I started planning this video a while ago, and I was very aware of how sensitive this topic was going to be. We needed to find women who were comfortable discussing their weight on camera and we needed to produce this video in the most compassionate way. I didn’t want anyone to run off set crying or upset. I wanted to have an open discussion with real feelings about some real taboo topics. I’m currently reading the comments on here and it seems that the feelings on this video are split 50/50. Some people are moved to tears because they’re incredibly touched…and then others are very upset, saying it was a terrible, pointless video meant to make women feel bad about themselves. So, what was the point? To show that labels and numbers have as much power as we want to give them. They can make us feel bad. They can make us feel good. Or they can just be data points to guide our next steps. But your health, which includes both your mental health, your physical health as well as your happiness is something that cannot be accurately assessed by any number. A number does it’s best to help medical professionals categorize your health as a starting point, but it’s not the entire story. Health really does look different on everyone. This content is meant to make you think. Yeah, it’s uncomfortable, but when did we ever become smarter, better humans by being comfortable all the time? We grow the most when we’re challenged - and I’m talking emotionally challenged too. If this video made you feel a certain way, take a moment to reflect and ask yourself why you feel that way. Can you dig deep and dissect this feeling further? Some of you may find that you need improvement in the area of not letting numbers control your happiness. And others of you may just find that you don’t want a relationship with numbers at all, and that my content didn’t help you achieve that. Both are okay to feel. What's not okay is calling people derogatory names and spreading hatred. I will never allow that here on my channel. Just so you know, each woman was mentally prepped for the shoot and knew that we’d be discussing weight and other sensitive body image topics. Our producer interviewed each woman who was casted one by one and in person, and made sure they were comfortable with the topics before committing to the shoot. The entire Blogifam and the crew was very careful in making sure the women felt good during the entire process, from casting to shoot day to video release. The mental health of each of the women was my first priority.
The information I found most compelling in this video was the different regimes people put themselves under. Im not convinced that you demonstrated what you aimed for in this video. Understanding and acceptance around why people are bigger than others. In fact I saw you make a very clear contrast between that one women who didn't eat healthy or exercise and everybody else. This was heightened in the awkward tension in the room. It was not a good awkward, Casey Ho it was not the elated, groundbreaking awkward you were looking for. And like an every angry post-writer heres what I think is best: Do another group chat and compare lifestyles in a circle. No partners. How do you manage your day, what kind of food do you eat that you feel guilty over, how do you manage that guilt, what hours do you work, what else stops you from being you? Ok now lets look at your weight, toning and a blood sample on how 'healthy' the science says you are... When you look at each other once more, now what do you see? Fat, or a person.
While I appreciate you were trying to do, it didn't seem that way in the video at all. Also another point Cassey, when people are telling you something nicely, perhaps you should listen to them? We all make mistakes and it's okay to accept and apologize for them. Not every comment is about "negativity", sometimes it's just feedback.
I think this is good to bring this up to make us aware , I would give my opinion its a matter of individuals choice and if there motivaited to do this analizaition of what they should really be .
Hey Casey, I really enjoyed the video and hope you continue in making more content like this. A feedback I have is that maybe explaining scientific terms, with more background information. For example, when you brought up fat percentages you only had a number. Though where fat is located on the body is super important. Probably more important then how much fat a person have. For example, a normal weight individual that carry most of their visceral fat in their belly may actually suffer more from type 2 diabetese than their overweight counterpart. But idk if you want to go that deep either cause in the end people will still complain. I watch scientific fitness videos such as from Stephanie buttermore and people still be upset so I guess ignorant is bliss. Bless your heart Casey!!
Lisa should have done it with women who all weighed the same, or wore the same sizes or something like that, so no one would be left with any hard feelings
I fee bad for the girl who was obese . Everyone else was physically ok ( well, I’m not sure about the 5% body fat ) ... but the other girls for the most part were normal or fit ... there was nobody else like her . Like they could have gone by something else or used better examples . I cringed when they asked the heaviest girl how she felt about being obese on the BMI and she said she didn’t think she was obese and then every other measurement they gave her called her obese again. It wasn’t that it wasn’t true , but it just seemed like she was singled out in this more than the other girls. I also think that the muscular girl and the heavier girl both seemed equally uncomfortable by the person in their weight category .
@@fattofoxy as I explained, a biological woman with 5% body fat would not be walking around like its nothing. For a biological man it's not a big deal because the essential fat is there. That's why they mentioned essential fat percentages for males and females
As a dietitian, this was cringey on so many levels. Asking someone how they feel to be categorized as “overweight”… just why? What do you expect them to say?
@@chericebt4332 let's be honest, overweight people will always be called out more than the underweight sadly. When you're underweight it's called anorexia most of the time, but theres no mental illness name for someone who overeats? In that case I'd rather be called fat than underweight because even when I wasnt underweight I was still called anorexic and it felt worse because I was labeled with a damn mental illness that I didnt have. Plus i always ate more than any "fat" person my age at the time
PLUS she's probably getting judge so much for her looks, yet she was standing there so confidently, speaking with confidence and encouraging other girls to do/feel the same! I admire that
Weird that she tells the 24.5 BMI girl that she's almost overweight but doesn't tell the 19 BMI girl she's almost underweight. They're the same distance (0.5 points) from those respective categories.
@@dragoncup9099 Not necessarily. BMI fails to account for genetics, and while we know being closer to or in the overweight/obese category is associated with reduced longevity due to gravity putting pressure on the lower bearing joints and greater risk of disease/organ failure for most races, being closer to or slightly (meaning a few pounds) “underweight” isn’t always unhealthy. I’ll use my genetics as an example (I’m a Kinesiology/Nutrition student and undergrad researcher btw, my interests lie in health promotion and racial health and information disparities/interventions). I’m a 5’6, 116-118 lb female (I put a range because body weight fluctuates due to water weight and other factors), so my BMI is usually between 18.7-19.0. By normal standards, I would be considered very close to being underweight, possibly unhealthy. However, what BMI fails to take into account is that I’m a Native American with a long family history of joint issues, high cholesterol and blood pressure, lung issues, substance abuse (not me, but my mom’s mother was especially heavy on them, my mom was addicted to alcohol before she got pregnant with me too), iron deficiency, and obesity. My family medical history has a LOT of cases of joint and mobility issues as we age, so it’s actually healthier for me in the long run if I’m closer to the underweight category (less pressure on the joints). I just have to watch my micronutrient intake. This is also true for many of Asian and Hispanic descent. Now, for someone of African American descent, being slightly (meaning a few pounds) overweight may be a bit healthier, despite their higher mortality rates for obesity (bc most mortality rates are from those in the obese category, rather than a couple pounds overweight). This is because they tend to have less visceral fat (the fat that wraps your abdominal organs) and more nutrient deficiencies. Across most people, though, being a closer to the underweight category than the overweight category is better for longevity, as Kimberly pointed out.
I love Irene. You can tell she's a really sweet and gentle person. I felt like she was trying to state her answers in such a way that she was comforting Darlyn
I agree. Not trying to be rude but I knew from the start she was the same weight as the overweight girl. I think they were trying to prove a point about how you can still weigh a lot but through muscles which is fine
Yeah I think they were just trying not to make anyone else feel bad, as they're quite aware of how they compared to every other girl in the group......This 'experiment' should have been done with women who all weighed the same.
this kinda broke my heart. Women are so programed to focus on body weight and size ( Im included).. It was painful to see these women's shining smiles dim more and more as the video progressed. You are all beautiful and amazing.
I’m a fan of blogilates yet this was so hard and painful to watch. It just…felt more harmful than helpful. I’m glad I’ve recovered from my ED cuz this definitely would have triggered for past me.
Kim Seunghun I agree, bmi sometimes portrays muscle and fat differently and inaccurately, but at the same time she only had a 5% body pat percentage. It’s not in my place to judge but I just feel as if perhaps body fat % is more fact based, and she knows that she is healthy and hopefully happy aswell. 😅
They should do this but everyone is the same weight. To see how different we look but being the same weight to show how little the scale really matters.
I think you have it reversed, how you look doesn't necessarily matter because fat accumulates differently on different body types making them seem skinnier or fatter depending on how it sits on them, how much you weigh does matter though
@@kchoater unless you are 7 feet tall then being near 400 pounds is unacceptable and detrimental to your health. I don't think that if you're 160 pounds and 5'4 you're not going to die if a heart attack, but I'm saying it's not healthy, and it's dysfunctional to say is beautiful. I'm not trying to tear anyone down, but saying you can be 400 or even 300 pounds and healthy is dishonesty. If I truly wanted to bring harm to someone who is struggling with their weight than I would say "Yes! Fat is beautiful! Have another Big Mac, you go girl!" But I want everyone to live long, healthy lives, which means having a healthy weight
When the body-builder was told that she was in the "obese" category, she looked like she was trying to kill someone with her eyes. The BMI is not a good way to gauge health, but a fat percentage is fairly straightforward and helpful.
I agree about fat percentage. What made me cringe was the bodybuilder's partner who was in clear denial of the percentage's significance. She really has a lot of work to do, that type of mindset will make her die early.
The tall black girl seemed so sweet. Idk how to describe it but she just made me feel comfortable when I was watching her. She seemed like someone you could have a conversation with.
"How often do you judge yourself?" "Everyday" "You are obese. How does that make you feel?" "..." *facepalm* I get obese is a medical term, but to put that poor girl on the spot like that without warning is awful.
I’d just be like yeah I know I am (I actually am, my BMI is 32 but I’m working on losing weight and have lost nearly 40 pounds already). People are all about “fat positivity” and yet they get all riled up about facts like obesity, body fat percentages, weight etc. If people were truly fat positive, they’d be unashamed and proud to show their weight, body fat percentages, obese bmi. But no, they ignore it and say “numbers don’t matter”. The whole fat positivity movement doesn’t realize how much they’re showing their true colors, nearly all of them think being smaller and having no fat rolls is better. A lot of fat positivity models use shape wear or clothes that conceal fat rolls instead of showing them off. They also wear clothes that make them look slimmer or more evenly hour glass shaped. Deep down they all know being obese isn’t good. It’s not healthy and it’s not attractive. Fat positivity is a all a facade to hide the guilt they feel about being obese. I have experienced this myself. You pretend like you don’t care about your size and that you’re confident when you’re really not. I don’t want people to tell me that being obese is ok and something I should be unashamed of. I’m literally hurting my body and taking years off my life. This is not ok.
Nothing but fear mongering cos insecure skinny chicks buy more crap to keep looking good than happy women who care for health and not looks or body stereotypes.
This video was cruel. I could literally see the girls' faces crumble when they were told "how does it feel to be overweight/obese?" Irene didn't come here to be called obese, and Celeste looked like she was going to cry! Darlyn didnt deserve that either. I feel bad for all the girls but especially the ones who are labelled as heavier and then asked how it felt.
Discomfort was the intent. To show that people connect their self-image in an unreasonable way to these numbers, and that it's uncomfortable to talk about. Did you not watch the entire video? Because this wasn't cruel at all, and every one of them were prepped for and agreed to doing this video.
So im a heavy person and no i dont feel bad just when i knw the facts. I knw im heavy, i can see i have fat. If ppl are are fat, are sensitive to it and dnt like listning and cry for being heavy then they need to go to a therapist to help them overcome their mental insecurities and accpt who they are, if they dont wana accpt who they are then try to improve to be at a point they are happy. Just cos u turn a blind eye towards your own problm. If a person cant handle the truth they need to work on your mental health. This video was needed to show ppl that its ok watever your weight is as long as you can see your healthy. This video shows than two ppl with same weight are not healthy. U cn be 120 pounds n be unhealthy. You can be 190 and be healthy, if its muscle.
This reminds me of when we were weighed in front of our whole class in Elementary school. It was so degrading, because you were being compared to everyone else. We are all uniquely made. So why are we being compared to others?
Oh gosh the woketard take here. "We are all uniquely made..." Yes but overweight comes mostly from bad food, bad habits, bad choices and its not how we are just made by the highest. Thats what people turn themselves into! Its damaging to the individual and society as a whole. Many countries force their citizens to be more healthy cause its bad for an entire country, when people just let themselfes go, look awful and put stress on the health system. Americans are soft sissies now who wanna be cuddled and hear that being fat is fine and normal and pretty. Its just not and deep down, you folks all know. Whatever happened to self discipline and improving.
I find it absolutely horrifying that any school would do that to literal children, or anyone for that matter. Children are especially vulnerable as their bodies are constantly changing and already have insecurities. I never experienced systematic weigh-ins in school - maybe it was my country or year, I don't know - but I can imagine how scarring it would be for a child. Anyone who says it's for health has skewered ideas of what health really is.
@@michellebernal5668 I feel like they were tryna be "nice" by skirting around the fact that the obese girl was the only one who weighed the same as the really built girl
I feel like this is how an eating disorder can start Edit: I went through an eating disorder and I know there are more issues than just people comments on ur weight or wanting to be skinny.
You're not entirely wrong- however eating disorders manifest from more than just negative or weight shaming experiences. What many don't realize is that much of an eating disorder has to do with a person's chemical, neurological makeup and personality traits. It is EXTREMELY extremely complex. I've had some knowledge based off some people in my life battling ED. For many, it is also a control thing. Controlling what goes into their body, being quite particular about certain things. Some people end up terrified to eat certain foods. It's not all about entirely starving yourself. For others, they may just not be able to make themselves eat enough to accommodate for how much they're burning during exercise. Additionally, ED can stem from various trauma at a young age. Overall I would just like to point out, there's many misconceptions with eating disorders!
