[12] Cryptids; Taking Back Thors - Trails of Cold Steel 2 Funny Moments

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @zackleon273
    @zackleon273 Месяц назад +5

    Towa, God of Destruction, showing her true powers. Rumor is Towa could end the conflict in Erebonia, but decides not to, because it's not her role.

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад +2

      Plot twist: Towa is just Dragon Ball Towa lol

  • @teckleedeyi
    @teckleedeyi Месяц назад +10

    Time to move forward, relentlessly. Never looking back

  • @igable82
    @igable82 Месяц назад +7

    Yeah Towa's S craft is very cute, with how she falls over as well lol.

  • @boltinabottle6307
    @boltinabottle6307 Месяц назад +8

    Poor Klein. Dude gets one voiced line and you cut him off like that 😢

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад +1

      It was an accident 😭

  • @ErpyAGDI
    @ErpyAGDI Месяц назад +6

    As mentioned, Lost Arts are still subject to EP Cut effects, so you can still significantly cut down on their costs. Three of the Lost Arts also don't take the Ats stat into account, so the super-heal (useful to tank an S-craft if you need to), Accelerate and CP Restore can be put on characters like Laura or Fie who won't be casting much anyway.
    It's not really mentioned, but the two damaging Lost Arts have one additional effect aside from having a higher damage rating than any other art in the game. (and also lacking an element) They inflict All-Cancel on the enemy, allowing you to strip away an enemy's shields and buffs.
    Of course the game pulled a Sky the 3rd on you in demanding you outfit all classmates. That song that was playing in the background when it did is literally The Final Choice from 3rd, which also plays when you're outfitting all 16 playable characters for the final dungeon in that game.
    Rean's party always faces Patrick and Celestin and Angelica always faces Vincent and Sariffa, but who else you face depends on your party. The game will always try to put Ferris against whatever team Alisa is a part of, Lambert against Jusis, Edel against Fie and Friedel against Laura.
    The card game and mech battle in this episode are essentially the game giving you the opportunity to add two more options to your list of final bonding candidates. Aside from the final bonding event next episode, your final bonding partner and Rean also have another scene quite a bit later into the game. Upon completing the game, it unlocks a menu where you can see the final bonding event and extra scene for all characters that got flagged as having their final bonding event cleared. You can clear this by doing their final bonding event next episode and saving your game in a new (or separate) saveslot after. Then you can reload to before the final bonding event, pick someone else and save in another saveslot to clear them too. Just the act of saving your game afterwards is enough to flag them as cleared.

    • @veghesther3204
      @veghesther3204 Месяц назад

      Laura's s craft can still top 300,000+ damage on EASY mode so give the CP regen one to Jusis for when he is NOT using Zeram Powder/Capsules on Rean Laura Millum/Sarah all at once BUT still only use the CP regen one ONLY on a 0 EP cost turn NEVER use it otherwise since theirs no other way.
      Even if you did set all 3 EP cuts all at once the game still won't make EVERY lost art cost 0 per use and without over drive mode they take forever to use even on Easy mode.

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад

      I suspected the Noble student teams were custom built depending on who was in each of my parties

    • @veghesther3204
      @veghesther3204 Месяц назад

      Not really I believe the bosses you fight here even on EASY mode are fixed no matter whom you use but since Rean's s craft at lv 200 on Nightmare mode should still do 500,000+ damage 1 shotting his bosses with his s craft use a 300,000+ S craft for Laura or Milllum to do the same by NOT HAVING either one of them IN Rean's party BOTH AT LV 200 for Nightmare mode to do so lv 130 on Easy mode.

  • @Freelancer90
    @Freelancer90 Месяц назад +5

    "It's sky the 3rd all over again" appropriate, given the track that was playing

  • @silverknight876
    @silverknight876 Месяц назад +11

    Aw man I almost forgot about the Lost Arts. I know you’ve already beaten the game so you likely know this already but used wisely they can practically reset a battle in your favor from the brink. Loved collecting all of them from the cryptids too

    • @riofernando9414
      @riofernando9414 Месяц назад +1

      i believe weapon still in the epilogue 1 at this time. he only beat the vermillion castle

  • @kevinstreetgaming
    @kevinstreetgaming Месяц назад +3

    Towa may be the smallest girl, but she has the biggest heart. And now, she is finally playable!

