. Trump mostly talks the talk, but his approach is to scapegoat one group and use hate and fear to Garner support. He doesn't have a clear ideology or solutions. After all he's a millionaire like the rest of our politicians and he'll look after himself and his buddies in the end. The wall and other things are distractions. AOC is laying out a democratic socialist political view that aims to make the country a level playing filed, because she sees it as a country controlled by the economic elites.
Good point, I am quite cynical towards AOC as I don't think she has a firm grasp on what is required to achieve all the things she is fighting for, but I can see how her narrative itself is a good example of channeling your dissapointment towards big establishment in a more positive way.
I don't even live in the US and I always knew that the American dream was afforded to just a few but as long as the people in power find people to sell that "dream" to, they can keep them in check!
Anand is the most important voice in America today for a good reason. You should read his book, WInners Take All, and even more importantly, check out various interviews and podcasts on youtube of him talking with other people like Robert Reich, Andrew Yang, etc.
@@nsn5564 I have watched a lot of videos of him. He basically try to explain the power structure of plutocrats or corporates who ultimately take ownership of social changes.
These "interviews" are hilarious and pathetically predictable. As soon as the 'guest' starts to make substantive points (like historical references), he is interupted by the 'host' (usually with the words like "OK" or "all right" and absolutely NO acknowledgement of the point) who promptly changes the subject. You see this behavior over and over again. It's not a coincidence, of course. Sorry for the redundancy because I see that others have made this observation, but it's important to recognize it as a 'technique' that is common to all MSM 'interviewers.'
LOL! Yes, I've heard this justification before. The problem here can best be illustrated by an analogy. If an astrophysicist was being interviewed about the solar system, would it be the 'duty' of the interviewer to ask him to justify a solar-centric view, as if there were still ptolemaists out there who contested the notion of a sun-centered system? Maybe there would be other, more relevant and informed questions they could adduce? My point is that "arguments" are not being advanced: these are simply myths and articles of faith that have already been thoroughly discredited. You say "Any good argument requires someone playing devil's advocate . . . to provide a counter-point for the argument which a good, solid, well-thought out position will then be able to overcome." But you simply ignore my point that the guest IS NOT ALLOWED ANY TIME to "overcome" the interviewers "arguments." Finally, you start your comment by saying "This isn't a debate," but your final point indicates that it is! ("The best way to accomplish that is for the hosts to provide the various narratives for Anand to make points and arguments on.")
@Blake Brown "Devil's Advocate"? To jump to "anarchy"? And he has to josh him, not once, but twice, about the jacket? This was not "pushing forward" with the points for discussion but rather distracting & a bit dismissive.
Haha, I can pinpoint to you when in their earphones (interviewers) the “mini-truth” is yelling to trash the ideas, no matter what (interruption, changing subject, repetitive words, talking over the interviewee, etc); it’s a well rehearsed technique of shutting down any debate which doesn’t conform to their bosses - interviewers are lackeys of the elite (isn’t true that...). Disgusting . No wonder it’s called press-titution parading as “media”. They should resign and get a real job instead, if they can have the dignity to look themselves in the mirror and tell their children the damage they are dojng
A lot of people consider themselves well read intellectuals in America and on these shows. But there is no genius without bravery. You're never truly an intellectual until you're willing to speak truth to power. Not truth to powerful people. Truth to powerful systems ruled by financial interests.
“Davos is a family reunion of people that broke the world” So happy this dude exists, we need more strong progressive voices like this that won’t let a word of propaganda get through
Anton, We need you and me to remember his answers and remember those facts, so when u r confronted by these types you also know how to punch back! Don’t wait for others to do it. Learn the facts and then punch back.
It's very irritating to hear the interviewers continuously interrupting Anand and immensely satisfying to then hear him tear apart their empty talking points.
They cut off the video before we saw him drop the mic. Make no mistake, that mic was dropped and I hope Bloomberg folks see that and have him back on the show.
Once again, a learned, well-researched scholar is playing 3D chess while the interviewers sit like infants, chewing and drooling on the board pieces as he thinks big circles around them.
@Blake Brown There are plenty of other interviews with far better leading questions. This isn't a softball pitch session. This is a complete lack of comprehension of the larger issues. We don't refer to these people, collectively, as 'talking heads' for no reason. I just watched the interview again. I still stand on these 'business channel' people being clueless to the plight of the downtrodden.
@@JamesTownsendJian Just finished it today. It is very well written. He names many people and organizations who while on the one hand sincerely want to solve problems, are unwilling to risk their position at the top of the economic heap.
modern divine right of kings is "I alone know how to best invest my mass amounts of wealth to make the world a better place, therefore give me tax cuts and tax loop holes"
J M You’ve nailed it, sir! “Why should I pay taxes like everyone else?” they say. “The government will only waste it trying to help the less fortunate.”