It is. It’s comparing you body to others, it’s the opposite of what you want to do. My ED started when by brother would comment on my body and what I ate, he didn’t mean to but it happened. I pray for those women, I hope this didn’t effect them to much.
fr, my ed is screaming at me even when i’m just ”enjoying” strawberries or trying on jeans and after them not fitting seeing a skinny girl walk by me. i hate myself and i would’ve broken down after that shit
8:38 The bodybuilder is made up entirely of muscle. To be honest, the bodybuilder had one of the most incredible female physiques I've ever seen. I don't believe anyone realized how much work went into having a figure like that, especially as a woman.
It is a ton of work. I'm impressed with her dedication. I still think it's important for people to realize that's not healthy, though, and they didn't really address that. I'm sure it's a risk she knows she's taking, but others should be made aware. It's interesting that they said she was in the "essential fat" category. The problem is, she isn't. They even said that essential fat starts at 10%, so she's below that. She's likely lost her period and has other health effects. I'm absolutely fine with her making this choice for herself. Anyone who gets that far in body building knows the risks and what they're doing. Again, I think her dedication is admirable. Still, it's not great for others to think that this might be healthy.
@maddiesconfusedlife9023 Irene the bodybuilder, who at the time of this video was the 3rd best in the world is a biological mother of 3 kids from Denmark! Some men just can’t bare to see women thriving, especially if they are transphobic
@@azdrenfaizullah9605 but its hard to accept ourselves its really hard and also changing themselves is not easy too but when you are done you feel great :)
I was shocked when the girl with the “toned” body thought that she and the muscular girl shared the same weight range. If I looked at her, I would’ve known that she definitely didn’t weigh anything over 125.
When they told ebony and Celeste that they were overweight my heart literally sank because what could have been something that they weren’t worried about is now prevalent to them.
yo u both clearly dont get that there was weight and body fat categories. they called muscle lady obese because her muscles make her weight a lot they werent saying she was obese based off body fat.
that is the whole point, cassey herself is tryna bash these scaling standards and show how dumb they are as one calls a bodybuilder too fat where as the other calls too skinny
@@katvelyte BMI is a very good indicator for the vast vast majority of the population. It only doesn't work for really hardcore bodybuilders, like in this example. But when people go around saying that BMI doesn't mean anything, for most people that's just not the case.
@@yazzybean People say this, but I feel like the range is a bit too strict still. I'm around 15% bf and have only been working out for a year, and I'm well into the overweight category. No one looking at me would call me overweight.
@@vangoghsear1997 Not true. It's only unhealthy if excess fat is carried around the organs. Even sumo wrestlers can gain a lot of weight and still be healthy because their fat is stored under the skin and not around the organs due to their training.
@@violett874 sorry, but thats medically just not accurate. Being over weight takes a toll on the whole System (mostly on the heart and cardio vascular System) it of course also dependes on what u eat and if you do exercise, but it is just not true that fat is just unhealthy when störend nearby the Organs. I would reccomend you ask your family doctor about whatever you want to know, they have so much knowledge about that topic than I do.
I felt so bad for the lady in the red pants. Like she was pretty much being shamed but I'm glad the body builder came to her defense. Also the two girls (the tall one and the short one) their bodies weren't even big, they looked perfectly healthy to me
@@offbanks no you can’t be overweight and healthy. Your body is holding extra fat and that isn’t physically good for your body, making you unhealthy. But that doesn’t mean that people who are overweight deserve judgment or unfair treatment.
@@offbanks That's the thing though, that extra wait DOES contribute to health problems. If not now, it will cause strain that over time causes severe issues. What you're saying is similar to a person that smokes but doesn't have cancer yet saying they're healthy. A person with extra weight is at a much higher risk of illness and disease.
Yes, the one who was actually obese already knows she has a problem. To not have anyone else heavy like her (a 5% body fat body builder is hardly a comparison) was just setting her up to feel awful.
“How does it feel to be overweight?” “How does it feel to be obese?” I- really?obviously bad I mean have you seen their faces,they look sad and self conscious..what a dumb question to ask someone...
Yeah I think that there could have been a way to ask it in a more sensitive way. "How do you feel about that label? What does it mean?" Instead of putting the person last. People are more than their weight
Icy Hot People can be bigger and happy or okay with themselves, just because a majority of people may feel self conscious because of labelling and the way they are looked at, that does not mean all people feel that way. I know many people that are big and happy. Not trying to hate, just saying!
I felt guilty about being overweight because i knew i was shortening my life span and exposing myself to future health issues. So i did something about it
What the heck, Cassie? This is so disgusting coming from a body positivity RUclipsr. “How do you feel about being overweight?” What do you think they’re gonna say??
Exactly. I love her designs of clothing and how positive she is but this video is just awful. I get it was for a video but I bet some of these people came home feeling bad about themselves.
I feel like it’s super rude and just wrong. saying to someone “how does it feel to be obese/almost overweight” isn’t really gonna make you feel great, especially saying “acceptable” body fat numbers
you’re so right this video and the way she complains about clothing designs that are perfectly fine have turned me off to any of her content. i have a hard time believing this shit is anything positive
Dude some of these ppl just have to wake up from their sugarcoating dream and step back into reality. The girl with the most bf% was clearly not having it. She knows what shes been doing over the years but still eats bread and sugar. If you sugarcoat things like that itll only get worse. If they feel bad and theyre weak then they arrived at home and just eating all kind of sugar but if theyre strong and woke up they will hit the gym to make them feel better. Dont know why you call urself an body positifity youtuber if you make such things only worse
Did we really just call one of the worlds best female body builders “overweight”? Wtf- Edit: guys when I say overweight I mean that overweight has come to be known as a bad thing. Whilst she is technically “overweight” I think it’s rude to call her that. Also the fact that they referred to people as an “acceptable” weight is kinda disgusting.
The BMI is trash because it doesn’t differentiate between fat and muscle it only thinks about weight and height mean while if you look at the body fat % it’s 5%
Meme Guy BMI isn’t trash, I guarantee you the vast majority of those with a bmi of 30 or more have excess fat, the bodybuilder in the video is just an outlier
@@sopleasedtomeetU, I would hazard a confident guess that they were given the impression that it was going to be handled with a far greater level of professionalism and sophistication. Showing themselves and their numbers isn't what makes this uncomfortable, weird, and shamey. Agreeing to expose yourself and your stats is not the same as agreeing to what happened here. I don't think any one would reasonably expect when getting involved that this would be the result.
In a world where everything has a “trigger warning” I really can’t believe they brought all these women in to do this without any indication that this is what they were there for.
@@valeriesanders-l9p They may have also asked about age, height, race, hair color, eye color, etc… which would give no indication that the episode is strictly about weight. But you’re probably right it.
Couldn't agree more. It was so badly devised and executed. I have no issue with the basic premise but how they went about it was so ignorant it was torturous to watch.
@@chowmane9584 There's a difference between this happening at a doctors visit in private vs this situation. They even said in the video that all the women didn't know what would be involved before filming, just it was supposed to be about 'body positivity'. Plus it's probably embarrassing for that to go up for the whole world to see.
Lauren Fairrington well yeah, but the woman with more fat on her body did look obese (obviously not the body builder) and it’s scientifically what it’s called, so maybe that should be a push to change her lifestyle.
Yikes I know I am probably in the “overweight” category. I am 5 feet “4 in, 170lbs. I’d probably cry if I was asked how do I feel about being “obese” or “acceptable” I have been feeling so insecure about it.
I’m 5’4 and 210 pounds this is the heaviest I’ve ever been and feel horrible about my weight you’re 20 pounds below me so you’re ahead girl let’s get it this coming year!!
@@Staykool-aid It's okay! The only advice I can give is try to see your entire self in a full body mirror and see if you ACTUALLY look disproportioned. If you do, just try to eat as healthy as possible and get lots of exercise in there. Even if progress is slow, it'll be progress! I was 145 last year ( I'm 5'0 ) and now I'm 120 and I feel better than ever. That's only 25 lbs in a year and that was just by changing how much I ate. I'm sure you can do it and you have tons of people willing to help you
You'd actually be in the "obese" category (5'4" & 190 lbs = BMI of 32,6) - which again, most likely shows how misleading that system is. It doesn't factor in muscle mass, fitness, lifestyle, nothing. Yes, too high body fat levels negatively affect our health, no sense in denying that, but a "healthy" BMI doesn't equal healthy. Mid ED I had a great BMI, but lost a huge amount of muscle mass & could barely function. Whereas now, I'd be classified "overweight" (BMI of 25-26) & in a wayyyy healthier spot than BMI of 20 something me.
Ailin Estrella Victoriano for some reason asking about someone’s feelings in that way implies that you don’t really care but have a sick curiosity. Like chopping off someone’s hair and saying now..... how does that feel?🙁
@@oskarlodin8204 BMI isn't a one size fits all, that's why the healthy BMI range is so wide (and why you shouldn't be considered "almost overweight" just because you're in the upper part of the healthy range.) The girl who had BMI 24.5 was in the fitness category in terms of body fat, so she's clearly in good shape!
@@Sapphireia Body fat is not good just because you are in the healthy range of BMI. It has a number of negative health effects regardless of your BMI. Studies from Norway show that about half of all woman who have a normal BMI are fat if you measure their body fat percentage. "An increased amount of fat on the body has several known negative effects on various health values. These are direct effects that occur because fat cells secrete things that we do not want too much of, but it becomes easy too much if the amount of fat mass becomes too high. This is especially true of fat that is stored more around the abdomen which is more common in men which can then also explain the differences that exist between men and women in the curves for body fat. Instead, an increased amount of muscle mass, or fat-free mass, usually has several positive effects on health. Both the risk of accidents and the metabolic health are clearly improved if you increase the amount of muscle mass in people. We also now know that muscles, like fat cells, function as organs in the body and can affect your health through the secretion of various hormones in the blood." tyngre.se/artikel/hur-muskler-och-kroppsfett-korrelerar-med-dodlighet/ Norway: traningslara.se/50-av-alla-tjejer-och-kvinnor-ar-overviktiga-trots-normalt-bmi/
Yeah.. I agree. I know being healthy is great... but I also think mental health is more important than physical health half the time. Those questions that were asked feels as if they wanted the contestants to feel guilty.
Honestly the bodybuilder has one of the most insane female physiques I’ve ever seen. I don’t think anyone quite realised the work that goes into building a body like that especially as a woman, crazy
This hurt my stomach to watch. I can see how this affected the ones on the bigger side. It is interesting to see, but hard to talk about. I give them props for being able to go thru with it.
taehyung's wig in hwarang a wake up call for what exactly?? Cause all of the women on the heavier side were either already healthy or working on it. The heaviest girl with the highest body fat % literally said she lost weight and was like “if It’s this number now I wanna see my number before” or something like that.
@@essie. I'm "obese", & shorter than the girl in the video... my waist is also smaller. I appear to have wide & thick thighs, & a big butt. My lower body is bigger than my upper body. I get told often that I have a nice body. I also go to the gym & try to eat healthy. I dont know my fat percentage, all i know is that my BMI says im obese.
@@Samuel-oh3hm Stfu what if someone told YOU look like a gender you're not? HM? But anyways- judging on how you reply to other's comment instead of commenting yourself, you WANT attention lmao
@@sjlang7812 to indicate the degree of healthiness according to bmi this healthy/almost overweight For eg if she said healthy/almost underweight It would mean closer to 18.5 mark
@@cuties9383 no. if you care that much if someone said you're ugly / fat / skinny then I'm sorry but that makes you a sensitive little shit. You cannot survive in the real world if you cry someone said you're ugly
For someone who is “body positive” this is disgusting. As someone with anorexia this was hard to watch. Absolutely just humiliated most of these woman.
exactly. i also have an eating disorder and this is just so hard to watch. you can see these womens face change when they get told they are overweight/obese. i would honestly just start sobbing right then and there. there are so many other ways to show how everyone looks different even at the same bmi even without humiliating these poor women.
Sorry to tell you this... Body positive does not mean "tell every obese person they are beautiful and perfect as they are, healthy as a spring chicken and will never die of diabetes or heart disease". You can accept your body and love yourself but still understand that obesity is a deadly thing to contend with. Furthermore if you are that 'triggered' by this kind of video, I would suggest you ... not click on it. It's right in the title what's going on, and it's pretty obvious that might be something you don't want to watch.
They shouldn't be surprised, and should work on themselves rather than crying because others are actually being honest and do not sugar coat when talking about their appearance
why did u tell the one with a bmi of 24.5 she is in the almost overweight zone (25> is overweight) and then u did not tell the girl with a bmi of 19 she is in the almost underweight sone (18.5< is underweight) this is ridiculous. either tell them both or neither one of them
I wasn't really pleased about that. I think that the comment just illustrates how being close to overweight is 'worth a comment' but being close to underweight is 'unremarkable'. That left a bad taste in my mouth...
this is actually quite sad. Seeing these women being told they are overweight, deep down i'm sure they know that and are probably already insecure about it.
@@Diddyridez I disagree and the Black woman is really looking like she is on an exercise trend you can look at larger boned people and tell that they are losing weight. Only 1 of these women needs to get healthier lifestyles the others just need to stay on their paths.
@@user-ph1dm4hg5v i can see your point, that's how i think too. but you never know what someone is going through.. if someone is depressed or in a tough time in their lives, that could lead to over eating, and that's a hard habit to stop. (not saying any of these girls are depressed btw! just that you never know)
C A I understand but they can still do something about it, it’s not as if your body stops working when you don’t feel too well mentally. These are just excuses
Hannah Stone it’s losing..I hate that mistake. Sorry. But coming back to this topic, she said that her diet consists of bread and sugar so she’s clearly not trying to lose weight with that type of attitude.