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад +1

      She contributed a grand total of one S Craft haha

  • @ShroomRPG
    @ShroomRPG Месяц назад +1

    Late but just gonna say that Lost Arts do function with EP Cut, meaning you can get them for slightly less than your whole EP bar, meaning you're not totally SOL if you use one and then really need to cast Breath or Adamantine Shield or something

  • @JerBear-og2qe
    @JerBear-og2qe Месяц назад +5

    bro didn’t have to go thru celestin using seraphic rain twice reviving his entire team

  • @ryokuculnamo3825
    @ryokuculnamo3825 Месяц назад +6

    Just an FYI regarding lost arts. while they can only be used once per battle, as long as you have EP cut quarts and/or equip it will not consume all of your ep. Also there's no carry over in in terms of romance from CS2 -> CS3 . part of this is because since CS3 is a PS4 game naturally and CS2 was originally a PS3/Vita game there wasnt a way to carry over a save from CS2.

  • @JetTheBaron
    @JetTheBaron Месяц назад +2

    Honestly, that last scene should've used ''Artillery Class VII'' (CS1 title theme) instead of whatever song they used.

  • @karisu4598
    @karisu4598 Месяц назад +3

    Towa's Rainbow Shot is a joy to watch, always has been. Also yeah I have no idea why Patrick would even entertain the idea of even trying to fight given the SHEER disparity between his side and Rean's party by this point in the story.

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад +1

      Especially since he knows about Rean's transformation, having seen it firsthand lol

  • @KnoxZone
    @KnoxZone Месяц назад +3

    Hah. I had no idea the game actually switched the opponents based on your teams. That's kinda neat, although the numbers don't add up perfectly so you lost out on Laura's dialogue with Friedel.

  • @ethermelt4780
    @ethermelt4780 Месяц назад +1

    When it comes to the Lost Arts, if you use a master quartz that has a 'recover mp from damage caused' effect, then the damaging ones refill your EP completely, meaning you can use it every single random battle without having to slow down to heal.

    • @veghesther3204
      @veghesther3204 Месяц назад

      I only use the CP restore one so no damage besides I prefer to BOOST PHYSICAL S craft damage not spells.

  • @GenmuLVLX
    @GenmuLVLX Месяц назад +1

    You can't carry over your save data to cold steel 3, so don't worry about that. Also, I used the super healing master art on Laura, since she doesn't use any arts, and that art is mandatory in the end game, especially if you're playing on nightmare

    • @veghesther3204
      @veghesther3204 Месяц назад

      LV200 is a must for Nightmare mode so the Healing by DOUBLE your max HP counts are still worthless a lv 200 party with HP doubled would have around 40,000 max HP too bad BOSS's OWN s crafts on Nightmare mode can do way MORE THEN THAT.

  • @Nikita_Akashya
    @Nikita_Akashya Месяц назад +3

    You have almost reached the finale in this series. And you may think you beat the game but you actually didn't. But it was really funny how you picked the perfect characters for both fights apparently. I always just kept Alisa in Reans team, because reasons and her CP crafts are really good. But yes, Laura usually just bodies with the right setup. And damnit, if only you remembered that you had a second evasion tank. But hey, you beat the fight. You just missclicked a few times. Poor Alisa. I hope the finale didn't break you. Those fights are very hard and long. You probably stayed up super late for that section and I bet you didn't sleep. But yes, the Trista part was great. Keep enjoying the game. Despite the final stretches being way too long. But I'm sure you'll love that one section. And you are absolutely right. The Vice Principal should be more open about his interests. I am sure the students would love him if he was more open about Arc en Ciel. And yeah, I believe you will get to Cold Steel 3 before I do at this rate. Make sure you just enjoy the game and take a break before you burn out on them. is there anything else you would like to play? I have that one game still open. It is staring at me. I need to play it. Maybe when I am done with Azure. I need to rearrange my setup. I wish you a great rest weekend and hope the weather over on the east coast doesn't kill you.

    • @veghesther3204
      @veghesther3204 Месяц назад

      Not really even on easy mode Alisha is CRAP Moebius SHOULD be mastered by now so that Jusis can use Zeram Powders on HIMSELF Rean Millium and Laura/Sarah by now at lv 130 all 5 Lost Art bosses should ALL die on easy mode in 1 turn.