@@montecristo1845 as a billionaire, why let the government pick, choose, and get the credit for programs that benefit other Americans, when one could pick how charitable to be, get the credit and the political influence. then make money for the lifetimes to include their children's children's children. why care about homeless tents pitching up across the cities? like the Disney heiress, herself, said, if billionaires want to flee because of taxes demanding they pay tribute to the society that raised them, then they should leave. neither their business or presence is welcome in the American economy; we have more patriotic Americans grateful enough that don't wish to crush their fellow Americans, after theyv'e competed them out of the market.
J M Exactly! I’m so tired of people saying we should depend on the supposed altruistic generosity of the wealthy. To all the anti-government social program Libertarians out there: I hope you’re feeling strong... Even Ayn Rand with all her crazy talk at the end of her life wound up utilizing the very programs she railed against.
As amazing as And is, the most enlightening thing about this video is listening to the interviewers. Incredible stuff. You can see them trying to argue Anand and the desperation in their replies, they don't like what he has to say
@@ThwartedVillainy not about age ... It's about policy and lack of curruption. Two people on completely opposite sides of the identity spectrum.... AOC and Bernie literally have the same populist followers g from the same people.... You can't explain that with identity politics
@@leonscott543 - Exactly. I'm 62, a Floridian, and FULLY on board with AOC, Bernie, Warren and taking the gov't back into the power in this country from the rich.
omg just look at the looks on their faces. They're so removed from reality that they're just stunned. It's like that dude in Casablanca: "I'm SHOCKED, shocked to know there's gambling going on here!" *goes up to clerk to cash a bet*
Anand Giridharadas did not counter a point with stats about life expectancy that would have made his case crystal clear... Life expectancy in the USA has been DOWN for 3 years in a row now!!! I hope someone shares that with him.
He said it pretty clearly, "time is running out to get on the good side of history". You know who dragged their heels responding to rising inequality? French Aristocrats. You don't hear the surname "Antoinette" very much anymore for a reason.
Kudos Anand. Go on speaking truth to power. Much appreciated. I especially bemoan the fate of the us citizens whose brain has been programmed with capitalist rhetoric, that the swallow the delusion that capitalism as practiced in the us the panacea for humanity. People suffer but don’t learn. Too many cokes and burgers have eaten their sensibilities.
Explain a single formula to me for argument sake,mcdonalds for example had a net income of 5 billon usd in 2017 and had 375,000 employees in the united states..why cant it increase salaries say sacrificing 1 billion of that to increase their productivity and general life of people who work for it..the reason ..wall street..share values..etc..
A net income is not a new profit. I agree with your analogy, but I'd need to see their balance sheet to see how much capital they could realistically spend on increasing salaries.
You do realize that 1 billion dollars divided by 375,000 employees is less than $2600 an employee, correct? that is assuming that every employee through out the entire corporation was equally responsible for the success of the corporation as a whole. Being paid bi weekly, that's an extra $100 a paycheck. while not nothing, it's not the massive change that people pretend it would be
@@justing7490 Yes i do realize that..but you do also realize that MacDonalds is in 101 countries in the world and gets approx 70 odd million visitors each day..they can afford to pay 20 usd an hour in Denmark..why..and they don't even pay by the hour in most other countries..The food served in countries like India by them is so crap..the sell a nugget in a burger and call it mcchicken..all to be cost effective..the CEO of McDonald's in 2018 took a salary of 21.8 million usd..a hike by 42% compared to two years much of a hike did the guys in the restaurant or floor level employees get? What kind of decisions does he have to take to justify 21.8 mill in salary..when it s known for a fact most important decisions are taken on the floor..when that server decided not to add any foreign object to your burger to mess with the
@@skypanga1 let's say I give you no argument about the CEO. Let's pretend like he's some useless rich guy who just sits in his office counting money everyday. So he is evil. Are you saying that the guy, who's requesting a raise in order to not taint the food that he is being paid to prepare, deserves money for that? Why weaken your argument with stupid comments? Do you really think that the profits generated from McDonald's have to do with the people following the chart in front of them, how to make a burger? Do you think, maybe, they should not get near the same pay distribution as the executive who finds distributors throughout the world in order to have the best deals on beef, or a lawyer who understands international trade law and is able to navigate produce through different territories in order to save millions of dollars in tariffs each year? I'm not even defending the McDonald's pay model, I was just pointing out that the concept of giving a billion dollars to all the employees wouldn't do anything. You then changed your argument. I would just be cautious about pushing McDonald's on pay raises. They have no problem replacing front of store employees with automated kiosks. Cut an employee numbers in half and you can pay them 20. I think you don't realize that McDonald's are private franchise. 83% of stores are owned by private owners. The corporation makes money because all of the stores have to buy through the approved vendors and be on land owned by McDonald's (not sure if that second part is still true). If you're arguing for the 17% that are corporate owned, I agree with you. Just know, like I said earlier, they will just replace employees with kiosks. At least the people that get to keep their job will be paid better
@@justing7490 the last line was intended in a feeble attempt of humour..There is no good and evil in a's plain necessity..the lower you go down the corporate ladder the more desperate people you will find making ends meet. My point was that paying a CEO a hike of 42% whereas people lower who basically need it more got none I dare say I do not either agree with the socialist model..but I think corporation need to think less of their stock port folio and wall street figures and more getting these guys on the floor level a better pay and a better life ..and yes I would gladly pay 1 usd or more if I felt the benefit was going to the people who just served me..that is referred to as a service non fast food places..