BMI isn't always the best way to judge, and if you're only a few pounds into the overweight category but have healthy habits, chances are you have a healthy weight. She was only 1lb over the 'healthy range', and she had a healthy body fat percentage so she's perfectly healthy.
19 to 18.5 has to lose a greater percentage of their body weight, 24.5 might be the same distance but it's a smaller percentage of body weight to gain to get there.
Same! I've never even heard "almost something" being used in BMI categories before. Like if you give people the range they fall in they'll know for themselves what they're close to.
Rashida Keen Exactly! I can even begin to imagine how I would feel if someone went up to me and told one girl that she was athletic and then told me that I was obese. That poor girl must of been so upset. Messed up.
I amused myself by stopping the video when you asked them to partner up and then put themselves in order from lightest to heaviest. I got every pair right and also the order of the pairs but I’m not proud of that. It just means I am in the habit of doing this judging of other women’s bodies. There again, if I had been part of an experiment to put myself in weight order with a group of women I would have put myself at the heaviest end without hesitation. That way I wouldn’t have had the embarrassment of having declared someone heavier than me (rude!). We don’t do that in polite society. Plus I’d have had the feel good factor if eventually told to move down the line a bit but that would have come at the cost of feeling bad for the person told to take my place. The way the experiment was actually done, I’d have frozen; completely incapable of “accusing” someone of being as heavy as me! Our society definitely views women as better if lighter. In many different business meetings I have noticed the larger women are never asked for their opinion and if they try to offer it other people often look at the floor whilst the larger woman speaks. Once you notice it you can’t stop seeing it. Women in a shopping mall will avoid eye contact with very large women but exchange smiles with someone similar to them. Pubs or anywhere with no defined queue will serve the smaller ones first. We really need to change how our society views an individual’s worth. Every single one of us has the same value and the same needs in life.
I feel like they paired with the same body types (skinny, muscular, overweight, etc) , but they didn’t really keep in mind how much they really weighted
Hannah Miller Literally the WHOLE POINT of this video is that some numbers have literally no good accurate meaning, while some others might be able to give you a bearing on your health but don’t mean you will be happier at one number than another and you shouldn’t judge others by a number or compare yourself to others because obviously you can weight the same and have different BMIs and body fat % etc or vice versa. Cassie is no negating her ‘don’t judge’ statement by creating an interesting video about how radically different we are in physical appearance, weight, bc, and BMI and so we shouldn’t compare ourselves negatively.
I do understand the point of the video, i just feel it wasn’t executed very well. I’ve been following Cassey for several years so i know she has the best intentions, however it’s very obvious that some of the girls in this video are quite uncomfortable and even upset. The majority of the video is focused on grouping these women by their numbers and telling them whether they’re statistically healthy or overweight (and let’s not forget that she didn’t mention underweight being a thing). This sort of experiment would be more effective if it showed that the same number looks different on different people, or if she were to focus more on the girls’ healthy lifestyle first, before bringing in the numbers
Hannah Miller I understand that she could’ve done more with this video, but that doesn’t mean this was bad as is in my opinion. Also, duh, I’m sure plenty of them were uncomfortable to a decent extent because it’s something that makes most women -and many many men as well- uncomfortable. Highlighting our weight and size and shape and looks and all -even if it’s for a good cause. I believe I already stated this somewhere but Cassy said specifically that they spent ages picking women for this and interviewing them to find 8 people who wouldn’t be caused any detrimental mental distress by talking about things like this for the video and that would be good candidates.
@@kirstenashley4289 You can do a brief glance at the comments to understand that the consensus was this video was executed poorly. Everyone got the point, mostly bc its a topic discussed a lot, but I feel that if I had no previous knowledge of body image, BMI, and body fat%, this video would have done very little in allowing me to understand the main point. The HIGHLY JUSTIFIED uncomfortable demeanor of the participants really simmered down the effectiveness of the video. I've seen other social experiments and videos on the same topic that bluntly confront peoples body image successfully, but this aint it.
when that lady said you "look good, you feel good, but then you get these numbers attached to it and it might change your mind completely" gawd it really makes you think
Here's my thing, people leaping to her defense, "u don't know why she's obese, could be a hormone disorder blah blah blah". She literally admitted to never working out and eating like complete shit. So yes, SHE IS OBESE. The term was coined for people like her
@Caiti M It's easy to get stuck into thinking your lifestyle habits are okay. If she decides to be unhealthy with her body it's her body, and because she's not mentally unwell nor arguing or advocating for people to be obese, it is her problem and those close to her, not others or yours.
wow i almost cried for Irene she looked so uncomfortable and her face just fell when they asked her “how does it feel to be obese” like wow this is so hard to watch, please please please don’t do this again. btw they’re all so gorgeous 💕
bruh- the sad part is the fact that the woman looks in the mirror & doesn’t see an obese woman. she’s fat but she doesn’t see it. so all she’s gonna do is get fatter & that’s even worse. some ppl need a rude awakening to change unhealthy eating habits
yo momma she said about her body fat percentage that she wonders what it used to be if it’s still over 40%. It sounds like she’s been instituting healthy changes in her life and is already on a journey to getting fit. Don’t assume you know her circumstances
Being at such a low body fat is not ideal and can lead health complications but I get your comment she is muscular as hell and definitely doesn’t look obese
evie Being at a low body fat can prevent females from having their period which can lead to osteoporosis which is where your bones start to deteriorate. it can also lead to a number of other complications and obviously this is not ideal. Everyone’s different though and whatever works for you works for you.As long as you’re having a menstrual cycle and your health is overall well you should be good.
i know she said that they were prepared for this but you can tell this took a big to their self-esteem when she said that both of the girls in the group were obese yiu can see how her face dropped
i think that the fact that the last 2 girls in the “obese” category had 44% and 5% body fat (hugely different numbers) was the only aspect of this video which showed the redundancy of these numbers. otherwise the majority of the video just humiliated these people
@@tamtamr9081 Based on the body mass index, although a person may weigh the same, it doesn't take into account 1 person may have more muscle and another more fat, both are considered obese.
This video doesn’t make sense. What’s the message? What I’m getting from it is “even though you may weigh the same, you actually have a lot more fat than your partner!”
Yes essentially that's what it means....at Uni we did this, what she didnt mention is BMI does not consider fat distribution which is extremely important. I am from South Africa so when I am sitting down I look skinny then when I stand up my lower body is bigger. So we included fat distribution as well
You could really see how uncomfortable Darlyn was. But I would've been to, if i stood next to a frickin bodybuilder who is the same weight as me. Doesn't really help with self-image and not comparing to other people
I agree that was really uncomfortable to watch... Although it was actually the strongest example of how the same BMI can look very different in 2 people, it was still heartbreaking to watch them be compared like that... She was obviously really upset
@@sophiebromberger3313 I mean yes, it really is! But imo there are other ways to showcase this. Every other pair was kinda similar in lifestyle, how much they workout etc. But Darlyn and Irene were just polar opposites...
@@LauraJuLauri that isn't Darlin's fault or Cassey's. The woman said she doesn't exercise and she eats like crap. sometimes the truth can hurt. having 44% of body fat is very unhealthy. I know I am struggling right now to lose the extremely excess fat I have collected over the years. It can crush organs, lead to type 2 diabetes and make life-saving surgery very very difficult. The video could have been executed differently and better. No one should use these indicators as a way to shame anyone but they are there to check how healthy or unhealthy someone can be, its not a catch-all obviously, but its a platform to indicate how your health should be.I don't think that was what Cassey was going for by any means. It was to just open everyone's eyes and show us how we are all different yet the same in a way.
As a 15 year old girl who is very underweight, around 27kg, I find it interesting that they never mentioned anything about being underweight. I try to eat as much as I can while also struggling with some sensory issues and emetophobia anxiety, without thinking about about comparing my body to others. I also haven’t started my period or anything like that yet, and I’m very small for my age (4’8 last time I checked) and I’ve been made fun of a lot. So here’s a message to all my teenage girls out there struggling with body image- Make sure you’re comfortable with yourself, being mindful of health benefits while also focusing on loving who you really are. Thanks for reading my unnecessarily long comment 😂, hope everyone has a great day! ❤
Wow that is tiny. (Not in a condenscending tone) I'm turning 19 this year and my weight also fluctuates between 49 - 51 kgs at 5'2. I think my ideal weight could be 51 or 52 but i feel fine when I'm 49 or 50 too. Right now i feel like I'm a 50. I don't feel unhealthy but my extended family makes me feel like I'm one meal away from death and are sometimes rude about it, probably because like 4 years ago i used to be sort of chubby (not fat) and then i lost weight because I joined a sport. TMI but i also have really fuller chest so that means I'm probably not unhealthy. I wish people would stop being rude to skinny people, skinny shaming is considered to to nearly not be bad and is kinda normalised.
dont worry about your family, 50 kg at 5'2" is fine and fully within the healthy range! i'm about the same at 5'3" and 48ish kg and my doctors have always said im fine :)
BMI can be adjusted to reflect your build. It's crazy to see someone with 5% body fat standing next to someone with 44% and they weigh the same. They don't describe it here, but what that literally means is that 5% of the body builders weight is from fat, where is the other person, 44% of their weight comes from fat. This actually should be somewhat inspiring for her if she wants to lose weight. My guess is, given her care-free attitude about most things, it's not a priority for her. There isn't anything wrong with that, by the way.
They were too scared to line up with the people they actually thought were the same weight as them. They tried to ignore the elephant in the room by going with height instead. It was quite obvious who would weight the same, even to them.
I wanna give a hug to that girl in the "obese" category. She might felt so bad after this. I understood the whole point of this video but you could see how bad they felt about themselves.
It’s heartbreaking that women, even young girls, are being labeled. “Underweight” “Overweight” the top priority is to be healthy, someone who may be obese could have a decent diet, but their body just doesn’t process food the same, so it’s easier to gain weight. All in all, it comes down to health, not weight. Each and every person in this video is beautiful in their own way and they deserve to be recognized for that. Love you all, stay positive
It's called a single blind experiment to make your results be more accurate. I've studied Sociology and psychology, in both, this experiment type has been discussed. Therefore it is not unethical.
Deborah Tulloch Single blind doesn't mean you can bypass any ethical considerations of the potential harm the experiment can have on the participants. Scientific rigor does not necessarily imply ethics, don't confound them (think of Milgram's experiment). Saying that it's not unethical solely bc it has been "d i s c u s s e d" in those fields is lazy and misguided reasoning...
@@TheCinderellaPrincess Doesn't mean there were appropriate oversight parameters in place... IRB's are essential, especially with such sensitive topics. The insights gained here truly are excellent, but a briefing beforehand and some debriefing with an appropriately trained counselor would be critical.
If I was the girl that is considered “obese” I would be crying my eyes out. She’s so brave for not showing so much emotions online because I would’ve lost it
She is obese, anyone with eyes can see that. If she doesn't already know that, her doctor has failed her. Obese is not an insult, it is merely a medical term for being overfat to the degree it starts to impact your health in various ways over time, putting stress on joints and heart, and raising your risk of major diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and many cancers in a serious way. It is not an insult any more than telling an underweight girl she is underweight.
@@itaintover93 IKR it's not like people who are obese don't know they're obese. I'd say it only takes a mirror, but you don't really need a mirror you just have to look down and it should be very obvious. Hell even a blind person would know they're obese when they struggle to get up off a low chair or walk up a flight of stairs because their body feels so heavy. Nobody needs to be told they're obese, they already know it.
I lowkey think the yoga instructor went with the bodybuilder bc the two of them were the only ones with obvious muscles and she assumed that would make them kinda equal? 😂 Like, maybe she assumed the other blonde girl would be lighter than her bc she doesn’t LOOK obviously fit?
As a survivor of anorexia nervosa and a mental health clinician, I feel a need to speak up about this video. I can understand the point this video was attempting to make, however, it truly missed the mark. Cassey begins this video by asking the women, "How often do you guys catch yourself comparing yourself to other women?" She then proceeds to have each woman compare herself to another woman. This completely negates her intention to illustrate how comparison is damaging. Second, the affect of the participants is happy and bright at the beginning of the video, and somber at the end. This is very telling, and it demonstrates the damage an activity (I refuse to call it an "experiment") like this can do to a person's mental state. Third, it is common knowledge that muscle weighs more than fat. The need to demonstrate this was completely unnecessary. I can give some credence to the sentiment about BMI being useless since it is still a commonly used measurement of health, but I think it could have been done in a way that was not as damaging to the two women who were in the "obese" category. Finally, this video focused completely on the women's body shapes, body fat percentage, and BMI. There was not an emphasis or focus on health, strength, character, etc. Again, women are lined up to be judged by our bodies and weight. Again, we are pitted against one another. Again, our character, values, and ideas are ignored. Women are people. Bodies are just a vessel or vehicle. It is important that we learn to be compassionate toward our bodies and take good care of them, but they do not define us. I recommend that Cassey learn about eating disorders and body dysmorphia from trained mental health professionals before she attempts anything like this again.
“ I recommend that Cassey learn about eating disorders and body dysmorphia from trained mental health professionals before she attempts anything like this again.” yes! Say it louder for the people in the back!