  • @stratfor140
    @stratfor140 Месяц назад

    The episode we've all been waiting for, let's go!!!!
    - Oh, so you decided to do the cryptids now huh ? Welp, it's time to talk about lost arts then; as you've deduced, this is the replacement of the master arts from Azure, they're powerful arts from the lost elements: Sun, Moon, Star, Holy and Dragon; and it's not the first time you've seen these elements either, Valimar's unite differs based on the partner you have, and they all represent a lost element: Alisa & Sara have Sunlight Blade (Sun), Emma & Machias have Moonlight Blade (Moon), Fie & Millium have Starlight Blade (Star), Elliot & Jusis have Sacred Blade (Holy), and Laura & Gaius have Dragon Blade (Dragon.... Duh XD). Each Cryptid drops a gem containing one of these arts: Artemis' Tears for Moon, Lost Eden for Holy, Grail Burst for Star, Sol Eruption for Sun, and Tempestuous Roar for Dragon; these arts needs all the EPs to cast and can only be used once per battle, though as you've noticed yourself, the lost arts are also affected by the Zero Arts turn bonus, and with it, you can cast them without spending all of your EP and without needing to be at max EP either, you can still cast it only once however, no bypass on that front; the EP cuts quartzes also have an effect on the lost arts, so you can have EPs left over for something else. Now, for the gem's placement, as the game tell you, you can only insert them on an elemental slot linked to the lost element: For Moon it's Fire, Mirage and Water; for Holy, Time, Space and Mirage; for Star, Fire, Time and Earth; for Sun, Fire, Space and Wind; and for Dragon, Earth, Water; with these conditions, it inevitably means that some characters can't equip some of the gems: Gaius, Jusis and Fie can't use the Moon Gem; Gaius, Laura and Sara can't use the Holy Gem; Elliot and Jusis can't use the Star Gem; Machias and Millium can't use the Sun Gem; and Rean, Alisa and Emma can't use the Dragon Gem; their effects are quite diverse, Lost Sen and Sol Eruption are attack arts that Ignore efficacy and lowers all attacks and all defenses respectively; Artemis' Tears is a heal that doubles the current max HPs, quite useful for boss battles, especially since that one you can obtain it as soon as the Anton quest is finished at the start of the act; Tempestuous Roar is a big CP regen; and Grail Burst is not like Chrono burst like you thought at first, it combines Chrono burst with the accelerate effect for all the party, so everyone get to acts before the enemy while the caster acts 2 times (and just like chrono burst, it can be cast instantly). Imo, the lost arts are better than the master arts of Azure, because unlike the latter where you needed to reach level 5 with the master quartzes to unlock them, which would only happen during the finale, the lost arts are theoretically available as soon as the cryptids that holds them appear, so between the start and the middle of Act 2, and while it's likely that most player will get them around the end of Act 2 or at the Finale due to the levels of the cryptids, it still gives the option to skilled players to acquire them sooner; the Master arts were also quite busted, with effects that can break the game in half, especially since they could be reapplied at will (though I'll admit that they were useful against the bullshit that was Azure Demiourgos XD); here with the lost arts, while they still have powerful effects, they are balanced by the fact that they can only be used once per battle and that they consume all EP unless used in a Zero Art turn, which restrains more their uses; so yeah, the lost arts are better............................................where were we again in the story ?.............. Ah, yes.
    - With all the Zemurian Ore collected, Professor Schmidt will hold his part of the bargain and get on the Courageous to make the Zemurian Tachi with George's help on the side, and everyone can now see for themselves just how much of a douche he is XD.