No lack of inspiration here with Anand doing the talking. Cancel Devos with an anti-Devos? It might inaugurate something totally new on the larger stage - but do not see it happening without many more like him taking the lead.
People have to remember that even the poorest countries that are represented in davos are represented by wealthy self interested people from those countries
This is the only copy I've found but it sounds like it continues. Tom was cut off at least on ONE question. Would love to hear it all up to break, and better yet if it continued - even if they discussed it further after Anand left. The yellow-vests need bus rides to Davos... surround the town with a +million protesters.
Want to understand the issue with mental health disorders drug addiction and hopelessness in today's Society? Then this interview will lead you down that path that is all connected to our current state. The disconnect of leaders and representatives from the communities they supposedly represent is the most problematic issue we face. You can not represent someone or something when you cannot understand it or have never experienced it or lived it. The picture of a thing is not the thing...... you cannot read about poverty and expect to understand it in some statistical outlay. Unless you seen it or experienced it you have no idea what it truly is. And removing yourself from it from its day-to-day experience is only a delusion of that experience. If you don't live in those neighborhoods in those communities you represent nothing. The richest country on Earth is a fraud a corruption of the spirit of the mind and the soul. What good are Walmart prices when your neighbors can't even feed the children? Why do we even have a class middle or upper or lower? This is a self-constructed delusion. If your upper class there will always be somebody Upper from you. If you're middle class there will always be upper class but even within the middle class there will be someone that will be more middle-class than you this is all a self-constructed delusion. You will be chasing your class at no end. Capitalism is great as long as you're part of it. But you think that capitalism still works in today's age is another self constructed myth. There was a time where you went to the capital markets to raise money to create something. Now the capital markets are just numbers on a screen moving up and down and sideways what does Apple need capital for? Or Google? They don't. Amazon gets a free ride and we all cheer not realizing that it's cutting the American working class cannibalizing everything and we pretend it's just capitalism at work. But it's not It never has been. We cheer Democrats and the Clinton Legacy yeah it was the Clinton Legacy that destroyed glass-steagall but if you ask the average American what that was they have no idea. How many critical thinking individual could suggest the America is fair and just.... with its citizens just needs to look at the Midwest at the South at the Rust Belt and ask the question for whom do you work? Who do you represent and what is the purpose of all this?
AOC is extremely intelligent and articulate - something we rarely see in politicians. Either they are smart and cannot communicate or the can communicate but cannot think!
I know this is an old thread but, this is so funny... Whenever someone like Mr. Giridharadas gets on one of these shows, it is like watching some being from another planet attempt to talk to manufactured earthly automatons. The Bloomberg pinhead programmables; little more fun than a box of rocks.
Anand is brilliant, but he doesnt need to be. Anyone with half a brain cell understands thatca few people with all the wealth and power is bad for humanity and that those few people are doing all they can to hang on to society. Every marker of social health and wealth sheds light on the rocketing inequalities in society.
The issue that people are living longer is a "red herring!" What has happened is that we have less infant deaths than we did 70+ years ago. Those infant deaths averaged out into shorter life spans as a statistical result. People aren't living any longer than they did before. It's a struggle now because there are larger financial disparities and less upward mobility!
RESTORATION OF DEMOCRACY....Well said Anand . Look how they try to label him as anarchy....they will defend with their teeth his elitism. BRAVO Anand.. Another term “populism” ....DEMOCRACY has been corrupt and compromise, we must rescue and bring back democracy.
There's a belly of at least one beast that Anand upset in this video! Give 'em Hell Anand, give 'em hell! Best ideas, best analysis, these people have ever been exposed to and I bet that from now on they won't be calling Alexandria "that woman representative in Congress" anymore. Hey next time wear a motorcycle helmet too...never hurts to play it safe once they really know who you are and these people fight for keeps!