So true. I'm in Anorexia recovery as well and I recently gained a lot of weight because I had to, and I'm coming to terms accepting the fact (with help from a nutritionist and my doctor) that even if my weight is higher, I'm still taking care of myself and I'm healthy now. But technically speaking on some bmi charts I'm obese. On others I'm "acceptable". When I was at my lowest one of those charts called me nearly obese even though I was less than 17 lbs away from being underweight. I actually couldn't even finish this video because I knew it was going to be triggering as soon as I heard her say bmi and fat percentage. No one can control that. If they take care of themselves properly and their weight happens to be higher or they have more fat or less fat they are still healthy. This whole thing was done using terms from the diet culture dictionary, and I'm honestly really concerned about Cassy. At the start of the summer something just changed and she became so obsessed with her own body's physical numbers that I had to unfollow her. And she doesn't even see why it's an issue. I hope she gets help because her obsessive behaviors are being shared to others subconsciously. I loved Cassy so much and I still support her but I miss how she used to be. I miss her being truely body positive and HAES instead of making content like this to make up for that fact that she really isn't truely body positive. I would gladly love to explain to her why respectfully but right now I don't think it would get through to her until she's out of this phase. And her comments used to fly over my head all the time when I had my disorder, because I was blind to it. But now that I'm recovering it can be difficult sometimes to watch her, and I no longer recommend her as strongly to my friends and family. She's better than most fitness instructors out there, but she's slowly falling into the disgusting pit of diet culture and I hope she wakes up before she gets stuck there.
I really appreciate this video. I’ve always been a numbers girl. Obsessed at times. This is a great reminder to be active and do what feels right for yourself. ❤
This video was uncomfortable to watch and I wasn’t even there, so much respect to them for being able to talk about the topics that are definitely not easy to discuss 💓
I didn’t have a problem watching this at all. This is our reality. The fact you feel uncomfortable is a problem, not a personal problem, but that weight is still considered a taboo topic which it should not be.
@@karakol86 This topic concerns a health condition. Personal talks about health conditions should be reserved for family/friends and/or professionals. Talking about weight in itself isnt taboo. Its taboo to talk about it if it doesn't concern you. Some of the things done in the video weren't necessary for the purpose of the video. Smacking ppl in the face with an obvious reality and causing them to feel bad is counterproductive. They know theyre not very fit. How does telling them something they already know help them lose weight. That wasn't even the point of the video. Injuring people's mental health to make them healthier isn't a thing. This is a sensitive topic for by far the majority of people and it was handled badly.
COVID- 19 absolutely. I was always told by well meaning people I wasnt fat till I went to the doctors and actually after years of false compliments I was really overweight. It doesn’t do anyone favours to be dishonest
unfortunately bmi does not take muscle in account at all, that's the reason it is considered by many as unreliable, the bodybuilder may be technically obese but the muscle contributes hugely to this.
Bmi is accurate, just requires you to use a brain. If you have muscle and are obese, be smart. You are not. If you have rolls, stop it. You are obese and don’t defend it... the BMI is right in that case.
BMI is a good way to measure how healthy your weight is if you dont really go to the gym and are considered average. If not bf is always just a number that is right and if yr above a certain percentage or below yr not healthy any more
@@XxTR1D take your own advice. The bmi is made for people of a certain height. It's not for everyone. The muscle woman isn't obese because she's tall, she IS going to be heavier even without the muscles.
I started planning this video a while ago, and I was very aware of how sensitive this topic was going to be. We needed to find women who were comfortable discussing their weight on camera and we needed to produce this video in the most compassionate way. I didn’t want anyone to run off set crying or upset. I wanted to have an open discussion with real feelings about some real taboo topics.
I’m currently reading the comments on here and it seems that the feelings on this video are split 50/50. Some people are moved to tears because they’re incredibly touched…and then others are very upset, saying it was a terrible, pointless video meant to make women feel bad about themselves.
So, what was the point? To show that labels and numbers have as much power as we want to give them. They can make us feel bad. They can make us feel good. Or they can just be data points to guide our next steps. But your health, which includes both your mental health, your physical health as well as your happiness is something that cannot be accurately assessed by any number. A number does it’s best to help medical professionals categorize your health as a starting point, but it’s not the entire story. Health really does look different on everyone.
This content is meant to make you think. Yeah, it’s uncomfortable, but when did we ever become smarter, better humans by being comfortable all the time? We grow the most when we’re challenged - and I’m talking emotionally challenged too. If this video made you feel a certain way, take a moment to reflect and ask yourself why you feel that way. Can you dig deep and dissect this feeling further? Some of you may find that you need improvement in the area of not letting numbers control your happiness. And others of you may just find that you don’t want a relationship with numbers at all, and that my content didn’t help you achieve that. Both are okay to feel. What's not okay is calling people derogatory names and spreading hatred. I will never allow that here on my channel.
Just so you know, each woman was mentally prepped for the shoot and knew that we’d be discussing weight and other sensitive body image topics. Our producer interviewed each woman who was casted one by one and in person, and made sure they were comfortable with the topics before committing to the shoot. The entire Blogifam and the crew was very careful in making sure the women felt good during the entire process, from casting to shoot day to video release. The mental health of each of the women was my first priority.
Fabulous idea!
The information I found most compelling in this video was the different regimes people put themselves under. Im not convinced that you demonstrated what you aimed for in this video. Understanding and acceptance around why people are bigger than others. In fact I saw you make a very clear contrast between that one women who didn't eat healthy or exercise and everybody else. This was heightened in the awkward tension in the room. It was not a good awkward, Casey Ho it was not the elated, groundbreaking awkward you were looking for.
And like an every angry post-writer heres what I think is best: Do another group chat and compare lifestyles in a circle. No partners. How do you manage your day, what kind of food do you eat that you feel guilty over, how do you manage that guilt, what hours do you work, what else stops you from being you? Ok now lets look at your weight, toning and a blood sample on how 'healthy' the science says you are... When you look at each other once more, now what do you see? Fat, or a person.
While I appreciate you were trying to do, it didn't seem that way in the video at all. Also another point Cassey, when people are telling you something nicely, perhaps you should listen to them? We all make mistakes and it's okay to accept and apologize for them. Not every comment is about "negativity", sometimes it's just feedback.
I think this is good to bring this up to make us aware ,
I would give my opinion its a matter of individuals choice and if there motivaited to do this analizaition of what they should really be .
Hey Casey, I really enjoyed the video and hope you continue in making more content like this. A feedback I have is that maybe explaining scientific terms, with more background information. For example, when you brought up fat percentages you only had a number. Though where fat is located on the body is super important. Probably more important then how much fat a person have. For example, a normal weight individual that carry most of their visceral fat in their belly may actually suffer more from type 2 diabetese than their overweight counterpart. But idk if you want to go that deep either cause in the end people will still complain. I watch scientific fitness videos such as from Stephanie buttermore and people still be upset so I guess ignorant is bliss. Bless your heart Casey!!
Use me as a “It was a good idea but the execution was horrible” button.
Thank you genius person. A biological woman with 5% body fat would be a walking zombie
Lisa should have done it with women who all weighed the same, or wore the same sizes or something like that, so no one would be left with any hard feelings
I fee bad for the girl who was obese . Everyone else was physically ok ( well, I’m not sure about the 5% body fat ) ... but the other girls for the most part were normal or fit ... there was nobody else like her . Like they could have gone by something else or used better examples .
I cringed when they asked the heaviest girl how she felt about being obese on the BMI and she said she didn’t think she was obese and then every other measurement they gave her called her obese again. It wasn’t that it wasn’t true , but it just seemed like she was singled out in this more than the other girls. I also think that the muscular girl and the heavier girl both seemed equally uncomfortable by the person in their weight category .
ramsy420 I think she was a biological woman. Her voice sounded altered by testosterone or steroids , but she did seem to be a woman .
@@fattofoxy as I explained, a biological woman with 5% body fat would not be walking around like its nothing. For a biological man it's not a big deal because the essential fat is there. That's why they mentioned essential fat percentages for males and females
this was so weird and awkward to watch, I can't imagine how these women felt
Antonio M this is how women feel every day
Kyla Lambalot me🌚🌚
I know it’s saddening 😢
Maya Brommer no it’s not
It's not like they were forced to do this
I feel like the yoga girl said it good, “you look good, you feel good, but then when a number is put on it, it might change your mind completely”
Yea that almost made me cry 😭
@Pretty Boy Don't worry you're perfect in my opinion
@Pretty Boy Well, all that matters is you love yourself (sorry Idrk what to say and sorry if this sounds cringey)
@Pretty Boy You're welcome I think have a nice day or night!
@Pretty Boy way to be humble😂
As a dietitian, this was cringey on so many levels. Asking someone how they feel to be categorized as “overweight”… just why? What do you expect them to say?
I expect them to say: YES I AM SOOO OBESE ! HELP
Yeah, hard to watch.
How do you feel now?
Kinda sad
That's the point, you don't expect anything. You ask because you're learning their perspective.
@@Flippy2100 okay then,chuck
@Maya Brenner, exactly
I love how the body builder tried chearing up the other girl it was very sweet
Yea like she said: "Oh yea, BMI is not true." Or something like that.
@@karolinaparizkova2386 everyone has more muscles then bmi accounts for.
@@andyrevan Not everyone has muscles though.
@@Darkhood89 can you stand and sit that's muscles
@@andyrevan Do you look like The Rock or jiggle?
If your answer is the latter, that's the difference being addressed.
Really bothers me how she points out 24.5 is nearly overweight but doesn’t say that 19 is nearly underweight
Agreed. I was surprised no one was called underweight lol yet others are going to be called out for being overweight? Lmao wtf
And I'm most likely a slightly underweight person for my height.
The range for normal and healthy is 19 to 24.9.
@@chericebt4332 let's be honest, overweight people will always be called out more than the underweight sadly. When you're underweight it's called anorexia most of the time, but theres no mental illness name for someone who overeats? In that case I'd rather be called fat than underweight because even when I wasnt underweight I was still called anorexic and it felt worse because I was labeled with a damn mental illness that I didnt have. Plus i always ate more than any "fat" person my age at the time
Phoebesketches that really pissed me off too it makes me angry
I love how Irene naturally stands with her hand on her hip like she’s modeling for bodybuilding. Queen.
I love how confident she is, even though all of the women were fairly uncomfortable.
PLUS she's probably getting judge so much for her looks, yet she was standing there so confidently, speaking with confidence and encouraging other girls to do/feel the same! I admire that
Such a queen!
Love her confidence + she beautiful
i love her
Weird that she tells the 24.5 BMI girl that she's almost overweight but doesn't tell the 19 BMI girl she's almost underweight. They're the same distance (0.5 points) from those respective categories.
Being slightly in the low body fat category doesn’t affect longevity.
That is very interesting
@@kimberlyperrotis8962 its called underweight for a reason: not *healthy* weight.
@@kimberlyperrotis8962 couldn’t you say the same thing about slightly high body fat?
@@dragoncup9099 Not necessarily. BMI fails to account for genetics, and while we know being closer to or in the overweight/obese category is associated with reduced longevity due to gravity putting pressure on the lower bearing joints and greater risk of disease/organ failure for most races, being closer to or slightly (meaning a few pounds) “underweight” isn’t always unhealthy.
I’ll use my genetics as an example (I’m a Kinesiology/Nutrition student and undergrad researcher btw, my interests lie in health promotion and racial health and information disparities/interventions). I’m a 5’6, 116-118 lb female (I put a range because body weight fluctuates due to water weight and other factors), so my BMI is usually between 18.7-19.0.
By normal standards, I would be considered very close to being underweight, possibly unhealthy. However, what BMI fails to take into account is that I’m a Native American with a long family history of joint issues, high cholesterol and blood pressure, lung issues, substance abuse (not me, but my mom’s mother was especially heavy on them, my mom was addicted to alcohol before she got pregnant with me too), iron deficiency, and obesity. My family medical history has a LOT of cases of joint and mobility issues as we age, so it’s actually healthier for me in the long run if I’m closer to the underweight category (less pressure on the joints). I just have to watch my micronutrient intake. This is also true for many of Asian and Hispanic descent.
Now, for someone of African American descent, being slightly (meaning a few pounds) overweight may be a bit healthier, despite their higher mortality rates for obesity (bc most mortality rates are from those in the obese category, rather than a couple pounds overweight). This is because they tend to have less visceral fat (the fat that wraps your abdominal organs) and more nutrient deficiencies.
Across most people, though, being a closer to the underweight category than the overweight category is better for longevity, as Kimberly pointed out.
I love Irene. You can tell she's a really sweet and gentle person. I felt like she was trying to state her answers in such a way that she was comforting Darlyn
@@andrewtoke stfu
Andrzej Tokarczyk tf
@@andrewtoke Look you dont need to tell us you like thinking about her genitals, just keep that in your browsing history ;) x
The two muscular women definitely knew they didn’t weigh anywhere near the same. People who are into fitness are pretty good at guessing weights.
I agree. Not trying to be rude but I knew from the start she was the same weight as the overweight girl. I think they were trying to prove a point about how you can still weigh a lot but through muscles which is fine
Yeah I think they were just trying not to make anyone else feel bad, as they're quite aware of how they compared to every other girl in the group......This 'experiment' should have been done with women who all weighed the same.
Virtue signaling under pressure
@@anoushfaghani3015 Why? if it's the truth it's okay it's not rude or anything
@@boyo6853 haha don't ask me, just a speculation
No idea why that yoga lady thought she was the same weight as the body builder 😂
my guess is that the others coupled up so they kind of ended up together and went with it hahaha
She didn't
Sarah Mannion ikr 😂
Alice Giuditta nah she was the first person to choose. i think she just wanted to be told she was skinnier or sum 💀
Exactly. I think they all just went off of height.
this kinda broke my heart. Women are so programed to focus on body weight and size ( Im included).. It was painful to see these women's shining smiles dim more and more as the video progressed. You are all beautiful and amazing.