    - but meanwhile, news are coming from Claire that, on preparation for the battle that will undoubtedly take place, the alliance has moved the line of defense westward, leaving the area around Trista much more exposed than before, which make sense, if they're preparing for an attack, they shouldn't stretch themselves thin defending another location; also, the alliance left the supervision of the academy to a group of upper class students who named themselves the order of the Lion, led by Patrick, they did this so that the academy will still technically be under the Nobility's control; Naturally, the army wants Trista liberated as soon as possible, otherwise the 4th won't be In position to attack Heimdallr, not to mention Important people like Principal Vandyck and the other instructors, are still confined within the academy, so Claire plan to Settle it swiftly with an elite RMP unit......but of course, we can't let her do that, the liberation of the academy is a goal that drove us forward throughout the entirety of the act, and even before that, so naturally we want to do it ourselves and not let someone else handle the final stretch, and she's kinda confused by this devotion to the school, because like she said at the end of CS1, she's also an alumnus of Thors, but she never felt this way about it, as she said last game at the same time, graduates both joins the imperial and Provincial armies, so allies of today can become ennemies tomorrow, which is probably why she feels this way, whereas for the current students, this war occurred while they're still in school, so they still have a banner to rally themselves to: Thors itself; they want to return to their peaceful days at the academy, and this war only brought them closer, which is why THEY feel this way. Anyway, Claire gives us a deadline of two days to accomplish our goals (which is contradicted immediately after by the calendar going forward 3 days XD; though my theory is that the the call with the captain didn't occur on the 27th but later on).
    -But yeah, the operation will soon commence, on the same day as the Tachi's prototype will be completed, and indeed, except for Sara since she's an instructor, EVERYONE will take part in this one; also funny that you would mention Sky the 3rd here, because guess what music is playing in the background at this moment ?....... That's right, the final choice FROM Sky the 3rd, it's back, and now you can see how the Heimdallr leitmotif was already present in it 6 years before it was heard again in the capital's theme and in several other tracks.
    - Normally I'd do that in a separate comment, but since for his video, there's not much optional stuff, here's the tour of the ship.... Although, there's not much to say, everyone is readying themselves for the operation, reminiscing about the time spent in Trista, as well as their future, there's also speculation regarding who's in the order of the lions (and they're basically all correct); you can also see the prototype tachi in the hold before seeing it in battle; the blade game here is a chance to get a character's special scene soon, alongside who you'll choose as partner for the coming mech fight (Once again, Beryl in her compatibility reading explicitly tell who's character meet the requirements for the final bonding event, or who's meeting one but not the other).
    - Time to begin; as said, the majority of the alliance forces have withdrawn to the capital, but there's still some of them defending the town's east side with Soldats, and that's where we'll have our soldat battle and a test run for the prototype tachi ; Towa will be accompanying Rean's group to legitimate their action, the student council president coming to overthrow Patrick, and she can inflict the unique effect called weakener, which allow to increase element efficacy on the target.
    - So, the mech fight, remember last time when I talked about Rean's rise to power ? Well we have another exemple here as well, last times he was fighting the Goliath and the Kestrel separately, and now he's fighting both of them at once with his new sword, and he takes them out both simultaneously, he defeated the perfect marriage of strength and speed, now all that's left is to rejoin Crow at the top for a clash of the ages (btw, the unite at the end is scripted, no matter your number of BP or the health the enemy has left, it will allow you to do a unite to finish it in style).
    - Now that it's done, the soldier are retreating and we enter the town....... Man, there's a certain sense of nostalgia coming back here after all this time; it was the hub of the previous game, and after being separated from it so suddenly at the end, we're finally back to it, and all the townfolks are here to give us a warm welcome and cheering us on as we make our way to the academy, thanks to Toval informing Micht that we may be coming soon to liberate Trista.