Yes and no. Money is required but the fantastic sums typically amassed by accumulators are seldom of much real use to them. It is more the case that of the fabulous things available in our lifetimes, the most valuable are knowledge and the ability to use it which does require some money but not that much. The set oft people who can use that knowledge, a much smaller set than the accumulators of capital, are at a vastly disproportionate advantage. Just as humans don't now really live any longer than their neolithic ancestors did, the vast majority of people are no more developed intellectually than those same ancestors, and even those that are may be in a way that is more like the shaman or priest than someone in whom the cascade of knowledge has had a real cumulative effect.
Lots of people like business but not monopolies. Thank God someone gets it who is not a Marxist or a Democratic Socialist. There is life after Neo-Liberalism.
There is nothing wrong with Democratic Socialism.....THE EXACT SAME SYSTEM NORWAY, SWEDEN , DENMARK, FINLAND ALL USE. And those countries are always rated the happiest people in the world.
2:02 - Are you advocating an anarchy or a marxist revolution? Geez... Were you even listening to him or did someone tell you through your earpiece to ask a silly strawman of a question?
It isn't a bad question to ask. Worth bearing in mind that many of their viewers don't know who he is. Journalists ask questions like these to help them find a better idea of what the person talking to them is saying. Otherwise, it's very possible for the interviewee to go on a ramble (think Trump if given the chance).
Joe Eachus Agreed. If they were critical of him, they’d be far more confrontational. And all three of them would be engaging rather than just the two with the one other anchor just listening.
They never give him five seconds to answer a question before interrupting him with him another question. Almost like they don't want to hear what he has to say.
“Davos is a family reunion of the people who broke the world.” Damn. Brutal and totally right
"No, I'm advocating the restoration of democracy ..." such a smack down
sangre delobo damn! Brutal
sangre delobo I know, but he’s right. We need to rebrand socialism as American and anything otherwise, is both undemocratic and unpatriotic
Great interview. Anand speaking truth to power right in the belly of the beast, as it were.
This was not a great interview, but it featured an amazing guest. It'd be nice if they occasionally let him finish a god damned thought. What he was saying was plenty compelling... he didn't need to be constantly reigned in or redirected.
So he bought himself a nice coat, so he is a billionaire ? A billion for me, a pittance for you. If there is not any substantial change, a revolution will be necessary. I hope not but the country is similar to that era of history. We all like nice things but the avarice and corruption is out of control
@@artistryartistry7239 He interviewed well disspite the asshole interviewers who even sunk so low as to make fun of his clothing. Bloomberg 2020, right?
Anand told the truth. They will never have him back on the channel. Anyone who is a dissident, will be silenced.
Look at how scared they are when he speaks the truth
My favorite line "Davos is a family reunion for the people that broke the world. I think Anand should have pointed out examples of good and bad populist ideas ie.. Trump's build the wall vs AOC's medicare for all. Which ones realistically benefits America.
I think it's obvious which one helps the majority of Americans. Trump mostly talks the talk, but his approach is to scapegoat one group and use hate and fear to Garner support. He doesn't have a clear ideology or solutions. After all he's a millionaire like the rest of our politicians and he'll look after himself and his buddies in the end. The wall and other things are distractions.
AOC is laying out a democratic socialist political view that aims to make the country a level playing filed, because she sees it as a country controlled by the economic elites.
Good point, I am quite cynical towards AOC as I don't think she has a firm grasp on what is required to achieve all the things she is fighting for, but I can see how her narrative itself is a good example of channeling your dissapointment towards big establishment in a more positive way.
populism is actually anti-elite: let em bleed
I don't even live in the US and I always knew that the American dream was afforded to just a few but as long as the people in power find people to sell that "dream" to, they can keep them in check!
That pompous guy in the middle is so irritating the way he just talks over the guest!
This guys opinions, substantiated facts and killer punch lines are reshaping my understand of politics.
Same for me too.
Anand is the most important voice in America today for a good reason. You should read his book, WInners Take All, and even more importantly, check out various interviews and podcasts on youtube of him talking with other people like Robert Reich, Andrew Yang, etc.
@@nsn5564 I have watched a lot of videos of him. He basically try to explain the power structure of plutocrats or corporates who ultimately take ownership of social changes.
Spot on Anand. Great job.
He actually called out bloomberg on bloomberg...hats off !!
These "interviews" are hilarious and pathetically predictable. As soon as the 'guest' starts to make substantive points (like historical references), he is interupted by the 'host' (usually with the words like "OK" or "all right" and absolutely NO acknowledgement of the point) who promptly changes the subject. You see this behavior over and over again. It's not a coincidence, of course.
Sorry for the redundancy because I see that others have made this observation, but it's important to recognize it as a 'technique' that is common to all MSM 'interviewers.'
LOL! Yes, I've heard this justification before.