It was surreal to see
Science = programming?
Health has a defined boundary line. Weight isn't the main factor.
I’m a fan of blogilates yet this was so hard and painful to watch. It just…felt more harmful than helpful. I’m glad I’ve recovered from my ED cuz this definitely would have triggered for past me.
@@jackjack4412 yeah exactly, beauty is a womans primary agency. This stems from biology.
The muscular woman be spending all her life at the gym just to be called obese lmao this aint it
Kim Seunghun I agree, bmi sometimes portrays muscle and fat differently and inaccurately, but at the same time she only had a 5% body pat percentage. It’s not in my place to judge but I just feel as if perhaps body fat % is more fact based, and she knows that she is healthy and hopefully happy aswell. 😅
bmi is crap !!
Not necessarily. All it means is she has a ton of muscle if her body fat percentage is that low at that weight.
Nobody would call her obese lmao
Are you talking about the people in this episode cause the most muscular is a man and the other too are 120lbs😂
They should do this but everyone is the same weight. To see how different we look but being the same weight to show how little the scale really matters.
I think you have it reversed, how you look doesn't necessarily matter because fat accumulates differently on different body types making them seem skinnier or fatter depending on how it sits on them, how much you weigh does matter though
How about the same BMI?
@@yes2527 honestly, unless you are 400+ lbs, it doesnt matter. Dont try to ever bring anyone down bcuz of the number on their scale.
@@kchoater unless you are 7 feet tall then being near 400 pounds is unacceptable and detrimental to your health. I don't think that if you're 160 pounds and 5'4 you're not going to die if a heart attack, but I'm saying it's not healthy, and it's dysfunctional to say is beautiful. I'm not trying to tear anyone down, but saying you can be 400 or even 300 pounds and healthy is dishonesty. If I truly wanted to bring harm to someone who is struggling with their weight than I would say "Yes! Fat is beautiful! Have another Big Mac, you go girl!" But I want everyone to live long, healthy lives, which means having a healthy weight
When the body-builder was told that she was in the "obese" category, she looked like she was trying to kill someone with her eyes. The BMI is not a good way to gauge health, but a fat percentage is fairly straightforward and helpful.
@@ugbucket no?? idk if ur blind or smthing but that is clearly a woman, and it says women in the title so.... it’s clearly a woman
I agree about fat percentage. What made me cringe was the bodybuilder's partner who was in clear denial of the percentage's significance. She really has a lot of work to do, that type of mindset will make her die early.
@@ugbucket Just cause she is buff doesn't mean she is a man.
@@ugbucket you’re just jealous she probably has bigger muscles then you
Dats a nigga
The tall black girl seemed so sweet. Idk how to describe it but she just made me feel comfortable when I was watching her. She seemed like someone you could have a conversation with.
I feel like she'd be a good mom idk
"How often do you judge yourself?"
"You are obese. How does that make you feel?"
I get obese is a medical term, but to put that poor girl on the spot like that without warning is awful.
Crystal Mather where was that said in the video I think I missed it
I’m just overweight by a few pounds and I judge myself daily
Daddy Jesus 8:44
Eddy Alvarez thank you
i feel like shit doctor thanks
"You are obese. How does this make you feel?" how tf you meant to respond to that
Amy Louise i know right ? Like wtf
I’d just be like yeah I know I am (I actually am, my BMI is 32 but I’m working on losing weight and have lost nearly 40 pounds already). People are all about “fat positivity” and yet they get all riled up about facts like obesity, body fat percentages, weight etc. If people were truly fat positive, they’d be unashamed and proud to show their weight, body fat percentages, obese bmi. But no, they ignore it and say “numbers don’t matter”. The whole fat positivity movement doesn’t realize how much they’re showing their true colors, nearly all of them think being smaller and having no fat rolls is better. A lot of fat positivity models use shape wear or clothes that conceal fat rolls instead of showing them off. They also wear clothes that make them look slimmer or more evenly hour glass shaped. Deep down they all know being obese isn’t good. It’s not healthy and it’s not attractive. Fat positivity is a all a facade to hide the guilt they feel about being obese. I have experienced this myself. You pretend like you don’t care about your size and that you’re confident when you’re really not. I don’t want people to tell me that being obese is ok and something I should be unashamed of. I’m literally hurting my body and taking years off my life. This is not ok.
If u can’t talk ab ur weight than u should’t be in a video ab weight.
Nothing but fear mongering cos insecure skinny chicks buy more crap to keep looking good than happy women who care for health and not looks or body stereotypes.
well apparently she didn't "feel" obese despite nearly half her body weight being pure fat so I also don't know how one responds to that
This video was cruel. I could literally see the girls' faces crumble when they were told "how does it feel to be overweight/obese?" Irene didn't come here to be called obese, and Celeste looked like she was going to cry! Darlyn didnt deserve that either. I feel bad for all the girls but especially the ones who are labelled as heavier and then asked how it felt.
Discomfort was the intent.
To show that people connect their self-image in an unreasonable way to these numbers, and that it's uncomfortable to talk about.
Did you not watch the entire video? Because this wasn't cruel at all, and every one of them were prepped for and agreed to doing this video.
So im a heavy person and no i dont feel bad just when i knw the facts. I knw im heavy, i can see i have fat. If ppl are are fat, are sensitive to it and dnt like listning and cry for being heavy then they need to go to a therapist to help them overcome their mental insecurities and accpt who they are, if they dont wana accpt who they are then try to improve to be at a point they are happy. Just cos u turn a blind eye towards your own problm. If a person cant handle the truth they need to work on your mental health. This video was needed to show ppl that its ok watever your weight is as long as you can see your healthy. This video shows than two ppl with same weight are not healthy. U cn be 120 pounds n be unhealthy. You can be 190 and be healthy, if its muscle.
You’re weak if you can’t handle being overweight. And if you don’t like it lose weight
Draco Granger-Snape it was for me I was fat from 6th grade to my junior year in high school and when I decided I wanted to change that I did.
Draco Granger-Snape I also have a slow metabolism... your point?
This reminds me of when we were weighed in front of our whole class in Elementary school. It was so degrading, because you were being compared to everyone else. We are all uniquely made. So why are we being compared to others?
Yeah it reminds me to, such bad memories.
Oh gosh the woketard take here. "We are all uniquely made..." Yes but overweight comes mostly from bad food, bad habits, bad choices and its not how we are just made by the highest. Thats what people turn themselves into! Its damaging to the individual and society as a whole. Many countries force their citizens to be more healthy cause its bad for an entire country, when people just let themselfes go, look awful and put stress on the health system. Americans are soft sissies now who wanna be cuddled and hear that being fat is fine and normal and pretty. Its just not and deep down, you folks all know. Whatever happened to self discipline and improving.
I find it absolutely horrifying that any school would do that to literal children, or anyone for that matter. Children are especially vulnerable as their bodies are constantly changing and already have insecurities. I never experienced systematic weigh-ins in school - maybe it was my country or year, I don't know - but I can imagine how scarring it would be for a child. Anyone who says it's for health has skewered ideas of what health really is.
Yep, that is precisely when I began obsessing over my weight🤗 I wish I could sue for emotional damages lmao.
why would they even do this?
when the 5'7 runner's physique looking girl and the 5'10 heavyweight champion looking girl said they weighed the same I was like tf y'all trippin😂
Enrelie lol right! I was like nahhh that ain’t right at all 😂
Muscle weighs more than fat
@@jnm2088 and the sky is blue... anything else you would like to contribute?
@@michellebernal5668 I feel like they were tryna be "nice" by skirting around the fact that the obese girl was the only one who weighed the same as the really built girl
Enrelie I agree
I feel like this is how an eating disorder can start
Edit: I went through an eating disorder and I know there are more issues than just people comments on ur weight or wanting to be skinny.
This is how an eating disorder starts
You're not entirely wrong- however eating disorders manifest from more than just negative or weight shaming experiences. What many don't realize is that much of an eating disorder has to do with a person's chemical, neurological makeup and personality traits. It is EXTREMELY extremely complex. I've had some knowledge based off some people in my life battling ED. For many, it is also a control thing. Controlling what goes into their body, being quite particular about certain things. Some people end up terrified to eat certain foods. It's not all about entirely starving yourself. For others, they may just not be able to make themselves eat enough to accommodate for how much they're burning during exercise. Additionally, ED can stem from various trauma at a young age. Overall I would just like to point out, there's many misconceptions with eating disorders!
Maddie Brown yes I agree and that's why I said can not the only caise
It is. It’s comparing you body to others, it’s the opposite of what you want to do. My ED started when by brother would comment on my body and what I ate, he didn’t mean to but it happened. I pray for those women, I hope this didn’t effect them to much.
i know i was hoping i'd be the lightest if i was there.
That experiment would’ve CRUSHED me
That's probably why they personally interviewed and prepped all the women that agreed to this beforehand 🤷🏽♀️
Severinsen i don't think they knew that they are going to get cold obese or acceptable etc.
fr, my ed is screaming at me even when i’m just ”enjoying” strawberries or trying on jeans and after them not fitting seeing a skinny girl walk by me. i hate myself and i would’ve broken down after that shit
Exactly... It's definitely not a good idea
I've been crushed so it probably wouldn't have effected me and probably just make me work out more
8:38 The bodybuilder is made up entirely of muscle. To be honest, the bodybuilder had one of the most incredible female physiques I've ever seen. I don't believe anyone realized how much work went into having a figure like that, especially as a woman.
It is a ton of work. I'm impressed with her dedication. I still think it's important for people to realize that's not healthy, though, and they didn't really address that. I'm sure it's a risk she knows she's taking, but others should be made aware.
It's interesting that they said she was in the "essential fat" category. The problem is, she isn't. They even said that essential fat starts at 10%, so she's below that. She's likely lost her period and has other health effects.
I'm absolutely fine with her making this choice for herself. Anyone who gets that far in body building knows the risks and what they're doing. Again, I think her dedication is admirable. Still, it's not great for others to think that this might be healthy.
She’s trans guys lmao so she was male to female
@maddiesconfusedlife9023 Irene the bodybuilder, who at the time of this video was the 3rd best in the world is a biological mother of 3 kids from Denmark! Some men just can’t bare to see women thriving, especially if they are transphobic
@@maddiesconfusedlife9023"she" shouldn't have been in this video, since it's a guy by nature.
@@pamelabacker2420where do you think her three biological kids came put of, surely wasn’t her husband? 😂
I feel like when they got into their cars to drive home they cried. I feel so bad for the girl next to the body builder she looks so sad
They should accept it
@@Waluigi-qp3vm exactly
Read the pinned comment
@@azdrenfaizullah9605 but its hard to accept ourselves its really hard and also changing themselves is not easy too but when you are done you feel great :)
I’m genuinely surprised we’re allowed to comment on this video
Me too
McKenna Baker because these videos which have a sensitive topic generally have comments and likes disabled.
Why not
McKenna Baker np:)
when they were told to pick a partner with a similar weight, the body builder was like
I was shocked when the girl with the “toned” body thought that she and the muscular girl shared the same weight range. If I looked at her, I would’ve known that she definitely didn’t weigh anything over 125.
@@zukundus8987 She was the first person to choose a partner.
@@zukundus8987 wow how did your stupid comment get 24 likes
Being a bodybuilder doesn't mean you will be super heavy 😏
I love the bodybuilder, she’s so supportive of everyone, had no bad comments for anyone
Me too ❤
The body builder lady has an amazing stance, it just radiates confidence at me
Because it mimics masculinity
@@ugbucket of course, because all men are confident /s
I think she has been judged so much that she just instantly deflects bs judgement.
@@jorina351 To be fair, Windows XP Background never said that all men are masculine. So that comment doesnt really acknowledges XP's point.
Oh that was a lady
The body builder looks so gorgeous!!! The way she holds herself, her face structure, her muscles, her outfit. Love herrrr
DEADASS her muscles got me like 😳🥵
I know !!
And her voice
Ikr! She seems so cool and sweet!
Thats a bff material
When they told ebony and Celeste that they were overweight my heart literally sank because what could have been something that they weren’t worried about is now prevalent to them.
Especially when Ebony is objectively not obese.
So? They are overweight. That is a fact. It doesn't mean they aren't beautiful. But they are over weight.
“According to this you’re obese!” Her body fat is literally 5% how is that obese
I think that was the point to show how BMI and numbers/labels don't mean much alone. However the execution was really terrible.
yo u both clearly dont get that there was weight and body fat categories. they called muscle lady obese because her muscles make her weight a lot they werent saying she was obese based off body fat.
that is the whole point, cassey herself is tryna bash these scaling standards and show how dumb they are as one calls a bodybuilder too fat where as the other calls too skinny
@@katvelyte BMI is a very good indicator for the vast vast majority of the population. It only doesn't work for really hardcore bodybuilders, like in this example. But when people go around saying that BMI doesn't mean anything, for most people that's just not the case.
@@yazzybean People say this, but I feel like the range is a bit too strict still. I'm around 15% bf and have only been working out for a year, and I'm well into the overweight category. No one looking at me would call me overweight.
Irene is literally a muscle, she is not obese nor should she ever be considered that
Brookie Cookie excess weight has health implications no matter what. What makes fat worse is that it affects the organs as well.
Ur Mom but she literally said in the video “I say this in quotes”. Pay attention before commenting
Thats the point of the video. To tell people that bmi does not tell shit about your body
@@vangoghsear1997 Not true. It's only unhealthy if excess fat is carried around the organs. Even sumo wrestlers can gain a lot of weight and still be healthy because their fat is stored under the skin and not around the organs due to their training.