    • @stratfor140
      @stratfor140 Месяц назад

      - As soon as enter the academy, who's waiting for us but the order of the lions, both at the front gate and back gate; and here we have the rest of the named students that we haven't seen yet: Patrick and his butler Celestin, Vincent and his maid Sariffa; Ferris, Lambert, Edel and Friedel; as you've suspected during the scene, the last four are actually coded to be deployed wherever a certain party member is, Alisa for Ferris, Laura for Friedel, Fie for Edel, and Jusis for Lambert; though in your case since you have 3 of those party members with you, the game had to priorize some over others and Friedel was switched out to the other group; the order are actually not fighting us because they were ordered to by the alliance, they fight us because they want to find their cause as noble, obstination and foolishness be damned, it's by facing class VII that they'll find their answers, and Class VII will answer in kind.
      - These fights, just like the one with Rufus, are one of the biggest offense of the game as you expertly demonstrated in the second one, for battles against rivals, the trivialization via S-crafts is insane, especially given how otherwise, these fights are fire; the moves they have are varied, they can heal, buff, debuff, and with the links, it gives an element of unpredictability, especially when they can rush; but the MVP of all of this is freaking, who not only can cast Shining, which make him hard to hit on physical and render evasion less effective, but he can also cast FUCKING SHERAPHIC RING ON THE WHOLE GROUP!!!! that's insane; but yeah, a great fight that unfortunately gets completely overshadowed by the S-crafts cheese and destroys the intention behind it: a fight between rivals.
      - After the Victor was declared, the principal and the other instructors comes out of the building, turns out that Patrick and the upper class students released them as soon as the alliance left and told them to stay inside until the battle was over, they were able to see the battle and the clash of wills that happened, Rean and Patrick make a do-over with holding his hand out after a battle, and the latter officially declare the order of the lion disbanded, from now on, the upper class student shall fight under the banner of Towa and as students of Thors, regardless of their social classes; and with that, it's done, we finally did it, the academy is ours again, but it's not over yet, it's only the beginning, reclaiming the academy was only one part of the objective, now it's time to reclaim their happiness by ending the war to return to their normal lives.
      And that's the end of Act 2, after replaying it, I'd say there's some part that dragged a bit like the 3 shrines in a row, but otherwise, I don't get the people saying it's the worst thing ever, it was fine honestly, I much prefer the intermission the finale, and even the epilogue, but it's not the torture people like to say it was
      And with that, I'VE CAUGHT UP, I'M FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................what do you mean another video came out today ?.............. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU-------!!!!!!!!

    • @stratfor140
      @stratfor140 Месяц назад

      - As soon as we enter the academy, who's waiting for us but the order of the lions, both at the front gate and back gate; and here we have the rest of the named students that we haven't seen yet: Patrick and his butler Celestin, Vincent and his maid Sariffa; Ferris, Lambert, Edel and Friedel; as you've suspected during the scene, the last four are actually coded to be deployed wherever a certain party member is, Alisa for Ferris, Laura for Friedel, Fie for Edel, and Jusis for Lambert; though in your case since you have 3 of those party members with you, the game had to priorize some over others and Friedel was switched out to the other group; the order are actually not fighting us because they were ordered to by the alliance, they fight us because they want to find their cause as noble, obstination and foolishness be damned, it's by facing class VII that they'll find their answers, and Class VII will answer in kind.
      - These fights, just like the one with Rufus, are one of the biggest offense of the game as you expertly demonstrated in the second one, for battles against rivals, the trivialization via S-crafts is insane, especially given how otherwise, these fights are fire; the moves they have are varied, they can heal, buff, debuff, and with the links, it gives an element of unpredictability, especially when they can rush; but the MVP of all of this is freaking, who not only can cast Shining, which make him hard to hit on physical and render evasion less effective, but he can also cast FUCKING SHERAPHIC RING ON THE WHOLE GROUP!!!! that's insane; but yeah, a great fight that unfortunately gets completely overshadowed by the S-crafts cheese and destroys the intention behind it: a fight between rivals.
      - After the Victor was declared, the principal and the other instructors comes out of the building, turns out that Patrick and the upper class students released them as soon as the alliance left and told them to stay inside until the battle was over, they were able to see the battle and the clash of wills that happened, Rean and Patrick make a do-over with holding his hand out after a battle, and the latter officially declare the order of the lion disbanded, from now on, the upper class student shall fight under the banner of Towa and as students of Thors, regardless of their social classes; and with that, it's done, we finally did it, the academy is ours again, but it's not over yet, it's only the beginning, reclaiming the academy was only one part of the objective, now it's time to reclaim their happiness by ending the war to return to their normal lives.
      And that's the end of Act 2, after replaying it, I'd say there's some part that dragged a bit like the 3 shrines in a row, but otherwise, I don't get the people saying it's the worst thing ever, it was fine honestly, I much prefer the intermission the finale, and even the epilogue, but it's not the torture people like to say it was
      And with that, I'VE CAUGHT UP, I'M FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................what do you mean another video came out today ?.............. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU-------!!!!!!!!

  • @historian252
    @historian252 Месяц назад +3

    But yes the enemies you fight at the academy change depend on those you have along with you.