The problem here can best be illustrated by an analogy. If an astrophysicist was being interviewed about the solar system, would it be the 'duty' of the interviewer to ask him to justify a solar-centric view, as if there were still ptolemaists out there who contested the notion of a sun-centered system? Maybe there would be other, more relevant and informed questions they could adduce? My point is that "arguments" are not being advanced: these are simply myths and articles of faith that have already been thoroughly discredited.
You say "Any good argument requires someone playing devil's advocate . . . to provide a counter-point for the argument which a good, solid, well-thought out position will then be able to overcome." But you simply ignore my point that the guest IS NOT ALLOWED ANY TIME to "overcome" the interviewers "arguments."
Finally, you start your comment by saying "This isn't a debate," but your final point indicates that it is! ("The best way to accomplish that is for the hosts to provide the various narratives for Anand to make points and arguments on.")
@Blake Brown "Devil's Advocate"? To jump to "anarchy"? And he has to josh him, not once, but twice, about the jacket? This was not "pushing forward" with the points for discussion but rather distracting & a bit dismissive.
JP51ism Seems some people are willfully obtuse, or at least conditioned to function as such.
Haha, I can pinpoint to you when in their earphones (interviewers) the “mini-truth” is yelling to trash the ideas, no matter what (interruption, changing subject, repetitive words, talking over the interviewee, etc); it’s a well rehearsed technique of shutting down any debate which doesn’t conform to their bosses - interviewers are lackeys of the elite (isn’t true that...). Disgusting . No wonder it’s called press-titution parading as “media”.
They should resign and get a real job instead, if they can have the dignity to look themselves in the mirror and tell their children the damage they are dojng
Now that you point it out, you are so right. Interviewers do cut off and stop the person from making important points
They cut it off when it was getting good...
A lot of people consider themselves well read intellectuals in America and on these shows. But there is no genius without bravery. You're never truly an intellectual until you're willing to speak truth to power. Not truth to powerful people. Truth to powerful systems ruled by financial interests.
He killed it. Sheesh
“Davos is a family reunion of people that broke the world” So happy this dude exists, we need more strong progressive voices like this that won’t let a word of propaganda get through
We need you and me to remember his answers and remember those facts, so when u r confronted by these types you also know how to punch back! Don’t wait for others to do it. Learn the facts and then punch back.
He gave them The Business!
It's very irritating to hear the interviewers continuously interrupting Anand and immensely satisfying to then hear him tear apart their empty talking points.
Ain't that the truth, so right.
The man of truth fears no one who may attack his truths. We need more people in our world who are true leaders and do not fear the corporate monsters.
They cut off the video before we saw him drop the mic. Make no mistake, that mic was dropped and I hope Bloomberg folks see that and have him back on the show.
Omgggg amen. Amen amen amen,
Lol at 3:20 it looks like the truth Anand spoke drained the soul out of that guy.
The man realised that he's the bad guy.
@The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Nah, I feel better once he starts shilling for Kamala, all according to plan.
that's what it looks like when...YOU GET BODIED
At 3:20 the guy realizes the system is rigged against people like him lol
Yeah, he didn't say a single word, just sat there dumbstruck
Once again, a learned, well-researched scholar is playing 3D chess while the interviewers sit like infants, chewing and drooling on the board pieces as he thinks big circles around them.
@Blake Brown There are plenty of other interviews with far better leading questions. This isn't a softball pitch session. This is a complete lack of comprehension of the larger issues. We don't refer to these people, collectively, as 'talking heads' for no reason. I just watched the interview again. I still stand on these 'business channel' people being clueless to the plight of the downtrodden.
Blake Brown you are completely wrong. If that were the case, why Anand was cut off many times before he finished his sentence or message?
Blake Brown: you are regurgitating your same argument for a different point, change the record please.
"That's a really dumb and cruel way to organize it." I love this dude
Just got his new book. Can't wait to read it.
Have you read it? What did you think of it?
@@JamesTownsendJian Just finished it today. It is very well written. He names many people and organizations who while on the one hand sincerely want to solve problems, are unwilling to risk their position at the top of the economic heap.
then donate it to your local Democrat Socialist reading book club
modern divine right of kings is "I alone know how to best invest my mass amounts of wealth to make the world a better place, therefore give me tax cuts and tax loop holes"
J M You’ve nailed it, sir! “Why should I pay taxes like everyone else?” they say. “The government will only waste it trying to help the less fortunate.”
@@montecristo1845 as a billionaire, why let the government pick, choose, and get the credit for programs that benefit other Americans, when one could pick how charitable to be, get the credit and the political influence. then make money for the lifetimes to include their children's children's children. why care about homeless tents pitching up across the cities? like the Disney heiress, herself, said, if billionaires want to flee because of taxes demanding they pay tribute to the society that raised them, then they should leave. neither their business or presence is welcome in the American economy; we have more patriotic Americans grateful enough that don't wish to crush their fellow Americans, after theyv'e competed them out of the market.