@@violett874 sorry, but thats medically just not accurate. Being over weight takes a toll on the whole System (mostly on the heart and cardio vascular System) it of course also dependes on what u eat and if you do exercise, but it is just not true that fat is just unhealthy when störend nearby the Organs. I would reccomend you ask your family doctor about whatever you want to know, they have so much knowledge about that topic than I do.
I really liked the body builders personality. She’s probably such a good and compassionate person.
me too i look up to em
but her body languaje is so scary, it shows not to judge by how people look
You have to talk just about her because she is different. Good way to point out that she is different...
@@yoda8588 what- they are saying she is nice bc u see how the small girl partnered with her and she was so supportive
Okay Irene is not obese she’s hella muscular-
8% body fat
Not obese but she is overweight.
yeah, and at 5% body fat....she likely doesnt have her period. Not sure sure if thats healthy or not?
Naturallyashley86 probably not..
I felt so bad for the lady in the red pants. Like she was pretty much being shamed but I'm glad the body builder came to her defense. Also the two girls (the tall one and the short one) their bodies weren't even big, they looked perfectly healthy to me
@@offbanks no you can’t be overweight and healthy. Your body is holding extra fat and that isn’t physically good for your body, making you unhealthy. But that doesn’t mean that people who are overweight deserve judgment or unfair treatment.
@@offbanks That's the thing though, that extra wait DOES contribute to health problems. If not now, it will cause strain that over time causes severe issues. What you're saying is similar to a person that smokes but doesn't have cancer yet saying they're healthy. A person with extra weight is at a much higher risk of illness and disease.
Think of the AI. How can we train them without the data. Stop thinking like the hypocritical politicians and regulators.
Yes, the one who was actually obese already knows she has a problem. To not have anyone else heavy like her (a 5% body fat body builder is hardly a comparison) was just setting her up to feel awful.
“How does it feel to be overweight?”
“How does it feel to be obese?”
I- really?obviously bad I mean have you seen their faces,they look sad and self conscious..what a dumb question to ask someone...
To answer the question, it feels terrible, I hate myself really....
Yeah I think that there could have been a way to ask it in a more sensitive way. "How do you feel about that label? What does it mean?" Instead of putting the person last. People are more than their weight
Icy Hot that is so right
Totally off topic but I love your Todoroki icon
Icy Hot People can be bigger and happy or okay with themselves, just because a majority of people may feel self conscious because of labelling and the way they are looked at, that does not mean all people feel that way. I know many people that are big and happy. Not trying to hate, just saying!
The really muscular woman is not obese she’s just has heaps of muscle because she’s a body builder
Omfg thank you for 5.1k 🥺🙆🏼♀️
muscle weighs more than fat, that's why BMI is trash
I guess that's what 200 lbs of fat vs 200 lbs of muscle looks like.
What's the point of making this video, the girls look sad and self conscious ...
Let’s talk tea and coz she takes steroids
?? Stop lying you don’t just suddenly have a deep voice when u workout area obviously taking steroids
Jayden100 she might just have a deep voice
When she said she feels guilty, my heart dropped. I can relate. Edit: WOW thanks for the likes 🙏
This lowered my self esteem and I wasn't even there...
I felt guilty about being overweight because i knew i was shortening my life span and exposing myself to future health issues. So i did something about it
@@bangtanmangos ty matey :))
Hashslingingslasher how did u do it ? And that’s amazing! ❤️
I was your 1.1k like
What the heck, Cassie? This is so disgusting coming from a body positivity RUclipsr. “How do you feel about being overweight?” What do you think they’re gonna say??
Exactly. I love her designs of clothing and how positive she is but this video is just awful. I get it was for a video but I bet some of these people came home feeling bad about themselves.
I feel like it’s super rude and just wrong. saying to someone “how does it feel to be obese/almost overweight” isn’t really gonna make you feel great, especially saying “acceptable” body fat numbers
It’s so tone deaf and disrespectful. Clearly this woman’s never been fat cuz wtf
you’re so right
this video and the way she complains about clothing designs that are perfectly fine have turned me off to any of her content. i have a hard time believing this shit is anything positive
Dude some of these ppl just have to wake up from their sugarcoating dream and step back into reality. The girl with the most bf% was clearly not having it. She knows what shes been doing over the years but still eats bread and sugar. If you sugarcoat things like that itll only get worse. If they feel bad and theyre weak then they arrived at home and just eating all kind of sugar but if theyre strong and woke up they will hit the gym to make them feel better. Dont know why you call urself an body positifity youtuber if you make such things only worse
Did we really just call one of the worlds best female body builders “overweight”? Wtf-
Edit: guys when I say overweight I mean that overweight has come to be known as a bad thing. Whilst she is technically “overweight” I think it’s rude to call her that. Also the fact that they referred to people as an “acceptable” weight is kinda disgusting.
obese actually
Sofia XO 😞
The BMI is trash because it doesn’t differentiate between fat and muscle it only thinks about weight and height mean while if you look at the body fat % it’s 5%
Andy VFD yeah, it’s just ridiculous because overweight has become an insult (even tho it shouldn’t be)
Meme Guy BMI isn’t trash, I guarantee you the vast majority of those with a bmi of 30 or more have excess fat, the bodybuilder in the video is just an outlier
This is so uncomfortable and weird and shamey especially since they didn’t knowingly subject themselves to this.
They clearly volunteered to show themselves and their numbers
@@sopleasedtomeetU, I would hazard a confident guess that they were given the impression that it was going to be handled with a far greater level of professionalism and sophistication. Showing themselves and their numbers isn't what makes this uncomfortable, weird, and shamey. Agreeing to expose yourself and your stats is not the same as agreeing to what happened here. I don't think any one would reasonably expect when getting involved that this would be the result.
sopleasedtomeetU they didnt know what they doing this for tho
It’s not shamey they’re finding out the truth about themselves
666th like
I thought this video was going to be uplifting but it honestly made me sick to my stomach
Right? It was like being suckerpunched.
I also wonder why?
In a world where everything has a “trigger warning” I really can’t believe they brought all these women in to do this without any indication that this is what they were there for.
how do you think they got the information of their weight and body fat etc... that was some indication
@@valeriesanders-l9p They may have also asked about age, height, race, hair color, eye color, etc… which would give no indication that the episode is strictly about weight. But you’re probably right it.
This was done horribly wrong, I cringed when you introduced their body fat percentages
Couldn't agree more. It was so badly devised and executed. I have no issue with the basic premise but how they went about it was so ignorant it was torturous to watch.
@@chowmane9584 There's a difference between this happening at a doctors visit in private vs this situation. They even said in the video that all the women didn't know what would be involved before filming, just it was supposed to be about 'body positivity'. Plus it's probably embarrassing for that to go up for the whole world to see.
@@chowmane9584 they literally did it wrong
Imagine these girls going home and crying because they were called overweight or obese, I k ow I would....
Lauren Fairrington especially because it’s going online and millions of people can see it!
I s a b e l l a she’s clearly not obese, muscle weights more than fat
i would cry on the spot lmaooo
Lauren Fairrington well yeah, but the woman with more fat on her body did look obese (obviously not the body builder) and it’s scientifically what it’s called, so maybe that should be a push to change her lifestyle.
I love the way the body builder lady stands; elegant, graceful and confident with her presence ♡
That's Irene Anderson she's a pretty famous body builder who does compatitions she's actually smaller here than she normally is
@@raynebenson9040 thanks for letting us know!
Ikr she is so beautiful ughhh
that's what decades of posing on stage do to you lmao
She seems like a gem
Yikes I know I am probably in the “overweight” category. I am 5 feet “4 in, 170lbs. I’d probably cry if I was asked how do I feel about being “obese” or “acceptable” I have been feeling so insecure about it.
I’m 5’4 and 210 pounds this is the heaviest I’ve ever been and feel horrible about my weight you’re 20 pounds below me so you’re ahead girl let’s get it this coming year!!
@@abbyflows1332 Abby flows let’s do this. We can do it together :)
@@Staykool-aid It's okay! The only advice I can give is try to see your entire self in a full body mirror and see if you ACTUALLY look disproportioned. If you do, just try to eat as healthy as possible and get lots of exercise in there. Even if progress is slow, it'll be progress! I was 145 last year ( I'm 5'0 ) and now I'm 120 and I feel better than ever. That's only 25 lbs in a year and that was just by changing how much I ate. I'm sure you can do it and you have tons of people willing to help you
You'd actually be in the "obese" category (5'4" & 190 lbs = BMI of 32,6) - which again, most likely shows how misleading that system is. It doesn't factor in muscle mass, fitness, lifestyle, nothing. Yes, too high body fat levels negatively affect our health, no sense in denying that, but a "healthy" BMI doesn't equal healthy. Mid ED I had a great BMI, but lost a huge amount of muscle mass & could barely function. Whereas now, I'd be classified "overweight" (BMI of 25-26) & in a wayyyy healthier spot than BMI of 20 something me.
@@maggys1244 thank you Maggy for the info you are so right!
“hOw DoEs ThIs MaKe yOu FeEl” hearing this made me cringe every time
Ailin Estrella Victoriano hey estrella is my last name haha so irrelevant
same though ):
Yeah, I don’t really dig that question.
Ailin Estrella Victoriano for some reason asking about someone’s feelings in that way implies that you don’t really care but have a sick curiosity. Like chopping off someone’s hair and saying now..... how does that feel?🙁
I'm sorry but 24.5 is within the healthy range!! The "almost overweight" comment was completely unnecessary! They are both at a healthy weight.
No, they clearly both have excess body fat which in the long term will make them more prone for diseases.
That’s light
Like really light I’m 72.5
@@oskarlodin8204 BMI isn't a one size fits all, that's why the healthy BMI range is so wide (and why you shouldn't be considered "almost overweight" just because you're in the upper part of the healthy range.) The girl who had BMI 24.5 was in the fitness category in terms of body fat, so she's clearly in good shape!
@@Sapphireia Body fat is not good just because you are in the healthy range of BMI. It has a number of negative health effects regardless of your BMI. Studies from Norway show that about half of all woman who have a normal BMI are fat if you measure their body fat percentage.
"An increased amount of fat on the body has several known negative effects on various health values. These are direct effects that occur because fat cells secrete things that we do not want too much of, but it becomes easy too much if the amount of fat mass becomes too high. This is especially true of fat that is stored more around the abdomen which is more common in men which can then also explain the differences that exist between men and women in the curves for body fat.
Instead, an increased amount of muscle mass, or fat-free mass, usually has several positive effects on health. Both the risk of accidents and the metabolic health are clearly improved if you increase the amount of muscle mass in people. We also now know that muscles, like fat cells, function as organs in the body and can affect your health through the secretion of various hormones in the blood." tyngre.se/artikel/hur-muskler-och-kroppsfett-korrelerar-med-dodlighet/
Norway: traningslara.se/50-av-alla-tjejer-och-kvinnor-ar-overviktiga-trots-normalt-bmi/
Yeah I'm leaning towards that this wasn't done in the best way
She should've left it to jubilee of as/is or buzzfeedvideo
What issue do u have w it
How would you do it? I'm curious (not trying to be rude)
Yeah.. I agree. I know being healthy is great... but I also think mental health is more important than physical health half the time. Those questions that were asked feels as if they wanted the contestants to feel guilty.
What a great way to make people feel like shit ❤️
We should give data to train an AI that guesses everyone's weight. And open source it. You have feelings like a politican.❤
It was to show that appearance can be deceiving and to not judge others by how they look
😂😂😂Well said😂😂😂
What a great way to ignore the pinned comment! ❤️
they agreed to do this knowing theyd have to do this and check their weight
Honestly the bodybuilder has one of the most insane female physiques I’ve ever seen. I don’t think anyone quite realised the work that goes into building a body like that especially as a woman, crazy
Tons of wasted callories while CHILDREN are starving.
And all that effort just to be called 'obese'!
@@PROVOCATEURSK ? Is this sarcastic
Such an inspiration. Such hard work while I’m sitting on my ass eating ice cream. I really admire ppl like her
This hurt my stomach to watch. I can see how this affected the ones on the bigger side. It is interesting to see, but hard to talk about. I give them props for being able to go thru with it.
I like how they stood up for themselves and talked about how those things don’t define them.
Diana Hughes Definitely
Yes, but they might have needed that wake up call
@@tenten9237 BTS fan?? Me too 💜
taehyung's wig in hwarang a wake up call for what exactly?? Cause all of the women on the heavier side were either already healthy or working on it. The heaviest girl with the highest body fat % literally said she lost weight and was like “if It’s this number now I wanna see my number before” or something like that.
You could see how bad the “obese” girl felt
Ida Söderlund honestly you can tell Darlene was just kinda embarrassed or felt bad about herself
Which one is obese ?
sadlyflavored xo the 205 ones
I'm "obese", & shorter than the girl in the video... my waist is also smaller.
I appear to have wide & thick thighs, & a big butt.
My lower body is bigger than my upper body. I get told often that I have a nice body.
I also go to the gym & try to eat healthy.
I dont know my fat percentage, all i know is that my BMI says im obese.
haleigh lake Irene isn’t obese
All these women look so pissed, they didn’t even know what they signed up for 💀😭
The muscular lady was super sweet and supportive with her “partner”
Why did you put partner in “
@@Samuel-oh3hm shutup
@@poo5182 Because they aren't partners in real life. Just for this vid
@Claire Morgan how is samuel a front?