  • @riofernando9414
    @riofernando9414 Месяц назад +1

    2:41 wait moon goddess???!! what kind of DG cult talk is this? this fuel my trails theory tank
    4:48 god's battle?! ok i lost it. I need whatever gnosis that joachim consume
    11:58 patrick when you bring laura: "CHOOSE AGAIN!"
    15:56 you can not run from fie supremacy. she is here to stay
    31:19 i miss the song so very much

  • @drakstar848
    @drakstar848 Месяц назад +2

    Playble Towa hype

  • @Ghalion666
    @Ghalion666 Месяц назад +1

    Uhhh... so in light of today's (well technically yesterday's) assassination attempt IRL. I felt a little bad watching this video, despite me spending the entire day otherwise looking into you know what.
    I suspect a creator has similar doubts. So I just want to say that moderation is key to everything, so your video was appreciated all the same despite today's events. Thank you.

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад +1

      Uh, you're welcome, I guess.
      Don't feel too guilty about it, you only live once.

  • @luizkuzunoha7150
    @luizkuzunoha7150 Месяц назад

    Possible spolers;
    Since you've already finished the game, I have a question: Which team do you think had the most problems in their respective arcs, the SSS or Class 7? This includes important bosses like Arios, problems in the story, the final boss, etc. In my opinion, I think the SSS had more problems because Class 7 had a number of powerful allies at their disposal, not to mention Mean Rean and Valimar. (I'm not belittling their individual achievements; I'm just saying that they had more help than the SSS in general)
    This question is for zero, azure, cold steel i and ii, because cold steel iii, iiii and reverie are seperate arcs in my opinion

  • @SRushStar
    @SRushStar Месяц назад +1

    Let's gooo we in the final moments

  • @uchytjes10
    @uchytjes10 Месяц назад +1

    15:33 Because of hardware limitations (moving from PSVita to PS4), there is no save transfer to CS3. Its unfortunate, but unavoidable.

  • @Ghalion666
    @Ghalion666 Месяц назад +1

    Just started video. Lol at Toys R Us comment.
    Suprising fact: ToysRUs still is IN business in Canada

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад

      There's a big one in New York City that's still open, but the others in the US closed down iirc

  • @stratfor140
    @stratfor140 Месяц назад +1

    Damn, I got sidetracked this week due to the Kai news and one of my favorite RUclipsr finally playing the series, so I fell behind AGAIN, 😅
    Oh well, at least these last two won't be as much of a behemoth as episode 10's comment, now the next one on the other hand...... XD.

  • @giuseppeparry1365
    @giuseppeparry1365 Месяц назад +2

    I know you're ALMOST done with this game, but just in case it's useful for the post-finale: Most Lost Arts ignore efficacy (you can see which). For example, Artemis' Tears heals 200% HP REGARDLESS of the equipped characters' magic stats, so you don't need to waste a slot on Emma for it. You can just put it on Laura and minimise the drawbacks to using all EP while still getting the same effect (and you can still always restore it anyway).
    Is it just me or do you sound... a bit tired in this video? If not, sorry, that's fine. Just something I thought I noticed.

    • @veghesther3204
      @veghesther3204 Месяц назад

      Emma is still pure crap even WITH The ATTACK lost artes at lv 200 she still won't do OVER the same 300,000 to 500,000 damage Rean Laura Millium or Sarah's s crafts will do I barely got even 50,000 out of the Attack Lost Artes using Emma but luckily on easy mode all 5 Artes training battles aboard the airship itself kind of have less then 50,000 HP to begin with on easy mode.

    • @weaponsci
      @weaponsci  Месяц назад

      I might have been, I don't really remember, I recorded that part about a week and a half ago

  • @boltinabottle6307
    @boltinabottle6307 Месяц назад +1

    Unfortunately, bonding does NOT carry over to CS3. Not sure how far ahead in the game you are of your releases, but I thought I'd let you know anyway. You do get bonuses for owning the first few games (and possibly student rank, but I don't specifically remember.)

  • @veghesther3204
    @veghesther3204 Месяц назад

    Even on Easy mode ONLY use lv 130 Rean Millum Jusis Sarah/Laura party to kill them in under 30 seconds LV 200 is a MUST TO KILL Them in 1 turn on NIGHTMARE MODE.
    For the Thors battles I had Rean's s craft still end HIS fight at Trista instantly so put Laura Millium in the OTHER party that isn't Rean's to END their fight in 1 turn at lv 130 on easy mode LV 200 for Laura Millium Jusis Nightmare mode.

    • @boltinabottle6307
      @boltinabottle6307 Месяц назад

      Nah, you just suck at the game. (or maybe you're just impatient. I can relate to that, especially for subsequent playthroughs.)