J M Exactly! I’m so tired of people saying we should depend on the supposed altruistic generosity of the wealthy. To all the anti-government social program Libertarians out there: I hope you’re feeling strong...
Even Ayn Rand with all her crazy talk at the end of her life wound up utilizing the very programs she railed against.
I just discovered this guy & his new book. Good viewpoint .
Plus he likes his black leather jackets.
Me too
Love this guy. I'm glad he didn't storm off this time. Did a great job holding his own.
The man at the end of the table is dumbfounded and speechless lol!
‘’The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he did not exist” - Kaiser Soze
"Davos is a family reunion for the people that broke the world."
I love this guy!!!!! A truth teller is always welcome!!
Mans came on Bloomberg & smashed them to pieces.
Love that leather jacket. 😎
Jesus, this destroyed em
Anand should've brought up that US life expectancy dropped third year in a row.
Yes. He should. Pity he didn't. Their reactions would have been splendid.
Life expectancy dropped because of middle aged white guys committing suicide. He didn't need to bring it up, it wasn't part of the equation.
As amazing as And is, the most enlightening thing about this video is listening to the interviewers. Incredible stuff. You can see them trying to argue Anand and the desperation in their replies, they don't like what he has to say
I love this guy. I love that they insulted his jacket when all else failed...😆
Truth!!!!!! This guy is on point.
Thank you for sharing.
AOC is changing the narative.
Finally, someone under 50 who isn't a millionaire gets into congress and look what happens!
@@ThwartedVillainy the system is rigged. Proud of AOC.
@@ThwartedVillainy not about age ... It's about policy and lack of curruption. Two people on completely opposite sides of the identity spectrum.... AOC and Bernie literally have the same populist followers g from the same people.... You can't explain that with identity politics
@@leonscott543 - Exactly. I'm 62, a Floridian, and FULLY on board with AOC, Bernie, Warren and taking the gov't back into the power in this country from the rich.
If you’re going to interview someone, you should let them answer your questions
"without a coat like that?"... attacking personally, typical from people who has no serious argument.
omg just look at the looks on their faces. They're so removed from reality that they're just stunned. It's like that dude in Casablanca: "I'm SHOCKED, shocked to know there's gambling going on here!" *goes up to clerk to cash a bet*
He is so brave!!!!
Just a little bit more, the pitchforks will come out.
I gotta see this guy wreck Ben Shapiro.
He is speaking true.....they're defending businesses.
do they have to interrupt him mid-point every time?
Anand's brilliance blinds the Bloomberg panelists.
Anand Giridharadas did not counter a point with stats about life expectancy that would have made his case crystal clear... Life expectancy in the USA has been DOWN for 3 years in a row now!!! I hope someone shares that with him.
9:46 that subtle lean back when you prep yourself for being called out on national TV
"Winner take all"? More like stealer takes all.
"No one earns a billion dollars. People earn $10 an hour, people steal a billion dollars." - Fran Lebowitz
Voice of the people. Excellent!
‘What’s your message to elites’
His answer should have been; ‘don’t want you, don’t need you, we’re coming after you’
He said it pretty clearly, "time is running out to get on the good side of history". You know who dragged their heels responding to rising inequality? French Aristocrats. You don't hear the surname "Antoinette" very much anymore for a reason.
Hot daaaaam! Love this man
Awesome.....he says it as it is.
Kudos Anand. Go on speaking truth to power. Much appreciated. I especially bemoan the fate of the us citizens whose brain has been programmed with capitalist rhetoric, that the swallow the delusion that capitalism as practiced in the us the panacea for humanity. People suffer but don’t learn. Too many cokes and burgers have eaten their sensibilities.
Explain a single formula to me for argument sake,mcdonalds for example had a net income of 5 billon usd in 2017 and had 375,000 employees in the united states..why cant it increase salaries say sacrificing 1 billion of that to increase their productivity and general life of people who work for it..the reason ..wall street..share values..etc..
A net income is not a new profit. I agree with your analogy, but I'd need to see their balance sheet to see how much capital they could realistically spend on increasing salaries.
You do realize that 1 billion dollars divided by 375,000 employees is less than $2600 an employee, correct? that is assuming that every employee through out the entire corporation was equally responsible for the success of the corporation as a whole. Being paid bi weekly, that's an extra $100 a paycheck. while not nothing, it's not the massive change that people pretend it would be
@@justing7490 Yes i do realize that..but you do also realize that MacDonalds is in 101 countries in the world and gets approx 70 odd million visitors each day..they can afford to pay 20 usd an hour in Denmark..why..and they don't even pay by the hour in most other countries..The food served in countries like India by them is so crap..the sell a nugget in a burger and call it mcchicken..all to be cost effective..the CEO of McDonald's in 2018 took a salary of 21.8 million usd..a hike by 42% compared to two years much of a hike did the guys in the restaurant or floor level employees get?