@@Samuel-oh3hm Stfu what if someone told YOU look like a gender you're not? HM? But anyways- judging on how you reply to other's comment instead of commenting yourself, you WANT attention lmao
the 24.5 girl shouldn't be told she's "nearly overweight" she's literally in the healthy weight range wtf
She said according to the BMI. 🙄 and height plays a major factor as well
Yea that's why nearly overweight not overweight at that moment
@@koko-oz7jf yes but shes a healthy weight why not refer to her as such?
@@sjlang7812 to indicate the degree of healthiness according to bmi this healthy/almost overweight
For eg if she said healthy/almost underweight It would mean closer to 18.5 mark
Manahil Sidiki why didn’t she refer to Rachel as ‘almost underweight’ then?
These women look like they wanna cry, this is gonna traumatize them.
Why did they do this In the first place. Like this would hurt!!
Mikaela Sundt umm i don’t think they knew about the “reveal” where someone told the whole internet if they were obese or not
they have to deal with it. Feelings don't matter
Labrovy Hakkwa feelings do matter.
@@cuties9383 no. if you care that much if someone said you're ugly / fat / skinny then I'm sorry but that makes you a sensitive little shit. You cannot survive in the real world if you cry someone said you're ugly
For someone who is “body positive” this is disgusting. As someone with anorexia this was hard to watch. Absolutely just humiliated most of these woman.
You're body pos or your anorexic? Lol can't be both
exactly. i also have an eating disorder and this is just so hard to watch. you can see these womens face change when they get told they are overweight/obese. i would honestly just start sobbing right then and there. there are so many other ways to show how everyone looks different even at the same bmi even without humiliating these poor women.
You shouldn't have clicked on the video then. If you're triggered,no need to watch.
Sorry to tell you this... Body positive does not mean "tell every obese person they are beautiful and perfect as they are, healthy as a spring chicken and will never die of diabetes or heart disease". You can accept your body and love yourself but still understand that obesity is a deadly thing to contend with. Furthermore if you are that 'triggered' by this kind of video, I would suggest you ... not click on it. It's right in the title what's going on, and it's pretty obvious that might be something you don't want to watch.
This is cringe, "How do you feel about being overweight and obese?", that's kind of mean, those women looked like they were gonna cry
I mean if they are overweight or obese that’s something they should stand behind tbh
I mean they knew they were coming onto an excitement about weight I don’t know what they were expecting, she was just telling them the facts
They shouldn't be surprised, and should work on themselves rather than crying because others are actually being honest and do not sugar coat when talking about their appearance
That's funny
Nabila Belghit ikrrrrrrr
why did u tell the one with a bmi of 24.5 she is in the almost overweight zone (25> is overweight) and then u did not tell the girl with a bmi of 19 she is in the almost underweight sone (18.5< is underweight) this is ridiculous. either tell them both or neither one of them
ikr i was thinking the same
I wasn't really pleased about that. I think that the comment just illustrates how being close to overweight is 'worth a comment' but being close to underweight is 'unremarkable'. That left a bad taste in my mouth...
I was thinking the same... Seems like being skinny is more accepted among women (and maybe even among men). I'm offended
this is actually quite sad. Seeing these women being told they are overweight, deep down i'm sure they know that and are probably already insecure about it.
Well why don’t they do something about it? When you’re insecure about something you try to fix it right?
@@Diddyridez I disagree and the Black woman is really looking like she is on an exercise trend you can look at larger boned people and tell that they are losing weight. Only 1 of these women needs to get healthier lifestyles the others just need to stay on their paths.
@@user-ph1dm4hg5v i can see your point, that's how i think too. but you never know what someone is going through.. if someone is depressed or in a tough time in their lives, that could lead to over eating, and that's a hard habit to stop. (not saying any of these girls are depressed btw! just that you never know)
C A I understand but they can still do something about it, it’s not as if your body stops working when you don’t feel too well mentally. These are just excuses
Hannah Stone it’s losing..I hate that mistake. Sorry. But coming back to this topic, she said that her diet consists of bread and sugar so she’s clearly not trying to lose weight with that type of attitude.
This is so gross. These women didn’t ask for you to evaluate their bodies, body fat percentage, weight, anything at all. Disgusting.
The black lady seemed to be the most balanced and healthy in her habits. For her to be classed as 'overweight' is shocking and really sad.
BMI is way too generic and innacurate and doesn't take into consideration race and different builds
I considered to be chubby but actually, I have a pretty healthy lifestyle and I’m average weight.
Yes, and she looked beautiful and healthy.
BMI isn't always the best way to judge, and if you're only a few pounds into the overweight category but have healthy habits, chances are you have a healthy weight. She was only 1lb over the 'healthy range', and she had a healthy body fat percentage so she's perfectly healthy.
Kind of crappy to call out “almost overweight” but not “almost underweight.” 19 is as close to 18.5 as 24.5 is to 25. But I appreciated this video.
Good point!
19 to 18.5 has to lose a greater percentage of their body weight, 24.5 might be the same distance but it's a smaller percentage of body weight to gain to get there.
Same! I've never even heard "almost something" being used in BMI categories before. Like if you give people the range they fall in they'll know for themselves what they're close to.
This should be titled making women self conscious just because
Edit: idk why I have this many likes but thanks have a great day
1999 likes and no reply? I'm gonna ruin this rn UwU
oh gosh i thought i was the only one who thought this while watching
Rashida Keen Exactly! I can even begin to imagine how I would feel if someone went up to me and told one girl that she was athletic and then told me that I was obese. That poor girl must of been so upset. Messed up.
this really helps me lose 5 kg 😊💞
I amused myself by stopping the video when you asked them to partner up and then put themselves in order from lightest to heaviest. I got every pair right and also the order of the pairs but I’m not proud of that. It just means I am in the habit of doing this judging of other women’s bodies. There again, if I had been part of an experiment to put myself in weight order with a group of women I would have put myself at the heaviest end without hesitation. That way I wouldn’t have had the embarrassment of having declared someone heavier than me (rude!). We don’t do that in polite society. Plus I’d have had the feel good factor if eventually told to move down the line a bit but that would have come at the cost of feeling bad for the person told to take my place. The way the experiment was actually done, I’d have frozen; completely incapable of “accusing” someone of being as heavy as me! Our society definitely views women as better if lighter. In many different business meetings I have noticed the larger women are never asked for their opinion and if they try to offer it other people often look at the floor whilst the larger woman speaks. Once you notice it you can’t stop seeing it. Women in a shopping mall will avoid eye contact with very large women but exchange smiles with someone similar to them. Pubs or anywhere with no defined queue will serve the smaller ones first. We really need to change how our society views an individual’s worth. Every single one of us has the same value and the same needs in life.
I can't be the only one who had them paired up correctly from the beginning, it's so not that hard
I feel like they knew but didn't want to hurt feelings or hurt their own feelings
@@tobyiscute2 you’re probably right
I feel like they paired with the same body types (skinny, muscular, overweight, etc) , but they didn’t really keep in mind how much they really weighted
I think it might be because of how distorted your image of your own body might be.
Yeah, I mean just knowing basics about the human body, the heavier set girl should have been paired the the most muscular woman from the get-go.
Cassey: don’t judge people by their numbers!
Also Cassey: makes a 13 minute video comparing women by their numbers
Hannah Miller Literally the WHOLE POINT of this video is that some numbers have literally no good accurate meaning, while some others might be able to give you a bearing on your health but don’t mean you will be happier at one number than another and you shouldn’t judge others by a number or compare yourself to others because obviously you can weight the same and have different BMIs and body fat % etc or vice versa. Cassie is no negating her ‘don’t judge’ statement by creating an interesting video about how radically different we are in physical appearance, weight, bc, and BMI and so we shouldn’t compare ourselves negatively.
You don't understand the point of the video clearly
I do understand the point of the video, i just feel it wasn’t executed very well. I’ve been following Cassey for several years so i know she has the best intentions, however it’s very obvious that some of the girls in this video are quite uncomfortable and even upset. The majority of the video is focused on grouping these women by their numbers and telling them whether they’re statistically healthy or overweight (and let’s not forget that she didn’t mention underweight being a thing). This sort of experiment would be more effective if it showed that the same number looks different on different people, or if she were to focus more on the girls’ healthy lifestyle first, before bringing in the numbers
Hannah Miller I understand that she could’ve done more with this video, but that doesn’t mean this was bad as is in my opinion. Also, duh, I’m sure plenty of them were uncomfortable to a decent extent because it’s something that makes most women -and many many men as well- uncomfortable. Highlighting our weight and size and shape and looks and all -even if it’s for a good cause. I believe I already stated this somewhere but Cassy said specifically that they spent ages picking women for this and interviewing them to find 8 people who wouldn’t be caused any detrimental mental distress by talking about things like this for the video and that would be good candidates.
@@kirstenashley4289 You can do a brief glance at the comments to understand that the consensus was this video was executed poorly. Everyone got the point, mostly bc its a topic discussed a lot, but I feel that if I had no previous knowledge of body image, BMI, and body fat%, this video would have done very little in allowing me to understand the main point. The HIGHLY JUSTIFIED uncomfortable demeanor of the participants really simmered down the effectiveness of the video. I've seen other social experiments and videos on the same topic that bluntly confront peoples body image successfully, but this aint it.
The danish woman was so humble and supportive, it made my day
when that lady said you "look good, you feel good, but then you get these numbers attached to it and it might change your mind completely" gawd it really makes you think
“my diet consists of bread and sugar”
i like this girl
Here's my thing, people leaping to her defense, "u don't know why she's obese, could be a hormone disorder blah blah blah". She literally admitted to never working out and eating like complete shit. So yes, SHE IS OBESE. The term was coined for people like her
@Caiti M It's easy to get stuck into thinking your lifestyle habits are okay. If she decides to be unhealthy with her body it's her body, and because she's not mentally unwell nor arguing or advocating for people to be obese, it is her problem and those close to her, not others or yours.
Me too
At least she was honest, unlike those 2 other bigger girls
wow i almost cried for Irene she looked so uncomfortable and her face just fell when they asked her “how does it feel to be obese” like wow this is so hard to watch, please please please don’t do this again. btw they’re all so gorgeous 💕
Where did she say that? She asked how they felt about being in that CATEGORY. not "How Does ot feel to be obese"
Savannah Ashley the category was obese...
bruh- the sad part is the fact that the woman looks in the mirror & doesn’t see an obese woman. she’s fat but she doesn’t see it. so all she’s gonna do is get fatter & that’s even worse. some ppl need a rude awakening to change unhealthy eating habits
yo momma she said about her body fat percentage that she wonders what it used to be if it’s still over 40%. It sounds like she’s been instituting healthy changes in her life and is already on a journey to getting fit. Don’t assume you know her circumstances
@@abby9797 yes but she didnt straight up ask how does it feel to be obese and she also said According to the BMI
Irene is definitely NOT obese. Her body screams “HEALTHY”.
Yea She s most likely not, but you can be healthy and obese and skinny and unhealthy
Being at such a low body fat is not ideal and can lead health complications but I get your comment she is muscular as hell and definitely doesn’t look obese
Vanesa G i’m severely underweight and i haven’t experienced any complications
@@vanesag539 Yeah, I've got a BMI of about 16.5 and I have to chug water or else I immediately fall when I stand up
evie Being at a low body fat can prevent females from having their period which can lead to osteoporosis which is where your bones start to deteriorate. it can also lead to a number of other complications and obviously this is not ideal. Everyone’s different though and whatever works for you works for you.As long as you’re having a menstrual cycle and your health is overall well you should be good.
i know she said that they were prepared for this but you can tell this took a big to their self-esteem when she said that both of the girls in the group were obese yiu can see how her face dropped
i think that the fact that the last 2 girls in the “obese” category had 44% and 5% body fat (hugely different numbers) was the only aspect of this video which showed the redundancy of these numbers. otherwise the majority of the video just humiliated these people
how is 5% obese i still dont get it
LONA L it’s because she has mostly muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so sage weighs a lot, but she barely has any fat
@@tamtamr9081 you need to reach 5% body fat to be that ripped
@@tamtamr9081 Based on the body mass index, although a person may weigh the same, it doesn't take into account 1 person may have more muscle and another more fat, both are considered obese.
LONA L 5% wasn’t obese it was essential fat
This video doesn’t make sense. What’s the message? What I’m getting from it is “even though you may weigh the same, you actually have a lot more fat than your partner!”
Yes essentially that's what it means....at Uni we did this, what she didnt mention is BMI does not consider fat distribution which is extremely important. I am from South Africa so when I am sitting down I look skinny then when I stand up my lower body is bigger. So we included fat distribution as well
Im watching this in 2024 thinking why was this video made. Especially as they apparently didn’t know what they would be doing
You could really see how uncomfortable Darlyn was. But I would've been to, if i stood next to a frickin bodybuilder who is the same weight as me. Doesn't really help with self-image and not comparing to other people
Yeah it broke my heart... I know exactly how she must have felt and I would have wanted to disappear.
I agree that was really uncomfortable to watch... Although it was actually the strongest example of how the same BMI can look very different in 2 people, it was still heartbreaking to watch them be compared like that... She was obviously really upset
@@sophiebromberger3313 I mean yes, it really is! But imo there are other ways to showcase this. Every other pair was kinda similar in lifestyle, how much they workout etc. But Darlyn and Irene were just polar opposites...
@@LauraJu yeah exactly, that was my point as well :)
@@LauraJuLauri that isn't Darlin's fault or Cassey's. The woman said she doesn't exercise and she eats like crap. sometimes the truth can hurt. having 44% of body fat is very unhealthy. I know I am struggling right now to lose the extremely excess fat I have collected over the years. It can crush organs, lead to type 2 diabetes and make life-saving surgery very very difficult. The video could have been executed differently and better. No one should use these indicators as a way to shame anyone but they are there to check how healthy or unhealthy someone can be, its not a catch-all obviously, but its a platform to indicate how your health should be.I don't think that was what Cassey was going for by any means. It was to just open everyone's eyes and show us how we are all different yet the same in a way.
As a 15 year old girl who is very underweight, around 27kg, I find it interesting that they never mentioned anything about being underweight. I try to eat as much as I can while also struggling with some sensory issues and emetophobia anxiety, without thinking about about comparing my body to others. I also haven’t started my period or anything like that yet, and I’m very small for my age (4’8 last time I checked) and I’ve been made fun of a lot. So here’s a message to all my teenage girls out there struggling with body image- Make sure you’re comfortable with yourself, being mindful of health benefits while also focusing on loving who you really are.
Thanks for reading my unnecessarily long comment 😂, hope everyone has a great day! ❤
Hey girl! I'm abt to turn 14 and I'm just 31.5 kgs... this made me feel better... thx❤
I used to be 35kg, i took super apeti pills at age 16 and gained about 25pounds or more. You should try these pills.
Wow that is tiny. (Not in a condenscending tone) I'm turning 19 this year and my weight also fluctuates between 49 - 51 kgs at 5'2. I think my ideal weight could be 51 or 52 but i feel fine when I'm 49 or 50 too. Right now i feel like I'm a 50.
I don't feel unhealthy but my extended family makes me feel like I'm one meal away from death and are sometimes rude about it, probably because like 4 years ago i used to be sort of chubby (not fat) and then i lost weight because I joined a sport.
TMI but i also have really fuller chest so that means I'm probably not unhealthy.
I wish people would stop being rude to skinny people, skinny shaming is considered to to nearly not be bad and is kinda normalised.
dont worry about your family, 50 kg at 5'2" is fine and fully within the healthy range! i'm about the same at 5'3" and 48ish kg and my doctors have always said im fine :)
@@merivesi7021 Thank you :)
"Obese" with 5% body fat, that totally makes sense!
Its all muscle
BMI can be adjusted to reflect your build. It's crazy to see someone with 5% body fat standing next to someone with 44% and they weigh the same. They don't describe it here, but what that literally means is that 5% of the body builders weight is from fat, where is the other person, 44% of their weight comes from fat. This actually should be somewhat inspiring for her if she wants to lose weight. My guess is, given her care-free attitude about most things, it's not a priority for her. There isn't anything wrong with that, by the way.
@@elliott8596 she's not 5% body fat. She's not even 10%.
@@aoutsky U do realize that the lowest a woman could ever go to is 12% BF right?
@@estebanod That's for men but women can't go below 12%
Idk how the two “fitness ladies” ever thought they weighed the same
Right there was obviously a huge weight difference I am a guy and knew that buff chick outweighed me.
Myles Anderson VERY clearly there’s no way she was like I weigh as much as this lady who is 4 inches taller than me and has 20x the muscle mass I have
@@anikareilander6927 Right she was even taller than her wtf? I could have guessed all their weights within 20 pounds.
They were too scared to line up with the people they actually thought were the same weight as them. They tried to ignore the elephant in the room by going with height instead. It was quite obvious who would weight the same, even to them.
the way i could basically tell who was gonna get paired up with who when they were lined up, even before they said their answers were wrong
I wanna give a hug to that girl in the "obese" category. She might felt so bad after this. I understood the whole point of this video but you could see how bad they felt about themselves.
Hm, personally I thought that girl was confident. When I saw 11:10 I thought "hell yeah, keep going your way girl!"
it’s the truth, if you’re obese you’re obese💀
No need for quotation
Savannah Dawe You should chill because you dont look so healthy in your picture either
Gustavo Villar yea but i know it, i don’t sit here and make excuses for it or try and make people feel bad for me 💀
It’s heartbreaking that women, even young girls, are being labeled. “Underweight” “Overweight” the top priority is to be healthy, someone who may be obese could have a decent diet, but their body just doesn’t process food the same, so it’s easier to gain weight. All in all, it comes down to health, not weight. Each and every person in this video is beautiful in their own way and they deserve to be recognized for that. Love you all, stay positive
A “sociologist”, not telling your research participants beforehand and having them not consent is hiiighly unethical.
It's called a single blind experiment to make your results be more accurate. I've studied Sociology and psychology, in both, this experiment type has been discussed. Therefore it is not unethical.
Deborah Tulloch Single blind doesn't mean you can bypass any ethical considerations of the potential harm the experiment can have on the participants. Scientific rigor does not necessarily imply ethics, don't confound them (think of Milgram's experiment). Saying that it's not unethical solely bc it has been "d i s c u s s e d" in those fields is lazy and misguided reasoning...
@@TheCinderellaPrincess Doesn't mean there were appropriate oversight parameters in place... IRB's are essential, especially with such sensitive topics. The insights gained here truly are excellent, but a briefing beforehand and some debriefing with an appropriately trained counselor would be critical.
@@muirgirl totally agree.
Not true. It is a blind experiment. If someone consents, then it is okay. I have a B.A. in Psychology.
If I was the girl that is considered “obese” I would be crying my eyes out. She’s so brave for not showing so much emotions online because I would’ve lost it
She is obese, anyone with eyes can see that. If she doesn't already know that, her doctor has failed her. Obese is not an insult, it is merely a medical term for being overfat to the degree it starts to impact your health in various ways over time, putting stress on joints and heart, and raising your risk of major diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and many cancers in a serious way. It is not an insult any more than telling an underweight girl she is underweight.
I’m sure she’s aware.
It’s because muscle weighs more than fat...
She is though and hopefully this is a wake up call for her to change your diet and do more exercise. The truth hurts but it can't be ignored.
@@itaintover93 IKR it's not like people who are obese don't know they're obese. I'd say it only takes a mirror, but you don't really need a mirror you just have to look down and it should be very obvious.
Hell even a blind person would know they're obese when they struggle to get up off a low chair or walk up a flight of stairs because their body feels so heavy.
Nobody needs to be told they're obese, they already know it.
“you are acceptable” you are “obese”
i can see the hurt and pain in their face:(
Life decisions. Make a change.
Corner Taken Quickly people can’t just “ make a change”. It’s not a split decision
Corner Taken Quickly oh ya ima just be like “ya know, ima be skinny now” and bam! I made a change
@@sillysillysilly35 ok so put in the effort and make the decision over time... Nobody is saying that people need to become fit in a day
@@sillysillysilly35 yes it is.
5% bf even for a man is absolutely insane, so for a woman to manage it is even more impressive. Props to her for constructing a top tier physique.
Didn't get the message of not labeling, only felt uncomfortable. They were told to label eachother
We should train an AI to guess people's weight and then open source it. Politicians agree with you, but they are also bad at their jobs.
The fact that the two skinny tall white girls didn’t clue in that they look exactly alike🤦🏽♀️
They look alike? Im blind then.
right! one just seems slightly more toned and has a tan
I lowkey think the yoga instructor went with the bodybuilder bc the two of them were the only ones with obvious muscles and she assumed that would make them kinda equal? 😂 Like, maybe she assumed the other blonde girl would be lighter than her bc she doesn’t LOOK obviously fit?
I thought they were twins at first glance.
Y’alljustmad yesssss LoL same thought
As a survivor of anorexia nervosa and a mental health clinician, I feel a need to speak up about this video. I can understand the point this video was attempting to make, however, it truly missed the mark.
Cassey begins this video by asking the women, "How often do you guys catch yourself comparing yourself to other women?" She then proceeds to have each woman compare herself to another woman. This completely negates her intention to illustrate how comparison is damaging.
Second, the affect of the participants is happy and bright at the beginning of the video, and somber at the end. This is very telling, and it demonstrates the damage an activity (I refuse to call it an "experiment") like this can do to a person's mental state.
Third, it is common knowledge that muscle weighs more than fat. The need to demonstrate this was completely unnecessary. I can give some credence to the sentiment about BMI being useless since it is still a commonly used measurement of health, but I think it could have been done in a way that was not as damaging to the two women who were in the "obese" category.
Finally, this video focused completely on the women's body shapes, body fat percentage, and BMI. There was not an emphasis or focus on health, strength, character, etc. Again, women are lined up to be judged by our bodies and weight. Again, we are pitted against one another. Again, our character, values, and ideas are ignored. Women are people. Bodies are just a vessel or vehicle. It is important that we learn to be compassionate toward our bodies and take good care of them, but they do not define us.
I recommend that Cassey learn about eating disorders and body dysmorphia from trained mental health professionals before she attempts anything like this again.
this needs more likes! this!!
“ I recommend that Cassey learn about eating disorders and body dysmorphia from trained mental health professionals before she attempts anything like this again.” yes! Say it louder for the people in the back!
So true. I'm in Anorexia recovery as well and I recently gained a lot of weight because I had to, and I'm coming to terms accepting the fact (with help from a nutritionist and my doctor) that even if my weight is higher, I'm still taking care of myself and I'm healthy now. But technically speaking on some bmi charts I'm obese. On others I'm "acceptable". When I was at my lowest one of those charts called me nearly obese even though I was less than 17 lbs away from being underweight. I actually couldn't even finish this video because I knew it was going to be triggering as soon as I heard her say bmi and fat percentage. No one can control that. If they take care of themselves properly and their weight happens to be higher or they have more fat or less fat they are still healthy. This whole thing was done using terms from the diet culture dictionary, and I'm honestly really concerned about Cassy. At the start of the summer something just changed and she became so obsessed with her own body's physical numbers that I had to unfollow her. And she doesn't even see why it's an issue. I hope she gets help because her obsessive behaviors are being shared to others subconsciously. I loved Cassy so much and I still support her but I miss how she used to be. I miss her being truely body positive and HAES instead of making content like this to make up for that fact that she really isn't truely body positive. I would gladly love to explain to her why respectfully but right now I don't think it would get through to her until she's out of this phase. And her comments used to fly over my head all the time when I had my disorder, because I was blind to it. But now that I'm recovering it can be difficult sometimes to watch her, and I no longer recommend her as strongly to my friends and family. She's better than most fitness instructors out there, but she's slowly falling into the disgusting pit of diet culture and I hope she wakes up before she gets stuck there.
H@zelEyes You make me feel better about myself when you said out bodies don’t define us 🥺 thank you. I liked this comment
Was really hoping to come across this comment, thank you ❤️
I really appreciate this video. I’ve always been a numbers girl. Obsessed at times. This is a great reminder to be active and do what feels right for yourself. ❤
this literally should have been titled: "women try to not get self conscious but we suck"
This video was uncomfortable to watch and I wasn’t even there, so much respect to them for being able to talk about the topics that are definitely not easy to discuss 💓
They were so brave!
I didn’t have a problem watching this at all. This is our reality. The fact you feel uncomfortable is a problem, not a personal problem, but that weight is still considered a taboo topic which it should not be.
@@karakol86 This topic concerns a health condition. Personal talks about health conditions should be reserved for family/friends and/or professionals. Talking about weight in itself isnt taboo. Its taboo to talk about it if it doesn't concern you. Some of the things done in the video weren't necessary for the purpose of the video. Smacking ppl in the face with an obvious reality and causing them to feel bad is counterproductive. They know theyre not very fit. How does telling them something they already know help them lose weight. That wasn't even the point of the video. Injuring people's mental health to make them healthier isn't a thing. This is a sensitive topic for by far the majority of people and it was handled badly.
I’m still waiting for the sequel: Men try guessing each other’s salaries
This is a fitness channel though🙈
Women worry about weight and men worry about money haha
@- oop- triggered the TERF
@- no ones talking to you bud
Bro I took one glance and got all of the pairs correct. Ain't no way these women actually thought they paired with their first partner.
i dont think the should have said "almost overweight" to the 24.5 one, it was unnecessary. this video was degrading
Astro Giraffe but it’s true??
@@nikola206 it's not though that girl was skinny
Poppy Lochland it isn’t true. And whether or not it was (it wasn’t) it’s still degrading and horrible to put women through
@@natalietorres9206 lol they were prepped before hand. And it's not good to delude people into thinking they're not fat when in reality they are
COVID- 19 absolutely. I was always told by well meaning people I wasnt fat till I went to the doctors and actually after years of false compliments I was really overweight. It doesn’t do anyone favours to be dishonest
I’m so shocked it put Irene in the “obese” category. She is literally a body builder and works out constantly. That’s kind of absurd.
unfortunately bmi does not take muscle in account at all, that's the reason it is considered by many as unreliable, the bodybuilder may be technically obese but the muscle contributes hugely to this.
BMI is not a one-size fits all. Many athletes and bodybuilders also fall into the obese category because muscle weighs more than fat.
Calling a buff bodybuilder obese based on BMI is beyond stupid.
Bmi is accurate, just requires you to use a brain. If you have muscle and are obese, be smart. You are not. If you have rolls, stop it. You are obese and don’t defend it... the BMI is right in that case.
BMI is a good way to measure how healthy your weight is if you dont really go to the gym and are considered average. If not bf is always just a number that is right and if yr above a certain percentage or below yr not healthy any more
@Alex K right, i was thinking the same
@@XxTR1D there was a literal doctor who looked a healthy weight and was healthy based on his height and his BMI makes him technically obese 😐
@@XxTR1D take your own advice. The bmi is made for people of a certain height. It's not for everyone.
The muscle woman isn't obese because she's tall, she IS going to be heavier even without the muscles.