What kind of decisions does he have to take to justify 21.8 mill in salary..when it s known for a fact most important decisions are taken on the floor..when that server decided not to add any foreign object to your burger to mess with the
@@skypanga1 let's say I give you no argument about the CEO. Let's pretend like he's some useless rich guy who just sits in his office counting money everyday. So he is evil. Are you saying that the guy, who's requesting a raise in order to not taint the food that he is being paid to prepare, deserves money for that? Why weaken your argument with stupid comments? Do you really think that the profits generated from McDonald's have to do with the people following the chart in front of them, how to make a burger? Do you think, maybe, they should not get near the same pay distribution as the executive who finds distributors throughout the world in order to have the best deals on beef, or a lawyer who understands international trade law and is able to navigate produce through different territories in order to save millions of dollars in tariffs each year?
I'm not even defending the McDonald's pay model, I was just pointing out that the concept of giving a billion dollars to all the employees wouldn't do anything. You then changed your argument.
I would just be cautious about pushing McDonald's on pay raises. They have no problem replacing front of store employees with automated kiosks. Cut an employee numbers in half and you can pay them 20. I think you don't realize that McDonald's are private franchise. 83% of stores are owned by private owners. The corporation makes money because all of the stores have to buy through the approved vendors and be on land owned by McDonald's (not sure if that second part is still true). If you're arguing for the 17% that are corporate owned, I agree with you. Just know, like I said earlier, they will just replace employees with kiosks. At least the people that get to keep their job will be paid better
@@justing7490 the last line was intended in a feeble attempt of humour..There is no good and evil in a's plain necessity..the lower you go down the corporate ladder the more desperate people you will find making ends meet.
My point was that paying a CEO a hike of 42% whereas people lower who basically need it more got none
I dare say I do not either agree with the socialist model..but I think corporation need to think less of their stock port folio and wall street figures and more getting these guys on the floor level a better pay and a better life ..and yes I would gladly pay 1 usd or more if I felt the benefit was going to the people who just served me..that is referred to as a service non fast food places..
No lack of inspiration here with Anand doing the talking. Cancel Devos with an anti-Devos? It might inaugurate something totally new on the larger stage - but do not see it happening without many more like him taking the lead.
Wow the divide is extreme. How can anyone not understand that Anand is correct 💯.
Nice! Love that guy!
Longer life expectancy, and most likely to become extinct as a species. You do the math.
My man at 3:18 looks like he's getting a gun pointed at him lmao
Great interview, Anand speaks so much truth. Just wonder why they interrupt him so much ... can he finish a sentence please?
People have to remember that even the poorest countries that are represented in davos are represented by wealthy self interested people from those countries
This is the only copy I've found but it sounds like it continues. Tom was cut off at least on ONE question. Would love to hear it all up to break, and better yet if it continued - even if they discussed it further after Anand left. The yellow-vests need bus rides to Davos... surround the town with a +million protesters.
Want to understand the issue with mental health disorders drug addiction and hopelessness in today's Society? Then this interview will lead you down that path that is all connected to our current state.
The disconnect of leaders and representatives from the communities they supposedly represent is the most problematic issue we face. You can not represent someone or something when you cannot understand it or have never experienced it or lived it.
The picture of a thing is not the thing...... you cannot read about poverty and expect to understand it in some statistical outlay. Unless you seen it or experienced it you have no idea what it truly is. And removing yourself from it from its day-to-day experience is only a delusion of that experience. If you don't live in those neighborhoods in those communities you represent nothing.
The richest country on Earth is a fraud a corruption of the spirit of the mind and the soul. What good are Walmart prices when your neighbors can't even feed the children? Why do we even have a class middle or upper or lower?
This is a self-constructed delusion. If your upper class there will always be somebody Upper from you. If you're middle class there will always be upper class but even within the middle class there will be someone that will be more middle-class than you this is all a self-constructed delusion. You will be chasing your class at no end.
Capitalism is great as long as you're part of it. But you think that capitalism still works in today's age is another self constructed myth. There was a time where you went to the capital markets to raise money to create something. Now the capital markets are just numbers on a screen moving up and down and sideways what does Apple need capital for? Or Google? They don't. Amazon gets a free ride and we all cheer not realizing that it's cutting the American working class cannibalizing everything and we pretend it's just capitalism at work. But it's not It never has been.
We cheer Democrats and the Clinton Legacy yeah it was the Clinton Legacy that destroyed glass-steagall but if you ask the average American what that was they have no idea.
How many critical thinking individual could suggest the America is fair and just.... with its citizens just needs to look at the Midwest at the South at the Rust Belt and ask the question for whom do you work? Who do you represent and what is the purpose of all this?
The way in which they wouldn't let him finish his sentences only proves they weren't listening, and that's a shame for he brings a lot of truth.
"Why should Davos be canceled? I already have reservations" THAT IS THE PROBLEM RIGHT THERE.
I didn’t hear him mention regulations.
Anand on Bloomberg, how deliciously meta.
Why does the bow-tie guy constantly interrupt and not let AG finish a sentence?
It’s hilarious that they keep trying to interrupt his most salient points. It’s like a shock reaction to truth going out over the airways.😂
AOC is extremely intelligent and articulate - something we rarely see in politicians. Either they are smart and cannot communicate or the can communicate but cannot think!
04:30 the guy with circular glasses stuggling for a come back, lol..
I know this is an old thread but, this is so funny... Whenever someone like Mr. Giridharadas gets on one of these shows, it is like watching some being from another planet attempt to talk to manufactured earthly automatons. The Bloomberg pinhead programmables; little more fun than a box of rocks.
Anand is brilliant, but he doesnt need to be. Anyone with half a brain cell understands thatca few people with all the wealth and power is bad for humanity and that those few people are doing all they can to hang on to society. Every marker of social health and wealth sheds light on the rocketing inequalities in society.
The issue that people are living longer is a "red herring!" What has happened is that we have less infant deaths than we did 70+ years ago. Those infant deaths averaged out into shorter life spans as a statistical result. People aren't living any longer than they did before. It's a struggle now because there are larger financial disparities and less upward mobility!
Is the new yorker rock solid on syria?
Ha! 😁 Anand is boss boo!!!!
This is what I have observed about globalization. “Familiarity breeds contempt.”
Love Bernie love Jimmy Dore love Cenk love Michael Brooks love Sam seder love Micheal Figueroa and now I love Anand Giridharadas.
0:00 looks at the camera like the office.
Black Fonzie ayyyyy
9:31 he said Bernie. Bernie! Berniiiiiie!
Hilarious that it's on bloomberg 😂
Anand knows what he's talking's the truth
RESTORATION OF DEMOCRACY....Well said Anand . Look how they try to label him as anarchy....they will defend with their teeth his elitism. BRAVO Anand.. Another term “populism” ....DEMOCRACY has been corrupt and compromise, we must rescue and bring back democracy.
The line is: Each time cream rises to the top!
What is the guy doing on the right? It's scary
There's a belly of at least one beast that Anand upset in this video! Give 'em Hell Anand, give 'em hell! Best ideas, best analysis, these people have ever been exposed to and I bet that from now on they won't be calling Alexandria "that woman representative in Congress" anymore. Hey next time wear a motorcycle helmet too...never hurts to play it safe once they really know who you are and these people fight for keeps!
i wish they would just let Anand speak. why they always interrupting? so rude
Why don't they let him speak?? How many interruptions..have a longer program and let your guests speak, for the love of god..
Yes and no. Money is required but the fantastic sums typically amassed by accumulators are seldom of much real use to them. It is more the case that of the fabulous things available in our lifetimes, the most valuable are knowledge and the ability to use it which does require some money but not that much. The set oft people who can use that knowledge, a much smaller set than the accumulators of capital, are at a vastly disproportionate advantage.
Just as humans don't now really live any longer than their neolithic ancestors did, the vast majority of people are no more developed intellectually than those same ancestors, and even those that are may be in a way that is more like the shaman or priest than someone in whom the cascade of knowledge has had a real cumulative effect.
Juan Daugherty Well put.
Lots of people like business but not monopolies. Thank God someone gets it who is not a Marxist or a Democratic Socialist. There is life after Neo-Liberalism.
There is nothing wrong with Democratic Socialism.....THE EXACT SAME SYSTEM NORWAY, SWEDEN , DENMARK, FINLAND ALL USE. And those countries are always rated the happiest people in the world.
2:02 - Are you advocating an anarchy or a marxist revolution? Geez... Were you even listening to him or did someone tell you through your earpiece to ask a silly strawman of a question?
It isn't a bad question to ask. Worth bearing in mind that many of their viewers don't know who he is. Journalists ask questions like these to help them find a better idea of what the person talking to them is saying. Otherwise, it's very possible for the interviewee to go on a ramble (think Trump if given the chance).
Joe Eachus Agreed. If they were critical of him, they’d be far more confrontational. And all three of them would be engaging rather than just the two with the one other anchor just listening.
They never give him five seconds to answer a question before interrupting him with him another question. Almost like they don't want to hear what he has to say.
love this hahaha
President Anand!
AG is brilliant, but - what was he thinking wearing that jacket?
It's a great jacket. What's the issue with it? He doesn't look like a talking head like the others?
these journalists are terrible interviewers. they interrupt their guest all the time.